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1. a) b) State four types of drugs and their effects. Diagram 5 shows three examples of chemicals. Marijuana Amphetamines [4 Marks]


Heroin DIAGRAM 5 Study the above examples of chemicals. You are required to develop a concept of a drugs. Your answer should be based on the following aspects: 2. a) Identify two common characteristics of drugs. Develop an initial concept of a drug. Give other example of a drug and the reason for your choice Give one example of a non-drug and the reason for your choice. State the actual concept of a drug.

[6 Marks]

State four changes in the body coordination when a person faces a frightening incident. [4 Marks] The diagram shows an example of some action by human body. ACTION


Pupil gets smaller when flash of bright light.

Eye blinks when insect touches eyelid.

Shivering when body get cold.

Study the above action. You are required to develop a concept of reflex action. Your answer should be based on the following aspects: Identify two common characteristics of reflex action. Develop an initial concept of a reflex action Give other example of a reflex action and the reason for your choice Give one example of non-reflex action and the reason for your choice State the actual concept of a reflex action.

[6 Marks]

3. a) Explains the effects of drugs on body coordination and health b) Drug addiction among school students are increasing day by day. As a teenager, explain how to overcome this problem. Your answer should include the following: Identify the problem Clarification of the problem Solving method Choose the best method and explain your choice.

[4 Marks]

[6 Marks]


No two individuals are alike. Every person is unique in himself

(a) Examine the above statement, then suggest a suitable hypothesis for an investigation to determine the weight of forty students (boys and girls) who are all 18 years of age. [1 Mark] (b) Describe an experiment that could be carried in the classroom to verify your hypothesis. Your description should include the following: (i) Aim of the investigation [1 Mark] (ii) Identification of variables [3Marks] (iii) List of apparatus [1 Mark] (iv Tabulation of data [1 Mark] (v) Conclusion [1 Mark] 2. Study the statement below
The length of leaves is a type of continuous variation

(a) Suggest a suitable hypothesis to investigate this statement. (b) Design an experiment to test your hypothesis this statement (i) Aim of the experiment (ii) Identification of variables (iii) List of materials and apparatus (iv) Method (v) Recording and analyzing (vi) Conclusion

[1 Mark] [1 Mark] [2 Marks] [1 Mark] [3 Marks] [1 Mark] [1 Mark]


(a) State four differences between cell division through mitosis and meiosis. [4 Marks] (b) Skin
Cell division



Red blood cell

The cell division that takes place in the body parts of a student is shown above. Explain how you would build a concept based on the information above. Your explanation should include the following. (i) Identify two common features (ii) Build an initial concept (iii) Give one example of body part that undergoes this cell division and one example of body part that does not undergo this cell division. Give reason for each example. (iv) Explain the actual concept [6 Marks] SECTION C 1. Study the statement below carefully. Molecular substances are not conduct electricity in all state Atomic substances are good electric conductor You are given a copper metal, a sulphur roll, connecting wire ,switch and ammeter. (a) (b) Suggest a suitable hypothesis to investigate this statement. (1 mark)

Describe one experiment to test your hypothesis based on the following. (i) Aim of experiment (1 mark) (ii) Variables (2 marks) (iii) List of apparatus (1 mark) (iv) Method (4 marks) (v) Tabulation of data (1 mark)


a) b)

Give five differences between metal and non-metal Diagram 4 shows three substances. Bromine Sulphur Iodine

(4 marks)


DIAGRAM 4 You are required to develop a concept of an non-metal. Your answer should be based on the following aspects: Identify two common characteristics of a non-metal. Develop an initial concept of a non-metal. Give one example of a non-metal and one which is not a non-metal. Give reason for each example. Build the real concept of a non-metal. (6 marks)


Study the statement below carefully. A large amount of air bubbles is released when a magnesium strip is placed in hydrochloric acid but when a copper plate is placed in the same acid, no changes are observed. (c) (d) Suggest a suitable hypothesis to investigate this statement. [1 mark]

Describe one experiment to test your hypothesis based on the following. (i) Aim of experiment [1 mark] (ii) Variables [2 marks] (iii) List of apparatus [1 mark] (iv) Method [3 marks] (v) Tabulation of data [1 mark] (vi) Conclusion [1 mark]



State one method used to purify a piece of impure copper. Explain the method.

