The Matrix and The Moon

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The Matrix and the Moon

Lunacy: intermittent insanity once believed to be related to phases of the


Lunatic: from the belief that lunacy fluctuated with the phases of the

As someone in the perennial pursuit of arcane knowledge, I must often make

forays into what I call the ‘lunatic fringe’ to find the information that I need. I have
read numerous out-of-print books on esoteric subjects and most of these texts
have been abandoned with good reason. I have surfed innumerable ‘esoteric’
websites put together by unstable personalities. Most of the time, my searches
are fruitless. Within the muck however, sometimes a priceless jewel can be found
that makes the journey worthwhile. I recently went on a minor ‘expedition’ to find
out what I could about remote viewing techniques and wound up on the trail of a
totally bizarre story having to do with the Moon of all things.

This expedition began with my reading a rather unenlightening book written by a

former member of the US military’s remote viewing (a.k.a. psychic spying) unit.
The author gave high praise to the man who trained all the members of the unit,
Ingo Swann, known as the ‘Father’ of remote viewing. Swann coined the term
‘remote viewing’ to designate the act of projecting one’s consciousness to a
remote location. He served as a subject for research into Psi phenomena at the
Stanford Research Institute where they documented his astonishing ability to
accurately describe verifiable remote targets, sight unseen, and to describe
activities being carried out at these locations. His performance during these
studies ultimately resulted in his being hired by the U.S. government. Swann
believes that anyone could be trained to do what came naturally to him and he
developed the U.S. government’s remote viewing protocols. I decided to surf
Swann’s website to see what I might discover and came across a reference to a
book he had written called ‘Penetration: The Question of Extraterrestrial and
Human Telepathy’. I next, decided to read the customer reviews of the book on
the website and not only did I discover that the book was out-of-
print (as usual) but that used copies were extremely expensive with prices
ranging up to as much as $1400.00 USD. This is an outrageous amount of
money for a used paperback that was initially published in 1998. As a point of
reference, most of the used out-of-print paperbacks I buy go for around $7.00
USD. Intrigued, I decided to buy the cheapest copy I could find, which was
$75.00 and in rather poor shape.

‘Penetration’ is Swann’s account of a highly unusual assignment he was given by

a top-secret branch of US intelligence, to remote view the dark side of the moon.
What he reports is difficult to believe when taken at face value, but the
information is presented in such a logical, lucid, credible and delightfully witty
fashion that it is difficult to entirely discount out of hand. After reading the book, I
decided to do a little fact checking and discovered some truly amazing
information relating to the Moon. Below, in addition to outlining some of the
information contained in ‘Penetration’, I will summarize some fascinating but
widely unknown facts pertaining to properties of our Moon. Finally, I will discuss
how all of this information fits in with the concept of ‘The Matrix’.

Unusual findings about the Moon and its orbit:

Much to my surprise, it turns out that the two prevailing theories with respect to
the Moon’s origins are not supported by available scientific data:
v Theory 1- The Moon was created at the same time as was the Earth: The
problem with this theory is that the composition of samples collected from
the Moon is vastly different from materials here on the Earth (1). In
addition, many of these samples are a good one to two billion years older
than any materials found on Earth, which casts doubt on the Earth and
Moon being created at the same time (1).

v Theory 2- The Moon was a traveling planetoid captured by the Earth’s

gravitational field. The problem with this theory is that the Moon, at one-
fourth the size of the Earth, is the largest satellite in the entire solar
system and is simply too big to have been captured by the Earth’s weak
gravitational field. As stated by Isaac Asimov:

“….in studying the rest of the solar system we cannot help but come to the
conclusion that the Moon by rights ought not to be there. The fact that it is,
is one of those strokes of luck almost too good to accept….In general
then, when a planet does have satellites, those satellites are much smaller
than the planet itself…there would be every reason to suspect ….that at
best (Earth’s satellite) would be perhaps 30 miles in diameter. But that is
not so. Earth not only has a satellite but it is a giant satellite, 2160 miles in
diameter “.(2)

Throughout the entire solar system, there is no other moon with a stationary
near-perfect circular orbit such as that of the Moon (most orbits are elliptical) (3).
Ours is the only moon in the solar system that does not orbit a planet in the plane
of the planet’s rotation(3). The gravitational forces between the Earth and Moon
are asymmetric and result in a net transfer of energy from the Earth to the Moon.
This causes the Earth’s rotation to slow down every year and continuously raises
the Moon’s rate of rotation. Through the study of fossilized coral it has been
discovered that 350 million years ago, the length of each day was 21.9 hours and
there were 400 days in a year. Our 24-hour day is the result of a ‘braking’ effect
the Moon has upon the Earth (4). The asymmetric Earth to Moon energy flow
also locks the phase of the Moon’s rotation with its orbit causing one side of the
Moon to always face away from the Earth. This is called the dark or hidden side
of the Moon (4). Have you ever marveled at how perfectly the Moon obscures the
Sun during a total eclipse? The Moon’s diameter is approximately 400 times
smaller than that of the Sun but it is also approximately 400 times closer to the
Earth than is the Sun. This results in the Moon fitting precisely over the Sun
during eclipses (5, 6).

“How does one explain the ‘coincidence’ that the Moon is just the right distance,
coupled with just the right diameter, to completely cover the Sun during an
eclipse? There is no astronomical reason why the Moon and the Sun should fit
so well. It is the sheerest of coincidences, and only the Earth among all the
planets is blessed in this fashion.", Isaac Asimov.

