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Dialogue for a New Scotland

An in-depth Community-led action research and educational approach to identifying, discussing and implementing; What we need to know more about and/or do in order to tackle the issues raised and create dialogue about visions and changes for a new scotland?

This is a 'Total Neighbourhood' approach and methodology to community education curriculum development, community capacity building and co-production of services and local actions for change and improvement.

AL !o"investigation #$%&"#$%'
An initial proposal arch !"#$


To carry out an e%tensive &co-investigation' (ith local residents and groups in the area of Tollcross ) surrounding areas To (or* together to document and understand the stories of lived e%periences of people in the area, identify *ey themes, issues and contradictions, and interrogate people's o(n reality themselves +or local people to research in detail (hat is happening in the local area and collectively decide on a set of learning programs and actions that could be initiated to address and change identified problems, issues and needs ,e.g. in areas of (elfare reform, discussions on the independence referendum and employment opportunitiesTo ensure those that are disadvantaged or distanced from participating in traditional consultation structures have the right and possibility of setting the agenda and content of change and services in their local area.

%* ro+ect lanning)
#. .et name of pro/ect and finalise timeline, investigation plan and *ey co-ordinators and resources. !. 0efine area for investigation $. Create basic sheet of information, publicity on (hat is going to happen and (hy, etc.

#* Data ,athering/observation)

re(aration) rimar- research of area and create a bac*ground report and survey of the area population, housing, education, etc ma*e use of other local research and community engagement e%ercises already been carried out. .orm !o"investigation /team/ with local researchers. +ocus on involving ne( people not already engaged. Need a (ide cross-section of representatives for local community and of different interests and identities. 1aunch this to try to attract ne( people. 2o round *noc*ing on doors telling people about it and contacting and inviting in representatives from different agencies3organisations3groups too. Launch event or (resence at local events to try to attract and engage others and inform people about it !arr- out /how to do local research/ worksho(s and training for co-investigators discussing intervie( and note-ta*ing styles and techni4ues, data-gathering approaches, (hat is a co-investigation, etc. #* !arr-ing out) 0ne or more /investigative teams/ carr- out local research. They meet (ee*ly for around 5 (ee*s and each (ee* have a series of 4uestions34uestionnaire to go out and as* local residents and groups ,community groups, tenants federation, school groups, youth groups, supported housing, community councils etc-, and ta*e notes or recordings of their responses. These should be in both informal places and can be in formal groups3meetings too. 6ee*ly meetings are for sharing (hat is found, discussing it and identifying *ey themes and contradictions. Collectively agree at end the focus and

4uestions to carry out over the ne%t (ee*. !ollate and share notes/observations and recordings from each group and summarise into *ey themes, issues, contradictions and observations ,could be done online1dentif- a series of ke- themes/contradictions and limit situations e.g. about #" most common. !oding .et a brief for local artists3photographers3storytellers for creating codes. 7dentify the *ey theme, (hen it occurs and (ho might be involved e.g. teenagers in hoodies in the Telfer sub(ay at dus*.

&* Data Anal-sis/2eflection)


re(aration) .orm new decoding grou(s /cultural circles* Ne( opportunity to engage other people and involve ne( groups. 7nvite people along (ho have been intervie(s over past ! months to participate too. romote/advertise/(ublicise further Ne(spaper, T.8 etc #* !arr-ing out) 1. Weekl- decoding) 9ach group meets (ee*ly and each (ee* loo*s at one of the #" or less *ey themes ,such as 'schooling', our (elfare, independence, etc- using a code ,therefore meeting around 5-#" (ee*s-. These sessions are recorded and then shared later on too. 2. 0ne"off decoding worksho(s) :eturn to groups visited and researched in the datagathering and present select code on *ey issue and carry out decoding (or*shop (ith them. 3. 1dentif-ing issues for learning/action) Notes ta*en by participants on *ey 'aha' moments to create 'insight cards' and so does a note ta*er, pic*ing out *ey statements. Time ta*en at the end to ensure these are collectively prioritised and agreed on to note (hat (as the *ey issue3problem3action re4uired (ithin each theme.

'* Summar-/inter(retation)

re(aration) Summarise) ;riginal 'co-investigation team' ta*e *ey themes, issues and statements from the decoding groups, puts together and creates a summary. .tudents and participants encouraged to (rite a piece on different themes arising. <repared into an e%hibition and for a final event Discuss whether there are an- ke- /hinged/ themes that have been possibly left out. #* !arr-ing out) .inal event 7nvite all community along. 1ist *ey themes and issues, and sho( codes used. :un popular education li*e session that involves prioritisation and suggestions of learning3action programs. Try to identify one *ey3core3generative 'theme'. .inal re(ort 6riting up the process and reflecting on *ey issues that have emerged, (ith reflections on peoples perceptions and opinions of these things.

3* Learning 4 action (rogrammes/what ne5t***) .orm sub"grou(s for each of the ke- issues ,e.g. A1< 6elfare and :ights group, A1<
+uture .cotland groupS(eak to (ower) 7dentify set up of actions to present stories and testimonials gathered on *ey issues to policy ma*ers and decision ma*ers in those areas A((l- for funding and grants for different pro/ects and program. 0rganise e5hibition/(resentation and launch of new (rogram and issues . 7nvite along *ey decision ma*ers and local community.

