Fifty Shades of Gray

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First published by The Writers Coffee Shop, 2011

Copyright E L J !es, 2011

The right of E L J !es to be ide"tified s the uthor of this #or$ h s bee" sserted by her u"der the Copyright %!e"d!e"t &'or l (ights) %*t 2000

This #or$ is *opyright+ %p rt fro! "y use s per!itted u"der the Copyright %*t 1,-., "o p rt ! ybe reprodu*ed, *opied, s* ""ed, stored i" or retrie/ l syste!, re*orded

tr "s!itted, i" "y for! or by "y !e "s, #ithout the prior #ritte" per!issio" of the publisher+

This boo$ is produ*t

#or$ of fi*tio"+ 0 !es, *h r *ters, pl *es "d i"*ide"ts re either

of the uthors i! gi" tio" or re used fi*titiously+ %"y rese!bl "*e to *tu l people li/i"g or de d, e/e"ts or lo* les is e"tirely *oi"*ide"t l+

The Writers Coffee Shop &%ustr li ) 12 3o4 2015 6or"sby Westfield 0SW 1-57 &8S%) 12 3o4 211- W 4 h *hie T9 :71-.

1 perb *$ ;S30<,:.<1<-1215<02.<E<boo$ ;S30<,:.<1<-1215<02,<5

% C;1 * t logue re*ord for this boo$ is / il ble fro! the 8S Co"gress Libr ry+

Co/er i! ge by= 1 pug 200- > ?re !sti!e+*o!Co/er desig" by= Je""ifer '*@uire

###+the#riters*offeeshop+*o!AeB !es

E L J !es is e rly

TC e4e*uti/e, #ife, "d !other of t#o, b sed i" West Lo"do"+ Si"*e

*hildhood, she dre !t of #riti"g stories th t re ders #ould f ll i" lo/e #ith, but put those dre !s o" hold to fo*us o" her f !ily "d her * reer+ She fi" lly plu*$ed up the *our ge to put pe" to p per #ith her first "o/el, Fifty Sh des of @rey+

E L J !es is *urre"tly #or$i"g o" the seDuel to Fifty Sh des of @rey "d ro! "ti* thriller #ith super" tur l t#ist+


; ! i"debted to the follo#i"g people for their help "d support=

To !y husb "d 0i ll E th "$ you for toler ti"g !y obsessio", bei"g "d doi"g the first edit+

do!esti* god

To !y boss Lis E th "$ you for putti"g up #ith !e o/er the l st ye r or so #hile ; i"dulged i" this ! d"ess+

To CCL E ;ll "e/er tell but th "$ you+

To the origi" l bu"$er b bes E th "$ you for your frie"dship "d *o"st "t support+

To S( E th "$ you for ll the helpful d/i*e fro! the st rt "d for goi"g first+

To Sue E th "$s for sorti"g !e out+

To %! "d

"d ll t TWCS E th "$ you for t $i"g


; s*o#l #ith frustr tio" t !yself i" the !irror+ ? !" !y h ir E it Bust #o"t beh /e, "d d !" F theri"e F / " gh for bei"g ill "d subBe*ti"g !e to this orde l+ ; should be studyi"g for !y fi" l e4 !s, #hi*h re "e4t #ee$, yet here ; ! tryi"g to brush !y h ir i"to sub!issio"+ ; !ust "ot sleep #ith it #et+ ; !ust "ot sleep #ith it #et+ (e*iti"g this ! "tr se/er l ti!es, ; tte!pt, o"*e !ore, to bri"g it u"der *o"trol #ith the brush+ ; roll !y eyes i" e4 sper tio" "d g Ge t the p le, bro#"<h ired girl #ith blue eyes too big for her f *e st ri"g b *$ t !e, "d gi/e up+ 'y o"ly optio" is to restr i" !y # y# rd h ir i" po"yt il "d hope th t ; loo$ se!i prese"t ble+

F te is !y roo!! te, "d she h s *hose" tod y of ll d ys to su**u!b to the flu+ Therefore, she * ""ot tte"d the i"ter/ie# shed rr "ged to do, #ith so!e !eg < i"dustri list ty*oo" ;/e "e/er he rd of, for the stude"t "e#sp per+ So ; h /e bee" /olu"teered+ ;

h /e fi" l e4 !s to *r ! for, o"e ess y to fi"ish, "d ;! supposed to be #or$i"g this fter"oo", but "o E tod y ; h /e to dri/e hu"dred "d si4ty<fi/e !iles to do#"to#" Se ttle

i" order to !eet the e"ig! ti* CE2 of @rey E"terprises 6oldi"gs ;"*+ %s " e4*eptio" l e"trepre"eur "d ! Bor be"ef *tor of our 8"i/ersity, his ti!e is e4tr ordi" rily pre*ious E !u*h !ore pre*ious th " !i"e E but he h s gr "ted F te " i"ter/ie#+ % re l *oup, she tells !e+ ? !" her e4tr <*urri*ul r *ti/ities+

F te is huddled o" the *ou*h i" the li/i"g roo!+

H%" , ;! sorry+ ;t too$ !e "i"e !o"ths to get this i"ter/ie#+ ;t #ill t $e "other si4 to res*hedule, "d #ell both h /e gr du ted by the"+ %s the editor, ; * "t blo# this off+ 1le se,I F te begs !e i" her r spi"g, sore thro t /oi*e+ 6o# does she do itJ E/e" ill she loo$s g !i"e "d gorgeous, str #berry blo"de h ir i" pl *e "d gree" eyes bright, lthough "o# red<ri!!ed "d ru""y+ ; ig"ore !y p "g of u"#el*o!e sy!p thy+

H2f *ourse ;ll go F te+ Kou should get b *$ to bed+ Would you li$e so!e 0yDuil or Tyle"olJI

H0yDuil, ple se+ 6ere re the Duestio"s "d !y !i"i<dis* re*order+ Just press re*ord here+ ' $e "otes, ;ll tr "s*ribe it ll+I

H; $"o# "othi"g bout hi!,I ; !ur!ur, tryi"g "d f ili"g to suppress !y risi"g p "i*+

HThe Duestio"s #ill see you through+ @o+ ;ts l te+I

lo"g dri/e+ ; do"t # "t you to be

H2$ y, ;! goi"g+ @et b *$ to bed+ ; ! de you so!e soup to he t up l ter+I ; st re t her fo"dly+ 2"ly for you, F te, #ould ; do this+

H; #ill+ @ood lu*$+ %"d th "$s %" E s usu l, youre !y lifes /er+I

@ theri"g !y s t*hel, ; s!ile #ryly t her, the" he d out the door to the * r+ ; * ""ot belie/e ; h /e let F te t l$ !e i"to this+ 3ut the" F te * " t l$ "yo"e i"to "ythi"g+ Shell ! $e " e4*eptio" l Bour" list+ Shes rti*ul te, stro"g, persu si/e, rgu!e"t ti/e, be utiful E "d shes !y de rest, de rest frie"d+

The ro ds re *le r s ; set off fro! C "*ou/er, W% to# rd 1ortl "d "d the ;<7+ ;ts e rly, "d ; do"t h /e to be i" Se ttle u"til t#o this fter"oo"+ Fortu" tely, F tes le"t !e her sporty 'er*edes CLF+ ;! "ot sure W "d , !y old CW 3eetle, #ould ! $e the Bour"ey i" ti!e+ 2h, the 'er* is !et l+ fu" dri/e, "d the !iles slip # y s ; floor the ped l to the

'y desti" tio" is the he dDu rters of 'r+ @reys glob l e"terprise+ ;ts t#e"ty<


story offi*e buildi"g, ll *ur/ed gl ss "d steel, " r*hite*ts utilit ri " f "t sy, #ith @rey 6ouse #ritte" dis*reetly i" steel o/er the gl ss fro"t doors+ ;ts #he" ; Du rter to t#o

rri/e, gre tly relie/ed th t ;! "ot l te s ; # l$ i"to the e"or!ous E "d fr "$ly i"ti!id ti"g E gl ss, steel, "d #hite s "dsto"e lobby+

3ehi"d the solid s "dsto"e des$,

/ery ttr *ti/e, groo!ed, blo"de you"g #o! "

s!iles ple s "tly t !e+ Shes #e ri"g the sh rpest *h r*o l suit B *$et "d #hite shirt ; h /e e/er see"+ She loo$s i!! *ul te+

H;! here to see 'r+ @rey+ %" st si Steele for F theri"e F / " gh+I

HE4*use !e o"e !o!e"t, 'iss Steele+I She r*hes her eyebro# slightly s ; st "d self< *o"s*iously before her+ ; ! begi""i"g to #ish ;d borro#ed o"e of F tes for! l bl Gers r ther th " #e r !y " /y blue B *$et+ ; h /e ! de " effort "d #or" !y o"e "d o"ly s$irt, !y se"sible bro#" $"ee<le"gth boots "d s! rt+ ; tu*$ blue s#e ter+ For !e, this is

o"e of the es* ped te"drils of !y h ir behi"d !y e r s ; prete"d she does"t i"ti!id te !e+

H'iss F / " gh is e4pe*ted+ 1le se sig" i" here, 'iss Steele+ Koull # "t the l st ele/ tor o" the right, press for the t#e"tieth floor+I She s!iles $i"dly t !e, !used "o

doubt, s ; sig" i"+

She h "ds !e

se*urity p ss th t h s C;S;T2( /ery fir!ly st !ped o" the fro"t+ ;

* "t help !y s!ir$+ Surely its ob/ious th t ;! Bust /isiti"g+ ; do"t fit i" here t ll+ 0othi"g *h "ges, ; i"# rdly sigh+ Th "$i"g her, ; # l$ o/er to the b "$ of ele/ tors p st

the t#o se*urity !e" #ho re both f r !ore s! rtly dressed th " ; ! i" their #ell< *ut bl *$ suits+

The ele/ tor #his$s !e #ith ter!i" l /elo*ity to the t#e"tieth floor+ The doors slide ope", "d ;! i" "other l rge lobby E g i" ll gl ss, steel, "d #hite s "dsto"e+ ;! *o"fro"ted by "other des$ of s "dsto"e "d "other you"g blo"de #o! " dressed i!pe** bly i" bl *$ "d #hite #ho rises to greet !e+

H'iss Steele, *ould you # it here, ple seJI She poi"ts to le ther *h irs+

se ted re of #hite

3ehi"d the le ther *h irs is sp *ious

sp *ious gl ss<# lled !eeti"g roo! #ith " eDu lly

d r$ #ood t ble "d t le st t#e"ty ! t*hi"g *h irs rou"d it+ 3eyo"d th t, there is floor<to<*eili"g #i"do# #ith the *ity /ie# of the Se ttle s$yli"e th t loo$s out through

to# rd the Sou"d+ ;ts Wo#+

stu""i"g /ist , "d ;! !o!e"t rily p r lyGed by the /ie#+

; sit do#", fish the Duestio"s fro! !y s t*hel, "d go through the!, i"# rdly *ursi"g F te for "ot pro/idi"g !e #ith brief biogr phy+ ; $"o# "othi"g bout this ! " ;!

bout to i"ter/ie#+ 6e *ould be "i"ety or he *ould be thirty+ The u"*ert i"ty is g lli"g, "d !y "er/es resurf *e, ! $i"g !e fidget+ ;/e "e/er bee" *o!fort ble #ith o"e< o"<o"e i"ter/ie#s, preferri"g the "o"y!ity of i"*o"spi*uously group dis*ussio" #here ; * " sit *l ssi*

t the b *$ of the roo!+ To be ho"est, ; prefer !y o#" *o!p "y, re di"g 3ritish "o/el, *urled up i" *oloss l

*h ir i" the * !pus libr ry+ 0ot sitti"g t#it*hi"g "er/ously i"

gl ss "d sto"e edifi*e+

; roll !y eyes t !yself+ @et

grip, Steele+ Judgi"g fro! the buildi"g, #hi*h is too

*li"i* l "d !oder", ; guess @rey is i" his forties= fit, t ""ed, "d f ir<h ired to ! t*h the rest of the perso""el+

%"other eleg "t, fl #lessly dressed blo"de *o!es out of Wh t

l rge door to the right+ deep bre th, ;

is it #ith ll the i!! *ul te blo"desJ ;ts li$e Stepford here+ T $i"g st "d up+

H'iss SteeleJI the l test blo"de s$s+

HKes,I ; *ro $, "d *le r !y thro t+ HKes+I There, th t sou"ded !ore *o"fide"t+

H'r+ @rey #ill see you i"

!o!e"t+ ' y ; t $e your B *$etJI

H2h ple se+I ; struggle out of the B *$et+

H6 /e you bee" offered "y refresh!e"tJI

H8! E "o+I 2h de r, is 3lo"de 0u!ber 2"e i" troubleJ

3lo"de 0u!ber T#o fro#"s "d eyes the you"g #o! " t the des$+

HWould you li$e te , *offee, # terJI she s$s, tur"i"g her tte"tio" b *$ to !e+

H% gl ss of # ter+ Th "$ you,I ; !ur!ur+

H2li/i , ple se fet*h 'iss Steele up i!!edi tely "d s*urries to

gl ss of # ter+I 6er /oi*e is ster"+ 2li/i s*oots

door o" the other side of the foyer+

H'y pologies, 'iss Steele, 2li/i is our "e# i"ter"+ 1le se be se ted+ 'r+ @rey #ill be "other fi/e !i"utes+I

2li/i retur"s #ith

gl ss of i*ed # ter+

H6ere you go, 'iss Steele+I

HTh "$ you+I

3lo"de 0u!ber T#o ! r*hes o/er to the l rge des$, her heels *li*$i"g "d e*hoi"g o" the s "dsto"e floor+ She sits do#", "d they both *o"ti"ue their #or$+

1erh ps 'r+ @rey i"sists o" ll his e!ployees bei"g blo"de+ ;! #o"deri"g idly if th ts leg l, #he" the offi*e door ope"s "d %fri* "< t ll, eleg "tly dressed, ttr *ti/e

%!eri* " ! " #ith short dre ds e4its+ ; h /e defi"itely #or" the #ro"g *lothes+

6e tur"s "d s ys through the door+ H@olf, this #ee$, @rey+I

; do"t he r the reply+ 6e tur"s, sees !e, "d s!iles, his d r$ eyes *ri"$li"g t the *or"ers+ 2li/i h s Bu!ped up "d * lled the ele/ tor+ She see!s to e4*el t Bu!pi"g fro! her se t+ Shes !ore "er/ous th " !eL

H@ood fter"oo" l dies,I he s ys s he dep rts through the slidi"g door+

H'r+ @rey #ill see you "o#, 'iss Steele+ ?o go through,I 3lo"de 0u!ber T#o s ys+ ; st "d r ther sh $ily tryi"g to suppress !y "er/es+ @ theri"g up !y s t*hel, ; b "do" !y gl ss of # ter "d ! $e !y # y to the p rti lly ope" door+

HKou do"t "eed to $"o*$ E Bust go i"+I She s!iles $i"dly+

; push ope" the door "d stu!ble through, trippi"g o/er !y o#" feet, "d f lli"g he d first i"to the offi*e+

?ouble *r p E !e "d !y t#o left feetL ; ! o" !y h "ds "d $"ees i" the door# y to 'r+ @reys offi*e, "d ge"tle h "ds re rou"d !e helpi"g !e to st "d+ ; ! so e!b rr ssed, d !" !y *lu!si"ess+ ; h /e to steel !yself to gl "*e up+ 6oly *o# E hes so you"g+

H'iss F / " gh+I 6e e4te"ds

lo"g<fi"gered h "d to !e o"*e ;! upright+ H;!

Christi " @rey+ %re you ll rightJ Would you li$e to sitJI

So you"g E "d ttr *ti/e, /ery ttr *ti/e+ 6es t ll, dressed i" #hite

fi"e gr y suit,

shirt, "d bl *$ tie #ith u"ruly d r$ *opper *olored h ir "d i"te"se, bright gr y eyes th t reg rd !e shre#dly+ ;t t $es !o!e"t for !e to fi"d !y /oi*e+

H8!+ %*tu llyEI ; !utter+ ;f this guy is o/er thirty the" ;!

!o"$eys u"*le+ ;"

d Ge, ; pl *e !y h "d i" his "d #e sh $e+ %s our fi"gers tou*h, ; feel " odd e4hil r ti"g shi/er ru" through !e+ ; #ithdr # !y h "d h stily, e!b rr ssed+ 'ust be st ti*+ ; bli"$ r pidly, !y eyelids ! t*hi"g !y he rt r te+

H'iss F / " gh is i"disposed, so she se"t !e+ ; hope you do"t !i"d, 'r+ @rey+I

H%"d you reJI 6is /oi*e is # r!, possibly !used, but its diffi*ult to tell fro! his i!p ssi/e e4pressio"+ 6e loo$s !ildly i"terested, but bo/e ll, polite+

H%" st si Steele+ ;! studyi"g E"glish Liter ture #ith F te, u!M F theri"eM u!M 'iss F / " gh t W shi"gto" St te+I

H; see,I he s ys si!ply+ ; thi"$ ; see the ghost of "ot sure+

s!ile i" his e4pressio", but ;!

HWould you li$e to sitJI 6e # /es !e to# rd *ou*h+

#hite le ther butto"ed L<sh ped

6is offi*e is # y too big for Bust o"e ! "+ ;" fro"t of the floor<to<*eili"g #i"do#s, theres huge !oder" d r$<#ood des$ th t si4 people *ould *o!fort bly e t rou"d+ ;t ! t*hes the *offee t ble by the *ou*h+ E/erythi"g else is #hite E *eili"g, floors, "d # lls e4*ept, o" the # ll by the door, #here of the! rr "ged i" p i"ted i" !os i* of s! ll p i"ti"gs h "g, thirty<si4 series of !u"d "e, forgotte" obBe*ts

sDu re+ They re e4Duisite E

su*h pre*ise det il they loo$ li$e photogr phs+ ?ispl yed together, they re bre tht $i"g+

H% lo* l rtist+ Trouto",I s ys @rey #he" he * t*hes !y g Ge+

HTheyre lo/ely+ ( isi"g the ordi" ry to e4tr ordi" ry,I ; !ur!ur, distr *ted both by

hi! "d the p i"ti"gs+ 6e *o*$s his he d to o"e side "d reg rds !e i"te"tly+

H; *ould"t gree !ore, 'iss Steele,I he replies, his /oi*e soft "d for so!e i"e4pli* ble re so" ; fi"d !yself blushi"g+

%p rt fro! the p i"ti"gs, the rest of the offi*e is *old, *le ", "d *li"i* l+ ; #o"der if it refle*ts the perso" lity of the %do"is #ho si"$s gr *efully i"to o"e of the #hite le ther *h irs opposite !e+ ; sh $e !y he d, disturbed t the dire*tio" of !y thoughts, "d retrie/e F tes Duestio"s fro! !y s t*hel+ 0e4t, ; set up the !i"i<dis* re*order "d ! ll fi"gers "d thu!bs, droppi"g it t#i*e o" the *offee t ble i" fro"t of !e+ 'r+ @rey s ys "othi"g, # iti"g p tie"tly E ; hope E s ; be*o!e i"*re si"gly e!b rr ssed "d flustered+ Whe" ; plu*$ up the *our ge to loo$ t hi!, hes # t*hi"g !e, o"e h "d rel 4ed i" his l p "d the other *uppi"g his *hi" "d tr ili"g his lo"g i"de4 fi"ger *ross his lips+ ; thi"$ hes tryi"g to suppress s!ile+

HSorry,I ; stutter+ H;! "ot used to this+I

HT $e ll the ti!e you "eed, 'iss Steele,I he s ys+

H?o you !i"d if ; re*ord your "s#ersJI

H%fter you/e t $e" so !u*h trouble to set up the re*order E you s$ !e "o#JI

; flush+ 6es te si"g !eJ ; hope+ ; bli"$ t hi!, u"sure #h t to s y, "d ; thi"$ he t $es pity o" !e be* use he rele"ts+ H0o, ; do"t !i"d+I

H?id F te, ; !e ", 'iss F / " gh, e4pl i" #h t the i"ter/ie# # s forJI

HKes+ To ppe r i" the gr du tio" issue of the stude"t "e#sp per s ; sh ll be *o"ferri"g the degrees t this ye rs gr du tio" *ere!o"y+I

2hL This is "e#s to !e, "d ;! te!por rily pre<o**upied by the thought th t so!eo"e "ot !u*h older th " !e E o$ y, ! ybe si4 ye rs or so, "d o$ y, !eg su**essful, but still E is goi"g to prese"t !e #ith !y degree+ ; fro#", dr ggi"g !y # y# rd tte"tio" b *$ to the t s$ t h "d+

H@ood,I ; s# llo# "er/ously+ H; h /e so!e Duestio"s, 'r+ @rey+I ; s!ooth lo*$ of h ir behi"d !y e r+

str y

H; thought you !ight,I he s ys, de dp "+ 6es l ughi"g t !e+ 'y *hee$s he t t the re liG tio", "d ; sit up "d sDu re !y shoulders i" " tte!pt to loo$ t ller "d !ore i"ti!id ti"g+ 1ressi"g the st rt butto" o" the re*order, ; try to loo$ professio" l+

HKoure /ery you"g to h /e ! ssed su*h " e!pire+ To #h t do you o#e your su**essJI ; gl "*e up t hi!+ 6is s!ile is rueful, but he loo$s / guely dis ppoi"ted+

H3usi"ess is ll bout people, 'iss Steele, "d ;! /ery good t Budgi"g people+ ; $"o# ho# they ti*$, #h t ! $es the! flourish, #h t does"t, #h t i"spires the!, "d ho# to i"*e"ti/iGe the!+ ; e!ploy " e4*eptio" l te !, "d ; re# rd the! #ell+I 6e p uses "d fi4es !e #ith his gr y st re+ H'y belief is to *hie/e su**ess i" "y s*he!e o"e h s to ! $e o"eself ! ster of th t s*he!e, $"o# it i"side "d out, $"o# e/ery det il+ ; #or$ h rd, /ery h rd to do th t+ ; ! $e de*isio"s b sed o" logi* "d f *ts+ ; h /e " tur l gut i"sti"*t th t * " spot "d "urture li"e is, its l# ys do#" to good people+I good solid ide "d good people+ The botto!

H' ybe youre Bust lu*$y+I This is"t o" F tes list E but hes so rrog "t+ 6is eyes fl re !o!e"t rily i" surprise+

H; do"t subs*ribe to lu*$ or *h "*e, 'iss Steele+ The h rder ; #or$ the !ore lu*$ ; see! to h /e+ ;t re lly is ll bout h /i"g the right people o" your te ! "d dire*ti"g their

e"ergies **ordi"gly+ ; thi"$ it # s 6 r/ey Firesto"e #ho s id Nthe gro#th "d de/elop!e"t of people is the highest * lli"g of le dership+I

HKou sou"d li$e the!+

*o"trol fre $+I The #ords re out of !y !outh before ; * " stop

H2h, ; e4er*ise *o"trol i" ll thi"gs, 'iss Steele,I he s ys #ithout i"

tr *e of hu!or

his s!ile+ ; loo$ t hi!, "d he holds !y g Ge ste dily, i!p ssi/e+ 'y he rtbe t Dui*$e"s, "d !y f *e flushes g i"+

Why does he h /e su*h " u""er/i"g effe*t o" !eJ 6is o/er#hel!i"g good<loo$s ! ybeJ The # y his eyes bl Ge t !eJ The # y he stro$es his i"de4 fi"ger g i"st his lo#er lipJ ; #ish hed stop doi"g th t+

H3esides, i!!e"se po#er is *Duired by ssuri"g yourself i" your se*ret re/eries th t you #ere bor" to *o"trol thi"gs,I he *o"ti"ues, his /oi*e soft+

H?o you feel th t you h /e i!!e"se po#erJI Co"trol Fre $+

H; e!ploy o/er forty thous "d people, 'iss Steele+ Th t gi/es !e

*ert i" se"se of

respo"sibility E po#er, if you #ill+ ;f ; #ere to de*ide ; # s "o lo"ger i"terested i" the tele*o!!u"i* tio"s busi"ess "d sell up, t#e"ty thous "d people #ould struggle to ! $e their !ortg ge p y!e"ts fter !o"th or so+I

'y !outh drops ope"+ ; ! st ggered by his l *$ of hu!ility+

H?o"t you h /e

bo rd to "s#er toJI ; s$, disgusted+

H; o#" !y *o!p "y+ ; do"t h /e to "s#er to !e+

bo rd+I 6e r ises " eyebro# t

; flush+ 2f *ourse, ; #ould $"o# this if ; h d do"e so!e rese r*h+ 3ut holy *r p, hes so rrog "t+ ; *h "ge t *$+

H%"d do you h /e "y i"terests outside your #or$JI

H; h /e / ried i"terests, 'iss Steele+I % ghost of / ried+I

s!ile tou*hes his lips+ HCery

%"d for so!e re so", ;! *o"fou"ded "d he ted by his ste dy g Ge+ 6is eyes re light #ith so!e #i*$ed thought+

H3ut if you #or$ so h rd, #h t do you do to *hill outJI

HChill outJI 6e s!iles, re/e li"g perfe*t #hite teeth+ ; stop bre thi"g+ 6e re lly is be utiful+ 0o o"e should be this good<loo$i"g+

HWell, to N*hill out s you put it E ; s il, ; fly, ; i"dulge i" / rious physi* l pursuits+I 6e shifts i" his *h ir+ H;! "d bsorbi"g hobbies+I /ery #e lthy ! ", 'iss Steele, "d ; h /e e4pe"si/e

; gl "*e Dui*$ly t F tes Duestio"s, # "ti"g to get off this subBe*t+

HKou i"/est i" ! "uf *turi"g+ Why, spe*ifi* llyJI ; s$+ Why does he ! $e !e so u"*o!fort bleJ

H; li$e to build thi"gs+ ; li$e to $"o# ho# thi"gs #or$= #h t ! $es thi"gs ti*$, ho# to *o"stru*t "d de*o"stru*t+ %"d ; h /e lo/e of ships+ Wh t * " ; s yJI

HTh t sou"ds li$e your he rt t l$i"g r ther th " logi* "d f *ts+I

6is !outh Duir$s up, "d he st res ppr isi"gly t !e+

H1ossibly+ Though there re people #hod s y ; do"t h /e

he rt+I

HWhy #ould they s y th tJI

H3e* use they $"o# !e #ell+I 6is lip *urls i"

#ry s!ile+

HWould your frie"ds s y youre e sy to get to $"o#JI %"d ; regret the Duestio" s soo" s ; s y it+ ;ts "ot o" F tes list+

H;! /ery pri/ te perso", 'iss Steele+ ; go do"t ofte" gi/e i"ter/ie#s,I he tr ils off+ lo"g # y to prote*t !y pri/ *y+ ;

HWhy did you gree to do this o"eJI

H3e* use ;! *ould"t

be"ef *tor of the 8"i/ersity, "d for ll i"te"ts "d purposes, ;

get 'iss F / " gh off !y b *$+ She b dgered "d b dgered !y 1( people, "d ; d!ire th t $i"d of te" *ity+I

; $"o# ho# te" *ious F te * " be+ Th ts #hy ;! sitti"g here sDuir!i"g u"*o!fort bly u"der his pe"etr ti"g g Ge, #he" ; should be studyi"g for !y e4 !s+

HKou lso i"/est i" f r!i"g te*h"ologies+ Why re you i"terested i" this re JI

HWe * "t e t !o"ey, 'iss Steele, "d there re too ! "y people o" this pl "et #ho do"t h /e e"ough to e t+I

HTh t sou"ds /ery phil "thropi*+ ;s it so!ethi"g you feel p ssio" tely boutJ Feedi"g the #orlds poorJI

6e shrugs, /ery "o"<*o!!itt l+

H;ts shre#d busi"ess,I he !ur!urs, though ; thi"$ hes bei"g disi"ge"uous+ ;t does"t ! $e se"se E feedi"g the #orlds poorJ ; * "t see the fi" "*i l be"efits of this, o"ly the

/irtue of the ide l+ ; gl "*e t the "e4t Duestio", *o"fused by his ttitude+

H?o you h /e

philosophyJ ;f so, #h t is itJI

H; do"t h /e

philosophy s su*h+ ' ybe

guidi"g pri"*iple E C r"egies= N% ! "

#ho *Duires the bility to t $e full possessio" of his o#" !i"d ! y t $e possessio" of "ythi"g else to #hi*h he is Bustly e"titled+ ;! /ery si"gul r, dri/e"+ ; li$e *o"trol E of !yself "d those rou"d !e+I

HSo you # "t to possess thi"gsJI Kou re

*o"trol fre $+

H; # "t to deser/e to possess the!, but yes, botto! li"e, ; do+I

HKou sou"d li$e the ulti! te *o"su!er+I

H; !+I 6e s!iles, but the s!ile does"t tou*h his eyes+ %g i" this is t odds #ith so!eo"e #ho # "ts to feed the #orld, so ; * "t help thi"$i"g th t #ere t l$i"g bout so!ethi"g else, but ;! bsolutely !ystified s to #h t it is+ ; s# llo# h rd+ The te!per ture i" the roo! is risi"g or ! ybe its Bust !e+ ; Bust # "t this i"ter/ie# to be o/er+ Surely F te h s e"ough ! teri l "o#J ; gl "*e t the "e4t Duestio"+

HKou #ere dopted+ 6o# f r do you thi"$ th ts sh ped the # y you reJI 2h, this is perso" l+ ; st re t hi!, hopi"g hes "ot offe"ded+ 6is bro# furro#s+

H; h /e "o # y of $"o#i"g+I

'y i"terest is piDued+

H6o# old #ere you #he" you #ere doptedJI

HTh ts

! tter of publi* re*ord, 'iss Steele+I 6is to"e is ster"+ ; flush, g i"+ Cr p+

Kes of *ourse E if ;d $"o#" ; # s doi"g this i"ter/ie#, ; #ould h /e do"e so!e rese r*h+ ; !o/e o" Dui*$ly+

HKou/e h d to s *rifi*e

f !ily life for your #or$+I

HTh ts "ot

Duestio"+I 6es terse+

HSorry+I ; sDuir!, "d hes ! de !e feel li$e " err "t *hild+ ; try g i"+ H6 /e you h d to s *rifi*e f !ily life for your #or$JI

H; h /e f !ily+ ; h /e i"terested

brother "d

sister "d t#o lo/i"g p re"ts+ ;! "ot

i" e4te"di"g !y f !ily beyo"d th t+I

H%re you g y, 'r+ @reyJI

6e i"h les sh rply, "d ; *ri"ge, !ortified+ Cr p+ Why did"t ; e!ploy so!e $i"d of filter before ; re d this str ight outJ 6o# * " ; tell hi! ;! Bust re di"g the Duestio"sJ ? !" F te "d her *uriosityL

H0o %" st si , ;! "ot+I 6e r ises his eyebro#s, "ot loo$ ple sed+

*ool gle ! i" his eyes+ 6e does

H; pologiGe+ ;ts u!M #ritte" here+I ;ts the first ti!e hes s id !y " !e+ 'y he rtbe t h s **eler ted, "d !y *hee$s re he ti"g up g i"+ 0er/ously, ; tu*$ !y loose"ed h ir behi"d !y e r+

6e *o*$s his he d to o"e side+

HThese re"t your o#" Duestio"sJI

The blood dr i"s fro! !y he d+ 2h "o+

HErrM "o+ F te E 'iss F / " gh E she *o!piled the Duestio"s+I

H%re you *olle gues o" the stude"t p perJI 2h *r p+ ; h /e "othi"g to do #ith the stude"t p per+ ;ts her e4tr <*urri*ul r *ti/ity, "ot !i"e+ 'y f *e is fl !e+

H0o+ Shes !y roo!! te+I

6e rubs his *hi" i" Duiet deliber tio", his gr y eyes ppr isi"g !e+

H?id you /olu"teer to do this i"ter/ie#JI he s$s, his /oi*e de dly Duiet+

6 "g o", #hos supposed to be i"ter/ie#i"g #ho!J 6is eyes bur" i"to !e, "d ;! *o!pelled to "s#er #ith the truth+

H; # s dr fted+ Shes "ot #ell+I 'y /oi*e is #e $ "d pologeti*+

HTh t e4pl i"s

gre t de l+I


$"o*$ t the door, "d 3lo"de 0u!ber T#o e"ters+

H'r+ @rey, forgi/e !e for i"terrupti"g, but your "e4t !eeti"g is i" t#o !i"utes+I

HWere "ot fi"ished here, %"dre + 1le se * "*el !y "e4t !eeti"g+I

%"dre hesit tes, g pi"g t hi!+ Shes ppe rs lost+ 6e tur"s his he d slo#ly to f *e her "d r ises his eyebro#s+ She flushes bright pi"$+ 2h good+ ;ts "ot Bust !e+

HCery #ell, 'r+ @rey,I she !utters, the" e4its+ 6e fro#"s, "d tur"s his tte"tio" b *$ to !e+

HWhere #ere #e, 'iss SteeleJI

2h, #ere b *$ to N'iss Steele "o#+

H1le se do"t let !e $eep you fro! "ythi"g+I

H; # "t to $"o# bout you+ ; thi"$ th ts o"ly f ir+I 6is gr y eyes re light #ith *uriosity+ ?ouble *r p+ Wheres he goi"g #ith thisJ 6e pl *es his elbo#s o" the r!s of the *h ir "d steeples his fi"gers i" fro"t of his !outh+ 6is !outh is /eryM distr *ti"g+ ; s# llo#+

HTheres "ot !u*h to $"o#,I ; s y, flushi"g g i"+

HWh t re your pl "s fter you gr du teJI

; shrug, thro#" by his i"terest+ Co!e to Se ttle #ith F te, fi"d h /e"t re lly thought beyo"d !y fi" ls+

pl *e, fi"d

Bob+ ;

H; h /e"t ! de "y pl "s, 'r+ @rey+ ; Bust "eed to get through !y fi" l e4 !s+I Whi*h ; should be studyi"g for "o# r ther th " sitti"g i" your p l ti l, s# "$y, sterile offi*e, feeli"g u"*o!fort ble u"der your pe"etr ti"g g Ge+

HWe ru" " e4*elle"t i"ter"ship progr ! here,I he s ys Duietly+ ; r ise !y eyebro#s i" surprise+ ;s he offeri"g !e BobJ

H2h+ ;ll be r th t i" !i"d,I ; !ur!ur, *o!pletely *o"fou"ded+ HThough ;! "ot sure ;d fit i" here+I 2h "o+ ;! !usi"g out loud g i"+

HWhy do you s y th tJI 6e *o*$s his he d to o"e side, i"trigued, pl yi"g o" his lips+

hi"t of


H;ts ob/ious, is"t itJI ;! u"*oordi" ted, s*ruffy, "d ;! "ot blo"de+

H0ot to !e,I he !ur!urs+ 6is g Ge is i"te"se, ll hu!or go"e, "d str "ge !us*les deep i" !y belly *le"*h sudde"ly+ ; te r !y eyes # y fro! his s*ruti"y "d st re bli"dly do#" t !y $"otted fi"gers+ Wh ts goi"g o"J ; h /e to go E "o#+ ; le " for# rd to retrie/e the re*order+

HWould you li$e !e to sho# you rou"dJI he s$s+

H;! sure youre f r too busy, 'r+ @rey, "d ; do h /e

lo"g dri/e+I

HKoure dri/i"g b *$ to WS8 i" C "*ou/erJI 6e sou"ds surprised, "4ious e/e"+ 6e gl "*es out of the #i"do#+ ;ts begu" to r i"+ HWell, youd better dri/e * refully+I 6is to"e is ster", uthorit ti/e+ Why should he * reJ H?id you get e/erythi"g you "eedJI he dds+

HKes sir,I ; reply, p *$i"g the re*order i"to !y s t*hel+ 6is eyes " rro#, spe*ul ti/ely+

HTh "$ you for the i"ter/ie#, 'r+ @rey+I

HThe ple sures bee" ll !i"e,I he s ys, polite s e/er+

%s ; rise, he st "ds "d holds out his h "d+

H8"til #e !eet g i", 'iss Steele+I %"d it sou"ds li$e

*h lle"ge, or

thre t, ;!

"ot sure #hi*h+ ; fro#"+ Whe" #ill #e e/er !eet g i"J ; sh $e his h "d o"*e !ore, stou"ded th t th t odd *urre"t bet#ee" us is still there+ ;t !ust be !y "er/es+

H'r+ @rey+I ; "od t hi!+ 'o/i"g #ith lithe thleti* gr *e to the door, he ope"s it #ide+

HJust e"suri"g you ! $e it through the door, 'iss Steele+I 6e gi/es !e s!ile+

s! ll

2b/iously, hes referri"g to !y e rlier less<th "<eleg "t e"try i"to his offi*e+ ; flush+

HTh ts /ery *o"sider te, 'r+ @rey,I ; s" p, "d his s!ile #ide"s+ ;! gl d you fi"d !e e"tert i"i"g, ; glo#er i"# rdly, # l$i"g i"to the foyer+ ;! surprised #he" he follo#s !e out+ %"dre "d 2li/i both loo$ up, eDu lly surprised+

H?id you h /e

*o tJI @rey s$s+

HKes+I 2li/i le ps up "d retrie/es !y B *$et, #hi*h @rey t $es fro! her before she

* " h "d it to !e+ 6e holds it up "d, feeli"g ridi*ulously self<*o"s*ious, ; shrug it o"+ @rey pl *es his h "ds for "oti*es !o!e"t o" !y shoulders+ ; g sp t the *o"t *t+ ;f he

!y re *tio", he gi/es "othi"g # y+ 6is lo"g i"de4 fi"ger presses the butto" su!!o"i"g the ele/ tor, "d #e st "d # iti"g E #$# rdly o" !y p rt, *oolly self<possessed o" his+ The doors ope", "d ; hurry i" desper te to es* pe+ ; re lly "eed to get out of here+ Whe" ; tur" to loo$ t hi!, hes le "i"g g i"st the door# y beside the ele/ tor #ith o"e h "d o" the # ll+ 6e re lly is /ery, /ery good<loo$i"g+ ;ts distr *ti"g+ 6is bur"i"g gr y eyes g Ge t !e+

H%" st si ,I he s ys s

f re#ell+

HChristi ",I ; reply+ %"d !er*ifully, the doors *lose+

'y he rt is pou"di"g+ The ele/ tor rri/es o" the first floor, "d ; s*r !ble out s soo" s the doors slide ope", stu!bli"g o"*e, but fortu" tely "ot spr #li"g o" to the i!! *ul te s "dsto"e floor+ ; r *e for the #ide gl ss doors, "d ;! free i" the br *i"g, *le "si"g,

d !p ir of Se ttle+ ( isi"g !y f *e, ; #el*o!e the *ool refreshi"g r i"+ ; *lose !y eyes "d t $e deep, purifyi"g bre th, tryi"g to re*o/er #h ts left of !y eDuilibriu!+

0o ! " h s e/er ffe*ted !e the # y Christi " @rey h s, "d ; * ""ot f tho! #hy+ ;s it his loo$sJ 6is *i/ilityJ We lthJ 1o#erJ ; do"t u"derst "d !y irr tio" l re *tio"+ ; bre the " e"or!ous sigh of relief+ Wh t i" he /e"s " !e # s th t ll boutJ Le "i"g g i"st o"e of the steel pill rs of the buildi"g, ; / li "tly tte!pt to * l! do#" "d g ther !y thoughts+ ; sh $e !y he d+ 6oly *r p E #h t # s th tJ 'y he rt ste dies to its regul r rhyth!, "d ; * " bre the "or! lly g i"+ ; he d for the * r+

%s ; le /e the *ity li!its behi"d, ; begi" to feel foolish "d e!b rr ssed s ; repl y the i"ter/ie# i" !y !i"d+ Surely, ;! o/er<re *ti"g to so!ethi"g th ts i! gi" ry+ 2$ y, so hes /ery ttr *ti/e, *o"fide"t, *o!! "di"g, t e se #ith hi!self E but o" the flip side, hes rrog "t, "d for ll his i!pe** ble ! ""ers, hes uto*r ti* "d *old+ Well, o" the surf *e+ %" i"/olu"t ry shi/er ru"s do#" !y spi"e+ 6e ! y be rrog "t, but the" he h s right to be E hes **o!plished so !u*h t su*h but you"g ge+ 6e does"t suffer fools gl dly, brief biogr phy+

#hy should heJ %g i", ;! irrit ted th t F te did"t gi/e !e

While *ruisi"g lo"g the ;<7, !y !i"d *o"ti"ues to # "der+ ;! truly perple4ed s to #h t ! $es so!eo"e so dri/e" to su**eed+ So!e of his "s#ers #ere so *rypti* E s if he h d if he hidde" ge"d + %"d F tes Duestio"s E ughL The doptio" "d s$i"g hi!

# s g yL ; shudder+ ; * "t belie/e ; s id th t+ @rou"d, s# llo# !e up "o#L E/ery ti!e ; thi"$ of th t Duestio" i" the future, ; #ill *ri"ge #ith e!b rr ss!e"t+ ? !" F theri"e F / " ghL

; *he*$ the speedo!eter+ ;! dri/i"g !ore * utiously th " ; #ould o" "y other o** sio"+ %"d ; $"o# its the !e!ory of t#o pe"etr ti"g gr y eyes g Gi"g t !e, "d ster"

/oi*e telli"g !e to dri/e * refully+ Sh $i"g !y he d, ; re liGe th t @reys !ore li$e ! " double his ge+

Forget it, %" , ; s*old !yself+ ; de*ide th t ll i" ll, its bee" e4perie"*e,

/ery i"teresti"g

but ; should"t d#ell o" it+ 1ut it behi"d you+ ; "e/er h /e to see hi! g i"+ ;! i!!edi tely *heered by the thought+ ; s#it*h o" the '15 pl yer "d tur" the /olu!e up loud, sit b *$, "d liste" to thu!pi"g i"die ro*$ !usi* s ; press do#" o" the **eler tor+ %s ; hit the 1<7, ; re liGe ; * " dri/e s f st s ; # "t+

We li/e i" s! ll *o!!u"ity of duple4 p rt!e"ts i" C "*ou/er, W shi"gto", *lose to the C "*ou/er * !pus of WS8+ ;! lu*$y E F tes p re"ts bought the pl *e for her, "d ;p y

pe "uts for re"t+ ;ts bee" ho!e for four ye rs "o#+ %s ; pull up outside, ; $"o# F te is goi"g to # "t !i"i< blo#<by<blo# **ou"t, "d she is te" *ious+ Well, t le st she h s the

dis*+ 6opefully ; #o"t h /e to el bor te !u*h beyo"d #h t # s s id duri"g the i"ter/ie#+

H%" L Koure b *$+I F te sits i" our li/i"g re , surrou"ded by boo$s+ Shes *le rly bee" studyi"g for fi" ls E though shes still i" her pi"$ fl ""el p B ! s de*or ted #ith *ute little r bbits, the o"es she reser/es for the fter! th of bre $i"g up #ith boyfrie"ds, for ssorted ill"esses, "d for ge"er l !oody depressio"+ She bou"ds up to !e "d hugs !e h rd+

H; # s begi""i"g to #orry+ ; e4pe*ted you b *$ soo"er+I

H2h, ; thought ; ! de good ti!e *o"sideri"g the i"ter/ie# r " o/er+I ; # /e the !i"i< dis* re*order t her+

H%" , th "$ you so !u*h for doi"g this+ ; o#e you, ; $"o#+ 6o# # s itJ Wh t # s he li$eJI 2h "o E here #e go, the F theri"e F / " gh ;"Duisitio"+

; struggle to "s#er her Duestio"+ Wh t * " ; s yJ

H;! gl d its o/er, "d ; do"t h /e to see hi! g i"+ 6e # s r ther i"ti!id ti"g, you

$"o#+I ; shrug+ H6es /ery fo*used, i"te"se e/e" E "d you"g+ (e lly you"g+I

F te g Ges i""o*e"tly t !e+ ; fro#" t her+

H?o"t you loo$ so i""o*e"t+ Why did"t you gi/e !e

biogr phyJ 6e ! de !e feel h "d to her !outh+

li$e su*h " idiot for s$i!pi"g o" b si* rese r*h+I F te *l !ps

HJeeG, %" , ;! sorry E ; did"t thi"$+I

; huff+

H'ostly he # s *ourteous, for! l, slightly stuffy E li$e hes old before his ti!e+ 6e does"t t l$ li$e ! " of t#e"ty<so!ethi"g+ 6o# old is he "y# yJI

HT#e"ty<se/e"+ JeeG, %" , ;! sorry+ ; should h /e briefed you, but ; # s i" su*h p "i*+ Let !e h /e the !i"i<dis*, "d ;ll st rt tr "s*ribi"g the i"ter/ie#+I

HKou loo$ better+ ?id you e t your soupJI ; s$, $ee" to *h "ge the subBe*t+

HKes, "d it # s deli*ious s usu l+ ;! feeli"g !u*h better+I She s!iles t !e i" gr titude+ ; *he*$ !y # t*h+

H; h /e to ru"+ ; * " still ! $e !y shift t Cl yto"s+I

H%" , youll be e4h usted+I

H;ll be fi"e+ ;ll see you l ter+I

;/e #or$ed t Cl yto"s si"*e ; st rted t WS8+ ;ts the l rgest i"depe"de"t h rd# re store i" the 1ortl "d re , "d o/er the four ye rs ;/e #or$ed here, ;/e *o!e to $"o# little bit bout !ost e/erythi"g #e sell E lthough iro"i* lly, ;! *r p t "y ?;K+ ; le /e ll th t to !y d d+ ;! !u*h !ore of fire *url<up<#ith< <boo$<i"< <*o!fy<*h ir<by<the<

$i"d of girl+ ;! gl d ; * " ! $e !y shift s it gi/es !e so!ethi"g to fo*us o" th t is"t Christi " @rey+ Were busy E its the st rt of the su!!er se so", "d fol$s re rede*or ti"g their ho!es+ 'rs+ Cl yto" is ple sed to see !e+

H%" L ; thought you #ere"t goi"g to ! $e it tod y+I

H'y ppoi"t!e"t did"t t $e s lo"g s ; thought+ ; * " do

*ouple of hours+I

H;! re l ple sed to see you+I

She se"ds !e to the storeroo! to st rt re<sto*$i"g shel/es, "d ;! soo" bsorbed i" the t s$+

Whe" ; rri/e ho!e l ter, F theri"e is #e ri"g he dpho"es "d #or$i"g o" her l ptop+ 6er "ose is still pi"$, but she h s her teeth i"to typi"g story, so shes *o"*e"tr ti"g "d

furiously+ ;! thoroughly dr i"ed E e4h usted by the lo"g dri/e, the grueli"g i"ter/ie#, "d by bei"g rushed off !y feet t Cl yto"s+ ; slu!p o" to the *ou*h, thi"$i"g bout the ess y ; h /e to fi"ish "d ll the studyi"g ; h /e"t do"e tod y be* use ; # s holed up #ithM hi!+

HKou/e got so!e good stuff here, %" + Well do"e+ ; * "t belie/e you did"t t $e hi! up o" his offer to sho# you rou"d+ 6e ob/iously # "ted to spe"d !ore ti!e #ith you+I She gi/es !e fleeti"g DuiGGi* l loo$+

; flush, "d !y he rt r te i"e4pli* bly i"*re ses+ Th t # s"t the re so", surelyJ 6e Bust # "ted to sho# !e rou"d so ; *ould see th t he # s lord of ll he sur/eyed+ ; re liGe ;! biti"g !y lip, "d ; hope F te does"t "oti*e+ 3ut she see!s bsorbed i" her tr "s*riptio"+

H; he r #h t you !e " bout for! l+ ?id you t $e "y "otesJI she s$s+

H8!M "o, ; did"t+I

HTh ts fi"e+ ; * " still ! $e origi" l stills+ @ood<loo$i"g so" of

fi"e rti*le #ith this+ Sh !e #e do"t h /e so!e bit*h, is"t heJI

; flush+

H; suppose so+I ; try h rd to sou"d disi"terested, "d ; thi"$ ; su**eed+

H2h *o!e o", %" E e/e" you * "t be i!!u"e to his loo$s+I She r*hes eyebro# t !e+


Cr pL ; distr *t her #ith fl ttery, l# ys

good ploy+

HKou prob bly #ould h /e got lot !ore out of hi!+I

H; doubt th t, %" + Co!e o" E he pr *ti* lly offered you this

Bob+ @i/e" th t ; foisted

o" you t the l st !i"ute, you did /ery #ell+I She gl "*es up t !e spe*ul ti/ely+ ; ! $e h sty retre t i"to the $it*he"+

HSo #h t did you re lly thi"$ of hi!JI ? !", shes i"Duisiti/e+ Why * "t she Bust let this goJ Thi"$ of so!ethi"g E Dui*$+

H6es /ery dri/e", *o"trolli"g, rrog "t E s* ry re lly, but /ery *h ris! ti*+ ; * " u"derst "d the f s*i" tio",I ; dd truthfully, s ; peer rou"d the door t her hopi"g this #ill shut her up o"*e "d for ll+

HKou, f s*i" ted by

! "J Th ts

first,I she s"orts+

; st rt g theri"g the ! $i"gs of

s "d#i*h so she * "t see !y f *e+

HWhy did you # "t to $"o# if he # s g yJ ;"*ide"t lly, th t # s the !ost e!b rr ssi"g Duestio"+ ; # s !ortified, "d he # s pissed to be s$ed too+I ; s*o#l t the !e!ory+

HWhe"e/er hes i" the so*iety p ges, he "e/er h s

d te+I

H;t # s e!b rr ssi"g+ The #hole thi"g # s e!b rr ssi"g+ ;! gl d ;ll "e/er h /e to l y eyes o" hi! g i"+I

H2h, %" , it * "t h /e bee" th t b d+ ; thi"$ he sou"ds Duite t $e" #ith you+I

T $e" #ith !eJ 0o# F tes bei"g ridi*ulous+

HWould you li$e

s "d#i*hJI

H1le se+I

We t l$ "o !ore of Christi " @rey th t e/e"i"g, !u*h to !y relief+ 2"*e #e/e e te", ;! ble to sit t the di"i"g t ble #ith F te "d, #hile she #or$s o" her rti*le, ; #or$ o" !y ess y o" Tess of the ?8rber/illes+ ? !", but th t #o! " # s i" the #ro"g pl *e t the #ro"g ti!e i" the #ro"g *e"tury+ 3y the ti!e ; fi"ish, its !id"ight, "d F te h s lo"g si"*e go"e to bed+ ; ! $e !y # y to !y roo!, e4h usted, but ple sed th t ;/e **o!plished so !u*h for 'o"d y+

; *url up i" !y #hite iro" bed, #r ppi"g !y !others Duilt rou"d !e, *lose !y eyes, "d ;! i"st "tly sleep+ Th t "ight ; dre ! of d r$ pl *es, ble $ #hite *old floors, "d gr y eyes+

For the rest of the #ee$, ; thro# !yself i"to !y studies "d !y Bob t Cl yto"s+ F te is busy too, *o!pili"g her l st editio" of her stude"t ! g Gi"e before she h s to reli"Duish it to the "e# editor #hile lso *r !!i"g for her fi" ls+ 3y Wed"esd y, shes !u*h better, "d ; "o lo"ger h /e to e"dure the sight of her pi"$<fl ""el<#ith<too<! "y<r bbits 1Js+ ; * ll !y !o! i" @eorgi to *he*$ o" her, but lso so she * " #ish !e lu*$ for !y fi" l e4 !s+ She pro*eeds to tell !e bout her l test /e"ture i"to * "dle ! $i"g E !y !other is ll bout "e# busi"ess /e"tures+ Fu"d !e"t lly shes bored "d # "ts so!ethi"g to o**upy

her ti!e, but she h s the tte"tio" sp " of #ee$+

goldfish+ ;tll be so!ethi"g "e# "e4t

She #orries !e+ ; hope she h s"t !ortg ged the house to fi" "*e this l test s*he!e+ %"d ; hope th t 3ob E her rel ti/ely "e# but !u*h older husb "d E is $eepi"g " eye o" her "o# th t ;! "o lo"ger there+ 6e does see! Three+ lot !ore grou"ded th " 6usb "d 0u!ber

H6o# re thi"gs #ith you, %" JI


!o!e"t, ; hesit te, "d ; h /e 'o!s full tte"tio"+

H;! fi"e+I

H%" J 6 /e you !et so!eo"eJI Wo#M ho# does she do th tJ The e4*ite!e"t i" her /oi*e is p lp ble+

H0o, 'o!, its "othi"g+ Koull be the first to $"o# if ; do+I

H%" , you re lly "eed to get out !ore, ho"ey+ Kou #orry !e+I

H'o!, ;! fi"e+ 6o#s 3obJI %s e/er, distr *tio" is the best poli*y+

L ter th t e/e"i"g, ; * ll ( y, !y stepd d, 'o!s 6usb "d 0u!ber T#o, the ! " ;

*o"sider !y f ther, "d the ! " #hose " !e ; be r+ ;ts f *t, its "ot so !u*h *o 4i"g+ ( y is "ot *o"/ers tio" s

brief *o"/ers tio"+ ;"

o"e<sided series of gru"ts i" respo"se to !y ge"tle

t l$er+ 3ut hes still li/e, hes still # t*hi"g so**er o" TC, "d goi"g s$illed * rpe"ter

bo#li"g "d fly<fishi"g or ! $i"g fur"iture #he" hes "ot+ ( y is "d the re so" ; $"o# the differe"*e bet#ee" #ith hi!+ h #$ "d

h "ds #+ %ll see!s #ell

Frid y "ight, F te "d ; re deb ti"g #h t to do #ith our e/e"i"g E #e # "t so!e ti!e out fro! our studies, fro! our #or$, "d fro! stude"t "e#sp pers E #he" the doorbell ri"gs+ St "di"g o" our doorstep is !y good frie"d JosO, *lut*hi"g bottle of *h !p g"e+

HJosOL @re t to see youLI ; gi/e hi!

Dui*$ hug+ HCo!e i"+I

JosO is the first perso" ; !et #he" ; rri/ed t WS8, loo$i"g s lost "d lo"ely s ; did+ We re*og"iGed si"*e+ $i"dred spirit i" e *h of us th t d y, "d #e/e bee" frie"ds e/er se"se of hu!or, but #e dis*o/ered th t both ( y "d JosO result, our f thers h /e be*o!e fir!

0ot o"ly do #e sh re Se"ior

#ere i" the s !e r!y u"it together+ %s frie"ds too+

JosO is studyi"g e"gi"eeri"g "d is the first i" his f !ily to ! $e it to *ollege+ 6es pretty d !" bright, but his re l p ssio" is photogr phy+ JosO h s good pi*ture+ gre t eye for

H; h /e "e#s+I 6e gri"s, his d r$ eyes t#i"$li"g+

H?o"t tell !e E you/e ! " ged "ot to get $i*$ed out for "other #ee$,I ; te se, "d he s*o#ls pl yfully t !e+

HThe 1ortl "d 1l *e @ llery is goi"g to e4hibit !y photos "e4t !o"th+I

HTh ts ! Gi"g E *o"gr tul tio"sLI ?elighted for hi!, ; hug hi! g i"+ F te be !s t hi! too+

HW y to go JosOL ; should put this i" the p per+ 0othi"g li$e l st !i"ute editori l *h "ges o" Frid y e/e"i"g+I She gri"s+

HLets *elebr te+ ; # "t you to *o!e to the ope"i"g+I JosO loo$s i"te"tly t !e+ ; flush+ H3oth of you, of *ourse,I he dds, gl "*i"g "er/ously t F te+

JosO "d ; re good frie"ds, but ; $"o# deep do#" i"side, hed li$e to be !ore+ 6es *ute "d fu""y, but hes Bust "ot for !e+ 6es !ore li$e the brother ; "e/er h d+ F theri"e ofte" te ses !e th t ;! !issi"g the "eed< <boyfrie"d ge"e, but the truth is E ; Bust h /e"t !et "yo"e #hoM #ell, #ho! ;! ttr *ted to, e/e" though p rt of !e lo"gs for those tre!bli"g $"ees, he rt<i"<!y<!outh, butterflies<i"<!y<belly, sleepless "ights+

So!eti!es ; #o"der if theres so!ethi"g #ro"g #ith !e+ 1erh ps ;/e spe"t too lo"g i" the *o!p "y of !y liter ry ro! "ti* heroes, "d *o"seDue"tly !y ide ls "d e4pe*t tio"s re f r too high+ 3ut i" re lity, "obodys e/er ! de !e feel li$e th t+

8"til /ery re*e"tly, the u"#el*o!e, still s! ll /oi*e of !y sub*o"s*ious #hispers+ 02L ; b "ish the thought i!!edi tely+ ; ! "ot goi"g there, "ot fter th t p i"ful i"ter/ie#+ %re you g y, 'r+ @reyJ ; #i"*e t the !e!ory+ ; $"o# ;/e dre !t bout hi! !ost "ights si"*e the", but th ts Bust to purge the #ful e4perie"*e fro! !y syste!, surelyJ

; # t*h JosO ope" the bottle of *h !p g"e+ 6es t ll, "d i" his Be "s "d t<shirt hes ll shoulders "d !us*les, t ""ed s$i", d r$ h ir "d bur"i"g d r$ eyes+ Kes, JosOs pretty hot, but ; thi"$ hes fi" lly getti"g the !ess ge= #ere Bust frie"ds+ The *or$ ! $es its loud pop, "d JosO loo$s up "d s!iles+

S turd y t the store is to

"ight! re+ We re besieged by do<it<yourselfers # "ti"g

spru*e up their ho!es+ 'r+ "d 'rs+ Cl yto", Joh" "d 1 tri*$ E the t#o other p rt< ti!ers E "d ; re ll rushed off our feet+ 3ut theres Cl yto" lull rou"d lu"*hti!e, "d 'rs+

s$s !e to *he*$ o" so!e orders #hile ;! sitti"g behi"d the *ou"ter t the till dis*reetly

e ti"g !y b gel+ ;! e"grossed i" the t s$, *he*$i"g * t logue "u!bers g i"st the ite!s #e "eed "d the ite!s #e/e ordered, eyes fli*$i"g fro! the order boo$ to the *o!puter s*ree" "d b *$ s ; *he*$ the e"tries ! t*h+ The", for so!e re so", ; gl "*e upM "d fi"d !yself lo*$ed i" the bold gr y g Ge of Christi " @rey #hos st "di"g t the *ou"ter, st ri"g t !e i"te"tly+

6e rt f ilure+

H'iss Steele+ Wh t

ple s "t surprise+I 6is g Ge is u"# /eri"g "d i"te"se+

6oly *r p+ Wh t the hell is he doi"g here loo$i"g ll tousled<h ir "d outdoorsy i" his *re ! *hu"$y<$"it s#e ter, Be "s, "d # l$i"g bootsJ ; thi"$ !y !outh h s popped ope", "d ; * "t lo* te !y br i" or !y /oi*e+

H'r+ @rey,I ; #hisper, be* use th ts ll ; * " ! " ge+ Theres

ghost of

s!ile o"

his lips "d his eyes re light #ith hu!or, s if hes e"Boyi"g so!e pri/ te Bo$e+

H; # s i" the re ,I he s ys by # y of e4pl " tio"+ H; "eed to sto*$ up o" thi"gs+ ;ts


ple sure to see you g i", 'iss Steele+I 6is /oi*e is # r! "d hus$y li$e d r$

!elted *ho*ol te fudge * r !elM or so!ethi"g+

; sh $e !y he d to g ther !y #its+ 'y he rt is pou"di"g

fr "ti* t ttoo, "d for

so!e re so" ;! blushi"g furiously u"der his ste dy s*ruti"y+ ; ! utterly thro#" by the sight of hi! st "di"g before !e+ 'y !e!ories of hi! did "ot do hi! Busti*e+ 6es "ot !erely good<loo$i"g E hes the epito!e of ! le be uty, bre tht $i"g, "d hes here+ 6ere i" Cl yto"s 6 rd# re Store+ @o figure+ Fi" lly !y *og"iti/e fu"*tio"s re restored "d re*o""e*ted #ith the rest of !y body+

H%" + 'y " !es %" ,I ; !utter+ HWh t * " ; help you #ith, 'r+ @reyJI

6e s!iles, "d g i" its li$e hes pri/y to so!e big se*ret+ ;t is so dis*o"*erti"g+ T $i"g deep bre th, ; put o" !y professio" l ;/e<#or$ed<i"<this<shop<for<ye rs f P de+ ; * " do this+

HThere re his

fe# ite!s ; "eed+ To st rt #ith, ;d li$e so!e * ble ties,I he !ur!urs,

gr y eyes *ool but !used+

C ble tiesJ

HWe sto*$ / rious le"gths+ Sh ll ; sho# youJI ; !utter, !y /oi*e soft "d # /ery+ @et grip, Steele+ % slight fro#" ! rs @reys r ther lo/ely bro#+

H1le se+ Le d the # y, 'iss Steele,I he s ys+ ; try for "o"*h l "*e s ; *o!e out fro! behi"d the *ou"ter, but re lly ;! *o"*e"tr ti"g h rd o" "ot f lli"g o/er !y o#" feet E !y legs re sudde"ly the *o"siste"*y of Jell<2+ ;! so gl d ; de*ided to #e r !y best Be "s this !or"i"g+

HTheyre i" #ith the ele*tri* l goods, isle eight+I 'y /oi*e is

little too bright+ ;

gl "*e up t hi! "d regret it l!ost i!!edi tely+ ? !", hes h "dso!e+ ; blush+

H%fter you,I he !ur!urs, gesturi"g #ith his lo"g<fi"gered, be utifully ! "i*ured h "d+

With !y he rt l!ost str "gli"g !e E be* use its i" !y thro t tryi"g to es* pe fro! !y !outh E ; he d do#" o"e of the isles to the ele*tri* l se*tio"+ Why is he i" 1ortl "dJ Why is he here t Cl yto"sJ %"d fro! prob bly /ery ti"y, u"derused p rt of !y br i" E

lo* ted t the b se of !y !edull oblo"g t #here !y sub*o"s*ious d#ells E *o!es the thought= hes here to see you+ 0o # yL ; dis!iss it i!!edi tely+ Why #ould this be utiful, po#erful, urb "e ! " # "t to see !eJ The ide is preposterous, "d ; $i*$ it out of !y he d+

H%re you i" 1ortl "d o" busi"essJI ; s$, "d !y /oi*e is too high, li$e ;/e got !y fi"ger tr pped i" door or so!ethi"g+ ? !"L Try to be *ool %" L

H; # s /isiti"g the WS8 f r!i"g di/isio"+ ;ts b sed t C "*ou/er+ ;! *urre"tly fu"di"g so!e rese r*h there i" *rop rot tio" "d soil s*ie"*e,I he s ys ! tter<of<f *tly+ SeeJ 0ot here to fi"d you t ll, !y sub*o"s*ious s"eers t !e, loud, proud, "d pouty+ ; flush t !y foolish # y# rd thoughts+

H%ll p rt of your feed<the<#orld pl "JI ; te se+

HSo!ethi"g li$e th t,I he *$"o#ledges, "d his lips Duir$ up i"

h lf s!ile+

6e g Ges t the sele*tio" of * ble ties #e sto*$ t Cl yto"s+ Wh t o" E rth is he goi"g to do #ith thoseJ ; * ""ot pi*ture hi! s *ross do<it<yourselfer t ll+ 6is fi"gers tr il

the / rious p *$ ges displ yed, "d for so!e i"e4pli* ble re so", ; h /e to loo$ # y+ 6e be"ds "d sele*ts p *$et+

HThese #ill do,I he s ys #ith his oh<so<se*ret s!ile, "d ; blush+

H;s there "ythi"g elseJI

H;d li$e so!e ! s$i"g t pe+I

' s$i"g t peJ

H%re you rede*or ti"gJI The #ords re out before ; * " stop the!+ Surely he hires l borers or h s st ff to help hi! de*or teJ

H0o, "ot rede*or ti"g,I he s ys Dui*$ly the" s!ir$s, "d ; h /e the u"* ""y feeli"g th t hes l ughi"g t !e+

%! ; th t fu""yJ Fu""y loo$i"gJ

HThis # y,I ; !ur!ur e!b rr ssed+ H' s$i"g t pe is i" the de*or ti"g isle+I

; gl "*e behi"d !e s he follo#s+

H6 /e you #or$ed here lo"gJI 6is /oi*e is lo#, "d hes g Gi"g t !e, gr y eyes *o"*e"tr ti"g h rd+ ; blush e/e" !ore brightly+ Why the hell does he h /e this effe*t o" !eJ ; feel li$e ;! fourtee" ye rs old E g u*he, s l# ys, "d out of pl *e+ Eyes fro"t SteeleL

HFour ye rs,I ; !utter s #e re *h our go l+ To distr *t !yself, ; re *h do#" "d sele*t the t#o #idths of ! s$i"g t pe th t #e sto*$+

H;ll t $e th t o"e,I @rey s ys softly poi"ti"g to the #ider t pe, #hi*h ; p ss to hi!+ 2ur fi"gers brush /ery briefly, "d the *urre"t is there g i", G ppi"g through !e li$e ;/e

tou*hed " e4posed #ire+ ; g sp i"/olu"t rily s ; feel it, ll the # y do#" to so!e#here d r$ "d u"e4plored, deep i" !y belly+ ?esper tely, ; s*r bble rou"d for !y eDuilibriu!+

H%"ythi"g elseJI 'y /oi*e is hus$y "d bre thy+ 6is eyes #ide" slightly+

HSo!e rope, ; thi"$+I 6is /oi*e !irrors !i"e, hus$y+

HThis # y+I ; du*$ !y he d do#" to hide !y re*urri"g blush "d he d for the isle+

HWh t sort #ere you fterJ We h /e sy"theti* "d " tur l fil !e"t ropeM t#i"eM * ble *ordM I ; h lt t his e4pressio", his eyes d r$e"i"g+ 6oly *o#+

H;ll t $e fi/e y rds of the " tur l fil !e"t rope ple se+I

Qui*$ly, #ith tre!bli"g fi"gers, ; !e sure out fi/e y rds g i"st the fi4ed ruler, # re th t his hot gr y g Ge is o" !e+ ; d re "ot loo$ t hi!+ JeeG, *ould ; feel "y !ore self< *o"s*iousJ T $i"g !y St "ley $"ife fro! the b *$ po*$et of !y Be "s, ; *ut it the" *oil it "e tly before tyi"g it i" fi"ger #ith !y $"ife+ slip$"ot+ 3y so!e !ir *le, ; ! " ge "ot to re!o/e

HWere you ?o"t

@irl S*outJI he s$s, s*ulptured, se"su l lips *urled i" !use!e"t+

loo$ t his !outhL

H2rg "iGed, group *ti/ities re"t re lly !y thi"g, 'r+ @rey+I

6e r*hes


HWh t is your thi"g, %" st si JI he s$s, his /oi*e soft "d his se*ret s!ile is b *$+ ; g Ge t hi! u" ble to e4press !yself+ ;! o" shifti"g te*to"i* pl tes+ Try "d be *ool, %" , !y tortured sub*o"s*ious begs o" be"ded $"ee+

H3oo$s,I ; #hisper, but i"side, !y sub*o"s*ious is s*re !i"g= KouL Kou re !y thi"gL ; sl p it do#" i"st "tly, !ortified th t !y psy*he is h /i"g ide s bo/e its st tio"+

HWh t $i"d of boo$sJI 6e *o*$s his he d to o"e side+ Why is he so i"terestedJ

H2h, you $"o#+ The usu l+ The *l ssi*s+ 3ritish liter ture, ! i"ly+I

6e rubs his *hi" #ith his lo"g i"de4 fi"ger "d thu!b s he *o"te!pl tes !y "s#er+ 2r perh ps hes Bust /ery bored "d tryi"g to hide it+

H%"ythi"g else you "eedJI ; h /e to get off this subBe*t E those fi"gers o" th t f *e re so beguili"g+

H; do"t $"o#+ Wh t else #ould you re*o!!e"dJI

Wh t #ould ; re*o!!e"dJ ; do"t e/e" $"o# #h t youre doi"g+



6e "ods, gr y eyes li/e #ith #i*$ed hu!or+ ; flush, "d !y eyes str y of their o#" **ord to his s"ug Be "s+

HCo/er lls,I ; reply, "d ; $"o# ;! "o lo"ger s*ree"i"g #h ts *o!i"g out of !y !outh+

6e r ises " eyebro#, !used, yet g i"+

HKou #ould"t # "t to rui" your *lothi"g,I ; gesture / guely i" the dire*tio" of his Be "s+

H; *ould l# ys t $e the! off+I 6e s!ir$s+

H8!+I ; feel the *olor i" !y *hee$s risi"g g i"+ ; !ust be the *olor of the *o!!u"ist ! "ifesto+ Stop t l$i"g+ Stop t l$i"g 02W+

H;ll t $e so!e *o/er lls+ 6e /e" forbid ; should rui" "y *lothi"g,I he s ys dryly+

; try "d dis!iss the u"#el*o!e i! ge of hi! #ithout Be "s+

H?o you "eed "ythi"g elseJI ; sDue $ s ; h "d hi! the blue *o/er lls+

6e ig"ores !y i"Duiry+

H6o#s the rti*le *o!i"g lo"gJI

6es fi" lly s$ed !e *o"fusi"g double t l$M life

"or! l Duestio", # y fro! ll the i""ue"do "d the

Duestio" ; * " "s#er+ ; gr sp it tightly #ith t#o h "ds s if #ere

r ft, "d ; go for ho"esty+

H;! "ot #riti"g it, F theri"e is+ 'iss F / " gh+ 'y roo!! te, shes the #riter+ Shes /ery h ppy #ith it+ Shes the editor of the ! g Gi"e, "d she # s de/ st ted th t she *ould"t do the i"ter/ie# i" perso"+I ; feel li$e ;/e *o!e up for ir E t l st, "or! l topi* of *o"/ers tio"+ H6er o"ly *o"*er" is th t she does"t h /e "y origi" l photogr phs of you+I

@rey r ises " eyebro#+

HWh t sort of photogr phs does she # "tJI

2$ y+ ; h d"t f *tored i" this respo"se+ ; sh $e !y he d, be* use ; Bust do"t $"o#+

HWell, ;! rou"d+ To!orro#, perh psM I he tr ils off+

HKoud be #illi"g to tte"d

photo shootJI 'y /oi*e is sDue $y g i"+ F te #ill be

i" se/e"th he /e" if ; * " pull this off+ %"d you !ight see hi! g i" to!orro#, th t d r$ pl *e t the b se of !y br i" #hispers sedu*ti/ely t !e+ ; dis!iss the thought E of ll the silly, ridi*ulousM

HF te #ill be delighted E if #e * " fi"d hi! bro dly+ 6is lips p rt, li$e hes t $i"g fr *tio"

photogr pher+I ;! so ple sed, ; s!ile t sh rp i"t $e of bre th, "d he bli"$s+ For

of se*o"d, he loo$s lost so!eho#, "d the E rth shifts slightly o" its 4is, the te*to"i* pl tes slidi"g i"to "e# positio"+

2h !y+ Christi " @reys lost loo$+

HLet !e $"o# bout to!orro#+I (e *hi"g i"to his b *$ po*$et, he pulls out his # llet+ H'y * rd+ ;t h s !y *ell "u!ber o" it+ Koull "eed to * ll before te" i" the !or"i"g+I

H2$ y+I ; gri" up t hi!+ F te is goi"g to be thrilled+


1 ul h s ! teri liGed t other the e"d of the isle+ 6es 'r+ Cl yto"s you"gest brother+

;d he rd he # s ho!e fro! 1ri"*eto", but ; # s"t e4pe*ti"g to see hi! tod y+

HEr, e4*use !e for

!o!e"t, 'r+ @rey+I @rey fro#"s s ; tur" # y fro! hi!+

1 ul h s l# ys bee"

buddy, "d i" this str "ge !o!e"t th t ;! h /i"g #ith the

ri*h, po#erful, #eso!ely off<the<s* le ttr *ti/e *o"trol<fre $ @rey, its gre t to t l$ to so!eo"e #hos "or! l+ 1 ul hugs !e h rd t $i"g !e by surprise+

H%" , hi, its so good to see youLI he gushes+

H6ello 1 ul, ho# re youJ Kou ho!e for your brothers birthd yJI

HKep+ Koure loo$i"g #ell, %" , re lly #ell+I 6e gri"s s he e4 !i"es !e t r!s le"gth+ The" he rele ses !e but $eeps shuffle possessi/e r! dr ped o/er !y shoulder+ ;

fro! foot to foot, e!b rr ssed+ ;ts good to see 1 ul, but hes l# ys bee" o/er< f !ili r+

Whe" ; gl "*e up t Christi " @rey, hes # t*hi"g us li$e hooded "d spe*ul ti/e, his !outh tte"ti/e h #$, his gr y eyes

h rd i!p ssi/e li"e+ 6es *h "ged fro! the #eirdly

*usto!er to so!eo"e else E so!eo"e *old "d dist "t+

H1 ul, ;! #ith

*usto!er+ So!eo"e you should !eet,I ; s y, tryi"g to defuse the

"t go"is! ; see i" @reys eyes+ ; dr g 1 ul o/er to !eet hi!, "d they #eigh e *h other up+ The t!osphere is sudde"ly r*ti*+

HEr, 1 ul, this is Christi " @rey+ 'r+ @rey, this is 1 ul Cl yto"+ 6is brother o#"s the pl *e+I %"d for so!e irr tio" l re so", ; feel ; h /e to e4pl i" bit !ore+

H;/e $"o#" 1 ul e/er si"*e ;/e #or$ed here, though #e do"t see e *h other th t ofte"+ 6es b *$ fro! 1ri"*eto" #here hes studyi"g busi"ess d!i"istr tio"+I ;! b bbli"gM Stop, "o#L

H'r+ Cl yto"+I Christi " holds his h "d out, his loo$ u"re d ble+

H'r+ @rey,I 1 ul retur"s his h "dsh $e+ HW it up E "ot the Christi " @reyJ 2f @rey E"terprises 6oldi"gsJI 1 ul goes fro! surly to #estru*$ i" less th " @rey gi/es hi! polite s!ile th t does"t re *h his eyes+ " "ose*o"d+

HWo# E is there "ythi"g ; * " get youJI

H%" st si h s it *o/ered, 'r+ Cl yto"+ Shes bee" /ery tte"ti/e+I 6is e4pressio" is i!p ssi/e, but his #ordsM its li$e hes s yi"g so!ethi"g else e"tirely+ ;ts b ffli"g+

HCool,I 1 ul respo"ds+ HC t*h you l ter, %" +I

HSure, 1 ul+I ; # t*h hi! dis ppe r to# rd the sto*$ roo!+ H%"ythi"g else, 'r+


HJust these ite!s+I 6is to"e is *lipped "d *ool+ ? !"M h /e ; offe"ded hi!J T $i"g deep bre th, ; tur" "d he d for the till+ Wh t is his proble!J

; ri"g up the rope, *o/er lls, ! s$i"g t pe, "d * ble ties t the till+

HTh t #ill be forty<three doll rs, ple se+I ; gl "*e up t @rey, "d ; #ish ; h d"t+ 6es # t*hi"g !e *losely, his gr y eyes i"te"se "d s!o$y+ ;ts u""er/i"g+

HWould you li$e

b gJI ; s$ s ; t $e his *redit * rd+

H1le se, %" st si +I 6is to"gue * resses !y " !e, "d !y he rt o"*e g i" is fr "ti*+ ; * " h rdly bre the+ 6urriedly, ; pl *e his pur*h ses i" pl sti* * rrier+

HKoull * ll !e if you # "t !e to do the photo shootJI 6es ll busi"ess o"*e !ore+ ; "od, re"dered spee*hless yet g i", "d h "d b *$ his *redit * rd+

H@ood+ 8"til to!orro# perh ps+I 6e tur"s to le /e, the" p uses+ H2h E "d %" st si , ;! gl d 'iss F / " gh *ould"t do the i"ter/ie#+I 6e s!iles, the" strides #ith re"e#ed purpose out of the store, sli"gi"g the pl sti* b g o/er his shoulder, le /i"g !e Dui/eri"g ! ss of r gi"g fe! le hor!o"es+ ; spe"d se/er l !i"utes st ri"g t the *losed door through #hi*h hes Bust left before ; retur" to pl "et E rth+

2$ y E ; li$e hi!+ There, ;/e d!itted it to !yself+ ; * ""ot hide fro! !y feeli"gs "y!ore+ ;/e "e/er felt li$e this before+ ; fi"d hi! ttr *ti/e, /ery ttr *ti/e+ 3ut its lost * use, ; $"o#, "d ; sigh #ith bitters#eet regret+ ;t # s Bust *o!i"g *oi"*ide"*e, his

here+ 3ut still, ; * " d!ire hi! fro! f r, surelyJ 0o h r! * " *o!e of th t+ %"d if ; fi"d photogr pher, ; * " do so!e serious d!iri"g to!orro#+ ; bite !y lip i" "ti*ip tio" "d fi"d !yself gri""i"g li$e shoot+ s*hoolgirl+ ; "eed to pho"e F te "d org "iGe photo<

F te is e*st ti*+

H3ut #h t # s he doi"g t Cl yto"sJI 6er *uriosity ooGes through the pho"e+ ;! i" the depths of the sto*$ roo!, tryi"g to $eep !y /oi*e * su l+

H6e # s i" the re +I

H; thi"$ th t is o"e huge *oi"*ide"*e, %" + Kou do"t thi"$ he # s there to see youJI she spe*ul tes+ 'y he rt lur*hes t the prospe*t, but its dis ppoi"ti"g re lity is th t he # s here o" busi"ess+ short<li/ed Boy+ The dull,

H6e # s /isiti"g the f r!i"g di/isio" of WS8+ 6es fu"di"g so!e rese r*h,I ; !utter+

H2h yes+ 6es gi/e" the dep rt!e"t

R2+7 !illio" gr "t+I


H6o# do you $"o# thisJI

H%" , ;!

Bour" list, "d ;/e #ritte"

profile o" the guy+ ;ts !y Bob to $"o# this+I

H2$ y, C rl 3er"stei", $eep your h ir o"+ So do you # "t these photosJI

H2f *ourse ; do+ The Duestio" is, #hos goi"g to do the! "d #here+I

HWe *ould s$ hi! #here+ 6e s ys hes st yi"g i" the re +I

HKou * " *o"t *t hi!JI

H; h /e his *ell pho"e "u!ber+I

F te g sps+

HThe ri*hest, !ost elusi/e, !ost e"ig! ti* b *helor i" W shi"gto" St te, Bust g /e you his *ell pho"e "u!ber+I

HErM yes+I

H%" L 6e li$es you+ 0o doubt bout it+I 6er to"e is e!ph ti*+

HF te, hes Bust tryi"g to be "i*e+I 3ut e/e" s ; s y the #ords, ; $"o# theyre "ot true E Christi " @rey does"t do "i*e+ 6e does polite, ! ybe+ %"d #hispers, s! ll Duiet /oi*e

perh ps F te is right+ 'y s* lp pri*$les t the ide th t ! ybe, Bust ! ybe, he !ight li$e !e+ %fter ll, he did s y he # s gl d F te did"t do the i"ter/ie#+ ; hug !yself #ith Duiet glee, ro*$i"g fro! side to side, e"tert i"i"g the possibility th t he !ight li$e !e for o"e brief !o!e"t+ F te bri"gs !e b *$ to the "o#+

H; do"t $"o# #ho #ell get to do the shoot+ Le/i, our regul r photogr pher, * "t+ 6es ho!e i" ;d ho F lls for the #ee$e"d+ 6ell be pissed th t he ble# " opportu"ity to photo o"e of %!eri* s le di"g e"trepre"eurs+I

H6!!M Wh t bout JosOJI

H@re t ide L Kou s$ hi! E hell do "ythi"g for you+ The" * ll @rey "d fi"d out #here he # "ts us+I F te is irrit ti"gly * / lier bout JosO+

H; thi"$ you should * ll hi!+I

HWho, JosOJI F te s*offs+

H0o, @rey+I

H%" , youre the o"e #ith the rel tio"ship+I

H(el tio"shipJI ; sDue $ t her, !y /oi*e risi"g se/er l o*t /es+ H; b rely $"o# the guy+I

H%t le st you/e !et hi!,I she s ys bitterly+ H%"d it loo$s li$e he # "ts to $"o# you better+ %" , Bust * ll hi!,I she s" ps "d h "gs up+ She is so bossy so!eti!es+ ; fro#" t !y *ell, sti*$i"g !y to"gue out t it+

;! Bust le /i"g s "dp per+

!ess ge for JosO #he" 1 ul e"ters the sto*$ roo! loo$i"g for

HWere $i"d of busy out there, %" ,I he s ys #ithout *ri!o"y+

HKe h, u!, sorry,I ; !utter, tur"i"g to le /e+

HSo, ho# *o!e you $"o# Christi " @reyJI 1 uls /oi*e is u"*o"/i"*i"gly "o"*h l "t+

H; h d to i"ter/ie# hi! for our stude"t "e#sp per+ F te # s"t #ell+I ; shrug, tryi"g to sou"d * su l "d doi"g "o better th " hi!+

HChristi " @rey i" Cl yto"s+ @o figure,I 1 ul s"orts, ! Ged+ 6e sh $es his he d s if to *le r it+ H%"y# y, # "t to gr b dri"$ or so!ethi"g this e/e"i"gJI

Whe"e/er hes ho!e he s$s !e o" "e/er *o"sidered it #holeso!e

d te, "d ; l# ys s y "o+ ;ts

ritu l+ ;/e

good ide to d te the bosss brother, "d besides, 1 ul is *ute i"

ll<%!eri* " boy<"e4t<door $i"d of # y, but hes "o liter ry hero, "ot by "y stret*h of the i! gi" tio"+ ;s @reyJ 'y sub*o"s*ious s$s !e, her eyebro# figur ti/ely r ised+ ; sl p her do#"+

H?o"t you h /e

f !ily di""er or so!ethi"g for your brotherJI

HTh ts to!orro#+I

H' ybe so!e other ti!e, 1 ul+ ; "eed to study to"ight+ ; h /e !y fi" ls "e4t #ee$+I

H%" , o"e of these d ys, youll s y yes,I he s!iles s ; es* pe out to the store floor+

H3ut ; do pl *es, %" , "ot people,I JosO gro "s+

HJosO, ple seJI ; beg+ Clut*hi"g !y *ell, ; p *e the li/i"g re of our p rt!e"t, st ri"g out of the #i"do# t the f di"g e/e"i"g light+

H@i/e !e th t pho"e+I F te gr bs the h "dset fro! !e, tossi"g her sil$e" red< blo"de h ir o/er her shoulder+

HListe" here, JosO (odriDueG, if you # "t our "e#sp per to *o/er the ope"i"g of your sho#, youll do this shoot for us to!orro#, * pi*heJI F te * " be #eso!ely tough+

H@ood+ %" #ill * ll b *$ #ith the lo* tio" "d the * ll ti!e+ Well see you to!orro#+I She s" ps !y *ell pho"e shut+

HSorted+ %ll #e "eed to do "o# is de*ide #here "d #he"+ C ll hi!+I She holds the pho"e out to !e+ 'y sto! *h t#ists+

HC ll @rey, "o#LI <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ; s*o#l t her "d re *h i"to !y b *$ po*$et for his busi"ess * rd+ ; t $e ste dyi"g bre th, "d #ith sh $i"g fi"gers, ; di l the "u!ber+ deep,

6e "s#ers o" the se*o"d ri"g+ 6is to"e is *lipped, * l! "d *old+


HErrM 'r+ @reyJ ;ts %" st si Steele+I ; do"t re*og"iGe !y o#" /oi*e, ;! so "er/ous+ Theres brief p use+ ;"side ;! Du $i"g+

H'iss Steele+ 6o# "i*e to he r fro! you+I 6is /oi*e h s *h "ged+ 6es surprised, ; thi"$, "d he sou"ds soM # r! E sedu*ti/e e/e"+ 'y bre th hit*hes, "d ; flush+ ;! sudde"ly *o"s*ious th t F theri"e F / " gh is st ri"g t !e, her !outh ope", "d ; d rt i"to the $it*he" to /oid her u"# "ted s*ruti"y+

HErr E #ed li$e to go he d #ith the photo<shoot for the rti*le+I 3re the, %" , bre the+ 'y lu"gs dr g i" *o"/e"ie"t for you, sirJI h sty bre th+ HTo!orro#, if th ts o$ y+ Where #ould be

; * " l!ost he r his sphi"4<li$e s!ile through the pho"e+

H;! st yi"g t the 6e th! " i" 1ortl "d+ Sh ll #e s y, "i"e thirty to!orro# !or"i"gJI

H2$ y, #ell see you there+I ; ! ll gushi"g "d bre thy E li$e

*hild, "ot


#o! " #ho * " /ote "d dri"$ leg lly i" the St te of W shi"gto"+

H; loo$ for# rd to it, 'iss Steele+I ; /isu liGe the #i*$ed gle ! i" his gr y eyes+ 6o# * " he ! $e se/e" little #ords hold so !u*h t "t liGi"g pro!iseJ ; h "g up+ F te is i" the

$it*he", "d shes st ri"g t !e #ith her f *e+

loo$ of *o!plete "d utter *o"ster" tio" o"

H%" st si (ose Steele+ Kou li$e hi!L ;/e "e/er see" or he rd you so, soM ffe*ted by "yo"e before+ Koure *tu lly blushi"g+I

H2h F te, you $"o# ; blush ll the ti!e+ ;ts " o**up tio" l h G rd #ith !e+ ?o"t be so ridi*ulous,I ; s" p+ She bli"$s t !e #ith surprise E ; /ery r rely thro# !y toys out of the pr ! E "d ; briefly rele"t+ H; Bust fi"d hi!M i"ti!id ti"g, th ts ll+I

H6e th! ", th t figures,I !utters F te+ H;ll gi/e the ! " ger sp *e for the shoot+I

* ll "d "egoti te

H;ll ! $e supper+ The" ; "eed to study+I ; * ""ot hide !y irrit tio" #ith her s ; ope" o"e of *upbo rds to ! $e supper+

; ! restless th t "ight, tossi"g "d tur"i"g+ ?re !i"g of s!o$y gr y eyes, *o/er lls, lo"g legs, lo"g fi"gers, "d d r$, d r$ u"e4plored pl *es+ ; # $e t#i*e i" the "ight, !y he rt pou"di"g+ 2h, ;! goi"g to loo$ Bust gre t to!orro# #ith so little sleep, ; s*old !yself+ ; pu"*h !y pillo# "d try to settle+

The 6e th! " is "estled i" the do#"to#" he rt of 1ortl "d+ ;ts i!pressi/e bro#" sto"e edifi*e # s *o!pleted Bust i" ti!e for the *r sh of the l te 1,20s+ JosO, Tr /is, "d ; re tr /eli"g i" !y 3eetle, "d F te is i" her CLF, si"*e #e * "t ll fit i" !y * r+ Tr /is is JosOs frie"d "d gopher, here to help out #ith the lighti"g+ F te h s ! " ged to *Duire the use of *redit roo! t the 6e th! " free of *h rge for the !or"i"g i" e4*h "ge for

i" the rti*le+ Whe" she e4pl i"s t re*eptio" th t #ere here to photogr ph Christi " @rey CE2, #e re i"st "tly upgr ded to pp re"tly suite+ Just regul r<siGed suite, ho#e/er, s

'r+ @rey is lre dy o**upyi"g the l rgest o"e i" the buildi"g+ %" o/er<$ee" ! r$eti"g e4e*uti/e sho#s us up to the suite E hes terribly you"g "d /ery "er/ous for so!e re so"+ ; suspe*t its F tes be uty "d *o!! "di"g ! ""er th t dis r!s hi!, be* use hes putty i" her h "ds+ The roo!s re eleg "t, u"derst ted, "d opule"tly fur"ished+

;ts "i"e+ We h /e h lf " hour to set up+ F te is i" full flo#+

HJosO, ; thi"$ #ell shoot g i"st th t # ll, do you greeJI She does"t # it for his reply+ HTr /is, *le r the *h irs+ %" , *ould you s$ house$eepi"g to bri"g up so!e refresh!e"tsJ %"d let @rey $"o# #here #e re+I

Kes, 'istress+ She is so do!i"eeri"g+ ; roll !y eyes, but do s ;! told+

6 lf " hour l ter, Christi " @rey # l$s i"to our suite+

6oly Cr pL 6es #e ri"g

#hite shirt, ope" t the *oll r, "d grey fl ""el p "ts th t sho#er+ 'y !outh goes dry ! " i" his

h "g fro! his hips+ 6is u"ruly h ir is still d !p fro!

loo$i"g t hi!M hes so fre $i"g hot+ @rey is follo#ed i"to the suite by !id<thirties, ll buGG<*ut "d stubble i" i" the

sh rp d r$ suit "d tie #ho st "ds sile"tly

*or"er+ 6is h Gel eyes # t*h us i!p ssi/ely+

H'iss Steele, #e !eet g i"+I @rey e4te"ds his h "d, "d ; sh $e it, bli"$i"g r pidly+ 2h !yM he re lly is, DuiteM #o#+ %s ; tou*h his h "d, ;! # re of th t deli*ious *urre"t ru""i"g right through !e, lighti"g !e up, ! $i"g !e blush, "d ;! sure !y err ti* bre thi"g !ust be udible+

H'r+ @rey, this is F theri"e F / " gh,I ; !utter, # /i"g *o!es for# rd, loo$i"g hi! sDu rely i" the eye+

h "d to# rd F te #ho

HThe te" *ious 'iss F / " gh+ 6o# do you doJI 6e gi/es her

s! ll s!ile, loo$i"g

ge"ui"ely !used+ H; trust youre feeli"g betterJ %" st si s id you #ere u"#ell l st #ee$+I

H;! fi"e, th "$ you, 'r+ @rey+I She sh $es his h "d fir!ly #ithout b tti"g " eyelid+ ; re!i"d !yself th t F te h s bee" to the best pri/ te s*hools i" W shi"gto"+ 6er f !ily

h s !o"ey, "d shes gro#" up *o"fide"t "d sure of her pl *e i" the #orld+ She does"t t $e "y *r p+ ; ! i" #e of her+

HTh "$ you for t $i"g the ti!e to do this+I She gi/es hi! s!ile+

polite, professio" l

H;ts it+

ple sure,I he "s#ers, tur"i"g his gr y g Ge o" !e, "d ; flush, g i"+ ? !"

HThis is JosO (odrigueG, our photogr pher,I ; s y, gri""i"g t JosO #ho s!iles #ith ffe*tio" b *$ t !e+ 6is eyes *ool #he" he loo$s fro! !e to @rey+

H'r+ @rey,I he "ods+

H'r+ (odrigueG,I @reys e4pressio" *h "ges too s he ppr ises JosO+

HWhere #ould you li$e !eJI @rey s$s hi!+ 6is to"e sou"ds / guely thre te"i"g+ 3ut F theri"e is "ot bout to let JosO ru" the sho#+

H'r+ @rey E if you *ould sit here, ple seJ 3e * reful of the lighti"g * bles+ %"d the" #ell do fe# st "di"g, too+I She dire*ts hi! to *h ir set up g i"st the # ll+

Tr /is s#it*hes o" the lights, !o!e"t rily bli"di"g @rey, "d !utters " pology+

The" Tr /is "d ; st "d b *$ "d # t*h s JosO pro*eeds to s" p # y+ 6e t $es se/er l photogr phs h "d<held, s$i"g @rey to tur" this # y, the" th t, to !o/e his r!, the" put it do#" g i"+ 'o/i"g to the tripod, JosO t $es se/er l !ore, #hile @rey sits "d poses, p tie"tly "d " tur lly, for bout t#e"ty !i"utes+ 'y #ish h s *o!e true= ; * " st "d "d d!ire @rey fro! "ot<so< f r+ T#i*e our eyes lo*$, "d ; h /e to te r !yself # y fro! his *loudy g Ge+

HE"ough sitti"g+I F theri"e # des i" g i"+ HSt "di"g, 'r+ @reyJI she s$s+

6e st "ds, "d Tr /is s*urries i" to re!o/e the *h ir+ The shutter o" JosOs 0i$o" st rts *li*$i"g g i"+

H; thi"$ #e h /e e"ough,I JosO ""ou"*es fi/e !i"utes l ter+

H@re t,I s ys F te+ HTh "$ you g i", 'r+ @rey+I She sh $es his h "d, s does JosO+

H; loo$ for# rd to re di"g the rti*le, 'iss F / " gh,I !ur!urs @rey, "d tur"s to !e, st "di"g by the door+ HWill you # l$ #ith !e, 'iss SteeleJI he s$s+

HSure,I ; s y, *o!pletely thro#"+ ; gl "*e "4iously t F te, #ho shrugs t !e+ ; "oti*e JosO s*o#li"g behi"d her+

H@ood d y to you ll,I s ys @rey s he ope"s the door, st "di"g side to llo# !e out


6oly hellM #h ts this boutJ Wh t does he # "tJ ; p use i" the hotel *orridor, fidgeti"g "er/ously s @rey e!erges fro! the roo! follo#ed by 'r+ 3uGG<Cut i" his sh rp suit+

H;ll * ll you, T ylor,I he !ur!urs to 3uGG<Cut+ T ylor # "ders b *$ do#" the *orridor, "d @rey tur"s his bur"i"g gr y g Ge to !e+ Cr pM h /e ; do"e so!ethi"g #ro"gJ

H; #o"dered if you #ould Boi" !e for *offee this !or"i"g+I

'y he rt sl !s i"to !y !outh+ % d teJ Christi " @rey is s$i"g !e o" s$i"g if you # "t sub*o"s*ious #hi"es t !e i" "er/es+

d te+ 6es

*offee+ ' ybe he thi"$s you h /e"t #o$e" up yet, !y s"eeri"g !ood g i"+ ; *le r !y thro t tryi"g to *o"trol !y

H; h /e to dri/e e/eryo"e ho!e,I ; !ur!ur pologeti* lly, t#isti"g !y h "ds "d fi"gers i" fro"t of !e+

HT%KL2(,I he * lls, ! $i"g !e Bu!p+ T ylor, #ho h d bee" retre ti"g do#" the *orridor, tur"s "d he ds b *$ to# rd us+

H%re they b sed t the u"i/ersityJI @rey s$s, his /oi*e soft "d i"Duiri"g+ ; "od, too stu""ed to spe $+

HT ylor * " t $e the!+ 6es !y dri/er+ We h /e t $e the eDuip!e"t too+I

l rge S4S here, so hell be ble to

H'r+ @reyJI T ylor s$s #he" he re *hes us, gi/i"g "othi"g # y+

H1le se, * " you dri/e the photogr pher, his ssist "t, "d 'iss F / " gh b *$ ho!eJI

HCert i"ly, sir,I T ylor replies+

HThere+ 0o# * " you Boi" !e for *offeeJI @rey s!iles s if its

do"e de l+

; fro#" t hi!+

H8! E 'r+ @rey, err E this re llyM loo$, T ylor does"t h /e to dri/e the! ho!e+I ; fl sh F te, brief loo$ t T ylor, #ho re! i"s stoi* lly i!p ssi/e+ H;ll s# p /ehi*les #ith !o!e"t+I

if you gi/e !e

@rey s!iles

d GGli"g, u"gu rded, " tur l, ll<teeth<sho#i"g, glorious s!ile+ 2h

!yM "d he ope"s the door of the suite so ; * " re<e"ter+ ; s*oot rou"d hi! to e"ter the roo!, fi"di"g F theri"e i" deep dis*ussio" #ith JosO+

H%" , ; thi"$ he defi"itely li$es you,I she s ys #ith "o pre !ble #h tsoe/er+ JosO

gl res t !e #ith dis ppro/ l+ H3ut ; do"t trust hi!,I she dds+ ; r ise !y h "d up i" the hope th t shell stop t l$i"g+ 3y so!e !ir *le, she does+

HF te, if you t $e the 3eetle, * " ; t $e your * rJI


HChristi " @rey h s s$ed !e to go for *offee #ith hi!+I

6er !outh pops ope"+ Spee*hless F teL ; s /or the !o!e"t+ She gr bs !e by !y r! "d dr gs !e i"to the bedroo! th ts off the li/i"g re of the suite+

H%" , theres so!ethi"g bout hi!+I 6er to"e is full of # r"i"g+ H6es gorgeous, ; gree, but ; thi"$ hes d "gerous+ Espe*i lly to so!eo"e li$e you+I

HWh t do you !e ", so!eo"e li$e !eJI ; de! "d, ffro"ted+

H%" i""o*e"t li$e you, %" + Kou $"o# #h t ; !e ",I she s ys flush+

little irrit ted+ ;

HF te, its Bust *offee+ ;! st rti"g !y e4 !s this #ee$, "d ; "eed to study, so ; #o"t be lo"g+I

She purses her lips s if *o"sideri"g !y reDuest+ Fi" lly, she fishes her * r $eys out of

her po*$et "d h "ds the! to !e+ ; h "d her !i"e+

H;ll see you l ter+ ?o"t be lo"g, or ;ll se"d out se r*h "d res*ue+I

HTh "$s+I ; hug her+

; e!erge fro! the suite to fi"d Christi " @rey # iti"g, le "i"g up g i"st the # ll, loo$i"g li$e ! le !odel i" pose for so!e glossy high<e"d ! g Gi"e+

H2$ y, lets do *offee,I ; !ur!ur, flushi"g

beet red+

6e gri"s+

H%fter you, 'iss Steele+I 6e st "ds up str ight, holdi"g his h "d out for !e to go first+ ; ! $e !y # y do#" the *orridor, !y $"ees sh $y, !y sto! *h full of butterflies, "d !y he rt i" !y !outh thu!pi"g #ith Christi " @rey+++ "d ; h te *offee+ dr ! ti* u"e/e" be t+ ; ! goi"g to h /e *offee

We # l$ together do#" the #ide hotel *orridor to the ele/ tors+ Wh t should ; s y to hi!J 'y !i"d is sudde"ly p r lyGed #ith pprehe"sio"+ Wh t re #e goi"g to t l$ boutJ Wh t o" E rth do ; h /e i" *o!!o" #ith hi!J 6is soft, # r! /oi*e st rtles !e fro! !y re/erie+

H6o# lo"g h /e you $"o#" F theri"e F / " ghJI

2h, " e sy Duestio"s for st rters+

HSi"*e our fresh! " ye r+ Shes

good frie"d+I

H6!!,I he replies, "o"<*o!!itt l+ Wh t is he thi"$i"gJ

%t the ele/ tors, he presses the * ll butto", "d the bell ri"gs l!ost i!!edi tely+ The doors slide ope" re/e li"g "d you"g *ouple i" p ssio" te *li"*h i"side+ Surprised

e!b rr ssed, they Bu!p p rt, st ri"g guiltily i" e/ery dire*tio" but ours+ @rey "d ; step i"to the ele/ tor+

; ! struggli"g to ! i"t i"

str ight f *e, so ; g Ge do#" t the floor, feeli"g !y hi"t of

*hee$s tur"i"g pi"$+ Whe" ; pee$ up t @rey through !y l shes, he h s s!ile

o" his lips, but its /ery h rd to tell+ The you"g *ouple s ys "othi"g, "d #e tr /el do#" to the first floor i" e!b rr ssed sile"*e+ We do"t e/e" h /e tr shy piped !usi* to distr *t us+

The doors ope" "d, !u*h to !y surprise, @rey t $es !y h "d, *l spi"g it #ith his lo"g *ool fi"gers+ ; feel the *urre"t ru" through !e, "d !y lre dy r pid he rtbe t **eler tes+

%s he le ds !e out of the ele/ tor, #e * " he r the suppressed giggles of the *ouple erupti"g behi"d us+ @rey gri"s+

HWh t is it bout ele/ torsJI he !utters+

We *ross the e4p "si/e, bustli"g lobby of the hotel to# rd the e"tr "*e but @rey /oids the re/ol/i"g door, "d ; #o"der if th ts be* use hed h /e to let go of !y h "d+

2utside, its

!ild ' y Su"d y+ The su" is shi"i"g "d the tr ffi* is light+ @rey tur"s

left "d strolls to the *or"er, #here #e stop # iti"g for the lights of the pedestri " *rossi"g to *h "ge+ 6es still holdi"g !y h "d+ ;! i" the street, "d Christi " @rey is holdi"g !y h "d+ 0o o"e h s e/er held !y h "d+ ; feel giddy, "d ; ti"gle ll o/er+ ; tte!pt to s!other the ridi*ulous gri" th t thre te"s to split !y f *e i" t#o+ Try to be *ool, %" , !y sub*o"s*ious i!plores !e+ The gree" ! " ppe rs, "d #ere off g i"+

We # l$ four blo*$s before #e re *h the 1ortl "d Coffee 6ouse, #here @rey rele ses !e to hold the door ope" so ; * " step i"side+

HWhy do"t you *hoose s$s, polite s e/er+

t ble, #hile ; get the dri"$s+ Wh t #ould you li$eJI he

H;ll h /eM u! E E"glish 3re $f st te , b g out+I

6e r ises his eyebro#s+

H0o *offeeJI

H;! "ot $ee" o" *offee+I

6e s!iles+

H2$ y, b g out te + Sug rJI

For !o!e"t, ;! stu""ed, thi"$i"g its " e"de r!e"t, but fortu" tely !y sub*o"s*ious $i*$s i" #ith pursed lips+ 0o, stupid E do you t $e sug rJ

H0o th "$s+I ; st re do#" t !y $"otted fi"gers+

H%"ythi"g to e tJI

H0o th "$ you+I ; sh $e !y he d, "d he he ds to the *ou"ter+

; surreptitiously g Ge t hi! fro! be"e th !y l shes s he st "ds i" li"e # iti"g to be ser/ed+ ; *ould # t*h hi! ll d yM hes t ll, bro d<shouldered, "d sli!, "d the # y those p "ts h "g fro! his hipsM 2h !y+ 2"*e or t#i*e he ru"s his lo"g, gr *eful fi"gers through his "o# dry but still disorderly h ir+ 6!!M ;d li$e to do th t+ The thought *o!es

u"bidde" i"to !y !i"d, "d !y f *e fl !es+ ; bite !y lip "d st re do#" t !y h "ds g i" "ot li$i"g #here !y # y# rd thoughts re he ded+

H1e""y for your thoughtsJI @rey is b *$, st rtli"g !e+

; go *ri!so"+ ; # s Bust thi"$i"g bout ru""i"g !y fi"gers through your h ir "d #o"deri"g if it #ould feel soft to tou*h+ ; sh $e !y he d+ 6es * rryi"g he sets do#" o" the s! ll, rou"d, bir*h</e"eer t ble+ 6e h "ds !e s! ll te pot, "d !y side pl te be ri"g tr y, #hi*h

*up "d s u*er,

lo"e te b g l beled NT#i"i"gs E"glish 3re $f st E #o"derful le f<p tter" i!pri"ted i" the !il$+ blueberry !uffi"+ 1utti"g

f /orite+ 6e h s 6o#

*offee #hi*h be rs

do they do th tJ ; #o"der idly+ 6es lso bought hi!self the

tr y side, he sits opposite !e "d *rosses his lo"g legs+ 6e loo$s so *o!fort ble, so t e se #ith his body, ; e"/y hi!+ 6eres !e, ll g #$y "d u"*oordi" ted, b rely ble to get fro! % to 3 #ithout f lli"g fl t o" !y f *e+

HKour thoughtsJI he pro!pts !e+

HThis is !y f /orite te +I 'y /oi*e is Duiet, bre thy+ ; si!ply * "t belie/e ;! sitti"g opposite Christi " @rey i" *offee shop i" 1ortl "d+ 6e fro#"s+ 6e $"o#s ;! hidi"g

so!ethi"g+ ; pop the te b g i"to the te pot "d l!ost i!!edi tely fish it out g i" #ith !y te spoo"+ %s ; pl *e the used te b g b *$ o" the side pl te, he *o*$s his he d g Gi"g DuiGGi* lly t !e+

H; li$e !y te bl *$ "d #e $,I ; !utter s " e4pl " tio"+

H; see+ ;s he your boyfrie"dJI

Who M Wh tJ


HThe photogr pher+ JosO (odrigueG+I

; l ugh, "er/ous but *urious+ Wh t g /e hi! th t i!pressio"J

H0o+ JosOs good frie"d of !i"e, th ts ll+ Why did you thi"$ he # s !y boyfrie"dJI

HThe # y you s!iled t hi!, "d he t you+I 6is gr y g Ge holds !i"e+ 6es so u""er/i"g+ ; # "t to loo$ # y but ;! * ught E spellbou"d+

H6es !ore li$e f !ily,I ; #hisper+

@rey "ods slightly, see!i"gly s tisfied #ith !y respo"se, "d gl "*es do#" t his

blueberry !uffi"+ 6is lo"g fi"gers deftly peel b *$ the p per, "d ; # t*h, f s*i" ted+

H?o you # "t so!eJI he s$s, "d th t !used, se*ret s!ile is b *$+

H0o th "$s+I ; fro#" "d st re do#" t !y h "ds g i"+

H%"d the boy ; !et yesterd y, t the store+ 6es "ot your boyfrie"dJI

H0o+ 1 uls Bust s$JI

frie"d+ ; told you yesterd y+I 2h, this is getti"g silly+ HWhy do you

HKou see! "er/ous rou"d !e"+I

6oly *r p, th ts perso" l+ ;! Bust "er/ous rou"d you, @rey+

H; fi"d you i"ti!id ti"g+I ; flush s* rlet, but !e"t lly p t !yself o" the b *$ for !y * "dor, "d g Ge t !y h "ds g i"+ ; he r his sh rp i"t $e of bre th+

HKou should fi"d !e i"ti!id ti"g,I he "ods+ HKoure /ery ho"est+ 1le se do"t loo$ do#"+ ; li$e to see your f *e+I

2h+ ; gl "*e t hi!, "d he gi/es !e " e"*our gi"g but #ry s!ile+

H;t gi/es !e so!e sort of *lue #h t you !ight be thi"$i"g,I he bre thes+ HKoure !ystery, 'iss Steele+

'ysteriousJ 'eJ

HTheres "othi"g !ysterious bout !e+I

H; thi"$ youre /ery self<*o"t i"ed,I he !ur!urs+

%! ;J Wo#M ho# ! ; ! " gi"g th tJ This is be#ilderi"g+ 'e, self<*o"t i"edJ 0o W y+

HE4*ept #he" you blush, of *ourse, #hi*h is ofte"+ ; Bust #ish ; $"e# #h t you #ere blushi"g bout+I 6e pops it s! ll pie*e of !uffi" i"to his !outh "d st rts to *he#

slo#ly, "ot t $i"g his eyes off !e+ %"d s if o" *ue, ; blush+ Cr pL

H?o you l# ys ! $e su*h perso" l obser/ tio"sJI

H; h d"t re liGed ; # s+ 6 /e ; offe"ded youJI 6e sou"ds surprised+

H0o,I ; "s#er truthfully+


H3ut youre /ery high<h "ded,I ; ret li te Duietly+

6e r ises his eyebro#s "d, if ;! "ot !ist $e", he flushes slightly too+

H;! used to getti"g !y o#" # y, %" st si ,I he !ur!urs+ H;" ll thi"gs+I

H; do"t doubt it+ Why h /e"t you s$ed !e to * ll you by your first " !eJI ;! surprised by !y ud *ity+ Why h s this *o"/ers tio" be*o!e so seriousJ This is"t goi"g the # y ; thought it # s goi"g to go+ ; * "t belie/e ;! feeli"g so "t go"isti* to# rds hi!+ ;ts li$e hes tryi"g to # r" !e off+

HThe o"ly people #ho use !y gi/e" " !e re !y f !ily "d Th ts the # y ; li$e it+I

fe# *lose frie"ds+

2h+ 6e still h s"t s id, NC ll !e Christi "+ 6e is

*o"trol fre $, theres "o other

e4pl " tio", "d p rt of !e is thi"$i"g ! ybe it #ould h /e bee" better if F te h d i"ter/ie#ed hi!+ T#o *o"trol fre $s together+ 1lus of *ourse shes l!ost blo"de E #ell, str #berry blo"de E li$e ll the #o!e" i" his offi*e+ %"d shes be utiful, !y sub*o"s*ious re!i"ds !e+ ; do"t li$e the ide of Christi " "d F te+ ; t $e @rey e ts "other s! ll pie*e of his !uffi"+ sip of !y te , "d

H%re you " o"ly *hildJI he s$s+

Who M he $eeps *h "gi"g dire*tio"+


HTell !e bout your p re"ts+I

Why does he # "t to $"o# thisJ ;ts so dull+

H'y !o! li/es i" @eorgi #ith her "e# husb "d 3ob+ 'y stepd d li/es i" 'o"tes "o+I

HKour f therJI

H'y f ther died #he" ; # s

b by+I

H;! sorry,I he !utters "d

fleeti"g troubled loo$ *rosses his f *e+

H; do"t re!e!ber hi!+I

H%"d your !other re! rriedJI

; s"ort+

HKou *ould s y th t+I

6e fro#"s t !e+

HKoure "ot gi/i"g !u*h # y, re youJI he s ys dryly, rubbi"g his *hi" s if i" deep


H0either re you+I

HKou/e i"ter/ie#ed !e o"*e lre dy, "d ; * " re*olle*t so!e Duite probi"g Duestio"s the"+I 6e s!ir$s t !e+

6oly shit+ 6es re!e!beri"g the Ng y Duestio"+ 2"*e g i", ;! !ortified+ ;" ye rs to *o!e, ; $"o#, ;ll "eed i"te"si/e ther py to "ot feel this e!b rr ssed e/ery ti!e ; re* ll the !o!e"t+ ; st rt b bbli"g bout !y !other E "ythi"g to blo*$ th t !e!ory+

H'y !o! is #o"derful+ Shes " i"*ur ble ro! "ti*+ Shes *urre"tly o" her fourth husb "d+I

Christi " r ises his eyebro#s i" surprise+

H; !iss her,I ; *o"ti"ue+ HShe h s 3ob "o#+ ; Bust hope he * " $eep " eye o" her "d pi*$ up the pie*es #he" her h rebr i"ed s*he!es do"t go s pl ""ed+I ; s!ile fo"dly+ ; h /e"t see" !y !o! for so lo"g+ Christi " is # t*hi"g !e i"te"tly, t $i"g o** sio" l sips of his *offee+ ; re lly should"t loo$ t his !outh+ ;ts u"settli"g+ Those lips+

H?o you get lo"g #ith your stepf therJI

H2f *ourse+ ; gre# up #ith hi!+ 6es the o"ly f ther ; $"o#+I

H%"d #h ts he li$eJI

H( yJ 6esM t *itur"+I

HTh ts itJI @rey s$s, surprised+

; shrug+ Wh t does this ! " e4pe*tJ 'y life storyJ

HT *itur" li$e his stepd ughter,I @rey pro!pts+

; refr i" fro! rolli"g !y eyes t hi!+

H6e li$es so**er E Europe " so**er espe*i lly E "d bo#li"g, "d fly<fishi"g, "d ! $i"g fur"iture+ 6es * rpe"ter+ E4< r!y+I ; sigh+

HKou li/ed #ith hi!JI

HKes+ 'y !o! !et 6usb "d 0u!ber Three #he" ; # s fiftee"+ ; st yed #ith ( y+I

6e fro#"s s if he does"t u"derst "d+

HKou did"t # "t to li/e #ith your !o!JI he s$s+

; blush+ This re lly is "o"e of his busi"ess+

H6usb "d 0u!ber Three li/ed i" Te4 s+ 'y ho!e # s i" 'o"tes "o+ %"dM you $"o# !y !o! # s "e#ly ! rried+I ; stop+ 'y !o! "e/er t l$s bout 6usb "d 0u!ber Three+ Where is @rey goi"g #ith thisJ This is "o"e of his busi"ess+ T#o * " pl y t this g !e+

HTell !e bout your p re"ts,I ; s$+

6e shrugs+

H'y d ds

l #yer, !y !o! is

pedi tri*i "+ They li/e i" Se ttle+I

2hM hes h d " fflue"t upbri"gi"g+ %"d ; #o"der bout dopt three $ids, "d o"e of the! tur"s i"to busi"ess

su**essful *ouple #ho

be utiful ! " #ho t $es o" the

#orld "d *o"Duers it si"gle<h "ded+ Wh t dro/e hi! to be th t # yJ 6is fol$s !ust be proud+

HWh t do your sibli"gs doJI

HElliots i" *o"stru*tio", "d !y little sister is i" 1 ris, studyi"g *oo$ery u"der so!e re"o#"ed Fre"*h *hef+I 6is eyes *loud #ith irrit tio"+ 6e does"t # "t to t l$ bout his

f !ily or hi!self+

H; he r 1 ris is lo/ely,I ; !ur!ur+ Why does"t he # "t to t l$ bout his f !ilyJ ;s it be* use hes doptedJ

H;ts be utiful+ 6 /e you bee"JI he s$s, his irrit tio" forgotte"+

H;/e "e/er left ! i"l "d 8S%+I So "o# #ere b *$ to b " lities+ Wh t is he hidi"gJ

HWould you li$e to goJI

HTo 1 risJI ; sDue $+ This h s thro#" !e E #ho #ould"t # "t to go to 1 risJ H2f *ourse,I ; *o"*ede+ H3ut its E"gl "d th t ;d re lly li$e to /isit+I

6e *o*$s his he d to o"e side, ru""i"g his i"de4 fi"ger *ross his lo#er lipM oh !y+

H3e* useJI

; bli"$ r pidly+ Co"*e"tr te, Steele+

H;ts the ho!e of Sh $espe re, %uste", the 3ro"tT sisters, Tho! s 6 rdy+ ;d li$e to see the pl *es th t i"spired those people to #rite su*h #o"derful boo$s+I

%ll this t l$ of liter ry gre ts re!i"ds !e th t ; should be studyi"g+ ; gl "*e t !y

# t*h+

H;d better go+ ; h /e to study+I

HFor your e4 !sJI

HKes+ They st rt Tuesd y+I

HWheres 'iss F / " ghs * rJI

H;" the hotel p r$i"g lot+I

H;ll # l$ you b *$+I

HTh "$ you for the te , 'r+ @rey+I

6e s!iles his odd ;/e got

#hoppi"g big se*ret s!ile+

HKoure #el*o!e, %" st si + ;ts !y ple sure+ Co!e,I he *o!! "ds, "d holds his h "d out to !e+ ; t $e it, be!used, "d follo# hi! out of the *offee shop+

We stroll b *$ to the hotel, "d ;d li$e to s y its i" *o!p "io" ble sile"*e+ 6e t le st loo$s his usu l * l!, *olle*ted self+ %s for !e, ;! desper tely tryi"g to g uge ho# our little *offee !or"i"g h s go"e+ ; feel li$e ;/e bee" i"ter/ie#ed for but ;! "ot sure #h t it is+ positio",

H?o you l# ys #e r Be "sJI he s$s out of the blue+


6e "ods+ Were b *$ t the i"terse*tio", *ross the ro d fro! the hotel+ 'y !i"d is reeli"g+ Wh t " odd Duestio"M %"d ;! # re th t our ti!e together is li!ited+ This is it+ This # s it, "d ;/e *o!pletely blo#" it, ; $"o#+ 1erh ps he h s so!eo"e+

H?o you h /e

girlfrie"dJI ; blurt out+ 6oly *r p < ; Bust s id th t out loudJ

6is lips Duir$ up i"

h lf<s!ile, "d he loo$s do#" t !e+

H0o, %" st si + ; do"t do the girlfrie"d thi"g,I he s ys softly+

2hM #h t does th t !e "J 6es "ot g yJ 2h, ! ybe he is < *r pL 6e !ust h /e lied to !e i" his i"ter/ie#+ %"d for so!e !o!e"t, ; thi"$ hes goi"g to follo# o" #ith

e4pl " tio", so!e *lue to this *rypti* st te!e"t E but he does"t+ ; h /e to go+ ; h /e to try to re sse!ble !y thoughts+ ; h /e to get # y fro! hi!+ ; # l$ for# rd, "d ; trip, stu!bli"g he dlo"g o"to the ro d+

HShit, %" LI @rey *ries+ 6e tugs the h "d th t hes holdi"g so h rd th t ; f ll b *$ g i"st hi! Bust s # y up *y*list #hips p st, " rro#ly !issi"g !e, he di"g the #ro"g

this o"e<# y street+

;t ll h ppe"s so f st E o"e !i"ute ;! f lli"g, the "e4t ;! i" his r!s, "d hes holdi"g !e tightly g i"st his *hest+ +; i"h le his *le ", /it l s*e"t+ 6e s!ells of fresh l u"dered li"e" "d so!e e4pe"si/e body<# sh+ 2h !y, its i"to4i* ti"g+ ; i"h le deeply+

H%re you o$ yJI he #hispers+ 6e h s o"e r! rou"d !e, *l spi"g !e to hi!, #hile the fi"gers of his other h "d softly tr *e !y f *e, ge"tly probi"g, e4 !i"i"g !e+ 6is thu!b brushes !y lo#er lip, "d ; he r his bre th hit*h+ 6es st ri"g i"to !y eyes, "d ; hold his "4ious, bur"i"g g Ge for !y tte"tio" !o!e"t or ! ybe its fore/erM but e/e"tu lly,

is dr #" to his be utiful !outh+ 2h !y+ %"d for the first ti!e i" t#e"ty<o"e ye rs, ; # "t to be $issed+ ; # "t to feel his !outh o" !e+

Fiss !e d !" itL ; i!plore hi!, but ; * "t !o/e+ ;! p r lyGed #ith u"f !ili r

str "ge,

"eed, *o!pletely * pti/ ted by hi!+ ;! st ri"g t Christi " @reys e4Duisitely s*ulptured !outh, !es!eriGed, "d hes loo$i"g do#" t !e, his g Ge hooded, his eyes d r$e"i"g+

6es bre thi"g h rder th " usu l, "d ;/e stopped bre thi"g ltogether+ ;! i" your r!s+ Fiss !e, ple se+ 6e *loses his eyes, t $es sh $e of his deep bre th, "d gi/es !e s! ll

he d s if i" "s#er to !y sile"t Duestio"+ Whe" he ope"s his eyes g i", its #ith so!e "e# purpose, steely resol/e+

H%" st si , you should steer *le r of !e+ ;! "ot the ! " for you,I he #hispers+ Wh tJ Where is this *o!i"g fro!J Surely ; should be the Budge of th t+ ; fro#" up t hi!, "d !y he d s#i!s #ith reBe*tio"+

H3re the, %" st si , bre the+ ;! goi"g to st "d you up "d let you go,I he s ys Duietly, "d he ge"tly pushes !e # y+

%dre" li"e h s spi$ed through !y body, fro! the "e r !iss #ith the *y*list or the he dy pro4i!ity to Christi ", le /i"g !e #ired "d #e $+ 02L 'y psy*he s*re !s s he pulls # y, le /i"g !e bereft+ 6e h s his h "ds o" !y shoulders, holdi"g !e t r!s le"gth, # t*hi"g !y re *tio"s * refully+ %"d the o"ly thi"g ; * " thi"$ is th t ; # "ted to be $issed, ! de it pretty d !"ed ob/ious, "d he did"t do it+ 6e does"t # "t !e+ 6e re lly does"t # "t !e+ ; h /e roy lly s*re#ed up the *offee !or"i"g+

H;/e got this,I ; bre the, fi"di"g !y /oi*e+ HTh "$ you,I ; !utter # sh #ith hu!ili tio"+ 6o# *ould ; h /e !isre d the situ tio" bet#ee" us so utterlyJ ; "eed to get # y fro! hi!+

HFor #h tJI he fro#"s+ 6e h s"t t $e" his h "ds off !e+

HFor s /i"g !e,I ; #hisper+

HTh t idiot # s ridi"g the #ro"g # y+ ;! gl d ; # s here+ ; shudder to thi"$ #h t *ould h /e h ppe"ed to you+ ?o you # "t to *o!e "d sit do#" i" the hotel for !o!e"tJI 6e rele ses !e, his h "ds by his sides, "d ;! st "di"g i" fro"t of hi! feeli"g li$e fool+


sh $e, ; *le r !y he d+ ; Bust # "t to go+ %ll !y / gue, u" rti*ul ted hopes

h /e bee" d shed+ 6e does"t # "t !e+ Wh t # s ; thi"$i"gJ ; s*old !yself+ Wh t #ould Christi " @rey # "t #ith youJ 'y sub*o"s*ious !o*$s !e+ ; #r p !y r!s rou"d !yself "d tur" to f *e the ro d "d "ote #ith relief th t the gree" ! " h s ppe red+ ; Dui*$ly ! $e !y # y *ross, *o"s*ious th t @rey is behi"d !e+ 2utside the hotel, ; tur" briefly to f *e hi! but * ""ot loo$ hi! i" the eye+

HTh "$s for the te

"d doi"g the photo shoot,I ; !ur!ur+

H%" st si M ;M I 6e stops, "d the "guish i" his /oi*e de! "ds !y tte"tio", so ;

peer u"#illi"gly up t hi!+ 6is gr y eyes re ble $ s he ru"s his h "d through his h ir+ 6e loo$s tor", frustr ted, his e4pressio" st r$, ll his * reful *o"trol h s e/ por ted+

HWh t, Christi "JI ; s" p irrit bly fter he s ys E "othi"g+ ; Bust # "t to go+ ; "eed to t $e !y fr gile, #ou"ded pride # y "d so!eho# "urse it b *$ to he lth+

H@ood lu*$ #ith your e4 !s,I he !ur!urs+

6uhJ This is #hy he loo$s so desol teJ This is the big se"d offJ Just to #ish !e lu*$ i" !y e4 !sJ

HTh "$s+I ; * "t disguise the s r* s! i" !y /oi*e+ H@oodbye, 'r+ @rey+I ; tur" o" !y heel, / guely ! Ged th t ; do"t trip, "d #ithout gi/i"g hi! dis ppe r do#" the side# l$ to# rd the u"dergrou"d g r ge+ se*o"d gl "*e, ;

2"*e u"der"e th the d r$, *old *o"*rete of the g r ge #ith its ble $ fluores*e"t light, ; le " g i"st the # ll "d put !y he d i" !y h "ds+ Wh t # s ; thi"$i"gJ 8"bidde" "d u"#el*o!e te rs pool i" !y eyes+ Why ! ; *ryi"gJ ; si"$ to the grou"d, "gry t !yself for this se"seless re *tio"+ ?r #i"g up !y $"ees, ; fold i" o" !yself+ ; # "t to ! $e !yself s s! ll s possible+ 1erh ps this "o"se"si* l p i" #ill be s! ller the s! ller ; !+ 1l *i"g !y he d o" !y $"ees, ; let the irr tio" l te rs f ll u"restr i"ed+ ; ! *ryi"g o/er

the loss of so!ethi"g ; "e/er h d+ 6o# ridi*ulous+ 'our"i"g so!ethi"g th t "e/er # sE !y d shed hopes, d shed dre !s, "d !y soured e4pe*t tio"s+

; h /e "e/er bee" o" the re*ei/i"g e"d of reBe*tio"+ 2$ yM so ; # s l# ys o"e of the l st to be pi*$ed for b s$etb ll or /olleyb ll E but ; u"derstood th t E ru""i"g "d doi"g so!ethi"g else t the s !e ti!e li$e bou"*i"g or thro#i"g ! serious li bility i" "y sporti"g field+ b ll is "ot !y thi"g+ ;

(o! "ti* lly, though, ;/e "e/er put !yself out there, e/er+ % lifeti!e of i"se*urity E ;! too p le, too s$i""y, too s*ruffy, u"*oordi" ted, !y lo"g list of f ults goes o"+ So ; h /e l# ys bee" the o"e to rebuff "y #ould be d!irers+ There # s th t guy i" !y *he!istry *l ss #ho li$ed !e, but "o o"e h s e/er sp r$ed !y i"terest E "o o"e e4*ept Christi " d !" @rey+ ' ybe ; should be $i"der to the li$es of 1 ul Cl yto" "d JosO (o

drigueG, though ;! sure "either of the! h /e bee" fou"d sobbi"g lo"e i" d r$ pl *es+ 1erh ps ; Bust "eed good *ry+

StopL Stop 0o#L < 'y sub*o"s*ious is !et phori* lly s*re !i"g t !e, r!s folded,

le "i"g o" o"e leg "d t ppi"g her foot i" frustr tio"+ @et i" the * r, go ho!e, do your studyi"g+ Forget bout hi!M 0o#L %"d stop ll this self<pityi"g, # llo#i"g *r p+

; t $e deep, ste dyi"g bre th "d st "d up+ @et it together Steele+ ; he d for F tes * r, #ipi"g the te rs off !y f *e s ; do+ ; #ill "ot thi"$ of hi! g i"+ ; * " Bust *h l$ this i"*ide"t up to e4perie"*e "d *o"*e"tr te o" !y e4 !s+

F te is sitti"g t the di"i"g t ble t her l ptop #he" ; rri/e+ 6er #el*o!i"g s!ile f des #he" she sees !e+

H%" #h ts #ro"gJI

2h "oM "ot the F theri"e F / " gh ;"Duisitio"+ ; sh $e !y he d t her i" off "o# F / " gh # y E but ; !ight s #ell be de li"g #ith bli"d, de f !ute+

b *$<

HKou/e bee" *ryi"g,I she h s " e4*eptio" l gift for st ti"g the d !"ed ob/ious so!eti!es+ HWh t did th t b st rd do to youJI she gro#ls, "d her f *e E BeeG, shes s* ry+

H0othi"g F te+I Th ts *tu lly the proble!+ The thought bri"gs f *e+

#ry s!ile to !y

HThe" #hy h /e you bee" *ryi"gJ Kou "e/er *ry,I she s ys, her /oi*e softe"i"g+ She

st "ds, her gree" eyes bri!!i"g #ith *o"*er"+ She puts her r!s rou"d !e "d hugs !e+ ; "eed to s y so!ethi"g Bust to get her to b *$ off+

H; # s "e rly $"o*$ed o/er by her !o!e"t rily fro!M hi!+

*y*list+I ;ts the best th t ; * " do, but it distr *ts

HJeeG %" E re you o$ yJ Were you hurtJI She holds !e t r!s le"gth "d does Dui*$ /isu l *he*$<up o" !e+

H0o+ Christi " s /ed !e,I ; #hisper+ H3ut ; # s Duite sh $e"+I

H;! "ot surprised+ 6o# # s *offeeJ ; $"o# you h te *offee+I

H; h d te + ;t # s fi"e, "othi"g to report re lly+ ; do"t $"o# #hy he s$ed !e+I

H6e li$es you %" +I She drops her r!s+

H0ot "y!ore+ ; #o"t be seei"g hi! g i"+I Kes, ; ! " ge to sou"d ! tter of f *t+


Cr p+ Shes i"trigued+ ; he d i"to the $it*he" so th t she * "t see !y f *e+

HKe hM hes

little out of !y le gue F te,I ; s y s dryly s ; * " ! " ge+

HWh t do you !e "JI

H2h F te, its ob/ious+I ; #hirl rou"d "d f *e her s she st "ds i" the $it*he" door# y+

H0ot to !e,I she s ys+ H2$ y, hes got !ore !o"ey th " you, but the" he h s !ore !o"ey th " !ost people i" %!eri* LI

HF te hesE I ; shrug+

H%" L For he /e"s s $e E ho# ! "y ti!es !ust ; tell youJ Koure i"terrupts !e+ 2h "o+ Shes off o" this tir de g i"+

tot l b be,I she

HF te, ple se+ ; "eed to study+I ; *ut her short+ She fro#"s+

H?o you # "t to see the rti*leJ ;ts fi"ished+ JosO too$ so!e gre t pi*tures+I

?o ; "eed /isu l re!i"der of the be utiful Christi " ;<do"t<# "t<you @reyJ

HSure,I ; ! gi*

s!ile o" to !y f *e "d stroll o/er to the l ptop+ %"d there he is,

st ri"g t !e i" bl *$ "d #hite, st ri"g t !e "d fi"di"g !e l *$i"g+

; prete"d to re d the rti*le, ll the ti!e !eeti"g his ste dy gr y g Ge, se r*hi"g the

photo for so!e *lue s to #hy hes "ot the ! " for !e E his o#" #ords to !e+ %"d its sudde"ly, bli"di"gly ob/ious+ 6es too gloriously good<loo$i"g+ We re poles p rt "d fro! t#o /ery differe"t #orlds+ ; h /e the su" "d *r shi"g "d bur"i"g s for !e+ /isio" of !yself s ;* rus flyi"g too *lose to

result+ 6is #ords ! $e se"se+ 6es "ot the ! "

This is #h t he !e "t, "d it ! $es his reBe*tio" e sier to **eptM l!ost+ ; * " li/e #ith this+ ; u"derst "d+

HCery good F te,I ; ! " ge+ H;! goi"g to study+I ; ! "ot goi"g to thi"$ bout hi! g i" for "o#, ; /o# to !yself, "d ope"i"g !y re/isio" "otes, ; st rt to re d+

;ts o"ly #he" ;! i" bed, tryi"g to sleep, th t ; llo# !y thoughts to drift through !y str "ge !or"i"g+ ; $eep *o!i"g b *$ to the N; do"t do the girlfrie"d thi"g Duote, "d ;! "gry th t ; did"t pou"*e o" this i"for! tio" soo"er, #he" ; # s i" his r!s !e"t lly beggi"g hi! #ith e/ery fiber of !y bei"g to $iss !e+ 6ed s id it there "d the"+ 6e did"t # "t !e s ; girlfrie"d+ ; tur" o" to !y side+ ;dly, ; #o"der if perh ps hes *elib teJ

*lose !y eyes "d begi" to drift+ ' ybe hes s /i"g hi!self+ Well "ot for you, !y sleepy sub*o"s*ious h s fi" l s#ipe t !e before u"le shi"g itself o" !y dre !s+

%"d th t "ight, ; dre ! of gr y eyes, le fy p tter"s i" !il$, "d ;! ru""i"g through d r$ pl *es #ith eerie strip lighti"g, "d ; do"t $"o# if ;! ru""i"g to# rd so!ethi"g or

# y fro! itM its Bust "ot *le r+

; put !y pe" do#"+ Fi"ished+ 'y fi" l e4 ! is o/er+ ; feel the Cheshire * t gri" spre d o/er !y f *e+ ;ts prob bly the first ti!e ll #ee$ th t ;/e s!iled+ ;ts Frid y, "d #e sh ll be *elebr ti"g to"ight, re lly *elebr ti"g+ ; !ight e/e" get dru"$L ;/e "e/er bee" dru"$ before+ ; gl "*e *ross the sports h ll t F te, "d shes still s*ribbli"g furiously, fi/e !i"utes to the e"d+ This is it, the e"d of !y * de!i* * reer+ ; sh ll "e/er h /e to sit i" ro#s of "4ious, isol ted stude"ts g i"+ ;"side ;! doi"g gr *eful * rt#heels rou"d !y he d, $"o#i"g full #ell th ts the o"ly pl *e ; * " do gr *eful * rt#heels+ F te stops #riti"g "d puts her pe" do#"+ She gl "*es *ross t !e, "d ; * t*h her Cheshire * t s!ile too+

We he d b *$ to our p rt!e"t together i" her 'er*edes, refusi"g to dis*uss our fi" l p per+ F te is !ore *o"*er"ed bout #h t shes goi"g to #e r to the b r this e/e"i"g+ ; ! busily fishi"g rou"d i" !y purse for !y $eys+

H%" , theres p *$ ge for you+I F te is st "di"g o" the steps up to the fro"t door

holdi"g bro#" p per p r*el+ 2dd+ ; h /e"t ordered "ythi"g fro! %! Go" re*e"tly+ F te gi/es !e the p r*el "d t $es !y $eys to ope" the fro"t door+ ;ts ddressed to 'iss %" st si Steele+ Theres "o se"ders ddress or " !e+ 1erh ps its fro! !y !o! or ( y+

H;ts prob bly fro! !y fol$s+I

H2pe" itLI F te is e4*ited s she he ds i"to the $it*he" for our NE4 !s re fi"ished hurr h Ch !p g"e+

; ope" the p r*el, "d i"side ; fi"d ide"ti* l

h lf le ther bo4 *o"t i"i"g three see!i"gly pl i" #hite * rd+ Writte" o" o"e

old *loth<*o/ered boo$s i" !i"t *o"ditio" "d side, i" bl *$ i"$ i" "e t *ursi/e h "d#riti"g, is=

; re*og"iGe the Duote fro! Tess+ ; ! stu""ed by the iro"y s ;/e Bust spe"t three hours #riti"g bout the "o/els of Tho! s 6 rdy i" !y fi" l e4 !i" tio"+ 1erh ps there is "o iro"yM perh ps its deliber te+ ; i"spe*t the boo$s *losely, three /olu!es of Tess of the ?8rber/illes+ ; ope" the fro"t *o/er+ Writte" i" " old typef *e o" the fro"t pl te is=

NLo"do"= J *$ (+ 2sgood, '*;l/ i"e "d Co+, 1.,1+

6oly shit < they re first editio"s+ They !ust be #orth i!!edi tely

fortu"e, "d ; $"o#

#hos se"t the!+ F te is t !y shoulder g Gi"g t the boo$s+ She pi*$s up the * rd+

HFirst Editio"s,I ; #hisper+

H0o+I F tes eyes re #ide #ith disbelief+ H@reyJI

; "od+

HC "t thi"$ of "yo"e else+I

HWh t does this * rd !e "JI

H; h /e "o ide + ; thi"$ its

# r"i"g E ho"estly he $eeps # r"i"g !e off+ ; h /e "o

ide #hy+ ;ts "ot li$e ;! be ti"g his door do#"+I ; fro#"+

H; $"o# you do"t # "t to t l$ bout hi!, %" , but hes seriously i"to you+ W r"i"gs or "o+I

; h /e "ot let !yself d#ell o" Christi " @rey for the p st #ee$+ 2$ yM so his gr y eyes re still h u"ti"g !y dre !s, "d ; $"o# it #ill t $e " eter"ity to e4pu"ge the feel of his r!s rou"d !e "d his #o"derful fr gr "*e fro! !y br i"+ Why h s he se"t !e thisJ 6e told !e th t ; # s"t for hi!+

H;/e fou"d o"e Tess first editio" for s le i" 0e# Kor$ t R1S,000+ 3ut yours loo$s i" !u*h better *o"ditio"+ They !ust h /e *ost !ore+I F te is *o"sulti"g her good frie"d @oogle+

HThis Duote E Tess s ys it to her !other fter %le* ?8rber/ille h s h d his #i*$ed # y #ith her+I

H; $"o#,I !uses F te+ HWh t is he tryi"g to s yJI

H; do"t $"o#, "d ; do"t * re+ ; * "t **ept these fro! hi!+ ;ll se"d the! b *$ #ith " eDu lly b ffli"g Duote fro! so!e obs*ure p rt of the boo$+I

HThe bit #here %"gel Cl re s ys fu*$ offJI F te s$s #ith

*o!pletely str ight f *e+

HKes, th t bit+I ; giggle+ ; lo/e F te, shes so loy l "d supporti/e+ ; rep *$ the boo$s "d le /e the! o" the di"i"g t ble+ F te h "ds !e gl ss of *h !p g"e+

HTo the e"d of e4 !s "d our "e# life i" Se ttle,I she gri"s+

HTo the e"d of e4 !s, our "e# life i" Se ttle, "d e4*elle"t results+I We *li"$ gl sses "d dri"$+

The b r is loud "d he*ti*, full of soo" to be gr du tes out to get tr shed+ JosO Boi"s us+ 6e #o"t gr du te for "other ye r, but hes i" the !ood to p rty "d gets us i"to the spirit of our "e#fou"d freedo! by buyi"g fifth, ; $"o# this is "ot pit*her of ! rg rit s for us ll+ %s ; do#" !y

good ide o" top of the *h !p g"e+

HSo #h t "o# %" JI JosO shouts t !e o/er the "oise+

HF te "d ; re !o/i"g to Se ttle+ F tes p re"ts h /e bought her+I

*o"do there for

H?ios !io, ho# the other h lf li/e+ 3ut youll be b *$ for !y sho#+I

H2f *ourse, JosO, ; #ould"t !iss it for the #orld+I ; s!ile, "d he puts his r! rou"d !y # ist "d pulls !e *lose+

H;t !e "s lot to !e th t youll be there %" ,I he #hispers i" !y e r+ H%"other ! rg rit JI

HJosO Luis (odrigueG E re you tryi"g to get !e dru"$J 3e* use ; thi"$ its #or$i"g+I ; giggle+ H; thi"$ ;d better h /e beer+ ;ll go get us pit*her+I

H'ore dri"$, %" LI F te bello#s+

F te h s the *o"stitutio" of " o4+ Shes got her r! dr ped o/er Le/i, o"e of our fello# E"glish stude"ts "d her usu l photogr pher o" her stude"t "e#sp per+ 6es gi/e" up t $i"g photos of the dru"$e""ess th t surrou"ds hi!+ 6e o"ly h s eyes for F te+ Shes ll ti"y * !isole, tight Be "s, "d high heels, h ir piled high #ith te"drils h "gi"g do#" softly rou"d her f *e, her usu l stu""i"g self+ 'e, ;! !ore of of Co"/erse "d t<shirt $i"d

girl, but ;! #e ri"g !y !ost fl tteri"g Be "s+ ; !o/e out of JosOs hold "d get up fro! our t ble+ Who + 6e d spi"+ ; h /e to gr b the b *$ of the *h ir+ TeDuil b sed *o*$t ils re "ot good ide +

; ! $e !y # y to the b r "d de*ide th t ; should /isit the po#der roo! #hile ; ! o" !y feet+ @ood thi"$i"g, %" + ; st gger off through the *ro#d+ 2f *ourse, theres li"e, but t le st its Duiet "d *ool i" the *orridor+ ; re *h for !y *ell pho"e to relie/e the boredo! of # iti"g i" li"e+ 6!!M Who did ; l st * llJ W s it JosOJ 3efore th t do"t "u!ber ;

re*og"iGe+ 2h yes+ @rey, ; thi"$ this is his "u!ber+ ; giggle+ ; h /e "o ide #h t the ti!e is, ! ybe ;ll # $e hi!+ 1erh ps he * " tell !e #hy he se"t !e those boo$s "d the *rypti*

!ess ge+ ;f he # "ts !e to st y # y, he should le /e !e lo"e+ ; suppress dru"$e" gri" "d hit the uto! ti* re<di l+ 6e "s#ers o" the se*o"d ri"g+

H%" st si JI 6es surprised to he r fro! !e+ Well, fr "$ly, ;! surprised to ri"g hi!+ The" !y befuddled br i" registersM ho# does he $"o# its !eJ

HWhy did you se"d !e the boo$sJI ; slur t hi!+

H%" st si , re you o$ yJ Kou sou"d str "ge+I 6is /oi*e is filled #ith *o"*er"+

H;! "ot the str "ge o"e, you re,I ; **use+ There < th t told hi!, !y *our ge fuelled by l*ohol+

H%" st si , h /e you bee" dri"$i"gJI

HWh ts it to youJI

H;! E *urious+ Where re youJI


b r+I

HWhi*h b rJI 6e sou"ds e4 sper ted+

H% b r i" 1ortl "d+I

H6o# re you getti"g ho!eJI

H;ll fi"d

# y+I This *o"/ers tio" is "ot goi"g ho# ; e4pe*ted+

HWhi*h b r re you i"JI

HWhy did you se"d !e the boo$s, Christi "JI

H%" st si , #here re you, tell !e "o#+I 6is to"e is so, so di*t tori l, his usu l *o"trol fre $+ ; i! gi"e hi! s " old ti!e !o/ie dire*tor #e ri"g Bodhpurs, holdi"g " old f shio"ed !eg pho"e "d ridi"g *rop+ The i! ge ! $es !e l ugh out loud+

HKoure soM do!i"eeri"g,I ; giggle+

H%" , so help !e, #here the fu*$ re youJI

Christi " @rey is s#e ri"g t !e+ ; giggle g i"+ H;! i" 1ortl "dM s lo"g # y fro! Se ttle+I

HWhere i" 1ortl "dJI

H@ood"ight, Christi "+I

H%" LI

; h "g up+ 6 L Though he did"t tell !e bout the boo$s+ ; fro#"+ 'issio" "ot **o!plished+ ; ! re lly Duite dru"$ < !y he d s#i!s u"*o!fort bly s ; shuffle #ith the li"e+ Well, the obBe*t of the e4er*ise # s to get dru"$+ ; h /e su**eeded+ This is #h t its li$e E prob bly "ot " e4perie"*e to be repe ted+ The li"e h s !o/ed, "d its "o# !y tur"+ ; st re bl "$ly t the poster o" the b *$ of the toilet door th t e4tols the /irtues of s fe se4+ 6oly *r p, did ; Bust * ll Christi " @reyJ Shit+ 'y pho"e ri"gs "d it ! $es !e Bu!p+ ; yelp i" surprise+

H6i,I ; ble t ti!idly i" to the pho"e+ ; h d"t re*$o"ed o" this+

H;! *o!i"g to get you,I he s ys "d h "gs up+ 2"ly Christi " @rey *ould sou"d so * l! "d so thre te"i"g t the s !e ti!e+

6oly *r p+ ; pull !y Be "s up+ 'y he rt is thu!pi"g+ Co!i"g to get !eJ 2h "o+ ;! goi"g to be si*$M "oM ;! fi"e+ 6 "g o"+ 6es Bust !essi"g #ith !y he d+ ; did"t tell hi! #here ; # s+ 6e * "t fi"d !e here+ 3esides, it #ill t $e hi! hours to get here fro! Se ttle, "d #ell be lo"g go"e by the"+ ; # sh !y h "ds "d *he*$ !y f *e i" the !irror+ ; loo$ flushed "d slightly u"fo*used+ 6!!M teDuil +

; # it t the b r for #h t feels li$e " eter"ity for the pit*her of beer "d e/e"tu lly retur" to the t ble+

HKou/e bee" go"e so lo"g+I F te s*olds !e+ HWhere #ere youJI

H; # s i" li"e for the restroo!+I

JosO "d Le/i re h /i"g so!e he ted deb te bout our lo* l b seb ll te !+ JosO p uses i" his tir de to pour us ll beers, "d ; t $e lo"g sip+

HF te, ; thi"$ ;d better step outside "d get so!e fresh ir+I

H%" , you re su*h


H;ll be fi/e !i"utes+I

; ! $e !y # y through the *ro#d g i"+ ; ! begi""i"g to feel " useous, !y he d is spi""i"g u"*o!fort bly, "d ;! usu l+ little u"ste dy o" !y feet+ 'ore u"ste dy th "

?ri"$i"g i" the *ool e/e"i"g ir i" the p r$i"g lot ! $es !e re liGe ho# dru"$ ; !+ 'y /isio" h s bee" ffe*ted, "d ;! re lly seei"g double of e/erythi"g li$e i" old re<ru"s of To! "d Jerry C rtoo"s+ ; thi"$ ;! goi"g to be si*$+ Why did ; let !yself get this !essed upJ

