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Essential: Contents Autodesk Inventor User Interface Designing Parametric Parts Creating 2D Sketches Geometric Constraints Dimensioning Sketches

Basic Shape Design Creating Basic Sketched Features Intermediate Sketching Editing Parametric Parts Creating Work Features Creating Basic Swept Shapes Creating Basic Blended Shapes DetailedShape Design Creating Chamfers and Fillets Creating Holes and Threads Patterning and Mirroring Features Creating Thin-Walled Parts Strengthening Parts with Ribs and Webs Assembly Design Overview Designing Assemblies Using Project Files for Assembly Design BasicAssemblyTools Identifying Parts in an Assembly Analysis and Motion Tools PIacing, Creating, and Constraining Components Placing Existing Components in an Assembly Constraining Components Placing Standard Components Using the Content Center Patterning Components Basic Part Design in an Assembly Drawing Standards and Resources Setting Drawing Standards Drawing Resources Basic View Creation Drawing Creation Environment Base and Projected Views Section Views Detail Views Broken View Managing Views

Dimensions, Annotations, and Tables Automated Dimensioning Techniques Manual Dimensioning Techniques Holes and Thread Notes Hole Tables Creating Centerlines, Symbols, and Leaders Creating Tables CreatingAssemblyDrawing Views Creating Custom Assembly Views Break-out Section Views Overlay Views Creating Exploded Drawing Views Presenting Your Assembly PreparingAssemblies for Drawings View Representations Positional Representations Level of Detail Representations Sheet Metal Setting up sheet metal styles Sheet metal operation Advanced Sheet Metal tools (Punching, Lofted & Rolled 21 Flanges) Flat Pattern creations & exporting AnnotatingAssemblyDrawings Bill of Materials Creating and Customizing Parts Lists Creating Balloons Design Mechanical Elements Bolted Connections CAMs Gear Design (Bevel, Worm, Helical) Springs, Shafts, Keys Fits & Tolerance Inventor Studio Inventor Rendering image Scene creations & image output Inventor animations tools Frame Generator Building Skeleton model Assign the generator frame standard (ANSI,1SO?DIN..) from Inventor library End treatments Frame Generator Analysis

Printing Export the Inventor models to another file formats Printing Inventor drawing files Printing the output drawings as DWG files Weldement Weldement Design According to Standards (ANSI,DIN) Weldement representation in Assembly Weldement representation in Drawings aite Element Analysis Static linear analysis with real world loads & Boundary Conditions Modal Analysis Dynamic Simulation Converting assembly constraints to joints Determine Power & Torque & reactions forces against time

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