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9.01 Introduction to Neuroscience

Fall 2007

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Chapter 1 Review Trepanation as cure (7000 B.C.) Egyptian writings (5000 B.C.) Heart vs. brain debate (400s B.C. Greece; Aristotle vs. Hippocrates) Ventricular localization of function (200s A.D. Rome; Galen discovered ventricles, CSF) Fluid mechanical theory (1500s; Descartes, mind separate from brain) Nerves as wires (1700s; Ben Franklin discovers electricity; Galvani, de Bois Reymond test nerves) Bidirectional? (1810; Bell/Magendie determine ventral roots = motor; dorsal roots = sensory) Discoveries in neuroanatomy (Vesalius, etc.) Gray matter (cell bodies) vs. white matter (axons) CNS (brain, spinal cord, retina) vs. PNS (everything else) Bumps (gyri) and grooves (sulci and fissures) Localization of function (1800s; experimental ablation method = destroying parts of brain to test their function; Bell/Magendie, Flourens, Fritsch/Hitzig, Ferrier; Munk) Phrenology = correlating structure of head with personality traits (1809, Gall) Flourens was huge critic of Gall and localization of function Broca (1861; Brocas Area) Evolution of nervous systems (1859; Darwin) = use of animal models Neurons (1800s, microscopy advances, cell theory) Chapter 2 Review Neurons vs. glia (10x more glia than neurons; glia insulate and support; ~100 billion neurons) Visualize the neuron = harden the brain (formaldehyde), slice it (microtome), stain Nissl stain (all cells stained; only nucleus, membrane, rER; distinguish between neurons, glia; study cytoarchitecture) Golgi stain (small percentage stained in entirety, can see soma and neurites) Cajal v. Golgi Neuron Doctrine (Cajal) = neurons communicate by contact Reticular Theory (Golgi) = neurons communicate by continuity Final proof had to wait until development of electron microscope in the 1950s Neural anatomy (see http://www.brown.edu/Courses/BN01/images/review/neuron.pdf) Soma = cell body = perikaryon (cytosol, organelles, cytoplasm) o Nucleus (DNA, chromosomes, genes) o Rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER with ribosomes; protein synthesis) o Ribosomes (on ER or free) vs. polyribosomes (free ribosomes attached by mRNA) o Smooth endoplasmic reticulum (variety of functions) o Golgi apparatus (sorting of proteins) o Mitochondria (site of cellular respiration; creates ATP) o Remember: DNA is transcribed mRNA is translated Protein Neuronal membrane (barrier; proteins as receptors, channels, etc.)

Cytoskeleton (internal scaffolding) o Microtubules (longitudinally down neurites; tubulin protein braided together; MAPs) o Microfilaments (attached to membrane in neurites; fibrous like web; thin braids of actin) o Neurofilaments (intermediate size; mechanically very strong) Neurites = axons and dendrites


No rER, few free ribosomes Uniform width; travels long distances; wires; branches (or collaterals) at right angles Speed of action potential conduction depends on diameter (thicker = faster) and myelination Axon terminal or terminal arbor; synapse is point of contact with other cells Cytoskeleton, mitochondria

Synapse (presynaptic, postsynaptic, synaptic cleft, synaptic transmission); electrical chemical electrical Axoplasmic transport (movement of proteins, materials up and down axons) Remember: no ribosomes in axons; if cell bodies removed, axons would die (Wallerian degeneration) Proteins, material enclosed in vesicles, are walked down microtubules Protein legs = kinesin (anterograde transport, soma to axon); dynein (retrograde, axon to soma) Process uses ATP Retrograde transport can be exploited by scientists and viruses o Horse-radish peroxidase (used by scientists to trace connections in the brain) o Oral type of herpesvirus o Rabies virus Dendrites Taper; short in length; antennae Branches at acute angles Of a single neuron = dendritic trees Cytoskeleton; mitochondria Spines; polyribosomes located under spines synaptic transmission directs local protein synthesis Classifying neurons No. of neurites (uni-, bi-, multi- polar) Shape of dendritic tree (stellate or pyramidal, page 45) Spiny or aspinous Connections (sensory, interneurons, motor neurons) Axon length (extend to other parts of brain or project locally; Golgi Type I and Type II) Neurotransmitter (see Ch. 6) Glia

Astrocytes (most numerous glia; insulation; support; regulating chem. content of extracellular space) Myelinating glia (provides myelin for axons; myelin sheath; node of Ranvier) o Oligodendroglial (CNS) o Schwann cells (PNS) Ependymal cells (lines fluid-filled ventricles of brain) Microglia (phagocytes)

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