H%" ,I JosO h s Boi"ed !e+ HKou o$ yJI

H; thi"$ ;/e Bust h d

bit too !u*h to dri"$+I ; s!ile #e $ly t hi!+

H'e too,I he !ur!urs, "d his d r$ eyes re # t*hi"g !e i"te"tly+ H?o you "eed h "dJI he s$s "d steps *loser, putti"g his r! rou"d !e+

HJosO ;! o$ y+ ;/e got this+I ; try "d push hi! # y r ther feebly+

H%" , ple se,I he #hispers, "d "o# hes holdi"g !e i" his r!s, pulli"g !e *lose+

HJosO, #h t you doi"gJI

HKou $"o# ; li$e you %" , ple se+I 6e h s o"e h "d t the s! ll of !y b *$ holdi"g !e g i"st hi!, the other t !y *hi" tippi"g b *$ !y he d+ 6oly fu*$M hes goi"g to $iss !e+

H0o JosO, stop E "o+I ; push hi!, but hes hi!+

# ll of h rd !us*le, "d ; * ""ot shift

6is h "d h s slipped i"to !y h ir, "d hes holdi"g !y he d i" pl *e+

H1le se, %" , * riU ,I he #hispers g i"st !y lips+ 6is bre th is soft "d s!ells too s#eet E of ! rg rit !y "d beer+ 6e ge"tly tr ils $isses lo"g !y B # up to the side of

!outh+ ; feel p "i*$y, dru"$, "d out of *o"trol+ The feeli"g is suffo* ti"g+

HJosO, "o,I ; ple d+ ; do"t # "t this+ Kou re !y frie"d, "d ; thi"$ ;! goi"g to thro# up+

H; thi"$ the l dy s id "o+I % /oi*e i" the d r$ s ys Duietly+ 6oly shitL Christi " @rey, hes here+ 6o#J JosO rele ses !e+

H@rey,I he s ys tersely+ ; gl "*e "4iously up t Christi "+ 6es glo#eri"g t JosO, "d hes furious+ Cr p+ 'y sto! *h he /es, "d ; double o/er, !y body "o lo"ger ble to toler te the l*ohol, "d ; /o!it spe*t *ul rly o" to the grou"d+

H8gh E ?ios !io, %" LI JosO Bu!ps b *$ i" disgust+ @rey gr bs !y h ir "d pulls it out of the firi"g li"e "d ge"tly le ds !e o/er to the p r$i"g r ised flo#erbed o" the edge of

lot+ ; "ote, #ith deep gr titude, th t its i" rel ti/e d r$"ess+

H;f youre goi"g to thro# up g i", do it here+ ;ll hold you+I 6e h s o"e r! rou"d !y shoulders E the other is holdi"g !y h ir i" so its ! $eshift po"yt il do#" !y b *$

off !y f *e+ ; try #$# rdly to push hi! # y, but ; /o!it g i"M "d g i"+ 2h shitM ho# lo"g is this goi"g to l stJ E/e" #he" !y sto! *hs e!pty "d "othi"g is *o!i"g up,

horrible dry he /es #r *$ !y body+ ; /o# sile"tly th t ;ll "e/er e/er dri"$ g i"+ This is Bust too pp lli"g for #ords+ Fi" lly, it stops+

'y h "ds re resti"g o" the bri*$ # ll of the flo#erbed, b rely holdi"g !e up < /o!iti"g profusely is e4h usti"g+ @rey t $es his h "ds off !e "d p sses !e 2"ly he #ould h /e h "d$er*hief+

!o"ogr !!ed, freshly l u"dered, li"e" h "d$er*hief+ CT@+ ;

did"t $"o# you *ould still buy these+ C guely ; #o"der #h t the T st "ds for s ; #ipe !y !outh+ ; * ""ot bri"g !yself to loo$ t hi!+ ;! s# !ped #ith sh !e, disgusted #ith !yself+ ; # "t to be s# llo#ed up by the G le s i" the flo#erbed "d be "y#here but here+

JosO is still ho/eri"g by the e"tr "*e to the b r, # t*hi"g us+ ; gro " "d put !y he d i" !y h "ds+ This h s to be the si"gle #orst !o!e"t of !y life+ 'y he d is still s#i!!i"g s ; try to re!e!ber E "d #orse o"e E "d ; * " o"ly *o!e up #ith Christi "s reBe*tio" pee$ t hi!+ 6es

this is so, so ! "y sh des d r$er i" ter!s of hu!ili tio"+ ; ris$ st ri"g

do#" t !e, his f *e *o!posed, gi/i"g "othi"g # y+ Tur"i"g, ; gl "*e t JosO #ho loo$s pretty sh !ef *ed hi!self "d, li$e !e, i"ti!id ted by @rey+ ; gl re t hi!+ ; h /e fe# *hoi*e #ords for !y so<* lled frie"d, "o"e of #hi*h ; * " repe t i" fro"t of Christi " @rey

CE2+ %" #ho re you $iddi"g, hes Bust see" you hurl ll o/er the grou"d "d i"to the lo* l flor + Theres "o disguisi"g your l *$ of l dyli$e beh /ior+

H;ll errM see you i"side,I JosO !utters, but #e both ig"ore hi!, "d he sli"$s off b *$ i"to the buildi"g+ ;! o" !y o#" #ith @rey+ ?ouble *r p+ Wh t should ; s y to hi!J %pologiGe for the pho"e * ll+

H;! sorry,I ; !utter, st ri"g t the h "d$er*hief #hi*h ; ! furiously #orryi"g #ith !y fi"gers+ ;ts so soft+

HWh t re you sorry for %" st si JI

2h *r p, he # "ts his d !"ed pou"d of flesh+

HThe pho"e * ll ! i"ly, bei"g si*$+ 2h, the list is e"dless,I ; !ur!ur, feeli"g !y s$i" *olori"g up+ 1le se, ple se * " ; die "o#J

HWe/e ll bee" here, perh ps "ot Duite s dr ! ti* lly s you,I he s ys dryly+ H;ts bout $"o#i"g your li!its, %" st si + ; !e ", ;! ll for pushi"g li!its, but re lly this is beyo"d the p le+ ?o you ! $e h bit of this $i"d of beh /iorJI

'y he d buGGes #ith e4*ess l*ohol "d irrit tio"+ Wh t the hell h s it got to do #ith hi!J ; did"t i"/ite hi! here+ 6e sou"ds li$e err "t !iddle< ged ! " s*oldi"g !e li$e "

*hild+ 1 rt of !e # "ts to s y, if ; # "t to get dru"$ e/ery "ight li$e this, the" its !y de*isio" "d "othi"g to do #ith hi! E but ;! "ot br /e e"ough+ 0ot "o# th t ;/e thro#" up i" fro"t of hi!+ Why is he still st "di"g thereJ

H0o,I ; s y *o"tritely+ H;/e "e/er bee" dru"$ before "d right "o# ; h /e "o desire to e/er be g i"+I

; Bust do"t u"derst "d #hy hes here+ ; begi" to feel f i"t+ 6e "oti*es !y diGGi"ess "d gr bs !e before ; f ll "d hoists !e i"to his r!s, holdi"g !e *lose to his *hest li$e *hild+

HCo!e o", ;ll t $e you ho!e,I he !ur!urs+

H; "eed to tell F te+I 6oly 'oses, ;! i" his r!s g i"+

H'y brother * " tell her+I


H'y brother Elliot is t l$i"g to 'iss F / " gh+I

H2hJI ; do"t u"derst "d+

H6e # s #ith !e #he" you pho"ed+I

H;" Se ttleJI ;! *o"fused+

H0o, ;! st yi"g t the 6e th! "+I

StillJ WhyJ

H6o# did you fi"d !eJI

H; tr *$ed your *ell pho"e %" st si +I

2h, of *ourse he did+ 6o# is th t possibleJ ;s it leg lJ St l$er, !y sub*o"s*ious #hispers t !e through the *loud of teDuil th ts still flo ti"g i" !y br i", but so!eho#, be* use its hi!, ; do"t !i"d+

H?o you h /e

B *$et or


HErrM yes, ; * !e #ith both+ Christi ", ple se, ; "eed to tell F te+ Shell #orry+I 6is !outh presses i"to h rd li"e, "d he sighs he /ily+

H;f you !ust+I

6e sets !e do#", "d, t $i"g !y h "d, le ds !e b *$ i"to the b r+ ; feel #e $, still dru"$, e!b rr ssed, e4h usted, !ortified, "d o" so!e str "ge le/el bsolutely off the

s* le thrilled+ 6es *lut*hi"g !y h "d E su*h t le st #ee$ to pro*ess the! ll+

*o"fusi"g rr y of e!otio"s+ ;ll "eed

;ts "oisy, *ro#ded, "d the !usi* h s st rted so there is d "*e

l rge *ro#d o" the

floor+ F te is "ot t our t ble, "d JosO h s dis ppe red+ Le/i loo$s lost "d forlor" o" his o#"+

HWheres F teJI ; shout t Le/i bo/e the "oise+ 'y he d is begi""i"g to pou"d i" ti!e to the thu!pi"g b ss li"e of the !usi*+

H? "*i"g,I Le/i shouts, "d ; * " tell hes ! d+ 6es eyei"g Christi " suspi*iously+ ; struggle i"to !y bl *$ B *$et "d pl *e !y s! ll shoulder b g o/er !y he d so it sits t !y hip+ ;! re dy to go, o"*e ;/e see" F te+

HShes o" the d "*e floor,I ; tou*h Christi "s r! "d le " up "d shout i" his e r, brushi"g his h ir #ith !y "ose, s!elli"g his *le ", fresh s!ell+ 2h !y+ %ll those forbidde", u"f !ili r feeli"gs th t ; h /e tried to de"y surf *e "d ru" !o$ through !y dr i"ed body+ ; flush, "d so!e#here deep, deep do#" !y !us*les *le"*h deli*iously+

6e rolls his eyes t !e "d t $es !y h "d g i" "d le ds !e to the b r+ 6es ser/ed i!!edi tely, "o # iti"g for 'r+ Co"trol<Fre $ @rey+ ?oes e/erythi"g *o!e so e sily to

hi!J ; * "t he r #h t he orders+ 6e h "ds !e

/ery l rge gl ss of i*ed # ter+

H?ri"$,I he shouts his order t !e+

The !o/i"g lights re t#isti"g "d tur"i"g i" ti!e to the !usi* * sti"g str "ge *olored light "d sh do#s ll o/er the b r "d the *lie"tele+ 6es lter" tely gree", blue, #hite, "d de!o"i* red+ 6es # t*hi"g !e i"te"tly+ ; t $e te"t ti/e sip+

H%ll of it,I he shouts+

6es so o/erbe ri"g+ 6e ru"s his h "d through his u"ruly h ir+ 6e loo$s frustr ted, "gry+ Wh t is his proble!J %p rt fro! the silly dru"$ girl ri"gi"g hi! i" the !iddle of

"ight so he thi"$s she "eeds res*ui"g+ %"d it tur"s out she does fro! her o/er !orous frie"d+ The" seei"g her bei"g /iole"tly ill t his feet+ 2h %" M re you e/er goi"g to li/e this do#"J 'y sub*o"s*ious is figur ti/ely tutti"g "d gl ri"g t !e o/er her h lf !oo" spe*s+ ; s# y slightly, "d he puts his h "d o" !y shoulder to ste dy !e+ ; do s ;! told

"d dri"$ the e"tire gl ss+ ;t ! $es !e feel Due sy+ T $i"g the gl ss fro! !e, he pl *es it o" the b r+ ; "oti*e through Be "s, blur #h t hes #e ri"gV loose #hite li"e" shirt, s"ug

bl *$ Co"/erse s"e $ers, "d top, "d ; see yu!!y+

d r$ pi"striped B *$et+ 6is shirt is u"butto"ed t the

spri"$li"g of h ir i" the g p+ ;" !y groggy fr !e of !i"d, he loo$s

6e t $es !y h "d o"*e !ore+ 6oly *o# E hes le di"g !e o"to the d "*e floor+ Shit+ ; do "ot d "*e+ 6e * " se"se !y relu*t "*e, "d u"der the *olored lights, ; * " see his !used, slightly s rdo"i* s!ile+ 6e gi/es !y h "d g i", sh rp tug, "d ;! i" his r!s

"d he st rts to !o/e, t $i"g !e #ith hi!+ 3oy, he * " d "*e, "d ; * "t belie/e th t ;! follo#i"g hi! step for step+ ' ybe its be* use ;! dru"$ th t ; * " $eep up+ 6es holdi"g !e tight g i"st hi!, his body g i"st !i"eM if he # s"t *lut*hi"g !e so tightly, ;! sure ; #ould s#oo" t his feet+ ;" the b *$ of !y !i"d, !y !others ofte"<re*ited # r"i"g *o!es to !e= 0e/er trust ! " #ho * " d "*e+

6e !o/es us through the *ro#ded thro"g of d "*ers to the other side of the d "*e floor, "d #e re beside F te "d Elliot, Christi "s brother+ The !usi* is pou"di"g # y, loud "d leery, outside "d i"side !y he d+ ; g sp+ F te is ! $i"g her !o/es+ Shes d "*i"g her ss off, "d she o"ly e/er does th t if she li$es so!eo"e+ (e lly li$es so!eo"e+ ;t !e "s therell be three of us for bre $f st to!orro# !or"i"g+ F teL

Christi " le "s o/er "d shouts i" Elliots e r+ ; * ""ot he r #h t he s ys+ Elliot is

t ll #ith #ide shoulders, *urly blo"de h ir, "d light, #i*$edly gle !i"g eyes+ ; * "t tell the *olor u"der the puls ti"g he t of the fl shi"g lights+ Elliot gri"s, "d pulls F te i"to his r!s, #here she is !ore th " h ppy to beM F teL E/e" i" !y i"ebri ted st te, ; ! sho*$ed+ Shes o"ly Bust !et hi!+ She "ods t #h te/er Elliot s ys "d gri"s t !e "d # /es+ Christi " propels us off the d "*e floor i" double Dui*$ ti!e+

3ut ; "e/er got to t l$ to her+ ;s she o$ yJ ; * " see #here thi"gs re he di"g for her "d hi!+ ; "eed to do the s fe se4 le*ture+ ;" the b *$ of !y !i"d, ; hope she re ds o"e of the posters o" the b *$ of the toilet doors+ 'y thoughts *r sh through !y br i", fighti"g the dru"$, fuGGy feeli"g+ ;ts so # r! i" here, so loud, so *olorful E too bright+ 'y he d begi"s to s#i!, oh "oM "d ; * " feel the floor *o!i"g up to !eet !y f *e or so it feels+ The l st thi"g ; he r before ; p ss out i" Christi " @reys r!s is his h rsh epithet+


;ts /ery Duiet+ The light is !uted+ ; ! *o!fort ble "d # r!, i" this bed+ 6!!M ;

ope" !y eyes, "d for u"f !ili r

!o!e"t, ;! tr "Duil "d sere"e, e"Boyi"g the str "ge

surrou"di"gs+ ; h /e "o ide #here ; !+ The he dbo rd behi"d !e is i" the sh pe of ! ssi/e su"+ ;ts oddly f !ili r+ The roo! is l rge "d iry "d plushly fur"ished i" bro#"s "d golds "d beige+ ; h /e see" it before+ WhereJ 'y befuddled br i" struggles through its re*e"t /isu l !e!ories+ 6oly *r p+ ;! i" the 6e th! " hotelM i" suite+ ; h /e stood i" Christi " roo! si!il r to this #ith F te+ This loo$s bigger+ 2h shit+ ;! i"

@reys suite+ 6o# did ; get hereJ

Fr *tured !e!ories of the pre/ious "ight *o!e slo#ly b *$ to h u"t !e+ The dri"$i"g, oh "o the dri"$i"g, the pho"e * ll, oh "o the pho"e * ll, the /o!iti"g, oh "o the /o!iti"g+ JosO "d the" Christi "+ 2h "o+ ; *ri"ge i"# rdly+ ; do"t re!e!ber *o!i"g here+ ;! #e ri"g !y t<shirt, br , "d p "ties+ 0o so*$s+ 0o Be "s+ 6oly shit+

; gl "*e t the bedside t ble+ 2" it is

gl ss of or "ge Bui*e "d t#o t blets+ %d/il+

Co"trol fre $ th t he is, he thi"$s of e/erythi"g+ ; sit up "d t $e the t blets+ %*tu lly, ; do"t feel th t b d, prob bly !u*h better th " ; deser/e+ The or "ge Bui*e t stes di/i"e+ ;ts thirst Due"*hi"g "d refreshi"g+ 0othi"g be ts freshly sDueeGed or "ge Bui*e for re/i/i"g " rid !outh+


$"o*$ o" the door+ 'y he rt le ps i"to !y !outh, "d ; * "t see! to fi"d

!y /oi*e+ 6e ope"s the door "y# y "d strolls i"+

6oly hell, hes bee" #or$i"g out+ 6es i" gr y s#e t p "ts th t h "g, i" th t # y, off his hips "d s#e t, gr y si"glet, #hi*h is d r$ #ith s#e t, li$e his h ir+ Christi " @reys deep bre th "d *lose !y eyes+ ; feel li$e

the "otio" does odd thi"gs to !e+ ; t $e t#o<

ye r old, if ; *lose !y eyes the" ;! "ot re lly here+

H@ood !or"i"g %" st si + 6o# re you feeli"gJI

2h "o+

H3etter th " ; deser/e,I ; !u!ble+

; pee$ up t hi!+ 6e pl *es the

l rge shoppi"g b g o"

*h ir "d gr sps e *h e"d of

to#el th t he h s rou"d his "e*$+ 6es st ri"g t !e, gr y eyes d r$, "d s usu l, ; h /e "o ide #h t hes thi"$i"g+ 6e hides his thoughts "d feeli"gs so #ell+

H6o# did ; get hereJI 'y /oi*e is s! ll, *o"trite+

6e *o!es "d sits do#" o" the edge of the bed+ 6es *lose e"ough for !e to tou*h, for

!e to s!ell+ 2h !yM s#e t "d body # sh "d Christi ", its !u*h better th " ! rg rit , "d "o# ; * " spe $ fro! e4perie"*e+

he dy *o*$t il < so

H%fter you p ssed out, ; did"t # "t to ris$ the le ther upholstery i" !y * r t $i"g you ll the # y to your p rt!e"t+ So ; brought you here,I he s ys phleg! ti* lly+

H?id you put !e to bedJI

HKes+I 6is f *e is i!p ssi/e+

H?id ; thro# up g i"JI 'y /oi*e is Duieter+


H?id you u"dress !eJI ; #hisper+

HKes+I 6e Duir$s " eyebro# t !e s ; blush furiously+

HWe did"t,I ; #hisper, !y !outh dryi"g i" !ortified horror s ; * "t *o!plete the Duestio"+ ; st re t !y h "ds+

H%" st si , you #ere *o! tose+ 0e*rophili is "ot !y thi"g+ ; li$e !y #o!e" se"tie"t "d re*epti/e,I he s ys dryly+

H;! so sorry+I

6is !outh lifts slightly i"

#ry s!ile+

H;t # s

/ery di/erti"g e/e"i"g+ 0ot o"e th t ;ll forget i"


'e "either E oh hes l ughi"g t !e, the b st rd+ ; did"t s$ hi! to *o!e "d get !e+ So!eho# ;/e bee" ! de to feel li$e the /ill i" of the pie*e+

HKou did"t h /e to tr *$ !e do#" #ith #h te/er J !es 3o"d stuff youre de/elopi"g for the highest bidder,I ; s" p t hi!+ 6e st res t !e, surprised, "d if ;! "ot !ist $e", little #ou"ded+

HFirstly, the te*h"ology to tr *$ *ell pho"es is / il ble o/er the ;"ter"et+ Se*o"dly, !y *o!p "y does "ot i"/est or ! "uf *ture "y $i"d of sur/eill "*e de/i*es, "d thirdly, if ; h d"t *o!e to get you, youd prob bly be # $i"g up i" the photogr phers bed, "d fro! #h t ; * " re!e!ber, you #ere"t o/erly e"thused bout hi! pressi"g his suit,I he s ys *idly+

1ressi"g his suitL ; gl "*e up t Christi ", hes gl ri"g t !e, his gr y eyes bl Gi"g, ggrie/ed+ ; try to bite !y lip, but ; f il to repress !y l ughter+

HWhi*h !edie/ l *hro"i*le did you es* pe fro!JI ; giggle+ HKou sou"d li$e



6is !ood /isibly shifts+ 6is eyes softe" "d his e4pressio" # r!s, "d ; see of s!ile o" his be utifully *hiseled lips+ tr *e

H%" st si , ; do"t thi"$ so+ ? r$ $"ight ! ybe+I 6is s!ile is s rdo"i*, "d he sh $es his he d+ H?id you e t l st "ightJI 6is to"e is **us tory+ ; sh $e !y he d+ Wh t ! Bor tr "sgressio" h /e ; *o!!itted "o#J 6is B # *le"*hes, but his f *e re! i"s i!p ssi/e+

HKou "eed to e t+ Th ts #hy you #ere so ill+ 6o"estly %" st si , its dri"$i"g rule "u!ber o"e+I 6e ru"s this h "d through his h ir, "d ; $"o# its be* use hes e4 sper ted+

H%re you goi"g to *o"ti"ue to s*old !eJI

H;s th t #h t ;! doi"gJI

H; thi"$ so+I

HKoure lu*$y ;! Bust s*oldi"g you+I

HWh t do you !e "JI

HWell, if you #ere !i"e, you #ould"t be ble to sit do#" for

#ee$ fter the stu"t

you pulled yesterd y+ Kou did"t e t, you got dru"$, you put yourself t ris$+I 6e *loses his eyes, dre d et*hed o" his lo/ely f *e, "d he shudders slightly+ Whe" he ope"s his eyes, he gl res t !e+ H; h te to thi"$ #h t *ould h /e h ppe"ed to you+I

; s*o#l b *$ t hi!+ Wh t is his proble!J Wh ts it to hi!J ;f ; # s hisM #ell ;! "ot+ Though ! ybe, p rt of !e #ould li$e to be+ The thought pier*es through the irrit tio" ; feel t his high<h "ded #ords+ ; flush t the # y# rd"ess of !y sub*o"s*ious < shes doi"g her h ppy d "*e i" bright red hul s$irt t the thought of bei"g his+

H; #ould h /e bee" fi"e+ ; # s #ith F te+I

H%"d the photogr pherJI he s" ps t !e+

6!!M you"g JosO+ ;ll "eed to f *e hi! t so!e poi"t+

HJosO Bust got out of li"e+I ; shrug+

HWell the "e4t ti!e he gets out of li"e, ! ybe so!eo"e should te *h hi! so!e ! ""ers+I

HKou re Duite the dis*ipli" ri ",I ; hiss t hi!+

H2h, %" st si , you h /e "o ide +I 6is eyes " rro#, "d the" he gri"s #i*$edly+ ;ts dis r!i"g+ 2"e !i"ute, ;! *o"fused "d "gry, the "e4t ;! g Gi"g t his gorgeous s!ile+ Wo#M ; ! e"tr "*ed, "d its be* use his s!ile is so r re+ ; Duite forget #h t hes t l$i"g bout+

H;! goi"g to h /e

sho#er+ 8"less youd li$e to sho#er firstJI 6e *o*$s his he d

to o"e side, still gri""i"g+ 'y he rtbe t h s pi*$ed up, "d !y !edull oblo"g t h s "egle*ted to fire "y sy" pses to ! $e !e bre the+ 6is gri" #ide"s, "d he re *hes o/er "d ru"s his thu!b do#" !y *hee$ "d *ross !y lo#er lip+

H3re the, %" st si ,I he #hispers "d rises+ H3re $f st #ill be here i" fiftee" !i"utes+ Kou !ust be f !ished+I 6e he ds i"to the b throo! "d *loses the door+

; let out the bre th th t ;/e bee" holdi"g+ Why is he so d !"ed ttr *ti/eJ (ight "o# ; # "t to go "d Boi" hi! i" the sho#er+ ; h /e "e/er felt this # y bout "yo"e+ 'y hor!o"es re r *i"g+ 'y s$i" ti"gles #here his thu!b tr *ed o/er !y f *e "d lo#er lip+ ; feel li$e sDuir!i"g #ith re *tio"+ "eedy, *hyM dis*o!fort+ ; do"t u"derst "d this

6!!M ?esire+ This is desire+ This is #h t it feels li$e+

; lie b *$ o" the soft fe ther filled pillo#s+ N;f you #ere !i"e+ 2h !y E #h t #ould ;

do to be hisJ 6es the o"ly ! " #ho h s e/er set !y blood r *i"g rou"d !y body+ Ket,

hes so "t go"iGi"g tooV hes diffi*ult, *o!pli* ted, "d *o"fusi"g+ 2"e !i"ute he rebuffs !e, the "e4t he se"ds !e fourtee"<thous "d<doll r boo$s, the" he tr *$s !e li$e st l$er+ %"d for ll th t, ; h /e spe"t the "ight i" his hotel suite, "d ; feel s fe+ 1rote*ted+ 6e * res e"ough to *o!e "d res*ue !e fro! so!e !ist $e"ly per*ei/ed d "ger+ 6es "ot d r$ $"ight t ll, but E Sir #hite $"ight i" shi"i"g, d GGli"g r!or E *l ssi* ro! "ti* hero

@ # i" or L "*elot+

; s*r !ble out of his bed fr "ti* lly se r*hi"g for !y Be "s+ 6e e!erges fro! the b throo! #et "d gliste"i"g fro! the sho#er, still u"sh /e", #ith Bust # ist, to#el rou"d his

"d there ! ; E ll b re legs "d #$# rd g #$i"ess+ 6es surprised to see !e out of bed+

H;f youre loo$i"g for your Be "s, ;/e se"t the! to the l u"dry+I 6is g Ge is obsidi "+ HThey #ere sp ttered #ith your /o!it+I

d r$

H2h+I ; flush s* rlet+ Why oh #hy does he l# ys * t*h !e o" the b *$ footJ

H; se"t T ylor out for "other p ir "d so!e shoes+ Theyre i" the b g o" the *h ir+I

Cle " *lothes+ Wh t " u"e4pe*ted bo"us+

H8!M ;ll h /e

sho#er,I ; !utter+ HTh "$s+I Wh t else * " ; s yJ ; gr b the b g

"d d rt i"to the b throo! # y fro! the u""er/i"g pro4i!ity of " $ed Christi "+ 'i*hel "gelos ? /id h s "othi"g o" hi!+

;" the b throo!, its ll hot "d ste !y fro! #here hes bee" sho#eri"g+ ; strip off !y *lothes "d Dui*$ly *l !ber i"to the sho#er "4ious to be u"der the *le "si"g stre ! of # ter+ ;t * s* des o/er !e, "d ; hold up !y f *e i"to the #el*o!i"g torre"t+ ; # "t Christi " @rey+ ; # "t hi! b dly+ Si!ple f *t+ For the first ti!e i" !y life, ; # "t to go to bed #ith ! "+ ; # "t to feel his h "ds "d his !outh o" !e+

6e s id he li$es his #o!e" se"tie"t+ 6es prob bly "ot *elib te the"+ 3ut hes "ot ! de p ss t !e, u"li$e 1 ul or JosO+ ; do"t u"derst "d+ ?oes he # "t !eJ 6e

#ould"t $iss !e l st #ee$+ %! ; repelle"t to hi!J %"d yet, ;! here "d he brought !e here+ ; Bust do"t $"o# #h t his g !e isJ Wh t hes thi"$i"gJ Kou/e slept i" his bed ll "ight, "d hes "ot tou*hed you %" + Kou do the ! th+ 'y sub*o"s*ious h s re red her ugly, s"ide he d+ ; ig"ore her+

The # ter is # r! "d soothi"g+ 6!!M ; *ould st y u"der this sho#er, i" his b throo!,

fore/er+ ; re *h for the body<# sh "d it s!ells of hi!+ ;ts

deli*ious s!ell+ ; rub

it ll o/er !yself, f "t siGi"g th t its hi! < hi! rubbi"g this he /e"ly s*e"ted so p i"to !y body, *ross !y bre sts, o/er !y sto! *h, bet#ee" !y thighs #ith his lo"g fi"gered h "ds+ 2h !y+ 'y he rtbe t pi*$s up g i", this feels soM so good+

H3re $f st is here+I 6e $"o*$s o" the door, st rtli"g !e+

H2$ y,I ; stutter s ;! y "$ed *ruelly out of !y eroti* d ydre !+

; *li!b out of the sho#er "d gr b t#o to#els+ ; put !y h ir i" o"e "d #r p it C r!e" 'ir "d style o" !y he d+ 6 stily, ; dry !yself, ig"ori"g the ple sur ble feel of the to#el rubbi"g g i"st !y o/er<se"sitiGed s$i"+

; i"spe*t the b g of Be "s+ 0ot o"ly h s T ylor brought !e Be "s "d "e# Co"/erse, but p le blue shirt, so*$s, "d u"der#e r+ 2h !y+ % *le " br *tu lly to des*ribe the! i" su*h re " "d p "ties E

!u"d "e, utilit ri " # y does "ot do the! Busti*e+ They

e4Duisite desig" of so!e f "*y Europe " li"gerie+ %ll p le blue l *e "d fi"ery+ Wo#+ ; ! i" #e "d slightly d u"ted by this u"der#e r+ + Wh ts !ore, they fit perfe*tly+ 3ut of

*ourse they do+ ; flush to thi"$ of the 3uGG<Cut ! " i" so!e li"gerie store buyi"g this for !e+ ; #o"der #h t else is i" his Bob des*riptio"+

; dress Dui*$ly+ The rest of the *lothi"g is

perfe*t fit+ ; brusDuely to#el<dry !y h ir

"d try desper tely to bri"g it u"der *o"trol+ 3ut, s usu l, it refuses to *ooper te, "d !y o"ly optio" is to restr i" it #ith t $e h ir tie+ ; sh ll se r*h i" !y purse, #he" ; fi"d it+ ;

deep bre th+ Ti!e to f *e 'r+ Co"fusi"g+

;! relie/ed to fi"d the bedroo! e!pty+ ; hu"t Dui*$ly for !y purse E but its "ot i" here+ T $i"g "other deep bre th, ; e"ter the li/i"g re of the suite+ ;ts huge+ Theres " opule"t, plush se ti"g re , ll o/erstuffed *ou*hes "d soft *ushio"s, " el bor te *offee t ble #ith st *$ of l rge glossy boo$s, " e"or!ous study re #ith top<of<the<r "ge ' *, di"i"g t ble o" the other te""is *ourt or so!ethi"g,

pl s! s*ree" TC o" the # ll, "d Christi " is sitti"g t side of the roo! re di"g "ot th t "e#sp per+ ;ts the siGe of

; pl y te""is, though ; h /e # t*hed F te

fe# ti!es+ F teL

HCr p, F te,I ; *ro $+ Christi " peers up t !e+

HShe $"o#s youre here "d still li/e+ ; te4ted Elliot,I he s ys #ith Bust hu!or+

tr *e of

2h "o+ ; re!e!ber her fer/e"t d "*i"g of the "ight before+ %ll her p te"ted !o/es

used #ith ! 4i!u! effe*t to sedu*e Christi "s brother "o lessL Wh ts she goi"g to thi"$ bout !e bei"g hereJ ;/e "e/er st yed out before+ Shes still #ith Elliot+ Shes o"ly do"e this t#i*e before, "d both ti!es ;/e h d to e"dure the hideous pi"$ 1Js for fro! the f llout+ Shes goi"g to thi"$ ;/e h d o"e<"ight st "d too+ #ee$

Christi " st res t !e i!periously+ 6es #e ri"g u"do"e+

#hite li"e" shirt, *oll r "d *uffs

HSit,I he *o!! "ds, poi"ti"g to roo!

pl *e t the t ble+ ; ! $e !y # y *ross the

"d sit do#" opposite hi! s ;/e bee" dire*ted+ The t ble is l de" #ith food+

H; did"t $"o# #h t you li$ed, so ; ordered gi/es !e *roo$ed, pologeti* s!ile+

sele*tio" fro! the bre $f st !e"u+I 6e

HTh ts /ery proflig te of you,I ; !ur!ur, be#ildered by the *hoi*e, though ; ! hu"gry+

HKes, it is+I 6e sou"ds guilty+

; opt for p "* $es, ! ple syrup, s*r !bled eggs, "d b *o"+ Christi " tries to hide s!ile s he retur"s to his egg #hite o!elet+ The food is deli*ious+

HTe JI he s$s+

HKes, ple se+I

6e p sses !e

s! ll te pot of hot # ter "d o" the s u*er is

T#i"i"gs E"glish

3re $f st te b g+ JeeG, he re!e!bers ho# ; li$e !y te +

HKour h irs /ery d !p,I he s*olds+

H; *ould"t fi"d the h irdryer,I ; !utter, e!b rr ssed+ 0ot th t ; loo$ed+

Christi "s !outh presses i"to

h rd li"e, but he does"t s y "ythi"g+

HTh "$ you for org "iGi"g the *lothes+I


ple sure, %" st si + Th t *olor suits you+I

; blush "d st re do#" t !y fi"gers+

HKou $"o#, you re lly should le r" to t $e

*o!pli!e"t+I 6is to"e is * stig ti"g+

H; should gi/e you so!e !o"ey for these *lothes+I

6e gl res t !e s if ; h /e offe"ded hi! o" so!e le/el+ ; hurry o"+

HKou/e lre dy gi/e" !e the boo$s, #hi*h, of *ourse, ; * "t **ept+ 3ut these *lothes, ple se let !e p y you b *$+I ; s!ile te"t ti/ely t hi!+

H%" st si , trust !e, ; * " fford it+I

HTh ts "ot the poi"t+ Why should you buy these for !eJI

H3e* use ; * ",I his eyes fl sh #ith

#i*$ed gle !+

HJust be* use you * " does"t !e " th t you should,I ; reply Duietly s he r*hes " eyebro# t !e, his eyes t#i"$li"g, "d sudde"ly ; feel th t #ere t l$i"g bout so!ethi"g else, but ; do"t $"o# #h t it is+ Whi*h re!i"ds !eM

HWhy did you se"d !e the boo$s, Christi "JI 'y /oi*e is soft+ 6e puts do#" his *utlery "d reg rds !e i"te"tly, his gr y eyes bur"i"g #ith so!e u"f tho! ble e!otio"+ 6oly *r p E !y !outh dries+

HWell, #he" you #ere "e rly ru" o/er by the *y*list E "d ; # s holdi"g you "d you #ere loo$i"g up t !e E ll $iss !e, $iss !e, Christi ",I he p uses "d shrugs slightly, H; felt ; o#ed you " pology "d H%" st si , # r"i"g+I 6e ru"s his h "d through his h ir+

;! "ot he rts "d flo#ers $i"d of ! ", ; do"t do ro! "*e+ 'y t stes re /ery si"gul r+ Kou should steer *le r fro! !e+I 6e *loses his eyes s if i" defe t+ HTheres so!ethi"g

bout you, though, "d ;! fi"di"g it i!possible to st y # y+ 3ut ; thi"$ you/e figured th t out lre dy+I

'y ppetite / "ishes+ 6e * "t st y # yL

HThe" do"t,I ; #hisper+

6e g sps, his eyes #ide+

HKou do"t $"o# #h t youre s yi"g+I

HE"lighte" !e, the"+I

We sit g Gi"g t e *h other, "either of us tou*hi"g our food+

HKoure "ot *elib te the"JI ; bre the+

%!use!e"t lights up his gr y eyes+

H0o, %" st si , ;! "ot *elib te+I 6e p uses for this i"for! tio" to si"$ i", "d ; flush s* rlet+ The !outh<to<br i" filter is bro$e" g i"+ ; * "t belie/e ;/e Bust s id th t out loud+

HWh t re your pl "s for the "e4t fe# d ysJI he s$s, his /oi*e lo#+

H;! #or$i"g tod y, fro! !idd y+ Wh t is the ti!eJI ; p "i* sudde"ly+

H;ts Bust fter te", you/e ple"ty of ti!e+ Wh t bout to!orro#JI 6e h s his elbo#s o" the t ble, "d his *hi" is resti"g o" his lo"g steepled fi"gers+

HF te "d ; re goi"g to st rt p *$i"g+ Were !o/i"g to Se ttle "e4t #ee$e"d, "d ;! #or$i"g t Cl yto"s ll this #ee$+I

HKou h /e

pl *e i" Se ttle lre dyJI



H; * "t re!e!ber the ddress+ ;ts i" the 1i$e ' r$et ?istri*t+I

H0ot f r fro! !e,I his lips t#it*h up i" #or$ i" Se ttleJI

h lf s!ile+ HSo #h t re you goi"g to do for

Where is he goi"g #ith ll these Duestio"sJ The Christi " @rey ;"Duisitio" is l!ost s irrit ti"g s the F theri"e F / " gh ;"Duisitio"+

H;/e pplied for so!e i"ter"ships+ ;! # iti"g to he r+I

H6 /e you pplied to !y *o!p "y s ; suggestedJI

; flushM of *ourse "ot+

H8!M "o+I

H%"d #h ts #ro"g #ith !y *o!p "yJI

HKour *o!p "y or your Co!p "yJI ; s!ir$+

6e s!iles slightly+

H%re you s!ir$i"g t !e, 'iss SteeleJI 6e *o*$s his he d to o"e side, "d ; thi"$ he loo$s !used, but its h rd to tell+ ; flush "d gl "*e do#" t !y u"fi"ished bre $f st+ ; * "t loo$ hi! i" the eye #he" he uses th t to"e of /oi*e+

H;d li$e to bite th t lip,I he #hispers d r$ly+

2h !y+ ; ! *o!pletely u" # re th t ; ! *he#i"g !y botto! lip+ 'y !outh pops ope" s ; g sp "d s# llo# t the s !e ti!e+ Th t h s to be the se4iest thi"g "ybody h s e/er s id to !e+ 'y he rt be t spi$es, "d ; thi"$ ;! p "ti"g+ JeeG, ;! !oist Dui/eri"g,

!ess, "d he h s"t e/e" tou*hed !e+ ; sDuir! i" !y se t "d !eet his d r$ gl re+

HWhy do"t youJI ; *h lle"ge Duietly+

H3e* use ;! "ot goi"g to tou*h you %" st si < "ot u"til ; h /e your #ritte" *o"se"t to do so+I 6is lips hi"t t s!ile+

Wh tJ

HWh t does th t !e "JI

HE4 *tly #h t ; s y+I 6e sighs "d sh $es his he d t !e, !used, but e4 sper ted too+ H; "eed to sho# you, %" st si + Wh t ti!e do you fi"ish #or$ this e/e"i"gJI

H%bout eight+I

HWell, #e *ould go to Se ttle this e/e"i"g or "e4t S turd y for di""er t !y pl *e, "d ;ll *Du i"t you #ith the f *ts the"+ The *hoi*e is yours+I

HWhy * "t you tell !e "o#JI ; sou"d petul "t+

H3e* use ;! e"Boyi"g !y bre $f st "d your *o!p "y+ 2"*e youre e"lighte"ed, you prob bly #o"t # "t to see !e g i"+I

6oly shit+ Wh t does th t !e "J ?oes he #hite<sl /e s! ll *hildre" to so!e @od<

fors $e" p rt of the pl "etJ ;s he p rt of so!e u"der#orld *ri!e sy"di* teJ ;t #ould e4pl i" #hy hes so ri*h+ ;s he deeply religiousJ ;s he i!pote"tJ Surely "ot, he *ould pro/e th t to !e right "o#+ 2h !y+ ; flush s* rlet thi"$i"g bout the possibilities+ This is getti"g !e "o#here+ ;d li$e to sol/e the riddle th t is Christi " @rey soo"er r ther th " l ter+ ;f it !e "s th t #h te/er se*ret he h s is so gross th t ; do"t # "t to $"o# hi! "y !ore the", Duite fr "$ly, it #ill be itll relief+ ?o"t lie to yourself E !y sub*o"s*ious yells t !eE

h /e to be pretty bloody b d to h /e you ru""i"g for the hills+


6e r ises " eyebro#+

HLi$e E/e, youre so Dui*$ to e t fro! the tree of $"o#ledge,I he s!ir$s+

H%re you s!ir$i"g t !e, 'r+ @reyJI ; s$ s#eetly+ 1o!pous ss+

6e " rro#s his eyes t !e "d pi*$s up his 3l *$3erry+ 6e presses o"e "u!ber+

HT ylor+ ;! goi"g to "eed Ch rlie T "go+I

Ch rlie T "goL Whos heJ

HFro! 1ortl "d t s y t#e"ty<thirty+++ 0o, st "dby t Es* l M %ll "ight+I

%ll "ightL

HKes+ 2" * ll to!orro# !or"i"g+ ;ll pilot fro! 1ortl "d to Se ttle+I


HSt "dby pilot fro! t#e"ty<t#o<thirty+I 6e puts the pho"e do#"+ 0o ple se or th "$ you+

H?o people l# ys do #h t you tell the!JI

H8su lly, if they # "t to $eep their Bobs,I he s ys, de dp "+

H%"d if they do"t #or$ for youJI

H2h, ; * " be /ery persu si/e, %" st si + Kou should fi"ish your bre $f st+ %"d the" ;ll drop you ho!e+ ;ll pi*$ you up t Cl yto"s t eight #he" you fi"ish+ Well fly up to Se ttle+I

; bli"$ t hi! r pidly+


HKes+ ; h /e


; g pe t hi!+ ; h /e !y se*o"d d te #ith Christi " oh<so<!ysterious @rey+ Fro! *offee to heli*opter rides+ Wo#+

HWell go by heli*opter to Se ttleJI



6e gri"s #i*$edly+

H3e* use ; * "+ Fi"ish your bre $f st+I

6o# * " ; e t "o#J ;! goi"g to Se ttle by heli*opter #ith Christi " @rey+ %"d he # "ts to bite !y lipM ; sDuir! t the thought

HE t,I he s ys !ore sh rply+ H%" st si , ; h /e " issue #ith # sted foodM e t+I

H; * "t e t ll this+I ; g pe t #h ts left o" the t ble+

HE t #h ts o" your pl te+ ;f youd e te" properly yesterd y, you #ould"t be here, "d ; #ould"t be de*l ri"g !y h "d so soo"+I 6is !outh sets i" "gry+ gri! li"e+ 6e loo$s

; fro#" "d retur" to !y "o# *old food+ ;! too e4*ited to e t, Christi "+ ?o"t you u"derst "dJ 'y sub*o"s*ious e4pl i"s+ 3ut ;! too !u*h of thoughts loud, espe*i lly #he" he loo$s so sulle"+ 6!!, li$e thought !usi"g+ *o# rd to /oi*e these s! ll boy+ ; fi"d the

HWh ts so fu""yJI he s$s+ ; sh $e !y he d, "ot d ri"g tell hi! "d $eep !y eyes o" !y food+ S# llo#i"g !y l st pie*e of p "* $e, ; pee$ up t hi!+ 6es eyei"g !e spe*ul ti/ely+

H@ood girl,I he s ys+ H;ll t $e you ho!e #he" you/e dried your h ir+ ; do"t # "t you getti"g ill+I Theres so!e $i"d of u"spo$e" pro!ise i" his #ords+ Wh t does he !e "J ; le /e the t ble, #o"deri"g for dis!issi"g the ide + Sou"ds li$e thought stops !e+ !o!e"t if ; should s$ per!issio" but

d "gerous pre*ede"t to set+ ; he d b *$ to his bedroo!+ %

HWhere did you sleep l st "ightJI ; tur" to g Ge t hi! still sitti"g i" the di"i"g roo! *h ir+ ; * "t see "y bl "$ets or sheets out here E perh ps hes h d the! tidied # y+

H;" !y bed,I he s ys si!ply, his g Ge i!p ssi/e g i"+


HKes, it # s Duite

"o/elty for !e too+I 6e s!iles+

H0ot h /i"gM se4+I There E ; s id the #ord+ ; blush E of *ourse+

H0o,I he sh $es his he d "d fro#"s s if re* lli"g so!ethi"g u"*o!fort ble+ HSleepi"g #ith so!eo"e+I 6e pi*$s up his "e#sp per "d *o"ti"ues to re d+

Wh t i" he /e"s " !e does th t !e "J 6es "e/er slept #ith "yo"eJ 6es /irgi"J So!eho# ; doubt th t+ ; st "d st ri"g t hi! i" disbelief+ 6e is the !ost !ystifyi"g perso" ;/e e/er !et+ %"d it d #"s o" !e th t ; h /e slept #ith Christi " @rey, "d ; $i*$ !yself E #h t #ould ; h /e gi/e" to be *o"s*ious to # t*h hi! sleep+ See hi! /ul"er ble+ So!eho#, ; fi"d th t h rd to i! gi"e+ Well, llegedly ll #ill be re/e led to"ight+

;" his bedroo!, ; hu"t through

*hest of dr #ers "d fi"d the h ir dryer+ 8si"g !y

fi"gers, ; dry !y h ir the best ; * "+ Whe" ;/e fi"ished, ; he d i"to the b throo!+ ; # "t to *le " !y teeth+ ; eye Christi "s toothbrush+ ;t #ould be li$e h /i"g hi! i" !y !outh+ 6!!M @l "*i"g guiltily o/er !y shoulder t the door, ; feel the bristles o" the toothbrush+ They re d !p+ 6e !ust h /e used it lre dy+ @r bbi"g it Dui*$ly, ; sDuirt toothp ste o" it "d brush !y teeth i" double Dui*$ ti!e+ ; feel so " ughty+ ;ts su*h thrill+

@r bbi"g !y t<shirt, br , "d p "ties fro! yesterd y, ; put the! i" the shoppi"g b g

th t T ylor brought "d he d b *$ to the li/i"g re to hu"t for !y b g "d B *$et+ ?eep Boy, there is po"yt il, h ir tie i" !y b g+ Christi " is # t*hi"g !e s ; tie !y h ir i"to

his e4pressio" u"re d ble+ ; feel his eyes follo# !e s ; sit do#" "d # it for hi! to fi"ish+ 6es o" his 3l *$3erry t l$i"g to so!eo"e+

HThey # "t t#oJM 6o# !u*h #ill th t *ostJ+++ 2$ y, "d #h t s fety !e sures do #e h /e i" pl *eJM %"d theyll go /i SueGJM 6o# s fe is 3e" Sud "J+++ %"d #he" do they rri/e i" ? rfurJ+++ 2$ y, lets do it+ Feep !e bre st of progress+I 6e h "gs up+

H(e dy to goJI

; "od+ ; #o"der #h t his *o"/ers tio" # s bout+ 6e slips o" B *$et, pi*$s up his * r $eys, "d he ds for the door+

" /y pi"striped

H%fter you, 'iss Steele,I he !ur!urs, ope"i"g the door for !e+ 6e loo$s so * su lly eleg "t+

; p use, fr *tio" lly too lo"g, dri"$i"g i" the sight of hi!+ %"d to thi"$ ; slept #ith hi! l st "ight "d, fter ll the teDuil !ore, he "d the thro#i"g up, hes still here+ Wh ts

# "ts to t $e !e to Se ttle+ Why !eJ ; do"t u"derst "d it+ ; he d out the door re* lli"g his #ords E Theres so!ethi"g bout you E Well the feeli"g is e"tirely !utu l 'r+ @rey,

"d ; i! to fi"d out #h t it is+

We # l$ i" sile"*e do#" the *orridor to# rd the ele/ tor+ %s #e # it, ; pee$ up t hi! through !y l shes, "d he loo$s out of the *or"er of his eyes do#" t !e+ ; s!ile, "d his lips t#it*h+

The ele/ tor rri/es, "d #e step i"+ Were lo"e+ Sudde"ly, for so!e i"e4pli* ble re so", possibly our pro4i!ity i" su*h " e"*losed sp *e, the t!osphere bet#ee" us *h "ges, *h rgi"g #ith " ele*tri*, e4hil r ti"g "ti*ip tio"+ 'y bre thi"g lters s !y he rt r *es+ 6is he d tur"s fr *tio" lly to# rd !e, his eyes d r$est sl te+ ; bite !y lip+

H2h, fu*$ the p per#or$,I he gro#ls+ 6e lu"ges t !e, pushi"g !e g i"st the # ll of the ele/ tor+ 3efore ; $"o# it, hes got both of !y h "ds i" o"e of his i" li$e grip /i*e<

bo/e !y he d, "d hes pi""i"g !e to the # ll usi"g his hips+ 6oly shit+ 6is other h "d gr bs !y po"yt il "d y "$s do#", bri"gi"g !y f *e up, "d his lips re o" !i"e+ ;ts o"ly Bust "ot p i"ful+ ; !o " i"to his !outh, gi/i"g his to"gue " ope"i"g+ 6e t $es full

d/ "t ge, his to"gue e4pertly e4plori"g !y !outh+ ; h /e "e/er bee" $issed li$e this+

'y to"gue te"t ti/ely stro$es his "d Boi"s his i" tou*h

slo# eroti* d "*e th ts ll bout

"d se"s tio", ll bu!p "d gri"d+ 6e bri"gs his h "d up to gr sp !y *hi" "d holds !e i" pl *e+ ; ! helpless, !y h "ds pi""ed, !y f *e held, "d his hips restr i"i"g !e+ + ; feel his ere*tio" g i"st !y belly+ 2h !yM 6e # "ts !e+ Christi " @rey, @ree$ god, # "ts !e, "d ; # "t hi!, hereM "o#, i" the ele/ tor+

HKou+ %re+ So+ S#eet,I he !ur!urs, e *h #ord

st ** to+

The ele/ tor stops, the doors ope", "d he pushes # y fro! !e i" the bli"$ of " eye, le /i"g !e h "gi"g+ Three !e" i" busi"ess suits loo$ t both of us "d s!ir$ s they *li!b o" bo rd+ 'y he rt r te is through the roof, ; feel li$e ;/e ru" " uphill r *e+ ; # "t to le " o/er "d gr sp !y $"eesM but th ts Bust too ob/ious+

; gl "*e up t hi!+ 6e loo$s so *ool "d * l!, li$e hes bee" doi"g the Se ttle Ti!es *ross#ord+ 6o# u"f ir+ ;s he tot lly u" ffe*ted by !y prese"*eJ 6e gl "*es t !e out of the *or"er of his eye, "d he ge"tly blo#s out right E "d !y /ery s! ll i""er goddess s# ys i" busi"ess!e" deep bre th+ 2h, hes ffe*ted ll

ge"tle /i*torious s !b + The

e4it o" the se*o"d floor+ We h /e o"e !ore floor to tr /el+

HKou/e brushed your teeth,I he s ys, st ri"g t !e+

H; used your toothbrush,I ; bre the+

6is lips Duir$ up i"

h lf s!ile+

H2h, %" st si Steele, #h t ! ; goi"g to do #ith youJI

The doors ope" t the first floor, "d he t $es !y h "d "d pulls !e out+

HWh t is it bout ele/ torsJI he !utters, !ore to hi!self th " to !e s he strides *ross the lobby+ ; struggle to $eep p *e #ith hi! be* use !y #its h /e bee" thoroughly, roy lly, s* ttered ll o/er the floor "d # lls of ele/ tor three i" the 6e th! " 6otel+

Christi " ope"s the p sse"ger door to the bl *$ %udi S8C, "d ; *l !ber i"+ ;ts be st of * r+ 6e h s"t !e"tio"ed the outburst of p ssio" th t e4ploded i" the ele/ tor+ Should ;J Should #e t l$ bout it or prete"d th t it did"t h ppe"J ;t h rdly see!s re l, !y first proper "o<holds<b rred $iss+ %s ti!e ti*$s o", ; ssig" it !ythi* l, %rthuri " lege"d, Lost City of %tl "tis st tus+ ;t "e/er h ppe"ed, it "e/er e4isted+ 1erh ps ; i! gi"ed it ll+ 0o+

; tou*h !y lips, s#olle" fro! his $iss+ ;t defi"itely h ppe"ed+ ; ! #o! "+ ; # "t this ! ", desper tely, "d he # "ted !e+

*h "ged

; gl "*e t hi!+ Christi " is his usu l polite, slightly dist "t self+

6o# *o"fusi"g+

6e st rts the e"gi"e "d re/erses out of his sp *e i" the p r$i"g lot+ 6e s#it*hes o" the '15 pl yer+ The * r i"terior is filled #ith the s#eetest, !ost ! gi* l !usi* of t#o #o!e" si"gi"g+ 2h #o#M ll !y se"ses re i" dis rr y, so this is doubly ffe*ti"g+ ;t se"ds deli*ious shi/ers up !y spi"e+ Christi " pulls out o" to SW 1 r$ %/e"ue, "d he dri/es #ith e sy, l Gy *o"fide"*e+

HWh t re #e liste"i"g toJI

H;ts the Flo#er ?uet by ?elibes, fro! the oper L $!O+ ?o you li$e itJI

HChristi ", its #o"derful+I

H;t is, is"t itJI he gri"s, gl "*i"g t !e+ %"d for geV fleeti"g !o!e"t, he see!s his

you"g, * refree, "d he rt<stoppi"gly be utiful+ ;s this the $ey to hi!J 'usi*J ; sit "d

liste" to the "geli* /oi*es, te si"g "d sedu*i"g !e+

HC " ; he r th t g i"JI

H2f *ourse+I Christi " pushes ;ts

butto", "d the !usi* is * ressi"g !e o"*e !ore+

ge"tle, slo#, s#eet, "d sure ss ult o" !y ur l se"ses+

HKou li$e *l ssi* l !usi*JI ; s$, hopi"g for prefere"*es+

r re i"sight i"to his perso" l

H'y t ste is e*le*ti*, %" st si , e/erythi"g fro! Tho! s T llis to the Fi"gs of Leo"+ ;t depe"ds o" !y !ood+ KouJI

H'e too+ Though ; do"t $"o# #ho Tho! s T llis is+I

6e tur"s "d g Ges t !e briefly before his eyes re b *$ o" the ro d+

H;ll pl y it for you so!eti!e+ 6es

si4tee"th *e"tury 3ritish *o!poser+ Tudor,

*hur*h *hor l !usi*+I Christi " gri"s t !e+ HSou"ds /ery esoteri*, ; $"o#, but its lso ! gi* l, %" st si +I

6e presses

butto", "d the Fi"gs of Leo" st rt si"gi"g+ 6!!M this ; $"o#+ Se4 o" *ell pho"e ri"gi"g

Fire+ 6o# ppropri te+ The !usi* is i"terrupted by the sou"d of o/er the '15 spe $ers+ Christi " hits butto" o" the steeri"g #heel+

H@rey,I he s" ps+ 6es so brusDue+

H'r+ @rey, its Wel*h here+ ; h /e the i"for! tio" you reDuire+I % r spi"g, dise!bodied /oi*e *o!es o/er the spe $ers+

H@ood+ E! il it to !e+ %"ythi"g to ddJI

H0o sir+I

6e presses the butto", the" the * ll *e ses "d the !usi* is b *$+ 0o goodbye or th "$s+ ;! so gl d th t ; "e/er seriously e"tert i"ed the thought of #or$i"g for hi!+ ; shudder t the /ery ide + 6es Bust too *o"trolli"g "d *old #ith his e!ployees+ The !usi* *uts off g i" for the pho"e+


HThe 0?% h s bee" e! iled to you, 'r+ @rey+I % #o! "s /oi*e+

H@ood+ Th ts ll, %"dre +I

H@ood d y, sir+I

Christi " h "gs up by pressi"g

butto" o" the steeri"g #heel+ The !usi* is o" /ery

briefly #he" the pho"e ri"gs g i"+ 6oly hell, is this his life, *o"st "t " ggi"g pho"e * llsJ

H@rey,I he s" ps+

H6i, Christi ", dyou get l idJI

H6ello, Elliot E ;! o" spe $er pho"e, "d ;! "ot lo"e i" the * r,I Christi " sighs+

HWhos #ith youJI

Christi " rolls his eyes+

H%" st si Steele+I

H6i, %" LI

%" L

H6ello, Elliot+I

H6e rd

lot bout you,I Elliot !ur!urs hus$ily+ Christi " fro#"s+

H?o"t belie/e

#ord F te s ys+I

Elliot l ughs+

H;! droppi"g %" st si off "o#+I Christi " e!ph siGes !y " !e+ HSh ll ; pi*$ you upJI


HSee you shortly+I Christi " h "gs up, "d the !usi* is b *$+

HWhy do you i"sist o" * lli"g !e %" st si JI

H3e* use its your " !e+I

H; prefer %" +I

H?o you "o#JI he !ur!urs+

We re l!ost t !y p rt!e"t+ ;ts "ot t $e" lo"g+

H%" st si ,I he !uses+ ; s*o#l t hi!, but he ig"ores !y e4pressio"+ HWh t h ppe"ed i" the ele/ tor < it #o"t h ppe" g i", #ell, "ot u"less its pre!edit ted+I

6e pulls up outside !y duple4+ ; bel tedly re liGe hes "ot s$ed !e #here ; li/e < yet he $"o#s+ 3ut the" he se"t the boo$s, of *ourse he $"o#s #here ; li/e+ Wh t ble, *ell<

pho"e<tr *$i"g, heli*opter o#"i"g, st l$er #ould"t+

Why #o"t he $iss !e g i"J ; pout t the thought+ ; do"t u"derst "d+ 6o"estly, his sur" !e should be Crypti*, "ot @rey+ 6e *li!bs out of the * r, # l$i"g #ith e sy, lo"g<legged gr *e rou"d to !y side to ope" the door, e/er the ge"tle! " < e4*ept perh ps i" r re, pre*ious !o!e"ts i" ele/ tors+ ; flush t the !e!ory of his !outh o" !i"e, "d the thought th t ;d bee" u" ble to tou*h hi! e"ters !y !i"d+ ; # "ted to ru" !y fi"gers through his de* de"t, u"tidy h ir, but ;d bee" u" ble to !o/e !y h "ds+ ; ! retrospe*ti/ely frustr ted+

H; li$ed #h t h ppe"ed i" the ele/ tor,I ; !ur!ur s ; *li!b out of the * r+ ;! "ot sure if ; he r " udible g sp, but ; *hoose to ig"ore it "d he d up the steps to the fro"t door+

F te "d Elliot re sitti"g t our di"i"g t ble+ The fourtee"<thous "d<doll r boo$s h /e dis ppe red+ Th "$ he /e"s+ ; h /e pl "s for the!+ She h s the !ost u"<F te ridi*ulous gri" o" her f *e, "d she loo$s !ussed up i" !e se4y $i"d of # y+ Christi " follo#s

i"to the li/i"g re , "d i" spite of her ;/e<bee"<h /i"g< <good<ti!e< ll<"ight gri", F te eyes hi! suspi*iously+

H6i %" +I She le ps up to hug !e, the" holds !e t r!s le"gth so she * " e4 !i"e

!e+ She fro#"s "d tur"s to Christi "+

H@ood !or"i"g, Christi ",I she s ys, "d her to"e is

little hostile+

H'iss F / " gh,I he s ys i" his stiff for! l # y+

HChristi ", her " !e is F te,I Elliot gru!bles+

HF te+I Christi " gi/es her hug !e too+

polite "od "d gl res t Elliot #ho gri"s "d rises to

H6i, %" ,I he s!iles, his blue eyes t#i"$li"g, "d ; li$e hi! i!!edi tely+ 6es ob/iously "othi"g li$e Christi ", but the" theyre dopted brothers+

H6i, Elliot,I ; s!ile t hi!, "d ;! # re th t ;! biti"g !y lip+

HElliot, #ed better go+I Christi " s ys !ildly+

HSure+I 6e tur"s to F te "d pulls her i"to his r!s "d gi/es her $iss+

lo"g li"geri"g

JeeGM get hes

roo!+ ; st re t !y feet, e!b rr ssed+ ; gl "*e up t Christi ", "d

# t*hi"g !e i"te"tly+ ; " rro# !y eyes t hi!+ Why * "t you $iss !e li$e th tJ Elliot

*o"ti"ues to $iss F te, s#eepi"g her off her feet "d dippi"g her i" so th t her h ir tou*hes the grou"d s he $isses her h rd+ dr ! ti* hold

HL ters, b by,I he gri"s+

F te Bust !elts+ ;/e "e/er see" her !elt before E the #ords *o!ely "d *o!pli "t *o!e to !i"d+ Co!pli "t F te, boy, Elliot !ust be good+ Christi " rolls his eyes "d st res do#" t !e, his e4pressio" u"re d ble, lthough ! ybe hes !ildly !used+ 6e tu*$s str y str "d of !y h ir th t h s #or$ed its # y free fro! !y po"yt il behi"d !y e r+ 'y bre th hit*hes t the *o"t *t, "d ; le " !y he d slightly i"to his fi"gers+ 6is eyes softe", "d he ru"s his thu!b *ross !y lo#er lip+ 'y blood se rs i" !y /ei"s+ %"d ll too Dui*$ly, his tou*h is go"e+

HL ters, b by,I he !ur!urs, "d ; h /e to l ugh be* use its so u"li$e hi!+ 3ut e/e" though ; $"o# hes bei"g irre/ere"t, the e"de r!e"t tugs t so!ethi"g deep i"side !e+

H;ll pi*$ you up t eight+I 6e tur"s to le /e, ope"i"g the fro"t door "d steppi"g out o" to the por*h+ Elliot follo#s hi! to the * r but tur"s "d blo#s F te "other $iss, "d ; feel " u"#el*o!e p "g of Be lousy+

HSo, did youJI F te s$s s #e # t*h the! *li!b i"to the * r "d dri/e off, the bur"i"g *uriosity e/ide"t i" her /oi*e+

H0o,I ; s" p irrit bly, hopi"g th t #ill h lt the Duestio"s+ We he d b *$ i"to the p rt!e"t+ HKou ob/iously did, though+I ; * "t *o"t i" !y e"/y+ F te l# ys ! " ges to e"s" re !e"+ She is irresistible, be utiful, se4y, fu""y, for# rdM ll the thi"gs th t ;! "ot+ 3ut her "s#eri"g gri" is i"fe*tious+

H%"d ;! seei"g hi! g i" this e/e"i"g+I She *l ps her h "ds "d Bu!ps up "d do#" li$e s! ll *hild+ She * ""ot *o"t i" her e4*ite!e"t "d h ppi"ess, "d ; * "t help but feel h ppy for her+ % h ppy F teM this is goi"g to be i"teresti"g+

HChristi " is t $i"g !e to Se ttle this e/e"i"g+I

HSe ttleJI


H' ybe you #ill the"JI

H2h, ; hope so+I

HKou li$e hi! the"JI


HLi$e hi! e"ough toM JI


She r ises her eyebro#s+

HWo#+ %" Steele, fi" lly f lli"g for billio" ire+I

! ", "d its Christi " @rey E hot, se4y

H2h ye h E its ll bout the !o"ey+I ; s!ir$, "d #e both f ll i"to

fit of giggles+

H;s th t !y "ight+

"e# blouseJI she s$s, "d ; let her h /e ll the u"e4*iti"g det ils bout

H6 s he $issed you yetJI she s$s s she ! $es *offee+

; blush+


H2"*eLI she s*offs+

; "od, r ther sh !e f *ed+

H6es /ery reser/ed+I

She fro#"s+

HTh ts odd+I

H; do"t thi"$ odd *o/ers it re lly,I ; !ur!ur+

HWe "eed to ! $e sure youre si!ply irresistible for this e/e"i"g,I she s ys #ith deter!i" tio"+

2h "oM this sou"ds li$e it #ill be ti!e *o"su!i"g, hu!ili ti"g, "d p i"ful+

H; h /e to be t #or$ i" " hour+I

H; * " #or$ #ith th t ti!efr !e+ Co!e o"+I F te gr bs !y h "d "d t $es !e i"to her bedroo!+

The d y dr gs t Cl yto"s e/e" though #ere busy+ We/e hit the su!!er se so", so ;

h /e to spe"d t#o hours resto*$i"g the shel/es o"*e the shop is *losed+ ;ts !i"dless #or$, "d it gi/es !e too !u*h ti!e to thi"$+ ;/e "ot re lly h d *h "*e ll d y+

8"der F tes tireless "d fr "$ly i"trusi/e i"stru*tio", !y legs "d u"der r!s re sh /ed to perfe*tio", !y eyebro#s plu*$ed, "d ; ! buffed ll o/er+ ;t h s bee" !ost u"ple s "t e4perie"*e+ 3ut she ssures !e th t this is #h t !e" e4pe*t these d ys+ Wh t else #ill he e4pe*tJ ; h /e to *o"/i"*e F te th t this is #h t ; # "t to do+ For so!e str "ge re so", she does"t trust hi!, ! ybe be* use hes so stiff "d for! l+ She s ys she * "t put her fi"ger o" it, but ; h /e pro!ised to te4t her #he" ; rri/e i" Se ttle+ ; h /e"t told her bout the heli*opter, shed fre $+

; lso h /e the JosO issue+ 6es left three !ess ges "d se/e" !issed * lls o" !y *ell+ 6es lso * lled ho!e t#i*e+ F te h s bee" /ery / gue s to #here ; !+ 6ell $"o# shes *o/eri"g for !e+ F te does"t do / gue+ 3ut ; h /e de*ided to let hi! ste#+ ;! still too "gry #ith hi!+

Christi " !e"tio"ed so!e $i"d of #ritte" p per#or$, "d ; do"t $"o# if he # s Bo$i"g or if ;! goi"g to h /e to sig" so!ethi"g+ ;ts so frustr ti"g tryi"g to guess+ %"d o" top of ll the "gst, ; * " b rely *o"t i" !y e4*ite!e"t or !y "er/es+ To"ights the "ightL %fter ll this ti!e, ! ; re dy for thisJ 'y i""er goddess gl res t !e, t ppi"g her s! ll

foot i!p tie"tly+ Shes bee" re dy for this for ye rs, "d shes re dy for "ythi"g #ith Christi " @rey, but ; still do"t u"derst "d #h t he sees i" !eM !ousey %" Steele < it ! $es "o se"se+

6e is pu"*tu l, of *ourse, "d # iti"g for !e #he" ; le /e Cl yto"s+ 6e *li!bs out of the b *$ of the %udi to ope" the door "d s!iles # r!ly t !e+

H@ood e/e"i"g, 'iss Steele,I he s ys+

H'r+ @rey+I ; "od politely to hi! s ; *li!b i"to the b *$se t of the * r+ T ylor is sitti"g i" the dri/ers se t+

H6ello, T ylor,I ; s y+

H@ood e/e"i"g, 'iss Steele,I his /oi*e is polite "d professio" l+ Christi " *li!bs i" the other side "d *l sps !y h "d, gi/i"g it though !y body+ ge"tle sDueeGe th t ; feel ll the # y

H6o# # s #or$JI he s$s+

HCery lo"g,I ; reply, "d !y /oi*e is hus$y, too lo#, "d full of "eed+

HKes, its bee"

lo"g d y for !e too+I 6is to"e is serious+

HWh t did you doJI ; ! " ge+

H; #e"t hi$i"g #ith Elliot+I 6is thu!b stro$es !y $"u*$les, b *$ "d forth, "d !y he rt s$ips o"ly tou*hi"g be t s !y bre thi"g **eler tes+ 6o# does he do this to !eJ 6es /ery s! ll re of !y body, "d the hor!o"es re flyi"g+

The dri/e to the heliport is short "d, before ; $"o# it, #e rri/e+ ; #o"der #here the f bled heli*opter !ight be+ Were i" heli*opters built<up re of the *ity "d e/e" ; $"o#

"eed sp *e to t $e off "d l "d+ T ylor p r$s, *li!bs out, "d ope"s !y * r door+ Christi " is beside !e i" " i"st "t "d t $es !y h "d g i"+

H(e dyJI he s$s+ ; "od "d # "t to s y for "ythi"g, but ; * "t rti*ul te the #ords s ;! too "er/ous, too e4*ited+

HT ylor+I 6e "ods *urtly t his dri/er, "d #e he d i"to the buildi"g, str ight to set of ele/ tors+ Ele/ torL The !e!ory of our $iss this !or"i"g *o!es b *$ to h u"t !e+ ; h /e thought of "othi"g else ll d y+ ? ydre !i"g t the register t Cl yto"s+ T#i*e 'r+ Cl yto" h d to shout !y " !e to bri"g !e b *$ to E rth+ To s y ;/e bee" distr *ted #ould be the u"derst te!e"t of the ye r+ Christi " gl "*es do#" t !e, s!ile o" slight

his lips+ 6 L 6es thi"$i"g bout it too+

H;ts o"ly three floors,I he s ys dryly, his gr y eyes d "*i"g #ith !use!e"t+ 6es telep thi* surely+ ;ts spoo$y+

; try to $eep !y f *e i!p ssi/e s #e e"ter the ele/ tor+ The doors *lose, "d its there, the #eird ele*tri* l ttr *tio" *r *$li"g bet#ee" us, e"sl /i"g !e+ ; *lose !y eyes i" / i" tte!pt to ig"ore it+ 6e tighte"s his grip o" !y h "d, "d fi/e se*o"ds l ter the doors ope" o" to the roof of the buildi"g+ %"d there it is, @rey #hite heli*opter #ith the " !e

E"terprises 6oldi"gs ;"*+ #ritte" i" blue #ith the *o!p "y logo o" the side+ Surely this is !isuse of Co!p "y property+

6e le ds !e to

s! ll offi*e #here " old ti!er sits behi"d the des$+

H6eres your flight pl ", 'r+ @rey+ %ll e4ter" l *he*$s re do"e+ ;ts re dy "d # iti"g sir+ Koure free to go+I

HTh "$ you, Joe+I Christi " s!iles # r!ly t hi!+

2h+ So!eo"e deser/i"g of the polite tre t!e"t fro! Christi ", perh ps hes "ot " e!ployee+ ; st re t the old guy i" #e+

HLets go,I Christi " s ys, "d #e ! $e our # y to# rd the heli*opter+ Whe" #ere

up *lose, its !u*h bigger th " ; thought+ ; e4pe*ted it to be t#o,

ro dster /ersio" for

but it h s t le st se/e" se ts+ Christi " ope"s the door "d dire*ts !e to o"e of the se ts t the /ery fro"t+

HSit E do"t tou*h "ythi"g,I he orders s he *l !bers i" behi"d !e+

6e shuts the door #ith

sl !+ ;! gl d th t the re is floodlit, other#ise ;d fi"d it

diffi*ult to see i"side the s! ll *o*$pit+ ; sit do#" i" !y llotted se t, "d he *rou*hes beside !e to str p !e i"to the h r"ess+ ;ts *o""e*ti"g four<poi"t h r"ess #ith ll the str ps

to o"e *e"tr l bu*$le+ 6e tighte"s both of the upper str ps, so ; * " h rdly !o/e+ 6es so *lose "d i"te"t o" #h t hes doi"g+ ;f ; *ould o"ly le " for# rd, !y "ose #ould be i" his h ir+ 6e s!ells, *le ", fresh, he /e"ly, but ;! f ste"ed se*urely i"to !y se t "d effe*ti/ely i!!obile+ 6e gl "*es up "d s!iles, li$e hes e"Boyi"g his usu l pri/ te Bo$e,

his gr y eyes he ted+ 6es so t "t liGi"gly *lose+ ; hold !y bre th s he pulls t o"e of the upper str ps+

HKoure se*ure, "o es* pi"g,I he #hispers, his eyes re s*or*hi"g+ H3re the, %" st si ,I he dds softly+ (e *hi"g up, he * resses !y *hee$, ru""i"g his lo"g fi"gers do#" to

!y *hi" #hi*h he gr sps bet#ee" his thu!b "d forefi"ger+ 6e le "s for# rd "d pl "ts brief, *h ste $iss o" !y lips, le /i"g !e reeli"g, !y i"sides *le"*hi"g t the thrilli"g, u"e4pe*ted tou*h of his lips+

H; li$e this h r"ess,I he #hispers+

Wh tJ

6e sits do#" beside !e "d bu*$les hi!self i"to his se t, the" begi"s pro*edure

protr *ted

of *he*$i"g g uges "d flippi"g s#it*hes "d butto"s fro! the !i"d<boggli"g rr y of di ls "d lights "d s#it*hes i" fro"t of !e+ Little lights #i"$ "d fl sh fro! / rious di ls, "d the #hole of the i"stru!e"t p "el lights up+

H1ut your * "s o",I he s ys, poi"ti"g to the!

set of he dpho"es i" fro"t of !e+ ; pop

o", "d the rotor bl des st rt+ They re de fe"i"g+ 6e puts his he dpho"es o" "d *o"ti"ues flippi"g / rious s#it*hes+

H;! Bust goi"g through ll the pre<flight *he*$s+I Christi "s dise!bodied /oi*e is i" !y e rs through the he dpho"es+ ; tur" "d gri" t hi!+

H?o you $"o# #h t you re doi"gJI ; s$+ 6e tur"s "d s!iles t !e+

H;/e bee"

fully Du lified pilot for four ye rs, %" st si , youre s fe #ith !e+I 6e

gi/es !e

#olfish gri"+ HWell, #hile #ere flyi"g,I he dds "d #i"$s t !e+

Wi"$i"gM Christi "L

H%re you re dyJI

; "od #ide eyed+

H2$ y, to#er+ 1?9 this is Ch rlie T "go @olf E @olf E*ho 6otel, *le red for t $e<off+ 1le se *o"fir!, o/er+I

HCh rlie T "go < you re *le r+ 1?9 to * ll, pro*eed to o"e four thous "d, he di"g Gero o"e Gero, o/er+ I

H(oger to#er, Ch rlie T "go set, o/er "d out+ 6ere #e go,I he dds to !e, "d the heli*opter rises slo#ly "d s!oothly i"to the ir+

1ortl "d dis ppe rs i" fro"t us s #e he d i"to 8S irsp *e, though !y sto! *h re! i"s fir!ly i" 2rego"+ Who L %ll the bright lights shri"$ u"til they re t#i"$li"g s#eetly belo# us+ ;ts li$e loo$i"g out fro! i"side is fish bo#l+ 2"*e #ere higher, there re lly

"othi"g to see+ ;ts pit*h bl *$, "ot e/e" the !oo" to shed "y light o" our Bour"ey+ 6o# * " he see #here #ere goi"gJ

HEerie is"t itJI Christi "s /oi*e is i" !y e rs+

H6o# do you $"o# youre goi"g the right # yJI

H6ere+I 6e poi"ts his lo"g i"de4 fi"ger t o"e of the g uges, "d it sho#s " ele*tro"i* *o!p ss+ HThis is " EC157 Euro*opter+ 2"e of the s fest i" its *l ss+ ;ts eDuipped for "ight flight+I 6e gl "*es "d gri"s t !e+


helip d o" top of the buildi"g ; li/e i"+ Th ts #here #ere he di"g+I

2f *ourse theres

helip d #here he li/es+ ; ! so out of !y le gue here+ 6is f *e

is softly illu!i" ted by the lights o" the i"stru!e"t p "el+ 6es *o"*e"tr ti"g h rd, "d hes *o"ti"u lly gl "*i"g t the / rious di ls i" fro"t of hi!+ ; dri"$ i" his fe tures fro!

be"e th !y l shes+ 6e h s to be utiful profile+ Str ight "ose, sDu re B #ed E ;d li$e

ru" !y to"gue lo"g his B #+ 6e h s"t sh /ed, "d his stubble ! $es the prospe*t doubly te!pti"g+ 6!!M ;d li$e to feel ho# rough it is be"e th !y to"gue, !y fi"gers, g i"st !y f *e+

HWhe" you fly t "ight, you fly bli"d+ Kou h /e to trust the i"stru!e"t tio",I he i"terrupts

!y eroti* re/erie+

H6o# lo"g #ill the flight beJI ; ! " ge bre thlessly+ ; # s"t thi"$i"g bout se4 t ll, "o, "o # y+

HLess th " " hour, the #i"d is i" our f /or+I

6!!, less th " " hour to Se ttleM th ts "ot b d goi"g, "o #o"der #ere flyi"g+

; h /e less th " " hour before the big re/e l+ %ll the !us*les *le"*h deep i" !y belly+ ; h /e #h t serious * se of butterflies+ They re flourishi"g i" !y sto! *h+ 6oly shit,

h s he got i" store for !eJ

HKou o$ y, %" st si JI

HKes+I 'y "s#er is short, *lipped, sDueeGed out through !y "er/es+

; thi"$ he s!iles, but its diffi*ult to tell i" the d r$"ess+ Christi " fli*$s yet "other s#it*h+

H1?9 this is Ch rlie T "go "o# t o"e four thous "d, o/er+I 6e e4*h "ges i"for! tio" #ith ir tr ffi* *o"trol+ ;t ll sou"ds /ery professio" l to !e+ ; thi"$ #ere !o/i"g fro! 1ortl "ds ir sp *e to Se ttle ;"ter" tio" l %irports+

H8"derstood Se <T *, st "di"g by o/er "d out+I

HLoo$, o/er there+I 6e poi"ts to Se ttle+I

s! ll pi"<poi"t of light i" the f r dist "*e+ HTh ts

H?o you l# ys i!press #o!e" this # yJ Co!e "d fly i" !y heli*opterJI ; s$, ge"ui"ely i"terested+

H;/e "e/er bought Duiet, serious+

girl up here, %" st si + ;ts "other first for !e+I 6is /oi*e is

2h, th t # s " u"e4pe*ted "s#er+ %"other firstJ 2h the sleepi"g thi"g, perh psJ

H%re you i!pressedJI

H;! #ed, Christi "+I

6e s!iles+

H%#edJI %"d for

brief !o!e"t, hes his ge g i"+

; "od+

HKoure Bust soM *o!pete"t+I

HWhy, th "$ you, 'iss Steele,I he s ys politely+ ; thi"$ hes ple sed, but ;! "ot sure+

We ride i"to the d r$ "ight i" sile"*e for slo#ly getti"g bigger+

#hile+ The bright spot th t is Se ttle is

HSe <T * to#er to Ch rlie T "go+ Flight pl " to Es* l i" pl *e+ 1le se pro*eed+ %"d st "dby+ 2/er+I

HThis is Ch rlie T "go, u"derstood Se <T *+ St "di"g by, o/er "d out+I

HKou ob/iously e"Boy this,I ; !ur!ur+

HWh tJI 6e gl "*es t !e+ 6e loo$s DuiGGi* l i" the h lf<light of the i"stru!e"ts+

HFlyi"g,I ; reply+

H;t reDuires *o"trol "d *o"*e"tr tio"M ho# *ould ; "ot lo/e itJ Though, !y f /orite is so ri"g+I

HSo ri"gJI

HKes+ @lidi"g to the l yperso"+ @liders "d heli*opters E ; fly the! both+I

H2h+I E4pe"si/e hobbies+ ; re!e!ber hi! telli"g !e duri"g the i"ter/ie#+ ; li$e re di"g "d o** sio" lly goi"g to the !o/ies+ ; ! out of !y depth here+

HCh rlie T "go *o!e i" ple se, o/er+I The dise!bodied /oi*e of ir tr ffi* *o"trol i"terrupts !y re/erie+ Christi " "s#ers, sou"di"g i" *o"trol "d *o"fide"t+

Se ttle is getti"g *loser+ We re o" the /ery outs$irts "o#+ Wo#L ;t loo$s bsolutely stu""i"g+ Se ttle t "ight, fro! the s$yM

HLoo$s good, does"t itJI Christi " !ur!urs+

; "od e"thusi sti* lly+ ;t loo$s other#orldly E u"re l E "d ; feel li$e ;! o"

gi "t

fil! set, JosOs f /orite fil! ! ybe, N3l deru""er+ The !e!ory of JosOs tte!pted $iss h u"ts !e+ ;! begi""i"g to feel to!orro#M surely+ bit *ruel "ot * lli"g hi! b *$+ 6e * " # it u"til

HWell be there i" pou"di"g

fe# !i"utes,I Christi " !utters, "d sudde"ly !y blood is

i" !y e rs s !y he rtbe t **eler tes "d dre" li"e spi$es through !y syste!+ 6e st rts t l$i"g to ir tr ffi* *o"trol g i", but ; ! "o lo"ger liste"i"g+ 2h !yM ; thi"$ ;! goi"g to f i"t+ 'y f te is i" his h "ds+

We re "o# flyi"g !o"gst the buildi"gs, "d up he d ; * " see #ith

t ll s$ys*r per

helip d o" top+ The #ord Es* l is p i"ted i" #hite o" top of the buildi"g+ ;ts getti"g

"e rer "d "e rer, bigger "d biggerM li$e !y "4iety+ @od, ; hope ; do"t let hi! do#"+ 6ell fi"d !e l *$i"g i" so!e # y+ ; #ish ;d liste"ed to F te "d borro#ed o"e of her dresses, but ; li$e !y bl *$ Be "s, "d ;! #e ri"g bl *$ soft !i"t gree" shirt "d F tes

B *$et+ ; loo$ s! rt e"ough+ ; grip the edge of !y se t tighter "d tighter+ ; * " do this+ ; * " do this+ ; *h "t this ! "tr s the s$ys*r per loo!s belo# us+

The heli*opter slo#s "d ho/ers, "d Christi " sets it do#" o" the helip d o" top of the buildi"g+ 'y he rt is i" !y !outh+ ; * "t de*ide if its fro! "er/ous "ti*ip tio", relief th t #e/e rri/ed li/e, or fe r th t ; #ill f il i" so!e # y+ 6e s#it*hes the ig"itio" off "d the rotor bl des slo# "d Duiet u"til ll ; he r is the sou"d of !y o#" err ti* bre thi"g+ Christi " t $es his he dpho"es off, "d re *hes *ross "d pulls !i"e off too+

HWere here,I he s ys softly+

6is loo$ is so i"te"se, h lf i" sh do# "d h lf i" the bright #hite light fro! the l "di"g lights+ ? r$ $"ight "d #hite $"ight, its fitti"g !et phor for Christi "+ 6e loo$s

str i"ed+ 6is B # is *le"*hed "d his eyes re tight+ 6e u"f ste"s his se tbelt "d re *hes o/er to u"bu*$le !i"e+ 6is f *e is i"*hes fro! !i"e+

HKou do"t h /e to do "ythi"g you do"t # "t to do+ Kou $"o# th t do"t youJI 6is

to"e is so e r"est, desper te e/e", his gr y eyes i!p ssio"ed+ 6e t $es !e by surprise+

H;d "e/er do "ythi"g ; did"t # "t to do, Christi "+I %"d s ; s y the #ords, ; do"t Duite feel their *o"/i*tio" be* use t this !o!e"t i" ti!e E ;d prob bly do "ythi"g for this ! " se ted beside !e+ 3ut this does the tri*$+ 6es !ollified+

6e eyes !e # rily for ! " ges

!o!e"t "d so!eho#, e/e" though hes so t ll, he

to e se his # y gr *efully to the door of the heli*opter "d ope" it+ 6e Bu!ps out, # iti"g for !e to follo#, "d t $es !y h "d s ; *l !ber do#" o" to the helip d+ ;ts /ery #i"dy

o" top of the buildi"g, "d ;! "er/ous bout the f *t th t ;! st "di"g t le st thirty stories high i" " u"e"*losed sp *e+ Christi " #r ps his r! rou"d !y # ist, pulli"g !e tightly g i"st hi!+

HCo!e,I he shouts bo/e the "oise of the #i"d+ 6e dr gs !e o/er to " ele/ tor sh ft "d, fter t ppi"g !irrored "u!ber i"to $eyp d, the doors ope"+ ;ts # r! i"side "d ll

gl ss+ ; * " see Christi " to i"fi"ity e/ery#here ; loo$, "d the #o"derful thi"g is, hes holdi"g !e to i"fi"ity too+ Christi " t ps "other *ode i"to the $eyp d, the" the doors

*lose "d the ele/ tor des*e"ds+

'o!e"ts l ter, #ere i" " ll<#hite foyer+ ;" the !iddle is

rou"d, d r$ #ood t ble,

"d o" it is " u"belie/ bly huge bu"*h of #hite flo#ers+ 2" the # lls there re p i"ti"gs, e/ery#here+ 6e ope"s t#o double doors, "d the #hite the!e *o"ti"ues through the #ide *orridor "d dire*tly opposite #here re , double height+ 6uge is too s! ll b l*o"y th t o/erloo$s Se ttle+ p l ti l roo! ope"s up+ ;ts the ! i" li/i"g

#ord for it+ The f r # ll is gl ss "d le ds o" to

To the right is " i!posi"g N8 sh ped sof th t *ould sit te" dults *o!fort bly+ ;t f *es st te<of<the< rt st i"less steel E or ! ybe pl ti"u! for ll ; $"o# < !oder" firepl *e+ The fire is lit "d fl !i"g ge"tly+ 2" the left beside us, by the e"try# y, is the $it*he" re + %ll #hite #ith d r$ #ood #or$tops "d l rge bre $f st b r #hi*h se ts si4+

0e r the $it*he" re , i" fro"t of the gl ss # ll, is si4tee" *h irs+ %"d tu*$ed i" the *or"er is prob bly

di"i"g t ble surrou"ded by

full siGe, shi"y bl *$ gr "d pi "o+ 2h yesM he

pl ys the pi "o too+ There is rt of ll sh pes "d siGes o" ll the # lls+ ;" f *t, this p rt!e"t loo$s !ore li$e g llery th " pl *e to li/e+

HC " ; t $e your B *$etJI Christi " s$s+ ; sh $e !y he d+ ;! still *old fro! the #i"d

o" the helip d+

HWould you li$e

dri"$JI he s$s+ ; bli"$ t hi!+ %fter l st "ightL ;s he tryi"g to be ! rg rit E but ; do"t h /e the

fu""yJ For o"e se*o"d, ; thi"$ bout s$i"g for "er/e+

H;! goi"g to h /e

gl ss of #hite #i"e, #ould you li$e to Boi" !eJI

HKes, ple se,I ; !ur!ur+

; ! st "di"g i" this e"or!ous roo! feeli"g out of pl *e+ ; # l$ o/er to the gl ss # ll, "d ; re liGe th t the lo#er h lf of the # ll ope"s *o"*erti" <style o" to the b l*o"y+ Se ttle is lit up "d li/ely i" the b *$grou"d+ ; # l$ b *$ to the $it*he" re E it t $es se*o"ds, its so f r fro! the gl ss # ll E "d Christi " is ope"i"g 6es re!o/ed his B *$et+ fe#

bottle of #i"e+

H1ouilly Fu!O o$ y #ith youJI

H; $"o# "othi"g bout #i"e, Christi "+ ;! sure it #ill be fi"e+I 'y /oi*e is soft "d hesit "t+ 'y he rt is thu!pi"g+ ; # "t to ru"+ This is seriously ri*h+ Seriously o/er< the< top 3ill @ tes style #e lthy+ Wh t ! ; doi"g hereJ Kou $"o# /ery #ell #h t youre doi"g here < !y sub*o"s*ious s"eers t !e+ Kes, ; # "t to be i" Christi " @reys bed+

H6ere+I 6e h "ds !e *o"te!por ry, *ryst l+ ; t $e

gl ss of #i"e+ E/e" the gl sses re ri*hM he /y,

sip, "d the #i"e is light, *risp, "d deli*ious+

HKoure /ery Duiet, "d youre "ot e/e" blushi"g+ ;" f *t E ; thi"$ this is the p lest ;/e e/er see" you, %" st si ,I he !ur!urs+ H%re you hu"gryJI

; sh $e !y he d+ 0ot for food+


/ery big pl *e you h /e here+I



H;ts big,I he grees, "d his eyes glo# #ith !use!e"t+ ; t $e "other sip of #i"e+

H?o you pl yJI ; poi"t !y *hi" t the pi "o+




H2f *ourse you do+ ;s there "ythi"g you * "t do #ellJI

HKesM feel

fe# thi"gs+I 6e t $es

sip of his #i"e+ 6e does"t t $e his eyes off !e+ ;

the! follo#i"g !e s ; tur" "d gl "*e rou"d this / st roo!+ (oo! is the #ro"g #ord+ ;ts "ot roo! E its !issio" st te!e"t+

H?o you # "t to sitJI

; "od, "d he t $es !y h "d "d le ds !e to the l rge off<#hite *ou*h+ %s ; sit, ;! stru*$ by the f *t th t ; feel li$e Tess ?urbeyfield loo$i"g t the "e# house th t belo"gs to the "otorious %le* ?8rber/ille+ The thought ! $es !e s!ile+

HWh ts so !usi"gJI 6e sits do#" beside !e, tur"i"g to f *e !e+ 6e rests his he d o" his right h "d, his elbo# propped o" the b *$ of the *ou*h+

HWhy did you gi/e !e Tess of the ?8rber/illes spe*ifi* llyJI ; s$+ Christi " st res t !e for !o!e"t+ ; thi"$ hes surprised by !y Duestio"+

HWell, you s id you li$ed Tho! s 6 rdy+I

H;s th t the o"ly re so"JI E/e" ; * " he r the dis ppoi"t!e"t i" !y /oi*e+ 6is !outh presses i"to h rd li"e+

H;t see!ed ppropri te+ ; *ould hold you to so!e i!possibly high ide l li$e %"gel Cl re or deb se you *o!pletely li$e %le* ?8rber/ille,I he !ur!urs, "d his gr y eyes fl sh d r$ "d d "gerous+

H;f there re o"ly t#o *hoi*es, ;ll t $e the deb se!e"t+I ; #hisper, g Gi"g t hi!+ 'y sub*o"s*ious is st ri"g t !e i" #e+ 6e g sps+

H%" st si , stop biti"g your lip, ple se+ ;ts /ery distr *ti"g+ Kou do"t $"o# #h t youre s yi"g+I

HTh ts #hy ;! here+I

6e fro#"s+

HKes+ Would you e4*use !e

!o!e"tJI 6e dis ppe rs through

#ide door# y o"

the f r side of the roo!+ 6es go"e for do*u!e"t+

*ouple of !i"utes "d retur"s #ith

HThis is "o"<dis*losure gree!e"t+I 6e shrugs "d h s the gr *e to loo$ e!b rr ssed+ H'y l #yer i"sists o" it+I 6e h "ds it to !e+ ;! *o!pletely be!used+ H;f youre goi"g for optio" t#o, deb se!e"t, youll "eed to sig" this+I


H%"d if ; do"t # "t to sig" "ythi"gJI

HThe" its %"gel Cl re high ide ls, #ell, for !ost of the boo$ "y# y+I

HWh t does this gree!e"t !e "JI

H;t !e "s you * ""ot dis*lose "ythi"g bout us+ %"ythi"g, to "yo"e+I

; st re t hi! i" disbelief+ 6oly shit+ ;ts b d, re lly b d, "d "o# ;! /ery *urious to $"o#+

H2$ y+ ;ll sig"+I

6e h "ds !e


H%re"t you e/e" goi"g to re d itJI


6e fro#"s+

H%" st si , you should l# ys re d "ythi"g you sig",I he d!o"ishes !e+

HChristi ", #h t you f il to u"derst "d is th t ; #ould"t t l$ bout us to "yo"e, "y# y+ E/e" F te+ So its i!! teri l #hether ; sig" " gree!e"t or "ot+ ;f it !e "s so !u*h to you, or your l #yerM #ho! you ob/iously t l$ to, the" fi"e+ ;ll sig"+I

6e g Ges do#" t !e, "d he "ods gr /ely+

HF ir poi"t #ell ! de, 'iss Steele+I

; l /ishly sig" o" the dotted li"e of both *opies "d h "d o"e b *$ to hi!+ Foldi"g the other, ; pl *e it !y purse "d t $e br /er th " ;! *tu lly feeli"g+ l rge s#ig of !y #i"e+ ;! sou"di"g so !u*h

H?oes this !e " youre goi"g to ! $e lo/e to !e to"ight, Christi "JI 6oly shit+ ?id ; Bust s y th tJ 6is !outh drops ope" slightly, but he re*o/ers Dui*$ly+

H0o, %" st si it does"t+ Firstly, ; do"t ! $e lo/e+ ; fu*$M h rd+ Se*o"dly, theres lot !ore p per#or$ to do, "d thirdly, you do"t yet $"o# #h t youre i" for+ Kou *ould still ru" for the hills+ Co!e, ; # "t to sho# you !y pl yroo!+I

'y !outh drops ope"+ Fu*$ h rdL 6oly shit, th t sou"ds soM hot+ 3ut #hy re #e loo$i"g t pl yroo!J ; ! !ystified+

HKou # "t to pl y o" your 9bo4JI ; s$+ 6e l ughs, loudly+

H0o, %" st si , "o 9bo4, "o 1l yst tio"+ Co!e+I 6e st "ds, holdi"g out his h "d+ ; let hi! le d !e b *$ out to the *orridor+ 2" the right of the double doors, #here #e * !e i",

"other door le ds to 1rodu*i"g

st ir* se+ We go up to the se*o"d floor "d tur" right+ deep bre th+

$ey fro! his po*$et, he u"lo*$s yet "other door "d t $es

HKou * " le /e "yti!e+ The heli*opter is o" st "d<by to t $e you #he"e/er you # "t to go, you * " st y the "ight "d go ho!e i" the !or"i"g+ ;ts fi"e #h te/er you de*ide+I

HJust ope" the d !" door, Christi "+I

6e ope"s the door "d st "ds b *$ to let !e i"+ ; g Ge t hi! o"*e !ore+ ; so # "t to $"o# #h ts i" here+ T $i"g deep bre th ; # l$ i"+

%"d it feels li$e ;/e ti!e<tr /eled b *$ to the si4tee"th *e"tury "d the Sp "ish ;"Duisitio"+

6oly fu*$+

The first thi"g ; "oti*e is the s!ellV le ther, #ood, polish #ith /ery

f i"t *itrus s*e"t+ ;ts

ple s "t, "d the lighti"g is soft, subtle+ ;" f *t, ; * "t see the sour*e, but its rou"d the

*or"i*e i" the roo!, e!itti"g " !bie"t glo#+ The # lls "d *eili"g re d r$ burgu"dy, gi/i"g


#o!b<li$e effe*t to the sp *ious roo!, "d the floor is old, old / r"ished l rge #oode" *ross li$e " 9 f ste"ed to the # ll f *i"g the door+

#ood+ There is ;ts

! de of high<polished ! hog "y, "d there re restr i"i"g *uffs o" e *h *or"er+ %bo/e it is " e4p "si/e iro" grid suspe"ded fro! the *eili"g, eight<foot sDu re t le st, "d fro! it h "g ll ! ""er of ropes, *h i"s, "d gli"ti"g sh *$les+ 3y the door, t#o lo"g, polished, or" tely * r/ed poles, li$e spi"dles fro! rods *ross the # ll+ Fro! the! s#i"g "d b "ister but lo"ger, h "g li$e *urt i"

st rtli"g ssort!e"t of p ddles, #hips, ridi"g *rops,

fu""y<loo$i"g fe thery i!ple!e"ts+

3eside the door st "ds s if

subst "ti l ! hog "y *hest of dr #ers, e *h dr #er sli! *rusty old !useu!+ ; #o"der briefly #h t the

desig"ed to *o"t i" spe*i!e"s i" dr #ers

*tu lly do hold+ ?o ; # "t to $"o#J ;" the f r *or"er is " o4blood le ther p dded be"*h, "d fi4ed to the # ll beside it is billi rd #oode", polished r *$ th t loo$s li$e pool or

*ue holder, but o" *loser i"spe*tio", it holds * "es of / ryi"g le"gths "d #idths+ Theres stout si4<foot<lo"g t ble i" the opposite *or"er E polished #ood #ith i"tri* tely * r/ed legs E "d t#o ! t*hi"g stools u"der"e th+

3ut #h t do!i" tes the roo! is ro*o*o four<poster #ith * "opy, ; * " bed+ ;ts bigger th " $i"g<siGe, " or" tely * r/ed

fl t top+ ;t loo$s l te "i"etee"th *e"tury+ 8"der the ! ttress *o/ered

see !ore gle !i"g *h i"s "d *uffs+ There is "o beddi"g+++ Bust i" red le ther "d red s ti" *ushio"s piled t o"e e"d+

%t the foot of the bed, set p rt Bust

fe# feet, is

l rge o4blood *hesterfield *ou*h,

stu*$ i" the !iddle of the roo! f *i"g the bed+ %" odd rr "ge!e"tM to h /e *ou*h f *i"g the bed, "d ; s!ile to !yself E ;/e pi*$ed o" the *ou*h s odd, #he" re lly its the !ost !u"d "e pie*e of fur"iture i" the roo!+ ; gl "*e up "d st re t the *eili"g+ There re $ r bi"ers ll o/er the *eili"g t odd i"ter/ ls+ ; / guely #o"der #h t theyre for+ Weirdly, ll the #ood, d r$ # lls, !oody lighti"g, "d o4blood le ther ! $es the roo! $i"d of soft "d ro! "ti*M ; $"o# its "ythi"g but, this is Christi "s /ersio" of soft "d ro! "ti*+

; tur", "d hes reg rdi"g !e i"te"tly s ; $"e# he #ould be, his e4pressio" *o!pletely u"re d ble+ ; # l$ further i"to the roo!, "d he follo#s !e+ The fe thery thi"g h s !e i"trigued+ ; tou*h it hesit "tly+ ;ts suede, li$e "d there re /ery s! ll pl sti* be ds o" the e"d+ s! ll * t<of<"i"e<t ils but bushier,

H;ts * lled

flogger,I Christi "s /oi*e is Duiet "d soft+

% floggerM h!!+ ; thi"$ ;! i" sho*$+ 'y sub*o"s*ious h s e!igr ted or bee" stru*$ du!b or si!ply $eeled o/er "d e4pired+ ; ! "u!b+ ; * " obser/e "d bsorb but "ot rti*ul te !y feeli"gs bout ll this, be* use ;! i" sho*$+ Wh t is the ppropri te respo"se to fi"di"g out yesM th t pote"ti l lo/er is *o!plete fre $y s dist or ! so*histJ Fe rM

see!s to be the o/er<ridi"g feeli"g+ ; re*og"iGe it "o#+ 3ut #eirdly "ot of hi! E ; do"t thi"$ hed hurt !e, #ell, "ot #ithout !y *o"se"t+ So ! "y Duestio"s *loud !y !i"d+ WhyJ 6o#J Whe"J 6o# ofte"J WhoJ ; # l$ to# rd the bed "d ru" !y h "ds do#" o"e of the i"tri* tely * r/ed posts+ The post is /ery sturdy, the *r fts! "ship outst "di"g+

HS y so!ethi"g,I Christi " *o!! "ds, his /oi*e de*epti/ely soft+

H?o you do this to people or do they do it to youJI

6is !outh Duir$s up, either !used or relie/ed+

H1eopleJI 6e bli"$s #o!e" #ho # "t !e to+I

*ouple of ti!es s he *o"siders his "s#er+ H; do this to

; do"t u"derst "d+

H;f you h /e #illi"g /olu"teers, #hy ! ; hereJI

H3e* use ; # "t to do this #ith you, /ery !u*h+I

H2h,I ; g sp+ WhyJ

; # "der to the f r *or"er of the roo! "d p t the # ist high p dded be"*h "d ru" !y fi"gers o/er the le ther+ 6e li$es to hurt #o!e"+ The thought depresses !e+


s distJI


?o!i" "t+I 6is eyes re

s*or*hi"g gr y, i"te"se+

HWh t does th t !e "JI ; #hisper+

H;t !e "s ; # "t you to #illi"gly surre"der yourself to !e, i" ll thi"gs+I

; fro#" t hi! s ; try to ssi!il te this ide +

HWhy #ould ; do th tJI

HTo ple se !e,I he #hispers s he *o*$s his he d to o"e side, "d ; see s!ile+

ghost of

1le se hi!L 6e # "ts !e to ple se hi!L ; thi"$ !y !outh drops ope"+ 1le se Christi " @rey+ %"d ; re liGe, i" th t !o!e"t, th t yes, th ts e4 *tly #h t ; # "t to do+ ; # "t hi! to be d !"ed delighted #ith !e+ ;ts re/el tio"+

H;" /ery si!ple ter!s, ; # "t you to # "t to ple se !e,I he s ys softly+ 6is /oi*e is hyp"oti*+

H6o# do ; do th tJI 'y !outh is dry, "d ; #ish ; h d !ore #i"e+ 2$ y, ; u"derst "d the ple si"g bit, but ; ! puGGled by the soft<boudoir<EliG beth "<torture set up+ ?o ; # "t to $"o# the "s#erJ

H; h /e rules, "d ; # "t you to *o!ply #ith the!+ They re for your be"efit "d for !y ple sure+ ;f you follo# these rules to !y s tisf *tio", ; sh ll re# rd you+ ;f you do"t, ; sh ll pu"ish you, "d you #ill le r",I he #hispers+ ; gl "*e t the r *$ of * "es s he s ys this+

H%"d #here does ll this fit i"JI ; # /e !y h "d i" the ge"er l dire*tio" of the roo!+

H;ts ll p rt of the i"*e"ti/e p *$ ge+ 3oth re# rd "d pu"ish!e"t+I

HSo youll get your $i*$s by e4erti"g your #ill o/er !e+I

H;ts bout g i"i"g your trust "d your respe*t, so youll let !e e4ert !y #ill o/er you+ ; #ill g i" gre t de l of ple sure, Boy, e/e" i" your sub!issio"+ The !ore you sub!it, the gre ter !y Boy E its /ery si!ple eDu tio"+I

H2$ y, "d #h t do ; get out of thisJI

6e shrugs "d loo$s l!ost pologeti*+

H'e,I he s ys si!ply+

2h !y+ Christi " r $es his h "d through his h ir s he g Ges t !e+

HKoure "ot gi/i"g "ythi"g # y, %" st si ,I he !ur!urs, e4 sper ted+ HLets go b *$ do#"st irs #here ; * " *o"*e"tr te better+ ;ts /ery distr *ti"g h /i"g you i" here+I 6e holds his h "d out to !e, "d "o# ;! hesit "t to t $e it+

F te h d s id he # s d "gerous, she # s so right+ 6o# did she $"o#J 6es d "gerous to !y he lth, be* use ; $"o# ;! goi"g to s y yes+ %"d p rt of !e does"t # "t to+ 1 rt of !e # "ts to ru" s*re !i"g fro! this roo! "d ll it represe"ts+ ; ! so out of !y depth here+

H;! "ot goi"g to hurt you, %" st si +I 6is gr y eyes i!plore, "d ; $"o# he spe $s the truth+ ; t $e his h "d, "d he le ds !e out of the door+

H;f you do this, let !e sho# you+I ( ther th " goi"g b *$ do#"st irs, he tur"s right out of the pl yroo!, s he * lls it, "d do#" #e re *h the o"e t the e"d+ 3eyo"d it is #hiteM *orridor+ We p ss se/er l doors u"til l rge double bed, ll i"

bedroo! #ith

e/erythi"g, fur"iture, # lls, beddi"g+ ;ts sterile "d *old but #ith the !ost glorious /ie# of Se ttle through the gl ss # ll+

HThis #ill be your roo!+ Kou * " de*or te it ho# you li$e, h /e #h te/er you li$e i" here+I

H'y roo!J Koure e4pe*ti"g !e to !o/e i"JI ; * "t hide the horror i" !y /oi*e+

H0ot full ti!e+ Just s y, Frid y e/e"i"g through Su"d y+ We h /e to t l$ bout ll th t, "egoti te+ ;f you # "t to do this,I he dds, his /oi*e Duiet "d hesit "t+

H;ll sleep hereJI


H0ot #ith you+I

H0o+ ; told you, ; do"t sleep #ith "yo"e, e4*ept you, #he" youre stupefied #ith

dri"$+I 6is eyes re repri! "di"g+

'y !outh presses i" Christi ",

h rd li"e+ This is #h t ; * ""ot re*o"*ile+ Fi"d, * ri"g

#ho res*ues !e fro! i"ebri tio" "d holds !e ge"tly #hile ;! thro#i"g up i"to the G le s, "d the !o"ster #ho possesses #hips "d *h i"s i" spe*i l roo!+

HWhere do you sleepJI

H'y roo! is do#"st irs+ Co!e, you !ust be hu"gry+I

HWeirdly, ; see! to h /e lost !y ppetite,I ; !ur!ur petul "tly+

HKou !ust e t, %" st si ,I he d!o"ishes "d, t $i"g !y h "d, le ds !e b *$ do#"st irs+

3 *$ i" the i!possibly big roo!, ; ! filled #ith deep trepid tio"+ ; ! o" the edge of pre*ipi*e, "d ; h /e to de*ide #hether or "ot to Bu!p+

H;! fully # re th t this is

d r$ p th ;! le di"g you do#", %" st si , #hi*h is

#hy ; re lly # "t you to thi"$ bout this+ Kou !ust h /e so!e Duestio"s,I he s ys s he # "ders i"to the $it*he" re , rele si"g !y h "d+

; do+ 3ut #here to st rtJ

HKou/e sig"ed your 0?%, you * " s$ !e "ythi"g you # "t, "d ;ll "s#er+I

; st "d t the bre $f st b r # t*hi"g hi! s he ope"s the refriger tor "d pulls out pl te of differe"t *heeses #ith t#o l rge bu"*hes of gree" "d red gr pes+ 6e sets the pl te do#" o" the #or$top "d pro*eeds to *ut up Fre"*h b guette+

HSit+I 6e poi"ts to o"e of the b r stools t the bre $f st b r, "d ; obey his *o!! "d+ ;f ;! goi"g to do this, ;! goi"g to h /e to get used to it+ ; re liGe hes bee" this bossy si"*e ; !et hi!+

HKou !e"tio"ed p per#or$+I


HWh t p per#or$JI

HWell, p rt fro! the 0?%,

*o"tr *t s yi"g #h t #e #ill "d #o"t do+ ; "eed to

$"o# your li!its, "d you "eed to $"o# !i"e+ This is *o"se"su l, %" st si +I

H%"d if ; do"t # "t to do thisJI

HTh ts fi"e,I he s ys * refully+

H3ut #e #o"t h /e "y sort of rel tio"shipJI ; s$+



HThis is the o"ly sort of rel tio"ship ;! i"teresti"g i"+I


6e shrugs+

H;ts the # y ; !+I

H6o# did you be*o!e this # yJI

HWhy is "yo"e the # y they reJ Th ts $i"d of h rd to "s#er+ Why do so!e people li$e *heese "d other people h te itJ ?o you li$e *heeseJ 'rs+ Jo"es E !y house$eeper E h s left this for supper+I 6e t $es so!e l rge, #hite pl tes fro! pl *es o"e i" fro"t of !e+ *upbo rd "d

Were t l$i"g bout *heeseM 6oly *r p+

HWh t re your rules th t ; h /e to follo#JI

H; h /e the! #ritte" do#"+ Well go through the! o"*e #e/e e te"+I

Food+ 6o# * " ; e t "o#J

H;! re lly "ot hu"gry,I ; #hisper+

HKou #ill e t,I he s ys si!ply+ ?o!i" ti"g Christi ", it ll be*o!es *le r+ HWould you li$e "other gl ss of #i"eJI

HKes, ple se+I

6e pours #i"e i"to !y gl ss "d *o!es to sit beside !e+ ; t $e

h sty sip+

H6elp yourself to food, %" st si +I

; t $e

s! ll bu"*h of gr pes+ This ; * " ! " ge+ 6e " rro#s his eyes+

H6 /e you bee" li$e this for

#hileJI ; s$+


H;s it e sy to fi"d #o!e" #ho # "t to do thisJI

6e r ises " eyebro# t !e+

HKoud be ! Ged,I he s ys dryly+

HThe" #hy !eJ ; re lly do"t u"derst "d+I

H%" st si , ;/e told you+ Theres so!ethi"g bout you+ ; * "t le /e you lo"e+I 6e s!iles iro"i* lly+ H;! li$e b dly, !oth to fl !e+I 6is /oi*e d r$e"s+ H; # "t you /ery deep bre th "d

espe*i lly "o#, #he" youre biti"g your lip g i"+I 6e t $es s# llo#s+

'y sto! *h so!ers ults E he # "ts !eM i" str "ge, $i"$y ! " # "ts !e+

#eird # y, true, but this be utiful,

H; thi"$ you h /e th t *li*hO the #ro"g # y rou"d+I ; gru!ble+ ; ! the !oth "d he is the fl !e, "d ;! goi"g to get bur"t+ ; $"o#+


H0o+ ; h /e"t sig"ed "ythi"g yet, so ; thi"$ ;ll h "g o" to !y free #ill for lo"ger, if th ts o$ y #ith you+I


6is eyes softe", "d his lips tur" up i"


H%s you #ish, 'iss Steele+I

H6o# ! "y #o!e"JI ; blurt out the Duestio", but ;! so *urious+


2hM "ot s ! "y s ; thought+

HFor lo"g periods of ti!eJI

HSo!e of the!, yes+I

H6 /e you e/er hurt "yo"eJI


6oly shit+

H3 dlyJI


HWill you hurt !eJI

HWh t do you !e "JI

H1hysi* lly, #ill you hurt !eJI

H; #ill pu"ish you #he" you reDuire it, "d it #ill be p i"ful+I

; thi"$ ; feel br /e+

little f i"t+ ; t $e "other sip of #i"e+ %l*ohol < this #ill ! $e !e

H6 /e you e/er bee" be te"JI ; s$+


2hM th t surprises !e+ 3efore ; * " Duestio" hi! o" this re/el tio" further, he i"terrupts !y tr i" of thought+

HLets dis*uss this i" !y study+ ; # "t to sho# you so!ethi"g+I

This is so h rd to pro*ess+ 6ere ; # s foolishly thi"$i"g th t ;d spe"d u"p r lleled

"ight of

p ssio" i" this ! "s bed, "d #ere "egoti ti"g this #eird rr "ge!e"t+

; follo# hi! i"to his study,

sp *ious roo! #ith "other floor<to<*eili"g #i"do# th t le ther

ope"s out o" to the b l*o"y+ 6e sits o" the des$, !otio"s for !e to sit o" *h ir i" fro"t of hi!, "d h "ds !e pie*e of p per+

HThese re the rules+ They ! y be subBe*t to *h "ge+ They for! p rt of the *o"tr *t,

#hi*h you * " lso h /e+ (e d these rules "d lets dis*uss+I



The Sub!issi/e #ill obey "y i"stru*tio"s gi/e" by the ?o!i" "t i!!edi tely #ithout hesit tio" or reser/ tio" "d i" " e4peditious ! ""er+ The Sub!issi/e #ill gree to "y se4u l *ti/ity dee!ed fit "d ple sur ble by the ?o!i" "t e4*epti"g those *ti/ities #hi*h re outli"ed i" h rd li!its &%ppe"di4 2)+ She #ill do so e gerly "d #ithout hesit tio"+


The Sub!issi/e #ill e"sure she *hie/es #he" she is "ot #ith the ?o!i" "t+

!i"i!u! of se/e" hours sleep



The Sub!issi/e #ill e t regul rly to ! i"t i" her he lth "d #ellbei"g fro! pres*ribed list of foods &%ppe"di4 S)+ The Sub!issi/e #ill "ot s" *$ bet#ee" !e ls, #ith the e4*eptio" of fruit+


?uri"g the Ter!, the Sub!issi/e #ill #e r *lothi"g o"ly ppro/ed by the ?o!i" "t+ The ?o!i" "t #ill pro/ide sh ll *lothi"g budget for the Sub!issi/e, #hi*h the Sub!issi/e

utiliGe+ The ?o!i" "t sh ll **o!p "y the Sub!issi/e to pur*h se *lothi"g o" " d ho* b sis+ ;f the ?o!i" "t so reDuires, the Sub!issi/e sh ll duri"g the Ter! "y dor"!e"ts the ?o!i" "t sh ll reDuire, i" the prese"*e of the ?o!i" "t "d "y other ti!e the ?o!i" "t dee!s fit+


The ?o!i" "t sh ll pro/ide the Sub!issi/e #ith #ee$ i"

perso" l tr i"er four ti!es

hour<lo"g sessio"s t ti!es to be !utu lly greed bet#ee" the perso" l tr i"er "d the Sub!issi/e+ The perso" l tr i"er #ill report to the ?o!i" "t o" the Sub!issi/es progress+

1erso" l 6ygie"eA3e uty=

The Sub!issi/e #ill $eep herself *le " "d sh /ed "dAor # 4ed t ll ti!es+ The Sub!issi/e #ill /isit be uty s lo" of the ?o!i" "ts *hoosi"g t ti!es to be de*ided by the

?o!i" "t, "d u"dergo #h te/er tre t!e"ts the ?o!i" "t sees fit+

1erso" l S fety=

The Sub!issi/e #ill "ot dri"$ to e4*ess, s!o$e, t $e re*re tio" l drugs, or put herself i" "y u""e*ess ry d "ger+

1erso" l Qu lities=

The Sub!issi/e #ill "ot e"ter i"to "y se4u l rel tio"s #ith "yo"e other th " the ?o!i" "t+ The Sub!issi/e #ill *o"du*t herself i" She !ust re*og"iGe th t her beh /ior is sh ll be respe*tful "d !odest ! ""er t ll ti!es+ dire*t refle*tio" o" the ?o!i" "t+ She

held **ou"t ble for "y !isdeeds, #ro"gdoi"gs, "d !isbeh /ior *o!!itted #he" "ot i" the prese"*e of the ?o!i" "t+

F ilure to *o!ply #ith "y of the bo/e #ill result i" i!!edi te pu"ish!e"t, the " ture of #hi*h sh ll be deter!i"ed by the ?o!i" "t+

6oly fu*$+

H6 rd li!itsJI ; s$+

HKes+ Wh t you #o"t do, #h t ; #o"t do, #e "eed to spe*ify i" our gree!e"t+I

H;! "ot sure bout **epti"g !o"ey for *lothes+ ;t feels #ro"g+I ; shift u"*o!fort bly, the #ord Nho r ttli"g rou"d !y he d+

H; # "t to l /ish !o"ey o" you, let !e buy you so!e *lothes+ ; ! y "eed you to **o!p "y !e to fu"*tio"s, "d ; # "t you dressed #ell+ ;! sure your s l ry, #he" you do get Bob, #o"t *o/er the $i"d of *lothes ;d li$e you to #e r+I

H; do"t h /e to #e r the! #he" ;! "ot #ith youJI


H2$ y+I Thi"$ of the! s u"ifor!+

H; do"t # "t to e4er*ise four ti!es


H%" st si , ; "eed you supple, stro"g, "d #ith st !i" + Trust !e, you "eed to e4er*ise+I

H3ut surely "ot four ti!es

#ee$, ho# bout threeJI

H; # "t you to do four+I

H; thought this # s

"egoti tio"JI

6e purses his lips t !e+

H2$ y, 'iss Steele, "other poi"t #ell ! de+ 6o# bout " hour o" three d ys "d o"e d y h lf " hourJI

HThree d ys, three hours+ ; get the i!pressio" youre goi"g to $eep !e e4er*ised #he" ;! here+I

6e s!iles #i*$edly, "d his eyes glo# s if relie/ed+ HKes, ; !+ 2$ y, greed+ %re you sure you do"t # "t to i"ter" t !y *o!p "yJ Koure good "egoti tor+I

H0o, ; do"t thi"$ th ts #h tJ E/erythi"gJ 8gh+ good ide +I ; st re do#" t his rules+ W 4i"gL W 4i"g

HSo, li!its+ These re !i"e+I 6e h "ds !e "other pie*e of p per+

6 rd Li!its

0o *ts i"/ol/i"g fire pl y

0o *ts i"/ol/i"g uri" tio" or defe* tio" "d the produ*ts thereof

0o *ts i"/ol/i"g "eedles, $"i/es, pier*i"g, or blood

0o *ts i"/ol/i"g gy"e*ologi* l !edi* l i"stru!e"ts

0o *ts i"/ol/i"g *hildre" or "i! ls

0o *ts th t #ill le /e "y per! "e"t ! r$s o" the s$i"

0o *ts i"/ol/i"g bre th *o"trol

8gh+ 6e h s to #rite these do#"L 2f *ourse E they ll loo$ /ery se"sible, "d fr "$ly, "e*ess ryM "y s "e perso" #ould"t # "t to be i"/ol/ed i" this sort of thi"g surelyJ Though ; "o# feel little Due sy+

H;s there "ythi"g youd li$e to ddJI he s$s $i"dly+

Cr p+ ;/e "o ide + ; ! *o!pletely stu!ped+ 6e g Ges t !e "d furro#s his bro#+

H;s there "ythi"g you #o"t doJI

H; do"t $"o#+I

HWh t do you !e " you do"t $"o#JI

; sDuir! u"*o!fort bly "d bite !y lip+

H;/e "e/er do"e "ythi"g li$e this+I

HWell, #he" you/e h d se4, # s there "ythi"g th t you did"t li$e doi"gJI

For the first ti!e i" #h t see!s to be ges, ; blush+

HKou * " tell !e, %" st si + We h /e to be ho"est #ith e *h other or this is"t goi"g to #or$+I

; sDuir! u"*o!fort bly g i" "d st re t !y $"otted fi"gers+

HTell !e,I he *o!! "ds+

HWellM ;/e "ot h d se4 before, so ; do"t $"o#+I 'y /oi*e is s! ll+ ; pee$ up t hi!, "d hes st ri"g t !e, !outh<ope", froGe", "d p le < re lly p le+

H0e/erJI he #hispers+ ; sh $e !y he d+


/irgi"JI he bre thes+ ; "od, flushi"g g i"+ 6e *loses his eyes "d loo$s to

be *ou"ti"g to te"+ Whe" he ope"s the! g i", hes "gry, gl ri"g t !e+

HWhy the fu*$ did"t you tell !eJI he gro#ls+

Christi " is ru""i"g both his h "ds through his h ir "d p *i"g up "d do#" his study+ T#o h "ds E th ts double e4 sper tio"+ 6is usu l *o"*rete *o"trol see!s to h /e slipped "ot*h+

H; do"t u"derst "d #hy you did"t tell !e,I he * stig tes !e+

HThe subBe*t "e/er * !e up+ ;! "ot i" the h bit of re/e li"g !y se4u l st tus to e/eryo"e ; !eet+ ; !e ", #e h rdly $"o# e *h other+I ;! st ri"g t !y h "ds+ Why ! ; feeli"g guiltyJ Why is he so ! dJ ; pee$ up t hi!+

HWell, you $"o#

lot !ore bout !e "o#,I he s" ps, his !outh presses i"to /irgi"LI 6e s ys it li$e its

h rd

li"e+ H; $"e# you #ere i"e4perie"*ed, but #ord+

re lly dirty

H6ell, %" , ; Bust sho#ed you,I he gro "s+ H' y @od forgi/e !e+ 6 /e you e/er bee" $issed, p rt fro! by !eJI

H2f *ourse ; h /e+I ; try !y best to loo$ ffro"ted+ 2$ yM ! ybe t#i*e+

H%"d "i*e you"g ! " h s"t s#ept you off your feetJ ; Bust do"t u"derst "d+ Koure t#e"ty<o"e, "e rly t#e"ty<t#o+ Koure be utiful+I 6e ru"s his h "d through his h ir g i"+

3e utiful+ ; flush #ith ple sure+ Christi " @rey thi"$s ;! be utiful+ ; $"ot !y fi"gers together, st ri"g t the! h rd, tryi"g to *o"*e l !y goofy gri"+ 1erh ps hes "e r< sighted, !y sub*o"s*ious h s re red her so!" !bul "t he d+ Where # s she #he" ; "eeded herJ

H%"d youre seriously dis*ussi"g #h t ; # "t to do, #he" you h /e "o e4perie"*e+I 6is bro#s $"it together+ H6o# h /e you /oided se4J Tell !e, ple se+I

; shrug+

H0o o"es re lly, you $"o#+I Co!e up to s*r t*h, o"ly you+ %"d you tur" out to be so!e $i"d of !o"ster+ HWhy re you so "gry #ith !eJI ; #hisper+

H;! "ot "gry #ith you, ;! "gry #ith !yself+ ; Bust ssu!edM I 6e sighs+ 6e reg rds !e shre#dly "d the" sh $es his he d+ H?o you # "t to goJI he s$s, his /oi*e ge"tle+

H0o, u"less you # "t !e to go,I ; !ur!ur+ 2h "oM ; do"t # "t to le /e+

H2f *ourse "ot+ ; li$e h /i"g you here+I 6e fro#"s s he s ys this "d the" gl "*es t his # t*h+ H;ts l te+I %"d he tur"s to loo$ t !e+ HKoure biti"g your lip+I 6is /oi*e is

hus$y, "d hes eyei"g !e spe*ul ti/ely+


H?o"t pologiGe+ ;ts Bust th t ; # "t to bite it too, h rd+I

; g spM ho# * " he s y thi"gs li$e th t to !e "d "ot e4pe*t !e to be ffe*ted+

HCo!e,I he !ur!urs+I


HWere goi"g to re*tify the situ tio" right "o#+I

HWh t do you !e "J Wh t situ tio"JI

HKour situ tio"+ %" , ;! goi"g to ! $e lo/e to you, "o#+I

H2h+I The floor h s f lle" # y+ ;!

situ tio"+ ;! holdi"g !y bre th+

HTh ts if you # "t to, ; !e ", ; do"t # "t to push !y lu*$+I

H; thought you did"t ! $e lo/e+ ; thought you fu*$ed h rd+I ; s# llo#, !y !outh sudde"ly dry+

6e gi/es !e

#i*$ed gri", the effe*ts of #hi*h tr /el ll the # y do#" there+

H; * " ! $e " e4*eptio", or ! ybe *o!bi"e the t#o, #ell see+ ; re lly # "t to ! $e lo/e to you+ 1le se, *o!e to bed #ith !e+ ; # "t our rr "ge!e"t to #or$, but you re lly "eed to h /e so!e ide #h t youre getti"g yourself i"to+ We * " st rt your tr i"i"g to"ight E #ith the b si*s+ This does"t !e " ;/e *o!e o/er ll he rts "d flo#ers, its !e "s to " e"d, but o"e th t ; # "t, "d hopefully you do too+I 6is gr y g Ge is i"te"se+

; flushM oh !yM #ishes do *o!e true+

H3ut ; h /e"t do"e ll the thi"gs you reDuire fro! your list of rules+I 'y /oi*e is ll bre thy, hesit "t+

HForget bout the rules+ Forget bout ll those det ils for to"ight+ ; # "t you+ ;/e # "ted you si"*e you fell i"to !y offi*e, "d ; $"o# you # "t !e+ Kou #ould"t be sitti"g here * l!ly dis*ussi"g pu"ish!e"t "d h rd li!its if you did"t+ 1le se, %" , spe"d the "ight #ith !e+I 6e holds his h "d out to !e, his eyes re bright, fer/e"tM e4*ited, "d ; put !y h "d i" his+ 6e pulls !e up "d i"to his r!s so ; * " feel the le"gth of his body g i"st !i"e, this s#ift *tio" t $i"g !e by surprise+ 6e ru"s his fi"gers rou"d the " pe of !y "e*$, #i"ds !y po"yt il rou"d his #rist, "d ge"tly pulls so ;! for*ed to loo$ up t hi!+ 6e g Ges do#" t !e+

HKou re o"e br /e you"g #o! ",I he #hispers+ H; ! i" #e of you+I

6is #ords re li$e so!e $i"d of i"*e"di ry de/i*eV !y blood fl !es+ 6e le "s do#" "d $isses !y lips ge"tly, "d he su*$s t !y lo#er lip+

H; # "t to bite this lip,I he !ur!urs g i"st !y !outh, "d * refully he tugs t it #ith his teeth+ ; !o ", "d he s!iles+

H1le se %" , let !e ! $e lo/e to you+I

HKes,I ; #hisper, be* use th ts #hy ;! here+ 6is s!ile is triu!ph "t s he rele ses !e "d t $es !y h "d "d le ds !e through the p rt!e"t+

6is bedroo! is / st+ The *eili"g height #i"do#s loo$ out o" Se ttle+

lit up, high<rise

The # lls re #hite, "d the fur"ishi"gs re p le blue+ The e"or!ous bed is ultr < !oder", ! de of rough, grey #ood, li$e drift#ood, four posts, but "o * "opy+ 2" the # ll bo/e it is stu""i"g p i"ti"g of the se +

; ! Du $i"g li$e

le f+ This is it+ Fi" lly, fter ll this ti!e, ;! goi"g to do it, #ith

"o"e other th " Christi " @rey+ 'y bre th is sh llo#, "d ; * "t t $e !y eyes off hi!+

6e re!o/es his # t*h "d pl *es it o" top of bed, "d re!o/es his B *$et, pl *i"g it o" Be "s+

*hest of dr #ers th t ! t*hes the

*h ir+ 6es dressed i" his #hite li"e" shirt "d !ess, his shirt h "gi"g out

6e is he rt<stoppi"gly be utiful+ 6is d r$ *opper h ir is E his

gr y eyes bold "d d GGli"g+ 6e steps out of his Co"/erse shoes "d re *hes do#" "d t $es his so*$s off i"di/idu lly+ Christi " @reys feetM #o#M #h t is it bout " $ed feetJ Tur"i"g, he g Ges t !e, his e4pressio" soft+

H; ssu!e youre "ot o" the pill+I

Wh tL Shit+

H; did"t thi"$ so+I 6e ope"s the top dr #er of the *hest "d re!o/es *o"do!s+ 6e g Ges t !e i"te"tly+

p *$et of

H3e prep red,I he !ur!urs+ H?o you # "t the bli"ds dr #"JI

H; do"t !i"d+I ; #hisper+ H; thought you did"t let "yo"e sleep i" your bed+I

HWho s ys #ere goi"g to sleepJI he !ur!urs softly+

H2h+I 6oly hell+

6e strolls slo#ly to# rd !e+ Co"fide"t, se4y, eyes bl Gi"g, "d !y he rt begi"s to

pou"d+ 'y bloods pu!pi"g rou"d !y body+ ?esire, thi*$ "d hot, pools i" !y belly+ 6e st "ds i" fro"t of !e, st ri"g do#" i"to !y eyes+ 6es so fre $i"g hot+

HLets get this B *$et off, sh ll #eJI he s ys softly, "d t $es hold of the l pels "d ge"tly slides !y B *$et off !y shoulders+ 6e pl *es it o" the *h ir+

H?o you h /e "y ide ho# !u*h ; # "t you, %" SteeleJI he #hispers+ 'y bre th hit*hes+ ; * ""ot t $e !y eyes off his+ 6e re *hes up "d ge"tly ru"s his fi"gers do#" !y *hee$ to !y *hi"+

H?o you h /e "y ide #h t ;! goi"g to do to youJI he dds, * ressi"g !y *hi"+

The !us*les i"side the deepest, d r$est p rt of !e *le"*h i" the !ost deli*ious f shio"+ The p i" is so s#eet "d sh rp ; # "t to *lose !y eyes, but ;! hyp"otiGed by his gr y eyes st ri"g fer/e"tly i"to !i"e+ Le "i"g do#", he $isses !e+ 6is lips re de! "di"g, fir! "d slo#, !oldi"g !i"e+ 6e st rts u"butto"i"g !y shirt #hile he pl *es fe ther<li$e $isses *ross !y B #, !y *hi", "d the *or"ers of !y !outh+ Slo#ly he peels it off !e "d lets it f ll to the floor+ 6e st "ds b *$ "d g Ges t !e+ ;! i" the p le blue l *y perfe*t<fit br + Th "$ he /e"s+

H2h, %" ,I he bre thes+ HKou h /e the !ost be utiful s$i", p le "d fl #less+ ; # "t

to $iss e/ery si"gle i"*h of it+I

; flush+ 2h !yM Why did he s y he *ould"t ! $e lo/eJ ; #ill do "ythi"g he # "ts+ 6e gr sps !y h ir tie, pulls it free, "d g sps s !y h ir * s* des do#" rou"d !y shoulders+

H; li$e bru"ettes,I he !ur!urs, "d both of his h "ds re i" !y h ir, gr spi"g e *h side of !y he d+ 6is $iss is de! "di"g, his to"gue "d lips *o 4i"g !i"e+ ; !o ", "d !y to"gue te"t ti/ely !eets his+ 6e puts his r!s rou"d !e "d h uls !e g i"st his body, sDueeGi"g !e tightly+ 2"e h "d re! i"s i" !y h ir, the other tr /els do#" !y spi"e to !y # ist "d do#" to !y behi"d+ 6is h "d fle4es o/er !y b *$side "d sDueeGes ge"tly+ 6e holds !e g i"st his hips, "d ; feel his ere*tio", #hi*h he l "guidly pushes i"to !e+

; !o " o"*e !ore i"to his !outh+ ; * " h rdly *o"t i" the riotous feeli"gs or is it hor!o"es th t r !p ge through !y body+ ; # "t hi! so b dly+ @rippi"g his upper r!s, ; feel his bi*eps, hes surprisi"gly stro"gM !us*ul r+ Te"t ti/ely, ; !o/e !y h "ds up to his f *e "d i"to his h ir+ 6oly 'oses+ ;ts so soft, u"ruly+ ; tug ge"tly, "d he gro "s+ 6e e ses !e to# rd the bed, u"til ; feel it behi"d !y $"ees+ ; thi"$ hes goi"g to push !e

do#" o" to it, but he does"t+ (ele si"g !e, he sudde"ly drops to his $"ees+ 6e gr bs !y hips #ith both his h "ds "d ru"s his to"gue rou"d !y " /el, the" ge"tly "ips his # y to !y hipbo"e, the" *ross !y belly to !y other hipbo"e+

H%h,I ; gro "+

Seei"g hi! o" his $"ees i" fro"t of !e, feeli"g his !outh o" !e, its so u"e4pe*ted,, "d hot+ 'y h "ds st y i" his h ir, pulli"g ge"tly s ; try to Duiet !y too<loud bre thi"g+ 6e g Ges up t !e through i!possibly lo"g l shes, his eyes gr y+ 6is s*or*hi"g s!o$y

h "ds re *h up "d u"do the butto" o" !y Be "s, "d he leisurely pulls do#" the Gipper+ Without t $i"g his eyes off !i"e, his h "ds !o/e be"e th the # istb "d, s$i!!i"g !e "d !o/i"g to !y behi"d+ 6is h "ds glide slo#ly do#" !y b *$side to !y thighs, re!o/i"g !y Be "s s they go+ ; * ""ot loo$ # y+ 6e stops "d li*$s his lips, "e/er bre $i"g eye *o"t *t+ 6e le "s for# rd, ru""i"g his "ose up the pe4 bet#ee" !y thighs+ ; feel hi!+ There+

HKou s!ell so good,I he !ur!urs "d *loses his eyes,

loo$ of pure ple sure o" his

f *e, "d ; pr *ti* lly *o"/ulse+ 6e re *hes up "d tugs the du/et off the bed, the" pushes !e ge"tly so ; f ll o" to the ! ttress+

Still $"eeli"g, he gr sps !y foot "d u"does !y Co"/erse, pulli"g off !y shoe "d so*$+ ; r ise !yself up o" !y elbo#s to see #h t hes doi"g+ ;! p "ti"gM # "ti"g+ 6e lifts !y foot by the heel "d ru"s his thu!b" il up !y i"step+ ;ts l!ost p i"ful, but ; feel the !o/e!e"t e*hoed i" !y groi"+ ; g sp+ 0ot t $i"g his eyes off !i"e, g i" he ru"s his to"gue lo"g !y i"step "d the" his teeth+ Shit+ ; gro "M ho# * " ; feel this, there+ ; f ll b *$ o" to the bed, !o "i"g+ ; he r his soft *hu*$le+

H2h, %" , #h t ; *ould do to you,I he #hispers+ 6e re!o/es !y other shoe "d so*$, the" st "ds "d re!o/es !y Be "s+ ;! lyi"g o" his bed dressed o"ly i" !y br p "ties, "d hes st ri"g do#" t !e+ "d

HKoure /ery be utiful, %" st si Steele+ ; * "t # it to be i"side you+I

6oly shit+ 6is #ords+ 6es so sedu*ti/e+ 6e t $es !y bre th # y+

HSho# !e ho# you ple sure yourself+I

Wh tJ ; fro#"+

H?o"t be *oy, %" , sho# !e,I he #hispers+

; sh $e !y he d+

H; do"t $"o# #h t you !e "+I 'y /oi*e is ho rse+ ; h rdly re*og"iGe it, l *ed #ith desire+

H6o# do you ! $e yourself *o!eJ ; # "t to see+I

; sh $e !y he d+

H; do"t,I ; !u!ble+ 6e r ises his eyebro#s, sto"ished for d r$e", "d he sh $es his he d i" disbelief+

!o!e"t, "d his eyes

HWell, #ell h /e to see #h t #e * " do bout th t+I 6is /oi*e is soft, *h lle"gi"g, deli*ious se"su l thre t+ 6e u"does the butto"s of his Be "s "d slo#ly pulls his Be "s do#", his eyes o" !i"e the #hole ti!e+ 6e le "s do#" o/er !e "d, gr spi"g e *h of !y "$les, Dui*$ly Ber$s !y legs p rt "d *r #ls o"to the bed bet#ee" !y legs+ 6e ho/ers o/er !e+ ; ! sDuir!i"g #ith "eed+

HFeep still,I he !ur!urs, "d the" he le "s do#" "d $isses the i"side of !y thigh, tr ili"g $isses up, o/er the thi" l *y ! teri l of !y p "ties, $issi"g !e+

2hM ; * "t $eep still+ 6o# * " ; "ot !o/eJ ; #riggle be"e th hi!+

HWere goi"g to h /e to #or$ o" $eepi"g you still, b by+I 6e tr ils $isses up !y belly,

"d his to"gue dips i"to !y " /el+ Still hes he di"g "orth, $issi"g !e *ross !y torso+ 'y s$i" is bur"i"g+ ;! flushed, too hot, too *old, "d ;! *l #i"g t the sheet be"e th !e+ 6e l y do#" beside !e, "d his h "d tr ils up fro! !y hip, to !y # ist, "d up to !y bre st+ 6e g Ges do#" t !e, his e4pressio" u"re d ble, "d ge"tly *ups !y bre st+

HKou fit !y h "d perfe*tly, %" st si ,I he !ur!urs "d dips his i"de4 fi"ger i"to the *up of !y br f bri* of "d ge"tly y "$s it do#" freei"g !y bre st, but the u"der #ire "d

the *up for*e it up# rd+ 6is fi"ger !o/es to !y other bre st "d repe ts the pro*ess+ 'y bre sts s#ell, "d !y "ipples h rde" u"der his ste dy g Ge+ ; ! trussed<up by !y o#" br +

HCery "i*e,I he #hispers ppre*i ti/ely, "d !y "ipples h rde" e/e" !ore+

6e blo#s /ery ge"tly o" o"e s his h "d !o/es to !y other bre st, "d his thu!b slo#ly rolls the e"d of !y "ipple, elo"g ti"g it+ ; gro ", feeli"g the s#eet se"s tio" ll the # y to !y groi"+ ; ! so #et+ 2h ple se, ; beg i"ter" lly s !y fi"gers *l sp the sheet tighter+ 6is lips *lose rou"d !y other "ipple "d he tugs, ; "e rly *o"/ulse+

HLets see if #e * " ! $e you *o!e li$e this,I he #hispers, *o"ti"ui"g his slo#, se"su l ss ult+ 'y "ipples be r the deli*ious bru"t of his deft fi"gers "d lips, setti"g light

e/ery si"gle "er/e e"di"g i" !y body so th t !y #hole body si"gs #ith the s#eet go"y+ 6e Bust does"t stop+

H2hM ple se,I ; beg, "d ; pull !y he d b *$, !y !outh ope" s ; gro ", !y legs stiffe"i"g+ 6oly hell, #h ts h ppe"i"g to !eJ

HLet go, b by,I he !ur!urs+ 6is teeth *lose rou"d !y "ipple, "d his thu!b "d fi"ger pull h rd, "d ; f ll p rt i" his h "ds, !y body *o"/ulsi"g "d sh tteri"g i"to thous "d pie*es+ 6e $isses !e, deeply, his to"gue i" !y !outh bsorbi"g !y *ries+

2h !y+ Th t # s e4tr ordi" ry+ 0o# ; $"o# #h t ll the fuss is bout+ 6e g Ges do#" t !e, s tisfied s!ile o" his f *e, #hile ;! sure theres "othi"g but gr titude "d #e o" !i"e+

HKou re /ery respo"si/e,I he bre thes+ HKoure goi"g to h /e to le r" to *o"trol th t, "d its goi"g to be so !u*h fu" te *hi"g you ho#+I 6e $isses !e g i"+

'y bre thi"g is still r gged s ; *o!e do#" fro! !y org s!+ 6is h "d !o/es do#" !y # ist, to !y hips, "d the" *ups !e, i"ti! tely+++ JeeG+ 6is fi"ger slips through the fi"e

l *e "d slo#ly *ir*les rou"d !e E there+ 3riefly he *loses his eyes, "d his bre thi"g hit*hes+

HKoure so deli*iously #et+ @od, ; # "t you+I 6e thrusts his fi"ger i"side !e, "d ; *ry out s he does it g i" "d g i"+ 6e p l!s !y *litoris, "d ; *ry out o"*e !ore+ 6e pushes i"side !e h rder "d h rder still+ ; gro "+

Sudde"ly, he sits up "d tugs !y p "ties off "d thro#s the! o" the floor+ 1ulli"g off his bo4er briefs, his ere*tio" spri"gs free+ 6oly *o#M 6e re *hes o/er to his bedside t ble "d gr bs foil p *$et, "d the" he !o/es bet#ee" !y legs, spre di"g the! further p rt+ 6e $"eels up "d pulls *o"do! o" to his *o"sider ble le"gth+ 2h "oMWill itJ 6o#J

H?o"t #orry,I he bre thes, his eyes o" !i"e, HKou e4p "d too+I 6e le "s do#", his h "ds o" either side of !y he d, so hes ho/eri"g o/er !e, st ri"g do#" i"to !y eyes, his B # *le"*hed, eyes bur"i"g+ ;ts o"ly "o# th t ; register hes still #e ri"g his shirt+

HKou re lly # "t to do thisJI he s$s softly+

H1le se,I ; beg+

H1ull your $"ees up,I he orders softly, "d ;! Dui*$ to obey+ H;! goi"g to fu*$ you "o#, 'iss Steele,I he !ur!urs s he positio"s the he d of his ere*tio" t the e"tr "*e of

!y se4+ H6 rd,I he #hispers, "d he sl !s i"to !e+

H% rghLI ; *ry s ; feel

#eird pi"*hi"g se"s tio" deep i"side !e s he rips through

!y /irgi"ity+ 6e stills, g Gi"g do#" t !e, his eyes bright #ith e*st ti* triu!ph+

6is !outh is ope" slightly, "d his bre thi"g is h rsh+ 6e gro "s+

HKoure so tight+ Kou o$ yJI

; "od, !y eyes #ide, !y h "ds o" his fore r!s+ ; feel so full+ 6e st ys still, letti"g !e **li! tiGe to the i"trusi/e, o/er#hel!i"g feeli"g of hi! i"side !e+

H;! goi"g to !o/e, b by,I he bre thes fter

!o!e"t, his /oi*e tight+


6e e ses b *$ #ith e4Duisite slo#"ess+ %"d he *loses his eyes "d gro "s, "d thrusts i"to !e g i"+ ; *ry out se*o"d ti!e, "d he stills+

H'oreJI he #hispers, his /oi*e r #+

HKes,I ; bre the+ 6e does it o"*e !ore, "d stills g i"+

; gro "+ 'y body **epti"g hi!M 2h, ; # "t this+

H%g i"JI he bre thes+

HKes+I ;ts

ple +

%"d he !o/es, but this ti!e he does"t stop+ 6e shifts o"to his elbo#s so ; * " feel his #eight o" !e, holdi"g !e do#"+ 6e !o/es slo#ly t first, e si"g hi!self i" "d out of !e+ %"d s ; gro# **usto!ed to the lie" feeli"g, !y hips !o/e te"t ti/ely to !eet his+ 6e speeds up+ ; !o ", "d he pou"ds o", pi*$i"g up speed, !er*iless, rhyth!, rele"tless

"d ; $eep up, !eeti"g his thrusts+ 6e gr sps !y he d bet#ee" his h "ds "d $isses !e h rd, his teeth pulli"g t !y lo#er lip g i"+ 6e shifts slightly, "d ; * " feel so!ethi"g buildi"g deep i"side !e, li$e before+ ; st rt to stiffe" s he thrusts o" "d o"+ 'y body Dui/ers, bo#s, feel li$e shee" of s#e t g thers o/er !e+ 2h !yM ; did"t $"o# it #ould

thisM did"t $"o# it *ould feel s good s this+ 'y thoughts re s* tteri"g+++ theres o"ly se"s tio"+++ o"ly hi!+++ o"ly !eM oh ple seM ; stiffe"+

HCo!e for !e, %" ,I he #hispers bre thlessly, "d ; u"r /el t his #ords, e4plodi"g rou"d hi! s ; *li! 4 "d spli"ter i"to *o!es, !illio" pie*es u"der"e th hi!+ %"d s he

he * lls out !y " !e, thrusti"g h rd, the" stilli"g s he e!pties hi!self i"to !e+

; ! still p "ti"g, tryi"g to slo# !y bre thi"g, !y thu!pi"g he rt, "d !y thoughts re i" riotous dis rr y+ Wo#M th t # s stou"di"g+ ; ope" !y eyes, "d he h s his forehe d pressed g i"st !i"e, his eyes *losed, his bre thi"g r gged+ Christi "s eyes fli*$er ope" "d g Ge do#" t !e, d r$ but soft+ 6es still i"side !e+ Le "i"g do#", he ge"tly presses $iss g i"st !y forehe d the" slo#ly pulls out of !e+

H2oh+I ; #i"*e t the u"f !ili rity+

H?id ; hurt youJI Christi " s$s s he lies do#" beside !e propped o" o"e elbo#+ 6e tu*$s str y str "d of !y h ir behi"d !y e r+ %"d ; h /e to gri", #idely+

HKou re s$i"g !e if you hurt !eJI

HThe iro"y is "ot lost o" !e,I he s!iles s rdo"i* lly+ HSeriously, re you o$ yJI 6is eyes re i"te"se, probi"g, de! "di"g e/e"+

; stret*h out beside hi!, feeli"g loose<li!bed, !y bo"es li$e Belly, but ;! rel 4ed, deeply rel 4ed+ ; gri" t hi!+ ; * "t stop gri""i"g+ 0o# ; $"o# #h t ll the fuss is bout+ T#o org s!sM *o!i"g p rt t the se !s, li$e the spi" *y*le o" ! *hi"e, #o#+ # shi"g

; h d "o ide #h t !y body # s * p ble of, *ould be #ou"d so tightly "d rele sed so /iole"tly, so gr tifyi"gly+ The ple sure # s i"des*rib ble+

HKoure biti"g your lip, "d you h /e"t "s#ered !e+I 6es fro#"i"g+ ; gri" up t

hi! i!pishly+ 6e loo$s glorious #ith his tousled h ir, bur"i"g " rro#ed gr y eyes, "d serious, d r$ e4pressio"+

H;d li$e to do th t g i",I ; #hisper+ For

!o!e"t, ; thi"$ ; see

fleeti"g loo$ of

relief o" his f *e, before the shutters *o!e do#", "d he g Ges t !e through hooded eyes+

HWould you "o#, 'iss SteeleJI he !ur!urs dryly+ 6e le "s do#" "d $isses !e /ery ge"tly t the *or"er of !y !outh+ H?e! "di"g little thi"g re"t you+ Tur" o" your fro"t+I

; bli"$ t hi! !o!e"t rily, "d the" ; tur" o/er+ 6e u"hoo$s !y br h "d do#" !y b *$ to !y behi"d+

"d ru"s his

HKou re lly h /e the !ost be utiful s$i",I he !ur!urs+ 6e shifts so th t o"e of his legs pushes bet#ee" !i"e, "d hes h lf lyi"g *ross !y b *$+ ; * " feel the butto"s of his shirt pressi"g i"to !e s he g thers !y h ir off !y f *e "d $isses !y b re shoulder+

HWhy re you #e ri"g your shirtJI ; s$+ 6e stills+ %fter

be t, he shuffles out of

his shirt, "d he lies b *$ do#" o" !e+ ; feel his # r! s$i" g i"st !i"e+ 6!!M it feels he /e"ly+ 6e h s light dusti"g of h ir *ross his *hest, #hi*h ti*$les !y b *$+

HSo you # "t !e to fu*$ you g i"JI he #hispers i" !y e r, "d he begi"s to tr il

fe ther light $isses rou"d !y e r "d do#" !y "e*$+

6is h "d !o/es do#", s$i!!i"g !y # ist, o/er !y hip, "d do#" !y thigh to the b *$ of !y $"ee+ 6e pushes !y $"ee up higher, "d !y bre th hit*hesM oh !y, #h ts he doi"g "o#J 6e shifts so hes bet#ee" !y legs, pressed g i"st !y b *$, "d his h "d tr /els up !y thigh to !y behi"d+ 6e * resses !y *hee$ slo#ly, "d the" tr ils his fi"gers do#" bet#ee" !y legs+

H;! goi"g to t $e you fro! behi"d, %" st si ,I he !ur!urs, "d #ith his other h "d, he gr sps !y h ir t the " pe i" * ""ot !o/e fist "d pulls ge"tly, holdi"g !e i" pl *e+ ;

!y he d+ ; ! pi"io"ed be"e th hi!, helpless+

HKou re !i"e,I he #hispers+ H2"ly !i"e+ ?o"t forget it+I 6is /oi*e is i"to4i* ti"g, his #ords he dy, sedu*ti/e+ ; feel his gro#i"g ere*tio" g i"st !y thigh+

6is lo"g fi"gers re *h rou"d to ge"tly ! ss ge !y *litoris, *ir*li"g slo#ly+ 6is bre th is soft g i"st !y f *e s he slo#ly "ips !e lo"g !y B #+

HKou s!ell di/i"e,I he "uGGles behi"d !y e r+ 6is h "d rubs g i"st !e, rou"d "d rou"d+ (efle4i/ely, !y hips st rt to *ir*le, !irrori"g his h "d, s e4*ru*i ti"g ple sure

spi$es through !y blood li$e dre" li"e+

HFeep still,I he orders, his /oi*e soft but urge"t, "d slo#ly he i"serts his thu!b i"side !e, rot ti"g it rou"d "d rou"d, stro$i"g the fro"t # ll of !y / gi" + The effe*t is !i"d< blo#i"g E ll !y e"ergy *o"*e"tr ti"g o" this o"e s! ll sp *e i"side !y body+ ; !o "+

HKou li$e thisJI he s$s softly, his teeth gr Gi"g !y outer e r, "d he st rts to fle4 his thu!b slo#ly, i", out, i", outM his fi"gers still *ir*li"g+

; *lose !y eyes, tryi"g to $eep !y bre thi"g u"der *o"trol, tryi"g to bsorb the disordered, *h oti* se"s tio"s th t his fi"gers re u"le shi"g o" !e, fire *oursi"g through !y body+ ; !o " g i"+

HKoure so #et, so Dui*$ly+ So respo"si/e+ 2h, %" st si , ; li$e th t+ ; li$e th t he #hispers+


; # "t to stiffe" !y legs, but ; * "t !o/e+ 6es pi""i"g !e do#", $eepi"g up *o"st "t, slo#, tortuous rhyth!+ ;ts bsolutely e4Duisite+ ; !o " g i", "d he !o/es sudde"ly+

H2pe" your !outh,I he *o!! "ds "d thrusts his thu!b i" !y !outh+ 'y eyes fly ope", bli"$i"g #ildly+

HSee ho# you t ste,I he bre thes g i"st !y e r+ HSu*$ !e, b by+I 6is thu!b presses o" !y to"gue, "d !y !outh *loses rou"d hi!, su*$i"g #ildly+ ; t ste the s lti"ess o" his thu!b "d the f i"t !et lli* t "g of blood+ 6oly fu*$+ This is #ro"g, but holy hell is it eroti*+

H; # "t to fu*$ your !outh, %" st si , "d ; #ill soo",I his /oi*e is ho rse, r #, his bre thi"g !ore disBoi"ted+

Fu*$ !y !outhL ; !o ", "d ; bite do#" o" hi!+ 6e g sps, "d he pulls !y h ir tighter, p i"fully, so ; rele se hi!+

H0 ughty, s#eet girl,I he #hispers, "d the" re *hes o/er to the bedside t ble for foil p *$et+ HSt y still, do"t !o/e,I he orders s he rele ses !y h ir+

6e rips the foil #hile ;! bre thi"g h rd, !y blood si"gi"g i" !y /ei"s+ The "ti*ip tio" is e4hil r ti"g+ 6e le "s do#", his #eight o" !e g i", "d he gr bs !y h ir holdi"g !y he d i!!obile+ ; * ""ot !o/e+ ;! e"ti*i"gly e"s" red by hi!, "d hes poised "d re dy to t $e !e o"*e !ore+

HWere goi"g to go re l, slo# this ti!e, %" st si ,I he bre thes+

%"d slo#ly he e ses i"to !e, slo#ly, slo#ly, u"til hes buried i" !e+ Stret*hi"g, filli"g, rele"tless+ ; gro " loudly+ ;t feels deeper this ti!e, dele*t ble+ ; gro " g i", "d he deliber tely *ir*les his hips "d pulls b *$, p uses b *$ i"+ be t, "d the" e ses his # y

6e repe ts this !otio" g i" "d g i"+ ;ts dri/i"g !e i"s "e E his te si"g, deliber tely slo# thrusts, "d the i"ter!itte"t feeli"g of full"ess is o/er#hel!i"g+

HKou feel so good,I he gro "s, "d !y i"sides st rt to Dui/er+ 6e pulls b *$ "d # its+ H2h "o, b by, "ot yet,I he !ur!urs, "d s the Dui/eri"g *e ses, he st rts the #hole deli*ious pro*ess g i"+

H2h, ple se,I ; beg+ ;! "ot sure ; * " t $e !u*h !ore+ 'y body is #ou"d so tight, *r /i"g rele se+

H; # "t you sore, b by,I he !ur!urs, "d he *o"ti"ues his s#eet, leisurely tor!e"t, b *$# rd, for# rd+

HE/ery ti!e you !o/e to!orro#, ; # "t you to be re!i"ded th t ;/e bee" here+ 2"ly !e+ Kou re !i"e+I

; gro "+

H1le se, Christi ",I ; #hisper+

HWh t do you # "t, %" st si J Tell !e+I

; gro " g i"+ 6e pulls out "d !o/es slo#ly b *$ i"to !e, *ir*li"g his hips o"*e !ore+

HTell !e,I he !ur!urs+

HKou, ple se+I

6e i"*re ses the rhyth! i"fi"itesi! lly, "d his bre thi"g be*o!es !ore err ti*+ 'y i"sides st rt Dui*$e"i"g, "d Christi " pi*$s up the rhyth!+

HKou+ %re+ So+ S#eet,I he !ur!urs bet#ee" e *h thrust+ H;+ W "t+ Kou+ So+ 'u*h+I

; !o "+

HKou+ %re+ 'i"e+ Co!e for !e, b by,I he gro#ls+

6is #ords re !y u"doi"g, tippi"g !e o/er the pre*ipi*e+ 'y body *o"/ulses rou"d hi!, "d ; *o!e, loudly * lli"g out "d g rbled /ersio" of his " !e i"to the ! ttress,

Christi " follo#s #ith t#o sh rp thrusts, "d he freeGes, pouri"g hi!self i"to !e s he fi"ds his rele se+ 6e *oll pses o" top of !e, his f *e i" !y h ir+

HFu*$+ %" ,I he bre thes+ 6e pulls out of !e i!!edi tely "d rolls o"to his side of the bed+ ; pull !y $"ees up to !y *hest, utterly spe"t, "d i!!edi tely drift off or p ss out i"to " e4h usted sleep+

Whe" ; # $e, its still d r$+ ; h /e "o ide ho# lo"g ;/e slept+ ; stret*h out be"e th the du/et, "d ; feel sore, deli*iously sore+ Christi " is "o#here to be see"+ ; sit up, st ri"g out t the *itys* pe i" fro"t of !e+ There re fe#er lights o" !o"gst the s$ys*r pers, "d theres #hisper of d #" i" the e st+ ; he r the !usi*+ The lilti"g "otes of the pi "o, s d, s#eet l !e"t+ 3 *h, ; thi"$, but ;! "ot sure+

; #r p the du/et rou"d !e "d Duietly p d do#" the *orridor to# rd the big roo!+ Christi " is t the pi "o, *o!pletely lost i" the !usi* hes pl yi"g+ 6is e4pressio" is s d "d forlor", li$e the !usi*+ 6is pl yi"g is stu""i"g+ Le "i"g g i"st the # ll t the e"tr "*e, ; liste" e"r ptured+ 6es su*h " **o%!plished !usi*i "+ 6e sits " $ed, his body b thed i" the # r! light * st by the rest solit ry freest "di"g l !p beside the pi "o+ With

of the l rge roo! i" d r$"ess, its li$e hes i" his o#" isol ted little pool of light, u"tou*h bleM lo"ely, i" bubble+

; p d Duietly to# rd hi!, e"ti*ed by the subli!e, !el "*holy !usi*+ ;! !es!eriGed

# t*hi"g his lo"g s$illed fi"gers s they fi"d "d ge"tly press the $eys, thi"$i"g ho#

those s !e fi"gers h /e e4pertly h "dled "d * ressed !y body+ ; flush "d g sp t the !e!ory "d press !y thighs together+ 6e gl "*es up, his u"f tho! ble gr y eyes bright, his e4pressio" u"re d ble+

HSorry,I ; #hisper+ H; did"t !e " to disturb you+I

% fro#" flits *ross his f *e+

HSurely, ; should be s yi"g th t to you,I he !ur!urs+ 6e fi"ishes pl yi"g "d puts his h "ds o" his legs+

; "oti*e "o# th t hes #e ri"g 1J p "ts+ 6e ru"s his fi"gers through his h ir "d st "ds+ 6is p "ts h "g fro! his hips, i" th t # yM oh !y+ 'y !outh goes dry s he * su lly strolls rou"d the pi "o to# rd !e+ 6e h s bro d shoulders, " rro# hips, "d his bdo!i" l !us*les ripple s he # l$s+ 6e re lly is stu""i"g+

HKou should be i" bed,I he d!o"ishes+

HTh t # s

be utiful pie*e+ 3 *hJI

HTr "s*riptio" by 3 *h, but its origi" lly " oboe *o"*erto by %less "dro ' r*ello+I

H;t # s e4Duisite, but /ery s d, su*h

!el "*holy !elody+I

6is lips Duir$ up i"

h lf s!ile+

H3ed,I he orders+ HKoull be e4h usted i" the !or"i"g+I

H; #o$e "d you #ere"t there+I

H; fi"d it diffi*ult to sleep, "d ;! "ot used to sleepi"g #ith "yo"e,I he !ur!urs+ ; * "t f tho! his !ood+ 6e see!s d r$"ess+ little despo"de"t, but its diffi*ult to tell i" the

1erh ps it # s the to"e of the pie*e he # s pl yi"g+ 6e puts his r! rou"d !e "d ge"tly # l$s !e b *$ to the bedroo!+

H6o# lo"g h /e you bee" pl yi"gJ Kou pl y be utifully+I

HSi"*e ; # s si4+I

H2h+I Christi " s

si4<ye r<old boyM !y !i"d *o"Bures " i! ge of

be utiful,

*opper<h ired little boy #ith gr y eyes "d !y he rt !elts E #ho li$es i!possibly s d !usi*+

!oppet<h ired $id

H6o# re you feeli"gJI he s$s #he" #e re b *$ i" the roo!+ 6e s#it*hes o" sidelight+

H;! good+I

We both gl "*e do#" t the bed t the s !e ti!e+ Theres blood o" the sheets E e/ide"*e of !y lost /irgi"ity+ ; flush, e!b rr ssed, pulli"g the du/et tighter rou"d !e+

HWell, th ts goi"g to gi/e 'rs+ Jo"es so!ethi"g to thi"$ bout,I Christi " !utters s he st "ds i" fro"t of !e+ 6e puts his h "d u"der !y *hi" "d tips !y he d b *$, st ri"g do#" t !e+ 6is eyes re i"te"se s he e4 !i"es !y f *e+ ; re liGe th t ;/e "ot see" his " $ed *hest before+ ;"sti"*ti/ely, ; re *h out to ru" !y fi"gers through the s! tteri"g of d r$ h ir o" his *hest to see ho# it feels+ ;!!edi tely, he steps b *$ out of !y re *h+

H@et i"to bed,I he s ys sh rply+ H;ll *o!e "d lie do#" #ith you+I 6is /oi*e softe"s+ ; drop !y h "d "d fro#"+ ; do"t thi"$ ;/e e/er tou*hed his torso+ 6e ope"s *hest of dr #ers "d pulls out t<shirt "d Dui*$ly slips it o"+

H3ed,I he orders g i"+ ; *li!b b *$ o"to the bed, tryi"g "ot to thi"$ bout the blood+ 6e *l !bers i" beside !e "d pulls !e i"to his e!br *e, #r ppi"g his r!s rou"d !e so th t ;! f *i"g # y fro! hi!+ 6e $isses !y h ir ge"tly, "d he i"h les deeply+

HSleep, s#eet %" st si ,I he !ur!urs, "d ; *lose !y eyes, but ; * "t help feel residu l !el "*holy either fro! the !usi* or his de!e "or+ Christi " @rey h s s d side+

Light fills the roo!, *o 4i"g !e fro! deep sleep to # $eful"ess+ ; stret*h out "d ope" !y eyes+ ;ts be utiful ' y !or"i"g, Se ttle t !y feet+ Wo#, #h t /ie#+ 3eside

!e, Christi " @rey is f st sleep+ Wo#, #h t 6es

/ie#+ ;! surprised hes still i" bed+

f *i"g !e, "d ; h /e " u"pre*ede"ted opportu"ity to study hi!+ 6is lo/ely f *e loo$s you"ger, rel 4ed i" sleep+ 6is s*ulptured, pouty lips re p rted slightly, "d his shi"y, *le " h ir is re!e!ber glorious !ess+ 6o# *ould "yo"e loo$ this good "d still be leg lJ ;

his roo! upst irsM perh ps hes "ot leg l+ ; sh $e !y he d, so !u*h to thi"$ bout+ ;ts te!pti"g to re *h out "d tou*h hi!, but li$e #he" s! ll *hild, hes so lo/ely

hes sleep+ ; do"t h /e to #orry bout #h t ;! s yi"g, #h t hes s yi"g, #h t pl "s he h s, espe*i lly his pl "s for !e+

; *ould g Ge t hi! ll d y, but ; h /e "eeds E b throo! "eeds+ Slippi"g out of bed, ; fi"d his #hite shirt o" the floor "d shrug it o"+ ; # l$ through !ight be the b throo!, but ;! i" li"es door thi"$i"g th t it

/ st # l$<i" *loset s big s !y bedroo!+ Li"es "d

of e4pe"si/e suits, shirts, shoes, "d ties+ 6o# * " "yo"e "eed this ! "y *lothesJ ; tut #ith dis ppro/ l+ %*tu lly, F tes # rdrobe prob bly ri/ ls this+ F teL 2h "o+ ; did"t thi"$ bout her ll e/e"i"g+ ; # s supposed to te4t her+ Cr p+ ;! goi"g to be i" trouble+ ; #o"der briefly ho# shes getti"g o" #ith Elliot+

(etur"i"g to the bedroo!, Christi " is still sleep+ ; try the other door+ ;ts the b throo!, "d its bigger th " !y bedroo!+ Why does o"e ! " "eed so !u*h sp *eJ T#o

si"$s, ; "oti*e #ith iro"y+ @i/e" he does"t sleep #ith "yo"e, o"e of the! * "t h /e bee" used+

; st re t !yself i" the gig "ti* !irror bo/e the si"$s+ ?o ; loo$ differe"tJ ; feel differe"t+ ; feel little sore, if ;! ho"est, "d !y !us*les < BeeG its li$e ;/e "e/er do"e "y

e4er*ise i" !y life+ Kou do"t do "y e4er*ise i" your life, !y sub*o"s*ious h s #o$e"+ Shes st ri"g t !e #ith pursed lips, t ppi"g her foot+ So you/e Bust slept #ith hi!, gi/e"

hi! your /irgi"ity, you,

! " #ho does"t lo/e you+ ;" f *t, he h s /ery odd ide s bout

# "ts to ! $e you so!e sort of $i"$y se4 sl /e+

%(E K28 C(%WKJ Shes shouti"g t !e+

; #i"*e s ; loo$ i" the !irror+ ; ! goi"g to h /e to pro*ess ll this+ 6o"estly, f "*y f lli"g for of 1 i" ! " #hos beyo"d be utiful, ri*her th " Croesus, "d h s (ed (oo!

