November Edition

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ISSN: 2053-4426

16 NOVEMBER 2013




FOLLOWERS of an Indian guru were left shocked and disappointed after a foreign trip was cancelled less than 2 4 h o u r s b e f o re i t w a s supposed to take place. Gurinder Singh Dhillon, who lives in India, was set to visit followers in Bangkok, Thailand this weekend. But his keenly awaited trip was cancelled at the last minute due to ill health. One Australian follower who planned to fly to the meeting with a relative, said yesterday: Baba Ji cancelled his visit due to ill health. We were told the night before we The RSSBI were leaving so it came building i! Bangkok, as a big shock to us. A p p a r e n t l y t h e Indonesia satsang programme will still go ahead, but he will not be there. And the disappointed follower continued: We seem to be jinxed regarding Bangkok, because we were due to see him in 2011 and the programme was cancelled a few days before because of the floods that inundated the city.! The unwelcome and unsettling development

Bangkok trip scrapped at the last minute as onerous duties take their toll

Exclusive by FG reporter
comes as plans are under way for a double European trip by the guru, the leader of the Radha Soami Satsang Beas India group, in the spring and summer next year. A c c o rd i n g t o a r r a n g e m e n t s recently announced he is set to visit Malaga in April and the UK in August. The UK visit is expected to become an annual event open to visitors from all over the world.

His visit to Malaga on the Spanish mainland in April is the first he will make for two years. The guru will take time out of a busy schedule in India, his home country, to make the visit. He once lived and worked in Spain. One seeker, of Spanish origin but who now lives in the UK, told FG: We are looking forward to Baba Jis visit very much indeed. He comes to see us there every two years. The Spanish visit will be at the groups headquarters in Malaga in April (25-27).


At a meeting in Adelaide, Australia it thousands of seekers thirsting for was announced that the summer visit spiritual experience and knowledge. to Bedford, England would become an At last count international Science annual event and would be open to of the Soul centres (as they are visitors worldwide. called) numbered around 35, many Hotels in the area are already taking built since he took over the kind thoughts and to send you all SIXTIESbookings superstar and international for the event. leadership 23 years ago. her love. It is believed the guru has family These stretch from California on initiate of Charan Singh The FG readers sent their best to connections in the UK. the West coast of America has thanked FG readers wishes lastin month as to soon as they UK visitors are not invited to Spain Honolulu Hawaii Sydney and and others for their kind heard of Judiths plight. in April, probably because they are Auckland in the Antipodes. thoughts in the of a The message read: We scheduled to have theirwake own visit Meetings, or satsangs as are theyallare few months later. called, last at least two hours often thinking of you and sending you our her stroke. Gurinder Singh the going into three orearly four.recovery. best wishes for an Aussie Judith, who took visited over London mantle of mastership his After a discourse the A special edition directly of FG to was in the 70s to go to a from satsang predecessor, Charan his uncle, audience theto guru takes brought out record the gesture. meeting given by herSingh, guru, suffered in pictured while right). on tour qu estions l a s t i n g She , Simpson continued: is in a 1990. brain (Both haemorrhage He was the second youngest to usually, an hour-or-so, good spirits and looking forward to with The Seekers in her home take on the job, aged just 36. minimum. the challenge of recovery. town of Melbourne recently. He was beaten to the dubious T he Indian tour Judiths neurologist asked her to She was rushed to hospital where honour only by Charan Singh himself schedule as published sing him something and, without medical teams worked save when her who became the RSSBI to leader on the website is prompting, she was able to correctly life and35 limit anyold. possible damage. he was years p a c ke d s o l i d f ro m the J u d i t h s m a n a g e r, G r a h a m Gurinder Singh fulfills a gruelling Jsing anu a rfirst y tverse h r o of u gMorningtown h Ride, completely in tune. Simpson, said in May: She remains schedule of satsang tours both at December 2014. Later in the afternoon buoyed by the incredible home and abroad and messages under his It starts in Jaipur in she asked me to test her on other of support she receives on a daily guidance the group has grown December 2013 and songs, and she was able to sing - without a basis from expanding all around the world. immensely, by hundreds of ends in Ahmadabad. problem - the first verses of Ill Never She has asked me to thank you Find Another You, Come all for your encouragement and Affectionately yours: uncle and nephew relaxing quietly in an Indian garden.The Day and

15 NOVEMBER 2013 4 JUNE 2013

In between, thousands of international guests flood to the Indian headquarters in Beas, Punjab making constant demands on his time. Even short breaks are often filled with time-consuming and tiring trips abroad, as they are next year. It is common knowledge that this leader has spent the most time bringing the teachings to seekers and disciples who constantly crave his presence at home and abroad. No official announcement has been made regarding his condition or any progress generally. !

Judith buoyed by support

I Celebrate Your Life My Baby. Judith, (pictured above) is looking forward to the challenges of rehabilitation and is determined to continue improving. All dates for The Seekers 50th Anniversary tour have been put on hold. !



for FG readers
Indian Zing - the only restaurant in Hammersmith and Chiswick to be listed with 2 couverts - The Michelin Guide 2008.

Tel: 020 8748 5959

Orders must be placed before 6.30pm ask for Rahul Kulkarni
(not Friday or Saturday)

Indian Zing Restaurant 236 King Street, London W6 0RF




16 NOVEMBER 2013

Curry Capital goes vegetarian

THE CURRY capital of the world is set to g e t i t s f i r s t - e v e r p u re v e g e t a ri a n restaurant, thanks to the determination and vision of a local restaurateur.
Brick Lane, in Londons east end is well known for its Indian restaurants. But, until this weekend, every one of them was meat orientated. Now, for the first time, a brave and accomplished restaurateur is bringing a pure vegetarian menu to the palates of diners, who can rest assured that their tastes are being catered for. As vegetarianism becomes more popular amongst Westerners young and old Guljar Khan hopes the eatery will take off if God wills it. Khan already owns or part-owns a number of restaurants in the capital and elsewhere and is set to bring his considerable expertise and aplomb to running his fist vegetarian venture. He is putting his money where his mouth is with an investment of around 200,000 in the new eatery. In an exclusive interview with Friends Gazette he said: Brick Lane is renowned all over the world. And to have a pure vegetarian restaurant in Brick Lane in the heart of the curry capital would be a big achievement for ourselves. We are very serious. I have a few restaurants in Brick Lane and I am seeing the opportunity for this vegetarian restaurant to take off. By the grace of God it will take off. Khan, a Bangladeshi, will use the classic Indian vegetarian name Diwana for his venture, though it is not linked to the well-known restaurant of the same name in Euston, north London in any way. He has brought in a renowned vegetarian chef from south-India especially, known only as Ramesh, who