[4 marks]


A man found a strange substance and after examines he confirmed that substance is a metal ore. . He heat the substance with carbon to purified it but no reaction occurs. Explain how the substance can be extracted from the metal ore.

Your answers should include the following. (i) Identify the problem (ii) Clarification of the problem (iii) Solving methods (iv) Explain the method using

[6 marks]



Diagram 8 shows the formation of white fumes when ammonia gas and hydrogen gas are mixed.

DIAGRAM 8 State four reasons why the reaction above is considered as a chemical change.

[4 marks]


Diagram 9 shows the physical changes that happen to two different substances.
Soap powder


Soap solution

Zinc nitrate


Zinc nitrate solution

DIAGRAM 9 Study the activities above carefully. Build a concept regarding the physical

changes. Explain your answer based on the following. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Identify the information Identify two common features Relate the common features with the physical changes to build an initial concept State one example of physical change and one non-examples State the actual concept of physical change [1 mark] [2 marks] [1 mark] [1 mark] [1 mark]


1. a)

Give two usage of radioactive substances and the example of element used. [ 4 marks]


Diagram 3 shows an examples of elements. Cobalt-60 Uranium


Iodine -131 DIAGRAM 3


Study the above examples of substances. You are required to develop a concept a radioactive substances.


Your answer should be based on the following aspects: Identify two common characteristics of radioactive substances. Develop an initial concept of a radioactive substances. Give other example of a radioactive substances and the reason for your choice Give one example of a non- radioactive substances and the reason for your choice. State the actual concept of a radioactive substances. [6 marks]
Soalan: 1. Study the following statement. A silver medal can be bent easily compared to a pewter medal. (a) Suggest a hypothesis to study the above statement. [1 mark] (b) Describe an experiment to test your hypothesis according to the following criteria. Aim of the experiment [1 mark]

. Soalan: 3. (a) (b).

Identifying variables List of apparatus Procedure Presentation of data Conclusion

[2 marks] [1 mark] [3 marks] [1 mark] [1 mark]

A factory owner finds that his factory produces a lot of air pollutants. Name two air pollutants and state their effects on the environment and living things. [4 marks] The factory burns coal, a fossil fuel. Explain how the factory owner overcomes the air pollutant problem in his factory. Your answer should include the following: * * * * Identify the problem Clarification of the problem Methods to solve the problem Choose the best method and explain your choice [1 mark] [1 mark] [3 marks] [1 mark]

Soalan: 4. (a). (b). State the differences between pure metals and alloys. [4 marks]

Table 1 shows the composition and special properties of steel. bronze, brass and duralumin. Composition 99.5% iron, 0.5% carbon 88% copper, 12% tin 75% copper, 25% zinc 95% aluminium, 3% copper, 1 % magnesium, 1 % manganese Special properties Hard and strong Hard. strong, more resistant to wear and corrosion than copper Hard. strong. malleable and resistant to corrosion Light. strong. and resistant to corrosion

Alloy Steel Bronze Brass Duralumin

Study the characteristics of these substances. Explain how you would develop the concept of an alloy based on the information in Table 1. Your answer should include the following: Identify the information given Identify the common characteristics Develop the initial concept of an alloy Give an example of an alloy Give example of a non-alloy * State the actual concept of an alloy

[6 marks]

Soalan: 5. Natural fertiliser is fertiliser obtained naturally such as animal wastes and wastes of living things. Synthetic fertilisers, however are chemical fertilisers that are manufactured in factories. One of the examples of synthetic fertilisers is ammonium sulphate. Based on the above statements, plan an experiment to produce ammonium sulphate in the laboratory. (a) (b) Suggest a suitable hypothesis to investigate the above statements. [1 mark] Describe an experiment giving the frame work to study your hypothesis based on the following:i ii iii iv v. Aim of experiment Arrangement of apparatus in diagrammatic form Procedure Results Conclusion

[9 marks]



(a) Suggest a hypothesis which can explain Ismails observation given in the statement pans when they are heated. above. [1 mark] (b) Using an aluminium rod and an iron rod, describe an experiment to test your hypothesis. Your description should include the following criteria. i. Aim of the experiment [1 mark] ii. Identification of variables [2 marks] iii. List of apparatus and materials [1 mark] iv. Procedure [3 marks] v. Tabulation of results [1 mark] vi. Conclusion [1 mark]

Chef Ismail finds that aluminium frying pans become hot faster than iron frying


(a) Draw two diagrams to represent the arrangement of particles in a solid and in a liquid.