# iti"g for !e+ ; shudder+ ;! be#ildered "d *o"fused+ 'y h ir is its usu l # y# rd self+ Just<fu*$ed h ir does"t suit !e+ ; try "d bri"g order to the *h os #ith !y fi"gers but f il !iser bly "d gi/e up E ! ybe ;ll fi"d h ir ties i" !y purse+

;! st r/i"g+ ; he d b *$ out to the bedroo!+ Sleepi"g be uty is still sleepi"g, so ; le /e hi! "d he d for the $it*he"+

2h "oM F te+ ; left !y purse i" Christi "s study+ ; fet*h it "d re *h for !y *ell pho"e+ Three te4ts+

X(8 2F %" X

XWhere (8 %" X

X? !" it %" X

; * ll F te+ Whe" she does"t "s#er, ; le /e her !

gro/eli"g !ess ge to tell her ;

li/e "d h /e "ot su**u!bed to 3luebe rd, #ell "ot i" the se"se she #ould be #orried bout E or perh ps ; h /e+ 2h this is so *o"fusi"g+ ; h /e to try "d * tegoriGe "d " lyGe !y feeli"gs for Christi " @rey+ ;ts " i!possible t s$+ ; sh $e !y he d i" defe t+ ; "eed lo"e ti!e, # y fro! here to thi"$+

; fi"d t#o #el*o!e h ir ties t the s !e ti!e i" !y b g "d Dui*$ly tie !y h ir i" pigt ils+ KesL The !ore girly ; loo$, perh ps the s fer ;ll be fro! 3luebe rd+ ; t $e !y i1od out of the b g "d plug !y he dpho"es i"+ Theres "othi"g li$e !usi* to *oo$ by+ ; slip it i"to the bre st po*$et of Christi "s shirt, tur" it up loud, "d st rt d "*i"g+

6oly hell, ;! hu"gry+

; ! d u"ted by his $it*he"+ ;ts so slee$ "d !oder" "d "o"e of the *upbo rds h /e h "dles+ ;t t $es !e doors to fe# se*o"ds to dedu*e th t ; h /e to push the *upbo rd

ope" the!+ 1erh ps ; should *oo$ Christi " bre $f st+ 6e # s e ti"g " o!elet the other d yM u!, yesterd y t the 6e th! "+ JeeG, so !u*h h s h ppe"ed si"*e the"+ ; *he*$ i" the fridge, #here there re ple"ty of eggs, "d de*ide ; # "t p "* $es "d b *o"+ ; set bout ! $i"g so!e b tter, d "*i"g !y # y rou"d the $it*he"+

3ei"g busy is good+ ;t llo#s

bit of ti!e to thi"$ but "ot too deeply+ 'usi* bl ri"g

i" !y e rs lso helps to st /e off deep thought+ ; * !e here to spe"d the "ight i" Christi " @reys bed, "d ! " ged it, e/e" though he does"t let "yo"e i" his bed+ ; s!ile, !issio" **o!plished+ 3ig ti!e+ ; gri"+ 3ig, big ti!e, "d ;! distr *ted by the !e!ory of l st "ight+ 6is #ords, his body, his lo/e! $i"gM ; *lose !y eyes s !y body hu!s t the re*

olle*tio", "d !y !us*les *o"tr *t deli*iously deep i" !y belly+ 'y sub*o"s*ious s*o#ls t !eM fu*$i"g E "ot lo/e! $i"g E she s*re !s t !e li$e deep do#" ; $"o# she h s h rpy+ ; ig"ore her, but

poi"t+ ; sh $e !y he d to *o"*e"tr te o" the t s$ t h "d+

There is

st te<of<the< rt r "ge+ ; thi"$ ; h /e the h "g of it+ ; "eed so!e#here to

$eep the p "* $es # r!, "d ; st rt o" the b *o"+ %!y Studt is si"gi"g i" !y e r bout !isfits+ This so"g used to !e " so !u*h to !e, th ts be* use ;! "e/er !isfit+ ; h /e

fitted i" "y#here "d "o#M ; h /e " i"de*e"t propos l to *o"sider fro! Fi"g 'isfit hi!self+ Why is he this # yJ 0 ture or 0urtureJ ;ts so lie" to "ythi"g ; $"o#+

; put the b *o" u"der the grill, "d #hile its *oo$i"g, ; #his$ so!e eggs+ ; tur", "d Christi " is sitti"g o" o"e of the b r stools t the bre $f st b r, le "i"g o" it, his f *e supported by his steepled h "ds+ 6es still #e ri"g the t<shirt hes slept i"+ Just<fu*$ed h ir re lly,

re lly suits hi!, s does his desig"er stubble+ 6e loo$s both !used "d be#ildered+ ; freeGe, flush, the" g ther !yself "d pull the he dpho"es out of !y e rs, !y $"ees #e $ t the sight of hi!+

H@ood !or"i"g, 'iss Steele+ Koure /ery e"ergeti* this !or"i"g,I he s ys dryly+

H; slept #ell,I ; stutter !y e4pl " tio"+ 6is lips try to ! s$ his s!ile+

H; * "t i! gi"e #hy+I 6e p uses "d fro#"s+ HSo did ;, fter ; * !e b *$ to bed+I

H%re you hu"gryJI

HCery,I he s ys #ith " i"te"se loo$, "d ; do"t thi"$ hes referri"g to food+

H1 "* $es, b *o", "d eggsJI

HSou"ds gre t+I

H; do"t $"o# #here you $eep your pl *e! ts+I ; shrug, tryi"g desper tely h rd "ot to loo$ flustered+

H;ll do th t+ Kou *oo$+ Would you li$e !e to put so!e !usi* o" so you * " *o"ti"ue yourM errM d "*i"gJI

; st re do#" t !y fi"gers, $"o#i"g th t ; ! tur"i"g pu*e+

H1le se, do"t stop o" !y **ou"t+ ;ts /ery e"tert i"i"g+I 6is to"e is o"e of #ry !use!e"t+

; purse !y lips+ E"tert i"i"g ehJ 'y sub*o"s*ious h s doubled o/er i" l ughter t !e+ ; tur" "d *o"ti"ue to #his$ the eggs, prob bly be ti"g the! they "eed+ ;" !o!e"t, hes beside !e+ 6e ge"tly pulls !y pigt il+ little h rder th "

H; lo/e these,I he #hispers+ HThey #o"t prote*t you+I 6!! 3luebe rdM

H6o# #ould you li$e your eggsJI ; s$ t rtly+ 6e s!iles+

HThoroughly #his$ed "d be te",I he s!ir$s+

; tur" b *$ to the t s$ t h "d, tryi"g to hide !y s!ile+ 6es h rd to st y ! d t+ Espe*i lly #he" hes bei"g so u"*h r *teristi* lly pl yful+ 6e ope"s dr #er "d t $es out p ", pull

t#o bl *$ sl te pl *e! ts for the bre $f st b r+ ; pour the egg !i4 i"to out the b *o" "d tur" it o/er, "d put it b *$ u"der the grill+

Whe" ; tur" b *$ rou"d, there is or "ge Bui*e o" the t ble, "d hes ! $i"g *offee+

HWould you li$e so!e te JI

HKes, ple se+ ;f you h /e so!e+I

; fi"d

*ouple of pl tes "d pl *e the! i" the # r!i"g tr y of the r "ge+ Christi " *upbo rd "d pulls out so!e T#i"i"gs E"glish 3re $f st te + ; purse

re *hes i"to !y lips+

H3it of forego"e *o"*lusio" # s"t ;JI

H%re youJ ;! "ot sure #e/e *o"*luded "ythi"g yet, 'iss Steele,I he !ur!urs+

Wh t does he !e " by th tJ 2ur "egoti tio"sJ 2ur, errM rel tio"shipM #h te/er th t isJ 6es still so *rypti*+ ; ser/e up the bre $f st o"to the he ted pl tes "d l y the! o" the pl *e! ts+ ; hu"t i" the refriger tor "d fi"d so!e ! ple syrup+

; gl "*e up t Christi ", "d hes # iti"g for !e to sit do#"+

H'iss Steele+I 6e !otio"s to o"e of the b r stools+

H'r+ @rey+I ; "od i" *$"o#ledge!e"t+ ; *li!b up "d #i"*e slightly s ; sit do#"+

HJust ho# sore re youJI he s$s s he sits do#"+ 6is gr y eyes d r$+

; flush+ Why does he s$ su*h perso" l Duestio"sJ

HWell, to be truthful, ; h /e "othi"g to *o!p re this to,I ; s" p t hi!+ H?id you #ish to offer your *o!!iser tio"sJI ; s$ too s#eetly+ ; thi"$ hes tryi"g to stifle but ; * "t be sure+ s!ile,

H0o+ ; #o"dered if #e should *o"ti"ue your b si* tr i"i"g+I

H2h+I ; st re t hi! du!bfou"ded s ; stop bre thi"g "d e/erythi"g i"side !e *le"*hes tight+ 2ohM th ts so "i*e+ ; suppress !y gro "+

HE t, %" st si +I 'y ppetite h s be*o!e u"*ert i" g i"M !oreM !ore se4M yes ple se+

HThis is deli*ious, i"*ide"t lly+I 6e gri"s t !e+

; try

for$ful of o!elet but * " b rely t ste it+ 3 si* tr i"i"gL ; # "t to fu*$ your

!outh+ ?oes th t for! p rt of b si* tr i"i"gJ

HStop biti"g your lip+ ;ts /ery distr *ti"g, "d ; h ppe" to $"o# youre "ot #e ri"g "ythi"g u"der !y shirt #hi*h ! $es it e/e" !ore distr *ti"g,I he gro#ls+

; du"$ !y te b g i" the s! ll pot th t Christi " h s pro/ided+ 'y !i"d is i"


HWh t sort of b si* tr i"i"g did you h /e i" !i"dJI ; s$, !y /oi*e slightly too high, betr yi"g !y #ish to sou"d s " tur l, disi"terested, "d * l! s ; * " #ith !y hor!o"es #re $i"g h /o* through !y body+

HWell, s youre sore, ; thought #e *ould sti*$ to or l s$ills+I

; *ho$e o" !y te , "d ; st re t hi!, eyes #ide "d g pi"g+ 6e p ts !e ge"tly o" the b *$ "d p sses !e so!e or "ge Bui*e+ ; * ""ot tell #h t hes thi"$i"g+

HTh ts if you # "t to st y,I he dds+ ; gl "*e up t hi!, tryi"g to re*o/er !y eDuilibriu!+ 6is e4pressio" is u"re d ble+ ;ts so frustr ti"g+

H;d li$e to st y for tod y+ ;f th ts o$ y+ ; h /e to #or$ to!orro#+I

HWh t ti!e do you h /e to be t #or$ to!orro#JI


H;ll get you to #or$ by "i"e to!orro#+I

; fro#"+ ?oes he # "t !e to st y "other "ightJ

H;ll "eed to go ho!e to"ight E ; "eed *le " *lothes+I

HWe * " get you so!e here+I

; do"t h /e sp re * sh to spe"d o" *lothes+ 6is h "d *o!es up, "d he gr sps !y *hi", tuggi"g it so !y lip is rele sed fro! the grip of !y teeth+ ;! "ot e/e" # re ;/e bee" biti"g !y lip+

HWh t is itJI he s$s+

H; "eed to be ho!e this e/e"i"g+I

6is !outh is h rd li"e+

H2$ y, this e/e"i"g,I he *Duies*es+ H0o# e t your bre $f st+I

'y thoughts "d !y sto! *h re i" tur!oil+ 'y ppetite h s / "ished+ ; st re t !y h lf<e te" bre $f st+ ;! Bust "ot hu"gry+

HE t, %" st si + Kou did"t e t l st "ight+I

H;! re lly "ot hu"gry,I ; #hisper+

6is eyes " rro#+

H; #ould re lly li$e you to fi"ish your bre $f st+I

HWh t is it #ith you "d foodJI ; blurt+ 6is bro# $"its+

H; told you, ; h /e issues #ith # sted food+ E t,I he s" ps+ 6is eyes re d r$, p i"ed+

6oly Cr p+ Wh t is th t ll boutJ ; pi*$ up !y for$ "d e t slo#ly, tryi"g to *he#+ ; !ust re!e!ber "ot to put so !u*h o" !y pl te if hes goi"g to be #eird bout food+ 6is e4pressio" softe"s s ; * refully ! $e !y # y through !y bre $f st+ ; "ote th t he *le "s his pl te+ 6e # its for !e to fi"ish, "d the" he *le rs !y pl te+

HKou *oo$ed, ;ll *le r+I

HTh ts /ery de!o*r ti*+I

HKes+I 6e fro#"s+ H0ot !y usu l style+ %fter ;/e do"e this, #ell t $e

b th+I

H2h, o$ y+I 2h !yM ;d !u*h r ther h /e re/erie+ ;ts F te+

sho#er+ 'y *ell ri"gs, i"terrupti"g !y

H6i+I ; # "der o/er to the gl ss doors of the b l*o"y, # y fro! hi!+

H%" , #hy did"t you te4t l st "ightJI Shes "gry+

H;! sorry, ; # s o/ert $e" by e/e"ts+I

HKoure o$ yJI

HKes, ;! fi"e+I

H?id youJI Shes fishi"g for i"for! tio"+ ; roll !y eyes t the e4pe*t tio" i" her /oi*e+

HF te, ; do"t # "t to t l$ o/er the pho"e+I Christi " gl "*es up t !e+

HKou didM ; * " tell+I

6o# * " she tellJ Shes bluffi"g, "d ; * "t t l$ bout this+ ;/e sig"ed gree!e"t+

d !"ed

HF te, ple se+I

HWh t # s it li$eJ %re you o$ yJI

H;/e told you ;! o$ y+I

HW s he ge"tleJI

HF te, ple seLI ; * "t hide !y e4 sper tio"+

H%" , do"t hold out o" !e, ;/e bee" # iti"g for this d y for "e rly four ye rs+I

H;ll see you this e/e"i"g+I ; h "g up+

Th t is goi"g to be o"e diffi*ult sDu re to *ir*le+ Shes so te" *ious, "d she # "ts to $"o# E i" det il, "d ; * "t tell her be* use ;/e sig"ed 0?%+ Shell fre $ "d rightly so+ ; "eed gr *efully rou"d his $it*he"+ E #h t # s it * lledJ

pl "+ ; he d b *$ to # t*h Christi " !o/e

HThe 0?%, does it *o/er e/erythi"gJI ; s$ te"t ti/ely+

HWhyJI he tur"s "d g Ges t !e #hile putti"g the T#i"i"gs # y+ ; flush+

HWell, ; h /e H%"d

fe# Duestio"s, you $"o#, bout se4+I ; st re do#" t !y fi"gers+

;d li$e to s$ F te+I

HKou * " s$ !e+I

HChristi ", #ith ll due respe*t+I 'y /oi*e f des+ ; * "t s$ you+ ;ll get your bi sed, $i"$y< s<hell, distorted #orld</ie# reg rdi"g se4+ ; # "t " i!p rti l opi"io"+ H;ts Bust bout !e*h "i*s+ ; #o"t !e"tio" the (ed (oo! of 1 i"+I

6e r ises his eyebro#s+

H(ed (oo! of 1 i"J ;ts !ostly bout ple sure, %" st si + 3elie/e !e,I he s ys+ H3esides,I his to"e is h rsher+ HKour roo!<! te is ! $i"g the be st #ith t#o b *$s #ith !y brother+ ;d re lly r ther you did"t+I

H?oes your f !ily $"o# bout yourM u! predile*tio"JI

H0o+ ;ts "o"e of their busi"ess+I 6e s u"ters to# rd !e u"til hes st "di"g i" fro"t of !e+

HWh t do you # "t to $"o#JI he s$s, "d r isi"g his h "d ru"s his fi"gers ge"tly do#" !y *hee$ to !y *hi", tilti"g !y he d b *$ so he * " loo$ dire*tly i"to !y eyes+ ; sDuir! i"# rdly+ ; * ""ot lie to this ! "+

H0othi"g spe*ifi* t the !o!e"t,I ; #hisper+

HWell, #e * " st rt #ith E ho# # s l st "ight for youJI 6is eyes bur", filled #ith *uriosity+ 6es "4ious to $"o#+ Wo#+

H@ood,I ; !ur!ur+

6is lips lift slightly+

H'e too,I he !ur!urs+ H;/e "e/er h d / "ill se4 before+ Theres

lot to be s id

for it+ 3ut the", ! ybe its be* use its #ith you+I 6e ru"s his thu!b *ross !y lo#er lip+

; i"h le sh rply+ C "ill se4J

HCo!e, lets h /e

b th+I 6e le "s do#" "d $isses !e+ 'y he rt le ps "d desire

pools # y do#" lo#M # y do#" there+

The b th is o/er "d

#hite sto"e, deep, egg<sh ped ff ir, /ery desig"er+ Christi " le "s

fills it fro! the f u*et o" the tiled # ll+ 6e pours so!e e4pe"si/e loo$i"g b th oil i"to the # ter+ ;t fo !s s the b th fills "d s!ells of s#eet sultry J s!i"e+ 6e st "ds "d g Ges t !e, his eyes d r$, the" peels his t<shirt off "d * sts it o" the floor+

H'iss Steele+I 6e holds his h "d out+

;! st "di"g i" the door# y, #ide<eyed "d # ry, !y r!s #r pped rou"d !yself+ ; step for# rd #hile surreptitiously d!iri"g his physiDue+ 6e is Bust yu!!y+ 'y sub*o"s*ious s#oo"s "d p sses out so!e#here i" the b *$ of !y he d+ ; t $e his h "d, "d he bids !e to step i"to the b th #hile ; ! still #e ri"g his shirt+ ; do s ;! told+ ;ll h /e to get used to it if ;! goi"g to t $e hi! up o" his outr geous offerM ifL The # ter is e"ti*i"gly hot+

HTur" rou"d, f *e !e,I he orders, his /oi*e soft+ ; do s ;! bid+ 6es # t*hi"g !e i"te"tly+

H; $"o# th t lip is deli*ious, ; * " ttest to th t, but #ill you stop biti"g itJI he s ys through *le"*hed teeth+ HKou *he#i"g it ! $es !e # "t to fu*$ you, "d youre sore, o$ yJI

; g sp, uto! ti* lly u"lo*$i"g !y lip, sho*$ed+

HKe h,I he *h lle"ges+ H@ot the pi*ture+I 6e gl res t !e+ ; "od fr "ti* lly+ ; h d "o ide ; *ould ffe*t hi! so+

H@ood+I 6e re *hes for# rd "d t $es !y i1od out of the bre st po*$et, "d he puts it by the si"$+

HW ter "d i1ods E "ot

*le/er *o!bi" tio",I he !utters+ 6e re *hes do#", gr sps

the he! of !y #hite shirt, lifts it bo/e !y he d, "d dis* rds it o" the floor+

6e st "ds b *$ to g Ge t !e+ ;! " $ed for he /e"s s $e+ ; flush *ri!so" "d st re do#" t !y h "ds, le/el #ith the b se of !y belly, "d ; desper tely # "t to dis ppe r i"to the hot # ter "d fo !, but ; $"o# he #o"t # "t th t+

H6ey,I he su!!o"s !e+ ; pee$ up t hi!, "d his he d is *o*$ed to o"e side+ H%" st si ,

youre youre

/ery be utiful #o! ", the #hole p *$ ge+ ?o"t h "g your he d li$e re l Boy to st "d here "d

sh !ed+ Kou h /e "othi"g to be sh !ed of, "d its g Ge t

you+I 6e t $es !y *hi" i" his h "d "d tilts !y he d up to re *h his eyes+ They re soft "d # r!, he ted e/e"+ 2h !y+ 6es so *lose+ ; *ould Bust re *h up "d tou*h hi!+

HKou * " sit do#" "o#+I 6e h lts !y s* ttered thoughts, "d ; s*oot do#" i"to the # r!, #el*o!i"g # ter+ 2ohM it sti"gs+ Whi*h t $es !e by surprise, but it s!ells he /e"ly too, "d the i"iti l s! rti"g p i" soo" ebbs # y+ ; lie b *$ "d briefly *lose !y eyes, rel 4i"g i" the soothi"g # r!th+ Whe" ; ope" the!, he is g Gi"g do#" t !e+

HWhy do"t you Boi" !eJI ; s$, br /ely ; thi"$ E !y /oi*e hus$y+

H; thi"$ ; #ill+ 'o/e for# rd,I he orders+

6e strips out of his 1J p "ts "d *li!bs i" behi"d !e+ The # ter rises s he sits "d pulls !e g i"st his *hest+ 6e pl *es his lo"g legs o/er !i"e, his $"ees be"t "d his "$les le/el #ith !i"e, "d he pulls his feet p rt, ope"i"g !y legs+ ; g sp i" surprise+ 6is "ose is i" !y h ir "d he i"h les deeply+

HKou s!ell so good, %" st si +I

% tre!or ru"s through !y #hole body+ ; ! " $ed, i"

b th #ith Christi " @rey+

6es " $ed+ ;f so!eo"e h d told !e ;d be doi"g this #he" ; #o$e up i" his hotel suite yesterd y, ; #ould "ot h /e belie/ed the!+

6e re *hes for sDuirts

bottle of body # sh fro! the built<i" shelf beside the b th "d soft, fo !i"g l ther, "d

so!e i"to his h "d+ 6e rubs his h "ds together, *re ti"g he

*loses his h "ds rou"d !y "e*$ "d st rts to rub the so p i"to !y "e*$ "d shoulders, ! ss gi"g fir!ly #ith his lo"g, stro"g fi"gers+ ; gro "+ 6is h "ds o" !e feel good+

HKou li$e th tJI ; he r his s!ile+


6e !o/es do#" !y r!s, the" u"der the! to !y u"der r!s # shi"g ge"tly+ ;! so gl d F te i"sisted ; sh /e+ 6is h "ds glide *ross to !y bre sts, "d ; i"h le sh rply s his fi"gers e"*ir*le the! "d st rt $"e di"g ge"tly, t $i"g "o priso"ers+ 'y body bo#s i"sti"*ti/ely, pushi"g !y bre sts i"to his h "ds+ 'y "ipples re te"der+ Cery te"der, "o doubt fro! his less<th "<deli* te tre t!e"t of the! l st "ight+ 6e does"t li"ger lo"g "d glides his h "ds do#" to !y sto! *h "d belly+ 'y bre thi"g i"*re ses, "d !y he rt is r *i"g+ 6is gro#i"g ere*tio" presses g i"st !y behi"d+ ;ts su*h th t tur"<o" $"o#i"g

its !y body ! $i"g hi! feel this # y+ 6 M "ot your !i"d+ 'y sub*o"s*ious s"eers+ ;

sh $e off the u"#el*o!e thought+

6e stops "d re *hes for # sh*loth s ; p "t g i"st hi!, # "ti"gM "eedi"g+ 'y

h "ds rest o" his fir!, !us*ul r thighs+ SDuirti"g !ore so p o" to the # sh*loth, he le "s do#" "d # shes bet#ee" !y legs+ ; hold !y bre th+ 6is fi"gers s$illfully sti!ul ti"g !e through the *loth, its he /e"ly, "d !y hips st rt !o/i"g t their o#" rhyth!, pushi"g g i"st his h "d+ %s the se"s tio"s t $e o/er, ; tilt !y he d b *$, !y eyes rolli"g to the b *$ of !y he d, !y !outh sl *$, "d ; gro "+ The pressure is buildi"g slo#ly, i"e4or bly i"side !e M oh !y+

HFeel it, b by,I Christi " #hispers i" !y e r "d /ery ge"tly gr Ges !y e rlobe #ith his teeth+ HFeel it for !e+I 'y legs re pi"io"ed by his to the side of the b th, holdi"g !e priso"er, gi/i"g hi! e sy **ess to this !ost pri/ te p rt of !yself+

H2hM ple se,I ; #hisper+ ; try to stiffe" !y legs s !y body goes rigid+ ; ! i" se4u l thr ll to this ! ", "d he does"t let !e !o/e+

H; thi"$ youre *le " e"ough "o#,I he !ur!urs, "d he stops+ Wh tL 0oL 0oL 0oL 'y bre thi"g is r gged+

HWhy re you stoppi"gJI ; g sp+

H3e* use ; h /e other pl "s for you %" st si +I

Wh tM oh !yM butM ; # sM th ts "ot f ir+

HTur" rou"d+ ; "eed # shi"g, too,I he !ur!urs+

2hL Tur"i"g to f *e hi!, ;! sho*$ed to fi"d he h s his ere*tio" fir!ly i" his gr sp+ 'y !outh drops ope"+

H; # "t you to be*o!e #ell *Du i"ted, o" first " !e ter!s if you #ill, #ith !y f /orite "d !ost *herished p rt of !y body+ ;! /ery tt *hed to this+I

;ts so big "d gro#i"g+ 6is ere*tio" is bo/e the # ter li"e, the # ter l ppi"g t his hips+ ; gl "*e up t hi! "d *o!e f *e to f *e #ith his #i*$ed gri"+ 6es e"Boyi"g !y stou"ded e4pressio"+ ; re liGe th t ;! st ri"g+ ; s# llo#+ Th t # s i"side !eL ;t does"t see! possible+ 6e # "ts !e to tou*h hi!+ 6!!M o$ y, bri"g it o"+

; s!ile t hi! "d re *h for the body # sh, sDuirti"g so!e so p o"to !y h "d+ ; do s hes do"e, l theri"g the so p i" !y h "ds u"til they re fo !y+ ; do "ot t $e !y eyes off his+ 'y lips re p rted to **o!!od te !y bre thi"gM /ery deliber tely ; ge"tly bite !y botto! lip "d the" ru" !y to"gue *ross it, tr *i"g #here !y teeth h /e bee"+ 6is eyes

re serious "d d r$, "d they #ide" s !y to"gue s$i!s !y lo#er lip+ ; re *h for# rd "d pl *e o"e of !y h "ds rou"d hi!, !irrori"g ho# hes holdi"g hi!self+ 6is eyes *lose briefly+ Wo#M feels !u*h fir!er th " ; e4pe*t+ ; sDueeGe, "d he pl *es his h "d o/er !i"e+

HLi$e this,I he #hispers, "d he !o/es his h "d up "d do#" #ith

fir! grip rou"d

!y fi"gers, "d !y fi"gers tighte" rou"d hi!+ 6e *loses his eyes g i", "d his bre th hit*hes i" his thro t+ Whe" he ope"s the! g i", his g Ge is s*or*hi"g !olte" gr y+ HTh ts right, b by+I

6e rele ses !y h "d, le /i"g !e to *o"ti"ue lo"e, "d *loses his eyes s ; !o/e up "d do#" his le"gth+ 6e fle4es his hips slightly i"to !y h "d "d refle4i/ely ; gr sp hi! tighter+ % lo# gro " es* pes fro! deep #ithi" his thro t+ Fu*$ !y !outhM h!!+ ; re!e!ber hi! pushi"g his thu!b i" !y !outh "d s$i"g !e to su*$, h rd+ 6is !outh drops ope" slightly s his bre thi"g i"*re ses+ ; le " for# rd, #hile he h s his eyes *losed, "d pl *e !y lips rou"d hi! "d te"t ti/ely su*$, ru""i"g !y to"gue o/er the tip+

HWho M %" +I 6is eyes fly ope", "d ; su*$ h rder+

6!!M hes soft "d h rd t o"*e, li$e steel e"* sed i" /el/et, "d surprisi"gly t sty E s lty "d s!ooth+

HChrist,I he gro "s, "d he *loses his eyes g i"+

'o/i"g do#", ; push hi! i"to !y !outh+ 6e gro "s g i"+ 6 L 'y i""er goddess is thrilled+ ; * " do this+ ; * " fu*$ hi! #ith !y !outh+ ; t#irl !y to"gue rou"d the tip g i", "d he fle4es his hips+ 6is eyes re ope" "o#, blisteri"g #ith he t+ 6is teeth re *le"*hed s he fle4es g i", "d ; push hi! deeper i"to !y !outh, supporti"g !yself o" his thighs+ ; feel his legs te"se be"e th !y h "ds+ 6e re *hes up "d gr bs !y pigt ils "d st rts to re lly !o/e+

H2hM b byM th t feels good,I he !ur!urs+ ; su*$ h rder, fli*$i"g !y to"gue *ross the he d of his i!pressi/e ere*tio"+ Wr ppi"g !y teeth behi"d !y lips, ; *l !p !y !outh rou"d hi!+ 6is bre th hisses bet#ee" his teeth, "d he gro "s+

HJesus+ 6o# f r * " you goJI he #hispers+

6!!M ; pull hi! deeper i"to !y !outh so ; * " feel hi! t the b *$ of !y thro t "d the" to the fro"t g i"+ 'y to"gue s#irls rou"d the e"d+ 6es !y /ery o#" Christi " @rey fl /or popsi*le+ ; su*$ h rder "d h rder, pushi"g hi! deeper "d deeper, s#irli"g

!y to"gue rou"d "d rou"d+ 6!!M ; h d "o ide gi/i"g ple sure *ould be su*h tur"<o", # t*hi"g hi! #rithe subtly #ith * r" l lo"gi"g+ 'y i""er goddess is doi"g the !ere"gue #ith so!e s ls !o/es+

H%" st si , ;! goi"g to *o!e i" your !outh,I his bre thy to"e is # r"i"g+ H;f you do"t # "t !e to, stop "o#+I 6e fle4es his hips g i", his eyes re #ide, # ry, "d filled #ith s l *ious "eed E "eed for !e+ 0eed for !y !outh+++ oh !y+

6oly *r p+ 6is h "ds re re lly grippi"g !y h ir+ ; * " do this+ ; push e/e" h rder "d, i" edge+ !o!e"t of e4tr ordi" ry *o"fide"*e, ; b re !y teeth+ ;t tips hi! o/er the

6e *ries out "d stills, "d ; * " feel # r!, s lty liDuid ooGi"g do#" !y thro t+ ; s# llo# Dui*$ly+ 8ghM ;! "ot sure bout this+ 3ut o"e loo$ t hi!, "d hes *o!e p rt i" the b th be* use of !e, "d ; do"t * re+ ; sit b *$ "d # t*h hi!, glo ti"g s!ile triu!ph "t,

tuggi"g t the *or"ers of !y lips+ 6is bre thi"g is r gged+ 2pe"i"g his eyes, he gl res t !e+

H?o"t you h /e

g g refle4JI he s$s, sto"ished+ HChrist, %" M th t # sM good,

re lly good, u"e4pe*ted though+I 6e fro#"s+ HKou $"o#, you "e/er *e se to ! Ge !e+I

; s!ile "d *o"s*iously bite !y lip+ 6e eyes !e spe*ul ti/ely+

H6 /e you do"e th t beforeJI

H0o+I %"d ; * "t help the s! ll ti"ge of pride i" !y de"i l+

H@ood,I he s ys *o!pl *e"tly "d, ; thi"$, relie/ed+ HKet "other first, 'iss Steele+I 6e loo$s ppr isi"gly t !e+ HWell, you get " % i" or l s$ills+ Co!e, lets go to bed, ; o#e you " org s!+I

2rg s!L %"other o"eL

Qui*$ly, he *l !bers out of the b th, gi/i"g !e !y first full gli!pse of the %do"is, di/i"ely for!ed, th t is Christi " @rey+ 'y i""er goddess h s stopped d "*i"g "d is st ri"g too, !outh ope" "d drooli"g slightly+ 6is ere*tio" t !ed, but still subst "ti lM #o#+ 6e #r ps fluffy s! ll to#el rou"d his # ist, *o/eri"g the esse"ti ls, "d holds out l rger

#hite to#el for !e+ Cli!bi"g out of the b th, ; t $e his proffered h "d+ 6e #r ps !e i"

the to#el, pulls !e i"to his r!s, "d $isses !e h rd, pushi"g his to"gue i"to !y !outh+ ; lo"g to re *h rou"d "d e!br *e hi!M tou*h hi!M but he h s !y r!s tr pped i" the to#el+ ;! soo" lost i" his $iss+ 6e *r dles !y he d, his to"gue e4plori"g !y !outh, "d

; get

se"se hes e4pressi"g his gr titude E ! ybe E for !y first blo#BobJ Who J

6e pulls # y, his h "ds o" either side of !y f *e, st ri"g i"te"tly i"to !y eyes+ 6e loo$s lost+

HS y yes,I he #hispers fer/e"tly+

; fro#", "ot u"derst "di"g+

HTo #h tJI

HKes to our rr "ge!e"t+ To bei"g !i"e+ 1le se, %" ,I he #hispers, e!ph siGi"g the l st #ord "d !y " !e, ple di"g+ 6e $isses !e g i", s#eetly, p ssio" tely, before he st "ds b *$ "d st res t !e, bli"$i"g slightly+ 6e t $es !y h "d "d le ds !e b *$ to his bedroo!, le /i"g !e reeli"g, so ; follo# hi! !ee$ly+ Stu""ed+ 6e re lly # "ts this+

;" his bedroo!, he st res do#" t !e s #e st "d by his bed+

HTrust !eJI he s$s sudde"ly+ ; "od, #ide<eyed #ith the sudde" re liG tio" th t ; do trust hi!+ Wh ts he goi"g to do to !e "o#J %" ele*tri* thrill hu!s through !e+

H@ood girl,I he bre thes, his thu!b brushi"g !y botto! lip+ 6e steps # y i"to his *loset "d *o!es b *$ #ith sil/er<grey sil$ #o/e" tie+

HF"it your h "ds together i" fro"t of you,I he orders s he peels the to#el off !e "d thro#s it o" the floor+

; do s he s$s, "d he bi"ds !y #rists together #ith his tie, $"otti"g it fir!ly+ 6is eyes re bright #ith #ild e4*ite!e"t+ 6e tugs t the bi"di"g+ ;ts se*ure+ So!e boy s*out he !ust h /e bee" to le r" these $"ots+ Wh t "o#J 'y pulse h s go"e through the roof, !y he rt be ti"g fr "ti* t ttoo+ 6e ru"s his fi"gers do#" !y pigt ils+

HKou loo$ so you"g #ith these,I he !ur!urs "d !o/es for# rd+ ;"sti"*ti/ely, ; !o/e b *$ u"til ; feel the bed g i"st the b *$ of !y $"ees+ 6e drops his to#el, but ; * "t t $e !y eyes off his f *e+ 6is e4pressio" is rde"t, full of desire+

H2h, %" st si , #h t sh ll ; do to youJI he #hispers s he lo#ers !e o" to the bed, lyi"g beside !e, "d r isi"g !y h "ds bo/e !y he d+

HFeep your h "ds up here, do"t !o/e the!, u"derst "dJI 6is eyes bur" i"to !i"e, "d ;! bre thless fro! their i"te"sity+ This is "ot ! " ; # "t to *rossM e/er+

H%"s#er !e,I he de! "ds, his /oi*e soft+

H; #o"t !o/e !y h "ds+I ;! bre thless+

H@ood girl,I he !ur!urs "d deliber tely li*$s his lips slo#ly+ ;! !es!eriGed by

his to"gue s it s#eeps slo#ly o/er his upper lip+ 6es st ri"g i"to !y eyes, # t*hi"g !e, ppr isi"g+ 6e le "s do#" "d pl "ts *h ste, s#ift $iss o" !y lips+

H;! goi"g to $iss you ll o/er, 'iss Steele,I he s ys softly, "d he *ups !y *hi", pushi"g it up gi/i"g hi! **ess to !y thro t+ 6is lips glide do#" !y thro t, $issi"g, su*$i"g, "d "ippi"g, to the s! ll dip t the b se of !y "e*$+ 'y body le ps to tte"tio"M e/ery#here+ 'y re*e"t b th e4perie"*e h s ! de !y s$i" hyper<se"siti/e+ 'y he ted blood pools lo# i" !y belly, bet#ee" !y legs, right do#" there+ ; gro "+

; # "t to tou*h hi!+ ; !o/e !y h "ds "d r ther #$# rdly, gi/e" ;! restr i"ed, feel his h ir+ 6e stops $issi"g !e "d gl res up t !e, sh $i"g his he d fro! side to side, tutti"g s he does+ 6e re *hes for !y h "ds "d pl *es the! bo/e !y he d g i"+

H?o"t !o/e your h "ds, or #e Bust h /e to st rt ll o/er g i",I he s*olds !e !ildly+ 2h, hes su*h te se+

H; # "t to tou*h you+I 'y /oi*e is ll bre thy "d out of *o"trol+

H; $"o#,I he !ur!urs+ HFeep your h "ds bo/e your he d,I he orders, his /oi*e for*eful+

6e *ups !y *hi" g i" "d st rts to $iss !y thro t s before+ 2hM hes so frustr ti"g+ 6is h "ds ru" do#" !y body "d o/er !y bre sts s he re *hes the dip t the b se of !y "e*$ #ith his lips+ 6e s#irls the tip of his "ose rou"d it the" begi"s *ruise /ery leisurely

#ith his !outh, he di"g south, follo#i"g the p th of his h "ds, do#" !y ster"u! to !y bre sts+ E *h o"e is $issed "d "ipped ge"tly "d !y "ipples te"derly su*$ed+ 6oly *r p+ 'y hips st rt s# yi"g "d !o/i"g of their o#" **ord, gri"di"g to the rhyth! of his !outh o" !e, "d ;! desper tely tryi"g to re!e!ber to $eep !y h "ds bo/e !y he d+

HFeep still,I he # r"s, his bre th # r! g i"st !y s$i"+ (e *hi"g !y " /el, he dips his to"gue i"side, "d the" ge"tly gr Ges !y belly #ith his teeth+ 'y body bo#s off the bed+

H6!!+ Kou re so s#eet, 'iss Steele+I 6is "ose glides lo"g the li"e bet#ee" !y belly "d !y pubi* h ir, biti"g !e ge"tly, te si"g !e #ith his to"gue+ Sitti"g up sudde"ly, he $"eels t !y feet, gr spi"g both !y "$les "d spre di"g !y legs #ide+

6oly shit+ 6e gr bs !y left foot, be"ds !y $"ee, "d bri"gs !y foot up to his !outh+ W t*hi"g "d ssessi"g !y e/ery re *tio", he te"derly $isses e *h of !y toes the" bites e *h o"e of the! softly o" the p ds+ Whe" he re *hes !y little toe, he bites h rder, "d ;

*o"/ulse, #hi!peri"g+ 6e glides his to"gue up !y i"step E "d ; * " "o lo"ger # t*h hi!+ ;ts too eroti*+ ;! goi"g to *o!bust+ ; sDueeGe !y eyes shut "d try to bsorb "d ! " ge ll the se"s tio"s hes *re ti"g+ 6e $isses !y "$le "d tr ils $isses up !y * lf to !y $"ee, stoppi"g Bust bo/e+ 6e the" st rts o" !y right foot, repe ti"g the #hole, sedu*ti/e, !i"d<blo#i"g pro*ess+

H2h, ple se,I ; !o " s he bites !y little toe, the *tio" reso" ti"g deep i" !y belly+

H%ll good thi"gs, 'iss Steele,I he bre thes+

This ti!e he does"t stop t !y $"ee, he *o"ti"ues up the i"side of !y thigh, pushi"g !y thighs p rt s he does+ %"d ; $"o# #h t hes goi"g to do, "d p rt of !e # "ts to push hi! off be* use ;! !ortified "d e!b rr ssed+ 6es goi"g to $iss !e thereL ; $"o# it+ %"d p rt of !e is gloryi"g i" the "ti*ip tio"+ 6e tur"s to !y other $"ee "d $isses his # y up !y thigh, $issi"g, li*$i"g, su*$i"g, "d the" hes bet#ee" !y legs, ru""i"g his "ose up "d do#" !y se4, /ery softly, /ery ge"tly+ ; #ritheM oh !y+

6e stops, # iti"g for !e to * l!+ ; do "d r ise !y he d to g Ge t hi!, !y !outh ope" s !y pou"di"g he rt struggles to *o!e out+

H?o you $"o# ho# i"to4i* ti"g you s!ell, 'iss SteeleJI he !ur!urs, "d $eepi"g his eyes o" !i"e, he pushes his "ose i"to !y pubi* h ir "d i"h les+

; flush s* rlet, e/ery#here, feeli"g f i"t, "d ; i"st "tly *lose !y eyes+ ; * "t # t*h hi! do th tL

6e blo#s ge"tly up the le"gth of !y se4+ 2h fu*$M

H; li$e this+I 6e ge"tly tugs t !y pubi* h ir+ H1erh ps #ell $eep this+I

H2hM ple se,I ; beg+

H6!!, ; li$e it #he" you beg !e, %" st si +I

; gro "+

HTit for t t is "ot !y usu l style, 'iss Steele,I he #hispers s he ge"tly blo#s up "d do#" !e+ H3ut you/e ple sed !e tod y, "d you should be re# rded+I ; he r the #i*$ed gri" i" his /oi*e, "d #hile !y body is si"gi"g fro! his #ords, his to"gue st rts to slo#ly *ir*le !y *litoris s his h "ds hold do#" !y thighs+

H% rghLI ; !o " s !y body bo#s "d *o"/ulses t the tou*h of his to"gue+

6e s#irls his to"gue rou"d "d rou"d, g i" "d g i", $eepi"g up the torture+ ;! losi"g ll se"se of self, e/ery to! of !y bei"g *o"*e"tr ti"g h rd o" th t s! ll, pote"t po#erhouse t the pe4 of !y thighs+ 'y legs go rigid, "d he slips his fi"ger i"side !e, "d ; he r his gro#li"g gro "+

H2h, b by+ ; lo/e th t youre so #et for !e+I

6e !o/es his fi"ger i" !irrori"g

#ide *ir*le, stret*hi"g !e, pulli"g t !e, his to"gue

his *tio"s, rou"d "d rou"d, ; gro "+ ;t is too !u*hM 'y body begs for relief, "d ; * " "o lo"ger de"y it+ ; let go, losi"g ll *oge"t thought s !y org s! seiGes !e, #ri"gi"g !y i"sides g i" "d g i"+ 6oly fu*$+ ; *ry out, "d the #orld dips "d dis ppe rs fro! /ie# s the for*e of !y *li! 4 re"ders e/erythi"g "ull "d /oid+

; ! p "ti"g "d / guely he r the rip of foil+ Cery slo#ly he e ses i"to !e "d st rts to !o/e+ 2hM !y+ The feeli"g is sore "d s#eet, "d bold "d ge"tle ll t o"*e+

H6o#s thisJI he bre thes+

HFi"e+ @ood,I ; bre the+ %"d he re lly st rts to !o/e, f st, h rd, "d l rge, thrusti"g i"to !e o/er "d o/er, i!pl * ble, pushi"g !e "d pushi"g !e u"til ; ! *lose to the edge

g i"+ ; #hi!per+

HCo!e for !e, b by+I 6is /oi*e is h rsh, h rd, r # t !y e r, "d ; e4plode rou"d hi! s he pou"ds r pidly i"to !e+

HTh "$ fu*$,I he #hispers, "d he thrusts h rd o"*e !ore "d gro "s s he re *hes his *li! 4, pressi"g hi!self i"to !e+ The" he stills, his body rigid+

Coll psi"g o" top of !e, ; feel his full #eight for*i"g !e i"to the ! ttress+ ; pull !y tied h "ds o/er his "e*$ "d hold hi! the best ; * "+ ; $"o# i" th t !o!e"t th t ; #ould do "ythi"g for this ! "+ ; ! his+ The #o"der th t hes i"trodu*ed !e to, its beyo"d "ythi"g ; *ould h /e i! gi"ed+ %"d he # "ts to t $e it further, so !u*h further, to pl *e ; * "t, i" !y i""o*e"*e, e/e" i! gi"e+ 2hM #h t to doJ

6e le "s up o" his elbo#s "d st res do#" t !e, gr y eyes i"te"se+

HSee ho# good #e re together,I he !ur!urs+ H;f you gi/e yourself to !e, it #ill be so !u*h better+ Trust !e, %" st si , ; * " t $e you pl *es you do"t e/e" $"o# e4ist+I 6is #ords e*ho !y thoughts+ 6e stro$es his "ose g i"st !i"e+ ; ! still reeli"g fro! !y e4tr ordi" ry physi* l re *tio" to hi!, "d ; g Ge up t hi! bl "$ly, gr spi"g for *ohere"t thought+

Sudde"ly #e both be*o!e # re of /oi*es i" the h ll outside his bedroo! door+ ;t t $es !o!e"t to pro*ess #h t ; * " he r+

H3ut if hes still i" bed, the" he !ust be ill+ 6es "e/er i" bed t this ti!e+ Christi " "e/er sleeps i"+I

H'rs+ @rey, ple se+I

HT ylor+ Kou * ""ot $eep !e fro! !y so"+I

H'rs+ @rey, hes "ot lo"e+I

HWh t do you !e " hes "ot lo"eJI

H6e h s so!eo"e #ith hi!+I

H 2hM I E/e" ; he r the disbelief i" her /oi*e+

Christi " bli"$s r pidly, st ri"g do#" t !e, #ide<eyed #ith hu!ored horror+

HShitL ;ts !y !other+I

6e pulls out of !e sudde"ly+ ; #i"*e+ 6e sits up o" the bed "d thro#s the used *o"do! i" # steb s$et+

HCo!e o", #e "eed to get dressed E th ts if you # "t to !eet !y !other+I 6e gri"s, le ps up off the bed, "d pulls o" his Be "s, "o u"der#e rL ; struggle to sit up s ;! still tethered+

HChristi " < ; * "t !o/e+I

6is gri" #ide"s, "d le "i"g do#", he u"does the tie+ The #o/e" p tter" h s ! de " i"de"ted p tter" rou"d !y #rists+ ;tsM se4y+ 6e g Ges t !e+ 6es !used, his eyes d "*i"g #ith !irth+ 6e $isses !y forehe d Dui*$ly "d be !s t !e+

H%"other first,I he *$"o#ledges, but ; h /e "o ide #h t hes t l$i"g bout+

H; h /e "o *le " *lothes i" here+I ; ! filled #ith sudde" p "i*, "d *o"sideri"g #h t ;/e Bust e4perie"*ed, ;! fi"di"g the p "i* o/er#hel!i"g+ 6is !otherL 6oly *r p+ ; h /e "o *le " *lothes, "d shes pr *ti* lly # l$ed i" o" us i" fl gr "te deli*to+ H1erh ps ; should st y here+I

H2h, "o, you do"t,I Christi " thre te"s+ HKou * " #e r so!ethi"g of !i"e+I 6es slipped o" !y #hite t<shirt "d ru"s his h "d through his Bust<fu*$ed h ir+ ;" spite of

"4iety, ; lose !y tr i" of thought+ Will ; e/er get used to loo$i"g t this be utiful ! "J 6is be uty is der ili"g+

H%" st si , you *ould be #e ri"g s *$ "d youd loo$ lo/ely+ 1le se do"t #orry+

;d li$e you to !eet !y !other+ @et dressed+ ;ll Bust go "d * l! her do#"+I 6is !outh presses i"to *o!e h rd li"e+ H; #ill e4pe*t you i" th t roo! i" fi/e !i"utes, other#ise ;ll

"d dr g you out of here !yself i" #h te/er youre #e ri"g+ 'y t<shirts re i" this dr #er+ 'y shirts re i" the *loset+ 6elp yourself+I 6e eyes !e spe*ul ti/ely for the" le /es the roo!+ !o!e"t,

6oly shit+ Christi "s !other+ This is so !u*h !ore th " ; b rg i"ed for+ 1erh ps !eeti"g her #ill help put u"derst "d #hy little p rt of the Bigs # i" pl *e+ 'ight help !e

Christi " is the # y he isM Sudde"ly, ; # "t to !eet her+ ; pull !y shirt off the floor, "d ;! ple sed to dis*o/er th t it h s sur/i/ed the "ight #ell #ith h rdly "y *re ses+ ; fi"d !y blue br u"der the bed "d dress Dui*$ly+ 3ut if theres o"e thi"g ; h te, its "ot #e ri"g

*le " p "ties+ ; rifle through Christi "s *hest of dr #ers "d *o!e *ross his bo4er briefs+ %fter pulli"g o" Co"/erse+ p ir of tight gr y C l/i" Flei"s, ; tug o" !y Be "s "d !y

@r bbi"g !y B *$et, ; d sh i"to the b throo! "d st re t !y too<bright eyes, !y flushed f *e E "d !y h irL 6oly *r pM Bust<fu*$ed pigt ils do "ot suit !e either+ ; hu"t i" the / "ity u"it for o"ly brush "d fi"d *o!b+ ;t #ill h /e to do+ % po"yt il is the

"s#er+ ; desp ir t !y *lothes+ ' ybe ; should t $e Christi " up o" his offer of *lothes+ 'y sub*o"s*ious purses her lips "d !ouths the #ord Nho+ ; ig"ore her+ Struggli"g i"to !y B *$et, ple sed th t the *uffs *o/er the tell<t le p tter"s fro! his tie, ; t $e l st "4ious gl "*e t !yself i" the !irror+ This #ill h /e to do+ ; ! $e !y # y i"to the ! i" li/i"g roo!+

H6ere she is+I Christi " st "ds fro! #here hes lou"gi"g o" the *ou*h+

6is e4pressio" is # r! "d ppre*i ti/e+ The s "dy<h ired #o! " beside hi! tur"s "d be !s t !e, i" full !eg # tt s!ile+ She st "ds too+ Shes i!pe** bly ttired

* !el<*olored fi"e $"it s#e ter dress #ith ! t*hi"g shoes+ She loo$s groo!ed, eleg "t, be utiful, "d i"side ; die little, $"o#i"g ; loo$ su*h !ess+

H'other, this is %" st si Steele+ %" st si , this is @r *e Tre/ely "<@rey+I

?r+ Tre/ely "<@rey holds her h "d out to !e+ TM for Tre/ely "J

HWh t "d

ple sure to !eet you,I she !ur!urs+ ;f ;! "ot !ist $e", there is #o"der # r! glo# i" her h Gel eyes+ ; gr sp her

! ybe stu""ed relief i" her /oi*e "d h "d, "d

; * "t help but s!ile, retur"i"g her # r!th+

H?r+ Tre/ely "<@rey,I ; !ur!ur+

HC ll !e @r *e,I she gri"s, "d Christi " fro#"s+ H; ! usu lly ?r+ Tre/ely ", "d 'rs+ @rey is !y !other<i"<l #+I She #i"$s+ HSo ho# did you t#o !eetJI She loo$s Duestio"i"gly t Christi ", u" ble to hide her *uriosity+

H%" st si i"ter/ie#ed !e for the stude"t p per t WS8 be* use ;! *o"ferri"g the degrees there this #ee$+I

?ouble *r p+ ;d forgotte" th t+

HSo you re gr du ti"g this #ee$JI @r *e s$s+


'y *ell pho"e st rts ri"gi"g+ F te, ; bet+

HE4*use !e+I ;ts i" the $it*he"+ ; # "der o/er "d le " *ross the bre $f st b r, "ot *he*$i"g the "u!ber+

HF te+I

H?ios !ioL %" LI 6oly *r p, its JosO+ 6e sou"ds desper te+ HWhere re youJ ;/e bee" tryi"g to *o"t *t you+ ; "eed to see you, to pologiGe for !y beh /ior o" Frid y+ Why h /e"t you retur"ed !y * llsJI

HLoo$ JosO, "o#s "ot # t*hi"g

good ti!e+I ; gl "*e "4iously o/er t Christi " #hos

!e i"te"tly, his f *e i!p ssi/e s he !ur!urs so!ethi"g to his !o!+ ; tur" !y b *$ to hi!+

HWhere re youJ F te is bei"g so e/ si/e,I he #hi"es+

H;! i" Se ttle+I

HWh t re you doi"g i" Se ttleJ %re you #ith hi!JI

HJosO, ;ll * ll you l ter+ ; * "t t l$ to you "o#+I ; h "g up+

; # l$ s "o"*h l "tly b *$ to Christi " "d his !other+ @r *e is i" full flo#+

HM %"d Elliot * lled to s y you #ere rou"d E ; h /e"t see" you for t#o #ee$s, d rli"g+I

H?id he "o#JI Christi " !ur!urs, g Gi"g t !e, his e4pressio" u"re d ble+

H; thought #e !ight h /e lu"*h together, but ; * " see you h /e other pl "s, "d ; do"t # "t to i"terrupt your d y+I She g thers up her lo"g *re ! *o t "d tur"s to hi!, offeri"g hi! her *hee$+ 6e $isses her briefly, s#eetly+ She does"t tou*h hi!+

H; h /e to dri/e %" st si b *$ to 1ortl "d+I

H2f *ourse, d rli"g+ %" st si , its bee" su*h

ple sure+ ; do hope #e !eet g i"+I

She holds her h "d out to !e, her eyes glo#i"g, "d #e sh $e+

T ylor ppe rs fro!M #hereJ

H'rs+ @reyJI he s$s+

HTh "$ you, T ylor+I 6e es*orts her fro! the roo! "d through the double doors to the foyer+ T ylor # s here the #hole ti!eJ 6o# lo"g h s he bee" hereJ Where h s he bee"J

Christi " gl res t !e+

HSo the photogr pher * lledJI

Cr p+


HWh t did he # "tJI

HJust to pologiGe, you $"o# E for Frid y+I

Christi " " rro#s his eyes+

H; see,I he s ys si!ply+

T ylor re ppe rs+

H'r+ @rey, theres " issue #ith the ? rfur ship!e"t+I

Christi " "ods *urtly t hi!+

HCh rlie T "go b *$ t 3oei"g FieldJI

HKes sir+I

T ylor "ods t !e+

H'iss Steele+I

; s!ile te"t ti/ely b *$ t hi!, "d he tur"s "d le /es+

H?oes he li/e hereJ T ylorJI

HKes+I 6is to"e is *lipped+ Wh t is his proble!J

Christi " he ds o/er to the $it*he" "d pi*$s up his 3l *$3erry, s*rolli"g through so!e e! ils, ; ssu!e+ 6is !outh presses i" h rd li"e, "d he ! $es * ll+

H(os, #h ts the issueJI he s" ps+ 6e liste"s, # t*hi"g !e, gr y eyes spe*ul ti/e, s ; st "d i" the !iddle of the huge roo! #o"deri"g #h t to do #ith !yself, feeli"g e4tr ordi" rily self<*o"s*ious "d out of pl *e+

H;! "ot h /i"g either *re# put t ris$+ 0o, * "*elM Well ir drop i"ste dM @ood+I 6e h "gs up+ The # r!th i" his eyes h s dis ppe red+ 6e loo$s forbiddi"g, "d #ith o"e Dui*$ gl "*e t !e, he he ds i"to his study "d retur"s !o!e"t l ter+

HThis is the *o"tr *t+ (e d it, "d #ell dis*uss it "e4t #ee$e"d+ ' y ; suggest you do so!e rese r*h, so you $"o# #h ts i"/ol/ed+I 6e p uses+ HTh ts if you gree, "d ; re lly

hope you do+I 6e dds, his to"e softer, "4ious+

H(ese r*hJI

HKoull be ! Ged #h t you * " fi"d o" the ;"ter"et,I he !ur!urs+

;"ter"etL ; do"t h /e **ess to Cl yto"s,

*o!puter, o"ly F tes l ptop, "d ; *ould"t use

"ot for this sort of Nrese r*h surelyJ

HWh t is itJI he s$s, *o*$i"g his he d to o"e side+

H; do"t h /e

*o!puter+ ;ll see if ; * " use F tes l ptop+I

6e h "ds !e

! "il e"/elope+

H;! sure ; * "M err, le"d you o"e+ @r b your thi"gs, #ell dri/e b *$ to 1ortl "d "d gr b so!e lu"*h o" the # y+ ; "eed to dress+I

H;ll Bust ! $e

* ll,I ; !ur!ur+ ; Bust # "t to he r F tes /oi*e+ 6e fro#"s+

HThe photogr pherJI 6is B # *le"*hes, "d his eyes bur"+ ; bli"$ t hi!+ H; do"t li$e to sh re, 'iss Steele+ (e!e!ber th t+I 6is Duiet, *hilli"g to"e is #ith o"e lo"g, *old loo$ t !e, he he ds b *$ to the bedroo!+ # r"i"g, "d

6oly *r p+ ; Bust # "ted to * ll F te, ; # "t to * ll fter hi!, but his sudde" loof"ess h s left !e p r lyGed+ Wh t h ppe"ed to the ge"erous, rel 4ed, s!ili"g ! " #ho # s ! $i"g lo/e to !e "ot h lf " hour goJ

H(e dyJI Christi " s$s s #e st "d by the double doors to the foyer+

; "od u"*ert i"ly+ 6es resu!ed his dist "t, polite, uptight perso" , his ! s$ b *$ up "d o" sho#+ 6es * rryi"g 1erh ps hes le ther !esse"ger b g+ Why does he "eed th tJ

st yi"g i" 1ortl "d, "d the" ; re!e!ber gr du tio"+ 2h yesM hell be there o" Thursd y+ 6es #e ri"g !illio" ire, bl *$ le ther B *$et+ 6e *ert i"ly does"t loo$ li$e the !ulti<!ulti boy fro! the #ro"g side

billio" ire, #h t<e/er< ire, i" these *lothes+ 6e loo$s li$e of the tr *$s, ! ybe #ishi"g ;h d b dly beh /ed ro*$ st r or

* t# l$ !odel+ ; sigh i"# rdly,

te"th of his poise+ 6es so * l! "d *o"trolled+ ; fro#", re* lli"g his outburst

bout JosOM Well, he see!s to be+

T ylor is ho/eri"g i" the b *$grou"d+

HTo!orro# the",I he s ys to T ylor #ho "ods+

HKes sir+ Whi*h * r re you t $i"g, sirJI

6e loo$s do#" t !e briefly+

HThe (.+I

HS fe trip, 'r+ @rey+ 'iss Steele+I T ylor loo$s $i"dly t !e, though perh ps theres hi"t of pity hidde" i" the depths of his eyes+

0o doubt he thi"$s ;/e su**u!bed to 'r+ @reys dubious se4u l h bits+ 0ot yet, Bust his e4*eptio" l se4u l h bits, or perh ps se4 is li$e th t for e/eryo"e+ ; fro#" t the

thought+ ; h /e "o *o!p riso", "d ; * "t s$ F te+ Th ts so!ethi"g ; ! goi"g to h /e to ddress #ith Christi "+ ;ts perfe*tly " tur l th t ; should t l$ to so!eo"e E "d ; * "t t l$ to hi! if he is so ope" o"e !i"ute "d so st "doffish the "e4t+

T ylor holds the door ope" for us "d ushers us through+ Christi " su!!o"s the ele/ tor+

HWh t is it, %" st si JI he s$s+ 6o# does he $"o# ;! *he#i"g so!ethi"g o/er i" !y !i"dJ 6e re *hes up "d pulls !y *hi"+

HStop biti"g your lip, or ; #ill fu*$ you i" the ele/ tor, "d ; do"t * re #ho gets i" #ith us+I

; blush, but theres shifti"g+

hi"t of

s!ile rou"d his lips, fi" lly his !ood see!s to be

HChristi ", ; h /e


H2hJI ; h /e his full tte"tio"+

The ele/ tor rri/es+ We # l$ i", "d Christi " presses the butto" ! r$ed @+

HWell,I ; flush+ 6o# to s y thisJ H; "eed to t l$ to F te+ ;/e so ! "y Duestio"s bout se4, "d youre too i"/ol/ed+ ;f you # "t !e to do ll these thi"gs, ho# do ; $"o#EJI ; p use, struggli"g to fi"d the right #ords+ H; Bust do"t h /e "y ter!s of refere"*e+I

6e rolls his eyes t !e+

HT l$ to her if you !ust+I 6e sou"ds e4 sper ted+ H' $e sure she does"t !e"tio" "ythi"g to Elliot+I

; bristle t his i"si"u tio"+ F te is"t li$e th t+

HShe #ould"t do th t, "d ; #ould"t tell you "ythi"g she tells !e bout Elliot E if she #ere to tell !e "ythi"g,I ; dd Dui*$ly+

HWell, the differe"*e is th t ; do"t # "t to $"o# bout his se4 life,I Christi " !ur!urs

dryly+ HElliots

"osy b st rd+ 3ut o"ly bout #h t #e/e do"e so f r,I he # r"s+

HShed prob bly h /e !y b lls if she $"e# #h t ; # "ted to do to you,I he dds so softly ;! "ot sure ;! supposed to he r it+

H2$ y,I ; gree re dily, s!ili"g up t hi!, relie/ed+ The thought of F te #ith Christi "s b lls is "ot so!ethi"g ; # "t to d#ell o"+

6is lip Duir$s up t !e, "d he sh $es his he d+

HThe soo"er ; h /e your sub!issio" the better, "d #e * " stop ll this,I he !ur!urs+

HStop ll #h tJI

HKou, defyi"g !e+I 6e re *hes do#" "d *ups !y *hi" "d pl "ts $iss

s#ift, s#eet

o" !y lips s the doors to the ele/ tor ope"+ 6e gr bs !y h "d "d le ds !e i"to the u"dergrou"d g r ge+

'e, defyi"g hi!M ho#J

3eside the ele/ tor, ; * " see the bl *$ S4S %udi, but its the slee$, bl *$ sporty "u!ber th t blips ope" "d lights up #he" he poi"ts the $ey fob t it+ ;ts o"e of those * rs th t

should h /e hood+

/ery leggy blo"de, #e ri"g "othi"g but

s sh, spr #led *ross the

H0i*e * r,I ; !ur!ur dryly+

6e gl "*es up "d gri"s+

H; $"o#,I he s ys, "d for

split se*o"d, s#eet, you"g, * refree Christi " is b *$+ ;t

# r!s !y he rt+ 6es so e4*ited+ 3oys "d their toys+ ; roll !y eyes t hi! but * "t stifle

!y s!ile+ 6e ope"s the door for !e "d ; *li!b i"+ Who M its lo#+ 6e !o/es rou"d the * r #ith e sy gr *e "d folds his lo"g fr !e eleg "tly i" beside !e+ 6o# does he do th tJ

HSo #h t sort of * r is thisJI

H;ts " %udi (. Spyder+ ;ts b seb ll

lo/ely d y, #e * " t $e the top do#"+ Theres

* p i" there+ ;" f *t there should be t#o+I 6e poi"ts to the glo/e bo4+ H%"d su"gl sses if you # "t the!+I

6e st rts the ig"itio", "d the e"gi"e ro rs behi"d us+ 6e pl *es his b g i" the sp *e

behi"d our se ts, presses s#it*h,

butto", "d the roof slo#ly re*li"es+ With the fli*$ of

3ru*e Spri"gstee" surrou"ds us+

H@ott lo/e 3ru*e,I he gri"s t !e "d e ses the * r out of the p r$i"g sp *e, "d up the steep r !p #here #e p use for the b rrier+

The" #ere out i"to the bright Se ttle ' y !or"i"g+ ; re *h i"to the glo/e bo4 "d retrie/e the b seb ll * ps+ The ' ri"ers+ 6e li$es b seb llJ ; p ss hi! puts * p, "d he

it o"+ ; p ss !y po"yt il through the b *$ of !i"e "d pull the pe $ do#" lo#+

1eople st re t us s #e dri/e through the streets+ For hi!M "d the" #h t

!o!e"t, ; thi"$ its t

/ery p r "oid p rt thi"$s e/eryo"e is loo$i"g t !e be* use they $"o#

;/e bee" doi"g duri"g the l st t#el/e hours, but fi" lly, ; re liGe its the * r+ Christi " see!s obli/ious, lost i" thought+

The tr ffi* is light "d #ere soo" o" the ;<7 he di"g south, the #i"d s#eepi"g o/er our he ds+ 3ru*e is si"gi"g bout bei"g o" fire "d his desire+ 6o# pt+ ; flush s ; liste" to the #ords+ Christi " gl "*es t !e+ 6es got his ( y<3 "s o" so ; * "t see #h t hes thi"$i"g+ 6is !outh t#it*hes slightly, "d he re *hes *ross "d pl *es his h "d o" !y $"ee, sDueeGi"g ge"tly+ 'y bre th hit*hes+

H6u"gryJI he s$s+

0ot for food+

H0ot p rti*ul rly+I

6is !outh tighte"s i"to th t h rd li"e+

HKou !ust e t, %" st si ,I he *hides+ H; $"o# stop

gre t pl *e "e r 2ly!pi + Well

there+I 6e sDueeGes !y $"ee g i", "d the" retur"s his h "d to the steeri"g #heel s he puts his foot do#" o" the g s+ ;! pressed i"to the b *$ of !y se t+ 3oy this * r * " !o/e+

The rest ur "t is s! ll "d i"ti! te,

#oode" *h let i" the !iddle of

forest+ The

dO*or is rusti*= r "do! *h irs "d t bles #ith gi"gh ! t ble*loths, #ild flo#ers i" little / ses+ Cuisi"e S u/ ge, it bo sts bo/e the door+

H;/e "ot bee" here for

#hile+ We do"t get

*hoi*e E they *oo$ #h te/er they/e

* ught or g thered+I 6e r ises his eyebro#s i" !o*$ horror, "d ; h /e to l ugh+ The # itress t $es our dri"$s order+ She flushes #he" she sees Christi ", /oidi"g eye *o"t *t #ith hi!, hidi"g u"der her lo"g blo"de b "gs+ She li$es hi!L ;ts "ot Bust !eL

HT#o gl sses of the 1i"ot @rigio,I Christi " s ys #ith !y

/oi*e of uthority+ ; purse

lips, e4 sper ted+

HWh tJI he s" ps+

H; # "ted

?iet Co$e,I ; #hisper+

6is gr y eyes " rro#, "d he sh $es his he d+

HThe 1i"ot @rigio heres get+I 6e s ys p tie"tly+ de*e"t #i"e, it #ill go #ell #ith the !e l, #h te/er #e

HWh te/er #e getJI

HKes+I 6e s!iles, his d GGli"g, he d *o*$ed to o"e side s!ile, "d !y sto! *h pole / ults o/er !y splee"+ ; * "t help but refle*t his glorious s!ile b *$ t hi!+

H'y !other li$ed you,I he s ys dryly+

H(e llyJI 6is #ords ! $e !e flush #ith ple sure+

H2h yes+ Shes l# ys thought ; # s g y+I

'y !outh drops ope", "d ; re!e!ber th t Duestio"M fro! the i"ter/ie#+ 2h "o+

HWhy did she thi"$ you #ere g yJI ; #hisper+

H3e* use shes "e/er see" !e #ith


H2hM "ot e/e" o"e of the fiftee"JI

6e s!iles+

HKou re!e!bered+ 0o, "o"e of the fiftee"+I


HKou $"o#, %" st si , its bee"

#ee$e"d of firsts for !e, too,I he s ys Duietly+

H;t h sJI

H;/e "e/er slept #ith "yo"e, "e/er h d se4 i" !y bed, "e/er flo#" T "go, "e/er i"trodu*ed eyes

girl i" Ch rlie

#o! " to !y !other+ Wh t re you doi"g to !eJI 6is

bur", their i"te"sity t $es !y bre th # y+

The # itress rri/es #ith our gl sses of #i"e, "d ; i!!edi tely t $e he ope"i"g up or Bust ! $i"g * su l obser/ tio"J

Dui*$ sip+ ;s

H;/e re lly e"Boyed this #ee$e"d,I ; !ur!ur+ 6e " rro#s his eyes t !e g i"+

HStop biti"g th t lip,I he gro#ls+ H'e too,I he dds+

HWh ts / "ill se4JI ; s$, if "ythi"g to distr *t !yself fro! the i"te"se, bur"i"g, se4y loo$ hes gi/i"g !e+ 6e l ughs+

HJust str ightfor# rd se4, %" st si + 0o toys, "o dded e4tr s+I 6e shrugs+ HKou $"o#M #ell *tu lly you do"t, but th ts #h t it !e "s+I

H2h+I ; thought it # s *ho*ol te fudge bro#"ie se4 th t #e h d, #ith the top+ 3ut hey, #h t do ; $"o#J

*herry o"

The # itress bri"gs us soup+ We both st re t it r ther dubiously+

H0ettle soup,I the # itress i"for!s us before tur"i"g "d flou"*i"g b *$ i"to the $it*he"+ ; do"t thi"$ she li$es to be ig"ored by Christi "+ ; t $e deli*ious+ te"t ti/e t ste+ ;ts

Christi " "d ; loo$ up t e *h other t the s !e ti!e #ith relief+ ; giggle, "d he *o*$s his he d to o"e side+

HTh ts

lo/ely sou"d,I he !ur!urs+

HWhy h /e you "e/er h d / "ill se4 beforeJ 6 /e you l# ys do"eM err, #h t you/e do"eJI ; s$, i"trigued+

6e "ods slo#ly+

HSort of+I 6is /oi*e is # ry+ 6e fro#"s for

!o!e"t "d see!s to be e"g ged i" de*isio" ! de+ H2"e of !y

so!e $i"d of i"ter" l struggle+ The" he gl "*es up, !others frie"ds sedu*ed !e #he" ; # s fiftee"+I

H2h+I 6oly shit th ts you"gL

HShe h d /ery p rti*ul r t stes+ ; # s her sub!issi/e for si4 ye rs+I 6e shrugs+

H2h+I 'y br i" h s froGe", stu""ed i"to i" *ti/ity by this d!issio"+

HSo ; do $"o# #h t it i"/ol/es, %" st si +I 6is eyes glo# #ith i"sight+

; st re t hi!, u" ble to rti*ul te "ythi"g E e/e" !y sub*o"s*ious is sile"t+

H; did"t re lly h /e

ru"<of<the<!ill i"trodu*tio" to se4+I

Curiosity $i*$s i" big ti!e+

HSo you "e/er d ted "yo"e t *ollegeJI

H0o+I 6e sh $es his he d to e!ph siGe the poi"t+

The # itress t $es our pl tes, i"terrupti"g us for


HWhyJI ; s$ #he" shes go"e+

6e s!iles s rdo"i* lly+

H?o you re lly # "t to $"o#JI


H; did"t # "t to+ She # s ll ; # "ted, "eeded+ %"d besides, shed h /e be te" the shit out of !e+I 6e s!iles fo"dly t the !e!ory+

2h, this is # y too !u*h i"for! tio" E but ; # "t !ore+

HSo if she # s

frie"d of your !others, ho# old # s sheJI

6e s!ir$s+

H2ld e"ough to $"o# better+I

H?o you still see herJI


H?o you stillM errM JI ; flush+

H0o+I 6e sh $es his he d "d s!iles i"dulge"tly t !e+ HShes

/ery good frie"d+I

H2h+ ?oes your !other $"o#JI

6e gi/es !e

do"t<be<stupid st re+

H2f *ourse "ot+I

The # itress retur"s #ith /e"iso", but !y ppetite h s / "ished+ Wh t Christi " the sub!issi/eM 6oly shit+ ; t $e of

re/el tio"+

l rge slug of 1i"ot @rigio E hes right,

*ourse, its deli*ious+ JeeG, ll these re/el tio"s, its so !u*h to thi"$ bout+ ; "eed ti!e to pro*ess this, #he" ;! o" !y o#", "ot #he" ;! distr *ted by his prese"*e+ 6es so o/er#hel!i"g, so %lph ' le, "d "o# hes thro#" this bo!bshell i"to the eDu tio"+ 6e $"o#s #h t its li$e+

H3ut it * "t h /e bee" full ti!eJI ;! *o"fused+

HWell, it # s, though ; did"t see her ll the ti!e+ ;t # sM diffi*ult+ %fter ll, ; # s still t s*hool "d the" t *ollege+ E t up, %" st si +I

H;! re lly "ot hu"gry, Christi "+I ; ! reeli"g fro! your dis*losure+

6is e4pressio" h rde"s+

HE t,I he s ys Duietly, too Duietly+

; st re t hi!+ This ! " E se4u lly bused s " doles*e"t E his to"e is so thre te"i"g+

H@i/e !e

!o!e"t,I ; !utter Duietly+ 6e bli"$s

*ouple of ti!es+

H2$ y,I he !ur!urs, "d he *o"ti"ues #ith his !e l+

This is #h t it #ill be li$e if ; sig", hi! orderi"g !e rou"d+ ; fro#"+ ?o ; # "t thisJ (e *hi"g for !y $"ife "d for$, ; te"t ti/ely *ut i"to the /e"iso"+ ;ts /ery t sty+

H;s this #h t our errM rel tio"ship #ill be li$eJI ; #hisper+ HKou, orderi"g !e rou"dJI ; * "t Duite bri"g !yself to loo$ t hi!+

HKes,I he !ur!urs+

H; see+I

H%"d #h ts !ore, youll # "t !e to,I he dds, his /oi*e lo#+

; si"*erely doubt th t+ ; sli*e "other pie*e of /e"iso", holdi"g it g i"st !y !outh+


big step,I ; !ur!ur "d e t+

H;t is+I 6e *loses his eyes briefly+ Whe" he ope"s the!, they re #ide "d gr /e+

H%" st si , you h /e to go #ith your gut+ ?o the rese r*h, re d the *o"tr *t E ;! h ppy to dis*uss "y spe*t+ ;ll be i" 1ortl "d u"til Frid y if you # "t to t l$ bout it before the"+I 6is #ords re *o!i"g t !e i" E s y, rush+ HC ll !e E ! ybe #e * " h /e di""er

Wed"esd yJ ; re lly # "t to ! $e this #or$+ ;" f *t, ;/e "e/er # "ted "ythi"g s !u*h s ; # "t this to #or$+I

6is bur"i"g si"*erity, his lo"gi"g, is refle*ted i" his eyes+ This is fu"d !e"t lly #h t ; do"t gr sp+ Why !eJ Why "ot o"e of the fiftee"J 2h "oM Will th t be !e E "u!berJ Si4tee" of ! "yJ

HWh t h ppe"ed to the fiftee"JI ; blurt+

6e r ises his eyebro#s i" surprise, the" loo$s resig"ed, sh $i"g his he d+

HC rious thi"gs, but it boils do#" to,I he p uses, struggli"g to fi"d the #ords ; thi"$+ H;"*o!p tibility+I 6e shrugs+

H%"d you thi"$ th t ; !ight be *o!p tible #ith youJI


HSo youre "ot seei"g "y of the! "y!oreJI

H0o, %" st si , ;! "ot+ ; ! !o"og !ous i" !y rel tio"ships+I

2hM this is "e#s+

H; see+I

H?o the rese r*h, %" st si +I

; put !y $"ife "d for$ do#"+ ; * ""ot e t "y !ore+

HTh ts itJ Th ts ll youre goi"g to e tJI

; "od+ 6e s*o#ls t !e but *hooses "ot to s y "ythi"g+ ; bre the relief+

s! ll sigh of little horse+

'y sto! *h is *hur"i"g #ith ll this "e# i"for! tio", "d ;! feeli"g lighthe ded

fro! the #i"e+ ; # t*h s he de/ours e/erythi"g o" his pl te+ 6e e ts li$e 6e

!ust #or$ out to st y i" su*h gre t sh pe+ The !e!ory of the # y his 1Js hu"g fro! his hips *o!es u"bidde" to !y !i"d+ The i! ge is tot lly distr *ti"g+ ; sDuir! u"*o!fort bly+ 6e gl "*es up t !e, "d ; blush+

H;d gi/e "ythi"g to $"o# #h t youre thi"$i"g right t this !o!e"t,I he !ur!urs+ ; blush further+

6e s!iles

#i*$ed s!ile t !e+

H; * " guess,I he te ses softly+

H;! gl d you * "t re d !y !i"d+I

HKour !i"d, "o, %" st si , but your body E th t ;/e got to $"o# Duite #ell si"*e yesterd y+I 6is /oi*e is suggesti/e+ 6o# does he s#it*h so Dui*$ly fro! o"e !ood to the "e4tJ 6es so !er*uri lM ;ts h rd to $eep up+

6e !otio"s for the # itress "d s$s for the *he*$+ 2"*e hes p id, he st "ds "d holds out his h "d+

HCo!e+I T $i"g !y h "d i" his, he le ds !e b *$ to the * r+ This *o"t *t, flesh to flesh, its #h t is so u"e4pe*ted fro! hi!, "or! l, i"ti! te+ ; * "t re*o"*ile this ordi" ry, te"der gesture #ith #h t he # "ts to do i" th t roo!M The (ed (oo! of 1 i"+

We re Duiet o" the dri/e fro! 2ly!pi to C "*ou/er, both lost i" our o#" thoughts+ Whe" he p r$s outside !y p rt!e"t, its fi/e i" the e/e"i"g+ The lights re o" E F te is t ho!e+ 1 *$i"g, "o doubt, u"less Elliot is still there+ 6e s#it*hes off the e"gi"e, "d ; re liGe ;! goi"g to h /e to le /e hi!+

H?o you # "t to *o!e i"JI ; s$+ ; do"t # "t hi! to go+ ; # "t to prolo"g our ti!e together+

H0o+ ; h /e #or$ to do,I he s ys si!ply, g Gi"g t !e, his e4pressio" u"f tho! ble+

; st re do#" t !y h "ds, s ; $"ot !y fi"gers together+ Sudde"ly ; feel e!otio" l+ 6es le /i"g+ (e *hi"g o/er, he t $es o"e of !y h "ds "d slo#ly pulls it to his !outh, te"derly $issi"g the b *$ of !y h "d, su*h " old f shio"ed, s#eet gesture+ 'y he rt le ps i"to !y !outh+

HTh "$ you for this #ee$e"d, %" st si + ;ts bee"M the best+ Wed"esd yJ ;ll pi*$ you up fro! #or$, fro! #here/erJI he s ys softly+

HWed"esd y,I ; #hisper+

6e $isses !y h "d g i" "d pl *es it b *$ i" !y l p+ 6e *li!bs out, *o!es rou"d to !y side, "d ope"s the p sse"ger door+ Why do ; feel sudde"ly bereftJ % lu!p for!s i" !y thro t+ ; !ust "ot let hi! see !e li$e this+ Fi4i"g out of s!ile o" !y f *e, ; *l !ber

the * r "d he d up the p th, $"o#i"g ; h /e to f *e F te, dre di"g f *i"g F te+ ; tur" "d g Ge t hi! !id# y+ Chi" up Steele, ; *hide !yself+

H2hM by the # y, ;! #e ri"g your u"der#e r+I ; gi/e hi!

s! ll s!ile "d pull up

the # istb "d of the bo4er briefs ;! #e ri"g so he * " see+ Christi "s !outh drops ope", sho*$ed+ Wh t house, gre t re *tio"+ 'y !ood shifts i!!edi tely, "d ; s sh y i"to the

p rt of !e # "ti"g to Bu!p "d pu"*h the ir+ KESL 'y i""er goddess is thrilled+

F te is i" the li/i"g re p *$i"g up her boo$s i"to *r tes+

HKoure b *$+ Wheres Christi "J 6o# re youJI 6er /oi*e is fe/ered, "4ious, "d she bou"ds up to !e, gr bbi"g !y shoulders, !i"utely " lyGi"g !y f *e before ;/e e/e" s id hello+

Cr pM ; h /e to de l #ith F tes persiste"*e "d te" *ity, "d ;! i" possessio" of leg l sig"ed do*u!e"t s yi"g ; * "t t l$+ ;ts "ot he lthy !i4+

HWell ho# # s itJ ; *ould"t stop thi"$i"g bout you, fter Elliot left, th t is+I She gri"s !is*hie/ously+

; * "t help but s!ile t her *o"*er" "d her bur"i"g *uriosity, but sudde"ly ; feel shy+ ; blush+ ;t # s /ery pri/ te+ %ll of it+ Seei"g "d $"o#i"g #h t Christi " h s to hide+ 3ut ; h /e to gi/e her so!e det ils, be* use she #o"t le /e !e lo"e u"til ; do+

H;t # s good, F te+ Cery good, ; thi"$,I ; s y Duietly, tryi"g to hide !y e!b rr ssed tell< ll s!ile+

HKou thi"$JI

H;/e got "othi"g to *o!p re it to, do ;JI ; shrug pologeti* lly+

H?id he ! $e you *o!eJI

6oly *r p+ Shes so blu"t+ ; go s* rlet+

HKes,I ; !u!ble, e4 sper ted+

F te pulls !e to the *ou*h "d #e sit+ She *l sps !y h "ds+

HTh t is good+I F te loo$s t !e i" disbelief+ H;t # s your first ti!e+ Wo#, Christi " !ust re lly $"o# #h t hes doi"g+I

2h F te, if o"ly you $"e#+

H'y first ti!e # s horrid,I she *o"ti"ues, ! $i"g

s d *o!edy f *e+

H2hJI This h s !e i"terested, so!ethi"g shes "e/er di/ulged before+

HKes, Ste/e 1 to"+ 6igh s*hool, di*$less Bo*$+I She shudders+ H6e # s rough+ ; # s"t re dy+ We #ere both dru"$+ Kou $"o# E typi* l tee" ge post<pro! dis ster+ 8gh

E it too$ !e !o"ths before ; de*ided to h /e "other go+ %"d "ot #ith hi!, the gutless #o"der+ ; # s too you"g+ Kou #ere right to # it+I

HF te, th t sou"ds #ful+I

F te loo$s #istful+

HKe h, too$ l!ost here you reM first ti!eJI

ye r to h /e !y first org s! through pe"etr ti/e se4 "d

; "od shyly+ 'y i""er goddess sits i" the lotus positio" loo$i"g sere"e e4*ept for the sly, self<*o"gr tul tory s!ile o" her f *e+

H;! gl d you lost it to so!eo"e #ho $"o#s their ss fro! their elbo#+I She #i"$s t !e+ HSo #he" re you seei"g hi! g i"JI

HWed"esd y+ Were h /i"g di""er+I

HSo you still li$e hi!JI

HKes+ 3ut ; do"t $"o# boutM the future+I


H6es *o!pli* ted, F te+ Kou $"o# E he i"h bits

/ery differe"t #orld to !i"e+I (ed (oo! of 1 i", "d

@re t e4*use+ 3elie/ ble too+ 'u*h better th " E hes got he # "ts to ! $e !e his se4 sl /e+

H2h ple se, do"t let this be bout !o"ey, %" + Elliot s id its /ery u"usu l for Christi " to d te "yo"e+I

H?id heJI 'y /oi*e hit*hes up se/er l o*t /es+

Too ob/ious, SteeleL 'y sub*o"s*ious gl res t !e, # ggi"g her lo"g s$i""y fi"ger, the" !orphs i"to the s* les of Busti*e to re!i"d !e he *ould sue if ; dis*lose too !u*h+ 6 M #h ts he goi"g to do E t $e ll !y !o"eyJ ; !ust re!e!ber to @oogle Npe" lties for bre *hi"g ;ts "o"<dis*losure gree!e"t #hile ;! doi"g the rest of !y Nrese r*h+ s*hool ssig"!e"t+ ' ybe ;ll be gr ded+ ; flush, re!e!beri"g

li$e ;/e bee" gi/e" !y

% for this !or"i"gs b th e4peri!e"t+

H%" , #h t is itJI

H;! Bust re!e!beri"g so!ethi"g Christi " s id+I

HKou loo$ differe"t,I F te s ys fo"dly+

H; feel differe"t+ Sore,I ; *o"fess+


H% little+I ; flush+

H'e too+ 'e",I she s ys i" !o*$ disgust+ HTheyre "i! ls+I We both l ugh+

HKoure soreJI ; e4*l i!+

HKesM o/eruse+I

; giggle+

HTell !e bout Elliot the o/er<user,I ; s$ #he" ;/e stopped giggli"g+ 2h, ; * " feel !yself rel 4i"g for the first ti!e si"*e ; # s i" li"e t the b rM before the pho"e * ll th t st rted ll this E #he" ; # s d!iri"g 'r+ @rey fro! f r+ 6 ppy u"*o!pli* ted d ys+

F te blushes+ 2h !yM F theri"e %g"es F / " gh goes ll %" st si (ose Steele o" !e+ She gi/es !e before+ de#y<eyed loo$+ ;/e "e/er see" her re *t this # y to ! "

'y B # drops to the floor+ Wheres F te, #h t h /e you do"e #ith herJ

H2h, %" ,I she gushes+ H6es Bust soM E/erythi"g+ %"d #he" #eM ohM re lly

good+I She * " h rdly stri"g

se"te"*e together shes got it so b d+

H; thi"$ youre tryi"g to tell !e th t you li$e hi!+I

She "ods, gri""i"g li$e

lu" ti*+

H%"d ;! seei"g hi! o" S turd y+ 6es goi"g to help us !o/e+I She *l sps her h "ds together, le ps up off the *ou*h, "d pirouettes to the #i"do#+ 'o/i"g+ Cr p E ;d forgotte" ll bout th t, e/e" #ith the p *$i"g * ses surrou"di"g us+

HTh ts helpful of hi!,I ; s y ppre*i ti/ely+ ; * " get to $"o# hi! too+ 1erh ps he * " gi/e !e !ore i"sight i"to his str "ge, disturbi"g brother+

HSo #h t did you do l st "ightJI ; s$+ She *o*$s her he d t !e "d r ises her eyebro#s i" #h t<do<thi"$<stupid<loo$+

H1retty !u*h #h t you did, though #e h d di""er first+I She gri"s t !e+ H%re you o$ y re llyJ Kou loo$ $i"d of o/er#hel!ed+I

H; feel o/er#hel!ed+ Christi " is /ery i"te"se+I

HKe h, ; *ould see ho# he *ould be+ 3ut he # s good to youJI

HKes,I ; re ssure her+ H;! re lly hu"gry, sh ll ; *oo$JI

She "ods "d pi*$s up t#o !ore boo$s to p *$+

HWh t do you # "t to do #ith the fourtee" thous "d doll r boo$sJI she s$s+

H;! goi"g to retur" the! to hi!+I

H(e llyJI


*o!pletely o/er<the<top gift+ ; * "t **ept it, espe*i lly "o#+I ; gri" t F te,

"d she "ods+

H; u"derst "d+ % *ouple of letters * !e for you, "d JosO h s bee" * lli"g e/ery hour o" the hour+ 6e sou"ded desper te+I

H;ll * ll hi!,I ; !utter e/ si/ely+ ;f ; tell F te bout JosO, shell h /e hi! for bre $f st+ ; *olle*t the letters fro! the di"i"g t ble "d ope" the!+

H6ey, ; h /e i"ter/ie#sL The #ee$ fter "e4t, i" Se ttle, for i"ter" pl *e!e"tsLI

HFor #hi*h publishi"g houseJI

HFor both of the!LI

H; told you your @1% #ould ope" doors, %" +I

F te, of *ourse, lre dy h s " i"ter"ship set up t the Se ttle Ti!es+ 6er f ther $"o#s so!eo"e, #ho $"o#s so!eo"e+

H6o# does Elliot feel bout you goi"g # yJI ; s$+

F te # "ders i"to the $it*he", "d for the first ti!e this e/e"i"g, shes dis*o"sol te+

H6es u"derst "di"g+ 1 rt of !e does"t # "t to go, but its te!pti"g to lie i" the su" for *ouple of #ee$s+ 3esides, 'o! is h "gi"g i" there, thi"$i"g this #ill be our l st re l f !ily holid y before Eth " "d ; he d off i"to the #orld of p id e!ploy!e"t+I

; h /e "e/er left *o"ti"e"t l 8S+ F te is off to 3 rb dos #ith her p re"ts "d her brother Eth " for t#o #hole #ee$s+ ;ll be F teless i" our "e# p rt!e"t+ Th t #ill be #eird+ Eth " h s bee" tr /eli"g the #orld si"*e he gr du ted l st ye r+ ; #o"der briefly if ;ll see hi! before they go o" / * tio"+ 6es su*h Bolti"g !e fro! !y re/erie+ lo/ely guy+ The pho"e ri"gs,

HTh tll be JosO+I

; sigh+ ; $"o# ; h /e to t l$ to hi!+ ; gr b the pho"e+


H%" , youre b *$LI JosO shouts his relief t !e+

H2b/iously+I S r* s! drips fro! !y /oi*e, "d ; roll !y eyes t the pho"e+

6es sile"t for


HC " ; see youJ ;! sorry bout Frid y "ight+ ; # s dru"$M "d youM #ell+ %" E ple se forgi/e !e+I

H2f *ourse, ; forgi/e you JosO+ Just do"t do it g i"+ Kou $"o# ; do"t feel li$e th t bout you+I

6e sighs he /ily, s dly+

H; $"o#, %" + ; Bust thought, if ; $issed you, it !ight *h "ge ho# you feel+I

HJosO, ; lo/e you de rly, you !e " so !u*h to !e+ Koure li$e the brother ; "e/er h d+ Th ts "ot goi"g to *h "ge+ Kou $"o# th t+I ; h te to let hi! do#", but its the truth+

HSo youre #ith hi! "o#JI 6is to"e is full of disd i"+

HJosO, ;! "ot #ith "ybody+I

H3ut you spe"t the "ight #ith hi!+I

HTh ts "o"e of your busi"essLI

H;s it the !o"eyJI

HJosOL 6o# d re youLI ; shout, st ggered by his ud *ity+

H%" ,I he #hi"es "d pologiGes si!ult "eously+ ; * ""ot de l #ith his petty Be lousy "o#+ ; $"o# hes hurt, but !y pl te is o/erflo#i"g de li"g #ith Christi " @rey+

H' ybe #e * " h /e *o"*ili tory+

*offee or so!ethi"g to!orro#+ ;ll * ll you+I ; !

6e is !y frie"d, "d ;! /ery fo"d of hi!+ 3ut right "o#, ; do"t "eed this+

HTo!orro# the"+ Koull * llJI The hope i" his /oi*e t#ists !y he rt+

HKesM good"ight, JosO+I ; h "g up, "ot # iti"g for his respo"se+

HWh t # s th t ll boutJI F theri"e de! "ds, her h "ds o" her hips+ ; de*ide ho"esty is the poli*y+ Shes loo$i"g !ore i"tr *t ble th " e/er+

H6e ! de

p ss t !e o" Frid y+I

HJosOJ %"d Christi " @reyJ %" , your phero!o"es !ust be #or$i"g o/erti!e+ Wh t # s the stupid fool thi"$i"gJI She sh $es her he d i" disgust "d retur"s to p *$i"g *r tes+

Forty<fi/e !i"utes l ter, #e p use our p *$i"g for the house spe*i lty, !y l s g" + F te ope"s red #i"e, bottle of #i"e, "d #e sit !o"gst the bo4es e ti"g, Du ffi"g *he p

"d # t*hi"g *r p TC+ This is "or! lity+ ;ts so grou"di"g "d #el*o!e fter the l st forty<eight hours ofM ! d"ess+ ; e t !y first u"hurried, "o " ggi"g, pe *eful !e l i" th t ti!e+ Wh t is it bout hi! "d foodJ F te *le rs the dishes, "d ; fi"ish p *$i"g up the li/i"g roo!+ We re left #ith the *ou*h, the TC, "d the di"i"g t ble+ Wh t !ore *ould #e "eedJ Just the $it*he" "d our bedroo!s left to p *$ up, "d #e h /e the rest of the #ee$+ (esultL

The pho"e ri"gs g i"+ ;ts Elliot+ F te #i"$s t !e "d s$ips off to her bedroo! li$e shes fourtee"+ ; $"o# th t she should be #riti"g her C ledi*tori " spee*h, but it see!s Elliot is !ore i!port "t+ Wh t is it bout the @rey !e"J Wh t is it th t ! $es the! tot lly distr *ti"g, ll<*o"su!i"g, "d irresistibleJ ; t $e "other slug of #i"e+

; fli*$ through the TC *h ""els, but deep do#" ; $"o# ;! pro*r sti" ti"g+ 3ur"i"g

bright red hole i" the side of !y purse is th t *o"tr *t+ ?o ; h /e the stre"gth "d the #here#ith l to re d it to"ightJ

; put !y he d i" !y h "ds+ JosO "d Christi ", they both # "t so!ethi"g fro! !e+ JosO is e sy to de l #ith+ 3ut Christi "M Christi " t $es h "dli"g, #hole differe"t le gue of

of u"derst "di"g+ 1 rt of !e # "ts to ru" "d hide+ Wh t ! ; goi"g to doJ 6is bur"i"g gr y eyes "d th t i"te"se s!olderi"g st re *o!e i"to !y !i"ds eye, "d !y body tighte"s t the thought+ ; g sp+ 6es "ot e/e" here, "d ;! tur"ed o"+ ;t Bust * "t be bout se4, * " itJ ; re* ll his ge"tle b "ter this !or"i"g t bre $f st, his Boy t !y delight #ith the heli*opter ride, hi! pl yi"g the pi "o E the s#eet soulful oh<so<s d !usi*+

6es su*h

*o!pli* ted perso"+ %"d "o# ; h /e " i"sight s to #hy+ % you"g ! "

depri/ed of his doles*e"*e, se4u lly bused by so!e e/il 'rs+ (obi"so" figureM "o #o"der hes old before his ti!e+ 'y he rt fills #ith s d"ess t the thought of #h t he !ust h /e bee" through+ ;! too " Y/e to $"o# e4 *tly #h t, but the rese r*h should shed so!e light+ 3ut do ; re lly # "t to $"o#J ?o ; # "t to e4plore this #orld ; $"o# "othi"g boutJ ;ts su*h big step+

;f ;d "ot !et hi!, ;d still be s#eetly "d blissfully obli/ious+ 'y !i"d drifts to l st "ight, "d this !or"i"gM "d the i"*redible, se"su l se4u lity ;/e e4perie"*ed+ ?o ;

# "t to s y goodbye to th tJ 0oL S*re !s !y sub*o"s*iousM !y i""er goddess "ods i" sile"t Ge"<li$e gree!e"t #ith her+

F te # "ders b *$ i"to the li/i"g roo!, gri""i"g fro! e r to e r+ 1erh ps shes i" lo/e E ; g pe t her+ Shes "e/er beh /ed li$e this+

H%" , ;! off to bed+ ;! pretty tired+I

H'e too, F te+I

She hugs !e+

H;! gl d youre b *$ i" o"e pie*e+ Theres so!ethi"g bout Christi ",I she dds Duietly, pologeti* lly+ ; gi/e her s! ll, re ssuri"g s!ile E ll the #hile thi"$i"gM 6o# the gre t Bour" list, her u"f lteri"g

hell does she $"o#J This is #h t #ill ! $e her i"tuitio"+

Colle*ti"g !y purse, ; # "der listlessly i"to !y bedroo!+ ; ! #e ry fro! ll our * r" l e4ertio"s of the l st d y "d fro! the *o!plete "d utter dile!! th t ;! f *ed #ith+ ; sit o" !y bed "d gi"gerly e4tr *t the ! "il e"/elope fro! the b g, tur"i"g it o/er "d o/er i" !y h "ds+ ?o ; re lly # "t to $"o# the e4te"t of Christi "s depr /ityJ ;ts so d u"ti"g+ ; t $e e"/elope+ deep bre th, "d #ith !y he rt i" !y thro t, ; rip ope" the

There re se/er l p pers i"side the e"/elope+ ; fish the! out, !y he rt still pou"di"g, "d ; sit b *$ o" !y bed "d begi" to re d+


' de this d yZZZZZZZZZ of 2011 &HThe Co!!e"*e!e"t ? teI)


'(+ C6(;ST;%0 @(EK of 501 Es* l , Se ttle, W% ,...,

&HThe ?o!i" "tI)

';SS %0%ST%S;% STEELE of 111S SW @ree" Street, %p rt!e"t :, 6 /e" 6eights, C "*ou/er, W% ,....

&HThe Sub!issi/eI)

T6E 1%(T;ES %@(EE %S F2LL2WS

1 The follo#i"g re the ter!s of Sub!issi/e+

bi"di"g *o"tr *t bet#ee" the ?o!i" "t "d the

F80?%'E0T%L TE('S

2 The fu"d !e"t l purpose of this *o"tr *t is to llo# the Sub!issi/e to e4plore her se"su lity "d her li!its s fely, #ith due respe*t "d reg rd for her "eeds, her li!its "d her #ellbei"g+

5 The ?o!i" "t "d the Sub!issi/e gree "d *$"o#ledge th t ll th t o**urs u"der the ter!s of this *o"tr *t #ill be *o"se"su l, *o"fide"ti l, "d subBe*t to the greed li!its "d s fety pro*edures set out i" this *o"tr *t+ %dditio" l li!its "d s fety pro*edures ! y be greed i" #riti"g+

S The ?o!i" "t "d the Sub!issi/e e *h # rr "t th t they suffer fro! "o se4u l, serious, i"fe*tious or life<thre te"i"g ill"esses i"*ludi"g but "ot li!ited to 6;C, 6erpes "d 6ep titis+ ;f duri"g the Ter! & s defi"ed belo#) or "y e4te"ded ter! of this *o"tr *t either p rty should be di g"osed #ith or be*o!e # re of "y su*h ill"ess he or she u"dert $es to i"for! the other i!!edi tely "d i" "y e/e"t prior to "y for! of physi* l *o"t *t bet#ee" the p rties+

7 %dhere"*e to the bo/e # rr "ties, gree!e"ts "d u"dert $i"gs & "d "y dditio" l li!its "d s fety pro*edures greed u"der *l use 5 bo/e) re fu"d !e"t l to this *o"tr *t+ %"y bre *h sh ll re"der it /oid #ith i!!edi te effe*t "d e *h p rty grees to be fully respo"sible to the other for the *o"seDue"*e of "y bre *h+

- E/erythi"g i" this *o"tr *t !ust be re d "d i"terpreted i" the light of the fu"d !e"t l purpose "d the fu"d !e"t l ter!s set out i" *l uses 2<7 bo/e+


: The ?o!i" "t sh ll t $e respo"sibility for the #ellbei"g "d the proper tr i"i"g, guid "*e, "d dis*ipli"e of the Sub!issi/e+ 6e sh ll de*ide the " ture of su*h tr i"i"g, guid "*e, "d dis*ipli"e "d the ti!e "d pl *e of its d!i"istr tio", subBe*t to the greed ter!s, li!it tio"s "d s fety pro*edures set out i" this *o"tr *t or greed dditio" lly u"der *l use 5 bo/e+

. ;f t "y ti!e the ?o!i" "t should f il to $eep to the greed ter!s, li!it tio"s "d s fety pro*edures set out i" this *o"tr *t or greed dditio" lly u"der *l use 5 bo/e the Sub!issi/e is e"titled to ter!i" te this *o"tr *t forth#ith "d to le /e the ser/i*e of the ?o!i" "t #ithout "oti*e+

, SubBe*t to th t pro/iso "d to *l uses 2<7 bo/e the Sub!issi/e is to ser/e "d obey the ?o!i" "t i" ll thi"gs+ SubBe*t to the greed ter!s, li!it tio"s "d s fety pro*edures set out i" this *o"tr *t or greed dditio" lly u"der *l use 5 bo/e she sh ll #ithout Duery or hesit tio" offer the ?o!i" "t su*h ple sure s he ! y reDuire "d she sh ll **ept #ithout Duery or hesit tio" his tr i"i"g, guid "*e "d dis*ipli"e i" #h te/er for! it ! y t $e+

C2''E0CE'E0T %0? TE('

10 The ?o!i" "t "d Sub!issi/e e"ter i"to this *o"tr *t o" The Co!!e"*e!e"t ? te fully # re of its " ture "d u"dert $e to bide by its *o"ditio"s #ithout e4*eptio"+

11 This *o"tr *t sh ll be effe*ti/e for

period of three C le"d r 'o"ths fro! The

Co!!e"*e!e"t ? te &HThe Ter!I)+ 2" the e4piry of The Ter! the p rties sh ll dis*uss #hether this *o"tr *t "d the rr "ge!e"ts they h /e ! de u"der this *o"tr *t re s tisf *tory "d #hether the "eeds of e *h p rty h /e bee" !et+ Either p rty ! y propose the e4te"sio" of this *o"tr *t subBe*t to dBust!e"ts to its ter!s, or to the rr "ge!e"ts they h /e ! de u"der it+ ;" the bse"*e of gree!e"t to su*h e4te"sio" this *o"tr *t sh ll ter!i" te "d both p rties sh ll be free to resu!e their li/es sep r tely+


12 The Sub!issi/e #ill ! $e herself / il ble to the ?o!i" "t fro! Frid y e/e"i"gs through to Su"d y fter"oo"s e *h #ee$ duri"g the Ter! t ti!es to be spe*ified by the ?o!i" "t &Hthe %llotted Ti!esI)+ Further llo* ted ti!e * " be !utu lly greed o" " d ho* b sis+

15 The ?o!i" "t reser/es the right to dis!iss the Sub!issi/e fro! his ser/i*e t "y ti!e "d for "y re so"+ The Sub!issi/e ! y reDuest her rele se t "y ti!e, su*h reDuest to be gr "ted t the dis*retio" of the ?o!i" "t subBe*t o"ly to the Sub!issi/es rights u"der *l uses 2<7 "d . bo/e+


1S The Sub!issi/e #ill ! $e herself / il ble duri"g the %llotted Ti!es "d greed dditio" l ti!es t lo* tio"s to be deter!i"ed by the ?o!i" "t+ The ?o!i" "t #ill e"sure th t ll tr /el *osts i"*urred by the Sub!issi/e for th t purpose re !et by the ?o!i" "t+

SE(C;CE 1(2C;S;20S

17 The follo#i"g ser/i*e pro/isio"s h /e bee" dis*ussed "d greed "d #ill be dhered

to by both p rties duri"g the Ter!+ 3oth p rties **ept th t *ert i" ! tters ! y rise #hi*h re "ot *o/ered by the ter!s of this *o"tr *t or the ser/i*e pro/isio"s, or th t *ert i" ! tters ! y be re"egoti ted+ ;" su*h *ir*u!st "*e further *l uses ! y be proposed by # y of !e"d!e"t+ %"y further *l uses or !e"d!e"ts !ust be greed, do*u!e"ted "d sig"ed by both p rties "d sh ll be subBe*t to the fu"d !e"t l ter!s set out t *l uses 2<7 bo/e+


17+1 The ?o!i" "t sh ll ! $e the Sub!issi/es he lth "d s fety

priority t ll

ti!es+ The ?o!i" "t sh ll "ot t "y ti!e reDuire, reDuest, llo# or de! "d the Sub!issi/e to p rti*ip te t the h "ds of the ?o!i" "t i" the *ti/ities det iled i" %ppe"di4 2 or i" "y *t th t either p rty dee!s to be u"s fe+ The ?o!i" "t #ill "ot u"dert $e or per!it to be u"dert $e" "y *tio" #hi*h *ould * use serious i"Bury or "y ris$ to the Sub!issi/es life+ The re! i"i"g sub<*l uses of this *l use 17 re to be re d subBe*t to this pro/iso "d to the fu"d !e"t l ! tters greed i" *l uses 2<7 bo/e+

17+2 The ?o!i" "t **epts the Sub!issi/e s his, to o#", *o"trol, do!i" te "d dis*ipli"e duri"g the Ter!+ The ?o!i" "t ! y use the Sub!issi/es body t "y ti!e duri"g the %llotted Ti!es or "y greed dditio" l ti!es i" "y ! ""er he dee!s fit, se4u lly or other#ise+

17+5 The ?o!i" "t sh ll pro/ide the Sub!issi/e #ith ll "e*ess ry tr i"i"g "d guid "*e i" ho# to properly ser/e the ?o!i" "t+

17+S The ?o!i" "t sh ll ! i"t i" Sub!issi/e

st ble "d s fe e"/iro"!e"t i" #hi*h the

! y perfor! her duties i" ser/i*e of the ?o!i" "t+

17+7 The ?o!i" "t ! y dis*ipli"e the Sub!issi/e s "e*ess ry to e"sure the Sub!issi/e fully ppre*i tes her role of subser/ie"*e to the ?o!i" "t "d to dis*our ge u" **ept ble *o"du*t+ The ?o!i" "t ! y flog, sp "$, #hip or *orpor lly pu"ish the Sub!issi/e s he sees fit, for purposes of dis*ipli"e, for his o#" perso" l e"Boy!e"t, or for "y other re so", #hi*h he is "ot obliged to pro/ide+

17+- ;" tr i"i"g "d i" the d!i"istr tio" of dis*ipli"e the ?o!i" "t sh ll e"sure th t "o per! "e"t ! r$s re ! de upo" the Sub!issi/es body "or "y i"Buries i"*urred th t ! y reDuire !edi* l tte"tio"+

17+: ;" tr i"i"g "d i" the d!i"istr tio" of dis*ipli"e the ?o!i" "t sh ll e"sure th t the dis*ipli"e "d the i"stru!e"ts used for the purposes of dis*ipli"e re s fe, sh ll "ot

be used i" su*h

# y s to * use serious h r! "d sh ll "ot i" "y # y e4*eed the

li!its defi"ed "d det iled i" this *o"tr *t+

17+. ;" * se of ill"ess or i"Bury the ?o!i" "t sh ll * re for the Sub!issi/e, seei"g to her he lth "d s fety, e"*our gi"g "d #he" "e*ess ry orderi"g !edi* l tte"tio" #he" it is Budged "e*ess ry by the ?o!i" "t+

17+, The ?o!i" "t sh ll ! i"t i" his o#" good he lth "d see$ !edi* l tte"tio" #he" "e*ess ry i" order to ! i"t i" ris$<free e"/iro"!e"t

17+10 The ?o!i" "t sh ll "ot lo " his Sub!issi/e to "other ?o!i" "t+

17+11 The ?o!i" "t ! y restr i", h "d*uff, or bi"d the Sub!issi/e t "y ti!e duri"g the %llotted Ti!es or "y greed dditio" l ti!es for "y re so" "d for e4te"ded periods of ti!e, gi/i"g due reg rd to the he lth "d s fety of the Sub!issi/e+

17+12 The ?o!i" "t #ill e"sure th t ll eDuip!e"t used for the purposes of tr i"i"g "d dis*ipli"e sh ll be ! i"t i"ed i" *le ", hygie"i* "d s fe st te t ll ti!es+


17+15 The Sub!issi/e **epts the ?o!i" "t s her ! ster, #ith the u"derst "di"g th t she is "o# the property of the ?o!i" "t, to be de lt #ith s the ?o!i" "t ple ses duri"g the Ter! ge"er lly but spe*ifi* lly duri"g the %llotted Ti!es "d "y dditio" l

greed llotted ti!es+

17+1S The Sub!issi/e sh ll obey the rules &Hthe (ulesI) set out i" %ppe"di4 1 to this gree!e"t+

17+17 The Sub!issi/e sh ll ser/e the ?o!i" "t i" "y # y the ?o!i" "t sees fit "d sh ll e"de /or to ple se the ?o!i" "t t ll ti!es to the best of her bility+

17+1- The Sub!issi/e sh ll t $e ll !e sures "e*ess ry to ! i"t i" her good he lth "d sh ll reDuest or see$ !edi* l tte"tio" #he"e/er it is "eeded, $eepi"g the ?o!i" "t i"for!ed t ll ti!es of "y he lth issues th t ! y rise+

17+1: The Sub!issi/e #ill e"sure th t she pro*ures or l *o"tr *eptio" "d e"sure th t she t $es it s "d #he" pres*ribed to pre/e"t "y preg" "*y+

17+1. The Sub!issi/e sh ll **ept #ithout Duestio" "y "d ll dis*ipli" ry *tio"s dee!ed "e*ess ry by the ?o!i" "t "d re!e!ber her st tus "d role i" reg rd to the ?o!i" "t t ll ti!es+

17+1, The Sub!issi/e sh ll "ot tou*h or ple sure herself se4u lly #ithout per!issio" fro! the ?o!i" "t+

17+20 The Sub!issi/e sh ll sub!it to "y se4u l *ti/ity de! "ded by the ?o!i" "t "d sh ll do #ithout hesit tio" or rgu!e"t+

17+21 The Sub!issi/e sh ll **ept #hippi"gs, floggi"gs, sp "$i"gs, * "i"g, p ddli"g or "y other dis*ipli"e the ?o!i" "t should de*ide to d!i"ister, #ithout hesit tio", e"Duiry or *o!pl i"t+

17+22 The Sub!issi/e sh ll "ot loo$ dire*tly i"to the eyes of the ?o!i" "t e4*ept #he" spe*ifi* lly i"stru*ted to do so+ The Sub!issi/e sh ll $eep her eyes * st do#" "d ! i"t i" Duiet "d respe*tful be ri"g i" the prese"*e of the ?o!i" "t+

17+25 The Sub!issi/e sh ll l# ys *o"du*t herself i" ?o!i" "t

respe*tful ! ""er to the

"d sh ll ddress hi! o"ly s Sir, 'r+ @rey, or su*h other title s the ?o!i" "t ! y dire*t+

17+2S The Sub!issi/e #ill "ot tou*h the ?o!i" "t #ithout his e4press per!issio" to do so+


1- The Sub!issi/e sh ll "ot p rti*ip te i" *ti/ities or "y se4u l *ts th t either p rty

dee!s to be u"s fe or "y *ti/ities det iled i" %ppe"di4 2+

1: The ?o!i" "t "d the Sub!issi/e h /e dis*ussed the *ti/ities set out i" %ppe"di4 5 "d re*orded i" #riti"g o" %ppe"di4 5 their gree!e"t i" respe*t of the!+


1. The ?o!i" "t "d the Sub!issi/e re*og"iGe th t the ?o!i" "t ! y ! $e de! "ds of the Sub!issi/e th t * ""ot be !et #ithout i"*urri"g physi* l, !e"t l, e!otio" l, spiritu l, or other h r! t the ti!e the de! "ds re ! de to the Sub!issi/e+ ;" su*h *ir*u!st "*es rel ted to this, the Sub!issi/e ! y ! $e use of S fe#ord s fe#ord &HThe

&s)I)+ T#o S fe#ords #ill be i"/o$ed depe"di"g o" the se/erity of the de! "ds+

1, The S fe#ord HKello#I #ill be used to bri"g to the tte"tio" of the ?o!i" "t th t the Sub!issi/e is *lose to her li!it of e"dur "*e+

20 The S fe#ord H(edI #ill be used to bri"g to the tte"tio" of the ?o!i" "t th t the Sub!issi/e * ""ot toler te "y further de! "ds+ Whe" this #ord is s id the ?o!i" "ts *tio" #ill *e se *o!pletely #ith i!!edi te effe*t+


21 We the u"dersig"ed h /e re d "d u"derstood fully the pro/isio"s of this *o"tr *t+ We freely **ept the ter!s of this *o"tr *t "d h /e *$"o#ledged this by our sig" tures belo#+


The ?o!i" "t= Christi " @rey

? te


The Sub!issi/e= %" st si Steele

? te

%11E0?;9 1



The Sub!issi/e #ill obey "y i"stru*tio"s gi/e" by the ?o!i" "t i!!edi tely #ithout hesit tio" or reser/ tio" "d i" " e4peditious ! ""er+ The Sub!issi/e #ill gree to "y se4u l *ti/ity dee!ed fit "d ple sur ble by the ?o!i" "t e4*epti"g those *ti/ities #hi*h re outli"ed i" h rd li!its &%ppe"di4 2)+ She #ill do so e gerly "d #ithout hesit tio"+


The Sub!issi/e #ill e"sure she *hie/es #he" she is "ot #ith the ?o!i" "t+

!i"i!u! of eight hours sleep



The Sub!issi/e #ill e t regul rly to ! i"t i" her he lth "d #ellbei"g fro! pres*ribed list of foods &%ppe"di4 S)+ The Sub!issi/e #ill "ot s" *$ bet#ee" !e ls, #ith the e4*eptio" of fruit+


?uri"g the Ter! the Sub!issi/e #ill #e r *lothi"g o"ly ppro/ed by the ?o!i" "t+ The ?o!i" "t #ill pro/ide Sub!issi/e *lothi"g budget for the Sub!issi/e, #hi*h the

sh ll utiliGe+ The ?o!i" "t sh ll **o!p "y the Sub!issi/e to pur*h se *lothi"g

o" " d ho* b sis+ ;f the ?o!i" "t so reDuires the Sub!issi/e sh ll duri"g the Ter! #e r dor"!e"ts the ?o!i" "t sh ll reDuire, i" the prese"*e of the ?o!i" "t "d "y other ti!e the ?o!i" "t dee!s fit+


The ?o!i" "t sh ll pro/ide the Sub!issi/e #ith #ee$

perso" l tr i"er four ti!es

i" hour<lo"g sessio"s t ti!es to be !utu lly greed bet#ee" the perso" l tr i"er "d the Sub!issi/e+ The perso" l tr i"er #ill report to the ?o!i" "t o" the Sub!issi/es progress+

1erso" l 6ygie"eA3e uty=

The Sub!issi/e #ill $eep herself *le " "d sh /ed "dAor # 4ed t ll ti!es+ The Sub!issi/e #ill /isit de*ided be uty s lo" of the ?o!i" "ts *hoosi"g t ti!es to be

by the ?o!i" "t, "d u"dergo #h te/er tre t!e"ts the ?o!i" "t sees fit+ %ll *osts #ill be !et by the ?o!i" "t+

1erso" l S fety=

The Sub!issi/e #ill "ot dri"$ to e4*ess, s!o$e, t $e re*re tio" l drugs or put herself i" "y u""e*ess ry d "ger+

1erso" l Qu lities=

The Sub!issi/e #ill "ot e"ter i"to "y se4u l rel tio"s #ith "yo"e other th " the ?o!i" "t+ The Sub!issi/e #ill *o"du*t herself i" t ll ti!es+ She !ust re*og"iGe th t her beh /ior is ?o!i" "t+ respe*tful "d !odest ! ""er dire*t refle*tio" o" the

She sh ll be held **ou"t ble for "y !isdeeds, #ro"gdoi"gs "d !isbeh /ior *o!!itted #he" "ot i" the prese"*e of the ?o!i" "t+

F ilure to *o!ply #ith "y of the bo/e #ill result i" i!!edi te pu"ish!e"t, the " ture of #hi*h sh ll be deter!i"ed by the ?o!i" "t+

%11E0?;9 2

6 rd Li!its

0o *ts i"/ol/i"g fire pl y

0o *ts i"/ol/i"g uri" tio" or defe* tio" "d the produ*ts thereof

0o *ts i"/ol/i"g "eedles, $"i/es, *utti"g, pier*i"g, or blood

0o *ts i"/ol/i"g gy"e*ologi* l !edi* l i"stru!e"ts

0o *ts i"/ol/i"g *hildre" or "i! ls

0o *ts th t #ill le /e "y per! "e"t ! r$s o" the s$i"

0o *ts i"/ol/i"g bre th *o"trol+

0o *ti/ity th t i"/ol/es the dire*t *o"t *t of ele*tri* *urre"t &#hether lter" ti"g or dire*t), fire or fl !es to the body+

%11E0?;9 5

Soft Li!its

To be dis*ussed "d greed bet#ee" both p rties=

Whi*h of the follo#i"g se4u l *ts re **ept ble to the Sub!issi/eJ

[ ' sturb tio"

[ Fell tio

[ Cu""ili"gus

[ C gi" l i"ter*ourse

[ C gi" l fisti"g

[ %" l i"ter*ourse

[ %" l fisti"g

;s s# llo#i"g se!e" **ept ble to the Sub!issi/eJ

;s the use of se4 toys **ept ble to the Sub!issi/eJ

[ Cibr tors

[ ?ildos

[ 3utt 1lugs

[ 2ther

;s 3o"d ge **ept ble to the Sub!issi/eJ

[ 6 "ds i" fro"t

[ 6 "ds behi"d b *$

[ %"$les

[ F"ees

[ Elbo#s

[ Wrists to "$les

[ Spre der b rs

[ Tied to fur"iture

[ 3li"dfoldi"g

[ @ ggi"g

[ 3o"d ge #ith (ope

[ 3o"d ge #ith T pe

[ 3o"d ge #ith le ther *uffs

[ Suspe"sio"

[ 3o"d ge #ith h "d*uffsA!et l restr i"ts

Wh t is the Sub!issi/es ge"er l ttitude bout re*ei/i"g p i"J Where 1 is li$es i"te"sely "d 7 is disli$es i"te"sely= 1 E 2 E 5 E S E 7

6o# !u*h p i" does the sub!issi/e # "t to re*ei/eJ Where 1 is "o"e "d 7 is se/ere= 1E2E5ESE7

Whi*h of the follo#i"g types of p i"Apu"ish!e"tAdis*ipli"e re **ept ble to the Sub!issi/eJ

[ Sp "$i"g

[ 1 ddli"g

[ Whippi"g

[ C "i"g

[ 3iti"g

[ 0ipple *l !ps

[ @e"it l *l !ps

[ ;*e

[ 6ot # 4

[ 2ther typesA!ethods of p i"

6oly Fu*$+ ; * "t bri"g !yself to e/e" *o"sider the food list+ ; s# llo# h rd, !y !outh dry, "d re d it g i"+

'y he d is buGGi"g+ 6o# * " ; possibly gree to ll thisJ %"d pp re"tly its for !y be"efit, to e4plore !y se"su lity, !y li!its E s fely E oh ple seL ; s*off "grily+ Ser/e "d obey i" ll thi"gs+ %ll Thi"gsL ; sh $e !y he d i" disbelief+ %*tu lly, does"t the ! rri ge *ere!o"y use those #ordsM obeyJ This thro#s !e+ ?o *ouples still s y th tJ 2"ly three !o"ths, is th t #hy there h /e bee" so ! "yJ 6e does"t $eep the! for lo"gJ 2r h /e they h d e"ough fter three !o"thsJ E/ery #ee$e"dJ Th ts too !u*h+ ;ll "e/er see F te or #h te/er frie"ds ; ! y ! $e t !y "e# Bob E pro/ided ; get o"e+ 1erh ps ; should h /e

o"e #ee$e"d pr *ti* l+

!o"th to !yself+ 1erh ps #he" ; h /e !y period, th t sou"dsM

6es !y ! sterL To be de lt #ith s he ple sesL 6oly shit+

; shudder t the thought of bei"g flogged or #hipped+ Sp "$i"g prob bly #ould"t be so b d, hu!ili ti"g though+ %"d tied upJ Well he did tie !y h "ds together+ Th t # sM #ell it # s hot, re lly hot, so perh ps th t #o"t be so b d+ 6e #o"t lo " !e to "other ?o!i" "t E d !" right he #o"t+ Th t #ould be tot lly u" **ept ble+ Why ! ; e/e" thi"$i"g bout thisJ

; * "t loo$ hi! i" the eye+ 6o# #eird is th tJ The o"ly # y ; e/er h /e "y *h "*e to see #h t hes thi"$i"g+ %*tu lly, #ho! ! ; $iddi"g, ; "e/er $"o# #h t hes thi"$i"g, but ; li$e loo$i"g i"to his eyes+ 6e h s be utiful eyes E * pti/ ti"g, i"tellige"t, deep "d d r$, d r$ #ith do!i" "t se*rets+ ; re* ll his bur"i"g s!o$y g Ge "d press !y thighs together, sDuir!i"g+

%"d ; * "t tou*h hi!+ Well, "o surprise there+ %"d these silly rulesM 0o, "o ; * "t do this+ ; put !y he d i" !y h "ds+ This is "o # y to h /e so!e rel tio"ship+ ; "eed

sleep+ ;! sh ttered+ %ll the physi* l she" "ig "s ;/e bee" e"g ged i" o/er the l st t#e"ty<four hours h /e bee", fr "$ly, e4h usti"g+ %"d !e"t llyM oh ! ", this is so !u*h

to t $e o" bo rd+ %s JosO #ould s y, !ight "ot re d li$e b d Bo$e+ re l !i"d<fu*$+ 1erh ps i" the !or"i"g, this

; s*r !ble up "d *h "ge Dui*$ly+ 1erh ps ; should borro# F tes pi"$ fl ""el p B ! s+ ; # "t so!ethi"g *uddly "d re ssuri"g rou"d !e+ ; he d to the b throo! i" !y t<shirt "d sleep shorts "d brush !y teeth+

; st re t !yself i" the b throo! !irror+ Kou * "t seriously be *o"sideri"g thisM 'y sub*o"s*ious sou"ds s "e "d r tio" l, "ot her usu l s" r$y self+ 'y i""er goddess is Bu!pi"g up "d do#", *l ppi"g her h "ds li$e thisM fi/e<ye r<old+ 1le se, lets do

other#ise #ell e"d up lo"e #ith lots of * ts "d your *l ssi* "o/els to $eep you *o!p "y+

The o"ly ! " ;/e e/er bee" ttr *ted to, "d he *o!es #ith flogger, "d i""er

bloody *o"tr *t,

#hole #orld of issues+ Well, t le st ; got !y # y this #ee$e"d+ 'y

goddess stops Bu!pi"g "d s!iles sere"ely+ 2h yesM she !ouths, "oddi"g t !e s!ugly+ ; flush t the !e!ory of his h "ds "d his !outh o" !e, his body i"side !i"e+ Closi"g !y eyes, ; feel the f !ili r deli*ious pull of !y !us*les fro! deep, deep do#"+ ; # "t to do th t g i" "d g i"+ ' ybe if ; Bust sig" up for the se4M #ould he go #ith th tJ ;

suspe*t "ot+

%! ; sub!issi/eJ ' ybe ; *o!e *ross th t # y+ ' ybe ; !isled hi! i" the i"ter/ie#+ ;! shy, yesM but sub!issi/eJ ; let F te bully !e E is th t the s !eJ %"d those soft li!its, BeeG+ 'y !i"d boggles, but ;! re ssured th t they re up for dis*ussio"+

; # "der b *$ to !y bedroo!+ This is too !u*h to thi"$ bout+ ; "eed

*le r he d E

fresh !or"i"g ppro *h to the proble!+ ; put the offe"di"g do*u!e"ts b *$ i" !y s t*hel+ To!orro#M to!orro# is "other d y+ Cl !beri"g i"to bed, ; s#it*h off the light "d lie st ri"g up t the *eili"g+ 2h, ; #ish ;d "e/er !et hi!+ 'y i""er goddess sh $es her he d t !e+ She "d ; $"o# its lie+ ; h /e "e/er felt s li/e s ; do "o#+

; *lose !y eyes, "d ; drift i"to

he /y sleep #ith o** sio" l dre !s of four<poster

beds "d sh *$les "d i"te"se gr y eyes+

F te # $es !e the "e4t d y+

H%" , ;/e bee" * lli"g you+ Kou !ust h /e bee" out *old+I

'y eyes relu*t "tly ope"+ Shes "ot Bust up E shes bee" for l r!+ ;ts eight i" the !or"i"g+ 6oly 'oses, ;/e slept for

ru"+ ; gl "*e t !y solid "i"e hours+

HWh t is itJI ; !u!ble sleepily+


! " here #ith

deli/ery for you+ Kou h /e to sig" for it+I


HCo!e o"+ ;ts big+ ;t loo$s i"teresti"g+I She hops fro! foot to foot e4*itedly "d bou"ds b *$ i"to the li/i"g re + ; *l !ber out of bed "d gr b !y dressi"g go#" h "gi"g o" the b *$ of !y door+ % s! rt you"g ! " #ith roo! *l spi"g l rge bo4+ po"yt il is st "di"g i" our li/i"g

H6i,I ; !u!ble+

H;ll ! $e you so!e te +I F te s*uttles off to the $it*he"+

H'iss SteeleJI

%"d ; i!!edi tely $"o# #ho! the p r*el is fro!+

HKes,I ; "s#er * utiously+

H; h /e

p *$ ge for you here, but ; h /e to set it up "d sho# you ho# to use it+I

H(e llyJ %t this ti!eJI

H2"ly follo#i"g orders, ! !+I 6e s!iles i" t $i"g< "y<*r p # y+

*h r!i"g but professio" l hes<"ot<

?id he Bust * ll !e ! !J 6 /e ; ged te" ye rs o/er"ightJ ;f ; h /e, its th t *o"tr *t+ 'y !outh pu*$ers i" disgust+

H2$ y, #h t is itJI


' *3oo$ 1ro+I

H2f *ourse it is+I ; roll !y eyes+

HThese re"t / il ble i" the shops yet, ! !, the /ery l test fro! %pple+I

6o# *o!e th t does "ot surprise !eJ ; sigh he /ily+

HJust set it up o" the di"i"g t ble o/er there+I

; # "der i"to the $it*he" to Boi" F te+

HWh t is itJI she s ys i"Duisiti/e, bright eyed "d bushy t iled+ Shes slept #ell too+


l ptop fro! Christi "+I

HWhys he se"t you

l ptopJ Kou $"o# you * " use !i"e,I she fro#"s+

0ot for #h t he h s i" !i"d+

H2h, its o"ly o" lo "+ 6e # "ted !e to try it out+I 'y e4*use sou"ds feeble+ 3ut F te "ods her sse"t+ 2h !yM ; h /e hood#i"$ed F theri"e F / " gh+ % first+ She h "ds !e !y te +

The ' * l ptop is slee$ "d sil/er "d r ther be utiful+ ;t h s

/ery l rge s*ree"+

Christi " @rey li$es s* le E ; thi"$ of his li/i"g re , i" f *t, his #hole p rt!e"t+

H;ts got the l test 2S "d h rd

full suite of progr !s, plus

o"e<poi"t<fi/e ter byte

dri/e so youll h /e ple"ty of roo!, thirty<t#o gigs of (%' E #h t re you pl ""i"g to use it forJ

H8hM e! il+I

HE! ilLI he *ho$es, be!used, r isi"g his eyebro#s #ith f *e+

slightly si*$ loo$ o" his

H%"d ! ybe ;"ter"et rese r*hJI ; shrug pologeti* lly+

6e sighs+

HWell, this h s full #ireless 0, "d ;/e set it up #ith your 'e **ou"t det ils+ This b by is ll re dy to go, pr *ti* lly "y#here o" the pl "et+I 6e loo$s lo"gi"gly t it+

H'e **ou"tJI

HKour "e# e! il ddress+I

; h /e " e! il ddressJ

6e poi"ts to " i*o" o" the s*ree" "d *o"ti"ues to t l$ t !e but its li$e #hite "oise+ ; h /e"t got !e *lue #h t hes s yi"g, "d i" ll ho"estly, ;! "ot i"terested+ Just tell

ho# to s#it*h it o" "d off E ;ll figure out the rest+ %fter ll, ;/e bee" usi"g F tes for four ye rs+ F te #histles, i!pressed #he" she sees it+

HThis is "e4t<ge"er tio" te*h+I She r ises her eyebro#s t !e+ H'ost #o!e" get flo#ers or ! ybe Be#elry,I she s ys suggesti/ely, tryi"g to suppress s!ile+

; s*o#l t her but * "t $eep

str ight f *e+ We both burst i"to

fit of giggles, "d

*o!puter ! " g pes t us, be!used+ 6e fi"ishes up "d s$s !e to sig" the deli/ery "ote+

%s F te sho#s hi! out, ; sit #ith !y *up of te , ope" the e! il progr !, "d sitti"g

there # iti"g for !e is " e! il fro! Christi "+ 'y he rt le ps i"to !y !outh+ ; h /e " e! il fro! Christi " @rey+ 0er/ously, ; ope" it+

Fro!= Christi " @rey

SubBe*t= Kour 0e# Co!puter

? te= ' y 22 2011 25=17

To= %" st si Steele

?e r 'iss Steele ; trust you slept #ell+ ; hope th t you put this l ptop to good use, s dis*ussed+ ; loo$ for# rd to di""er, Wed"esd y+ 6 ppy to "s#er "y Duestio"s before the", /i e! il, should you so desire+

Christi " @rey CE2, @rey E"terprises 6oldi"gs ;"*+

; hit reply+

Fro!= %" st si Steele

SubBe*t= Kour 0e# Co!puter &o" lo ")

? te= ' y 25 2011 0.=20

To= Christi " @rey

; slept /ery #ell th "$ you E for so!e str "ge re so" E Sir+ ; u"derstood th t this *o!puter # s o" lo ", ergo "ot !i"e+ %"

%l!ost i"st "t "eously there is


Fro!= Christi " @rey

SubBe*t= Kour 0e# Co!puter &o" lo ")

? te= ' y 25 2011 0.=22

To= %" st si Steele

The *o!puter is o" lo "+ ;"defi"itely, 'iss Steele+ ; "ote fro! your to"e th t you h /e re d the do*u!e"t tio" ; g /e you+ ?o you h /e "y Duestio"s so f rJ

Christi " @rey CE2, @rey E"terprises 6oldi"gs ;"*+

; * "t help but gri"+

Fro!= %" st si Steele

SubBe*t= E"Duiri"g 'i"ds

? te= ' y 25 2011 0.=27

To= Christi " @rey

; h /e ! "y Duestio"s, but "ot suit ble for e! il, "d so!e of us h /e to #or$ for li/i"g+ ; do "ot # "t or "eed *o!puter i"defi"itely+

8"til l ter, good d y+ Sir+ %"

6is reply g i" is i"st "t, "d it ! $es !e s!ile+

Fro!= Christi " @rey

SubBe*t= Kour 0e# Co!puter & g i" o" lo ")

? te= ' y 25 2011 0.=2-

To= %" st si Steele

L ters, b by+ 1S= ; #or$ for li/i"g too+

Christi " @rey CE2, @rey E"terprises 6oldi"gs ;"*+

; shut the *o!puter do#", gri""i"g li$e " idiot+ 6o# * " ; resist pl yful Christi "J ; ! goi"g to be l te for #or$+ Well, it is !y l st #ee$ E 'r+ "d 'rs+ Cl yto" #ill prob bly *ut !e so!e sl *$+ ; r *e i"to the sho#er, u" ble to sh $e !y f *e<splitti"g gri"+ 6e e! iled !e+ ;! li$e ; s! ll, giddy *hild+ %"d ll the *o"tr *t "gst f des+ %s ; # sh !y h ir,

try "d thi"$ #h t ; *ould possibly s$ hi! /i e! il+ Surely its better to t l$ these thi"gs through+ Suppose so!eo"e h *$ed i"to his **ou"tJ ; flush t the thought+ ; dress Dui*$ly, shout h sty goodbye to F te, "d ;! off to #or$ !y l st #ee$ t Cl yto"s+

JosO pho"es t ele/e"+

H6ey, re #e doi"g *offeeJI 6e sou"ds li$e the old JosO+ JosO !y frie"d, "ot did Christi " * ll hi!J Suitor+ 8gh+ E #h t

HSure+ ;! t #or$+ C " you ! $e it here for s y t#el/eJI

HSee you the"+I

6e h "gs up, "d ; go b *$ to resto*$i"g the p i"tbrushes "d thi"$i"g bout Christi " @rey "d his *o"tr *t+

JosO is pu"*tu l+ 6e *o!es bou"di"g i"to the shop li$e puppy+

g !boli"g d r$<eyed

H%" ,I he s!iles his d GGli"g toothy ll<6isp "i*<%!eri* " s!ile, "d ; * "t be "gry #ith hi! "y!ore+

H6i JosO+I ; hug hi!+ H;! st r/i"g+ ;ll Bust let 'rs+ Cl yto" $"o# ;! goi"g for lu"*h+I

%s #e stroll to the lo* l *offee shop, ; slip !y r! through JosOs+ ;! so gr teful for his E "or! lity+ So!eo"e ; $"o# "d u"derst "d+

H6ey %" ,I he !ur!urs+ HKou/e re lly forgi/e" !eJI

HJosO, you $"o# ; * " "e/er st y ! d t you for lo"g+I

6e gri"s+

; * "t # it to get ho!e+ The lure of e! ili"g Christi ", "d ! ybe ; * " begi" !y rese r*h proBe*t+ F te is out so!e#here, so ; fire up the "e# l ptop "d ope" !y e! il+ Sure e"ough, theres " e! il fro! Christi " sitti"g i" the i"bo4+ ;! pr *ti* lly bou"*i"g out of !y se t #ith glee+

Fro!= Christi " @rey

SubBe*t= Wor$i"g for


? te= ' y 25 2011 1:=2S

To= %" st si Steele

?e r 'iss Steele ; do hope you h d good d y t #or$+

Christi " @rey CE2, @rey E"terprises 6oldi"gs ;"*+

; hit reply+

Fro!= %" st si Steele

SubBe*t= Wor$i"g for li/i"g

? te= ' y 25 2011 1:=S.

