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1. Local development plan for children separate with annual and financial plan 2. Availability of local investment plan 3. Availability of updated data on children 4. Situational analysis report on children 5. Ordinances and Resolutions for children 6. Barangay Budget Investment for children 7. Expenditures versus investment plan 8. Additional fund for children sourced out from external sources 9. Health workers report 10. Presence of Barangay Health center 11. Safe water availability & access 12. Safe waste management system ACCOMPLISHMENT REPORT 13. Nutritional status with normal weights a. under 6 years old b. School children 14. Food assistance program a. underweight 36-71 mos. Given supplemental feeding b. underweight School children given supplemental feeding NUTRITION ACTION PLAN 15. Nutrition education program for mothers with underweight children, pregnant & lactaling mothers 16. Iodized salth testing done at the household and market levels 17. Pre-natal care package pregnant women given a. Pre-natal women with 2 or pre-natal visit b. Titanus toxoid (tt) immunization c. 180 pcs. irone tablets 18. Post natal care package post partum women given a. 200,000 IU vitamin A b. 90 pcs. iron tablets 19. Exclusive breastfeeding from 0-6 months 20. Complimentary feeding after 6 mos. 21. One on one and peer to peer counseling consolidated reports 22. Social services / Day care workers accomplishment report - early childhood education - existing neighborhood playground - Subsidy for Day Care workers - 3 4 years old attending pre-school education - Bonus - 4 5 years old attending pre-school education 23. Educational accomplishment report - 6 to 12 years old attending elementary - 13 to 18 yrs. Old childing attending secondary education - Elementary - High School - Out of School youth provided with alternative education - Alternative learning system 24. Social Protection - Barangay has program to remove, rescue and rehabilitate children engaged in any form of exploitation and hazardous labor, prostitution or pornography - Barangay has division programs or intervention services for children in conflict withy the law

- Barangay has documented services provided to children in need of special protection like child abuse, street children, children with disability, children who are victims of natural and man-made calamities 25. Child Participation - Participation of children below 18 years old in local policy and decision making like SK - Presence of SK initiated program and projects or childrens welfare - Implementation ofr SK projects and activities - Active youth association 26. Community participation - Implemented programs and projects in partnership with peoples organization, nongovernment and socio-civic group 27. Institutional Bodies BCPC documents - Organizational status of BCPC - Admin. Order, reorganizational chart, mandatory membership, meetings conducted 28. BADAC Documents - Admin. Order, reorganizational chart, mandatory membership, meetings conducted 29. BPOC Documents - Same 30. Institutional Bodies - Lupon documents, Brgy. Health Council, BNC, Brgy. Literacy Council 31. Officials, Tanod, Lupon, DCWs and other volunteer who attended trainings/conferences 32. 20% of IRA - allocation for trainings 33. Innovative introduced - at least one innovative program or project on childrens welfare November 29, 2011 By: Mr. Ronald Zambrano, CFSPI /jdd

AVAILABLE BCPC DOCUMENTS 1. Resolution No. 01-11 composition of the Brgy. Ecological Solid waste 2. Minutes of BCPC meetings 3. Anti-rabies 4. Admin. Order No. 03 BCPC 5. Ordinance No. 03-11 BCPC with approval of the S. B. under Reso. No. 230-11 6. Organizational chart BCPC 7. Crime reports on minors 8. Minutes, Joint BPOC & BADAC 9. Admin. Order No. 04-11 Organization of the BPOC 10. vision and mission 11. Liist of priority projects 12. SK Budget 2-11 13. BEAP Ordinance 14. Refereals / notice for childrens seminar 15. Organizational structure 16. Case consultation with children and parents 17. CFSPI training conducted for children at risk 8 participants 18. SOFAD program 19. OL-TRAP formulated monitoring team 20. List of Philhealth beneficiaries 21. Council of elder members 22. Tanod members 23. Barangay officials

24. SOFAD Resolution No. 31-11 requesting funds for the fencing the Pico Elem,. 25. Intake forms 26. Back to School (letter) Bryan Daus from drop out 27. Scholarship indorsement Jaren Gail Mendoza 28. Ms. Little Strawberry child Jireh Micah Andrea Vargas, 6 yrs. Old 29. Meeting/planning formulation of the Intervention & diversion program 30. BCPC Work & financial plan received 8/12/11 31. Minutes, annual assembly meeting 32. Dead Child 9 mos. Old found in a garbage can 33. 34. 35.

