Baima Snow Mountain

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Development and Sustainability Jorge Celorio Montse Romero Polanco/ A01223355 Gilberto Garcia Ascencio/ A01223341 Karen Morales

Clouthier/A01223818 Mariana Arias de la Torre/ A01223242 Michelle Gonzalez Santa Ana/A01223161

Final Project Baima Snow Mountain Azalea Forest Week 1


The road from Zhongdian to Deqin passes through the Baima Snow Mountain. Going further west, you will enter Tibet. The Baima Snow Mountain is located in southeastern Deqin County, is in the eastern part of the northern section of the Yunling Mountains. Most of the peaks are 5,000 meters high, with the highest oneMount Zhalaqueni-standing at 5,640 meters above sea level. The Baima Snow Mountain is now days a natural reserve that consists of a large group of mountains. It is located 5000 meters above the ground. There is a very large of quantity of species. It is the largest natural reserve in Yunnan Province. This area is also the main habitat of Yunnan golden monkeys, a species only found in this region. Most forests are being destroyed to create tourist areas. There are high seasons of tourists, mainly in summer and autumn when the climate is more calid and the flowers are blooming.

China has a great variety of ecosystems in its surface area, from the desserts, to rivers and lakes, from grass lands, to the coast line; we decided to study one of the ten most beautiful forests in China. The Bima Snow Mountain Azalea Forest was selected as the 4th most beautiful forest by China National Geographic magazine. This ecosystem is home to numerous creatures and plants that coexist by

interacting positively with each other. The Baima Mountain is the watershed of two rivers, the Lancang River and the Jinshan River. As a national park, the administration is held by the Deqen County in the Tibetan Autonomous prefecture of Diqing, Yunnan Providence. The place is known for its beautiful colors and azaleas blooming every year.

Related Biome: Alpine Type of Ecosystem: Forest Area and Mountains

Biotic and Abiotic Factors The main plants of this nature reserve are: Highland oak birch Yunnuan pine Georges fir snow-white rododendro Vitchleaf sophora Snow white Alpine coniferous trees Bamboo trees

Fauna: There are around 47 species in this ecosystem, some of them are: Yunnan golden monkey Clouded leopard Red panda Horse musk deer Lesser panda Green tailed monal White-eared pheasant

Climate: The Baima mountain forest has a temperature of 4.7 to 16.5 Celsius in average. This mountainous place has little precipitation due to the fact that its the watershed of two important rivers. During the months of December and April, there is heavy snow, and the temperature drops. Under the mountains, there is a very populated forest area known for its Azalea flowers that are abundant in the summer months of the year. Spring and summer mainly May and June are the best months to visit, because of the decent weather. Natural Resources: The three main rivers that are connected to Baima forest are the Nujiang, Lantsang, and Yangtse rivers. These are natural resources that provide the biotic factors water and food. These rivers are considered other ecosystems within the one we are studying; however in this document we do not research the rivers in depth. Other natural resources are minerals, barite and arsenic, reserves of gypsum and materials to fabric pottery clay. Biochemical cycle: In Baimas forest, like any other the oxygen cycle is present. With the amount of trees that there are, they, along with other plants use up C02, water and sunlight and through the process of photosynthesis they transform it into oxygen, natural waste. Oxygen in inhaled by the animals and other humans in the reserve. When they exhale after internal combustion, and after they die they release carbon dioxide which is needed for the process of photosynthesis. Symbiosis: There were not enough places to research, and no information found about a certain species to specify a certain type of symbiosis.

Food Web:

Clouded leopard Red Panda

Rabbit PRODUCERS -Fruits on trees -Plants -Flowers -Nuts from trees Birds

Caterpillars, or worms Hawks

Deers Primary consumers

Yunnuan Golden Monkey

Week 2 Society and Development Baima Snow Mountain is one of the most beautiful national parks in Chinait is the largest primeval forest and its natural environment is still intact. It is situated on the central part of the Hengduan Mountains, on the slope of the section between the Baima Snow Mountain & Renzhi Snow Mountain. As a national park, it is under the protection of the government, however with the increasing growth of population in china theres an opportunity market regarding construction sites, real state, architecture, etc. Families are looking for an escape, an escape from pollution, the stress in the city, the lights, contamination, etc. One problem we face today is the proximity between people and the few natural spaces left in china, with the gorgeous view of Baimas snow mountain, companies dedicated to constructing apartments and housing will see the perimeter of the national park as a great marketing proposition. Another massive action will soon become a great problem. Bamboo forests near Baima Snow Mountain are cut down each year to supply the society; deforestation will destroy the ecosystem if there is no solution implemented. Human & Ecosystem Interactions: In China, the Yunnan Province is the second most forested region. Sadly their forests are the largest and principal targets for deforestation. In the early 1950s forest cover in the region declined from 55%, in the 1970s approximately 30%, and down to 23% today. Only 8% of Yunnans forest is still in the original conditions, in the state the whole forest should be. The regeneration initiatives came out with single species, including some that are not even from the region, like the Japanese Black Pine. It is considered as one of the Medicinal plants and animals reserve, very important for the production of Traditional Chinese Medicine. For this reason, Yunnan Province faces constantly dangerous threats that could highly damage the region permanently. Finally, the construction of hydroelectric dams is damaging, and even completing destroying the natural cycles of the rivers and their dependant ecosystems. A hydroelectric dam works with a water turbine and a generator, they extract the power from the potential energy of dammed water driving. During our research we came upon a study done by a meteorologist, Liu Jiaxun. He made some observations based on his study of global warming and its impact on scenic