To= Christi " @rey

SirM ; h d Th "$ you+ %"

/ery good d y t #or$+

Fro!= Christi " @rey

SubBe*t= ?o The Wor$L

? te= ' y 25 2011 1:=70

To= %" st si Steele

'iss Steele ?elighted you h d good d y+

While you re e! ili"g, you re "ot rese r*hi"g+

Christi " @rey CE2, @rey E"terprises 6oldi"gs ;"*+

Fro!= %" st si Steele

SubBe*t= 0uis "*e

? te= ' y 25 2011 1:=75

To= Christi " @rey

'r+ @rey, stop e! ili"g !e, "d ; * " st rt !y ssig"!e"t+ ;d li$e "other %+ %"

; hug !yself+

Fro!= Christi " @rey

SubBe*t= ;!p tie"t

? te= ' y 25 2011 1:=77

To= %" st si Steele

'iss Steele Stop e! ili"g !e E "d do your ssig"!e"t+ ;d li$e to # rd "other %+ The first o"e # s so #ell deser/ed+ V)

Christi " @rey CE2, @rey E"terprises 6oldi"gs ;"*+

Christi " @rey Bust se"t !e

#i"$i"g s!ileyM 2h !y+ ; fire up @oogle+

Fro!= %" st si Steele

SubBe*t= ;"ter"et (ese r*h

? te= ' y 25 2011 1:=7,

To= Christi " @rey

'r+ @rey Wh t #ould you suggest ; put i"to %" se r*h e"gi"eJ

Fro!= Christi " @rey

SubBe*t= ;"ter"et (ese r*h

? te= ' y 25 2011 1.=02

To= %" st si Steele

'iss Steele %l# ys st rt #ith Wi$ipedi + 0o !ore e! ils u"less you h /e Duestio"s+ 8"derstoodJ

Christi " @rey CE2, @rey E"terprises 6oldi"gs ;"*+

Fro!= %" st si Steele

SubBe*t= 3ossyL

? te= ' y 25 2011 1.=0S

To= Christi " @rey

KesM Sir+ Kou re so bossy+ %"

Fro!= Christi " @rey

SubBe*t= ;" Co"trol

? te= ' y 25 2011 1.=0-

To= %" st si Steele

%" st si , you h /e "o ide + Well, ! ybe " i"$li"g "o#+ ?o the #or$+

Christi " @rey CE2, @rey E"terprises 6oldi"gs ;"*+

; type Sub!issi/e i"to Wi$ipedi +

6 lf " hour l ter, ; feel slight Due sy "d fr "$ly sho*$ed to !y *ore+ ?o ; re lly # "t this stuff i" !y he dJ JeeG E is this #h t he gets up to i" the (ed (oo! of 1 i"J ; sit st ri"g t the s*ree", "d p rt of !e, ;/e o"ly /ery !oist "d i"tegr l p rt of !e E th t

be*o!e *Du i"ted #ith /ery re*e"tly, is seriously tur"ed o"+ 2h !y, so!e of this stuff is

62T+ 3ut is it for !eJ 6oly shitM *ould ; do thisJ ; "eed sp *e+ ; "eed to thi"$+

For the first ti!e i" !y life, ; /olu"t rily go for s"e $ers, so!e s#e t p "ts, "d they

ru"+ ; fi"d !y " sty, "e/er<used

t<shirt+ ; put !y h ir i" pigt ils, blushi"g t the !e!ories

bri"g b *$, "d ; plug i" !y i1od+ ; * "t sit i" fro"t of th t ! r/el of te*h"ology "d loo$ t or re d "y !ore disturbi"g ! teri l+ ; "eed to e4pe"d so!e of this e4*ess, e"er/ ti"g, e"ergy+ Quite fr "$ly, ; h /e se4 !i"d to ru" to the 6e th! " hotel "d Bust de! "d

fro! the *o"trol fre $+ 3ut th ts fi/e !iles, "d ; do"t thi"$ ;ll be ble to ru" o"e !ile, let lo"e fi/e, "d of *ourse, he !ight tur" !e do#" #hi*h #ould be beyo"d hu!ili ti"g+

F te is # l$i"g fro! her * r s ; he d out of the door+ She "e rly drops her shoppi"g #he" she sees !e+ %" Steele i" s"e $ers+ ; # /e "d do"t stop for the i"Duisitio"+ ; "eed so!e serious lo"e ti!e+ S"o# 1 trol bl ri"g i" !y e rs, ; set off i"to the op l "d Du ! ri"e dus$+

; p *e through the p r$+ Wh t ! ; goi"g to doJ ; # "t hi!, but o" his ter!sJ ; Bust

do"t $"o#+ 1erh ps ; should "egoti te #h t ; # "t+ @o through th t ridi*ulous *o"tr *t li"e by li"e "d s y #h t is **ept ble "d #h t is"t+ 'y rese r*h h s told !e th t leg lly its u"e"for*e ble+ 6e !ust $"o# th t+ ; figure th t it Bust sets up the p r !eters of the rel tio"ship+ ;t illustr tes #h t ; * " e4pe*t fro! hi! "d #h t he e4pe*ts fro! !e E !y tot l sub!issio"+ %! ; prep red to gi/e hi! th tJ %! ; e/e" * p bleJ

; ! pl gued by o"e Duestio" < #hy is he li$e thisJ ;s it be* use he # s sedu*ed t su*h you"g geJ ; Bust do"t $"o#+ 6es still su*h !ystery+

; stop beside dr ggi"g l rge spru*e "d put !y h "ds o" !y $"ees, bre thi"g h rd,

pre*ious ir i"to !y lu"gs+ 2h, this feels good, * th rti*+ ; * " feel !y resol/e h rde"i"g+ Kes+ ; "eed to tell hi! #h ts o$ y "d #h t is"t+ ; "eed to e! il hi! !y thoughts, "d the" #e * " dis*uss these o" Wed"esd y+ ; t $e b *$ to the p rt!e"t+ deep *le "si"g bre th, the" Bog

F te h s bee" shoppi"g, s o"ly she * ", for *lothes for her holid y to 3 rb dos+ ' i"ly bi$i"is "d ! t*hi"g s ro"gs+ She #ill loo$ f bulous i" ll of the!, yet she still ! $es !e sit "d *o!!e"t #hile she tries o" e *h "d e/ery o"e+ There re o"ly so ! "y

# ys o"e * " s y E you loo$ f bulous F te+ She h s She

*ur/y, sli! figure to die for+

does"t do it o" purpose, ; $"o#, but ; h ul !y sorry, perspir tio" *l d, old t<shirt, s#e t p "ts, "d s"e $ers ss i"to !y roo! o" the prete4t of p *$i"g !ore bo4es+ Could ; feel "y !ore i" deDu teJ T $i"g the #eso!e free te*h"ology #ith !e, ; set the l ptop up o" !y des$+ ; e! il Christi "+


Fro!= %" st si Steele

SubBe*t= Sho*$ed of WS8C

? te= ' y 25 2011 20=55

To= Christi " @rey

2$ y, ;/e see" e"ough+ ;t # s "i*e $"o#i"g you+ %"

; press se"d, huggi"g !yself, l ughi"g t !y little Bo$e+ Will he fi"d it s fu""yJ 2h shit E prob bly "ot+ Christi " @rey is "ot f !ed for his se"se of hu!or+ 3ut ; $"o# it e4ists, ;/e e4perie"*ed it+ 1erh ps ;/e go"e too f r+ ; # it for his "s#er+

; # itM "d # it+ ; gl "*e t !y l r! *lo*$+ Te" !i"utes h /e p ssed+

To distr *t !yself fro! the "4iety th t bloo!s i" !y belly, ; st rt doi"g #h t ; told F te ; #ould be doi"g E p *$i"g up !y roo!+ ; begi" by *r !!i"g !y boo$s i"to *r te+ 3y "i"e, ;/e he rd "othi"g+ 1erh ps hes out+ ; pout petul "tly s ; plug !y i1od e r buds i", liste" to S"o# 1 trol, "d sit do#" t !y s! ll des$ to re<re d the *o"tr *t "d ! $e !y *o!!e"ts+

; do"t $"o# #hy ; gl "*e up, ! ybe ; * t*h !y

slight !o/e!e"t fro! the *or"er of

eye, ; do"t $"o#, but #he" ; do, hes st "di"g i" the door# y of !y bedroo! # t*hi"g !e i"te"tly+ 6es #e ri"g his grey fl ""el p "ts "d t#irli"g his * r $eys+ ; pull !y e r buds out "d freeGe+ Fu*$L #hite li"e" shirt, ge"tly

H@ood e/e"i"g, %" st si +I 6is /oi*e is *ool, his e4pressio" *o!pletely gu rded "d u"re d ble+ The * p *ity to spe $ deserts !e+ ? !" F te for letti"g hi! i" here #ith "o # r"i"g+ C guely, ;! # re th t ;! still i" !y s#e ts, u"<sho#ered, yu*$y, "d hes Bust gloriously yu!!y, his p "ts doi"g th t h "gi"g fro! the hips thi"g, "d #h ts !ore, hes here i" !y bedroo!+

H; felt th t your e! il # rr "ted

reply i" perso",I he e4pl i"s dryly+

; ope" !y !outh "d the" *lose it g i", t#i*e+ The Bo$e is o" !e+ 0e/er i" this or "y lter" ti/e u"i/erse did ; e4pe*t hi! to drop e/erythi"g "d tur" up here+

H' y ; sitJI he s$s, his eyes "o# d "*i"g #ith hu!or E th "$ he /e"s E ! ybe hell see the fu""y sideJ

; "od+ The po#er of spee*h re! i"s elusi/e+ Christi " @rey is sitti"g o" !y bed+

H; #o"dered #h t your bedroo! #ould loo$ li$e,I he s ys+

; gl "*e rou"d it, plotti"g " es* pe route, "o E theres still o"ly the door or #i"do#+ 'y roo! is fu"*tio" l but *oGy E sp rse #hite #i*$er fur"iture "d double bed #hite iro"

#ith p t*h#or$ Duilt, ! de by !y !other #he" she # s i" her fol$sy %!eri* " Duilti"g ph se+ ;ts ll p le blue "d *re !+

H;ts /ery sere"e "d pe *eful i" here,I he !ur!urs+ 0ot t the !o!e"tM "ot #ith you here+

Fi" lly, !y !edull oblo"g t re* lls its purpose, ; bre the+

H6o#M JI

6e s!iles t !e+

H;! still t the 6e th! "+I

; $"o# th t+

HWould you li$e

dri"$JI 1olite"ess #i"s out o/er e/erythi"g else ;d li$e to s y+

H0o, th "$ you, %" st si +I 6e s!iles slightly to o"e side+

d GGli"g, *roo$ed s!ile, his he d *o*$ed

Well, ; !ight "eed o"e+

HSo, it # s "i*e $"o#i"g !eJI

6oly *o#, is he offe"dedJ ; st re do#" t !y fi"gers+ 6o# ! ; goi"g to dig !yself out of thisJ ;f ; tell hi! it # s Bo$e, ; do"t thi"$ hell be i!pressed+

H; thought youd reply by e! il+I 'y /oi*e is s! ll, p theti*+

H%re you biti"g your lo#er lip deliber telyJI he s$s d r$ly+

; bli"$ up t hi!, g spi"g, freei"g !y lip+

H; # s"t # re ; # s biti"g !y lip,I ; !ur!ur softly+

'y he rt is pou"di"g+ ; * " feel th t pull, th t deli*ious ele*tri*ity bet#ee" us *h rgi"g, filli"g the sp *e bet#ee" us #ith st ti*+ 6es sitti"g so *lose to !e, his eyes d r$ s!o$y gr y, his elbo#s resti"g o" his $"ees, his legs p rt+ Le "i"g for# rd, he slo#ly u"does o"e of !y pigt ils, his fi"gers freei"g !y h ir+ 'y bre thi"g is sh llo#, "d ; * ""ot !o/e+ ; # t*h hyp"otiGed s his h "d !o/es to !y se*o"d pigt il, "d pulli"g the h ir tie, he loose"s the br id #ith his lo"g, s$illed fi"gers+

HSo you de*ided o" so!e e4er*ise,I he bre thes, his /oi*e soft "d !elodious+ 6is fi"gers ge"tly tu*$ !y h ir behi"d !y e r+ HWhy, %" st si JI 6is fi"gers *ir*le !y e r, "d /ery softly, he tugs !y e rlobe, rhyth!i* lly+ ;ts so se4u l+

H; "eeded ti!e to thi"$,I ; #hisper+ ;! ll r bbitAhe dlights, !othAfl !e, birdAs" $eM "d he $"o#s e4 *tly #h t hes doi"g to !e+

HThi"$ bout #h t, %" st si JI


H%"d you de*ided th t it # s "i*e $"o#i"g !eJ ?o you !e " $"o#i"g !e i" the bibli* l se"seJI

2h shit+ ; flush+

H; did"t thi"$ you #ere f !ili r #ith the 3ible+I

H; #e"t to Su"d y S*hool, %" st si + ;t t ught !e

gre t de l+I

H; do"t re!e!ber re di"g bout "ipple *l !ps i" the 3ible+ 1erh ps you #ere t ught fro! !oder" tr "sl tio"+I

6is lips r*h #ith s*ulptured !outh+

tr *e of

s!ile, "d !y eyes re dr #" to his be utiful

HWell, ; thought ; should *o!e "d re!i"d you ho# "i*e it # s $"o#i"g !e+I

6oly *r p+ ; st re t hi! ope" !outhed, "d his fi"gers !o/e fro! !y e r to !y *hi"+

HWh t do you s y to th t, 'iss SteeleJI

6is gr y eyes bl Ge t !e, his *h lle"ge i"tri"si* i" his st re+ 6is lips re p rted E hes # iti"g, *oiled to stri$e+ ?esire E *ute, liDuid "d s!olderi"g, *o!busts deep i" !y belly+ ; t $e pre<e!pti/e *tio" "d l u"*h !yself t hi!+ So!eho# he !o/es, ; h /e "o ide

ho#, "d i" the bli"$ of " eye ;! o" the bed pi""ed be"e th hi!, !y r!s stret*hed out "d held bo/e !y he d, his free h "d *lut*hi"g !y f *e, "d his !outh fi"ds !i"e+

6is to"gue is i" !y !outh, *l i!i"g "d possessi"g !e, "d ; re/el i" the for*e he uses+ ; feel hi! g i"st the le"gth of !y body+ 6e # "ts !e, "d this does str "ge, deli*ious thi"gs to !y i"sides+ 0ot F te i" her little bi$i"is, "ot o"e of the fiftee", "ot e/il 'rs+ (obi"so"+ 'e+ This be utiful ! " # "ts !e+ 'y i""er goddess glo#s so bright she *ould light up 1ortl "d+ 6e stops $issi"g !e, "d ope"i"g !y eyes, ; fi"d hi! g Gi"g do#" t !e+

HTrust !eJI he bre thes+

; "od, #ide<eyed, !y he rt bou"*i"g off !y ribs, !y blood thu"deri"g rou"d !y body+

6e re *hes do#", "d fro! his p "ts po*$et, he t $es out his sil/er grey sil$ tieM th t sil/er grey #o/e" tie th t le /es s! ll i!pressio"s of its #e /e o" !y s$i"+ 6e !o/es so Dui*$ly, sitti"g stride !e s he f ste"s !y #rists together, but this ti!e, he ties the other e"d of the tie to o"e of the spo$es of !y #hite iro" he dbo rd+ 6e pulls t !y bi"di"g *he*$i"g its se*ure+ ;! "ot goi"g "y#here+ ;! tied, liter lly, to !y bed, "d ;! so roused+

6e slides off !e "d st "ds beside the bed, st ri"g do#" t !e, his eyes d r$ #ith # "t+ 6is loo$ is triu!ph "t, !i4ed #ith relief+

HTh ts better,I he !ur!urs "d s!iles st rts

#i*$ed, $"o#i"g s!ile+ 6e be"ds "d

u"doi"g o"e of !y s"e $ers+ 2h "oM "oM !y feet+ 0o+ ;/e Bust bee" ru""i"g+

H0o,I ; protest, tryi"g to $i*$ hi! off+

6e stops+

H;f you struggle, ;ll tie your feet too+ ;f you ! $e

"oise, %" st si , ; #ill g g you+

Feep Duiet+ F theri"e is prob bly outside liste"i"g right "o#+I

@ g !eL F teL ; shut up+

6e re!o/es !y shoes "d !y so*$s effi*ie"tly "d slo#ly peels off !y s#e t p "ts+ 2h E #h t p "ties ! ; #e ri"gJ 6e lifts !e "d pulls the Duilt "d !y du/et out fro! u"der"e th !e "d pl *es !e b *$ do#", this ti!e o" the sheets+

H0o# the"+I 6e li*$s his botto! lip slo#ly+ HKoure biti"g th t lip, %" st si + Kou $"o# the effe*t it h s o" !e+I 6e pl *es his lo"g i"de4 fi"ger o/er !y !outh, # r"i"g+

2h !y+ ; * " b rely *o"t i" !yself, lyi"g helpless, # t*hi"g hi! !o/e gr *efully rou"d !y roo!, its shoes he dy phrodisi *+ Slo#ly, l!ost leisurely, he re!o/es his

"d so*$s, u"does his p "ts, "d lifts his shirt off o/er his he d+

H; thi"$ you/e see" too !u*h,I he *hu*$les slyly+ 6e sits stride !e g i", pulls !y t<shirt up, "d ; thi"$ hes goi"g to t $e it off !e, but he rolls it up to !y "e*$ "d the" pulls it up o/er !y he d so he * " see !y !outh "d !y "ose, but it *o/ers !y eyes+ %"d be* use its folded o/er E ; * ""ot see thi"g through it+

H'!!,I he bre thes ppre*i ti/ely+ HThis Bust gets better "d better+ ;! goi"g to get dri"$+I

Le "i"g do#", he $isses !e, his lips te"der g i"st !i"e, "d his #eight shifts off the bed+ ; he r the Duiet *re $ of the bedroo! door+ @et 1ortl "dJ dri"$+ WhereJ 6ereJ

Se ttleJ ; str i" to he r hi!+ ; * " ! $e out lo# ru!bli"gs, "d ; $"o# hes t l$i"g to F te E oh "oM hes pr *ti* lly " $ed+ Wh ts she goi"g to s yJ ; he r poppi"g f i"t

sou"d+ Wh ts th tJ 6e retur"s, the door *re $i"g o"*e !ore, his feet p ddi"g *ross the bedroo! floor, "d i*e ti"$li"g g i"st gl ss s it s#irls i" liDuid+ Wh t $i"d of dri"$J 6e shuts the door "d shuffles rou"d re!o/i"g his p "ts+ They drop to the floor, "d ; $"o#

hes " $ed+ 6e sits stride !e g i"+

H%re you thirsty, %" st si JI he s$s, his /oi*e te si"g

HKes,I ; bre the, be* use !y !outh is sudde"ly p r*hed+ ; he r the i*e *li"$ g i"st the gl ss, "d he puts it do#" g i" "d le "s do#" "d $isses !e, pouri"g deli*ious *risp, liDuid i"to !y !outh s he does+ ;ts #hite #i"e+ ;ts so u"e4pe*ted, hot, though its *hilled, "d Christi "s lips re *ool+

H'oreJI he #hispers+

; "od+ ;t t stes ll the !ore di/i"e be* use its bee" i" his !outh+ 6e le "s do#", "d ; dri"$ "other !outhful fro! his lipsM oh !y+

HLets "ot go too f r, #e $"o# your * p *ity for l*ohol is li!ited, %" st si +I

; * "t help it+ ; gri", "d he le "s do#" to deli/er "other deli*ious !outhful+ 6e shifts so hes lyi"g beside !e, his ere*tio" t !y hip+ 2h, ; # "t hi! i"side !e+

H;s this "i*eJI he s$s, but ; he r the edge i" his /oi*e+

; te"se+ 6e !o/es the gl ss g i" "d le "s do#", $issi"g !e "d depositi"g s! ll sh rd of i*e i" !y !outh #ith $isses little #i"e+ 6e slo#ly "d leisurely tr ils *hilled

do#" the *e"ter of !y body, fro! the b se of !y thro t, bet#ee" !y bre sts, do#" !y torso, "d to !y belly+ 6e pops #i"e+ fr g!e"t of i*e i" !y " /el i" pool of *ool, *old

;t bur"s ll the # y do#" to the depths of !y belly+ Wo#+

H0o# you h /e to $eep still,I he #hispers+ H;f you !o/e, %" st si , youll get #i"e ll o/er the bed+I

'y hips fle4 uto! ti* lly+

H2h "o+ ;f you spill the #i"e, ; #ill pu"ish you, 'iss Steele+I

; gro " "d desper tely fight the urge to tilt !y hips, pulli"g o" !y restr i"t+ 2h "oM ple se+

With o"e fi"ger, he pulls do#" !y br *ups i" tur", !y bre sts pushed up, e4posed "d /ul"er ble+ Le "i"g do#", he $isses "d tugs t e *h of !y "ipples i" tur" #ith *ool, *old lips+ ; fight !y body s it tries to r*h i" respo"se+

H6o# "i*e is thisJI he bre thes, blo#i"g o" o"e of !y "ipples+

; he r "other *li"$ of i*e, "d the" ; * " feel it rou"d !y right "ipple s he tugs the left

o"e #ith his lips+ ; !o ", struggli"g "ot to !o/e+ ;ts s#eet, go"iGi"g torture+

H;f you spill the #i"e, ; #o"t let you *o!e,I

H2hM ple seM Christi "M SirM 1le se+I 6es dri/i"g !e i"s "e+ ; he r hi! s!ile+

The i*e i" !y " /el is !elti"g+ ; ! beyo"d # r! E # r! "d *hilled "d # "ti"g+ W "ti"g hi!, i"side !e+ 0o#+

6is *ool fi"gers tr il l "guidly *ross !y belly+ 'y s$i" is o/erse"siti/e, !y hips fle4 uto! ti* lly, "d the "o# # r!er liDuid fro! !y " /el seeps o/er !y belly+ Christi " !o/es Dui*$ly, l ppi"g it up #ith his to"gue, $issi"g, biti"g !e softly, su*$i"g+

H2h de r, %" st si , you !o/ed+ Wh t ! ; goi"g to do to youJI

;! p "ti"g loudly+ %ll ; * " *o"*e"tr te o" is his /oi*e "d his tou*h+ 0othi"g else is re l+ 0othi"g else ! tters, "othi"g else registers o" !y r d r+ 6is fi"gers slip i"to !y p "ties, "d ;! re# rded #ith his u"gu rded sh rp i"t $e of ir+

H2h, b by,I he !ur!urs "d he pushes t#o fi"gers i"side !e+

; g sp+

H(e dy for !e so soo",I he s ys+ 6e !o/es his fi"gers t "t liGi"gly slo#ly, i", out, "d ; push g i"st hi!, tilti"g !y hips up+

HKou re

greedy girl,I he s*olds softly, "d his thu!b *ir*les !y *litoris "d the"

presses do#"+

; gro " loudly s !y body bu*$s be"e th his e4pert fi"gers+ 6e re *hes up "d pushes the t<shirt o/er !y he d so ; * " see hi! s ; bli"$ i" the soft light of !y sidelight+ ; lo"g to tou*h hi!+

H; # "t to tou*h you,I ; bre the+

H; $"o#,I he !ur!urs+ 6e le "s do#" "d $isses !e, his fi"gers still !o/i"g rhyth!i* lly i"side !e, his thu!b *ir*li"g "d pressi"g+ 6is other h "d s*oops !y h ir off !y he d "d holds !y he d i" pl *e+ 6is to"gue !irrors the *tio"s of his fi"gers, *l i!i"g !e+ 'y legs begi" to stiffe" s ; push g i"st his h "d+ 6e ge"tles his h "d, so ;! brought b *$ fro! the bri"$+ 6e does this g i" "d g i"+ ;ts so frustr ti"gM 2h ple se Christi ", ; s*re ! i" !y he d+

HThis is your pu"ish!e"t, so *lose "d yet so f r+ ;s this "i*eJI he bre thes i" !y e r+ ; #hi!per, e4h usted, pulli"g g i"st !y restr i"t+ ;! helpless, lost i" " eroti* tor!e"t+

H1le se,I ; beg, "d he fi" lly t $es pity o" !e+

H6o# sh ll ; fu*$ you, %" st si JI

2hM !y body st rts to Dui/er+ 6e stills g i"+

H1le se+I

HWh t do you # "t, %" st si JI

HKouM "o#,I ; *ry+

HSh ll ; fu*$ you this # y, or this # y, or this # yJ Theres " e"dless *hoi*e,I he bre thes g i"st !y lips+ 6e #ithdr #s his h "d "d re *hes o/er to the bedside t ble for foil p *$et+ 6e $"eels up bet#ee" !y legs, "d /ery slo#ly he pulls !y p "ties off, st ri"g do#" t !e, his eyes gle !i"g+ 6e puts o" the *o"do!+ ; # t*h f s*i" ted, !es!eriGed+

H6o# "i*e is thisJI he s ys s he stro$es hi!self+

H; !e "t it s

Bo$e,I ; #hi!per+ 1le se fu*$ !e, Christi "+

6e r ises his eyebro#s s his h "d !o/es up "d do#" his i!pressi/e le"gth+

H% Bo$eJI 6is /oi*e is !e" *i"gly soft+

HKes+ 1le se, Christi ",I ; besee*h hi!+

H%re you l ughi"g "o#JI

H0o,I ; !e#l+

; ! Bust o"e b ll of se4u l, te"se, "eed+ 6e st res do#" t !e for !e suri"g


!y "eed, the" he gr bs !e sudde"ly "d flips !e o/er+ ;t t $es !e by surprise, "d be* use !y h "ds re tied, ; h /e to support !yself o" !y elbo#s+ 6e pushes both !y $"ees up the bed so !y behi"d is i" the ir, "d he sl ps !e h rd+ 3efore ; * " re *t, he plu"ges i"side !e+ ; *ry out E fro! the sl p "d fro! his sudde" ss ult, "d ; *o!e i"st "tly g i" "d g i", f lli"g p rt be"e th hi! s he *o"ti"ues to sl ! deli*iously i"to !e+ 6e does"t stop+ ;! spe"t+ ; * "t t $e thisM "d he pou"ds o" "d o" "d o"+++ the" ;! buildi"g g i"M surely "otM "oM

HCo!e o", %" st si , g i",I he gro#ls through *le"*hed teeth, "d u"belie/ bly, !y body respo"ds, *o"/ulsi"g rou"d hi! s ; *li! 4 "e#, * lli"g out his " !e+ ; sh tter g i" i"to ti"y fr g!e"ts, "d Christi " stills, fi" lly letti"g go, sile"tly fi"di"g his rele se+ 6e *oll pses o" top of !e, bre thi"g h rd+

H6o# "i*e # s th tJI he s$s through his gritted teeth+

2h !y+

; lie p "ti"g "d spe"t o" the bed, eyes *losed s he slo#ly pulls out of !e+ 6e rises i!!edi tely "d dresses+ Whe" hes fully *lothed, he *li!bs b *$ o" the bed "d ge"tly u"does his tie "d pulls !y t<shirt off+ ; fle4 !y fi"gers "d rub !y #rists, s!ili"g t the #o/e" p tter" i!pri"ted o" !y #rists fro! the tie+ ; re< dBust !y br the du/et s he pulls

"d Duilt o/er !e+ ; st re up t hi! *o!pletely d Ged, "d he s!ir$s do#" t !e+

HTh t # s re lly "i*e,I ; #hisper, s!ili"g *oyly+

HTheres th t #ord g i"+I

HKou do"t li$e th t #ordJI

H0o+ ;t does"t do it for !e t ll+I

H2h E ; do"t $"o#M it see!s to h /e

/ery be"efi*i l effe*t o" you+I

H;! be"efi*i l effe*t, "o# ! ;J Could you #ou"d !y ego "y further, 'iss SteeleJI

H; do"t thi"$ theres "ythi"g #ro"g #ith your ego+I 3ut e/e" s ; s y it, ; do"t feel

the *o"/i*tio" of !y #ords < so!ethi"g elusi/e *rosses !y !i"d, but its lost before ; * " gr sp it+

fleeti"g thought,

HKou thi"$JI 6is /oi*e is soft+ 6es lyi"g beside !e, fully *lothed, his he d propped up o" his elbo#, "d ; ! o"ly #e ri"g !y br +

HWhy do"t you li$e to be tou*hedJI

H; Bust do"t+I 6e re *hes o/er "d pl "ts e! il # s your ide of Bo$e+I

soft $iss o" !y forehe d+ HSo, th t

; s!ile pologeti* lly t hi! "d shrug+

H; see+ So you re still *o"sideri"g !y propositio"JI

HKour i"de*e"t propos lM yes ; !+ ; h /e issues though+I

6e gri"s do#" t !e s if relie/ed+

H;d be dis ppoi"ted if you did"t+I

H; # s goi"g to e! il the! to you, but you $i"d of i"terrupted !e+I

HCoitus ;"terruptus+I

HSee, ; $"e# you h d se"se of hu!or so!e#here i" there+I ; s!ile+

H2"ly *ert i" thi"gs re fu""y, %" st si + ; thought you #ere s yi"g "o, "o dis*ussio" t ll+I 6is /oi*e drops+

H; do"t $"o# yet+ ; h /e"t ! de up !y !i"d+ Will you *oll r !eJI

6e r ises his eyebro#s+

HKou h /e bee" doi"g your rese r*h+ ; do"t $"o#, %" st si + ;/e "e/er *oll red "yo"e+I

2hM should ; be surprised by thisJ ; $"o# so little bout the s*e"eM ; do"t $"o#+

HWere you *oll redJI ; #hisper+


H3y 'rs+ (obi"so"JI

H'rs+ (obi"so"LI he l ughs loudly, freely, "d he loo$s so you"g "d * refree, his he d thro#" b *$, his l ughter i"fe*tious+

; gri" b *$ t hi!+

H;ll tell her you s id th t, shell lo/e it+I

HKou still t l$ to her regul rlyJI ; * "t $eep the sho*$ out of !y /oi*e+

HKes+I 6es serious "o#+

2hM "d p rt of !e is sudde"ly i"s "ely Be lous E ;! disturbed by the depth of !y feeli"g+

H; see+I 'y /oi*e is tight+ HSo you h /e so!eo"e you * " dis*uss your lter" ti/e lifestyle #ith, but ;! "ot llo#ed+I

6e fro#"s+

H; do"t thi"$ ;/e e/er thought bout it li$e th t+ 'rs+ (obi"so" # s p rt of th t lifestyle+ ; told you, shes good frie"d "o#+ ;f youd li$e, ; * " i"trodu*e you to o"e of !y

for!er subs, you *ould t l$ to her+I

Wh tJ ;s he deliber tely tryi"g to upset !eJ

H;s this your ide of


H0o, %" st si +I 6es be!used s he sh $es his he d e r"estly+

H0o E ;ll do this o" !y o#", th "$ you /ery !u*h,I ; s" p t hi!, pulli"g the du/et

up to !y *hi"+

6e st res t !e, t se , surprised+

H%" st si , ;M I 6es lost for #ords+ % first, ; thi"$+ H; did"t !e " to offe"d you+I

H;! "ot offe"ded+ ;! pp lled+I

H%pp lledJI

H; do"t # "t to t l$ to o"e of your e4<girlfrie"dsM sl /eM subM #h te/er you * ll the!+I

H%" st si Steele E re you Be lousJI

; flush, *ri!so"+

H%re you st yi"gJI

H; h /e

bre $f st !eeti"g to!orro# t the 6e th! "+ 3esides, ; told you, ; do"t

sleep #ith girlfrie"ds, sl /es, subs, or "yo"e+ Frid y "d S turd y "ight #ere e4*eptio"s+ ;t #o"t h ppe" g i"+I ; * " he r the resol/e behi"d his soft, hus$y /oi*e+

; purse !y lips t hi!+

HWell ;! tired "o#+I

H%re you $i*$i"g !e outJI 6e r ises his eyebro#s t !e, !used "d dis! yed+ little


HWell th ts "other first+I 6e eyes !e spe*ul ti/ely+ HSo "othi"g you # "t to dis*uss "o#J %bout the *o"tr *t+I

H0o+I ; reply petul "tly+

H@od, ;d li$e to gi/e you

good hidi"g+ Koud feel

lot better, "d so #ould ;+I

HKou * "t s y thi"gs li$e th tM ; h /e"t sig"ed "ythi"g yet+I

H% ! " * " dre !, %" st si +I 6e le "s o/er !e "d gr sps !y *hi"+ HWed"esd yJI he !ur!urs, "d he $isses !e lightly o" !y lips+

HWed"esd y,I ; gree+ H;ll see you out+ ;f you gi/e !e !y

!i"ute+I ; sit up "d gr b

t<shirt, pushi"g hi! out of the # y+ %!used "d relu*t "t, he gets up off the bed+

H1le se p ss !e !y s#e t p "ts+I

6e *olle*ts the! fro! the floor "d h "ds the! to !e+

HKes, ! !+I 6es tryi"g u"su**essfully to hide his s!ile+

; " rro# !y eyes t hi! s ; slip the p "ts o"+ 'y h ir is to

st te, "d ; $"o# ;ll h /e h ir tie, ; # l$

f *e the F theri"e F / " gh ;"Duisitio" fter hes go"e+ @r bbi"g to !y

bedroo! door, ope"i"g it slightly *he*$i"g for F te+ She is "ot i" the li/i"g re + ; thi"$ ; * " he r her o" the pho"e i" her roo!+ Christi " follo#s !e out+ ?uri"g the short # l$ fro! bedroo! to fro"t door, !y thoughts "d feeli"gs ebb "d flo#, tr "sfor!i"g+ ;! "o lo"ger "gry #ith hi!, ; feel sudde"ly u"be r bly shy+ ; do"t # "t hi! to go+ For the first ti!e, ;! #ishi"g he # s E "or! l E # "ti"g "eed te"<p ge gree!e"t, "or! l rel tio"ship th t does"t

flogger, "d $ r bi"ers i" his pl yroo! *eili"g+

; ope" the door for hi! "d st re do#" t !y h "ds+ This is the first ti!e ; h /e e/er h d se4 i" !y ho!e, "d s se4 goes, ; thi"$ it # s pretty d !" fi"e+ 3ut "o# ; feel li$e re*ept *le E " e!pty /essel to be filled t his #hi!+ 'y sub*o"s*ious sh $es her he d+ Kou # "ted to ru" to the 6e th! " for se4 E you h d it e4press<deli/ered+ She *rosses her r!s "d t ps her foot #ith Christi " #h t< re<you<*o!pl i"i"g< bout<loo$ o" her f *e+

stops i" the door# y "d *l sps !y *hi", for*i"g !y eyes to !eet his+ 6is bro# *re ses slightly+

HKou o$ yJI he s$s te"derly s his thu!b lightly * resses !y botto! lip+

HKes+I ; reply, though i" ll ho"esty ;! Bust "ot sure+ ; feel

p r dig! shift+ ; $"o#

th t if ; do this thi"g #ith hi!, ; #ill get hurt+ 6es "ot * p ble, i"terested, or #illi"g to offer !e "y !oreM "d ; # "t !ore+ 'u*h !ore+ The surge of Be lousy ; felt o"ly !o!e"ts go tells !e th t ; h /e deeper feeli"gs for hi! th " ; h /e d!itted to !yself+

HWed"esd y,I he *o"fir!s, "d he le "s for# rd "d $isses !e softly+ So!ethi"g *h "ges #hile hes $issi"g !e, his lips gro# !ore urge"t g i"st !i"e, his h "d !o/es up fro! !y *hi" "d hes holdi"g the side of !y he d, his other h "d o" the other side+ 6is bre thi"g **eler tes+ 6e deepe"s the $iss, le "i"g i"to !e+ ; put !y h "ds o" his r!s+ ; # "t to ru" the! through his h ir, but ; resist, $"o#i"g th t he #o"t li$e it+ 6e le "s his forehe d g i"st !i"e, his eyes *losed, his /oi*e str i"ed+

H%" st si ,I he #hispers+ HWh t re you doi"g to !eJI

H; *ould s y the s !e to you,I ; #hisper b *$+

T $i"g do#"

deep bre th, he $isses !y forehe d "d le /es+ 6e strolls purposefully

the p th to# rds his * r s he ru"s his h "d through his h ir+ @l "*i"g up s he ope"s

his * r door, he s!iles his bre tht $i"g s!ile+ 'y "s#eri"g s!ile is #e $, *o!pletely d GGled by hi!, "d ;! re!i"ded o"*e !ore of ;* rus so ri"g too *lose to the Su"+ ; *lose the fro"t door s he *li!bs i"to his sporty * r+ ; h /e " o/er#hel!i"g urge to *ry, s d "d lo"ely !el "*holy grips "d tighte"s rou"d !y he rt+ ? shi"g b *$ to !y bedroo!, ; *lose the door "d le " g i"st it tryi"g to r tio" liGe !y feeli"gs+ ; * "t+ Slidi"g to the floor, ; put !y he d i" !y h "ds s !y te rs begi" to flo#+

F te $"o*$s ge"tly+

H%" JI she #hispers+ ; ope" the door+ She t $es o"e loo$ t !e "d thro#s her r!s rou"d !e+

HWh ts #ro"gJ Wh t did th t *reepy good<loo$i"g b st rd doJI

H2h F te, "othi"g ; did"t # "t hi! to+I

She pulls !e to !y bed "d #e sit+

HKou h /e dre dful se4 h ir+I

;" spite of !y poig" "t s d"ess, ; l ugh+

H;t # s good se4, "ot dre dful t ll+I

F te s!iles+

HTh ts better+ Why re you *ryi"gJ Kou "e/er *ry+I She retrie/es !y brush fro! the side t ble, "d sitti"g behi"d !e, /ery slo#ly st rts brushi"g out the $"ots+

H; Bust do"t thi"$ our rel tio"ship is goi"g to go "y#here+I ; st re do#" t !y fi"gers+

H; thought you s id you #ere goi"g to see hi! o" Wed"esd yJI

H; !, th t # s our origi" l pl "+I

HSo, #hy did he tur" up here tod yJI

H; se"t hi! " e! il+I

H%s$i"g hi! to drop byJI

H0o, s yi"g ; did"t # "t to see hi! "y!ore+I

H%"d he tur"s upJ %" , th ts ge"ius+I

H%*tu lly it # s


H2h+ 0o# ;! re lly *o"fused+I

1 tie"tly, ; e4pl i" the esse"*e of !y e! il #ithout gi/i"g "ythi"g # y+

HSo you thought hed reply by e! il+I


H3ut i"ste d he tur"s up here+I


H;d s y hes *o!pletely s!itte" #ith you+I

; fro#"+ Christi ", s!itte" #ith !eJ 6 rdly+ 6es Bust loo$i"g for *o"/e"ie"t

"e# toy E

"e# toy th t he * " bed "d do u"spe $ ble thi"gs to+ 'y he rt tighte"s p i"fully+ This is the re lity+

H6e * !e here to fu*$ !e, th ts ll+I

HWho s id ro! "*e # s de dJI she #hispers horrified+ ;/e sho*$ed F te+ ; did"t thi"$ th t # s possible+ ; shrug pologeti* lly+

H6e uses se4 s

#e po"+I

HFu*$ you i"to sub!issio"JI She sh $es her he d dis ppro/i"gly+ ; bli"$ r pidly t her, "d ; * " feel the blush s it spre ds *ross !y f *e+ 2hM spot o", F theri"e F / " gh, 1ulitGer 1riGe<#i""i"g Bour" list+

H%" , ; do"t u"derst "d, you Bust let hi! ! $e lo/e to youJI

H0o, F te, #e do"t ! $e lo/e E #e fu*$ E Christi "s ter!i"ology+ 6e does"t do the lo/e thi"g+I

H; $"e# there # s so!ethi"g #eird bout hi!+ 6e h s *o!!it!e"t issues+I

; "od, s if i" gree!e"t+ ;"# rdly, ; pi"e+ 2h F te+++ ; #ish ; *ould tell you e/erythi"g, e/erythi"g bout this str "ge, s d, $i"$y guy, "d you *ould tell !e to forget bout hi!+ Stop !e fro! bei"g fool+

H; guess its ll ye r+

little o/er#hel!i"g,I ; !ur!ur+ Th ts the u"derst te!e"t of the

3e* use ; do"t # "t to t l$ bout Christi " "y !ore, ; s$ her bout Elliot+ F theri"es #hole de!e "or *h "ges t the !ere !e"tio" of his " !e, she lights up fro! #ithi", be !i"g t !e+

H6es *o!i"g o/er e rly S turd y to help lo d up+I She hugs the h irbrush, boy h s she got it b d, "d ; feel "or! l ! ", "d she loo$s so h ppy+ f !ili r f i"t st b of e"/y+ F te h s fou"d herself

; tur" "d hug her+

H2h, ; !e "t to s y+ Kour d d * lled #hile you #ereM err, o**upied+ %pp re"tly 3ob h s sust i"ed so!e i"Bury, so your !o! "d he * "t ! $e gr du tio"+ 3ut your d d #ill be here Thursd y+ 6e # "ts you to * ll+I

H2h+++ !y !o! "e/er * lled !e+ ;s 3ob o$ yJI

HKes+ C ll her i" the !or"i"g+ ;ts l te "o#+I

HTh "$s, F te+ ;! o$ y "o#+ ;ll * ll ( y i" the !or"i"g too+ ; thi"$ ;ll Bust tur" i"+I

She s!iles, but her eyes *ri"$le t the *or"ers #ith *o"*er"+

%fter shes go"e, ; sit "d re d the *o"tr *t g i", ! $i"g !ore "otes s ; go+ Whe"

;/e fi"ished, ; fire up the l ptop, re dy to respo"d+

Theres " e! il fro! Christi " i" !y i"bo4+

Fro!= Christi " @rey

SubBe*t= This e/e"i"g

? te= ' y 25 2011 25=1-

To= %" st si Steele

'iss Steele; loo$ for# rd to re*ei/i"g your "otes o" the *o"tr *t+ 8"til the", sleep #ell b by+

Christi " @rey CE2, @rey E"terprises 6oldi"gs ;"*+

Fro!= %" st si Steele

SubBe*t= ;ssues

? te= ' y 2S 2011 00=02

To= Christi " @rey

?e r 'r+ @rey6ere is !y list of issues+ ; loo$ for# rd to dis*ussi"g the! !ore fully t di""er o" Wed"esd y+ The "u!bers refer to *l uses= 2= 0ot sure #hy this is solely for 'K be"efit E ie to e4plore 'K se"su lity "d li!its+ ;! sure ; #ould"t "eed te"<p ge *o"tr *t to do th tL Surely this is for K28( be"efit+

S= %s you re # re you re !y o"ly se4u l p rt"er+ ; do"t t $e drugs, "d ;/e "ot h d "y blood tr "sfusio"s+ ;! prob bly s fe+ Wh t bout youJ .= ; * " ter!i" te t "y ti!e if ; do"t thi"$ youre sti*$i"g to the greed li!its+ 2$ y E ; li$e this+ ,= 2bey you i" ll thi"gsJ %**ept #ithout hesit tio" your dis*ipli"eJ We "eed to t l$ bout this+ 11= 2"e !o"th tri l period+ 0ot three+ 12= ; * ""ot *o!!it e/ery #ee$e"d+ ; do h /e of fourJ 17+2= 8si"g !y body s you see fit se4u lly or other#ise E ple se defi"e Hor other#ise+I 17+7= This #hole dis*ipli"e *l use+ ;! "ot sure ; # "t to be #hipped, flogged, or *orpor lly life, or #ill h /e+ 1erh ps three out

pu"ished+ ; ! sure this #ould be i" bre *h of *l uses 2<7+ %"d lso Hfor "y other re so"I+ Th ts Bust !e " E "d you told !e you #ere"t s dist+

17+10= Li$e lo "i"g !e out to so!eo"e else #ould e/er be " optio"+ 3ut ;! gl d its here i" bl *$ "d #hite+ 17+1S= The (ules+ 'ore o" those l ter+ 17+1,= Tou*hi"g !yself #ithout your per!issio"+ Wh ts the proble! #ith thisJ Kou $"o# ; do"t do it "y# y+ 17+21= ?is*ipli"e E 1le se see *l use 17+7 bo/e+ 17+22= ; * "t loo$ i"to your eyesJ WhyJ 17+2S= Why * "t ; tou*h youJ (ules= Sleep E ;ll gree to - hours+ Food E ; ! "ot e ti"g food fro! food pres*ribed list+ The

list goes or ; do E ?e l bre $er+ Clothes E s lo"g s ; o"ly h /e to #e r your *lothes #he" ;! #ith you+++ o$ y+ E4er*ise E We greed 5 hours, this still s ys S+ Soft Li!its= C " #e go through ll of theseJ 0o Fisti"g of "y $i"d+ Wh t is suspe"sio"J @e"it l Cl !ps E you h /e got to be $iddi"g !e+ C " you ple se let !e $"o# the rr "ge!e"ts for Wed"esd yJ ; ! #or$i"g u"til 7p! th t d y+ @ood "ight+ %"

Fro!= Christi " @rey

SubBe*t= This e/e"i"g

? te= ' y 2S 2011 00=0:

To= %" st si Steele

'iss Steele Th ts lo"g list+ Why re you still upJ

Christi " @rey CE2, @rey E"terprises 6oldi"gs ;"*+

Fro!= %" st si Steele

SubBe*t= 3ur"i"g the !id"ight oil

? te= ' y 2S 2011 00=10

To= Christi " @rey

Sir ;f you re* ll ; # s goi"g through this list, #he" ; # s distr *ted "d bedded by p ssi"g *o"trol fre $+ @ood"ight+ %"

Fro!= Christi " @rey

SubBe*t= Stop 3ur"i"g the !id"ight oil

? te= ' y 2S 2011 00=12

To= %" st si Steele

@2 T2 3E? %0%ST%S;%+

Christi " @rey CE2 \ Co"trol Fre $, @rey E"terprises 6oldi"gs ;"*+

2hM shouty * pit lsL ; s#it*h off+ 6o# * " he i"ti!id te !e #he" hes si4 !iles # yJ

; sh $e !y he d+ 'y he rt still he /y, ; *li!b i"to bed "d f ll i"st "tly i"to but troubled sleep+


The follo#i"g d y, ; * ll !y !o! #he" ;! ho!e fro! #or$+ ;ts bee" pe *eful

rel ti/ely

d y t the Cl yto"s, llo#i"g !e f r too !u*h ti!e to thi"$+ ;! restless, "er/ous bout !y sho#do#" #ith 'r+ Co"trol Fre $ to!orro#, "d t the b *$ of !y !i"d, ;! #orried th t perh ps ;/e bee" too "eg ti/e i" !y respo"se to the *o"tr *t+ 1erh ps hell * ll the #hole thi"g off+

'y !o! is ooGi"g *o"tritio", desper tely sorry "ot to ! $e !y gr du tio"+ 3ob h s t#isted so!e lig !e"t #hi*h !e "s hes hobbli"g ll o/er the pl *e+ 6o"estly, hes s **ide"t<pro"e s ; !+ 6es e4pe*ted to ! $e resti"g full re*o/ery, but it !e "s hes

up, "d !y !other h s to # it o" hi! h "d "d sore foot+

H%" ho"ey, ;! so sorry,I !y !o! #hi"es do#" the pho"e+

H'o!, its fi"e+ ( y #ill be there+I

H%" , you sou"d distr *ted E re you o$ y, b byJI

HKes, 'o!,I 2h if o"ly you $"e#+ Theres " obs*e"ely ri*h guy ;/e !et "d he # "ts so!e $i"d of str "ge $i"$y se4u l rel tio"ship, i" #hi*h ; do"t get thi"gs+ s y i"

H6 /e you !et so!eo"eJI

H0o, 'o!+I ; ! so "ot goi"g there right "o#+

HWell, d rli"g, ;ll be thi"$i"g of you o" Thursd y+ ; lo/e youM you $"o# th t ho"eyJI

; *lose !y eyes, her pre*ious #ords gi/e !e

# r! glo# i"side+

HLo/e you too, 'o!+ S y hi to 3ob, "d ; hope he gets better f st+I

HWill do, ho"ey+ 3ye+I


; h /e str yed i"to !y bedroo! #ith the pho"e+ ;dly, ; s#it*h the !e " ! *hi"e o" "d fire up the e! il progr !+ Theres " e! il fro! Christi " fro! l te l st "ight or /ery e rly this !or"i"g, depe"di"g o" your poi"t of /ie#+ 'y he rt r te spi$es i"st "tly, "d ;

he r the blood pu!pi"g i" !y e rs+ 6oly *r pM perh ps hes s id "o E th ts it E ! ybe hes * "*eli"g di""er+ The thought is so p i"ful+ ; dis!iss it Dui*$ly "d ope" the e! il+

Fro!= Christi " @rey

SubBe*t= Kour ;ssues

? te= ' y 2S 2011 01=2:

To= %" st si Steele

?e r 'iss Steele Follo#i"g !y !ore thorough e4 !i" tio" of your issues, ! y ; bri"g to your tte"tio" the defi"itio" of sub!issi/e+ sub!issi/e ]suhb<!is<i/^ E dBe*ti/e1+ i"*li"ed or re dy to sub!itV u"resisti"gly or hu!bly obedie"t= sub!issi/e ser/ "ts+ 2+ ! r$ed by or i"di* ti"g sub!issio"= sub!issi/e reply+

2rigi"= 17.0E,0V sub!iss _ <i/eSy"o"y!s= 1+ tr *t ble, *o!pli "t, pli "t, !e" ble+ 2+ p ssi/e, resig"ed, p tie"t, do*ile, t !e, subdued+ %"to"y!s= 1+ rebellious, disobedie"t+ 1le se be r this i" !i"d for our !eeti"g o" Wed"esd y+

Christi " @rey

CE2, @rey E"terprises 6oldi"gs ;"*+

'y i"iti l feeli"g is o"e of relief+ 6es #illi"g to dis*uss !y issues t le st, "d he still # "ts to !eet to!orro#+ %fter so!e thought, ; reply+

Fro!= %" st si Steele

SubBe*t= 'y ;ssuesM Wh t bout Kour ;ssuesJ

? te= ' y 2S 2011 1.=2,

To= Christi " @rey

Sir1le se "ote the d te of origi"= 17.0<,0+ ; #ould respe*tfully re!i"d Sir th t the ye r is 2011+ We h /e *o!e ' y ; offer lo"g # y si"*e the"+

defi"itio" for you to *o"sider for our !eeti"g=

*o!pro!ise ]$o!<pruh<! hyG^ < "ou"1+ settle!e"t of differe"*es by !utu l *o"*essio"sV " gree!e"t re *hed by dBust!e"t of *o"fli*ti"g or opposi"g *l i!s, pri"*iples, et*+, by re*ipro* l !odifi* tio" of de! "ds+ 2+ the result of su*h settle!e"t+ 5+ so!ethi"g i"ter!edi te bet#ee" differe"t *o!pro!ise bet#ee" r "*h house "d !ultistoried *o!pro

thi"gs= The split<le/el is house+

S+ " e"d "geri"g, esp+ of reput tio"V e4posure to d "ger, suspi*io", et*+=

!ise of o"es i"tegrity+ %"

Fro!= Christi " @rey

SubBe*t= Wh t bout 'y ;ssuesJ

? te= ' y 2S 2011 1.=52

To= %" st si Steele

@ood poi"t, #ell ! de, s e/er, 'iss Steele+ ; #ill *olle*t you fro! your p rt!e"t t :=00 to!orro#+

Christi " @rey CE2, @rey E"terprises 6oldi"gs ;"*+

Fro!= %" st si Steele

SubBe*t= 2011 E Wo!e" * " dri/e

? te= ' y 2S 2011 1.=S0

To= Christi " @rey

Sir ; h /e * r+ ; * " dri/e+

; #ould prefer to !eet you so!e#here+ Where sh ll ; !eet youJ %t your hotel t :=00J %"

Fro!= Christi " @rey

SubBe*t= Stubbor" Kou"g Wo!e"

? te= ' y 2S 2011 1.=S5

To= %" st si Steele

?e r 'iss Steele ; refer to !y e! il d ted ' y 2S, 2011 se"t t 1=2: "d the defi"itio" *o"t i"ed therei"+ ?o you e/er thi"$ youll be ble to do #h t youre toldJ

Christi " @rey CE2, @rey E"terprises 6oldi"gs ;"*+

Fro!= %" st si Steele

SubBe*t= ;"tr *t ble 'e"

? te= ' y 2S 2011 1.=S,

To= Christi " @rey

'r+ @rey ; #ould li$e to dri/e+

1le se+ %"

Fro!= Christi " @rey

SubBe*t= E4 sper ted 'e"

? te= ' y 2S 2011 1.=72

To= %" st si Steele

Fi"e+ 'y hotel t :=00+ ;ll !eet you i" the ' rble 3 r+

Christi " @rey CE2, @rey E"terprises 6oldi"gs ;"*+

6es e/e" gru!py by e! il+ ?oes"t he u"derst "d th t ; ! y "eed to ! $e get # yJ 0ot th t !y 3eetle is Dui*$M but still E ; "eed !e "s of es* pe+


Fro!= %" st si Steele

SubBe*t= 0ot So ;"tr *t ble 'e"

? te= ' y 2S 2011 1.=77

To= Christi " @rey

Th "$ you+ %" 4

Fro!= Christi " @rey

SubBe*t= E4 sper ti"g Wo!e"

? te= ' y 2S 2011 1.=7,

To= %" st si Steele

Koure #el*o!e+

Christi " @rey CE2, @rey E"terprises 6oldi"gs ;"*+

; * ll ( y, #ho is Bust bout to # t*h the Sou"ders pl y so!e so**er te ! fro! S lt L $e City, so our *o"/ers tio" is !er*ifully brief+ 6es dri/i"g do#" o" Thursd y for gr du tio"+ 6e # "ts to t $e !e out fter# rd for !e l+ 'y he rt s#ells t l$i"g to ( y, "d

huge lu!p $"ots i" !y thro t+ 6e h s bee" !y *o"st "t through ll !o!s ro! "ti* ups "d do#"s+ We h /e hes spe*i l bo"d th t ; tre sure+ E/e" though hes !y stepd d,

l# ys tre ted !e s his o#", "d ; * "t # it to see hi!+ ;ts bee" too lo"g+ 6is Duiet fortitude is #h t ; "eed "o#, #h t ; !iss+ ' ybe ; * " *h ""el !y i""er ( y for !y !eeti"g to!orro#+

F te "d ; *o"*e"tr te o" p *$i"g, sh ri"g Whe" bottle of *he p red #i"e s #e do+

; fi" lly go to bed, h /i"g l!ost fi"ished p *$i"g !y roo!, ; feel * l!er+ The physi* l *ti/ity of bo4i"g e/erythi"g up h s bee" # "t #el*o!e distr *tio", "d ;! tired+ ;

good "ights sleep+ ; s"uggle i"to !y bed "d ! soo" sleep+

1 ul is b *$ fro! 1ri"*eto" before he sets off for 0e# Kor$ to st rt " i"ter"ship #ith fi" "*i"g *o!p "y+ 6e follo#s !e rou"d the store ll d y s$i"g !e for ""oyi"g+ d te+ ;ts

H1 ul, for the hu"dredth ti!e, ; h /e

d te this e/e"i"g+I

H0o, you do"t, youre Bust s yi"g th t to /oid !e+ Koure l# ys /oidi"g !e+I

KesM youd thi"$ youd t $e the hi"t+

H1 ul, ; "e/er thought it # s

good ide to d te the bosss brother+I

HKoure fi"ishi"g here o" Frid y+ Koure "ot #or$i"g to!orro#+I

H%"d ;ll be i" Se ttle s of S turd y "d youll be i" 0e# Kor$ soo"+ We *ould"t get !u*h further p rt if #e tried+ 3esides, ; do h /e d te this e/e"i"g+I

HWith JosOJI


HWho the"JI

H1 ulM oh+I 'y sigh is e4 sper ted+ 6es "ot goi"g to let this go+ HChristi " @rey+I ; * ""ot help the ""oy "*e i" !y /oi*e+ 3ut it does the tri*$+ 1 uls !outh f lls ope", "d he g pes t !e, stru*$ du!b+ 6u!ph E e/e" his " !e re"ders people spee*hless+

HKou h /e ?isbelief

d te #ith Christi " @rey,I he s ys fi" lly, o"*e hes o/er the sho*$+

is e/ide"t i" his /oi*e+


H; see+I 1 ul loo$s positi/ely *restf lle", stu""ed e/e", "d rese"ts th t he should fi"d this /ulg r

/ery s! ll p rt /ery

surprise+ 'y i""er goddess does too+ She ! $es

"d u" ttr *ti/e gesture t hi! #ith her fi"gers+

%fter th t, he ig"ores !e, "d t fi/e ; ! out of the door, pro"to+

F te h s le"t !e t#o dresses "d t#o p irs of shoes for to"ight "d for gr du tio" to!orro#+ ; #ish ; *ould feel !ore e"thused bout *lothes "d ! $e " e4tr effort, but *lothes re Bust "ot !y thi"g+ Wh t is your thi"g, %" st si J Christi "s softly spo$e" Duestio" h u"ts !e+ Sh $i"g !y he d "d e"de /ori"g to Duell !y "er/es, ; de*ide o" the plu!<*olored she th dress for this e/e"i"g+ ;ts de!ure "d / guely busi"ess<li$e E fter ll, ; ! "egoti ti"g *o"tr *t+

; sho#er, sh /e !y legs "d u"der r!s, # sh !y h ir, "d the" spe"d hour

good h lf< *o!b

dryi"g it so th t it f lls i" soft # /es to !y bre sts "d do#" !y b *$+ ; slip i" to $eep o"e side off !y f *e "d pply ! s* r ! $e<up E it "d so!e lip<gloss+ ; r rely #e r

i"ti!id tes !e+ 0o"e of !y liter ry heroi"es h d to de l #ith ! $e<up E ! ybe ;d $"o# !ore bout it if they h d+ ; slip o" the plu!<*olored stilettos th t ! t*h the dress, "d ;! re dy by si4<thirty+

HWellJI ; s$ F te+

She gri"s+

H3oy, you s*rub up #ell, %" +I She "ods #ith ppro/ l+ HKou loo$ hot+I

H6otL ;! i!i"g for de!ure "d busi"ess<li$e+I

HTh t too, but !ost of ll, hot+ The dress re lly suits you "d your *olori"g+ The # y it *li"gs+I She s!ir$s+

HF teLI ; s*old+

HJust $eepi"g it re l, %" + The #hole p *$ ge E loo$s good+ Feep the dress+ Koull h /e hi! e ti"g out of your h "d+I

'y !outh presses i"

h rd li"e+ 2h, you so h /e th t the #ro"g # y rou"d+

HWish !e lu*$+I

HKou "eed lu*$ for

d teJI 6er bro# furro#s, puGGled+

HKes, F te+I

HWell the" E good lu*$+I She hugs !e, "d ; ! out the fro"t door+

; h /e to dri/e i" !y b re feet E W "d , !y se <blue 3eetle, # s"t built to be dri/e"

by stiletto<#e rers+ ; pull up outside the 6e th! " t si4<fifty<eight pre*isely "d h "d !y * r $eys to the / let for p r$i"g+ 6e loo$s s$ "*e t !y 3eetle, but ; ig"ore hi!+ T $i"g deep bre th "d !e"t lly girdi"g !y loi"s, ; he d i"to the hotel+

Christi " is le "i"g * su lly g i"st the b r, dri"$i"g

gl ss of #hite #i"e+ 6es

dressed i" his *usto! ry #hite li"e" shirt, bl *$ Be "s, bl *$ tie, "d bl *$ B *$et+ 6is h ir is s tousled s e/er+ ; sigh+ 2f *ourse he loo$s gorgeous+ ; st "d for i" the fe# se*o"ds

e"tr "*e of the b r, g Gi"g t hi!, d!iri"g the /ie#+ 6e is beyo"d be utiful+ 6e gl "*es, "er/ously ; thi"$, to# rd the e"tr "*e "d stills #he" he sees !e+ 3li"$i"g of ti!es, he the" s!iles !olte" i"side+ ' $i"g %" st si *ouple

slo#, l Gy, se4y s!ile th t re"ders !e spee*hless "d ll

supre!e effort "ot to bite !y lip, ; !o/e for# rd # re th t ;,

Steele of Clu!sy/ille, ! i" high stilettos+ 6e # l$s gr *efully o/er to !eet !e+

HKou loo$ stu""i"g,I he !ur!urs s he le "s do#" to briefly $iss !y *hee$+ H% dress, 'iss Steele+ ; ppro/e+I T $i"g !y r!, he le ds !e to sig" ls for the # iter+ se*luded booth "d

HWh t #ould you li$e to dri"$JI

'y lips Duir$ up i"

Dui*$, sly s!ile s ; sit "d slide i"to the booth E #ell, t le st

hes s$i"g !e+

H;ll h /e #h t youre h /i"g, ple se+I SeeL ; * " pl y "i*e "d beh /e !yself+ %!used, he orders "other gl ss of S "*erre "d slides i" opposite !e+

HThey h /e " e4*elle"t #i"e *ell r here,I he s ys, *o*$i"g his he d to o"e side+

1utti"g his elbo#s o" the t ble, he steeples his fi"gers i" fro"t of his be utiful !outh, his gr y eyes li/e #ith so!e u"re d ble e!otio"+ %"d there it isM th t f !ili r pull "d *h rge fro! hi!, it *o""e*ts so!e#here deep i"side !e+ ; shift u"*o!fort bly u"der his s*ruti"y, !y he rt p lpit ti"g+ ; !ust $eep !y *ool+

H%re you "er/ousJI he s$s softly+


6e le "s for# rd+

H'e too,I he #hispers *o"spir tori lly+ 'y eyes shoot up to !eet his+ 6i!+ 0er/ous+ 0e/er+ ; bli"$ t hi!, "d he s!iles his dor ble lopsided s!ile t !e+ The # iter rri/es #ith !y #i"e, s! ll dish of !i4ed "uts, "d "other of oli/es+

HSo, ho# re #e goi"g to do thisJI ; s$+ H(u" through !y poi"ts o"e by o"eJI

H;!p tie"t s e/er, 'iss Steele+I

HWell, ; *ould s$ you #h t you thought of the #e ther tod yJI

6e s!iles, "d his lo"g fi"gers re *h do#" to *olle*t " oli/e+ 6e pops it i" his !outh, "d !y eyes li"ger o" his !outh, th t !outh, th ts bee" o" !eM ll p rts of !e+ ; flush+

H; thought the #e ther # s p rti*ul rly u"e4*eptio" l tod y,I he s!ir$s+

H%re you s!ir$i"g t !e, 'r+ @reyJI

H; !, 'iss Steele+I

HKou $"o# this *o"tr *t is leg lly u"e"for*e ble+I

H; ! fully # re of th t, 'iss Steele+I

HWere you goi"g to tell !e th t t "y poi"tJI

6e fro#"s t !e+

HKoud thi"$ ;d *oer*e you i"to so!ethi"g you do"t # "t to do, "d the" prete"d th t

; h /e

leg l hold o/er youJI

HWellM yes+I

HKou do"t thi"$ /ery highly of !e t ll, do youJI

HKou h /e"t "s#ered !y Duestio"+I

H%" st si , it does"t ! tter if its leg l or "ot+ ;t represe"ts " rr "ge!e"t th t ; #ould li$e to ! $e #ith you E #h t ; #ould li$e fro! you "d #h t you * " e4pe*t fro! !e+ ;f you do"t li$e it, the" do"t sig"+ ;f you do sig", "d the" de*ide you do"t li$e it, there re e"ough get<out *l uses so you * " # l$ # y+ E/e" if it #ere leg lly bi"di"g, do you thi"$ ;d dr g you through the *ourts if you did de*ide to ru"JI

; t $e

lo"g dr ft of !y #i"e+ 'y sub*o"s*ious t ps !e h rd o" the shoulder+ Kou

!ust $eep your #its bout you+ ?o"t dri"$ too !u*h+

H(el tio"ships li$e this re built o" ho"esty "d trust,I he *o"ti"ues+ H;f you do"t trust !e E trust !e to $"o# ho# ;! ffe*ti"g you, ho# f r ; * " go #ith you, ho# f r; * " t $e you E if you * "t be ho"est #ith !e, the" #e re lly * "t do this+I

2h !y, #e/e *ut to the *h se Dui*$ly+ 6o# f r he * " t $e !e+ 6oly shit+ Wh t does th t !e "J

HSo its Duite si!ple, %" st si + ?o you trust !e or "otJI 6is eyes re bur"i"g, fer/e"t+

H?id you h /e si!il r dis*ussio"s #ith u!M the fiftee"JI


HWhy "otJI

H3e* use they #ere ll est blished sub!issi/es+ They $"e# #h t they # "ted out of rel tio"ship #ith !e "d ge"er lly #h t ; e4pe*ted+ With the!, it # s Bust Duestio" of fi"e<tu"i"g the soft li!its, det ils li$e th t+I

H;s there

store you go toJ Sub!issi/es ( 8sJI

6e l ughs+

H0ot e4 *tly+I

HThe" ho#JI

H;s th t #h t you # "t to dis*ussJ 2r sh ll #e get do#" to the "itty<grittyJ Kour issues, s you s y+I

; s# llo#+ ?o ; trust hi!J ;s th t #h t this ll *o!es do#" to E trustJ Surely th t should be t#o<# y thi"g+ ; re!e!ber his s"it #he" ; pho"ed JosO+

H%re you hu"gryJI he s$s, distr *ti"g !e fro! !y thoughts+

2h "oM food+


H6 /e you e te" tod yJI

; st re t hi!+ 6o"estyM 6oly *r p, hes "ot goi"g to li$e !y "s#er+

H0o+I 'y /oi*e is s! ll+

6e " rro#s his eyes+

HKou h /e to e t, %" st si + We * " e t do#" here or i" !y suite+ Wh t #ould you preferJI

H; thi"$ #e should st y i" publi*, o" "eutr l grou"d+I

6e s!iles s rdo"i* lly+

H?o you thi"$ th t #ould stop !eJI he s ys softly,

se"su l # r"i"g+

'y eyes #ide", "d ; s# llo# g i"+

H; hope so+I

HCo!e, ; h /e e"ig! ti* lly

pri/ te di"i"g roo! boo$ed+ 0o publi*+I 6e s!iles t !e

"d *li!bs out of the booth, holdi"g his h "d out to !e+

H3ri"g your #i"e,I he !ur!urs+

1l *i"g !y h "d i" his, ; slide out "d st "d up beside hi!+ 6e rele ses !e, "d his h "d re *hes for !y elbo#+ 6e le ds !e b *$ through the b r "d up the gr "d st irs to !eGG "i"e floor+ % you"g ! " i" full 6e th! " li/ery ppro *hes us+

H'r+ @rey, this # y sir+I

We follo# hi! through

plush se ti"g re to " i"ti! te di"i"g roo!+ Just o"e shi!!eri"g

se*luded t ble+ The roo! is s! ll but su!ptuous+ 3e"e th *h "delier,

the t ble is ll st r*hed li"e", *ryst l gl sses, sil/er *utlery, "d #hite rose bouDuet+ %" old<#orld, sophisti* ted *h r! per/ des the #ood<p "eled roo!+ The # iter pulls out !y *h ir, "d ; sit+ 6e pl *es !y " p$i" i" !y l p+ Christi " sits opposite !e+ ; pee$ up t


H?o"t bite your lip,I he #hispers+

; fro#"+ ? !" it+ ; do"t e/e" $"o# th t ;! doi"g it+

H;/e ordered lre dy+ ; hope you do"t !i"d+I

Fr "$ly, ;! relie/ed, ;! "ot sure ; * " ! $e "y further de*isio"s+

H0o, th ts fi"e,I ; *Duies*e+

H;ts good to $"o# th t you * " be !e" ble+ 0o#, #here #ere #eJI

HThe "itty<gritty+I ; t $e "other l rge sip of #i"e+ ;t re lly is deli*ious+ Christi " @rey does #i"e #ell+ ; re!e!ber the l st sip of #i"e he g /e !e, i" !y bed+ ; blush t the i"trusi/e thought+

HKes, your issues+I 6e fishes i"to his i"side B *$et po*$et "d pulls out p per+ 'y e! il+

pie*e of

HCl use 2+ %greed+ This is for the be"efit of us both+ ; sh ll redr ft+I

; bli"$ t hi!+ 6oly shitM #e re goi"g to go through e *h of these poi"ts o"e t

ti!e+ ; Bust do"t feel so br /e f *e to f *e+ 6e loo$s so e r"est+ ; steel !yself #ith "other sip of !y #i"e+ Christi " *o"ti"ues+

H'y se4u l he lth+ Well, ll of !y pre/ious p rt"ers h /e h d blood tests, "d ; h /e regul r tests e/ery si4 !o"ths for ll the he lth ris$s you !e"tio"+ %ll !y re*e"t tests re

*le r+ ; h /e "e/er t $e" drugs+ ;" f *t, ;! /ehe!e"tly "ti<drugs+ ; h /e "o< stri*t

toler "*e poli*y #ith reg rds to drugs for ll !y e!ployees, "d ; i"sist o" r "do! drug testi"g+I

Wo#M *o"trol fre $ery go"e ! d+ ; bli"$ t hi! sho*$ed+

H; h /e "e/er h d "y blood tr "sfusio"s+ ?oes th t "s#er your Duestio"JI

; "od, i!p ssi/e+

HKour "e4t poi"t ; !e"tio"ed e rlier+ Kou * " # l$ # y "y ti!e, %" st si + ; #o"t stop you+ ;f you go, ho#e/er E th ts it+ Just so you $"o#+I

H2$ y,I ; "s#er softly+ ;f ; go, th ts it+ The thought is surprisi"gly p i"ful+

The # iter rri/es #ith our first *ourse+ 6o# * " ; possibly e tJ 6oly 'oses E hes ordered oysters o" bed of i*e+

H; hope you li$e oysters,I Christi "s /oi*e is soft+

H;/e "e/er h d o"e+I E/er+

H(e llyJ Well+I 6e re *hes for o"e+ H%ll you do is tip "d s# llo#+ ; thi"$ you * " ! " ge th t+I 6e g Ges t !e, "d ; $"o# #h t hes referri"g to+ ; blush s* rlet+ 6e gri"s t !e, sDuirts so!e le!o" Bui*e o"to his oyster, "d the" tips it i"to his !outh+

H6!!, deli*ious+ T stes of the se ,I he gri"s t !e+ H@o o",I he e"*our ges+

HSo, ; do"t *he# itJI

H0o, %" st si , you do"t+I 6is eyes re light #ith hu!or+ 6e loo$s so you"g li$e this+

; bite !y lip, "d his e4pressio" *h "ges i"st "tly+ 6e loo$s ster"ly t !e+ ; re *h *ross "d pi*$ up !y first e/er oyster+ 2$ yM here goes "othi"g+ ; sDuirt so!e le!o" Bui*e o" it "d tip it up+ ;t slips do#" !y thro t, ll se # ter, s lt, the sh rp t "g of *itrus, "d fleshi"essM ooh+ ; li*$ !y lips, "d hes # t*hi"g !e i"te"tly, his eyes hooded+


H;ll h /e "other,I ; s y dryly+

H@ood girl,I he s ys proudly+

H?id you *hoose these deliber telyJ %re"t they $"o#" for their phrodisi * Du litiesJI

H0o, they re the first ite! o" the !e"u+ ; do"t "eed " phrodisi * "e r you+ ; thi"$ you $"o# th t, "d ; thi"$ you re *t the s !e # y "e r !e,I he s ys si!ply+ HSo #here #ere #eJI 6e gl "*es t !y e! il s ; re *h for "other oyster+

6e re *ts the s !e # y+ ; ffe*t hi!M #o#+

H2bey !e i" ll thi"gs+ Kes, ; # "t you to do th t+ ; "eed you to do th t+ Thi"$ of it s role<pl y %" st si +I

H3ut ;! #orried youll hurt !e+I

H6urt you ho#JI

H1hysi* lly+I %"d e!otio" lly+

H?o you re lly thi"$ ; #ould do th tJ @o beyo"d "y li!it you * "t t $eJI

HKou/e s id you/e hurt so!eo"e before+I

HKes, ; h /e+ ;t # s

lo"g ti!e go+I

H6o# did you hurt the!JI

H; suspe"ded the! fro! !y pl yroo! *eili"g+ ;" f *t, th ts o"e of your Duestio"s+ Suspe"sio" E th ts #h t the $ r bi"ers re for i" the pl yroo!+ (ope pl y+ 2"e of the ropes # s tied too tightly+I

; hold !y h "d up beggi"g hi! to stop+

H; do"t "eed to $"o# "y !ore+ So you #o"t suspe"d !e the"JI

H0ot if you re lly do"t # "t to+ Kou * " ! $e th t

h rd li!it+I

H2$ y+I

HSo obeyi"g, do you thi"$ you * " ! " ge th tJI

6e st res t !e, his gr y eyes i"te"se+ The se*o"ds ti*$ by+

H; *ould try,I ; #hisper+

H@ood+I 6e s!iles+ H0o# ter!+ 2"e !o"th i"ste d of three is "o ti!e t ll, espe*i lly if you # "t #ee$e"d # y fro! !e e *h !o"th+ ; do"t thi"$ ;ll be ble to st y

# y fro! you for th t le"gth of ti!e+ ; * " b rely ! " ge it "o#,I he p uses+

6e * "t st y # y fro! !eJ Wh tJ

H6o# bout, o"e d y o/er o"e #ee$e"d per !o"th you get to yourself E but ; get !id#ee$ "ight th t #ee$JI

H2$ y+I

H%"d ple se, lets try it for three !o"ths+ ;f its "ot for you the", you * " # l$ # y "yti!e+I

HThree !o"thsJI ;! feeli"g r ilro ded+ ; t $e "other l rge sip of #i"e "d tre t !yself to "other oyster+ ; *ould le r" to li$e these+

HThe o#"ership thi"g, th ts Bust ter!i"ology "d goes b *$ to the pri"*iple of obeyi"g+ ;ts to get you i"to the right fr !e of !i"d, to u"derst "d #here ;! *o!i"g fro!+ %"d ; # "t you to $"o# th t s soo" s you *ross !y threshold s !y sub!issi/e, ; #ill do #h t ; li$e to you+ Kou h /e to **ept th t "d #illi"gly+ Th ts #hy you h /e to trust !e+ ; #ill fu*$ you, "y ti!e, "y # y, ; # "t E "y#here ; # "t+ ; #ill dis*ipli"e you, be* use

you #ill s*re# up+ ; #ill tr i" you to ple se !e+ 3ut ; $"o# you/e "ot do"e this before+ ;"iti lly, #ell t $e it slo#ly, "d ; #ill help you+ Well build up to / rious s*e" rios+ ; # "t you to trust !e, but ; $"o# ; h /e to e r" your trust, "d ; #ill+ The Hor other#iseI E g i" its to help you get i"to the !i"dset, it !e "s "ythi"g goes+I

6es so p ssio" te, !es!eriGi"g+ This is ob/iously his obsessio", the # y he isM ; * "t t $e !y eyes off hi!+ 6e re lly, re lly # "ts this+ 6e stops t l$i"g "d g Ges t !e+

HStill #ith !eJI he #hispers, his /oi*e ri*h, # r! "d sedu*ti/e+ 6e t $es his #i"e, his pe"etr ti"g st re holdi"g !i"e+

sip of

The # iter *o!es to the door, "d Christi " subtly "ods per!itti"g the # iter to *le r our t ble+

HWould you li$e so!e !ore #i"eJI

H; h /e to dri/e+I

HSo!e # ter the"JI

; "od+

HStill or sp r$li"gJI

HSp r$li"g, ple se+I

The # iter le /es+

HKoure /ery Duiet,I Christi " #hispers+

HKoure /ery /erbose+I

6e s!iles+

H?is*ipli"e+ Theres

/ery fi"e li"e bet#ee" ple sure "d p i" %" st si + They re

t#o sides of the s !e *oi", o"e "ot e4isti"g #ithout the other+ ; * " sho# you ho# ple sur ble p i" * " be+ Kou do"t belie/e !e "o#, but this is #h t ; !e " bout trust+ There #ill be p i", but "othi"g th t you * "t h "dle+ %g i", it *o!es do#" to trust+ ?o you trust !e, %" JI

%" L

HKes, ; do+I ; respo"d spo"t "eously, "ot thi"$i"gM be* use its true E ; do trust hi!+

HWell the",I he loo$s relie/ed+ HThe rest of this stuff is Bust det ils+I

H;!port "t det ils+I

H2$ y, lets t l$ through those+I

'y he d is s#i!!i"g #ith ll his #ords+ ; should h /e brought F tes !i"i dis* pl yer so ; * " liste" b *$ to this+ There is so !u*h i"for! tio", so !u*h to pro*ess+ The # iter re<e!erges #ith our e"trees= bl *$ *od, sp r gus, "d *rushed pot toes #ith holl "d ise s u*e+ ; h /e "e/er felt less li$e food+

H; hope you li$e fish,I Christi " s ys !ildly+

; ! $e

st b t !y food "d t $e

lo"g dri"$ of !y sp r$li"g # ter+ ; /ehe!e"tly

#ish it # s #i"e+

HThe rules+ Lets t l$ bout the!+ The food is

de l bre $erJI


HC " ; !odify to s y th t you #ill e t t le st three !e ls

d yJI

H0o+I ; ! so "ot b *$i"g do#" o" this+ 0o o"e is goi"g to di*t te to !e #h t ; e t+ 6o# ; fu*$, yes, but e tM "o, "o # y+

6e purses his lips+

H; "eed to $"o# th t youre "ot hu"gry+I

; fro#"+ WhyJ

HKoull h /e to trust !e+I

6e g Ges t !e for

!o!e"t, "d he rel 4es+

HTou*hO, 'iss Steele,I he s ys Duietly+ H; *o"*ede the food "d the sleep+I

HWhy * "t ; loo$ t youJI

HTh ts

?o!Asub thi"g+ Koull get used to it+I

Will ;J

HWhy * "t ; tou*h youJI

H3e* use you * "t+I

6is !outh sets i"

!ulish li"e+

H;s it be* use of 'rs+ (obi"so"JI

6e loo$s DuiGGi* lly t !e+

HWhy #ould you thi"$ th tJI %"d i!!edi tely he u"derst "ds+ HKou thi"$ she tr u! tiGed !eJI

; "od+

H0o %" st si + Shes "ot the re so"+ 3esides, 'rs+ (obi"so" #ould"t t $e "y of th t shit fro! !e+I

2hM but ; h /e to+ ; pout+

HSo "othi"g to do #ith her+I

H0o+ %"d ; do"t # "t you tou*hi"g yourself, either+I

Wh tJ %h yes, the "o ! sturb tio" *l use+

H2ut of *uriosityM #hyJI

H3e* use ; # "t ll your ple sure,I his /oi*e is hus$y, but deter!i"ed+

2hM ; h /e "o "s#er for th t+ 2" o"e le/el its up there #ith, N; # "t to bite th t lip,

o" "other, its so selfish+ ; fro#" "d t $e #h t

bite of *od, tryi"g to ssess !e"t lly

*o"*essio"s ;/e g i"ed+ The food, the sleep, ; * " loo$ hi! i" the eye+ 6es goi"g to t $e it slo#, "d #e h /e"t dis*ussed soft li!its+ 3ut ;! "ot sure ; * " f *e th t o/er food+

H;/e gi/e" you

gre t de l to thi"$ bout h /e"t ;JI


H?o you # "t to go through the soft li!its "o# tooJI

H0ot o/er di""er+I

6e s!iles+

HSDue !ishJI

HSo!ethi"g li$e th t+I

HKou/e "ot e te" /ery !u*h+I

H;/e h d e"ough+I

HThree oysters, four bites of *od, "d o"e sp r gus st l$, "o pot toes, "o "uts, "o oli/es, "d you/e "ot e te" ll d y+ Kou s id ; *ould trust you+I

JeeG+ 6es $ept " i"/e"tory+

HChristi ", ple se, its "ot e/ery d y ; sit through *o"/ers tio"s li$e this+I

H; "eed you fit "d he lthy %" st si +I

H; $"o#+I

H%"d right "o#, ; # "t to peel you out of th t dress+I

; s# llo#+ 1eel !e out of F tes dress+ ; feel the pull deep i" !y belly+ 'us*les th t ;! "o# !ore *Du i"ted #ith *le"*h t his #ords+ 3ut ; * "t h /e this+ 6is !ost pote"t #e po", used g i"st !e g i"+ 6es so good t se4 E e/e" ;/e figured this out+

H; do"t thi"$ th ts

good ide ,I ; !ur!ur Duietly+ HWe h /e"t h d dessert+I

HKou # "t dessertJI he s"orts+


HKou *ould be dessert,I he !ur!urs suggesti/ely+

H;! "ot sure ;! s#eet e"ough+I

H%" st si , youre deli*iously s#eet+ ; $"o#+I

HChristi "+ Kou use se4 s !y

#e po"+ ;t re lly is"t f ir,I ; #hisper, st ri"g do#" t

h "ds, "d the" loo$i"g dire*tly t hi!+ 6e r ises his eyebro#s, surprised, "d ; see hes *o"sideri"g !y #ords+ 6e stro$es his *hi" thoughtfully+

HKoure right+ ; do+ ;" life you use #h t you $"o#, %" st si + ?oes"t *h "ge ho# !u*h ; # "t you+ 6ere+ 0o#+I

6o# * " he sedu*e !e solely #ith his /oi*eJ ;! p "ti"g lre dy E !y he ted blood rushi"g through !y /ei"s, !y "er/es ti"gli"g+

H;d li$e to try so!ethi"g,I he bre thes+

; fro#"+ 6es Bust gi/e" !e

shit lo d of ide s to pro*ess "d "o# this+

H;f you #ere !y sub, you #ould"t h /e to thi"$ bout this+ ;t #ould be e sy+I 6is /oi*e is soft, sedu*ti/e+ H%ll those de*isio"s E ll the #e ryi"g thought pro*esses behi"d the!+ The E is this the right thi"g to doJ Should this h ppe" hereJ C " it h ppe" "o#J Kou #ould"t h /e to #orry bout "y of th t det il+ Th ts #h t ;d do s your ?o!+ %"d right "o#, ; $"o# you # "t !e, %" st si +I

'y fro#" deepe"s+ 6o# * " he tellJ

H; * " tell be* useM I

6oly shit hes "s#eri"g !y u"spo$e" Duestio"+ ;s he psy*hi* s #ellJ

HM Kour body gi/es you # y+ Koure pressi"g your thighs together, youre flushed, "d your bre thi"g h s *h "ged+I

2, this is too !u*h+

H6o# do you $"o# bout !y thighsJI 'y /oi*e is lo#, disbelie/i"g+ Theyre u"der the t ble for he /e"s s $e+

H; felt the t ble*loth !o/e, "d its e4perie"*e+ ;! right re"t ;JI

* l*ul ted guess b sed o" ye rs of

; flush "d st re do#" t !y h "ds+ Th ts #h t ;! hi"dered by i" this g !e of sedu*tio"+ 6es the o"ly o"e #ho $"o#s "d u"derst "ds the rules+ ;! Bust too " Y/e "d i"e4perie"*ed+ 'y o"ly sphere of refere"*e is F te, "d she does"t t $e "y shit fro! !e"+ 'y other refere"*es re ll fi*tio" l= EliG beth 3e""ett #ould be outr ged, J "e Eyre too frighte"ed, "d Tess #ould su**u!b, Bust s ; h /e+

H; h /e"t fi"ished !y *od+I

HKoud prefer *old *od to !eJI

'y he d Ber$s up to gl re t hi!, "d his gr y eyes bur" !olte" sil/er, #ith *o!pelli"g "eed+

H; thought you li$ed !e *le ri"g !y pl te+I

H(ight "o#, 'iss Steele, ; *ould"t gi/e

fu*$ bout your food+I

HChristi "+ Kou Bust do"t fight f ir+I

H; $"o#+ ; "e/er h /e+I

'y i""er goddess fro#"s t !e+ Kou * " do this, she *o 4es E pl y this se4 god t his o#" g !e+ C " ;J 2$ y+ Wh t to doJ 'y i"e4perie"*e is " lb tross rou"d !y "e*$+ 1i*$i"g up the tip spe r of sp r gus, ; g Ge t hi! "d bite !y lip+ The" /ery slo#ly put

of !y *old sp r gus i" !y !outh "d su*$ it+

Christi "s eyes #ide" i"fi"itesi! lly, but ; "oti*e+

H%" st si + Wh t re you doi"gJI

; bite off the tip+

HE ti"g !y sp r gus+I

Christi " shifts i" his se t+

H; thi"$ youre toyi"g #ith !e, 'iss Steele+I

; feig" i""o*e"*e+

H;! Bust fi"ishi"g !y food, 'r+ @rey+I

The # iter *hooses this !o!e"t to $"o*$ "d, u"bidde", e"ter+ 6e gl "*es briefly t Christi ", #ho fro#"s t hi! but the" "ods, so the # iter *le rs our pl tes+ The # iters rri/ l h s bro$e" the spell+ %"d ; gr sp this pre*ious !o!e"t of *l rity+ ; h /e to go+ 2ur !eeti"g #ill o"ly e"d o"e # y if ; st y, "d ; "eed so!e bou"d ries fter su*h " i"te"se

*o"/ers tio"+ %s !u*h s !y body *r /es his tou*h, !y !i"d is rebelli"g+ ; "eed so!e dist "*e to thi"$ bout ll hes s id+ ; still h /e"t ! de llure "d pro#ess does"t ! $e it "y e sier+ de*isio", "d his se4u l

HWould you li$e so!e dessertJI Christi " s$s, e/er the ge"tle! ", but his eyes still bl Ge+

H0o, th "$ you+ ; thi"$ ; should go+I ; st re do#" t !y h "ds+

H@oJI 6e * "t hide his surprise+

The # iter le /es h stily+

HKes+I ;ts the right de*isio"+ ;f ; st y here, i" this roo! #ith hi!, he #ill fu*$ !e+ ; st "d, purposefully+ HWe both h /e the gr du tio" *ere!o"y to!orro#+I

Christi " st "ds uto! ti* lly, re/e li"g ye rs of i"gr i"ed *i/ility+

H; do"t # "t you to go+I

H1le seM ; h /e to+I


H3e* use you/e gi/e" !e so !u*h to *o"siderM "d ; "eed so!e dist "*e+I

H; *ould ! $e you st y,I he thre te"s+

HKes, you *ould e sily, but ; do"t # "t you to+I

6e ru"s his h "d through his h ir, reg rdi"g !e * refully+

HKou $"o#, #he" you fell i"to !y offi*e to i"ter/ie# !e, you #ere ll yes sir, "o sir+ ; thought you #ere sure you h /e s his " tur l bor" sub!issi/e+ 3ut Duite fr "$ly, %" st si , ;! "ot

sub!issi/e bo"e i" your dele*t ble body+I 6e !o/es slo#ly to# rd !e

spe $s, his /oi*e te"se+

HKou ! y be right,I ; bre the+

H; # "t the *h "*e to e4plore the possibility th t you do,I he !ur!urs, st ri"g do#" t !e+ 6e re *hes up "d * resses !y f *e, his thu!b tr *i"g !y lo#er lip+ H; do"t $"o# "y other # y, %" st si + This is #ho ; !+I

H; $"o#+I

6e le "s do#" to $iss !e, but p uses before his lips tou*h !i"e, his eyes se r*hi"g !i"e, # "ti"g, s$i"g per!issio"+ ; r ise !y lips to his, "d he $isses !e "d be* use ; do"t $"o# if ;ll e/er $iss hi! g i", ; let go E !y h "ds !o/i"g of their o#" **ord "d t#isti"g i"to his h ir, pulli"g hi! to !e, !y !outh ope"i"g, !y to"gue stro$i"g his+ 6is h "d gr sps the " pe of !y "e*$ s he deepe"s the $iss, respo"di"g to !y rdor+ 6is other h "d slides do#" !y b *$ "d fl tte"s t the b se of !y spi"e s he pushes !e g i"st his


H; * "t persu de you to st yJI he bre thes bet#ee" $isses+


HSpe"d the "ight #ith !e+I

H%"d "ot tou*h youJ 0o+I

6e gro "s+

HKou i!possible girl+I 6e pulls b *$, g Gi"g do#" t !e+ HWhy do ; thi"$ youre telli"g !e goodbyeJI

H3e* use ;! le /i"g "o#+I

HTh ts "ot #h t ; !e ", "d you $"o# it+I

HChristi ", ; h /e to thi"$ bout this+ ; do"t $"o# if ; * " h /e the $i"d of rel tio"ship you # "t+I

6e *loses his eyes "d presses his forehe d g i"st !i"e, gi/i"g us both the opportu"ity

to slo# our bre thi"g+ %fter "ose

!o!e"t, he $isses !y forehe d, i"h les deeply, his

i" !y h ir, "d the" he rele ses !e, steppi"g b *$+

H%s you #ish, 'iss Steele,I he s ys, his f *e i!p ssi/e+ H;ll es*ort you to the lobby+I 6e holds out his h "d+ Le "i"g do#", ; gr b !y purse "d pl *e !y h "d i" his+ 6oly *r p, this *ould be it+ ; follo# hi! !ee$ly do#" the gr "d st irs "d i"to the lobby, !y s* lp pri*$li"g, !y blood pu!pi"g+ This *ould be the l st goodbye if ; de*ide to s y "o+ 'y he rt *o"tr *ts p i"fully i" !y *hest+ Wh t !o!e"t of *l rity * " ! $e to girl+ tur" rou"d+ Wh t differe"*e

H?o you h /e your / let ti*$etJI

; fish i"to !y *lut*h purse "d h "d hi! the ti*$et, #hi*h he gi/es to the door! "+ ; pee$ up t hi! s #e st "d # iti"g+

HTh "$ you for di""er,I ; !ur!ur+


ple sure s l# ys, 'iss Steele,I he s ys politely, though he loo$s deep i"

thought, *o!pletely distr *ted+

%s ; peer up t hi!, ; *o!!it his be utiful profile to !e!ory+ The ide th t ; !ight "ot

see hi! g i" h u"ts !e, u"#el*o!e "d too p i"ful to *o"te!pl te+ 6e tur"s sudde"ly, st ri"g do#" t !e, his e4pressio" i"te"se+

HKoure !o/i"g this #ee$e"d to Se ttle+ ;f you ! $e the right de*isio", * " ; see you o" Su"d yJI 6e sou"ds hesit "t+

HWell see+ ' ybe,I ; bre the+ 'o!e"t rily, he loo$s relie/ed, "d the" he fro#"s+

H;ts *ooler "o#, do"t you h /e

B *$etJI


6e sh $es his he d i" irrit tio" "d t $es off his B *$et+

H6ere+ ; do"t # "t you * t*hi"g *old+I

; bli"$ up t hi! s he holds it ope", "d s ; hold !y r!s out behi"d !e, ;! re!i"ded of the ti!e i" his offi*e #he" he slipped !y *o t o"to !y shoulders E the first ti!e ; !et hi! E "d the effe*t he h d o" !e the"+ 0othi"gs *h "ged, i" f *t, its !ore i"te"se+ 6is B *$et is # r!, f r too big, "d it s!ells of hi!+ 2h !yM deli*ious+

'y * r pulls up outside+ Christi "s !outh drops ope"+

HTh ts #h t you dri/eJI 6es pp lled+ T $i"g !y h "d, he le ds !e outside+ The

/ let Bu!ps out "d h "ds !e !y $eys, "d Christi " *oolly p l!s hi! so!e !o"ey+

H;s this ro d#orthyJI 6es gl ri"g t !e "o#+


HWill it ! $e it to Se ttleJI

HKes+ She #ill+I

HS felyJI

HKes,I ; s" p, e4 sper ted+ H2$ y shes old+ 3ut shes !i"e, "d shes ro d#orthy+ 'y stepd d bought it for !e+I

H2h, %" st si , ; thi"$ #e * " do better th " this+I

HWh t do you !e "JI (e liG tio" d #"s+ HKou re "ot buyi"g !e

* r+I

6e glo#ers t !e, his B # te"se+

HWell see,I he s ys tightly+

6e gri! *es s he ope"s the dri/ers door "d helps !e i"+ ; t $e !y shoes off "d roll do#" the #i"do#+ 6es g Gi"g t !e, his e4pressio" u"f tho! ble, eyes d r$+

H?ri/e s fely,I he s ys Duietly+

H@oodbye, Christi "+I 'y /oi*e is ho rse fro! u"bidde", u"shed te rs E BeeG ;! "ot goi"g to *ry+ ; gi/e hi! s! ll s!ile+

%s ; dri/e # y, !y *hest *o"stri*ts, !y te rs st rt to f ll, "d ; *ho$e b *$


Soo" te rs re stre !i"g do#" !y f *e, "d ; re lly do"t u"derst "d #hy ;! *ryi"g+ ; # s holdi"g !y o#"+ 6e e4pl i"ed e/erythi"g+ 6e # s *le r+ 6e # "ts !e, but the truth is, ; "eed !ore+ ; "eed hi! to # "t !e li$e ; # "t "d "eed hi!, "d deep do#" ; $"o# th ts "ot possible+ ; ! Bust o/er#hel!ed+

; do"t e/e" $"o# ho# to * tegoriGe hi!+ ;f ; do this thi"gM #ill he be !y boyfrie"dJ Will ; be ble to i"trodu*e hi! to !y frie"dsJ @o out to b rs, the *i"e! , bo#li"g e/e", #ith hi!J The truth is, ; do"t thi"$ ; #ill+ 6e #o"t let !e tou*h hi! "d he #o"t let !e sleep #ith hi!+ ; $"o# ;/e "ot h d these thi"gs i" !y p st, but ; # "t the! i" !y future+ %"d th ts "ot the future he e"/is ges+

Wh t if ; do s y yes, "d i" three !o"ths ti!e he s ys "o, hes h d e"ough of tryi"g

to !old !e i"to so!ethi"g ;! "ot+ 6o# #ill ; feelJ ;ll h /e e!otio" lly i"/ested three !o"ths, doi"g thi"gs th t ;! "ot sure ; # "t to do+ %"d if he the" s ys "o, gree!e"t o/er, ho# *ould ; *ope #ith th t le/el of reBe*tio"J 1erh ps its best to b *$ # y "o# #ith #h t self<estee! ; h /e re so" bly i"t *t+

3ut the thought of "ot seei"g hi! g i" is go"iGi"g+ 6o# h s he gotte" u"der !y s$i" so Dui*$lyJ ;t * "t Bust be the se4M * " itJ ; d sh the te rs fro! !y eyes+ ; do"t # "t to e4 !i"e !y feeli"gs for hi!+ ;! frighte"ed #h t ;ll u"*o/er if ; do+ Wh t ! ; goi"g to doJ

; p r$ up outside our duple4+ 0o lights o"+ F te !ust be out+ ;! relie/ed+ ; do"t # "t her to * t*h !e *ryi"g g i"+ %s ; u"dress, ; # $e up the !e " ! *hi"e "d sitti"g i" !y i"bo4 is !ess ge fro! Christi "+

Fro!= Christi " @rey

SubBe*t= To"ight

? te= ' y 27 2011 22=01

To= %" st si Steele

; do"t u"derst "d #hy you r " this e/e"i"g+ ; si"*erely hope ; "s#ered ll your Duestio"s to your s tisf *tio"+ ; $"o# ; h /e gi/e" you gre t de l to *o"te!pl te, "d ;

fer/e"tly hope th t you #ill gi/e !y propos l your serious *o"sider tio"+ ; re lly # "t to ! $e this #or$+ We #ill t $e it slo#+ Trust !e+

Christi " @rey CE2, @rey E"terprises 6oldi"gs ;"*+

6is e! il ! $es !e #eep !ore+ ; ! "ot (e di"g this, !erger+ ; ! "ot " *Duisitio"+

; !ight s #ell be+ ; do"t reply+ ; Bust do"t $"o# #h t to s y to hi!+ ; fu!ble i"to !y 1Js, "d #r ppi"g his B *$et rou"d !e+ ; *li!b i"to bed+ %s ; lie st ri"g i"to the d r$"ess, ; thi"$ of ll the ti!es he # r"ed !e to st y # y+

N%" st si , you should steer *le r of !e+ ;! "ot the ! " for you+

N; do"t do the girlfrie"d thi"g+

N;! "ot

he rts "d flo#ers $i"d of guy+

N; do"t ! $e lo/e+NThis is ll ; $"o#+

%"d s ; #eep i"to !y pillo# sile"tly, its this l st ide ; *li"g to+ This is ll ; $"o#, too+ 1erh ps together #e * " *h rt "e# *ourse+

Christi " is st "di"g o/er !e gr spi"g old,

pl ited, le ther ridi"g<*rop+ 6es #e ri"g

f ded, ripped Le/is "d th ts ll+ 6e fli*$s the *rop slo#ly i"to his p l! s he g Ges do#" t !e+ 6es s!ili"g, triu!ph "t+ ; * ""ot !o/e+ ; ! " $ed "d sh *$led, spre d< e gled o" l rge four<poster bed+ (e *hi"g for# rd, he tr ils the tip of the *rop fro! !y forehe d do#" the le"gth of !y "ose, so ; * " s!ell the le ther, "d o/er !y p rted, p "ti"g lips+ 6e pushes the tip i"to !y !outh so ; * " t ste the s!ooth, ri*h le ther+

HSu*$,I he *o!! "ds his /oi*e soft+ 'y !outh *loses o/er the tip s ; obey+

HE"ough,I he s" ps+

;! p "ti"g o"*e !ore s he tugs the *rop out of !y !outh, tr ils it do#" "d u"der

!y *hi", o" do#" !y "e*$ to the hollo# t the b se of !y thro t+ 6e s#irls it slo#ly there "d the" *o"ti"ues to dr g the tip do#" !y body, lo"g !y ster"u!, bet#ee" !y bre sts, o/er !y torso do#" to !y " /el+ ;! p "ti"g, sDuir!i"g, pulli"g g i"st !y restr i"ts th t re biti"g i"to !y #rists "d !y "$les+ 6e s#irls the tip rou"d !y " /el the" *o"ti"ues to tr il the le ther tip south, through !y pubi* h ir to !y *litoris+ 6e fli*$s the *rop "d it hits !y s#eet spot #ith sh rp sl p, "d ; *o!e, gloriously, shouti"g !y rele se+

%bruptly, ; # $e, g spi"g for bre th, *o/ered i" s#e t "d feeli"g the ftersho*$s of !y org s!+ 6oly hell+ ;! *o!pletely disorie"t ted+ Wh t the hell Bust h ppe"edJ ;! i" !y bedroo! lo"e+ 6o#J WhyJ ; sit bolt upright, sho*$edM #o#+ ;ts !or"i"g+ ; gl "*e t !y l r! *lo*$ E eight o*lo*$+ ; put !y he d i" !y h "ds+ ; did"t $"o# ;

*ould dre ! se4+ W s it so!ethi"g ; teJ 1erh ps the oysters "d !y ;"ter"et rese r*h ! "ifesti"g itself i" !y first #et dre !+ ;ts be#ilderi"g+ ; h d "o ide th t ; *ould org s! i" !y sleep+

F te is s$ippi"g rou"d the $it*he" #he" ; st gger i"+

H%" , re you o$ yJ Kou loo$ odd+ ;s th t Christi "s B *$et youre #e ri"gJI

H;! fi"e+I ? !", should h /e *he*$ed i" the !irror+ ; /oid her pier*i"g gree" eyes+ ;! still reeli"g fro! !y !or"i"gs e/e"t+ HKes, this is Christi "s B *$et+I

She fro#"s+

H?id you sleepJI

H0ot /ery #ell+I

; he d for the $ettle+ ; "eed te +

H6o# # s di""erJI

So it begi"s+

HWe h d oysters+ Follo#ed by *od, so ;d s y it # s fishy+I

H8ghM ; h te oysters, "d ; do"t # "t to $"o# bout the food+ 6o# # s Christi "J Wh t did you t l$ boutJI

H6e # s tte"ti/e,I ; p use+

Wh t * " ; s yJ 6is 6;C st tus is *le r, hes he /ily i"to role<pl y, # "ts !e to obey his e/ery *o!! "d, he hurt so!eo"e he tied to his bedroo! *eili"g, "d he # "ted to

fu*$ !e i" the pri/ te di"i"g roo!+ Would th t be desper tely to

good su!! ryJ ; try

re!e!ber so!ethi"g fro! !y e"*ou"ter #ith Christi " th t ; * " dis*uss #ith F te+

H6e does"t ppro/e of W "d +I

HWho does, %" J Th ts old "e#s+ Why re you bei"g so *oyJ @i/e it up, girlfrie"d+I

H2h, F te, #e t l$ed bout lots thi"gs+ Kou $"o# E ho# fussy he is bout food+ ;"*ide"t lly, he li$ed your dress+I The $ettle h s boiled, so ; ! $e !yself so!e te + H?o you # "t te J Would you li$e !e to he r your spee*h for tod yJI

HKes, ple se+ ; #or$ed o" it l st "ight o/er t Lil hs+ ;ll go fet*h it+ %"d yes, ;d lo/e so!e te +I F te r *es out of the $it*he"+

1he#, F theri"e F / " gh sidetr *$ed+ ; sli*e

b gel "d pop it i"to the to ster+ ;

flush re!e!beri"g !y /ery /i/id dre !+ Wh t o" e rth # s th t boutJ

L st "ight ; fou"d it h rd to sleep+ 'y he d # s buGGi"g #ith / rious optio"s+ ; ! so *o"fused+ Christi "s ide of hours, Bob des*riptio", "d first rel tio"ship is !ore li$e Bob offer+ ;t h s set

r ther h rsh grie/ "*e pro*edure+ ;ts "ot ho# ; e"/is ged !y

ro! "*e E but, of *ourse, Christi " does"t do ro! "*e+ ;f ; tell hi! ; # "t !ore, he ! y s y "oM "d ; *ould Beop rdiGe #h t he h s offered+ %"d this is #h t *o"*er"s !e !ost,

be* use ; do"t # "t to lose hi!+ 3ut ;! "ot sure ; h /e the sto! *h to be his sub!issi/e E deep do#", its the * "es "d #hips th t put !e off+ ;! #ill go physi* l *o# rd, "d ;

lo"g # y to /oid p i"+ ; thi"$ of !y dre !M is th t #h t it #ould be li$eJ 'y i""er goddess Bu!ps up "d do#" #ith *heerle di"g po!<po!s shouti"g yes t !e+

F te *o!es b *$ i"to the $it*he" #ith her l ptop+ ; *o"*e"tr te o" !y b gel "d liste" p tie"tly s she ru"s through her C ledi*tori " spee*h+

; ! dressed "d re dy #he" ( y rri/es+ ; ope" the fro"t door, "d hes st "di"g o" the por*h i" his ill<fitti"g suit+ % # r! surge of gr titude "d lo/e for this u"*o!pli* ted ! " stre $s through !e, "d ; thro# !y r!s rou"d hi! i" " u"*h r *teristi* displ y of ffe*tio"+ 6es t $e"< b *$, be!used+

H6ey, %""ie, ;! ple sed to see you too,I he !utters s he hugs !e+ Setti"g !e b *$, his h "ds o" !y shoulders, he loo$s !e up "d do#", his bro# furro#ed+ HKou o$ y, $idJI

H2f *ourse, ? d, * "t

girl be ple sed to see her old ! "JI

6e s!iles, his d r$ eyes *ri"$li"g t the *or"ers, "d follo#s !e i"to the li/i"g re +

HKou loo$ good,I he s ys+

HThis is F tes dress+I ; gl "*e do#" t the grey *hiffo" h lter "e*$ dress+

6e fro#"s+

HWhere is F teJI

HShes go"e to * !pus+ Shes gi/i"g

spee*h, so she h s to be e rly+I

HShould #e he d o" o/erJI

H? d, #e h /e h lf " hour+ Would you li$e so!e te J %"d you * " tell !e ho# e/eryo"e i" 'o"tes "o is getti"g lo"g+ 6o# # s the dri/e do#"JI

( y pulls his * r i"to the * !pus p r$i"g lot, "d #e follo# the stre ! of hu! "ity dotted #ith ubiDuitous bl *$ "d red go#"s, he di"g to# rd the sports uditoriu!+

H@ood lu*$, %""ie+ Kou see! #fully "er/ous, do you h /e to do "ythi"gJI

6oly *r pM #hy h s ( y pi*$ed tod y to be so obser/ "tJ

H0o, ? d+ ;ts

big d y+I %"d ;! goi"g to see hi!+

HKe h, !y b by girl h s gotte"

degree+ ;! proud of you, %""ie+I

H%#M th "$s ( y+I 2h ; lo/e this ! "+

The sports uditoriu! is *ro#ded+ ( y h s go"e to sit #ith the other p re"ts "d #ell<#ishers i" the r $ed se ti"g, #hile ; ! $e !y # y to !y se t+ ;! #e ri"g !y bl *$ go#" "d !y * p, "d ; feel prote*ted by the!, "o"y!ous+ There is "o o"e o" the st ge yet, but ; * "t see! to ste dy !y "er/es+ 'y he rt is pou"di"g, "d !y bre thi"g is sh llo#+ 6es here, so!e#here+ ; #o"der if F te is t l$i"g to hi!, i"terrog ti"g hi! ! ybe+ ; ! $e !y # y to !y se t !o"gst fello# stude"ts #hose sur" !es lso begi" #ith S+ ; ! i" the se*o"d ro#, ffordi"g !e yet !ore "o"y!ity+ ; gl "*e behi"d !e "d spot ( y s t up high i" the ble *hers+ ; gi/e hi! # /e, h lf<s lute b *$+ ; sit "d # it+ # /e+ 6e self<*o"s*iously gi/es !e h lf<

The uditoriu! fills Dui*$ly, "d the buGG of e4*ited /oi*es gets louder "d louder+ The ro# of se ts i" fro"t fills+ 2" either side of !e, ; ! Boi"ed by t#o girls #ho! ; do"t $"o# fro! differe"t f *ulty+ Theyre ob/iously *lose frie"ds "d t l$ *ross !e e4*itedly+

%t ele/e" pre*isely, the Ch "*ellor ppe rs fro! behi"d the st ge, follo#ed by the three Ci*e Ch "*ellors, "d the" the se"ior professors, ll de*$ed out i" their bl *$ "d red reg li + We st "d "d ppl ud our te *hi"g st ff+ So!e 1rofessors "od "d # /e, others loo$ bored+ 1rofessor Colli"s, !y tutor "d !y f /orite te *her, loo$s li$e hes Bust f lle" out of bed, s usu l+ L st o" to the st ge re F te "d Christi "+ Christi " st "ds out i" his bespo$e gr y suit, *opper highlights gli"ti"g i" his h ir u"der the uditoriu! lights+ 6e loo$s so serious "d self<*o"t i"ed+ %s he sits, he u"does his si"gle<bre sted B *$et, "d ;

gli!pse his tie+ 6oly shitM th t tieL ; rub !y #rists refle4i/ely+ ; * ""ot t $e !y eyes off hi! E his be uty s distr *ti"g s e/er E "d hes #e ri"g th t tie, o" purpose "o doubt+ ; * " feel !y !outh press i"to *e ses+ h rd li"e+ The udie"*e sits do#" "d the ppl use

HLoo$ t hi!LI 2"e of the girls beside !e bre thes e"thusi sti* lly to her frie"d+

H6es hot+I

; stiffe"+ ;! sure theyre "ot t l$i"g bout 1rofessor Colli"s+

H'ust be Christi " @rey+I

H;s he si"gleJI

; bristle+

H; do"t thi"$ so,I ; !ur!ur+

H2h+I 3oth girls loo$ t !e i" surprise+

H; thi"$ hes g y,I ; !utter+

HWh t

sh !e,I o"e of the girls gro "s+

%s the Ch "*ellor gets to his feet "d $i*$s off the pro*eedi"gs #ith his spee*h, ; # t*h Christi " subtly s* ""i"g the h ll+ ; si"$ i"to !y se t, hu"*hi"g !y shoulders, tryi"g to ! $e !yself s i"*o"spi*uous s possible+ ; f il !iser bly s l ter his se*o"d

gr y eyes fi"d !i"e+ 6e st res t !e, his f *e i!p ssi/e, *o!pletely i"s*rut ble+ ; sDuir! u"*o!fort bly, hyp"otiGed by his gl re s ; feel 8"bidde", slo# flush spre d *ross !y f *e+

; re* ll !y dre ! fro! this !or"i"g, "d the !us*les i" !y belly do the dele*t ble *le"*h thi"g+ ; i"h le sh rply+ ; * " see the sh do# of fleeti"g+ s!ile *ross his lips, but its

6e briefly *loses his eyes, "d o" ope"i"g the!, resu!es his i"differe"t e4pressio"+ Follo#i"g s#ift gl "*e up t the Ch "*ellor, he st res he d, fo*usi"g o" the WS8C e!ble!

hu"g bo/e the e"tr "*e+ 6e does"t tur" his eyes to# rd !e g i"+ The Ch "*ellor dro"es o", "d Christi " still does"t loo$ t !e, he Bust st res fi4edly he d+

Why #o"t he loo$ t !eJ 1erh ps hes *h "ged his !i"dJ % # /e of u"e se # shes o/er !e+ 1erh ps # l$i"g out o" hi! l st "ight # s the e"d for hi! too+ 6es bored of # iti"g for !e to ! $e up !y !i"d+ 2h "o, ; *ould h /e *o!pletely blo#" it+ ; re!e!ber his e! il l st "ight+ ' ybe hes ! d th t ; h /e"t replied+

Sudde"ly, the roo! erupts i"to ppl use s 'iss F theri"e F / " gh h s t $e" the st ge+ The Ch "*ellor sits, "d F te tosses her lo/ely lo"g h ir behi"d her s she pl *es her p pers o" the le*ter"+ She t $es her ti!e, "ot i"ti!id ted by g #pi"g thous "d people

t her+ She s!iles #he" shes re dy, loo$s up t the * pti/ ted thro"g, "d l u"*hes eloDue"tly i"to her spee*h+ Shes so *o!posed "d fu""y, the girls beside !e erupt o" *ue t her first Bo$e+ 2h, F theri"e F / " gh, you * " deli/er of good li"e+ ; feel so proud

her t th t !o!e"t, !y err "t thoughts of Christi " re pushed to o"e side+ E/e" though ; h /e he rd her spee*h before, ; liste" * refully+ She *o!! "ds the roo! "d t $es her udie"*e #ith her+

6er the!e is Wh t 0e4t %fter CollegeJ 2h, #h t "e4t i"deed+ Christi " is # t*hi"g F te, his eyebro#s slightly r ised E i" surprise, ; thi"$+ Kes, it *ould h /e bee" F te th t

#e"t to i"ter/ie# hi!+ %"d it *ould h /e bee" F te th t he # s "o# ! $i"g i"de*e"t propos ls to+ 3e utiful F te "d be utiful Christi ", together+ ; *ould be li$e the t#o girls beside !e, d!iri"g hi! fro! f r+ ; $"o# F te #ould"t h /e gi/e" hi! the ti!e of d y+ Wh t did she * ll hi! the other d yJ Creepy+ The thought of bet#ee" F te *o"fro"t tio"

"d Christi " ! $es !e u"*o!fort ble+ ; h /e to s y ; do"t $"o# #hi*h of the! ; #ould put !y !o"ey o"+

F te *o"*ludes her spee*h #ith ppl udi"g

flourish, "d spo"t "eously e/eryo"e st "ds,

"d *heeri"g, her first st "di"g o/ tio"+ ; be ! t her "d *heer, "d she gri"s b *$ t !e+ @ood Bob, F te+ She sits, s does the udie"*e, "d the Ch "*ellor rises "d i"trodu*es Christi "M holy shit, Christi "s goi"g to gi/e spee*h+ The Ch "*ellor tou*hes

briefly o" Christi "s *hie/e!e"ts= CE2 of his o#" e4tr ordi" rily su**essful *o!p "y, re l self<! de ! "+

H%"d lso @rey+I

! Bor be"ef *tor to our 8"i/ersity, ple se #el*o!e, 'r+ Christi "

The Ch "*ellor pu!ps Christi "s h "d, "d there is

s#ell of polite ppl use+ 'y

he rts i" !y thro t+ 6e ppro *hes the le*ter" "d sur/eys the h ll+ 6e loo$s so *o"fide"t st "di"g i" fro"t of us ll, s F te did before hi!+ The t#o girls beside !e le " i", e"r ptured+ ;" f *t, ; thi"$ !ost of the fe! le !e!bers of the udie"*e i"*h *loser "d the !e"+ 6e begi"s, his /oi*e soft, !e sured, "d !es!eriGi"g+ fe# of

H;! profou"dly gr teful "d tou*hed by the gre t *o!pli!e"t **orded to !e by the uthorities of WS8 tod y+ ;t offers !e i!pressi/e #or$ r re opportu"ity to t l$ bout the

of the e"/iro"!e"t l s*ie"*e dep rt!e"t here t the 8"i/ersity+ 2ur i! is to de/elop /i ble "d e*ologi* lly sust i" ble !ethods of f r!i"g for third #orld *ou"triesV our ulti! te go l is to help er di* te hu"ger "d po/erty *ross the globe+ 2/er ! i"ly billio" people,

i" Sub<S h r " %fri* , South %si , "d L ti" %!eri* , li/e i" bBe*t po/erty+ %gri*ultur l dysfu"*tio" is rife #ithi" these p rts of the #orld "d the result is e*ologi* l "d so*i l destru*tio"+ ; h /e $"o#" #h t its li$e to be profou"dly hu"gry+ This is perso" l Bour"ey for !eM I /ery

'y B # f lls to the floor+ Wh tJ Christi " # s hu"gry o"*e+ 6oly *r p+ Well, th t e4pl i"s gre t de l+ %"d ; re* ll the i"ter/ie#V he re lly does # "t to feed the #orld+ ; desper tely r *$ !y br i"s to re!e!ber #h t F te h d #ritte" i" her rti*le+ %dopted t ge

four, ; thi"$+ ; * "t i! gi"e th t @r *e st r/ed hi!, so it !ust h /e bee" before the", s little boy+ ; s# llo#, !y he rt *o"stri*ti"g t the thought of toddler+ hu"gry, gr y<eyed

2h "o+ Wh t $i"d of life did he h /e before the @reys got hold of hi! "d res*ued hi!J

;! seiGed by E

se"se of r # outr ge, poor, fu*$ed<up, $i"$y, phil "thropi* Christi "

though ;! sure he #ould"t see hi!self this # y "d #ould repel "y thoughts of sy!p thy or pity+ %bruptly, e/eryo"e bursts i"to ppl use "d st "ds+ ; follo#, though ; h /e"t he rd h lf his spee*h+ 6es doi"g ll of these good #or$s, ru""i"g "d huge *o!p "y,

*h si"g !e t the s !e ti!e+ ;ts o/er#hel!i"g+ ; re!e!ber the brief s"ippets of *o"/ers tio"s hes h d bout ? rfurM it ll f lls i"to pl *e+ Food+

6e s!iles briefly t the # r! ppl use E e/e" F te is *l ppi"g, the" he resu!es his se t+ 6e does"t loo$ !y # y, "d ;! off<$ilter tryi"g to ssi!il te this "e# i"for! tio" bout hi!+

2"e of the Ci*e Ch "*ellors rises, "d #e begi" the lo"g, tedious pro*ess of *olle*ti"g our degrees+ There re o/er four hu"dred to be gi/e" out, "d it t $es Bust o/er " hour before ; he r !y " !e+ ; ! $e !y # y up to the st ge bet#ee" the t#o giggli"g girls+ Christi " g Ges do#" t !e, his g Ge # r! but gu rded+

HCo"gr tul tio"s, 'iss Steele,I he s ys s he sh $es !y h "d, sDueeGi"g it ge"tly+ ; feel the *h rge of his flesh o" !i"e+ H?o you h /e proble! #ith your l ptopJI

; fro#" s he h "ds !e !y degree+


HThe" you re ig"ori"g !y e! ilsJI

H; o"ly s # the !ergers "d *Duisitio"s o"e+I

6e loo$s DuiGGi* lly t !e+

HL ter,I he s ys, "d ; h /e to !o/e o" be* use ;! holdi"g up the li"e+

; go b *$ to !y se t+ E! ilsJ 6e !ust h /e se"t "other+ Wh t did it s yJ

The *ere!o"y t $es "other hour to *o"*lude+ ;ts i"ter!i" ble+ Fi" lly, the Ch "*ellor le ds the f *ulty !e!bers off the st ge to yet !ore rousi"g ppl use, pre*eded by Christi " "d F te+ Christi " does "ot gl "*e t !e, e/e" though ;! #illi"g hi! to do it+ 'y i""er goddess is "ot ple sed+

%s ; st "d "d # it for our ro# to disperse, F te * lls to !e+ Shes he di"g !y # y fro! behi"d the st ge+

HChristi " # "ts to t l$ to you,I she shouts+ The t#o girls #ho re "o# st "di"g beside !e tur" "d g pe t !e+

H6es se"t !e out here,I she *o"ti"ues+


HKour spee*h # s gre t, F te+I

H;t # s, # s"t itJI she be !s+ H%re you *o!i"gJ 6e * " be /ery i"siste"t+I She rolls her eyes, "d ; gri"+

HKou h /e "o ide + ; * "t le /e ( y for lo"g+I ; gl "*e up t ( y "d hold !y fi"gers up i"di* ti"g fi/e !i"utes+ 6e "ods, gi/i"g !e " o$ y sig", "d ; follo# F te i"to the *orridor behi"d the st ge+ Christi " is t l$i"g to the Ch "*ellor "d t#o of the te *hi"g st ff+ 6e loo$s up #he" he sees !e+

HE4*use !e, ge"tle!e",I ; he r hi! !ur!ur+ 6e *o!es to# rd !e "d s!iles briefly t F te+

HTh "$ you,I he s ys, "d before she * " reply, he t $es !y elbo# "d steers !e i"to #h t loo$s li$e lo*$s the door+ !e"s lo*$er roo!+ 6e *he*$s to see if its e!pty, "d the" he

6oly shit, #h t does he h /e i" !i"dJ ; bli"$ up t hi! s he tur"s o" !e+

HWhy h /e"t you e! iled !eJ 2r te4ted !e b *$JI 6e gl res+ ;! "o"plussed+

H; h /e"t loo$ed t !y *o!puter tod y, or !y pho"e+I Cr p, h s he bee" tryi"g to * llJ ; try !y distr *tio" te*h"iDue th ts so effe*ti/e o" F te+ HTh t # s spee*h+I gre t

HTh "$ you+I

HE4pl i"s your food issues to !e+I

6e ru"s

h "d through his h ir, e4 sper ted+

H%" st si , ; do"t # "t to go there t the !o!e"t+I 6e *loses his eyes, loo$i"g p i"ed+ H;/e bee" #orried bout you+I

HWorried, #hyJI

H3e* use you #e"t ho!e i" th t de thtr p you * ll

* r+I

HWh tJ ;ts "ot

de thtr p+ ;ts fi"e+ JosO regul rly ser/i*es it for !e+I

HJosO, the photogr pherJI Christi "s eyes " rro#, his f *e frosti"g+ 2h Cr p+

HKes, the 3eetle used to belo"g to his !other+I

HKes, "d prob bly her !other "d her !other before her+ ;ts "ot s fe+I

H;/e bee" dri/i"g it for o/er three ye rs+ ;! sorry you #ere #orried+ Why did"t you * llJI JeeG, hes *o!pletely o/er<re *ti"g+

6e t $es

deep bre th+

H%" st si , ; "eed " "s#er fro! you+ This # iti"g rou"d is dri/i"g !e *r Gy+I

HChristi ", ;M loo$, ;/e left !y stepd d o" his o#"+I

HTo!orro#+ ; # "t " "s#er by to!orro#+I

H2$ y+ To!orro#, ;ll tell you the"+I ; bli"$ t hi!+

6e steps b *$, reg rdi"g !e *oolly, "d his shoulders rel 4+

H%re you st yi"g for dri"$sJI he s$s+

H; do"t $"o# #h t ( y # "ts to do+I

HKour stepf therJ ;d li$e to !eet hi!+I

2h "oM #hyJ

H;! "ot sure th ts

good ide +I

Christi " u"lo*$s the door, his !outh i"

gri! li"e+

H%re you sh !ed of !eJI

H0oLI ;ts !y tur" to sou"d e4 sper ted+ H;"trodu*e you to !y d d s #h tJ NThis is the ! " #ho deflo#ered !e "d # "ts us to st rt #e ri"g ru""i"g shoes+I 3?S' rel tio"ship+ Koure "ot

Christi " gl res do#" t !e, "d the" his lips t#it*h up i" the

s!ile+ %"d i" spite of

f *t ;! ! d t hi!, !y f *e is u"#illi"gly pulled i"to " "s#eri"g gri"+

HJust so you $"o#, ; * " ru" Duite f st+ Just tell hi! ;! your frie"d, %" st si +I

6e ope"s the door, "d ; he d out+ 'y !i"d is #hirli"g+ The Ch "*ellor, the three Ci*e Ch "*ellors, four professors, "d F te st re t !e s ; # l$ h stily p st the!+ 6oly

*r p+ Le /i"g Christi " #ith the f *ulty ; go i" se r*h of ( y+

Tell hi! ;! your frie"d+ Frie"d #ith be"efits, !y sub*o"s*ious s*o#ls+ ; $"o#, ; $"o#+ ; sh $e the u"ple s "t thought # y+ 6o# #ill ; i"trodu*e hi! to ( yJ The h ll is still t le st h lf full, "d ( y h s "ot !o/ed fro! his spot+ 6e sees !e, # /es, "d ! $es his # y do#"+

H6ey, %""ie+ Co"gr tul tio"s+I 6e puts his r! rou"d !e+

HWould you li$e to *o!e "d h /e

dri"$ i" the ! rDueeJI

HSure+ ;ts your d y+ Le d the # y+I

HWe do"t h /e to if you do"t # "t to+I 1le se s y "oM

H%""ie, ;/e Bust s t for t#o "d h lf hours liste"i"g to ll $i"ds of B bberi"g+ ; "eed dri"$+I

; put !y r! through his, "d #e stroll out #ith the thro"g i"to the # r!th of the e rly fter"oo"+ We p ss the li"e for the offi*i l photogr pher+

H2h, th t re!i"ds !e+I ( y dr gs

digit l * !er out of his po*$et+ H2"e for the pi*ture of !e+

lbu!, %""ie+I ; roll !y eyes t hi! s he s" ps

HC " ; t $e the * p "d go#" off "o#J ; feel $i"d of dor$y+I

Kou loo$ $i"d dor$yM !y sub*o"s*ious is t her s" r$y best+ So re you goi"g to i"trodu*e ( y to the ! " youre fu*$i"gJ She is gl ri"g t !e o/er her #i"g<sh ped spe*t *les+ 6ed be so proud+ @od, ; h te her so!eti!es+

The ! rDuee is i!!e"se, "d *ro#ded E stude"ts, p re"ts, te *hers, "d frie"ds, ll *h tteri"g h ppily+ ( y h "ds !e suspe*t+ ;ts gl ss of *h !p g"e or *he p fiGGy #i"e, ;

"ot *hilled, "d it t stes s#eet+ 'y thoughts tur" to Christi "M he #o"t li$e this+

H%" LI ; tur", "d Eth " F / " gh s*oops !e i"to his r!s+ 6e t#irls !e rou"d, #ithout spilli"g !y #i"e, so!e fe t+

HCo"gr tul tio"sLI 6e be !s do#" t !e, gree" eyes t#i"$li"g+

Wh t

surprise+ 6is dirty blo"de h ir tousled "d se4y<loo$i"g+ 6es s be utiful s

F te+ The f !ily rese!bl "*e is stri$i"g+

HWo# E Eth "L 6o# lo/ely to see you+ ? d, this is Eth ", F tes brother+ Eth ", this is !y d d, ( y Steele+I They sh $e h "ds, !y d d *oolly ssessi"g 'r+ F / " gh+

HWhe" did you get b *$ fro! EuropeJI ; s$+

H;/e bee" b *$ for *o"spir tori lly+

#ee$, but ; # "ted to surprise !y little sister,I he s ys

HTh ts so s#eet+I ; gri" up t hi!+

HShe is C ledi*tori ", *ould"t !iss th t+I 6e loo$s i!!e"sely proud of his sister+

HShe g /e

gre t spee*h+I

HTh t she did,I ( y grees+

Eth " h s his r! rou"d !y # ist #he" ; loo$ up i"to the frosty gr y eyes of Christi " @rey+ F te is beside hi!+

H6ello, ( y,I F te $isses ( y o" both *hee$s, ! $i"g hi! blush+ H6 /e you !et %" s boyfrie"dJ Christi " @rey+I

6oly shitM F teL Fu*$L %ll the blood dr i"s fro! !y f *e+

H'r+ Steele, its *o!pletely

ple sure to !eet you+I Christi " s ys s!oothly, # r!ly,

u"flustered by F tes i"trodu*tio"+ 6e holds out his h "d, #hi*h, ll *redit to ( y, ( y t $es, "ot sho#i"g hi"t of the drop<de d surprise hes Bust h d thrust upo" hi!+

Th "$ you /ery !u*h, F theri"e F / " gh, ; fu!e+ ; thi"$ !y sub*o"s*ious h s f i"ted+

H'r+ @rey,I ( y !ur!urs, his e4pressio" i"de*ipher ble e4*ept perh ps for the slight #ide"i"g of his big bro#" eyes+ They slide o/er !y f *e #ith goi"g<to< gi/e<!e<this<"e#s loo$+ ; bite !y lip+ #he"<#ere<you<

H%"d this is !y brother, Eth " F / " gh+I s ys F te to Christi "+

Christi " tur"s his r*ti* gl re o" Eth ", #ho still h s o"e r! rou"d !e+

H'r+ F / " gh+I

They sh $e h "ds+ Christi " holds his h "d out to !e+

H%" , b by,I he !ur!urs, "d ; "e rly e4pire t the e"de r!e"t+

; # l$ out of Eth "s gr sp, #hile Christi " s!iles i*ily t hi!, "d ; t $e !y pl *e t his side+ F te gri"s t !e+ She $"o#s e4 *tly #h t shes doi"g, the /i4e"L

HEth ", 'o! "d ? d # "ted

#ord+I F te dr gs Eth " # y+

HSo ho# lo"g h /e you $ids $"o#" e *h otherJI ( y loo$s i!p ssi/ely fro! Christi " to !e+

The po#er of spee*h h s deserted !e+ ; # "t the grou"d to s# llo# !e up+ Christi " puts his r! rou"d !e, his thu!b s$i!!i"g !y " $ed b *$ i" h "d *l sps !y shoulder+ * ress, before his

HCouple of #ee$s or so "o#,I he s ys s!oothly+ HWe !et #he" %" st si * !e to i"ter/ie# !e for the stude"t ! g Gi"e+I

H?id"t $"o# you #or$ed o" the stude"t ! g Gi"e, %" +I ( ys /oi*e is d!o"ish!e"t, re/e li"g his irrit tio"+ Shit+


HF te # s ill,I ; !ur!ur+ ;ts ll ; * " ! " ge+

HFi"e spee*h you g /e, 'r+ @rey+I

HTh "$ you, sir+ ; u"derst "d th t youre

$ee" fisher! "+I

( y r ises his eyebro#s "d s!iles E "d

r re, ge"ui"e, bo" fide ( y Steele s!ile E

off they go, t l$i"g fish+ ;" f *t, ; soo" feel surplus to reDuire!e"ts+ 6es *h r!i"g the p "ts off !y d dM li$e he did you, !y sub*o"s*ious s" ps t !e+ 6is po#er $"o#s "o bou"ds+ ; e4*use !yself to go "d fi"d F te+

Shes t l$i"g to her p re"ts, #ho re delightful s e/er "d greet !e # r!ly+ We e4*h "ge brief ple s "tries, !ostly bout their up "d *o!i"g holid y to 3 rb dos "d bout our !o/e+

HF te, ho# *ould you out !e to ( yJI ; hiss t the first opportu"ity #e #o"t be o/erhe rd+

H3e* use ; $"e# you "e/er #ould, "d ; # "t to help #ith Christi "s *o!!it!e"t issues+I F te s!iles t !e s#eetly+

; s*o#l+ ;ts !e th t #o"t *o!!it to hi!, sillyL

H6e see!s trOs *ool bout it, %" + ?o"t s#e t it+ Loo$ t hi! "o# E Christi " * ""ot t $e his eyes off you+I ; gl "*e up, "d both ( y "d Christi " re loo$i"g t !e+ H6es bee" # t*hi"g you li$e h #$+I

H;d better go res*ue ( y or Christi "+ ; do"t $"o# #hi*h+ Kou h /e"t he rd the l st of this, F theri"e F / " ghLI ; gl re t her+

H%" , ; did you

f /or,I she * lls fter !e+

H6i+I ; s!ile t both of the! o" !y retur"+

They see! o$ y+ Christi " is e"Boyi"g so!e pri/ te Bo$e, "d !y d d loo$s u"belie/ bly rel 4ed gi/e" hes i" fishJ so*i l situ tio"+ Wh t h /e they bee" dis*ussi"g p rt fro!

H%" , #here re the restroo!sJI

H3 *$ out fro"t of the ! rDuee "d to the left+I

HSee you i"

!o!e"t+ Kou $ids e"Boy yoursel/es+I

( y he ds out+ ; gl "*e "er/ously up t Christi "+ We p use briefly s photogr pher t $es pi*ture of both of us+

HTh "$ you, 'r+ @rey+I The photogr pher s*urries off+ ; bli"$ fro! the fl sh+

HSo you/e *h r!ed !y f ther s #ellJI

H%s #ellJI Christi "s gr y eyes bur", "d he r ises

Duestio"i"g eyebro#+ ; flush+

6e lifts his h "d "d tr *es !y *hee$ #ith his fi"gers+

H2h, ; #ish ; $"e# #h t you #ere thi"$i"g, %" st si ,I he #hispers d r$ly, *uppi"g !y *hi" "d r isi"g !y he d so th t #e g Ge i"te"tly i"to e *h others eyes+

'y bre th hit*hes+ 6o# * " he h /e this effe*t o" !e, e/e" i" this *ro#ded te"tJ

H(ight "o#, ;! thi"$i"g, "i*e tie,I ; bre the+

6e *hu*$les+

H;ts re*e"tly be*o!e !y f /orite+I

; blush s* rlet+

HKou loo$ lo/ely, %" st si , this h lter<"e*$ dress suits you, "d ; get to stro$e your b *$, feel your be utiful s$i"+I

Sudde"ly, its li$e #ere o" our o#" i" the roo!+ Just the t#o of us, !y #hole body h s *o!e li/e, e/ery "er/e e"di"g si"gi"g softly, th t ele*tri*ity pulli"g !e to hi!, *h rgi"g bet#ee" us+

HKou $"o# its goi"g to be good, do"t you, b byJI he #hispers+ ; *lose !y eyes s !y i"sides u"*oil "d !elt+

H3ut ; # "t !ore,I ; #hisper+

H'oreJI he loo$s do#" t !e puGGled, his eyes d r$e"i"g+ ; "od "d s# llo#+ 0o# he $"o#s+

H'ore,I he s ys g i" softly+ Testi"g the #ord E

s! ll, si!ple #ord, but so full of

pro!ise+ 6is thu!b tr *es !y lo#er lip+ HKou # "t he rts "d flo#ers+I

; "od g i"+ 6e bli"$s do#" t !e, "d ; # t*h his i"ter" l struggle pl yed out i" his eyes+

H%" st si +I 6is /oi*e is soft+ H;ts "ot so!ethi"g ; $"o#+I

H'e "either+I

6e s!iles slightly+

HKou do"t $"o# !u*h,I he !ur!urs+

HKou $"o# ll the #ro"g thi"gs+I

HWro"gJ 0ot to !e+I 6e sh $es his he d+ 6e loo$s so si"*ere+ HTry it,I he #hispers+ % *h lle"ge, d ri"g !e, "d he *o*$s his he d to o"e side "d s!iles his *roo$ed, d GGli"g s!ile+

; g sp, "d ;! E/e i" the @ rde" of Ede", "d hes the serpe"t, "d ; * ""ot resist+

H2$ y,I ; #hisper+

HWh tJI ; h /e his full, u"di/ided tte"tio"+ ; s# llo#+

H2$ y+ ;ll try+I

HKoure greei"gJI 6is disbelief is e/ide"t+

HSubBe*t to the soft li!its, yes+ ;ll try+I 'y /oi*e is so s! ll+ Christi " *loses his eyes "d pulls !e i"to " e!br *e+

HJesus, %" , youre so u"e4pe*ted+ Kou t $e !y bre th # y+I

6e steps b *$, "d sudde"ly ( ys retur"ed, "d the /olu!e i" the ! rDuee gr du lly rises "d fills !y e rs+ We re "ot lo"e+ 6oly shit, ;/e Bust greed to be his sub+ Christi " s!iles t ( y, "d his eyes re d "*i"g #ith Boy+

H%""ie, should #e get so!e lu"*hJI

H2$ y+I ; bli"$ up t ( y, tryi"g to fi"d !y eDuilibriu!+ Wh t h /e you do"eJ 'y sub*o"s*ious s*re !s t !e+ 'y i""er goddess is doi"g b *$ flips i" #orthy of (ussi " 2ly!pi* gy!" st+ routi"e

HWould you li$e to Boi" us, Christi "JI ( y s$s+

Christi "L ; st re up t hi!, i!plori"g hi! to refuse+ ; "eed sp *e to thi"$M #h t the fu*$ h /e ; do"eJ

HTh "$ you, 'r+ Steele, but ; h /e pl "s+ ;ts bee" gre t to !eet you, sir+I

HLi$e#ise,I ( y respo"ds+ HLoo$ fter !y b by girl+I

H2h, ; fully i"te"d to, 'r+ Steele+I

They sh $e h "ds+ ; feel si*$+ ( y h s "o ide ho# Christi " i"te"ds to loo$ fter !e+ Christi " t $es !y h "d "d r ises it to his lips "d $isses !y $"u*$les te"derly, his s*or*hi"g eyes i"te"t o" !i"e+

HL ter, 'iss Steele,I he bre thes, his /oi*e full of pro!ise+

'y belly *urls t the thoughtM oh !y+ 6 "g o"M l terJ

( y t $es !y elbo# "d le ds !e to# rd the e"tr "*e to the te"t+


solid you"g ! "+ Well<off too+ Kou *ould do

lot #orse, %""ie+ Though

#hy ; h d to he r bout hi! fro! F theri"e,I he s*olds+

; shrug pologeti* lly+

HWell, "y ! " #ho li$es "d $"o#s his fly<fishi"g is o$ y #ith !e+I

6oly *o# E ( y ppro/es+ ;f o"ly he $"e#+

( y drops !e b *$ t the house t dus$+

HC ll your !o!,I he s ys+

H; #ill+ Th "$s for *o!i"g, ? d+I

HWould"t h /e !issed it for the #orld, %""ie+ Kou ! $e !e so proud+I

2h "o+ ;! "ot goi"g to get e!otio" l+ % huge lu!p for!s i" !y thro t, "d ; hug hi!, h rd+ 6e puts his r!s rou"d !e, be!used, "d ; * "t help it E te rs pool i" !y eyes+

H6ey, %""ie, s#eethe rt,I ( y *roo"s+ H3ig old d yM ehJ W "t !e to *o!e i" "d ! $e you so!e te JI

; l ugh, i" spite of !y te rs+ Te is l# ys the "s#er **ordi"g to ( y+ ; re!e!ber !y !other *o!pl i"i"g bout hi!, s yi"g th t #he" it * !e to te he # s l# ys good t the te , "ot so hot o" the sy!p thy+ "d sy!p thy,

H0o, ? d, ;! good+ ;ts bee" so gre t to see you+ ;ll /isit re l soo" o"*e ;! settled i" Se ttle+I

H@ood lu*$ #ith the i"ter/ie#s+ Let !e $"o# ho# they go+I

HSure thi"g, ? d+I

HLo/e you, %""ie+I

HLo/e you too, ? d+I

6e s!iles, his bro#" eyes # r!, glo#i"g, "d he *li!bs b *$ i"to his * r+ ; # /e hi! off s he dri/es i"to the dus$, "d ; # "der listlessly b *$ i"to the p rt!e"t+

First thi"g ; do is *he*$ !y *ell pho"e+ ;t "eeds re*h rgi"g, so ; h /e to hu"t do#" the *h rger "d plug it i" before ; * " *olle*t !y !ess ges+ Four !issed * lls, o"e /oi*e !ess ge, "d t#o te4ts+ Three !issed * lls fro! Christi "M "o !ess ges+ 2"e !issed * ll fro! JosO "d /oi*e ! il fro! hi! #ishi"g !e ll the best for gr du tio"+

; ope" the te4ts+

X%re you ho!e s feX

XC ll !eX

They re both fro! Christi ", #hy did"t he * ll the houseJ ; he d i"to !y bedroo!