Special report by Stephen Ward

Brick Lan!

will make sure dishes are suitable to Hindu and other religious palates. Diner, Hari Karam Singh, 34, of Shad Thames (pictured right) said: The food is great quality. I was surprised to learn that this is the only all-vegetarian in Brick Lane. Its nice to know as a vegetarian that there is no meat mixed in, in any sort of way. I have been vegetarian for about seven years. Opening times are 12pm-11.30pm seven-days-a-week. There are around 16 tables seating four people each. A buffet is set up near the door at lunchtimes. A manager is on hand at all times to attend personally to customers needs, Khan says. Signature dish is their Delux Dosa priced at a very reasonable 5.95.


65 Indian restaurants just on Brick Lane itself. Brick Lane is known as the curry capital of Europe. I say its the curry capital of the world. Curry houses sprang up in Brick Lane in the 70s to give Bangladeshi ship workers on the ChitagongTilbury route a taste of home. The street is now firmly on the tourist trail for both British and foreign visitors to the capital looking for genuine London life, not the manufactured, commercialised and stilted attractions of palaces and cathedrals. Brick Lane features among a growing number of living London hubs such as Southwark market, Camden, Shoreditch, Spitalfields and the South Bank of the Thames. The vibrant Whitechapel Gallery is just around the corner and since the late 90s, hot spots like 93 Feet East and The Vibe Bar, both built on the site of The Old Truman Brewery have sprung up. The area is packed on weekends and evenings with a young, alternative crowd many of whom are beginning to veer towards a veggie or vegan lifestyle. !

16 NOVEMBER 2013

Ned Kelly aint no crowd puller

HAD enough of the crowds at London art galleries. T h e n a v i s i t t o t h e R oy a l Academys Australia exhibition might be just the thing. Reviewed as the biggest show yet with a myriad facets there were surprisingly few visitors when FG dropped in recently. Weve not had many in, an attendant kindly informed our reporter. On view is a fascinating display from a surreal Ned Kelly to an elaborate ostrich egg inkwell. (pic below). The exhibition is on till Dec 8. !

Good brick! Restaurateur Guljar Kha!

Lunch-time buffets will start at 6.95 and prices will be held for a few months at least. Buffets will offer around 30 to 40 items and new equipment will keep dishes piping hot - a concern with some customers elsewhere, Khan claimed. There arent many vegetarian restaurants in the east London area especially [here] where we have over for our on-line menu and information

Brick Lane

quality bhel poori house




96 Brick Lane, London, E1 9RL Tel: 0207 247 0733



16 NOVEMBER 2013

Samye Ling leader attacked and killed on visit to his residence in south western China
AN ADMIRER of a Tibetan spiritual leader, who was blessed by him as a child, has spoken of her shock and grief at the news of his death.
Choje Akong Rinpoche, 73, a cofounder of the Kagyu Samye Ling centre in Scotland was attacked and killed at his residence in the city of Chengdu in southwest China. He co-founded the centre in Eskdalemuir, Dumfrees and Galloway, in the border area of Scotland. The monastery is one of the largest in Europe of its kind and draws thousands of devotees to its doors. It stands as a beacon to Buddhist teachings and the path of inner enlightenment and practice in the centre of some of the most striking rolling countryside in the UK. Shenpen Chokyi, who was blessed by the Rinpoche as a child and whos son Sati was also blessed by the Tibetan Buddhist leader said: I was shocked when I heard the news. I sobbed, and sobbed and sobbed. I dont think Ill ever get over it. The Samye Ling centre is in Eskdalemuir, in the Scottish borders, just a few miles away from where Shenpen runs the veggie/vegan Rennaldburn guesthouse. Visitors to the monastery have stayed at Rennaldburn and a regular donation is made to the Tibetan charity, Rokpa, based at Samye Ling. Co-founder and vice-president of Rokpa said the death had left behind an irreplaceable gap. The dead man, Dr Choje Akong Rinpoche, was a British citizen. He fled Tibet in 1959. He was stabbed to death along with his nephew and driver in October, according to reports. Chengdu police have said three suspects, all of whom are Tibetan, have been arrested and confessed to the killings. Rennaldburn is a 17th century farmhouse surrounded by pastureland about 12 miles north of Langholm in the Scottish borders. It is reputedly the first house built by Thomas Telford under the apprenticeship of a master stonemason in his early teens. Visitors can cook for themselves in its pleasant and well-equipped kitchen. Only vegetarian or vegan food is preferred within the self-catering premises and being committed Buddhists the organisers regretfully refuse bookings from hunters and/or anglers. !
The late Dr Choj" Akong Rinpoch"

Grief and sorrow as founder murdered

W A N T E D for F R I E N D S G A Z E T T E

Can you sell? GAZET GAZETTE E AZETT G NEHRU A TE NEW VISION ON R A This magazine is going SHAW TO ST ANCIENT TEXTS SET FOR FFAIR FRINGE FILM IE D IN IN from strength-tostrength - now were looking for an ad sales GAZETT GAZETTE E GAZETTEnd E supremo to take us of D N O BEY G! era? IN an IT C " S G EG to the next stage. Theres a top package for the right person. GAZETTE GAZET AZETTE Best wishe TE s Judith Experience is a MUST! G rned me veggie! God tu Send your cv and covering letter to: AD SALES
ISSN: 2053-4426








Scandal Chinese classic gets a fresh look as artist called to give hexagrams a that facelift rocked

