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PAPER ID# 900943.PDF A SOFTWARE DEFINED RADIO TRANSFORMATION John L. Shanton III (Thales Communi ations! In .!

""#0$ %ate&a' Cente( D(i)e! Cla(*s+u(,! -D! .SA! /shanton0thales ommin . om1 -a' 23! "009
ABSTRACT A handheld software defined tactical VHF/UHF radio used for AM/FM/PM line of sight communications is transformed into a single sideband HF band radio for HF 2G and 3G AL networ!ing" Militar# radio con$ergence %resents real challenges to aggregation of widel# $ariant narrowband wa$eforms" &his %a%er discusses the hardware ada%tations that allow a handheld VHF/UHF radio to act as the core radio of an HF band Man%ac! b# sim%le software u%grade" &his is an architectural discussion of how first generation 'oftware (efined )adios *'()+ are showing the %romise that the '() communit# has been %romoting" (iscussion co$ers baseband hardware architectures and the ad$antages and limitations of the current best %ractice software definable modem design" &he addition of e,ternal fre-uenc# translation and Power Am%lifier *PA+ design are used to transform the base radio" &his %a%er discusses the mi, of signal %rocessing software and hardware filtering used to com%lete the radio transformation" 1. INTRODUCTION The histo(' o4 5F +an6 (a6ios that o7e(ate 4(om 2.# to 30 -58 6ates +a * o)e( 200 'ea(s. -ilita(' 5F (a6ios o4ten on/u(e u7 mental ima,es o4 ol6 99II mo)ies &ith the (a8' (a6io o7e(ato( su((oun6e6 +' e:ui7ment an6 a+les ma6l' tunin, th(ou,h the 5F s7e t(um to 4in6 a ,oo6 hannel. 9e also thin* o4 5am o7e(ato(s D;in, (6istan e ommuni ations1 a (oss ount(ies o( e)en ontinents. 5ams o4ten 7a(ti i7ate in D; om7etitions +ase6 on the num+e( o( 6istan e o4 onta ts. These ontests 6e7en6 hea)il' on the s*ill an6 *no&le6,e o4 the 5am an6 thei( un6e(stan6in, o4 ionos7he(i 7(o7a,ation an6 (a6io si,nal tunin, an6 4ilte(in,. 5F (a6ios ha)e lon, +een use6 4o( na)al shi7<to<shi7 o( shi7<to<sho(e ommuni ation 6ue to the e= ellent 7e(4o(man e o4 5F o)e( lon, 6istan es. E)en as satellites ha)e ome to 6ominate 6istan e ommuni ations! 5F is still an im7o(tant +a *u7 in na)al o7e(ations. The om7li ation o4 5F (a6io o7e(ation in the milita(' ta ti al en)i(onment 4o( 6ata ommuni ation has onl' seen limite6 use until (e entl'. The e)ol)in, so7histi ation an6 (o+ustness o4 tunin, al,o(ithms an6 lin* la'e( 7(oto ols in "% ALE! an6 mo(e so in 3% ALE! ha)e )astl' im7(o)e6 the usa+ilit' o4 5F (a6ios in the ta ti al man<7o(ta+le a(ena 4o( 6ata ommuni ations. 5F (a6io has seen a 7a(ti ula( (esu(,en e +' the ,(oun6 sol6ie(! es7e iall' as a +a *u7 o( alte(nati)e to limite6 satellite a)aila+ilit'. The )alue in 5F 4o( (elia+le +e'on6<line< o4<si,ht 6ata ommuni ations is es7e iall' use4ul in mountainous te((ain &he(e >5F line<o4<si,ht (a6ios an +e )e(' limite6 in (an,e. The e)olution o4 6i,ital ha(6&a(e in the 4o(m o4 7(o esso(s (%PP! DSP1 an6 lo,i 6e)i es (FP%A1 alon, &ith a6)an es in so4t&a(e<+ase6 (a6io &a)e4o(ms has ha6 a 7(o4oun6 e44e t on the a6)an es in milita(' (a6io 6esi,n an6 a77li ation. This e)olution has ena+le6 the a6)an e o4 (a6ios a77lie6 as mo6ems 4o( o)e( the ai( 6ata in an all IP 7a *et<+ase6 +attle4iel6 net&o(*. It is su(7(isin, 4o( 5F (a6ios to ma*e a (esu(,en e as a ,ate&a' mo6em 4o( an all IP net&o(* ,i)en the histo(' o4 5F ommuni ations. It is the a6)an es in 7(o essin, an6 the 6e)elo7ment o4 "% ALE 7(oto ol! an6 mo(e im7o(tantl' the 3% ALE 5F 6i,ital &a)e4o(m! that ha)e ma6e the 7(a ti al use o4 5F (a6ios 4o( 6ata a77li ations li*e te=t messa,in, an6 IP<+ase6 email a77li ations 7ossi+le. Anothe( e)olution o u((in, o)e( the last 4e& 6e a6es has +een the a6)an e o4 the So4t&a(e De4ine6 Ra6io (SDR1. The 7(omise o4 SDR to 7(o)i6e (a6io 7lat4o(ms that an t(ans4o(m 4(om one &a)e4o(m to anothe( +' sim7le so4t&a(e loa6s has mate(iali8e6 an6 e=ists th(ou,h milita(' (a6io 7(o,(ams su h as the Joint Ta ti al Ra6io S'stem (JTRS1 7(o,(am. Fo( e=am7le! the Thales A?@PRC<24A JE- (4o(me(l' Cluste( "1 is shi77in, in )olume 7(o6u tion. It is a 4ull' so4t&a(e 6e4ine6 (a6io that an su77o(t a &i6e (an,e o4 (a6io &a)e4o(ms an6 o7e(atin, mo6es. The JE- (a6io is a JTRS So4t&a(e Communi ations A( hite tu(e (SCA1< om7liant 7lat4o(m that o7e(ates 4(om 30<$2" -58 an6 is a7a+le o4 (unnin, )a(ious >5F an6 .5F +an6 so4t&a(e 6e4ine6 &a)e4o(ms su h as SI?C%ARS! LBS A-@F-! 5A>EC.ICD! A?D>T! an6 -IL<STD<2AA<2A2C! SATCB- I9 an6 P(o/e t "$.