"d fire up the !e " ! *hi"e+

Fro!= Christi " @rey

SubBe*t= To"ight

? te= ' y 27 2011 25=7.

To= %" st si Steele

; hope you ! de it ho!e i" th t * r of yours+ Let !e $"o# if youre o$ y+

Christi " @rey CE2, @rey E"terprises 6oldi"gs ;"*+

JeeG+++ #hy is he so #orried bout !y 3eetle+ ;t h s gi/e" !e three ye rs of loy l ser/i*e, "d JosO h s l# ys bee" o" h "d to ! i"t i" it for !e+ Christi "s "e4t e! il is fro! tod y+

Fro!= Christi " @rey

SubBe*t= Soft Li!its

? te= ' y 2- 2011 1:=22

To= %" st si Steele

Wh t * " ; s y th t ; h /e"t lre dyJ 6 ppy to t l$ these through "yti!e+ Kou loo$ed be utiful tod y+

Christi " @rey CE2, @rey E"terprises 6oldi"gs ;"*+

; # "t to see hi!+ ; hit reply

Fro!= %" st si Steele

SubBe*t= Soft Li!its

? te= ' y 2- 2011 1,=25

To= Christi " @rey

; * " *o!e o/er this e/e"i"g to dis*uss if youd li$e+


Fro!= Christi " @rey

SubBe*t= Soft Li!its

? te= ' y 2- 2011 1,=2:

To= %" st si Steele

;ll *o!e to you+ ; !e "t it #he" ; s id ; # s"t h ppy bout you dri/i"g th t * r+ ;ll be #ith you shortly+

Christi " @rey CE2, @rey E"terprises 6oldi"gs ;"*+

6oly *r pM hes *o!i"g o/er "o#+ ; h /e to get o"e thi"g re dy for hi! E the first editio" Tho! s 6 rdy boo$s re still o" the shel/es i" the li/i"g roo!+ ; * ""ot $eep the!+ ; #r p the! i" bro#" p per, "d ; s*r #l o" the #r ppi"g the boo$= dire*t Duote fro! Tess fro!

H6i+I ; feel u"be r bly shy #he" ; ope" the door+ Christi " is st "di"g o" the por*h i" his Be "s "d le ther B *$et+

H6i,I he s ys, "d his f *e lights up #ith his r di "t s!ile+ ; t $e d!ire the pretty+ 2h !y, hes hot i" le ther+

!o!e"t to

HCo!e i"+I

H;f ; ! y,I he s ys !used+ 6e holds up

bottle of *h !p g"e s he # l$s i"+ H; good 3olli"ger+I

thought #ed *elebr te your gr du tio"+ 0othi"g be ts

H;"teresti"g *hoi*e of #ords,I ; *o!!e"t dryly+

6e gri"s+

H2h, ; li$e your re dy #it, %" st si +I

HWe o"ly h /e te *ups+ We/e p *$ed ll the gl sses+I

HTe *upsJ Sou"ds good to !e+I

; he d i"to the $it*he"+ 0er/ous, butterflies floodi"g !y sto! *h, its li$e h /i"g p "ther or !ou"t i" lio" ll u"predi*t ble "d pred tory i" !y li/i"g roo!+

H?o you # "t s u*ers s #ellJI

HTe *ups #ill be fi"e, %" st si ,I Christi " * lls distr *tedly fro! the li/i"g roo!+

Whe" ; retur", hes st ri"g t the bro#" p r*el of boo$s+ ; pl *e the *ups o" the t ble+

HTh ts for you,I ; !ur!ur "4iously+

Cr pM this is prob bly goi"g to be


H6!!, ; figured s !u*h+ Cery pt Duote+I 6is lo"g i"de4 fi"ger bse"tly tr *es the #riti"g+ H; thought ; # s ?8rber/ille, "ot %"gel+ Kou de*ided o" the deb se!e"t+I 6e gi/es !e brief #olfish s!ile+ HTrust you to fi"d so!ethi"g th t reso" tes so ppropri tely+I

H;ts lso

ple ,I ; #hisper+ Why ! ; so "er/ousJ 'y !outh is dry+

H% ple J For !e to go e sy o" youJI

; "od+

H; bought these for you,I he s ys Duietly his g Ge i!p ssi/e+ H;ll go e sier o" you if you **ept the!+I

; s# llo# *o"/ulsi/ely+

HChristi ", ; * "t **ept the!, theyre Bust too !u*h+I

HKou see, this is #h t ; # s t l$i"g bout, you defyi"g !e+ ; # "t you to h /e the!,

"d th ts the e"d of the dis*ussio"+ ;ts /ery si!ple+ Kou do"t h /e to thi"$ bout this+ %s sub!issi/e you #ould Bust be gr teful for the!+ Kou Bust **ept #h t ; buy you be* use it ple ses !e for you to do so+I

H; # s"t

sub!issi/e #he" you bought the! for !e,I ; #hisper+

H0oM but you/e greed, %" st si +I 6is eyes tur" # ry+

; sigh+ ; ! "ot goi"g to #i" this, so o/er to pl " 3+

HSo they re !i"e to do #ith s ; #ishJI

6e eyes !e suspi*iously, but *o"*edes+


H;" th t * se, ;d li$e to gi/e the! to see!s

*h rity, o"e #or$i"g i" ? rfur si"*e th t

to be *lose to your he rt+ They * " u*tio" the!+I

H;f th ts #h t you # "t to do+I 6is !outh sets i"to

h rd li"e+ 6es dis ppoi"ted+

; flush+

H;ll thi"$ bout it,I ; !ur!ur, ; do"t # "t to dis ppoi"t hi!, "d his #ords *o!e

b *$ to !e+ ; # "t you to # "t to ple se !e+

H?o"t thi"$, %" st si + 0ot bout this+I 6is to"e is Duiet "d serious+

6o# * " ; "ot thi"$J Kou * " prete"d to be sub*o"s*ious

* r, li$e his other possessio"s, !y

! $es " u"#el*o!e /itrioli* retur"+ ; ig"ore her+ 2h, * "t #e re#i"dJ The t!osphere bet#ee" us is "o# te"se+ ; do"t $"o# #h t to do+ ; st re do#" t !y fi"gers+ 6o# do ; retrie/e this situ tio"J

6e puts the *h !p g"e bottle o" the t ble "d st "ds i" fro"t of !e+ 1utti"g his h "d u"der !y *hi", he tilts !y he d up+ 6e g Ges do#" t !e, his e4pressio" gr /e+

H; #ill buy you lots of thi"gs, %" st si + @et used to it+ ; * " fford it+ ;! #e lthy ! "+I 6e le "s do#" "d pl "ts 6e rele ses !e+


s#ift, *h ste $iss o" !y lips+ H1le se+I

N6o !y sub*o"s*ious !ouths t !e+

H;t ! $es !e feel *he p,I ; !ur!ur+

Christi " ru"s his h "d through his h ir, e4 sper ted+

H;t should"t+ Koure o/er<thi"$i"g it, %" st si + ?o"t pl *e so!e / gue !or l Budg!e"t

o" yourself b sed o" #h t others !ight thi"$+ ?o"t # ste your e"ergy+ ;ts o"ly be* use you h /e reser/ tio"s bout our rr "ge!e"t, th ts perfe*tly " tur l+ Kou do"t $"o# #h t youre getti"g yourself i"to+I

; fro#", tryi"g to pro*ess his #ords+

H6ey, stop this,I he *o!! "ds softly, *uppi"g !y *hi" g i" "d pulli"g t it ge"tly so ; rele se !y lo#er lip fro! !y teeth+ HThere is "othi"g bout you th t is *he p, %" st si + ; #o"t h /e you thi"$i"g th t+ ; Bust bought you so!e old boo$s th t ; thought !ight !e " so!ethi"g to you, th ts ll+ 6 /e so!e *h !p g"e+I 6is eyes # r! "d softe", "d ; s!ile te"t ti/ely b *$ up t hi!+ HTh ts better,I he !ur!urs+ 6e pi*$s up the *h !p g"e, t $es off the foil top "d * ge, t#ists the bottle r ther th " the *or$, "d ope"s it #ith s! ll pop "d pr *ti*ed flourish th t does"t spill drop+ 6e h lf fills the *ups+

H;ts pi"$,I ; !ur!ur, surprised+

H3olli"ger @r "de %""Oe (osO 1,,,, " e4*elle"t /i"t ge,I he s ys #ith relish+

H;" te *ups+I

6e gri"s+

H;" te *ups+ Co"gr tul tio"s o" your degree, %" st si +I We *li"$ *ups, "d he t $es dri"$, but ; * "t help thi"$i"g this is re lly bout !y * pitul tio"+

HTh "$ you,I ; !ur!ur "d t $e the soft li!itsJI

sip+ 2f *ourse its deli*ious+ HSh ll #e go through

6e s!iles, "d ; blush+

H%l# ys so e ger+I Christi " t $es !y h "d "d le ds !e to the *ou*h #here he sits "d tugs !e do#" beside hi!+

HKoure stepf thers

/ery t *itur" ! "+I

2hM "ot soft li!its the"+ ; Bust # "t to get this out of the # yV the "4iety is g" #i"g t !e+

HKou ! " ged to h /e hi! e ti"g out of your h "d+I ; pout+

Christi " l ughs softly+

H2"ly be* use ; $"o# ho# to fish+I

H6o# do you $"o# he li$ed fishi"gJI

HKou told !e+ Whe" #e #e"t for *offee+I

H2hM did ;JI ; t $e "other sip+ Wo# he h s *h !p g"e

!e!ory for det il+ 6!!M this

re lly is /ery good+ H?id you try the #i"e t the re*eptio"JI

Christi " ! $es

f *e+

HKes+ ;t # s foul+I

H; thought of you #he" ; t sted it+ 6o# did you get to be so $"o#ledge ble bout #i"eJI

H;! "ot $"o#ledge ble, %" st si , ; Bust $"o# #h t ; li$e+I 6is gr y eyes shi"e, l!ost sil/er, "d it ! $es !e flush+ HSo!e !oreJI he s$s, referri"g to the *h !p g"e+

H1le se+I

Christi " rises gr *efully "d *olle*ts the bottle+ 6e fills !y *up+ ;s he getti"g !e tipsyJ ; eye hi! suspi*iously+

HThis pl *e loo$s pretty b re, re you re dy for the !o/eJI

H'ore or less+I

H%re you #or$i"g to!orro#JI

HKes, !y l st d y t Cl yto"sI

H;d help you !o/e, but ; pro!ised to !eet !y sister t the irport+I

2hM this is "e#s+

H'i rri/es fro! 1 ris /ery e rly S turd y !or"i"g+ ;! he di"g b *$ to Se ttle h "d+I

to!orro#, but ; he r Elliot is gi/i"g you t#o

HKes, F te is /ery e4*ited bout th t+I

Christi " fro#"s+

HKes, F te "d Elliot, #ho #ould h /e thoughtJI he !ur!urs, "d for so!e re so", he does"t loo$ ple sed+

HSo #h t re you doi"g bout #or$ i" Se ttleJI

Whe" re #e goi"g to t l$ bout the li!itsJ Wh ts his g !eJ

H; h /e

*ouple of i"ter/ie#s for i"ter" pl *es+I

HKou #ere goi"g tell !e this #he"JI 6e r*hes


HErrM ;! telli"g you "o#+I

6e " rro#s his eyes+


For so!e re so", possibly be* use he !ight use his i"flue"*e, ; do"t # "t to tell hi!+

H% *ouple of publishi"g houses+I

H;s th t #h t you # "t to do, so!ethi"g i" publishi"gJI

; "od # rily+

HWellJI 6e loo$s t !e p tie"tly # "ti"g !ore i"for! tio"+

HWell #h tJI

H?o"t be obtuse, %" st si , #hi*h publishi"g housesJI he s*olds+

HJust s! ll o"es,I ; !ur!ur+

HWhy do"t you # "t !e to $"o#JI

H8"due i"flue"*e+I

6e fro#"s+

H2h, "o# youre bei"g obtuse+I

6e l ughs+

H2btuseJ 'eJ @od, youre *h lle"gi"g+ ?ri"$ up, lets t l$ bout these li!its+I 6e fishes out "other *opy of !y e! il "d the list+ ?oes he # "der bout #ith these lists i" his po*$etsJ ; thi"$ theres o"e i" his B *$et th t ; h /e+ Shit, ;d better "ot forget th t+ ; dr i" !y *up+

6e gl "*es Dui*$ly t !e+


H1le se+I

6e s!iles th t oh<so<s!ug<pri/ te s!ile of his, holds the *h !p g"e bottle up, "d p uses+

H6 /e you e te" "ythi"gJI

2h "oM "ot this old *hest"ut+

HKes+ ; h d

three *ourse !e l #ith ( y+I ; roll !y eyes t hi!+ The *h !p g"e is

! $i"g !e bold+

6e le "s for# rd "d holds !y *hi", st ri"g i"te"tly i"to !y eyes+

H0e4t ti!e you roll your eyes t !e, ; #ill t $e you *ross !y $"ee+I

Wh tJL

H2h,I ; bre the, "d ; * " see the e4*ite!e"t i" his eyes+

H2h,I he respo"ds, !irrori"g !y to"e+ HSo it begi"s, %" st si +I

'y he rt sl !s g i"st !y *hest, "d the butterflies es* pe fro! !y sto! *h i"to !y *o"stri*ti"g thro t+ Why is th t hotJ

6e fills !y *up, "d ; dri"$ pr *ti* lly ll of it+ Ch ste"ed, ; st re up t hi!+

H@ot your tte"tio" "o#, h /e"t ;JI

; "od+

H%"s#er !e+I

HKesM you/e got !y tte"tio"+I

H@ood,I he s!iles

$"o#i"g s!ile+ HSo se4u l *ts+ We/e do"e !ost of this+I

; !o/e *loser to hi! o" the *ou*h "d gl "*e do#" t the list+

%11E0?;9 5

Soft Li!its

To be dis*ussed "d greed bet#ee" both p rties=

Whi*h of the follo#i"g se4u l *ts re **ept ble to the Sub!issi/eJ

[ ' sturb tio"

[ Fell tio

[ Cu""ili"gus

[ C gi" l i"ter*ourse

[ C gi" l fisti"g

[ %" l i"ter*ourse

[ %" l fisti"g

H0o fisti"g, you s y+ %"ythi"g else you obBe*t toJI he s$s softly+

; s# llo#+

H%" l i"ter*ourse does"t e4 *tly flo t !y bo t+I

H;ll gree to the fisti"g, but ;d re lly li$e to *l i! your ss, %" st si + 3ut #ell # it for th t+ 3esides, its "ot so!ethi"g #e * " di/e i"to,I he s!ir$s t !e+ HKour ss #ill "eed tr i"i"g+I

HTr i"i"gJI ; #hisper+

H2h yes+ ;tll "eed * reful prep r tio"+ %" l i"ter*ourse * " be /ery ple sur ble, trust !e+ 3ut if #e try it "d you do"t li$e it, #e do"t h /e to do it g i"+I 6e gri"s do#" t !e+

; bli"$ up t hi!+ 6e thi"$s ;ll e"Boy itJ 6o# does he $"o# its ple sur bleJ

H6 /e you do"e th tJI ; #hisper+


6oly *r p+ ; g sp+


! "JI

H0o+ ;/e "e/er h d se4 #ith

! "+ 0ot !y s*e"e+I

H'rs+ (obi"so"JI


6oly shitM ho#J ; fro#"+ 6e !o/es o" do#" the list+

H2$ yM s# llo#i"g se!e"+ Well, you get " % i" th t+I

; flush, "d !y i""er goddess s! *$s her lips together glo#i"g #ith pride+

HSo+I 6e loo$s do#" t !e gri""i"g+ HS# llo#i"g se!e" o$ yJI

; "od, "ot ble to loo$ hi! i" the eye, "d dr i" !y *up g i"+

H'oreJI he s$s+

H'ore+I %"d ;! sudde"ly re!i"ded of our *o"/ers tio" e rlier tod y s he refills !y *up+ ;s he referri"g to th t or Bust the *h !p g"eJ ;s this #hole *h !p g"e thi"g !oreJ

HSe4 toysJI he s$s+

; shrug, gl "*i"g do#" the list+

;s the use of se4 toys **ept ble to the Sub!issi/eJ

[ Cibr tors

[ ?ildos

[ 3utt 1lugs

[ 2ther

H3utt plugJ ?oes it do #h t it s ys o" the ti"JI ; s*ru"*h !y "ose up i" dist ste+

HKes,I he s!iles+ H%"d ; refer to " l i"ter*ourse bo/e+ Tr i"i"g+I

H2hM #h ts i" otherJI

H3e ds, eggsM th t sort of stuff+I

HEggsJI ;! l r!ed+

H0ot re l eggs,I he l ughs loudly, sh $i"g his he d+

; purse !y lips t hi!+

H;! gl d you fi"d !e fu""y+I ; * "t $eep !y i"Bured feeli"gs out of !y /oi*e+

6e stops l ughi"g+

H; pologiGe+ 'iss Steele, ;! sorry,I he s ys, tryi"g to loo$ *o"trite, but his eyes re still d "*i"g #ith hu!or+ H%"y proble! #ith toysJI

H0o,I ; s" p+

H%" st si ,I he * Boles+ H; ! sorry+ 3elie/e !e+ ; do"t !e " to l ugh+ ;/e "e/er h d this *o"/ers tio" i" so !u*h det il+ Koure Bust so i"e4perie"*ed+ ;! sorry+I 6is eyes re big "d gr y "d si"*ere+

; th #

little "d t $e "other sip of *h !p g"e+

H(ight E bo"d ge,I he s ys, retur"i"g to the list+ ; e4 !i"e the list, "d !y i""er goddess bou"*es up "d do#" li$e s! ll *hild # iti"g for i*e *re !+

;s 3o"d ge **ept ble to the Sub!issi/eJ

[ 6 "ds i" fro"t [ 6 "ds behi"d b *$

[ %"$les [ F"ees

[ Elbo#s

[ Wrists to "$les

[ Spre der b rs

[ Tied to fur"iture

[ 3li"dfoldi"g

[ @ ggi"g

[ 3o"d ge #ith (ope

[ 3o"d ge #ith T pe

[ 3o"d ge #ith le ther *uffs

[ Suspe"sio"

[ 3o"d ge #ith h "d*uffsA!et l restr i"ts

HWe/e t l$ed bout suspe"sio"+ %"d its fi"e if you # "t to set th t up s li!it+ ;t t $es "y# y+

h rd

gre t de l of ti!e, "d ; o"ly h /e you for short periods of ti!e

%"ythi"g elseJI

H?o"t l ugh t !e, but #h ts

spre der b rJI

H; pro!ise "ot to l ugh+ ;/e pologiGed t#i*e+I 6e gl res t !e+ H?o"t ! $e !e do it g i",I he # r"s+ %"d ; thi"$ ; /isibly shri"$+++ oh, hes so bossy+ H% spre der is b r #ith *uffs for "$les "dAor #rists+ Theyre fu"+I

H2$ yM Well g ggi"g !e+ ;d be #orried ; #ould"t be ble to bre theI

H;d be #orried if you *ould"t bre the+ ; do"t # "t to suffo* te you+I

H%"d ho# #ill ; use s fe #ords if ;! g ggedJI

6e p uses+

HFirst of ll, ; hope you "e/er h /e to use the!+ 3ut if youre g gged, #ell use h "d sig" ls,I he s ys si!ply+

; bli"$ up t hi!+ 3ut if ;! trussed up, ho#s th t goi"g to #or$J 'y br i" is begi""i"g to fogM h!! l*ohol+

H;! "er/ous bout the g ggi"g+I

H2$ y+ ;ll t $e "ote+I

; st re up t hi!, re liG tio" d #"i"g+

H?o you li$e tyi"g your sub!issi/es up so they * "t tou*h youJI

6e g Ges t !e, his eyes #ide"i"g+

HTh ts o"e of the re so"s,I he s ys Duietly+

H;s th t #hy you/e tied !y h "dsJI


HKou do"t li$e t l$i"g bout th t,I ; !ur!ur+

H0o, ; do"t+ Would you li$e "other dri"$J ;ts ! $i"g you br /e, "d ; "eed to $"o# ho# you feel bout p i"+I

6oly *r pM this is the tri*$y p rt+ 6e refills !y te *up, "d ; sip+

HSo, #h ts your ge"er l ttitude to re*ei/i"g p i"JI Christi " loo$s e4pe*t "tly t !e+ HKoure biti"g your lip,I he s ys d r$ly+

; stop i!!edi tely, but ; do"t $"o# #h t to s y+ ; flush "d st re do#" t !y h "ds+

HWere you physi* lly pu"ished s



HSo you h /e "o sphere of refere"*e t llJI


H;ts "ot s b d s you thi"$+ Kour i! gi" tio" is your #orst e"e!y i" this,I he #hispers+

H?o you h /e to do itJI



H@oes #ith the territory, %" st si + ;ts #h t ; do+ ; * " see youre "er/ous+ Lets go through !ethods+I

6e sho#s !e the list+ 'y sub*o"s*ious ru"s, s*re !i"g, "d hides behi"d the *ou*h+

[ Sp "$i"g

[ 1 ddli"g

[ Whippi"g

[ C "i"g

[ 3iti"g

[ 0ipple *l !ps

[ @e"it l *l !ps

[ ;*e

[ 6ot # 4

[ 2ther typesA!ethods of p i"

HWell, you s id "o to ge"it l *l !ps+ Th ts fi"e+ ;ts * "i"g th t hurts the !ost+I

; bl "*h+

HWe * " #or$ up to th t+I

H2r "ot do it t ll,I ; #hisper+

HThis is p rt of the de l, b by, but #ell #or$ up to ll of this+ %" st si , ; #o"t push you too f r+I

HThis pu"ish!e"t thi"g, it #orries !e the !ost+I 'y /oi*e is /ery s! ll+

HWell, ;! gl d you/e told !e+ Well $eep * "i"g off the list for "o#+ %"d s you get !ore *o!fort ble #ith this stuff, #ell i"*re se i"te"sity+ Well t $e it slo#+I

; s# llo#, "d he le "s for# rd "d $isses !e o" !y lips+

HThere, th t # s"t so b d # s itJI

; shrug, !y he rt i" !outh g i"+

HLoo$, ; # "t to t l$ bout o"e !ore thi"g, the" ;! t $i"g you to bed+I

H3edJI ; bli"$ r pidly, "d !y blood pou"ds rou"d !y body, # r!i"g pl *es ; did"t

$"o# e4isted u"til /ery re*e"tly+

HCo!e o", %" st si , t l$i"g through ll this, ; # "t to fu*$ you i"to "e4t #ee$, right "o#+ ;t !ust be h /i"g so!e effe*t o" you too+I

; sDuir!+ 'y i""er goddess is p "ti"g+

HSeeJ 3eside, theres so!ethi"g ; # "t to try+I

HSo!ethi"g p i"fulJI

H0o E stop seei"g p i" e/ery#here+ ;ts ! i"ly ple sure+ 6 /e ; hurt you yetJI

; flush+


HWell the"+ Loo$, e rlier tod y you #ere t l$i"g bout # "ti"g !ore,I he h lts, u"*ert i" ll of sudde"+

2h !yM #heres this goi"gJ

6e *l sps !y h "d+

H2utside of the ti!e youre !y sub, perh ps #e *ould try+ ; do"t $"o# if it #ill #or$+ ; do"t $"o# bout sep r ti"g e/erythi"g+ ;t ! y "ot #or$+ 3ut ;! #illi"g to try+ ' ybe o"e "ight #ee$+ ; do"t $"o#+I

6oly *o#M !y !outh drops ope", !y sub*o"s*ious is i" sho*$, Christi " @rey is up for !oreL 6es #illi"g to tryL 'y sub*o"s*ious pee$s out fro! behi"d the *ou*h, still registeri"g sho*$ o" her h rpy f *e+

H; h /e o"e *o"ditio"+I 6e loo$s # rily t !y stu""ed e4pressio"+

HWh tJI ; bre the+ %"ythi"g+ ;ll gi/e you "ythi"g+

HKou gr *iously **ept !y gr du tio" prese"t to you+I

H2h+I %"d deep do#" ; $"o# #h t it is+ ?re d sp #"s i" !y belly+

6es st ri"g do#" t !e, g ugi"g !y re *tio"+

HCo!e,I he !ur!urs "d rises, dr ggi"g !e up+ T $i"g his B *$et off, he dr pes it o/er !y shoulders "d he ds for the door+

1 r$ed outside is

red h t*hb *$ * r,

t#o<door *o!p *t %udi+

H;ts for you+ 6 ppy gr du tio",I he !ur!urs, pulli"g !e i"to his r!s "d $issi"g !y h ir+

6es bought !e

d !"ed * r, br "d "e# by the loo$s of it+ JeeGM ;/e h d e"ough

trouble #ith the boo$s+ ; st re t it bl "$ly, tryi"g desper tely to deter!i"e ho# ; feel bout this+ ; ! pp lled o" o"e le/el, gr teful o" "other, sho*$ed th t hes *tu lly do"e it, but the o/erridi"g e!otio" is "ger+ Kes, ;! "gry, espe*i lly fter e/erythi"g ; told hi! bout the boo$sM but the" hed lre dy bought this+ T $i"g !y h "d, he le ds !e do#" the p th to# rd this "e# *Duisitio"+

H%" st si , th t 3eetle of yours is old "d fr "$ly d "gerous+ ; #ould "e/er forgi/e !yself if so!ethi"g h ppe"ed to you #he" its so e sy for !e to ! $e it right,I he tr ils off+

6is eyes re o" !e, but t the !o!e"t ; * ""ot bri"g !yself to loo$ t hi!+ ; st "d sile"tly st ri"g t its #eso!e bright red "e#"ess+

H; !e"tio"ed it to your stepf ther+ 6e # s ll for it,I he !ur!urs+

Tur"i"g, ; gl re t hi!, !y !outh ope" i" horror+

HKou !e"tio"ed this to ( y+ 6o# *ould youJI ; * " b rely spit the #ords out+ 6o# d re heJ 1oor ( y+ ; feel si*$, !ortified for !y d d+


gift, %" st si + C "t you Bust s y th "$ youJI

H3ut you $"o# its too !u*h+I

H0ot to !e it is"t, "ot for !y pe *e of !i"d+I

; fro#" t hi!, t life+

loss #h t to s y+ 6e Bust does"t get itL 6es h d !o"ey ll his s! ll *hild E "d !y #orld</ie# shifts+ The thought is

2$ y, "ot ll his life E "ot s /ery

soberi"g, "d ; softe" to# rds the * r, feeli"g guilty bout !y fit of piDue+ 6is i"te"tio"s re good, !isguided, but "ot fro! b d pl *e+

H;! h ppy for you to lo " this to !e, li$e the l ptop+I

6e sighs he /ily+

H2$ y+ 2" lo "+ ;"defi"itely+I 6e loo$s # rily t !e+

H0o, "ot i"defi"itely, but for "o#+ Th "$ you+I

6e fro#"s+ ; re *h up "d $iss hi! briefly o" his *hee$+

HTh "$ you for the * r, sir+I ; s y s s#eetly s ; * " ! " ge+

6e gr bs !e sudde"ly "d y "$s !e up g i"st hi!, o"e h "d t !y b *$ holdi"g !e to hi! "d the other fisti"g i" !y h ir+

HKou re o"e *h lle"gi"g #o! ", %" Steele+I 6e $isses !e p ssio" tely, for*i"g !y lips p rt #ith his to"gue, t $i"g "o priso"ers+

'y blood he ts i!!edi tely, "d ;! retur"i"g his $iss #ith !y o#" p ssio"+ ; # "t hi! b dly E i" spite of the * r, the boo$s, the soft li!itsM the * "i"gM ; # "t hi!+

H;ts t $i"g ll !y self<*o"trol "ot to fu*$ you o" the hood of this * r right "o#, Bust to sho# you th t you re !i"e, "d if ; # "t to buy you fu*$i"g fu*$i"g * r, ;ll buy you s#ift rough $iss

* r,I he gro#ls+ H0o# lets get you i"side "d " $ed+I 6e pl "ts o" !e+

3oy, hes "gry+ 6e gr bs !y h "d "d le ds !e b *$ i"to the p rt!e"t "d str ight i"to !y bedroo!M "o p ssi"g go+ 'y sub*o"s*ious is behi"d the sof hidde" u"der her h "ds+ 6e s#it*hes o" the sidelight "d h lts, st ri"g t !e+ g i", he d

H1le se do"t be "gry #ith !e,I ; #hisper+

6is g Ge is i!p ssi/eV his gr y eyes *old sh rds of s!o$y gl ss+

H;! sorry bout the * r "d the boo$s,I ; tr il off+ 6e re! i"s sile"t "d broodi"g+ HKou s* re !e #he" youre "gry,I ; bre the, st ri"g t hi!+

6e *loses his eyes "d sh $es his he d+ Whe" he ope"s the!, his e4pressio" h s softe"ed fr *tio" lly+ 6e t $es deep bre th "d s# llo#s+

HTur" rou"d,I he #hispers+ H; # "t to get you out of th t dress+I

%"other !er*uri l !ood s#i"g, its so h rd to $eep up+ 2bedie"tly, ; tur" "d !y he rt is thu!pi"g, desire i"st "tly repl *i"g u"e se, *oursi"g through !y blood "d settli"g d r$ "d ye r"i"g lo#, lo# i" !y belly+ 6e s*oops !y h ir off !y b *$ so it h "gs do#" !y right side, *urli"g t !y bre st+ 6e pl *es his i"de4 fi"ger t the " pe of !y "e*$ "d *hi"gly slo#ly dr gs it do#" !y spi"e+ 6is #ell<! "i*ured fi"ger" il ge"tly gr Ges do#" !y b *$+

H; li$e this dress,I he !ur!urs+ H; li$e to see your fl #less s$i"+I

6is fi"ger re *hes the b *$ of !y h lter dress !id# y do#" !y spi"e, "d hoo$i"g his fi"ger be"e th the top, he pulls !e *loser so th t ; step b *$ g i"st hi!+ ; feel hi! flush g i"st !y body+ Le "i"g do#", he i"h les !y h ir+

HKou s!ell so good, %" st si + So s#eet+I 6is "ose s$i!s p st !y e r do#" !y "e*$, "d he tr ils soft, fe ther light $isses lo"g !y shoulder+

'y bre thi"g *h "ges, be*o!i"g sh llo#, rushed, full of e4pe*t tio"+ 6is fi"gers re t !y Gipper+ %*hi"gly slo#, o"*e !ore he e ses it do#" #hile his lips !o/e, li*$i"g "d $issi"g "d su*$i"g their # y *ross to !y other shoulder+ 6e is so t "t liGi"gly good t this+ 'y body reso" tes, "d ; st rt to sDuir! l "guidly be"e th his tou*h+

HKou+ %re+ @oi"g+ To+ 6 /e+ To+ Le r"+ To+ Feep+ Still,I he #hispers, $issi"g !e rou"d !y " pe bet#ee" e *h #ord+

6e tugs t the f ste"i"g t the h lter "e*$, "d the dress drops "d pools t !y feet+

H0o br , 'iss Steele+ ; li$e th t+I

6is h "ds re *h rou"d "d *up !y bre sts, "d !y "ipples pu*$er t his tou*h+

HLift your r!s "d put the! rou"d !y he d,I he !ur!urs g i"st !y "e*$+

; obey i!!edi tely, "d !y bre sts rise "d push i"to his h "ds, !y "ipples h rde"i"g further+ 'y fi"gers #e /e i"to his h ir, "d /ery ge"tly ; tug his soft, se4y h ir+ ; roll !y

he d to o"e side to gi/e hi! e sier **ess to !y "e*$+

H'!!M I he !ur!urs i"to th t sp *e behi"d !y e r, s he st rts to e4te"d !y "ipples #ith his lo"g fi"gers, !irrori"g !y h "ds i" his h ir+

; gro " s the se"s tio" registers sh rp "d *le r i" !y groi"+

HSh ll ; ! $e you *o!e this # yJI he #hispers+

; r*h !y b *$ to for*e !y bre sts i"to his e4pert h "ds+

HKou li$e this, do"t you, 'iss SteeleJI

H'!!M I

HTell !e+I 6e *o"ti"ues the slo# se"suous torture, pulli"g ge"tly+


HKes, #h t+I

HKesM Sir+I

H@ood girl+I 6e pi"*hes !e h rd, "d !y body #rithes *o"/ulsi/ely g i"st his fro"t+

; g sp t the e4Duisite, *ute, ple sureAp i"+ ; feel hi! g i"st !e+ ; !o " "d !y h "ds *le"*h i" his h ir pulli"g h rder+

H; do"t thi"$ youre re dy to *o!e yet,I he #hispers, stilli"g his h "ds, "d he ge"tly bites !y e rlobe "d tugs t it+ H3esides, you h /e disple sed !e+I

2hM "o, #h t #ill this !e "J 'y br i" registers through the fog of "eedy desire s ; gro "+

HSo perh ps ; #o"t let you *o!e fter ll+I 6e retur"s the tte"tio" of his fi"gers to !y "ipples, pulli"g, t#isti"g, $"e di"g+ ; gri"d !y behi"d g i"st hi!M !o/i"g side to side+

; feel his gri" g i"st !y "e*$ s his h "ds !o/e do#" to !y hips+ 6is fi"gers hoo$ i"to !y p "ties t the b *$, stret*hi"g the!, "d he pushes his thu!bs through the ! teri l, shreddi"g the! "d tossi"g the! i" fro"t of !e so ; * " seeM holy shit+ 6is h "ds !o/e do#" to !y se4M "d fro! behi"d, he slo#ly i"serts his fi"ger+

H2h, yes+ 'y s#eet girl is ll re dy,I he bre thes s he #hirls !e rou"d so ;! f *i"g hi!+ 6is bre thi"g h s Dui*$e"ed+ 6e puts his fi"ger i" his !outh+ HKou t ste so fi"e, 'iss Steele+I 6e sighs+ H8"dress !e,I he *o!! "ds Duietly, st ri"g do#" t !e, eyes hooded+

%ll ;! #e ri"g is !y shoes, #ell, F tes high<heeled pu!ps+ ;! t $e" b *$+ ;/e

"e/er u"dressed

! "+

HKou * " do it,I he * Boles softly+

2h !y+ ; bli"$ r pidly+ Where to st rtJ ; re *h for his t<shirt, "d he gr bs !y h "ds "d sh $es his he d, s!ili"g slyly t !e+

H2h "o+I 6e sh $es his he d, gri""i"g+ H0ot the t<shirt, you ! y "eed to tou*h !e for #h t ; h /e pl ""ed+I 6is eyes re li/e #ith e4*ite!e"t+

2hM this is "e#sM ; * " tou*h #ith *lothes+ 6e t $es o"e of !y h "ds "d pl *es it g i"st his ere*tio"+

HThis is the effe*t you h /e o" !e, 'iss Steele+I

; g sp "d fle4 !y fi"gers rou"d his girth, "d he gri"s+

H; # "t to be i"side you+ T $e !y Be "s off+ Koure i" *h rge+I

6oly fu*$M !e i" *h rge+ 'y !outh drops ope"+

HWh t re you goi"g to do #ith !eJI he te ses+

2h the possibilitiesM !y i""er goddess ro rs, "d fro! so!e#here bor" of frustr tio", "eed, "d sheer Steele br /ery, ; push hi! o" to the bed+ 6e l ughs s he f lls, "d ; g Ge do#" t hi! feeli"g /i*torious+ 'y i""er goddess is goi"g to e4plode+ ; y "$ off his shoes, Dui*$ly, *lu!sily, "d his so*$s+ 6es st ri"g up t !e, his eyes lu!i"ous #ith !use!e"t "d desire+ 6e loo$sM gloriousM !i"e+ ; *r #l up the bed "d sit stride hi! to u"do his Be "s, slidi"g !y fi"gers u"der the # istb "d, feeli"g the h ir i" his oh so h ppy tr il+ 6e *loses his eyes "d fle4es his hips+

HKoull h /e to le r" to $eep still,I ; s*old, "d ; tug t the h ir u"der his # istb "d+

6is bre th hit*hes, "d he gri"s t !e+

HKes, 'iss Steele,I he !ur!urs, eyes bur"i"g bright+ H;" !y po*$et, *o"do!,I he bre thes+

; se r*h i" his po*$et slo#ly, # t*hi"g his f *e s ; feel rou"d+ 6is !outh is ope"+ ; fish out both foil p *$ets th t ; fi"d "d l y the! o" the bed by his hips+ T#oL 'y o/er< e ger fi"gers re *h for the butto" of his # istb "d "d u"do it, fu!bli"g ! beyo"d e4*ited+ little+ ;

HSo e ger, 'iss Steele,I he !ur!urs, his /oi*e l *ed #ith hu!or+ ; tug do#" the Gipper,

"d "o# ;! f *ed #ith the proble! of re!o/i"g his p "tsM h!!+ ; shuffle do#" "d pull+ They h rdly !o/e+ ; fro#"+ 6o# * " this be so diffi*ultJ

H; * "t $eep still if youre goi"g to bite th t lip,I he # r"s, the" r*hes his pel/is up off the bed so ;! ble to tug do#" his trousers "d his bo4ers t the s !e ti!e, #ho M freei"g hi!+ 6e $i*$s his *lothes to the floor+

6oly 'oses, hes ll !i"e to pl y #ith, "d sudde"ly its Christ! s+

H0o# #h t re you goi"g to doJI he bre thes, ll tr *e of hu!or go"e+ ; re *h up "d tou*h hi!, # t*hi"g his e4pressio" s ; do+ 6is !outh sh pes li$e t $es letter 2 s he deli*ious

sh rp bre th+ 6is s$i" is so s!ooth "d softM "d h rdM h!!, #h t *o!bi" tio"+

; le " for# rd, !y h ir f lli"g rou"d !e, "d hes i" !y !outh+ ; su*$, h rd+ 6e *loses his eyes, his hips Ber$i"g be"e th !e+

HJeeG, %" , ste dy,I he gro "s+

; feel so po#erful, its su*h "d

he dy feeli"g, te si"g "d testi"g hi! #ith !y !outh

to"gue+ 6e te"ses u"der"e th !e s ; ru" !y !outh up "d do#" hi!, pushi"g hi! to the b *$ of !y thro t, !y lips tightM g i" "d g i"+

HStop, %" , stop+ ; do"t # "t to *o!e+I

; sit up, bli"$i"g t hi!, "d ;! p "ti"g li$e hi!, but *o"fused+ ; thought ; # s i" *h rgeJ 'y i""er goddess loo$s li$e so!eo"e s" t*hed her i*e *re !+

HKoure i""o*e"*e "d e"thusi s! is /ery dis r!i"g,I he g sps+ HKou, o" topM th ts #h t #e "eed to do+I


H6ere, put this o"+I 6e h "ds !e

foil p *$et+

6oly Cr p+ 6o#J ; rip the p *$et ope", "d the rubbery *o"do! is ll t *$y i" !y fi"gers+

H1i"*h the top "d the" roll it do#"+ Kou do"t # "t "y ir i" the e"d of th t su*$er,I he p "ts+

%"d /ery slo#ly, *o"*e"tr ti"g h rd, ; do s ;! told+

HChrist, youre $illi"g !e here, %" st si ,I he gro "s+

; d!ire !y h "di#or$ "d hi!+ 6e re lly is hi! fi"e spe*i!e" of ! ", loo$i"g t

is /ery, /ery rousi"g+

H0o#+ ; # "t to be buried i"side you,I he !ur!urs+ ; st re do#" t hi!, d u"ted, "d he sits up sudde"ly, so #ere "ose to "ose+

HLi$e this,I he bre thes, "d he s" $es o"e h "d rou"d !y hips, lifti"g !e slightly, "d #ith the other he positio"s hi!self be"e th !e, "d /ery slo#ly, e ses !e o" to hi!+

; gro " s he stret*hes !e ope", filli"g !e, !y !outh h "gi"g ope" i" surprise t the s#eet, subli!e, go"iGi"g, o/er<full feeli"g+ 2hM ple se+

HTh ts right, b by, feel !e, ll of !e,I he gro#ls "d briefly *loses his eyes+

%"d hes i"side !e, she thed to the hilt, "d he holds !e i" pl *e, for se*o"dsM !i"utesM ; h /e "o ide ,, st ri"g i"te"tly i"to !y eyes+

H;ts deep this # y,I he !ur!urs+ 6e fle4es "d s#i/els his hips i" the s !e !otio", "d ; gro "M oh !y E the se"s tio" r di tes throughout !y bellyM e/ery#here+ Fu*$L

H%g i",I ; #hisper+ 6e gri"s

l Gy gri" "d obliges+

'o "i"g, ; thro# !y he d b *$, !y h ir tu!bli"g do#" !y b *$, "d /ery slo#ly, he

si"$s b *$ do#" o" to the bed+

HKou !o/e, %" st si , up "d do#", ho# you # "t+ T $e !y h "ds,I he bre thes, his /oi*e ho rse "d lo# "d oh so se4y+

; *l sp his h "ds, holdi"g o" for life+ @e"tly ; push off hi! "d b *$ do#", oh !y+ 6is eyes re bur"i"g #ith #ild "ti*ip tio"+ 6is bre thi"g is r gged, ! t*hi"g !i"e, "d he lifts his pel/is s ; *o!e do#", bou"*i"g !e b *$ up+ We pi*$ up the rhyth!M up, do#", up, do#"M o/er "d o/erM "d it feels soM good+ 3et#ee" !y p "ti"g bre ths, the deep do#", bri!!i"g full"essM the /ehe!e"t se"s tio" pulsi"g through !e th ts buildi"g Dui*$ly, ; # t*h hi!, our eyes lo*$edM "d ; see #o"der there, #o"der t !e+

; ! fu*$i"g hi!+ ; ! i" *h rge+ 6es !i"e, "d ;! his+ The thought pushes !e, #eighted #ith *o"*rete, o/er the edge, "d ; *li! 4 rou"d hi!M shouti"g i"*ohere"tly+ 6e gr bs !y hips, "d *losi"g his eyes, tippi"g his he d b *$, his B # str i"ed, he *o!es Duietly+ ; *oll pse o" to his *hest, o/er#hel!ed, so!e#here bet#ee" f "t sy "d re lity, pl *e #here there re "o h rd or soft li!its+

Slo#ly the outside #orld i"/ des !y se"ses, "d oh !y, #h t " i"/ sio"+ ; ! flo ti"g, !y li!bs soft "d l "guid, utterly spe"t+ ;! lyi"g o" top of hi!, !y he d o" his *hest, "d he s!ells di/i"e= fresh, l u"dered li"e" "d so!e e4pe"si/e body # sh, "d the best, !ost sedu*ti/e s*e"t o" the pl "etM Christi "+ ; do"t # "t to !o/e, ; # "t to bre the this eli4ir for eter"ity+ ; "uGGle hi!, #ishi"g ; did"t h /e the b rrier of his t<shirt+ %"d s rhy!e "d re so" retur" to the rest of !y body, ; stret*h !y h "d out o" his *hest+ This is the first ti!e ;/e tou*hed hi! here+ 6es fir!M stro"g+ 6is h "d s#oops up "d gr bs !i"e, but he softe"s the blo# by pulli"g it to his !outh "d s#eetly $issi"g !y $"u*$les+ 6e rolls o/er so hes g Gi"g do#" t !e+

H?o"t,I he !ur!urs, the" $isses !e lightly+

HWhy do"t you li$e to be tou*hedJI ; #hisper, st ri"g up i"to soft gr y eyes+

H3e* use ;! fifty sh des of fu*$ed<up, %" st si +I

2hM his ho"esty is *o!pletely dis r!i"g+ ; bli"$ up t hi!+

H; h d

/ery tough i"trodu*tio" to life+ ; do"t # "t to burde" you #ith the det ils+

Just do"t+I 6e stro$es his "ose g i"st !i"e, "d the" he pulls out of !e "d sits up+

H; thi"$ th ts ll the /ery b si*s *o/ered+ 6o# # s th tJI

6e loo$s thoroughly ple sed #ith hi!self "d sou"ds /ery ! tter<of<f *t t the s !e ti!e, li$e hes Bust ! r$ed "other ti*$ bo4 i" tough *he*$list+ ;! still reeli"g fro! the

i"trodu*tio" to life *o!!e"t+ ;ts so frustr ti"g E ; ! desper te to $"o# !ore+ 3ut he

#o"t tell !e+ ; *o*$ !y he d to o"e side, li$e he does, "d ! $e " e"or!ous effort to s!ile t hi!+

H;f you i! gi"e for o"e !i"ute th t ; thi"$ you *eded *o"trol to !e, #ell you h /e"t t $e" i"to **ou"t !y @1%+I ; s!ile shyly t hi!+ H3ut th "$ you for the illusio"+I

H'iss Steele, you re "ot Bust

pretty f *e+ Kou/e h d si4 org s!s so f r "d ll of

the! belo"g to !e,I he bo sts, pl yful g i"+

; flush "d bli"$ t the s !e ti!e, s he st res do#" t !e+ 6es $eepi"g *ou"tL 6is bro# furro#s+

H?o you h /e so!ethi"g to tell !eJI his /oi*e is sudde"ly ster"+

; fro#"+ Cr p+

H; h d

dre ! this !or"i"g+I

H2hJI 6e gl res t !e+

?ouble *r p+ %! ; i" troubleJ

H; * !e i" !y sleep+I ; thro# !y r! o/er !y eyes+ 6e s ys "othi"g+ ; pee$ up t hi! fro! u"der !y r!, "d he loo$s !used+

H;" your sleepJI

HWo$e !e up+I

H;! sure it did+ Wh t #ere you dre !i"g boutJI

Cr p+


HWh t # s ; doi"gJI

; thro# !y r! o/er !y eyes g i"+ %"d li$e

s! ll *hild, ; briefly e"tert i" the

thought th t if ; * "t see hi!, the" he * "t see !e+

H%" st si , #h t # s ; doi"gJ ; #o"t s$ you g i"+I

HKou h d

ridi"g *rop+I

6e !o/es !y r!+

H(e llyJI

HKes+I ; ! *ri!so"+

HTheres hope for you yet,I he !ur!urs+ H; h /e se/er l ridi"g *rops+I

H3ro#" pl ited le therJI

6e l ughs+

H0o, but ;! sure ; *ould get o"e+I 6is gr y eyes bl Ge #ith e4*ite!e"t+

Le "i"g do#", he gi/es !e hes

brief $iss the" st "ds "d gr bs his bo4ers, oh "oM

goi"g+ ; gl "*e Dui*$ly t the ti!e E its o"ly "i"e<forty+ ; s*oot out of bed too "d gr b !y s#e t p "ts "d do"t * !i top, the" sit b *$ o" the bed, *ross<legged, # t*hi"g hi!+ ;

# "t hi! to go+ Wh t * " ; doJ

HWhe" is your period dueJI 6e i"terrupts !y thoughts+

Wh tL

H; h te #e ri"g these thi"gs,I he gru!bles+ 6e holds up the *o"do!, the" puts it o" the floor, "d slips o" his Be "s+

HWellJI he pro!pts #he" ; do"t reply, "d he loo$s t !e e4pe*t "tly s if hes # iti"g for !y opi"io" o" the #e ther+ 6oly *r pM this is perso" l stuff+

H0e4t #ee$+I ; st re do#" t !y h "ds+

HKou "eed to sort out so!e *o"tr *eptio"+I

6e is so bossy+ ; st re t hi! bl "$ly+ 6e sits b *$ o" the bed s he puts o" his shoes "d so*$s+

H?o you h /e


; sh $e !y he d+ We re b *$ to !ergers "d *Duisitio"s E "other 1.0<degree !ood s#i"g+

6e fro#"s+

H; * " h /e !i"e *o!e "d see you t your p rt!e"t E Su"d y !or"i"g before you *o!e "d see !e+ 2r he * " see you t !y pl *e+ Whi*h #ould you preferJI

0o pressure the"+ So!ethi"g else th t hes p yi"g forM but *tu lly this is for his be"efit+

HKour pl *e+I Th t !e "s ; ! gu r "teed to see hi! Su"d y+

H2$ y+ ;ll let you $"o# the ti!e+I

H%re you le /i"gJI

?o"t goM st y #ith !e ple se+



H6o# re you getti"g b *$JI ; #hisper+

HT ylor #ill pi*$ !e up+I

H; * " dri/e you+ ; h /e

lo/ely "e# * r+I

6e g Ges t !e, his e4pressio" # r!+

HTh ts !ore li$e it+ 3ut ; thi"$ you/e h d too !u*h to dri"$+I

H?id you get !e tipsy o" purposeJI



H3e* use you o/er<thi"$ e/erythi"g, "d youre reti*e"t li$e your stepd d+ % drop of #i"e i" you "d you st rt t l$i"g, "d ; "eed you to *o!!u"i* te ho"estly #ith !e+ 2ther#ise you *l ! up, "d ; h /e "o ide #h t youre thi"$i"g+ ;" /i"o /erit s, %" st si +I

H%"d you thi"$ youre l# ys ho"est #ith !eJI

H; e"de /or to be+I 6e loo$s do#" t !e # rily+ HThis #ill o"ly #or$ if #ere ho"est #ith e *h other+I

H;d li$e you to st y "d use this+I ; hold up the se*o"d *o"do!+

6e s!iles "d his eyes glo# #ith hu!or+

H%" st si , ; h /e *rossed so ! "y li"es here to"ight+ ; h /e to go+ ;ll see you o" Su"d y+ ;ll h /e the re/ised *o"tr *t re dy for you, "d the" #e * " re lly st rt to pl y+I

H1l yJI 6oly shit+ 'y he rt le ps i"to !y !outh+

H;d li$e to do re dy+I

s*e"e #ith you+ 3ut ; #o"t u"til you/e sig"ed, so ; $"o# youre

H2h+ So ; *ould stret*h this out, if ; do"t sig"JI

6e g Ges t !e ssessi"g, "d the" his lips t#it*h i"to


HWell, ; suppose you *ould, but ; ! y *r *$ u"der the str i"+I

HCr *$J 6o#JI 'y i""er goddess h s #o$e" "d is p yi"g tte"tio"+

6e "ods slo#ly, "d the" he gri"s, te si"g+

HCould get re lly ugly+I

6is gri" is i"fe*tious+

H8gly, ho#JI

H2h you $"o#, e4plosio"s, * r *h ses, $id" ppi"g, i"* r*er tio"+I

HKoud $id" p !eJI

H2h yes,I he gri"s+

H6old !e g i"st !y #illJI JeeG this is hot+

H2h yes,I he "ods+ H%"d the" #ere t l$i"g T1E 2SA:+I

HKou/e lost !e,I ; bre the, !y he rt is pou"di"gM is he seriousJ

HTot l 1o#er E4*h "ge E rou"d the *lo*$+I 6is eyes re shi"i"g, "d ; * " feel his e4*ite!e"t fro! #here ; sit+

6oly shit+

HSo you h /e "o *hoi*e,I he s ys s rdo"i* lly+

HCle rly+I ; * "t $eep the s r* s! out of !y /oi*e s !y eyes re *h for the he /e"s+

H2h, %" st si Steele, did you Bust roll your eyes t !eJI

Cr p+

H0o,I ; sDue $+

H; thi"$ you did+ Wh t did ; s y ;d do to you if you rolled your eyes t !e g i"JI

Shit+ 6e sits do#" o" the edge of the bed+

HCo!e here,I he s ys softly+

; bl "*h+ JeeGM hes serious+ ; sit st ri"g t hi! *o!pletely i!!obile+

H; h /e"t sig"ed,I ; #hisper+

H; told you #h t ;d do+ ;!

! " of !y #ord+ ;! goi"g to sp "$ you, "d the" ;!

goi"g to fu*$ you /ery Dui*$ "d /ery h rd+ Loo$s li$e #ell "eed th t *o"do! fter ll+I

6is /oi*e is so soft, !e" *i"g, "d its d !"ed hot+ 'y i"sides pr *ti* lly *o"tort #ith pote"t, "eedy, liDuid, desire+ 6e g Ges t !e, # iti"g, eyes bl Gi"g+ Te"t ti/ely, ; u"*url !y legs+ Should ; ru"J This is it, our rel tio"ship h "gs i" the b l "*e, right here, right "o#+ ?o ; let hi! do this or do ; s y "o, "d the" th ts itJ 3e* use ; $"o# it #ill be o/er if ; s y "o+ ?o itL 'y i""er goddess ple ds #ith !e, !y sub*o"s*ious is s p r lyGed s ; !+

H;! # iti"g,I he s ys+ H;! "ot

p tie"t ! "+I

2h for the lo/e of ll th ts holy+ ;! p "ti"g, fr id, tur"ed o"+ 3lood pou"di"g through !y body, !y legs re li$e Belly+ Slo#ly, ; *r #l o/er to hi! u"til ; ! beside hi!+

H@ood girl,I he !ur!urs+ H0o# st "d up+I

2h shitM * "t he Bust get this o/er #ithJ ;! "ot sure if ; * " st "d+ 6esit "tly, ; *l !ber to !y feet+ 6e holds his h "d out, "d ; pl *e the *o"do! i" his p l!+ Sudde"ly he gr bs !e, tippi"g !e *ross his l p+ With o"e s!ooth !o/e!e"t, he "gles his body so !y torso is resti"g o" the bed beside hi!+ 6e thro#s his right leg o/er both of !i"e "d pl "ts his left fore r! o" the s! ll of !y b *$, holdi"g !e do#" so ; * ""ot !o/e+ 2h fu*$+

H1ut your h "ds up o" either side of your he d,I he orders+

; obey i!!edi tely+

HWhy ! ; doi"g this, %" st si JI he s$s+

H3e* use ; rolled !y eyes t you,I ; * " b rely spe $+

H?o you thi"$ th ts politeJI


HWill you do it g i"JI


H; #ill sp "$ you e *h ti!e you do it, do you u"derst "dJI

Cery slo#ly, he pulls do#" !y s#e tp "ts+ 2h, ho# de!e "i"g is this, de!e "i"g "d s* ry "d hot+ 6es ! $i"g su*h b rely bre the+ Shit, is this goi"g to hurtJ !e l of this+ 'y he rt is i" !y !outh+ ; * "

6e pl *es his h "d o" !y " $ed behi"d, softly fo"dli"g !e, stro$i"g rou"d "d rou"d #ith his fl t p l!+ %"d the" his h "d is "o lo"ger thereM "d he hits !e E h rd+ 2#L 'y eyes spri"g ope" i" respo"se to the p i", "d ; try to rise, but his h "d !o/es bet#ee" !y shoulder bl des $eepi"g !e do#"+ 6e * resses !e g i" #here hes hit !e, "d his bre thi"gs *h "ged E its louder, h rsher+ 6e hits !e g i" "d g i", Dui*$ly i" su**essio"+ 6oly fu*$ it hurts+ ; ! $e "o sou"d, !y f *e s*re#ed up g i"st the p i"+ ; try "d #riggle # y fro! the blo#s E spurred o" by dre" li"e spi$i"g "d *oursi"g through !y body+

HFeep still,I he gro#ls+ H2r ;ll sp "$ you for lo"ger+I

6es rubbi"g !e "o#, "d the blo# follo#s+ % rhyth!i* p tter" e!erges, * ress,

fo"dle, sl p h rd+ ; h /e to *o"*e"tr te to h "dle this p i"+ 'y !i"d e!pties s ; e"de /or to bsorb the grueli"g se"s tio"+ 6e does"t hit !e i" the s !e pl *e t#i*e i" su**essio" E hes spre di"g the p i"+

H% rghLI ; *ry out o" the te"th sl p E "d ;! u" # re th t ; h /e bee" !e"t lly *ou"ti"g the blo#s+

H;! Bust getti"g # r!ed up+I

6e hits !e g i" the" he stro$es !e softly+ The *o!bi" tio" of the h rd sti"gi"g blo# "d his ge"tle * ress is so !i"d "u!bi"g+ 6e hits !e g i"M this is getti"g h rder to t $e+ 'y f *e hurts, its s*re#ed up so tight+ 6e stro$es !e ge"tly "d the" the blo# *o!es+ ; *ry out g i"+

H0o o"e to he r you, b by, Bust !e+I

%"d he hits !e g i" "d g i"+ Fro! so!e#here deep i"side, ; # "t to beg hi! to stop+ 3ut ; do"t+ ; do"t # "t to gi/e hi! the s tisf *tio"+ 6e *o"ti"ues the u"rele"ti"g rhyth!+ ; *ry out si4 !ore ti!es+ Eightee" sl ps i" tot l+ 'y body is si"gi"g, si"gi"g fro! his !er*iless ss ult+

HE"ough,I he bre thes ho rsely+ HWell do"e, %" st si + 0o# ;! goi"g to fu*$ you+I

6e * resses !y behi"d ge"tly, "d it bur"s s he stro$es !e rou"d "d rou"d "d do#"+ Sudde"ly, he i"serts t#o fi"gers i"side !e, t $i"g !e *o!pletely by surprise+ ; g sp, this "e# ss ult bre $i"g through the "u!b"ess rou"d !y br i"+

HFeel this+ See ho# !u*h your body li$es this, %" st si + Koure so $i"g Bust for !e+I There is #e i" his /oi*e+ 6e !o/es his fi"gers, i" "d out i" Dui*$ su**essio"+

; gro ", "o surely "ot, "d the" his fi"gers re go"eM "d ;! left # "ti"g+

H0e4t ti!e, ; #ill get you to *ou"t+ 0o# #heres th t *o"do!JI

6e re *hes beside hi! for the *o"do! "d lifts !e ge"tly, pushi"g !e f *e do#" o"to the bed+ ; he r the sou"d of his Gipper "d the rip of the foil+ 6e dr gs !y s#e tp "ts off "d the" guides !e i"to behi"d+ $"eeli"g positio", ge"tly * ressi"g !y "o# /ery sore

H;! goi"g to t $e you "o#+ Kou * " *o!e,I he !ur!urs+

Wh tJ Li$e ; h /e


%"d hes i"side !e, Dui*$ly filli"g !e, ; !o " loudly+ 6e !o/es, pou"di"g i"to !e, f st, i"te"se p *e g i"st !y sore behi"d+ The feeli"g is beyo"d e4Duisite, r # "d deb si"g "d !i"d blo#i"g+ 'y se"ses re r / ged, dis*o""e*ted, solely *o"*e"tr ti"g o" #h t hes doi"g to !e+ 6o# hes ! $i"g !e feel, th t f !ili r pull deep i" !y belly, tighte"i"g, Dui*$e"i"g+ 02M "d !y tr itorous body e4plodes i" " i"te"se, body<sh tteri"g org s!+

H2h, %" LI he *ries out loudly s he fi"ds his rele se, holdi"g !e i" pl *e s he pours hi!self i"to !e+ 6e *oll pses, p "ti"g h rd beside !e, "d he pulls !e o" top of hi! "d buries his f *e i" !y h ir, holdi"g !e *lose+

H2h, b by,I he bre thes+ HWel*o!e to !y #orld+I

We lie there, p "ti"g together, # iti"g for our bre thi"g to slo#+ 6e ge"tly stro$es !y h ir+ ;! o" his *hest g i"+ 3ut this ti!e, ; do"t h /e the stre"gth to lift !y h "d "d feel hi!+ 3oyM ; sur/i/ed+ Th t # s"t so b d+ ;! !ore stoi* th " ; thought+ 'y i""er goddess is prostr teM #ell t le st shes Duiet+ Christi " "uGGles !y h ir g i", i"h li"g deeply+

HWell do"e, b by,I he #hispers, Duiet Boy i" his /oi*e+ 6is #ords *url rou"d !e li$e soft fluffy to#el fro! the 6e th! " 6otel, "d ;! so ple sed th t hes h ppy+

6e pi*$s t the str p o" !y * !isole+

H;s this #h t you sleep i"JI he s$s ge"tly+

HKes,I ; bre the sleepily+

HKou should be i" sil$s "d s ti"s, you be utiful girl+ ;ll t $e you shoppi"g+I

H; li$e !y s#e ts,I ; !ur!ur, tryi"g "d f ili"g to sou"d irrit ted+

6e $isses !y he d g i"+

HWell see,I he s ys+

We lie for

fe# !ore !i"utes, hours, #ho $"o#s, "d ; thi"$ ; doGe+

H; h /e to go,I he s ys, "d le "i"g do#", he $isses !y forehe d ge"tly+ H%re you o$ yJI 6is /oi*e is soft+

; thi"$ bout his Duestio"+ 'y b *$side is sore+ Well, glo#i"g "o#, "d ! Gi"gly ; feel, p rt fro! e4h usted, r di "t+ The re liG tio" is hu!bli"g, u"e4pe*ted+ ; do"t u"derst "d+ 6oly shit+

H;! o$ y,I ; #hisper+ ; do"t # "t to s y !ore th " th t+

6e rises+

HWheres your b throo!JI

H%lo"g the *orridor to the left+I

6e s*oops up the other *o"do! "d he ds out of the bedroo!+ ; rise stiffly "d put !y s#e tp "ts b *$ o"+ They *h fe *o"fused little g i"st !y still<s! rti"g behi"d+ ;! so

by !y re *tio"+ ; re!e!ber hi! s yi"g E ; * "t re!e!ber #he" E th t ; #ould feel so !u*h better fter str "gely, good hidi"g+ 6o# * " th t be soJ ; re lly do"t get it+ 3ut lo"g # y to

; do+ ; * "t s y th t ; e"Boyed the e4perie"*e, i" f *t, ; #ould still go /oid

it, but "o#M ; h /e this s fe, #eird, b thed i" fterglo#, s ted feeli"g+ ; put !y he d i" !y h "ds+ ; Bust do"t u"derst "d+

Christi " re<e"ters the roo!+ ; * "t loo$ hi! i" the eye+ ; st re do#" t !y h "ds+

H; fou"d so!e b by oil+ Let !e rub it i"to your behi"d+I

Wh tJ

H0o+ ;ll be fi"e+I

H%" st si ,I he # r"s, "d ; # "t to roll !y eyes but Dui*$ly stop !yself+ ; st "d f *i"g the bed+ Sitti"g beside !e, he ge"tly pulls !y s#e tp "ts do#" g i"+ 8p "d do#" li$e #hores dr #ers !y sub*o"s*ious re! r$s bitterly+ ;" !y he d, ; tell her #here to go+ Christi " sDuirts b by oil i"to his h "d "d the" rubs !y behi"d #ith * reful te"der"ess E fro! ! $eup re!o/er to s!oothi"g b l! for thought it # s su*h /ers tile liDuid+ sp "$ed ss, #ho #ould h /e

H; li$e !y h "ds o" you,I he !ur!urs, "d ; h /e to gree, !e too+

HThere,I he s ys #he" hes fi"ished, "d he pulls !y p "ts up g i"+

; gl "*e o/er t !y *lo*$+ ;ts te"<thirty+

H;! le /i"g "o#+I

H;ll see you out+I ; still * "t loo$ t hi!+

T $i"g !y h "d, he le ds !e to the fro"t door+ Fortu" tely, F te is still "ot ho!e+ She !ust still be h /i"g di""er #ith her fol$s "d Eth "+ ;! re lly gl d shes "ot bee" rou"d to he r !y *h stise!e"t+

H?o"t you h /e to * ll T ylorJI ; s$, /oidi"g eye *o"t *t+

HT ylors bee" here si"*e "i"e+ Loo$ t !e,I he bre thes+

; struggle to !eet his eyes, but #he" ; do, hes g Gi"g do#" t !e #ith #o"der+

HKou did"t *ry,I he !ur!urs, the" gr bs !e sudde"ly "d $isses !e fer/e"tly+ HSu"d y,I he #hispers g i"st !y lips, "d its both pro!ise "d thre t+

; # t*h hi! # l$ do#" the p th "d *li!b i"to the big bl *$ %udi+ 6e does"t loo$ b *$+ ; *lose the door "d st "d helpless i" the li/i"g roo! of " p rt!e"t th t ; sh ll o"ly spe"d "other t#o "ights i"+ % pl *e ; h /e li/ed h ppily for l!ost four ye rsM yet tod y, for the first ti!e e/er, ; feel lo"ely "d u"*o!fort ble here, u"h ppy #ith !y o#" *o!p "y+ 6 /e ; str yed so f r fro! #ho ; !J ; $"o# th t lur$i"g, "ot /ery f r u"der !y r ther "u!b e4terior, is e/e" sit do#" "d e"Boy !o!+ #ell of te rs+ Wh t ! ; doi"gJ The iro"y is ; * "t

good *ry+ ;ll h /e to st "d+ ; $"o# its l te, but ; de*ide to * ll !y

H6o"ey, ho# re youJ 6o# # s gr du tio"JI she e"thuses do#" the pho"e+ 6er /oi*e is soothi"g b l!+

HSorry its so l te,I ; #hisper+

She p uses+

H%" J Wh ts #ro"gJI Shes ll serious"ess "o#+

H0othi"g, 'o!, ; Bust # "ted to he r your /oi*e+I

Shes sile"t for


H%" , #h t is itJ 1le se tell !e+I 6er /oi*e is soft "d *o!forti"g, "d ; $"o# th t she * res+ 8"i"/ited, !y te rs begi" to flo#+ ; h /e *ried so ofte" i" the l st fe# d ys+

H1le se, %" ,I she s ys, "d her "guish refle*ts !i"e+

H2h, 'o!, its

! "+I

HWh ts he do"e to youJI 6er l r! is p lp ble+

H;ts "ot li$e th t+I %lthough it isM 2h *r p+ ; do"t # "t to #orry her+ ; Bust # "t so!eo"e else to be stro"g for !e t the !o!e"t+

H%" , ple se, youre #orryi"g !e+I

; t $e

big bre th+

H;/e $i"d of f lle" for this guy, "d hes so differe"t fro! !e, "d ; do"t $"o# if #e should be together+I

H2h, d rli"g+ ; #ish ; *ould be #ith you+ ; ! so sorry ; !issed your gr du tio"+ Kou/e f lle" for so!eo"e, fi" lly+ 2h, ho"ey, !e", they re so tri*$y+ Theyre differe"t spe*ies, ho"ey+ 6o# lo"g h /e you $"o#" hi!JI

Christi " is defi"itely

differe"t spe*iesM differe"t pl "et+

H2h, "e rly three #ee$s or so+I

H%" , d rli"g, th ts "o ti!e t ll+ 6o# * " you possibly $"o# so!eo"e i" th t $i"d of ti!e fr !eJ Just t $e it e sy #ith hi! "d $eep hi! t r!s le"gth u"til you de*ide #hether hes #orthy of you+I

Wo#M its u""er/i"g #he" !y !other is so i"sightful, but shes Bust too l te o" this+ ;s he #orthy of !eJ Th ts " i"teresti"g *o"*ept+ ; l# ys #o"der #hether ; ! #orthy of hi!+

H6o"ey, you sou"d so u"h ppy+ Co!e ho!e E /isit #ith us+ ; !iss you, d rli"g+ 3ob #ould lo/e to see you too+ Kou * " get so!e dist "*e "d ! ybe so!e perspe*ti/e+ Kou "eed bre $+ Kou/e bee" #or$i"g so h rd+I

2h boy, is this te!pti"g+ (u" # y to @eorgi + @r b so!e su"shi"e, so!e *o*$t ils+ 'y !others good hu!orM her lo/i"g r!s+

H; h /e t#o Bob i"ter/ie#s i" Se ttle o" 'o"d y+I

H2h, th ts #o"derful "e#s+I

The door ope"s "d F te ppe rs, gri""i"g t !e+ 6er f *e f lls #he" she sees ;/e bee" *ryi"g+

H'o!, ; h /e to go+ ;ll thi"$ bout

/isit+ Th "$ you+I

H6o"ey, ple se, do"t let e"Boy yourself+I

! " get u"der your s$i"+ Koure f r too you"g+ @o "d

HKes, 'o!, lo/e you+I

H2h, %" , ; lo/e you too, so !u*h+ St y s fe, ho"ey+I ; h "g up "d f *e F te #ho gl res t !e+

H6 s th t obs*e"ely ri*h fu*$er upset you g i"JI

H0oM sort ofM errM yes+I

HJust tell hi! to t $e

hi$e, %" + Kou/e bee" so up "d do#" si"*e you !et hi!+

;/e "e/er see" you li$e this+I

The #orld of F theri"e F / " gh is /ery *le r, /ery bl *$ "d #hite+ 0ot the i"t "gible, !ysterious, / gue hues of gr y th t *olor !y #orld+ Wel*o!e to !y #orld+

HSit, lets t l$+ Lets h /e so!e #i"e+ 2h, you/e h d *h !p g"e+I She spies the bottle+ HSo!e good stuff too+I

; s!ile i"effe*tu lly, loo$i"g pprehe"si/ely t the *ou*h+ ; ppro *h it #ith * utio"+ 6!!M sitti"g+

H%re you o$ yJI

H; fell o/er "d l "ded o" !y behi"d+I

She does"t thi"$ to Duestio" !y e4pl " tio", be* use ; ! o"e of the !ost u"< *oordi" ted people i" W shi"gto" St te+ ; "e/er thought ;d see th t s blessi"g+ ; sit do#"

gi"gerly, ple s "tly surprised th t ;! o$ y, "d tur" !y tte"tio" to F te, but !y !i"d gl Ges o/er "d ;! pulled b *$ to the 6e th! " E HWell, if you #ere !i"e you #ould"t be ble to sit do#" for "d ll #ee$ fter the stu"t you pulled yesterd y+I 6e s id it the",

; *ould *o"*e"tr te o" t the ti!e # s bei"g his+ %ll the # r"i"g sig"s #ere there, ; # s

Bust too *lueless "d too e" !ored to "oti*e+

F te *o!es b *$ i"to the li/i"g re #ith

bottle of red #i"e "d # shed te *ups+

H6ere #e go+I She h "ds !e

*up of #i"e+ ;t #o"t t ste s good s the 3olly+

H%" , if hes u"derst "d

Ber$ #ith *o!!it!e"t issues, du!p hi!+ Though ; do"t re lly

his *o!!it!e"t issues+ 6e *ould"t t $e his eyes off you i" the ! rDuee, # t*hed you li$e of h #$+ ;d s y he # s *o!pletely s!itte", but ! ybe he h s fu""y # y

sho#i"g it+I

S!itte"J Christi "J Fu""y # y of sho#i"g itJ ;ll s y+

HF te, its *o!pli* ted+ 6o# # s your e/e"i"gJI ; s$+

; * "t t l$ this through #ith F te #ithout re/e li"g too !u*h, but o"e Duestio" o" her d y "d F te is off+ ;ts so re ssuri"g to sit "d liste" to her "or! l *h tter+ The hot "e#s is th t Eth " ! y be *o!i"g to li/e #ith us fter their holid y+ Th t #ill be fu" E Eth " is hoot+ ; fro#"+ ; do"t thi"$ Christi " #ill ppro/e+ WellM tough+ 6ell Bust h /e to *ouple of te *ups of #i"e "d de*ide to * ll it "ight+ ;ts bee"

su*$ it up+ ; h /e o"e

/ery lo"g d y+ F te hugs !e, "d the" gr bs the pho"e to * ll Elliot+

; *he*$ the !e " ! *hi"e fter ; brush !y teeth+ Theres " e! il fro! Christi "+

Fro!= Christi " @rey

SubBe*t= Kou

? te= ' y 2- 2011 25=1S

To= %" st si Steele

?e r 'iss Steele Kou re Duite si!ply e4Duisite+ The !ost be utiful, i"tellige"t, #itty "d br /e #o! " ; h /e e/er !et+ T $e so!e %d/il E this is "ot g i"+ ; #ill $"o#+ reDuest+ %"d do"t dri/e your 3eetle

Christi " @rey CE2, @rey E"terprises 6oldi"gs ;"*+

2h, "ot dri/e !y * r g i"L ; type out !y reply+

Fro!= %" st si Steele

SubBe*t= Fl ttery

? te= ' y 2- 2011 25=20

To= Christi " @rey

?e r 'r+ @rey Fl ttery #ill get you "o#here, but si"*e you/e bee" e/ery#here the poi"t is !oot+ ; #ill "eed to dri/e !y 3eetle to **ept g r ge so ; * " sell it E so #ill "ot gr *iously

"y of your "o"se"se o/er th t+ (ed #i"e is l# ys !ore prefer ble to %d/il+ %" 1S= C "i"g is 6%(? li!it for !e+

; hit se"d+

Fro!= Christi " @rey

SubBe*t= Frustr ti"g #o!e" #ho * "t t $e *o!pli!e"ts

? te= ' y 2- 2011 25=2-

To= %" st si Steele

?e r 's+ Steele ; ! "ot fl tteri"g you+ Kou should go to bed+ ; **ept your dditio" to the h rd li!its+ ?o"t dri"$ too !u*h+ T ylor #ill dispose of your * r "d get good pri*e for it too+

Christi " @rey CE2, @rey E"terprises 6oldi"gs ;"*+

Fro!= %" st si Steele

SubBe*t= T ylor E ;s he the right ! " for the BobJ

? te= ' y 2- 2011 25=S0

To= Christi " @rey

?e r Sir ; ! i"trigued th t you re h ppy to ris$ letti"g your right h "d ! " dri/e !y * r E but "ot

so!e #o! " you fu*$ o** sio" lly+ 6o# * " ; be sure th t T ylor is the ! " to get !e the best de l for s id * rJ ; h /e, i" the p st, prob bly before ; !et you, bee" $"o#" to dri/e %" h rd b rg i"+

Fro!= Christi " @rey

SubBe*t= C refulL

? te= ' y 2- 2011 25=SS

To= %" st si Steele

?e r 's+ Steele ; ! ssu!i"g it is the (E? W;0E t l$i"g, "d th t you/e h d /ery lo"g d y+

Though ; ! te!pted to dri/e b *$ o/er there to e"sure th t you do"t sit do#" for #ee$, r ther th " " e/e"i"g+ T ylor is e4< r!y "d * p ble of dri/i"g "ythi"g fro! T "$+ Kour * r does "ot prese"t h G rd to hi!+ !otor*y*le to Sher! "

0o# ple se do "ot refer to yourself s Nso!e #o! " ; fu*$ o** sio" lly be* use, Duite fr "$ly it ! $es !e '%?, "d you re lly #ould"t li$e !e #he" ;! "gry+

Christi " @rey CE2, @rey E"terprises 6oldi"gs ;"*+

Fro!= %" st si Steele

SubBe*t= C reful yourself

? te= ' y 2- 2011 25=7:

To= Christi " @rey

?e r 'r+ @rey ;! "ot sure ; li$e you "y# y, espe*i lly t the !o!e"t+ 's+ Steele

Fro!= Christi " @rey

SubBe*t= C reful yourself

? te= ' y 2: 2011 00=05

To= %" st si Steele

Why do"t you li$e !eJ

Christi " @rey CE2, @rey E"terprises 6oldi"gs ;"*+

Fro!= %" st si Steele

SubBe*t= C reful yourself

? te= ' y 2: 2011 00=0,

To= Christi " @rey

3e* use you "e/er st y #ith !e+

There, th ts gi/e" hi! so!ethi"g to thi"$ bout+ ; shut the ! *hi"e do#" #ith flourish ; do"t re lly feel "d *r #l i"to !y bed+ ; s#it*h off !y sidelight "d st re up t the *eili"g+ ;ts bee" o"e lo"g d y, o"e e!otio" l #re"*h fter "other+ ;t # s he rt# r!i"g to

spe"d so!e ti!e #ith ( y+ 6e loo$ed #ell, "d #eirdly he ppro/ed of Christi "+ JeeG, F te "d her g rg "tu " !outh+ 6e ri"g Christi " spe $ bout bei"g hu"gry+ Wh t the hell is th t ll boutJ @od, "d the * r+ ; h /e"t e/e" told F te bout the "e# * r+ Wh t # s Christi " thi"$i"gJ

%"d the" this e/e"i"g, he *tu lly hit !e+ ;/e "e/er bee" hit i" !y life+ Wh t h /e ; gotte" !yself i"toJ Cery slo#ly, !y te rs, h lted by F tes rri/ l, begi" to slide do#" the side of !y f *e "d i"to !y e rs+ ; h /e f lle" for so!eo"e #hos so e!otio" lly shut do#", ; #ill o"ly get hurt E deep do#" ; $"o# this E so!eo"e #ho by his o#" d!issio"

is *o!pletely fu*$ed up+ Why is he so fu*$ed upJ ;t !ust be #ful to be s ffe*ted s he is, "d the thought th t s !e *ry toddler he suffered so!e u"be r ble *ruelty ! $es

h rder+ 1erh ps if he # s !ore "or! l he #ould"t # "t you, !y sub*o"s*ious *o"tributes s"idely to !y !usi"gsM "d i" !y he rt of he rts ; $"o# this is true+ ; tur" i"to !y pillo# "d the slui*e g tes ope"M "d for the first ti!e i" ye rs, ; ! sobbi"g u"*o"troll bly i"to !y pillo#+

; ! !o!e"t rily distr *ted fro! !y d r$ "ight of the soul by F te shouti"g+

HWh t the fu*$ do you thi"$ youre doi"g hereJI

HWell you * "tLI

HWh t the fu*$ h /e you do"e to her "o#JI

HSi"*e shes !et you she *ries ll the ti!e+I

HKou * "t *o!e i" hereLI

Christi " bursts i"to !y bedroo! "d u"*ere!o"iously s#it*hes o" the o/erhe d light, ! $i"g !e sDui"t+

HJesus, %" ,I he !utters+ 6e fli*$s the s#it*h off g i" "d is t !y side i" !o!e"t+

HWh t re you doi"g hereJI ; g sp bet#ee" sobs+ Cr p+ ; * "t stop *ryi"g+

6e s#it*hes o" the sidelight ! $i"g !e sDui"t g i"+ F te *o!es "d st "ds i" the door# y+

H?o you # "t !e to thro# this sshole outJI she s$s, r di ti"g ther!o<"u*le r hostility+

Christi " r ises his eyebro#s t her, "o doubt surprised by her fl tteri"g epithet "d

her fer l "t go"is!+ ; sh $e !y he d, "d she rolls her eyes t !e+ 2hM ; #ould"t do th t "e r 'r+ @+

HJust holler if you "eed !e,I she s ys !ore ge"tly+ H@rey E your * rds re ! r$ed,I she hisses t hi!+ 6e "ods t her, "d she tur"s "d pulls the door to but does"t *lose it+

Christi " g Ges do#" t !e, his e4pressio" gr /e, his f *e she"+ 6es #e ri"g his pi"striped B *$et, "d fro! his i"side po*$et, he pulls out it to !e+ ; thi"$ ; still h /e his other o"e so!e#here+ h "d$er*hief "d h "ds

HWh ts goi"g o"JI he s$s Duietly+

HWhy re you hereJI ; s$, ig"ori"g his Duestio"+ 'y te rs h /e !ir *ulously *e sed, but ;! left #ith dry he /es r *$i"g !y body+

H1 rt of !y role is to loo$ fter your "eeds+ Kou s id you # "ted !e to st y, so here ; !+ %"d yet ; fi"d you li$e this+I 6e bli"$s t !e, truly be#ildered+ H;! sure ;! respo"sible, but ; h /e "o ide #hy+ ;s it be* use ; hit youJI

; pull !yself up, #i"*i"g fro! !y sore behi"d+ ; sit "d f *e hi!+

H?id you t $e so!e %d/ilJI

; sh $e !y he d+ 6e " rro#s his eyes, st "ds, "d le /es the roo!+ ; he r hi! t l$i"g to F te but "ot #h t they re s yi"g+ 6es b *$ te *up of # ter+ fe# !o!e"ts l ter #ith pills "d

HT $e these,I he orders ge"tly s he sits o" !y bed beside !e+

; do s ;! told+

HT l$ to !e,I he #hispers+ HKou told !e you #ere o$ y+ ;d "e/er h /e left you if ; thought you #ere li$e this+I

; st re do#" t !y h "ds+ Wh t * " ; s y th t ; h /e"t s id lre dyJ ; # "t !ore+ ; # "t hi! to st y be* use he # "ts to st y #ith !e, "ot be* use ;! !ess, "d ; do"t # "t hi! to be t !e, is th t so u"re so" bleJ blubberi"g

H; t $e it th t #he" you s id you #ere o$ y, you #ere"t+I

; flush+

H; thought ; # s fi"e+I

H%" st si , you * "t tell !e #h t you thi"$ ; # "t to he r+ Th ts "ot /ery ho"est,I he d!o"ishes !e+ H6o# * " ; trust "ythi"g you/e s id to !eJI

; pee$ up t hi!, "d hes fro#"i"g, through his h ir+

ble $ loo$ i" his eye+ 6e ru"s both h "ds

H6o# did you feel #hile ; # s hitti"g you "d fterJI

H; did"t li$e it+ ;d r ther you did"t do it g i"+I

HKou #ere"t !e "t to li$e it+I

HWhy do you li$e itJI ; st re up t hi!+

'y Duestio" surprises hi!+

HKou re lly # "t to $"o#JI

H2h, trust !e, ;! f s*i" ted+I %"d ; * "t Duite $eep the s r* s! out of !y /oi*e+

6e " rro#s his eyes g i"+

HC reful,I he # r"s+

; bl "*h+

H%re you goi"g to hit !e g i"JI ; *h lle"ge+

H0o, "ot to"ight+I

1he#+++ !y sub*o"s*ious "d ; both bre the

sile"t sigh of relief+

HSo,I ; pro!pt+

H; li$e the *o"trol it bri"gs !e, %" st si + ; # "t you to beh /e i"

p rti*ul r # y,

"d if you do"t, ; sh ll pu"ish you, "d you #ill le r" to beh /e the # y ; desire+ ; e"Boy pu"ishi"g you+ ;/e # "ted to sp "$ you si"*e you s$ed !e if ; # s g y+I

; flush t the !e!ory+ JeeG, ; # "ted to sp "$ !yself fter th t Duestio"+ So F theri"e F / " gh is respo"sible for ll this, "d if shed go"e to th t i"ter/ie# "d s$ed her g y Duestio", shed be sitti"g here #ith the sore ss+ ; do"t li$e th t thought+ 6o# *o"fusi"g is thisJ

HSo you do"t li$e the # y ; !+I

6e st res t !e, be#ildered g i"+

H; thi"$ youre lo/ely the # y you re+I

HSo #hy re you tryi"g to *h "ge !eJI

H; do"t # "t to *h "ge you+ ;d li$e you to be *ourteous "d to follo# the set of rules ;/e gi/e" you "d "ot defy !e+ Si!ple,I he s ys+

H3ut you # "t to pu"ish !eJI

HKes ; do+I

HTh ts #h t ; do"t u"derst "d+I

6e sighs "d ru"s his h "ds through his h ir g i"+

H;ts the # y ;! ! de, %" st si + ; "eed to *o"trol you+ ; "eed you to beh /e i" *ert i" # y, "d if you do"t E ; lo/e to # t*h your be utiful l b ster s$i" pi"$ "d # r! up u"der !y h "ds+ ;t tur"s !e o"+I

6oly shit+ 0o# #ere getti"g so!e#here+

HSo its "ot the p i" youre putti"g !e throughJI

6e s# llo#s+

H% bit, to see if you * " t $e it, but th ts "ot the #hole re so"+ ;ts the f *t th t you

re !i"e to do #ith s ; see fit E ulti! te *o"trol o/er so!eo"e else+ %"d it tur"s !e o"+ 3ig ti!e, %" st si + Loo$, ;! "ot e4pl i"i"g !yself /ery #ellM ;/e "e/er h d to before+ ;/e "ot re lly thought bout this i" "y gre t depth+ ;/e l# ys bee" #ith li$e< !i"ded people,I he shrugs pologeti* lly+ H%"d you still h /e"t "s#ered !y Duestio" E ho# did you feel fter# rdsJI


HKou #ere se4u lly roused by it, %" st si ,I he *loses his eyes briefly, "d #he" he re<ope"s the! "d g Ges t !e, they re s!olderi"g s!o$y e!bers+

6is e4pressio" pulls t th t d r$ p rt of !e, buried i" the depths of !y belly E !y libido, #o$e" "d t !ed by hi!, but e/e" "o#, i"s ti ble+

H?o"t loo$ t !e li$e th t,I he !ur!urs+

; fro#"+ JeeG #h t h /e ; do"e "o#J

H; do"t h /e "y *o"do!s, %" st si , "d you $"o#, youre upset+ Co"tr ry to #h t your roo!! te belie/es, ;! "ot pri pi* !o"ster+ So, you felt *o"fusedJI

; sDuir! u"der his i"te"se g Ge+

HKou h /e "o proble! bei"g ho"est #ith !e i" pri"t+ Kour e! ils l# ys tell !e e4 *tly ho# you feel+ Why * "t you do th t i" *o"/ers tio"J ?o ; i"ti!id te you th t !u*hJI

; pi*$ t " i! gi" ry spot o" !y !others blue "d *re ! Duilt+

HKou beguile !e, Christi "+ Co!pletely o/er#hel! !e+ ; feel li$e ;* rus flyi"g too *lose to the Su",I ; #hisper+

6e g sps+

HWell, ; thi"$ you/e got th t the #ro"g # y rou"d,I he #hispers+


H2h, %" st si , you/e be#it*hed !e+ ;s"t it ob/iousJI

0o, "ot to !e+ 3e#it*hedM !y i""er goddess is st ri"g ope"<!outhed+ E/e" she does"t belie/e this+

HKou/e still "ot "s#ered !y Duestio"+ Write !e " e! il, ple se+ 3ut right "o#, ;d re lly li$e to sleep+ C " ; st yJI

H?o you # "t to st yJI ; * "t hide the hope i" !y /oi*e+

HKou # "ted !e here+I

HKou h /e"t "s#ered !y Duestio"+I

H;ll #rite you " e! il,I he !utters petul "tly+

St "di"g, he e!pties his Be "s po*$ets of 3l *$3erry, $eys, # llet, "d !o"ey+ 6oly *o#, !e" * rry so*$s, "d lot of *r p i" their po*$ets+ 6e strips off his # t*h, his shoes,

Be "s "d pl *es his B *$et o/er !y *h ir+ 6e # l$s rou"d to the other side of the bed "d slides i"+

HLie do#",I he orders+

; slip slo#ly u"der the *o/ers, #i"*i"g slightly, st ri"g t hi!+ JeeGM hes st yi"g+ ; thi"$ ;! "u!b #ith el ted sho*$+ 6e le "s up o" o"e elbo# st ri"g do#" t !e+

H;f you re goi"g to *ry+ Cry i" fro"t of !e+ ; "eed to $"o#+I

H?o you # "t !e to *ryJI

H0ot p rti*ul rly+ ; Bust # "t to $"o# ho# youre feeli"g+ ; do"t # "t you slippi"g through !y fi"gers+ S#it*h the light off+ ;ts l te, "d #e both h /e to #or$ to!orro#+I

So hereM "d still so bossy, but ; * "t *o!pl i", hes i" !y bed+ ; do"t Duite u"derst "d #hyM ! ybe ; should #eep !ore ofte" i" fro"t of hi!+ ; s#it*h off the bedside light+

HLie o" your side, f *i"g # y fro! !e,I he !ur!urs i" the d r$"ess+

; roll !y eyes i" the full $"o#ledge th t he * ""ot see !e, but ; do s ;! told+ @i"gerly, he !o/es o/er "d puts his r!s rou"d !e "d pulls !e to his *hestM oh !y+

HSleep, b by,I he #hispers, "d ; feel his "ose i" !y h ir s he i"h les deeply+

6oly *o#+ Christi " @rey is sleepi"g #ith !e, "d i" the *o!fort "d sol *e of his r!s, ; drift i"to pe *eful sleep+

The * "dle fl !e is too hot+ ;t fli*$ers "d d "*es i" the o/er<# r! breeGe, breeGe th t bri"gs "o respite fro! the he t+ Soft goss !er #i"gs flutter to "d fro i" the d r$, spri"$li"g dusty s* les i" the *ir*le of light+ ;! struggli"g to resist, but ;! dr #"+ %"d the" its so bright, "d ; ! flyi"g too *lose to the su", d GGled by the light, fried "d !elti"g

fro! the he t, #e ry i" !y e"de /ors to st y irbor"e+ ; ! so # r!+ The he tM its stifli"g, o/erpo#eri"g+ ;t # $es !e+

; ope" !y eyes, "d ;! dr ped i" Christi " @rey+ 6es #r pped rou"d !e li$e /i*tory fl g+ 6es f st sleep #ith his he d o" !y *hest, his r! o/er !e, holdi"g !e *lose, o"e of his legs thro#" o/er "d hoo$ed rou"d both of !i"e+ 6es suffo* ti"g !e #ith his body he t, "d hes he /y+ ; t $e "d f st !o!e"t to bsorb th t hes still i" !y bed

sleep, "d its light outside E !or"i"g+ 6e h s spe"t the #hole "ight #ith !e+

'y right r! is stret*hed, "o doubt i" se r*h of f *t

*ool spot, "d s ; pro*ess the

th t hes still #ith !e, the thought o**urs th t ; * " tou*h hi!+ 6es sleep+ Te"t ti/ely, ; lift !y h "d "d ru" the tips of !y fi"gers do#" his b *$+ ?eep i" his thro t, ; he r f i"t distressed gro ", "d he stirs+ 6e "uGGles !y *hest, i"h li"g deeply s he # $es+ Sleepy, bli"$i"g gr y eyes !eet !i"e be"e th his tousled !op of h ir+

H@ood !or"i"g,I he !u!bles "d fro#"s+ HJesus, e/e" i" !y sleep ;! dr #" to you+I 6e !o/es slo#ly, u"peeli"g his li!bs fro! !e s he gets his be ri"gs+ ; be*o!e

# re of his ere*tio" g i"st !y hip+ 6e "oti*es !y #ide<eyed re *tio", "d he s!iles slo# se4y s!ile+

H6!!M this h s possibilities, but ; thi"$ #e should # it u"til Su"d y+I 6e le "s do#" "d "uGGles !y e r #ith his "ose+

; flush, but the" ; feel se/e" sh des of s* rlet fro! his he t+

HKoure /ery hot,I ; !ur!ur+

HKoure "ot so b d yourself,I he !ur!urs "d presses hi!self g i"st !e, suggesti/ely+

; flush so!e !ore+ Th ts "ot #h t ; !e "t+ 6e props hi!self up o" his elbo# g Gi"g do#" t !e, !used+ 6e be"ds, "d to !y surprise, pl "ts ge"tle $iss o" !y lips+

HSleep #ellJI he s$s+

; "od, st ri"g up t hi!, "d ; re liGe th t ;/e slept /ery #ell e4*ept ! ybe for the l st h lf<hour #he" ; # s too hot+

HSo did ;+I 6e fro#"s+ HKes, re lly #ell+I 6e r ises his eyebro#s i" *o"fused surprise+ HWh ts the ti!eJI

; gl "*e t !y l r!+

H;ts :=50+I

H:=50M shit+I 6e s*r !bles out of bed "d dr gs o" his Be "s+

;t is !y tur" to loo$ !used s ; sit up+ Christi " @rey is l te "d flustered+ This is so!ethi"g ; h /e "e/er see" before+ ; bel tedly re liGe th t !y behi"d is "o lo"ger sore+

HKou re su*h

b d i"flue"*e o" !e+ ; h /e

!eeti"g+ ; h /e to go E ; h /e to be i"

1ortl "d t eight+ %re you s!ir$i"g t !eJI


6e gri"s+

H;! l te+ ; do"t do l te+ %"other first, 'iss Steele+I 6e pulls o" his B *$et "d the" be"ds do#" "d gr sps !y he d, his h "ds o" either side+

HSu"d y,I he s ys, "d the #ord is preg" "t #ith " u"spo$e" pro!ise+ E/erythi"g deep i" !y body u"*urls "d the" *le"*hes i" deli*ious "ti*ip tio", the feeli"g is e4Duisite+

6oly hell, if !y !i"d *ould Bust $eep up #ith !y body+ 6e le "s for# rd "d $isses

!e Dui*$ly+ 6e gr bs his stuff fro! !y side t ble "d his shoes E #hi*h he does"t put o"+

HT ylor #ill *o!e "d sort your 3eetle+ ; # s serious+ ?o"t dri/e it+ ;ll see you t !y pl *e o" Su"d y+ ;ll e! il you ti!e+I %"d li$e #hirl#i"d, hes go"e+

2h !y, Christi " @rey spe"t the "ight #ith !e, "d ; feel rested+ %"d there # s "o se4, o"ly *uddli"g+ 6e told !e he "e/er slept #ith "yo"e E but hes slept three ti!es #ith !e+ ; gri" "d slo#ly *li!b out of !y bed+ ; feel !ore opti!isti* th " ; h /e for the l st d y or so+ ; he d for the $it*he", "eedi"g *up of te +

%fter bre $f st, ; sho#er "d dress Dui*$ly for !y l st d y t Cl yto"s+ ;t is the e"d of " er E goodbye to 'r+ \ 'rs+ Cl yto", WS8, C "*ou/er, the p rt!e"t, !y 3eetle+ ; gl "*e t the !e " ! *hi"e E its o"ly :=72+ ; h /e ti!e+

Fro!= %" st si Steele

SubBe*t= %ss ult "d 3 ttery= The fter<effe*ts

? te= ' y 2: 2011 0.=07

To= Christi " @rey

?e r 'r+ @rey Kou # "ted to $"o# #hy ; felt *o"fused fter you E #hi*h euphe!is! should #e pply < sp "$ed, pu"ished, be t, ss ulted !e+ Well duri"g the #hole l r!i"g pro*ess ; felt de!e "ed, deb sed "d bused+ %"d !u*h to !y !ortifi* tio", youre right, ; # s roused, "d th t # s u"e4pe*ted+ %s you re #ell # re, ll thi"gs se4u l re "e# to !e E ; o"ly #ish ; # s !ore e4perie"*ed "d therefore !ore prep red+ ; # s sho*$ed to feel roused+ Wh t re lly #orried !e # s ho# ; felt fter# rds+ %"d th ts !ore diffi*ult to rti*ul te+ ; # s h ppy th t you #ere h ppy+ ; felt relie/ed th t it # s"t s p i"ful s ; thought it #ould be+ %"d #he" ; # s lyi"g i" your r!s, ; felt E s ted+ 3ut ; feel /ery u"*o!fort ble, guilty e/e", feeli"g th t # y+ ;t does"t sit #ell #ith !e, "d ;! *o"fused s result+ ?oes th t "s#er your Duestio"J ; hope the #orld of 'ergers "d %*Duisitio"s is s sti!ul ti"g s e/erM "d th t you #ere"t too l te+ Th "$ you for st yi"g #ith !e+ %"

Fro!= Christi " @rey

SubBe*t= Free Kour 'i"d

? te= ' y 2: 2011 0.=2S

To= %" st si Steele

;"teresti"gM if slightly o/erst ted title he di"g 'iss Steele+ To "s#er your poi"ts=

[ ;ll go #ith sp "$i"g E s th ts #h t it # s+

[ So you felt de!e "ed, deb sed, bused \ ss ulted E ho# /ery Tess ?urbeyfield of you+ ; belie/e it # s you #ho de*ided o" the deb se!e"t if ; re!e!ber *orre*tly+ ?o you re lly feel li$e this or do you thi"$ you ought to feel li$e thisJ T#o /ery differe"t thi"gs+ ;f th t is ho# you feel, do you thi"$ you *ould Bust try "d e!br *e these feeli"gs, de l #ith the!, for !eJ Th ts #h t #ould do+ sub!issi/e

[ ; ! gr teful for your i"e4perie"*e+ ; / lue it, "d ;! o"ly begi""i"g to u"derst "d #h t it !e "s+ Si!ply putM it !e "s th t you re !i"e i" e/ery # y+

[ Kes, you #ere roused, #hi*h i" tur" # s /ery rousi"g, theres "othi"g #ro"g #ith th t+

[ 6 ppy does "ot e/e" begi" to *o/er ho# ; felt+ E*st ti* Boy *o!es *lose+

[ 1u"ish!e"t sp "$i"g hurts f r !ore th " se"su l sp "$i"g E so th ts bout s h rd s it gets, u"less of *ourse you *o!!it so!e ! Bor tr "sgressio", i" #hi*h * se ;ll use so!e i!ple!e"t to pu"ish you #ith+ 'y h "d # s /ery sore+ 3ut ; li$e th t+

[ ; felt s ted too < !ore so th " you *ould e/er $"o#+

[ ?o"t # ste your e"ergy o" guilt, feeli"gs of #ro"gdoi"g et*+ We re *o"se"ti"g dults "d #h t #e do behi"d *losed doors is bet#ee" oursel/es+ Kou "eed to free your !i"d "d liste" to your body+

[ The #orld of '\% is "ot "e rly s sti!ul ti"g s you re 'iss Steele+

Christi " @rey CE2, @rey E"terprises 6oldi"gs ;"*+

6oly *r pM !i"e i" e/ery # y+ 'y bre th hit*hes+

Fro!= %" st si Steele

SubBe*t= Co"se"ti"g %dultsL

? te= ' y 2: 2011 0.=2-

To= Christi " @rey

%re"t you i"


;! /ery gl d your h "d # s sore+ %"d if ; liste"ed to !y body, ;d be i" %l s$ by "o#+ %" 1S= ; #ill thi"$ bout e!br *i"g these feeli"gs+

Fro!= Christi " @rey

SubBe*t= Kou ?id"t C ll the Cops

? te= ' y 2: 2011 0.=57

To= %" st si Steele

'iss Steele ; ! i" !eeti"g dis*ussi"g the futures ! r$et if youre re lly i"terested+

For the re*ord < you stood beside !e $"o#i"g #h t ; # s goi"g to do+

Kou did"t t "y ti!e s$ !e to stop E you did"t use either s fe #ord+ Kou re " dult E you h /e *hoi*es+ Quite fr "$ly, ;! loo$i"g for# rd to the "e4t ti!e !y p l! is ri"gi"g #ith p i"+ Koure ob/iously "ot liste"i"g to the right p rt of your body+ %l s$ is /ery *old "d "o pl *e to ru"+ ; #ould fi"d you+ ; * " tr *$ your *ell pho"e E re!e!berJ @o to #or$+

Christi " @rey CE2, @rey E"terprises 6oldi"gs ;"*+

; s*o#l t the s*ree"+ 6es right of *ourse+ ;ts !y *hoi*e+ 6!!+ ;s he serious bout *o!i"g to fi"d !e, should ; de*ide to es* pe for !others offer+ ; hit reply+ #hileJ 'y !i"d flits briefly to !y

Fro!= %" st si Steele

SubBe*t= St l$er

? te= ' y 2: 2011 0.=5-

To= Christi " @rey

6 /e you sought ther py for your st l$er te"de"*iesJ %"

Fro!= Christi " @rey

SubBe*t= St l$erJ 'eJ

? te= ' y 2: 2011 0.=5.

To= %" st si Steele

; p y the e!i"e"t ?r+ Fly"" te"de"*ies+ @o to #or$+

s! ll fortu"e #ith reg rd to !y st l$er "d other

Christi " @rey CE2, @rey E"terprises 6oldi"gs ;"*+

Fro!= %" st si Steele

SubBe*t= E4pe"si/e Ch rl t "s

? te= ' y 2: 2011 0.=S0

To= Christi " @rey

' y ; hu!bly suggest you see$

se*o"d opi"io"J

; ! "ot sure th t ?r+ Fly"" is /ery effe*ti/e+ 'iss Steele

Fro!= Christi " @rey

SubBe*t= Se*o"d 2pi"io"s

? te= ' y 2: 2011 0.=S5

To= %" st si Steele

0ot th t its "y of your busi"ess, hu!ble or other#ise, but ?r+ Fly"" is the se*o"d opi"io"+ Kou #ill h /e to speed, i" your "e# * r, putti"g yourself t u""e*ess ry ris$ E ; thi"$ th ts g i"st the rules+ @2 T2 W2(F+

Christi " @rey

CE2, @rey E"terprises 6oldi"gs ;"*+

Fro!= %" st si Steele

SubBe*t= S628TK C%1;T%LS

? te= ' y 2: 2011 0.=S:

To= Christi " @rey

%s the obBe*t of your st l$er te"de"*ies E ; thi"$ it is !y busi"ess *tu lly+ ; h /e"t sig"ed yet+ So rules s*h!ules+ %"d ; do"t st rt u"til ,=50+ 'iss Steele

Fro!= Christi " @rey

SubBe*t= ?es*ripti/e Li"guisti*s

? te= ' y 2: 2011 0.=S,

To= %" st si Steele

S*h!ulesJ 0ot sure #here th t ppe rs i" Websters ?i*tio" ry

Christi " @rey CE2, @rey E"terprises 6oldi"gs ;"*+

Fro!= %" st si Steele

SubBe*t= ?es*ripti/e Li"guisti*s

? te= ' y 2: 2011 0.=72

To= Christi " @rey

;ts bet#ee" *o"trol fre $ "d st l$er+ %"d des*ripti/e li"guisti*s is h rd li!it for !e+

Will you stop botheri"g !e "o#J ;d li$e to go to #or$ i" !y "e# * r+ %"

Fro!= Christi " @rey

SubBe*t= Ch lle"gi"g but !usi"g Kou"g Wo!e"

? te= ' y 2: 2011 0.=7-

To= %" st si Steele

'y p l! is t#it*hi"g+ ?ri/e s fely 'iss Steele+

Christi " @rey CE2, @rey E"terprises 6oldi"gs ;"*+

The %udi is it t

Boy to dri/e+ ;t h s po#er steeri"g+ W "d , !y 3eetle, h s "o po#er i"

ll E "y#here, so !y d ily #or$out, #hi*h # s dri/i"g !y 3eetle, #ill *e se+ 2h, but ; #ill h /e h te e4er*isi"g+ perso" l tr i"er to *o"te"d #ith, **ordi"g to Christi "s rules+ ; fro#"+ ;

While ; ! dri/i"g, ; try "d " lyGe our e! il e4*h "ge+ 6es

p tro"iGi"g so"<of<

<bit*h so!eti!es+ %"d the" ; thi"$ of @r *e "d ; feel guilty+ 3ut of *ourse, she # s"t his birth !other+ 6!! th ts of< #hole #orld of u"$"o#" p i"+ Well, p tro"iGi"g so"<

<bit*h #or$s #ell the"+ Kes+ ;! " dult, th "$ you for re!i"di"g !e, Christi " @rey,

"d it is !y *hoi*e+ The proble! is, ; Bust # "t Christi ", "ot ll hisM b gg ge E "d right "o# he h s Li$e :S: holds #orth of b gg ge+ Could ; Bust lie b *$ "d e!br *e itJ

sub!issi/eJ ;/e s id ;d try+ ;ts " #fully big s$+

; pull i"to the p r$i"g lot t Cl yto"s+ %s ; ! $e !y # y i", ; * " h rdly belie/e its !y l st d y+ Fortu" tely, the store is busy "d ti!e p sses Dui*$ly+ %t lu"*hti!e, 'r+ Cl yto" su!!o"s !e fro! the sto*$roo!+ 6es st "di"g beside *ourier+ !otor*y*le

H'iss SteeleJI the *ourier s$s+ ; fro#" Duestio"i"gly t 'r+ Cl yto", #ho shrugs, s puGGled s !e+ 'y he rt si"$s+ Wh t h s Christi " se"t !e "o#J ; sig" for the s! ll p *$ ge "d ope" it str ight # y+ ;ts it o"+ 3l *$3erry+ 'y he rt si"$s further+ ; s#it*h

Fro!= Christi " @rey

SubBe*t= 3l *$3erry 20 L2%0

? te= ' y 2: 2011 11=17

To= %" st si Steele

; "eed to be ble to *o"t *t you t ll ti!es, "d si"*e this is your !ost ho"est for! of *o!!u"i* tio", ; figured you "eeded 3l *$3erry+

Christi " @rey CE2, @rey E"terprises 6oldi"gs ;"*+

Fro!= %" st si Steele

SubBe*t= Co"su!eris! @o"e ' d

? te= ' y 2: 2011 15=22

To= Christi " @rey

; thi"$ you "eed to * ll ?r+ Fly"" right "o#+ Kour st l$er te"de"*ies re ru""i"g #ild+ ; ! t #or$+ ; #ill e! il you #he" ; get ho!e+ Th "$ you for yet "other g dget+ ; # s"t #ro"g #he" ; s id you #ere the ulti! te *o"su!er+ Why do you do thisJ %"

Fro!= Christi " @rey

SubBe*t= S g *ity fro! o"e so you"g

? te= ' y 2: 2011 15=2S

To= %" st si Steele

F ir poi"t<#ell ! de, s e/er 'iss Steele+ ?r+ Fly"" is o" / * tio"+ %"d ; do this be* use ; * "+

Christi " @rey CE2, @rey E"terprises 6oldi"gs ;"*+

; put the thi"g i" !y b *$ po*$et, h ti"g it lre dy+ E! ili"g Christi " is ddi*ti/e, but ; ! supposed to be #or$i"g+ ;t buGGes o"*e g i"st !y behi"dM ho# pt, ; thi"$ iro"i* lly, but su!!o"i"g ll !y #illpo#er, ; ig"ore it+

%t four, 'r+ "d 'rs+ Cl yto" g ther ll the other e!ployees i" the shop, "d duri"g h ir<*urli"gly e!b rr ssi"g spee*h, prese"t !e #ith doll rs+ *he*$ for three hu"dred

;" th t !o!e"t, three #ee$s of E e4 !s, gr du tio", i"te"se, fu*$ed<up billio" ires, de

flo#eri"g, h rd \ soft li!its, pl yroo!s #ith "o *o"soles, heli*opter rides E "d the f *t th t ; #ill !o/e to!orro#, ll #ell up i"side !e+ %! Gi"gly, ; hold !yself together+ 'y sub*o"s*ious is i" #e+ ; hug the Cl yto"s h rd+ They h /e bee" $i"d "d ge"erous e!ployers, "d ; #ill !iss the!+

F te is *li!bi"g out of her * r #he" ; rri/e ho!e+

HWh ts th tJI she s ys **usi"gly, poi"ti"g t the %udi+ ; * "t resist+

H;ts * r,I ; Duip+ She " rro#s her eyes, "d for goi"g

brief !o!e"t, ; #o"der if shes

to put !e *ross her $"ee too+ H'y gr du tio" prese"t+I ; try "d *t "o"*h l "t+ Kes, ; get e4pe"si/e * rs gi/e" to !e e/eryd y+ 6er !outh drops ope"+

H@e"erous, o/er<the<top b st rd, is"t heJI

; "od+

H; did try "ot to **ept it, but fr "$ly, its Bust "ot #orth the fight+I

F te purses her lips+

H0o #o"der youre so o/er#hel!ed+ ; did "ote th t he st yed+I

HKe h+I ; s!ile #istfully+

HSh ll #e fi"ish p *$i"gJI

; "od "d follo# her i"side+ ; *he*$ the e! il fro! Christi "+

Fro!= Christi " @rey

SubBe*t= Su"d y

? te= ' y 2: 2011 15=S0

To= %" st si Steele

Sh ll ; see you t 1 p+!+ Su"d yJ The do*tor #ill be t Es* l to see you t 1=50+ ;! le /i"g for Se ttle "o#+ ; hope your !o/e goes #ell, "d ; loo$ for# rd to Su"d y+

Christi " @rey CE2, @rey E"terprises 6oldi"gs ;"*+

JeeG, he *ould be dis*ussi"g the #e ther+ ; de*ide to e! il hi! o"*e #e/e fi"ished p *$i"g, he * " be su*h fu" o"e !i"ute, "d the" he * " be so for! l "d stuffy+ ;ts diffi*ult to $eep up+ 6o"estly, its li$e " e! il to " e!ployee+ ; roll !y eyes t it defi "tly "d Boi" F te to p *$+

F te "d ; re i" the $it*he" #he" theres por*h,

$"o*$ t the door+ T ylor st "ds o" the

loo$i"g i!! *ul te i" his suit+ ; "oti*e the tr *e of e4< r!y i" his buGG *ut, tri! physiDue, "d his *ool st re+

H'iss Steele,I he s ys+ H;/e *o!e for your * r+I

H2h yes, of *ourse+ Co!e i", ;ll fet*h the $eys+I

Surely this is bo/e "d beyo"d the * ll of duty+ ; #o"der g i" t T ylors Bob des*riptio"+ ; h "d hi! the $eys, "d #e # l$ i" " u"*o!fort ble sile"*e for !e < to# rd the light blue 3eetle+ ; ope" the door "d re!o/e the fl shlight fro! the glo/e bo4+ Th ts it+ ; h /e "othi"g else th ts perso" l i" the W "d + @oodby,, W "d + Th "$ you+ ; * ress her roof s ; *lose the p sse"ger door+

H6o# lo"g h /e you #or$ed for 'r+ @reyJI ; s$+

HFour ye rs, 'iss Steele+I

Sudde"ly, ; h /e " o/er#hel!i"g urge to bo!b rd hi! #ith Duestio"s+ Wh t this ! " !ust $"o# bout Christi ", ll his se*rets+ 3ut the" hes prob bly sig"ed " 0?%+ ; loo$ "er/ously t hi!+ 6e h s the s !e t *itur" e4pressio" s ( y, "d ; # r! to hi!+

H6es !e

good ! ", 'iss Steele,I he s ys, "d he s!iles slightly+ With th t, he gi/es

little "od, *li!bs i"to !y * r, "d dri/es # y+

%p rt!e"t, 3eetle, Cl yto"s E its ll *h "ge "o#+ ; sh $e !y he d s ; # "der b *$ i"side+ %"d the biggest *h "ge of ll is Christi " @rey+ T ylor thi"$s hes ! "+ C " ; belie/e hi!J good

JosO Boi"s us #ith

Chi"ese t $e<out t eight+ Were do"e+ Were p *$ed "d re dy

to go+ 6e bri"gs se/er l bottles of beer, "d F te "d ; sit o" the *ou*h #hile hes *ross< legged o" the floor bet#ee" us+ We # t*h *r p TC, dri"$ beer, "d s the e/e"i"g #e rs o", #e fo"dly "d loudly re!i"is*e s the beer t $es effe*t+ ;ts bee" ye rs+ good four

The t!osphere bet#ee" JosO "d ; h s retur"ed to "or! l, the tte!pted $iss forgotte"+ Well, its bee" s#ept u"der the rug th t !y i""er goddess is lyi"g o", e ti"g gr pes

"d t ppi"g her fi"gers, # iti"g "ot so p tie"tly for Su"d y+ Theres door, "d !y he rt le ps i"to !y thro t+ ;s itJ

$"o*$ o" the

F te "s#ers the door "d is "e rly $"o*$ed off her feet by Elliot+ 6e seiGes her i" 6olly#ood<style *li"*h th t !o/es Dui*$ly i"to 6o"estlyM get Europe " rt house e!br *e+

roo!+ JosO "d ; st re t e *h other+ ;! pp lled t their l *$ of !odesty+

HSh ll #e # l$ do#" to the b rJI ; s$ JosO, #ho "ods fr "ti* lly+ We re too u"*o!fort ble #ith the u"restr i"ed se4i"g u"foldi"g i" fro"t of us+ F te loo$s up t !e, flushed "d bright<eyed+

HJosO "d ; re goi"g for eyes i" !y o#" ti!e+

Dui*$ dri"$+I ; roll !y eyes t her+ 6 L ; * " still roll !y

H2$ y,I she gri"s+

H6i Elliot, bye Elliot+I

6e #i"$s big blue eye t !e, "d JosO "d ; re out of the door, giggli"g li$e tee" gers+

%s #e stroll do#" to the b r, ; put !y r! through JosOs+ @od, hes so u"*o!pli* ted < ; h d"t re lly ppre*i ted th t before+

HKoull still *o!e to the ope"i"g of !y sho#, #o"t youJI

H2f *ourse, JosO, #he" is itJI

HJu"e ,+I

HWh t d y is th tJI ; sudde"ly p "i*+


Thursd y+I

HKe h ; should ! $e th tM "d you #ill /isit us i" Se ttleJI

HTry "d stop !e+I 6e gri"s+

;ts l te #he" ; rri/e b *$ fro! the b r+ F te "d Elliot re "o#here to be see" but boy * " they be he rd+ 6oly shit+ ; hope ;! "ot th t loud+ ; $"o# Christi " is"t+ ; flush t the thought "d es* pe to !y roo!+ %fter good"ess hug, brief "ot< t< ll< #$# rd<th "$<

JosO h s go"e+ ; do"t $"o# #he" ;ll see hi! g i", prob bly his photogr phi* sho#, "d o"*e g i", ;! blo#" # y th t he fi" lly h s " e4hibitio"+ ; sh ll !iss hi! "d his boyish *h r!+ ; *ould"t bri"g !yself to tell hi! bout the 3eetle, ; $"o# hell fre $ #he" he

fi"ds out, "d ; * " o"ly de l #ith o"e ! " t roo!,

ti!e fre $i"g out t !e+ 2"*e i" !y

; *he*$ the !e " ! *hi"e, "d of *ourse, theres " e! il fro! Christi "+

Fro!= Christi " @rey

SubBe*t= Where %re KouJ

? te= ' y 2: 2011 22=1S

To= %" st si Steele

N; ! t #or$+ ; #ill e! il you #he" ; get ho!e+ %re you still t #or$ or h /e you p *$ed your pho"e, 3l *$3erry "d ' *3oo$J C ll !e, or ; ! y be for*ed to * ll Elliot+

Christi " @rey CE2, @rey E"terprises 6oldi"gs ;"*+

Cr pM JosOM shit+

; gr b !y pho"e+ Fi/e !issed * lls "d o"e /oi*e !ess ge+ Te"t ti/ely, ; liste" to the !ess ge+ ;ts Christi "+

N; thi"$ you "eed to le r" to ! " ge !y e4pe*t tio"s+ ; ! "ot you

p tie"t ! "+ ;f

s y you re goi"g to *o"t *t !e #he" you fi"ish #or$, the" you should h /e the de*e"*y to do so+ 2ther#ise, ; #orry, "d its "ot " e!otio" ;! f !ili r #ith, "d ; do"t toler te it /ery #ell+ C ll !e+

?ouble *r p+ Will he e/er gi/e !e !e+ With press

bre $J ; s*o#l t the pho"e+ 6e is suffo* ti"g

deep dre d u"*urli"g i" !y sto! *h, ; s*roll do#" to his "u!ber "d

di l+ 'y he rt is i" !y !outh s ; # it for hi! to "s#er+ 6ed prob bly li$e to be t se/e" sh des of shit out of !e+ The thought is depressi"g+

H6i,I he s ys softly, "d his respo"se $"o*$s !e off b l "*e be* use ; ! e4pe*ti"g his "ger, but if "ythi"g, he sou"ds relie/ed+

H6i,I ; !ur!ur+

H; # s #orried bout you+I

H; $"o#+ ;! sorry ; did"t reply, but ;! fi"e+I

6e p uses for

be t+

H?id you h /e

ple s "t e/e"i"gJI 6e is *risply polite+

HKes+ We fi"ished p *$i"g "d F te "d ; sh red *lose

Chi"ese t $e<out #ith JosO+I ;

!y eyes tightly s ; s y JosOs " !e+ Christi " s ys "othi"g+

H6o# bout youJI ; s$ to fill the sudde" de fe"i"g *h s! of sile"*e+ ; #ill "ot let hi! guilt !e out bout JosO+

E/e"tu lly, he sighs+

H; #e"t to

fu"dr isi"g di""er+ ;t # s de thly dull+ ; left s soo" s ; *ould+I

6e sou"ds so s d "d resig"ed+ 'y he rt *le"*hes+ ; pi*ture hi! ll those "ights go s t t the pi "o i" his huge li/i"g roo! "d the u"be r ble bitters#eet !el "*holy of the !usi* he # s pl yi"g+

H; #ish you #ere here,I ; #hisper, be* use ; h /e " urge to hold hi!+ Soothe hi!+ E/e" though he #o"t let !e+ ; # "t his pro4i!ity+

H?o youJI he !ur!urs bl "dly+ 6oly ! *$erel+ This does"t sou"d li$e hi!, "d !y s* lp pri*$les #ith d #"i"g pprehe"sio"+

HKes,I ; bre the+ %fter " eter"ity, he sighs+

H;ll see you Su"d yJI

HKes, Su"d y,I ; !ur!ur, "d

thrill *ourses through !y body+


H@ood"ight, Sir+I

'y ddress * t*hes hi! u" # res, ; * " tell by his sh rp i"t $e of bre th+

H@ood lu*$ #ith your !o/e to!orro#, %" st si +I 6is /oi*e is soft+ %"d #ere both h "gi"g o" the pho"e li$e tee" gers, "either # "ti"g to h "g up+

HKou h "g up,I ; #hisper+ Fi" lly, ; se"se his s!ile+

H0o, you h "g up+I %"d ; $"o# hes gri""i"g+

H; do"t # "t to+I

H0either do ;+I

HWere you /ery "gry #ith !eJI


H%re you stillJI


HSo youre "ot goi"g to pu"ish !eJI

H0o+ ;! " i"<the<!o!e"t $i"d of guy+I

H;/e "oti*ed+I

HKou * " h "g up "o#, 'iss Steele+I

H?o you re lly # "t !e to, SirJI

H@o to bed, %" st si +I

HKes, Sir+I

We both st y o" the li"e+

H?o you e/er thi"$ youll be ble to do #h t youre toldJI 6es !used "d e4 sper ted t o"*e+

H' ybe+ Well see fter Su"d y+I %"d ; press Ne"d o" the pho"e+

Elliot st "ds "d d!ires his h "di#or$+ 6e h s re<plugged our TC i"to the s tellite syste! i" our 1i$e 1l *e ' r$et p rt!e"t+ F te "d ; flop o" to the *ou*h giggli"g, i!pressed by his pro#ess #ith po#er drill+ The fl t s*ree" loo$s odd g i"st the bri*$#or$

of the *o"/erted # rehouse, but "o doubt ; #ill get used to it+

HSee, b by, e sy+I 6e gri"s liter lly dissol/es i"to the *ou*h+

#ide #hite<toothed s!ile t F te, "d she l!ost

; roll !y eyes t the p ir of the!+

H;d lo/e to st y, b by, but !y sister is b *$ fro! 1 ris+ ;ts di""er to"ight+I

*o!pulsory f !ily

HC " you *o!e by fterJI F te s$s te"t ti/ely, ll soft "d u"<F teli$e+

; st "d "d ! $e !y # y o/er to the $it*he" re o" the prete"se of u"p *$i"g o"e of the *r tes+ They re goi"g to get i*$y+

H;ll see if ; * " es* pe,I he pro!ises+

H;ll *o!e do#" #ith you+I F te s!iles+

HL ters, %" +I Elliot gri"s+

H3ye, Elliot+ S y hi to Christi " fro! !e+I

HJust hiJI 6is eyebro#s shoot up suggesti/ely+

HKes+I ; flush+ 6e #i"$s t !e, "d ; go *ri!so" s he follo#s F te out of the p rt!e"t+

Elliot is dor ble "d so differe"t fro! Christi "+ 6es # r!, ope", physi* l, /ery physi* l, too physi* l, #ith F te+ They * " b rely $eep their h "ds off e *h other E to be ho"est its e!b rr ssi"g < "d ; ! pe <gree" #ith e"/y+

F te retur"s bout t#e"ty !i"utes l ter #ith piGG , "d #e sit, surrou"ded by *r tes, i" our "e# ope" sp *e, e ti"g str ight fro! the bo4+ F tes d d h s do"e us proud+ The p rt!e"t is "ot l rge, but its big e"ough, three bedroo!s "d th t l rge li/i"g sp *e

loo$s out o" to 1i$e 1l *e ' r$et itself+ ;ts ll solid #ood floors "d red bri*$, "d the $it*he" tops re s!ooth *o"*rete, /ery utilit ri ", /ery "o#+ We both lo/e th t #e #ill be i" the he rt of the *ity+

%t eight the e"try<pho"e buGGes+ F te le ps up < "d !y he rt le ps i"to !y !outh+

H?eli/ery, 'iss Steele, 'iss F / " gh+I ?is ppoi"t!e"t flo#s freely "d u"e4pe*tedly through !y /ei"s+ ;ts "ot Christi "+

HSe*o"d floor, p rt!e"t t#o+I

F te buGGes the deli/ery boy i"+ 6is !outh f lls ope" #he" he sees F te, ll tight Be "s, t<shirt, h ir piled high #ith es* pi"g te"drils+ She h s th t effe*t o" !e"+ 6e holds bottle of *h !p g"e #ith d GGli"g heli*opter<sh ped b lloo" tt *hed+ She gi/es hi!

s!ile to se"d hi! o" his # y "d pro*eeds to re d the * rd out to !e+

L dies, @ood lu*$ i" your "e# ho!e, Christi " @rey+

F te sh $es her he d i" dis ppro/ l+

HWhy * "t he Bust #rite Nfro! Christi "J %"d #h ts #ith the #eird heli*opter b lloo"JI

HCh rlie T "go+I


HChristi " fle# !e to Se ttle i" his heli*opter+I ; shrug+

F te st res t !e ope" !outhed+ ; h /e to s y E ; lo/e these o** sio"s E F theri"e F / " gh, sile"t "d floored, they re so r re+ ; t $e brief "d lu4urious !o!e"t to e"Boy it+

HKep, he h s

heli*opter, #hi*h he fle# hi!self,I ; st te proudly+

H2f *ourse the obs*e"ely ri*h b st rd h s F te

heli*opter+ Why did"t you tell !eJI

loo$s **usi"gly t !e, but shes s!ili"g, sh $i"g her he d i" disbelief+

H;/e h d

lot o" !y !i"d l tely+I

She fro#"s+

H%re you goi"g to be o$ y #hile ;! # yJI

H2f *ourse+I ; "s#er re ssuri"gly+ 0e# *ity, "o BobM "ut<Bob boyfrie"d+

H?id you gi/e hi! our ddressJ

H0o, but st l$i"g is o"e of his spe*i lties+I ; !use, ! tter<of<f *t+

F tes bro# $"its further+

HSo!eho# ;! "ot surprised+ 6e #orries !e, %" + %t le st its

good *h !p g"e

"d its *hilled+I

2f *ourse, o"ly Christi " #ould se"d *hilled *h !p g"e or get his se*ret ry to do itM or ! ybe T ylor+ We ope" it there "d the" "d fi"d our te *ups < they #ere the l st ite!s to be p *$ed+

H3olli"ger @r "de %""Oe (osO 1,,,, " e4*elle"t /i"t ge+I ; gri" t F te, "d #e *li"$ te *ups+

; # $e e rly to "d lie

gr y Su"d y !or"i"g fter

surprisi"gly refreshi"g "ights sleep

# $e st ri"g t !y *r tes+ Kou should re lly be u"p *$i"g these, !y sub*o"s*ious " gs, pursi"g her h rpy lips together+ 0oM tod ys the d y+ 'y i""er goddess is beside herself, hoppi"g fro! foot to foot+ %"ti*ip tio" h "gs he /y "d porte"tous o/er !y he d li$e d r$ tropi* l stor! *loud+ 3utterflies flood !y belly E s #ell s * pti/ ti"g d r$er, * r" l,

*he s ; try to i! gi"e #h t he #ill do to !eM "d of *ourse, ; h /e to sig" th t d !"ed *o"tr *t or do ;J ; he r the pi"g of i"*o!i"g ! il fro! the !e " ! *hi"e o" the floor beside !y bed+

Fro!= Christi " @rey

SubBe*t= 'y Life i" 0u!bers

? te= ' y 2, 2011 0.=0S

To= %" st si Steele

;f you dri/e youll "eed this **ess *ode for the u"dergrou"d g r ge t Es* l = 1S-,-5 1 r$ i" b y 7 E its o"e of !i"e+ Code for the ele/ tor= 1..0

Christi " @rey CE2, @rey E"terprises 6oldi"gs ;"*+

Fro!= %" st si Steele

SubBe*t= %" e4*elle"t Ci"t ge

? te= ' y 2, 2011 0.=0.

To= Christi " @rey

Kes Sir+ 8"derstood+ Th "$ you for the *h !p g"e "d the blo#<up Ch rlie T "go, #hi*h is "o# tied to !y bed+ %"

Fro!= Christi " @rey

SubBe*t= E"/y

? te= ' y 2, 2011 0.=11

To= %" st si Steele

Koure #el*o!e+ ?o"t be l te+ Lu*$y Ch rlie T "go+

Christi " @rey CE2, @rey E"terprises 6oldi"gs ;"*+

; roll !y eyes t his bossi"ess, but his l st li"e ! $es !e s!ile+ ; he d for the b throo!, #o"deri"g if Elliot ! de it b *$ l st "ight "d tryi"g h rd to rei" i" !y "er/es+

; * " dri/e the %udi i" high<heelsL %t 12=77 p+!+ pre*isely, ; pull i"to the g r ge t Es* l the "d p r$ i" b y fi/e+ 6o# ! "y b ys does he o#"J The %udi S8C is there,

(., "d t#o s! ller %udi S8CsM h!!+ ; *he*$ !y seldo!<#or" ! s* r i" the light up / "ity !irror o" !y su"shield+ ?id"t h /e o"e of these i" the 3eetle+

@o girlL 'y i""er goddess h s her po! po!s i" h "d < shes i" *heerle di"g !ode+ ;" the i"fi"ity !irrors of the ele/ tor, ; *he*$ out !y plu! dress, #ell E F tes plu! dress+ The l st ti!e ; #ore this, he # "ted to peel it off !e+ 'y body *le"*hes t the thought+ 2h !y, the feeli"g is Bust e4Duisite, "d ; * t*h !y bre th+ ;! #e ri"g the u"der#e r th t T ylor bought for !e+ ; flush t the thought of his buGG<*ut ro !i"g the isles of %ge"t

1ro/o* teur or #here/er he bought it+ The doors ope", "d ;! f *i"g the foyer of p rt!e"t "u!ber o"e+

T ylor st "ds t the double doors s ; step out of the ele/ tor+

H@ood fter"oo", 'iss Steele,I he s ys+

H2h ple se * ll !e, %" +I

H%" ,I he s!iles+

H'r+ @rey is e4pe*ti"g you+I

; bet he is+

Christi " is se ted o" his li/i"g roo! *ou*h re di"g the Su"d y p pers+ 6e gl "*es up s T ylor dire*ts !e i"to the li/i"g re + The roo! is e4 *tly s ; re!e!ber it E its bee" #hole #ee$ si"*e ;/e bee" here E but it feels so !u*h lo"ger+ Christi " loo$s *ool "d * l! E *tu lly, he loo$s he /e"ly+ 6es i" shoes or loose #hite li"e" shirt "d Be "s, "o

so*$s+ 6is h ir is tousled "d u"$e!pt, "d his gr y eyes t#i"$le #i*$edly t !e+ 6e is B #<droppi"gly h "dso!e+ 6e rises "d strolls to# rds !e, " !used ppr isi"g s!ile o" his be utiful s*ulptured lips+

; st "d i!!obiliGed t the e"tr "*e of the roo!, p r lyGed by his be uty "d the s#eet "ti*ip tio" of #h ts to *o!e+ The f !ili r *h rge bet#ee" us is there, sp r$i"g slo#ly i" !y belly, dr #i"g !e to hi!+

H6!!M th t dress,I he !ur!urs ppro/i"gly s he g Ges do#" t !e+ HWel*o!e b *$, 'iss Steele,I he #hispers, "d *l spi"g !y *hi", he le "s do#" "d proffers ge"tle

light $iss o" !y lips+ The tou*h of his lips to !i"e re/erber tes throughout !y body+ 'y bre th hit*hes+

H6i,I ; #hisper s ; flush+

HKoure o" ti!e+ ; li$e pu"*tu l+ Co!e+I 6e t $es !y h "d "d le ds !e to the *ou*h+ H; # "ted to sho# you so!ethi"g,I he s ys s #e sit+ 6e h "ds !e the Se ttle Ti!es+ 2" p ge eight, theres gr du tio" photogr ph of the t#o of us together t the

*ere!o"y+ 6oly *r p+ ;! i" the p per+ ; *he*$ the * ptio"+

Christi " @rey "d frie"d t the gr du tio" *ere!o"y t WS8 C "*ou/er+

; l ugh+

HSo ;! your Nfrie"d "o#+I

HSo it #ould ppe r+ %"d its i" the "e#sp per, so it !ust be true+I 6e s!ir$s+

Sitti"g beside !e, his #hole body is tur"ed to# rd !e, o"e of his legs tu*$ed u"der the other+ (e *hi"g o/er, he tu*$s !y h ir behi"d !y e r #ith his lo"g i"de4 fi"ger+ 'y body *o!es li/e t his tou*h, # iti"g "d "eedful+

HSo, %" st si , you h /e

!u*h better ide of #h t ;! bout si"*e you #ere l st


HKes+I Wheres he goi"g #ith thisJ

H%"d yet you/e retur"ed+I

; "od shyly, "d his gr y eyes bl Ge+ 6e sh $es his he d slightly s if hes struggli"g #ith the ide +

H6 /e you e te"JI he s$s out of the blue+



H%re you hu"gryJI 6es re lly tryi"g "ot to loo$ ""oyed+

H0ot for food,I ; #hisper, "d his "ostrils fl re slightly i" re *tio"+

6e le "s for# rd "d #hispers i" !y e r+

HKou re s e ger s e/er, 'iss Steele, "d Bust to let you i"to ;+

little se*ret, so !