The synopsi

THE BOOK of Changes, or I-Ching, has interpret most states of the human condition on a global as well as an Exclusive individual level. by Stephen of India, and I do really revere where it comes Ward the countrys minister, Jawaharla first prime from. The roots. And thats what Im tease t h e oracle l Nehru. the countrys f o rancient A movie on which is used by The book contains a divination trying to connect with, Chokyi said. w o r d s The I like. been shelved first prime minister l, which starring Cate the same subject many to foretell the tfuture h e as well as system accessed by the throwing of has economica after Indian Chokyis highly idiocyncratic work is be what tried to pressure officials showed the Blanchett which descri much-needed guidance for coins, yarrow stalks or, more called Zhouyi Zuvuya, a mixture of W hy giving the director tone down see? dancing was couple in bed, kissing can in living the 21-st century to get and beyond recently, by pressing a button on-line. the name for the I-Ching itself and a the script. audience and would pulled after writers Indian Summer, from the Indian more pressure a hippy favourite in the 60s. Wish was The answers to questions, which Mayan term for the way in which all government. star Cate Blanchet which was set Deborah Antoinet to began by many writers could be life-changing or trivial, are things come back to themselves. to that. It is referred t and Hugh stardom was based to te, who plays Lady Mountba road Grant and singers of that era, including the read using a coded system of on Shaw's I started doing illustrations of what an and karate about Lord a non-fiction book version, told tten in the latest 70s she croons hexagrams - six short lines written I feel to be the image of the individual iconic Joni Mitchell when Mountbatten. as ex-policem FG: [This play] Doyle ! in Dilip Shankar, [Lady Mountba Raymond portrays It was the hexagram of the heavens from the bottom up. Combinations of hexagrams and Ive given them titles. expert a prominen tten] as a sexy Professionals. a actor and The t Indian Some classic personality, in Amelia. in flirt. say Lord TV broken (feminine/yin) or solid Some of the titles show the way has starred was a casting director on was inexperie Luis Mountbatten then he stage Since Now Shen Chokyi, has come up (masculine/yang) lines make up the through. The I-Ching is all about that, and 44, nced in love when it was the movie four years television preferred of a and n looking at ago scrapped. with whole new way of string the books 64 hexagrams which claim to she explained. ! a Tony nominatio He takes the drove his wife company of men, which for the texts with a set of cards, visual hits winning title role in Desk award stage play the new Nehru, His into others arms. a Drama and and his writings. and images Inner Story, role as Lord the business modestly goes about for world-renowned Whats a butchers granddaughter doing in a vegetarian is on way best actor d Eskdalemuir Chokyi, who lives in in roa Edinburgh at the a B affair, withoutof the play, including starting on r i n g i nfeels Fringe restaurant in Londons west end? - Find out on page six the G o Scotland, any fanfare. Wildes Saturday. she has been called by of Oscar It has already production the I Ching itself to undertake the toured India London to Husband. in years to Idealwhich Antask critical acclaim. and took, starring in all, 13 It is written He is currentlydrama Twelve and produced stage and complete. Pramila le courtroom by Hunt, m. In an exclusive interview with the star of lm,indie movie classic in the 83 UK a Tory candidate Men in Birmingha 8) was Angry election and FG she said: I feel I was called [by the number D-WINNING a new the first women a His one role (juror in the AN AWAR set to appear in I Ching] to do it. I came up with a of Asian origin of cript and stand for Parliamen by Henry Fondadirected is to played a lost manus sequence which starts with earth and t for the television 50s movie Conservatives. Hollywood n gangsters, A CONT ends with heaven. Sidney Lumet. The plays ROVERSIAL about Russia l genius. legendary Gordon publicity the by by d Its a very geometric sequence. It play which 606 states: [Nehru], was approache the Shaw a meeting mathematica follows the same pattern through began at Chelsea's attended of free India first prime minister member portrays a both they line groupit in l ay Casting Thursday under the when each al track so you can all very of bonding withspeaks his truth . . . meditation aw w i l l p and of aneasily. Indian club last aristocracy the British the family Then I found out thats actually Martin Sh of actress Edwina Mountba ladies the spring. the do Tigran, a Russian watchful eye Deborah Ward. Bedford flirt is set as a sexy tten, towards and theinsame waybelonged that the to Mayans whom his both Gevorkian in a have lonely heart director or They their calendar. a KGB past Scotland to debut in out. reached the 70s. c casting afoot to make a trailer for baddie, with this month to raise group since It actors starts being with considered the pure feminine A report in on the enigmati d Plans are Nehru, His will be used to be . ywood Other Inner Story, lm based an B o l lmasculine. teaser which and ends with e pure the movie, The Daily Mail about a rthe an alleged ie touches on othing full-blown movie 2013 mo of Pi) Indian affair (Life FG! or 4 JUNE t h e The 3v funds for a Sharma book N FG Mountbatten, between I JULY Ching Y J!ng is one of the ! 2013 in 2009, reads: A Summer, made Edwina The heartthrobs Suraj who is said to be by Nigel Lesmoir- shot early next year. wife of the romance between film about the oldest of Chinese classic texts. tells Gordon: last Viceroy Kapoor Everywhere In an email Shaw original, and the and Shahid the wife of last British very the EVERYBO Viceroy of Gordon. DY KNOWS synopsis looks RIGHT MAKES MIGHT, NOT THE OTHER WAY ROUND ! BARAK OBAMA" 1 India and THEYRE FG!

s looks very

original Martin

tells author

ical script undergone a major revamp after an author and econom after reading artist felt it was time to widen its visual appeal. r

