Hemisferios University English Advanced I Teacher: Gabriela Unda Name: Daniela Pérez Topic: Persuasive Essay Date: September - 2013

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TEENAGE PREGNANCY There are a very high percentage of teenage pregnancies worldwide as consequence of lack of information and communication. This percentage can be reduced through prevention methods. These methods are based on the teaching of values at home, the teaching of scientific information at school about sexuality and the free distribution of condoms in schools. Although some people think that giving kids this information is taboo, it is really necessary for them to know the consequences of their actions and avoid teenage pregnancy. The first preventive method refers to parents responsibility. They should exert greater influence on the formation of values, like respect, love, freedom, even when to start a sexual life and with whom. Parents should give the necessary attention to their kids. In this way teenagers wont feel absence of love or loneliness. Thereby teenagers will feel confidence and trust in their parents in order to dispel any doubt about the topic, rather than find out through their own ways. Which would lead to live more than one several intimacy, to know what they unknown. There is when the consequences come, because with the lack of information regarding the consequences of a mismanaged sexual life. Even though some parents dont want to talk about this topic, this is really necessary for teens to learn to be responsible. On the other hand, schools should have personal growth classes. In these classes teachers should impart fundamental issues related to sexuality. For example, sexually transmitted diseases, the consequences of abortion for the mother in both psychological and physical sense, and proper use of condoms. In this way we can prevent pregnancies and the transmission of diseases. With this knowledge teens would know the consequences of having an irresponsible sexuality life. In spite of the fact that some people think that teens are not ready for this information, them should know to make good decisions about their sexuality. The last preventive method is the free and restricted distribution of condoms in schools, so that way teens can learn and start to manage their sexual life responsibly. This must be done because teens are often not able to go to a drug store and buy condoms. However with the atmosphere of trust that is created in the school after the talks on sexuality, they should feel more

confident to ask for them there. Even though people say that this can influence teenagers to have intimacy, we know that they will be saved. In conclusion teaching about sexuality at home and school, considering both the main places where teens abstract any kind of knowledge, can avoid early pregnancy; and abortion and disease because adolescents have the necessary information to make a responsible decision. The society has to do a monthly campaign to remember the importance of this issue. Finally, condom distribution ensures that all teenagers from every school will be protected, responsible and respectful with their own lives as well as others. Do you agree that putting into practice these methods of prevention, teenage pregnancies will decrease?

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