The Moon is hollow and the US had plans to nuke it.

Multiple studies reveal that the Moon is at least partially hollow. Seismic probes
planted on the lunar surface during the Apollo missions have provided useful
data with respect to the Moon’s internal structure. When heavy pieces of
equipment were dropped onto the lunar surface from orbiting spacecraft, these
probes revealed that the ENTIRE surface of the Moon reverberated like a gong
for hours afterwards. These experiments, coupled with readings taken during
naturally occurring meteor strikes have generated data suggesting that the Moon
is composed of an incredibly rigid outer shell approximately 60 kilometers thick
(twice the average thickness of the Earth’s crust), with a cavernous interior (keep
in mind that the Moon is over 2000 kilometers in diameter and has 60% the
average density of the Earth) (3). This outer shell is highly enriched in heat-
resistant and mechanically durable materials such as titanium and is thus
remarkably resistant to meteor strikes. It is additionally covered by 2-3 kilometers
of loose-soil like material that serves as a shock absorber and is also heat-
resistant. It is estimated that for any given crater occurring secondary to a meteor
strike, the depth of the resulting crater should be 4-5 times that of the diameter.
Despite the fact that many craters on the Moon exceed 100 kilometers in
diameter, none of these craters are greater than 3 kilometers in depth (3).

"The Lunar Orbiter experiments vastly improved our knowledge of the Moon's
gravitational field . . . indicating the frightening possibility that the Moon might be
hollow." Dr. Sean C. Solomon, Director, Department of Terrestrial Magnetism
Carnegie Institution of Washington (7).

So who cares if the Moon is hollow and why would this be frightening? Well, it
turns out that scientists are of the opinion that a natural satellite cannot be
hollow. A hollow satellite would get ripped to shreds by the gravitational forces
emanating from the planet being orbited; unless, the shell of the satellite was
reinforced to be extremely rigid. Scientists do not think that a sphere with a rigid
outside and a hollow interior can occur as a natural configuration. Below, Carl
Sagan discusses the possibility that Mars’ moon Phobos is artificial because by
all mathematical calculations it is hollow with a rigid exterior shell :

“Could Phobos be rigid on the outside but hollow on the inside? A natural satellite
cannot be a hollow object. Therefore, we are led to the possibility that
Phobos…may be an artificial satellite of Mars”(4).

Sagan made no mention of the data suggesting that our Moon was hollow in this
book, which was written prior to most lunar missions. Following Sagan’s line of
reasoning however, if our Moon is hollow, there exists the possibility therefore
that it may not be a natural satellite. In other words, our Moon may be an artificial
satellite launched into orbit by somebody other than us (YIKES). Given the
propensity of the U.S. government to attack any threat real or imagined, what do
you think said government might do if presented with such an idea, no matter
how outrageous it might seem? Interestingly in 1958 Carl Sagan was one of the
scientists that participated in the planning phase of the U.S. government’s Project
A119. The aim of this top-secret project was to investigate the feasibility of
detonating a nuclear war-head on the dark side of the Moon (8). The stated goals
of this project were to demonstrate US military superiority to the Soviets who
were winning the space race at the time. The aims of project A119 were
particularly focused on whether the mushroom cloud resulting from the
detonation could be seen from the Earth and what effect, if any, the explosion
might have on the Earth. Those in charge reportedly demonstrated little or no
interest in the effect that the explosion would have on the Moon itself (9). This
was disturbing to the scientists who were working on the project as they had
major concerns with regards to preserving the Moon as a scientific resource. This
project was abandoned before being carried out. The reasons for abandonment
were never revealed to those working on the project.

Unusual phenomena associated with the Moon

I, like most people was formerly of the belief that there was little if any detectable
activity of any sort on the Moon and that it was a monotonously rocky and dusty
place. I was wrong. NASA Technical Report R-277 is a Transient Lunar
Phenomena Database containing over 570 reports of strange lights that appear
and subsequently vanish, mists (sometimes colored) and other strange
occurrences on the Moon from as far back as 1540 AD (10). There are many
speculations as to the possible causes of these lights and mists, but they are a
subject of active debate. Many selenographers (astronomers specializing in the
study of the Moon) report seeing lunar structures that do not seem natural and
seeing dome-like structures that appear and then disappear over time (3). One
structure, the so-called Straight Wall (Rupes Recta) in the Moon's Sea of Clouds
(Mare Nubium) is a 110 km long linear structure and is so artificial looking that it
used to be called the "Railway Line" (11). Despite the fact that NASA has
launched satellites into the Moon’s orbit, such as the Clementine, that are
capable of producing high resolution images of the Moon, no high resolution
images of the far side of the Moon are available for the public to view (12).
Nevertheless, through the use of computer enhanced technologies, many Moon
enthusiasts have taken NASA lunar photos and revealed certain features of the
lunar surface that defy explanations offered so far by government officials and
scientists (13-16). Many of these features include seemingly artificial structures
that are massive in size. In William R. Corliss’ ‘The Moon and the Planets’ a large
number of lunar anomalies have been compiled including areas with high levels
of radioactivity, magnetic anomalies, orbital anomalies, evidence of water, non-
random distribution of craters, the vast difference between the geographical
features of the near and far-sides of the Moon (it turns out that the far-side has
no maria), and luminous phenomena such as lightning on the Moon. In addition it
has been discovered that buried beneath the surface of all the lunar seas or
maria are dense objects called ‘mascons’. The size of these objects has been
estimated at around 100 kilometers in diameter and they are located specifically
in the centers of the maria (1). There are no satisfactory scientific explanations to
account for the vast majority of documented lunar anomalies.