India gets Edinb

urgh airing

despite govern ment









13 MAY 2013



market TOP quality basma ti to crack egg-free could be rice cut with details are Basmati sells of grain lesser types company but in large food times the price for two or three public and a bid to fool wraps. of other types make million the so the A 2010 UK being kept under m the govern Vinod by FG reporter will ment cost in the region of incentive to of rice to A FAVOURITE haunt of People come here from everywhere Yorkshire) wholesalers test on rice supplied cheat is tempting type of watchd og s, a - especially UK eggs!clusive Accordin g a warned. one of a new could be from Southall, Harrow and 32.7bn. this year when vegeta rians has of the issue from FG is justreaders samples had found four out of by basmati is the price Foods tackles HUNG RY Wembley, from Manchester and The first section from London to angle. company that is being Basmati set to rise could soon Creek environme rice is a firm innovators if government basmati, and cheaper rice mixed 15 ntal and ethical ruined significantly. Accordin Birmingham. Birmingham to cost vegetariais with been eco-food favourite one had no en health, Valley, USA. and vegans ns expected with Managem g to trade news has and basmati in Silicon Basmati rice into forgott mag Supply weight high plans for a 32.7bn Guptas was set up 30 years ago 17bn. stage is others slightlywho more its This fragrant The welcome follower of incubated ent a price was unavailab at all. savour by heavy be tucking taste, UK in the backed rail 80% can hike like pa n- greeted by one American follow a and le in the specialising in making and selling e x p e n s ithe v e way due t o excellent t u n n e l l i texture ng Khosla It is speed 60s era, link go ahead. ties Vinod be expected of almost consider the f avouri a n d RSSBI, whose adherents simply as financier Drummond reduced and risk taker in the pan out requirements ofgrains London and because of Bill ed suitable when rice was StreetRoad. in north London Indian sweets. diet, ponges and on the stay separate Pakistan production in for puddings (see recipe firm, Sand Hill plate. Ricky Gupta told the CNJ: They through parts of the Chilterns. led lacto-vegetarian India and c a ke s, s p6). only firm where basmati Now through ishis home to in the likes of Diwanas, Khoslas unscrupulous even scramb ing strict is grown. Only as immigrat will put in double yellow lines along Transpor t Secretar y,suppliers Patrick The an investor cutting Hampton Yummie! test FSA regularly muffins Chutneys, Ravi Shankar all pure of Gates this a taste are suspecte CEO ion from the continent an egg-cit muffins restaurants, said: expensiv HS2 is eabsolutely grain dubbed Founder and Tetrick, 32, a vegan, gave Hamptons top grade subIndian vegetarian as well the road so no one will be able to McLoughlin, flourished d adultera gets reports of tell the eggs - if the prince Josh alone basmati, tion a spokesm has told FG. park. To lose a customer is easy, to vital for cheaper this country, providing a couldnt other t takes off. and of rice with as Indian sweetie mecca Ambala. Creek Foods take the animal last year an amongst become a rice, let muffin made new produc varieties athe gain a customer is very hard. huge boost which will replace eggs said: Were trying to favourite casheconomic to the English. in We between But HS2, as link is officially in aims a on bid egg the on and with the equation. s i s a difference UKinvestment Beyond Eggs made HS2 Ltd. estimates that the Y generate a return that to authoriti get reports from market currently Now worth 100m of ground peas well totally out of a muffin known, would mean vast expansion Thi es. The most local with it is a staple food, year. t re s s e s : everyone with eggs and it so continue a paying back for with its concotion March. We recent was competin bread and of Euston station devastating Network, providing two corridors willGovernm And he s it hopes to do virtually for Beyond Eggs. in Superma pasta in popularit g ent substitute, north of Birmingham (one direct to generations to come. But you cannot watchdo starches. And m project reports a usually get half a dozen e is Standard surrounding streets for up to ten rket g, mainstrea the differenc y. shelves enjoy. s Agency year from Food country complete a new railway(FSA), line without that the would not the world to around the warning years threatening the restaurants Manchester and the other to Leeds build without large which could be about food around says about the scam ! issued a rice for sale v i a E a s t M i d l a n d s a n d S o u t h causing some disruption. undetectable. go up. says the future, it is claimed. with a large but The way Tetrick in even the displays of con merchan last year but to recognise are country villages. Top-level talks smallest upgone away been tampered Objections to the plans will be trillion eggs ts have not if rice has already underway In Canada in case 1.3 eve r y ye a r sought after company are basmati is continue to and the public should cooking. The with is usually during heard at the Court of Appeal in kept secret laid be vigilant. shape of who prefer as a food for diabetics and 99% these are being would not London next week (June 10), but the it to flour. poached. be as long some grains Tony worldwide battery the idea gets The should be. or thin as Department of Transport has vowed of Bill Gates, are from they harvestRice Association says And the likes entrepreneur Vinod cage birds. to continue to defend any challenge. the 2012 in India was up to 40% on 2011 Blair and Indian to cash in on what An exceptional hardship scheme Tetricks visionary down largely because dinary set to The UKs Khosla are poised (EHS) has been set up for residential, an egg-straor mixture , Food the Standards could become in February, agricultural and 2013 small business farming Agency11 FG! affected MARCH methods bits huge launch 11 APRIL is an independent FG opportunity. ! 2013 and owner-occupiers by HS2. Bovine can present is made from food safety Spongifo In 2010 the watchdo Rejecting eggs West where egg-free of ground-up peas, rm Mohammed Salique, who runs Encepha g set up in SPECI the in FSA lopathy ! 2000 had 2,000 AL BULLE to protect difficulties to the culture sorghum, sunflower BSE" Diwana, told local paper Camden New or mad cow the TIN employees and is wholly foreign publics healthBritish eating and Journal: We get a lot of trade from s. ! Food policy disease. lecithin, canola FG an annual and experts consume - even for vegetarianmayonaise usually a f e w o t h e r people who are waiting for a train. 21 MAY 2013 wanted a r interests and budget of new food in relation to ies and s. Bread, cakes $135m We rely on this and when work agency responsi food. which lacto-veggcant be ingredient but this was and It was originall ble to contain eggs they starts it will finish us off for 10 reduced the Secretar It is cheaper the result of as eat because responsi y proposed on the coalition a bilities to vegans cant years. Redoam Pasha, of the Ravi for Health, y of State ingredients. in 1997, amid lasts longer governm governm independent concerns ents ent sure of the eggs-act favourite s like shelf and, Tetrick Shankar Bhel Puri House, said: of the food about food cuts. A shake spending departm industry, with poisonin shunned, claims, Hampton ents And breakfast but at arms# Eggs muffin g, intensiv have to be new governm#up by the a Beyond Pictured right: Restaurant bosses and focus solely so it could length from e a bite of ation from Creek Foods is on "left#. scrambled eggs ent led to minister on "right# takes Tetrick the FSA Josh of eggs-asper s. safety policy food !orkers fear closur " #pic courtesy CNJ$ of a Bill Gates handing causing looks and Creek Foods founder, over the verge some of its enforcem 1 ent. deal with a Hampton hotel waiters. dawning as DEPTH OF ! THIS EARTH MORE TO BE PRIZED THAN TRUE FRIENDSHIP FRIENDSHI new era is Hampton major ! THERE IS NOTHING ON " THOMAS AQUINAS 1 Courtesy FSA P DOES FACT CHECKER But now a NOT NELSON MANDELA websit! DEPEND company PRISON " ON LENGTH IN based BE STILL OF ACQUAINTA CaliforniaBEHIND, ID and Khosla, Bill Gates Tony Blair keen to support bid

Price hike of

Look out fo r
80! could tempt



Final decision on 33bn high speed rail plan set for Monday next week

con artists to

rice fraud!
cut with cheap er grai"

What is the Food

Standards Agency?








