Medford City Council Meeting Tuesday, November 19, 2013

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Medford City Council

The Thirty -third Regular Meeting Medford, Massachusetts November 19, 2013

City Council
Robert ! Maiocco, "resident #rederic$ N! %ello Russo, &r!, 'ice "resident "aul ! (amuso Richard #! (araviello )reanna *ungo-+oehn Michael &! Mar$s Robert M! "enta
(ouncil "resident Robert ! Maiocco called the Thirty-third Regular Meeting of the Medford (ity (ouncil to order at ,-00 "!M!, at the .o/ard #! lden Memorial uditorium, Medford (ity .all!


The Records of November 12, 2013 /ere 0assed to (ouncillor *ungo-+oehn! MOTIONS ORDERS AND RESOLUTIONS 13-752-1ffered by (ouncillor "enta )e 2t Resolved that *ouise Miller, our (ity3s "urchasing gent meet /ith the (ouncil for 0roviding an u0date on (ity matters 13-753-1ffered by (ouncillor "enta )e 2t Resolved that our (ity uditor, nn )a$er, a00ear before the council /ith an inventory re0ort of 0ayments received and disbursed by the (ity to channel 3, 14 and 15 in addition to monies transferred form the (ouncil3s government account for the 0ast five years and from /hat accounts /ere they disbursed to and from in addition to /hat is the e6act amount that the (ity has /ithheld from the first 7uarter of this year to this day for "89 access money!

13-75 -1ffered by (ouncillor Mar$s )e 2t Resolved that the recent (ity :ide ;treet s/ee0ing be discussed! 13-755-1ffered by (ouncillor Mar$s )e 2t Resolved that the "ar$ing 8nforcement R#" be discussed! !ETITIONS" !RESENTATIONS AND SIMILAR MATTERS 13-75#"etition by Michelle (asey, 9< Terrace Road, Medford, M to address the (ouncil to discuss the *a/rence Memorial .os0ital Neighborhood concern! 13-757"etition for Ta6i 10erator *icense by #rant= #rancois, 25 "hilbric$ ;treet, Roslindale, M 02131 %riving for Mass (ab 1N #ile (1R2 "olice %e0t! COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MA$OR 13-75%November 15, 2013 To: #rom: Re: Robert A. Maiocco, President and Members of the Medford Cit Co!nci" Michae" $. Mc%" nn, Ma or A&&rova" of '(&endit!re Amo!nts Recovered Thro!)h *ns!rance

+ear Mr. President and Co!nci""ors: * res&ectf!"" re,!est and recommend that o!r -onorab"e .od rescind the vote ta/en on $an!ar 31, 2012, Pa&er 120012, re)ardin) the a&&ro&riation of 3150,000 from the 4Recover of *ns!rance5 to *m&rovements to the Medford -i)h 6choo" Poo" in the amo!nt of 3150,000. This re,!est is bein) made as the constr!ction bid came in be"o7 b!d)et. A se&arate &a&er is before o! to re0a!thori8e this amo!nt for !se in the #ire 6tation Pro9ect. The #ire Chief and Chief Proc!rement :fficer 7i"" be at the meetin) to disc!ss this matter. 6incere" , ;6*%NAT<R' :N #*='>PAP'R? Michae" $. Mc%" nn, Ma or

13-75&November 15, 2013 To: #rom: Re: Robert A. Maiocco, President and Members of the Medford Cit Co!nci" Michae" $. Mc%" nn, Ma or A&&rova" of '(&endit!re Amo!nts Recovered Thro!)h *ns!rance

+ear Mr. President and Co!nci""ors: * res&ectf!"" re,!est and recommend that o!r -onorab"e .od a&&rove the e(&endit!re of the fo""o7in) amo!nts recovered thro!)h ins!rance for the &!r&ose of: @ *m&rovements to the Medford #ire 6tations0 3150,000.

This amo!nt is needed as the constr!ction bid came in above b!d)et. The #ire Chief and Chief Proc!rement :fficer 7i"" be at the meetin) to disc!ss this matter. 6incere" , ;6i)nat!re fi"e>&a&er? Michae" $. Mc%" nn, Ma or 13-7#'REQUEST FOR EXPENDITURE FROM LAW DEPARTMENT CLAIMS OVER $1,000.00 ACCOUNT #010-151-5762 +ate: November 11, 2013 To: The President and Members of the -onorab"e Medford Cit Co!nci" #r: Michae" $. Mc%" nn, Ma or Aath"een 6ava)e v. Cit of Medford A&ri" 22, 2013 November 11, 2013 NA $ 5000.00 'va C. :va""e, 's,!ire

