Premarital Education

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Introduction Every married couple hopes they will live the happily ever after fairytale.

The sad reality is that in Indonesia there are 400.000 divorve cases in 2012. Couples may ask, is it love or is it luck that makes a marria e work! The truth is that without ood marria e preparation, marria e satisfaction can decline rapidly as a couple makes the transition from the romance of the weddin to married life. "ust as you would start a #usiness, #uy a car or take an interview or e$am with ood preparation and research so too it makes perfect sense to prepare for your marria e #eyond the weddin day. %re marria e education has #een shown to reduce the risk of divorce #y up to &0 ' and can add to the likelihood of a happier, stron er and more fulfillin marria e. The Definition of Premarital Education %re(marital education is a pro ram throu h which persons interested in marria e receive education on topics relevant to marria e such as, #ut not limited to, communication, relatin with in(laws, se$, finance, and spouse roles in order to enhance the marital relationship. %ersons are also introduced to useful marria e skills such as, #ut not limited to, conflict resolution, open communication, and #ud et preparation. The education and skills trainin is most often done #y professional counselors, spiritual leaders, or others specifically trained in this area.

%remarital education )is associated with hi her levels of marital satisfaction, lower levels of destructive conflicts and hi her levels of interpersonal commitment to spouses,) says the study, pu#lished this sprin in the Journal of Family Psychology. The Importance of Premarital Education )The reason this has #ecome more important, at least culturally if not reli iously, is that people are beginning to try and figure out ways to prevent divorce ,) says *e#orah Caldwell, mana in editor of, a multi(faith reli ion we#site. ,nlike premarital counselin , which involves the couple alone and may focus on their conflicts and trou#le spots, premarital education takes place in a roup- classes provide eneral relationship advice. +ecause premarital education aims to lower the risk of divorce and identify problem areas before the wedding, e$perts su est couples start such pro rams si$ months to a year out.
Topics that are commonly covered in pre-marriage Education include... . . . . . /arria e e$pectations %ersonality influences Communication Conflict 0esolution 1inancial /ana ement

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2eisure 3ctivities 4e$ual 0elationship5E$pectations Children and %arentin 1amily and 1riends 0elationship 0oles 4piritual +eliefs 1amily and Couple Closeness and 1le$i#ility

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