Scheme of Work Year 1 (SK)

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LISTENING&SPEAKING 1.1.1 Able to listen and respond to stimulus gi en !it" guidan#e $ a% en ironmental sounds &% oi#e sounds


WRITING '.1.1 Able to demonstrate &ine motor #ontrol o& "ands and &ingers b) $ b% mo ing "ands and &ingers using !riting apparatus. #% using #orre#t posture and pen "old grip. d% s#ribbling in #lo#+!ise mo ement e% s#ribbling in anti-#lo#+!ise mo ement &% dra!ing simple stro+es up and do!n. g% dra!ing lines &rom le&t to rig"t "% dra!ing patterns

LANGUAGE ARTS *.1., Able to re#ite nurser) r")mes( 1a22 #"ants and sing a#tion songs !it" #orre#t

WORD FOCUS En ironmental sounds


1.1.' Able to listen to( sa) aloud and re#ite r")mes or sing songs 1.1.* Able to tal+ abut a stimulus !it" guidan#e

,.,., Able to read and understand p"rases in linear and non-linear te.ts. ,.,.' Able to read and understand senten#es /'-0 !ords% in linear and non-linear te.ts !it" guidan#e.

'.,.1 able to #omplete !it" guidan#e $ a% &orms !it" personal details b% lists


1.1.' Able to listen to( sa) aloud and re#ite r")mes or sing songs 1.,.1 Able to parti#ipate in dail) #on ersations $ b% introdu#e onesel&

,.1.1 Able to identi&) and distinguis" t"e s"apes o& t"e letters in t"e alp"abet. ,.1., Able to re#ognise and arti#ulate initial( medial and t"e &inal sounds in single s)llable

'.1.1 Able to demonstrate &ine motor #ontrol o& "ands and &ingers b) $ a% "andling ob1e#ts and manipulating t"em. '.1., Able to #op) and !rite in neat legible print $ a% small / lo!er#ase% letters b% #apital / upper#ase % letters

*.'.1 Able to produ#e simple #reati e !or+s !it" guidan#e based on $ am( pat( tap a% nurser) r")mes

/a% 8s8 /s% 1.1.1 Able to listen and respond to stimulus gi en !it" guidan#e $ d% r")t"m and r")me g% oral blending and segmenting WORLD OF SELF( FA34L5 AND FR4ENDS ' LE79S 6E FR4END 1.1., Able to listen and en1o) simple stories. 1.1.' Able to listen to( sa) aloud and re#ite r")mes or sing songs 1.1.* Able to tal+ abut a stimulus !it" guidan#e 1.,.1 Able to parti#ipate in dail) #on ersations $ a% e.#"ange greetings b% introdu#e onesel& 1.1.1 Able to listen and respond to stimulus gi en !it" guidan#e $ g% oral blending and segmenting

8ae8 /a%

8t8 /t%

8p8 /p% '.1., Able to #op) and !rite in neat legible print $ a% small / lo!er#ase% letters d% !ords *.'.1 Able to produ#e simple #reati e !or+s !it" guidan#e based on $ d% stories Sunda)( And)( ant( Samm)( snail( sat( pat( tap

,.1., Able to re#ognise and arti#ulate initial( medial and t"e &inal sounds in single s)llable /a% 8s8 8ae8 8t8 8p8 /s% /a% /t% /p% ,.1.' Able to blend t!o to &our p"onemes into re#ogni2able !ords and read t"em aloud. ,.1.* Able to segment !ords into p"onemes to spell.

,.1.1 Able to identi&) and distinguis" t"e s"apes o& t"e letters in t"e alp"abet.

'.1., Able to #op) and !rite in neat legible print $ a% small / lo!er#ase% letters

*.1., Able to re#ite nurser) r")mes( 1a22 #"ants and sing a#tion

Nat( net( mat( mop( nap( nest(

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