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CIA hypnotist: 'Individuals could be taught to do anything including murder, suicide, etc.'

Fred BurksUS Intelligence Examiner



May 29, 2009

Can CIA hypnotists make people do things against their will?

Part 6 of series. In a revealing interview from a declassified CIA document, a top hypnotist describes many ways hypnosis can be used as a weapon to achieve clandestine objectives. The interview concludes with his astonishing comment, "Individuals could be taught to do anything including murder, suicide, etc. I do believe that you could carry out acts that would be against an individual's moral feelings if they were rightly, psychologically conditioned."

This vital information can be easily verified using the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), which entitles any citizen to obtain declassified government documents, even from the CIA. The eye-opening document containing the interview mentioned can be ordered for free simply by following the instructions available at this link. The document and page numbers necessary for ordering are listed below.

Few people are aware of the power of hypnosis in skilled hands, and of the ability of CIA hypnotists to create Manchurian Candidates, also known as super spies, who are not even aware of the secret acts they are programmed to commit. Through the empowering FOIA, thousands of pages of declassified documents are now available which show how the CIA developed and mastered the ability to create these super spies over 50 years ago. Here are key excerpts of the above-mentioned interview.

CIA document and page number: 140394, pp. 2, 3 Title: Interview with [Deleted] Date: 25 February 1952

Q: What are your experiences in general with hypnotism? A: I have been a professional hypnotist for at least 15 years. At present, I am employed on a very confidential basis two days a week.

Q: Can you obtain information from an individual, willing or unwilling, by hypnotism? A: Definitely, yes. Many of the medical cases I work on are involved in obtaining personal, intimate information, and through hypnotism, I have been quite successful in obtaining this. If an individual refuses to co-operate with hypnosis, the doctors with whom I work use drugs, always sodium amytal.

Q: How far do you think individuals could be controlled by hypnosis? A: This is a very difficult subject. Post-hypnotics will last twenty years and will be very strong if re-enforced from time to time.

Q: Have you ever had any experience with drugs? A: Yes, many times. I have worked with doctors using sodium amytal and pentothal and have obtained hypnotic control after the drugs were used. In fact, many times drugs were used for the purpose of obtaining hypnotic control.

Q: Do you have any ideas that hypnotism could be used as a weapon? A: Yes, I have thought about this often. It could certainly be used in obtaining information from recalcitrant people particularly with drugs. It could be used as a recruiting source for special types of work. A good hypnotist running hypnotic shows for entertainment would pick up a great many subjects, some of whom might be exceptionally good subjects for us. These subjects could easily be tabbed and put to use.

Q: Have you ever been able to produce hypnosis without an individual's knowledge? A: Yes, through the relaxing technique and on rare occasions [I've] been able to produce hypnotism against a person's will. However, you cannot count on this and to attempt to attach an individual who did not want to be hypnotized alone would be almost an impossible task. In that type of case, I would use sodium amytal and/or sodium pentothal.

Q: How effective are post-hypnotics; over what distances and time can they be effective? A: Properly used post-hypnotics will last twenty years. They can be made more effective by re-enforcement from time to time. Post-hypnotics are not affected at all by time or travel or distance away from the person who placed the post-hypnotic. As a rule, post-hypnotics should be 100% effective in good subjects.

Q: Can individuals be made to do things under hypnosis that they would not otherwise? A: Individuals could be taught to do anything including murder, suicide, etc. I do believe that you could carry out acts that would be against an individual's moral feelings if they were rightly, psychologically conditioned.

Note: These are only excerpts. The full text of the interview from the declassified CIA document is available here. 3

As this interview shows, individuals can be hypnotized without their knowledge. They can be programmed to commit murder, suicide, and much more. Another key document shows a CIA instructor bragging about how he regularly used his talents to get women into bed with him. And please note that there is a big difference between this kind of severe abuse of hypnosis and the healing modality hypnotherapy, which can be most beneficial in dealing with past traumas and other problems.

The above document is from the year 1952. Hundreds of other declassified CIA documents from years since suggest that these capabilities have been operationalized and used secretly to manipulate people and politics around the globe. A trusted contact of mine who served 25 years deep cover in the CIA has informed me that these programs have developed further and become much more sophisticated over the decades.

Think about the implications of this. How many murders were committed by people who didn't even realize they were assassins? How many "suicides" of important people we've heard in the news were not really suicides? How much has this technology been used to manipulate world politics? Think about the Kennedys, Martin Luther King, Jr., and possibly even those involved with 9/11and other major terrorist attacks.

For an informative video chock full of mind-boggling revelations on the CIA's mind control programs, watch the History Channel's amazing documentary Mind Control: America's Secret War.

For other highly revealing articles in this series, click here. To see powerful excerpts of many key CIA documents on mind control filled with astonishing revelations all in one place (links for verification included), click here. For an enlightening essay on this disturbing topic, including both the secretive aspects and how these methods are now being used to heal people in most transformative ways, don't miss the powerful lesson from the Insight Course available here. The same technologies that have been used to secretly manipulate world politics can also be used to transform our lives and world.

The box immediately below provides several ideas on what you can do to bring greater awareness to these shadow aspects of our government and stop any illegal and unethical behavior. We also invite you to comment below and let us know what you think. Why hasn't the media focused on these important, easily verified matters? And what global and national events might have been manipulated using these techniques?

What you can do:

Inform your media and political representatives of this important information. For the contact information of your representatives, click here. Urge them bring these documents into the light and release all documents pertaining to mind control past and present. Learn about the history and development of controversial CIA mind control programs in this excellent twopage summary. Footnotes and links are provided for verification purposes. Read concise summaries of revealing major media reports on these CIA mind control programs and more available here. Visit our Mind Control Information Center at Explore inspiring ideas on how we can build a brighter future in this short essay. Spread this news to your friends and colleagues, and bookmark this article on key news websites using the "Share This" icon just below the title of this article, so that we can fill the role at which the major media is sadly failing. Together, we can make a difference.

Fred Burks served as personal language interpreter to Clinton, Bush, Cheney, Gore, and other top dignitaries in secret meetings. As part of an international network of researchers and news analysts, Fred obtains and disseminates key, reliable information about powerful, yet little-known forces which shape our world. For more, see articles and links in the right column of this page.

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