Bulletin - 2013 11 17

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Gehman Mennonite Church

Physical address: 127 Witmer Road, Reinholds, PA 17569 Mailing address: PO Box 842, Adamstown, PA 19501

717-484-4548 www.gehmanmennonitechurch.org Ministry Team Phil Horning - Lead Pastor - (church: 717-484-4548) (home:717-484-0998) Glen Martin - Associate Pastor- 717-484-2162 Steve McCosby - Deacon - 717-336-8275

Lets walk with Jesuspersonally, locally, and globally.

November 17, 2013

Prayer Sunday School Worship Service Prelude Childrens Church (4yrs.- 5th grade) Call to Worship Hymn of Praise Offering Worship in Song Message: Ephesians 5:1 "Dearly Loved Children" Hymn of Response Sharing Time/Pastoral Prayer Benediction Today: Greeters Sunday School Nursery Church Nursery Next Week: Greeters Scripture Reading Song Leader Offertory Message Sunday School Nursery Church Nursery Clair & Pat Michelle & Darla Carolyn & Travis 8:15 AM 9:00 AM 10:00 AM

Darla Leid John Miller Katie Swatski Worship Team Phil Horning John Miller Phil Horning

p.m. Thanks for your prayers for these meetings. If you have questions, encouragement, suggestions, etc. for our church, please share them with the ministry team. Your input is welcomed. Nov. 20, Wed.-District Sewing Circle will be held morning and afternoon at Bowmansville Church. The project for this month will be Infant Care Kits. Difficult situations, such as lack of employment or imprisonment sometimes prevent a mother from being able to properly care for her infant. You can help provide for newborns by making an infant care kit. Sizes 3-9 months. -2 gowns/sleepers (flannel or similar warm, soft material),2 undershirts/onesies (short or long sleeves), 4 cloth diapers (flat-fold preferred), 1 receiving blanket (lightweight fleece/flannel; min.36 in., 4 safety pins, 1 lg. bar mild soap in wrapper, 1 pr. Socks*, 1 cap. Items can be placed in a bag and brought to the church. Sewing Circle will see they are taken to MCC. Thank you. *Sewing Circle will provide undershirts and socks Nov. 20, Wed.-Youth Bible Study will be meeting at the church at 7 p.m. Nov. 21, Thurs.- Jr. Youth will be meeting at the church at 7 p.m. Nov. 22-24, Fri.-Sun.-Youth Girls Retreat- Talk to Carolyn if you have questions. Dec. 1, Sun.-Centennial Celebration Sunday at Gehman Mennonite Church. Dec. 8 & 9, Sun. & Mon.-from 12 p.m.-2:30 p.m. there will be a fund raising luncheon at The MCC(21 S. 12th St, Akron, PA) in the Meeting Place, Lower Assembly, hosted by Pastor Redeat Abebe and Zemedkun Baykeda, Church Planters under Atlantic Coast Conference, Mennonite USA, who, together with friends, will prepare a buffet with a variety of spicy and mild Ethiopian national foods. We kindly ask for RSVP (specify any dietary concerns) by visiting http://ethiopianfundraiser.blogspot.com/or email to zhabtyim@eastern.edu or call 717-859-4428(home) or 717-466-8741(cell). They are also able to cater for family, fellowship or business gatherings upon request. They will also be happy to cater or deliver for coming Valentine and Thanksgiving Holiday celebrations. -Randy & Karen Sauder will be moving on Nov. 30. If anyone is available to help, please let Randy know. Effective Nov. 29 our new address will be 256 S. Windy Mansion Rd., Denver, PA 17517. Phone number 717-336-6196.Thanks! -We have been asked to provide Christmas gifts for two low-income families in the community. If you would like to bless the family please choose one or more of the Angel cards on the table in the narthex. The card gives instructions and the gift requested is listed on the back. You can choose between boys, girls, or parents. The gifts need to be at the church by Nov. 24.Thank you! -Outreach Committee. -Updated Church Photo Directory-We are beginning the process of updating our church photo directory. Please contact Phil Horning or Bethany Horning to arrange a time for a photo to be taken(Sun. after church might be good), or if you have a recent individual or family photo you would like to use, let us know that as well. -For cost-cutting purposes, MDS is offering bulk mailing of the FREE quarterly Behind the Hammer newsletter. Please indicate on the sheet on the table in the narthex, if you are currently receiving the newsletter or if you would like to begin receiving Behind the Hammer. -Hosting a student builds bridges of friendship and puts faces and names to what we see on the news. Most students have never met an American family and are

Doug & Maria Dakota Leid Darlene McCosby Abby Horning Phil Horning Shelby & Sylvia Chrystle & Stacey

The offering for November is for Gehman Missionary Support (Flamms, Millers, Miners, Phillips, Snader) and other budgeted items. Attendance: 124 Offering: $3,909.40 Nov. 17, Sun.-Children's Church includes a video, longer than the usual allotted time frame, so children may go directly to children's church from Sun. School. Nov. 18, Mon.-Ministry Team meeting at 6 p.m. followed by Board of Elders at 7

curious about us and many miss their extended family back home and enjoy children, grandparents. Most students do not practice any personal religion and the Christmas holiday provides a natural opportunity to share Christ's love. Students are usually in first year language studies or studying for a bachelor's degree from a US college. Our program begins the weekend of 12/ 18 and the students return to school 1/2. Host families who are employed full time can request that their student join our day trips from Hinkletown Mennonite Church. The host family section of our website www.cihtown.com is a wealth of information about hosting and provides a link to sign up to host a student. Email questions to: cihtown@gmail.com -Mennonite World Conference Global Assembly comes to Harrisburg, PA, July 21-26, 2015. This gathering of 7,000 - 10,000 Mennonites and Brethren-in-Christ offers people in our area opportunities to host guests as well as serve in volunteer roles before or during the meetings. Begin considering how you and your family might participate. Please visit the MWC website at www.mwc-cmm.org and click on Pennsylvania 2015 for more information and to apply now to be a host and/or volunteer. Printed paper copies of the application form can be obtained by contacting Pastor Phil. -If you have any announcements for the bulletin on Nov. 24 & Dec. 1, please send them to Sylvia Eberly at cefamily@dejazzd.com. Thanks! Happy Birthday! Emily Gockley and Lucy Hollinger on Wed. and Calvin Good on Fri.

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