resorts. Liu said that the effects of ice melting and drying water sources combined would have devastating effects. Glaciers are sensitive to changes in global climate. The worlds climate warming is rapidly coming up; almost all low altitude glaciers are melting. This would result in floods, farmland damage and mud-rock slides. While the drying water would lead to river shrink and severe droughts. Obviously it would bring social consequences as well; the disappearance of glacier landscape would destroy natural resources for scientific research and tourism. Demography: 278,329 people live in the boundaries of Yunnan 36,512 live in the core areas of Yunnan Due to climate changes, a program of relocation was initiated by the Chinese government In 2003, 36,000 people were relocated from the 7 main areas of the nominated areas (9,000 households) 1,500 were in main core areas They were relocated from high altitude lands, with a poor ecosystem into Dali and Simao Prefectures ( more farmland and higher population carrying capacity The 5 year plan is to relocate 19,500 people, 60% of them living in core zones ( Changes in Temperature: The Baima Snow Mountain maintains a somewhat low temperature average, because of its high altitude and snowy top. However, due to the climate changes and the increase of pollution created by humans, the world is changing rapidly and in ways we never imagined possible. Green house gases not only affect the ozone layer, but the ultra violet rays are melting the polar caps, increasing the level of heat that is absorbed by the earth, and the water levels of the oceans are increasing. It might seem insignificant, but these changes in temperature are affecting weather and climate, now seasons are late or early, messing crops, animal activity, plant production, etc. Baima is experiencing hotter temperatures that melt the snowy tops; this affects the ecosystems, or to the point of death. Species that cannot adapt fast to the changes die, and in Baimas snow mountain there are a few rare species that will soon reach extinction. Temperature is an abiotic factor easily changeable but risky and harmful. Extreme measures must be met to retrieve the balance, and past temperature to the ecosystem.

Pollution: Green house gases Trash coming from tourists Air pollution from nearby factories Water pollution from the inhabited towns Carbon released when they cut down trees or forest fires Baima Snow Mountain National park is a government facility protected from polluting threats. There are services that clean the park, control the tourists and visitors, maintain balance in the ecosystem and make sure that no other factors affect the natural peace. With such a beautiful attraction, keeping control is difficult; visitors might leave trash, or disrupt the cycle. Outside pollutants, such as in air and water might infect the ecosystem, animals or plants. The three rivers can carry harmful chemicals, residual waste from nearby towns or cities, etc. In consequence, the snowy tops will melt creating floods in the terrains under the peak of the mountain destroying the forest, villages, ecosystems, etc. Trees with an excess of water can become rotten, animals will die without a home, villages will be destroyed, tourist attractions and hotels deeply affected, etc. With no trees, there will be no oxygen cycle, and no way to purify the polluted air. A vicious cycle only we have the power of stopping. (China Tour) Depredation: Baima Snow Mountain National Park is a main tourist attraction in china. It provides a profitable market for hotels, souvenir shops, restaurants, shops, etc. The people who live here base the living on tourism; however, the toll of trees is abusive. They cut trees to create more hotels, to build various structures, to clean the view of the mountain, etc. Trees, including bamboo are a huge part of Baimas ecosystem, every time they cut down one, they are killing the forest and the creatures in it, like the Yunnan golden monkey, a species that is only found in that region. Instead of thinking about the sustainability and the future, they are destroying it. With no trees and no nature to admire, tourist will not want to visit, ending any commerce in the area. We see nature as a never ending resource that will stay beautiful forever; this wrong thought will ruin us all.

Week 3 Sustainability Baima Snow Mountain National Park is not facing an environmental, social or economical problem right now, however, the potential is closer than we imagine, with one wrong decision, one change in climate, a chemical spill, acid rain, and everything could go wrong. Sustainability is maintaining the harmony of environmental, social and economical health, consuming in balance natural resources and assure a future to future generations.

Tourism Trees (raw materials) Jobs inside the park Stores/ restaurants/ hotels

Tourists Villages near by Job

Water and air pollution Deforestation Erosion Climate Change etc

In the studied ecosystem there is failure when referring to sustainability. The problems we face are the construction of houses or apartments near the mountain, giving human life a more natural appeal. With the movement of people to the new housing, pollution will increase: House Hold Resource Needs Water Around eight liters are wasted in only one toilet flush. (6 L with an eco-friendly toilet).

