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Adult Learning Project

Moving Forward following the Big Gaitherin 1 and 2: (Issues raised through popular education methodologies and democratically decided upon)
The issue/need Information and digital inequalities Community Development through volunteer opportunities and enhacing membership benefits of !" hat we ai! to "rovide Media and digital literacy classes #olunteer support and programs and developing event series and membership induction process hat we need to do that Roomhire, wifi and access to computer resources "aid part$time administrational as volunteer and community development support wor%er, developing inclusion and induction policies and procedures &upport from the C!D wor%er to assist the !" ssociation as a democratic learning and development community association &upport for carrying out a further co$investigation with local community in devising a relevant learning programme *unding for sessional creche wor%er, disability audit on building and organisation, educational visits or visiting spea%ers

&trengthen the democratic decision ma%ing and running of the organisation

'reater support and opportunities for learning democracy through participation and better communication mechanisms Relevant learning and training opportunites

(ngage with local wor%ing class members of the community

)etter accessibility and inclusion

Crech facilities, improved disabled access, awareness raising and training, social space

+he need to continue nurturing the groups, volunteers and classes we have and supporting their integration (ngage with wider community

Continued rom hire and *ull$time support from the resources, possibilities for C!D wor%er funding, support from the C!D wor%er (vents, wor%shops and partnerships beyond the community centre "ossibility for free or subsidised roomhire and community transport

!ac% of confidence as individuals and divisions between people creating conflict and tension De$stimgatisation of drug users

&ocial space,cafe,library in the community centre

&upport for informal social space with some food and drin% accompanying the food co$op in the community centre Continued support and resources from the C!D wor%er. "artnership with other organisation who could assist. &upport from !" wor%er, sessional adult education tutor, roomhire &upport and help in developing partnership with organisations such as Citi/ens dvice )ureau, employment law, trade unions to deliver learning events

wareness raising through wor%shop with on of the e-isting groups

Connect with local parents dult education class or and identify parenting program for young parents issues and problems across or carers different cultures +he need to understand impact of global and local economy, how to deal with money, changes to benefits, employment support, etc. (conomic and financial literacy classes, drop$ins and surgeries

In summary, what !" needs to continue delivering what it already provides and to develop the programs and learning opportunities it has identified and intends to0
1. Continued full$time support from a C!D adult education wor%er based in +ollcross Community Centre 2. Continued roomhire and resources to be received from +ollcross Community Centre 3. Improved computer and digital facilities 4. &upport and assistance with partnerships with other organisations to assist in providing wor%shops and events 5 e.g. Citi/ens dvice )ureau 6. "art$time administrational and volunteer support wor%er 7. &ocial space in the community centre for people to meet, plan and get involved 8. &essional creche wor%er 9. Disability audit on the centre and organisations :. ccess to other local sites to encourage further community engagement, and assistance in providing community transport 1;. !in%s with <niversity and other institutes to develop help with carrying out a co$investigation

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