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Anna Kolya

Fedya (Father of Vanka)

Marina Vanka (Baby) Zina (mentioned about) Elizaveta Antonnova Mikhail

The chapter starts as Anna meets Fedya at the cemetery when he was going to bury his child, Vanka. Fedya describes how Zina was with the child before it died. The readers get an understanding of the relationship between the parents and their baby. Fedya informs Anna about the burnt building, which has some wood left. The reader are shocked to hear that people are like zombies in that area.

The readers learn about the maternal love of Anna towards her brother, Kolya. The readers also learn about the survival techniques used such as chewing on liquorice roots and strips of leather. There was a fear of epidemics in the nursery as they check for spots in their mouths. The readers also know about Elizabetha Antonnoves personality (A firm and arrogant woman) and about her work at the nursery. The readers read a poem written by Mikhail.

He doesnt try to avoid her (pg 221) Hunger has eaten out hollows in his face and greyed his skin. (pg 221) He knows Fedya already (pg 221) Vanka, lifeless as wood (pg 221) Ground like iron (pg 221) Overlooking the canal (pg 222) Stink of charred wood (pg 222) Well find them space in Russian earth ( pg 223) Fedyas first clench on the rope(pg 223) Mikhail up on a heap of pillows to ease his breathing(Mikhails final moments) ( pg 223)

Why wear yourself out struggling, when you could rest (pg 224)
What would become of us all (pg 224)

Because in her weakened state the cold could easily finish her off (pg 225) They are like 2 walls on either side of the road- not sanitary!! (pg 225)

Being dead is normal (pg 225)

Snipers of cold and hunger will finish you off personification. (pg 225) Lifeless silence (pg 225) Blood in the mouth (pg 226) My stomach hurts (pg 226) He cries with hunger (pg 226) Sleep all winter and wake up when spring comes- no one wants to go through winter as it is painful. (pg 226)

Making him older than he should be. (pg 227) Out of reach and out of sight (Just like food!!) (pg 227) Well have an epidemic in the nursery (pg 227)s Definite sign of maternal neglect(pg 227)

Nutritional re-education, Anna Mikhailovna (Ironical). (pg 227)

Moscow on a military flight Power of Elizabetha. (pg 228) You hate us anyway (pg 228) One and two and three (pg 228) Steel stubble-glitter (pg 229) Hed liked it ((pg 229)

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