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First of all, I would like to show our gratitude to the Allah the Almighty for His bless in completing my Industrial Training. First of all, I want to thank to Advantest Company that are willing to take me to do the Industrial Training in this company. I also especially indebted to our supervisor, n Ab. !a"ak bin !amli who have been a supportive person in accomplishing the Industrial Training. He also is being bottomless source of new ideas, knowledge and giving inspiration to us. This report would not have been written without help and encouragement from my supervisor, leader and other colleagues. I am e#tremely grateful for their generosity in sharing their knowledge and e#perience with me. I also would like to thanks to my parents because without their helps and great supportive, this report will not be accomplished according to the time given. $ast but not least, we were grateful to our member trainer for giving us a chance to improve better than before.


Industrial training is compulsory for university student. This industrial training is needed to fulfill the re%uirements due to finished the degree. &tudent can get a lot of knowledge and e#perience that can be used for their studies. For industrial electronic student, A'(A)T &T )*I) !I)* +,- is the best choice for them. It because

most of the system used are related to the sub.ect that they took at /niversity ,alaysia 0erlis +/ni,A0-.

Industrial training period prescribed by the university for 1 months. Industry training programs help students to train themselves about behavior while in the working world. 2ith combined insight gained in /ni,A0, and industry e#perience during the training period, it will produce an e#ceptional student, can solve the problem, and have values a good skill. Therefore, the final report of this training is an overview of the industry during my industrial training at A'(A)T &T )*I) !I)* +,-.




CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 3.3 4b.ective 3.5 Industry Training 0lace 3.1 !esponsibility That Company *ives To /s 3.6 4fficer That &upervise /s 5 5 5 1

CHAPTER 2: BACKGROUND OF THE COMPANY 5.3 Company 7ackground 5.5 History 5.1 4b.ective, (ision And ,ission 4f Industry iii

1 6 6 8

5.1.3 5.1.5 5.6.3 5.6.5 5.6.1

4b.ective. ,ission. 2orking Hour. Company $ocation. *lobal &upport

8 8 9 9 : : ; < 3= 3= 3= . 33 33 35 35 35 31 31 36 38 38 39 3: 3; 3; 5= 53 55 55 51 iv

5.6 Company 0rofile.

5.8 Company $ogo. 5.9 Company 4rgani"ation Chart. 5.: 0roduct And &ervices. 5.:.3 5.:.5 5.;.3 5.;.5 5.;.1 5.;.6 5.;.8 5.;.9 5.;.: 5.;.; 5.;.< 5.;.3= 5.;.33 5.;.35 5.;.31 5.;.36 5.;.38 5.;.39 5.;.3: 5.< Features Financial. 7enefits. 'evice Interface. HIFI> +High Fidelity Tester Access Fi#ture ,anual HIFI>. 2ater HIFI>. Cable HIFI>. &7C?T@0 HIFI> +&ocket 7oard Change-. &7C?T@0 HIFI>. IC &ockets + #clusively available for use with AdvantestAs HIFI> products-. 7*ABC&0 +3.8nH-. C&0 Type +5.1)h,1.=nH-. T&40BCF0 Type. 7*ABC&0 &ocket +=.6nH0!47I)* &4$/TI4). Change kit. 'CC Change Dit +'evice Carrier Change-. !ecycle Change kits 0erformance 7oard

5.; Industrial 0roduct

CHAPTER 3: RESPONSIBILITY COMPANY GI ES TO US 1.3 Activities/Task Carried Out During Industrial Training 1.3.3 1.3.5 1.3.1 Introduction to Tor%ue Training. &even 7asic Cuality Tools. Incoming Cuality Control + ICC -


58 59 5: 5;

1.5 0rocess 2ork ActivitiesBTask Carried 4ut 'uring Industiral Training

CHAPTER !: SUGGESTION AND CONCLUSION 6.3 Company ,anagement. 6.5 &upervision. 6.1 !ecommendation. 6.1.3 6.1.5 6.1.1 6.1.6 $ecturer. /nimap. The &tudent. The Company.

1: 1; 1; 1; 1; 1< 1< 1<




Ta$%e 5.6.1 5.9 5.;.< 5.;.3= 5.;.33 5.;.35 5.;.31

Ti&%e Advantest ntire 2orld H A'C4/)T &ockets for 7*ABC&0 +3.8nHC&0 &ocket +for '!A,Bflash memoryT&40BCF0 &ocket +3.;nH7*ABC&0 &ocket +=.6nH0eristyle 0robe Card

Page ; < 38 39 3: 3; 3<



Fig'(e 5.5 5.6.5 5.6.1 5.8 5.;.3 5.;.6 5.;.8 5.;.9 5.;.: 5.;.< 5.;.3= 5.;.33 5.;.35 5.;.31 5.;.36a 5.;.36b 5.;.36c 5.;.38 5.;.39a 5.;.39b 5.;.39c 1.5a 1.5b 1.5c

Ti&%e 4fficially 4pened AT ,, 'ecember 3<<9. Advantest ngineering +,- &dn. 7hd. Advantest ntire 2orld $ogo 'evice Interface 2afer motherboard for T81;1 E 2afer motherboard for T81;8 HIFI> for T88;8 &7C?T@0 HIFI> for T88=1 +'&A- E &7C?T@0 HIFI> for T88=1 &7C?T@0 HIFI> &ockets for 7*ABC&0 +3.8nHC&0 &ocket +for '!A,Bflash memory &ockets for T&40BCF0 +3.;nH7*ABC&0 &ocket +=.6nHConcentrated 38= E 'istributed 1== ,9565 Change Dits ,6;63 Change Dits ,6:63 Change Dits Insert 7ody E 'evice Carrier &%uare?type 0erformance 7oard 0erformance 7oard for ,anual Test 3=56?channel &%uare Frog /nit Toolset in Advantest Contact Chuck, part of '/T CD C,, machine

Page 6 : : ; 33 35 31 31 36 38 39 3: 3; 3< 5= 5= 53 53 51 51 51 5< 1= 15


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