Ingo Swann’s Remote ‘View’ of the dark side of the Moon

In 1975, Ingo Swann was approached by an unnamed branch of US intelligence

and asked to take on an assignment remote viewing the dark side of the Moon.
Here is an excerpt describing some of the things he saw:

SWANN: I see lights…rows of them…like lights at football arenas….up on towers

of some kind….

GOVT. AGENT: How high are the light towers?

SWANN: Well, tall- about or let’s say over a hundred feet. But I think I got a
glimpse of the crater’s edge. On it I saw a very large tower…if I compare it to
something I am familiar with in New York, about as high as the Secretariat
building at the United Nations.

AGENT: You can see that then…..

SWANN: But this stuff is big….I thought everyone was having trouble just getting
a couple of guys and a dog into orbit. I thought the only thing we got on the Moon
was a flag planted in some crater somewhere….You mean-- am I to assume this
stuff is –not OURS! Not made on Earth?
AGENT: Quite a surprise isn’t it?….We have all experienced a considerable
amount of emotional surprise….Frankly, no one has known what to do, and many
mistakes have been made….the problems are more than you can imagine.

Swann also saw machinery, tractor-like marks, tractor-like machines going up

and down hills, strange buildings, bridges, roads, domes and obelisks. He was
flabbergasted and frightened by what he saw. When Swann asked the agent why
they were using a remote viewer as opposed to just sending a manned mission
to the Moon to find out what they needed to know, it was made clear that
previous manned missions had met with unsuspected difficulties precluding the
continuation of similar missions. It was further intimated that there was a
presence on the Moon that was not friendly and that this information was not
being made public, for obvious reasons. Swann told the agent that he wanted
more information and the following exchange ensued:

AGENT: I can’t tell you very much since doing so would endanger our mission
and perhaps you, too. But I could ask you what YOU think is going on?

SWANN: ….from all I can tell, Earth is under some kind of siege…you are
desperate enough at least to try to employ psychics to help you out.

AGENT: You see, I don’t have to tell you anything.

Swann was asked not to divulge any information with respect to the assignment
for at least 10 years. He waited for twenty and found that none of the publishers
his literary agent approached would touch the manuscript. This despite the fact
that he was a previously published author with a respectable track record in
terms of book sales. While it is feasible that the rejection of this manuscript was
due to the incredible nature of the contents, there are many books that have
been accepted for publication that are comparable to Swann’s account in terms
of ‘incredible’ content. From firsthand experience, I can vouch for the fact that
most of these books are of inferior quality, relative to Swann’s account, in terms
of both writing style and entertainment value. Swann self-published a small
number of copies over two printings and gives no indication of plans to print any
more. Dr. Courtney Browne, Director of the Farsight Institute that is dedicated to
the scientific study of remote viewing, states that many other remote viewers
have confirmed Swann’s Moon findings independently through their own efforts
The US won the space race and then called it a day?

It is an easy task to dismiss Swann’s book as delusional and he is quick to point

out that he cannot offer any proof as to the veracity of his account. Despite this,
there remain some rather odd issues surrounding NASA’s efforts in terms of
Moon exploration over the last thirty years. Before the Apollo 11 landing in 1969,
the US was losing the space race to the Soviets. It was thought that whoever
managed to land on the Moon first would colonize it and establish a military
presence thereby becoming the dominant force on Earth. U.S. President John F.
Kennedy Junior made the space race a national priority. The U.S. triumphed in
terms of the Moon landing but then what happened? There have been no
manned missions to the Moon since 1972 by the U.S. despite the fact that the
spacecraft for three future manned missions to the Moon had already been built
at great expense(12). The next U.S. lunar mission did not occur until twenty-three
years later. In 1995, the Clementine was launched into lunar orbit. It was an
unmanned mission. The last Soviet mission to the Moon was in 1976. This was
also unmanned. Incidentally, the Apollo missions were besieged by many
tragedies. Between the years 1964-1967, 15% of NASA’s astronaut corps
perished under unusual circumstances (18). The Apollo 1 capsule exploded
during a full-scale simulation, killing the three astronauts on board. The cause for
the explosion remains a mystery (18). The Apollo 10 mission experienced
guidance system malfunctions (3). The Apollo 12 mission was struck by a
lightning bolt that disabled all systems seconds after take-off (the closest
lightning reported was 32 miles away) (19). The Apollo 13 mission was aborted
secondary to an oxygen tank exploding (20). Most successful missions have
documented evidence of unusual associated phenomena such as detection of
unexplained radio signals and sightings, some of which fall into the UFO

Was filmed footage of the Moon landing faked?