[1 mark]

(b) Compare the two states of matter according to the following sub-headings: i. Arrangement of the particles. [1 mark] ii. Motion of the particles and kinetic energy. [2 marks] iii. Force of attraction between the particles. [1 mark]

(c) i. ii.

Briefly discuss the particles that form ionic compounds. Why do ionic compounds have high melting points?

3 marks] [2 marks]

Fishermen normally add salt to the ice used for freezing their catch. Study the statement. Suggest a suitable hypothesis to investigate this statement. Then, design an experiment to test your hypothesis based on the following: [1 mark]

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)

Aim of the experiment Identifying the variables List of apparatus and materials Method Tabulation of data Conclusion

[1 mark] [2 marks] [1 mark] [3 marks] [1 mark] [1 mark]

QUESTION SET 3: 10. Study the following statement. The electrical conductivity of a substance depends on the kind of particles in it.

You are given three substances:

i. ii. iii.

Lead(II) bromide Lead Sulphur [1 mark]

(a) Suggest a hypothesis to investigate the above statement.

(b) Describe an experiment to test your hypothesis in 1(a) based on the following criteria: i. Aim of the experiment [1 mark] ii. Identification of variables [2 marks] iii. List of apparatus and materials [1 mark] iv. Procedure or method [4 marks] v. Tabulation of data [1 mark]


(a) Diagram below shows the arrangement of particles in common salt (a substance made of ions) and water (a substance made of molecules). State four differences between substances made of ions and substances made of molecules.

[4 marks] (b) Explain how you can obtain pure water from sea water (a salt solution).

Your explanation should include the following: i. Problem statement [1 mark] ii. Name of the method used [1 mark] iii. Steps of the method used

[4 marks]


1. Study the following statement.

Convex lenses with different thicknesses have different focal lengths.

(a) Suggest a hypothesis to investigate the above statements. [ 1 mark ] (b) Using three convex lenses of different thicknesses, describe an experiment to test your hypothesis in (a) based on the following criteria. Aim of the experiment Identification of variables List of apparatus Procedure Tabulation of data Conclusion [ 1 mark ] [ 2 marks ] [ 1 mark ] [ 3 mark ] [ 1 mark ] [ 1 marks]

2. Study the following statement:

A secondary coloured filter only allows its component colours to pass through it. You are given red, blue and green coloured lights, a margenta filter, a filter. yellow filter and a cyan

(c) Suggest a hypothesis to investigate the above statements. [ 1 mark ] (d) Using three convex lenses of different thicknesses, describe an experiment to test your hypothesis in (a) based on the following criteria. Aim of the experiment Identification of variables List of apparatus Procedure Tabulation of data Conclusion [ 1 mark ] [ 2 marks ] [ 1 mark ] [ 3 marks ] [ 1 mark ] [ 1 mark ]



1. Study the following statement. Convex lenses with different thicknesses have different focal lengths.

(a) Suggest a hypothesis to investigate the above statements. The thicker the lens, the shorter the focal length / the thinner the lens, the longer the focal length. [ 1 mark ] (b) Using three convex lenses of different thicknesses, describe an experiment to test your hypothesis in (a) based on the following criteria. Aim of the experiment [ 1 mark ] To determine the focal length of convex lenses of different thickness. Identification of variables Manipulated variable: Thickness of lens Responding variable: Focal length of the lens Fixed variable : Object distance and type of lens [ 2 marks ]

List of apparatus [ 1 mark ] Convex lenses of different thicknesses, screen, pin, ruler, lens holder, light source. Procedure [ 3 mark ] 1. The light source,the pin(object), the lens holder with the thick convex lens on it and the screen are arranged on a straight line. 2. The object is placed 40 cm away from the lens. The screen on the other side of the lens is moved to get a clear image of the object. 3. The distance of the Image from the screen is measured. 4. Step 1-3 are repeated using the medium and thin convex lenses.