2 o4 $

To6a'Es 5F ta ti al (a6io ommuni ations solutions 6eman6 the a7a+ilit' an6 4le=i+ilit' 7(o)i6e6 +' SDR. SDR 7la es a 6eman6 4o( su+stantial 7(o essin, 7o&e( on the (a6io ha(6&a(e 7lat4o(m. The SDR 6i,ital +ase+an6 7lat4o(m that allo&s (a6ios in the JTRS &o(l6 to (un a &i6e )a(iet' o4 &a)e4o(ms is e=a tl' the t'7e o4 7lat4o(m nee6e6 to host the mo6e(n 5F 3% ALE &a)e4o(m 4o( a6)an e6 6i,ital mo6ulation! lin* la'e( 7(oto ol an6 net&o(*in,. The ne=t se tion int(o6u es the E=ten6e6 Fan6 -an7a * (EF-P1! a ne&l'< int(o6u e6 Thales (a6io that le)e(a,es the JEso4t&a(e 6e4ine6 (a6io as the host 4o( an 5F (a6io that (uns the "% an6 3% ALE 5F &a)e4o(ms. 2. EBMP SYSTEM The EF-P (a6io! as sho&n in Fi,u(e 2! onsists o4 a o(e >5F@.5F (a6io (JE-1 that 7(o)i6es the 7(ima(' au6io an6 6ata inte(4a es! as &ell as the +ase >5F@.5F (a6io. The EF-P 7(o)i6es 4(e:uen ' t(anslation 4(om >5F to 5F +an6. 9ithin the JE-! this &a)e4o(m is mo6ulate6 into the RF su+s'stem an6 is 7(esente6 at the si6e onne to( antenna 7o(t as a mo6ulate6 >5F si,nal. The EF-P then 6oes a sim7le 4(e:uen ' t(anslation 4(om >5F to the 5F +an6. The 5F si,nal is s&it he6 into a )a(ia+le ,ain "0 9att am7li4ie( an6 antenna tune( 6u(in, t(ansmit. Fo( (e ei)e! the si,nal is (oute6 6i(e tl' 4(om the antenna 7o(t to the 4(e:uen ' t(anslato( an6 +a * into the JE- (a6io as a >5F si,nal.
F re 1 u e n " ) T ra n * 'a %io n 2 F i'%e r * HF T une r E(M/ HM$ JEM Radio
1.6 - 30 MHz 1.6 512 MHz Tran*-i%

