Yemen - ISFP - EU 02 09 08

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Template for ISFP Summary Project Proposal to the European Commission

ISFP PROJECT PROPOSAL Country: Agency: Project Title: Sector: Objective: &ene#ici!rie$: Implementing P!rtner'$(: Yemen Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) urgent support to small farmers (seeds fertilizers animal feeds and machinery) agriculture to improve pro uctivity !n #!rmer$% lively "oo o# t"e $m!ll

small farmers including women in live stock sub sector FAO! "inistry of Agriculture and #rrigation! Agricultural $esearch and %&tension Authority as well as 'eed "ultiplication (orporation )anuary *++, to "arch *+-+ (-. months) / ,!010!+.+

Project )ur!tion: Fun $ Re*ue$te :

+% ,ee $ A$$e$$ment 1. Present Situation/ Government response and policies: About 65% of population live in the rural areas and agriculture provides emplo ment for over 5!% of the emplo ed labour force. "ts contribution to G#P e$ceeds 15%. %he ma&or constraints are lo' productivit ( 1 ton/hectare for cereals)* limited 'ater resources availabilit * absence of sufficient credit facilit and high population gro'th +.,% coupled 'ith lo' economic gro'th rate of about (-% on average) during the last five ears. And hence non.significant gro'th rate of income per capita. %he self.sufficienc rate is about 16% in 'heat and the figure for other cereals at a range of 5!%. %he countr imports most of food items (/, billion). According to the statistics of ,!!5/!6* the percentage of poor is +-.0% 'ith absolute number e$ceeding 1 million. 2ver ,1% of population is definite food insecure and ,1.0% is 'ith severe moderate hunger. #ue to the soaring food prices after ,!!6* the food price increased drasticall b more than 05%. %he government has established &oint tas3 force 'hich includes among the others 4A2* 54P* 67#P* 58* #"4#. 8ased on the government document* in response to soaring food prices* there is a need for /,1 million in form of seeds* fertili9ers* animal feed* and machiner in order to assist small farmers 'ithin the frame'or3 of 6.10 months. A set of measures underta3en b the government as response to soaring food prices includes: doubling social 'elfare and cash transfer* though it covers onl 1+% of the poor direct purchase of 'heat from overseas distributing almost at cost 'ith non.profit margin (15% of imported 'heat). %here are ongoing pro&ects b 4A2 for seed distribution (5!!*!!!/)* / 1! million b "4A# over 5 ears including government contribution and /: million per ear b 5orld 4ood Programme.

%he price of seed increased from / +-! per ton to /1!!! per ton. %he prices of fertili9ers 'ere almost doubled and prices of concentrated animal feeds increased b ,.5 fold. ;ence became difficult for small farmers to bu the re<uired inputs not onl due to the increase of input prices but also due to the increase of food items 'hich constitutes more than 0!% of their consumption budget. %he provision of aforementioned inputs to small farmers is important to increase the productivit and their income to attain sustainable livel hood. 2ther'ise the 'ill become part of the poor 'ho needs direct food suppl 'ith possibilit of abandoning farming as a source of income generation. %he re<uired inputs: seeds ,*!!! tons fertili9ers small automatic threshing machines (/-!!=/-!!!) concentrated animal feed -2!+++ tons to support small farmers at *.+/ per ton (mainly for women) 4otal 6S# , million , million 1.6 million

232 million 53, million

-% E.pecte imp!ct/ outcome !n output$ *+++ tons of seeds is sufficient to cultivate -5!+++ hectares with average of -5+++ farmers6household and about -2++++ individuals at the rate of 7 per household3 4he productivity could be increased by .+83 Fertilizers will have similar impact to bring total beneficiaries to *0++++3 'mall machinery would contribute to the capacity of seed multiplication agency ( "A#) and would increase the availability of improved seeds by *.83 provision to small farmers with concentrates which would be purchased locally for sheep! goats and cattle would support and benefit over -2+++ families6households and about ,1+++3 0% Lin1!ge$ 2it" e.i$ting progr!mme$ %he above proposal/pro&ect is considered an e$tension of ongoing 4A2 "4SP %>P activit for 5!!!!!/. ?oreover* it has a lin3age 'ith 7utrition and Shoc3 @esilience Safet 7et Programme 'hich is part and parcel of agriculture development plan ,!!6.,!1! as 'ell as to agriculture and food securit programme.

3% Implement!tion $c"eme 'Time Fr!me2or1( 1. Arranging and signing #ocument 'ith the partners: Aanuar ,!!: to 4ebruar ,!!: ,. #istribution of seeds: 4ebruar ,!!: to #ecember ,!!:. +. #istribution of fertili9ers: 4ebruar ,!!: to #ecember ,!!:. -. Purchase of e<uipment: 4ebruar ,!!: to ?a ,!!:. 5. Purchase of distribution of concentrated feeds: 4ebruar ,!!: to Aune ,!!:

4% Re*uire &u get FI,A,CIAL S566ARY &u get Item$ 'taff costs #nput costs (ontracts Administration costs #ndirect programme support costs! including 4'' (78) Tot!l 5S) *+!+++ 5!,++!+++ 7.!+++ *+!+++ 02-!+.+ 7/838/949

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