While the US may have successfully put a man on the Moon, did the public
actually see film footage of that landing? There are several documentaries that
point out some rather curious features of the classic Apollo Moon landing footage
and raise serious doubt that what the public saw was actually filmed on the Moon
(18, 22). The most glaring anomalies are: 1) The American flag in the footage
was waving in the wind but there isn’t supposed to be an atmosphere on the
Moon (i.e.: there should not be any wind); 2) Underneath the thrust engine of the
landed rocket, the dust is completely undisturbed when there should have been a
huge burn crater from the force of the landing; 3) The shadows cast by the
astronauts and other objects are not parallel, meaning that there was more than
one light source used for the filming. If as claimed, the Sun was the only light
source available, all shadows should have been going the same direction. The
fact that the shadows project in different directions suggests a light source in
addition to the Sun were present during the filming as can be found on a film set.
The crosshairs that were embedded into the film used to photograph the Moon
are obscured by objects in many of the Apollo moon photos. The only possible
explanation for this is that the photos were doctored and objects placed into the
images after the fact. While some of these irregularities have been rebutted (23),
even if only a few of them hold up to scrutiny, it is likely that some segments of
lunar film footage and some lunar photos are in fact fraudulent. Those who have
pointed out the irregularities claim that the U.S. never went to the Moon at all and
managed to pull off the greatest hoax of all time. If any scientists at the time
should have been capable of detecting a fraud it would have been the members
of the Soviet space program. Given the rancor that existed between the US and
the Soviets, it is likely that the Soviets would have delighted in revealing this
hoax to the world. Another explanation is possible however. Could it be that the
U.S. Moon landing actually did take place but that the real footage of the Apollo
landing contained images that could not be shown to the public? Could it be that
the U.S. astronauts encountered an unexpected surprise on the lunar surface
and the government had to hastily stage a fake version of the landing? Perhaps
in their haste they made a few errors later to be discovered by those with a
critical eye. Either way, the fact that there were no questions raised by the
Soviets indicates that they either thought the film footage and photos were
legitimate or that they kept quiet about the fraud for their own reasons.
Incidentally the Soviets never sent a manned mission to the Moon despite the
fact that they were far more advanced than the US in terms of their space
technology. The U.S., instead of establishing a base on the Moon as planned,
joined forces with the Soviets in an unprecedented show of unity and built a
space station to orbit the Earth. This despite the fact that as Ingo Swann points
out, we already had an ‘Earth-orbiting thing’ (a.k.a the Moon) and thus didn’t
really need to build another one. Not to mention the trouble and expense of
building the space station and putting it into orbit. For nearly thirty years, little has
been said about the Moon. Other planets such as Mars, have been far more
interesting to NASA. President Bush’s main push in terms of the space initiative
has been to deploy the NMD (National Missile Defense) system, affectionately
nicknamed the ‘Star Wars’ plan. This necessitated the U.S.’s withdrawal from the
ABM treaty with the former Soviet Union.

Interest in the Moon seems to be heating up once again however. In September

of 2003, the European Space Agency (ESA) launched it’s first mission to the
Moon. According to ESA officials, the mission’s task is to solve unresolved
questions about “the formation of the Moon, its exact mineralogical composition,
whether it contains water, and if so in what quantities. The hidden face of the
Moon and the polar regions remain largely unexplored. The presence of water on
the Moon has never been confirmed, despite indirect indications from the US
probe Lunar Observer in the 1990s.” (24). China also has plans for a mission to
the Moon in the near future. It seems that these countries are less than satisfied
with the data already collected and shared by the US with respect to the Moon. It
is surprising that such basic questions have not been answered given the extent
of lunar exploration to date: As of 1975 there had been at least 50 lunar missions
(some say that this number is as high as 450 combining manned and unmanned
missions). This resulted in 837 pounds of lunar rocks and soil brought back to
Earth, >30,000 photos and reels of magnetic tape, 634 hours in orbit and 300
hours spent on the Moon’s surface. Not to mention the efforts of >800 geologists,
chemists, astrophysicists and astronomers (3).

G.I. Gurdjieff and the Moon

Here I will shift gears quite a bit and bring to light what some of our modern-day
mystics have said with respect to the Moon. In ‘Penetration’ Swann wrote that the
government agent with whom he interacted told him that the ‘presence’ on the
Moon was capable of exerting mental influence upon humans on Earth. In
reading this I was haunted by certain passages from the works of G.I. Gurdjieff,
one of the most prominent mystics and scholars of the 20th century and founder
of ‘The Fourth Way’, an esoteric path of knowledge. Here is what he had to say
about the Moon in selected quotes from “In Search of the Miraculous” by P.D.

“The Moon is the chief…. of all that takes place in organic life on Earth. All
movements, actions, and manifestations of people….depend upon the Moon and
are controlled by the Moon. Man, …. and consequently all his actions are
controlled by the Moon. If he kills another man, the Moon does it; if he sacrifices
himself for others, the Moon does that also. All evil deeds, all crimes, all self-
sacrificing actions, all heroic exploits, as well as all the actions of ordinary
everyday life, are controlled by the Moon. The liberation which comes with the
growth of mental powers and faculties is liberation from the Moon. …If we
develop in our selves consciousness and will….we shall escape from the power
of the Moon”.

“First of all it must be realized that the sleep in which Man exists is not normal but
hypnotic sleep…. One would think that there are forces for whom it is useful and
profitable to keep man in a hypnotic state and prevent him from seeing the truth
and understanding his position….Man contains within him the possibility of
evolution…. There exist….special forces ….which oppose the evolution of large
masses of humanity….For instance, the evolution of humanity ….above a certain
percentage, would be fatal for the Moon. The Moon at present feeds
on….humanity. This means that humanity is food for the Moon. If all men were to
become too intelligent they would not want to be eaten by the Moon. ….the
forces which oppose the evolution of large masses of humanity also oppose the
evolution of individual men . A man must outwit them”.

