1314 Lab - Precipitate Puzzle

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Name: Orla Deignan Period: 2 Date: November 12th 2013

Precipitate Puzzle Lab

U n i t 3

As a secret agent, your assignment is to pick up some chemicals and deliver them to the Special Chemicals Unit. You then undertake this assignment with all the adventures that would make OO7 proud of you. Following the pick up, you notice that the bottles are labeled A,B,C, X, Y, Z only. You are given two papers, which identify the bottles. One paper contains the following information: Bottles A, B, C X, Y, Z The other paper contains the following information Bottle Contains A xxx B xxx C xxx X xxx Y xxx Z xxx You realize that the second sheet is smudged (due to your escapades in attaining the chemicals.) In order to deliver the substances, you need to fix the second paper. Your task is to identify each of A, B, C, X, Y and Z, using their solubility tables, and then write formula, complete ionic and net ionic equations corresponding to each precipitate formed. Draw up a data table and show detailed observations for the tests that you conduct: A B X ObservationsObservations- White precipitate - Clear, no precipitate formed formation - Particularly cloudy (Corresponds to equation 1) Y ObservationsObservations- Yellow/white - White precipitate precipitate formed formed - Little bit of pink - Not very strong (Corresponds to equation color 2) (Corresponds to equation 4) Z ObservationsObservations- Red precipitate - Turned yellow in color, formed but no precipitate - Very deep color formation (Corresponds to Equation 3)

Contains In no particular order: Mg(NO3)2, AgNO3 and Ba(NO3)2 In no particular order: Na2CrO4, NaCl and Na2CO3.

C Observations- Clear, no precipitate formation

Observations- White precipitate formed - Not very strong color (Corresponds to Equation 5) Observations- Yellow precipitate formed - Strong color, slightly white (Corresponds to equation 6)

Images from the Lab:

This is an image of the completed spot plate with all the solutions

This is an image of adding the mystery substances to the spot plate

Identity of Mystery Substances: A is: Silver Nitrate - AgNO3 B is: Magnesium Nitrate - Mg(NO3)2 C is: Barium Nitrate - Ba(NO3)2 X is: Sodium Chloride - NaCl Y is: Sodium Carbonate - Na2CO3 Z is: Sodium Chromate - Na2CrO4

Equations for each reaction: 1. AgNO3(aq)+NaCl(aq)AgCl(s)+NaNO3(aq) Net Ionic Equation: Ag1+(aq)+Cl1- (aq)AgCl(s) 2. 2AgNO3(aq)+Na2CO3(aq)Ag2CO3(s)+2NaNO3(aq) Net Ionic Equation: 2Ag1+(aq)+CO32-(aq)Ag2CO3(s) 3. 2AgNO3(aq)+ Na2CrO4(aq)Ag2CrO4(s)+2NaNO3(aq) Net Ionic Equation: 2Ag1+(aq)+CrO41-(aq)Ag2CrO4(s) 4. Mg(NO3)(aq)+Na2CO3(aq)MgCO3(s)+2NaNO3(aq) Net Ionic Equation: Mg2+(aq)+ CO32-(aq)MgCO3(s) 5. Ba(NO3)2(aq)+Na2CO3(aq)BaCO3(s)+2NaNO3(aq) Net Ionic Equation: Ba2+(aq)+CO32-(aq)BaCO3(s) 6. Ba(NO3)2(aq)+Na2CrO4BaCrO4(s)+2NaNO3(aq) Net Ionic Equation: Ba2+(aq)+CrO41-(aq)BaCrO4(s)
Conclusion: Through the knowledge of solubility rules, precipitates, and chemical equations, we were able to successfully identify each mystery substance.

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