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ISDS 3107


Dustin Mattio

___ Assignment: 4

Design Steps of the Program Development Life Cycle

Requirements Document
Date Submitted: Application Title:

10/15/2013 Buying a Gaming Computer The application calculates values to conclude if the user has enough money to buy a gaming computer


Program Procedures:

In the program the user will input the savings amount, the interest rate and the number of years the user is planning to save for the computer. The result will show the amount gained each year and if the user has enough to buy the computer.

1. The user must add entries into savings, interest rate, and number of years text boxes. 2. After the calculate button is selected the application will find the interest earned and add it to the savings amount each year. 3. The list box shows the savings each year.
Algorithms, Processing, and Conditions:

4. The clear button will clear the form. 5. The exit button will exit the application.

1. Insert a picture into the application.

Notes and Restrictions: Comments:

2. Non numeric or negative numbers are not accepted. None

ISDS 3107

Use Case Definition

1. The user will open the application. 2. The user enters values in the textboxes for savings, interest rate, and number of years. 3. If the values are negative or non-numeric the application will ask the user to re-enter the values. 4. The list box will display the amount earned each year. 5. A message box will show the user if they can afford the computer or not. 6. The user can click the clear button to clear the application. 7. The user can click the exit button to exit the application.

User Interface

ISDS 3107

List of the controls needed. Control Type Control Name Form frmGamingComputer
Label Label Label Text Box Text Box Text Box List Box Button Button Button lblintRate lblYears lblSavingsAmt txtYears txtintRate txtSavingsAmt lstDisplay btnCalculate btnClear btnExit

Description Only form in application. Shows the user where to enter the interest rate. Shows the user where to enter the number of years they plan to save. Shows the user where to enter the amount saved. The textbox the user will enter the number of years they plan to save. The textbox the user will enter the interest rate. The textbox the user will enter the savings amount. Displays the interest gained per year. When clicked, will display the earnings for each year. When clicked, all information that was entered will be cleared. When clicked, the program will terminate.

Event Planning Document

Program Name: Buying a Gaming Computer Object btnCalculate Developer: Dustin Mattio Object: frmGamingComputer Date: 10/15/13

Event Trigger Event Processing Calculate the savings per year and is displayed in the Click list box per year.



Clears the interest rate text box. Clears the years text box. Clears the savings amount text box. Clears the list display list box. Set focus on interest rate text box. Close the window and terminate the program.



ISDS 3107

ISDS 3107

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