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Questions to ask during HR interview 1.Can you describe the work environment here? 2.

What do you consider to be the organizations strengths and weaknesses? .Can you te!! me more about my day"to"day res#onsibi!ities? $.How soon are you !ooking to %i!! this #osition? &.' have rea!!y en(oyed meeting with you and your team) and ' am very interested in the o##ortunity. ' %ee! my ski!!s and e*#erience wou!d be a good match %or this #osition. What is the ne*t ste# in your interview #rocess? +. ,ssuming ' was hired and #er%ormed we!! %or a #eriod o% time) what additiona! o##ortunities might this (ob !ead to? -. Who are the com#anys stars) and how was their status determined? ..How are e*ecutives addressed by their subordinates? /. What can you te!! me about the #revai!ing management sty!e? 10. '% you hired me) what wou!d be my %irst assignment? 1. Why do !ook %or a change o% com#any Hint 1 this is very common 2uestion) you can (ust say 3%or better #ros#ect4) but dont sto# here) they hate this answer) u need to be !itt!e bit honest about it. u can e*#!ore this word) !ike better #ros#ect is com#osed o% main!y two things viz. a5 6rowth and b5 7oney. Rest e*#!anation is u# to you. 2. what is the work o% team !eader. a5 Work distribution within his8her team. b5 9ee#ing track o% work #rogress %or every individua! team members. c5 :roviding backu# i% necessary.;in terms o% techni2ue or re%erences5. 1. 1. <e!! me about yourse!% ,ns 1 you shou!d start u# with your name) then schoo!) co!!ege and then to your #resent 2ua!i%ication. <hen te!! anything about your additiona! courses or achievements. 2. <e!! me about your %ami!y. ,ns 1 with your #arents name and their (ob #osition i% any. and wind u# with i% you have any sisters8brothers etc. . <e!! me about your #ositive. ,ns 1 =own"to"earth) o#timistic) !ead a team) con%ident) etc $. <e!! me about your weakness. ,ns 1 >eing emotiona!) !oose #atience when work is not done #ro#er!y ;this is ur weakness turned to strength??5

1. 1. Why do u !ooking %or change. u can say ' am changing %or im#rovement and to %ace more cha!!enges than what is in my #resent (ob or %ie!d 2. what is the work o% team !eader. the work o% team is !eader is see that the work is goin on according to schedu!e.He must take care o% #eo#!e working under him)su##ort them)encourage them.He must a!so in%orm to his higher o%%icia!s abt the work and workers. ,dd some more !ike this %rom technica! #oint o% view .what do u !ike to be a%ter years <his is the 2uestions which te!! how much we!! #re#ared ur and how much #!anning u do.@o matter in whatever #osition u enter u wi!! be new to the com#nany.Ao %irst o% a!! ' wou!d !ike to be !iked and #ermanent em#!oyee.<hen gradua!!y earn my e*#erience and increase my know!egde and the im#ortance o% mine to the organization.Ao #robab!y %rom three years %rom now ' wou!d !ike to be <B,7 CB,=BR.

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