Tabulation of data Object distance (cm)

[ 1 mark ] Image distance (cm)

Convex lens Thick Medium Thin

Conclusion [ 1 marks] A thicker lens has a shorter focal length. The Hypothesis is accepted.


Study the following statement:

A secondary coloured filter only allows its component colours to pass through it. You are given red, blue and green coloured lights, a margenta filter, a yellow filter and a cyan filter. (a) Suggest a hypothesis to investigate the above statements. A magenta filter only allows blue and red lights to pass through it. A yellow filter only allows green and red lights to pass through it. A cyan filter only allows blue and green lights to pass through it. [ 1 mark ] (e) Using three convex lenses of different thicknesses, describe an experiment to test your hypothesis in (a) based on the following criteria. Aim of the experiment To show that a secondary coloured filter only allows its component colours to pass through it. [ 1 mark ] Identification of variables Manipulated Variable: Magenta, yellow and cyan screen. Responding variable:The colour produced on the screen Controlled variable: Light source, white screen

[ 2 marks ]

List of apparatus Three slide projectors fitted with red, green and blue lights respectively. [ 1 mark ] Procedure 1. Light from a slide projector fitted with red light is passed through a magenta filter and shone onto a white screen. 2. The colour produced on the screen is observed and recorded. 3. Steps 1-2 are repeated using the blue and green lights

4. The magenta filter is then replaced with a yellow filter and steps 1-3 are repeated. 5. The yellow filter is then replace with a cyan filter and steps 1-3 are repeated. [ 3 marks ]

Tabulation of data Colour of light Red Blue Green Red Blue Green Red Blue Green Colour of filter used

[ 1 mark ] Colour produced on the screen. Red Blue Black Red Black Green Black Blue Green




Conclusion A magenta filter only allows blue and red lights to pass through it. A yellow filter only allows green and red lights to pass through it. A cyan filter only allows blue and green lights to pass through it. The hypothesis is accepted. [ 1 mark ]

SET 1 QUESTION NUMBER 10 Study the following statement. A coloured filter only allows lights of certain colours to pass through it. You are given red, yellow and magenta coloured filters and some others apparatus. a) Sugg est a hypothesis to investigate the above statement. (1 mark)

b) Describe the outline of experiment to test your hypothesis in (a) based on the following criteria.

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v)

Aim of the experiment Identification of variables List of apparatus and material Procedure or method Observation / data

(1 mark) (2 marks) (1 mark) (4 marks) (1 mark)

Answer: (a) Hypothesis : Coloured filterd ___________certain coloured lights and ________________________others. (1 mark) (b) (i) Aim of the experiment: To study / to determine the ____________ of _____________that can pass through a ______________. (1 mark) (ii) Manipulated variable Responding variable Constant variable : Colour ________________________ : Colour ________________________ : Colour of the screen and light source (2 marks)


Apparatus and materials : ______ filter, _____filter, _______ filter, slide projector / ray box, white screen. (1 mark)


Procedure :
_____________ ______________r

1. A _________________________from a projector / ray box is shone onto a _________________ screen. 2. A ______________ is placed ___________ of the light source. 3. The colour produced on the __________________ is observed. 4. The red filter is _____________ and replaced with a ___________ filter and a ________________, one at a time. (4 marks) (v) Observation / data :

QUESTION NUMBER 11 a) Some parts of camera have the same function as the parts of the human eye.Compare how the eye and the camera control light and focus an Object. (4 marks) Asyhmal wants to view the scenery behind the wall. He does not want to climb a ladder to look over the wall. Explain how can He uses a mirrors to make an instrument to help him see over the wall. Your explanation should include the following: Problem statement Name of method used Steps of the method used [6 mark] Answer : (a) Criteria Controlling the amount og light Human eye The__________ controls the amount of light entering the eye by changing the size of ____________ The __________ change the shape of the lens, Thicker-looking at________ object Thinner-looking at _______ object Camera


Focusing image

Done by changing the __________ of the lens, Moved further from film- for _____________object Towords the film- for ___________object


Problem statement

Asyhmal wishes to ___________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Name of method used Asyhmal needs to use mirrors to make a _______________________ thelp him see over the wall. Steps of the method used 1. Asyhmal needs to make /find a long tube and buy _____________plane mirrors. A ___________is made at each end of the tube as shown in the figure below. 2. At each end of the tube, a plane mirror is placed parallel to each other at an angle of ____________ o in the direction of view as shown in the figure below. 3. Light rays from an object are reflected _____________before entering the eye as shown in the figure below. 4. Asyhmal can now view the ____________ by looking into the periscope at the end labelled P.