JEM An%enna /or%

20 .a%% /A + Har-oni" Fi'%er*

30 512 MHz ()!a**+Re"ei,e


SATCOM On') Re"ei,e

M an!a"# $n%er&a"e Modu'e

Figure 1: EBMP Diagram

The(e is also a 5uman -a hine Inte(4a e (5-I1 e=te(nal to the JE- (a6io that is the use( inte(4a e 4o( the EF-P. This EF-P 5-I inte(4a es 6i(e tl' to the hoste6 JE- (a6io an6 a ts as a *e'7a6 in7ut an6 6is7la' unit 4o( the hoste6 &a)e4o(ms. The a6)anta,e to this a( hite tu(e is that the EF-P sim7l' a ts as an e=tension to the JE- (a6io that is a tin, as the SDR 7lat4o(m 4o( hostin, the &a)e4o(ms. The JE- (a6io 7(o)i6es the au6io 4o( )oi e mo6es o( a 6ata inte(4a e 4o( 6i,ital 6ata mo6es o4 5F o7e(ation. The JE- (a6io 7(o)i6es the -ELP

au6io )o o6in, 4o( )oi e om7(ession. It also 7(o)i6es the mo6em 7(o essin, to ,ene(ate a sin,le si6e+an6 mo6ulation at a >5F 4(e:uen ' out o4 the JE- antenna 7o(t. This is ne essa(' sin e the JEannot 7(o6u e an 5F +an6 si,nal 6i(e tl'. The a6)anta,e to this man7a * a( hite tu(e is that the host >5F (a6io al(ea6' has an SCA en)i(onment an6 an e=istin, set o4 >5F@.5F &a)e4o(ms. F' e=ten6in, the 4(e:uen ' (an,e to the 5F +an6! &e no& ha)e a (a6io 7lat4o(m that an host the enti(e 5F 3% ALE &a)e4o(m &ith the e= e7tion o4 the 4inal 4(e:uen ' t(anslation to the 2.#<30 -58 5F +an6. The EF-P 7(o)i6es t&o othe( essential 4un tions to the 5F +an6! am7li4i ation an6 antenna im7e6an e mat hin,. The 5F +an6 am7li4i ation is ne essa(' &hen usin, an e=te(nal hi,h 7o&e( am7li4ie( (5PA1 so the out7ut has enou,h 7o&e( to o7timall' 6(i)e an 5PA. Althou,h am7li4i ation is ne essa(' 4o( the 5F +an6 6ue to the 7(ima(' a77li ations o4 6istan e ommuni ation! the >5F an6 .5F +an6 o4 the host (a6io +ene4its 4(om the &i6e+an6 am7li4ie(. It &oul6 +e natu(al to thin* o4 settin, u7 t&o EF-P (a6ios in a (et(ans on4i,u(ation usin, the >5F host (a6io e=istin, (et(ans a7a+ilit'. In 4a t! the 4le=i+ilit' o4 hostin, >5F an6 5F &a)e4o(ms allo&s the 7ossi+ilit' o4 usin, t&o EF-P (a6ios to +(i6,e +et&een )a(ious >5F &a)e4o(ms an6 an 5F &a)e4o(m li*e 3% ALE 6i,ital mo6e. The antenna tune( +uilt into the EF-P is 6esi,ne6 to mat h the im7e6an e o4 the $0 ohm am7li4ie( out7ut to a +(oa6+an6 5F antenna. This is an essential 4un tion nee6e6 to ma=imi8e the 7o&e( t(ans4e((e6 to the antenna an6 thus ma=imi8e 7o&e( (a6iate6 o)e( the ai(. 5F +an6 is 7a(ti ula(l' sus e7ti+le to antenna mismat h 6ue to the &i6e )a(iet' o4 antenna on4i,u(ations. Fo( e=am7le! one mi,ht use a )e(ti al antenna 4o( line o4 si,ht ommuni ation. Fo( +e'on6 line o4 si,ht! one mi,ht use a ?ea( >e(ti al In i6ent S*'&a)e (?>IS1 antenna that 6i(e ts the antenna si,nal nea( )e(ti all' 4(om the ,(oun6. This is use6 to +oun e the si,nal o44 o4 the ionos7he(e in a lo al (a6ius o4 tens to hun6(e6s o4 miles. >5F si,nals t(a)el st(ai,ht th(ou,h the atmos7he(e out to s7a e &he(eas 5F +an6 si,nals a(e (e4le te6 4(om la'e(s o4 the atmos7he(e 6i(e tl' +a * 6o&n to the ,(oun6. This is the *e' )alue o4 5F +an6 ommuni ations! not 7ossi+le &ith >5F an6 hi,he( 4(e:uen ies! allo&in, +e'on6 line o4 si,ht ommuni ation 4o( lon, 6istan e ommuni ations. It is im7o(tant to 7oint out that the 7(ima(' 4un tions o4 4(e:uen ' t(anslation! am7li4i ation an6 tune( im7e6an e mat hin, a(e all 6i(e tl' ont(olle6 +' the +ase+an6 mo6em 7(o esso( o4 the host >5F (a6io. The ont(ol 7(oto ol is essentiall' the i6enti al