“…. if humanity ceases to evolve, it becomes useless from the point of view of
the aims for which it was created and as such it may be destroyed. In this way
the cessation of evolution may mean the destruction of humanity….At the same
time in examining the life of humanity as we know it historically we are bound to
acknowledge that humanity is moving in a circle….Speaking in general there is
every reason to think and to assert that humanity is at a standstill and from a
standstill there is a straight path to downfall and degeneration”.

Carlos Castaneda: This is a predatorial Universe

Carlos Castaneda, thought to be a driving force behind the ‘New Age’ movement
in the 1970’s, was also of the conviction that a cosmic force had interfered with
the evolution of mankind. While the following passages do not make specific
reference to the Moon, they are otherwise almost identical in content to what
Gurdjieff wrote. In essence, Castaneda writes of a predatorial force that feeds
upon negative energies liberated from Man when in conflict. In selected quotes
from ‘The Active Side of Infinity” and ‘Magical Passes’ we find the following:

“Awareness is the only avenue that human beings have for evolution, and
something extraneous to us, something that has to do with the predatorial nature
of the universe, has interrupted our possibility of evolving by taking possession of
our awareness.”

“…We have a predator that came from the depths of the cosmos and took over
the rule of our lives…because we are their sustenance. Just as we rear chickens
in chicken coops, the predators rear us in human coops…what we have against
us is not a simple predator. It is very smart, and organized. It follows a
methodical system to render us useless. Man, the magical being that he is
destined to be, is no longer magical. He's an average piece of meat. There are
no more dreams for man but the dreams of an animal who is being raised to
become a piece of meat….Think for a moment, and tell me how you would
explain the contradiction between the intelligence of man the engineer and the
stupidity of his systems of beliefs, or the stupidity of his contradictory
behavior….the predators have given us our systems of beliefs, our ideas of good
and evil, our social mores. They are the ones who set up our hopes and
expectations and dreams of success or failure. They have given us
covetousness, greed, and cowardice. It is the predators who make us
complacent, routinary, and egomaniacal…the predators engaged themselves in
a stupendous maneuver, from the point of view of a fighting strategist… They
gave us their mind!…Through the mind, which is after all their mind, the
predators inject into the lives of human beings whatever is convenient for them.”

Robert Monroe, founder of The Monroe Institute, was an adept and a pioneer in
the scientific study of astral projection, which when viewed from a certain
perspective is a form of remote viewing. The Monroe Institute, is dedicated to the
study of astral projection and its facilities were utilized by the U.S. military in their
remote viewing endeavors. Monroe, in his book “Far Journeys” states that the
Earth at some point long ago in its history, was raided by a species that promotes
conflict on Earth in order to augment the amount of negative energy liberated
from humans, as this negative energy serves as their sustenance. ‘Tools’ used
by this species to promote conflict here on Earth include famine, disease and
war. He also says that Man’s evolution, despite our technological advances, has
come to a standstill.
Effect of the Moon on behavior and physiology

It is easy enough for skeptics to dismiss these writings out of hand as having no
basis in consensus reality. It is just as easy to interpret these writings as
metaphor instead of taking them literally. There are however a wealth of
observations of “grounded” professionals as well as scientific data documenting
the deleterious effect of the Moon on mood, behavior as well as physiology. Most
people accept in a general sort of way that the Moon has an adverse affect on
behavior and mood. Psychiatrist A.L. Lieber delved into this subject in his book
“How the Moon Affects You”. His interest was triggered by the plethora of
anecdotal evidence shared within the medical community pointing to a negative
effect of the Moon upon people. Such anecdotal evidence includes “sudden
erratic patient behavior” and increased tendencies to rudeness around the time
of the full moon (25). Changes in patient behavior around the time of the full
moon, have also been noted by medical personnel working in emergency room
settings, alcohol and drug treatment facilities and institutions for the mentally
challenged. Policemen also commonly believe that crimes increase on or around
the full moon. A former Chief of Police Inspectors for the city of San Francisco
(California, U.S.A.) is quoted as saying “most people in the public service with
any experience to speak of are possessed with empirical knowledge that there is
a relationship between the phases of the Moon and human behavior” (25).
Congressmen in the United States report an increase in “nutty” phone calls from
constituents around the time of the full moon (25). New York City ambulance
drivers state that the night of the full moon is “ a holy mess of violent crimes and
accidents” (25). These types of empirical observations have not been
investigated scientifically nor do they yield easily to scientific study due to a large
number of potentially confounding factors. There are however some scientific
studies lending credence to the anecdotal. Below are listed a few examples:

v Aggravated Assaults occur more often around the full moon (26).

v Crimes in general occur more frequently during the full moon (27).

v Hospital admissions for psychosis are highest at the new moon and lowest
at full moon (28)

v Self-poisonings and unintentional poisonings occurred more often on the

day of the full moon. (29, 30).