There are two groups of colour. (a) Name the two groups and their components.

(4 marks)

(b) Figure below shows colours obtained when different coloured filters are used in an experiment. White light is used as the light source in this experiment.

Yellow filter White light source

Red filter

Red light


Cyan filter White light source

Magenta filter

Blue light


Study the information in figure above and construct the concept of subsraction of coloured lights. Your answer should be based on the following steps. Identify two common chracteristics (2 marks) Relate the common characteristics to the subsraction of coloured lights in order to constructs the initial concept. (1 mark) Give one examples of the subsraction of coloured using primary filter (1 mark) Give one examples of the subsraction of coloured using secondary filter (1 mark) State the actual concept of the subtraction of light (1 mark)

Answer: (a) Two groups of colours: Primary colour __________ colour -

______, ______, _________ yellow, cyan and magenta (4 marks)


Identify two common characteristics The yellow filter transmits _____________,________ and _________ light. The red filter only transmits ___________light and absorbs others colours. So ___________ light appears on the screen. The cyan filter transmits ___________ and ___________ light. The magenta filter only transmits __________ light and absorbs _________light. So ___________ light appears on the screen. (2 marks) Relate the common characteristic to the subtraction of coloured lights A _________________ filter allows only light of the same colour as the filter passed through. Light of others colours will be absorbed A ___________________filter allows only light ofv the same colouras the filter or the colours that form it to pas through. (1 mark) One example of substraction coloured using primary filter The _________ filter only transmits ____________ colours (1 mark) One example of substraction coloured using secondary filter The __________transmits _____________ and ___________light. (1 mark) The actual concept Subtraction of coloured lights is the separation of coloured lights from white light using ____________________ filters or _________________ filters (1 mark)


Study the following statement. The size of an image formed by a convex lens depends on the distance of an object from the convex lens. You are given convex lenses, candle(object) and a white screen. a) Suggest a suitable hypothesis to investigate the above statement. (1 mark)

b) Describe an experiment to test your hypothesis in (a) based on the following criteria. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Answer : (a) Hypothesis : The longer the _________________from the convex lens is, the _____________is the size of the image formed by the convex lens// Vice versa (b) (i) Aim of the experiment: To study / to determine the _______ of an object from a __________ affects the ___ of the image formed by the lens. (ii) Manipulated variable Responding variable Constant variable : ________________________________ : ________________________________ : Thickness of lens, type of lens , size of object. (2 marks) Apparatus and materials : _____________ lenses , screen, candle(object), __________, ________ __________. ( 1 mark) Procedure : Aim of the experiment Identification of variables List of apparatus and material Procedure or method Observation / data (1 mark) (2 marks) (1 mark) (4 marks) (1 mark)



u c m

1. The light source, the candle (object), the lens holder with the _________ lens on it and the screen are arranged on the straight ________. 2. The __________is placed 30cm (u) away from the ________. The screen on the other side of the lens is moved to get the ____________image of the object. 3. The _________of the image from the screen is measured. 4. Steps 1 to 3 are repeated with ________________ of the object from the convex lens, that is 25 cm, 20 cm and 15 cm. (4 marks) (v) Observation / data :

(1 mark)



A student needs to make a simple optical instrument to capture the image of an object .Explain how you can make the optical instrument by using a box. (4 mark) The optical instrument made made by him is functioning but image captured is rather blur. Explain how he can overcome this. Your answer should include the following: Identify the problem Clarification of the problem Solving methods Choose the method and explain your choice

(6 mark)



i. ii.

iii. iv.