ARRANGEMENT / TABLE OF CONTENT 1) PLANNING AND POLICY FORMULATION a. Barangay Officials b. Message c. BCPC Organizational Chart & members d. BCPC Administrative order No. ____ e. BCPC Ordinance No. ____ f. Work & Financial Plan g. Resolutions/Ordinance a. Barangay Ordinance for the SOFAQD as an annual activity of the Barangay b. SOFAD Resolution Project for the School 2) RESOURCE ALLOCATION AND UTILIZATION a. Barangay Annual and SK Budget 2011 b. Annual Investment Plan c. Funded Projects, direct & indirect programs d. Scholarship grant to two students from Filipino association from Italy 3) SERVICE DELIVERY a. Honoraria Subsidy for: a. Day Care workers refer to Annual budget 2011 b. Volunteer Teacher c. Barangay Health workers b. Day care workers personality c. Home based programs d. Physical facilities e. Program materials/records/references f. Internal Revenue allotment g. Elementary & High School students organization h. Functional PTA i. Barangay information and reading center j. Schools has play ground - garden - solid waste management system k. Child participation - Children & organization - participation in planning and policy making bodies SK 4. SERVICE DELIBVERY s. Health and Nutrition - refer to Annual report of midwife b. Day care workers accomplishment report c. Education accomplishment report - 6 to 12 years old - 13 to 18 years old - Barangay Council innovations. providing access to education referrals on back to School - Youth Organizations - Elementary - High School - OSYs provided with Alternative Learning system (ALS)

d. Social Protection a. Barangay has programs to remove/rescue and rehabilitate children engaged in any form of exploitation b. Barangay has diversion and intervention programs refer to the amended BCPC Ordinance e. Child Participation - SK reports - Programs, projects and activities conducted with pictures f. Community participation - implemented programs in partnership with organizations Non Government & civic groups 5. INSTITUTIONAL BODIES a. BCPC Admin Order b. Organizational chart c. Minutes of meetings d. BADAC admin. Order e. BPOC f. Lupon g. BHC h. BNC i. BLC 6. competency Development of Service Providers a. Certificates for seminars attended by the Barangay officials, tanods, lupon, BHW, DCWs & volunteers 7. Inovations introduced a. Barangay Educational Assistance program Ordinance b. Ordinance for the SOFAD c. Resolution of the SOFAD d. Honoraria for SOFAD & program

SEARCH FOR THE MOST CHILD FRIENDLY BARANGAY FY 2011 MESSAGE The Barangay of Pico has done its best to formulate plans and activities for the Barangay Council for the Protection of Children (BCPC). Basis for this programs is the enacted Barangay Ordinance No. 01, s. 2009 as amended under Barangay Ordinance No. 03, s. 2011. The Search for the Most Child Friendly Barangay for the year 2011 is mostly geared for the welfare of children at the Elementary and the Day Care centers hence, the Barangay as a whole, has funded various programs and projects under the 2011 Annual Budget and Supplemental, direct and indirect programs. Barangay Pico is now catering to eight (8) Day Care centers and the Pico Elementary School. Each Day Care worker is allocated with a monthly honoraria of P1,450.00 and P6,000.00 monthly support for the volunteer teacher of Pico Elementary School. There are also Six (6) Barangay Health workers who are likewise receiving an honoraria in the amount of P1,850.00 monthly. Supplies/materiuals for the Day Care and health workers and the Barangay clinic are also included in the annual budget. Other institutional bodies supporting the Barangay Council for the Protection of Children are: a. Lupon and tanod members b. Barangay Peace and Order Committee (BPOC) c. Barangay Anti-drug Abuse Committee (BADAC) d. Barangay Health & Nutrition Committee (BHNC) To strengthen the BCPC program, the members have conducted a planning seminar at the Benguet General Hospital Conference hall, La Trinidad, Benguet, on May 17, 2011 for the amendment and updating of the Diversion and Intervention programs and which was duly approved thru a Municipal Sangguniang Bayan Resolution No. ____, s. 2011. The child representatives of Pico have also actively participating in various seminars conducted by the CFSPI and seminars for children at Risks with their parents. Other programs being initiated is the yearly conduct of the Boy/Girl Scout Officials For-A-Day (SOFAD) and which was duly supported under Barangay Ordinance No. 03, s. 2010 Institutionalizing the Boy-Girl Scout Officials For-A-Day as an annual activity of Barangay Pico. Twenty (20) pupils/students have been assisted of the Barangay Educational Assistance Program (BEAP) at P2,000.00 per year, and the amount of P16,240.00 was allocated for Red Cross membership of pupils of Pico Elementary School. Thank you.

JUAN A. MENDOZA Punong Barangay

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