" o4 $

messa,in, o( sli,htl' mo6i4ie6 messa,in, 4(om that use6 inte(nall' to ont(ol the >5F (a6ioGs RF su+s'stem. In 4a t! the(e e=ists an e=te(nal ont(ol inte(4a e that an onne t to an e=te(nal 2"$ 9att 5F am7li4ie( an6 e=te(nal antenna tune( 4o( use &ith the EF-P. The ont(ol inte(4a e sen6s in4o(mation su h as t(ansmit o( (e ei)e state an6 4(e:uen ' +an6 4o( the am7li4ie( an6 tune( to s&it h mo6es as a seamless 7a(t o4 the (a6io s'stem. The 7h'si al on4i,u(ation o4 the EF-P is sho&n in Fi,u(e ". The >5F host (a6io sli6es into a slee)e +uilt into the EF-P hassis. Bn e installe6! the JE- (a6io 5-I is no lon,e( )isi+le o( a essi+le. The EF-P 4(ont 7anel ontains an 5-I 6e)i e &ith a 4ull olo( LCD an6 a nume(i *e'7a6. This o7e(ato( inte(4a e is (emo)a+le 4o( use +' a sim7le a6a7te( a+le that allo&s (emote o7e(ation o4 the EF-P (a6io s'stem. This (emo)a+le o7e(ato( inte(4a e allo&s the use( to ont(ol the EF-P an6 sele t o7e(ational mo6es an6 hannels 4o( the (a6io. This so7histi ate6 use( inte(4a e ommuni ates 6i(e tl' to the installe6 JE- (a6io &he(e the a tual a77li ation ont(ols all o4 the (a6io states an6 mo6es. This is (eall' a +asi inte(4a e to the o7e(atin, (a6io &a)e4o(m. The EF-P is 7o&e(e6 +' an inte(nal FA"$90 (e ha(,ea+le lithium ion +atte(' an6 asso iate6 ha(,in, i( uit('. The(e is a omme( ial %PS &ith an o7tional milita(' ,(a6e SAAS-. The 4(ont 7anel a esso(' onne to( 7(o)i6es si,nals to su77o(t )a(ious 6ata an6 ont(ol inte(4a es 4o( a66in, e=te(nal 6e)i es.

is 4ilte(e6 out lea)in, the lo&e( ima,e si,nal that is in the 5F +an6. F' tunin, eithe( the mo6ulate6 in7ut >5F si,nal o( the lo al (e4e(en e os illato( a77(o7(iatel'! the 5F +an6 si,nal an +e tune6 an'&he(e in the 2.#<30 -58 4(e:uen ' (an,e.
30 512 MHz

3HF Radio

3HF Fre1uen")