The box can be made into a _______camera. Firstly, a __ is used to make a pinhole on one side of the box. At the other side of the box (opposite the pinhole), a portion of the wall is cut. It is replaced by a piece of ______________ paper, which serves as the _____________. The interior of the box is coloured _____________. A ____________ is placed ___________ of the pinhole. The pinhole camera is moved forward and backward until a clear image can be seen on the screen. ( 4 marks)


Problem Statement The pinhole is too __________________. Clarification of the problem If the pinhole is too _______________, the image formed by it would be like that formed by it would be like that formed by many _________ pinholes. Each of the small pinholes will form their own image at a slightly different position. The overlapping images results in _____________image on the screen. Solving method To solve the problem, Make a _______________ hole or place a convex. Place a _______________ in front of the pinhole camera. The best method It is better to place _______________ in front of pinhole camera,so that a ______________ and ____________ image can be obtained. (6 marks)


(a) (b)

Whats is the importance of colour to animals and plants? Diagram below shows the effect of a few characteristic Of the image formed by a pinhole camera.

(4 marks)



Pinhole camera

Diminished Study the information and construct the concept of this effect.Your answer should be based on the following steps. Identify three common characteristics (3 marks) Relate the common characteristics to the effect in order to constructs the initial concept. (1 mark) Give an example of another image which has the same characteristics as the image formed by the pinhole camera (1 mark) State the actual concept (1 mark)

Answer :


Colour is used to attract female animals for ____________________.

Colour is used to allow an animal to ______________ itself, to stalk its ____________ or for safety purposes. Colour is used to serve as a _________________ to others animals. Bright flower petals will attract insects for ________________. (4 marks) (b) Identify the common characteristics: A pinhole camera will form a ___________image A pinhole camera will form an ______________ image A pinhole camera will form a _____________image Relate the common characteristic to the effect in order to construct the initial concept. A pinhole will form ____________________________________. An example of another image The image formed on the _____________________________ State the actual concept: The characteristics of the image formed by a pinhole camera are ___________________________________________________ (6 marks)

Study the following statement. We see a blue sky in the afternoon and ared Sun during sunset in the evening You are given powderd milk, slide projector and white screen. a) Write a hypothesis to explain the observation above. (1 mark)

b) Describe an experiment to test your hypothesis in (a) based on the following criteria. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Aim of the experiment Identification of variables List of apparatus and material Procedure or method Observation / data (1 mark) (2 marks) (1 mark) (4 marks) (1 mark)

Answer: (a) Hypothesis : __________________is easily scattered by particles in the air while _____________ least scatterd and travels the furtherst through air. (1 mark)

(b) (i)

Aim of the experiment: To study / to determine the _______________ ____________________________________ ___________________________________ by Particles. Manipulated variable Responding variable Constant variable : _________________________________ : _________________________________ : Amount of water, distance of screen from Beaker, distance of light from beaker

(iv) (iv)

(2 marks) Apparatus and materials : ______________,__________________, ______________________,____________________,_______________, Procedure :

a. b. c. d.

The apparatus is set up as shown in figure above. The slide projector is switched on and observed the ______________________ that falls on the screen. A little ____________ is added to the _________ in the beaker and _______________ it. When the water is still, the beam of light that falls on the screen is observed again. (4 marks)


Observation / data :

QUESTION NUMBER 12 (a) Draw ray diagrams to show parallel rays of light passing through a convex lens and concave lens. (4 marks) Diagram below shows three optical instruments which use covex lenses.






Study the above optical instruments. You are required to develop a concept of convex lens. Your answer should be based on the following aspects: Identify two common characteristic of the images formed by a convex lens for a distant object. Develop an initial concept of a convex lens. Give one example of an optical instrument which use convex lens and one which does not use convex lens. Give one reason for your choice. (6 mark)



Two common characteristic For a distant object, the image formed by a convex lens is ___________, _______________, ______________ and on the ____________ side of the object. Initial concept A convex lens is used in ___________________ to view the object which is very _______________ or which is very _________________.

Optical instrument used the convex lens A telescope Is used to view objects that may be ___________, but are ______________ away. Consists of ____________ lenses. Optical instrument does not used the convex lens A periscope- Is used to see _________________________. The light rays from an object are ____________ twice by plane mirror.

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