Parents flee religious turmoil COULD THEY I feel uncomfortable, insecure and scared ! so" Pg5 MEAN US?
" !type conversio

Text books in Pakistani schools foster prejudice and intolerance of Hindus and other religious ernment commission reveals. minorities - study by a US gov-



London Frien

ds send messa


Issues arise over cremation of Hindu dead according to religious customs in Pakistan.

ge as 60s singin

g star rushe

about be praying when I will I will feel a gut feeling r who something and something is right or n ministe veggie A Christia about whether a knowing. It is a tease his just used to their diet, wrong. It is I should or sense that friends about ian himself very strong something. on Channel turned vegetarto him. get graduates. He appeared should not do spoke spot recently came of thing I cannot after God Fours 4thought how and why he e conversion It is the kind out about The Damascen a student of my head. visited speaking . his mum Devi hope soon to be reunited in the UK. Woodhouse, Vinod Motiani and prayed out right) had after Dan had turned vegetarian a Christian minister, had feeling Dan (picturedthe momentous day. wanted Methodis t A PROMINENT satsangi Son Vinod, 32, who lives in Oxford, on They had a gut ism, he into Central Hall went I time intensely and life-changing step. couple are vegetarian set to quit their and is a regular attender at the London e on first the perspectiv That was the before taking home in Pakistan because amascus of satsang in Ladbroke Grove, said: It [the he visited Methodist hall, he said. We were said.growing my road-to-D religious intolerance situation] makes me feel very uncomCoincidentally Westminster, London the for a service. I talk about vegetarianism. I used in I went there a back room with a tv the very in the troubled country. fortable, insecure and scared. Central Hall to into and I used conversion he switched, friends and My parents are already considering on the day Charan Singh had once funnelled the great hall. (pictured Dilip Kumar Motiani hisPaul wife vegetarian St have link-up to a vegetarian to Devi, who a little bit like same building the 70s. have decided emigration from the point of view of in . He became to tease themare Hindus, told me about overleaf) securing a permanent residence here given satsang somebody tothen call it a day and join I their the day. on television sawchiland later the same nt] Dan, 25, appeared dren in Europe onand a permanent ba- so they can come to and fro as and m man, is studying about his dramatic I have been s e , [the environme Dan, a Nottingha sis reluctantly turning their back on when they want as opposed to having sley Hou p2) recently talking (See separate panel). Since Christmas (cont. o g y a t We to become a light. l heart. o e of h to apply for a visa, but this has now t to generations of life in the subchange vegan. He hopes exclusive interview prompted them to not only (cont p2) Cambridge. m i n i s t e r w h e n h e continent. He gave an afterwards. Methodist life Friends Gazette points in my There are certain

Devout Chris

tian sees the light

in Damascene

d to hospital

the nation on What Dan told I nicest thing.

!it was" the God has believe that to personally, called me, any more. If not eat meat to me I to Gods speaking I will start will find that the pit of in really feel it But then, my stomach. be often, it will the random by confirmed tend to things that to be happen. I happened I march and going on a this person came across

vegetarian I became a it was a after feeling caring for of crucial part ent, Gods the environm up I creation. Growing meat. I always always ate I relished a enjoyed meat. I would plate of meat. other foods often ignore including vegetables wouldnt I why because big plate of just have a obviously meat because

this. I know her very well was just a sense (that ... and it something) wasnt quite right. Fellow Seekers member Keith Potger visited which is almost one every day. bedside last Durham at her Thursday morning The abduction of a 14-year-old said she was and the pair had resting comfortably girl in Sindh in August 2012 was as a long Durham would chat. not an isolated case, says HRCoP. would probably have tests which The Hindus of Pakistan are a go on for about days, Potger 10 religious minority in an oversaid. Shes doing well, he told whelmingly Muslim society. They Australian the Associated constitute about 5.5% of the Press. The London Friends message read: We population of 170m. are all thinking Best of wishes from you. Hindu Pakistanis live primarily in us all. LONDON Judith Durha Durham an ! Sindh, whichFriend borders India. Australian s have sent best to fame in native shot wishes the 60s. In dialled an emergen in Pakistan are well Most Hindus to Novemb Judith 1964 the Seekers cy medical er Durham, advice line educated, working inthe commerce, released for help. Find Another famou s 60s You compose I'll Never Durham was trade and thefolk civil service. Springfield, who was admitt singer, master Charan a follower of RSSBI British singer d by Tom Springfields ed to Dusty Singh. She hospital a bhandara brother. last week satsang given attended In February after suffering Westminster by him in 1965 the record a brain reached number in hemorrhage. The Seekers London in the 70s. Australia, while one in the UK and Golden Jubilee CURRYING FAVOUR! The message Australian the bands Tour has been recording we would 1966 Sunday lunchtimwas sent by email of postponed will to be done DISCOUNT DINNER GOES WITH A ZING AT A TOP WEST LONDON RESTAURANT! on e after the until Dales Georgy Springfield and Jim the opposite heard of her a cow suit group be pulling in Speaking to further notice. Girl (from dressed in sign which plight. the same name) the film of FED UP direction. with pile-it-high, sellIm happy to make this exclusive offer to Durham, last Thursday the Australian press holding a big be an 70 in July, todays day in food reached I think it-cheap And Indian street readers of she the FG which we think is a great was taken two in the after said you cant eat performed ill United States. number said: I had Simpson means eating and Drummond style? publication. age that with the group The Seekers a call from and Street we The environmentalist than Seekers: SW her just before meat in Hammer !l"r# Keith less that just Then tuck into some haute cuisine Orders must be placed before 6.30pm a lot Potger, Bruce Melbourn Hall, on meat. And Woodley, Judith do. Australia all of my midnight and curry in elegant surroundings - andlittle weekdays only e, (not Friday or .Saturday) and food Durham, Athol currently summed up all of my On Guy returnin Jesus eat very enjoy a whacking discount! must be eaten on the just led me that call Would g premises. to her hotel I think thinking and in that the to think no meat? gig last or deal after Thanks tomeat, a special between This article appears here free-of-charge. All benet goes somethin Tuesday praying. And moment she Please at the of having g just wasnt complain knew. I Friends Gazette and Indian Zing be a entirely to readers and their friends. take aed copy of probably difficulty moment I would the thats working restaurant, readers can enjoy a this page within you to activate discount the and ask for quite right. remote he, maybe, I ent thought Yeah, tv although her room. I went and environm delicious meal and get a ,generous 20 RAHUL when you get to your table. vegetarian She KULKARNI right. The fall apart. to say for spoke was rushed to per cent off wouldnt the bill. like Indian Zing, 236 King Street, London to her in her to hospital is starting manager If its being by Graham Proprietor Manoj Vasaikar said: W6 0RF. Tel: 0208-748 5959. definite. and thought room Its groaning. for Gods Simpson . He had Ok, damaged then think we need I to do PAGE 1 #
The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan said in 2010 that at in that country every month least 25 Hindu girls are abducted


