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9//' stella0gmail1com



The University of Birmingham, Birmingham 2001-present BA History and Social Science. Predicted rade !."


Courses included# Britis$ and Euro%ean &odern History' History o( )ars' Economic *eo ra%$y' Social Psyc$olo y' P$iloso%$y !++! A semester a,road at t$e Uni-ersity .u /oeln wit$in t$e (ramewor0 o( Erasmus1Socrates Pro ramme Eastfield School, Northampton !n 1992 A1le-els# History 2A3 En lis$ 4iterature 2B3 *eo ra%$y 2B3 S%anis$ 2A3 *eneral Studies 2B3 *CSE# Sep 1999-

ele-en courses' includin # History 2A3' En lis$ 4iterature 2B3' S%anis$ 2A3' *eo ra%$y 2B3' IT 2B3' Art 2B3

Spring "ns!rance, Brighton $!g!st 2002 Hel%line ad-isor #!ly-

Summer -acation %lacement in a marine insurance com%any call centre. T$e main res%onsi,ility was answerin t$e customer calls and $andlin t$eir claims. Sco%e o( wor0 included also liaisin wit$ e7%erts and %ro-idin e7$austi-e in(ormation (or clients. T$e 8o, reatly im%ro-ed my communication s0ills' $el%ed to learn conductin se-eral tas0s

simultaneously and %ro-ided a -ery ,usiness. The 2eac3oc3 Bar, Birmingham 2001

ood understadin

o( t$e insurance 1999-

Part time wor0 in term time. 4earned $ow to or anise my time e((iciently and deal wit$ %eo%le tact(ully ,ut (irmly. Demonstrated a,ility to wor0 under stress and wit$ a team.

Con-ersational *erman *ood 0nowled e o( &S O((ice %ac0a e Clean dri-in license

T$e History o( )ar Society 2!++"1%resent3 Vice President o( t$e Student Society at t$e Uni-ersity o( Birmin $am since !++!. 4earned $ow to coordinate -arious %ieces o( wor0 t$an0s to mana in a lar e researc$ %ro8ect 1 Blitzkrieg War Tactis, Evidence of Yugoslavian Campaign 1941 . Pu,lis$ed in !++9 ,y t$e uni-ersity. T$e %ro8ect re:uired raisin si ni(icant (unds (or t$e tri% to ;u osla-ia' Croatia and Slo-enia. In !++" in-ol-ed in or anisin a series o( lecturers o( t$e Armed <orces s%ea0ers (or t$e History De%artment o( t$e Uni-ersity o( Birmin $am. Demonstrated -ery ood or anisin s0ills. &em,er o( t$e National 5i(le Association since !++"= %artici%ation in se-eral N5A e-ents' includin $untin in Belarus and 5ussia.

Huntin &odern History 2es%ecially Second )arld )ar3


Pro( )illiam )atson &odern History De%artment T$e Uni-ersity o( Birmin $am +>>?9"@>A" n.watsonBuo,.ac.u0 2tutor3 &s Denett Hilti Call Centre &an a er S%rin Insurance +>@@AA9>?E 8.$ilitiBs%rin &r Peter Ho,,son Vice President National 5i(le Association +>@AC??>@"! %eter.$o,,

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