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University of South Asia

Business Research Methodologies

Dr. M. Ejaz Sandhu, Dean Course Code: RM-4003 Semester: Summer 2006


The primary objective of a research project is to answer questions in such a way that the results, conclusions and inference drawn from the study can be offered with confidence and inte rity. To accomplish this objective, one needs to be successful in as!in "posin # the questions, desi nin procedures by which information "data# can be collected and athered, analyzin the data, and interpretin the results. $erformin this tas! in a systematic way allows pursuin the fundamental oals of any science% to understand, e&plain, and predict phenomena.

Course Description: The subject tar

ets to develop in students an understandin of the scientific research as an inte ral process of thin!in and to appreciate that science involves the continuous interplay of rationalism and empiricism. Research Methodologies deals with the tools and techniques of scientific research methods and their application to various fields of !nowled e "not limited to 'omputer Science#. Topics covered are formulation of the problem and related hypotheses, development of research desi n based on different paradi ms, literature search, various methodolo ies, samplin techniques, analysis of data, writin research proposal( report, etc. )s part of the course wor! students are required to participate in research projects and(or develop independent research reports, which are required to be presented and submitted prior to the final e&ams.

Course Objective: The subject tar

ets to develop s!ills that will enable you to effectively evaluate the research of others and to desi n, conduct, and report on research of your own. *ou will be e&posed to the lo ic underlyin the research process as well as a broad ran e of desi n and assessment methods. Throu hout the course there will be an emphasis on both conceptual understandin and the development of practical +how,to+ s!ills. -f your oal is to do quality wor!, whether you are in a research or applied domain, then you will need tools to help you ma!e sense of your data or of the effectiveness of your chosen approach to a problem. *ou will become familiar with a wide variety of methods and approaches. )fter developin the conceptual foundation for conductin research, we will develop a basic understandin of research methods and data interpretation.

Teaching Methodology & Requirements: $lease arrive and leave on time. 'lass will
be in promptly five minutes after the hour and will end e&actly on the time. .ate arrivals

and early departures disrupt class and ruin the presentations of others. They are unprofessional. 0or!in to ether to solve homewor! problems is encoura ed. *ou should learn from one another1 2owever, the wor! you hand in should be your own. The 3committee4 approach to homewor! problem of dividin up the problem amon st your roup and copyin from your friends is cheatin and will not be tolerated. *ou learn by doin , so do your own wor!. 'lass meetin s will 56T cover everythin in the te&t. )ll written assi nments must be handed in at the be innin of class on the due dates. They will not be accepted after the class has be un. )ll assi nments not completed on time "not handed in before class has be un# will receive a zero. *ou are most welcome to as! questions in class dealin with any material bein presented, and to ta!e an active role in class participation.

'ourse 'ontents and 'lass $lan

Week No.

-ntroduction about subject. 7esearch% Types, 5ature 8 'haracteristics. 7ole of Supervisor -dentification of a 7esearch $roblem. $opulation, 2ypotheses Sample: $arameters, Statistics. ;ariable and


.iterature Search. 'lass Discussion.

>uantitative 7esearch. >ualitative 7esearch.

'orrelational 7esearch. E&perimental 7esearch.

'ausal,'omparative 7esearch 2istorical 7esearch.

Survey 7esearch. StudentsB $resentations

Samplin Desi ns. -nstrumentation ( Methods

;alidity, 7eliability. 'lass discussion.

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Measurement 8 Data 'ollection. Data )nalysis. Data )nalysis 'omputer 8 7esearch. 0ritin 7esearch $roposal. 0ritin 7esearch 7eport.

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StudentsB $resentation 0hat to do when thin s o wron F 7eview.

e"t#ooks$ Re%erence Material:

/. 9. <. G'onductin 7esearchB by $atric! H. Schloss 8 Maureen ). Smith. G7esearch Methods in EducationB by 0illiam 0iersma. G2ow To Desi n )nd Evaluate 7esearch in EducationB by Hac! 7. Iraen!el 8 5orman E. 0allen. =. ?. @. A. G7esearch Method% $rocess of -nquiryB by )nthony M. Jraziano.

GKusiness 7esearch MethodsB by 0illiam J. Li!mund "A Ed. or later# GKusiness 7esearch MethodsB by Donald 7. 'ooper 8 $amela S. Schindler )ny other boo! on research.




Testing and

rading: .earnin will be accomplished throu h lectures, outside readin s, studentBs participation in classroom discussion. Jradin will tend to focus on your overall performance rather than one or two aspects. 'ourse rade will include the assi nment, midterm, final e&amination and report. E&cessive absences because of any reason "more than 9EM# will result in 3I Jrade4. Students comin late to the class will also be mar!ed absent. )ll the lectures and assi nments alon with their due dates are available on intranet site of the course. Marks &istri#ution )ssi nments, $resentation, $roject etc. <EM Mid,Term Test <EM Iinal E&amination =EM "The above distribution may vary if needed#

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