the Channel

4 slot






WORDS ARE Friendship isn't about whom you have known the longest. Its about who came, and never left your side. ano!! PAGE 1 ARE SHAKESPE EASY, LIKE THE WIND; FAITHFU









16 NOVEMBER 2013


otherwise the article is not complete and readers wonder if you have a motive in leaving facts out. ! Wei Long and Mei Hua London

Chinese whispers
I WAS very interested to read the article by your correspondent in China. She was very brave to interview other Chinese people in the streets. We have lived in Bei Jing and we know what it can be like. You must look everywhere to see who is watching and listening to what you are saying or even whispering. Everyone knows how China and the Chinese government is paranoid about the internet and tries to block freedom of information. What have they got to hide? One wonders. However I was very disappointed that your article didnt mention anywhere the one incident which demonstrated the Chinese opposition to freedom, and freedom of information. That was Tiananmen Square. Even recently there was a news blackout when a car fire broke out there and five people were killed. Well done on your brave reporting and that of your correspondent but you must make sure you include all relevant matters in your reports

The case for milk

AS veganism takes hold. Heres a different perspective. The Hindu view on a lactovegetarian diet reads as follows: Milk is a food sanctioned and designed by God, by Krishna, for humans and not just for the calf. The cow produces more milk than the calf needs and this is not accidental but by design. Out of affection for her calf the cow will give as much milk as possible. In our system of cow care we let the calf be with its mother for two weeks and drink whatever he or she likes and we will take the surplus. From the third week up to six months we graze or pen the calf separately and give him or her access to the mother twice a day. The calf's share of the milk roughly equates to 25% of the day's total. It is natural for a cow to provide milk for people, this is how Krishna created it. Drinking milk from a cow is not wrong but is completely natural and divinely arranged. To drink milk is OK, to take milk from a cow that has been impregnated for the purposes of producing milk is OK, to milk the cow is OK, to sell the milk is OK. The farmers should do it properly though. They should not prevent the cow having a relationship with her calf. The cows and calves should not be killed. The bulls should not be killed. The cows should be milked properly and the whole herd should be cared for with attention and kindness for their entire life. What the farmers are doing and how they are abusing the cow should stop. ! FG is taking a break over Christmas - see you in Jan 2014
Published by Stephen Ward Publications, London, England. ISSN: 2053-4426

Liz and Elton also came

IT was fascinating to read about what is happening to The Lighthouse in Ladbroke Grove. This is one of the most iconic buildings in London, if not in the world. Yet you have chosen not to report fully on the facts about this building. Yes, Princess Diana, bless her heart, visited it on a regular basis. She brought her own unique and beautiful dynamism to the work that was going on there. But you omitted to mention other well-known people also visited. One such was Elizabeth Taylor who was very concerned about the impact of AIDS in the world. Sir Elton John also came. You also failed to report that the remains of some residents are interred in the garden of the building. You really must report fully in what is otherwise an interesting and informative publication. ! Name withheld London
The late, great Miss Elizabeth Taylor



16 NOVEMBER 2013

STRENGTH isnt what your muscles do, its more complex [than that]. Thats the message from record breaking vegan strongman Patrik Baboumian. Speaking exclusively with Friends Gazette the Iranian-born German continued: There is strength of mind and strength of the heart. Without a strong heart the muscles are quite useless. Patrick was one of the special guests at the hugely popular VegFestUK show held in Londons Olympia in Earls Court last month. Around nine thousand vegetarians, vegans and their friends flocked to the venue to get the latest

Patrik Baboumian, "orld champio#

But make sure you have a strong heart to go with it, vegan weightlifter says
on food, clothes, personal products and plenty more, all with superb ethical credentials.
I define strength on the basis of how compassionate I am.Veganism is one thing that is required to be able to call yourself compassionate.You dont want to do any harm to other sentient beings, Patrick explained. Patrik is the world champion in the log lift and front hold and European champion in raw-power lifting. He also holds Germanys Strongest Man title. He turned vegetarian in 2005 and vegan in 2011. In 1985 his family fled Iran in the wake of that countrys war with Iraq and settled in Germany. He bears an uncanny resemblance to fictional strongman The Hulk. He watched the TV programme he says, aged just three; in the company of my parents. !