C"aimant Name: +ate of Accident: +ate of 6ett"ement: +ate of Tria" Res!"t: Amo!nt of Re,!est: C"aimantBs Attorne :

+escri&tion of A""e)ed C"aim: The c"aimant, Aath"een 6ava)e, a)e 2C, 1D +r!id -i"" Aven!e, Te7/sb!r , MA 01DC2 see/s com&ensation for in9!ries s!ffered as a res!"t of a side7a"/ defect, name" a raised side7a"/ &ane" ca!sed b tree roots in front of =antana CafE "ocated at 11C 6a"em 6treet in Medford, 3

Massach!setts. -er in9!r occ!rred on A&ri" 22, 2013, at a&&ro(imate" 5:15 &.m. As a res!"t of her fa"", she s!stained fract!res to her "eft "e) and arm. 6he 7as trans&orted b amb!"ance to Finchester -os&ita" and received immediate emer)enc treatment as 7e"" as &h sica" thera& , occ!&ationa" thera& and rehabi"itation n!rsin) care at Ne7 'n)"and Rehabi"itation -os&ita" in Fob!rn, Massach!setts. -er medica" bi""s 7ere in e(cess of 3 11,2C1.00. The necessar Re"eases have been obtained from the c"aimant. The a""e)ed defect 7as re&aired after the accident. .rea/do7n to Amo!nt Re,!ested: Medica" Cost: =ost Fa)es: Pro&ert +ama)e: :ther: Tota" 6ett"ement: 3 11,2C1.00 000 000 000 3 5,000.00 UNFINISHED (USINESS 13)372 &ames Morse address *ogan ir0ort noise 2N (2T> (1?N(2* 13-37 M:R "R2* 23, 2013 T )*8%

ssessment Transfer @10<,A1,!00 0ril 23, 2013 T )*8%

2N (2T> (1?N(2* 13- 72

Ta6i 10erator *icense Mohammed 9! Mostafa 2N (2T> (1?N(2* M > 21, 2013 T )*8%

13) &7

;ho/ (ause .earing ;tar Ta6i 2N (2T> (1?N(2* &?*> 9, 2013 T )*8%


Ta6i 10erator *icense &ose0h #! "ierre 2N (2T> (1?N(2* M > 2<, 2013 T )*8%


cce0tance of 9!*!(! A< 49), 49(, 49% establish Reserve #ire #orce 2N (2T> (1?N(2* ?9?;T 5, 2013 T )*8%

13)7 1

Ta6i 10erator *icense 'incen=o B! )enigni 2N (2T> (1?N(2* November 12, 2013 T )*8%

13)7 2

Ta6i 10erator *icense 'ictor 8! (heah 2N (2T> (1?N(2* N1'8M)8R 12, 2013 T )*8%

13)7 3

Ta6i 10erator *icense Mo/lid ! .assan 2N (2T> (1?N(2* N1'8M)8R 12, 2013 !U(LIC !ARTICI!ATION COUNCIL !A!ERS IN COMMITTEE T )*8%

R*+o,t- Du* . D*/0lin*11-099-;i6 Month Revie/ ;"( hours of o0eration -Tech, 5, Mystic ve, ;e0t 20, 2011 11-531-;i6 Month Revie/ ;"( hours of o0eration )urger +ing 3<3 Mystic ve 0ril 2A, 2012 12-090-;i6 Month Revie/ ;"( Boning Medford 9as C Re0air <4 Main ;t 1ctober 9, 2012 12-091-Three Month Revie/ (lass A Re0air *icense Ravelo uto Re0air, 1AA Mystic ve &uly 3, 2012 12-40,-Traffic (ommission Revie/ traffic 0atterns :inthro0 ;treet rotary C Rural venue 12-40<-;i6 Month Revie/ ;"( hours +ellyDs %rive-Thru, 34 Revere )each "$y, &an 10, 2013 R*co,0-1 The Records of November 19, 2013 /ere 0assed to (ouncillor *ungo-+oehn A02ou,n3*nt1 El*ction- Sc4*0ul* (ongressional ;0ecial 8lection E %ecember 10, 2013 U+co3in5 City Council M**tin5 Sc4*0ul* Tuesday, November 25, 2013 at ,-00 "M Tuesday, %ecember 3, 2013 at ,-00 "M :ednesday, %ecember 11, 2013 at ,-00 "M Tuesday, %ecember 1,, 2013 at ,-00 "M Tuesday, &anuary ,, 201A at ,-00 "M

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