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Camilla Welsh
Address.;;;;;;;.99 ilver treet
)on*on, #W23-4 <hone;;;.....56378 3790344 E#mail;;;;.. l.&


Marketing Manager in Automotive Sector

2000-2003 Kings College, University of Warwick BA in Marketing (2.1)

n the !inal "ear co#organi$ed an anal"sis o! %o& 're!erences o! the (ing)s College *ondon students. +he stud" included de,elo'ing and conducting a com'rehensi,e sur,e" o! -.. students/ statistical anal"sis and writing a 2.#'age re'ort !or uni,ersit" authorities and Career Centre. 1994.2000 t !eters 1001 100c"ool, #ewcastle Biolog" A/ 3erman B/ Mathematics C nine/ including English/ 5rench and Maths

A le,els2 34CEs2

6Work e7'erience
2003 Kien$a%& '(ec%tive Cons%ltants, )on*on 4ummer %o& as a research assistant. +he %o& in,ol,ed searching !or the &est candidates/ 're'aration o! the em'lo"ee 'ro!iles/ &uilding the a''licants) data&ase and 'reliminar" c,#screening. 8uring the %o& gained a ,er" good insight into the role o! 9: consultants/ learned how to select &est candidates and 'olished m" M4 Access knowledge. +he internshi' allowed me to enhance m" social com'etence as &ecame con!ident in !ace#to#!ace and tele'hone interactions and im'ro,ed m" 'resentation skills. 2001 +esco %,er&arket, -ol$orn, )on*on

A 'art time/ weekend work as sales assistant and cashier in term time. learned how to work under 'ressure and deal with mone". Moreo,er/ shar'ened m" time management skills co'ing with demanding tasks at the uni,ersit" and at work.

6Additional skills

!luent in 3erman con,ersational 5rench com'uter literac" - 'ro!essional M4 Word/ Access knowledge - good E7cel and <ower <oint understanding - !amiliar with 4tatistics and Mathematics 'ackage clean dri,ing licence !irst aid instructor license

6*eisure acti,ities
2002-2003 +reas%rer of t"e !ractical !syc"ology t%*ent Cl%$

Being res'onsi&le !or the association)s !inances de,elo'ed !inancial 'lanning skills. Within the sco'e o! clu& acti,it" ac=uired two s'onsors/ who su''orted the association with >?... donation. &uilt the immaculate re'utation and con!idence among clu& mem&ers/ dealing with signi!icant !unds earmarked !or research/ con!erences and internal e,ents. 1996-2000 0e&$er of t"e #ewcastle +igers Kick-:o(ing +ea& was one o! the !ew women in the clu& and the onl" one in the o!!icial cit" team. Among others earned the !ollowing 'ri$es2 2nd <ri$e in the Midlands (ick#Bo7ing Contest (100@) Ard <ri$e in the Bational (ick#Bo7ing Cham'ionshi's !or Under#1@)s (l000) (ick&o7ing hel'ed me to de,elo' sel!#disci'line and diligence. t re=uired demanding training as well as courage and stamina.

:eading &ooks on &eha,ioral 's"cholog" and sociolog" o! work.

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