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16 NOVEMBER 2013

Foreign Office warns over visa scams

B A C K PA C K I N G B ri t s traveling in Australia are being targeted by unscrupulous Antipodea n rogues preying on their desire to stay longer in the land Down Under, the Foreign Office has warned. Brits are only allowed to work in Australia or New Zealand officially for one year. They usually take up a number of casual jobs in pubs, clubs and hotels, exactly the same as their Aussie counterparts in the UK. But Australian law states that if they work on farms then their visas can be extended for a year. In an official statement the British Foreign Office warns: Beware of scam adverts offering to help you extend a working holiday visa. Second year working holiday visas are available if you have worked in a rural area for three months during the first year of your working holiday. Some British nationals have falsely claimed to have worked on farms using information bought from scam advertisers. As a result, they have had their visas cancelled and been excluded from returning to Australia for three years. !
Backpackers in Byron Bay, Australia # a favourite destinatio! $ith British visitors.

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16 NOVEMBER 2013

Scientology a dangerous cult ! French court says

Church pedaled personality tests, bogus vitamin cures, sauna sessions and purification packs
The Church of Scientology is to appeal to the Court of Human Rights against a conviction for fraud in the French courts, France 24 reports. The proposed move comes after the church lost its bid to reverse a ruling of fraud in Frances highest appeal court last month.
Five people had accused the church of persuading them to spend tens of thousands of euros on personality tests as well as bogus vitamin cures, sauna sessions and purification packs. They pointed the finger at the five church members as well as the Celebrity Centre and Scientology bookstore in the Rue Legendre, Paris. In the original case in 2009 the church was found guilty and fined a total of 600,000 euros. The five officials got suspended prison sentences and their boss in France, Alain Rosenberg, got a 30,000 euro fine and a two-year suspended sentence. According to France 24 the church has indicated that if its appeal was rejected it would seek recourse at the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. The church has claimed that its religious liberties are being infringed. But Scientology is not considered a religion in France as it is in the United States, Sweden and Spain. On the contrar y the French parliament there has branded it a dangerous cult. The Church of Scientology is based in Los Angeles and was founded by science fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard. It claims 10-million members worldwide including 45,000 in France.

Celebs like John Travolta and Tom Cruise (above) are well-known Scientology supporters. !

I handed over the money in a weak moment ! beautician

A BEAUTICIAN handed over 100 to London Scientologists in a weak moment of self-doubt. Sandra (name changed) who works in central London took the Scientology personality test at their centre in Tottenham Court Road recently. But shortly afterwards felt she didnt want to go ahead with the analysis and decided to ask for her money back. This was being held on account. I was worried they wouldnt give it back to me, she said. But they were very understanding and after asking me if I was sure I didnt want to go on they just handed my cheque back to me. I am a devout Hindu and my religion is quite enough for me but I was just drawn into what they had to offer in a weak moment of self-doubt. Church of Scientology policy states that money held on account is returned upon request. !

Son of slain Sikh leader set to stand in 2014 US election

THE SON of a slain Sikh temple leader aims to stand for office in the US election next year in a bid to bring democracy back to the people. Satwant Singh Kaleka was mown down by a crazed gunman in a gurdhwara he founded in America. Now son, Amar, 35, hopes to win a Senate seat for the Democrats, in the political struggle to come. Amar, a film director and producer, will battle Republican Paul Ryan for the seat. All I want to do is bring democracy - a government of, for and by the people - back to America, he told reporters. Satwant was a small-business owner who founded the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin in suburban Milwaukee. On August 5, 2012, a white supremacist walked into the temple and opened fire, killing Satwant and five others before taking his own life. The FBI have been unable to determine a motive. !



16 NOVEMBER 2013

Angry Shaws West End triumph

Review by Stephen Ward
ONE-BY-ONE he changes their minds. From guilty verdicts based on bigotry, prejudice and hatred to not-guilty ones using logic, clear thinking and a sense of fair play. Twelve Angry Men at the Garrick in Londons West End is playing to full-houses, even mid-week! At the centre of this riveting piece, written by Reginald Rose, is a trial in which a 16-year-old boy is accused of murdering his father with a switchblade. Because hes one of those (a working-class immigrant, probably black) intent on breeding like rabbits and determined to get us - hes guilty from the word go. And it takes the cool head and sheer intellectual and moral courage of just one juror, (Shaw) to ensure that justice is done and the electric chair denied its victim. As juror no 8, played in the original film by iconic Henry Fonda, he delivers an impressive tour-de-force - totally commanding the starkly designed stage at all times. At one point, as a storm rages outside, his character meticulously measures out the distance between one eyewitnessess bed and the window through which he purportedly saw the stabbing, proving convincingly, it just couldnt have happened that way. Under the deft direction of Christopher Haydon the actors deliberate around a huge table in the middle of the set which slowly and almost imperceptably turns full-circle as the play progresses, dramatically reflecting the changing arguments in the room itself. Shaw is supported by an all-star cast which glitters with talent and box-office magnetism bringing the whole drama alive, including Robert Vaughn (Napoleon Solo,The Magnificent Seven and, more recently, Hustle); Jeff Fahey (Lawnmower Man, Revolution and Under the Dome) and Nick Moran (Lock, Stock . . , Harry Potter). Recommended! !



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16 NOVEMBER 2013

Get away to bonnie Scotland!

Rennaldburn self-catering farmhouse

Rennaldburn is a 17th century farmhouse which sleeps seven to eight. We also rent individual rooms ~ and can provide a veggie or vegan breakfast if requested the previous day. We are Buddhists and revere all life - so we do not take hunters or anglers. Best rates. Reductions for FG readers. Find us on: Eskdalemuir, Langholm. Tel: 01387 373277




16 NOVEMBER 2013

Missed the bus? Its not my f!ailte!