2ough timeline) 67"8 months9)

August <ro/ect <lanning and primary research Se(tember 0ata 2athering <reparation recruitment of volunteer investigators, launch and training (or*shops 0ctober 4 November 7nvestigation of local life, identifying themes and creating codes December 4 :anuar- 0ecoding sessions (ith (ee*ly groups and session at other groups .ebruar- Analysis and theme identification and (rite-up. +inal event ;arch 7dentification of learning3action3research programs. :eport (riting of process. .etting of ne%t curriculum. A(ril Apply for funding (ith this clear evidence of identified need and engagement ;a- - 1aunch of ne( A1< program groups and events for different themes to begin in summer !"#= follo(ing the .cottish referendum on independence (ith e%hibition of the process. 7nvite along *ey decision ma*ers and identify sites for ta*e local stories and testimonials and lived e%periences of the affects of policy and planning.

2esults/0ut(uts of co"investigation)

<articipatory process of identifying need and documenting evidence for this and interest in participation in programs, education and actions to address that >ncovering stories of lived reality and the effects of policy to tell to policy-ma*ers and institutions and decision ma*ers. Connect people (ith policy and vice versa to ensure active democracy and citi?enship in response to (elfare reform and the independence referendum Community capacity building, intergenerational (or*ing, and leading on co-production of services and community education curriculum and programs.

0utcomes for (artici(ants)

<eople (or*ing together and learning about each other meeting ne( people and increasing social inclusion. @uilding local capacity and strengthening local communities potential to share sustainable and relevant services and identify their o(n needs and issues. :eflection on their o(n perceptions and e%periences 7ncreased s*ills and confidence for individuals and groups carrying out the investigation, and raised levels of (ell-being as a result 7ncreased levels of support from the (ider community as a result of using an inclusive approach to the research. :esearch sho(s ,A:C !"##- that groups carrying out action research and co-investigations see membership and support increase and others have seen ne( community groups being set up as a direct response to the interest they have generated. Ability to influence decision-ma*ing processes because the research findings reflected the needs and aspirations of the community as a (hole.

2elevant olic-)

.cottish 2overnment ,!"#"- @riefing <aper !", <articipation in <lacema*ing , 9dinburgh .cottish 2overnment ,!"##- Achieving a .ustainable +utureA :egeneration .trategy, 9dinburghA .cottish 2overnment. Christie, C. ,!"##-, Commission on the +uture 0elivery of <ublic .ervices. 9dinburghA .cottish 2overnment. .cottish 2overnment ,!"#!- A consultation on the proposed Community 9mpo(erment and :ene(al @ill, Bune !"#!, 9dinburghA .cottish 2overnment Convention of .cottish 1ocal Authorities ,C;.1A- and .cottish 2overnment ,!""C- Community 9mpo(erment Action <lan. 9dinburghA .cottish 2overnment.

What is needed and who will (rovide it***?)

What is needed Who?

Community engagement (or*er to co-ordinate engagement and 1ocal C10 (or*er recruitment (ith ne( people and a range of group Team of volunteer co-investigators representing different interests and identities in the community Training re4uired for co-investigators and community researchers <ro/ect co-ordinator - <ayment for someone to guide the progress of the investigation, help (ith primary research, and to help co-ordinate *ey elements of the (or* if re4uired. 1ocal community, different organisations representatives, providers, agencies C10 tutor or e%ternal organisation for series of ! or $ sessions 2rant applicationD

+acilitator and note-ta*er for each group ,! hours a (ee* for 5 Tutor3course organiser F !.G hrs a (ee*s, and then again for around E (ee*s-. $ or more groups. (ee* for total of #G-!" (ee*s Also connect and (or* (ith current A1< and local adult ed 8olunteer note-ta*er groups Hire of venue 94uipment and resource hire and use <urchase of materials such as paper, flip-charts, post its, felt tip pens, clip boards etc. :easonable e%penses incurred by researchers, community groups and volunteers such as transport, telephone, photocopying, administration costs and use of meeting rooms. 0803+ilm a*er to document process A1< A1< Association A1< Association A1< Association

To be found 1ocal community facilities 9dinburgh College of Art3>ni of Napier students .torytelling centre .tudents from oray House Community 9ducation department .taff and academics from >niversity of 9dinburgh Community 9ducation department Contact (ith 9vening Ne(s, .T8, .cotsman etc 9%ternal agency e.g. <overty Alliance, <overty Truth Commission, .cottish Community 0evelopment Centre C10 (or*er

Childcare facilities and costs provided during sessions for investigators <hotographer3artists to prepare visual codes pictures for adults and dra(ings for children .torytellers for storytelling dialogue codes :eport (riters on final themes and of the (hole process <ublication of (ritten reports and other products of the pro/ect. T.8 and ne(spaper launch Training re4uired to promote the active communication of the findings.

Holding seminars, (or*shops or other events to share findings (ith the (ider community, decision ma*ers or other community

groups. 6ebsite3media designer to host notes, document process, design online participation methods, publicise and promote through faceboo*, etc Ieith .myth and others from >niversity of Npaier

,rant a((lication to carr- this out)

AL Association ma- re<uire grants or additional funding for) Tutor hours for #G-!" (ee*s for !.G hours a (ee* for $ groups F J#G an hour K J!!G" <ro/ect co-ordinator 5-E month part-time co-ordinator K appro% J#"'""" 94uipment, materials and resource hire and use K appro% JE"" Additional e%penses for travel and incurred costs K appro% J#""" +ee's for storytellers3artists3additional spea*ers K J#""" +inal printing and publication and distribution K JLG" 8enue hire3insurance3e%tra hidden costs K J#!""

=otal K appro%imately J#L'"""

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