3ut ?r+ @ree"e is due here shortly+I 6e sits up+ H; #ish youd e t,I he s*olds !e !ildly+

'y he ted blood *ools+ 6oly *o# E the do*tor+ ;d forgotte"+

HWh t * " you tell !e bout ?r+ @ree"eJI ; s$ to distr *t us both+

HShes the best 2bA@y" i" Se ttle+ Wh t !ore * " ; s yJI 6e shrugs+

H; thought ; # s seei"g your do*tor, "d do"t tell !e youre re lly be* use ; #o"t belie/e you+I

#o! ",

6e gi/es !e

do"t<be<ridi*ulous loo$+

H; thi"$ its !ore ppropri te th t you see

spe*i list+ ?o"t youJI he s ys !ildly+

; "od+ 6oly 'oses, if shes the best 2bA@y", hes s*heduled her to see !e o" Su"d y E t lu"*hti!eL ; * ""ot begi" to i! gi"e ho# !u*h th t *osts+ Christi " fro#"s sudde"ly s if re* lli"g so!ethi"g u"ple s "t+

H%" st si , !y !other #ould li$e you to *o!e to di""er this e/e"i"g+ ; belie/e Elliot is s$i"g F te too+ ; do"t $"o# ho# you feel bout th t+ ;t #ill be odd for !e to i"trodu*e you to !y f !ily+I

2ddJ WhyJ

H%re you sh !ed of !eJI ; * "t $eep the #ou"ded hurt out of !y /oi*e+

H2f *ourse "ot+I 6e rolls his eyes t !e+

HWhy is it oddJI

H3e* use ;/e "e/er do"e it before+I

HWhy re you llo#ed to roll your eyes, "d ;! "otJI

6e bli"$s t !e+

H; # s"t # re th t ; # s+I

H0either ! ; usu lly,I ; s" p t hi!+

Christi " gl res t !e, spee*hless+ T ylor ppe rs t the door# y+

H?r+ @ree"e is here, Sir+I

HSho# her up to 'iss Steeles roo!+I

'iss Steeles roo!L

H(e dy for so!e *o"tr *eptio"JI he s$s s he st "ds "d holds out his h "d to !e+

HKoure "ot goi"g to *o!e s #ell re youJI ; g sp, sho*$ed+

6e l ughs+

H;d p y /ery good !o"ey to # t*h, belie/e !e, %" st si , but ; do"t thi"$ the good do*tor #ould ppro/e+I

; t $e his h "d, "d he pulls !e up i"to his r!s "d $isses !e deeply+ ; *lut*h o" to his r!s, t $e" by surprise+ 6is h "d is i" !y h ir holdi"g !y he d, "d he pulls !e g i"st hi!, his forehe d g i"st !i"e+

H;! so gl d youre here,I he #hispers+ H; * "t # it to get you " $ed+I

?r+ @ree"e is t ll, blo"d, "d i!! *ul te, dressed i" of the

roy l blue suit+ ;! re!i"ded

#o!e" #ho #or$ i" Christi "s offi*e+ Shes li$e " ide"ti$it !odel E "other Stepford blo"de+ 6er lo"g h ir is s#ept up i" " eleg "t *hig"o"+ She !ust be i" her e rly forties+

H'r+ @rey+I She sh $es Christi "s outstret*hed h "d+

HTh "$ you for *o!i"g t su*h short "oti*e,I Christi " s ys+

HTh "$ you for ! $i"g it #orth !y #hile, 'r+ @rey+ 'iss Steele+I She s!iles, her eyes *ool "d ssessi"g+

We sh $e h "ds, "d ; $"o# shes o"e of those #o!e" #ho does"t toler te fools gl dly+ Li$e F te+ ; li$e her i!!edi tely+ She gi/es Christi " fter " #$# rd be t, he t $es his *ue+ poi"ted st re, "d

H;ll be do#"st irs,I he !utters, "d he le /es #h t #ill be !y bedroo!+

HWell 'iss Steele+ 'r+ @rey is p yi"g !e ; do for youJI

s! ll fortu"e to tte"d to you+ Wh t * "

%fter thorough e4 !i" tio" "d le"gthy dis*ussio", ?r+ @ree"e "d ; de*ide o" the !i"i pill+ She #rites !e to!orro#+ ; pre<p id pres*riptio" "d i"stru*ts !e to pi*$ the! up

lo/e her "o<"o"se"se ttitude E she h s le*tured !e u"til shes s blue s her dress bout t $i"g it t the s !e ti!e e/ery d y+ %"d ; * " tell shes bur"i"g #ith *uriosity bout !y so<* lled rel tio"ship #ith 'r+ @rey+ ; do"t gi/e her "y det ils+ So!eho# ; do"t thi"$

shed loo$ so * l! "d *olle*ted if shed see" his (ed (oo! of 1 i"+ ; flush s #e p ss

its *losed door "d he d b *$ do#"st irs to the rt g llery th t is Christi "s li/i"g roo!+

Christi " is re di"g, se ted o" his *ou*h+ % bre tht $i"g ri is pl yi"g o" the !usi* syste!, s#irli"g rou"d hi!, *o*oo"i"g hi!, filli"g the roo! #ith so"g+ s#eet, soulful

For !o!e"t, he loo$s sere"e+ 6e tur"s "d gl "*es t us #he" #e e"ter "d s!iles # r!ly t !e+

H%re you do"eJI he s$s s if hes ge"ui"ely i"terested+ 6e poi"ts the re!ote t slee$ #hite bo4 be"e th the firepl *e th t houses his i1od, "d the e4Duisite !elody f des but *o"ti"ues i" the b *$grou"d+ St "di"g, he strolls to# rds us+

HKes, 'r+ @rey+ Loo$ fter herV shes

be utiful, bright you"g #o! "+I

Christi " is t $e" b *$ E s ! ;+ Wh t " i" ppropri te thi"g for ;s

do*tor to s y+

she gi/i"g hi! so!e $i"d of "ot so subtle # r"i"gJ Christi " re*o/ers hi!self+

H; fully i"te"d to,I he !utters, be!used+

@ Gi"g t hi!, ; shrug, e!b rr ssed+

H;ll se"d you !y bill,I she s ys *risply s she sh $es his h "d+

H@ood d y, "d good lu*$ to you, %" +I She s!iles, her eyes *ri"$li"g s she does #he" #e sh $e h "ds+

T ylor ppe rs fro! "o#here to es*ort her through the double doors "d out to the ele/ tor+ 6o# does he do th tJ Where does he lur$J

H6o# # s th tJI Christi " s$s+

HFi"e, th "$ you+ She s id th t ; h d to bst i" fro! ll se4u l *ti/ity for the "e4t four #ee$s+I

Christi "s !outh drops ope" i" sho*$, "d ; * ""ot $eep "d gri" t hi! li$e " idiot+

str ight f *e "y lo"ger

H@ot*h LI

6e " rro#s his eyes, "d ; i!!edi tely stop l ughi"g+ ;" f *t, he loo$s r ther forbiddi"g+ 2h shit+ 'y sub*o"s*ious Du ils i" the *or"er s ll the blood dr i"s fro! !y f *e, "d ; i! gi"e hi! putti"g !e *ross his $"ee g i"+

H@ot*h LI he s ys "d s!ir$s+ 6e gr bs !e rou"d !y # ist "d pulls !e up g i"st hi!+ HKou re i"*orrigible, 'iss Steele,I he !ur!urs, st ri"g do#" i"to !y eyes s he #e /es his fi"gers i"to !y h ir, holdi"g !e fir!ly i" pl *e+ 6e $isses !e, h rd, "d ; *li"g

o" to his !us*ul r r!s for support+

H%s !u*h s ;d li$e to t $e you here, "o#, you "eed to e t "d so do ;+ ; do"t # "t you p ssi"g out o" !e l ter,I he !ur!urs g i"st !y lips+

H;s th t ll you # "t !e for E !y bodyJI ; #hisper+

HTh t "d your s! rt !outh,I he bre thes+

6e $isses !e g i" p ssio" tely, "d the" bruptly rele ses !e, t $i"g !y h "d "d le di"g !e to the $it*he"+ ; ! reeli"g+ 2"e !i"ute #ere Bo$i"g "d the "e4tM ; f " !y he ted f *e+ 6es Bust se4 o" legs, "d "o# ; h /e to re*o/er !y eDuilibriu! "d e t so!ethi"g+ The ri is still pl yi"g i" the b *$grou"d+

HWh ts the !usi*JI

HCill Lobos, " ri fro! 3 *hi " s 3r sileir s+ @ood, is"t itJI

HKes,I ; !ur!ur i" tot l gree!e"t+

The bre $f st b r is l id for t#oV Christi " t $es

s l d bo#l fro! the fridge+

HChi*$e" * es r s l d o$ y #ith youJI

2h th "$ he /e"s, "othi"g too he /y+

HKes, fi"e, th "$ you+I

; # t*h s he !o/es gr *efully through his $it*he"+ 6es so t e se #ith his body o" o"e le/el, but the" he does"t li$e to be tou*hedM so ! ybe deep do#" he is"t+ 0o ! " is " isl "d, ; !use E e4*ept perh ps Christi " @rey+

HWh t re you thi"$i"gJI he s$s, pulli"g !e fro! !y re/erie+ ; flush+

H; # s Bust # t*hi"g the # y you !o/e+I

6e r ises " eyebro#, !used+

H%"dJI he s ys dryly+

; flush so!e !ore+

HKoure /ery gr *eful+I

HWhy th "$ you, 'iss Steele,I he !ur!urs+ 6e sits do#" beside !e, holdi"g bottle of #i"e+ HCh blisJI

H1le se+I

H6elp yourself to s l d,I he s ys, his /oi*e soft+

HTell !e < #h t !ethod did you opt forJI

; ! !o!e"t rily thro#" by his Duestio", #he" ; re liGe hes t l$i"g bout ?r+ @ree"es /isit+

H'i"i pill+I

6e fro#"s+

H%"d #ill you re!e!ber to t $e it regul rly, t the right ti!e, e/ery d yJI

JeeGM of *ourse ; #ill+ 6o# does he $"o#J ; blush t the thought, prob bly fro! o"e or !ore of the fiftee"+

H;! sure youll re!i"d !e,I ; !ur!ur dryly+

6e gl "*es t !e #ith !used *o"des*e"sio"+

H;ll put " l r! o" !y * le"d r+I 6e s!ir$s+ HE t+I

The *hi*$e" * es r is deli*ious+ To !y surprise, ;! f !ished, "d for the first ti!e

si"*e ;/e bee" #ith hi!, ; fi"ish !y !e l before he does+ The #i"e is *risp, *le ", "d fruity+

HE ger s e/er, 'iss SteeleJI he s!iles do#" t !y e!pty pl te+

; loo$ t hi! fro! be"e th !y l shes+

HKes,I ; #hisper+

6is bre th hit*hes+ %"d s he st res do#" t !e, ; feel the t!osphere bet#ee" us slo#ly shift, e/ol/eM *h rge+ 6is loo$ goes fro! d r$ to s!olderi"g, t $i"g !e #ith hi!+ 6e st "ds, *losi"g the dist "*e bet#ee" us, "d tugs !e off !y b r stool i"to his r!s+

H?o you # "t to do thisJI he bre thes, loo$i"g do#" t !e i"te"tly+

H; h /e"t sig"ed "ythi"g+I

H; $"o# E but ;! bre $i"g ll the rules these d ys+I

H%re you goi"g to hit !eJI

HKes, but it #o"t be to hurt you+ ; do"t # "t to pu"ish you right "o#+ ;f youd * ught !e yesterd y e/e"i"g, #ell, th t #ould h /e bee" differe"t story+I

6oly *o#+ 6e # "ts to hurt !eM ho# do ; de l #ith thisJ ; * "t hide the horror o" !y f *e+

H?o"t let "yo"e try "d *o"/i"*e you other#ise, %" st si + 2"e of the re so"s people li$e !e do this is be* use #e either li$e to gi/e or re*ei/e p i"+ ;ts /ery si!ple+ Kou do"t, so ; spe"t gre t de l of ti!e yesterd y thi"$i"g bout th t+I

6e pulls !e g i"st hi!, "d his ere*tio" presses i"to !y belly+ ; should ru", but ; * "t+ ;! dr #" to hi! o" so!e deep, ele!e"t l le/el, th t ; * "t begi" to u"derst "d+

H?id you re *h "y *o"*lusio"sJI ; #hisper+

H0o, "d right "o#, ; Bust # "t to tie you up "d fu*$ you se"seless+ %re you re dy for th tJI

HKes,I ; bre the s e/erythi"g i" !y body tighte"s t o"*eM #o#+

H@ood+ Co!e+I 6e t $es !y h "d "d, le /i"g ll the dirty dishes o" the bre $f st b r, "d #e he d upst irs+

'y he rt st rts pou"di"g+ This is it+ ;! re lly goi"g to do this+ 'y i""er goddess is spi""i"g li$e to his #orld<*l ss b lleri" , pirouette fter pirouette+ 6e ope"s the door

pl yroo!, st "di"g b *$ for !e to # l$ through, "d ; ! o"*e !ore i" the (ed (oo! of 1 i"+

;ts the s !e, the s!ell of le ther, *itrus, polish "d d r$ #ood, ll /ery se"su l+ 'y blood is ru""i"g he ted "d s* red through !y syste! E dre" li"e !i4ed #ith lust "d lo"gi"g+ ;ts he dy, pote"t *o*$t il+ Christi "s st "*e h s *h "ged *o!pletely, subtly ltered, h rder "d !e "er+ 6e g Ges do#" t !e "d his eyes re he ted, lustfulM hyp"oti*+

HWhe" youre i" here, you re *o!pletely !i"e,I he bre thes, e *h #ord slo# "d !e sured+ HTo do #ith s ; see fit+ ?o you u"derst "dJI

6is g Ge is so i"te"se+ ; "od, !y !outh dry, !y he rt thu!pi"g for *hest+

# y out of !y

HT $e your shoes off,I he orders softly+

; s# llo#, "d r ther *lu!sily, ; t $e the! off+ 6e be"ds "d pi*$s the! up "d deposits the! beside the door+

H@ood+ ?o"t hesit te #he" ; s$ you to do so!ethi"g+ 0o# ;! goi"g to peel you out of this dress+ So!ethi"g ;/e # "ted to do for be *o!fort ble #ith your body, %" st si + Kou h /e t it+ fe# d ys if ; re* ll+ ; # "t you to be utiful body, "d ; li$e to loo$

;t is Boy to behold+ ;" f *t, ; *ould g Ge t you ll d y, "d ; # "t you u"e!b rr ssed "d u" sh !ed of your " $ed"ess+ ?o you u"derst "dJI


HKes, #h tJI 6e le "s o/er !e, gl ri"g+

HKes, Sir+I

H?o you !e " th tJI he s" ps+

HKes, Sir+I

H@ood+ Lift your r!s up o/er your he d+I

; do s i"stru*ted, "d he re *hes do#" "d gr bs the he!+ Slo#ly, he pulls !y dress up o/er !y thighs, !y hips, !y belly, !y bre sts, !y shoulders, "d o/er !y he d+ 6e st "ds b *$ to e4 !i"e !e "d bse"t!i"dedly folds !y dress, "ot t $i"g his eyes off !e+ 6e pl *es it o" the l rge *hest beside the door+ (e *hi"g up, he pulls t !y *hi", his tou*h se ri"g !e+

HKoure biti"g your lip,I he bre thes+ HKou $"o# #h t th t does to !e,I he dds d r$ly+ HTur" rou"d+I

; tur" i!!edi tely, "o hesit tio"+ 6e u"*l sps !y br "d the" t $i"g both str ps,

he slo#ly pulls the! do#" !y r!s, brushi"g !y s$i" #ith his fi"gers "d the tip of his thu!b" ils s he slides !y br off+ 6is tou*h se"ds shi/ers do#" !y spi"e, # $i"g e/ery "er/e e"di"g i" !y body+ 6es st "di"g behi"d !e, so *lose th t ; feel the he t r di ti"g fro! hi!, # r!i"g !e, # r!i"g !e ll o/er+ 6e pulls !y h ir so its ll h "gi"g do#" !y b *$, gr sps "ose do#" h "dful t !y " pe, "d "gles !y he d to o"e side+ 6e ru"s his

!y e4posed "e*$, i"h li"g ll the # y, the" b *$ up to !y e r+ The !us*les i" !y belly *le"*h, * r" l "d # "ti"g+ JeeG, hes h rdly tou*hed !e, "d ; # "t hi!+

HKou s!ell s di/i"e s e/er, %" st si ,I he #hispers s he pl *es be"e th !y e r+

soft $iss

; !o "+

HQuiet,I he bre thes+ H?o"t ! $e


1ulli"g !y h ir behi"d !e, to !y surprise, he st rts br idi"g it i" o"e l rge br id, his fi"gers f st "d deft+ 6e ties it #ith " u"see" h ir tie #he" hes fi"ished "d gi/es it

Dui*$ tug so ;! for*ed b *$ g i"st hi!+

H; li$e your h ir br ided i" here,I he #hispers+

6!!M #hyJ

6e rele ses !y h ir+

HTur" rou"d,I he orders+

; do s ;! bid, !y bre thi"g sh llo#, fe r "d lo"gi"g !i4ed together+ ;ts " i"to4i* ti"g !i4+

HWhe" ; tell you to *o!e i" here, this is ho# you #ill dress+ Just i" your p "ties+ ?o you u"derst "dJI


HKes, #h tJI 6e glo#ers t !e+

HKes, Sir+I

% tr *e of

s!ile lifts the *or"er of his !outh+

H@ood girl+I 6is eyes bur" i"to !i"e+ HWhe" ; tell you to *o!e i" here, ; e4pe*t you to $"eel o/er there+I 6e poi"ts to spot beside the door+ H?o it "o#+I

; bli"$ pro*essi"g his #ords, tur", "d r ther *lu!sily $"eel s dire*ted+

HKou * " sit b *$ o" your heels+I

; sit b *$+

H1l *e your h "ds "d fore r!s fl t o" your thighs+ @ood+ 0o# p rt your $"ees+ Wider+ Wider+ 1erfe*t+ Loo$ do#" t the floor+I

6e # l$s o/er to !e, "d ; * " see his feet "d shi"s i" !y field of /isio"+ 0 $ed feet+ ; should be t $i"g "otes if he # "ts !e to re!e!ber+ 6e re *hes do#" "d gr sps !y br id g i", the" pulls !y he d b *$ so ; ! loo$i"g up t hi!+ ;ts o"ly Bust "ot p i"ful+

HWill you re!e!ber this positio", %" st si JI

HKes, Sir+I

H@ood+ St y here, do"t !o/e+I 6e le /es the roo!+

;! o" !y $"ees, # iti"g+ Wheres he go"eJ Wh t is he goi"g to do to !eJ Ti!e shifts+ ; h /e "o ide ho# lo"g he le /es !e li$e thisM fe# !i"utes, fi/e, te"J 'y

bre thi"g be*o!es sh llo#er, the "ti*ip tio" is de/ouri"g !e fro! the i"side out+

%"d sudde"ly hes b *$ E "d ll t o"*e ;! * l!er "d !ore e4*ited i" the s !e bre th+ Could ; be !ore e4*itedJ ; * " see his feet+ 6es *h "ged his Be "s+ These re older, ripped, soft, "d o/er<# shed+ 6oly *o#+ These Be "s re hot+ 6e shuts the door "d h "gs so!ethi"g o" the b *$+

H@ood girl, %" st si + Kou loo$ lo/ely li$e th t+ Well do"e+ St "d up+I

; st "d, but ; $eep !y f *e do#"+

HKou ! y loo$ t !e+I

; pee$ up t hi!, "d hes st ri"g t !e i"te"tly, ssessi"g, but his eyes softe"+ 6es t $e" off his shirt+ 2h !yM ; # "t to tou*h hi!+ The top butto" of his Be "s is u"do"e+

H;! goi"g to *h i" you "o#, %" st si + @i/e !e your right h "d+I

; gi/e hi! !y h "d+ 6e tur"s it p l! up, "d before ; $"o# it, he s# ts the *e"ter #ith ridi"g *rop ; h d"t "oti*ed is i" his right h "d+ ;t h ppe"s so Dui*$ly th t the surprise h rdly registers+ E/e" !ore sto"ishi"g E it does"t hurt+ Well, "ot !u*h, Bust slight ri"gi"g sti"g+

H6o# does th t feelJI he s$s+

; bli"$ t hi!, *o"fused+

H%"s#er !e+I

H2$ y+I ; fro#"+

H?o"t fro#"+I

; bli"$ "d try for i!p ssi/e+ ; su**eed+

H?id th t hurtJI


HThis is "ot goi"g to hurt+ ?o you u"derst "dJI

HKes+I 'y /oi*e is u"*ert i"+ ;s it re lly "ot goi"g to hurtJ

H; !e " it,I he s ys+

JeeG, !y bre thi"g is so sh llo#+ ?oes he $"o# #h t ;! thi"$i"gJ 6e sho#s !e the *rop+ ;ts bro#" pl ited le ther+ 'y eyes Ber$ up to !eet his, "d theyre light #ith fire "d tr *e of !use!e"t+

HWe i! to ple se, 'iss Steele,I he !ur!urs+ HCo!e+I 6e t $es !y elbo# "d !o/es !e to be"e th the grid+ 6e re *hes up "d t $es do#" so!e sh *$les #ith bl *$ le ther *uffs+

HThis grid is desig"ed so the sh *$les !o/e *ross the grid+I

; gl "*e up+ 6oly shit E its li$e

sub# y ! p+

HWere goi"g to st rt here, but ; # "t to fu*$ you st "di"g up+ So #ell e"d up by the # ll o/er there+I 6e poi"ts #ith the ridi"g *rop to #here the l rge #oode" 9 is o" the # ll+

H1ut your h "ds bo/e your he d+I

; oblige i!!edi tely, feeli"g li$e ;! e4iti"g !y body E s

* su l obser/er of e/e"ts

they u"fold rou"d !e+ This is beyo"d f s*i" ti"g, beyo"d eroti*+ ;ts si"gul rly the !ost e4*iti"g "d s* ry thi"g ;/e e/er do"e+ ;! e"trusti"g !yself to #ho, by be utiful ! "

his o#" d!issio", is fifty sh des of fu*$ed<up+ ; suppress the brief thrill of fe r+ F te "d Elliot, they $"o# ;! here+

6e st "ds /ery *lose s he f ste"s the *uffs+ ;! st ri"g t his *hest+ 6is pro4i!ity

is he /e"ly+ 6e s!ells of body # sh "d Christi ", " i"ebri ti"g !i4, "d th t dr gs !e

b *$ i"to the "o#+ ; # "t to ru" !y "ose "d to"gue through th t s! tteri"g of *hest h ir+ ; *ould Bust le " for# rdM

6e steps b *$ "d g Ges t !e, his e4pressio" hooded, s l *ious, * r" l, "d ; ! helpless, !y h "ds tied, but Bust loo$i"g t his lo/ely f *e, re di"g his "eed "d lo"gi"g for !e, ; * " feel the d !p"ess bet#ee" !y legs+ 6e # l$s slo#ly rou"d !e+

HKou loo$ !ighty fi"e trussed up li$e this, 'iss Steele+ %"d your s! rt !outh, Duiet for "o#+ ; li$e th t+I

St "di"g i" fro"t of !e g i", he hoo$s his fi"gers i"to !y p "ties, "d t u"hurried


p *e, peels the! do#" !y legs, strippi"g !e go"iGi"gly slo#ly, so th t he e"ds up $"eeli"g i" fro"t of !e+ 0ot t $i"g his eyes off !i"e, he s*ru"*hes !y p "ties i" his h "d, holds the! up to his "ose, "d i"h les deeply+ 6oly fu*$+ ?id he Bust do th tJ 6e gri"s #i*$edly t !e "d tu*$s the! i"to the po*$et of his Be "s+

8"*oili"g fro! the floor, risi"g l Gily, li$e ridi"g

Bu"gle * t, he poi"ts the e"d of the

*rop t !y " /el, leisurely *ir*li"g it E t "t liGi"g !e+ %t the tou*h of the le ther, ; Dui/er "d g sp+ 6e # l$s rou"d !e g i", tr ili"g the *rop rou"d the !iddle of !y body+ 2" his se*o"d *ir*uit, he sudde"ly fli*$s the *rop, "d it hits !e u"der"e th !y behi"dM g i"st !y se4+ ; *ry out i" surprise s ll !y "er/e e"di"gs st "d to tte"tio"+ ; pull g i"st the restr i"ts+ The sho*$ ru"s through !e, "d its the s#eetest str "gest, hedo"isti* feeli"g+

HQuiet,I he #hispers s he # l$s rou"d !e g i", the *rop slightly higher rou"d the !iddle of !y body+ This ti!e #he" he fli*$s it g i"st !e i" the s !e pl *e, ;! "ti*ip ti"g itM oh !y+ 'y body *o"/ulses t the s#eet, sti"gi"g bite+

%s he ! $es his # y rou"d !e, he fli*$s g i", this ti!e hitti"g !y "ipple, "d ; thro# !y he d b *$ s !y "er/e e"di"gs si"g+ 6e hits the otherM s#eet brief, s#ift,

*h stise!e"t+ 'y "ipples h rde" "d elo"g te fro! the ss ult, "d ; !o " loudly, pulli"g o" !y le ther *uffs+

H?oes th t feel goodJI he bre thes+


6e hits !e g i" *ross the butto*$s+ The *rop sti"gs this ti!e+

HKes #h tJI

HKes, Sir,I ; #hi!per+

6e *o!es to bsorb

stopM but ; * " "o lo"ger see hi!+ 'y eyes re *losed s ; try to

the !yri d of se"s tio"s *oursi"g through !y body+ Cery slo#ly, he r i"s s! ll, biti"g li*$s of the *rop do#" !y belly, he di"g south+ ; $"o# #here this is le di"g, "d ; try "d psy*he !yself up for it E but #he" he hits !y *litoris, ; *ry out loudly+

H2hM ple seLI ; gro "+

HQuiet,I he orders, "d he hits !e g i" o" !y behi"d+

; did "ot e4pe*t this to be li$e thisM ; ! lost+ Lost i" sudde"ly,

se of se"s tio"+ %"d

hes dr ggi"g the *rop g i"st !y se4, through !y pubi* h ir, do#" to the e"tr "*e of !y / gi" +

HSee ho# #et you re for this, %" st si + 2pe" your eyes "d your !outh+I

; do s ;! told, *o!pletely sedu*ed+ 6e pushes the tip of the *rop i"to !y !outh, li$e !y dre !+ 6oly shit+

HSee ho# you t ste+ Su*$+ Su*$ h rd, b by+I

'y !outh *loses rou"d the *rop s !y eyes lo*$ o" his+ ; * " t ste the ri*h le ther "d the s lti"ess of !y rous l+ 6is eyes re bl Gi"g+ 6es i" his ele!e"t+

6e pulls the tip fro! !y !outh, "d he st "ds for# rd "d gr bs !e "d $isses !e h rd, his to"gue i"/ di"g !y !outh+ Wr ppi"g his r!s rou"d !e, he pulls !e g i"st hi!+ 6is *hest *rushes !i"e, "d ; it*h to tou*h, but ; * "t, !y h "ds, useless bo/e !e+

H2h, %" st si , you t ste !ighty fi"e,I he bre thes+ HSh ll ; ! $e you *o!eJI

H1le se,I ; beg+

The *rop bites !y butto*$+ 2#L

H1le se, #h tJI

H1le se, Sir,I ; #hi!per+

6e s!iles t !e, triu!ph "t+

HWith thisJI 6e holds the *rop up so ; * " see it+

HKes, Sir+I

H%re you sureJI 6e loo$s ster"ly t !e+

HKes, ple se, Sir+I

HClose your eyes+I

; shut the roo! out, hi! outM the *rop out+ 6e st rts s! ll, biti"g li*$s of the *rop g i"st !y belly o"*e !ore+ 'o/i"g do#", soft s! ll li*$s g i"st !y *litoris, o"*e, t#i*e, three ti!es, g i" "d g i", u"til fi" lly, th ts it E ; * " t $e "o !ore E "d ; *o!e, gloriously, loudly, s ggi"g #e $ly+ 6is r!s *url rou"d !e s !y legs tur" to Belly+ ; dissol/e i" his e!br *e, !y he d g i"st his *hest, "d ;! !e#li"g "d #hi!peri"g s the ftersho*$s of !y org s! *o"su!e !e+ 6e lifts !e, "d sudde"ly #ere !o/i"g, !y r!s still tethered bo/e !y he d, "d ; * " feel the *ool #ood of the polished *ross t !y b *$, "d hes poppi"g the butto"s o" his Be "s+ 6e puts !e do#" g i"st the *ross briefly #hile he slides o" g i"+ *o"do!, "d the" his h "ds #r p rou"d !y thighs s he lifts !e

HLift your legs, b by, #r p the! rou"d !e+I

; feel so #e $, but ; do s he s$s s he #r ps !y legs rou"d his hips "d positio"s hi!self be"e th !e+ With o"e thrust, hes i"side !e, "d ; *ry out g i", liste"i"g to his

!uffled !o " t !y e r+ 'y r!s re resti"g o" his shoulders s he thrusts i"to !e+ JeeG, its deep this # y+ 6e thrusts g i" "d g i", his f *e t !y "e*$, his h rsh bre thi"g t !y thro t+ ; feel the build up g i"+ JeeG "oM "ot g i"M ; do"t thi"$ !y body #ill #ithst "d "other e rth<sh tteri"g !o!e"t+ 3ut ; h /e "o *hoi*eM "d #ith " i"e/it bility th ts be*o!i"g f !ili r, ; let go "d *o!e g i", "d its s#eet "d go"iGi"g "d i"te"se+ ; lose ll se"se of self+ Christi " follo#s, shouti"g his rele se through *le"*hed teeth "d holdi"g !e h rd "d *lose s he does+

6e pulls out of !e s#iftly "d sets !e do#" g i"st the *ross, his body supporti"g !i"e+ 8"bu*$li"g the *uffs, he frees !y h "ds, "d #e both si"$ to the floor+ 6e pulls !e i"to his l p, *r dli"g !e, "d ; le " !y he d g i"st his *hest+ ;f ; h d the stre"gth, ;d tou*h hi!, but ; do"t+ 3el tedly, ; re liGe hes still #e ri"g his Be "s+

HWell do"e, b by,I he !ur!urs+ H?id th t hurtJI

H0o,I ; bre the+ ; * " b rely $eep !y eyes ope"+ Why ! ; so tiredJ

H?id you e4pe*t it toJI he #hispers s he holds !e *lose, his fi"gers pushi"g so!e es* ped te"drils of h ir off !y f *e+


HKou see !ost of your fe r is i" your he d, %" st si ,I he p uses+ HWould you do it g i"JI

; thi"$ for

!o!e"t s f tigue *louds !y br i"M %g i"J

HKes+I 'y /oi*e is so soft+

6e hugs !e tightly+

H@ood+ So #ould ;,I he !ur!urs, the" le "s do#" "d softly $isses the top of !y he d+

H%"d ; h /e"t fi"ished #ith you yet+I

0ot fi"ished #ith !e yet+ 6oly 'oses+ Theres "o # y ; * " do "y !ore+ ; ! utterly spe"t "d fighti"g " o/er#hel!i"g desire to sleep+ ;! le "i"g g i"st his *hest, !y eyes re *losed, "d hes #r pped rou"d !e E r!s "d legs E "d ; feelM s fe, "d oh so *o!fort ble+ Will he let !e sleep, per*h "*e to dre !J 'y !outh Duir$s up t the silly thought, "d tur"i"g !y f *e i"to Christi "s *hest, ; i"h le his u"iDue s*e"t "d "uGGle hi!, but i!!edi tely he te"sesM oh *r p+ ; ope" !y eyes "d gl "*e up t hi!+ 6es st ri"g do#" t !e+

H?o"t,I he bre thes i" # r"i"g+

; flush "d loo$ b *$ t his *hest i" lo"gi"g+ ; # "t to ru" !y to"gue through the h ir, $iss hi!, "d for the first ti!e, ; "oti*e he h s s* rs fe# r "do! "d f i"t s! ll, rou"d

dotted rou"d his *hest+ Chi*$e" po4J 'e slesJ ; thi"$ bse"tly+

HF"eel by the door,I he orders s he sits b *$, putti"g his h "ds o" his $"ees, effe*ti/ely rele si"g !e+ 0o lo"ger # r!, the te!per ture of his /oi*e h s dropped se/er l degrees+

; stu!ble *lu!sily up i"to

st "di"g positio" "d s*oot o/er to the door "d $"eel

s i"stru*ted+ ;! sh $y "d /ery, /ery tired, !o"u!e"t lly *o"fused+ Who #ould h /e thought ; *ould h /e fou"d su*h gr tifi* tio" i" this roo!+ Who *ould h /e thought it #ould be so e4h usti"gJ 'y li!bs re deli*iously he /y, s ted+ 'y i""er goddess h s Ndo "ot disturb sig" o" the outside of her roo!+

Christi " is !o/i"g bout i" the periphery of !y /isio"+ 'y eyes st rt to droop+

H3ori"g you, ! ;, 'iss SteeleJI

; Bu!p # $e, "d Christi " is st "di"g i" fro"t of !e, his r!s *rossed gl ri"g do#"

t !e+ 2h shit, * ught " ppi"g E this is "ot goi"g to be good+ 6is eyes softe" s ; g Ge up t hi!+

HSt "d up,I he orders+

; *li!b # rily to !y feet+ 6e st res t !e, "d his !ouths Duir$s up+

HKoure sh ttered, re"t youJI

; "od shyly, flushi"g+

HSt !i" , 'iss Steele+I 6e " rro#s his eyes t !e+ H; h /e"t h d !y fill of you yet+ 6old out your h "ds i" fro"t s if youre pr yi"g+I

; bli"$ t hi!+ 1r yi"gL 1r yi"g for you to go e sy o" !e+ ; do s ;! told+ 6e t $es * ble tie "d f ste"s it rou"d !y #rists, tighte"i"g the pl sti*+ 6oly hell+ 'y eyes fly to his+

HLoo$ f !ili r,I he s$s, u" ble to *o"*e l his s!ile+

JeeGM the pl sti* * ble ties+ (esto*$i"g t Cl yto"sL ;t ll be*o!es *le r+ ; g pe up t hi! s dre" li"e spi$es though !y body "e#+ 2$ y E th ts got !y tte"tio" E ;!

# $e "o#+

H; h /e s*issors here+I 6e holds the! up for !e to see+ H; * " *ut you out of this i" !o!e"t+I

; try to pull !y #rists p rt, testi"g !y bo"ds, "d s ; do, the pl sti* bites i"to !y flesh E its sore, but if ; rel 4 !y #rists theyre fi"e E the tie is "ot *utti"g i"to !y s$i"+

HCo!e+I 6e t $es !y h "ds "d le ds !e o/er to the four<poster bed+ ; "oti*e "o# th t it h s d r$ red sheets o" it "d sh *$le t e *h *or"er+

H; # "t !ore E !u*h, !u*h !ore,I he le "s do#" "d #hispers i" !y e r+

%"d !y he rtbe t st rts pou"di"g g i"+ 2h boy+

H3ut ;ll ! $e this Dui*$+ Koure tired+ 6old o" to the post,I he s ys+

; fro#"+ 0ot o" the bed the"J ; fi"d ; * " p rt !y h "ds s ; gr sp the or" tely * r/ed #oode" post+

HLo#er,I he orders+ H@ood+ ?o"t let go+ ;f you do, ;ll sp "$ you+ 8"derst "dJI

HKes, Sir+I


6e st "ds behi"d !e "d gr sps !y hips, "d the" Dui*$ly lifts !e b *$# rd so ;! be"di"g for# rd, holdi"g the post+

H?o"t let go, %" st si ,I he # r"s+ H;! goi"g to fu*$ you h rd fro! behi"d+ 6old the post to support your #eight+ 8"derst "dJI


6e s! *$s !e *ross !y behi"d #ith his h "d+ 2#M ;t sti"gs+

HKes, Sir,I ; !utter Dui*$ly+

H1 rt your legs+I 6e puts his leg bet#ee" !i"e, "d holdi"g !y hips, he pushes !y right leg to the side+

HTh ts better+ %fter this, ;ll let you sleep+I

SleepJ ;! p "ti"g+ ;! "ot thi"$i"g of sleep "o#+ 6e re *hes up "d ge"tly stro$es !y b *$+

HKou h /e su*h be utiful s$i", %" st si ,I he bre thes s he be"ds do#" "d $isses !e lo"g !y spi"e, ge"tle fe ther<light $isses+ %t the s !e ti!e, his h "ds !o/e rou"d to !y fro"t p l!i"g !y bre sts, "d s he does this, he tr ps !y "ipples bet#ee" his fi"gers

"d tugs the! ge"tly+

; stifle !y !o " s ; feel !y #hole body respo"d, *o!i"g li/e o"*e !ore for hi!+

6e ge"tly bites "d su*$s !e t !y # ist, tuggi"g !y "ipples, "d !y h "ds tighte" o" the e4Duisitely * r/ed post+ 6is h "ds drop # y, "d ; he r the "o# f !ili r te r of foil, "d he $i*$s off his Be "s+

HKou h /e su*h

* pti/ ti"g, se4y ss, %" st si Steele+ Wh t ;d li$e to do to it+I

6is h "ds s!ooth "d sh pe e *h of !y butto*$s, the" his fi"gers glide do#", "d he slips t#o fi"gers i"side !e+

HSo #et+ Kou "e/er dis ppoi"t, 'iss Steele,I he #hispers, "d ; he r the #o"der i" his /oi*e+ H6old tightM this is goi"g to be Dui*$, b by+I

6e gr bs !y hips "d positio"s hi!self, "d ; br *e !yself for his ss ult+ 3ut he re *hes o/er !e "d gr bs !y br id "e r the e"d "d #i"ds it rou"d his #rist to !y " pe

holdi"g !y he d i" pl *e+ Cery slo#ly he e ses i"to !e, pulli"g !y h ir t the s !e ti!eM oh the full"ess+ 6e e ses out of !e slo#ly, "d his other h "d gr bs !y hip, holdi"g tight, "d the" he sl !s i"to !e, Bolti"g !e for# rd+

H6old o", %" st si LI he shouts through *le"*hed teeth+

; grip h rder rou"d the post "d push b *$ g i"st hi! s he *o"ti"ues his !er*iless o"sl ught, g i" "d g i", his fi"gers diggi"g i"to !y hip+ 'y r!s re *hi"g, !y legs feel u"*ert i", !y s* lp is getti"g sore fro! his tuggi"g !y h irM "d ; * " feel g theri"g deep i"side !e+ 2h "oM "d for the first ti!e, ; fe r !y org s!M if ; *o!eM ;ll *oll pse+ Christi " *o"ti"ues to !o/e roughly g i"st !e, i" !e, his bre thi"g h rsh, !o "i"g, gro "i"g+ 'y body is respo"di"gM ho#J ; feel Christi " stills, sl !!i"g re lly deep+ Dui*$e"i"g+ 3ut sudde"ly,

HCo!e o", %" , gi/e it to !e,I he gro "s, "d !y " !e o" his lips se"ds !e o/er the edge s ; be*o!e ll body "d spir li"g se"s tio" "d s#eet, s#eet rele se, "d the" *o!pletely "d utterly !i"dless+

Whe" se"se retur"s, ;! lyi"g o" hi!+ 6es o" the floor, "d ;! lyi"g o" top of hi!, !y b *$ to his fro"t, "d ;! st ri"g t the *eili"g, ll post<*oit l, glo#i"g, sh ttered+ 2hM the $ r bi"ers, ; thi"$ bse"tly E ;d forgotte" bout those+ Christi " "uGGles !y e r+

H6old up your h "ds,I he s ys softly+

'y r!s feel li$e theyre ! de of le d, but ; hold the! up+ 6e #ields the s*issors "d p sses o"e bl de u"der the pl sti*+

H; de*l re this %" ope",I he bre thes, "d *uts the pl sti*+

; giggle "d rub !y #rists s theyre freed+ ; feel his gri"+

HTh t is su*h hi!

lo/ely sou"d,I he s ys #istfully+ 6e sits sudde"ly, t $i"g !e #ith

so th t ;! o"*e !ore sitti"g i" his l p+

HTh ts !y f ult,I he s ys "d shifts !e so th t he * " rub !y shoulders "d r!s+ @e"tly he ! ss ges so!e life b *$ i"to !y li!bs

Wh tJ

; gl "*e up t hi! behi"d !e, tryi"g to u"derst "d #h t he !e "s+

HTh t you do"t giggle !ore ofte"+I

H;! "ot

gre t giggler,I ; !u!ble sleepily+

H2h, but #he" it h ppe"s, 'iss Steele, Ntis

#o"der "d Boy to behold+I

HCery flo#ery, 'r+ @rey,I ; !utter, tryi"g to $eep !y eyes ope"+

6is eyes softe", "d he s!iles+

H;d s y youre thoroughly fu*$ed "d i" "eed of sleep+I

HTh t # s"t flo#ery t ll,I ; gru!ble pl yfully+

6e gri"s "d ge"tly lifts !e off hi! "d st "ds, gloriously " $ed+ ; #ish !o!e"t rily th t ; #ere !ore # $e to re lly ppre*i te hi!+ 1i*$i"g up his Be "s, he slides the! b *$ o", *o!! "do+

H?o"t # "t to frighte" T ylor, or 'rs+ Jo"es for th t ! tter,I he !utters+

6!!M they !ust $"o# #h t

$i"$y b st rd he is+ The thought preo**upies !e+

6e stoops to help !e to !y feet "d le ds !e to the door, o" the b *$ of #hi*h h "gs grey # ffle robe+ 6e p tie"tly dresses !e s if ;! stre"gth s! ll *hild+ ; do"t h /e the

to lift !y r!s+ Whe" ;! *o/ered "d respe*t ble, he le "s do#" "d $isses !e ge"tly, his !outh Duir$s up i" s!ile+

H3ed,I he s ys+

2hM "oM

HFor sleep,I he dds re ssuri"gly #he" he sees !y e4pressio"+

Sudde"ly, he s*oops !e up "d * rries !e *urled g i"st his *hest to the roo! lo"g the *orridor #here e rlier tod y ?r+ @ree"e e4 !i"ed !e+ 'y he d drops g i"st his *hest+ ; ! e4h usted+ ; do"t re!e!ber e/er bei"g this tired+ 1ulli"g b *$ the du/et, he l ys !e do#", "d e/e" !ore surprisi"gly, *li!bs i" beside !e "d holds !e *lose+

HSleep "o#, gorgeous girl,I he #hispers, "d he $isses !y h ir+

%"d before ; * " ! $e

f *etious *o!!e"t, ;! sleep+

Soft lips brush *ross !y te!ple, le /i"g s#eet te"der $isses i" their # $e, "d p rt of !e # "ts to tur" "d respo"d, but !ostly ; # "t to st y sleep+ ; !o " "d burro# i"to !y pillo#+

H%" st si , # $e up+I Christi "s /oi*e is soft, * Boli"g+

H0o,I ; !o "+

HWe h /e to le /e i" h lf " hour for di""er t !y p re"ts+I 6es !used+

; ope" !y eyes relu*t "tly+ ;ts dus$ outside+ Christi " is le "i"g o/er, g Gi"g t !e i"te"tly+

HCo!e o" sleepy<he d+ @et up+I 6e stoops do#" "d $isses !e g i"+

H;/e bought you

dri"$+ ;ll be do#"st irs+ ?o"t go b *$ to sleep, or youll be i"

trouble,I he thre te"s, but his to"e is !ild+ 6e $isses !e briefly "d e4its, le /i"g !e bli"$i"g sleep fro! !y eyes i" the *ool, st r$ roo!+

;! refreshed but sudde"ly "er/ous+ 6oly *o#, ; ! !eeti"g his fol$sL 6es Bust #or$ed !e o/er #ith for ridi"g *rop "d tied !e up usi"g * ble tie #hi*h ; sold hi!,

he /e"s s $e E "d ;! goi"g to !eet his p re"ts+ ;t #ill be F tes first ti!e !eeti"g the! too E t le st shell be there for support+ ; roll !y shoulders+ Theyre stiff+ 6is de! "ds for perso" l tr i"er do"t see! so outl "dish "o#, i" f *t, theyre ! "d tory if ; ! to h /e "y hope of $eepi"g up #ith hi!+

; *li!b slo#ly out of bed "d "ote th t !y dress is h "gi"g outside the # rdrobe "d

!y br is o" the *h ir+ Where re !y p "tiesJ ; *he*$ be"e th the *h ir+ 0othi"g+ The" ; re!e!ber E he sDuirreled the! # y i" the po*$et of his Be "s+ ; flush t the !e!ory, fter he, ; * "t e/e" bri"g !yself to thi"$ bout it, he # s so E b rb rous+ ; fro#"+ Why h s"t he gi/e" !e b *$ !y p "tiesJ

; ste l i"to the b throo!, be#ildered by !y l *$ of u"der#e r+ While dryi"g !yself fter !y e"Boy ble but f r too brief sho#er, ; re liGe hes do"e this o" purpose+ 6e # "ts !e to be e!b rr ssed "d s$ for !y p "ties b *$, "d hell either s y yes or "o+ 'y i""er goddess gri"s t !e+ 6ellM t#o * " pl y th t p rti*ul r g !e+ (esol/i"g there "d the" "ot to s$ hi! for the! "d "ot gi/e hi! th t s tisf *tio", ; sh ll go !eet his p re"ts s "s *ulottes+ %" st si SteeleL 'y sub*o"s*ious *hides !e, but ; do"t # "t to liste" to her E ; l!ost hug !yself #ith glee be* use ; $"o# this #ill dri/e hi! *r Gy+

3 *$ i" the bedroo!, ; put o" !y br , slip i"to !y dress, "d *li!b i"to !y shoes+ ; re!o/e the br id "d h stily brush out !y h ir, ; the" gl "*e do#" t the dri"$ hes left+ ;ts p le pi"$+ Wh ts thisJ Cr "berry "d sp r$li"g # ter+ 6!!M it t stes deli*ious "d Due"*hes !y thirst+

? shi"g b *$ i"to the b throo!, ; *he*$ !yself i" the !irror= eyes bright, *hee$s slightly flushed, slightly s!ug loo$ be* use of !y p "ty pl ", "d ; he d do#"st irs+ Fiftee"

!i"utes+ 0ot b d, %" +

Christi " is st "di"g by the p "or !i* #i"do#, #e ri"g the grey fl ""el p "ts th t ; lo/e, the o"es th t h "g i" th t u"belie/ bly se4y # y off his hips, "d of *ourse, #hite li"e" shirt+ ?oes"t he h /e "y other *olorsJ Fr "$ Si" tr si"gs softly o/er the surrou"d sou"d spe $ers+

Christi " tur"s "d s!iles s ; e"ter+ 6e loo$s t !e e4pe*t "tly+

H6i,I ; s y softly, "d !y sphi"4<li$e s!ile !eets his+

H6i,I he s ys+ H6o# re you feeli"gJI 6is eyes re light #ith !use!e"t+

H@ood, th "$s+ KouJI

H; feel !ighty fi"e, 'iss Steele+I

6e is so # iti"g for !e to s y so!ethi"g+

HFr "$+ ; "e/er figured you for

Si" tr f "+I

6e r ises his eyebro#s t !e, his loo$ spe*ul ti/e+

HE*le*ti* t ste, 'iss Steele,I he !ur!urs, "d he p *es to# rd !e li$e u"til

p "ther

hes st "di"g i" fro"t of !e, his g Ge so i"te"se it t $es !y bre th # y+

Fr "$ st rts *roo"i"gM " old so"g, o"e of ( ys f /orites+ NWit*h*r ft+ Christi " leisurely tr *es his fi"gertips do#" !y *hee$, "d ; feel it ll the # y do#" there+

H? "*e #ith !e,I he !ur!urs, his /oi*e hus$y+

T $i"g the re!ote out of his po*$et, he tur"s up the /olu!e "d holds his h "d out to !e, his gr y g Ge full of pro!ise "d lo"gi"g "d hu!or+ 6e is tot lly beguili"g, "d ;! be#it*hed+ ; pl *e !y h "d i" his+ 6e gri"s l Gily do#" t !e "d pulls !e i"to his e!br *e, his r! *urli"g rou"d !y # ist, "d he st rts to s# y+

; put !y free h "d o" his shoulder "d gri" up t hi!, * ught i" his i"fe*tious, pl yful !ood+ %"d he st rts to !o/e+ 3oy * " he d "*e+ We *o/er the floor, fro! the #i"do# to the $it*he" "d b *$ g i", #hirli"g "d tur"i"g i" ti!e to the !usi*+ %"d he ! $es it so effortless for !e to follo#+

We glide rou"d the di"i"g t ble, o/er to the pi "o, "d b *$# rds "d for# rds i" fro"t of the gl ss # ll, Se ttle t#i"$li"g outside, d "*e, d r$ "d ! gi* l !ur l to our

"d ; * "t help !y * refree l ugh+ 6e gri"s do#" t !e s the so"g *o!es to *lose+

HTheres "o "i*er #it*h th " you,I he !ur!urs, the" $isses !e s#eetly+ HWell, th ts bought so!e *olor to your *hee$s, 'iss Steele+ Th "$ you for the d "*e+ Sh ll #e go "d !eet !y p re"tsJI

HKoure #el*o!e, "d yes, ; * "t # it to !eet the!,I ; "s#er bre thlessly+

H?o you h /e e/erythi"g you "eedJI

H2h, yes,I ; respo"d s#eetly+

H%re you sureJI

; "od s "o"*h l "tly s ; * " ! " ge u"der his i"te"se, !used s*ruti"y+ 6is f *e splits i"to huge gri", "d he sh $es his he d+

H2$ y+ ;f th ts the # y you # "t to pl y it, 'iss Steele+I

6e gr bs !y h "d, *olle*ts his B *$et #hi*h is h "gi"g o" o"e of the b rstools, "d le ds !e through the foyer to the ele/ tor+ 2h, the ! "y f *es of Christi " @rey+ Will ; e/er be ble to u"derst "d this !er*uri l ! "J

; pee$ up t hi! i" the ele/ tor+ 6es e"Boyi"g flirti"g

pri/ te Bo$e,

tr *e of


#ith his be utiful !outh+ ; fe r th t it ! y be t !y e4pe"se+ Wh t # s ; thi"$i"gJ ;! goi"g to see his p re"ts, "d ;! "ot #e ri"g "y u"der#e r+ 'y sub*o"s*ious gi/es !e " u"helpful ; told you so e4pressio"+ ;" the rel ti/e s fety of his p rt!e"t, it see!ed li$e fu", te si"g ide + 0o#, ;! l!ost outside #ith 0o 1 "tiesL 6e peers do#" t !e, "d its there, the *h rge buildi"g bet#ee" us+ The !used loo$ dis ppe rs fro! his f *e "d his e4pressio" *louds, his eyes d r$M oh !y+

The ele/ tor doors ope" o" the grou"d floor+ Christi " sh $es his he d slightly s if to *le r his thoughts "d gestures for !e to e4it before hi! i" ! ""er+ Whos he $iddi"gJ 6es "o ge"tle! "+ 6e h s !y p "ties+ !ost ge"tle! "ly

T ylor dr #s up i" the l rge %udi+ Christi " ope"s the re r door for !e, "d ; *li!b i"side s eleg "tly s ; * ", *o"sideri"g !y st te of # "to" u"dress+ ;! gr teful th t F tes plu! dress is so *li"gy "d h "gs to the top of !y $"ees+

We speed up the ;<7, both of us Duiet, "o doubt i"hibited by T ylors ste dy prese"*e i" the fro"t+ Christi "s !ood is l!ost t "gible "d see!s to shift, the hu!or dissip ti"g slo#ly s #e he d "orth+ 6es broodi"g, st ri"g out of the #i"do#, "d ; * " feel hi! slippi"g # y fro! !e+ Wh t is he thi"$i"gJ ; * "t s$ hi!+ Wh t * " ; s y i" fro"t of

T ylorJ

HWhere did you le r" to d "*eJI ; s$ te"t ti/ely+ 6e tur"s to g Ge t !e, his eyes u"re d ble be"e th the i"ter!itte"t light of the p ssi"g street l !ps+

H?o you re lly # "t to $"o#JI he replies softly+

'y he rt si"$s, "d "o# ; do"t be* use ; * " guess+

HKes,I ; !ur!ur, relu*t "tly+

H'rs+ (obi"so" # s fo"d of d "*i"g+I

2h, !y #orst suspi*io"s *o"fir!ed+ She h s t ught hi! #ell, "d the thought depresses !e E theres "othi"g ; * " te *h hi!+ ; h /e "o spe*i l s$ills+

HShe !ust h /e bee"

good te *her+I

HShe # s,I he s ys softly+

'y s* lp pri*$les+ ?id she h /e the best of hi!J 3efore he be* !e so *losedJ 2r did she bri"g hi! out of hi!selfJ 6e h s su*h i"/olu"t rily s fu", pl yful side+ ; s!ile

; re* ll bei"g i" his r!s s he spu" !e rou"d his li/i"g roo!, so u"e4pe*ted, "d he h s !y p "ties, so!e#here+

%"d the" theres the (ed (oo! of 1 i"+ ; rub !y #rists refle4i/ely E thi" strips of pl sti* #ill do th t to o"es girl+ She t ught hi! ll th t too or rui"ed hi!, depe"di"g o"

poi"t of /ie#+ 2r perh ps he #ould h /e fou"d his # y there "y# y i" spite of 'rs+ (+ ; re liGe, i" th t !o!e"t, th t ; h te her+ ; hope th t ; "e/er !eet her be* use ; #ill "ot be respo"sible for !y *tio"s if ; do+ ; * "t re!e!ber e/er feeli"g this p ssio" tely bout "yo"e, espe*i lly so!eo"e ;/e "e/er !et+ @ Gi"g u"seei"g out of the #i"do#, ; "urse !y irr tio" l "ger "d Be lousy+

'y !i"d drifts b *$ to the fter"oo"+ @i/e" #h t ; u"derst "d of his prefere"*es, ; thi"$ hes bee" e sy o" !e+ Would ; do it g i"J ; * "t e/e" prete"d to put up " rgu!e"t g i"st th t+ 2f *ourse ; #ould, if he s$ed !e E s lo"g s he did"t hurt !e "d if its the o"ly # y to be #ith hi!+

Th ts the botto! li"e+ ; # "t to be #ith hi!+ 'y i""er goddess sighs #ith relief+ ; re *h the *o"*lusio" th t she r rely uses her br i" to thi"$ but "other /it l p rt of her " to!y, "d t the !o!e"t, its r ther e4posed p rt+

H?o"t,I he !ur!urs+

; fro#" "d tur" to loo$ t hi!+

H?o"t #h tJI ; h /e"t tou*hed hi!+

H2/er<thi"$ thi"gs, %" st si +I (e *hi"g out, he gr sps !y h "d, dr #s it up to his lips, "d $isses !y $"u*$les ge"tly+ H; h d #o"derful fter"oo"+ Th "$ you+I

%"d hes b *$ #ith !e g i"+ ; bli"$ up t hi! "d s!ile shyly+ 6es so *o"fusi"g+ ; s$ Duestio" th ts bee" buggi"g !e+

HWhy did you use

* ble tieJI

6e gri"s t !e+

H;ts Dui*$, its e sy, "d its so!ethi"g differe"t for you to feel "d e4perie"*e+ ; $"o# theyre Duite brut l, "d ; do li$e th t i" !ildly+ restr i"i"g de/i*e+I 6e s!iles t !e

HCery effe*ti/e t $eepi"g you i" your pl *e+I

; flush "d gl "*e "er/ously t T ylor, #ho re! i"s i!p ssi/e, eyes o" ro d+ Wh t ! ; supposed to s y to th tJ Christi " shrugs i""o*e"tly+

H%ll p rt of !y #orld, %" st si +I 6e sDueeGes !y h "d "d lets go, st ri"g out of the #i"do# g i"+

6is #orld i"deed, "d ; # "t to belo"g i" it, but o" his ter!sJ ; Bust do"t $"o#+ 6e h s"t !e"tio"ed th t d !"ed *o"tr *t+ 'y i""er !usi"gs do "othi"g to *heer !e+ ; st re out of the #i"do# "d the l "ds* pe h s *h "ged+ Were *rossi"g o"e of the bridges, surrou"ded by i"$y d r$"ess+ The so!ber "ight refle*ts !y i"trospe*ti/e !ood, *losi"g i", suffo* ti"g+

; gl "*e briefly t Christi ", "d hes st ri"g t !e+

H1e""y for your thoughtsJI he s$s+

; sigh "d fro#"+

HTh t b d, huhJI

H; #ish ; $"e# #h t you #ere thi"$i"g+I

6e s!ir$s t !e+

H?itto, b by,I he s ys softly s T ylor speeds i"to the "ight to# rd 3elle/ue+

;t is Bust before eight #he" the %udi dr #s i"to the dri/e# y of ! "sio"+

*olo"i l<style

;ts bre tht $i"g, e/e" do#" to the roses rou"d the door+ 1i*ture<boo$ perfe*t+

H%re you re dy for thisJI Christi " s$s s T ylor pulls up outside the i!pressi/e fro"t door+

; "od, "d he gi/es !y h "d "other re ssuri"g sDueeGe+

HFirst for !e too,I he #hispers, the" s!iles #i*$edly+ H3et you #ish you #ere #e ri"g your u"der#e r right "o#,I he te ses+

; flush+ ;d forgotte" !y !issi"g p "ties+ Fortu" tely, T ylor h s *li!bed out of the * r "d is ope"i"g !y door so he * "t he r our e4*h "ge+ ; s*o#l t Christi " #ho gri"s bro dly s ; tur" "d *li!b out of the * r+

?r+ @r *e Tre/ely "<@rey is o" the doorstep # iti"g for us+ She loo$s eleg "tly sophisti* ted i" p le blue sil$ dressV behi"d her st "ds 'r+ @rey, ; presu!e, t ll, blo"d, "d

s h "dso!e i" his o#" # y s Christi "+

H%" st si , you/e !et !y !other, @r *e+ This is !y d d, C rri*$+I

H'r+ @rey, #h t

ple sure to !eet you+I ; s!ile "d sh $e his outstret*hed h "d+

HThe ple sure is ll !i"e, %" st si +I

H1le se * ll !e, %" +I

6is blue eyes re soft "d ge"tle+

H%" , ho# lo/ely to see you g i"+I @r *e #r ps !e i" de r+I

# r! hug+ HCo!e i", !y

H;s she hereJI ; he r Christi "+

s*ree*h fro! #ithi" the house+ ; gl "*e "er/ously t

HTh t #ould be 'i , !y little sister,I he s ys l!ost irrit bly, but "ot Duite+

Theres " u"der*urre"t of ffe*tio" i" his #ords, the # y his /oi*e gro#s softer "d his eyes *ri"$le s he !e"tio"s her " !e+ Christi " ob/iously dores her+ ;ts re/el tio"+ %"d she *o!es b rreli"g do#" the h ll, r /e" h ired, t ll, "d *ur/ *eous+ Shes bout !y ge+

H%" st si L ;/e he rd so !u*h bout you+I She hugs !e h rd+

6oly Co#+ ; * "t help but s!ile t her bou"dless e"thusi s!+

H%" , ple se,I ; !ur!ur s she dr gs !e i"to the l rge /estibule+ ;ts ll d r$ #ood floors "d "tiDue rugs #ith s#eepi"g st ir* se to the se*o"d floor+

H6es "e/er brought e4*ite!e"t+

girl ho!e before,I s ys 'i , d r$ eyes bright #ith

; gli!pse Christi " rolli"g his eyes, "d ; r ise " eyebro# t hi!+ 6e " rro#s his eyes t !e+

H'i , * l! do#",I @r *e d!o"ishes softly+ H6ello, d rli"g,I she s ys s she $isses Christi " o" both *hee$s+ 6e s!iles do#" t her # r!ly, "d the" sh $es h "ds #ith his f ther+

We ll tur" "d he d i"to the li/i"g roo!+ 'i h s "ot let go of !y h "d+ The roo! is sp *ious, t stefully fur"ished i" *re !s, bro#"s, "d p le blue, *o!fort ble, u"derst ted, "d /ery stylish+ F te "d Elliot re *uddled together o" *h !p g"e *ou*h, *lut*hi"g

flutes+ F te bou"*es up to e!br *e !e, "d 'i fi" lly rele ses !y h "d+

H6i, %" LI She be !s+ HChristi "+I She "ods *urtly to hi!+

HF te+I 6e is eDu lly for! l #ith her+

; fro#" t their e4*h "ge+ Elliot gr sps !e i" " ll<e!br *i"g hug+ Wh t is this, hug %" #ee$J This d GGli"g displ y of ffe*tio" E ;! Bust "ot used to it+ Christi " st "ds

t !y side, #r ppi"g his r! rou"d !e+ 1l *i"g his h "d o" !y hip, he spre ds out his fi"gers "d pulls !e *lose+ E/eryo"e is st ri"g t us+ ;ts u""er/i"g+

H?ri"$sJI 'r+ @rey see!s to re*o/er hi!self+ H1rose**oJI

H1le se,I Christi " "d ; spe $ i" u"iso"+

2hM this is beyo"d #eird+ 'i *l ps her h "ds+

HKoure e/e" s yi"g the s !e thi"gs+ ;ll get the!+I She s*oots out of the roo!+

; flush s* rlet, "d seei"g F te sitti"g #ith Elliot, it o**urs to !e sudde"ly th t the o"ly re so" Christi " i"/ited !e is be* use F te is here+ Elliot prob bly freely "d h ppily s$ed F te to !eet his p re"ts+ Christi " # s tr pped E $"o#i"g th t ; #ould h /e fou"d out /i F te+ ; fro#" t the thought+ 6es bee" for*ed i"to the i"/it tio"+ The re liG tio" is ble $ "d depressi"g+ 'y sub*o"s*ious "ods s gely, out< stupid loo$ o" her f *e+ you/e<fi" lly<#or$ed<it<

H?i""ers l!ost re dy,I @r *e s ys s she follo#s 'i out of the roo!+

Christi " fro#"s s he g Ges t !e+

HSit,I he *o!! "ds, poi"ti"g to the plush *ou*h, "d ; do s ;! told, * refully *rossi"g !y legs+ 6e sits do#" beside !e but does"t tou*h !e+

HWe #ere Bust t l$i"g bout / * tio"s, %" ,I 'r+ @rey s ys $i"dly+ HElliot h s de*ided to follo# F te "d her f !ily to 3 rb dos for #ee$+I

; gl "*e t F te, "d she gri"s, her eyes bright "d #ide+ Shes delighted+ F theri"e F / " gh, sho# so!e dig"ityL

H%re you t $i"g

bre $ "o# you/e fi"ished your degreeJI 'r+ @rey s$s+

H;! thi"$i"g bout goi"g to @eorgi for

fe# d ys,I ; reply+

Christi " g pes t !e, bli"$i"g shit+ ; h /e"t !e"tio"ed this to hi!+

*ouple of ti!es, his e4pressio" u"re d ble+ 2h

H@eorgi JI he !ur!urs+

H'y !other li/es there, "d ; h /e"t see" her for


HWhe" #ere you thi"$i"g of goi"gJI 6is /oi*e is lo#+

HTo!orro#, l te e/e"i"g+I

'i s u"ters b *$ i"to the li/i"g roo! "d h "ds us *h !p g"e flutes filled #ith p le pi"$ 1rose**o+

HKour good he lthLI 'r+ @rey r ises his gl ss+ %" ppropri te to st fro! husb "d, it ! $es !e s!ile+


HFor ho# lo"gJI Christi " s$s, his /oi*e de*epti/ely soft+

6oly *r pM hes "gry+

H; do"t $"o# yet+ ;t #ill depe"d ho# !y i"ter/ie#s go to!orro#+I

6is B # *le"*hes, "d F te gets th t i"terferi"g loo$ o" her f *e+ She s!iles o/er< s#eetly+

H%" deser/es

bre $,I she s ys poi"tedly t Christi "+ Why is she so "t go"isti*

to# rds hi!J Wh t is her proble!J

HKou h /e i"ter/ie#sJI 'r+ @rey s$s+

HKes, for i"ter"ships t t#o publishers, to!orro#+I

H; #ish you the best of lu*$+I

H?i""er is o" the t ble,I @r *e ""ou"*es+

We ll st "d+ F te "d Elliot follo# 'r+ @rey "d 'i out of the roo!+ ; go to follo#, but Christi " *lut*hes !y elbo#, bri"gi"g !e to " brupt h lt+

HWhe" #ere you goi"g to tell !e you #ere le /i"gJI he s$s urge"tly+ 6is to"e is soft, but hes ! s$i"g his "ger+

H;! "ot le /i"g, ;! goi"g to see !y !other, "d ; # s o"ly thi"$i"g bout it+I

HWh t bout our rr "ge!e"tJI

HWe do"t h /e " rr "ge!e"t yet+I

6e " rro#s his eyes, "d the" see!s to re!e!ber hi!self+ (ele si"g !y h "d, he t $es !y elbo# "d le ds !e out of the roo!+

HThis *o"/ers tio" is "ot o/er,I he #hispers thre te"i"gly s #e e"ter the di"i"g roo!+

2h, *r pol + ?o"t get your p "ties i" su*h t hi!+

t#istM "d gi/e !e b *$ !i"e+ ; gl re

The di"i"g roo! re!i"ds !e of our pri/ te di""er t the 6e th! "+ % *ryst l *h "delier h "gs o/er the d r$ #ood t ble "d theres the ! ssi/e, or" tely * r/ed !irror o"

# ll+ The t ble is l id "d *o/ered #ith pi"$

*risp #hite li"e" t ble*loth,

bo#l of p le

peo"ies s the *e"ter pie*e+ ;ts stu""i"g+

We t $e our pl *es+ 'r+ @rey is t the he d of the t ble, #hile ; sit t his right h "d, "d Christi " is se ted beside !e+ 'r+ @rey re *hes for the ope"ed bottle of red #i"e "d offers so!e to F te+ 'i t $es her se t beside Christi ", "d gr bbi"g his h "d, sDueeGes it tightly+ Christi " s!iles # r!ly t her+

HWhere did you !eet, %" JI 'i

s$s hi!+

HShe i"ter/ie#ed !e for the WS8 stude"t ! g Gi"e+I

HWhi*h F te edits,I ; dd, hopi"g to steer the *o"/ers tio" # y fro! !e+

'i be !s t F te, se ted opposite "e4t to Elliot, "d they st rt t l$i"g bout the stude"t ! g Gi"e+

HWi"e, %" JI 'r+ @rey s$s+

H1le se+I ; s!ile t hi!+ 'r+ @rey rises to fill the rest of the gl sses+

; pee$ up t Christi ", "d he tur"s to loo$ t !e, his he d *o*$ed to o"e side+

HWh tJI he s$s+

H1le se do"t be ! d t !e,I ; #hisper+

H;! "ot ! d t you+I

; st re t hi!+ 6e sighs+

HKes, ; ! ! d t you+I 6e *loses his eyes briefly+

H1 l!<t#it*hi"gly ! dJI ; s$ "er/ously+

HWh t re you t#o #hisperi"g boutJI F te i"terBe*ts+

; flush, "d Christi " gl res t her i" F te #ilts u"der his st re+

butt<out<of<this<F / " gh $i"d of # y E e/e"

HJust bout !y trip to @eorgi ,I ; s y s#eetly, hopi"g to diffuse their !utu l hostility+

F te s!iles,

#i*$ed gle ! i" her eye+

H6o# # s JosO #he" you #e"t to the b r #ith hi! o" Frid yJI

6oly fu*$, F te+ ; #ide" !y eyes t her+ Wh t is she doi"gJ She #ide"s her eyes b *$

t !e, "d ; re liGe shes tryi"g to ! $e Christi " Be lous+ 6o# little she $"o#s+ ; thought ;d got # y #ith this+

H6e # s fi"e,I ; !ur!ur+

Christi " le "s o/er+

H1 l!<t#it*hi"gly ! d,I he #hispers+ HEspe*i lly "o#+I 6is to"e is Duiet "d de dly+

2h "o+ ; sDuir!+

@r *e re ppe rs * rryi"g t#o pl tes, follo#ed by pigt ils, dressed s! rtly i" p le blue, * rryi"g i!!edi tely fi"d

pretty you"g #o! " #ith blo"de

tr y of pl tes+ 6er eyes

Christi " i" the roo!+ She blushes "d g Ges t hi! fro! u"der her lo"g ! s* r d l shes+ Wh tL

So!e#here i" the house the pho"e st rts ri"gi"g+

HE4*use !e,I 'r+ @rey rises g i" "d e4its+

HTh "$ you, @ret*he",I @r *e s ys ge"tly, fro#"i"g s 'r+ @rey e4its+ HJust le /e the tr y o" the *o"sole+I @ret*he" "ods, "d #ith "other furti/e gl "*e t Christi ", she le /es+

So the @reys h /e st ff, "d the st ff re eyei"g up !y #ould<be ?o!i" "t+ C " this e/e"i"g get "y #orseJ ; s*o#l t !y h "ds i" !y l p+

'r+ @rey retur"s+

HC ll for you, d rli"g+ ;ts the hospit l,I he s ys to @r *e+

H1le se st rt, e/eryo"e+I @r *e s!iles s she h "ds !e

pl te "d le /es+

;t s!ells deli*ious E *horiGo "d s* llops #ith ro sted red peppers "d sh llots, spri"$led #ith fl t le fed p rsley+ %"d i" spite of the f *t th t !y sto! *h is *hur"i"g fro! Christi "s /eiled thre ts, the surreptitious gl "*es fro! pretty little 'iss 1igt ils, "d the deb *le of !y !issi"g u"der#e r, ; ! st r/i"g+ ; flush s ; re liGe its the physi* l effort of this fter"oo" th ts gi/e" !e su*h " ppetite+

'o!e"ts l ter @r *e retur"s, her bro# furro#ed+ 'r+ @rey *o*$s his he d to o"e sideM li$e Christi "+

HE/erythi"g o$ yJI

H%"other !e sles * se,I @r *e sighs+

H2h "o+I

HKes, *hild+ The fourth * se this !o"th+ ;f o"ly people #ould get their $ids / **i" ted+I She sh $es her he d s dly, "d the" s!iles+ H;! so gl d our *hildre" "e/er #e"t through th t+ They "e/er * ught "ythi"g #orse th " *hi*$e" po4, th "$ good"ess+ 1oor Elliot,I she s ys s she sits do#", s!ili"g i"dulge"tly t her so"+ Elliot fro#"s !id *he# "d sDuir!s u"*o!fort bly+ HChristi " "d 'i #ere lu*$y+ They got it so !ildly, o"ly spot to sh re bet#ee" the!+I

'i giggles, "d Christi " rolls his eyes+

HSo, did you * t*h the ' ri"ers g !e, ? dJI Elliots *le rly $ee" to !o/e the *o"/ers tio" o"+

The hors doeu/res re deli*ious, "d ; *o"*e"tr te o" e ti"g #hile Elliot, 'r+ @rey, "d Christi " t l$ b seb ll+ Christi " see!s rel 4ed "d * l! t l$i"g to his f !ily+ 'y !i"d is #or$i"g furiously+ ? !" F te, #h t g !e is she pl yi"gJ Will he pu"ish !eJ ;

Du il t the thought+ ; h /e"t sig"ed th t *o"tr *t yet+ 1erh ps ; #o"t+ 1erh ps ;ll st y i" @eorgi #here he * "t re *h !e+

H6o# re you settli"g i"to your "e# p rt!e"t de rJI @r *e s$s politely+

;! gr teful for her Duestio", distr *ti"g !e fro! !y dis*ord "t thoughts, "d ; tell her bout our !o/e+

%s #e fi"ish our st rters, @ret*he" ppe rs, "d "ot for the first ti!e, ; #ish ; felt ble to put !y h "ds freely o" Christi " Bust to let her $"o# E he ! y be fifty sh des of fu*$ed< up, but hes !i"e+ She pro*eeds to *le r the t ble, brushi"g r ther too *losely to Christi " for !y li$i"g+ Fortu" tely, he see!s obli/ious to her, but !y i""er goddess is s!olderi"g "d "ot i" good # y+

F te "d 'i

re # 4i"g lyri* l bout 1 ris+

H6 /e you bee" to 1 ris, %" JI 'i re/erie+

s$s i""o*e"tly, distr *ti"g !e fro! !y Be lous

H0o, but ;d lo/e to go+I ; $"o# ;! the o"ly o"e t the t ble #ho h s "e/er left ! i"l "d 8S%+

HWe ho"ey!oo"ed i" 1 ris+I @r *e s!iles t 'r+ @rey #ho gri"s b *$ t her+

;ts l!ost e!b rr ssi"g to #it"ess+ They ob/iously lo/e e *h other deeply, "d ; #o"der for i" situ+ brief !o!e"t #h t it !ust be li$e to gro# up #ith both o"es p re"ts

H;ts t $e

be utiful *ity,I 'i

grees+ H;" spite of the 1 risi "s+ Christi ", you should

%" to 1 ris,I 'i st tes fir!ly+

H; thi"$ %" st si #ould prefer Lo"do",I Christi " s ys softly+

2hM he re!e!bered+ 6e pl *es his h "d o" !y $"ee E his fi"gers tr /eli"g up !y thigh+ 'y #hole body tighte"s i" respo"se+ 0oM "ot here, "ot "o#+ ; flush "d shift, tryi"g to pull # y fro! hi!+ 6is h "d *l !ps do#" o" !y thigh, stilli"g !e+ ; re *h for !y #i"e, i" desper tio"+

Little 'iss Europe " 1igt ils retur"s, ll *oy gl "*es "d s# yi"g hips, #ith our e"trOe, 3eef Welli"gto", ; thi"$+ Fortu" tely, she gi/es us our pl tes "d the" le /es, lthough she li"gers h "di"g Christi " his+ 6e loo$s DuiGGi* lly t !e s ; # t*h her *lose the di"i"g roo! door+

HSo #h t # s #ro"g #ith the 1 risi "sJI Elliot s$s his sister+ H?id"t they t $e to your #i"so!e # ysJI

H8gh, "o they did"t+ %"d 'o"sieur Floubert, the ogre ; # s #or$i"g for, he # s su*h do!i"eeri"g tyr "t+I

; splutter i"to !y #i"e+

H%" st si , re you o$ yJI Christi " s$s soli*itously, t $i"g his h "d off !y thigh+

6u!or h s retur"ed to his /oi*e+ 2h th "$ he /e"s+ Whe" ; "od, he p ts !y b *$ ge"tly, "d o"ly re!o/es his h "d #he" he $"o#s ;/e re*o/ered+

The beef is deli*ious "d ser/ed #ith ro sted s#eet pot toes, * rrots, p rs"ips, "d gree" be "s+ ;t is e/e" !ore p l t ble si"*e Christi " ! " ges to ret i" his good< hu!or for the rest of the !e l+ ; suspe*t th t its be* use ;! e ti"g so he rtily+ The *o"/ers tio" flo#s freely !o"g the @reys, # r! "d * ri"g, ge"tly te si"g e *h other+ 2/er our dessert of le!o" syll bub, 'i reg les us #ith her e4ploits i" 1 ris, l psi"g t o"e poi"t i"to flue"t Fre"*h+ We ll st re t her, "d she st res b *$ puGGled, u"til Christi " tells her i"

eDu lly flue"t Fre"*h #h t shes do"e, #hereupo" she bursts i"to She h s /ery i"fe*tious l ugh "d soo" #ere ll i" stit*hes+ fit of giggles+

Elliot holds forth bout his l test buildi"g proBe*t, the

"e# e*o<frie"dly *o!!u"ity to

"orth of Se ttle+ ; gl "*e up t F te, "d shes h "gi"g o" e/ery #ord Elliot s ys, her eyes glo#i"g #ith lust or lo/e+ ; h /e"t Duite #or$ed out #hi*h yet+ 6e gri"s do#" t her, "d

its s if " u"spo$e" pro!ise p sses bet#ee" the!+ L ters, b by, hes s yi"g, "d its hot, fre $i"g hot+ ; flush Bust # t*hi"g the!+

; sigh "d pee$ up t Fifty Sh des+ 6es so be utiful, ; *ould st re t hi! fore/er+ 6e h s light stubble o/er his *hi", "d !y fi"gers it*h to s*r t*h it "d feel it g i"st !y f *e, g i"st !y bre stsM bet#ee" !y thighs+ ; blush t the dire*tio" of !y thoughts+ 6e peers do#" t !e "d r ises his h "d to pull t !y *hi"+

H?o"t bite your lip,I he !ur!urs hus$ily+ H; # "t to do th t+I

@r *e "d 'i *le r our dessert gl sses "d he d to the $it*he", #hile 'r+ @rey, F te, "d Elliot dis*uss the !erits of sol r p "els i" W shi"gto" St te+ Christi ", feig"i"g i"terest i" their *o"/ers tio", puts his h "d o"*e !ore o" !y $"ee, "d his fi"gers tr /el up !y thigh+ 'y bre thi"g hit*hes, "d ; press !y thighs together i" progress+ ; * " see hi! s!ir$+ bid to h lt his

HSh ll ; gi/e you

tour of the grou"dsJI he s$s !e Duite ope"ly+

; $"o# ;! !e "t to s y yes, but ; do"t trust hi!+ 3efore ; * " "s#er ho#e/er, hes o" his feet "d holdi"g his h "d out to !e+ ; pl *e !y h "d i" his, "d ; feel ll the !us*les *le"*h deep i" !y belly, respo"di"g to his d r$, hu"gry gr y g Ge+

HE4*use !e,I ; s y to 'r+ @rey "d follo# Christi " out of the di"i"g roo!+

6e le ds !e through the h ll# y "d i"to the $it*he" #here 'i st *$i"g the dish# sher+ Europe " 1igt ils is "o#here to be see"+

"d @r *e re

H;! goi"g to sho# %" st si the b *$y rd,I Christi " s ys i""o*e"tly to his !other+ She # /es us out #ith s!ile s 'i he ds b *$ to the di"i"g roo!+

We step out o"to

grey fl gsto"e p tio re lit by re*essed lights i" the fl gsto"es+ *hi* !et l t ble "d *h irs set up i" o"e / st l #" th t le ds do#" to

There re shrubs i" grey sto"e tubs "d *or"er+

Christi " # l$s p st those, up so!e steps, "d o"to the

b yM oh !y E its be utiful+ Se ttle t#i"$les o" the horiGo", "d the *ool, bright, ' y !oo" et*hes bo ts re sp r$li"g sil/er p th *ross the # ter to# rd Betty #here t#o

!oored+ 3eside the Betty st "ds st "d "d g pe for !o!e"t+

bo thouse+ ;t is so pi*turesDue, so pe *eful+ ;

Christi " pulls !e behi"d hi!, "d !y heels si"$ i"to the soft gr ss+

HStop, ple se+I ; ! stu!bli"g i" his # $e+

6e stops "d g Ges t !e, his e4pressio" u"f tho! ble+

H'y heels+ ; "eed to t $e !y shoes off+I

H?o"t bother,I he s ys, "d he be"ds do#" "d s*oops !e o/er his shoulder+ ; sDue l loudly #ith sho*$ed surprise, "d he gi/es !e ri"gi"g sl p o" !y behi"d+

HFeep your /oi*e do#",I he gro#ls+

2h "oM this is "ot good, !y sub*o"s*ious is Du $i"g t the $"ees+ 6es ! d bout so!ethi"g E *ould be JosO, @eorgi , "o p "ties, biti"g !y lip+ JeeG, hes e sy to rile+

HWhere re #e goi"gJI ; bre the+

H3o thouse,I he s" ps+

; h "g o" to his hips s ;! tipped upside<do#", "d he strides purposefully i" the !oo"light *ross the l #"+

HWhyJI ; sou"d bre thless, bou"*i"g o" this shoulder+

H; "eed to be lo"e #ith you+I

HWh t forJI

H3e* use ;! goi"g to sp "$ "d the" fu*$ you+I

HWhyJI ; #hi!per softly+

HKou $"o# #hy,I he hisses+

H; thought you #ere " i"<the<!o!e"t guyJI ; ple d bre thlessly+

H%" st si , ;! i" the !o!e"t, trust !e+I

6oly fu*$+

Christi " bursts through the #oode" door of the bo thouse "d p uses to fli*$ o" so!e lights+ Fluores*e"ts pi"g "d buGG i" seDue"*e s h rsh #hite light floods the l rge #oode" buildi"g+ Fro! !y upside<do#" /ie#, ; * " see " i!pressi/e !otor l u"*h i" the do*$ flo ti"g ge"tly o" the d r$ # ter, but ; o"ly get up so!e #oode" st irs to the roo! bo/e+ brief loo$ before hes * rryi"g !e

6e p uses t the door# y "d tou*hes "other s#it*h E h loge"s this ti!e, they re

softer, o" #ith

di!!er E "d #ere i" " tti* roo! #ith slopi"g *eili"gs+ ;ts de*or ted d sh of red+ The

" uti* l 0e# E"gl "d the!e= " /y blues "d *re !s #ith fur"ishi"gs re sp rse, Bust *ouple of *ou*hes re ll ; * " see+

Christi " sets !e o" !y feet o" the #oode" floor+ ; do"t h /e ti!e to e4 !i"e !y surrou"di"gs E !y eyes * "t le /e hi!+ ; ! !es!eriGedM # t*hi"g hi! li$e o"e #ould # t*h r re "d d "gerous pred tor, # iti"g for hi! to stri$e+ 6is bre thi"g is h rsh but the" hes Bust * rried !e *ross the l #" "d up #ith "ger, "eed, "d pure u" dulter ted lust+ flight of st irs+ @r y eyes bl Ge

6oly shit+ ; *ould spo"t "eously *o!bust fro! his loo$ lo"e+

H1le se do"t hit !e,I ; #hisper, ple di"g+

6is bro# furro#s, his eyes #ide"i"g+ 6e bli"$s t#i*e+

H; do"t # "t you to sp "$ !e, "ot here, "ot "o#+ 1le se do"t+I

6is !outh drops ope" slightly i" surprise, "d beyo"d br /e, ; te"t ti/ely re *h up "d ru" !y fi"gers do#" his *hee$, lo"g the edge of his sidebur", to the stubble o" his *hi"+

;ts *urious !i4ture of soft "d pri*$ly+ Slo#ly *losi"g his eyes, he le "s his f *e i"to !y tou*h, "d his bre th hit*hes i" his thro t+ (e *hi"g up #ith !y other h "d, ; ru" !y fi"gers i"to his h ir+ ; lo/e his h ir+ 6is soft !o " is b rely udible, "d #he" he ope"s his eyes, his loo$ is E # ry, li$e he does"t u"derst "d #h t ;! doi"g+

Steppi"g for# rd so ; ! flush g i"st hi!, ; pull ge"tly o" his h ir, bri"gi"g his !outh do#" to !i"e, "d ; $iss hi!, for*i"g !y to"gue bet#ee" his lips "d i"to his !outh+ 6e gro "s, "d his r!s e!br *e !e, pulli"g !e to hi!+ 6is h "ds fi"d their # y i"to !y h ir, "d he $isses !e b *$, h rd "d possessi/e+ 6is to"gue "d !y to"gue t#ist "d tur" together, *o"su!i"g e *h other+ 6e t stes di/i"e+

6e pulls b *$ sudde"ly, our *olle*ti/e bre thi"g r gged "d !i"gli"g+ 'y h "ds drop to his r!s "d he gl res do#" t !e+

HWh t re you doi"g to !eJI he #hispers *o"fused+

HFissi"g you+I

HKou s id "o+I

HWh tJI 0o to #h tJ

H%t the di""er t ble, #ith your legs+I

2hM th ts #h t this is ll bout+

H3ut #e #ere t your p re"ts di"i"g t ble+I ; st re up t hi!, *o!pletely be#ildered+

H0o o"es e/er s id "o to !e before+ %"d its so E hot+I

6is eyes #ide" slightly, filled #ith #o"der "d lust+ ;ts i"sti"*ti/ely+

he dy !i4+ ; s# llo#

6is h "d !o/es do#" to !y behi"d+ 6e pulls !e sh rply g i"st hi!, "d ; * " feel his ere*tio"+

2h !yM

HKoure ! d "d tur"ed o" be* use ; s id "oJI ; bre the, sto"ished+

H;! ! d be* use you "e/er !e"tio"ed @eorgi to !e+ ;! ! d be* use you #e"t dri"$i"g #ith th t guy #ho tried to sedu*e you #he" you #ere dru"$ "d #ho left you #he" you #ere ill #ith " l!ost *o!plete str "ger+ Wh t $i"d of frie"d does th tJ %"d ;! ! d "d roused be* use you *losed your legs o" !e+I 6is eyes glitter d "gerously, "d hes slo#ly i"*hi"g up the he! of !y dress+

H; # "t you, "d ; # "t you "o#+ %"d if youre "ot goi"g to let !e sp "$ you E #hi*h

you deser/e E ;! goi"g to fu*$ you o" the *ou*h this !i"ute, Dui*$ly, for !y ple sure, "ot yours+I

'y dress is "o# b rely *o/eri"g !y " $ed behi"d+ 6e !o/es sudde"ly so th t his h "d is *uppi"g !y se4, "d o"e of his fi"gers si"$s slo#ly i"to !e+ 6is other r! holds !e fir!ly i" pl *e rou"d !y # ist+ ; suppress !y !o "+

HThis is !i"e,I he #hispers ggressi/ely+ H%ll !i"e+ ?o you u"derst "dJI 6e e ses his fi"ger i" "d out s he g Ges do#" t !e, g ugi"g !y re *tio", his eyes bur"i"g+

HKes, yours,I ; bre the s !y desire, hot "d he /y, surges through !y bloodstre !, ffe*ti"gM e/erythi"g+ 'y "er/e e"di"gs, !y bre thi"g, !y he rt is pou"di"g, tryi"g to le /e !y *hest, the blood thru!!i"g i" !y e rs+

%bruptly, he !o/es, doi"g se/er l thi"gs t o"*e+ Withdr #i"g his fi"gers, le /i"g !e # "ti"g, u"Gippi"g his fly, "d pushi"g !e do#" o"to the *ou*h so hes lyi"g o" top of !e+

H6 "ds o" your he d,I he *o!! "ds through gritted teeth s he $"eels up, for*i"g !y legs #ider, "d re *hi"g i"to the i"side po*$et of his B *$et+ 6e t $es out p *$et, foil

g Gi"g do#" t !e, his e4pressio" d r$, before shruggi"g off his B *$et so it f lls to the floor+ 6e rolls the *o"do! do#" o/er his i!pressi/e le"gth+

; pl *e !y h "ds o" !y he d, "d ; $"o# its so ; #o"t tou*h hi!+ ;! so tur"ed o"+ ; feel !y hips !o/i"g lre dy up to !eet hi! E # "ti"g hi! i"side !e, li$e this E rough "d h rd+ 2hM the "ti*ip tio"+

HWe do"t h /e lo"g+ This #ill be Dui*$, "d its for !e, "ot you+ ?o you u"derst "dJ ?o"t *o!e, or ; #ill sp "$ you,I he s ys through *le"*hed teeth+

6oly *r pM ho# do ; stopJ

With o"e s#ift thrust, hes fully i"side !e+ ; gro " loudly, guttur lly, "d re/el i" the full"ess of his possessio"+ 6e puts his h "ds o" !i"e o" top of !y he d, his elbo#s hold !y r!s out "d do#", "d his legs pi"io" !e+ ; ! tr pped+ 6es e/ery#here, o/er#hel!i"g !e, l!ost suffo* ti"g+ 3ut its he /e"ly too, this is !y po#er, this is #h t ; do to hi!, "d its i"side hedo"isti*, triu!ph "t feeli"g+ 6e !o/es Dui*$ly "d furiously

!e, his bre thi"g h rsh t !y e r, "d !y body respo"ds, !elti"g rou"d hi!+ ; !ust"t *o!e+ 0o+ 3ut ;! !eeti"g hi! thrust for thrust, "d perfe*t *ou"terpoi"t+ %bruptly,

ll too soo", he r !s i"to !e "d stills s he fi"ds his rele se, ir hissi"g through his teeth+

6e rel 4es !o!e"t rily, so ; feel his e"tire, deli*ious #eight o" !e+ ;! "ot re dy to let hi! go, !y body *r /i"g relief, but hes so he /y, "d i" th t !o!e"t, ; * "t push g i"st hi!+ %ll of gl res do#" t !e+ sudde", he #ithdr #s, le /i"g !e *hi"g "d hu"gry for !ore+ 6e

H?o"t tou*h yourself+ ; # "t you frustr ted+ Th ts #h t you do to !e by "ot t l$i"g to !e, by de"yi"g !e #h ts !i"e+I 6is eyes bl Ge "e#, "gry g i"+

; "od, p "ti"g+ 6e st "ds "d re!o/es the *o"do!, $"otti"g it t the e"d, "d puts it i" his p "ts po*$et+ ; g Ge t hi!, !y bre thi"g still err ti*, "d i"/olu"t rily ; sDueeGe !y thighs together, tryi"g to fi"d so!e relief+ Christi " does up his fly "d ru"s his h "d through his h ir s he re *hes do#" to *olle*t his B *$et+ 6e tur"s b *$ to g Ge do#" t !e, his e4pressio" softer+

HWed better get b *$ to the house+I

; sit up,

little u"ste dily, d Ged+

H6ere+ Kou ! y put these o"+I

Fro! his i"side po*$et, he produ*es !y p "ties+ ; do"t gri" s ; t $e the! fro! hi!,

but i"side ; $"o# E ;/e t $e" p "ties+

pu"ish!e"t fu*$ but g i"ed

s! ll /i*tory o/er the

'y i""er goddess "ods i" gree!e"t, h /e to s$ for the!+

s tisfied gri" o/er her f *e E Kou did"t

HC6(;ST;%0LI 'i shouts fro! the floor belo#+

6e tur"s "d r ises his eyebro#s t !e+

HJust i" ti!e+ Christ, she * " be re lly irrit ti"g+I

; s*o#l b *$ t hi!, h stily restore !y p "ties to their rightful pl *e, "d st "d #ith s !u*h dig"ity s ; * " !uster i" !y Bust<fu*$ed st te+ Qui*$ly, ; tte!pt to s!ooth !y Bust<fu*$ed h ir+

H8p here, 'i ,I he * lls do#"+ HWell, 'iss Steele, ; feel better for th t E but ; still # "t to sp "$ you,I he s ys softly+

H; do"t belie/e ; deser/e it 'r+ @rey, espe*i lly fter toler ti"g your u"pro/o$ed tt *$+I

H8"pro/o$edJ Kou $issed !e+I 6e tries his best to loo$ #ou"ded+

; purse !y lips+

H;t # s tt *$ s the best for! of defe"se+I

H?efe"se g i"st #h tJI

HKou "d your t#it*hy p l!+I

6e *o*$s his he d to o"e side "d s!iles t !e s 'i *o!es *l tteri"g up the st irs+

H3ut it # s toler bleJI he s$s softly+

; flush+

H3 rely,I ; #hisper, but ; * "t help !y s!ir$+

H2h, there you re+I She be !s t us+

H; # s sho#i"g %" st si i"te"se+

rou"d+I Christi " holds his h "d out to !e, his gr y eyes

; put !y h "d i"to his, "d he gi/es it

soft sDueeGe+

HF te "d Elliot re bout to le /e+ C " you belie/e those t#oJ They * "t $eep their

h "ds off e *h other+I 'i feig"s disgust "d loo$s fro! Christi " to !e+ HWh t h /e you bee" doi"g i" hereJI

JeeG, shes for# rd+ ; blush s* rlet+

HSho#i"g %" st si !y ro#i"g trophies,I Christi " s ys #ithout !issi"g *o!pletely po$er<f *ed+ HLets go s y goodbye to F te "d Elliot+I

be t,

(o#i"g trophiesJ 6e pulls !e ge"tly i" fro"t of hi!, "d s 'i tur"s to go, he s# ts !y behi"d+ ; g sp i" surprise+

H; #ill do it g i", %" st si , "d soo",I he thre te"s Duietly *lose to !y e r, the" he pulls !e i"to " e!br *e, !y b *$ to his fro"t, "d $isses !y h ir+

3 *$ i" the house, F te "d Elliot re ! $i"g their f re#ells to @r *e "d 'r+ @rey+ F te hugs !e h rd+

H; "eed to spe $ to you bout "t go"iGi"g Christi ",I ; hiss Duietly i" her e r s she e!br *es !e+

H6e "eeds "t go"iGi"g, the" you * " see #h t hes re lly li$e+ 3e * reful, %" E hes so *o"trolli"g,I she #hispers+ HSee you l ter+I

; F02W W6%T 6ES (E%LLK L;FE E K28 ?20TL E ; s*re ! t her i" !y he d+ ;! fully # re th t her *tio"s *o!e fro! o/ersteps good pl *e, but so!eti!es she Bust

the ! r$, "d right "o# so f r th t shes i"to the "eighbori"g st te+ ; s*o#l t her, "d she po$es her to"gue out t !e, ! $i"g !e s!ile u"#illi"gly+ 1l yful F te is "o/el, !ust be Elliots i"flue"*e+ We # /e the! off t the door# y, "d Christi " tur"s to !e+

HWe should go too E you h /e i"ter/ie#s to!orro#+I

'i e!br *es !e # r!ly s #e s y our goodbyes+

HWe "e/er thought hed fi"d "yo"eLI she gushes+

; flush, "d Christi " rolls his eyes g i"+ ; purse !y lips+ Why * " he do th t #he" ; * "tJ ; # "t to roll !y eyes b *$ t hi!, but ; do "ot d re, "ot fter his thre t i" the bo thouse+

HT $e * re of yourself, %" , de r,I @r *e s ys $i"dly+

Christi ", e!b rr ssed or frustr ted by the l /ish tte"tio" ;! re*ei/i"g fro! the re! i"i"g @reys, gr bs !y h "d "d pulls !e to his side+

HLets "ot frighte" her # y or spoil her #ith too !u*h ffe*tio",I he gru!bles+

HChristi ", stop te si"g+I @r *e s*olds hi! i"dulge"tly, her eyes glo#i"g #ith lo/e "d ffe*tio" for hi!+

So!eho#, ; do"t thi"$ hes te si"g+ ; surreptitiously # t*h their i"ter *tio"+ ;ts ob/ious @r *e dores hi! #ith her stiffly+ !others u"*o"ditio" l lo/e+ 6e be"ds "d $isses

H'o!,I he s ys, "d theres " u"der*urre"t i" his /oi*e E re/ere"*e ! ybeJ

H'r+ @rey E goodbye "d th "$ you+I ; hold out !y h "d to hi!, "d he hugs !e tooL

H1le se, * ll !e C rri*$+ ; do hope #e see you g i", /ery soo", %" +I

2ur f re#ells s id, Christi " le ds !e to the * r #here T ylor is # iti"g+ 6 s he bee" # iti"g here the #hole ti!eJ T ylor ope"s !y door, "d ; slide i"to the b *$ of the %udi+

; feel so!e of the te"sio" le /i"g !y shoulders+ JeeG, #h t physi* lly "d e!otio" lly+ %fter *l !bers i"to

d y+ ; ! e4h usted,

brief *o"/ers tio" #ith T ylor, Christi "

the * r beside !e+ 6e tur"s to f *e !e+

HWell, it see!s !y f !ily li$es you, too,I he !ur!urs+

TooJ The depressi"g thought bout ho# ; * !e to be i"/ited pops u"bidde" "d /ery u"#el*o!e i"to !y he d+ T ylor st rts the * r "d he ds # y fro! the *ir*le of light i" the dri/e# y to the d r$"ess of the ro d+ ; g Ge t Christi ", "d hes st ri"g t !e+

HWh tJI he s$s, his /oi*e Duiet+

; flou"der !o!e"t rily+ 0o E ;ll tell hi!+ 6es l# ys *o!pl i"i"g th t ; do"t t l$ to hi!+

H; thi"$ th t you felt tr pped i"to bri"gi"g !e to !eet your p re"ts+I 'y /oi*e is soft "d hesit "t+ H;f Elliot h d"t s$ed F te, youd "e/er h /e s$ed !e+I ; * "t see his f *e i" the d r$, but he tilts his he d, g pi"g t !e+

H%" st si , ;! delighted th t you/e !et !y p re"ts+ Why re you so filled #ith self< doubtJ ;t "e/er *e ses to ! Ge !e+ Koure su*h #o! ", stro"g, self<*o"t i"ed you"g

but you h /e su*h "eg ti/e thoughts bout yourself+ ;f ; h d"t # "ted you to !eet the!, you #ould"t be here+ ;s th t ho# you #ere feeli"g the #hole ti!e you #ere thereJI

2hL 6e # "ted !e there E "d its "s#eri"g

re/el tio"+ 6e does"t see! u"*o!fort ble

!e s he #ould if he #ere hidi"g the truth+ 6e see!s ge"ui"ely ple sed th t ;! hereM # r! glo# spre ds slo#ly through !y /ei"s+ 6e sh $es his he d "d re *hes for !y h "d+ ; gl "*e "er/ously t T ylor+

H?o"t #orry bout T ylor+ T l$ to !e+I

; shrug+

HKes+ ; thought th t+ %"d "other thi"g, ; o"ly !e"tio"ed @eorgi be* use F te # s t l$i"g bout 3 rb dos E ; h /e"t ! de up !y !i"d+I

H?o you # "t to go "d see your !otherJI


6e loo$s oddly t !e, li$e hes h /i"g so!e i"ter" l struggle+

HC " ; *o!e #ith youJI he s$s e/e"tu lly+

Wh tLJ

HEr!M ; do"t thi"$ th ts good ide +I

HWhy "otJI

H; # s hopi"g for

bre $ fro! ll thisM i"te"sity to try "d thi"$ thi"gs through+I

6e st res t !e+

H;! too i"te"seJI

; burst out l ughi"g+

HTh ts putti"g it !ildlyLI

;" the light of the p ssi"g street l !ps, ; see his lips Duir$ up+

H%re you l ughi"g t !e, 'iss SteeleJI

H; #ould"t d re, 'r+ @rey,I ; reply #ith !o*$ serious"ess+

H; thi"$ you d re, "d ; thi"$ you do l ugh t !e, freDue"tly+I

HKou re Duite fu""y+I


H2h yes+I

HFu""y pe*uli r or fu""y h h JI


lot of o"e "d so!e of the other+I

HWhi*h # y rou"dJI

H;ll le /e you to figure th t out+I

H;! "ot sure if ; * " figure "ythi"g out rou"d you, %" st si ,I he s ys s rdo"i* lly, "d the" *o"ti"ues Duietly, HWh t do you "eed to thi"$ bout i" @eorgi JI

H8s,I ; #hisper+

6e st res t !e, i!p ssi/e+

HKou s id youd try,I he !ur!urs+

H; $"o#+I

H%re you h /i"g se*o"d thoughtsJI


6e shifts s if u"*o!fort ble+


6oly *r p+ 6o# did this sudde"ly be*o!e su*h " i"te"se "d !e "i"gful *o"/ers tio"J ;ts bee" spru"g o" !e, li$e " e4 ! th t ;! "ot prep red for+ Wh t do ; s yJ 3e* use ; thi"$ ; lo/e you, "d you Bust see !e s toy+ 3e* use ; * "t tou*h you, be* use

;! too frighte"ed to sho# you "y ffe*tio" i" * se you fli"*h or tell !e off or #orse E be t !eJ Wh t * " ; s yJ

; st re !o!e"t rily out of the #i"do#+ The * r is he di"g b *$ *ross the bridge+ We re both shrouded i" d r$"ess, ! s$i"g our thoughts "d feeli"gs, but #e do"t "eed the "ight for th t+

HWhy, %" st si JI Christi " presses !e for " "s#er+

; shrug, tr pped+ ; do"t # "t to lose hi!+ ;" spite of ll his de! "ds, his "eed to *o"trol, his s* ry /i*es+ ; h /e "e/er felt s li/e s ; do "o#+ ;ts here thrill to be sitti"g

beside hi!+ 6es so u"predi*t ble, se4y, s! rt, "d fu""y+ 3ut his !oodsM oh E "d he # "ts to hurt !e+ 6e s ys hell thi"$ bout !y reser/ tio"s, but it still s* res !e+ ; *lose !y eyes+ Wh t * " ; s yJ ?eep do#" ; #ould Bust li$e !ore, !ore ffe*tio", !ore pl yful Christi ", !oreM lo/e+

6e sDueeGes !y h "d+

HT l$ to !e, %" st si + ; do"t # "t to lose you+ This l st #ee$M I 6e tr ils off+

Were *o!i"g "e r to the e"d of the bridge, "d the ro d is o"*e !ore b thed i" the "eo" light of the street l !ps so his f *e is i"ter!itte"tly i" the light "d the d r$+ %"d its su*h fitti"g !et phor+ This ! ", #ho! ; o"*e thought of s br /e shi"i"g #hite $"ight, or the d r$ $"ight s he s id+ 6es "ot serious, ro! "ti* hero E hero, hes ! " #ith

deep e!otio" l fl #s, "d hes dr ggi"g !e i"to the d r$+ C " ; "ot guide hi! i"to the lightJ

H; still # "t !ore,I ; #hisper+

H; $"o#,I he s ys+ H;ll try+I

; bli"$ up t hi!, "d he reli"Duishes !y h "d "d pulls t !y *hi", rele si"g !y tr pped lip+

HFor you, %" st si , ; #ill try+I 6es r di ti"g si"*erity+

%"d th ts !y *ue+ ; u"bu*$le !y se tbelt, re *h *ross, "d *l !ber i"to his l p, t $i"g hi! *o!pletely by surprise+ Wr ppi"g !y r!s rou"d his he d, ; $iss hi!, lo"g "d h rd, "d i" " "ose*o"d, hes respo"di"g+

HSt y #ith !e, to"ight,I he bre thes+ H;f you go # y, ; #o"t see you ll #ee$+ 1le se+I

HKes,I ; *Duies*e+ H%"d ;ll try too+ ;ll sig" your *o"tr *t+I %"d its !o!e"t de*isio"+

spur of the

6e g Ges do#" t !e+

HSig" fter @eorgi + Thi"$ bout it+ Thi"$ bout it h rd, b by+I

H; #ill+I %"d #e sit i" sile"*e for

!ile or t#o+

HKou re lly should #e r your se tbelt,I Christi " #hispers dis ppro/i"gly i"to !y h ir, but he ! $es "o !o/e to shift !e fro! his l p+

; "uGGle up g i"st hi!, eyes *losed, !y "ose t his thro t, dri"$i"g i" his se4y Christi "< "d<spi*ed<!us$y<body<# sh fr gr "*e, !y he d o" his shoulder+ ; let !y !i"d drift, "d ; llo# !yself to f "t siGe th t he lo/es !e+ 2h, "d its so re l, t "gible l!ost, "d s! ll p rt of !y " sty h rpy self<*o"s*ious *ts *o!pletely out of *h r *ter "d d res to hope+ ;! * reful "ot to tou*h his *hest but Bust s"uggle i" his r!s s he holds !e tightly+

%ll too soo", ;! tor" fro! !y i!possible d ydre !+

HWere ho!e,I Christi " !ur!urs, "d its su*h !u*h pote"ti l+

t "t liGi"g se"te"*e, full of so

6o!e, #ith Christi "+ E4*ept his p rt!e"t is " rt g llery, "ot


T ylor ope"s the door for us, "d ; th "$ hi! shyly, # re th t hes bee" #ithi" e rshot of our *o"/ers tio", but his $i"d s!ile is re ssuri"g "d gi/es "othi"g # y+ 2"*e out of the * r, Christi " ssesses !e *riti* lly+ 2h "oM #h t h /e ; do"e "o#J

HWhy do"t you h /e !y shoulders+

B *$etJI he fro#"s s he shrugs out of his "d dr pes it o/er

(elief # shes through !e+

H;ts i" !y "e# * r,I ; reply sleepily, y #"i"g+

6e s!ir$s t !e+

HTired, 'iss SteeleJI

HKes, 'r+ @rey+I ; feel b shful u"der his te si"g s*ruti"y+ 0e/ertheless ; feel " e4pl " tio" is i" order, H;/e bee" pre/ iled upo" i" # ys ; "e/er thought possible tod y+I

HWell, if youre re lly u"lu*$y, ; ! y pre/ il upo" you so!e !ore,I he pro!ises s he t $es !y h "d "d le ds !e i"to the buildi"g+ 6oly ShitM %g i"JL

; g Ge up t hi! i" the ele/ tor+ ; h /e ssu!ed hed li$e !e to sleep #ith hi!, "d the" ; re!e!ber th t he does"t sleep #ith "yo"e, lthough he h s #ith !e ti!es+ fe#

; fro#", "d bruptly his g Ge d r$e"s+ 6e re *hes up "d gr sps !y *hi", freei"g !y lip fro! teeth+

H2"e d y ; #ill fu*$ you i" this ele/ tor, %" st si , but right "o# youre tired E so ; thi"$ #e should sti*$ to bed+I

3e"di"g do#", he *l !ps his teeth rou"d !y lo#er lip "d pulls ge"tly+ ; !elt g i"st hi!, "d !y bre thi"g stops s !y i"sides u"furl #ith lo"gi"g+ ; re*ipro* te, f ste"i"g !y teeth o/er his top lip, te si"g hi!, "d he gro "s+ Whe" the ele/ tor doors ope", he gr bs !y h "d "d tugs !e i"to the foyer, through the double doors, "d i"to the h ll# y+

H?o you "eed

dri"$ or "ythi"gJI


H@ood+ Lets go to bed+I

; r ise !y eyebro#s t hi!+

HKoure goi"g to settle for pl i" old / "ill JI

6e *o*$s his he d to o"e side+

H0othi"g pl i" or old bout / "ill E its

/ery i"trigui"g fl /or,I he bre thes+

HSi"*e #he"JI

HSi"*e l st S turd y+ WhyJ Were you hopi"g for so!ethi"g !ore e4oti*JI

'y i""er goddess pops her he d bo/e the p r pet+

H2h "o+ ;/e h d e"ough e4oti* for o"e d y+I 'y i""er goddess pouts t !e, f ili"g !iser bly to hide her dis ppoi"t!e"t+

HSureJ We * ter for ll t stes here E t le st thirty<o"e fl /ors+I 6e gri"s t !e l s*i/iously+

H;/e "oti*ed,I ; reply dryly+

6e sh $es his he d+

HCo!e o", 'iss Steele, you h /e

big d y to!orro#+ Soo"er youre i" bed, soo"er

youll be fu*$ed, "d soo"er you * " sleep+I

H'r+ @rey, you re

bor" ro! "ti*+I

H'iss Steele, you h /e 6e

s! rt !outh+ ; ! y h /e to subdue it so!e # y+ Co!e+I

le ds !e do#" the h ll# y i"to his bedroo! "d $i*$s the door *losed+

H6 "ds i" the ir,I he *o!! "ds+

; oblige, "d i" o"e bre tht $i"gly s#ift !o/e, he re!o/es !y dress li$e ! gi*i ", gr spi"g it t the he! "d pulli"g it s!oothly "d fleetly o/er !y he d+

HT ? LI he s ys pl yfully+

; giggle "d ppl ud politely+ 6e bo#s gr *efully gri""i"g+ 6o# * " ; resist hi! #he" hes li$e thisJ 6e pl *es !y dress o" the lo"e *h ir beside his *hest of dr #ers+

H%"d for your "e4t tri*$JI ; pro!pt, te si"g+

H2h !y de r, 'iss Steele+ @et i"to !y bed,I he gro#ls+ H%"d ;ll sho# you+I

H?o you thi"$ th t for o"*e ; should pl y h rd to getJI ; s$ *oDuettishly+

6is eyes #ide" #ith surprise, "d ; see

gli!!er of e4*ite!e"t+

HWellM the doors *losed+ 0ot sure ho# youre goi"g to /oid !e,I he s ys s rdo"i* lly+ H; thi"$ its do"e de l+I

H3ut ;!

good "egoti tor+I

HSo ! ;+I 6e st res do#" t !e, but s he does, his e4pressio" *h "ges, *o"fusio" # shes o/er hi!, "d the t!osphere i" the roo! shifts bruptly, te"si"g+ H?o"t you # "t to fu*$JI he s$s+

H0o,I ; bre the+

H2h+I 6e fro#"s+

2$ y, here goesM deep bre th+

H; # "t you to ! $e lo/e to !e+I

6e stills "d st res t !e bl "$ly+ 6is e4pressio" d r$e"s+ 2h shit, this does"t loo$ good+ @i/e hi! !i"uteL 'y sub*o"s*ious s" ps+

H%" , ;M I 6e ru"s his h "ds through his h ir+ T#o h "ds+ JeeG, hes re lly be#ildered+

H; thought #e didJI he s ys e/e"tu lly+

H; # "t to tou*h you+I

6e t $es " i"/olu"t ry step b *$ fro! !e, his e4pressio" for "d the" he rei"s it i"+

!o!e"t fe rful,

H1le se,I ; #hisper+

6e re*o/ers hi!self+

H2h, "o 'iss Steele, you/e h d e"ough *o"*essio"s fro! !e this e/e"i"g+ %"d ;! s yi"g "o+I



2hM ; * "t rgue #ith th tM * " ;J

HLoo$, youre tired, ;! tired+ Lets Bust go to bed,I he s ys, # t*hi"g !e * refully+

HSo tou*hi"g is

h rd li!it for youJI

HKes+ This is old "e#s+I

H1le se tell !e #hy+I

H2h, %" st si , ple se+ Just drop it for "o#,I he !utters e4 sper ted+

H;ts i!port "t to !e+I

%g i" he ru"s both h "ds through his h ir, "d he utters " o th be"e th his bre th+ Tur"i"g o" his heel, he he ds for the *hest of dr #ers, pulls out thro#s it t !e+ ; * t*h it, be!used+ t<shirt, "d

H1ut th t o" "d get i"to bed,I he s" ps, irrit ted+

; fro#" but de*ide to hu!or hi!+ Tur"i"g !y b *$, ; Dui*$ly re!o/e !y br , pulli"g the t<shirt o" s h stily s ; * " to *o/er !y " $ed"ess+ ; le /e !y p "ties o", ; h /e"t #or" the! for !ost of the e/e"i"g+

H; "eed the b throo!+I 'y /oi*e is


6e fro#"s, be!used+

H0o# youre s$i"g per!issio"JI

HErrM "o+I

H%" st si , you $"o# #here the b throo! is+ Tod y, t this poi"t i" our str "ge rr "ge!e"t, you do"t "eed !y per!issio" to use it+I 6e * ""ot hide his irrit tio"+ 6e shrugs out of his shirt, "d ; s*oot i"to the b throo!+

; st re t !yself i" the o/er<l rge !irror, sho*$ed th t ; still loo$ the s !e+ %fter ll th t ;/e do"e tod y, its still the s !e ordi" ry girl g pi"g b *$ t !e+ Wh t did you e4pe*t E th t youd gro# hor"s "d little poi"ty t ilJ 'y sub*o"s*ious s" ps t !e+ %"d

#h t the hell re you doi"gJ Tou*hi"g is his h rd li!it+ Too soo", you idiot, he "eeds to # l$ before he * " ru"+ 'y sub*o"s*ious is furious, !edus <li$e i" her "ger, h ir flyi"g, her h "ds *le"*hed rou"d her f *e li$e Ed/ rd 'u"*hs S*re !+ ; ig"ore her, but she #o"t *li!b b *$ i"to her bo4+ Kou re ! $i"g hi! ! d E thi"$ bout ll th ts hes s id, ll hes *o"*eded+ ; s*o#l t !y refle*tio"+ ; "eed to be ble to sho# hi! ffe*tio" E the" perh ps he * " re*ipro* te+

; sh $e !y he d resig"ed "d gr sp Christi "s toothbrush+ 'y sub*o"s*ious is right

of *ourse+ ;! rushi"g hi!+ 6es "ot re dy "d "either ! ;+ We re b l "*ed o" the deli* te see<s #, th t is our str "ge rr "ge!e"t E t differe"t e"ds, / *ill ti"g, "d it tips "d s# ys bet#ee" us+ We both "eed to edge *loser to the !iddle+ ; Bust hope "either of us f lls off i" our tte!pt to do so+ This is ll so Dui*$+ ' ybe ; "eed so!e dist "*e+ @eorgi see!s !ore ppe li"g th " e/er+ %s ; begi" brushi"g !y teeth, he $"o*$s+

HCo!e i",I ; splutter through

!outhful of toothp ste+

Christi " st "ds i" the door# y, his 1Js h "gi"g off his hips E i" th t # y th t ! $es e/ery little *ell i" !y body st "d up "d t $e "oti*e+ 6es b re<*hested, "d ; dri"$ hi! i" li$e ;! *r Ged #ith thirst "d hes *le r *ool !ou"t i" spri"g # ter+ 6e g Ges t !e i!p ssi/ely, the" s!ir$s "d *o!es to st "d beside !e+ 2ur eyes lo*$ i" the !irror, gr y to blue+ ; fi"ish #ith his toothbrush, ri"se it off, "d h "d it to hi!, !y loo$ "e/er le /i"g his+ Wordlessly, he t $es the toothbrush fro! !e "d puts it i" his !outh+ ; s!ir$ b *$ t hi!, "d his eyes re sudde"ly d "*i"g #ith hu!or+

H?o feel free to borro# !y toothbrush+I 6is to"e is ge"tly !o*$i"g+

HTh "$ you, Sir,I ; s!ile s#eetly, "d ; le /e, he di"g b *$ to bed+

% fe# !i"utes l ter he Boi"s !e+

HKou $"o# this is "ot ho# ; s # to"ight p ""i"g out,I he !utters petul "tly+

H;! gi"e if ; s id to you th t you *ould"t tou*h !e+I

6e *l !bers o"to the bed "d sits *ross<legged+

H%" st si , ;/e told you+ Fifty sh des+ ; h d th t shit i" your he d+ Why #ould youJI

rough st rt i" life E you do"t # "t

H3e* use ; # "t to $"o# you better+I

HKou $"o# !e #ell e"ough+I

H6o# * " you s y th tJI ; struggle up o"to !y $"ees, f *i"g hi!+

6e rolls his eyes t !e, frustr ted+

HKoure rolli"g your eyes+ L st ti!e ; did th t, ; e"ded up o/er your $"ee+I

H2h, ;d li$e to put you there g i"+I

;"spir tio" hits !e+

HTell !e "d you * "+I


HKou he rd !e+I

HKoure b rg i"i"g #ith !eJI 6is /oi*e reso" tes #ith sto"ished disbelief+

; "od+ KesM this is the # y+

H0egoti ti"g+I

H;t does"t #or$ th t # y, %" st si +I

H2$ y+ Tell !e, "d ;ll roll !y eyes t you+I

6e l ughs, "d ; get #hile+ 6e sobers+

r re gli!pse of * refree Christi "+ ;/e "ot see" hi! for

H%l# ys so $ee" "d e ger for i"for! tio"+I 6is gr y eyes bl Ge #ith spe*ul tio"+ %fter !o!e"t, he gr *efully *li!bs off the bed+ H?o"t go # y,I he s ys "d e4its the roo!+

Trepid tio" l "*es through !e, "d ; hug !yself+ Wh ts he doi"gJ ?oes he h /e

so!e e/il pl "J Cr p+ Suppose he retur"s #ith i!ple!e"tJ

* "e, or so!e #eird $i"$y

6oly shit, #h t #ill ; do the"J Whe" he does retur", hes holdi"g so!ethi"g s! ll i" his h "ds+ ; * "t see #h t it is, "d ;! bur"i"g #ith *uriosity+

HWhe"s your first i"ter/ie# to!orro#JI he s$s softly+


% slo# #i*$ed gri" spre ds *ross his f *e+

H@ood+I %"d before !y eyes, he subtly *h "ges+ 6es h rder, i"tr *t ble+++ hot+ This is ?o!i" "t Christi "+

H@et off the bed+ St "d o/er here+I 6e poi"ts to beside the bed, "d ; s*r !ble up "d off i" double<Dui*$ ti!e+ 6e st res i"te"tly do#" t !e, his eyes glitteri"g #ith pro!ise+ HTrust !eJI he s$s softly+

; "od+ 6e holds out his h "d, "d i" his p l! re t#o rou"d, shi"y, sil/er b lls, li"$ed #ith thi*$ bl *$ thre d+

HThese re "e#,I he s ys e!ph ti* lly+

; loo$ Duestio"i"gly up t hi!+

H; ! goi"g to put these i"side you, "d the" ;! goi"g to sp "$ you, "ot for pu"ish!e"t, but for your ple sure "d !i"e+I 6e p uses, g ugi"g !y #ide<eyed re *tio"+

;"side !eL ; g sp, "d ll the !us*les deep i" !y belly *le"*h+ 'y i""er goddess is doi"g the d "*e of the se/e" /eils+

HThe" #ell fu*$, "d if youre still # $e, ;ll i!p rt so!e i"for! tio" bout !y for! ti/e ye rs+ %greedJI

6es s$i"g !y per!issio"L 3re thlessly, ; "od+ ;! i"* p ble of spee*h+

H@ood girl+ 2pe" your !outh+I



Cery ge"tly, he puts the b lls i" !y !outh+

HThey "eed lubri* tio"+ Su*$,I he orders, his /oi*e soft+

The b lls re *old, s!ooth, surprisi"gly he /y, "d !et lli* t sti"g+ 'y dry !outh pools #ith s li/ g Ge does s !y to"gue e4plores the u"f !ili r obBe*ts+ Christi "s gr y

"ot le /e !i"e+ 6oly hell, this is tur"i"g !e o"+ ; sDuir! slightly+

HFeep still, %" st si ,I he # r"s+

HStop+I 6e tugs the! fro! !y !outh+ 'o/i"g to# rd the bed, he thro#s the du/et side "d sits do#" o" the edge+

HCo!e here+I

; st "d i" fro"t of hi!+

H0o# tur" rou"d, be"d do#", "d gr sp your "$les+I

; bli"$ t hi!, "d his e4pressio" d r$e"s+

H?o"t hesit te,I he d!o"ishes !e softly, " u"der*urre"t i" his /oi*e, "d he pops the b lls i" his !outh+

Fu*$, this is se4ier th " the toothbrush+ ; follo# his orders i!!edi tely+ JeeG, * " ; tou*h !y "$lesJ ; fi"d ; * ", #ith e se+ The t<shirt slides up !y b *$, e4posi"g !y behi"d+ Th "$ he /e"s ; h /e ret i"ed !y p "ties, but ; suspe*t ; #o"t for lo"g+

6e pl *es his h "d re/ere"tly o" !y b *$side "d /ery softly * resses it #ith his #hole

h "d+ With !y eyes ope", ; * " see his legs through !i"e, "othi"g else+ ; *lose !y eyes tightly s he ge"tly !o/es !y p "ties to the side "d slo#ly ru"s his fi"ger up "d do#" !y se4+ 'y body br *es itself i" slides he dy !i4 of #ild "ti*ip tio" "d rous l+ 6e

o"e fi"ger i"side !e, "d he *ir*les it deli*iously slo#ly+ 2h, it feels good+ ; !o "+

6is bre thi"g h lts, "d ; he r hi! g sp s he repe ts the !otio"+ 6e #ithdr #s his fi"ger "d /ery slo#ly i"serts the obBe*ts, o"e slo#, deli*ious b ll t !y+ Theyre body te!per ture, # r!ed by our *olle*ti/e !ouths+ ;ts 2"*e ti!e+ 2h

*urious feeli"g+

theyre i"side !e, ; * "t re lly feel the! E but the" g i" ; $"o# theyre there+

6e str ighte"s !y p "ties "d le "s for# rd, "d his lips softly $iss !y behi"d+

HSt "d up,I he orders, "d sh $ily ; get to !y feet+

2hL 0o# ; * " feel the!M sort of+ 6e gr sps !y hips to ste dy !e #hile ; re< est blish !y eDuilibriu!+

HKou o$ yJI he s$s, his /oi*e ster"+

HKes+I 'y "s#er is fe ther soft+

HTur" rou"d+I ; tur" "d f *e hi!+

The b lls pull do#"# rd "d i"/olu"t rily ; *le"*h rou"d the!+ The feeli"g st rtles !e but "ot i" b d # y+

H6o# does th t feelJI he s$s+

HStr "ge+I

HStr "ge good or str "ge b dJI

HStr "ge good,I ; *o"fess, blushi"g+

H@ood+I Theres

tr *e of hu!or lur$i"g i" his eyes+

H; # "t

gl ss of # ter+ @o "d fet*h o"e for !e ple se+I


H%"d #he" you *o!e b *$, ; sh ll put you *ross !y $"ee+ Thi"$ bout th t, %" st si +I

W terJ 6e # "ts # ter E "o# E #hyJ

%s ; le /e the bedroo!, it be*o!es bu"d "tly *le r #hy he # "ts !e to # l$ rou"d E s ; do, the b lls #eigh do#" i"side !e, ! ss gi"g !e i"ter" lly+ ;ts su*h feeli"g #eird

"d "ot e"tirely u"ple s "t+ ;" f *t, !y bre thi"g **eler tes s ; stret*h up for gl ss fro! the $it*he" * bi"et, "d ; g sp+ 2h !yM ; ! y h /e to $eep these+ They ! $e !e "eedy, "eedy for se4+

6es # t*hi"g !e * refully #he" ; retur"+

HTh "$ you,I he s ys s he t $es the gl ss fro! !e+

Slo#ly, he t $es p *$et, sip the" pl *es the gl ss o" his bedside t ble+ Theres foil

re dy "d # iti"g, li$e !e+ %"d ; $"o# hes doi"g this to build the "ti*ip tio"+ 'y he rt h s pi*$ed up be t+ 6e tur"s his bright gr y g Ge to !i"e+

HCo!e+ St "d beside !e+ Li$e l st ti!e+I

; sidle up to hi!, !y blood thru!!i"g through !y body, "d this ti!eM ;! e4*ited+ %roused+

H%s$ !e,I he s ys softly+

; fro#"+ %s$ hi! #h tJ

H%s$ !e,I his /oi*e is slightly h rder+

Wh tJ 6o# # s your # terJ Wh t does he # "tJ

H%s$ !e, %" st si + ; #o"t s y it g i"+I %"d theres su*h

thre t i!pli*it i" his

#ords, "d it d #"s o" !e+ 6e # "ts !e to s$ hi! to sp "$ !e+

6oly shit+ 6es loo$i"g t !e e4pe*t "tly, his eyes gro#i"g *older+ Shit+

HSp "$ !e, ple seM Sir,I ; #hisper+

6e *loses his eyes !o!e"t rily, s /ori"g !y #ords+ (e *hi"g up, he gr sps !y left h "d "d he tugs !e o/er his $"ees+ ; f ll i"st "tly, "d he ste dies !e s ; l "d i" his l p+ 'y he rt is i" !y !outh s his h "d ge"tly stro$es !y behi"d+ ;! "gled *ross his l p g i" so th t !y torso rests o" the bed beside hi!+ This ti!e he does"t thro# his leg o/er !i"e, but s!oothes !y h ir out of !y f *e "d tu*$s it behi"d !y e r+ 2"*e hes do"e, he *l sps !y h ir t the " pe to hold !e i" pl *e+ 6e tugs ge"tly "d !y he d shifts b *$+

H; # "t to see your f *e #hile ; sp "$ you, %" st si ,I he !ur!urs, ll the #hile softly rubbi"g !y b *$side+

6is h "d !o/es do#" bet#ee" the *hee$s of !y behi"d, "d he pushes g i"st !y se4,

"d the full feeli"g isM ; !o "+ 2h, the se"s tio" is e4Duisite+

HThis is for ple sure, %" st si , !i"e "d yours,I he #hispers softly+

6e lifts his h "d "d bri"gs it do#" i"

resou"di"g sl p g i"st the Bu"*tio" of !y

thighs, !y behi"d, "d !y se4+ The b lls re for*ed for# rd i"side !e, "d ;! lost i" Du g!ire of se"s tio"+ The sti"gi"g *ross !y behi"d, the full"ess of the b lls i"side !e, "d the f *t th t hes holdi"g !e do#"+ ; s*re# !y f *e up s !y f *ulties tte!pt to bsorb ll these foreig" feeli"gs+ ; "ote so!e#here i" !y br i" th t hes "ot s! *$ed !e s h rd s l st ti!e+ 6e * resses !y b *$side g i", tr ili"g his p l! *ross !y s$i" "d o/er !y u"der#e r+

Whys he "ot re!o/ed !y p "tiesJ The" his p l! dis ppe rs, "d he bri"gs it do#" g i"+ ; gro " s the se"s tio" spre ds+ 6e st rts do#"+ p tter"= left to right "d the"

The do#" o"es re the best+ E/erythi"g !o/i"g for# rd, i"side !eM "d i" bet#ee" e *h s! *$ he * resses !e, $"e ds !e E so ; ! ! ss ged i"side "d out+ ;ts su*h sti!ul ti"g, eroti* feeli"g, "d for so!e re so", be* use this is o" !y ter!s, ; do"t !i"d the p i"+ ;ts "ot p i"ful s su*h E #ell it is, but "ot u"be r ble+ ;ts so!eho# ! " ge ble, "d yes ple sur bleM e/e"+ ; gro "+ Kes, ; * " do this+

6e p uses s he slo#ly peels !y p "ties do#" !y legs+ ; #rithe o" his legs, "ot be* use ; # "t to es* pe the blo#s, but ; # "tM !ore, rele se, so!ethi"g+ 6is tou*h g i"st !y se"sitiGed s$i" is ll se"suous ti"gle+ ;ts o/er#hel!i"g, "d he st rts g i"+ % fe# soft sl ps the" buildi"g up, left to right "d do#"+ 2h, the do#"s, ; gro "+

H@ood girl, %" st si ,I he gro "s, "d his bre thi"g is r gged+

6e sp "$s !e t#i*e !ore, "d the" he pulls t the s! ll thre ds tt *hed to the b lls "d Ber$s the! out of !e sudde"ly+ ; l!ost *li! 4 E the feeli"g is out of this #orld+ 'o/i"g s#iftly, he ge"tly tur"s !e o/er+ ; he r r ther see the rip of the foil p *$et, "d the" hes lyi"g beside !e+ 6e seiGes !y h "ds, hoists the! o/er !y he d, "d e ses hi!self o"to !e, i"to !e, slidi"g slo#ly, filli"g !e #here the sil/er globes h /e bee"+ ; gro " loudly+

H2h, b by,I he #hispers s he !o/es b *$, for# rd, !e, feeli"g !e+

slo# se"su l te!po, s /ori"g

;t is the !ost ge"tle he h s e/er bee", "d it t $es "o ti!e t ll for !e to f ll o/er the edge, spir li"g i"to it ig"ites deli*ious, /iole"t, e4h usti"g, org s!+ %s ; *le"*h rou"d hi!,

his rele se, "d he slides i"to !e, stilli"g, g spi"g out !y " !e i" desper te #o"der+

H%" LI

6es sile"t "d p "ti"g o" top of !e, his h "ds still e"t#i"ed i" !i"e bo/e !y he d+ Fi" lly, he le "s b *$ "d st res do#" t !e+

H; e"Boyed th t,I he #hispers, "d the" $isses !e s#eetly+

6e does"t li"ger for !ore s#eet $isses, but rises, *o/ers !e #ith the du/et, "d dis ppe rs i"to the b throo!+ 2" his retur" hes * rryi"g !e o" the bed+ bottle of #hite lotio"+ 6e sits beside

H(oll o/er,I he orders, "d begrudgi"gly ; !o/e o" to !y fro"t+

6o"estly, ll this fuss+ ; feel /ery sleepy+

HKour ss is *ooli"g

glorious *olor,I he s ys ppro/i"gly, "d he te"derly ! ss ges the

lotio" i"to !y pi"$ behi"d+

HSpill the be "s, @rey,I ; y #"+

H'iss Steele, you $"o# ho# to rui"


HWe h d

de l+I

H6o# do you feelJI

HShort *h "ged+I

6e sighs, slides i" beside !e, "d pulls !e i"to his r!s+ C reful "ot to tou*h !y sti"gi"g behi"d, #e re spoo"i"g g i"+ 6e $isses !e /ery softly beside !y e r+

HThe #o! " #ho brought !e i"to this #orld # s sleep+I

*r *$<#hore, %" st si + @o to

6oly fu*$M #h t does th t !e "J


HShes de d+I

H6o# lo"gJI

6e sighs+

HShe died #he" ; # s four+ ; do"t re lly re!e!ber her+ C rri*$ h s gi/e" !e so!e det ils+ ; o"ly re!e!ber *ert i" thi"gs+ 1le se go to sleep+I

H@ood"ight, Christi "+I

H@ood"ight, %" +I

%"d ; slip i"to boy i"

d Ged "d e4h usted sleep, dre !i"g of

four<ye r<old, gr y<eyed

d r$, s* ry, !iser ble pl *e+

There is light e/ery#here+ 3right, # r!, pier*i"g light, "d ; e"de /or to $eep it t b y for fe# !ore pre*ious !i"utes+ ; # "t to hide, Bust gl re is fe# !ore !i"utes+ 3ut the

too stro"g, "d ; fi" lly su**u!b to # $eful"ess+ % glorious Se ttle !or"i"g greets !e E su"shi"e pouri"g through the full<height #i"do#s "d floodi"g the roo! #ith too< bright light+ Why did"t #e *lose the bli"ds l st "ightJ ; ! i" Christi " @reys / st bed !i"us o"e Christi " @rey+

; lie b *$ for

!o!e"t st ri"g through the #i"do#s t the lofty /ist of Se ttles * stle i" the ir, drift

s$yli"e+ Life i" the *louds sure feels u"re l+ % f "t sy E fro! the

grou"d, s fe fro! the re lities of life E f r # y fro! "egle*t, hu"ger, "d *r *$< #hore !others+ ; shudder to thi"$ #h t he #e"t through s #hy he s! ll *hild, "d ; u"derst "d

li/es here, isol ted, surrou"ded by be utiful, pre*ious #or$s of rt E so f r re!o/ed fro! #here he st rtedM !issio" st te!e"t i"deed+ ; fro#" be* use it still does"t e4pl i" #hy ; * "t tou*h hi!+

;ro"i* lly, ; feel the s !e up here i" his lofty to#er+ ;! drift fro! re lity+ ;! i" this f "t sy p rt!e"t, h /i"g f "t sy se4 #ith !y f "t sy boyfrie"d+ Whe" the gri! re lity is he # "ts *tu lly spe*i l rr "ge!e"t, though hes s id hell try !ore+ Wh t does th t

!e "J This is #h t ; "eed to *l rify bet#ee" us to see if #e re still t opposite e"ds o" the see<s # or if #e re i"*hi"g *loser together+

; *l !ber out of bed feeli"g stiff, "d for # "t of better e4pressio", #ell<used+ Kes,

th t #ould be ll the se4 the"+ 'y sub*o"s*ious purses her lips i" dis ppro/ l+ ; roll !y eyes t her, gr teful th t "d *ert i" t#it*hy<p l!ed *o"trol fre $ is "ot i" the roo!,

resol/e to s$ hi! bout the perso" l tr i"er+ Th ts if ; sig"+ 'y i""er goddess gl res t !e i" desper tio"+ 2f *ourse youll sig"+ ; ig"ore the! both, "d fter the b throo!, ; go i" se r*h of Christi "+ Dui*$ trip to

6es "ot i" the rt g llery, but " eleg "t !iddle< ged #o! " is *le "i"g i" the $it*he"

re + The sight of her stops !e i" !y tr *$s+ She h s short blo"de h ir "d *le r blue eyesV she #e rs pl i" #hite t ilored shirt "d bro dly #he" she sees !e+ " /y blue pe"*il s$irt+ She s!iles

H@ood !or"i"g, 'iss Steele+ Would you li$e so!e bre $f stJI 6er to"e is # r! but busi"ess li$e, "d ; ! stu""ed+ Who is this ttr *ti/e blo"de i" Christi "s $it*he"J ;! o"ly #e ri"g Christi "s t<shirt+ ; feel self<*o"s*ious "d e!b rr ssed by !y l *$ of *lothi"g+

H;! fr id you h /e !e t "4iety i" !y /oi*e+

dis d/ "t ge+I 'y /oi*e is Duiet, u" ble to hide the

H2h, ;! terribly sorry E ;! 'rs+ Jo"es, 'r+ @reys house$eeper+I


H6o# do you doJI ; ! " ge+

HWould you li$e so!e bre $f st, ! !JI

' !L

HJust so!e te #ould be lo/ely, th "$ you+ ?o you $"o# #here 'r+ @rey isJI

H;" his study+I

HTh "$ you+I

; s*uttle off to# rd the study, !ortified+ Why does Christi " o"ly h /e ttr *ti/e blo"des #or$i"g for hi!J %"d %re " sty thought *o!es i"/olu"t rily i"to !y !i"d E

they ll e4<subsJ ; refuse to e"tert i" th t hideous ide + ; po$e !y he d shyly rou"d the door+ 6es o" the pho"e, f *i"g the #i"do#, i" bl *$ p "ts "d h ir is #hite shirt+ 6is

still #et fro! the sho#er, "d ;! *o!pletely distr *ted fro! !y "eg ti/e thoughts+

H8"less th t *o!p "ys 1\L i!pro/es, ;! "ot i"terested, (os+ Were "ot * rryi"g de d #eightM ; do"t "eed "y !ore l !e e4*usesM 6 /e ' r*o * ll !e, its shit or bust ti!e+++ Kes, tell 3 r"ey th t the prototype loo$s good, though ;! "ot sure bout the i"terf *eM 0o, its Bust !issi"g so!ethi"gM ; # "t to !eet hi! this fter"oo" to dis*ussM ;" f *t, hi! "d his te !, #e * " br i"stor!M+ 2$ y+ Tr "sfer !e b *$ to %"dre M I 6e # its, st ri"g out of the #i"do#, ! ster of his u"i/erse, st ri"g do#" t the little people belo# fro! this * stle i" the s$y+ H%"dre M I

@l "*i"g up, he "oti*es !e t the door+ % slo#, se4y s!ile spre ds *ross his be utiful f *e, "d ;! re"dered spee*hless s !y i"sides !elt+ 6e is #ithout !ost doubt the

be utiful ! " o" the pl "et, too be utiful for the little people belo#, too be utiful for !e+ 0o !y i""er goddess s*o#ls t !e, "ot too be utiful for !e+ 6e is sort of !i"e, for "o#+ The ide se"ds thrill through !y blood "d dispels !y irr tio" l self<doubt+

6e *o"ti"ues his *o"/ers tio", his eyes "e/er le /i"g !i"e+

HCle r !y s*hedule this !or"i"g, but get 3ill to * ll !e+ ;ll be i" t t#o+ ; "eed to t l$ to ' r*o this fter"oo", th t #ill "eed t le st h lf " hourM S*hedule 3 r"ey "d his

te ! i" fter ' r*o or ! ybe to!orro#, "d fi"d ti!e for !e to see Cl ude e/eryd y this #ee$M Tell hi! to # itM 2hM 0o, ; do"t # "t publi*ity for ? rfurM Tell S ! to de l #ith itM 0oM+ Whi*h e/e"tJ+++ Th ts "e4t S turd yJM 6old o"+I

HWhe" #ill you be b *$ fro! @eorgi JI he s$s+

HFrid y+I

6e resu!es his pho"e *o"/ers tio"+

H;ll "eed " e4tr ti*$et be* use ; h /e d te,

d teM Kes %"dre , th ts #h t ; s id,

'iss %" st si Steele #ill **o!p "y !eM Th ts ll+I 6e h "gs up+ H@ood !or"i"g, 'iss Steele+I

H'r+ @rey,I ; s!ile shyly+

6e # l$s rou"d his des$ #ith his usu l gr *e "d st "ds i" fro"t of !e+ 6e s!ells so goodV *le " "d freshly l u"dered, so Christi "+ 6e ge"tly stro$es !y *hee$ #ith the b *$ of his fi"gers+

H; did"t # "t to # $e you, you loo$ed so pe *eful+ ?id you sleep #ellJI

H; ! /ery #ell<rested, th "$ you+ ; Bust * !e to s y hi before ; h d


; g Ge up t hi!, dri"$i"g hi! i"+ 6e le "s do#" "d ge"tly $isses !e, "d ; * "t help !yself+ ; thro# !y r!s rou"d his "e*$ "d !y fi"gers t#ist i" his still d !p h ir+ 1ushi"g !y body flush g i"st his, ; $iss hi! b *$+ ; # "t hi!+ 'y tt *$ t $es hi! by surprise, but fter !y be t, he respo"ds, lo# gro " i" his thro t+ 6is h "ds slip i"to

h ir "d do#" !y b *$ to *up !y " $ed behi"d, his to"gue e4plori"g !y !outh+ 6e pulls b *$, his eyes hooded+

HWell, sleep see!s to gree #ith you,I he !ur!urs+ H; suggest you go "d h /e your

sho#er, or ; sh ll l y you *ross !y des$, "o#+I

H; *hoose the des$,I ; #hisper re*$lessly s desire s#eeps li$e dre" li"e through !y syste!, # $i"g e/erythi"g i" its p th+

6e st res be#ildered do#" t !e for


HKou/e re lly got i"s ti ble,I he !ur!urs+

t ste for this, h /e"t you, 'iss Steele+ Koure be*o!i"g

H;/e o"ly got

t ste for you,I ; #hisper+

6is eyes #ide" "d d r$e" #hile his h "ds $"e d !y " $ed b *$side+

H? !" right, o"ly !e,I he gro#ls, "d sudde"ly #ith o"e fluid !o/e!e"t, he *le rs ll the pl "s "d p pers off his des$ so th t they s* tter o" the floor, s#eeps !e up i" his r!s, "d l ys !e do#" *ross the short e"d of his des$ so th t !y he d is l!ost off the edge+

HKou # "t it, you got it, b by,I he !utters, produ*i"g

foil p *$et fro! his p "ts

po*$et #hile he u"Gips his p "ts+ 2h 'r+ 3oy S*out+ 6e rolls the *o"do! o/er his ere*tio" "d g Ges do#" t !e+ H; sure hope youre re dy,I he bre thes, *ross his s l *ious s!ile

f *e+ %"d i" thrusti"g

!o!e"t, hes filli"g !e, holdi"g !y #rists tightly by !y side, "d

i"to !e deeply+

; gro "M oh yes+

HChrist, %" + Koure so re dy,I he #hispers i" /e"er tio"+

Wr ppi"g !y legs rou"d his # ist, ; hold hi! the o"ly # y ; * " s he st ys st "di"g, st ri"g do#" t !e, gr y eyes glo#i"g, p ssio" te "d possessi/e+ 6e st rts to !o/e, re lly !o/e+ This is "ot ! $i"g lo/e, this is fu*$i"g E "d ; lo/e it+ ; gro "+ ;ts so r #, so * r" l, ! $i"g !e so # "to"+ ; re/el i" his possessio", his lust sl $i"g !i"e+ 6e !o/es

#ith e se, lu4uri ti"g i" !e, e"Boyi"g !e, his lips slightly p rted s his bre thi"g i"*re ses+ 6e t#ists his hips fro! side to side, "d the feeli"g is e4Duisite+

2h !y+ ; *lose !y eyes, feeli"g the build up E th t deli*ious, slo#, step *li!bi"g build+ 1ushi"g !e higher, higher to the * stle i" the ir+ 2h yesM his stro$e i"*re si"g fr *tio" lly+ ; !o " loudly+ ; ! ll se"s tio"M ll hi!, e"Boyi"g e/ery thrust, e/ery push th t fills !e+ %"d he pi*$s up the p *e, thrusti"g f sterM h rderM "d !y #hole body is !o/i"g

to his rhyth!, "d ; * " feel !y legs stiffe"i"g, "d !y i"sides Dui/eri"g "d Dui*$e"i"g+

HCo!e o", b by, gi/e it up for !e,I he * Boles through gritted teeth E "d the fer/e"t "eed i" his /oi*e E the str i" E se"ds !e o/er the edge+

; *ry out

#ordless, p ssio" te ple

s ; tou*h the su" "d bur", f lli"g rou"d hi!,

f lli"g do#", b *$ to stops

bre thless, bright su!!it o" E rth+ 6e sl !s i"to !e "d

bruptly s he re *hes his *li! 4, pulli"g t !y #rists, "d si"$i"g gr *efully "d #ordlessly o"to !e+

Wo#+++ th t # s u"e4pe*ted+ ; slo#ly ! teri liGe b *$ o" E rth+

HWh t the hell re you doi"g to !eJI he bre thes s he "uGGles !y "e*$+ HKou *o!pletely beguile !e, %" + Kou #e /e so!e po#erful ! gi*+I

6e rele ses !y #rists, "d ; ru" !y fi"gers through his h ir, *o!i"g do#" fro! !y high+ ; tighte" !y legs rou"d hi!+

H;! the o"e beguiled,I ; #hisper+

6e loo$s up, g Gi"g t !e, his e4pressio" is dis*o"*erted, l r!ed e/e"+ 1l *i"g his h "ds o" either side of !y f *e, he holds !y he d i" pl *e+

HKou+ %re+ 'i"e,I he s ys, e *h #ord

st ** to+ H?o you u"derst "dJI

6es so e r"est, so i!p ssio"ed E "d

Ge lot+ The for*e of his ple is so u"e4pe*ted

dis r!i"g+ ; #o"der #hy hes feeli"g li$e this+

HKes, yours,I ; #hisper, der iled by his fer/or+

H%re you sure you h /e to go to @eorgi JI

; "od slo#ly+ %"d i" th t brief !o!e"t, ; * " see his e4pressio" *h "ge "d the shutters *o!i"g do#"+ %bruptly he #ithdr #s, ! $i"g !e #i"*e+

H%re you soreJI he s$s, le "i"g o/er !e+

H% little,I ; *o"fess+

H; li$e you sore+I 6is eyes s!older+ H(e!i"ds you #here ;/e bee", "d o"ly !e+I

6e gr bs !y *hi" "d $isses !e roughly, the" st "ds "d holds his h "d out to help !e up+ ; gl "*e do#" t the foil p *$et beside !e+

H%l# ys prep red,I ; !ur!ur+

6e loo$s t !e *o"fused s he redoes his fly+ ; hold up the e!pty p *$et+

H% ! " * " hope, %" st si , dre ! e/e", "d so!eti!es his dre !s *o!e true+I

6e sou"ds so odd, his eyes bur"i"g+ ; Bust do"t u"derst "d+ 'y post *oit l glo# is f di"g f st+ Wh t is his proble!J

HSo, o" your des$, th ts bee" t!osphere bet#ee" us+

dre !JI ; s$ dryly, tryi"g hu!or to lighte" the

6e s!iles " e"ig! ti* s!ile th t does"t re *h his eyes, "d ; $"o# i!!edi tely this is "ot the first ti!e hes h d se4 o" his des$+ The thought is u"#el*o!e+ ; sDuir! u"*o!fort bly s !y post *oit l glo# e/ por tes+

H;d better go "d h /e

sho#er+I ; st "d "d ! $e to !o/e p st hi!+

6e fro#"s "d ru"s h "d through his h ir+

H;/e got

*ouple !ore * lls to ! $e+ ;ll Boi" you for bre $f st o"*e youre out of

the sho#er+ ; thi"$ 'rs+ Jo"es h s l u"dered your *lothes fro! yesterd y+ Theyre i" the *loset+I

Wh tJ Whe" the hell did she do th tJ JeeG, *ould she he r usJ ; flush+

HTh "$ you,I ; !utter+

HKoure !ost #el*o!e,I he replies uto! ti* lly, but theres " edge to his /oi*e+

;! "ot s yi"g th "$ you for fu*$i"g !e+ %lthough, it # s /ery+++

HWh tJI he s$s, "d ; re liGe ;! fro#"i"g+

HWh ts #ro"gJI ; s$ softly+

HWh t do you !e "JI

HWellM youre bei"g !ore #eird th " usu l+I

HKou fi"d !e #eirdJI 6e tries to stifle


; blush+


6e reg rds !e for

!o!e"t, his eyes spe*ul ti/e+

H%s e/er, ;! surprised by you, 'iss Steele+I

HSurprised ho#JI

HLets Bust s y th t # s " u"e4pe*ted tre t+I

HWe i! to ple se, 'r+ @rey+I ; *o*$ !y he d to o"e side li$e he ofte" does to !e "d gi/e his #ords b *$ to hi!+

H%"d ple se !e you do,I he s ys, but he loo$s u"e sy+ H; thought you #ere goi"g to h /e sho#er+I

2h, hes dis!issi"g !e+

HKesM u!, ;ll see you i" du!bfou"ded+

!o!e"t+I ; s*urry out of his offi*e *o!pletely

6e see!ed *o"fused+ WhyJ ; h /e to s y s physi* l e4perie"*es go, th t # s /ery s tisfyi"g+ 3ut e!otio" lly E #ell, ;! r ttled by his re *tio", "d th t # s bout s e!otio" lly e"ri*hi"g s *otto" * "dy is "utritious+

'rs+ Jo"es is still i" the $it*he"+

HWould you li$e your te "o#, 'iss SteeleJI

H;ll h /e the roo!+

sho#er first, th "$ you,I ; !utter "d t $e !y bl Gi"g f *e Dui*$ly out of

;" the sho#er, ; try to figure out #h ts up #ith Christi "+ 6e is the !ost *o!pli* ted perso" ; $"o#, "d ; * ""ot u"derst "d his e/er<*h "gi"g !oods+ 6e see!ed fi"e #he" ; #e"t i"to his study+ We h d se4M "d the" he # s"t+ 0o, ; do"t get it+ ; loo$ to !y sub*o"s*ious+ Shes #histli"g #ith her h "ds behi"d her b *$ "d loo$i"g "y#here but t !e+ She h s"t got post<*oit l *lue, "d !y i""er goddess is still b s$i"g i" re!" "t of

glo#+ 0o E #ere ll *lueless+

; to#el<dry !y h ir, *o!b it through #ith Christi "s o"e "d o"ly h ir i!ple!e"t, "d put !y h ir up i" bu"+ F tes plu! dress h "gs l u"dered "d iro"ed i" the *loset lo"g #ith !y *le " br shoes, ; str ighte" !y dress, t $e "d p "ties+ 'rs+ Jo"es is ! r/el+ Slippi"g o" F tes

deep bre th, "d he d b *$ out to the gre t roo!+

Christi " is still "o#here to be see", "d 'rs+ Jo"es is *he*$i"g the *o"te"ts of the p "try+

HTe "o#, 'iss SteeleJI she s$s+

H1le se+I ; s!ile t her+ ; feel slightly !ore *o"fide"t "o# th t ;! dressed+

HWould you li$e so!ethi"g to e tJI

H0o, th "$ you+I

H2f *ourse youll h /e so!ethi"g to e t,I Christi " s" ps, glo#eri"g+ HShe li$es p "* $es, b *o", "d eggs, 'rs+ Jo"es+I

HKes, 'r+ @rey+ Wh t #ould you li$e, sirJI

H2!elet, ple se, "d so!e fruit+I 6e does"t t $e his eyes off !e, his e4pressio" u"f tho! ble+ HSit,I he orders, poi"ti"g to o"e of the b r stools+

; oblige, "d he sits beside !e #hile 'rs+ Jo"es busies herself #ith bre $f st+ @osh, its u""er/i"g h /i"g so!eo"e else liste" to our *o"/ers tio"+

H6 /e you bought your ir ti*$etJI

H0o, ;ll buy it #he" ; get ho!e E o/er the ;"ter"et+I

6e le "s o" his elbo#, rubbi"g his *hi"+

H?o you h /e the !o"eyJI

2h "o+

HKes,I ; s y #ith !o*$ p tie"*e s if ;! t l$i"g to

s! ll *hild+

6e r ises

*e"sorious eyebro# t !e+ Cr p+

HKes, ; do, th "$ you,I ; !e"d r pidly+

H; h /e

Bet+ ;ts "ot s*heduled to be used for three d ys, its t your dispos l+I

; g pe t hi!+ 2f *ourse he h s i"*li" tio"

Bet, "d ; h /e to resist !y bodys " tur l

to roll !y eyes t hi!+ ; # "t to l ugh+ 3ut ; do"t, s ; * "t re d his !ood+

HWe/e lre dy ! de serious !isuse of your *o!p "ys /i tio" fleet+ ; #ould"t # "t to do it g i"+I

H;ts !y *o!p "y, its !y Bet+I 6e sou"ds l!ost #ou"ded+ 2h, boys "d their toysL

HTh "$ you for the offer+ 3ut ;d be h ppier t $i"g

s*heduled flight+I

6e loo$s li$e he # "ts to rgue further but de*ides g i"st it+

H%s you #ish,I he sighs+ H?o you h /e !u*h prep r tio" to do for your i"ter/ie#JI


H@ood+ Koure still "ot goi"g to tell !e #hi*h publishi"g housesJI


6is lips *url up i"

relu*t "t s!ile+

H; !