Life in rural Ireland is all go for author, $ife and mu% Helena Abrahams &left' $ho once lived in the English metropolis. HAVING spent 25 years in London the seduction of living in a quiet rural retreat in Connemara, on the West coast of Ireland, was irresistible.
This quaint boreen (unpaved country road) is a lovely mixture of old and new. Modern, architect designed houses sit comfortably next to cottages and old stone sheds, just five minutes from the main road and the wild Atlantic Ocean beyond. Next door there is a half finished !house ! TURNING the lights on (or off) - a post Celtic could be just a 'wink' away thanks Tiger remnant to research being conducted at a (remember Catholic university. that?). !! Katia Vega, a beauty technology Young designer at the Pontifical Catholic professionals University in Rio de Janeiro has zoom down come up with electronic make up the boreen on which can operate lights switch on their way to air conditioning or heating and, work in the frighteningly, control aerial drones! city, whilst the Wearing metal eye-shadow or elderly lady at false eye-lashes users can operate the end of the various devices simply by blinks or road sits winks which remotely turn them off outside on her or on. kitchen chair Vega said she was developing waving to variations which could help improve everyone as the lives of disabled people. they whizz by. PUC-Rio is consistently The bus to the recognized as one of the top city runs every universities in Brazil. It was created two hours in 1941 by the Society of Jesus no official bus (Jesuits) in order to develop stop - just knowledge based on humanistic stick your arm values. ! out. The morning BJaez # bus releases a are you group of sure $er" middle-aged not related men, who head all right! straight to the pub in the village for their daily social interaction and to imbibe a 'couple of jars'. Returning home on the afternoon bus, there is a sense of fiesta. Everyone chatting in Irish, a rolling cadence of words and phrases that is pure, melodic, country. One by one people get off at personally designated stops - we wouldnt be doin with anythin official, as mentioned earlier. 'Just here is fine.' 'Past the church.' !However, the driver knows us regulars and no directions are needed. As I get off the bus, one of the morning tipplers also gets off. He sways slightly and grins at me. 'Ta muid gaolta. (We are related).' Usually I grin and walk on, but the other day I decided to ask him just how we were related. 'Ce'n taobh? Mo Mhamo no mo Dhado? (Which side. My grand-mother or grand-father.)' This was too much for his pickled brain. He scratched his head and mumbled loudly: 'F---ailte F---ailte F----ailte.' Hmm, I thought - an interesting derivation of the English four-letter swear word. The Irish 'ailte' at the end of the expletive some-how removing any sting. He walked away, no doubt to sit by the turf-filled range (fireplace). I meandered home with a grin on my face, inhaling the smell of the turf smoke as it swirled lazily from the chimneys nearby. Some thingsll never change.!!




16 NOVEMBER 2013

Sur le pont . . .
WITH its world-famous bridge, the magnificent Popes Palace, the stunning medieval Fort of St Andrews - all surrounded in summer by sumptuous fields of lavender, Avignon and its people, including visitors, have plenty to dance about.
Situated in beautiful Provence in the south of France the city draws in thousands of visitors a week all year long, who, having had their culture fixes, then proceed to the narrow cobbled and paved streets spending millions of Euros every year in the thriving cafes, shops and restaurants. In the tourist office, assistant Antoine Verdier, is advising a French clairvoyante who desperately needs to replace her crystal ball as her regular one seems to have gone missing! After giving her directions and setting her on her way, Antoine, who speaks fluent English, Spanish, Italian and even a little Russian, tells FG: We get all sorts of people in here. I have been here for 13 years and it is never dull. If you think about it, though, she should really have known where to find a new one anyway! Around since Roman rule, Avignon really came to prominence in medieval times when it became a centre for trade and communications. The famous bridge spanning the Rhone was one of only three between the Mediterranean and Lyon. According to legend a local shepherd called Benezet (local dialect for Benedict) was inspired by angels to build it. When his appeals to the town authorities failed, he picked up a vast block of stone, too heavy for any ordinary human to carry, and hurled it into the river. Convinced by this demonstration of divine will the bridge was swiftly built using the stone as a foundation. The poor shepherd boy was canonised and his chapel remains on the surviving portion of the bridge to this day. These divine antecedants could well have been the reason why Avignon was chosen by the papacy as its home which, of course made the place hugely important, politically and economically. Wealthy cardinals built extravagant palaces known as livrees both within the city and across the river in Villeneuve-les-Avignon. All this keeps todays culture vultures hailing from as far away as America, Canada, Russia, China and Japan extremely happy. !

A dream hotel just outside the city

STEPHEN flew to Marseilles from Gatwick on EasyJet. From Marseilles airport he took a train to Avignon (16.10 euros). There is a free shuttle to the station. He stayed at the comfortable and welcoming, five-star Auberge de Cassagne Hotel and Spa in Cassagne, part of Le Pontet a small suburb just north of Avignon. There is regular public transport from just outside the hotel to the city centre. This dream hotel boasts some of the best accommodation and facilities in the area. Rooms are all individual and set out chalet-style in spacious grounds. Satellite television is piped in and mini-bar and free coffee is provided in each room. There is an outdoor and indoor pool and sauna, steam room and jacuzzi in a tailor-made spa complex open
Comfort and luxury ar" the order of the day a( the Auberge. Left is one of the spacious rooms and right, the spa complex.

until late seven-nights-a-week.Various treatments and pampering health programmes are on offer. The restaurant serves vegetarian and vegan dishes as part of a comprehensive French and foreign menu. Breakfast is included in the room tariff and is served in a comfortable and attractive restaurant by caring and attentive staff. The hotel has been going for more than a decade and is run by friendly and knowledgeable couple Monsieur and Madame Boucher who are always on hand with help and advice. Information on a number of trips and visits to the heart of Avignon are displayed in the foyer. For more details go to :




Avignon competes with Paris and London as a tourist attraction. And, theres extra good news, for despite the French reputation for being anti-vegetarian awkward eaters can find plenty to tickle their palate and keep their conscience clear. Japanese and Chinese restaurants can be found along with a number of delightful artisan bistros and cafes offering veggie options such as tarte chevre au tomate, cheese and spinach pizzas and egg free spaghetti with a spicy sauce. Try the eateries and health restaurants in and around the old town near the Celestine convent. Weather-wise Provence gets the lions share of sunshine in the whole of France with only the Rivera towns of Cannes and Montpelier and the island of Corsica in the competition. Jean Paul Trinquier, who runs Cha Yuan in the Rue Viala, said: Thats why we are so popular. We have got the sunshine all year. And local resident Felicity Robertson (pictured top) who left England for la vie Francaise nine years ago added: Provence is a beautiful part of the country. We get sun all year round. Public transport is plentiful and punctual with regular buses to outlying districts. There is also a busy rail station and a TGV direct to Paris and beyond. Within the thick medieval walls of the town a bike sharing scheme enigmatically called Velopop operates pretty-much round the clock. !

16 NOVEMBER 2013

. . . dAvignon

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