1.6 - 30 MHz

Tuna4'e Re&eren"e O *"i''a%or

Figure 3: Frequency Translation

Figure 2: EBMP Radio Set

3. EXTENDING THE FREQUENCY RANGE As note6 in the 7(io( se tion! the EF-P a ts as a 4(e:uen ' t(anslato( +et&een >5F an6 5F +an6s. This is a om7lishe6! as sho&n in Fi,u(e 3! +' an a66e6 mi=e( sta,e that om+ines the >5F out7ut o4 the host (a6io &ith a lo al os illato( si,nal to 7(o6u e t&o ima,e si,nals. The u77e( ima,e si,nal

The a66ition o4 anothe( mi=e( sta,e is me(el' an e=tension to &hat is al(ea6' +ein, 6one in the RF se tion o4 the +ase >5F (a6io. The host (a6io 7(o)i6es a +ase+an6 o( Inte(me6iate F(e:uen ' (IF1 si,nal into the RF su+s'stem. The RF su+s'stem mi=es the si,nal u7 to the 6esi(e6 >5F o( .5F out7ut 4(e:uen ' in a num+e( o4 sta,es 6e7en6in, on the RF 7e(4o(man e ha(a te(isti s nee6e6. A66in, anothe( mi=e( sta,e to t(anslate to 5F is /ust an e=tension to the e=istin, host (a6io RF 4un tionalit'. 9hat 6oes 6i44e( 6(amati all' 4(om the >5F@.5F mo6es o4 o7e(ation is the +ase+an6 mo6ulation. -an' o4 the u((ent o( le,a ' na((o&+an6 >5F@.5F milita(' &a)e4o(ms use F- o( A- mo6ulation &hi h is inhe(entl' 6ou+le si6e+an6 &ith a 4i=e6 a((ie(. 5F (a6io uses Sin,le Si6e+an6 (SSF1 su77(esse6 a((ie( in o(6e( to onse()e 7(e ious +an6&i6th in the 5F (an,e. Fo( sim7le 5F analo, )oi e! mo6ulation is an .77e( o( Lo&e( Si6e+an6 (.SF! LSF1 A- mo6ulation. The 5F 6i,ital mo6ulations a(e t'7i all' a 4o(m o4 7hase mo6ulation 4(om sim7le F- to the om7le= #4 state :ua6(atu(e am7litu6e mo6ulation (#4<CA-1. 9hat is si,ni4i ant in this EF-P (a6io is that the om7lete 5F mo6ulation o4 #4<CA-H4I sin,le si6e+an6 su77(esse6 a((ie( mo6ulation is ,ene(ate6 enti(el' in so4t&a(e on the host >5F (a6io. The EF-P /ust a66s the 4inal mi=e( sta,e to on)e(t this mo6ulate6 si,nal 4(om the >5F to 5F +an6. This is the 7o&e( o4 an SDR. The 6i,ital 6ata mo6ulation t'7es a(e 6e4ine6 in STA?A%4"A$ (PSD1! STA?A%4$39 (CA-1 o( in -IL<STD<2AA<220F (PSD@CA-1. The "% ALE also 6e4ines an ei,ht tone FSD mo6ulation. All o4 these mo6ulation t'7es a(e 6e4ine6 to +e +ase+an6 (lo& IF1 sin,le si6e+an6 (LSF! .SF1 &ith su77(esse6 a((ie(. These a(e all (eali8a+le in so4t&a(e on the host >5F (a6io o4 the EF-P.

3 o4 $

9hat 4ollo&s is a +(ie4 e=am7le o4 the so4t&a(e mo6ulation 7(o ess 4o( a 6i,ital mo6ulation in sin,le si6e+an6 5F. In the t(ansmit 6i(e tion an 5F mo6e 6i,ital +it st(eam is mo6ulate6 &ith one o4 the a+o)e metho6s! 4o( e=am7le 2# CA- mo6ulation. The 2# CA- si,nal has 2# 6istin t states o4 7hase an6 am7litu6e. Ea h state (e7(esents a 4ou( +it +ina(' s'm+ol as sho&n in Fi,u(e 4 +elo&.

