Sekolah Kebangsaan Kuala Pari 31450 Ipoh, Perak. English Month Roster

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Sekolah Kebangsaan Kuala Pari 31450 Ipoh, Perak.

English Month Roster

No 1. Teacher incharge Pn.Zanariah Duty 1st week ( Rea!athon Task "ach c#ass wi## $e re%resente! $y one stu!ent. They are to rea! materia#s chosen $y their teacher. +e,e# 1-Rhymes recita# +e,e# 2-Poems recita# -ne re%resentati,e &rom each c#ass. .e&ore that %ractice with who#e c#ass. Remarks "ach stu!ents wi## get a gi&t. (1'12 (12 Rm 2'12(24. "ach stu!ents wi## get a gi&t. (1'12 (12 Rm 2'12(24.


Pn )u#ia

2n! week (11.4.121*.4.12 Recita#s


Pn 0as#ina

/r! 1eek The $est 34 %a%ers 18.4.12co#oure! %ictures an! nee! to 22.4.12 wi## $e %oste! on $e co%ie!. 2o#ouring the "+ $oar!. Rm 2om%etition 2'12(R4 24 4th week 2*.4.1226.4.12 7oca$u#ary 1i## $e gi,en to 34 %a%ers 8 a## the %u%i#s. Rm 0ighest %oints 2'12(R4 24 wi## $e rewar!e!.


Pn 0ari!i% 5aur

*. 9.

"n Zawawi Pn

Pre%aration o& gi&ts &or the stu!ents. "ng#ish -%ening an! 3##ocations


4onth &aci#itator

c#osing Per&ormance &or 4on!ay assem$#y.

an! %hotoco%ying

1. 2. /. 4.

.anner ( R4 /; Rm2'12'4 (R4 69 34 %a%er &or %hotoco%ying Photostating ( R4 4;

Sekolah Kebangsaan Kuala Pari 31340 Menglembu, Perak. English Month !ti"ities Month # pril $ate # %&.3.1%
1. Programs wi## $e carrie! out &or the month o& 3%ri# 2;12."ach week is !i,i!e! an! teachers are to carry out the %rograms accor!ing to the %ane# roster. "ach teacher is to %re%are the items nee!e! inc#u!ing the %resents &or the stu!ents. The materia#s %re%are! wi## $e checke! $y the %ane# hea! . 2. ",ery week 8 one %rogram wi## $e carrie! out. 3## the stu!ents &rom year one to year si< must take %art. :tu!ents nee! not %ay8 as the costs wi## $e a$sor$e! $y schoo# un!er "ng#ish Pane# a##ocation. ",ery c#aims wi## $e ma!e through the schoo# c#erk. /. The tota# $u!get nee!e! &or these %rograms are R4 1=9. Detai#s as state! $e#ow. a. $. c. !. .anner ( R4 /; Rm2'12'4 ( R4 69 Photostatting ( R4 4; 4isce##aneous ( R4 1;

4. +aunching o& "ng#ish month wi## $e carrie! out on 4on!ay 2.4.12.>t wi## $e o&&iciate! $y the 0ea!mistress 8Pn 3ini 0ayati. 3 &ew se#ecte! %u%i#s wi## %er&orm !uring the assem$#y to mark the $eginning o& the "ng#ish 4onth. Pri?es wi## $e awar!e! &or on#y one stu!ent &rom each c#ass. Pri?es wi## $e gi,en out on the &o##owing 4on!ay. This is to encourage more acti,e %artici%ation &rom the stu!ents.

*. .e#ow is the #ist o& acti,ities which wi## $e carrie! out &or the "ng#ish 4onth. 'eek 1 Rea!athon (3rtic#es8 Te<ts 'eek % Recita#s (Poems an! Rhymes 'eek 3 2o#ouring 2om%etition ("n,ironment 2oncious 'eek 4 7oca$u#ary (+anguage @ames

Pre%are! $y8

2hecke! $y8

AAAAAAAAAAAA ........................................ .... (Pn. )u#ia 3BP 3rokiasamy (PN :i,aneswari +etchumanan "ng#ish +anguage Pane# :ecretary "ng#ish +anguage Pane# 0ea! 3%%ro,e! $y8

AAAAAAAAAAAAA (PN 3ini 0ayati $t 3hma! Ram#i 0ea!mistress o& :5 5ua#a Pari

Sek Keb Kuala Pari 31340 Menglembu Report on the English Month
1. Programs were carrie! out accor!ing#y. ",ery week the teachers in charge carrie! out the gi,en task .They %re%are! the materia#s $e&orehan!. +ater it was !istri$ute! to the other "ng#ish +anguage teachers. 2. The tasks or acti,ities were carrie! out in c#ass !uring the "ng#ish +anguage #esson. Teachers carry out the acti,ities an! su$mit the name o& the winners to the teacher in charge. Teacher in charge wi## co##ect a## the names o& the winners an! a##ocate %resents &or them.

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