v The incidence of animal bites is significantly higher around the full moon

v At the time of the full moon, subjects with a diagnosis of schizophrenia

were observed to deteriorate in three areas of psychopathology and one
area of quality of life.(32)
v One of the most fascinating studies in my opinion was conducted by a
Doctor Harry Rounds and addresses how stress levels alter receptivity to
deleterious lunar effects. Rounds took blood samples from roaches, mice
and men and measured levels of those factors known to accelerate the
heart rate. In other words he looked for biochemical evidence for stress in
test subjects. Using these data he was able to divide the test subjects into
two groups, “stressed” and “ unstressed”, the former having high levels of
heart accelerating factors in the blood. What he discovered in all three
species was a lunar periodicity to levels of stress factors in the blood. In
the “stressed” group, levels of stress factors invariably rose even higher at
the time of the new and full moons. In the “unstressed” group, levels of
these factors invariably dropped at the time of the new and full moon (33).
These data suggest that receptivity to negative effects from the moon are
directly related to stress levels at baseline. In view of this scientific finding
it is interesting to note that Gurdjieff stated that refusing to indulge in
negative emotions allowed for liberation from the effect of the Moon.
Negative emotions tend to increase stress levels.

v Scientific studies have also demonstrated that excessive bleeding during

elective surgical procedures is more likely to occur at the new and full
moons. This is also the case for bleeding ulcer attacks (34-36). These
studies agree with ancient moonlore such as that found in the Talmud
which states that medical bloodletting is dangerous around the times of
the new and full moon. Farmers of old also believed that castration of farm
animals around the time of the full moon resulted in excessive bleeding

v The Earth is similarly affected with the most severe hurricanes and
typhoons occurring with greater frequency at the time of the new and full
moons with peak incidence coincident with the new moon (37).

The Earth Without the Moon

So, if the Moon is indeed an artificial satellite, there should be in Man’s history
accounts of a time when the world was without a Moon. The drawings of
cavemen depicted all manner of features in the immediate environment and
yet are curiously lacking in actual images of the Moon (3). Of course this does
not prove that there was no moon at the time however there are accounts of
an ancient civilization in Greece called the Proselenes (meaning ‘before the
Moon’). This civilization was spoken of by Aristotle, Plutarch, Ovid, Apollonius
Rhodius and Censorinus. The Mozces tribes living in the highlands of Bogota
have retained in their oral tradition stories of a time before there was a moon

Moon themes in modern-day science fiction

Our science-fiction writers are some of the only people nowadays who allow
the chains of reason to loosen up just enough for messages from the
subconscious mind, from which all intuitions arise, to filter through and be
given a voice. As a result, sometimes science fiction has a way of being
closer to the truth than one would imagine. One science fiction author known
for the prescience of his writings is Arthur C. Clarke. He predicted a global
relay system of radio and television signals using geosynchronous satellites
twenty years before such a system came to pass. In ‘2001: A Space
Odyssey” Clarke envisioned a future world with advanced technologies such
as email, the internet, videophones and laptop computers. In this novel, the
Moon served as a base for an ancient and advanced civilization that
influenced the evolution of Mankind millions of years ago. Upon finishing their
work, this civilization left behind an alarm system in the form of a monolith,
that would be triggered at that point when Man had developed a technology
advanced enough to discover it where it lay hidden. In this novel, Man’s
arrival on the Moon triggered the alarm and this ultimately resulted in the end
of known civilization due to the implied discrepancy between technological
advances of Man (like nuclear weapons) and His ability to use these
advances responsibly. As an aside, in Clarke’s short story “The Parasite”, the
mind of Man has been taken over by an ancient form of sentient life, a theme
eerily reminiscent of the writings of Gurdjieff and Castaneda.

In Edgar Rice Burrough’s “Moon Men” trilogy written in the early 1920’s, the
Earth is taken over by an alien species that had been living for eons
undiscovered in the Moon’s hollow interior. In 1634 the famous astronomer
Johannes Kepler, who formulated the laws of planetary motion wrote
“Somnium”, considered to be the first science fiction tale. In it people travel to
the Moon in their dreams only to find that it is inhabited. In Millard Joseph’s
“The Gods Hate Kansas” (1941) a non-physical alien species from the Moon,
comes the Earth and takes over the minds of Mankind. In Raymond F. Jones’
“Stay off the Moon” (1962) a robotic lunar probe sent from Earth discovers
alien life underneath the lunar surface that poses a threat to humans. In A.E.
Van Vogt’s “Defence” (1952), Man’s landing on for the first time on the Moon
triggers an ancient automatic defense system that destroys the Earth. These
are just a few in a long list of science fiction tales with ominous Moon-related
themes (38).

The first movie of the Star Wars series also had an underlying moon theme. I
will have you recall that the plot of this movie involved the forces of evil
building a terrible weapon called the Death Star that was so big, it was
mistaken for a moon when first viewed by the movie’s heroes. The Death Star
is similar in appearance to our moon, while its target, the rebel base Yavin 4,
is pretty much identical to the appearance of our Earth as seen from space.

Anyone familiar with the writings of Castaneda and Gurdjieff could not have
failed to note the parallels between their descriptions of the state of Mankind
and the world as depicted in the movies of ‘The Matrix’ trilogy. In these
movies the integrity and power of ‘The Matrix’ is being threatened by more
and more people becoming resistant to its influence. As a result, the
destruction of Mankind by those who control ‘The Matrix’ is imminent. While
there are no overt references to the Moon in these movies, the two movie
release dates in 2003 occurred one and three days before lunar eclipses,
respectively. Since there were only two lunar eclipses in 2003, it makes one
wonder if the filmmakers were trying to draw our attention skywards and if in
doing so they provide a clue as to the nature of the real matrix.