! " of !e "s, 'iss Steele+I

H; ! fully # re of th t, 'r+ @rey+ %re you goi"g to tr *$ !y pho"eJI ; s$ i""o*e"tly+

H%*tu lly, ;ll be Duite busy this fter"oo", so ;ll h /e to get so!eo"e else to do it+I 6e s!ir$s+

;s he Bo$i"gJ

H;f you * " sp re so!eo"e to do th t, youre ob/iously o/erst ffed+I

H;ll se"d " e! il to the he d of hu! " resour*es "d h /e her loo$ i"to our he d *ou"t+I 6is lips t#it*h to hide his s!ile+

2h th "$ the Lord, hes re*o/ered his se"se of hu!or+

'rs+ Jo"es ser/es us bre $f st "d #e e t Duietly for fe# !o!e"ts+ %fter *le ri"g

the p "s, t *tfully, she he ds out of the li/i"g re + ; pee$ up t hi!+

HWh t it is, %" st si JI

HKou $"o#, you "e/er did tell !e #hy you do"t li$e to be tou*hed+I

6e bl "*hes, "d his re *tio" ! $es !e feel guilty for s$i"g+

H;/e told you !ore th " ;/e e/er told "ybody+I 6is /oi*e is Duiet s he g Ges t !e i!p ssi/ely+

%"d its *le r to !e th t hes "e/er *o"fided i" "yo"e+ ?oes"t he h /e "y *lose frie"dsJ 1erh ps he told 'rs+ (obi"so"J ; # "t to s$ hi!, but ; * "t E ; * "t pry th t i"/ si/ely+ ; sh $e !y he d t the re liG tio"+ 6e re lly is " isl "d+

HWill you thi"$ bout our rr "ge!e"t #hile youre # yJI he s$s+


HWill you !iss !eJI

; g Ge t hi!, surprised by his Duestio"+

HKes,I ; "s#er ho"estly+

6o# *ould he !e " so !u*h to !e i" su*h

short ti!eJ 6es got right u"der !y

s$i"M liter lly+ 6e s!iles "d his eyes light up+

H;ll !iss you too+ 'ore th " you $"o#,I he bre thes+

'y he rt # r!s t his #ords+ 6e re lly is tryi"g, h rd+ 6e ge"tly stro$es !y *hee$, be"ds do#", "d $isses !e softly+

;t is l te fter"oo", "d ; sit "er/ous "d fidgeti"g i" the lobby # iti"g for 'r+ J+ 6yde of Se ttle ;"depe"de"t 1ublishi"g+ This is !y se*o"d i"ter/ie# tod y, "d the o"e ;! !ost "4ious bout+ 'y first i"ter/ie# #e"t #ell, but it # s for *o"glo!er te #ith l rger

offi*es b sed throughout the 8S, "d ; #ould be o"e of ! "y editori l ssist "ts there+ ; * " i! gi"e bei"g s# llo#ed up "d sp t out pretty Dui*$ly i" su*h ! *hi"e+ *orpor te

S;1 is #here ; # "t to be+ ;ts s! ll "d u"*o"/e"tio" l, *h !pio"i"g lo* l uthors, "d h s " i"teresti"g "d Duir$y roster of *lie"ts+

'y surrou"di"gs re sp rse, but ; thi"$ its ;

desig" st te!e"t r ther th " frug lity+

! se ted o" o"e of t#o d r$ gree" *hesterfield *ou*hes ! de of le ther E "ot u"li$e the *ou*h th t Christi " h s i" his pl yroo!+ ; stro$e the le ther ppre*i ti/ely "d #o"der idly #h t Christi " does o" th t *ou*h+ 'y !i"d # "ders s ; thi"$ of the possibilitiesM

"o E ; !ust "ot go there "o#+ ; flush t !y # y# rd "d i" ppropri te thoughts+ The re*eptio"ist is lo"g you"g %fri* "<%!eri* " #o! " #ith l rge sil/er e rri"gs "d bohe!i " loo$ bout her, the sort of #o! " ; *ould be

str ighte"ed h ir+ She h s frie"dly

#ith+ The thought is *o!forti"g+ E/ery fe# !o!e"ts, she gl "*es t up !e, # y fro! her *o!puter "d s!iles re ssuri"gly+ ; te"t ti/ely retur" her s!ile+

'y flight is boo$edV !y !other is i" se/e"th he /e" th t ; ! /isiti"gV ; ! p *$ed, "d F te h s greed to dri/e !e to the irport+ Christi " h s ordered !e to t $e !y 3l *$3erry "d the ' *+ ; roll !y eyes t the !e!ory of his o/erbe ri"g bossi"ess, but ; re liGe "o# th ts Bust the # y he is+ 6e li$es *o"trol o/er e/erythi"g, i"*ludi"g !e+ Ket hes so u"predi*t bly "d dis r!i"gly gree ble too+ 6e * " be te"der, good<hu!ored, e/e" s#eet+ %"d #he" he is, its so left field "d u"e4pe*ted+ 6e i"sisted o" **o!p "yi"g !e ll the # y do#" to !y * r i" the g r ge+ JeeG, ;! o"ly goi"g for *ti"g fe# d ys, hes

li$e ;! goi"g for #ee$s+ 6e $eeps !e o" the b *$ foot per! "e"tly+

H%" SteeleJI % #o! " #ith lo"g, bl *$, pre<( ph elite h ir st "di"g by the re*eptio" des$ distr *ts !e fro! !y i"trospe*tio"+ She h s the s !e bohe!i ", flo ty loo$ s the re*eptio"ist+ She *ould be i" her l te thirties, ! ybe i" her forties+ ;ts so diffi*ult to

tell #ith older #o!e"+

HKes,I ; reply, st "di"g #$# rdly+

She gi/es !e F tes dresses, i"ter/ie#,

polite s!ile, her *ool h Gel eyes ssessi"g !e+ ; ! #e ri"g o"e of bl *$ pi" fore o/er #hite blouse, "d !y bl *$ pu!ps+ Cery

; thi"$+ 'y h ir is restr i"ed i" the!sel/esM she holds her h "d out to !e+

po"yt il, "d for o"*e the te"drils re beh /i"g

H6ello, %" , !y " !es EliG beth 'org "+ ;! he d of 6u! " (esour*es here t S;1+I

H6o# do you doJI ; sh $e her h "d+ She loo$s /ery * su l to be the he d of 6(+

H1le se follo# !e+I

We go through the double doors behi"d the re*eptio" re , i"to de*or ted ope" pl " offi*e, "d fro! there, he d i"to p le

l rge brightly

s! ll !eeti"g roo!+ The # lls re

gree", li"ed #ith pi*tures of boo$ *o/ers+ %t the he d of the ' ple#ood *o"fere"*e t ble sits i" you"g ! " #ith red h ir tied i" po"yt il+ S! ll, sil/er, hooped e rri"gs gli"t

both his e rs+ 6e #e rs ppro *h

p le blue shirt, "o tie, "d grey fl ""el trousers+ %s ;

hi!, he st "ds "d g Ges t !e #ith f tho!less d r$ blue eyes+

H%" Steele, ;! J *$ 6yde, the *o!!issio"i"g editor here t S;1, "d ;! /ery ple sed to !eet you+I

We sh $e h "ds, "d his d r$ e4pressio" is u"re d ble, though frie"dly e"ough, ; thi"$+

H6 /e you tr /eled f rJI he s$s ple s "tly+

H0o, ;/e re*e"tly !o/ed to the 1i$e Street ' r$et re +I

H2h, "ot f r t ll the"+ 1le se, t $e

se t+I

; sit, "d EliG beth t $es

se t beside hi!+

HSo #hy #ould you li$e to i"ter" for us t S;1, %" JI he s$s+

6e s ys !y " !e softly "d *o*$s his he d to o"e side, li$e so!eo"e ; $"o# E its u""er/i"g+ ?oi"g !y best to ig"ore the irr tio" l # ri"ess he i"spires, ; l u"*h i"to !y * refully prep red spee*h, *o"s*ious th t *hee$s+ ; loo$ rosy flush is spre di"g *ross !y

t both of the!, re!e!beri"g The F theri"e F / " gh Su**essful ;"ter/ie#i"g Te*h"iDue le*ture E ! i"t i" eye *o"t *t, %" L 3oy, th t #o! " * " be bossy too, so!eti!es+ J *$ "d EliG beth both liste" tte"ti/ely+

HKou h /e t WS8JI

/ery i!pressi/e @1%+ Wh t e4tr <*urri*ul r *ti/ities did you i"dulge i"

;"dulgeJ ; bli"$ t hi!+ Wh t " odd *hoi*e of #ord+ ; l u"*h i"to det ils of !y libr ri "ship t the * !pus *e"tr l libr ry, "d !y o"e e4perie"*e of i"ter/ie#i"g " obs*e"ely ri*h despot for the stude"t ! g Gi"e+ ; gloss o/er the p rt th t ; did"t *tu lly #rite the rti*le+ ; !e"tio" the t#o liter ry so*ieties th t ; belo"ged to "d *o"*lude #ith #or$i"g t Cl yto"s "d ll the useless $"o#ledge ; "o# possess bout h rd# re "d ?;K+ They both l ugh, #hi*h is the respo"se ;d hoped for+ Slo#ly, ; rel 4 "d begi" to e"Boy !yself+

J *$ 6yde s$s sh rp, i"tellige"t Duestio"s, but ;! "ot thro#" E ; $eep up, "d #he" #e dis*uss !y re di"g prefere"*es "d !y f /orite boo$s, ; thi"$ ; hold !y o#"+ J *$, o" the other h "d, ppe rs to o"ly f /or %!eri* " liter ture #ritte" fter 1,70+ 0othi"g else+ 0o *l ssi*s < "ot e/e" 6e"ry J !es or 8pto" Si"*l ir or F S*ott FitGger ld+ EliG beth s ys "othi"g, Bust "ods o** sio" lly "d t $es "otes+ J *$, though rgu!e"t ti/e, is *h r!i"g i" his # y, "d !y i"iti l # ri"ess dissip tes the lo"ger #e t l$+

H%"d #here do you see yourself i" fi/e ye rs ti!eJI he s$s+

With Christi " @rey, the thought *o!es i"/olu"t rily i"to !y he d+ 'y err "t !i"d ! $es !e fro#"+

HCopy editi"g perh psJ ' ybe opportu"ities+I

liter ry ge"t, ;! "ot sure+ ; ! ope" to

6e gri"s+

HCery good, %" + ; do"t h /e "y further Duestio"s+ ?o youJI he dire*ts his Duestio" t !e+

HWhe" #ould you li$e so!eo"e to st rtJI ; s$+

H%s soo" s possible,I EliG beth pipes up+ HWhe" *ould you st rtJI

H;! / il ble fro! "e4t #ee$+I

HTh ts good to $"o#,I J *$ s ys+

H;f th ts ll "yo"e h s to s y,I EliG beth gl "*es t the t#o of us, H; thi"$ th t *o"*ludes the i"ter/ie#+I She s!iles $i"dly+

H;ts bee"

ple sure to !eet you, %" ,I J *$ s ys softly s he t $es !y h "d+ 6e

sDueeGes it ge"tly, so th t ; bli"$ up t hi! s ; s y goodbye+

; feel u"settled s ; ! $e !y # y to !y * r, though ;! "ot sure #hy+ ; thi"$ the i"ter/ie# #e"t #ell, but its so h rd to s y+ ;"ter/ie#s see! su*h rtifi*i l situ tio"s, e/eryo"e o" their best beh /ior tryi"g desper tely to hide behi"d !y f *e fitJ ; sh ll h /e to # it "d see+ professio" l f P de+ ?id

; *li!b i"to !y %udi %5 "d he d b *$ to the p rt!e"t, though ; t $e !e ti!e+ ;! o" the red<eye #ith e/e"i"g, stopo/er i" %tl "t , but !y flight does"t le /e u"til 10=27 this

so ; h /e ple"ty of ti!e+

F te is u"p *$i"g bo4es i" the $it*he" #he" ; retur"+

H6o# did they goJI she s$s, e4*ited+ 2"ly F te * " loo$ gorgeous i" " o/ersiGed shirt, t ttered Be "s, "d d r$ blue b "d " +

H@ood, th "$s, F te+ 0ot sure this outfit # s *ool e"ough for the se*o"d i"ter/ie#+I


H3oho *hi* !ight h /e do"e it+I

F te r ises " eyebro#+

HKou "d boho *hi*+I She *o*$s her he d to o"e side < @ hL Why is e/eryo"e re!i"di"g !e of !y f /orite Fifty Sh desJ H%*tu lly, %" , youre o"e of the fe# people #ho *ould re lly pull th t loo$ off+I

; gri"+

H; re lly li$ed the se*o"d pl *e+ ; thi"$ ; *ould fit i" there+ The guy #ho i"ter/ie#ed !e # s u""er/i"g though,I ; tr il off E shit ;! t l$i"g to foghor" F / " gh here+ Shut up %" L

H2hJI The F theri"e F / " gh r d r for " i"teresti"g tidbit of i"for! tio" s#oops i"to *tio" E !o!e"t, tidbit th t #ill o"ly resurf *e t so!e i"opportu"e "d e!b rr ssi"g

#hi*h re!i"ds !e+

H;"*ide"t lly E #ill you ple se stop #i"di"g Christi " upJ Kour *o!!e"t bout JosO t di""er yesterd y # s out of li"e+ 6es $"o#+I Be lous guy+ ;t does"t do "y good, you

HLoo$, if he # s"t Elliots brother ;d h /e s id

lot #orse+ 6es

re l *o"trol fre $+ little

; do"t $"o# ho# you st "d it+ ; # s tryi"g to ! $e hi! Be lous E gi/e hi! help

#ith his *o!!it!e"t issues+I She holds her h "ds up defe"si/ely+ H3ut E if you do"t # "t

!e to i"terfere, ; #o"t,I she s ys h stily t !y s*o#l+

H@ood+ Life #ith Christi " is *o!pli* ted e"ough, trust !e+I

JeeG, ; sou"d li$e hi!+

H%" ,I she p uses st ri"g t !e+ HKoure o$ y, re"t youJ Koure "ot ru""i"g to your !others to es* peJI

; flush+

H0o F te+ ;t # s you #ho s id ; "eeded

bre $+I

She *loses the dist "*e bet#ee" us "d t $es !y h "ds E do+ 2h "oM te rs thre te"+

!ost u"<F te thi"g to

HKoure Bust, ; do"t $"o#M differe"t+ ; hope youre o$ y, "d #h te/er issues youre h /i"g #ith 'r+ 'o"eyb gs, you * " t l$ to !e+ %"d ; #ill try "ot to #i"d hi! up, though fr "$ly its li$e shooti"g fish i" you b rrel #ith hi!+ Loo$, %" , if so!ethi"gs #ro"g,

#ill tell !e, ; #o"t Budge+ ;ll try to u"derst "d+I

; bli"$ b *$ te rs+

H2h, F te+I ; hug her+ H; thi"$ ;/e re lly f lle" for hi!+I

H%" , "yo"e * " see th t+ %"d hes f lle" for you+ 6es ! d bout you+ Wo"t t $e his eyes off you+I

; l ugh u"*ert i"ly+

H?o you thi"$ soJI

H6 s"t he told youJI

H0ot i" so ! "y #ords+I

H6 /e you told hi!JI

H0ot i" so ! "y #ords+I ; shrug pologeti* lly+

H%" L So!eo"e h s to ! $e the first !o/e, other#ise youll "e/er get "y#here+I

Wh tM tell hi! ho# ; feelJ

H;! Bust fr id ;ll frighte" hi! # y+I

H%"d ho# do you $"o# hes "ot feeli"g the s !eJI

HChristi ", fr idJ ; * "t i! gi"e hi! bei"g frighte"ed of "ythi"g+I 3ut s ; s y the #ords, ; i! gi"e hi! s grips "d s! ll *hild+ ' ybe fe r # s ll he $"e# the"+ Sorro#

sDueeGes !y he rt t the thought+

F te g Ges t !e #ith pursed lips "d " rro#ed eyes, r ther li$e !y sub*o"s*ious E ll she "eeds is the h lf<!oo" spe*s+

HKou t#o "eed to sit do#" "d t l$ to e *h other+I

HWe h /e"t bee" doi"g !u*h t l$i"g l tely+I ; flush+ 2ther stuff+ 0o"</erb l *o!!u"i* tio" "d th ts o$ y+ Well, !u*h !ore th " o$ y+

She gri"s+

HTh tll be the se4i"gL ;f th ts goi"g #ell, the" th ts h lf the b ttle %" + ;ll gr b so!e Chi"ese t $e<out+ %re you re dy to goJI

H; #ill be E #e do"t h /e to le /e for

*ouple of hours or so+I

H0o E ;ll see you i" t#e"ty+I She gr bs her B *$et "d le /es, forgetti"g to *lose the door+ ; shut it behi"d her "d he d off to !y bedroo! !ulli"g o/er her #ords+

;s Christi " fr id of his feeli"gs for !eJ ?oes he e/e" h /e feeli"gs for !eJ 6e

see!s /ery $ee", s ys ;! his E but th ts Bust p rt of his ;<!ust<o#"< "d<h /e< e/erythi"g< "o# E *o"trol<fre $ do!i" "t self, surely+ ; re liGe th t #hile ;! # y, ; #ill h /e to ru" through ll our *o"/ers tio"s g i" "d see if ; * " pi*$ out tellt le sig"s+

;ll !iss you tooM !ore th " you $"o#+++

Kou/e *o!pletely beguiled !eM

; sh $e !y he d+ ; do"t # "t to thi"$ bout it "o#+ ; ! *h rgi"g the 3l *$3erry, so ; h /e"t h d it #ith !e ll fter"oo"+ ; ppro *h it #ith * utio", "d ;! dis ppoi"ted th t there re "o !ess ges+ ; s#it*h o" the !e " ! *hi"e, "d there re "o !ess ges there either+ S !e e! il ddress %" E !y sub*o"s*ious rolls her eyes t !e, "d for the first ti!e, ; u"derst "d #hy Christi " # "ts to sp "$ !e #he" ; do th t+

2$ y+ Well, ;ll #rite hi! " e! il+

Fro!= %" st si Steele

SubBe*t= ;"ter/ie#s

? te= ' y 50 2011 1.=S,

To= Christi " @rey

?e r Sir 'y i"ter/ie#s #e"t #ell tod y+ Thought you !ight be i"terested+ 6o# # s your d yJ %"

; sit "d gl re t the s*ree"+ Christi "s respo"ses re usu lly i"st "t "eous+ ; # itM "d # it, "d fi" lly ; he r the #el*o!e pi"g fro! !y i"bo4+

Fro!= Christi " @rey

SubBe*t= 'y d y

? te= ' y 50 2011 1,=05

To= %" st si Steele

?e r 'iss Steele E/erythi"g you do i"terests !e, you re the !ost f s*i" ti"g #o! " ; $"o#+

;! gl d your i"ter/ie#s #e"t #ell+ 'y !or"i"g # s beyo"d ll e4pe*t tio"s+ 'y fter"oo" # s /ery dull i" *o!p riso"+

Christi " @rey CE2, @rey E"terprises 6oldi"gs ;"*+

Fro!= %" st si Steele

SubBe*t= Fi"e 'or"i"g

? te= ' y 50 2011 1,=07

To= Christi " @rey

?e r Sir The !or"i"g # s e4e!pl ry for !e too, i" spite of you #eirdi"g out o" !e fter the i!pe** ble des$ se4+ ?o"t thi"$ ; did"t "oti*e+ Th "$ you for bre $f st+ 2r th "$ 'rs+ Jo"es+ ;d li$e to s$ you Duestio"s bout her E #ithout you #eirdi"g out o" !e g i"+ %"

'y fi"ger ho/ers o/er the se"d butto", "d ; ! re ssured th t ;ll be o" the other side of

the *o"ti"e"t this ti!e to!orro#+

Fro!= Christi " @rey

SubBe*t= 1ublishi"g "d KouJ

? te= ' y 50 2011 1,=10

To= %" st si Steele

%" st si NWeirdi"g is "ot publishi"g+ /erb "d should "ot be used by "yo"e #ho # "ts to go i"to

;!pe** bleJ Co!p red to #h t, pr y tellJ %"d #h t do you "eed to s$ bout 'rs+ Jo"esJ ;! i"trigued+

Christi " @rey CE2, @rey E"terprises 6oldi"gs ;"*+

Fro!= %" st si Steele

SubBe*t= Kou "d 'rs+ Jo"es

? te= ' y 50 2011 1,=1:

To= Christi " @rey

?e r Sir L "gu ge e/ol/es "d !o/es o"+ ;t is " org "i* thi"g+ ;t is "ot stu*$ i" " i/ory to#er, hu"g #ith e4pe"si/e #or$s of rt "d o/erloo$i"g !ost of Se ttle #ith stu*$ o" its roof+ ;!pe** ble E *o!p red to the other ti!es #e h /eM #h ts your #ordM oh yesM fu*$ed+ %*tu lly the fu*$i"g h s bee" pretty i!pe** ble, period, i" !y hu!ble opi"io" E but the" s you $"o# ; h /e /ery li!ited e4perie"*e+ ;s 'rs+ Jo"es " e4<sub of yoursJ %" helip d

'y fi"ger ho/ers o"*e !ore o/er the se"d butto", "d ; press it+

Fro!= Christi " @rey

SubBe*t= L "gu ge+ W t*h Kour 'outhL

? te= ' y 50 2011 1,=22

To= %" st si Steele

%" st si 'rs+ Jo"es is / lued e!ployee+ ; h /e "e/er h d "y rel tio"ship #ith her beyo"d

our professio" l o"e+ ; do "ot e!ploy "yo"e ;/e h d "y se4u l rel tio"s #ith+ ; ! sho*$ed th t you #ould thi"$ so+ The o"ly perso" ; #ould ! $e " e4*eptio" to this rule is you E be* use you re s$ills+ bright you"g #o! " #ith re! r$ ble "egoti ti"g

Though, if you *o"ti"ue to use su*h l "gu ge, ; ! y h /e to re*o"sider t $i"g you o" here+ ; ! gl d you h /e li!ited e4perie"*e+ Kour e4perie"*e #ill *o"ti"ue to be li!ited E Bust to !e+ ; sh ll t $e i!pe** ble s sure if *o!pli!e"t E though #ith you, ;! "e/er

th ts #h t you !e ", or if your se"se of iro"y is getti"g the better of you E s usu l+

Christi " @rey CE2, @rey E"terprises 6oldi"gs ;"*+ Fro! 6is ;/ory To#er

Fro!= %" st si Steele

SubBe*t= 0ot for ll the Te i" Chi"

? te= ' y 50 2011 1,=2:

To= Christi " @rey

?e r 'r+ @rey ; thi"$ ; h /e lre dy e4pressed !y reser/ tio"s bout #or$i"g for your *o!p "y+ 'y /ie#s o" this h /e "ot *h "ged, re "ot *h "gi"g, "d #ill "ot *h "ge, e/er+ ; !ust le /e you "o# s F te h s retur"ed #ith food+ 'y se"se of iro"y "d ;, bid you good"ight+ ; #ill *o"t *t you o"*e ;! i" @eorgi + %"

Fro!= Christi " @rey

SubBe*t= E/e" T#i"i"gs E"glish 3re $f st Te J

? te= ' y 50 2011 1,=2,

To= %" st si Steele

@ood"ight %" st si + ; hope you "d your se"se of iro"y h /e s fe flight+

Christi " @rey CE2, @rey E"terprises 6oldi"gs ;"*+

F te "d ; pull up outside the drop<off re *ross, she hugs !e+

t Se <T * %irport ter!i" l+ Le "i"g

HE"Boy 3 rb dos, F te+ 6 /e

#o"derful holid y+I

H;ll see you #he" ; get b *$+ ?o"t let old !o"eyb gs gri"d you do#"+I

H; #o"t+I

We hug g i" E "d the" ;! o" !y o#"+ ; he d o/er to *he*$<i" "d st "d i" li"e, # iti"g #ith !y * rry<o" lugg ge+ ; h /e"t bothered #ith ru*$s *$ th t ( y g /e !e for !y l st birthd y+ suit* se, Bust s! rt

HTi*$et ple seJI The bored you"g ! " behi"d the des$ holds up his h "d #ithout loo$i"g t !e+

'irrori"g his boredo!, ; h "d o/er !y ti*$et "d !y dri/ers li*e"se s ;?+ ; ! hopi"g for #i"do# se t if t ll possible+

H2$ y, 'iss Steele+ Kou/e bee" upgr ded to first *l ss+I


H' !, if youd li$e to go through to the first *l ss lou"ge "d # it your flight there+I 6e see!s to h /e #o$e" up "d is be !i"g t !e li$e ;! the Christ! s F iry "d the E ster 3u""y rolled i"to o"e+

HSurely theres so!e !ist $e+I

H0o, "o+I 6e *he*$s his *o!puter s*ree" g i"+ H%" st si Steele E upgr de+I 6e si!pers t !e+

8gh+ ; " rro# !y eyes+ 6e h "ds !e !y bo rdi"g p ss, "d ; he d to# rds the first *l ss lou"ge !utteri"g u"der !y bre th+ ? !" Christi " @rey, i"terferi"g *o"trol fre $ E he Bust * "t le /e #ell e"ough lo"e+

; ! ! "i*ured, ! ss ged, "d ;/e h d t#o gl sses of *h !p g"e+ The First Cl ss lou"ge h s ! "y redee!i"g fe tures+ With e *h sip of 'oet, ; feel slightly !ore i"*li"ed to forgi/e

Christi " "d his i"ter/e"tio"+ ; ope" up !y ' *3oo$, hopi"g to test the theory th t it #or$s "y#here o" the pl "et+

Fro!= %" st si Steele

SubBe*t= 2/er<E4tr / g "t @estures

? te= ' y 50 2011 21=75

To= Christi " @rey

?e r 'r+ @rey Wh t re lly l r!s !e is ho# you $"e# #hi*h flight ; # s o"+ Kour st l$i"g $"o#s "o bou"ds+ Lets hope th t ?r+ Fly"" is b *$ fro! / * tio"+ ; h /e h d "i*e ! "i*ure, b *$ ! ss ge, "d t#o gl sses of *h !p g"e E /ery

st rt to !y / * tio"+ Th "$ you+ %"

Fro!= Christi " @rey

SubBe*t= Koure 'ost Wel*o!e

? te= ' y 50 2011 21=7,

To= %" st si Steele

?e r 'iss Steele ?r+ Fly"" is b *$, "d ; h /e " ppoi"t!e"t this #ee$+ Who # s ! ss gi"g your b *$J

Christi " @rey CE2 #ith frie"ds i" the right pl *es, @rey E"terprises 6oldi"gs ;"*+

%h L 1 y b *$ ti!e+ 2ur flight h s bee" * lled so ; sh ll e! il hi! fro! the pl "e+ ;t #ill be s fer+ ; l!ost hug !yself #ith !is*hie/ous glee+

There is so !u*h roo! i" first *l ss+ Ch !p g"e *o*$t il i" h "d, ; settle !yself i"to the su!ptuous le ther #i"do# se t s the * bi" slo#ly fills+ ; * ll ( y to tell hi! #here ; ! E !er*ifully brief * ll, s its so l te for hi!+

HLo/e you, ? d,I ; !ur!ur+

HKou too, %""ie+ S y hi to your !o!+ @ood"ight+I

H@ood"ight+I ; h "g up+

( y is i" good for!+ ; st re t !y ' * "d #ith the s !e *hildish glee buildi"g+ 2pe"i"g !y l ptop, ; log i"to the e! il progr !+

Fro!= %" st si Steele

SubBe*t= Stro"g %ble 6 "ds

? te= ' y 50 2011 22=22

To= Christi " @rey

?e r Sir % /ery ple s "t you"g ! " ! ss ged !y b *$+ Kes+ Cery ple s "t i"deed+ ; #ould"t h /e e"*ou"tered Je "<1 ul i" the ordi" ry dep rture lou"ge E so th "$ you g i" for th t tre t+ ;! "ot sure if ;ll be llo#ed to e! il o"*e #e t $e off, "d ; "eed !y be uty sleep si"*e ;/e "ot bee" sleepi"g so #ell re*e"tly+ 1le s "t dre !s 'r+ @reyM thi"$i"g of you+ %"

2h, hes goi"g to flip out E "d ; sh ll be irbor"e "d out of re *h+ Ser/es hi! right+ ;f ;d bee" i" the ordi" ry dep rture lou"ge the" Je "<1 ul #ould"t h /e gotte" his h "ds o" !e+ 6e # s #ho /ery "i*e you"g ! ", i" blo"de, per! <t ""ed # y E ho"estly,

h s t " i" Se ttleJ ;ts Bust so #ro"g+ ; thi"$ he # s g y E but ;ll Bust $eep th t det il to !yself+ ; st re t !y e! il+ F te is right+ ;t is li$e shooti"g fish i" 'y b rrel #ith hi!+

sub*o"s*ious st res t !e #ith " ugly t#ist to her !outh E do you re lly # "t to #i"d hi! upJ Wh t hes do"e is s#eet, you $"o#L 6e * res bout you "d # "ts you to tr /el i"

style+ Kes, but he *ould h /e s$ed !e or told !e+ 0ot ! de !e loo$ li$e *o!plete $lutG t *he*$<i"+ ; press se"d "d # it, feeli"g li$e /ery " ughty girl+

H'iss Steele, youll "eed to sto# your l ptop for t $e<off,I the o/er<! de<up flight tte"d "t s ys politely+ She ! $es !e Bu!p+ 'y guilty *o"s*ie"*e is t #or$+

H2h, sorry+I

Cr p+ 0o# ;ll h /e to # it to $"o# if hes replied+ She h "ds !e

soft bl "$et "d

pillo#, sho#i"g her perfe*t teeth+ ; dr pe the bl "$et o/er !y $"ees+ ;ts "i*e to feel !olly*oddled so!eti!es+

The * bi" h s filled up, e4*ept for the se t beside !e #hi*h is still u"o**upied+ 2h "oM disturbi"g thought *rosses !y !i"d+ 1erh ps the se t is Christi "s+ 2h shitM "oM he #ould"t do th t+ Would heJ ; told hi! ; did"t # "t hi! to *o!e #ith !e+ ; gl "*e "4iously t !y # t*h "d the" the dise!bodied /oi*e fro! the flight de*$ ""ou"*es,

HC bi" *re#, doors to uto! ti* "d *ross *he*$+I

Wh t does th t !e "J %re they *losi"g the doorsJ 'y s* lp pri*$les s ; sit i" p lpit ti"g "ti*ip tio"+ The se t "e4t to !e is the o"ly u"o**upied o"e i" the si4tee"<se t * bi"+ The pl "e Bolts s it pulls # y fro! its st "d, "d ; bre the but feel sigh of relief s"e $ pee$

f i"t ti"gle of dis ppoi"t!e"t tooM "o Christi " for four d ys+ ; t $e t !y 3l *$3erry+

Fro!= Christi " @rey

SubBe*t= E"Boy it While Kou C "

? te= ' y 50 2011 22=27

To= %" st si Steele

?e r 'iss Steele ; $"o# #h t youre tryi"g to do E "d trust !e E you/e su**eeded+ 0e4t ti!e youll be i" the * rgo hold, bou"d "d g gged i" tte"di"g to *r te+ 3elie/e !e #he" ; s y th t

you i" th t st te #ill gi/e !e so !u*h !ore ple sure th " !erely upgr di"g your ti*$et+ ; loo$ for# rd to your retur"+

Christi " @rey 1 l!<T#it*hi"g CE2, @rey E"terprises 6oldi"gs ;"*+

6oly *r p+ Th ts the proble! #ith Christi "s hu!or E ; * " be "e/er be sure if hes Bo$i"g or if hes seriously "gry+ ; suspe*t o" this o** sio" hes seriously "gry+ Surreptitiously, so the flight tte"d "t * "t see, ; type reply u"der the bl "$et+

Fro!= %" st si Steele

SubBe*t= Jo$i"gJ

? te= ' y 50 2011 22=50

To= Christi " @rey

Kou see E ; h /e "o ide if youre Bo$i"g E "d if youre "ot E the" ; thi"$ ;ll st y i" @eorgi + Cr tes re % h rd li!it for !e+ Sorry ; ! de you ! d+ Tell !e you forgi/e !e+

Fro!= Christi " @rey

SubBe*t= Jo$i"g

? te= ' y 50 2011 22=51

To= %" st si Steele

6o# * " you be e! ili"gJ %re you ris$i"g the life of e/eryo"e o" bo rd, i"*ludi"g yourself, by usi"g your 3l *$3erryJ ; thi"$ th t *o"tr /e"es o"e of the rules+

Christi " @rey T#o 1 l!s T#it*hi"g CE2, @rey E"terprises 6oldi"gs ;"*+

T#o p l!sL ; put !y 3l *$3erry # y, sit b *$ #hile the pl "e t 4is to the ru"# y, "d

pull out !y t ttered *opy of Tess E so!e light re di"g for the Bour"ey+ 2"*e #ere irbor"e, ; tip !y se t b *$, "d soo" ;! drifti"g off to sleep+

The flight tte"d "t # $es !e s #e st rt our des*e"t i"to %tl "t + Lo* l ti!e is 7=S7 +!+, but ;/e o"ly h d four hours sleep or soM ; feel groggy, but gr teful for the gl ss of or "ge Bui*e she h "ds !e+ ; gl "*e "er/ously t !y 3l *$3erry+ There re "o further e! ils fro! Christi "+ Well, its "e rly three i" the !or"i"g i" Se ttle, "d he prob bly # "ts to dis*our ge !e fro! s*re#i"g up the /io"i*s syste!, or #h te/er pre/e"ts pl "es fro! flyi"g if !obile pho"es re s#it*hed o"+

The # it i" %tl "t is o"ly " hour+ %"d g i" ;! lu4uri ti"g i" the *o"fi"es of the first *l ss lou"ge+ ; ! te!pted to *url up "d go to sleep o" o"e of the plush, i"/iti"g *ou*hes th t si"$ softly u"der !y #eight+ 3ut it #ill Bust "ot be lo"g e"ough+ To $eep !yself # $e, ; st rt lo"g ste ! of *o"s*ious"ess to Christi " o" !y l ptop+

Fro!= %" st si Steele

SubBe*t= ?o you li$e to s* re !eJ

? te= ' y 51 2011 0-=72 EST

To= Christi " @rey

Kou $"o# ho# !u*h ; disli$e you spe"di"g !o"ey o" !e+ Kes, youre /ery ri*h, but still it ! $es !e u"*o!fort ble, li$e youre p yi"g !e for se4+ 6o#e/er, ; li$e tr /eli"g first *l ss, its so !u*h !ore *i/iliGed th " *o *h+ So th "$ you+ ; !e " it E "d ; did e"Boy the ! ss ge fro! Je " 1 ul+ 6e # s /ery g y+ ; o!itted th t bit i" !y e! il to you to #i"d you up, be* use ; # s ""oyed #ith you, "d ;! sorry bout th t+ 3ut s usu l you o/erre *t+ Kou * "t #rite thi"gs li$e th t to !e E bou"d "d g gged i" *r te E &Were you serious or # s it ! Bo$eJ) Th t s* res !eM you s* re !eM ; lifestyle #ith you th t ; did"t e/e"

*o!pletely * ught up i" your spell, *o"sideri"g $"o#

e4isted u"til l st S turd y #ee$, "d the" you #rite so!ethi"g li$e th t "d ; # "t to ru" s*re !i"g i"to the hills+ ; #o"t, of *ourse, be* use ;d !iss you+ (e lly !iss you+ ; # "t us to #or$, but ; ! terrified of the depth of feeli"g ; h /e for you "d the d r$ p th youre le di"g !e do#"+ Wh t you re offeri"g is eroti* "d se4y, "d ;! *urious, but ;! lso s* red youll hurt !e E physi* lly "d e!otio" lly+ %fter three !o"ths you *ould

s y goodbye, "d #here #ill th t le /e !e if you doJ 3ut the" ; suppose th t ris$ is there i" "y rel tio"ship+ This Bust is"t the sort of rel tio"ship ; e/er e"/is ged h /i"g, espe*i lly s !y first+ ;ts huge le p of f ith for !e+ sub!issi/e bo"e i" !y bodyM "d ;

Kou #ere right #he" you s id ; did"t h /e gree

#ith you "o#+ 6 /i"g s id th t, ; # "t to be #ith you, "d if th ts #h t ; h /e to do, ; #ould li$e to try, but ; thi"$ ;ll su*$ t it "d e"d up bl *$ "d blue E "d ; do"t relish th t ide t ll+

; ! so h ppy th t you h /e s id th t you #ill try !ore+ ; Bust "eed to thi"$ bout #h t N!ore !e "s to !e, "d th ts o"e of the re so"s #hy ; # "ted so!e dist "*e+ Kou d GGle !e so !u*h ; fi"d it /ery diffi*ult to thi"$ *le rly #he" #ere together+ They re * lli"g !y flight+ ; h /e to go+ 'ore l ter Kour %"

; press se"d "d ! $e !y # y sleepily to the dep rture g te to bo rd pl "e+


This o"e h s o"ly si4 se ts i" first *l ss, "d o"*e #e re i" the ir, ; *url up u"der !y soft bl "$et "d f ll sleep+

%ll too soo", ;! #o$e" by the flight tte"d "t offeri"g !e !ore or "ge Bui*e s #e begi" our ppro *h to S / "" h ;"ter" tio" l+ ; sip slo#ly, beyo"d f tigued, "d ; llo#

!yself to feel ti!e i"

!odi*u! of e4*ite!e"t+ ;! goi"g to see !y !other for the first

si4 !o"ths+ S"e $i"g "other *o/ert loo$ t !y 3l *$3erry, ; re!e!ber / guely th t ; se"t the lo"g r !bli"g e! il to Christi " E but theres "othi"g i" respo"se+ ;ts fi/e i"

!or"i"g i" Se ttle E hopefully hes still sleep "d "ot up pl yi"g !our"ful l !e"ts o" his pi "o+

The be uty of * rry<o" ru*$s *$s is th t o"e * " breeGe out of the irport "d "ot # it e"dlessly for b gg ge t the * rousels+ The be uty of tr /eli"g first *l ss is th t they let you off the pl "e first+

'y !o! is # iti"g #ith 3ob, "d it is so good to see the!+ ; do"t $"o# if its be* use of e4h ustio", the lo"g Bour"ey, or the #hole Christi " situ tio", but s soo" s ;! i" !y !others r!s, ; burst i"to te rs+

H2h %" , ho"ey+ Kou !ust be so tired+I She gl "*es "4iously t 3ob+

H0o 'o!, its Bust E ;! so ple sed to see you+I ; hug her tightly+

She feels so good "d #el*o!i"g "d ho!e+ (elu*t "tly, ; reli"Duish her, "d 3ob gi/es !e " #$# rd o"e< r!ed hug+ 6e see!s u"ste dy o" his feet, "d ; re!e!ber th t hes hurt his leg+

HWel*o!e b *$, %" + Why you *ryi"JI he s$s+

H%#, 3ob, ;! Bust ple sed to see you too+I ; st re up i"to his h "dso!e sDu re< B #ed f *e, "d his t#i"$li"g blue eyes th t g Ge t !e fo"dly+ ; li$e this husb "d, 'o!+ Kou * " $eep hi!+ 6e t $es !y b *$p *$+

HJeeG, %" , #h t h /e you got i" hereJI

Th t #ill be the ' *, "d they both put their r!s rou"d !e s #e he d for the p r$i"g lot+

; l# ys forget ho# u"be r bly hot it is i" S / "" h+ Le /i"g the *ool ir< *o"ditio"ed *o"fi"es of the rri/ l ter!i" l, #e step i"to the @eorgi he t li$e #ere #e ri"g it+ Who L ;t s ps e/erythi"g+ ; h /e to struggle out of 'o! "d 3obs e!br *e so ; * " re!o/e !y hoodie+ ; ! so gl d ; p *$ed shorts+ ; !iss the dry he t of Ceg s so!eti!es, #here ; li/ed #ith 'o! "d 3ob #he" ; # s se/e"tee", but this #et he t, e/e" t .=50 i" the !or"i"g, t $es so!e getti"g used to+ 3y the ti!e ;! i" the b *$ of 3obs #o"derfully

ir<*o"ditio"ed T hoe S8C, ; feel li!p, "d !y h ir h s st rted the he t+ ;" the b *$ of the S8C ; Dui*$ly te4t ( y, F te, "d Christi "=

friGGy protest t

X%rri/ed S fely i" S / "" h+ % =)X

'y thoughts str y briefly to JosO s ; press se"d, "d through the fog of !y f tigue, ; re!e!ber th t its his sho# "e4t #ee$+ Should ; i"/ite Christi " $"o#i"g ho# he feels bout JosOJ Will Christi " still # "t to see !e fter th t e! ilJ ; shudder t the thought, "d the" put it out of !y !i"d+ ;ll de l #ith th t l ter+ (ight "o# ; ! goi"g to e"Boy !y !o!s *o!p "y+

H6o"ey, you !ust be tired+ Would you li$e to sleep #he" #e get ho!eJI

H0o, 'o!+ ;d li$e to go to the be *h+I

; ! i" !y blue h lter "e*$ t "$i"i, sippi"g %tl "ti*

?iet Co$e, o"

su" bed f *i"g the

2*e ", "d to thi"$ th t o"ly yesterd y ; # s st ri"g out t the Sou"d to# rd the 1 *ifi*+ 'y !other lou"ges beside !e i" sh des, sippi"g ho!e+ ridi*ulously l rge floppy su" h t "d J *$ie 2

Co$e of her o#"+ We re o" Tybee ;sl "d 3e *h, Bust three blo*$s fro!

She holds !y h "d+ 'y f tigue h s # "ed, "d s ; so $ up the su", ; feel *o!fort ble, s fe, "d # r!+ For the first ti!e i" fore/er, ; st rt to rel 4+

HSo %" M tell !e bout this ! " #ho h s you i" su*h


Spi"L 6o# * " she tellJ Wh t to s yJ ; * "t t l$ bout Christi " i" "y gre t det il be* use of the 0?%, but e/e" the", #ould ; *hoose to t l$ to !y !other bout itJ ; bl "*h t the thought+

HWellJI she pro!pts "d sDueeGes !y h "d+

H6is " !es Christi "+ 6es beyo"d h "dso!e+ 6es #e lthyM too #e lthy+ 6es /ery *o!pli* ted "d !er*uri l+I

Kes E ; feel i"ordi" tely ple sed #ith !y *o"*ise, **ur te su!! ry+ ; tur" o" !y side to f *e her, Bust s she ! $es the s !e !o/e+ She g Ges t !e #ith her *ryst l<*le r blue eyes+

HCo!pli* ted "d !er*uri l re the t#o pie*es of i"for! tio" ; # "t to *o"*e"tr te o", %" +I

2h "oM

H2h, 'o!, his !ood<s#i"gs ! $e !e diGGy+ 6es h d /ery

gri! upbri"gi"g, so hes

*losed, diffi*ult to g uge+I

H?o you li$e hi!JI

H; !ore th " li$e hi!+I

H(e llyJI She g pes t !e+

HKes, 'o!+I

H'e" re"t re lly *o!pli* ted, %" , ho"ey+ They re /ery si!ple, liter l *re tures+ They usu lly !e " #h t they s y+ %"d #e spe"d hours tryi"g to " lyGe #h t they/e s id E #he" re lly its ob/ious+ ;f ; #ere you, ;d t $e hi! liter lly+ Th t !ight help+I

; g pe t her+ This sou"ds li$e good d/i*e+ T $e Christi " liter lly+ ;!!edi tely so!e of the thi"gs hes s id spri"g i"to !y !i"d+

; do"t # "t to lose youM

Kou/e be#it*hed !eM

Kou/e *o!pletely beguiled !eM

;ll !iss you tooM !ore th " you $"o#+++

; g Ge t !y !o!+ She is o" her fourth ! rri ge+ ' ybe she does $"o# so!ethi"g bout !e" fter ll+

H'ost !e" re !oody d rli"g, so!e !ore th " others+ T $e your f ther for i"st "*eM,I 6er eyes softe" "d s dde" #he"e/er she thi"$s of !y d d+ 'y re l d d, this !ythi* l ! " ; "e/er $"e#, s" t*hed so *ruelly fro! us i" **ide"t #he" he # s d d *o!b t tr i"i"g

! ri"e+ 1 rt of !e thi"$s !y !o! h s bee" loo$i"g for so!eo"e li$e !y

ll this ti!eM ! ybe shes fi" lly fou"d #h t shes loo$i"g for i" 3ob+ 1ity she *ould"t fi"d it #ith ( y+

H; used to thi"$ your f ther # s !oody+ 3ut "o# #he" ; loo$ b *$, ; Bust thi"$ he # s too * ught up i" his Bob "d tryi"g to ! $e you"g, #e both #ere+ ' ybe th t # s the issue+I life for us+I She sighs+ H6e # s so

6!!M Christi " is "ot e4 *tly old+ ; s!ile fo"dly t her+ She * " be*o!e /ery soulful thi"$i"g bout !y f ther, but ;! sure he h d "othi"g o" Christi "s !oods+

H3ob # "ts to t $e us out to"ight for di""er+ To his golf *lub+I

H2h "oL 3obs st rted pl yi"g golfJI ; s*off i" disbelief+

HTell !e bout it,I gro "s !y !other, rolli"g her eyes+

%fter light lu"*h b *$ t the house, ; st rt to u"p *$+ ; ! goi"g to tre t !yself to siest + 'y !other h s dis ppe red to !old so!e * "dles or #h te/er she does #ith the!, "d 3ob is t #or$, so ; h /e ti!e to * t*h up o" so!e sleep+ ; ope" the ' * "d fire it up+ ;ts t#o i" the fter"oo" i" @eorgi , ele/e" i" the !or"i"g i" Se ttle+ ; #o"der if ; h /e reply fro! Christi "+ 0er/ously, ; log i"to the e! il progr !+

Fro!= Christi " @rey

SubBe*t= Fi" llyL

? te= ' y 51 2011 0:=50

To= %" st si Steele

%" st si ; ! ""oyed th t s soo" s you put so!e dist "*e bet#ee" us, you *o!!u"i* te ope"ly "d ho"estly #ith !e+ Why * "t you do th t #he" #ere togetherJ Kes, ;! ri*h+ @et used to it+ Why should"t ; spe"d !o"ey o" youJ We/e told your f ther ;! your boyfrie"d, for he /e"s s $e+ ;s"t th t #h t boyfrie"ds doJ %s your ?o!,

; #ould e4pe*t you to **ept #h te/er ; spe"d o" you #ith "o rgu!e"t+ ;"*ide"t lly, tell your !other too+ ; do"t $"o# ho# to "s#er your *o!!e"t bout feeli"g li$e "ot #hore+ ; $"o# th ts

#h t you/e #ritte", but its #h t you i!ply+ ; do"t $"o# #h t ; * " s y or do to er di* te these feeli"gs+ ;d li$e you to h /e the best of e/erythi"g+ ; #or$ e4*eptio" lly h rd, so ; * " spe"d !y !o"ey s ; see fit+ ; *ould buy you your he rts desire, %" st si , "d ; # "t to+ C ll it redistributio" of #e lth if you #ill+ 2r si!ply $"o# th t ; #ould "ot, *ould "ot e/er thi"$ of you i" the # y you des*ribed, "d ;! "gry th ts ho# you per*ei/e yourself+ For su*h estee! issues, "d ; h /e bright, #itty, be utiful you"g #o! " you h /e so!e re l self< h lf !i"d to ! $e " ppoi"t!e"t for you #ith ?r+ Fly""+

; pologiGe for frighte"i"g you+ ; fi"d the thought of i"stilli"g fe r i" you bhorre"t+ ?o you re lly thi"$ ;d let you tr /el i" the holdJ ; offered you !y pri/ te Bet for he /e"s s $e+ Kes it # s you Bo$e, poor o"e ob/iously+ 6o#e/er, the f *t is E the thought of Bo$e E its true)+ ; * " lose the *r te E

bou"d "d g gged tur"s !e o" &this is "ot *r tes

do "othi"g for !e+ ; $"o# you h /e issues #ith g ggi"g, #e/e t l$ed bout th t "d ifA #he" ; do g g you, #ell dis*uss it+ Wh t ; thi"$ you f il to re liGe is th t i" ?o!Asub rel tio"ships it is the sub th t h s ll the po#er+ Th ts you+ ;ll repe t this E you re the o"e #ith ll the po#er+ 0ot ;+ ;" the bo thouse you s id "o+ ; * "t tou*h you if you s y

"o E th ts #hy #e h /e " gree!e"t E #h t you #ill "d #o"t do+ ;f #e try thi"gs "d you do"t li$e the!, #e * " re/ise the gree!e"t+ ;ts up to you E "ot !e+ %"d if you do"t # "t to be bou"d "d g gged i" *r te, the" it #o"t h ppe"+

; # "t to sh re !y lifestyle #ith you+ ; h /e "e/er # "ted "ythi"g so !u*h+ Fr "$ly ;! i" #e of you, th t o"e so i""o*e"t #ould be #illi"g to try+ Th t s ys !ore to !e th " you *ould e/er $"o#+ Kou f il to see ; ! * ught i" your spell, too, e/e" though ; h /e told you this *ou"tless ti!es+ ; do"t # "t to lose you+ ; ! "er/ous th t you/e flo#" three thous "d !iles to get # y fro! !e for *le rly fe# d ys, be* use you * "t thi"$

rou"d !e+ ;ts the s !e for !e %" st si + 'y re so" / "ishes #he" #ere together E th ts the depth of !y feeli"g for you+ ; u"derst "d your trepid tio"+ ; did try to st y # y fro! youV ; $"e# you #ere i"e4perie"*ed, though ; #ould "e/er h /e pursued you if ; h d $"o#" e4 *tly ho# i""o*e"t you #ere E "d yet you still ! " ge to dis r! !e *o!pletely i" before+ # y th t "obody h s

Kour e! il for e4 !ple= ; h /e re d "d re<re d it *ou"tless ti!es tryi"g to u"derst "d your poi"t of /ie#+ Three !o"ths is " rbitr ry !ou"t of ti!e+ We *ould ! $e it si4 !o"ths, ye rJ 6o# lo"g do you # "t it to beJ Wh t #ould ! $e you *o!fort bleJ Tell !e+ ; u"derst "d th t this is by the huge le p of f ith for you+ ; h /e to e r" your trust, but

s !e to$e", you h /e to *o!!u"i* te #ith !e #he" ; ! f ili"g to do this+ Kou see! so stro"g "d self<*o"t i"ed, "d the" ; re d #h t you/e #ritte" here, "d ; see "other side to you+ We h /e to guide e *h other %" st si , "d ; * " o"ly t $e !y *ues fro! you+ Kou h /e to be ho"est #ith !e, "d #e h /e to both fi"d rr "ge!e"t #or$+ Kou #orry bout "ot bei"g sub!issi/e+ Well ! ybe th ts true+ 6 /i"g s id th t, the o"ly # y to ! $e this

ti!e you do ssu!e the *orre*t de!e "or for th ts sub is i" the pl yroo!+ ;t see!s

the o"e pl *e #here you let !e e4er*ise proper *o"trol o/er you, "d the o"ly pl *e you do s youre told+ E4e!pl ry is the ter! th t *o!es to !i"d+ %"d ;d "e/er be t you bl *$ "d blue+ ; i! for pi"$+ 2utside the pl yroo!, ; li$e th t you *h lle"ge !e+ ;ts /ery "o/el "d refreshi"g e4perie"*e, "d ; #ould"t # "t to *h "ge th t+ So yes, tell !e #h t you # "t i" ter!s of !ore+ ; #ill e"de /or to $eep " ope" !i"d, "d ; sh ll try "d gi/e you the sp *e you "eed "d st y # y fro! you #hile you re i" @eorgi + ; loo$ for# rd to your "e4t e! il+ ;" the !e "ti!e, e"Boy yourself+ 3ut "ot too !u*h+

Christi " @rey

CE2, @rey E"terprises 6oldi"gs ;"*+

6oly *r p+ 6es #ritte" " ess y li$e #ere b *$ t s*hool E "d !ost of it good+ 'y he rt is i" !y !outh s ; re<re d his epistle, "d ; huddle o" the sp re bed pr *ti* lly huggi"g !y ' *+ ' $e our gree!e"t thi"$ ye rJ ; h /e the po#erL JeeG, ;! goi"g to h /e to

bout th t+ T $e hi! liter lly, th ts #h t !y !other s ys+ 6e does"t # "t to lose !e+ 6es s id th t t#i*eL 6e # "ts to ! $e this #or$ too+ 2h Christi ", so do ;L 6es goi"g to try "d st y # yL ?oes this !e " he !ight f il to st y # yJ Sudde"ly, ; hope so+ ; # "t to see hi!+ We/e bee" p rt less th " t#e"ty<four hours, "d $"o#i"g th t ; * "t see hi! for four d ys, ; re liGe ho# !u*h ; !iss hi!+ 6o# !u*h ; lo/e hi!+

H%" , ho"ey+I The /oi*e is soft "d # r!, full of lo/e "d s#eet !e!ories of ti!es go"e by+

% ge"tle h "d brushes !y f *e+ 'y !o! # $es !e, "d ;! #r pped rou"d !y l ptop, huggi"g it to !e+

H%" , s#eethe rt,I she *o"ti"ues i" her soft si"gso"g /oi*e #hile ; surf *e fro! sleep, bli"$i"g i" the p le pi"$ light of dus$+

H6i, 'o!+I ; stret*h out "d s!ile+

HWere goi"g out for di""er i" thirty !i"utes+ Kou still # "t to *o!eJI she s$s $i"dly+

H2h, yes, 'o!, of *ourse+I ; try /ery h rd, but f il to stifle !y y #"+

H0o# th ts " i!pressi/e pie*e of te*h"ology+I She poi"ts to !y l ptop+

2h *r p+

H2hM thisJI ; stri/e for * su l, surprised "o"*h l "*e+

Will 'o! "oti*eJ She see!s to h /e gro#" !ore stute si"*e ; *Duired Nboyfrie"d+

HChristi " le"t it to !e+ ; thi"$ ; *ould pilot the sp *e shuttle #ith it, but ; Bust use it for e! ils "d ;"ter"et **ess+I

(e lly its "othi"g+ Eyei"g !e suspi*iously, she sits do#" o" the bed "d tu*$s str y lo*$ of h ir behi"d !y e r+

H6 s he e! iled youJI

2h double *r p+

HKe h+I 'y "o"*h l "*e is #e ri"g thi", "d ; flush+

H1erh ps hes !issi"g you, huhJI

H; hope so, 'o!+I

HWh t does he s yJI

2h triple *r p+ ; fr "ti* lly try to thi"$ of so!ethi"g **ept ble fro! th t e! il ; * " tell !y !other+ ;! sure she does"t # "t to he r bout ?o!s "d bo"d ge "d g ggi"g, but the" ; * "t tell her be* use theres the 0?%+

H6es told !e to e"Boy !yself, but "ot too !u*h+I

HSou"ds re so" ble+ ;ll le /e you to get re dy, ho"ey+I Le "i"g o/er, she $isses !y forehe d+ H;! so gl d youre here, %" + ;ts #o"derful to see you+I %"d #ith th t lo/i"g st te!e"t, she le /es+

6!!, Christi " "d re so" bleM t#o *o"*epts th t ; thought #ere !utu lly e4*lusi/e, but fter his e! il, ! ybe ll thi"gs re possible+ ; sh $e !y he d+ ; #ill "eed ti!e

to digest his #ords+ 1rob bly fter di""er E "d ; * " reply to hi! the"+ ; *li!b out of bed "d Dui*$ly slip out of !y t<shirt "d shorts, "d he d to the sho#er+

; h /e brought F tes gr y h lter<"e*$ dress th t ; #ore for !y gr du tio"+ ;ts the o"ly dressy ite! ; h /e+ 2"e good thi"g bout the he t is th t the *re ses h /e dropped out, so ; thi"$ it #ill do for the golf *lub+ %s ; dress, ; # $e the l ptop up+ There is "othi"g "e# fro! Christi ", "d ; feel e! il+ st b of dis ppoi"t!e"t+ Cery Dui*$ly, ; type hi! "

Fro!= %" st si Steele

SubBe*t= CerboseJ

? te= ' y 51 2011 1,=0. EST

To= Christi " @rey

Sir, you re Duite the loDu *ious #riter+ ; h /e to go to di""er t 3obs golf *lub, "d Bust so you $"o#, ; ! rolli"g !y eyes t the thought+ 3ut you "d your t#it*hy p l! re lo"g # y fro! !e so !y behi"d is s fe, for "o#+ ; lo/ed your e! il+ Will respo"d #he" ; * "+ ; !iss you lre dy+

E"Boy your fter"oo"+ Kour %"

Fro!= Christi " @rey

SubBe*t= Kour behi"d

? te= ' y 51 2011 1-=10

To= %" st si Steele

?e r 'iss Steele ; ! distr *ted by the title of this e! il+ 0eedless to s y it is s fe E for "o#+ E"Boy your di""er, "d ; !iss you too, espe*i lly your behi"d "d your s! rt !outh+ 'y fter"oo" #ill be dull, brighte"ed o"ly by thoughts of you "d your eye rolli"g+ ; thi"$ it # s you #ho so Budi*iously poi"ted out to !e th t ; too suffer fro! th t " sty h bit+

Christi " @rey CE2 \ Eye (oller, @rey E"terprises 6oldi"gs ;"*+

Fro!= %" st si Steele

SubBe*t= Eye (olli"g

? te= ' y 51 2011 1,=1S EST

To= Christi " @rey

?e r 'r+ @rey Stop e! ili"g !e+ ; ! tryi"g to get re dy for di""er+ Kou re /ery distr *ti"g, e/e" #he" you re o" the other side of the *o"ti"e"t+ %"d yes E #ho sp "$s you #he" you roll your eyesJ Kour %"

; press se"d, "d i!!edi tely the i! ge of th t e/il #it*h 'rs+ (obi"so" *o!es i"to !y !i"d+ ; Bust * "t pi*ture it+ Christi " bei"g be te" by so!eo"e s old s !y !other, its Bust so #ro"g+ %g i" ; #o"der #h t d ! ge shes #rought+ 'y !outh sets i" gri! li"e+ ; "eed t this str "ger+ h rd

doll to sti*$ pi"s i", ! ybe th t # y ; * " /e"t so!e of the "ger ; feel

Fro!= Christi " @rey

SubBe*t= Kour behi"d

? te= ' y 51 2011 1-=1.

To= %" st si Steele

?e r 'iss Steele ; still prefer !y title to yours, i" so ! "y differe"t # ys+ ;t is lu*$y th t ; ! ! ster of !y o#" desti"y "d "o o"e * stig tes !e+ E4*ept !y !other o** sio" lly "d ?r+ Fly"", of *ourse+ %"d you+

Christi " @rey CE2, @rey E"terprises 6oldi"gs ;"*+

Fro!= %" st si Steele

SubBe*t= Ch stisi"gM 'eJ

? te= ' y 51 2011 1,=22 EST

To= Christi " @rey

?e r Sir Whe" h /e ; e/er plu*$ed up the "er/e to *h stise you, 'r+ @reyJ ; thi"$ you re !i4i"g !e up #ith so!eo"e elseM #hi*h is /ery #orryi"g+ ; re lly do h /e to get re dy+ Kour %"

Fro!= Christi " @rey

SubBe*t= Kour behi"d

? te= ' y 51 2011 1-=27

To= %" st si Steele

?e r 'iss Steele Kou do it ll the ti!e i" pri"t+ C " ; Gip up your dressJ

Christi " @rey CE2, @rey E"terprises 6oldi"gs ;"*+

For so!e u"$"o#" re so", his #ords le p out of the p ge "d ! $e !e g sp+ 2hM he

# "ts to pl y g !es+

Fro!= %" st si Steele

SubBe*t= 0C<1:

? te= ' y 51 2011 1,=2. EST

To= Christi " @rey

; #ould r ther you u"Gipped it+

Fro!= Christi " @rey

SubBe*t= C reful #h t you #ish forM

? te= ' y 51 2011 1-=51

To= %" st si Steele

S2 W28L? ;+

Christi " @rey CE2, @rey E"terprises 6oldi"gs ;"*+

Fro!= %" st si Steele

SubBe*t= 1 "ti"g

? te= ' y 51 2011 1,=55 EST

To= Christi " @rey


Fro!= Christi " @rey

SubBe*t= @ro "i"g

? te= ' y 51 2011 1-=57

To= %" st si Steele

Wish ; # s there+

Christi " @rey CE2, @rey E"terprises 6oldi"gs ;"*+

Fro!= %" st si Steele

SubBe*t= 'o "i"g

? te= ' y 51 2011 1,=5: EST

To= Christi " @rey

S2 ?2 ;

H%" LI 'y !other * lls !e, ! $i"g !e Bu!p+ Shit+ Why do ; feel so guiltyJ

HJust *o!i"g, 'o!+I

Fro!= %" st si Steele

SubBe*t= 'o "i"g

? te= ' y 51 2011 1,=5, EST

To= Christi " @rey

@ott go+ L ters, b by+

; d sh i"to the h ll #here 3ob "d !y !other re # iti"g+ 'y !other fro#"s+

H? rli"g < re you feeli"g o$J Kou loo$ t bit flushed+I

H'o!, ;! fi"e+I

HKou loo$ lo/ely, de r+I

H2h, this is F tes dress+ Kou li$e itJI

6er fro#" deepe"s+

HWhy re you #e ri"g F tes dressJI

2hM "o+

HWell ; li$e this o"e "d she does"t,I ; i!pro/ise Dui*$ly+

She reg rds !e shre#dly #hile 3ob ooGes i!p tie"*e #ith his h "gdog, hu"gry loo$+

H;ll t $e you shoppi"g to!orro#,I she s ys+

H2h, 'o!, you do"t "eed to do th t+ ; h /e ple"ty of *lothes+I

HC "t ; do so!ethi"g for !y o#" d ughterJ Co!e o", 3obs st r/i"g+I

HToo right,I !o "s 3ob, rubbi"g his sto! *h "d ssu!i"g e4pressio"+

f $e p i"ed

; giggle s he rolls his eyes, "d #e he d out the door+

L ter #he" ;! i" the sho#er, *ooli"g u"der the lu$e# r! # ter, ; refle*t o" ho# !u*h !y !other h s *h "ged+ Seei"g her t di""er, she # s i" her ele!e"t, fu""y "d flirty "d !o"gst ! "y frie"ds t the golf *lub+ 3ob # s # r! "d tte"ti/eM they see! so good for e *h other+ ;! re lly ple sed for her+ ;t !e "s ; * " stop #orryi"g bout her "d se*o"d<guessi"g her de*isio"s "d put the d r$ d ys of 6usb "d 0u!ber Three behi"d us

both+ 3ob is h ppe"i"gJ

$eeper+ %"d shes gi/i"g !e good d/i*e+ Whe" did th t st rt

Si"*e ; !et Christi "+ Why is th tJ

Whe" ;! do"e, ; dry !yself Dui*$ly, $ee" to get b *$ to Christi "+ Theres " e! il # iti"g for !e, se"t Bust fter ; left for di""er fe# hours go+

Fro!= Christi " @rey

SubBe*t= 1l gi ris!

? te= ' y 51 2011 1-=S1

To= %" st si Steele

Kou stole !y li"e+ %"d left !e h "gi"g+ E"Boy your di""er+

Christi " @rey CE2, @rey E"terprises 6oldi"gs ;"*+

Fro!= %" st si Steele

SubBe*t= Who re you to *ry thiefJ

? te= ' y 51 2011 22=1. EST

To= Christi " @rey

Sir, ; thi"$ youll fi"d it # s Elliots li"e origi" lly+ 6 "gi"g ho#J Kour %"

Fro!= Christi " @rey

SubBe*t= 8"fi"ished 3usi"ess

? te= ' y 51 2011 1,=22

To= %" st si Steele

'iss Steele Koure b *$+ Kou left so sudde"ly < Bust #he" thi"gs #ere getti"g i"teresti"g+ Elliots "ot /ery origi" l+ 6ell h /e stole" th t li"e fro! so!eo"e+ 6o# # s di""erJ

Christi " @rey CE2, @rey E"terprises 6oldi"gs ;"*+

Fro!= %" st si Steele

SubBe*t= 8"fi"ished 3usi"essJ

? te= ' y 51 2011 22=2- EST

To= Christi " @rey

?i""er # s filli"g E youll be /ery ple sed to he r, ; te f r too !u*h+ @etti"g i"teresti"gJ 6o#J

Fro!= Christi " @rey

SubBe*t= 8"fi"ished 3usi"ess < defi"itely

? te= ' y 51 2011 1,=50

To= %" st si Steele

%re you bei"g deliber tely obtuseJ ; thi"$ youd Bust s$ed !e to u"Gip your dress+ %"d ; # s loo$i"g for# rd to doi"g Bust th t+ ; ! lso gl d to he r you re e ti"g+

Christi " @rey CE2, @rey E"terprises 6oldi"gs ;"*+

Fro!= %" st si Steele

SubBe*t= WellM theres l# ys the #ee$e"d

? te= ' y 51 2011 22=5- EST

To= Christi " @rey

2f *ourse ; e tM ;ts o"ly the u"*ert i"ty ; feel rou"d you th t puts !e off !y food+ %"d ; #ould "e/er be u"#itti"gly obtuse, 'r+ @rey+ Surely you/e #or$ed th t out by "o# V)

Fro!= Christi " @rey

SubBe*t= C "t W it

? te= ' y 51 2011 1,=S0

To= %" st si Steele

; sh ll re!e!ber th t, 'iss Steele, "d "o doubt use the $"o#ledge to !y d/ "t ge+ ;! sorry to he r th t ; put you off your food+ ; thought ; h d effe*t !ore *o"*upis*e"t

o" you+ Th t h s bee" !y e4perie"*e, "d !ost ple sur ble it h s bee" too+ ; /ery !u*h loo$ for# rd to the "e4t ti!e+

Christi " @rey CE2, @rey E"terprises 6oldi"gs ;"*+

Fro!= %" st si Steele

SubBe*t= @y!" sti* Li"guisti*s

? te= ' y 51 2011 22=5- EST

To= Christi " @rey

6 /e you bee" pl yi"g #ith the thes urus g i"J

Fro!= Christi " @rey

SubBe*t= (u!bled

? te= ' y 51 2011 1,=S0

To= %" st si Steele

Kou $"o# !e so #ell 'iss Steele+ ; ! h /i"g di""er #ith " old frie"d "o# so ; #ill be dri/i"g+ L ters, b by

Christi " @rey CE2, @rey E"terprises 6oldi"gs ;"*+

Whi*h old frie"dJ ; did"t thi"$ Christi " h d "y old frie"ds, e4*eptM her+ ; fro#" t the s*ree"+ Why does he h /e to still see herJ Se ri"g, gree", bilious Be lousy *ourses through !e u"e4pe*tedly+ ; # "t to hit so!ethi"g, prefer bly 'rs+ (obi"so"+ S#it*hi"g the l ptop off i" te!per, ; *l !ber i"to bed+

; should re lly respo"d to his lo"g e! il fro! this !or"i"g, but ;! sudde"ly too "gry+ Why * "t he see her for #h t she is E *hild !olesterJ ; s#it*h off the light,

seethi"g, st ri"g i"to the d r$"ess+ 6o# d re sheJ 6o# d re she pi*$ o" /ul"er ble doles*e"tJ ;s she still doi"g itJ Why did they stopJ C rious s*e" rios filter through !y !i"d= he h d h d e"ough, the" #hy is he still frie"ds #ith herJ ?itto her E is she ! rriedJ ?i/or*edJ JeeG E does she h /e *hildre" of her o#"J ?oes she h /e Christi "s *hildre"J 'y sub*o"s*ious re rs her ugly he d, leeri"g, "d ;! sho*$ed "d " useous t the thought+ ?oes ?r+ Fly"" $"o# bout herJ

; struggle out of bed "d fire the !e " ! *hi"e up g i"+ ; ! o"

!issio"+ ; dru!

!y fi"gers i!p tie"tly # iti"g for the blue s*ree" to ppe r+ ; hit @oogle i! ges "d e"ter NChristi " @rey i"to the se r*h e"gi"e+ The s*ree" is sudde"ly littered #ith i! ges of Christi "= i" bl *$ tie, be<suited, BeeG E JosOs pi*tures fro! the 6e th! ", i" his #hite shirt "d fl ""el trousers+ 6o# did they get o" the ;"ter"etJ 3oy he loo$s good+

; !o/e Dui*$ly o"= so!e #ith busi"ess sso*i tes, the" pi*ture fter glorious pi*ture of the !ost photoge"i* ! " ; $"o#, i"ti! tely+ ;"ti! telyJ ?o ; $"o# Christi " i"ti! telyJ ; $"o# hi! se4u lly, "d ; figure theres lot !ore to dis*o/er there+ ; $"o# hes # l$i"g ! ss of

!oody, diffi*ult, fu""y, *old, # r!M BeeG, the ! " is *o"tr di*tio"s+ ;

*li*$ to the "e4t p ge+ 6es still o" his o#" i" ll these photogr phs, "d ; re!e!ber F te !e"tio"i"g th t she *ould"t fi"d "y photogr phs of hi! #ith her g y Duestio"+ The", o" the third p ge, theres gr du tio"+ 6is o"ly pi*ture #ith #o! ", "d its !e+ d te, pro!pti"g

pi*ture of !e, #ith hi!, t !y

6oly *o#L ;! o" @oogleL ; st re t us together+ ; loo$ surprised by the * !er , "er/ous, off b l "*e+ This # s Bust before ; greed to try+ For his p rt, Christi " loo$s i!possibly h "dso!e, * l! "d *olle*ted, "d hes #e ri"g th t tie+ ; g Ge t hi!, su*h

be utiful f *e, "o#+ ; be utiful f *e th t *ould be st ri"g t 'rs+ ? !"ed (obi"so" right

s /e the pi*ture i" !y f /orites "d *li*$ through ll eightee" s*ree"sM "othi"g+ ; #o"t fi"d 'rs+ (obi"so" o" @oogle+ 3ut ; h /e to $"o# if hes #ith her+ ; type e! il to Christi "+ Dui*$

Fro!= %" st si Steele

SubBe*t= Suit ble ?i""er Co!p "io"s

? te= ' y 51 2011 25=7. EST

To= Christi " @rey

; hope you "d your frie"d h d %" 1S W s it 'rs+ (obi"so"J

/ery ple s "t di""er+

; press se"d "d *li!b despo"de"tly b *$ i"to bed, resol/i"g to s$ Christi " bout his rel tio"ship #ith th t #o! "+ 1 rt of !e is desper te to $"o# !ore, "d "other p rt # "ts to forget he e/er told !e+ %"d !y period h s st rted, so ; !ust re!e!ber to t $e !y pill i" the !or"i"g+ ; Dui*$ly progr ! " l r! i"to the * le"d r o" !y 3l *$3erry+ Setti"g it side o" the bedside t ble, ; lie do#" "d e/e"tu lly drift i"to " u"e sy sleep, #ishi"g th t #e #ere i" the s !e *ity, "ot t#o "d h lf thous "d !iles p rt+

%fter !or"i"g of shoppi"g "d " fter"oo" b *$ t the be *h, !y !other h s de*reed #e should spe"d the e/e"i"g i" i" the b r+ %b "do"i"g 3ob to the TC, #e fi"d oursel/es

up<! r$et b r of S / "" hs !ost e4*lusi/e hotel+ ; ! o" !y se*o"d Cos!opolit "+ 'y

!other is o" her third+ She is offeri"g !ore i"sights i"to the fr gile ! le ego+ ;ts /ery dis*o"*erti"g+

HKou see, %" , !e" thi"$ th t "ythi"g th t *o!es out of proble!

#o! "s !outh is

to be sol/ed+ 0ot so!e / gue ide th t #ed li$e to $i*$ rou"d "d t l$ bout for #hile "d the" forget+ 'e" prefer *tio"+I

H'o!, #hy re telli"g !e thisJI ; s$, f ili"g to hide !y e4 sper tio"+ Shes bee" li$e this ll d y+

H? rli"g, you sou"d so lost+ Kou/e "e/er brought

boy ho!e+ Kou "e/er e/e" h d

boyfrie"d #he" #e #ere i" Ceg s+ ; thought so!ethi"g !ight de/elop #ith th t guy you !et i" *ollege, JosO+I

H'o!, JosOs Bust


H; $"o#, s#eethe rt+ 3ut so!ethi"gs up, "d ; do"t thi"$ youre telli"g !e e/erythi"g+I She g Ges t !e, her f *e et*hed #ith !otherly *o"*er"+

H; Bust "eeded so!e dist "*e fro! Christi " to get !y thoughts str ightM th ts ll+ 6e te"ds to o/er#hel! !e+I


HKe h+ ; !iss hi! though+I ; fro#"+

; h /e "ot he rd fro! Christi " ll d y+ 0o e! ils, "othi"g+ ; ! te!pted to * ll hi! to see if hes o$ y+ 'y #orst fe r is th t hes bee" i" #orst fe r is * r **ide"t, !y se*o"d

th t 'rs+ (obi"so" h s got her e/il *l #s i"to hi! g i"+ ; $"o# its irr tio" l, but #here shes *o"*er"ed, ; see! to h /e lost ll se"se of perspe*ti/e+

H? rli"g, ; h /e to /isit the po#der roo!+I

'y !others brief bse"*e llo#s !e "other *h "*e to *he*$ !y 3l *$3erry+ ; h /e bee" tryi"g surreptitiously to *he*$ e! ils ll d y+ Fi" lly E Christi "L respo"se fro!

Fro!= Christi " @rey

SubBe*t= ?i""er Co!p "io"s

? te= Ju"e 1 2011 21=S0 EST

To= %" st si Steele

Kes, ; h d di""er #ith 'rs+ (obi"so"+ She is Bust " old frie"d, %" st si + Loo$i"g for# rd to seei"g you g i"+ ; !iss you+

Christi " @rey CE2, @rey E"terprises 6oldi"gs ;"*+

6e # s h /i"g di""er #ith her+ 'y s* lp pri*$les s dre" li"e "d fury l "*e through !y body, ll !y #orst fe rs re liGed, *r shi"g through !e+ 6o# *ould heJ ; ! # y for t#o d ys, "d he ru"s off to th t e/il bit*h+

Fro!= %" st si Steele

SubBe*t= 2L? ?i""er Co!p "io"s

? te= Ju"e 1 2011 21=S2 EST

To= Christi " @rey

Shes "ot Bust " old frie"d+ 6 s she fou"d "other doles*e"t boy to si"$ her teeth i"toJ ?id you get too old for herJ ;s th t the re so" your rel tio"ship fi"ishedJ

; press se"d s !y !other retur"s+

H%" , youre so p le+ Wh ts h ppe"edJI

; sh $e !y he d+

H0othi"g+ Lets h /e "other dri"$,I ; !utter !ulishly+

6er bro# furro#s, but she gl "*es up "d ttr *ts the tte"tio" of o"e of the # iters, poi"ti"g to our gl sses+ 6e "ods+ 6e u"derst "ds the u"i/ers l l "gu ge of Ns !e g i", ple se+ %s she does, ; Dui*$ly gl "*e t !y 3l *$3erry+

Fro!= Christi " @rey

SubBe*t= C refulM

? te= Ju"e 1 2011 21=S7 EST

To= %" st si Steele

This is "ot so!ethi"g ; #ish to dis*uss /i e! il+ 6o# ! "y Cos!opolit "s re you goi"g to dri"$J

Christi " @rey CE2, @rey E"terprises 6oldi"gs ;"*+

6oly fu*$, hes here+

; gl "*e "er/ously rou"d the b r but * ""ot see hi!+

H%" , #h t is itJ Kou loo$ li$e you/e see"


H;ts Christi ", hes here+I

HWh tJ (e llyJI She gl "*es rou"d the b r too+

; h /e "egle*ted to !e"tio" Christi "s st l$er te"de"*ies to !y !o!+

; see hi!+ 'y he rt le ps, begi""i"g # y

Budderi"g thu!pi"g be t s he ! $es his

to# rd us+ 6es re lly here E for !e+ 'y i""er goddess le ps up *heeri"g fro! her *h ise lo"gue+ 'o/i"g s!oothly through the *ro#d, his h ir gli"ts bur"ished *opper "d red u"der the re*essed h loge"s+ 6is bright gr y eyes re shi"i"g #ith E "gerJ Te"sio"J 6is

!outh is set i" "o#,

gri! li"e, B # te"se+ 2h holy shitM "o+ ; ! so ! d t hi! right

"d here he is+ 6o# * " ; be "gry #ith hi! i" fro"t of !y !otherJ

6e rri/es t our t ble, g Gi"g t !e # rily+ 6es dressed i" *usto! ry #hite li"e" shirt "d Be "s+

H6i,I ; sDue $, u" ble to hide !y sho*$ "d #e t seei"g hi! here i" the flesh+

H6i,I he replies, "d le "i"g do#", he $isses !y *hee$, t $i"g !e by surprise+

HChristi ", this is !y !other, C rl +I 'y i"gr i"ed ! ""ers t $e o/er+

6e tur"s to greet !y !o!+

H'rs+ %d !s, ; ! delighted to !eet you+I

6o# does he $"o# her " !eJ 6e gi/es her the he rt<stoppi"g, Christi " @rey p te"ted, full<blo#"<"o<priso"ers<t $e" s!ile+ She does"t h /e B # pr *ti* lly hits the t ble+ JeeG, get they hope+ 'y !others lo#er

grip 'o!+ She t $es his proffered h "d "d

sh $e+ 'y !other h s"t replied+ 2h, *o!plete du!bfou"ded spee*hless"ess is ge"eti* E ; h d "o ide +

HChristi ",I she ! " ges fi" lly, bre thlessly+

6e s!iles $"o#i"gly t her, his gr y eyes t#i"$li"g+ ; " rro# !y eyes t the! both+

HWh t re you doi"g hereJI 'y Duestio" sou"ds !ore brittle th " ; !e ", "d his s!ile dis ppe rs, his e4pressio" "o# gu rded+ ; ! thrilled to see hi!, but *o!pletely thro#" off b l "*e, !y "ger bout 'rs+ (obi"so" si!!eri"g through !y /ei"s+ ; do"t $"o# if ; # "t to shout t hi! or thro# !yself i"to his r!s E but ; do"t thi"$ hed li$e either E "d ; # "t to $"o# ho# lo"g he h s bee" # t*hi"g us+ ;! lso "4ious bout the e! il ; Bust se"t hi!+ little

H; * !e to see you, of *ourse+I 6e g Ges do#" t !e i!p ssi/ely+ 2h, #h t is he thi"$i"gJ H;! st yi"g i" this hotel+I

HKoure st yi"g hereJI ; sou"d li$e e/e" for !y o#" e rs+

sopho!ore o" !phet !i"es, too high<pit*hed

HWell, yesterd y you s id you #ished ; # s here+I 6e p uses tryi"g to g uge !y re *tio"+ HWe i! to ple se, 'iss Steele+I 6is /oi*e is Duiet #ith "o tr *e of hu!or+

Cr p E ;s he ! dJ ' ybe the 'rs+ (obi"so" *o!!e"tsJ 2r the f *t th t ; ! o" !y third, soo" to be fourth Cos!oJ 'y !other is gl "*i"g "4iously t the t#o of us+

HWo"t you Boi" us for i" " "ose*o"d+

dri"$, Christi "JI She # /es to the # iter #ho is t her side

H;ll h /e gi" "d to"i*,I Christi " s ys+ H6e"dri*$s if you h /e it or 3o!b y S pphire+ Cu*u!ber #ith the 6e"dri*$s, li!e #ith the 3o!b y+I

6oly hellM o"ly Christi " *ould ! $e

!e l out of orderi"g


H%"d t#o !ore Cos!os ple se,I ; dd, loo$i"g "4iously t Christi "+ ; ! dri"$i"g #ith !y !other E "o # y * " he be "gry bout th t+

H1le se pull up

*h ir, Christi "+I

HTh "$ you, 'rs+ %d !s+I

Christi " pulls

"e rby *h ir o/er "d sits gr *efully do#" beside !e+

HSo you Bust h ppe" to be st yi"g i" the hotel #here #ere dri"$i"gJI ; s$, tryi"g h rd to $eep !y to"e light+

H2r, you Bust h ppe" to be dri"$i"g i" the hotel #here ;! st yi"g,I Christi " replies+ H; Bust fi"ished di""er, * !e i" here, "d s # you+ ; # s distr *ted thi"$i"g bout your !ost re*e"t e! il, "d ; gl "*e up "d there you re+ Quite *o*$s *oi"*ide"*e, ehJI 6e

his he d to o"e side, "d ; see to s /e the e/e"i"g fter ll+

tr *e of

s!ile+ Th "$ he /e"s E #e ! y be ble

H'y !other "d ; #ere shoppi"g this !or"i"g "d o" the be *h this fter"oo"+ We de*ided o" of e4pl " tio"+ fe# *o*$t ils this e/e"i"g,I ; !utter, feeli"g th t ; o#e hi! so!e sort

H?id you buy th t topJI 6e "ods t !y br "d "e# gree" sil$ * !isole, HThe *olor suits you+ %"d you/e * ught so!e su"+ Kou loo$ lo/ely+I

; flush, spee*hless t his *o!pli!e"t+

HWell, ; # s goi"g to p y you /isit to!orro#+ 3ut here you re+I

6e re *hes o/er, t $es !y h "d, "d sDueeGes it ge"tly, ru""i"g his thu!b *ross !y $"u*$les to "d froM "d ; feel the f !ili r pull+ The ele*tri* *h rge G ppi"g be"e th !y s$i" u"der the ge"tle pressure fro! his thu!b, firi"g i"to !y blood stre ! "d pulsi"g rou"d !y body, he ti"g e/erythi"g i" its p th+ ;ts bee" o/er t#o d ys si"*e ; s # hi!+ 2h !y+++ ; # "t hi!+ 'y bre th hit*hes+ ; bli"$ t hi!, s!ili"g shyly, "d see pl y s!ile

o" his be utiful, s*ulptured lips+

H; thought ;d surprise you+ 3ut s e/er, %" st si , you surprise !e by bei"g here+I

; gl "*e Dui*$ly t 'o! #ho is st ri"g t Christi "M yes st ri"gL Stop it 'o!+ %s if hes so!e e4oti* *re ture, "e/er see" before+ ; !e ", ; $"o# ;/e "e/er h d boyfrie"d, "d Christi " o"ly Du lifies s su*h for e se of refere"*e E but is it so u"belie/ ble th t ; *ould ttr *t 2h, ! "J This ! "J Kes, fr "$ly E loo$ t hi! E !y sub*o"s*ious s" ps+

shut upL Who i"/ited you to the p rtyJ ; s*o#l t !y !o! E but she does"t see! to "oti*e+

H; do"t # "t to i"terrupt the ti!e you h /e #ith your !other+ ;ll h /e "d the" retire+ ; h /e #or$ to do,I he st tes e r"estly+

Dui*$ dri"$

HChristi ", its lo/ely to !eet you fi" lly,I 'o! i"terBe*ts, fi" lly fi"di"g her /oi*e+ H%" h s spo$e" /ery fo"dly of you+I

6e s!iles t her+

H(e llyJI 6e r ises " eyebro# t !e, " !used e4pressio" o" his f *e, "d ; flush g i"+

The # iter rri/es #ith our dri"$s+

H6e"dri*$s, sir,I he s ys #ith

triu!ph "t flourish+

HTh "$ you,I Christi " !ur!urs i" *$"o#ledge!e"t+

; sip !y l test Cos!o "er/ously+

H6o# lo"g re you i" @eorgi , Christi "JI 'o! s$s+

H8"til Frid y, 'rs+ %d !s+I

HWill you h /e di""er #ith us to!orro# e/e"i"gJ %"d ple se, * ll !e C rl +I

H;d be delighted to, C rl +I

HE4*elle"t+ ;f you t#o #ill e4*use !e, ; "eed to /isit the po#der roo!+I

'o!M you/e Bust bee"+ ; loo$ t her desper tely s she st "ds "d # l$s off, le /i"g us lo"e together+

HSo, youre ! d t !e for h /i"g di""er #ith " old frie"d+I Christi " tur"s his bur"i"g, # ry g Ge to !e, lifti"g !y h "d to his lips "d $issi"g e *h $"u*$le ge"tly+

JeeG, he # "ts to do this "o#J

HKes,I ; !ur!ur s !y he ted blood *ourses through !e+

H2ur se4u l rel tio"ship # s o/er lo"g go, %" st si ,I he #hispers+ H; do"t # "t "yo"e but you+ 6 /e"t you #or$ed th t out yetJI

; bli"$ t hi!+

H; thi"$ of her s re *tio"+

*hild !olester, Christi "+I ; hold !y bre th # iti"g for his

Christi " bl "*hes+

HTh ts /ery Budg!e"t l+ ;t # s"t li$e th t,I he #hispers, sho*$ed+ 6e rele ses !y h "d+

Judg!e"t lJ

H2h, ho# # s it the"JI ; s$+ The Cos!os re ! $i"g !e br /e+

6e fro#"s t !e, be#ildered+ ; *o"ti"ue+

HShe too$ d/ "t ge of

/ul"er ble fiftee"<ye r<old boy+ ;f you h d bee" 'r+ (obi"so", te!pti"g you i"to


ye r<old girl "d 'rs+ (obi"so" # s lifestyle,


th t #ould h /e bee" o$ yJ ;f it # s 'i , s yJI

6e g sps "d s*o#ls t !e+

H%" , it # s"t li$e th t+I

; gl re t hi!+

H2$ y, it did"t feel li$e th t to !e,I he *o"ti"ues Duietly+ HShe # s good+ Wh t ; "eeded+I

for*e for

H; do"t u"derst "d+I ;ts !y tur" to loo$ be#ildered+

H%" st si , your !other #ill be b *$ shortly+ ;! "ot *o!fort ble t l$i"g bout this "o#+ L ter ! ybe+ ;f you do"t # "t !e here, ; h /e 6e d+ ; * " go+I pl "e o" st "d<by t 6ilto"

6es "gry #ith !eM "o+

H0o E do"t go+ 1le se+ ;! thrilled youre here+ ;! Bust tryi"g to ! $e you u"derst "d+ ;! "gry th t s soo" s ; left, you h d di""er #ith her+ Thi"$ bout ho# you re #he" ; get "y#here "e r JosO+ JosO is rel tio"ship good frie"d+ ; h /e "e/er h d se4u l

#ith hi!+ Where s you "d her,I ; tr il off, u"#illi"g to t $e th t thought further+

HKoure Be lousJI 6e st res t !e, du!bfou"ded, "d his eyes softe" slightly, # r!i"g+

HKes, "d "gry bout #h t she did to you+I

H%" st si , she helped !e, th ts ll ;ll s y bout th t+ %"d s for your Be lousy, put yourself i" !y shoes+ ; h /e"t h d to Bustify !y *tio"s to "yo"e i" the l st se/e" ye rs+ 0ot o"e perso"+ ; do s ; #ish, %" st si + ; li$e !y uto"o!y+ ; did"t go "d see 'rs+ (obi"so" to upset you+ ; #e"t be* use e/ery "o# "d the" #e h /e di""er+ Shes frie"d "d busi"ess p rt"er+I

3usi"ess p rt"erJ 6oly *r p+ This is "e#s+

6e g Ges t !e, ssessi"g !y e4pressio"+

HKes, #ere busi"ess p rt"ers+ The se4 is o/er bet#ee" us+ ;t h s bee" for ye rs+I

HWhy did your rel tio"ship fi"ishJI

6is !outh " rro#s, "d his eyes gle !+

H6er husb "d fou"d out+I

6oly shitL

HC " #e t l$ bout this so!e other ti!e E so!e#here !ore pri/ teJI he gro#ls+

H; do"t thi"$ youll e/er *o"/i"*e !e th t shes "ot so!e $i"d of p edophile+I

H; do"t thi"$ of her th t # y+ ; "e/er h /e+ 0o# th ts e"oughLI he s" ps+

H?id you lo/e herJI

H6o# re you t#o getti"g o"JI 'y !other h s retur"ed, u"see" by either of us+

; pl ster

f $e s!ile o" !y f *e s both Christi " "d ; le " b *$ h stilyM guiltily+

She g Ges t !e+

HFi"e, 'o!+I

Christi " sips his dri"$, # t*hi"g !e *losely, his e4pressio" gu rded+ Wh t is he thi"$i"gJ ?id he lo/e herJ ; thi"$ if he did, ; #ill lose it, big ti!e+

HWell l dies, ; sh ll le /e you to your e/e"i"g+I

0oM "oM he * "t le /e !e h "gi"g li$e this+

H1le se put these dri"$s o" !y t b, roo! "u!ber -12+ ;ll * ll o" you i" the !or"i"g, %" st si + 8"til to!orro#, C rl +I

H2h, its so "i*e to he r so!eo"e use your full " !e+I

H3e utiful " !e for

be utiful girl,I Christi " !ur!urs, sh $i"g her outstret*hed

h "ds, "d she *tu lly si!pers+

2h 'o!, E et tu 3rutOJ ; st "d, g Gi"g up t hi!, i!plori"g hi! to "s#er !y Duestio", "d he $isses !y *hee$, *h stely+

HL ters, b by,I he #hispers i" !y e r+ The" hes go"e+

? !"ed *o"trol<fre $<b st rd+ 'y "ger retur"s i" full for*e+ ; slu!p i"to !y *h ir "d tur" to f *e !y !other+

HWell stri$e !e do#" #ith

fe ther, %" + 6es

* t*h+ ; do"t $"o# #h ts goi"g o"

bet#ee" you t#o though+ ; thi"$ you "eed to t l$ to e *h other+ 1he# E the 8ST i" here, its u"be r ble+I She f "s herself the tri* lly+


H@o t l$ to hi!+I

H; * "t+ ; * !e here to see you+I

H%" , you * !e here be* use youre *o"fused bout th t boy+ ;ts ob/ious you t#o re *r Gy bout e *h other+ Kou "eed to t l$ to hi!+ 6es Bust flo#" three thous "d odd !iles to see you, for he /e"s s $e+ %"d you $"o# ho# #ful it is to fly+I

; flush+ ; h /e"t told her bout his pri/ te pl "e+

HWh tJI she s" ps t !e+

H6e h s his o#" pl "e,I ; !u!ble, e!b rr ssed, "d its o"ly t#o "d thous "d !iles, 'o!+

h lf

Why ! ; e!b rr ssedJ 6er eyebro#s shoot up+

HWo#,I she !utters+ H%" , theres so!ethi"g goi"g o" bet#ee" you t#o+ ;/e bee" tryi"g to f tho! it si"*e you rri/ed here+ 3ut the o"ly # y you re goi"g to sort the proble!, #h te/er it is, is to t l$ it through #ith hi!+ Kou * " do ll the thi"$i"g you li$e E but u"til you *tu lly t l$, youre "ot goi"g to get "y#here+I

; fro#" t !y !other+

H%" , ho"ey, you/e l# ys h d your

te"de"*y to o/er< " lyGe e/erythi"g+ @o #ith

gut+ Wh t does th t tell you, s#eethe rtJI

; st re t !y fi"gers+

H; thi"$ ;! i" lo/e #ith hi!,I ; !utter+

H; $"o# d rli"g+ %"d he #ith you+I


HKes, %" + 6ell E #h t do you "eedJ % "eo" sig" fl shi"g o" his forehe dJI

; g pe t her "d te rs pri*$ the *or"er of !y eyes+

H%" , d rli"g+ ?o"t *ry+I

H; do"t thi"$ he lo/es !e+I

H; do"t * re ho# ri*h you re, you do"t drop e/erythi"g "d get i" your pri/ te pl "e to *ross #hole *o"ti"e"t Bust for fter"oo" te + @o to hi!L This is lo* tio", /ery ro! "ti*+ ;ts lso "eutr l territory+I be utiful

; sDuir! u"der her g Ge+ ; # "t to go "d ; do"t+

H? rli"g, do"t feel you h /e to *o!e b *$ #ith !e+ ; # "t you h ppy E "d right "o# ; thi"$ the $ey to your h ppi"ess is upst irs i" roo! -12+ ;f you "eed to *o!e ho!e l ter, the $ey is u"der the Ku** pl "t o" the fro"t por*h+ ;f you st y E #ellM youre girl "o#+ Just be s fe+I big

; flush st rs "d stripes red+ JeeG, 'o!+

HLets fi"ish our Cos!os first+I

HTh ts !y girl, %" +I She gri"s+

; $"o*$ ti!idly o" roo! -12 "d # it+ Christi " ope"s the door+ 6es o" his *ell+ 6e bli"$s t !e i" *o!plete surprise, the" holds the door ope" #ide "d be*$o"s !e i"to his roo!+

H%ll the redu"d "*y p *$ ges *o"*ludedJ+++ %"d the *ostJ+++ I Christi " #histles bet#ee" his teeth+ HSheeshM th t # s o"e e4pe"si/e !ist $eM %"d Lu* sJ +++ I

; gl "*e rou"d the roo!+ 6es i" fur"ishi"gs

suite, li$e the o"e t the 6e th! "+ The

here re ultr !oder", /ery "o#+ %ll !uted d r$ purples "d golds #ith bro"Ge st rbursts o" the # lls+ Christi " # l$s o/er to d r$ #ood u"it "d pulls ope" to door

re/e l !i"i<b r+ 6e i"di* tes th t ; should help !yself, the" # "ders i"to the bedroo!+ ; ssu!e its so ; * " "o lo"ger he r his *o"/ers tio"+ ; shrug+ 6e did"t stop his * ll #he" ; e"tered his study th t ti!e+ ; he r # ter ru""i"gM hes filli"g to " or "ge Bui*e+ 6e !bles b *$ i"to the roo!+ b th+ ; help !yself

H6 /e %"dre se"d !e the s*he! ti*s+ 3 r"ey s id hed *r *$ed the proble!M I Christi " l ughs+ H0o, Frid yM Theres Ke h, plot of l "d here th t ;! i"terested i"M

get 3ill to * llM 0o, to!orro#M ; # "t to see #h t @eorgi #ill offer if #e !o/e i"+I Christi " does"t t $e his eyes off !e+ 6 "di"g !e bu*$et+ gl ss, he poi"ts to " i*e

H;f their i"*e"ti/es re ttr *ti/e e"oughM ; thi"$ #e should *o"sider it, though ;! "ot sure bout the d !"ed he t hereM ; gree ?etroit h s its d/ "t ges too, "d its *oolerM I 6is f *e d r$e"s !o!e"t rily+ WhyJ H@et 3ill to * ll+ To!orro#M 0ot too e rly+I 6e h "gs up "d st res t !e, his f *e u"re d ble, "d the sile"*e stret*hes bet#ee" us+

2$ yM !y tur" to t l$+

HKou did"t "s#er !y Duestio",I ; !ur!ur+

H0o+ ; did"t,I he s ys Duietly, his gr y eyes #ide "d * utious+

H0o you did"t "s#er !y Duestio" or "o you did"t lo/e herJI

6e folds his r!s "d le "s g i"st the # ll, "d

s! ll s!ile pl ys upo" his lips+

HWh t re you doi"g here, %" st si JI

H;/e Bust told you+I

6e t $es

deep bre th+

H0o+ ; did"t lo/e her+I 6e fro#"s t !e, !used yet puGGled+

; * "t belie/e ;! holdi"g !y bre th+ ; s g li$e " old *loth s *$ s ; rele se it+ Well, th "$ he /e"s for th t+ 6o# #ould ; feel if he *tu lly lo/ed the #it*hJ

HKoure Duite the gree"<eyed goddess, %" st si + Who #ould h /e thoughtJI

H%re you ! $i"g fu" of !e, 'r+ @reyJI

H; #ould"t d re+I 6e sh $es his he d sole!"ly, but he h s eye+ #i*$ed gle ! i" his

H2h, ; thi"$ you #ould, "d ; thi"$ you do E ofte"+I

6e s!ir$s s ; gi/e hi! b *$ the #ords hes s id to !e before+ 6is eyes d r$e"+

H1le se stop biti"g your lip+ Koure i" !y roo!, ; h /e"t set eyes o" you for "e rly three d ys, "d ;/e flo#" se"su l+ lo"g # y to see you+I 6is to"e h s *h "ged to soft,

6is 3l *$3erry buGGes, distr *ti"g us both, "d he s#it*hes it off #ithout gl "*i"g to see #ho it is+ 'y bre th hit*hes+ ; $"o# #here this is goi"gM but #ere supposed to t l$+ 6e t $es step to# rds !e #e ri"g his se4y pred tory loo$+

H; # "t you, %" st si + 0o#+ %"d you # "t !e+ Th ts #hy youre here+I

H; re lly did # "t to $"o#,I ; #hisper s


HWell, "o# you th t you do, re you *o!i"g or goi"gJI

; flush s he *o!es to

h lt i" fro"t of !e+

HCo!i"g,I ; !ur!ur, st ri"g "4iously up t hi!+

H2h, ; hope so+I 6e g Ges do#" t !e+ HKou #ere so ! d t !e,I he bre thes+


H; do"t re!e!ber "yo"e but !y f !ily e/er bei"g ! d t !e+ ; li$e it+I

6e ru"s the tips of fi"gers do#" !y *hee$+ 2h !y, his pro4i!ity, his deli*ious Christi " s!ell+ Were supposed to be t l$i"g, but !y he rt is pou"di"g, !y blood si"gi"g s it *ourses through !y body, desire, pooli"g, u"furli"gM e/ery#here+ Christi " be"ds "d ru"s his "ose lo"g !y shoulder "d up to the b se of !y e r, his fi"gers slippi"g i"to !y h ir+

HWe should t l$+I ; #hisper+

HL ter+I

HTheres so !u*h ; # "t to s y+I

H'e too+I

6e pl "ts

soft $iss u"der !y e rlobe #hile his fi"gers tighte" i" !y h ir+ 1ulli"g

!y he d b *$, he e4poses !y thro t to his lips+ 6is teeth s$i! !y *hi", "d he $isses !y thro t+

H; # "t you,I he bre thes+

; !o " "d re *h up "d gr sp his r!s+

H%re you bleedi"gJI 6e *o"ti"ues to $iss !e+

6oly Fu*$+ ?oes "othi"g slip by hi!J

HKes,I ; #hisper, e!b rr ssed+

H?o you h /e *r !psJI

H0o+I ; flush+ JeeGM

6e stops "d loo$s do#" t !e+

H?id you t $e your pillJI

HKes+I 6o# !ortifyi"g is thisJ

HLets go h /e

b th+I


6e t $es !y h "d "d le ds !e i"to the bedroo!+ ;ts do!i" ted by


siGe bed #ith el bor te dr pes+ 3ut #e do"t stop there+ 6e t $es !e i"to the b throo! #hi*h is t#o roo!s, ll Du ! ri"es "d #hite li!esto"e+ ;ts huge E ;" the se*o"d roo! su"$e" b th, big e"ough for four people #ith sto"e steps th t le d i"to it, is slo#ly filli"g

#ith # ter+ Ste ! rises ge"tly bo/e the fo !, "d ; "oti*e rou"d+ sto"e se t ll the # y

C "dles fli*$er to the side+ Wo#M hes do"e ll this #hile o" the pho"e+

H?o you h /e

h ir tieJI

; bli"$ t hi!, fish i"to !y Be "s po*$et, "d pull out

h ir el sti*+

H1ut your h ir up,I he orders softly+ ; do s he s$s+

;ts # r! "d sultry beside the b th, "d !y * !isole st rts to sti*$+ 6e le "s o/er "d shuts off the f u*et+ le di"gL !e b *$ i"to the first p rt of the b throo!,he st "ds behi"d !e s #e f *e the # ll<siGed !irror bo/e the t#o gl ss si"$s+

HLift up your r!s,I he bre thes+ ; do s ;! told, "d he lifts !y * !isole o/er !y he d so th t ;! topless st "di"g i" fro"t of hi!+ 0ot t $i"g his eyes off !i"e, he re *hes rou"d "d u"does the top butto" o" !y Be "s "d the Gipper+

H;! goi"g to h /e you i" the b throo!, %" st si +I

Le "i"g do#", he $isses !y "e*$+ ; !o/e !y he d to o"e side "d gi/e hi! e sier **ess+ 6oo$i"g his thu!bs i"to !y Be "s, he slo#ly slides the! do#" !y legs, si"$i"g do#" behi"d !e s he pulls the! "d !y p "ties to the floor+

HStep out of your Be "s+I

@r spi"g the edge of the si"$, ; do Bust th t+ ; ! "o# " $ed, st ri"g t !yself, "d hes $"eeli"g behi"d !e+ 6e $isses "d the" softly bites !y behi"d, ! $i"g !e g sp+ 6e st "ds "d st res t !e o"*e !ore i" the !irror+ ; try h rd to st y still, ig"ori"g !y " tur l i"*li" tio" to *o/er !yself+ 6e spl ys his h "d *ross !y belly, the sp " of his h "d l!ost re *hi"g fro! hip to hip+

HLoo$ t you+ Kou re so be utiful,I he !ur!urs+ HSee ho# you feel+I 6e *l sps both !y h "ds i" his, his p l!s g i"st the b *$s of !y h "ds, his fi"gers i" bet#ee" !i"e so th t !y fi"gers re spl yed+ 6e pl *es !y h "ds o" !y belly+ HFeel ho# soft your s$i" is+I 6is /oi*e is soft "d lo#+ 6e !o/es !y h "ds i" !y slo# *ir*le the" up# rds to# rds

bre sts+ HFeel ho# full your bre sts re+I 6e holds !y h "ds so th t they *up !y bre sts+ 6e ge"tly stro$es !y "ipples #ith his thu!bs o/er "d o/er+

; !o " bet#ee" p rted lips "d r*h !y b *$ so !y bre sts fill !y p l!s+ 6e sDueeGes !y "ipples bet#ee" our thu!bs, pulli"g ge"tly so th t they elo"g te further+ ; # t*h i" f s*i" tio" t the # "to" *re ture #rithi"g i" fro"t of !e+ 2h this feels good+ ; gro " "d *lose !y eyes, "o lo"ger # "ti"g to see th t libidi"ous #o! " i" the !irror f lli"g p rt

u"der her o#" h "dsM his h "dsM feeli"g !y s$i" s he #ould, e4perie"*i"g ho# rousi"g it is E Bust his tou*h, "d his * l!, soft, *o!! "ds+

HTh ts right, b by,I he !ur!urs+

6e guides !y h "ds do#" the sides of !y body, p st !y # ist to !y hips, "d *ross to !y pubi* h ir+ 6e slides his leg i" bet#ee" !i"e, pushi"g !y feet further p rt, #ide"i"g !y st "*e, "d ru"s !y h "ds o/er !y se4, o"e h "d t rhyth!+ ;t is so eroti*+ Truly ; ! ti!e i" tur", setti"g up

! rio"ette "d he is the ! ster puppeteer+

HLoo$ t you glo#, %" st si ,I he #hispers s he tr ils $isses "d soft bites lo"g !y shoulder+ ; gro "+ Sudde"ly he lets go+

HC rry o",I he orders, "d st "ds b *$ # t*hi"g !e+

; rub !yself+ 0o+ ; # "t hi!, hi! to do it+ ;t does"t feel the s !e+ ;! lost #ithout hi!+ 6e pulls his shirt o/er his he d "d Dui*$ly t $es off his Be "s+

HKoud r ther ; do thisJI 6is gr y g Ge s*or*hes !i"e i" the !irror+

H2h yesM ple se,I ; bre the+

6e #r ps his r!s rou"d !e g i" "d t $es !y h "ds o"*e !ore, *o"ti"ui"g the se"su l * ress *ross !y se4, o/er !y *litoris+ 6is *hest h ir s*r pes g i"st !e, his ere*tio" presses g i"st !e+ 2h soo"M ple se+ 6e bites the " pe of !y "e*$, "d ; *lose !y eyes, e"Boyi"g the !yri d of se"s tio"sV !y "e*$, !y groi"M the feel of hi! behi"d !e+ 6e stops bruptly "d spi"s !e rou"d, *ir*li"g !y #rists #ith o"e h "d, i!priso"i"g !y h "ds behi"d !e, "d pulli"g t !y po"yt il #ith the other+ ; ! flush g i"st hi!, "d he $isses !e #ildly, r / gi"g !y !outh #ith his+ 6oldi"g, h !e i" pl *e+

6is bre thi"g is r gged, ! t*hi"g !i"e+

HWhe" did you st rt your period, %" st si JI he s$s out of the blue, g Gi"g do#" t !e+

HErr+++ yesterd y,I ; !u!ble i" !y highly roused st te+

H@ood+I 6e rele ses !e "d tur"s !e rou"d+

H6old o" to the si"$,I he orders "d pulls !y hips b *$ g i", li$e he did i" the pl yroo!, so ;! be"di"g do#"+

6e re *hes bet#ee" !y legs "d pulls o" the blue stri"gM #h tL %"dM pulls


!y t !po" out "d tosses it i"to the "e rby toilet+ 6oly fu*$+ S#eet !other of llM JeeG+ %"d the" hes i"side !eM hL S$i" g i"st s$i"M !o/i"g slo#ly t firstM e sily, testi"g !e, pushi"g !eM oh !y+ ; grip o" to the si"$, p "ti"g, for*i"g !yself b *$ o" hi!, feeli"g hi! i"side !e+ 2h the s#eet go"yM his h "ds *l sp !y hips+ 6e sets pu"ishi"g

rhyth! E i", out, "d he re *hes rou"d "d fi"ds !y *litoris, ! ss gi"g !eM oh BeeG+ ; * " feel !yself Dui*$e"+

HTh ts right, b by,I he r sps s he gri"ds i"to !e, "gli"g his hips, "d its e"ough to se"d !e flyi"g, flyi"g high+

Who M "d ; *o!e, loudly, grippi"g for de r life o"to the si"$ s ; spir l do#" through !y org s!, e/erythi"g spi""i"g "d *le"*hi"g t o"*e+ 6e follo#s, *l spi"g !e tightly, his fro"t o" !y b *$ s he *li! 4es "d * lls !y " !e li$e its lit "y or pr yer+

H2h, %" LI 6is bre thi"g is r gged i" !y e r, i" perfe*t sy"ergy #ith !i"e+ H2h, b by, #ill ; e/er get e"ough of youJI he #hispers+

Will it l# ys be li$e thisJ So o/er#hel!i"g, so ll<*o"su!i"g, so be#ilderi"g "d beguili"g+ ; # "ted to t l$, but "o# ;! spe"t "d d Ged fro! his lo/e! $i"g "d #o"deri"g if ; #ill e/er get e"ough of hi!J

We si"$ slo#ly to the floor, "d he #r ps his r!s rou"d !e, i!priso"i"g !e+ ; ! *urled o" his l p, !y he d g i"st his *hest, s #e both * l!+ Cery subtly, ; i"h le his s#eet, i"to4i* ti"g Christi " s*e"t+ ; !ust "ot "uGGle+ ; !ust "ot "uGGle+ ; repe t the ! "tr i" !y he d E though ; ! so te!pted to do so+ ; # "t to lift !y h "d "d dr # p tter"s i" his *hest h ir #ith !y fi"gertipsM but ; resist, $"o#i"g th t hell h te it if ; do+ We re both Duiet, lost i" our thoughts+ ; ! lost i" hi!M lost to hi!+

; re!e!ber th t ; h /e !y period+

H;! bleedi"g,I ; !ur!ur+

H?oes"t bother !e,I he bre thes+

H; "oti*ed+I ; * "t $eep the dry"ess out of !y /oi*e+

6e te"ses slightly+

H?oes it bother youJI he s$s softly+

?oes it bother !eJ ' ybe it shouldM should itJ 0o, it does"t+ ; le " b *$ "d loo$ up t hi!, "d he g Ges do#" t !e, his eyes soft *loudy gr y+

H0o, "ot t ll+I

6e s!ir$s+

H@ood+ Lets h /e

b th+I

6e u"*urls fro! rou"d !e, pl *i"g !e o" the floor s he ! $es to st "d+ %s he does, ; "oti*e g i" the s! ll, rou"d, #hite s* rs o" his *hest+ They re "ot *hi*$e" po4, ; !use bse"t!i"dedly+ @r *e s id he # s h rdly ffe*ted+ 6oly shitM they !ust be bur"s+ 3ur"s fro! #h tJ ; bl "*h t the re liG tio", sho*$ "d re/ulsio" *oursi"g through !e+ Fro! *ig rettesJ 'rs+ (obi"so", his birth !other, #hoJ Who did this to hi!J ' ybe theres *hest re so" ble e4pl " tio", "d ;! o/er<re *ti"g E #ild hope blosso!s i" !y

E hope th t ; ! #ro"g+

HWh t is itJI Christi "s f *e is #ide<eyed #ith l r!+

HKour s* rs,I ; #hisper+ HTheyre "ot fro! *hi*$e" po4+I

; # t*h s i"

split se*o"d he *loses do#", his st "*e *h "gi"g fro! rel 4ed, * l!,

"d t e se, to defe"si/e E "gry, e/e"+ 6e fro#"s, his f *e d r$e"i"g, "d his !outh presses i"to thi", h rd li"e+

H0o, theyre "ot,I he s" ps, but he does "ot el bor te further+ 6e st "ds, holds his

h "d out for !e, "d h uls !e to !y feet+

H?o"t loo$ t !e li$e th t+I 6is /oi*e is *older "d s*oldi"g s he lets go of !y h "d+

; flush, *h ste"ed, "d st re do#" t !y fi"gers, "d ; $"o#, ; $"o# th t so!eo"e stubbed *ig rettes out o" Christi "+ ; feel si*$+

H?id she do th tJI ; #hisper before ; * " stop !yself+

6e s ys "othi"g, so ;! for*ed to loo$ t hi!+ 6es gl ri"g t !e+

HSheJ 'rs+ (obi"so"J Shes "ot " "i! l, %" st si + 2f *ourse she did"t+ ; do"t u"derst "d #hy you feel you h /e to de!o"iGe her+I

6es st "di"g there, " $ed, gloriously " $ed, #ith !y blood o" hi!M "d #ere fi" lly h /i"g this *o"/ers tio"+ %"d ;! " $ed too E "either of us h s "y#here to hide, e4*ept perh ps the b th+ ; t $e the # ter+ deep bre th, !o/e p st hi!, "d step do#" i"to

;t is deli*iously # r!, soothi"g, "d deep+ ; !elt i"to the fr gr "t fo ! "d st re up t hi!, hidi"g !o"g the bubbles+

H; Bust #o"der #h t you #ould be li$e if you h d"t !et her+ ;f she h d"t i"trodu*ed you to yourM u!, lifestyle+I

6e sighs "d steps do#" i"to the b th opposite !e, his B # *le"*hed #ith te"sio", his eyes frosty+ %s he gr *efully sub!erges his body be"e th the # ter, hes * reful "ot to tou*h !e+ JeeG E h /e ; ! de hi! th t ! dJ

6e st res i!p ssi/ely t !e, his f *e u"re d ble, s yi"g "othi"g+ %g i" the sile"*e stret*hes bet#ee" us, but ; hold !y *ou"sel+ ;ts your tur" @rey E ; ! "ot * /i"g this ti!e+ 'y sub*o"s*ious is "er/ous, "4iously biti"g her " ils E this *ould go either # y+ Christi " "d ; st re t e *h other, but ; ! "ot b *$i"g do#"+ E/e"tu lly, fter #h t see!s li$e !ille""iu!, he sh $es his he d, "d he s!ir$s+

H; #ould prob bly h /e go"e the # y of !y birth !other, h d it "ot bee" for 'rs+ (obi"so"+I

2hL ; bli"$ t hi!+ Cr *$ ddi*t or #horeJ 1ossibly bothJ

HShe lo/ed !e i" # y ; fou"dM **ept ble,I he dds #ith shrug+

Wh t the hell does th t !e "J

H%**ept bleJI ; #hisper+

HKes+I 6e st res i"te"tly t !e+ HShe distr *ted !e fro! the destru*ti/e p th ; fou"d !yself follo#i"g+ ;ts /ery h rd to gro# up i" perfe*t+I perfe*t f !ily #he" youre "ot

2h "o+ 'y !outh dries s ; digest his #ords+ 6e g Ges s !e, his e4pressio" u"f tho! ble+ 6es "ot goi"g to tell !e "y !ore+ 6o# frustr ti"g+ ;"side, ;! reeli"g E he sou"ds so full of self<lo thi"g+ %"d 'rs+ (obi"so" lo/ed hi!+ 6oly shitM does she stillJ ; feel li$e ;/e bee" $i*$ed i" the sto! *h+

H?oes she still lo/e youJI

H; do"t thi"$ so, "ot li$e th t+I 6e fro#"s s if he h s"t thought bout the ide + H; $eep telli"g you it # s lo"g ti!e go+ ;ts i" the p st+ ; *ould"t *h "ge it e/e" if ;

# "ted to, #hi*h ; do"t+ She s /ed !e fro! !yself+I 6es e4 sper ted "d ru"s #et h "d through his h ir+ H;/e "e/er dis*ussed this #ith "yo"e+I 6e p uses, HE4*ept ?r+ Fly"", of *ourse+ %"d the o"ly re so" ;! t l$i"g bout this "o#, to you, is be* use ; # "t you to trust !e+I

H; do trust you, but ; do # "t to $"o# you better, "d #he"e/er ; try to t l$ to you, you distr *t !e+ Theres so !u*h ; # "t to $"o#+I

H2h for pitys s $e, %" st si + Wh t do you # "t to $"o#J Wh t do ; h /e to doJI 6is

eyes bl Ge, "d though he does"t r ise his /oi*e, ; $"o# hes tryi"g to rei" i" his te!per+

; gl "*e Dui*$ly do#" t !y h "ds, *le r be"e th the # ter s the bubbles h /e st rted to disperse+

H;! Bust tryi"g to u"derst "d, youre su*h " e"ig! + 8"li$e "yo"e ;/e !et before+ ;! gl d youre telli"g !e #h t ; # "t to $"o#+I

JeeG E ! ybe its the Cos!opolit "s ! $i"g !e br /e, but sudde"ly ; * ""ot be r the dist "*e bet#ee" us+ ; !o/e through the # ter to his side "d le " g i"st hi! so #ere tou*hi"g, s$i" to s$i"+ 6e te"ses "d eyes !e # rily, s if ; !ight bite+ Well, th ts tur" rou"d+ 'y i""er goddess g Ges t hi! i" Duiet, surprised spe*ul tio"+

H1le se do"t be "gry #ith !e,I ; #hisper+

H; ! "ot "gry #ith you, %" st si + ;! Bust "ot used to this $i"d of t l$i"g E this probi"g+ ; o"ly h /e this #ith ?r+ Fly"" "d #ithEI 6e stops "d fro#"s+

HWith her+ 'rs+ (obi"so"+ Kou t l$ to herJI ; pro!pt, tryi"g to rei" i" !y o#" te!per+

HKes, ; do+I

HWh t boutJI

6e shifts i" the b th so th t hes f *i"g !e, * usi"g the # ter to l p o/er the sides o"to the floor+ 6e pl *es his r! rou"d !y shoulders, resti"g o" the ledge of the b th+

H1ersiste"t re"t youJI he !ur!urs, u"i/erse

tr *e of irrit tio" i" his /oi*e+ HLife, the

E busi"ess+ %" st si , 'rs+ ( "d ; go # y b *$+ We * " dis*uss "ythi"g+I

H'eJI ; #hisper+

HKes+I @r y eyes # t*h !e * refully+

; bite !y botto! lip, tryi"g to *urb the sudde" rush of "ger th t surf *es+

HWhy do you t l$ bout !eJI ; e"de /or "ot to sou"d #hi"ey "d petul "t, but ; do"t su**eed+ ; $"o# ; should stop+ ; ! pushi"g hi! too h rd+ 'y sub*o"s*ious h s her Ed/ rd 'u"*h f *e o" g i"+

H;/e "e/er !et "yo"e li$e you, %" st si +I

HWh t does th t !e "J %"yo"e #ho Bust did"t uto! ti* lly sig" your p per#or$, "o Duestio"s s$edJI

6e sh $es his he d+

H; "eed d/i*e+I

H%"d you t $e d/i*e fro! 'rs+ 1 edoJI ; s" p+ The hold o" !y te!per is !ore te"t ti/e th " ; thought+

H%" st si E e"ough,I he s" ps b *$ ster"ly, his eyes " rro#i"g+

;! s$ ti"g o" thi" i*e, "d ;! he di"g i"to d "ger+ H2r ;ll put you *ross !y $"ee+ ; h /e "o se4u l or ro! "ti* i"terest i" her #h tsoe/er+ Shes "d busi"ess p rt"er+ Th ts ll+ We h /e !o"u!e"t lly p st, de r, / lued frie"d

sh red history, #hi*h # s

be"efi*i l for !e, though it fu*$ed up her ! rri ge E but th t side of our rel tio"ship is o/er+I

JeeG E "other p rt ; Bust * "t u"derst "d+ She # s ! rried s #ell+ 6o# did they get # y #ith it for so lo"gJ

H%"d your p re"ts "e/er fou"d outJI

H0o,I he gro#ls+ H;/e told you this+I

%"d ; $"o# th ts it+ ; * ""ot s$ hi! "y further Duestio"s bout her be* use he #ill lose it #ith !e+

H%re you do"eJI he s" ps+

HFor "o#+I

6e t $es lifted

deep bre th "d /isibly rel 4es i" fro"t of !e, li$e

gre t #eight is

fro! his shoulders or so!ethi"g+

H(ight E !y tur",I he !utters, "d his gl re tur"s steely, spe*ul ti/e+ HKou h /e"t respo"ded to !y e! il+I

; flush+ 2h, ; h te the spotlight o" !e, "d it see!s hes goi"g to get "gry e/ery ti!e #e h /e dis*ussio"+ ; sh $e !y he d+ 1erh ps th ts ho# he feels bout !y Duestio"s, hes "ot used to bei"g *h lle"ged+ The thought is re/el tory, distr *ti"g, "d u""er/i"g+

H; # s goi"g to respo"d+ 3ut "o# youre here+I

HKoud r ther ; # s"tJI he bre thes, his e4pressio" i!p ssi/e g i"+

H0o, ;! ple sed,I ; !ur!ur+

H@ood+I 6e gi/es !e of

ge"ui"e, relie/ed s!ile+ H;! ple sed ;! here too E i" spite

your i"terrog tio"+ So, #hile its **ept ble to grill !e, you thi"$ you * " *l i! so!e $i"d of diplo! ti* i!!u"ity Bust be* use ;/e flo#" ll this # y to see youJ ;! "ot buyi"g it, 'iss Steele+ ; # "t to $"o# ho# you feel+I

2h "oM

H; told you+ ; ! ple sed youre here+ Th "$ you for *o!i"g ll this # y,I ; s y feebly+

H;ts !y ple sure, 'iss Steele+I 6is eyes shi"e s he le "s do#" "d $isses !e ge"tly+ ; feel !yself respo"di"g uto! ti* lly+ The # ter is still # r!, the b throo! still ste !y+ 6e stops "d pulls b *$, g Gi"g do#" t !e+

H0o+ ; thi"$ ; # "t so!e "s#ers first before #e do "y !ore+I

'oreJ Theres th t #ord g i"+ %"d he # "ts "s#ersM "s#ers to #h tJ ; do"t h /e se*ret p st E ; do"t h /e # "t to h rro#i"g *hildhood+ Wh t *ould he possibly

$"o# bout !e th t he does"t lre dy $"o#J

; sigh, resig"ed+

HWh t do you # "t to $"o#JI

HWell, ho# you feel bout our #ould<be rr "ge!e"t, for st rters+I

; bli"$ t hi!+ Truth or d re ti!e E !y sub*o"s*ious "d i""er goddess gl "*e "er/ously t o"e "other+ 6ell, lets go for truth+

H; do"t thi"$ ; * " do it for " e4te"ded period of ti!e+ % #hole #ee$e"d bei"g so!eo"e ;! "ot+I ; flush "d st re t !y h "ds+

6e tips !y *hi" up, "d hes s!ir$i"g t !e, !used+

H0o, ; do"t thi"$ you *ould either+I

%"d p rt of !e feels slightly ffro"ted "d *h lle"ged+

H%re you l ughi"g t !eJI

HKes, but i"

good # y,I he s ys #ith

s! ll s!ile+

6e le "s do#" "d $isses !e softly, briefly+

HKoure "ot #ith hu!or+

gre t sub!issi/e,I he bre thes s he holds !y *hi", his eyes d "*i"g

; st re t hi! sho*$ed, the" ; burst out l ughi"g E "d he Boi"s !e+

H' ybe ; do"t h /e

good te *her+I

6e s"orts+

H' ybe+ 1erh ps ; should be stri*ter #ith you+I 6e *o*$s his he d to o"e side "d gi/es !e " rtful s!ile+

; s# llo#+ JeeG, "o+ 3ut t the s !e ti!e, !y !us*les *le"*h deli*iously deep i"side+ ;t is his # y of sho#i"g th t he * res+ 1erh ps the o"ly # y he * " sho# he * res E ; re liGe th t+ 6es st ri"g t !e, g ugi"g !y re *tio"+

HW s it th t b d #he" ; sp "$ed you the first ti!eJI

; g Ge b *$ t hi!, bli"$i"g+ W s it th t b dJ ; re!e!ber feeli"g *o"fused by !y re *tio"+ ;t hurt, but "ot th t !u*h i" retrospe*t+ 6es s id o/er "d o/er g i" its !ore i" !y he d+ %"d the se*o"d ti!eM Well, th t # s goodM hot+

H0o, "ot re lly,I ; #hisper+

H;ts !ore the ide of itJI he pro!pts+

H; suppose+ Feeli"g ple sure, #he" o"e is"t supposed to+I

H; re!e!ber feeli"g the s !e+ T $es

#hile to get your he d rou"d it+I

6oly hell+ This # s #he" he # s


HKou * " l# ys s fe<#ord, %" st si + ?o"t forget th t+ %"d, s lo"g s you follo# the rules, #hi*h fulfill perh ps #e * " fi"d deep "eed i" !e for *o"trol "d to $eep you s fe, the"

# y for# rd+I

HWhy do you "eed to *o"trol !eJI

H3e* use it s tisfies

"eed i" !e th t # s"t !et i" !y for! ti/e ye rs+I

HSo its

for! of ther pyJI

H;/e "ot thought of it li$e th t, but yes, ; suppose it is+I

This ; * " u"derst "d+ This #ill help+

H3ut, heres the thi"g E o"e !o!e"t you s y do"t defy !e, the "e4t you s y you li$e to be *h lle"ged+ Th ts /ery fi"e li"e to tre d su**essfully+I

6e g Ges t !e for

!o!e"t, the" fro#"s+

H; * " see th t+ 3ut you see! to be doi"g fi"e so f r+I

H3ut t #h t perso" l *ostJ ;! tied up i" $"ots here+I

H; li$e you tied up i" $"ots,I he s!ir$s+

HTh ts "ot #h t ; !e "tLI ; spl sh hi! i" e4 sper tio"+

6e g Ges do#" t !e, r*hi"g " eyebro#+

H?id you Bust spl sh !eJI

HKes+I 6oly shitM th t loo$+

H2h, 'iss Steele+I 6e gr bs !e "d pulls !e o"to his l p, sloshi"g # ter ll o/er the floor+ H; thi"$ #e/e do"e e"ough t l$i"g for "o#+I

6e *l sps his h "ds o" either side of !y he d "d $isses !e+ ?eeply+ 1ossessi"g !y !outh+ %"gli"g !y he dM *o"trolli"g !e+ ; !o " g i"st his lips+ This is #h t he li$es+ This is #h t hes so good t+ E/erythi"g ig"ites i"side !e "d !y fi"gers re i" his h ir, holdi"g hi! to !e, "d ;! $issi"g hi! b *$ "d s yi"g ; # "t you too the o"ly # y

; $"o# ho#+ 6e gro "s, shifti"g !e so ;! stride hi!, $"eeli"g o/er hi!, his ere*tio" be"e th !e+ 6e pulls b *$ "d loo$s t !e, his eyes hooded, glo#i"g "d lustful+ ; drop !y h "ds to gr b o" to the edge of the b th but he grips both !y #rists "d pulls !y h "ds behi"d !y b *$, holdi"g the! together i" o"e h "d+

H;! goi"g to h /e you "o#,I he #hispers "d lifts !e so th t ;! ho/eri"g o/er hi!+ H(e dyJI he bre thes+

HKes,I ; #hisper, "d he e ses !e o" to hi!, slo#ly, e4Duisitely slo#lyM filli"g !eM # t*hi"g !e s he t $es !e+

; gro ", *losi"g !y eyes, "d ; re/el i" the se"s tio", the stret*hi"g full"ess+ 6e fle4es his hips, "d ; g sp, le "i"g for# rd, resti"g !y forehe d g i"st his+

H1le se let !y h "ds go,I ; #hisper+

H?o"t tou*h !e,I he ple ds, "d rele si"g !y #rists, he gr bs !y hips+

Cl spi"g the b th ledge, ; !o/e up "d the" do#" slo#ly, ope"i"g !y eyes to g Ge t hi!+ 6es # t*hi"g !e+ 6is !outh ope" slightly, his bre thi"g h lted, stilted E his to"gue bet#ee" his teeth+ 6e loo$s soM hot+ Were #et "d slippery "d !o/i"g g i"st e *h

other+ ; le " do#" "d $iss hi!+ 6e *loses his eyes+ Te"t ti/ely, ; bri"g !y h "ds up to his he d "d ru" !y fi"gers through his h ir, "ot t $i"g !y lips fro! his !outh+ This is llo#ed+ 6e li$es this+ ; li$e this+ %"d #e !o/e together+ ; tug his h ir, tippi"g his he d b *$ "d deepe" the $iss, ridi"g hi! E f ster, pi*$i"g up the rhyth!+ ; !o " g i"st his !outh+ 6e st rts to lift !e f ster, f sterM holdi"g !y hips+ Fissi"g !e b *$+ We re #et !ouths "d to"gues, t "gled h ir, "d !o/i"g hips+ %ll se"s tio"M ll *o"su!i"g g i"+ ; ! *loseM ; ! st rti"g to re*og"iGe this deli*ious tighte"i"gM Dui*$e"i"g+ %"d the # terM its s#irli"g rou"d us, our o#" #hirlpool, !o/e!e"ts stirri"g /orte4 s our

be*o!e !ore fr "ti*M sloshi"g e/ery#here, !irrori"g #h ts h ppe"i"g i"side !eM "d ; Bust do"t * re+

; lo/e this ! "+ ; lo/e his p ssio", the effe*t ; h /e o" hi!+ ; lo/e th t hes flo#" so f r to see !e+ ; lo/e th t he * res bout !eM he * res+ ;ts so u"e4pe*ted, so fulfilli"g+ 6e is !i"e, "d ; ! his+

HTh ts right, b by,I he bre thes+

%"d ; *o!e, !y org s! rippi"g through !e, de/ours

turbule"t, p ssio" te, pogee th t

!e #hole+ %"d sudde"ly Christi " *rushes !e to hi!M his r!s #r pped rou"d !y b *$ s he fi"ds his rele se+

H%" , b byLI he *ries, "d its !y soul+ #ild i"/o* tio", stirri"g "d tou*hi"g the depths of

We lie st ri"g t e *h other, gr y eyes i"to blue, f *e to f *e, i" the super $i"g bed, both huggi"g our pillo#s o" our fro"ts+ 0 $ed+ 0ot tou*hi"g+ Just loo$i"g "d d!iri"g, *o/ered by the sheet+

H?o you # "t to sleepJI Christi " s$s, his /oi*e soft+ 6e is be utifulV the !i4 of *olors i" his h ir /i/id g i"st the #hite Egypti " *otto" pillo#* se, gr y eyes, s!olderi"g, e4pressi/e+ 6e loo$s *o"*er"ed+

H0o+ ;! "ot tired+I ; feel str "gely e"ergiGed+ ;ts bee" so good to t l$ E ; do"t # "t to stop+

HWh t do you # "t to doJI he s$s+

HT l$+I

6e s!iles+

H%bout #h tJI


HWh t stuffJI


HWh t bout !eJI

HWh ts your f /orite fil!JI

6e gri"s+

HTod y, its NThe 1i "o+I

6is gri" is i"fe*tious+

H2f *ourse+ Silly !e+ Su*h

s d, e4*iti"g s*ore, #hi*h "o doubt you * " pl yJ So

! "y **o!plish!e"ts, 'r+ @rey+I

H%"d the gre test o"e is you, 'iss Steele+I

HSo ; ! "u!ber se/e"tee"+I

6e fro#"s t !e "ot *o!prehe"di"g+


H0u!ber of #o!e" you/e u!M h d se4 #ith+I

6is lips Duir$ up, his eyes shi"i"g #ith i"*redulity+

H0ot e4 *tly+I

HKou s id fiftee",I 'y *o"fusio" is ob/ious+

H; # s referri"g to the "u!ber of #o!e" i" !y pl yroo!+ ; thought th ts #h t you !e "t+ Kou did"t s$ !e ho# ! "y #o!e" ;d h d se4 #ith+I

H2h+I 6oly shitM theres !oreM 6o#J ; g pe t hi!+ HC "ill JI

H0o+ Kou re !y o"e / "ill *o"Duest,I he sh $es his he d, still gri""i"g t !e+

Why does he fi"d this fu""yJ %"d #hy ! ; gri""i"g b *$ t hi! li$e " idiotJ

H; * "t gi/e you

"u!ber+ ; did"t put "ot*hes i" the bedpost or "ythi"g+I

HWh t re #e t l$i"g E te"s, hu"dredsM thous "dsJI 'y eyes gro# #ilder s the "u!bers get l rger+

HTe"s+ Were i" the te"s, for pitys s $e+I

H%ll sub!issi/esJI


HStop gri""i"g t !e,I ; s*old hi! !ildly, tryi"g "d f ili"g to $eep

str ight f *e+

H; * "t+ Koure fu""y+I

HFu""y pe*uli r or fu""y h h JI

H% bit of both ; thi"$+I 6is #ords !irror !i"e+

HTh ts

d !"ed *hee$, *o!i"g fro! you+I

6e le "s *ross "d $isses the tip of !y "ose+

HThis #ill sho*$ you, %" st si + (e dyJI

; "od, #ide<eyed, still #ith the stupid gri" o" !y f *e+

H%ll sub!issi/es i" tr i"i"g, #he" ; # s tr i"i"g+ There re pl *es i" "d rou"d Se ttle th t o"e * " go "d pr *ti*e+ Le r" to do #h t ; do,I he s ys+

Wh tJ

H2h+I ; bli"$ t hi!+

HKep, ;/e p id for se4, %" st si +I

HTh ts "othi"g to be proud of,I ; !utter h ughtily+ H%"d youre rightM ; ! deeply sho*$ed+ %"d *ross th t ; * "t sho*$ you+I

HKou #ore !y u"der#e r+I

H?id th t sho*$ youJI

HKes+I 'y i""er goddess pole</ ults o/er the fiftee"<foot b r+

HKou did"t #e r your p "ties to !eet !y p re"ts+I

H?id th t sho*$ youJI


JeeG, the b rs !o/ed to si4tee" feet+

H;t see!s ; * " o"ly sho*$ you i" the u"der#e r dep rt!e"t+I

HKou told !e you #ere

/irgi"+ Th ts the biggest sho*$ ;/e e/er h d+I

HKes, your f *e # s


Fod $ !o!e"t+I ; giggle+

HKou let !e #or$ you o/er #ith

ridi"g *rop+I

H?id th t sho*$ youJI


; gri"+

HWell, ; ! y let you do it g i"+I

H2h, ; do hope so, 'iss Steele+ This #ee$e"dJI

H2$ y,I ; gree, shyly+

H2$ yJI

HKes+ ;ll go to the (ed (oo! of 1 i" g i"+I

HKou s y !y " !e+I

HTh t sho*$s youJI

HThe f *t th t ; li$e it sho*$s !e+I

HChristi "+I

6e gri"s+

H; # "t to do so!ethi"g to!orro#+I 6is eyes glo# #ith e4*ite!e"t+


H% surprise+ For you+I 6is /oi*e is lo# "d soft+

; r ise " eyebro# "d stifle y #" t the s !e ti!e+

H%! ; bori"g you, 'iss SteeleJI 6is to"e is s rdo"i*+


6e le "s *ross "d $isses !e ge"tly o" !y lips+

HSleep,I he *o!! "ds, the" s#it*hes off the light+

%"d i" this Duiet !o!e"t, s ; *lose !y eyes, spe"t "d s ted, ; thi"$ ;! i" the eye of the stor!+ %"d i" spite of ll hes s id, "d #h t he h s"t s id, ; do"t thi"$ ; h /e e/er bee" so h ppy+

Christi " st "ds i" feet

steel<b rred * ge+ We ri"g his soft, ripped Be "s, his *hest "d

re !outh# teri"gly " $ed, "d hes st ri"g t !e+ 6is pri/ te<Bo$e s!ile et*hed o" his be utiful f *e "d his eyes str #berries+ !olte" gr y+ ;" his h "ds he holds bo#l of

6e !bles #ith thleti* gr *e to the fro"t of the * ge, g Gi"g i"te"tly t !e+ 6oldi"g up plu!p ripe str #berry, he e4te"ds his h "d through the b rs+

HE t,I he s ys, his to"gue * ressi"g the fro"t of his p l te s he e"u"*i tes the Nt+

; try "d !o/e to# rd hi!, but ;! tethered, held b *$ by so!e u"see" for*e rou"d !y #rist, holdi"g !e+ Let !e go+

HCo!e, e t,I he s ys, s!ili"g his deli*ious *roo$ed s!ile+

; pull "d pullM let !e goL ; # "t to s*re ! "d shout, but "o sou"d e!erges+ ; ! !ute+ 6e stret*hes little further, "d the str #berry is t !y lips+

HE t, %" st si +I 6is !outh for!s !y " !e, li"geri"g se"su lly o" e *h syll ble+

; ope" !y !outh "d bite, the * ge dis ppe rs, "d !y h "ds re free+ ; re *h up to tou*h hi!, gr Ge !y fi"gers through his *hest h ir+

H%" st si +I

0o+ ; !o "+

HCo!e o", b by+I

0o+ ; # "t to tou*h you+

HW $e up+I

0o+ 1le se+ 'y eyes fli*$er u"#illi"gly ope" for so!eo"e is "uGGli"g !y e r+ split se*o"d+ ;! i" bed "d

HW $e up, b by,I he #hispers, "d the effe*t of his s#eet /oi*e spre ds li$e # r! !elted * r !el through !y /ei"s+

;ts Christi "+ JeeG, its still d r$, "d the i! ges of hi! fro! !y dre ! persists, dis*o"*erti"g "d t "t liGi"g i" !y he d+

H2hM "o,I ; gro "+ ; # "t b *$ t his *hest, b *$ to !y dre !+ Why is he # $i"g !eJ ;ts the !iddle of the "ight, or so it feels+ 6oly shit+ ?oes he # "t se4 E "o#J

HTi!e to get up, b by+ ;! goi"g to s#it*h o" the sidelight+I 6is /oi*e is Duiet+

H0o,I ; gro "+

H; # "t to *h se the d #" #ith you,I he s ys, $issi"g !y f *e, !y eyelids, the tip of !y "ose, !y !outh, "d ; ope" !y eyes+ The sidelight is o"+ H@ood !or"i"g, be utiful,I he !ur!urs+

; gro ", "d he s!iles+

HKou re "ot

!or"i"g perso",I he !ur!urs+

Through the h Ge of light, ; sDui"t "d see Christi " le "i"g o/er !e, s!ili"g+ %!used+ %!used t !e+ ?ressedL ;" bl *$+

H; thought you # "ted se4,I ; gru!ble+

H%" st si , ; l# ys # "t se4 #ith you+ ;ts he rt# r!i"g to $"o# th t you feel the s !e,I he s ys dryly+

; g Ge t hi! s !y eyes dBust to the light, but he still loo$s !usedM th "$ he /e"s+

H2f *ourse ; do, Bust "ot #he" its so l te+I

H;ts "ot l te, its e rly+ Co!e o" E up you go+ Were goi"g out+ ;ll t $e o" the se4+I

r i" *he*$

H; # s h /i"g su*h

"i*e dre !,I ; #hi"e+

H?re ! bout #h tJI he s$s p tie"tly+

HKou+I ; blush+

HWh t # s ; doi"g this ti!eJI

HTryi"g to feed !e str #berries+I

6is lips t#it*h #ith

tr *e of


H?r+ Fly"" *ould h /e sho#er, #e * " do th t l ter+I

field d y #ith th t+ 8p E get dressed+ ?o"t bother to


; sit up, "d the sheet pools t !y # ist, re/e li"g !y body+ 6e st "ds to gi/e !e roo!, his eyes d r$+

HWh t ti!e is itJI

H7=50 i" the !or"i"g+I

HFeels li$e 5=00 +!+I

HWe do"t h /e !u*h ti!e+ ; let you sleep s lo"g s possible+ Co!e+I

HC "t ; h /e


6e sighs+

H;f you h /e

sho#er, ;ll # "t o"e #ith you, "d you "d ; $"o# #h t #ill h ppe"

the" E the d y #ill Bust go+ Co!e+I

6es e4*ited+ Li$e ! $es !e s!ile+ s! ll boy, hes irides*e"t #ith "ti*ip tio" "d e4*ite!e"t+ ;t

HWh t re #e doi"gJ


surprise+ ; told you+I

; * "t help but gri" up t hi!+

H2$ y+I ; *l !ber off the bed "d se r*h for !y *lothes+ 2f *ourse they re "e tly folded o" the *h ir beside !y bed+ 6es l id out ( lph p ir of his Bersey bo4er briefs too,

L ure", "o less+ ; slip the! o", "d he gri"s t !e+ 6!!, "other pie*e of Christi " @reys u"der#e r E 3l *$3erry, trophy to dd to !y *olle*tio" E lo"g #ith the * r, the set of old / lu ble first editio"s+ ; sh $e !y he d t

the ' *, his bl *$ B *$et, "d his l rgesse, "d ; fro#" s

s*e"e fro! Tess *rosses !y !i"d= the str #berry s*e"e+ ;t e/o$es field d y E "d the" hed

!y dre !+ To hell #ith ?r+ Fly"" E Freud #ould h /e prob bly e4pire tryi"g to de l #ith Fifty Sh des+

H;ll gi/e you so!e roo! "o# th t youre up+I Christi " e4its to# rd the li/i"g re , "d ; # "der i"to the b throo!+ ; h /e "eeds to tte"d to, "d ; # "t Se/e" Dui*$ # sh+

!i"utes l ter, ; ! i" the li/i"g re , s*rubbed, brushed "d dressed i" Be "s, !y * !isole, "d Christi " @reys u"der#e r+ Christi " gl "*es up fro! the s! ll di"i"g t ble #here hes e ti"g bre $f st+ 3re $f stL JeeG, t this ti!e+

HE t,I he s ys+

6oly 'osesM !y dre !+ ; g pe t hi!, thi"$i"g bout his to"gue o" his p l te+ 6!!, his e4pert to"gue+

H%" st si ,I he s ys ster"ly, pulli"g !e out of !y re/erie+

;t re lly is too e rly for !e+ 6o# to h "dle thisJ

H;ll h /e so!e te + C " ; t $e

*roiss "t for l terJI

6e eyes !e suspi*iously, "d ; s!ile /ery s#eetly+

H?o"t r i" o" !y p r de, %" st si ,I he # r"s softly+

H; #ill e t l ter #he" !y sto! *hs #o$e" up+ %bout :=50 +!+M o$ yJI

H2$ y+I 6e peers do#" t !e+

6o"estly+ ; h /e to *o"*e"tr te h rd o" "ot ! $i"g

f *e t hi!+

H; # "t to roll !y eyes t you+I

H3y ll !e "s, do, "d you #ill ! $e !y d y,I he s ys ster"ly+

; g Ge up t the *eili"g+

HWell sp "$i"g #ould # $e !e up, ; suppose+I ; purse !y lips i" Duiet *o"te!pl tio"+

Christi "s !outh drops ope"+

H2" the other h "d, ; do"t # "t you to be ll hot "d bothered, the *li! te here is # r! e"ough+I ; shrug "o"*h l "tly+

Christi " *loses his !outh "d tries /ery h rd to loo$ disple sed, but f ils hopelessly+ ; * " see the hu!or lur$i"g i" the b *$ of his eyes+

HKou re, s e/er, *h lle"gi"g, 'iss Steele+ ?ri"$ your te +I

; "oti*e the T#i"i"gs l bel, "d i"side, !y he rt si"gs+ See, he does * re, !y sub*o"s*ious !ouths t !e+ ; sit "d f *e hi!, dri"$i"g i" his be uty+ Will ; e/er get e"ough of this ! "J

%s #e le /e the roo!, Christi " thro#s s#e tshirt t !e+

HKoull "eed this+I

; loo$ t hi!, puGGled+

HTrust !e+I 6e gri"s, le "s o/er "d $isses !e Dui*$ly o" the lips, the" gr bs !y h "d "d #e he d out+

2utside, i" the rel ti/e *ool of the h lf<light of pre<d #", the / let h "ds Christi "

set of $eys to s!ir$s b *$ t !e+

fl sh sports * r #ith

soft top+ ; r ise " eyebro# t Christi ", #ho

HKou $"o#, so!eti!es its gre t bei"g !e,I he s ys #ith gri"

*o"spir tori l but s!ug

th t ; si!ply * "t help e!ul ti"g+ 6es so lo/ ble #he" hes pl yful "d * refree+ 6e ope"s !y * r door #ith " e4 gger ted bo#, "d i" ; *li!b+ 6e is i" su*h !ood+ good

HWhere re #e goi"gJI

HKoull see+I 6e gri"s s he slips the * r i"to dri/e, "d #e he d out o" S / "" h 1 r$# y+ 6e progr !s the @1S "d presses *l ssi* l or*hestr l pie*e fills the * r+ s#it*h o" the steeri"g #heel "d

HWh ts thisJI ; s$ s the s#eet, s#eet sou"d of

hu"dred /ioli" stri"gs ss ils us+

H;ts fro! L Tr /i t + %" oper by Cerdi+I

2h, !yM its lo/ely+

HL Tr /i t J ;/e he dr of th t+ ; * "t thi"$ #here+ Wh t does it !e "JI

Christi " gl "*es t !e "d s!ir$s+

HWell, liter lly, the #o! " led str y+ ;ts b sed o" %le4 "der ?u! ss boo$, L ? !e u4 C !eli s+I

H%h+ ;/e re d it+I

H; thought you !ight+I

HThe doo!ed *ourtes "+I ; sDuir! u"*o!fort bly i" the plush le ther se t+ ;s he tryi"g to tell !e so!ethi"gJ H6!!, its depressi"g story,I ; !utter+

HToo depressi"gJ ?o you # "t to *hoose so!e !usi*J This is o" !y i1od+I Christi " h s th t se*ret s!ile g i"+

; * "t see his i1od "y#here+ 6e t ps the s*ree" o" the *o"sole bet#ee" us, "d behold < there is pl y list+

HKou *hoose+I 6is lips t#it*h up i"to

s!ile, "d ; $"o# its

*h lle"ge+

Christi " @reys i1od, this should be i"teresti"g+ ; s*roll through the tou*h s*ree", "d fi"d the perfe*t so"g+ ; press pl y+ ; #ould"t h /e figured hi! for The 3rit"ey f "+

*lub<!i4, te*h"o be t ss ults us both, "d Christi " tur"s the /olu!e do#"+ ' ybe its too e rly for this= 3rit"eys t her !ost sultry+

HTo4i*, ehJI Christi " gri"s+

H; do"t $"o# #h t you !e "+I ; feig" i""o*e"*e+

6e tur"s the !usi* do#"

little !ore, "d i"side ; ! huggi"g !yself+ 'y i""er

goddess is st "di"g o" the podiu! # iti"g her gold !ed l+ 6e tur"ed the !usi* do#"+ Ci*toryL

H; did"t put th t so"g o" !y i1od,I he s ys * su lly, "d puts his foot do#" so th t ; ! thro#" b *$ i"to !y se t s the * r **eler tes lo"g the free# y+

Wh tJ 6e $"o#s #h t hes doi"g, the b st rd+ Who didJ %"d ; h /e to liste" to 3rit"ey goi"g o" "d o"+ WhoM #hoJ

The so"g e"ds "d the i1od shuffles to ? !ie" (i*e bei"g !our"ful+ WhoJ WhoJ ; st re out of the #i"do#, !y sto! *h *hur"i"g+ WhoJ

H;t # s Leil ,I he "s#ers !y u"spo$e" thoughts+ 6o# does he do th tJ

HLeil JI

H%" e4, #ho put the so"g o" !y i1od+I

? !ie" # rbles # y i" the b *$grou"d s ; sit stu""ed+ %" e4M e4<sub!issi/eJ %" e4E

H2"e of the fiftee"JI ; s$+


HWh t h ppe"ed to herJI

HWe fi"ished+I


2h BeeG+ ;ts too e rly for this $i"d of *o"/ers tio"+ 3ut he loo$s rel 4ed, h ppy e/e", "d #h ts !ore, t l$ ti/e+

HShe # "ted !ore+I 6is /oi*e is lo#, i"trospe*ti/e e/e", "d he le /es the se"te"*e h "gi"g bet#ee" us, e"di"g it #ith th t po#erful little #ord g i"+

H%"d you did"tJI ; s$ before ; * " e!ploy !y br i" to !outh filter+ Shit, do ; # "t to $"o#J

6e sh $es his he d+

H;/e "e/er # "ted !ore, u"til ; !et you+I

; g sp, reeli"g+ 2h !y+ ;s"t this #h t ; # "tJ 6e # "ts !ore+ 6e # "ts it, tooL 'y i""er goddess h s b *$ flipped off the podiu! "d is doi"g * rt#heels rou"d the st diu!+ ;ts "ot Bust !e+

HWh t h ppe"ed to the other fourtee"JI ; s$+

JeeG hes t l$i"g E t $e d/ "t ge+

HKou # "t

listJ ?i/or*ed, behe ded, diedJI

HKoure "ot 6e"ry C;;;+I

H2$ y+ ;" "o p rti*ul r order, ;/e o"ly h d lo"g ter! rel tio"ships #ith four #o!e", p rt fro! Ele" +I

HEle" JI

H'rs+ (obi"so" to you+I 6e h lf s!iles his se*ret pri/ te Bo$e s!ile+

Ele" L 6oly Fu*$+ The e/il o"e h s

" !e "d its ll<foreig" sou"di"g+ % /isio" of

glorious, p le<s$i""ed / !p #ith r /e" h ir "d ruby<red lips *o!es to !i"d, "d ; $"o# th t shes be utiful+ ; !ust "ot d#ell+ ; !ust "ot d#ell+

HWh t h ppe"ed to the fourJI ; s$ to distr *t !yself+

HSo i"Duisiti/e, so e ger for i"for! tio", 'iss Steele,I he s*olds pl yfully+

H2h, 'r+ Whe" ;s Kour 1eriod ?ueJI

H%" st si E

! " "eeds to $"o# these thi"gs+I

H?oes heJI

H; do+I


H3e* use ; do"t # "t you to get preg" "t+I

H0either do ;L Well, "ot for

fe# ye rs yet+I

Christi " bli"$s st rtled, the" /isibly rel 4es+ 2$ y+ Christi " does"t # "t *hildre"+ 0o# or "e/erJ ; ! reeli"g fro! his sudde", u"pre*ede"ted tt *$ of * "dor+ 1erh ps its the e rly !or"i"gJ So!ethi"g i" the @eorgi # terJ The @eorgi do ; # "t to $"o#J C rpe ?ie!+ irJ Wh t else

HSo the other four, #h t h ppe"edJI ; s$+

H2"e !et so!eo"e else+ The other three # "ted E !ore+ ; # s"t i" the ! r$et for !ore the"+I

H%"d the othersJI ; press+

6e gl "*es t !e briefly "d Bust sh $es his he d+

HJust did"t #or$ out+I

Who ,

bu*$et<lo d of i"for! tio" to pro*ess+ ; gl "*e i" the side !irror of the * r,

"d ; "oti*e the soft s#ell of pi"$ "d Du ! ri"e i" the s$y behi"d+ ? #" is follo#i"g us+

HWhere re #e he dedJI ; s$, perple4ed, g Gi"g out t the ;<,7+ Were he di"g south, th ts ll ; $"o#+

H%" irfield+I

HWere "ot goi"g b *$ to Se ttle re #eJI ; g sp, l r!ed+ ; h /e"t s id goodbye to !y !o!+ JeeG, shes e4pe*ti"g us for di""er+

6e l ughs+

H0o, %" st si , #ere goi"g to i"dulge i" !y se*o"d f /orite p sti!e+I

HSe*o"dJI ; fro#" t hi!+

HKep+ ; told you !y f /orite this !or"i"g+I

; gl "*e t his glorious profile, fro#"i"g, r *$i"g !y br i"+

H;"dulgi"g i" you, 'iss Steele, th ts got to be top of !y list+ %"y # y ; * " get you+I


HWell th ts Duite high up o" !y list of di/erti"g, $i"$y priorities too+I ; !utter, blushi"g+

H;! ple sed to he r it,I he !utters dryly+

HSo, irfieldJI

6e gri"s t !e+

HSo ri"g+I

The ter! ri"gs

/ gue bell+ 6es !e"tio"ed it before+

HWere goi"g to *h se the d #", %" st si +I 6e tur"s "d gri"s t !e s the @1S urges hi! to tur" right i"to #h t loo$s li$e " i"dustri l *o!ple4+ 6e pulls up outside l rge #hite buildi"g #ith sig" re di"g 3ru"s#i*$ So ri"g %sso*i tio"+

@lidi"gL Were goi"g glidi"gJ

6e s#it*hes off the e"gi"e+

HKou up for thisJI he s$s+

HKoure flyi"gJI


HKes, ple seLI ; do"t hesit te+ 6e gri"s "d le "s for# rd "d $isses !e+

H%"other first, 'iss Steele,I he s ys s he *li!bs out of the * r+

FirstJ Wh t sort of firstJ First ti!e flyi"g

gliderM shitL 0o E he s id th t hes do"e subtle

it before+ ; rel 4+ 6e # l$s rou"d "d ope"s !y door+ The s$y h s tur"ed to op l,

shi!!eri"g "d glo#i"g softly behi"d the spor di* *hildli$e *louds+ ? #" is upo" us+

T $i"g !y h "d, Christi " le ds !e rou"d the buildi"g to #here se/er l pl "es re p r$ed+ W iti"g beside the! is "d #ild loo$ i" his eye, **o!p "ied by T ylor+

l rge stret*h of t r! * ! " #ith sh /ed he d

T ylorL ?oes Christi " go "y #here #ithout th t ! "J ; be ! t hi!, "d he s!iles $i"dly b *$ t !e+

H'r+ @rey, this is your to#<pilot, 'r+ ' r$ 3e"so",I s ys T ylor+ Christi " "d 3e"so" sh $e h "ds "d stri$e up *o"/ers tio", #hi*h sou"ds /ery te*h"i* l bout #i"d

speed, dire*tio"s, "d the li$e+

H6ello, T ylor,I ; !ur!ur shyly+

H'iss Steele+I 6e "ods

greeti"g t !e, "d ; fro#"+ H%" ,I he *orre*ts hi!self+

H6es bee" hell o" #heels the l st fe# d ys+ @l d #ere here,I he s ys *o"spir tori lly+

2h, this is "e#s E WhyJ Surely "ot be* use of !eL (e/el tio" Thursd yL 'ust be so!ethi"g i" the S / "" h # ter th t ! $es these !e" loose" up bit+

H%" st si ,I Christi " su!!o"s !e+ HCo!e+I 6e holds out his h "d+

HSee you l ter+I ; s!ile t T ylor, "d gi/i"g !e the p r$i"g lot+

Dui*$ s lute, he he ds b *$ to

H'r+ 3e"so", this is !y girlfrie"d %" st si Steele+I

H1le sed to !eet you,I ; !ur!ur s #e sh $e h "ds+

3e"so" gi/es !e

d GGli"g s!ile+

HLi$e#ise,I he s ys, "d ; * " tell fro! his **e"t th t hes 3ritish+

%s ; t $e Christi "s h "d, theres glidi"gL

!ou"ti"g e4*ite!e"t i" !y belly+ Wo#M

We follo# ' r$ 3e"so" out *ross the t r! * to# rds the ru"# y+ 6e "d Christi " $eep up ru""i"g *o"/ers tio"+ ; * t*h the gist+ We #ill be i" 3l "i$ L<25, #hi*h is

pp re"tly better th " the L<15, lthough this is ope" to deb te+ 3e"so" #ill be flyi"g 1iper 1 #"ee+ 6es bee" flyi"g t il dr ggers for bout fi/e ye rs "o#+ ;t ll !e "s "othi"g to !e, but gl "*i"g up t Christi ", he is so "i! ted, so i" his ele!e"t, its ple sure to # t*h hi!+

The pl "e itself is lo"g, slee$, "d #hite #ith or "ge stripes+ ;t h s #ith t#o se ts o"e i" fro"t of the other+ ;ts tt *hed by s! ll, *o"/e"tio" l

s! ll *o*$pit

lo"g #hite * ble to

si"gle<propeller pl "e+ 3e"so" ope"s the l rge, *le r 1erspe4 do!e th t fr !es the *o*$pit, llo#i"g us to *li!b i"+

HFirst #e "eed to str p o" your p r *hute+I

1 r *huteL

H;ll do th t,I Christi " i"terrupts hi! "d t $es the h r"ess off 3e"so", #ho s!iles !e" bly t hi!+

H;ll fet*h so!e b ll st,I 3e"so" s ys "d he ds to# rd the pl "e+

HKou li$e str ppi"g !e i"to thi"gs+I ; obser/e dryly+

H'iss Steele, you h /e "o ide + 6ere, step i"to the str ps+I

; do s ;! told, pl *i"g !y r! o" his shoulder+ Christi " stiffe"s slightly but does"t !o/e+ 2"*e !y feet re i" the loops, he pulls the p r *hute up, "d ; pl *e !y r!s through the shoulder str ps+ ?eftly he f ste"s the h r"ess "d tighte"s ll the str ps+

HThere, youll do,I he s ys !ildly, but his eyes re gle !i"g+ H?o you h /e your h ir tie fro! yesterd yJI

; "od+

HKou # "t !e to put !y h ir upJI


; Dui*$ly do s ;! s$ed+

H;" you go,I Christi " *o!! "ds+ 6es still so bossy+ ; go to *li!b i"to the b *$+

H0o, fro"t+ 1ilot sits t the b *$+I

H3ut #o"t you be ble to see+I

H;ll see ple"ty+I 6e gri"s+

; do"t thi"$ ; h /e e/er see" hi! so h ppy, bossy, but h ppy+ ; *l !ber i", settli"g do#" i"to the le ther se t+ ;t is surprisi"gly *o!fort ble+ Christi " le "s o/er, pulls the h r"ess o/er !y shoulders, re *hes bet#ee" !y legs for the lo#er belt, "d slots it i"to the f ste"er th t rests g i"st !y belly+ 6e tighte"s ll the restr i"i"g str ps+

H6!!, t#i*e i" o"e !or"i"g, ; !

lu*$y ! ",I he #hispers "d $isses !e Dui*$ly+

HThis #o"t t $e lo"g E t#e"ty, thirty !i"utes t !ost+ Ther! ls re"t gre t this ti!e of the !or"i"g, but its so bre tht $i"g up there t this hour+ ; hope youre "ot "er/ous+I

HE4*ited+I ; be !+

Where did this ridi*ulous gri" *o!e fro!J %*tu lly, p rt of !e is terrified+ 'y i""er goddess E shes u"der bl "$et behi"d the sof +

H@ood+I 6e gri"s b *$, stro$i"g !y f *e, the" dis ppe rs fro! /ie#+

; he r "d feel his !o/e!e"ts s he *li!bs i" behi"d !e+ 2f *ourse hes str pped !e i" so tightly ; * "t !o/e rou"d to see hi!M typi* lL We re /ery lo# o" the grou"d+ ;" fro"t of !e is p "el of di ls "d le/ers "d big sti*$ thi"g+ ; le /e #ell lo"e+

' r$ 3e"so" ppe rs #ith

*heerful gri" s he *he*$s !y str ps "d le "s i" "d

*he*$s the *o*$pit floor+ ; thi"$ its the b ll st+

HKep, th ts se*ure+ First ti!eJI he s$s !e+


HKoull lo/e it+I

HTh "$s, 'r+ 3e"so"+I

HC ll !e ' r$+I 6e tur"s to Christi "+ H2$ yJI

HKep+ Lets go+I

; ! so gl d ; h /e"t e te" "ythi"g+ ; ! beyo"d e4*ited, "d ; do"t thi"$ !y sto! *h #ould be g !e for food, e4*ite!e"t, "d le /i"g the grou"d+ 2"*e g i", ; ! putti"g !yself i"to this be utiful ! "s s$illed h "ds+ ' r$ shuts the *o*$pit lid, strolls o/er to the pl "e i" fro"t, "d *li!bs i"+

The 1ipers si"gle propeller st rts, "d !y "er/ous sto! *h relo* tes itself to !y thro t+ JeeGM ;! re lly doi"g this+ ' r$ t 4is slo#ly do#" the ru"# y, "d s the * ble t $es the str i", #e sudde"ly Bolt for# rd+ Were off+ ; he r *h tter o/er the r dio set behi"d !e+ ; thi"$ its ' r$ t l$i"g to the to#er E but ; * "t ! $e out #h t hes s yi"g+ %s the 1iper pi*$s up speed, so do #e+ ;ts /ery bu!py, "d i" fro"t of us, the si"gle prop pl "e is still o" the grou"d+ JeeG, #ill #e e/er get upJ %"d sudde"ly, !y sto! *h dis ppe rs fro! !y thro t "d free<f lls through !y body to the grou"d E #ere irbor"e+

H6ere #e go, b byLI Christi " shouts fro! behi"d !e+ %"d #e re i" our o#" bubble, Bust us t#o+ %ll ; he r is the sou"d of the #i"d rippi"g p st "d the dist "t hu! of the 1ipers e"gi"e+

;! grippi"g the edge of !y se t #ith both h "ds, so tightly !y $"u*$les re #hite+

We he d #est, i"l "d # y fro! the risi"g su", g i"i"g height, *rossi"g o/er fields "d #oods "d ho!es "d ;<,7+ 2h !y+ This is ! Gi"g, bo/e us o"ly s$y+ The light is e4tr ordi" ry, diffuse "d # r! i" hue, "d ; re!e!ber JosO r !bli"g o" bout N! gi* hour, i" it, ti!e of d y th t photogr phers dore E this is itM Bust fter d #", "d ;!