4. 3G ALE The 6is ussion thus 4a( has not 6i(e tl' a66(esse6 the o7e(ation o4 5F 3% ALE. The a (on'm 3% ALE stan6s 4o( Thi(6 %ene(ation Automati Lin* Esta+lishment. The (e4e(en e to 3% ALE also im7lies a &hole suite o4 7(oto ols that om7lement ea h othe( to 7(o)i6e an o)e(all o7e(ational &a)e4o(m. This is (e4e((e6 to in the ?ATB STA?A% se(ies o4 s7e i4i ations as the 5F 5ouse as sho&n in Fi,u(e $.





%S -141A +a,,- A.
1000 1001 1010 1011

Subnetwork Service Interface: S5066, S4538 3-G: A "S S4538 A"S A#$ S4444 A#% A !
(ur*% .a,e&or-*


2-G A#$ 8/S0


2-G A !

$&% #S'

C'ear 3oi"e and Tra&&i" .a,e&or-*6

S782039 S781:;9 S782<59 S7853:9 MS7110A+(9 e%".

$&% (avefor)*





Figure $: %F %ouse





Figure 4: 1 !"M #onstellation

The 6ata +it st(eam o4 the 2# CA- mo6ulation al,o(ithm is a 4o(m o4 IJC ((eal J ima,ina('1 mo6ulation to on)e(t +its to a lo& IF am7litu6e an6 7hase mo6ulate6 si,nal. The 2# CA- si,nal 7(o6u e6 at this sta,e is 6ou+le si6e+an6 si,nal &ith +oth u77e( an6 lo&e( si6e+an6 an6 a a((ie( 4(e:uen '. This si,nal is then 4e6 into anothe( si,nal 7(o essin, al,o(ithm that on)e(ts the si,nal to a sin,le si6e+an6 su77(esse6 a((ie( si,nal. This ma' +e eithe( an u77e( o( lo&e( si6e+an6 as nee6e6. A 5il+e(t t(ans4o(m is use6 althou,h the(e a(e othe( al,o(ithms that an a om7lish the same t(ans4o(mation (9ea)e( mo6ulato(1. At this 7oint! the si,nal still e=ists onl' as 6i,ital 6ata (e7(esentin, the mo6ulate6 si,nal in lo al DSP memo('. The 6i,ital mo6ulation st(eam is then sent to a Di,ital to Analo, Con)e(te( (DAC1. This lo& IF analo, mo6ulate6 si,nal is then mi=e6 an6 u7< on)e(te6 to the >5F still &ithin the >5F host (a6io. It then ente(s the 7(e)iousl' 6es (i+e6 >5F to 5F 6o&n< on)e(sion mi=e( an6 is am7li4ie6 an6 sent out the EF-P antenna 7o(t.

This 6ia,(am illust(ates +oth the 7a(allel e=istin, 5F 7(oto ols an6 the )e(ti al (elationshi7 o4 7(oto ols 6e4ine6 in the )a(ious STA?A% s7e i4i ations. This is a )e(' hel74ul 6ia,(am in un6e(stan6in, +oth the histo(i al e)olution o4 5F 7(oto ols an6 the inte((elationshi7 +et&een them. Fo( the ase o4 3% ALE in a 6ata net&o(*in, mo6e it is mo(e use4ul to thin* o4 the 7a(ti ula( (elationshi7 o4 the )a(ious 7a(ts o4 the o)e(all 3% ALE 5F an6 mo6ulation mo6es in ho& the' (elate to ea h othe( to (eate a om7lete (a6io mo6em. Fo( the instantiation o4 a s7e i4i &a)e4o(m an6 mo6e o4 o7e(ation it is mo(e use4ul to (eso(t to the lassi BSI la'e(e6 net&o(*in, mo6el o4 7(oto ol sta *s. The 6ia,(am in Fi,u(e # sho&s a la'e(e6 net&o(* mo6el o4 the 5F 3% ALE 7(oto ol sta *! that is mo(e (e4le ti)e o4 ho& the o)e(all &a)e4o(m e=e utes an6 inte(a ts in the EF-P (a6io 7lat4o(m. The th(ee la'e(s hi,hli,hte6 in 7u(7le e=e ute on 7(o essin, ha(6&a(e in the host >5F (a6io. The +ottom +o= hi,hli,hte6 in +lue is the 7h'si al la'e( o4 the ommuni ations hannel an6 (esi6es in the EF-P. The la'e( onsists o4 the 4(e:uen ' t(anslation i( uit('! "0 9att am7li4ie( an6 antenna tune( ha(6&a(e. The u77e( t&o la'e(s o4 the 7(oto ol sta *! the net&o(* la'e(s a(e lassi all' sho&n to +e hoste6 on 7e(sonal om7ute( inte(4a e6 to the (a6io set &ith the (a6io set se()in, as a lassi mo6em. It shoul6 +e note6 that these t&o 4un tions oul6 easil' +e hoste6 in the (emo)a+le use( inte(4a e o4 the EF-P. This 6is7la' unit has a 7o&e(4ul mi (o7(o esso( o4 the same

