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Determination of Riser Size ( Double Riser )

Given: Refrigerant 12 system Refrigeration load 98.5 tons Condensing temperature 105 F no su!"ooling #u"tion temperature $0 F 15 F super%eat &inimum load '.0 tons ()*o of 1+ "ylinders operating at 20 F ##) 15 F super%eat 105 F li,uid temperature.)ype . Copper tu!ing /eig%t of riser 10 ft (#ee Fig. 58 0 for general arrangement0llo*a!le pressure drop in su"tion line is 2 F Find: #i1e of Riser #u"tion line pressure drop

#olution: 1. 2stimated total e,uivalent lengt% e,uals 1132 times t%e a"tual lineal lengt% 1.5 4 '0 5 105 ft. From Chart 7 a $138 in. line *ill "arry 98.5 tons for 110 ft at a pressure drop of 2 F *it% no su!"ooling.

)%e a"tual e,uivalent lengt% of t%e su"tion line e,uals '0 ft plus eig%t $138 in. ells at +.' ft 5 126.+ ft. )%is is greater t%an 110 ft *%i"% gives a 2 F loss for t%e $ 138 in. si1e. )%erefore

sele"t a 5138 in. line *%i"% *ill "arry 98.5 tons for 6$0 ft at a pressure drop 2 F. 3. )%e a"tual e,uivalent lengt% of t%e su"tion line is determined in t*o parts as follo*s: a. Riser se"tion at evaporator 10 ft 7 one 5 138 in. ell at 8.2 ft 5 18.2 ft. !. 8alan"e of su"tion line system +0 ft 7 seven 5 138 in. ell at 8.2 ft 5 11'.$ ft. )otal e,uivalent lengt% 5 165.+ ft. 4. From Table 18 R 12 a 2138 in. riser *ill return oil *%en "arrying 5.1 4 .925 5 $.' tons at 20 F su"tion temperature. 5. 9etermine if t%e 2138 in. riser is ade,uate to "arry full load at $0 F su"tion *it% out e4"eeding t%e spe"ified pressure drop. )%e e,uivalent lengt% of t%e riser is 10 ft 7 one 2 138 in. ell at 6.6 ft 5 16.6 ft. )%e pressure drop in t%e !alan"e of t%e su"tion line is :

)%e pressure drop allo*ed for t%e riser is t%en 2 F : .+9 F or 1.61 F. )%e "%art e,uivalent lengt% of a 2138 in. line %aving a pressure drop or 1.61 F is:

Chart 7 at 20 ft s%o*s t%e a 2138 in. line is only "apa!le of "arrying $2 tons. )%us a #e"ond riser is ne"essary. +. Fig. 2 illustrates a re"ommended arrangement of dou!le su"tion risers. Riser 0 si1e *ould !e t%e 2 138 in. sele"ted in #tep $. Riser 8 must !e si1ed !y a ;"ut and try; met%od. 0s a first

trail si1e Riser 8 one si1e smaller t%an t%e sele"ted su"tion line of $138 in. 2,uivalent lengt%s for Risers 0 and 8 are as follo*s:

Riser A

Fig 2

DO !"# S $%&O' R&S#R.

Riser A 2,uivalent pipe lengt%s <ne 2 138 in. ell <ne 2 138 in.!ran"% tee <ne 5 138 in.redu"ing tee 0"tual pipe lengt% )otal eguivalent lengt% Riser ! 2,uivalent pipe lengt%s )%ree$ 138 in. ells <ne 5 138 in. redu"ing tee <ne $ 138 in. !ran"% tee <ne $ 138 in. ;=> 0"tual pipe lengt% )otal e,uivalent lengt%

6.6 10.0 16.0 16.0 69.6 ft

20.1 12.0 21.0 1'.0 16.0 86.1 ft

?ressure drop availa!le for t%e riser is 1.61 F from #tep 5. For Riser 0 t%e "%art e,uivalent lengt% of a 2 138 in. line is:

For Riser 8 t%e "%art e,uivalent lengt% of a $ 138 in. line is:

From C%art ' t%e 2138 in. line is "apa!le of "arrying 26 tons and t%e $138 in. line is "apa!le of "arrying 92 tons. )%e "om!ined "apa"ity is 115 tons *%i"% is a""epta!le. Riser pressure drop is e,ual to :

)otal pressure drop 5 1.12 F 7 .+9 F 5 1.81 F

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