#ith Christi "+

%bruptly, ;! re!i"ded of JosOs sho#+ 6!!+ ; "eed to tell Christi "+ ; #o"der briefly ho# hell re *t+ 3ut ; #o"t #orry bout th t, "ot "o# E ;! e"Boyi"g the ride+ 'y e rs pop s #e g i" height, "d the grou"d slips further "d further # y+ ;t is so pe *eful+ ; *o!pletely get #hy he li$es to be up here+ %# y fro! his 3l *$3erry "d ll the pressures of his Bob+

The r dio *r *$les i"to life, "d ' r$ !e"tio"s 5,000 feet+ JeeG, th t sou"ds high,+ ; *he*$ the grou"d, "d ; * " "o lo"ger *le rly disti"guish "ythi"g do#" there+

H(ele se,I Christi " s ys i"to the r dio, "d sudde"ly the 1iper dis ppe rs, "d the pulli"g se"s tio" pro/ided by the s! ll pl "e *e ses+ Were flo ti"g, flo ti"g o/er @eorgi +

6oly fu*$ E its e4*iti"g+ The pl "e b "$s "d tur"s s the #i"g dips, "d #e spir l to# rd the su"+ ;* rus+ This is it+ ; ! flyi"g *lose to the su", but hes #ith !e, le di"g !e+ ; g sp t the re liG tio"+ We spir l "d spir l "d, the /ie# i" this !or"i"g light is

spe*t *ul r+

H6old o" tightLI he shouts, "d #e dip g i" E o"ly this ti!e he does"t stop+ sudde"ly, ; ! upside do#", loo$i"g t the grou"d through the top of the *o*$pit * "opy+

; sDue l loudly, !y r!s uto! ti* lly l shi"g out, !y h "ds spl yed o" the 1erspe4 to stop !e f lli"g+ ; * " he r hi! l ughi"g+ 3 st rdL 3ut his Boy is i"fe*tious, "d ; ! l ughi"g too s he rights the pl "e+

H;! gl d ; did"t h /e bre $f stLI ; shout t hi!+

HKes, i" hi"dsight, its good you did"t, be* use ;! goi"g to do th t g i"+I

6e dips the pl "e o"*e !ore u"til #e re upside do#"+ This ti!e, be* use ;! prep red, ; h "g o" to the h r"ess, but it ! $es !e gri" "d giggle li$e pl "e o"*e !ore+ fool+ 6e le/els the

H3e utiful, is"t itJI he * lls+


We fly, s#oopi"g ! Besti* lly through the ir, liste"i"g to the #i"d "d the sile"*e, i" the e rly !or"i"g light+ Who *ould s$ for !oreJ

HSee the Boy<sti*$ i" fro"t of youJI he shouts g i"+

; loo$ t the sti*$ th t is !o/i"g slightly bet#ee" !y legs+ 2h "o, #heres he goi"g #ith thisJ

H@r b hold+I

2h shit+ 6es goi"g to ! $e !e fly the pl "e+ 0oL

H@o o", %" st si + @r b it,I he urges !ore /ehe!e"tly+

Te"t ti/ely, ; gr sp it "d feel the pit*h "d y # of #h t ; ssu!e re rudders "d p ddles or #h te/er $eeps this thi"g i" the ir+

H6old tightM $eep it ste dy+ See the !iddle di l i" fro"tJ Feep the "eedle de d *e"ter+I

'y he rt is i" !y !outh+ 6oly shit+ ; ! flyi"g

gliderM ;! so ri"g+

H@ood girl+I Christi " sou"ds delighted+

H; ! ! Ged you let !e t $e *o"trol,I ; shout+

HKoud be ! Ged #h t ;d let you do, 'iss Steele+ 3 *$ to !e "o#+I

; feel the Boysti*$ !o/e sudde"ly, "d ; let go s #e spir l do#" se/er l feet, !y e rs st rti"g to pop g i"+ The grou"d is getti"g *loser, "d it feels li$e #e *ould be hitti"g it shortly+ JeeG, th ts s* ry+

H3'%, this is 3@ 0 1 p 5 %lph , e"teri"g left do#"#i"d ru"# y se/e" to the gr ss, 3'%+I Christi " sou"ds his usu l uthorit ti/e self+ The to#er sDu #$s b *$ t hi! o/er the r dio, but ; do"t u"derst "d #h t they s y+ We s il rou"d g i" i" si"$i"g #ide *ir*le,

slo#ly to the grou"d+ ; * " see the irport, the l "di"g strips, "d #ere flyi"g b *$ o/er ;<,7+

H6 "g o", b by+ This * " get bu!py+I

%fter "other *ir*le #e dip, "d sudde"ly #e re o" the grou"d #ith

brief thu!p,

r *i"g lo"g the gr ss E holy shit+ 'y teeth *h tter s #e bu!p t " l r!i"g speed lo"g the grou"d, u"til #e fi" lly *o!e to right+ stop+ The pl "e s# ys slightly the" dips to the

; t $e deep lu"gful of ir #hile Christi " le "s o/er "d ope"s the *o*$pit lid, *l !beri"g out "d stret*hi"g+

H6o# # s th tJI he s$s, "d his eyes re do#" to u"bu*$le !e+

shi"i"g, d GGli"g sil/er gr y+ 6e le "s

HTh t # s e4tr ordi" ry+ Th "$ you,I ; #hisper+

HW s it !oreJI he s$s, his /oi*e ti"ged #ith hope+

H'u*h !ore,I ; bre the, "d he gri"s+

HCo!e+I 6e holds out his h "d for !e, "d ; *l !ber out of the *o*$pit+

%s soo" s ;! out, he gr bs !e "d holds !e flush g i"st his body+ Sudde"ly his h "d is i" !y h ir, tuggi"g it so !y he d tips b *$, "d his other h "d tr /els do#" to the b se of !y spi"e+ 6e $isses !e, lo"g, h rd, "d p ssio" tely, his to"gue i" !y !outh+ 6is bre thi"g is !ou"ti"g, his rdorM 6oly *o# E his ere*tio"M #ere i" ; field+ 3ut

do"t * re+ 'y h "ds t#ist i" his h ir, "*hori"g hi! to !e+ ; # "t hi!, here, "o#, o" the grou"d+ 6e bre $s # y "d g Ges do#" t !e, his eyes "o# d r$ "d lu!i"ous i" the e rly !or"i"g light, full of r #, rrog "t se"su lity+ Wo#+ 6e t $es !y bre th # y+

H3re $f st,I he #hispers, ! $i"g it sou"d deli*iously eroti*+

6o# * " he ! $e b *o" "d eggs sou"d li$e forbidde" fruitJ ;ts " e4tr ordi" ry s$ill+ 6e tur"s, *l spi"g !y h "d, "d #e he d b *$ to# rd the * r+

HWh t bout the gliderJI

HSo!eo"e #ill t $e * re of th tJI, he s ys dis!issi/ely+ HWell e t "o#+I 6is to"e is u"eDui/o* l+

FoodL 6es t l$i"g food, #he" re lly ll ; # "t is hi!+

HCo!e+I 6e s!iles+

; h /e "e/er see" hi! li$e this, "d its hi!, h "d i" h "d, #ith #he" ;

Boy to behold+ ; fi"d !yself # l$i"g beside

stupid, goofy gri" pl stered o" !y f *e+ ;t re!i"ds !e of perfe*t d y, "d this

# s te" "d spe"di"g the d y i" ?is"eyl "d #ith ( y+ ;t # s is sure sh pi"g out to be the s !e+

3 *$ i" the * r, s #e he d b *$ lo"g ;<,7 to# rds S / "" h, !y pho"e l r! goes off+ 2h yesM !y pill+

HWh ts th tJI Christi " s$s, *urious, gl "*i"g t !e+

; fu!ble i" !y purse for the p *$et+

H%l r! for !y pill,I ; !utter s !y *hee$s flush+

6is lips Duir$ up+

H@ood, #ell do"e+ ; h te *o"do!s+I

; flush so!e !ore+ 6es s p tro"iGi"g s e/er+

H; li$e th t you i"trodu*ed !e to ' r$ s your girlfrie"d,I ; !ur!ur+

H;s"t th t #h t you reJI 6e r ises " eyebro#+

H%! ;J ; thought you # "ted


HSo did ;, %" st si , "d ; do+ 3ut ;/e told you, ; # "t !ore, too+I

2h !y+ 6es *o!i"g rou"d, "d hope surges through !e, le /i"g !e bre thless+

H;! /ery h ppy th t you # "t !ore,I ; #hisper+

HWe i! to ple se, 'iss Steele+I 6e s!ir$s s #e pull i"to the ;"ter" tio" l 6ouse of 1 "* $es+

H;621+I ; gri" b *$ t hi!+ ; do"t belie/e it+ Who #ould h /e thoughtM Christi " @rey t ;621+

;ts .=50 +!+ but Duiet i" the rest ur "t+ ;t s!ells of s#eet b tter, fried food, "d disi"fe*t "t+

6!!M "ot su*h " e"ti*i"g ro! + Christi " le ds !e to


H; #ould "e/er h /e pi*tured you here,I ; s y s #e slide i"to


H'y d d used to bri"g us to o"e of these #he"e/er !y !o! #e"t # y t !edi* l *o"fere"*e+ ;t # s our se*ret+I 6e s!iles t !e, gr y eyes d "*i"g, the" pi*$s up !e"u, ru""i"g h "d through his # y# rd h ir s he st res do#" t it+

2h, ; # "t to ru" !y h "ds through th t h ir+ ; pi*$ up re liGe ;! st r/i"g+

!e"u "d e4 !i"e it+ ;

H; $"o# #h t ; # "t,I he bre thes, his /oi*e lo# "d hus$y+

; gl "*e up t hi!, "d hes st ri"g t !e i" th t # y th t tighte"s ll the !us*les i" !y belly "d t $es !y bre th # y, his eyes d r$ "d s!olderi"g+ 6oly shit+ ; g Ge t hi!, !y blood si"gi"g i" !y /ei"s "s#eri"g his * ll+

H; # "t #h t you # "t,I ; #hisper+

6e i"h les sh rply+

H6ereJI he s$s suggesti/ely, r isi"g " eyebro# t !e, s!ili"g #i*$edly, his teeth tr ppi"g the tip of his to"gue+

2h !yM se4 i" ;621+ 6is e4pressio" *h "ges, gro#i"g d r$er+

H?o"t bite your lip,I he orders+ H0ot here, "ot "o#+I 6is eyes h rde" !o!e"t rily, "d for te!pt !e+I !o!e"t, he loo$s so deli*iously d "gerous+ H;f ; * "t h /e you here, do"t

H6i, 'y " !es Le "dr , Wh t * " ; get for youM erM fol$sM erM tod y, this !or"i"M JI 6er /oi*e tr ils off, stu!bli"g o/er her #ords s she gets " eye full of 'r+ 3e utiful opposite !e+ She flushes s* rlet, "d bubbles s! ll ou"*e of sy!p thy for her

u"#el*o!e i"to !y *o"s*ious"ess be* use he still does th t to !e+ 6er prese"*e llo#s !e to es* pe briefly fro! his se"su l gl re+

H%" st si JI he pro!pts !e, ig"ori"g her, "d ; do"t thi"$ "yo"e *ould sDueeGe s !u*h * r" lity i"to !y " !e s he does t th t !o!e"t+

; s# llo#, pr yi"g th t ; do"t go the s !e *olor s poor Le "dr +

H; told you, ; # "t #h t you # "t+I ; $eep !y /oi*e soft, lo#, "d he loo$s t !e hu"grily+ JeeG, !y i""er goddess s#oo"s+ %! ; up to this g !eJ

Le "dr loo$s fro! !e to hi! "d b *$ g i"+ Shes pr *ti* lly the s !e *olor s her shi"y red h ir+

HSh ll ; gi/e you fol$s "other !i"ute to de*ideJI

H0o+ We $"o# #h t #e # "t+I Christi "s !outh t#it*hes #ith

s! ll, se4y s!ile+

HWell h /e t#o portio"s of the origi" l butter!il$ p "* $es #ith ! ple syrup "d b *o" o" the side, t#o gl sses of or "ge Bui*e, o"e bl *$ *offee #ith s$i! !il$, "d o"e E"glish bre $f st te , if you h /e it,I s ys Christi ", "ot t $i"g his eyes off !e+

HTh "$ you sir+ Will th t be llJI Le "dr #hispers, loo$i"g "y#here but t the t#o of us+ We both tur" to st re t her, "d she flushes *ri!so" g i" "d s*uttles # y+

HKou $"o# its re lly "ot f ir+I ; gl "*e do#" t the For!i* t bletop, tr *i"g p tter" i" it #ith !y i"de4 fi"ger, tryi"g to sou"d "o"*h l "t+

HWh ts "ot f irJI

H6o# you dis r! people+ Wo!e"+ 'e+I

H?o ; dis r! youJI

; s"ort+

H%ll the ti!e+I

H;ts Bust loo$s, %" st si ,I he s ys !ildly+

H0o, Christi ", its !u*h !ore th " th t+I

6is bro# *re ses+

HKou dis r! !e tot lly, 'iss Steele+ Kour i""o*e"*e+ ;t *uts through ll the *r p+I

H;s th t #hy you/e *h "ged your !i"dJI

HCh "ged !y !i"dJI

HKes E bout M errM usJI

6e stro$es his *hi" thoughtfully #ith his lo"g, s$illed fi"gers+

H; do"t thi"$ ;/e *h "ged !y !i"d per se+ We Bust "eed to re<defi"e our p r !eters, re<dr # our b ttle li"es, if you #ill+ We * " ! $e this #or$, ;! sure+ ; # "t you sub!issi/e i" !y pl yroo!+ ; #ill pu"ish you if you digress fro! the rules+ 2ther th " th tM #ell, ; thi"$ its ll up for dis*ussio"+ Those re !y reDuire!e"ts, 'iss Steele+ Wh t s y

you to th tJI

HSo ; get to sleep #ith youJ ;" your bedJI

H;s th t #h t you # "tJI


H; gree the"+ 3esides, ; sleep /ery #ell #he" youre i" !y bed+ ; h d "o ide +I 6is bro# *re ses s his /oi*e f des+

H; # s frighte"ed youd le /e !e if ; did"t gree to ll of it,I ; #hisper+

H;! "ot goi"g "y#here, %" st si + 3esidesM I 6e tr ils off, "d fter so!e thought, he dds+ HWere follo#i"g your d/i*e, your defi"itio"= *o!pro!ise+ Kou e! iled it to !e+ %"d so f r, its #or$i"g for !e+I

H; lo/e th t you # "t !ore,I ; !ur!ur shyly+

H; $"o#+I

H6o# do you $"o#JI

HTrust !e+ ; Bust do+I 6e s!ir$s t !e+ 6es hidi"g so!ethi"g+ Wh tJ

%t th t !o!e"t, Le "dr

rri/es #ith bre $f st "d our *o"/ers tio" *e ses+ 'y

sto! *h ru!bles, re!i"di"g !e ho# r /e"ous ; !+ Christi " # t*hes #ith ""oyi"g ppro/ l s ; de/our e/erythi"g o" !y pl te+

HC " ; tre t youJI ; s$ Christi "+

HTre t !e ho#JI

H1 y for this !e l+I

Christi " s"orts+

H; do"t thi"$ so+I he s*offs+

H1le se+ ; # "t to+I

6e fro#"s t !e+

H%re you tryi"g to *o!pletely e! s*ul te !eJI

HThis is prob bly the o"ly pl *e th t ;ll be ble to fford to p y+I

H%" st si , ; ppre*i te the thought+ ; do+ 3ut "o+I

; purse !y lips+

H?o"t s*o#l,I he thre te"s, his eyes gli"ti"g o!i"ously+

2f *ourse he does"t s$ !e for !y !others ddress+ 6e $"o#s it lre dy, st l$er th t he is+ Whe" he pulls up outside the house, ; do"t *o!!e"t+ Wh ts the poi"tJ

H?o you # "t to *o!e i"JI ; s$ shyly+

H; "eed to #or$, %" st si , but ;ll be b *$ this e/e"i"g+ Wh t ti!eJI

; ig"ore the u"#el*o!e st b of dis ppoi"t!e"t+ Why do ; # "t to spe"d e/ery si"gle !i"ute #ith this *o"trolli"g se4 godJ 2h yes, ;/e f lle" i" lo/e #ith hi!, "d he * " fly+

HTh "$ youM for the !ore+I

H'y ple sure, %" st si +I 6e $isses !e, "d ; i"h le his se4y Christi " s!ell+

H;ll see you l ter+I

HTry "d stop !e,I he #hispers+

; # /e goodbye s he dri/es off i"to the @eorgi su"shi"e+ ;! still #e ri"g his s#e tshirt "d his u"der#e r, "d ;! too # r!+

;" the $it*he", !y !o! is i"

*o!plete fl p+ ;ts "ot e/ery d y she h s to e"tert i"

!ulti<Gillio" ire, "d its stressi"g her out+

H6o# re you, d rli"gJI she s$s, "d ; flush be* use she !ust $"o# #h t ; # s doi"g l st "ight+

H;! good+ Christi " too$ !e glidi"g this !or"i"g+I ; hope the "e# i"for! tio" #ill distr *t her+

H@lidi"gJ %s i"

s! ll pl "e #ith "o e"gi"eJ Th t sort of glidi"gJI

; "od+


Shes spee*hless E

"o/el *o"*ept for !y !other+ She g pes t !e, but e/e"tu lly

re*o/ers herself "d resu!es her origi" l li"e of Duestio"i"g+

H6o# # s l st "ightJ ?id you t l$JI

JeeG+ ; flush bright s* rlet+

HWe t l$ed E l st "ight "d tod y+ ;ts getti"g better+I

H@ood+I She tur"s her tte"tio" b *$ to the four *oo$ery boo$s she h s ope" o" the $it*he" t ble+

H'o!M if you li$e, ;ll *oo$ this e/e"i"g+I

H2h, ho"ey, th ts $i"d of you, but ; # "t to do it+I

H2$ y+I ; gri! *e, $"o#i"g full #ell th t !y !others *oo$i"g is pretty hit or !iss+ 1erh ps shes i!pro/ed si"*e she !o/ed to S / "" h #ith 3ob+ There # s #ould"t subBe*t "yo"e to her *oo$i"gM e/e" E #ho do ; h teJ 2h yes E 'rs+ (obi"so" E Ele" + Well, ! ybe her+ Will ; e/er !eet this d !"ed #o! "J ti!e ;

; de*ide to se"d

Dui*$ th "$<you to Christi "+

Fro!= %" st si Steele

SubBe*t= So ri"g s opposed to sore<i"g

? te= Ju"e 2 2011 10=20 EST

To= Christi " @rey

So!eti!es, you re lly $"o# ho# to sho# Th "$ you %" 4


good ti!e+

Fro!= Christi " @rey

SubBe*t= So ri"g /s sore<i"g

? te= Ju"e 2 2011 10=2S EST

To= %" st si Steele

;ll t $e either of those o/er your s"ori"g+ ; h d 3ut ; l# ys do #he" ;! #ith you+

good ti!e too+

Christi " @rey CE2, @rey E"terprises 6oldi"gs ;"*+

Fro!= %" st si Steele

SubBe*t= S02(;0@

? te= Ju"e 2 2011 10=2- EST

To= Christi " @rey

; ?2 02T S02(E+ %"d if ; do, its /ery u"g ll "t of you to poi"t it out+ Kou re "o ge"tle! " 'r+ @reyL %"d you re i" the ?eep South tooL %"

Fro!= Christi " @rey

SubBe*t= So!"iloDuy

? te= Ju"e 2 2011 10=2. EST

To= %" st si Steele

; h /e "e/er *l i!ed to be th t

ge"tle! ", %" st si , "d ; thi"$ ; h /e de!o"str ted

poi"t to you o" "u!erous o** sio"s+ ; ! "ot i"ti!id ted by your S628TK * pit ls+ 3ut ; #ill *o"fess to f s*i" ti"g+ Wh t h ppe"ed to !y $issJ s! ll #hite lie= 0o E you do"t s"ore, but you do t l$+ %"d its

Christi " @rey C d \ CE2, @rey E"terprises 6oldi"gs ;"*+

6oly shit+ ; $"o# ; t l$ i" !y sleep+ F te h s told !e e"ough ti!es+ Wh t the hell h /e ; s idJ 2h "o+

Fro!= %" st si Steele

SubBe*t= Spill the 3e "s

? te= Ju"e 2 2011 10=52 EST

To= Christi " @rey

Kou re

* d "d

s*ou"drel E defi"itely "o ge"tle! "+

So, #h t did ; s yJ 0o $isses for you u"til you t l$L

Fro!= Christi " @rey

SubBe*t= Sleepi"g t l$i"g 3e uty

? te= Ju"e 2 2011 10=57 EST

To= %" st si Steele

;t #ould be !ost u"g ll "t of !e to s y, "d ; h /e lre dy bee" *h stised for th t+ 3ut if you beh /e yourself, ; ! y tell you this e/e"i"g+ ; do h /e to go i"to !eeti"g "o#+ L ters, b by+

Christi " @rey CE2, C d \ S*ou"drel, @rey E"terprises 6oldi"gs ;"*+

(ightL ; sh ll ! i"t i" r dio sile"*e u"til this e/e"i"g+ ; fu!e+ JeeG+ Supposi"g ;/e s id ; h te hi!, or #orse still, th t ; lo/e hi!, i" !y sleep+ 2h, ; hope "ot+ ; ! "ot re dy to

tell hi! th t, "d ;! sure hes "ot re dy to he r it, if he e/er # "ts to he r it+ ; s*o#l t !y *o!puter "d de*ide th t #h te/er ; *oo$, ; #ill ! $e bre d+

'y !o! h s de*ided o" g Gp *ho soup "d oli/e

b rbe*ue #ith ste $s ! ri" ted i"

oil, g rli*, "d le!o"+ Christi " li$es !e t, "d its si!ple to do+ 3ob h s /olu"teered

to ! " the 33Q grill+ Wh t is it bout !e" "d fire, ; po"der s ; tr il fter !y !other through the super! r$et #ith the shoppi"g * rtJ

%s #e bro#se the r # !e t * bi"et, !y pho"e ri"gs+ ; s*r !ble for it, thi"$i"g it ! y be Christi "+ ; do"t re*og"iGe the "u!ber+

H6elloJI ; "s#er bre thlessly+

H%" st si SteeleJI


H;ts EliG beth 'org " fro! S;1+I

H2h E hi+I

H;! * lli"g to offer you the Bob of ssist "t to 'r+ J *$ 6yde+ Wed li$e you to st rt o" 'o"d y+I

HWo#+ Th ts gre t+ Th "$ youLI

HKou $"o# the s l ry det ilsJI

HKes+ KesM th ts E ; !e ", ; **ept your offer+ ;d lo/e to *o!e "d #or$ for you+I

HE4*elle"t+ Well see you 'o"d y t .=50 +!+JI

HSee you the"+ @oodbye+ %"d th "$ you+I

; be ! t !y !o!+

HKou h /e


; "od gleefully, "d she sDue ls "d hugs !e i" the !iddle of 1ubli4 super! r$et+

HCo"gr tul tio"s, d rli"gL We h /e to buy so!e *h !p g"eLI Shes *l ppi"g her h "ds "d Bu!pi"g up "d do#"+ ;s she forty<t#o or t#el/eJ

; gl "*e do#" t !y pho"e "d fro#", theres "e/er pho"es !e+ ; * ll hi! str ight b *$+

!issed * ll fro! Christi "+ 6e

H%" st si ,I he "s#ers i!!edi tely+

H6i,I ; !ur!ur shyly+

H; h /e to retur" to Se ttle+ So!ethi"gs *o!e up+ ; ! o" !y # y to 6ilto" 6e d "o#+ 1le se pologiGe to your !other E ; * "t ! $e di""er+I 6e sou"ds /ery busi"essli$e+

H0othi"g serious, ; hopeJI

H; h /e

situ tio" #hi*h ; h /e to de l #ith+ ;ll see you Frid y+ ;ll se"d T ylor to

*olle*t you fro! the irport if ; * "t *o!e !yself+I 6e sou"ds *old+ %"gry e/e"+ 3ut for the first ti!e, ; do"t i!!edi tely thi"$ its !e+

H2$ y+ ; hope you sort out your situ tio"+ 6 /e

s fe flight+I

HKou too, b by,I he bre thes, "d #ith those #ords, !y Christi " is b *$ briefly+ The" he h "gs up+

2h "o+ The l st Nsitu tio" he h d # s !y /irgi"ity+ JeeG, ; hope its "othi"g li$e th t+ ; g Ge t !y !o!+ 6er e rlier Bubil tio" h s !et !orphosed i"to *o"*er"+

H;ts Christi ", hes h d to go b *$ to Se ttle+ 6e pologiGes+I

H2hL Th ts so!ethi"g sh !e, d rli"g+ We * " still h /e our b rbe*ue, "d "o# #e h /e

to *elebr te E your "e# BobL Kou h /e to tell !e ll bout it+I

;ts l te fter"oo", "d 'o! "d ; re lyi"g beside the pool+ 'y !other h s rel 4ed to the poi"t #here she is liter lly horiGo"t l "o# th t 'r+ 'eg bu*$s is "ot *o!i"g to di""er+ %s ; lie i" the su", e"de /ori"g to lose the p le, ; thi"$ bout yesterd y e/e"i"g "d bre $f st

tod y+ ; thi"$ bout Christi ", "d !y ridi*ulous gri" refuses to subside+ ;t $eeps *reepi"g *ross !y f *e, u"bidde" "d dis*o"*erti"g, s ; re* ll our / rious *o"/ers tio"s "d #h t #e didM #h t he did+

There see!s to be tid l shift i" Christi "s ttitude+ 6e de"ies it but E he d!its hes tryi"g for !ore+ Wh t *ould h /e *h "gedJ Wh t h s ltered si"*e he se"t his lo"g e! il "d #he" ; s # hi! yesterd yJ Wh t h s he do"eJ ; sit up sudde"ly, l!ost spilli"g !y ?r+ 1epper+ 6e h d di""er #ithM her+ Ele" +

6oly Fu*$L

'y s* lp pri*$les t the re liG tio"+ ?id she s y so!ethi"g to hi!J 2hM to h /e bee" fly o" the # ll duri"g their di""er+ ; *ould h /e l "ded i" her soup or o" her #i"e gl ss "d *ho$ed her+

HWh t is it, %" , ho"eyJI 'o! s$s, st rtled fro! her torpor+

H;! Bust h /i"g

!o!e"t, 'o!+ Wh t ti!e is itJI

H%bout -=50 p+!+, d rli"g+I

6!!M he #o"t h /e l "ded yet+ C " ; s$ hi!J Should ; s$ hi!J 2r perh ps she

h s "othi"g to do #ith it+ ; fer/e"tly hope so+ Wh t did ; s y i" !y sleepJ Cr pM so!e u"gu rded re! r$ #hile dre !i"g bout hi!, ; betJ Wh te/er it is, or # s, ; hope the se of *h "ge is *o!i"g fro! #ithi" hi! "d "ot be* use of her+

; ! s#elteri"g i" this d !"ed he t+ ; "eed "other dip i" the pool+

%s ; get re dy for bed, ; s#it*h o" !y *o!puter+ ; h /e he rd "othi"g fro! Christi "+ 0ot e/e" #ord th t hes rri/ed s fely+

Fro!= %" st si Steele

SubBe*t= S fe %rri/ lJ

? te= Ju"e 2 2011 22=52 EST

To= Christi " @rey

?e r Sir 1le se let !e $"o# th t you h /e rri/ed s fely+ ; ! st rti"g to #orry+ Thi"$i"g of you+ Kour %" + 4

Three !i"utes l ter, ; he r the pi"g fro! !y e! il i"<bo4+

Fro!= Christi " @rey

SubBe*t= Sorry

? te= Ju"e 2 2011 1,=5-

To= %" st si Steele

?e r 'iss Steele ; h /e rri/ed s fely, "d ple se **ept !y pologies for "ot letti"g you $"o#+ ; do"t # "t to * use you "y #orry, its he rt # r!i"g to $"o# th t you * re for !e+ ; ! thi"$i"g of you too "d s e/er loo$i"g for# rd to seei"g you to!orro#+

Christi " @rey CE2, @rey E"terprises 6oldi"gs ;"*+

; sigh, Christi " is b *$ to for! lity+

Fro!= %" st si Steele

SubBe*t= The Situ tio"

? te= Ju"e 2 2011 22=S0 EST

To= Christi " @rey

?e r 'r+ @rey ; thi"$ it is /ery e/ide"t th t ; * re for you deeply+ 6o# *ould you doubt th tJ ; hope your Nsitu tio" is i" h "d+ Kour %" 41S= %re you goi"g to tell !e #h t ; s id i" !y sleepJ

Fro!= Christi " @rey

SubBe*t= 1le di"g the Fifth

? te= Ju"e 2 2011 1,=S7

To= %" st si Steele

?e r 'iss Steele ; li$e /ery !u*h th t you * re for !e+ The Nsitu tio" here is "ot yet resol/ed+ With reg rd to your 1S= The "s#er is < 0o+

Christi " @rey CE2, @rey E"terprises 6oldi"gs ;"*+

Fro!= %" st si Steele

SubBe*t= 1le di"g ;"s "ity

? te= Ju"e 2 2011 22=S. EST

To= Christi " @rey

; hope it # s !usi"g+ 3ut you should $"o# ; * ""ot **ept "y respo"sibility for #h t *o!es out of !y !outh #he" ; ! u"*o"s*ious+ ;" f *t E you prob bly !ishe rd !e+ % ! " of your d/ "*ed ye rs is surely little de f+

Fro!= Christi " @rey

SubBe*t= 1le di"g @uilty

? te= Ju"e 2 2011 1,=72

To= %" st si Steele

?e r 'iss Steele Sorry, *ould you spe $ upJ ; * "t he r you+

Christi " @rey CE2, @rey E"terprises 6oldi"gs ;"*+

Fro!= %" st si Steele

SubBe*t= 1le di"g ;"s "ity %g i"

? te= Ju"e 2 2011 22=7S EST

To= Christi " @rey

Kou re dri/i"g !e *r Gy+

Fro!= Christi " @rey

SubBe*t= ; hope soM

? te= Ju"e 2 2011 1,=7,

To= %" st si Steele

?e r 'iss Steele ; i"te"d to do e4 *tly th t o" Frid y e/e"i"g+ Loo$i"g for# rd to it V)

Christi " @rey CE2, @rey E"terprises 6oldi"gs ;"*+

Fro!= %" st si Steele

SubBe*t= @rrrrrr

? te= Ju"e 2 2011 25=02 EST

To= Christi " @rey

; ! offi*i lly pissed t you+ @ood"ight+

'iss %+ (+ Steele

Fro!= Christi " @rey

SubBe*t= Wild C t

? te= Ju"e 2 2011 20=07

To= %" st si Steele

%re you gro#li"g t !e 'iss SteeleJ ; possess * t of !y o#" for gro#lers+

Christi " @rey CE2, @rey E"terprises 6oldi"gs ;"*+

C t of his o#"J ;/e "e/er see" hi!+

* t i" his p rt!e"t+ 0o, ; ! "ot goi"g to "s#er

2h, he * " be so e4 sper ti"g so!eti!es+ Fifty sh des of e4 sper ti"g+ ; *l !ber i"to bed "d lie gl ri"g t the *eili"g s !y eyes dBust to the d r$+ ; he r "other pi"g fro! !y *o!puter+ ; ! "ot goi"g to loo$+ 0o defi"itely "ot+ 0o, ; ! "ot goi"g to loo$+ @ hL

Li$e the fool ; !, ; * ""ot resist the lure of Christi " @reys #ords+

Fro!= Christi " @rey

SubBe*t= Wh t you s id i" your sleep

? te= Ju"e 2 2011 20=20

To= %" st si Steele

%" st si ;d r ther he r you s y the #ords th t you uttered i" your sleep #he" youre *o"s*ious, th ts #hy ; #o"t tell you+ @o to sleep+ Koull "eed to be rested #ith #h t ; h /e i" !i"d for you to!orro#+

Christi " @rey CE2, @rey E"terprises 6oldi"gs ;"*+

2h "oM Wh t h /e ; s idJ ;ts s b d s ; thi"$, ;! sure+

'y !other hugs !e tightly+

HFollo# your he rt, d rli"g, "d ple se, ple se E try "ot to o/er<thi"$ thi"gs+ (el 4 "d e"Boy yourself+ Kou re so you"g, s#eethe rt+ Kou h /e so !u*h of life to e4perie"*e yet, Bust let it h ppe"+ Kou deser/e the best of e/erythi"g+I 6er he rtfelt #ords re *o!forti"g #hispered i" !y e r+ She $isses !y h ir+

H2h, 'o!+I 6ot, u"#el*o!e te rs pri*$ !y eyes s ; *li"g to her+

H? rli"g, you $"o# #h t they s y+ Kou h /e to $iss your pri"*e+I

lot of frogs before you fi"d

; gi/e her

lopsided, bitters#eet s!ile+

H; thi"$ ;/e $issed

pri"*e, 'o!+ ; hope he does"t tur" i"to


She gi/es !e her !ost e"de ri"g<!otherly< bsolute<u"*o"ditio" l<lo/e s!ile, "d ; ! r/el t the lo/e ; feel for this #o! " s #e hug g i"+

H%" E theyre * lli"g your flight,I 3obs /oi*e is "4ious+

HWill you /isit, 'o!JI

H2f *ourse d rli"g E soo"+ Lo/e you+I

H'e too+I

6er eyes re red #ith u"shed te rs s she rele ses !e+ ; h te le /i"g her+ ; hug 3ob, "d tur"i"g, he d to the g te E ; do "ot h /e ti!e for the first *l ss lou"ge tod y+ ; #ill !yself "ot to gl "*e b *$+ 3ut ; doM "d 3ob is holdi"g !y !o!, "d te rs re stre !i"g

do#" her f *e+ ; * " "o lo"ger hold !i"e b *$+ ; put !y he d do#" "d pro*eed to the g te, $eepi"g !y eyes o" the shi"y, #hite floor, blurred through !y # tery te rs+

2"*e o" bo rd, i" the lu4ury of first *l ss, ; *url up i" !y se t "d try to *o!pose !yself+ ;t is l# ys p i"ful to #re"*h !yself # y fro! 'o!M she is s* tty, disorg "iGed, but "e#ly i"sightful, "d she lo/es !e+ 8"*o"ditio" l lo/e E #h t e/ery *hild deser/es fro! its p re"ts+ ; fro#" t !y # y# rd thoughts, "d pulli"g out !y 3l *$3erry, st re t it despo"de"tly+

Wh t does Christi " $"o# of lo/eJ See!s he did"t get the u"*o"ditio" l lo/e he # s e"titled to duri"g his /ery e rly ye rs+ 'y he rt t#ists, "d !y !others #ords # ft li$e

Gephyr through !y !i"d= Kes, %" + 6ell E #h t do you "eedJ E o" his

"eo" sig" fl shi"g

forehe dJ She thi"$s Christi " lo/es !e, but the" shes !y !other, of *ourse shed thi"$ th t+ She thi"$s ; deser/e the best of e/erythi"g+ ; fro#"+ ;ts true, "d i" of !o!e"t

st rtli"g *l rity, ; see it+ ;ts /ery si!ple= ; # "t his lo/e+ ; "eed Christi " @rey to lo/e !e+ This is #hy ; ! so reti*e"t bout our rel tio"ship E be* use o" so!e b si*, fu"d !e"t l le/el, ; re*og"iGe #ithi" !e deep<se ted *o!pulsio" to be lo/ed "d *herished+

%"d be* use of his fifty sh des E ; ! holdi"g !yself b *$+ The 3?S' is distr *tio" fro! the re l issue+ The se4 is ! Gi"g, hes #e lthy, hes be utiful, but this is ll !e "i"gless #ithout his lo/e, "d the re l he rt<f il is th t ; do"t $"o# if hes * p ble of lo/e+ 6e does"t e/e" lo/e hi!self+ ; re* ll his self<lo thi"g, her lo/e bei"g the o"ly for! he fou"d E **ept ble+ 1u"ished E #hipped, be te", #h te/er their rel tio"ship e"t iled E he feels u"deser/i"g of lo/e+ Why does he feel li$e th tJ 6o# * " he feel li$e th tJ 6is #ords h u"t !e= N;ts /ery h rd to gro# up i" perfe*t+ perfe*t f !ily #he" youre "ot

; *lose !y eyes, i! gi"i"g his p i", "d ; * "t begi" to *o!prehe"d it+ ; shudder s ; re!e!ber th t ; ! y h /e di/ulged too !u*h+ Wh t h /e ; *o"fessed to Christi " i" !y sleepJ Wh t se*rets h /e ; re/e ledJ

; st re t the 3l *$3erry i" the / gue hope th t it #ill gi/e !e so!e "s#ers+ ( ther u"surprisi"gly, it is "ot /ery forth*o!i"g+ %s #e h /e"t t $e" off yet, ; de*ide to e! il !y Fifty Sh des+

Fro!= %" st si Steele

SubBe*t= 6o!e# rd 3ou"d

? te= Ju"e 5 2011 12=75 EST

To= Christi " @rey

?e r 'r+ @rey ; ! o"*e g i" e"s*o"*ed i" first *l ss, for #hi*h ; th "$ you+ ; ! *ou"ti"g the !i"utes u"til ; see you this e/e"i"g, "d perh ps torturi"g the truth out of you bout !y "o*tur" l d!issio"s+ Kour %" 4

Fro!= Christi " @rey

SubBe*t= 6o!e# rd 3ou"d

? te= Ju"e 5 2011 0,=7.

To= %" st si Steele

%" st si , ; loo$ for# rd to seei"g you+

Christi " @rey CE2, @rey E"terprises 6oldi"gs ;"*+

6is respo"se ! $es !e fro#"+ ;t sou"ds *lipped "d for! l, "ot his usu l #itty, pithy style+

Fro!= %" st si Steele

SubBe*t= 6o!e# rd 3ou"d

? te= Ju"e 5 2011 15=01 EST

To= Christi " @rey

?e rest 'r+ @rey ; hope e/erythi"g is o$ y re Nthe situ tio"+ The to"e of your e! il is #orryi"g+ %" 4

Fro!= Christi " @rey

SubBe*t= 6o!e# rd 3ou"d

? te= Ju"e 5 2011 10=0S

To= %" st si Steele

%" st si The situ tio" *ould be better+ 6 /e you t $e" off yetJ ;f so you should "ot be e! ili"g+ Kou re putti"g yourself t ris$, i" dire*t *o"tr /e"tio" of the rule reg rdi"g your perso" l s fety+ ; !e "t #h t ; s id bout pu"ish!e"ts+

Christi " @rey CE2, @rey E"terprises 6oldi"gs ;"*+

Cr p+ 2$ y+ JeeG+ Wh t is e ti"g hi!J 1erh ps Nthe situ tio"J ' ybe T ylors go"e %W2L, ! ybe hes dropped re so"+ fe# !illio" o" the sto*$ ! r$et E #h te/er the

Fro!= %" st si Steele

SubBe*t= 2/er<(e *tio"

? te= Ju"e 5 2011 15=0- EST

To= Christi " @rey

?e r 'r+ @ru!py The ir*r ft doors re still ope"+ We re del yed but o"ly by te" !i"utes+ 'y #elf re "d th t of the p sse"gers rou"d !e is /ou*hs fed+ Kou ! y sto# your t#it*hy p l!

for "o#+ 'iss Steele

Fro!= Christi " @rey

SubBe*t= %pologies < T#it*hy 1 l! Sto#ed

? te= Ju"e 5 2011 10=0.

To= %" st si Steele

; !iss you "d your s! rt !outh 'iss Steele+ ; # "t you s fely ho!e+

Christi " @rey CE2, @rey E"terprises 6oldi"gs ;"*+

Fro!= %" st si Steele

SubBe*t= %pology %**epted

? te= Ju"e 5 2011 15=10 EST

To= Christi " @rey

They re shutti"g the doors+ Kou #o"t he r "other peep fro! !e, espe*i lly gi/e" your de f"ess+ L ters+ %" 4

; s#it*h off the 3l *$3erry, u" ble to sh $e !y "4iety+ So!ethi"g is up #ith Christi "+ 1erh ps Nthe situ tio" is out of h "d+ ; sit b *$, gl "*i"g up t the lo*$er #here !y b gs re sto#ed+ ; ! " ged this !or"i"g, #ith !y !others help, to buy Christi " s! ll gift to s y th "$ you for first *l ss "d for the glidi"g+ ; s!ile t the !e!ory of the so ri"g E th t # s so!ethi"g else+ ; do"t $"o# yet if ;ll gi/e !y silly gift to hi!+ 6e !ight thi"$ its *hildish E "d if hes i" "d str "ge !ood, ! ybe "ot+ ; ! both e ger to retur"

pprehe"si/e of #h t # its !e t !y Bour"eys e"d+ %s ; !e"t lly fli*$ through ll the s*e" rios th t *ould be Nthe situ tio", ; be*o!e # re th t o"*e g i" the o"ly e!pty se t is beside !e+ ; sh $e !y he d s the thought *rosses !y !i"d th t Christi " !ight h /e pur*h sed the dB *e"t se t so th t ; *ould"t t l$ to "yo"e+ ; dis!iss the ide ridi*ulous s

E "o o"e *ould be th t *o"trolli"g, th t Be lous, surely+ ; *lose !y eyes s the pl "e t 4is to# rds the ru"# y+

; e!erge i"to the Se <T * rri/ ls ter!i" l eight hours l ter to fi"d T ylor # iti"g "d holdi"g up bo rd th t re ds 'iss % Steele+ 6o"estlyL 3ut its good to see hi!+

H6ello, T ylor+I

H'iss Steele,I he greets !e for! lly, but ; see eyes+

hi"t of s!ile i" his sh rp bro#"

6e loo$s his usu l i!! *ul te self E s! rt *h r*o l suit, #hite shirt, "d *h r*o l tie+

H; do $"o# #h t you loo$ li$e T ylor, you do"t "eed * ll !e, %" +I

bo rd, "d ; do #ish youd

H%" + C " ; t $e your b gs, ple seJI

H0o, ; * " ! " ge+ Th "$ you+I

6is lips tighte" per*eptibly+

H3ut, if youd be !ore *o!fort ble t $i"g the!,I ; st !!er+

HTh "$ you+I 6e gr bs !y b *$p *$ "d !y "e#ly *Duired #heelie * se for the *lothes !y !other h s bought !e+ HThis # y, ! !+I

; sigh+ 6es so polite+ ; re!e!ber, though ; #ould li$e to er se it fro! !y !e!ory, th t this ! " h s bought !e u"der#e r+ ;" f *t E "d the thought u"settles !e E hes the o"ly ! " #hos e/er bought !e u"der#e r+ E/e" ( ys "e/er h d to e"dure th t h rdship+ We # l$ i" sile"*e to the bl *$ %udi S8C outside i" the irport p r$i"g lot, "d he holds the door ope" for !e+ ; *l !ber i", #o"deri"g if #e ri"g su*h retur" to short s$irt for the

Se ttle # s 2"*e

good ide + ;t # s *ool "d #el*o!e i" @eorgi + 6ere ; feel e4posed+

T ylor h s sto#ed !y b gs i" the tru"$, #e set off for Es* l +

The Bour"ey is slo#, * ught up i" rush hour tr ffi*+ T ylor $eeps his eyes o" the ro d he d+ T *itur" does "ot begi" to des*ribe hi!+

; * " be r the sile"*e "o lo"ger+

H6o#s Christi ", T ylorJI

H'r+ @rey is preo**upied, 'iss Steele+I

2h, this !ust be Nthe situ tio"+ ; ! !i"i"g

se ! of gold+


HKes, ! !+I

; fro#" t T ylor, "d he gl "*es t !e i" the re r</ie# !irror, our eyes !eet+ 6es s yi"g "o !ore+ JeeG, he * " be s tightlipped s the *o"trol fre $ hi!self+

H;s he o$ yJI

H; belie/e so, ! !+I

H%re you !ore *o!fort ble * lli"g !e, 'iss SteeleJI

HKes, ! !+I

H2h, o$ y+I

Well, th t *urt ils our *o"/ers tio", "d #e *o"ti"ue i" sile"*e+ ; begi" to thi"$ th t T ylors re*e"t slip, #he" he told !e th t Christi " h d bee" hell o" #heels, # s " "o! ly+ 1erh ps hes e!b rr ssed bout it, #orried th t hes bee" disloy l+ The sile"*e is suffo* ti"g+

HCould you put so!e !usi* o" ple seJI

HCert i"ly, ! !+ Wh t #ould you li$e to he rJI

HSo!ethi"g soothi"g+I

; see

s!ile pl y o" T ylors lips s our eyes !eet briefly g i" i" the !irror+

HKes, ! !+I

6e pushes fe# butto"s o" the steeri"g #heel, "d the ge"tle str i"s of 1 *helbels * "o" fills the sp *e bet#ee" us+ 2h yesM this is #h t ; "eed+

HTh "$ you+I ; sit b *$ s #e dri/e slo#ly but ste dily lo"g the ;<7 i"to Se ttle+

T#e"ty<fi/e !i"utes, l ter he drops !e outside the i!pressi/e f P de th t is the e"tr "*e to Es* l +

H;" you go, ! !,I he s ys, holdi"g the door ope" for !e+ H;ll bri"g up your lugg ge is+I6 e4pressio" is soft, # r!, /u"*ul r e/e"+

JeeGM 8"*le T ylor, #h t


HTh "$ you for !eeti"g !e+I


ple sure, 'iss Steele+I 6e s!iles, "d ; he d i"to the buildi"g+ The door! "

"ods "d # /es+

%s ; ride up to the thirtieth floor, flutter

thous "d butterflies stret*h their #i"gs "d

err ti* lly i" !y sto! *h+ Why ! ; so "er/ousJ %"d ; $"o# its be* use ; h /e "o ide #h t $i"d of !ood Christi "s goi"g to be i" #he" ; rri/e+ 'y i""er goddess is hopeful for o"e type of !ood, !y sub*o"s*ious, li$e !e, is fr ught #ith "er/es+

The ele/ tor doors ope", "d ;! i" the foyer+ ;t is so str "ge "ot to be !et by T ylor+

2f *ourse, hes p r$i"g the * r+ ;" the gre t roo!, Christi " is o" his 3l *$3erry t l$i"g Duietly s he st res out of the gl ss doors t the e rly e/e"i"g Se ttle s$yli"e+ 6es #e ri"g gr y suit #ith the B *$et u"do"e, "d hes ru""i"g his h "d through his h ir, hes+ 6 git ted, te"se e/e"+ 2h "o E #h ts #ro"gJ %git ted or "ot, hes still beyo"d be utiful+ 6o# * " he loo$ soM rresti"gJ ;ts su*h of hi!+ ple sure to st "d "d dri"$ i" the sheer sight

H0o tr *eM 2$ yM Kes+I 6e tur"s "d sees !e, "d his #hole de!e "or *h "ges+ Fro! te"sio" to relief to so!ethi"g else= goddess, loo$ th t * lls dire*tly to !y i""er

loo$ of se"su l * r" lity, gr y eyes bl Gi"g+

'y !outh goes dry "d desire bloo!s i" !y bodyM #ho +

HFeep !e i"for!ed,I he s" ps "d shuts off his pho"e s he strides purposefully to# rd !e+ ; st "d p r lyGed s he *loses the dist "*e bet#ee" us, de/ouri"g !e #ith his eyes+ 6oly shitM so!ethi"gs !iss E the str i" i" his B #, the "4iety rou"d his eyes+ 6e shrugs out of his B *$et, u"does his d r$ tie, "d sli"gs the! both o" to the *ou*h e" route to !e+ The" his r!s re #r pped rou"d !e, "d hes pulli"g !e to hi!, h rd, f st, grippi"g !y po"yt il to tilt !y he d up, $issi"g !e li$e his life depe"ds o" it+ Wh t the hellJ 6e dr gs the h ir tie p i"fully out of !y h ir, but ; do"t * re+ Theres desper te,

pri! l Du lity to his $iss+ 6e "eeds !e, for #h te/er re so", t this poi"t i" ti!e, "d ; h /e "e/er felt so desired "d *o/eted+ ;ts d r$ "d se"su l "d l r!i"g ll t the s !e ti!e+ ; $iss hi! b *$ #ith eDu l fer/or, !y fi"gers t#isti"g "d fisti"g i" his h ir+ 2ur to"gues e"t#i"ed, our p ssio" "d rdor erupti"g bet#ee" us+ 6e t stes di/i"e, hot, se4y, "d his s*e"t E ll body # sh "d Christi " is so rousi"g+ 6e dr gs his !outh # y fro! !i"e, "d hes st ri"g do#" t !e, gripped by so!e u"" !ed e!otio"+

HWh ts #ro"gJI ; bre the+

H;! so gl d youre b *$+ Sho#er #ith !e E "o#+I

; * "t de*ide if its

reDuest or

*o!! "d+

HKes,I ; #hisper, "d he gr bs !y h "d, le di"g !e out of the big roo! i"to his bedroo! to his b throo!+

2"*e there, he rele ses !e "d sets the # ter ru""i"g i" the f r too sp *ious sho#er+ Tur"i"g slo#ly, he g Ges t !e, eyes hooded+

H; li$e your s$irt+ ;ts /ery short,I he s ys, his /oi*e lo#+ HKou h /e gre t legs+I

6e steps out of his shoes "d re *hes do#" to t $e e *h of his so*$s off, "e/er t $i"g his eyes off !e+ ; ! re"dered spee*hless by the loo$ of hu"ger i" his eyes+ Wo#M to be this # "ted by this @ree$ god+ ; !irror his *tio"s "d step out of !y bl *$ fl ts+ Sudde"ly, he re *hes for !e, b *$i"g !e up g i"st the # ll+ Fissi"g !e, !y f *e, !y thro t, !y lipsM ru""i"g his h "ds i"to !y h ir+ ; feel the *ool, s!ooth tiled # ll t !y b *$ s he pushes hi!self g i"st !e so th t ;! fl tte"ed bet#ee" his he t "d the *hill of the *er !i*+ Te"t ti/ely, ; pl *e !y r!s o" his upper r!s, "d he gro "s s ; sDueeGe tightly+

H; # "t you "o#+ 6ereM f st, h rd,I he bre thes, "d his h "ds re o" !y thighs, pushi"g up !y s$irt+ H%re you still bleedi"gJI

H0o+I ; flush+


6is thu!bs hoo$ o/er !y #hite *otto" p "ties, "d bruptly he drops to his $"ees s he tugs the! off+ 'y s$irt is "o# ru*$ed up so th t ;! " $ed fro! the # ist do#" "d p "ti"g, # "ti"g+ 6e gr bs !y hips, pushi"g !e g i"st the # ll g i", "d $isses !e t the pe4 of !y thighs+ @r bbi"g !y upper thighs, he for*es !y legs p rt+ ; gro " loudly,

feeli"g his to"gue *ir*li"g !y *litoris+ 2h !y+ Tippi"g !y he d b *$ i"/olu"t rily, ; !o " s !y fi"gers fi"d their # y i"to this h ir+

6is to"gue is rele"tless, stro"g "d i"siste"t, l /i"g !e E s#irli"g rou"d "d rou"d, g i" "d g i" E "o"<stop+ ;ts e4Duisite, the i"te"sity of feeli"g E its l!ost p i"ful+ 'y body st rts to Dui*$e", "d he rele ses !e+ Wh tJ 0oL 'y bre thi"g is r gged s ; p "t, g Gi"g t hi! #ith deli*ious "ti*ip tio"+ 6e gr bs !y f *e #ith both h "ds, holdi"g !e fir!ly, "d he $isses !e h rd, thrusti"g his to"gue i"to !y !outh so ; * " t ste !y rous l+ 8"Gippi"g his fly, he frees hi!self, gr bs the b *$s of !y thighs, "d lifts !e+

HWr p your legs rou"d !e, b by,I he *o!! "ds, his /oi*e urge"t, str i"ed+

; do s ;! told "d #r p !y r!s rou"d his "e*$, "d he !o/es Dui*$ly "d sh rply, filli"g !e+ %hL 6e g sps, "d ; gro "+ 6oldi"g !y behi"d, his fi"gers diggi"g i"to !y soft flesh, he begi"s to !o/e, slo#ly t first E u"r /els, ste dy e/e" te!poM but s his *o"trol

he speeds upM f ster, "d f ster+ %hhhL ; tip !y he d b *$ "d *o"*e"tr te o" the i"/ di"g, pu"ishi"g, he /e"ly se"s tio"M pushi"g !e, pushi"g !eM o"# rd, higher, upM "d #he" ; * " t $e "o !ore, ; e4plode rou"d hi!, spir li"g i"to " i"te"se, ll< *o"su!i"g org s!+ 6e lets go #ith buries hi!self deep gro#l, "d he buries his he d i" !y "e*$ s he

i"side !e, gro "i"g loudly "d i"*ohere"tly s he fi"ds his rele se+

6is bre thi"g is err ti*, but he $isses !e te"derly, "ot !o/i"g, still i"side !e, "d ; bli"$, u"seei"g i"to his eyes+ %s he *o!es i"to fo*us, he ge"tly pulls out of !e, holdi"g !e ste dy #hile ; pl *e !y feet o" the floor+ The b throo! is "o# *loudy #ith ste !M "d hot+ ; feel o/erdressed+

HKou see! ple sed to see !e,I ; !ur!ur #ith

shy s!ile+

6is lips Duir$ up+

HKes, 'iss Steele, ; thi"$ !y ple sure is pretty self<e/ide"t+ Co!e E let !e get you i" the sho#er+I

6e u"does the "e4t three butto"s of his shirt, re!o/es the *uffli"$s, tugs it o/er his he d, "d dis* rds it o" the floor+ (e!o/i"g his suit p "ts "d bo4er briefs, he $i*$s the!

to o"e side+ 6e begi"s to u"do the butto"s o" !y blouse #hile ; # t*h hi!, ye r"i"g to re *h out "d stro$e his *hest, but ; *o"t i" !yself+

H6o# # s your Bour"eyJI he s$s !ildly+ 6e see!s so !u*h * l!er "o#, his pprehe"sio"

go"e, dissol/ed by se4u l *o"gress+

HFi"e, th "$ you,I ; !ur!ur, still bre thless+ HTh "$s o"*e g i" for first *l ss+ ;t re lly is !u*h "i*er # y to tr /el+I ; s!ile shyly t hi!+ H; h /e so!e "e#s,I ; dd


H2hJI he loo$s do#" t !e s he u"does the l st butto", slips !y blouse do#" !y r!s, "d thro#s it o" top of his dis* rded *lothes+

H; h /e


6e stills, the" s!iles t !e, his eyes # r! "d soft+

HCo"gr tul tio"s, 'iss Steele+ 0o# #ill you tell !e #hereJI he te ses+

HKou do"t $"o#JI

6e sh $es his he d, fro#"i"g slightly+

HWhy #ould ; $"o#JI

HWith your st l$i"g * p bilities, ; thought you !ight h /eM I ; tr il off s his f *e f lls+

H%" st si , ; #ould"t dre ! of i"terferi"g i" your * reer, u"less you s$ !e to, of *ourse+I 6e loo$s #ou"ded+

HSo you h /e "o ide #hi*h *o!p "yJI

H0o+ ; $"o# there re four publishi"g *o!p "ies i" Se ttle E so ; ! ssu!i"g its o"e of the!+I


H2h, the s! ll o"e, good+ Well do"e+I 6e le "s for# rd "d $isses !y forehe d+ HCle/er girl+ Whe" do you st rtJI

H'o"d y+I

HTh t soo", ehJ ;d better t $e d/ "t ge of you #hile ; still * "+ Tur" rou"d+I

; ! thro#" by his * su l *o!! "d, but do s ;! bid, "d he u"does !y br u"Gips !y s$irt+ 6e pushes !y s$irt do#", *uppi"g !y behi"d s he does, "d $issi"g !y


shoulder+ 6e le "s g i"st, !e "d his "ose "uGGles !y h ir, i"h li"g deeply+ 6e sDueeGes !y butto*$s+

HKou i"to4i* te !e, 'iss Steele, "d you * l! !e+ Su*h

he dy *o!bi" tio"+I 6e

$isses !y h ir+ @r bbi"g !y h "d, he tugs !e i"to the sho#er+

H2#,I ; sDue l+ The # ter is pr *ti* lly s* ldi"g+ Christi " gri"s do#" t !e s the

# ter * s* des o/er hi!+

H;ts o"ly

little hot # ter+I

%"d *tu lly hes right+ ;t feels he /e"ly, # shi"g off the sti*$y @eorgi !or"i"g "d the sti*$i"ess fro! our lo/e! $i"g+

HTur" rou"d,I he orders, "d ; *o!ply, tur"i"g to f *e the # ll+ H; # "t to # sh you,I he !ur!urs "d re *hes for the body # sh+ 6e sDuirts little i"to his h "d+

H; h /e so!ethi"g else to tell you,I ; !ur!ur s his h "ds st rt o" !y shoulders+

H2h, yesJI he s$s !ildly+

; steel !yself #ith

deep bre th+

H'y frie"d JosOs photogr phy sho# is ope"i"g Thursd y i" 1ortl "d+I

6e stills, his h "ds ho/eri"g o/er !y bre sts+ ; h /e e!ph siGed the #ord Nfrie"d+

HKes, #h t bout itJI he s$s ster"ly+

H; s id ; #ould go+ ?o you # "t to *o!e #ith !eJI

%fter #h t feels li$e g i"+

!o"u!e"t l !ou"t of ti!e, he slo#ly st rts # shi"g !e

HWh t ti!eJI

HThe ope"i"g is t :=50 p+!+I

6e $isses !y e r+

H2$ y+I

;"side !y sub*o"s*ious rel 4es "d the" *oll pses, slu!ped i"to " old b ttered r!*h ir+

HWere you "er/ous bout s$i"g !eJI

HKes+ 6o# * " you tellJI

H%" st si , your #hole bodys Bust rel 4ed,I he s ys dryly+

HWell, you Bust see! to be u!M o" the Be lous side+I

HKes, ; !,I he s ys d r$ly+ H%"d youd do #ell to re!e!ber th t+ 3ut th "$ you for s$i"g+ Well t $e Ch rlie T "go+I

2h, the heli*opter of *ourse, silly !e+ 'ore flyi"gM *oolL ; gri"+

HC " ; # sh youJI ; s$+

H; do"t thi"$ so,I he !ur!urs, "d he $isses !e ge"tly o" !y "e*$ to t $e the sti"g out of his refus l+ ; pout t the # ll s he * resses !y b *$ #ith so p+

HWill you e/er let !e tou*h youJI ; s$ boldly+

6e stills g i", his h "d o" !y behi"d+

H1ut your h "ds o" the # ll %" st si + ;! goi"g to t $e you g i",I he !ur!urs i" !y e r s he gr bs !y hips, "d ; $"o# th t the dis*ussio" is o/er+

L ter #e re se ted t the bre $f st b r, dressed i" b throbes, h /i"g *o"su!ed 'rs+ Jo"ess r ther e4*elle"t p st lle /o"gole+

H'ore #i"eJI Christi " s$s, gr y eyes glo#i"g+

H% s! ll gl ss, ple se+I The S "*erre is *risp "d deli*ious+ Christi " pours o"e for !e "d o"e for hi!self+

H6o#s the u!M situ tio" th t bought you to Se ttleJI ; s$ te"t ti/ely+

6e fro#"s+

H2ut of h "d,I he !ur!urs bitterly+ H3ut "othi"g for you to #orry bout, %" st si + ; h /e pl "s for you this e/e"i"g+I


HKes+ ; # "t you re dy "d # iti"g i" !y pl yroo! i" fiftee" !i"utes+I 6e st "ds "d g Ges do#" t !e+

HKou * " get re dy i" your roo!+ ;"*ide"t lly, the # l$<i" *loset is "o# full of *lothes for you+ ; do"t # "t "y rgu!e"ts bout the!+I 6e " rro#s his eyes, d ri"g !e to s y so!ethi"g+ Whe" ; do"t, he st l$s off to his study+

'eL %rgueJ With you, Fifty Sh desJ ;ts !ore th " !y b *$sides #orth+ ; sit o" the b r stool, !o!e"t rily stupefied, tryi"g to ssi!il te this !orsel of i"for! tio"+ 6es

bought !e *lothes+ ; roll !y eyes i" " e4 gger ted f shio" $"o#i"g full #ell he * "t see !e+ C r, pho"e, *o!puterM *lothes, itll be #ill be his !istress+ d !" *o"do "e4t, "d the" ; re lly

6oL 'y sub*o"s*ious h s her s" r$y f *e o"+ ; ig"ore her "d ! $e !y # y upst irs to# rd !y roo! so, it is still !i"eM #hyJ ; thought hed greed to let !e sleep #ith hi!+ ; suppose hes "ot used to sh ri"g his perso" l sp *e, but the", "either ! ;+ ; *o"sole !yself #ith the thought th t t le st ; h /e so!e#here to es* pe fro! hi!+

E4 !i"i"g the door, ; fi"d th t it h s

lo*$ but "o $ey+ ; #o"der briefly if 'rs+ Jo"es

h s sp re+ ;ll s$ her+ ; ope" the *loset door "d *lose it g i" Dui*$ly+ 6oly Cr p E hes spe"t ?eep fortu"e+ ;t rese!bles F tes E so ! "y *lothes h "gi"g "e tly o" the r il+

do#", ; $"o# th t theyll ll fit+ 3ut ; h /e "o ti!e to thi"$ bout th t E ; h /e to get $"eeli"g i" the (ed (oo! ofM 1 i"M or 1le sure E hopefully this e/e"i"g+

F"eeli"g by the door, ; ! " $ed e4*ept for !y p "ties+ 'y he rt is i" !y !outh+ JeeG, ; thought fter the b throo! he #ould h /e h d e"ough+ The ! " is i"s ti ble, or ! ybe ll !e" re li$e hi!+ ; h /e "o ide , "o o"e to *o!p re hi! too+ Closi"g !y eyes, ; try to * l! !yself do#", to *o""e*t #ith !y i""er sub+ Shes there so!e#here, hidi"g behi"d !y i""er goddess+

%"ti*ip tio" ru"s bubbli"g li$e sod through !y /ei"s+ Wh t #ill he doJ ; t $e deep ste dyi"g bre th, but ; * ""ot de"y it, ;! e4*ited, roused, #et lre dy+ This is soM ;

# "t to thi"$ #ro"g, but so!eho# its "ot+ ;ts right for Christi "+ ;ts #h t he # "ts E "d fter the l st fe# d ysM fter ll hes do"e, ; h /e to ! " up "d t $e #h te/er he de*ides he # "ts, #h te/er he thi"$s he "eeds+

The !e!ory of his loo$ #he" ; * !e i" this e/e"i"g, the lo"gi"g i" his f *e, his deter!i"ed stride to# rd !e li$e ; # s " o sis i" the desert+ ;d do l!ost "ythi"g to see th t loo$ g i"+ ; press !y thighs together t the deli*ious !e!ory, "d it re!i"ds !e th t ; "eed to spre d !y $"ees+ ; shuffle the! p rt+ 6o# lo"g #ill he ! $e !e # itJ The # it is *rippli"g !e, *rippli"g !e #ith rou"d d r$ "d t "t liGi"g desire+ ; gl "*e Dui*$ly

the subtly lit roo!V the *ross, the t ble, the *ou*h, the be"*hM th t bed+ ;t loo!s so l rge, "d its ! de up #ith red s ti" sheets+ Whi*h pie*e of pp r tus #ill he useJ

The door ope"s "d Christi " breeGes i", ig"ori"g !e *o!pletely+ ; gl "*e do#" Dui*$ly, st ri"g t !y h "ds, positio"ed #ith * re o" !y spre d thighs+ 1l *i"g so!ethi"g o" the l rge *hest beside the door, he strolls * su lly to# rd the bed+ ; i"dulge !yself i" Dui*$ gli!pse t hi!, "d !y he rt l!ost lur*hes to those stop+ 6es " $ed e4*ept for

soft ripped Be "s, top butto" * su lly u"do"e+ JeeG, he loo$s so fre $i"g hot+ 'y sub*o"s*ious is fr "ti* lly f ""i"g herself, "d !y i""er goddess is s# yi"g "d #rithi"g to so!e pri! l * r" l rhyth!+ Shes so re dy+ ; li*$ !y lips i"sti"*ti/ely+ 'y blood pou"ds

through !y body, thi*$ "d he /y #ith s l *ious hu"ger+ Wh t is he goi"g to do to !eJ

Tur"i"g, he "o"*h l "tly # l$s b *$ to the *hest of dr #ers+ 2pe"i"g o"e, he begi"s to re!o/e ite!s "d pl *e the! o" the top+ 'y *uriosity bur"s, bl Ges e/e", but ; resist the o/er#hel!i"g te!pt tio" to s"e $ doi"g, Dui*$ pee$+ Whe" he fi"ishes #h t hes

he *o!es to st "d i" fro"t of !e+ ; * " see his " $ed feet, "d ; # "t to $iss e/ery i"*h of the!M ru" !y to"gue o/er his i"step, su*$ e *h of his toes+ 6oly shit+

HKou loo$ lo/ely,I he bre thes+

; $eep !y he d do#", *o"s*ious th t hes st ri"g t !e #hile ; ! pr *ti* lly " $ed+ ; feel the flush s it slo#ly spre ds o/er !y f *e+ 6e be"ds do#" "d *ups !y *hi", for*i"g !y f *e up to !eet his g Ge+

HKou re o"e be utiful #o! ", %" st si + %"d youre ll !i"e,I he !ur!urs+ HSt "d up+I 6is *o!! "d is soft full of se"su l pro!ise+

Sh $ily, ; get to !y feet+

HLoo$ t !e,I he bre thes, "d ; st re up i"to his s!olderi"g gr y g Ge+ ;t is his ?o! g Ge E *old, h rd, "d se4y s hell, se/e" sh des of si" i" o"e e"ti*i"g loo$+ 'y !outh dries, "d ; $"o# ; #ill do "ythi"g he s$s+ %" l!ost *ruel s!ile pl ys *ross his lips+

HWe do"t h /e

sig"ed *o"tr *t, %" st si + 3ut #e/e dis*ussed li!its+ %"d ; # "t

to re<iter te #e h /e s fe #ords, o$ yJI

6oly fu*$M #h t h s he got pl ""ed th t ; "eed s fe #ordsJ

HWh t re theyJI he s$s uthorit ti/ely+

; fro#" slightly t his Duestio", "d his f *e h rde"s per*eptibly+

HWh t re the s fe #ords, %" st si JI he s ys slo#ly "d deliber tely+

HKello#,I ; !u!ble+

H%"dJI he pro!pts, his !outh setti"g i"

h rd li"e+

H(ed,I ; bre the+

H(e!e!ber those+I

%"d ; * "t help itM ; r ise !y eyebro# t hi! "d ! bout to re!i"d hi! of !y

@1%, but the sudde" frosty gli"t i" his i*y gr y eyes stops !e i" !y tr *$s+

H?o"t st rt #ith your s! rt !outh i" here, 'iss Steele+ 2r ; #ill fu*$ it #ith you o" your $"ees+ ?o you u"derst "dJI

; s# llo# i"sti"*ti/ely+ 2$ y+ ; bli"$ r pidly, *h ste"ed+ %*tu lly, its his to"e of /oi*e, r ther th " the thre t, th t i"ti!id tes !e+


HKes, Sir,I ; !u!ble h stily+

H@ood girl,I he p uses s he st res t !e+ H'y i"te"tio" is "ot th t you should s fe< #ord be* use youre i" p i"+ Wh t ; i"te"d to do to you #ill be i"te"se+ Cery i"te"se, "d you h /e to guide !e+ ?o you u"derst "dJI

0ot re lly+ ;"te"seJ Wo#+

HThis is bout tou*h, %" st si + Kou #ill "ot be ble to see !e or he r !e+ 3ut youll be ble to feel !e+I

; fro#" E "ot he r hi!J 6o# is th t goi"g to #or$J 6e tur"s, "d ; h d"t "oti*ed th t bo/e the *hest is the bo4 slee$, fl t, ! tt<bl *$ bo4+ %s he # /es his h "d i" fro"t, C? pl yer "d host of butto"s+

splits i" h lf= t#o doors slide ope" re/e li"g Christi "

presses se/er l of these butto"s i" seDue"*e+ 0othi"g h ppe"s, but he see!s s tisfied+ ; ! !ystified+ Whe" he tur"s to f *e !e g i", he #e rs his s! ll ;<h /e< <se*ret s!ile+

H; ! goi"g to tie you to th t bed, %" st si + 3ut ;! goi"g to bli"dfold you first "d,I he re/e ls his i1od i" his h "d, Hyou #ill "ot be ble to he r !e+ %ll you #ill he r is the !usi* ; ! goi"g to pl y for you+I

2$ y+ % !usi* l i"terlude, "ot #h t ; # s e4pe*ti"g+ ?oes he e/er do #h t ; e4pe*tJ JeeG, ; hope its "ot r p+

HCo!e+I T $i"g !y h "d, he le ds !e o/er to the "tiDue four<poster bed+ There re sh *$les tt *hed t e *h *or"er, fi"e !et l *h i"s #ith le ther *uffs, gli"ti"g g i"st the red s ti"+

2h boy, ; thi"$ !y he rt is goi"g to le /e !y *hest, "d ;! !elti"g fro! the i"side out, desire *oursi"g through !e+ Could ; be "y !ore e4*itedJ

HSt "d here+I

; ! f *i"g the bed+ 6e le "s do#" "d #hispers i" !y e r+

HW it here, $eep your eyes o" the bed+ 1i*ture yourself lyi"g here bou"d "d tot lly t !y !er*y+I

2h !y+

6e !o/es # y for so!ethi"g+

!o!e"t, "d ; * " he r hi! "e r the door fet*hi"g

%ll !y se"ses re hyper lert, !y he ri"g !ore *ute+ 6es pi*$ed up so!ethi"g fro! the r *$ of #hips "d p ddles by the door+ 6oly *o#+ Wh t is he goi"g to doJ

; feel hi! behi"d !e+ 6e t $es !y h ir, pulls it i"to to br id it+

po"yt il behi"d !e, "d st rts

HWhile ; li$e your pigt ils, %" st si , ; ! too i!p tie"t to be t you right "o#+ So o"e #ill h /e to do+I 6is /oi*e is lo#, soft+

6is deft fi"gers s$i! !y b *$ o** sio" lly s they #or$ do#" !y h ir, "d e *h * su l tou*h is li$e tie, s#eet, ele*tri* sho*$ g i"st !y s$i"+ 6e f ste"s the e"d #ith h ir

the" ge"tly tugs the br id so th t ;! for*ed to step b *$ flush g i"st hi!+ 6e pulls g i" to the side so th t ; "gle !y he d, gi/i"g hi! e sier **ess to !y "e*$+ Le "i"g do#", he "uGGles !y "e*$+ Tr *i"g his teeth "d to"gue fro! the b se of !y e r to !y shoulder+ 6e hu!s softly s he does, "d the sou"d reso" tes through !e+ (ight do#"+++ right do#"

there, i"side !e+ 8"bidde", ; gro " Duietly+

H6ush "o#,I he bre thes g i"st !y s$i"+ 6e holds up his h "ds i" fro"t of !e, his r!s tou*hi"g !i"e+ ;" his right h "d is first i"trodu*tio" to this roo!+ flogger+ ; re!e!ber the " !e fro! !y

HTou*h it,I he #hispers, "d he sou"ds li$e the de/il hi!self+ 'y body fl !es i" respo"se+ Te"t ti/ely, ; re *h out "d brush the lo"g str "ds+ ;t h s ! "y lo"g fro"ds, ll soft suede #ith s! ll be ds t the e"d+

H; #ill use this+ ;t #ill "ot hurt, but it #ill bri"g your blood to the surf *e of your s$i" "d ! $e you /ery se"siti/e+I

2h, he s ys it #o"t hurt+

HWh t re the s fe #ords, %" st si JI

H8!M yello# "d red, Sir,I ; #hisper+

H@ood girl+ (e!e!ber, !ost of your fe r is i" your !i"d+I

6e drops the flogger o" the bed, "d his h "ds !o/e to !y # ist+

HKou #o"t be "eedi"g these,I he !ur!urs "d hoo$s his fi"gers i"to !y p "ties "d

s#eeps the! do#" !y legs+ ; step u"ste dily out of the!, supporti"g !yself o" the or" te post of the bed+

HSt "d still,I he orders, "d he $isses !y behi"d "d the" ge"tly "ips !e t#i*e, ! $i"g !e te"se+ H0o# lie do#"+ F *e up,I he dds s he s! *$s !e h rd o" the behi"d, ! $i"g !e Bu!p+

6 stily, ; *r #l o"to the beds h rd, u"yieldi"g ! ttress "d lie do#", loo$i"g up t hi!+ The s ti" of the sheet be"e th !e is soft "d *ool g i"st !y s$i"+ 6is g Ge is i!p ssi/e, e4*ept for his eyes #hi*h glo# #ith b rely le shed e4*ite!e"t+

H6 "ds bo/e your he d,I he orders, "d ; do s ;! bid+

JeeG, !y body hu"gers for hi!+ ; # "t hi! lre dy+

6e tur"s, "d out of the *or"er of !y eye, ; # t*h hi! s u"ter b *$ o/er to the *hest of dr #ers, retur"i"g #ith the i1od "d #h t loo$s li$e " eye ! s$, si!il r to the o"e ; used o" !y flight to %tl "t + The thought ! $es !e # "t to s!ile, but ; * "t Duite ! $e !y lips *ooper te+ ; ! too *o"su!ed #ith "ti*ip tio"+ ; Bust $"o# !y f *e is *o!pletely

i!!obile, !y eyes huge, s ; g Ge t hi!+

Sitti"g do#" o" the edge of the bed, he sho#s !e the i1od+ ;t h s "te""

str "ge

de/i*e s #ell he dpho"es+ 6o# odd+ ; fro#" s ; try to figure this out+

HThis tr "s!its #h ts pl yi"g o" the i1od to the syste! i" the roo!+I, Christi " "s#ers !y u"spo$e" Duery s he t ps the s! ll "te"" + H; * " he r #h t youre he ri"g, "d ; h /e up re!ote *o"trol u"it for it+I 6e s!ir$s his pri/ te<Bo$e s!ile "d holds /ery hip * l*ul tor+ 6e le "s *ross !e, i"serti"g

s! ll, fl t de/i*e th t loo$s li$e the e r

buds ge"tly i"to !y e rs, "d puts the i1od do#" so!e#here o" the bed bo/e !y he d+

HLift your he d,I he *o!! "ds, "d ; do so i!!edi tely+

Slo#ly, he slides the ! s$ o", pulli"g the el sti* o/er the b *$ of !y he d, "d ;! bli"d+ The el sti* o" the ! s$ holds the e r buds i" pl *e+ ; * " still he r hi!, though the sou"d is !uffled s he rises fro! the bed+ ;! de fe"ed by !y o#" bre thi"g E its sh llo# "d err ti*, refle*ti"g !y e4*ite!e"t+ Christi " t $es !y left r!, stret*hes it ge"tly to the left<h "d *or"er, "d tt *hes the le ther *uff rou"d !y #rist+ 6is lo"g fi"gers stro$e the le"gth of !y r! o"*e hes fi"ished+ 2hL 6is tou*h eli*its shi/er+ ; deli*ious, ti*$ly

he r hi! !o/e slo#ly rou"d to the other side, t $es !y right r! "d *uffs it+ %g i", his

lo"g fi"gers li"ger lo"g !y r!+ 2h !yM ; ! fit to burst lre dy+ Why is this so eroti*J

6e !o/es to the botto! of the bed "d gr bs both of !y "$les+

HLift your he d g i",I he orders+

; *o!ply, "d he dr gs !e do#" the bed so th t !y r!s re stret*hed out "d l!ost str i"i"g t the *uffs+ 6oly *o#, ; * ""ot !o/e !y r!s+ % frisso" of trepid tio" !i4ed #ith t "t liGi"g e4hil r tio" s#eeps through !y body, ! $i"g !e #etter+ ; gro "+ 1 rti"g !y legs, he *uffs first !y right "$le "d the" !y left so ; ! st $ed out, spre d< e gled, "d tot lly /ul"er ble to hi!+ ;ts so u""er/i"g th t ; * "t see hi!+ ; liste" h rdM #h ts he doi"gJ %"d ; he r "othi"g, Bust !y bre thi"g "d the pou"di"g thud of !y he rt s blood pulses furiously g i"st !y e rdru!s+

%bruptly, the soft sile"t hiss "d pop of the i1od spri"gs i"to life+ Fro! i"side !y he d, lo"e "geli* /oi*e si"gs u" **o!p "ied l!ost lo"g s#eet "ote, "d its Boi"ed *elesti l *hoir E

i!!edi tely by "other /oi*e, "d the" !ore /oi*es E 6oly *o#, si"gi"g

* pell i" !y he d, " "*ie"t, "*ie"t hy!" l+ Wh t i" he /e"s " !e is thisJ ; h /e "e/er he rd "ythi"g li$e it+ So!ethi"g l!ost u"be r bly soft brushes g i"st !y "e*$,

ru""i"g l "guidly do#" !y thro t, slo#ly *ross !y *hest, o/er !y bre sts, * ressi"g

!eM pulli"g t !y "ipples, its so soft, s$i!!i"g u"der"e th+ ;ts so u"e4pe*ted+ ;ts furL % fur glo/eJ

Christi " tr ils his h "d, u"hurried "d deliber te, do#" to !y belly, *ir*li"g !y " /el, the" * refully fro! hip to hip, "d ;! tryi"g to "ti*ip te #here hes goi"g "e4tM but the !usi*M its i" !y he dM tr "sporti"g !eM the fur *ross the li"e of !y pubi* h irM bet#ee" !y legs, lo"g !y thighs, do#" o"e legM up the otherM it l!ost ti*$lesM but "ot DuiteM !ore /oi*es Boi"M the he /e"ly *hoir ll si"gi"g differe"t p rts, their /oi*es ble"di"g blissfully "d s#eetly together i" "ythi"g ;/e !elodi* h r!o"y th t is beyo"d

e/er he rd+ ; * t*h o"e #ord << Ndeus<< "d ; re liGe they re si"gi"g i" L ti"+ %"d still, the fur is !o/i"g do#" !y r!s "d rou"d !y # istM b *$ up *ross !y bre sts+ 'y "ipples h rde" be"e th the soft tou*hM "d ;! p "ti"gM #o"deri"g #here his h "d #ill go "e4t+ Sudde"ly, the fur is go"e, "d ; * " feel the fro"ds of the flogger flo#i"g o/er !y s$i", follo#i"g the s !e p th s the fur, "d its so h rd to *o"*e"tr te #ith the !usi*

i" !y he d E it sou"ds li$e of fi"e,

hu"dred /oi*es si"gi"g, #e /i"g " ethere l t pestry

sil$e" gold "d sil/er through !y he d, !i4ed #ith the feel of the soft suede g i"st !y s$i"M tr ili"g o/er !eM oh !yM bruptly, it dis ppe rs+ The" sudde"ly, sh rply, it bites do#" o" !y belly+

H% gghhLI ; *ry out+ ;t t $es !e by surprise, "d it does"t e4 *tly hurt, but ti"gles ll o/er, "d he hits !e g i"+ 6 rder+



; # "t to !o/e, to #ritheM to es* pe, or to #el*o!e, e *h blo#M ; do"t $"o# E its so o/er#hel!i"gM ; * "t pull !y r!sM !y legs re stu*$M ; ! held /ery fir!ly i" pl *eM "d g i" he stri$es *ross !y bre sts E ; *ry out+ %"d its be r ble, s#eet go"y E

BustM ple s "t E "o, "ot i!!edi tely, but s !y s$i" si"gs #ith e *h blo# i" perfe*t *ou"terpoi"t to the !usi* i" !y he d, ; ! dr gged i"to psy*he th t d r$, d r$ p rt of !y

surre"ders to this !ost eroti* se"s tio"+ Kes E ; get this+ 6e hits !e *ross !y hip+ The",t !o/es i" s#ift blo#s o/er !y pubi* h ir, o" !y thighs, "d do#" !y i""er thighsM "d b *$ up !y bodyM *ross !y hips+ 6e $eeps goi"g s the !usi* re *hes "d *li! 4,

the" sudde"ly E the !usi* stops+ %"d so does he+ The" the si"gi"g st rts g i"M buildi"g "d buildi"g, "d he r i"s do#" blo#s o" !eM "d ; gro " "d #rithe+ 2"*e g i",

it *e ses "d ll is DuietM e4*ept !y #ild bre thi"gM "d #ild ye r"i"g+ ForM ohM #h ts h ppe"i"gJ Wh ts he goi"g to do "o#J The e4*ite!e"t is l!ost u"be r ble+ ;/e e"tered /ery d r$, * r" l pl *e+

The bed !o/es "d shifts s ; feel hi! *l !ber o/er !e, "d the so"g st rts g i"+ 6es got it o" repe tM this ti!e its his "ose "d lips th t t $e the pl *e of the furM ru""i"g do#" !y "e*$ "d thro t, $issi"g, su*$i"gM tr ili"g do#" to !y bre stsM %hL T u"ti"g e *h of !y "ipples i" tur"M his to"gue s#irli"g rou"d o"e #hile his fi"gers rele"tlessly te se the otherM ; gro ", loudly ; thi"$, though ; * "t he r+ ; ! lost+ Lost i" hi!M lost i" the str l, ser phi* /oi*esM lost to ll the se"s tio"s ; * ""ot es* peM ; ! *o!pletely t the !er*y of his e4pert tou*h+

6e !o/es do#" to !y belly E his to"gue *ir*li"g !y " /el E follo#i"g the p th of the flogger "d the furM ; !o "+ 6es $issi"g "d su*$i"g "d "ibbli"gM !o/i"g southM "d the" his to"gue is there+ %t, "d *ry the Bu"*tio" of !y thighs+ ; thro# !y he d b *$

out s ; l!ost deto" te i"to org s!M ;! o" the bri"$, "d he stops+

0oL The bed shifts, "d he $"eels bet#ee" !y legs+ 6e le "s to# rd the bedpost, "d

the *uff o" !y "$le is sudde"ly go"e+ ; pull !y leg to the !iddle of the bedM resti"g it g i"st hi!+ 6e le "s o/er to the opposite post "d frees !y other leg+ 6is h "ds tr /el Dui*$ly do#" both !y legs, sDueeGi"g "d $"e di"g, bri"gi"g life b *$ i"to the!+ The", gr spi"g !y hips, he lifts !e so th t !y b *$ is "o lo"ger o" the bed+ ; ! r*hed, resti"g o" !y shoulders+ Wh tJ 6es $"eeli"g up bet#ee" !y legsM "d i" o"e s#ift, sl !!i"g !o/e hes i"side !eM oh fu*$M "d ; *ry out g i"+ The Dui/er of !y i!pe"di"g org s! begi"s, "d he stills+ The Dui/er diesM oh "oM hes goi"g to torture !e further+

H1le seLI ; # il+

6e grips !e h rderM i" # r"i"gJ ; do"t $"o#, his fi"gers diggi"g i"to the flesh of !y behi"d s ; l y p "ti"gM so ; purposefully still+ Cery slo#ly, he st rts to !o/e g i"M out "d the" i"M go"iGi"gly slo#ly+ 6oly fu*$ E 1le seL ;! s*re !i"g i"sideM %"d s the "u!ber of /oi*es i" the *hor l pie*e i"*re sesM so does his p *e, i"fi"itesi! lly, hes so *o"trolledM so i" ti!e #ith the !usi*+ %"d ; * " "o lo"ger be r it+

H1le se,I ; beg, "d i" o"e s#ift !o/e, he lo#ers !e b *$ o"to the bed, "d hes lyi"g o" top of !e, his h "ds o" the bed beside !y bre sts s he supports his #eight, "d he thrusts i"to !e,+ s % the !usi* re *hes its *li! 4, ; f llM free f llM i"to the !ost i"te"se,

go"iGi"g org s! ; h /e e/er h d, "d Christi " follo#s !eM thrusti"g h rd i"to !e, three !ore ti!esM fi" lly stilli"g, the" *oll psi"g o" top of !e+

%s !y *o"s*ious"ess retur"s fro! #here/er its bee", Christi " pulls out of !e+ The !usi* h s stopped, "d ; * " feel hi! stret*h *ross !y body s he u"does the *uff o" !y right #rist+ ; gro " s !y h "d is freed+ 6e Dui*$ly frees !y other h "d, ge"tly pulls the ! s$ fro! !y eyes, "d re!o/es the e r buds+ ; bli"$ i" the di! soft light "d st re up i"to his i"te"se gr y g Ge+

H6i,I he !ur!urs+

H6i, yourself,I ; bre the shyly b *$ t hi!+ 6is lips Duir$ up i"to le "s do#" "d $isses !e softly+

s!ile, "d he

HWell do"e, you,I he #hispers+ HTur" o/er+I

6oly fu*$ E #h ts he goi"g to do "o#J 6is eyes softe"+

H;! Bust goi"g to rub your shoulders+I

H2hM o$ y+I

; roll stiffly o"to !y fro"t+ ; ! so tired+ Christi " sits stride !e "d st rts to ! ss ge

!y shoulders+ ; gro " loudly E he h s su*h stro"g, $"o#i"g fi"gers+ Le "i"g do#", he $isses !y he d+

HWh t # s th t !usi*JI ; !u!ble l!ost i" rti*ul tely+

H;ts * lled Spe! ;" %liu!, or the Forty 1 rt 'otet, by Tho! s T llis+I

H;t # sM o/er#hel!i"g+I

H;/e l# ys # "ted to fu*$ to it+I

H0ot "other first, 'r+ @reyJI

H;"deed, 'iss Steele+I

; gro " g i" s his fi"gers #or$ their ! gi* o" !y shoulders+

HWell, its the first ti!e ;/e fu*$ed to it, too,I ; !ur!ur sleepily+

H6!!M you "d ;, #ere gi/i"g e *h other ! "y firsts+I 6is /oi*e is ! tter<of<f *t+

HWh t did ; s y to you i" !y sleep, Ch E err, SirJI

6is h "ds p use their !i"istr tio"s for !o!e"t+

HKou s id lots of thi"gs, %" st si + Kou t l$ed bout * ges "d str #berriesM th t you # "ted !oreM "d th t you !issed !e+I

2h, th "$ he /e"s for th t+

H;s th t llJI The relief i" !y /oi*e is e/ide"t+

Christi " stops his he /e"ly ! ss ge "d shifts so th t hes lyi"g beside !e+ 6is he d propped up o" his elbo#+ 6es fro#"i"g+

HWh t did you thi"$ youd s idJI

2h *r p+

HTh t ; thought you #ere ugly, *o"*eited, "d th t you #ere hopeless i" bed+I

6e *re se o" his bro# deepe"s+

HWell, " tur lly ; ! ll those thi"gs, "d "o# you/e got !e re lly i"trigued+ Wh t re you hidi"g fro! !e, 'iss SteeleJI

; bli"$ t hi! i""o*e"tly+

H;! "ot hidi"g "ythi"g+I

H%" st si , you re

hopeless li r+I

H; thought you #ere goi"g to ! $e !e giggle fter se4, this is"t doi"g it for !e+I

6is lips Duir$ up+

H; * "t tell Bo$es+I

H'r+ @reyL So!ethi"g you * "t doJI ; gri" t hi!, "d he gri"s b *$+

H0o, hopeless Bo$e teller+I 6e loo$s so proud of hi!self th t ; st rt to giggle+


hopeless Bo$e teller too,I

HTh t is su*h

lo/ely sou"d,I he !ur!urs, "d he le "s for# rd "d $isses !e+

H%"d you re hidi"g so!ethi"g, %" st si + ; ! y h /e to torture it out of you+I

; # $e #ith upright,

Bolt+ ; thi"$ ;/e Bust f lle" do#" so!e st irs i"

dre !, "d ; bolt

!o!e"t rily disorie"t ted+ ;t is d r$, "d ;! i" Christi "s bed lo"e+ So!ethi"g h s

#o$e" !e, so!e " ggi"g thought+ ; gl "*e o/er t the l r! *lo*$ o" his bedside+ ;t is 7=00 i" the !or"i"g, but ; feel rested+ Why is th tJ 2h E its the ti!e differe"*e E it #ould be .=00 +!+ i" @eorgi + 6oly *r pM ; "eed to t $e !y pill+ ; *l !ber out of bed, gr teful for #h te/er it is th t h s #o$e" !e+ ; * " he r f i"t "otes fro! the pi "o+ Christi " is pl yi"g+ This ; !ust see+ ; lo/e # t*hi"g hi! pl y+ 0 $ed, ; gr b !y b throbe fro! the *h ir "d # "der Duietly do#" the *orridor, slippi"g o" !y robe "d liste"i"g to the ! gi* l sou"d of the !elodi* l !e"t th ts *o!i"g fro! the gre t roo!+

Shrouded i" d r$"ess, Christi " sits i" gli"ts

bubble of light s he pl ys, "d his h ir

#ith bur"ished *opper highlights+ 6e loo$s " $ed, though ; $"o# hes #e ri"g his 1J botto!s+ 6es *o"*e"tr ti"g, pl yi"g be utifully, lost i" the !el "*holy of the !usi*+ ; hesit te, # t*hi"g fro! the sh do#s, "ot # "ti"g to i"terrupt hi!+ ; # "t to hold hi!+ 6e loo$s lost, s d e/e", "d *hi"gly lo"ely E or ! ybe its Bust the !usi* th ts so full of poig" "t sorro#+ 6e fi"ishes the pie*e, p uses for it g i"+ split se*o"d, the" st rts to pl y

; !o/e * utiously to# rd hi!, dr #" s the !oth to the fl !eM the ide ! $es !e s!ile+ 6e gl "*es up t !e "d fro#"s before his g Ge retur"s to his h "ds

2h *r p, is he pissed off th t ; ! disturbi"g hi!J

HKou should be sleep,I he s*olds !ildly+

; * " tell hes pre<o**upied #ith so!ethi"g+

HSo should you,I ; retort "ot Duite s !ildly+

6e gl "*es up g i", his lips t#it*hi"g #ith

tr *e of


H%re you s*oldi"g !e, 'iss SteeleJI

HKes, 'r+ @rey, ; !+I

HWell, ; * "t sleep+I 6e fro#"s o"*e !ore s *ross his f *e+ With !eJ Surely "ot+

tr *e of irrit tio" or "ger fl shes

; ig"ore his f *i l e4pressio" "d /ery br /ely sit do#" beside hi! o" the pi "o stool, pl *i"g !y he d o" his b re shoulder to # t*h his deft, gile fi"gers * ress the $eys+ 6e p uses fr *tio" lly, "d the" *o"ti"ues to the e"d of the pie*e+

HWh t # s th tJI ; s$ softly+

HChopi"+ 2pus 2., "u!ber S+ ;" E !i"or, if youre i"terested,I he !ur!urs+

H;! l# ys i"terested i" #h t you do+I

6e tur"s "d softly presses his lips g i"st !y h ir+

H; did"t !e " to # $e you+I

HKou did"t+ 1l y the other o"e+I

H2ther o"eJI

HThe 3 *h pie*e th t you pl yed the first "ight ; st yed+I

H2h, the ' r*ello+I

6e st rts to pl y slo#ly "d deliber tely+ ; feel the !o/e!e"t of his h "ds i" his shoulder s ; le " g i"st hi! "d *lose !y eyes+ The s d, soulful "otes s#irl slo#ly "d !our"fully rou"d us, e*hoi"g off the # lls+ ;t is h u"ti"gly be utiful pie*e, s dder e/e" th " *ert i" e4te"t, it

the Chopi", "d ; lose !yself to the be uty of the l !e"t+ To refle*ts

ho# ; feel+ The deep poig" "t lo"gi"g ; h /e to $"o# this e4tr ordi" ry ! " better, to try "d u"derst "d his s d"ess+ %ll too soo", the pie*e is t " e"d+

HWhy do you o"ly pl y su*h s d !usi*JI

; sit upright "d g Ge up t hi! s he shrugs i" "s#er to !y Duestio", his e4pressio" # ry+

HSo you #ere Bust si4 #he" you st rted to pl yJI ; pro!pt+

6e "ods, his # ry loo$ i"te"sifyi"g+ %fter

!o!e"t he /olu"teers+

H; thre# !yself i"to le r"i"g the pi "o to ple se !y "e# !other+I

HTo fit i"to the perfe*t f !ilyJI

HKes, so to spe $,I he s ys e/ si/ely+ HWhy re you # $eJ ?o"t you "eed to re*o/er fro! yesterd ys e4ertio"sJI

H;ts .=00 i" the !or"i"g for !e+ %"d ; "eed to t $e !y pill+I

6e r ises his eyebro#s i" surprise+

HWell re!e!bered,I he !ur!urs, "d ; * " tell hes i!pressed+ 6is lips Duir$ up i" h lf s!ile+

H2"ly you #ould st rt

*ourse of ti!e<spe*ifi* birth *o"trol pills i"

differe"t ti!e

Go"e+ 1erh ps you should # it h lf " hour "d the" "other h lf hour to!orro# !or"i"g+ So s e/e"tu lly you * " t $e the! t re so" ble ti!e+I

H@ood pl ",I ; bre the+ HSo #h t sh ll #e do for h lf " hourJI ; bli"$ i""o*e"tly t hi!+

H; * " thi"$ of !y fe# thi"gs,I he gri"s, gr y eyes bright+ ; g Ge b *$ i!p ssi/ely s

i"sides *le"*h "d !elt u"der his $"o#i"g loo$+

H2" the other h "d, #e *ould t l$,I ; suggest Duietly+

6is bro# *re ses+

H; prefer #h t ; h /e i" !i"d+I 6e s*oops !e o"to his l p+

HKoud l# ys r ther h /e se4 th " t l$,I ; l ugh, ste dyi"g !yself by holdi"g o" to his upper r!s+

HTrue+ Espe*i lly #ith you+I 6e "uGGles !y h ir "d st rts fro!

ste dy tr il of $isses

belo# !y e r to !y thro t+ H' ybe o" !y pi "o,I he #hispers+

2h !y+ 'y #hole body tighte"s t the thought+ 1i "o+ Wo#+

H; # "t to get so!ethi"g str ight,I ; #hisper s !y pulse st rts to **eler te, "d !y

i""er goddess *loses her eyes, re/eli"g i" the feel of his lips o" !e+

6e p uses !o!e"t rily before *o"ti"ui"g his se"su l ss ult+

H%l# ys so e ger for i"for! tio", 'iss Steele+ Wh t "eeds str ighte"i"g outJI he bre thes g i"st !y s$i" t the b se of !y "e*$, *o"ti"ui"g his soft ge"tle $isses+

H8s,I ; #hisper s ; *lose !y eyes+

H6!!+ Wh t bout usJI 6e p uses his tr il of $isses lo"g !y shoulder+

HThe *o"tr *t+I

6e lifts his he d to g Ge do#" t !e, stro$es his fi"gertips do#" !y *hee$+

hi"t of !use!e"t i" his eyes, "d sighs+ 6e

HWell, ; thi"$ the *o"tr *t is !oot, do"t youJI 6is /oi*e is lo# "d hus$y, his eyes soft+


H'oot+I 6e s!iles+ ; g pe t hi! DuiGGi* lly+

H3ut you #ere so $ee"+I

HWell, th t # s before+ %"y# y, the (ules re"t !oot, they still st "d+I 6is e4pressio"

h rde"s slightly+

H3eforeJ 3efore #h tJI

H3efore,IM 6e p uses, "d the # ry e4pressio" is b *$, H!ore+I 6e shrugs+


H3esides, #e/e bee" i" the pl yroo! t#i*e "o#, "d you h /e"t ru" s*re !i"g for the hills+I

H?o you e4pe*t !e toJI

H0othi"g you do is e4pe*ted, %" st si ,I he s ys dryly+

HSo, let !e be *le r+ Kou Bust # "t !e to follo# the (ules ele!e"t of the *o"tr *t ll the ti!e but "ot the rest of the *o"tr *tJI

HE4*ept i" the pl yroo!+ ; # "t you to follo# the spirit of the *o"tr *t i" the pl yroo!, "d yes, ; # "t you to follo# the rules E ll the ti!e+ The" ; $"o# youll be s fe, "d ;ll be ble to h /e you "yti!e ; #ish+I

H%"d if ; bre $ o"e of the rulesJI

HThe" ;ll pu"ish you+I

H3ut #o"t you "eed !y per!issio"JI

HKes, ; #ill+I

H%"d if ; s y "oJI

6e g Ges t !e for !o!e"t, #ith *o"fused e4pressio"+

H;f you s y "o, youll s y "o+ ;ll h /e to fi"d

# y to persu de you+I

; pull # y fro! hi! "d st "d+ ; "eed so!e dist "*e+ 6e fro#"s s ; st re do#" t hi!+ 6e loo$s puGGled "d # ry g i"+

HSo the pu"ish!e"t spe*t re! i"s+I

HKes, but o"ly if you bre $ the rules+I

H;ll "eed to re<re d the!,I ; s y, tryi"g to re* ll the det il+

H;ll fet*h the! for you+I 6is to"e is sudde"ly busi"essli$e+

Who + This h s gotte" serious so Dui*$ly+ 6e rises fro! the pi "o "d # l$s lithely to his study+ 'y s* lp pri*$les+ JeeG, ; "eed so!e te + The future of our so<* lled rel tio"ship

is bei"g dis*ussed t 7=S7 i" the !or"i"g #he" hes pre<o**upied #ith so!ethi"g else E is this #iseJ ; he d i"to the $it*he" #hi*h is still shrouded i" d r$"ess+ Where re the light s#it*hesJ ; fi"d the!, fli*$ the! o", "d pour # ter i"to the $ettle+ 'y pillL ; ru!! ge i" !y purse th t ; left o" the bre $f st b r "d fi"d the! Dui*$ly+ 2"e s# llo#, "d ;! do"e+ 3y the ti!e ; fi"ish, Christi " is b *$, sitti"g o" o"e of the b r stools, # t*hi"g !e i"te"tly+

H6ere you go+I 6e pushes *rossed so!e thi"gs out+

typed pie*e of p per to# rd !e, "d ; "oti*e th t hes



The Sub!issi/e #ill obey "y i"stru*tio"s gi/e" by The ?o!i" "t i!!edi tely #ithout hesit tio" or reser/ tio" "d i" " e4peditious ! ""er+ The Sub!issi/e #ill gree to "y se4u l *ti/ity dee!ed fit "d ple sur ble by the ?o!i" "t e4*epti"g those *ti/ities #hi*h re outli"ed i" h rd li!its &%ppe"di4 %)+ She #ill do so e gerly "d #ithout hesit tio"+


The Sub!issi/e #ill e"sure she *hie/es "ight #he" she is "ot #ith The ?o!i" "t+

!i"i!u! of eight se/e" hours sleep


The Sub!issi/e #ill e t regul rly to ! i"t i" her he lth "d #ellbei"g fro! pres*ribed list of foods &%ppe"di4 S)+ The Sub!issi/e #ill "ot s" *$ bet#ee" !e ls, #ith the e4*eptio" of fruit+


While #ith The ?o!i" "t, The Sub!issi/e #ill #e r *lothi"g o"ly ppro/ed by The ?o!i" "t+ The ?o!i" "t #ill pro/ide The *lothi"g budget for The Sub!issi/e, #hi*h

Sub!issi/e sh ll utiliGe+ The ?o!i" "t sh ll **o!p "y The Sub!issi/e to pur*h se *lothi"g o" " d ho* b sis+


The ?o!i" "t sh ll pro/ide The Sub!issi/e #ith

perso" l tr i"er four three ti!es

#ee$ i" hour<lo"g sessio"s t ti!es to be !utu lly greed bet#ee" the perso" l tr i"er "d The Sub!issi/e+ The perso" l tr i"er #ill report to The ?o!i" "t o" The Sub!issi/es progress+

1erso" l 6ygie"eA3e uty=

The Sub!issi/e #ill $eep herself *le " "d sh /ed "dAor # 4ed t ll ti!es+ The Sub!issi/e #ill /isit be uty s lo" of The ?o!i" "ts *hoosi"g t ti!es to be de*ided by

The ?o!i" "t, "d u"dergo #h te/er tre t!e"ts The ?o!i" "t sees fit+

1erso" l S fety=

The Sub!issi/e #ill "ot dri"$ to e4*ess, s!o$e, t $e re*re tio" l drugs or put herself i" "y u""e*ess ry d "ger+

1erso" l Qu lities=

The Sub!issi/e #ill "ot e"ter i"to "y se4u l rel tio"s #ith "yo"e other th " The ?o!i" "t+ The Sub!issi/e #ill *o"du*t herself i" t ll ti!es+ She !ust re*og"iGe th t her beh /ior is She respe*tful "d !odest ! ""er dire*t refle*tio" o" The ?o!i" "t+

sh ll be held **ou"t ble for "y !isdeeds, #ro"gdoi"gs "d !isbeh /ior *o!!itted #he" "ot i" the prese"*e of the ?o!i" "t+

F ilure to *o!ply #ith "y of the bo/e #ill result i" i!!edi te pu"ish!e"t, the " ture

of #hi*h sh ll be deter!i"ed by The ?o!i" "t+

HSo the obedie"*e thi"g still st "dsJI

H2h, yes+I 6e gri"s+

; sh $e !y he d !used, "d before ; re liGe it, ; roll !y eyes t hi!+

H?id you Bust roll your eyes t !e, %" st si JI 6e bre thes+

2h fu*$+

H1ossibly, depe"ds #h t your re *tio" is+I

HS !e s l# ys,I he s ys, sh $i"g his he d slightly, his eyes light #ith e4*ite!e"t+

; s# llo# i"sti"*ti/ely "d

frisso" of e4hil r tio" ru"s through !e+

HSo+++ I 6oly shit+ Wh t ! ; goi"g to doJ

HKesJI 6e li*$s his lo#er lip+

HKou # "t to sp "$ !e "o#+I

HKes+ %"d ; #ill+I

H2h, re lly, 'r+ @reyJI ; *h lle"ge, gri""i"g b *$ t hi!+ T#o * " pl y this g !e+

H%re you goi"g to stop !eJI

HKoure goi"g to h /e to * t*h !e first+I

6is eyes #ide"

fr *tio", "d he gri"s, slo#ly getti"g to his feet+

H2h, re lly, 'iss SteeleJI

The bre $f st b r is bet#ee" us+ ; h /e "e/er bee" so gr teful for its e4iste"*e th " i" this !o!e"t+

H%"d youre biti"g your lip,I he bre thes, !o/i"g slo#ly to his left s ; !o/e to !i"e+

HKou #ould"t,I ; te se+ H%fter ll, you roll your eyes+I ; try re so"i"g #ith hi!+ 6e *o"ti"ues to !o/e to# rd his left, s do ;+

HKes, but you/e Bust r ised the b r o" the e4*ite!e"t st $es #ith this g !e+I 6is eyes bl Ge, "d #ild "ti*ip tio" e! " tes fro! hi!+

H;! Duite f st you $"o#+I ; try for "o"*h l "*e+

HSo ! ;+I

6es st l$i"g !e, i" his o#" $it*he"+

H%re you goi"g to *o!e DuietlyJI he s$s+

H?o ; e/erJI

H'iss Steele, #h t do you !e "JI he s!ir$s+ H;tll be #orse for you if ; h /e to *o!e "d get you+I

HTh ts o"ly if you * t*h !e, Christi "+ %"d right "o#, ; h /e "o i"te"tio" of letti"g you * t*h !e+I

H%" st si , you ! y f ll "d hurt yourself+ Whi*h #ill put you i" dire*t *o"tr /e"tio" of rule "u!ber se/e"+I

H; h /e bee" i" d "ger si"*e ; !et you, 'r+ @rey, rules or "o rules+I

HKes you h /e+I 6e p uses, "d his bro# furro#s slightly+

Sudde"ly, he lu"ges for !e, ! $i"g !e sDue l "d ru" for the di"i"g roo! t ble+ ; ! " ge to es* pe, putti"g the t ble bet#ee" us+ 'y he rt is pou"di"g "d dre" li"e h s

spi$ed through !y bodyM boy+++ this is so thrilli"g+ ;! "ot

*hild g i", though th ts

right+ ; # t*h hi! * refully s he p *es deliber tely to# rd !e+ ; i"*h # y+

HKou *ert i"ly $"o# ho# to distr *t

! ", %" st si +I

HWe i! to ple se, 'r+ @rey+ ?istr *t you fro! #h tJI

HLife+ The u"i/erse+I 6e # /es o"e of his h "ds / guely+

HKou did see! /ery pre<o**upied s you #ere pl yi"g+I

6e stops "d folds his r!s, his e4pressio" !used+

HWe * " do this ll d y, b by, but ; #ill get you, "d it #ill Bust be #orse for you #he" ; do+I

H0o, you #o"t+I ; !ust "ot be o/er<*o"fide"t+ ; repe t this s sub*o"s*ious h s fou"d her 0i$es, "d shes o" the st rti"g blo*$s+

! "tr + 'y

H%"yo"e #ould thi"$ you did"t # "t !e to * t*h you+I

H; do"t+ Th ts the poi"t+ ; feel bout pu"ish!e"t the # y you feel bout !e tou*hi"g you+I

6is e"tire de!e "or *h "ges i" st "ds

" "ose*o"d+ @o"e is pl yful Christi ", "d he

st ri"g t !e s if ;d sl pped hi!+ 6es she"+

HTh ts ho# you feelJI he #hispers+

Those four #ords, "d the # y he utters the!, spe $s /olu!es+ 2h "o+ They tell !e so !u*h !ore bout hi! "d ho# he feels+ They tell !e bout his fe r "d lo thi"g+ ; fro#"+ 0o, ; do"t feel th t b d+ 0o # y+ ?o ;J

H0o+ ;t does"t ffe*t !e Duite s !u*h s th t, but it gi/es you " ide ,I ; !ur!ur, st ri"g "4iously t hi!+

H2h,I he s ys+

Cr p+ 6e loo$s *o!pletely "d utterly lost, li$e ;/e pulled the rug fro! u"der his feet+

T $i"g g Gi"g

deep bre th, ; !o/e rou"d the t ble u"til ; ! st "di"g i" fro"t of hi!,

i"to his pprehe"si/e eyes+

HKou h te it th t !u*hJI he bre thes, his eyes filled #ith horror+

HWellM "o,I ; re ssure hi!+ JeeG E th ts ho# he feels bout people tou*hi"g hi!J H0o+ ; feel !bi/ le"t bout it+ ; do"t li$e it, but ; do"t h te it+I

H3ut l st "ight, i" the pl yroo!, youM I he tr ils off+

H; do it for you, Christi ", be* use you "eed it+ ; do"t+ Kou did"t hurt !e l st "ight+ Th t # s i" 3ut differe"t *o"te4t, "d ; * " r tio" liGe th t i"ter" lly, "d ; trust you+

#he" you # "t to pu"ish !e, ; #orry th t youll hurt !e+I

6is gr y eyes bl Ge li$e before he "s#ers softly+ turbule"t stor!+ Ti!e !o/es, "d e4p "ds "d slips # y

H; # "t to hurt you+ 3ut "ot beyo"d "ythi"g th t you *ould"t t $e+I



6e ru"s his h "d through his h ir, "d he shrugs+

H; Bust "eed it+I 6e p uses, g Gi"g t !e #ith "guish, "d he *loses his eyes "d sh $es his he d+ H; * "t tell you,I he #hispers+

HC "t or #o"tJI


HSo you $"o# #hy+I


H3ut you #o"t tell !e+I

H;f ; do, you #ill ru" s*re !i"g fro! this roo!, "d youll "e/er # "t to retur"+I 6e st res t !e # rily+ H; * "t ris$ th t, %" st si +I

HKou # "t !e to st y+I

H'ore th " you $"o#+ ; *ould"t be r to lose you+I

2h !y+

6e g Ges do#" t !e, "d sudde"ly, he pulls !e i"to his r!s "d hes $issi"g !e, $issi"g !e p ssio" tely+ ;t t $es !e *o!pletely by surprise, "d ; se"se his p "i* "d desper te "eed i" his $iss+

H?o"t le /e !e+ Kou s id you #ould"t le /e !e, "d you begged !e "ot to le /e you, i" your sleep,I he !ur!urs g i"st !y lips+

2hM !y "o*tur" l *o"fessio"s+

H; do"t # "t to go+I %"d !y he rt *le"*hes, tur"i"g itself i"side out+

This is his

! " i" "eed+ 6is fe r is " $ed "d ob/ious, but hes lostM so!e#here i"

d r$"ess+ 6is eyes #ide "d ble $ "d tortured+ ; * " soothe hi!+ Joi" hi! briefly i" the d r$"ess "d bri"g hi! i"to the light+

HSho# !e,I ; #hisper+

HSho# youJI

HSho# !e ho# !u*h it * " hurt+I


H1u"ish !e+ ; # "t to $"o# ho# b d it * " get+I

Christi " steps b *$ # y fro! !e, *o!pletely *o"fused+

HKou #ould tryJI

HKes+ ; s id ; #ould+I 3ut ; h /e " ulterior !oti/e+ ;f ; do this for hi!, ! ybe he #ill let !e tou*h hi!+

6e bli"$s t !e+

H%" , youre so *o"fusi"g+I

H;! *o"fused too+ ;! tryi"g to #or$ this out+ %"d you "d ; #ill $"o#, o"*e "d for ll, if ; * " do this+ ;f ; * " h "dle this, the" ! ybe you EI 'y #ords f il !e, "d his eyes #ide" g i"+ 6e $"o#s ; ! referri"g to the tou*h thi"g+ For loo$s tor", but the" g Gi"g t !e !o!e"t, he

steely resol/e settles o" his fe tures, "d he " rro#s his eyes,

spe*ul ti/ely s if #eighi"g up lter" ti/es+

%bruptly, he *l sps !y r! i" roo!, fir! grip "d tur"s, le di"g !e out of the gre t

up the st irs, "d to the pl yroo!+ 1le sure "d p i", re# rd "d pu"ish!e"t E his #ords fro! so lo"g go e*ho through !y !i"d+

H;ll sho# you ho# b d it * " be, "d you * " ! $e your o#" !i"d up+I 6e p uses by the door+ H%re you re dy for thisJI

; "od, !y !i"d ! de up, "d ;! / guely lighthe ded, f i"t s ll the blood le /es !y f *e+

6e ope"s the door, "d still gr spi"g !y r!, gr bs #h t loo$s li$e r *$

belt fro! the

beside the door, the" le ds !e o/er to the red le ther be"*h i" the f r *or"er of the roo!+

H3e"d o/er the be"*h,I he !ur!urs softly+

2$ y+ ; * " do this+ ; be"d o/er the s!ooth soft le ther+ 6es left !y b throbe o"+ ;" Duiet p rt of !y br i", ;! / guely surprised th t he h s"t ! de !e t $e it off+ 6oly fu*$ this is goi"g to hurtM ; $"o#+ 'y sub*o"s*ious h s p ssed out, "d !y i""er goddess is e"de /ori"g to loo$ br /e+

HWere here be* use you s id yes, %" st si + %"d you r " fro! !e+ ; ! goi"g to hit you si4 ti!es, "d you #ill *ou"t #ith !e+I

Why the hell does"t he Bust get o" #ith itJ 6e l# ys ! $es su*h pu"ishi"g !e+ ; roll !y eyes, $"o#i"g full #ell he * "t see !e+

!e l of

6e lifts the he! of !y b throbe, "d for so!e re so", this feels !ore i"ti! te th " bei"g " $ed+ 6e ge"tly * resses !y behi"d, ru""i"g his # r! h "d ll o/er both *hee$s "d do#" to the tops of !y thighs+

H; ! doi"g this so th t you re!e!ber "ot to ru" fro! !e, "d s e4*iti"g s it is, ; "e/er # "t you to ru" fro! !e,I he #hispers+

%"d the iro"y is "ot lost o" !e+ ; # s ru""i"g to /oid this+ ;f hed ope"ed his r!s, ;d ru" to hi!, "ot # y fro! hi!+

H%"d you rolled your eyes t !e+ Kou $"o# ho# ; feel bout th t+I Sudde"ly, its go"e E th t "er/ous edgy fe r i" his /oi*e+ 6es b *$ fro! #here/er hes bee"+ ; he r it i" his to"e, i" the # y he pl *es his fi"gers o" !y b *$, holdi"g !e E "d the t!osphere i" the roo! *h "ges+

; *lose !y eyes, br *i"g !yself for the blo#+ ;t *o!es h rd, s" ppi"g *ross !y b *$side, "d the bite of the belt is e/erythi"g ; fe red+ ; *ry out i"/olu"t rily, "d t $e huge gulp of ir+

HCou"t, %" st si LI he *o!! "ds+

H2"eLI ; shout t hi!, "d it sou"ds li$e " e4pleti/e+

6e hits !e g i", "d the p i" pulses "d e*hoes lo"g the li"e of the belt+ 6oly shitM th t s! rts+

HT#oLI ; s*re !+ ;t feels so good to s*re !+

6is bre thi"g is r gged "d h rsh+ Where s !i"e is l!ost "o"<e4iste"t s ; desper tely s*r bble rou"d !y psy*he loo$i"g for so!e i"ter" l stre"gth+ The belt *uts i"to !y flesh g i"+

HThreeLI Te rs spri"g u"#el*o!e i"to !y eyes+ JeeG E this is h rder th " ; thought E so !u*h h rder th " the sp "$i"g+ 6es "ot holdi"g "ythi"g b *$+

HFourLI ; yell s the belt bites !e g i", "d "o# the te rs re stre !i"g do#" !y f *e+ ; do"t # "t to *ry+ ;t "gers !e th t ; ! *ryi"g+ 6e hits !e g i"+

HFi/e+I 'y /oi*e is !ore *ho$ed, str "gled sob, "d i" this !o!e"t, ; thi"$ ; h te

hi!+ 2"e !ore, ; * " do o"e !ore+ 'y b *$side feels s if its o" fire+

HSi4,I ; #hisper s the blisteri"g p i" *uts *ross !e g i", "d ; he r hi! drop the belt behi"d !e, "d hes pulli"g !e i"to his r!s, ll bre thless "d *o!p ssio" teM "d ; # "t "o"e of hi!+

HLet goM "o+++ I %"d ; fi"d !yself struggli"g out his gr sp, pushi"g hi! # y+ Fighti"g hi!+

H?o"t tou*h !eLI ; hiss+ ; str ighte" "d st re t hi!, "d hes # t*hi"g !e s if ; !ight bolt, gr y eyes #ide, be!used+ ; d sh the te rs "grily out of !y eyes #ith the b *$s of !y h "ds, gl ri"g t hi!+

HThis is #h t you re lly li$eJ 'e, li$e thisJI ; use the slee/e of the b throbe to #ipe

!y "ose+

6e g Ges t !e # rily+

HWell, you re o"e fu*$ed<up so" of


H%" ,I he ple ds, sho*$ed+

H?o"t you d re, %" !eL Kou "eed to sort your shit out, @reyLI %"d #ith th t, ; tur" stiffly, "d ; # l$ out of the pl yroo!, *losi"g the door Duietly behi"d !e+

; *l sp the door h "dle behi"d !e "d briefly le " b *$ g i"st the door+ Where to goJ ?o ; ru"J ?o ; st yJ ; ! so ! d, "gry s* ldi"g te rs spill do#" !y *hee$s, "d ; brush the! furiously side+ ; Bust # "t to *url up+ Curl up "d re*uper te i" so!e # y+ 6e l !y sh ttered f ith+ 6o# *ould ; h /e bee" so stupidJ 2f *ourse it hurts+

Te"t ti/ely, ; rub !y b *$side+ % hL ;ts sore+ Where to goJ 0ot his roo!+ 'y roo!, or the roo! th t #ill be !i"e, "o, is !i"eM # s !i"e+ This is #hy he # "ted !e to $eep it+ 6e $"e# ; #ould "eed dist "*e fro! hi!+

; l u"*h !yself stiffly i" th t dire*tio", *o"s*ious th t Christi " ! y follo# !e+ ;t is still d r$ i" the bedroo!, d #" o"ly bed, #hisper i" the s$yli"e+ ; *li!b #$# rdly i"to

* reful "ot to sit o" !y *hi"g "d te"der b *$side+ ; $eep the b throbe o", #r ppi"g it

rou"d !e, "d *url up "d re lly let go E sobbi"g h rd i"to !y pillo#+

Wh t # s ; thi"$i"gJ Why did ; let hi! do th t to !eJ ; # "ted the d r$, to e4plore ho# b d it *ould be E but its too d r$ for !e+ ; * ""ot do this+ Ket, this is #h t he does, this is ho# he gets his $i*$s+

Wh t

!o"u!e"t l # $e<up * ll+ %"d to be f ir to hi!, he # r"ed !e "d # r"ed

!e, ti!e "d g i"+ 6es "ot "or! l+ 6e h s "eeds th t ; * ""ot fulfill+ ; re liGe th t "o#+ ; do"t # "t hi! to hit !e li$e th t g i", e/er+ ; thi"$ of the *ouple of ti!es he h s hit !e, "d ho# e sy he # s o" !e by *o!p riso"+ ;s th t e"ough for hi!J ; sob h rder i"to the pillo#+ ; ! goi"g to lose hi!+ 6e #o"t # "t to be #ith !e if ; * "t gi/e hi! this+ Why, #hy, #hy h /e ; f lle" i" lo/e #ith Fifty Sh desJ WhyJ Why * "t ; lo/e JosO, or 1 ul Cl yto", or so!eo"e li$e !eJ

2h, his distr ught loo$ s ; left+ ; # s so *ruel, so sho*$ed by the s / geryM #ill he forgi/e !eM #ill ; forgi/e hi!J 'y thoughts re ll h y#ire "d Bu!bled, e*hoi"g "d bou"*i"g off the i"side of !y s$ull+ 'y sub*o"s*ious is sh $i"g her he d s dly, "d !y i""er goddess is "o#here to be see"+ 2h, this is ;! so d r$ !or"i"g of the soul for !e+

lo"e+ ; # "t !y 'o!+ ; re!e!ber her p rti"g #ords t the irport,

Follo# your he rt, d rli"g, "d ple se, ple se E try "ot to o/er<thi"$ thi"gs+ (el 4 "d e"Boy+ Kou re so you"g, s#eethe rt, you h /e so !u*h to e4perie"*e, Bust let it h ppe"+ Kou deser/e the best of e/erythi"g+

; did follo# !y he rt, "d ; h /e

sore ss "d " "guished, bro$e" spirit to sho#

for it+ ; h /e to go+ Th ts itM ; h /e to le /e+ 6es "o good for !e, "d ; ! "o good for hi!+ 6o# * " #e possibly ! $e this #or$J %"d the thought of "ot seei"g hi! g i" pr *ti* lly *ho$es !eM !y Fifty Sh des+

; he r the door *li*$ ope"+ 2h "o E hes here+ 6e puts so!ethi"g do#" o" the bedside t ble, "d the bed shifts u"der his #eight s he *li!bs i" behi"d !e+

H6ush,I he bre thes, "d ; # "t to pull # y fro! hi!, !o/e to the other side of the bed, but ;! p r lyGed+ ; * ""ot !o/e "d lie stiffly, "ot yieldi"g t ll+ H?o"t fight !e, %" , ple se,I he #hispers+ @e"tly, he pulls !e i"to his r!s, buryi"g his "ose i" !y h ir, $issi"g !y "e*$+

H?o"t h te !e,I he bre thes softly g i"st !y s$i", his /oi*e *hi"gly s d+ 'y he rt *le"*hes "e# "d rele ses softly, fresh # /e of sile"t sobbi"g+ 6e *o"ti"ues to $iss !e

te"derly, but ; re! i" loof "d # ry+

We lie together li$e this, "either s yi"g "ythi"g for ges+ 6e Bust holds !e, "d /ery gr du lly, ; rel 4 "d stop *ryi"g+ ? #" *o!es "d goes, "d the soft light gets brighter s !or"i"g !o/es o", "d still #e lie Duietly+

H; bought you so!e %d/il "d so!e r"i* *re !,I he s ys fter

lo"g #hile+

; tur" /ery slo#ly i" his r!s so ; * " f *e hi!+ ; ! resti"g !y he d o" his r!+ 6is eyes re fli"ty gr y "d gu rded+

; g Ge t his be utiful f *e+ 6es gi/i"g "othi"g # y, but he $eeps his eyes o" !i"e, h rdly bli"$i"g+ 2h, he is so bre tht $i"gly good<loo$i"g+ ;" su*h short ti!e, hes

be*o!e so, so de r to !e+ (e *hi"g up, ; * ress his *hee$ "d ru" the tips of !y fi"gers through his stubble+ 6e *loses his eyes "d e4h les slightly+

H;! sorry,I ; #hisper+

6e ope"s his eyes "d loo$s t !e puGGled+

HWh t forJI

HWh t ; s id+I

HKou did"t tell !e "ythi"g ; did"t $"o#+I %"d his eyes softe" #ith relief+ H; ! sorry ; hurt you+I

; shrug+

H; s$ed for it+I %"d "o# ; $"o#+ ; s# llo#+ 6ere goes+ ; "eed to s y !y pie*e+ H; do"t thi"$ ; * " be e/erythi"g you # "t !e to be,I ; #hisper+ 6is eyes #ide" slightly, "d he bli"$s, his fe rful e4pressio" retur"i"g+

HKou re e/erythi"g ; # "t you to be+I

Wh tJ

H; do"t u"derst "d+ ;! "ot obedie"t, "d you * " be s sure s hell ;! "ot goi"g to let you do th t to !e g i"+ %"d th ts #h t you "eed, you s id so+I

6e *loses his eyes g i", "d ; * " see he

!yri d of e!otio"s *ross his f *e+ Whe"

reope"s the!, his e4pressio" is ble $+ 2h "o+

HKoure right+ ; should let you go+ ; ! "o good for you+I

'y s* lp pri*$les s e/ery si"gle h ir folli*le o" !y body st "ds to tte"tio", "d the

#orld f lls # y fro! !e, le /i"g

#ide, y #"i"g byss for !e to f ll i"to+ 2h "o+

H; do"t # "t to go,I ; #hisper+ Fu*$ E this is it+ 1 y or pl y+ Te rs s#i! i" !y eyes o"*e !ore+

H; do"t # "t you to go either,I he #hispers, his /oi*e r #+ 6e re *hes up "d ge"tly stro$es !y *hee$ "d #ipes # y si"*e ; f lli"g te r #ith his thu!b+ H;/e *o!e li/e

!et you+I 6is thu!b tr *es the *o"tours of !y lo#er lip+

H'e too,I ; #hisper, H;/e f lle" i" lo/e #ith you, Christi "+I

6is eyes #ide" g i", but this ti!e, #ith pure, u"diluted fe r+

H0o,I he bre thes s if ;/e $"o*$ed the #i"d out of hi!+

2h "o+

HKou * "t lo/e !e, %" + 0oM th ts #ro"g+I 6es horrified+

HWro"gJ Whys it #ro"gJI

HWell, loo$ t you+ ; * "t ! $e you h ppy+I 6is /oi*e is "guished+

H3ut you do ! $e !e h ppy+I ; fro#"+

H0ot t the !o!e"t, "ot doi"g #h t ; # "t to do+I

6oly fu*$+ This re lly is it+ This is #h t it boils do#" to E i"*o!p tibility < "d ll those poor subs *o!e to !i"d+

HWell "e/er get p st th t, #ill #eJI ; #hisper, !y s* lp pri*$li"g i" fe r+

6e sh $es his he d ble $ly+ ; *lose !y eyes+ ; * ""ot be r to loo$ t hi!+

HWellM ;d better go, the",I ; !ur!ur, #i"*i"g s ; sit up+

H0o, do"t go+I 6e sou"ds p "i*$ed+

HTheres "o poi"t i" !e st yi"g+I Sudde"ly, ; feel tired, re lly dog<tired, "d ; # "t to go "o#+ ; *li!b out of bed, "d Christi " follo#s+

H;! goi"g to get dressed+ ;d li$e so!e pri/ *y,I ; s y, !y /oi*e fl t "d e!pty s ; le /e hi! st "di"g i" the bedroo!+

6e di"g do#"st irs, ; gl "*e t the gre t roo!, thi"$i"g ho# o"ly hours before ; h d rested !y he d o" his shoulder s he pl yed the pi "o+ So !u*h h s h ppe"ed si"*e the"+ ; h /e h d !y eyes ope"ed "d gli!psed the e4te"t of his depr /ity, "d ; "o# $"o# hes "ot * p ble of lo/e E of gi/i"g or re*ei/i"g lo/e+ 'y #orst fe rs h /e bee" re liGed+ %"d

str "gely, its /ery liber ti"g+

The p i" is su*h th t ; refuse to *$"o#ledge it+ ; feel "u!b+ ; h /e so!eho# es* ped fro! !y body "d ! "o# Dui*$ly * su l obser/er to this u"foldi"g tr gedy+ ; sho#er

"d !ethodi* lly, thi"$i"g o"ly of e *h se*o"d i" fro"t of !e+ 0o# sDueeGe body # sh bottle+ 1ut body # sh bottle b *$ i" r *$+ (ub *loth o" f *e, o" shouldersM o" "d o", ll si!ple, !e*h "i* l *tio"s, reDuiri"g si!ple !e*h "i* l thoughts+

; fi"ish !y sho#er E "d s ; h /e"t # shed !y h ir, ; * " dry !yself Dui*$ly+ ; dress i" the b throo!, t $i"g !y Be "s "d t<shirt out of !y s! ll suit* se+ 'y Be "s *h fe g i"st !y b *$side, but Duite fr "$ly, its fro! p i" ; #el*o!e s it distr *ts !y !i"d

#h ts h ppe"i"g to !y spli"teri"g, sh ttered he rt+

; stoop to shut !y suit* se, "d the b g holdi"g Christi "s gift * t*hes !y eye, !odeli"g $it for "oM 3l h"i$ L25 glider, so!ethi"g for hi! to build+ Te rs thre te"+ 2h

h ppier ti!es, #he" there # s hope of !ore+ ; t $e it out of the * se, $"o#i"g th t ; "eed

to gi/e it to hi!+ Qui*$ly, ; rip s*ribble s! ll pie*e of p per fro! !y "oteboo$, h stily

"ote for hi!, "d le /e it o" top of the bo4+

; g Ge t !yself i" the !irror+ % p le "d h u"ted ghost st res b *$ t !e+ ; s*oop !y h ir i"to po"yt il "d ig"ore ho# s#olle" !y eyelids re fro! the *ryi"g+ 'y sub*o"s*ious "ods #ith ppro/ l+ E/e" she $"o#s "ot to be s" r$y right "o#+ ; * ""ot belie/e th t !y #orld is *ru!bli"g rou"d !e i"to dre !s sterile pile of shes, ll !y hopes "d deep bre th, ;

*ruelly d shed+ 0o, "o do"t thi"$ bout it+ 0ot "o#, "ot yet+ T $i"g pi*$

up !y * se, "d fter pl *i"g the glider $it "d !y "ote o" his pillo#, ; he d for the gre t roo!+

Christi " is o" the pho"e+ 6es dressed i" bl *$ Be "s "d t<shirt+ 6is feet re b re+

H6e s id #h tLI he shouts, ! $i"g !e Bu!p+ HWell, he *ould h /e told us the fu*$i"g truth+ Wh ts his "u!ber, ; "eed to * ll hi!M Wel*h, this is gl "*es re l fu*$<up+I 6e

up "d does"t t $e his d r$ "d broodi"g eyes off !e+ HFi"d her,I he s" ps "d presses the off s#it*h+

; # l$ o/er to the *ou*h "d *olle*t !y b *$p *$, doi"g !y best to ig"ore hi!+ ; t $e

the ' * out of it "d # l$ b *$ to# rd the $it*he", pl *i"g it * refully o" the bre $f st b r, lo"g #ith the 3l *$3erry "d the * r $ey+ Whe" ; tur" to f *e hi!, hes st ri"g t !e, stupefied #ith horror+

H; "eed the !o"ey th t T ylor got for !y 3eetle+I 'y /oi*e is *le r "d * l!, de/oid of e!otio"M e4tr ordi" ry+

H%" , ; do"t # "t those thi"gs, theyre yours,I he s ys i" disbelief+ H1le se, t $e the!+I

H0o Christi " E ; o"ly **epted the! u"der suffer "*e E "d ; do"t # "t the! "y!ore+I

H%" , be re so" ble,I he s*olds !e, e/e" "o#+

H; do"t # "t "ythi"g th t #ill re!i"d !e of you+ ; Bust "eed the !o"ey th t T ylor got for !y * r+I 'y /oi*e is Duite !o"oto"e+

6e g sps+

H%re you re lly tryi"g to #ou"d !eJI

H0o+I ; fro#" st ri"g t hi!+ 2f *ourse "otM ; lo/e you+ H;! "ot+ ;! tryi"g to prote*t !yself,I ; #hisper+ 3e* use you do"t # "t !e the # y ; # "t you+

H1le se, %" , t $e th t stuff+I

HChristi ", ; do"t # "t to fight E ; Bust "eed the !o"ey+I

6e " rro#s his eyes, but ;! "o lo"ger i"ti!id ted by hi!+ Well, o"ly i!p ssi/ely b *$, "ot bli"$i"g or b *$i"g do#"+ little+ ; g Ge

HWill you t $e

*he*$JI he s ys *idly+

HKes+ ; thi"$ youre good for it+I

6e does"t s!ile, he Bust tur"s o" his heel "d st l$s i"to his study+ ; t $e li"geri"g

l st

loo$ rou"d his p rt!e"t E t the rt o" the # lls E ll bstr *ts, sere"e, *oolM *old, e/e"+ Fitti"g, ; thi"$ bse"tly+ 'y eyes str y to the pi "o+ JeeG E if ;d $ept !y !outh shut, #ed h /e ! de lo/e o" the pi "o+ 0o, fu*$ed, #e #ould h /e fu*$ed o" the pi "o+ Well, ; #ould h /e ! de lo/e+ The thought lies he /y "d s d i" !y !i"d+ 6e h s "e/er ! de lo/e to !e, h s heJ ;ts l# ys bee" fu*$i"g to hi!+

Christi " retur"s "d h "ds !e " e"/elope+

HT ylor got

good pri*e+ ;ts

*l ssi* * r+ Kou * " s$ hi!+ 6ell t $e you ho!e+I

6e "ods i" the dire*tio" o/er !y shoulder+ ; tur", "d T ylor is st "di"g i" the door# y, #e ri"g his suit, s i!pe** ble s e/er+

HTh ts fi"e, ; * " get !yself ho!e, th "$ you+I

; tur" to st re t Christi ", "d ; see the b rely<*o"t i"ed fury i" his eyes+

H%re you goi"g to defy !e t e/ery tur"JI

HWhy *h "ge

h bit of

lifeti!eJI ; gi/e hi!

s! ll, pologeti* shrug+

6e *loses his eyes i" frustr tio" "d ru"s his h "d through his h ir+

H1le se, %" , let T ylor t $e you ho!e+I

H;ll get the * r, 'iss Steele,I T ylor ""ou"*es uthorit ti/ely+ Christi " "ods t hi!, "d #he" ; gl "*e rou"d, T ylor h s go"e+

; tur" b *$ to f *e Christi "+ We re four feet p rt+ 6e steps for# rd, "d i"sti"*ti/ely ; step b *$+ 6e stops, "d the "guish i" his e4pressio" is p lp ble, his gr y eyes bur"i"g+

H; do"t # "t you to go,I he !ur!urs, his /oi*e full of lo"gi"g+

H; * "t st y+ ; $"o# #h t ; # "t "d you * "t gi/e it to !e, "d ; * "t gi/e you #h t you "eed+I

6e t $es "other step for# rd, "d ; hold up !y h "ds+

H?o"t, ple se+I ; re*oil fro! hi!+ Theres "o # y ; * " toler te his tou*h "o#, it #ill sl y !e+ H; * "t do this+I

@r bbi"g !y suit* se "d !y b *$p *$, ; he d for the foyer+ 6e follo#s !e, $eepi"g * reful dist "*e+ 6e presses the ele/ tor butto", "d the doors ope"+ ; *li!b i"+

H@oodbye, Christi ",I ; !ur!ur+

H%" , goodbye,I he s ys softly, "d he loo$s utterly, utterly bro$e", go"iGi"g

! " i"

p i", refle*ti"g ho# ; feel i"side+ ; te r !y g Ge # y fro! hi! before ; *h "ge !y !i"d "d try to *o!fort hi!+

The ele/ tor doors *lose, "d it #his$s !e do#" to the bo#els of the b se!e"t "d to !y o#" perso" l hell+

T ylor holds the door ope" for !e, "d ; *li!b i"to the b *$ of the * r+ ; /oid eye *o"t *t+

E!b rr ss!e"t "d sh !e # shes o/er !e+ ;! dr g

*o!plete f ilure+ ; h d hoped to

!y Fifty Sh des i"to the light, but its pro/ed ?esper tely, t s$ beyo"d !y !e ger bilities+

; try to $eep !y e!otio"s b "$ed "d t b y+ %s #e he d out o"to Sth %/e"ue, ; st re bl "$ly out of the #i"do#, "d the e"or!ity of #h t ;/e do"e slo#ly # shes o/er !e+ Shit E ;/e left hi!+ The o"ly ! " ;/e e/er lo/ed+ The o"ly ! " ;/e e/er slept #ith+ ; g sp, "d the le/ees burst+ Te rs *ourse u"bidde" "d u"#el*o!e do#" !y *hee$s, "d ; #ipe the! # y hurriedly #ith !y fi"gers, s*r !bli"g i" !y b g for !y su"gl sses+ %s #e p use t so!e tr ffi* lights, T ylor holds out s ys "othi"g li"e" h "d$er*hief for !e+ 6e

"d does"t loo$ i" !y dire*tio", "d ; t $e it #ith gr titude+

HTh "$ you,I ; !utter, "d this s! ll dis*reet *t of $i"d"ess is !y u"doi"g+ ; sit b *$ i" the lu4urious le ther se ts "d #eep+

The p rt!e"t is *hi"gly e!pty "d u"f !ili r+ ; h /e "ot li/ed here lo"g e"ough for it to feel li$e ho!e+ ; he d str ight to !y roo!, "d there, h "gi"g li!ply t the e"d of !y bed, is /ery s d, defl ted heli*opter b lloo"+ Ch rlie T "go, loo$i"g "d feeli"g e4 *tly

li$e !e+ ; gr b it "grily off !y bedr il, s" ppi"g the tie, "d hug it to !e+ 2h E #h t h /e ; do"eJ

; f ll o"to !y bed, shoes "d ll, "d ho#l+ The p i" is i"des*rib bleM physi* l, !e"t lM !et physi* lM it is e/ery#here, seepi"g i"to the ! rro# of !y bo"es+ @rief+ This is grief E "d ;/e brought it o" !yself+ ?eep do#", *o!es fro! !y i""er goddess, her lip *urled i" belt " sty, u"bidde" thought

s" rlM the physi* l p i" fro! the bite of

is "othi"g, "othi"g *o!p red to this de/ st tio"+ ; *url up, desper tely *lut*hi"g the fl t foil b lloo" "d T ylors h "d$er*hief, "d surre"der !yself to !y grief+

E"d of 1 rt 2"e

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