4 o4 $

lass as man' PDA an6 6ata o(iente6 ellula( 6e)i es. This use( inte(4a e oul6 host a +asi email a77li ation o( ta ti al hat a77li ation an6 6i(e tl' host these t&o u77e( la'e(s o4 the 5F 5ouse 7(oto ols.
A //L $C A T $O L A ?ER
$% AI#, 1$:1 % $SSAGI4G

H$I STA?A% 4$3A! K&echnical 'tandards for an Automatic )adio /ontrol '#stem for HF /ommunications Lin!sL! "00$.

ET . OR > L A ?ER C H A


% I#-S12 -188-1413, S1A4AG -5066 S1A1I64 A22 $SSI4G A -3-"-2



% I#-S12 -188-1413, S1A4AG -4538 A ! , / A% I4G , 12% , 12% A, 3/$%-66

M O0 = L A T $O
% I#-S12 -188-1103, S1A4AG -4285, S1A4AG-4585 A% , /% , &S0, !A%

/H ?S$C A L L A ?ER
% I#-S12 -188-1103, S1A4AG 4285, S1A4AG4585 #6( $ SI2$3A42 , '&&$ SI2$3A42 I42$&$42$41 SI2$3A42




"7A44$# / $!'$4"81-6-30% 79

Figure : &a'e(orm Protocol Stac)

7. CONCLUSIONS The (e ent su ess o4 4i(st ,ene(ation SDR is +e,innin, to sho& the 7(omise o4 &a)e4o(m 4le=i+ilit' an6 a6a7ta+ilit' to allo& use o4 ne& &a)e4o(ms. The initial on e(n that the 5F (a6io 6omain oul6 not +e tame6 o( +ene4it 4(om 6i,ital SDR is han,in,. ?e& mo6ulation s hemes an6 7(oto ols a(e +e,innin, to eme(,e as a )ia+le &a' to ta*e a6)anta,e o4 5F 7(o7a,ation 4o( automate6 6istan e 6i,ital 6ata ommuni ations. As this e=am7le sho&s! a se on6 ,ene(ation SCA om7liant SDR an +e a77lie6 in 6(amati all' ne& &a)e4o(m a77li ations +' sim7le so4t&a(e han,es &ith a little (eati)e ha(6&a(e e=tension. T(ans4o(min, a han6 hel6 ta ti al >5F@.5F (a6io into an 3% ALE 6i,ital sin,le si6e+an6 5F +an6 (a6io lea(l' 6emonst(ates the 7ossi+ilities an6 4le=i+ilit' o4 SDR 7lat4o(ms. 8. REFERENCES H2I E(i Johnson! KThi(6<,ene(ation te hnolo,ies 4o( 5F (a6io net&o(*in,L! Proceedings of M.L/0M 122! "000. H"I -IL<STD<2AA<242F! K.ntero%erabilit# and Performance 'tandards For Medium and High Fre-uenc# )adio '#stems34 2225" H3I -IL<STD<2AA<220F! K.ntero%erabilit# and Performance 'tandards For (ata Modems34 2222" H4I STA?A% 4$39! K&echnical 'tandards For 6on7 Ho%%ing HF /ommunications 8a$eforms L! "00$.

$ o4 $

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