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People / public






'pecial Provision


)ritten +otice


&nstall .urnish Provide /0 1 2/ 1 30 1

Architects XYZ uses paid advertisements without sanction by professional consensus and years of experience. His action is unethical with respect to his relation to whom? Additional information on contract documents issued to bidders before date of biddin! "he offer of a bidder to perform the wor# described by the contract documents when made out and submitted on the prescribed proposal form$ properly si!ned and sealed "he cashier%s chec# or surety bond accompanyin! the proposal submitted by the bidder$ as a !uaranteed that the bidder will enter into a contract with the owner for the construction of the wor#. &f the contract is awarded &nstructions which may be issued prior to the biddin! to supplement and or/ modify drawin!s$ specifications and/ or !eneral conditions of the contract ()ritten or printed description of wor# to be done describin! *ualities of material and mode of construction (if there is a variance/discrepancy between the drawin! and specifications$ what shall be followed? ,eans information$ advice or notification pertinent to the pro-ect delivered in person or sent by re!istered mail to the individual$ firm or corporation at the last #nown business address of such individual firm or corporation &ncludes labor or materials or both as e*uipment$ transportation$ or other facilities necessary to commence and complete the construction called for in the contract ,eans to build in$ mount in position$ connect or apply any ob-ect specified ready for the intended use ,eans to purchase and / or fabricate and deliver to -obsite ,eans to furnish and install +o further retention shall be made on the balance of the contract when how may percent +o payment shall be made on contracts in excess of how many percent of the contract price "he !uaranteed bond is e*ual to how many percent of the contract price?

40 1

5/ 65 s*. m

/0 / contractor

6/ days

6/ days 80 days

.alse 940 days:

.alse 96/ days:

;ontractor "rue


60 days

How many percent of the architect%s fee is payable to the architect upon completion of the preparation of the schematic desi!n phase and up to final desi!n development phase? 'tandard factor computed for chan!es and/or revisions made on completed contracts Approximately$ how many s*uare meters of office space for the architect is built by the contractor as temporary facilities for the pro-ect All trees and other plants that need to be transplanted elsewhere within 777 meters shall be done by the 777at his own expenses How many days prior to biddin! shall the contractor see# the architect%s clarification as to the particular areas of wor#$ which re*uires evaluation of the architects? How many days upon written notice can a contractor terminate a contract with a valid reason? 'uspension of wor# for 777 days by order of any court or other public authority throu!h no act or fault of the contractor !ives to him the ri!ht to terminate contract "rue or false$ the contractor can terminate contract if the owner should fail to pay the contractor any sum within 6/ days after its award by arbitration "rue or false$ the contractor can terminate contract if the owner should fail to act upon any re*uest for payment within 40 days after its certification by the architect )ho declares ban#ruptcy as a valid reason for the termination of a contract? "rue or false$ upon termination of contract and upon the decision the architect that materials and e*uipment left by the contractor which do not belon! to him can be used and rent of such shall be borne by the failin! contractor "rue or false$ owner has no ri!ht to claim li*uidated dama!es if the ta#es over the wor# from the contractor for failure to complete the pro-ect How many days prior to cancelin! insurance be !iven to the owner stipulatin! the intention to cancel?

6/ 1 6/ 1 Penalty clause /$000 to first /0 hectares

<.A 2=/6 P> 6403 @iens 21 6/0 1 500/hr

/00/hr 65 1 <epetitive construction ,inimum basic fee for housin! pro-ects Aroup 4 9exceptional:

How many percent of the contract amount is the performance bond? How many percent of the contract amount is the payment bond? A contract provision settin! forth the dama!es a party must pay in the event of his breach asic fee for Physical Plannin! type 6 or site such as industrial estates$ commercial centers$ sports complex$ resorts etc. Predecessor of P> 6082 )hat presidential decree institutionali?ed the profession of environmental plannin!? &t is a ri!ht enforceable a!ainst specific property to secure payment of an obli!ation ,inimum basic fee for simple pro-ects ,inimum basic fee for alterations/renovations )hen the architect is en!a!ed to render opinion or advice$ clarification or explanation on technical matters pertainin! to his profession$ the minimum basic fee shall be 77 )hen renderin! service as an expert witness$ the architects is compensated 777/hr ,inimum basic fee for Aroup / pro-ects 9monumental: )hat !roup 2(pro-ect classification? 60 1 of 6st unit 201 5nd B 60th unit 401 66th B above Cnder what classification of pro-ects does Hospitals and medical buildin!s fall? ('tadium ,inimum per diem paid to the architect if wor# is beyond /0 #ms form office En the remainin! 6/1wor# fee of the architect$ where does the /1 !o? <epairs and corrective wor#s at he expense of the contractor should be done within how many days after written notice by owner .ailure on the part of the contractor to remove condemned wor# shall !ive the owner ri!ht to remove said wor# at contractor%s expense and contractor shall pay the owner the expenses incurred within how many days form removal by the owner of said wor#?

PD/0 ;onstruction phase service / days

60 days

Dth day / +otice to Proceed ;ivic center <eciprocity ;ontract >ocuments Phase Pre(desi!n services 'peciali?ed allied services 60 1

60 1 /0 1

3/ 1

65 1 21 31 Architect

4 months Aeneral conditions Fuotation ;ertificate of Payment Performance ond

;ontract time rec#onin! shall commence on the 777from receipt of 777 An area of a city where municipal buildin!s are !rouped +o person unless the country of his relation allows the same 77 "he third phase of an architects re!ular services Pro-ect financin! falls under what #ind of service of the architect ;omprehensive plannin! falls under what service of the architect "he fee of the architect for desi!n(build services on a !uaranteed maximum cost aside from his fee for re!ular desi!n services )hat percenta!e of an architect%s wor# is liability under the civil code .or interior desi!n services$ the architect shall be paid what percenta!e of the fee upon submission of the final desi!n )hen the owner fails to implement the plans and documents for construction as prepared by the architect$ the architect is entitled to receive what percenta!e of the fee upon submission of the final desi!n "he minimum basic fee for speciali?ed decorative buildin! "he minimum basic fee for industrial buildin!s with a pro-ect cost below /0 million pesos "he minimum basic fee for hospital with a pro-ect cost below /0 million pesos &n desi!n(build services$ the sin!le point responsibility of pro-ect delivery puts the le!al liability for both the desi!n and construction on the "he release of 601 retention by the owner shall be done after how many months form the date of final payment Printed documents stipulatin! the procedural and administrative aspect of the contract A rice !iven by a contractor$ sub contractor$ material supplier or vendor to furnish material$ labor or both A statement from the architect confirmin! the amount of money due the contractor for wor# accomplished A bond furnished by the contractor and his surety as a !uarantee to execute the wor# in accordance with the terms of the contract

id D1 ;losed specification &nstruction to 5 months idders

65 months / 6 year 40 days 'tatue of @imitation 'tatutory ond

'tatue of .rauds


@easehold @esse @essor 5(5./ ,ultiple of >irect Personnel Jxpenses "rue Percenta!e of ;onstruction

An offer to perform the wor# prescribed in a contract at a specified cost "he fee of the architect for desi!n(build services by administration A stipulation of the use of specific products or processes without provision for substitution A list of instructions stipulatin! the manner on which bids are to be prepared "he performance and Payment onds shall be released by the owner after the expiration of how many months from the final acceptance of the wor# "he Auarantee ond is released how many months after the date of final payment How many days shall the buildin! official issue a certificate of occupancy after final inspection of the pro-ect A statue specifyin! the period of time within which le!al action must be brou!ht for alle!ed dama!e or in-ury A bond$ the form or content of which is prescribed by statue A rule that certain #inds of contracts are enforceable unless si!ned and in writin! or unless there is a written memorandum of their terms si!ned by the party to be char!ed A contract transferrin! the ri!ht of possession of buildin!$ property$ etc. for a fixed period of time$ usually for periodical compensation called GrentH A tenure by leaseI real estate held under a lease "he person receiving a possessory interest in buildin!s$ property$ etc. by lease "he person granting a possessory interest in buildin!$ property$ etc. by lease <an!e of the multiplier for ,ultiple of >irect Personnel Jxpenses "his type of compensation is only applied to non(creative wor# 'upervision wor# is a non creative wor# A world(wide used method of compensation for architectural services

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