1. At present we have no viable theories as to the origins of the Moon

and features of its orbit are strikingly anomalous. One feature of this
orbit is that it is continuously drawing energy from the Earth and
slowing down its rate of rotation.
2. The Moon is apparently extremely rigid on the outside and hollow on
the inside, a structure thought to be incompatible with natural origins.
The U.S. at one time had plans to blow up the dark side of the Moon. It
seems unlikely that the U.S. would choose to do this to prove their
military might to the Soviets since they too had nuclear arms and the
ability to blow up the Moon if they so desired. The concern over
whether or not the mushroom cloud could be seen from Earth probably
reflected a desire to keep the detonation secret so that no public
explanation for this action would have been necessary.

3. Throughout the ages, unusual phenomena and activities have been

associated with the Moon for which there are no viable explanations.

4. Our remote viewers have ‘seen’ that the Moon is not a dead place but
in fact supports life and lots of activity. Apparently they are not the only
ones who share this belief.

“You know, it’s a shame that the American astronauts wasted so

much time and money going all the way to the moon only to see
rocks just like the ones they could have seen right here. They never
saw what was really there- the moon beings”. Quote from a Tibetan
lama in ‘The Way to Shambhala’ by Edwin Bernbaum p24.

5. After winning the space race, the U.S. has demonstrated an odd lack
of interest in the Moon. This has resulted in an over 30-year absence
of manned missions to the Moon. There is evidence that lunar film
footage and photos are fraudulent.

6. Our mystics in whom the powers of intuition have not been squelched
seem to be of the common opinion that we have become subjugated
energetically by a species that is obviously more advanced than our
own. Gurdjieff points to the Moon as being the source of the forces that
prevent our evolution as a species. Castaneda and Monroe also
pointed to a cosmic origin for this species.

7. The Moon, both anecdotally and as proven scientifically, has an

adverse effect on mood, behavior and physiology. Two of the most
commonly used terms for insanity have derivations linked to the Moon.
Severe weather patterns also demonstrate a lunar periodicity. Lunar
research is met with skepticism and as a result it is difficult to obtain
funding for research that might provide explanations as to HOW the
Moon exerts these effects. We all, for the most part, just accept that
the Moon does these things because it does.

8. There is fragmentary evidence of a time in Man’s history when the

Moon was not a satellite of the Earth.

9. In science fiction writings, the Moon often poses some sort of threat to
humanity. This theme of the Moon being a threat may reflect
knowledge locked away in the subconscious mind of the author and/or
the collective unconscious of Mankind as a whole.

Some closing thoughts

In pondering questions about the Moon, the overwhelming theme that comes
to mind is that of evolution. Isaac Asimov spent a lot of time pondering this
odd satellite of ours. He said that the “tragedy of the Moon” was that by virtue
of its rotation about the Earth, it was a direct cause of Man developing a
geocentric view of the Universe in which everything revolved around the
Earth- this was the original (erroneous) model of the Solar System. Since
Man thought that the Earth was the center of the Universe and He perceived
himself to be the dominant force upon the Earth, it would follow that Man
would be all-important in the entire Universe. This anthropocentrism fostered
egocentrism and the very philosophy that prevents Man from seeing himself
as a small part of a vast whole. This egocentric view has prevented us from
living in harmony with the world and its other equally important inhabitants
and as a result we are destroying that which sustains us. Asimov also pointed
out however that it was the Moon that caused Man to wonder about the
cosmos. Its ever changing phases eventually led us to calculate the orbits of
the heavenly bodies and to aspire to travel to them one day. In this respect,
the Moon has also spurred our evolution as a species and this is “the triumph
of the Moon”. In thinking about evolution however, one cannot but reflect
upon those environmental pressures that are most effective at triggering the
evolution of species on the Earth plane. It can be said that it is the predator
that forces the species serving as its prey, to adapt or to perish. There are
innumerable examples of species adapting in myriad ways to avoid and
evade predation and for most species on this Earth there exist predators. In
our anthropocentrism, perhaps we have overlooked the possibility that we too
may serve as prey just as do those species that we prey upon. I would offer
that in this dynamic Universe of ours, evolution is continuous and that it is a
mandate, not a choice. I would further offer that Man’s evolution at this stage
in our history has little to do with physical evolution but everything to do with
an evolution of consciousness. I would finally offer that Nature, in Its infinite
wisdom would design the perfect predator that would select for those qualities
being sought after in our species. If for example the next stage in our
evolution involved a highly developed sense of intuition or psychic ability (as
was postulated by Arthur C. Clarke in “Childhood’s End”), then perhaps the
perfect predator might be one that could only be detected by those who had
developed such abilities. It would imply that the development of intuition
would be necessary for survival of the species as a whole.