A washing machine can use up to 70 L if the whole cycle is completed. A 5-minute water can get to use around 7 to 8 gallons, considering a normal shower of around 20 minutes we would e talking of up to 28 gallons. According to the web page science for a changing world, an average house can get to waste around:

Bath: 50 gallons Shower: 2.5 gallons per minute Teeth brushing: 1 gallon Hands/face washing: 1 gallon Face/leg shaving: 1 gallon Dishwasher: 20 gallons/load Dishwashing by hand: 5 gallons/load Clothes washing (machine): : 10 gallons/load Toilet flush: 3 gallons Glasses of water drunk: 8 oz. per glass (1/16th of a gallon)

ELECTRICITY In a normal day, an average family uses around: Coffee maker= 900-1200 Watts. Washing machine= 350-500 Watts. Dryer (Clothes) = 1800-5000 Watts. Dishwasher= 1200-2400 Watts. Hair dryer= 1200-1870 Watts. Microwave= 750-1500 Watts. Laptop= around 70 Watts. Fridge= around 780 Watts. Television (depending the type) = can get from 65 to 120 Watts. *Note: The energy used to recycle 1 can of cola is the same energy a TV needs to run for 3 hours.* PROPANE GAS LP LP or propane gas is widely used at home mostly to heat the stove and the boiler. This gas generates less carbon emissions than other gases, which makes it a kind of ecofriendly fossil fuel, however it is highly explosive, and this would cause a huge devastation in the Baima reserve.

Also, deforestation is becoming a problem, to find balance we will control the cutting of trees by distributing the impact on the forest, and with it laws that will force the companies to plant 3 new trees for one cut down. Population grows daily, and it would be impossible to prohibit people from moving near the mountain. The laws we propose are establishing a perimeter around the mountain that cant be crossed by construction companies. Also we offer a service and make the apartments or houses more eco friendly. Eco Friendly Homes: These houses have solar panels and heat pump technology in order to produce energy; they also count with rainwater collectors for external use like washing cars or for watering the garden. They are built with sustainable building timbers, low volatile organic compounds and toxic free paints, finishes and adhesives, this way they make a low environmental impact. The construction of these houses isnt that cheap, but there is a pay-back period because of the savings this implies.

To patent the ideas and products of this service will create more money when they reach outer markets, like Mexico, India or the United States. This method is highly effective, and

with popularity and the right marketing it will be a great market to inspire. Our company or service will create more jobs, in the social factor of sustainability. Not only for workers, but for researchers, engineers, lawyers, architects, etc. In the older villages, we will install better systems of electricity, water, etc, always with renewable energy and resources. The use of fossil fuels will be annulated or highly restricted. Solar panels will be used instead of coal, and gardens will be planted on top of the houses to promote nature and gas exchange. Besides jobs in the company, we will open a program inside the national park, where citizens will work as janitors, police, and watchmen inside the park. To mobilize the people, bike roads will be installed, avoiding the use of vehicles, or busses that run only on electric energy. Water energy is a great resource because of the great rivers near the mountain. Tourism will be encouraged, inviting new cultures and languages. The economy will grow with this tourist service. Schools will teach young ones languages, to facilitate communication, etc. With balance and positive factors, sustainability is possible. The only way to measure it is evaluating the outcome, the only thing that can come out of the plan is positive; taking initiative is the first and hardest step. When taken, the whole nation will follow, later the world.

In Mexico Any solution can be implemented in Mexico, the problem might be the willingness of the people and the barriers of government and religion are still there. To move Mexico, we must first get to the people, and what moves people is media. 1. Find a popular face to transmit the message and promote the service. The importance of eco friendly housing, and eco friendly transportation 2. Housing will be available to the middle or upper class in Mexico due to the cost of the process, we will make our product seem the highlight of the century and sell it as a fashion statement as well as a status symbol. 3. When the trend sets in, and our researchers find cheaper ways to make the eco friendly devices we will contact the government and introduce our service 4. Government facilities, hospitals, stores, schools, in time will be transformed into eco friendly environments. 5. The laws of planting 3 trees for 1 that is cut down might be able to be adapted, along with the perimeter of national parks and natural areas. In Mexico there is a high rate of unemployment, if they institute those laws, and with less money inverted on electricity in the facilities, the government will be able to pay those who take care of the natural parks and resorts. 6. If we ignore the tendency of corruption and dont get involved with the government, we can get our eco friendly products into the market. With the right campaigning, the real state agency of eco friendly houses will spread across the world. 7. Busses, and some cars, will also be part of the service or product depending on the place. Patent of the buses will be remitted for economical value. 8. Busses in Mexico are not efficient and highly polluted, they are in need of renewal, and what better than another bus that runs on electrical energy, does not affect the environment and creates a healthier environment for the consumer.

China Tour. 27 de 06 de 2011 <>. 27 de 06 de 2011 <,_China#gen 11>. 27 de 06 de 2011 <> 27 de 06 de 2011 <> 26 de 06 de 2011 < urist_landmarks/index.html>

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