Case 1 - Apple Inc

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Apple Inc. is the leader in innovation that is adored by the consumers around the world. Apple is mentioned as the number one brand by the prestigious Forbes magazine in October, 2012 issue. Apple is also the largest publicly traded company in the world by mar et capitalization. !he Apple brand is worth "#$.1 billion which is %&' more than that o( the )icroso(t *orporation. !he +Apple, brand helped the company to generate "-0 billion pro(its over the past 12.months. Apple always tries to (ollow some specialized strategies to gain competitive advantages over the competitors and increase their pro(it as well as their mar et share. According to the Apple Inc. annual report, !he *ompany is committed to bringing the best personal computing, portable digital music and mobile communication e/perience to students, educators, creative pro(essionals, businesses, government agencies, and consumers through its innovative hardware, so(tware, peripherals, services, and Internet o((erings.

Product development strategies of Apple

!he (irst word applicable (or the products developed by Apple is +innovation,. 0very product launched by Apple has become a landmar (or the design, per(ormance and user (riendliness. Apple started their business by introducing their (irst computer named Apple 1. !hey became very success(ul by introducing i1od and i1hone. !hese two products have changed the digital media industry. In the recent past Apple introduces the i1od, which is a portable multimedia computer and i1hone %, described as the phone o( the (uture. !he Apple products are sold to the customers through the retail stores. !he retailing approach o( Apple is very much di((erent (rom others. !hough the retailing process is proved e((ective and retail shops earned more than a billion dollar revenue but it (aces some problems with the authorized resellers. Apple has more than hundred retailer shops around the world that helps the company sell their products directly to the consumers.

Trade strategies
Apple is always interested to recruit highly dedicated and pro(essional people who now their 2ob very clearly. !hese employees always ready to hear the problems o( the customers with a (riendly manner. !he good consumer relationship o( the company ma es Apple the most innovative technology company o( the world. !he Apple stores have been established in di((erent corner o( the world to increase the sell and pro(it o( the company. !he employees wor ing here are big (ans o( the brand and are passionate to sell Apple,s products. 3ew sales persons are watched and listened to pod casts about selling techni4ues and shadowed more e/perienced salespeople while they e/ecuted the company. !he company is (ollowing three step sales processes5 1osition, 1ermission and probe. !hey used to (ollow a di((erent approach when they (irst meet with a customer by as ing some basic 4uestions to the customers. !hat is why the sales person can select the right products (or each customer. As a result Apple is ma ing huge revenue by ma ing the customer (riendly environment. !he Apple online store is established in 1&&$. !his online store is nown as the Apple store. !he web address is !he idea o( the web store is developed in order to enhance mar et share and sales. !he store manu(actures computers and digital multimedia devices according to customer speci(ications. Apple opened its (irst retail store at !ysons *orner *enter, a large mall in )c9ean, :irginia in 2001. In the inaugural ceremony, huge customers were waited in line to participate. In its (irst two days o( operation the store earned ;<" %&&,000 in sales. In the same wee Apple opened its second retail store in =lendale, *ali(ornia.

Strategic challenges and recovery

!he most critical issues currently (acing Apple is competition and the pace o( technological change. Apple is also challenged to maintain its core competencies . mar eting, innovation, relationship building, and brand management. !he technology and entertainment industries are constantly and rapidly changing. Its customer base is now more diverse, and new sets o(

competitors have a wider variety o( strengths and strategies. the company>s suite o( products is no longer based on its internally developed hardware and so(tware, but depends upon the ability to secure media content, which has its own competitive (orces, dimensions o( entertainment value, and proprietary issues. Apple>s continued success lies in care(ul and thought(ul strategic management o( these comple/ issues and challenges. Apple can (ollow the opportunities to increase the competitive advantage as well as the mar et share5 Apple can go (or the retail stores in di((erent corners o( the world to reach to more consumers. 0stablish ios s in di((erent areas. Focus on International growth and e/pansion Improve compatibility ?eb technology and mar eting )ore customer programs =rowth in new user segments.

Apple>s product line can achieve signi(icant bene(its (rom uni4ue, complementary products and co.branding opportunities, particularly i( they can help overcome resistance to Apple>s proprietary technology in the mainstream mar et. Apple has to develop the top management team and a succession strategy to reduce overdependence on some speci(ied individuals to advance the interests o( the company.

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