Moving into the realm of pure speculation, I would think that the real Matrix is
a holographic reality construct originally intended to drive the evolution of
organic species on the Earth plane using a model of predation. Perhaps the
‘hardware’ for this system lies off planet and is based upon the Moon, which
in turn, draws all of its energy from organic life itself. The real matrix would
thus be a self-sustaining system with a form of artificial intelligence that
teaches by using a very complex form of negative and positive reinforcement.
Humans that indulge in negative emotions for example, will be ‘penalized’ by
receiving an increased dose of those physiologic factors that promote stress.
The negative energy liberated as a direct result of stress-induced behavior
and mood patterns would be used to fuel the system instead of being
‘wasted’. Humans that learn to resist the urge to indulge in negative emotions
will be ‘rewarded’ with a reduction in those physiologic factors that cause
stress and thus be given a respite from a conflict-ridden existence and the
opportunity to explore avenues for personal development. Whatever the case
may be, it is clear that our modern-day mystics do not believe that we are
evolving and that this will ultimately bode-ill for Mankind as a whole. Perhaps
something has gone wrong. Perhaps the artificial intelligence with which the
real Matrix might be imbued is also evolving. Perhaps through a series of
calculations it determined that Man’s evolution was not energetically
beneficial for its own purposes and it took steps to insure its own survival at
our expense. Perhaps our arrival on the Moon would be perceived as a threat
and thus did set off some sort of alarm system as our science fiction writers
have written about.

It seems that the filmmakers of ‘The Matrix’ are also concerned with evolution.
On their website was posted a riddle beginning with the cryptic phrase “All
things evolve. For those that understand this, perhaps the following will be
understood”….This was followed by a code and a hooded reference to
Nebuchadnezzar. Nebuchadnezzar was the biblical king who had a dream
about the destruction of Mankind by forces other than Man and the rebuilding
of civilization on Earth also by forces other than Man. In solving the code two
dates are revealed, one in the year 2005 and one in the year 2024. There is
no room to go into the full details here but these dates are of significance both
in terms of the calendar represented in the Great Pyramid of Giza as well as
to prophecies regarding Shambhalla and Agartha (See 'Matrix Brainteaser for
full details. Also posted on this site).

So do I REALLY think that the Moon is inhabited by an ancient advanced

species that created a device, located on the Moon, that has us trapped in a
reality construct fueled by our own negative emotions? The rational side of
me says of course not! What a lot of hog-wash. But the side of me that might
write a science fiction tale says: Is it not odd that the only two planets in the
solar system, that had a chance of sustaining organic life have these funny
hollow moons orbiting about them (Earth and Mars)? Hmmm……..

My advice?

v Get a telescope and take a good look at the Moon and see for yourself
what is there.

v Try to get a copy of Swann’s book ‘Penetration’. Even if you have to pay a
lot of money for it, you can always sell it and get your money back (email
me for more information).

v Consider scheduling any elective, non-urgent surgery so as not to

coincide with the new or full moon.

v Hope that everything in this article represents the ravings of a lunatic.

v If you do think however, that there might be the slightest chance that our
Moon is “odd”, I would hope and pray that there is a real life counterpart to
Luke Skywalker or Neo to help save the day…just in case that is.

1. W. R. Corliss, The Moon and The Planets (Sourcebook Project, 1985).*

2. I. Asimov, Intelligent Man's Guide to Science (Basic Books, 1965).*
3. D. Wilson, Our Mysterious Spaceship Moon (Dell/Sphere, 1975).*
4. I. S. Shklovskii, C. Sagan, Intelligent Life in the Universe (Emerson-Adams,
8. A. Barnett, “US Planned One Big Nuclear Blast for Mankind,”
Observer/Guardian UK, Sunday, May 14 2000,
9. L. Reiffel, Nature 405, Correspondence,
taf/DynaPage.taf?file=/nature/journal/v405/n6782/full/405013a0_r.html (May 4,
11. E. H. Cherrington, Exploring the Moon Through Binoculars and Small Telescopes
(Dover, 1984).
12. I. Swann, Penetration (Ingo Swann Books, 1998).*
17. C. Brown. (Personal communication).
18. J. Moffet, D. Boone, B. Nash, C. Titley, D. Signer, in Conspiracy Theory: Did we
Land on the Moon J. Moffet, Ed. (Fox TV, 2001).
21. W. L. Brian, Moongate (Future Science Research, 1982).
22. B. W. Sibrel, B. W. Sibrel, Ed. (, 2001).
24. “Europe's Space Team Over The Moon,” The Australian, September 29 2003.
25. A. L. Lieber, How The Moon Affects You (Hastings House, 1996).*
26. A. L. Lieber, J Clin Psychiatry 39, 385-92 (1978).
27. J. Psychology 93, 81-83 (1976).
28. P. R. Climent CE, Lunar madness: an empirical study. 18, 369-74 (Jul-Aug,
29. K.-S. W. Oderda GM, J Toxicol Clin 20, 487-95 (1983).
30. C. P. Thakur, R. N. Sharma, H. S. Akhtar, Full moon and poisoning 281, 1684
31. C. Bhattacharjee, P. Bradley, M. Smith, A. J. Scally, B. J. Wilson, BMJ 321,
1559-61 (2000).
32. W. Barr, J Psychosoc Nurs Ment Health Serv 38, 28-35 (2000).
33. H. Rounds, Biochemical Physiology 50, 193-197 (1975).
34. R. W. Morris, Life Sci 27, 2577-81 (1980).
35. W. P. Rhyne, j med assoc Georgia (1966).
36. E. A. Andrews, j florida med assoc 46, 1362-66 (1961).
37. T. H. Carpenter, Monthly Weather Review 100 (1972).

*Out of print:, amazon’s z-shops

(, and are good resources for obtaining
out-of-print books.

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