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Orga !"a#!$ Na%&

Albany College of Pharmacy & Health c!ences


Amer!can Un!"ers!ty of Ant!gua

Amer!can Un!"ers!ty of Be!rut


Amer!can Un!"ers!ty of the Car!bbean chool of #ed!c!ne

Ben'(ur!on Un!"ers!ty of www.cumc.columb! the )ege" *aculty of %dept%bgcu'md Health c!ences #ed!cal chool for +nternat!onal Health

Broc$ Un!"ers!ty *aculty broc$ of (raduate tud!es

Canad!an College of )aturopath!c #ed!c!ne

Carleton Un!"ers!ty ' http,%%graduate.carleton. *aculty of (raduate and ca Postdoctoral Affa!rs

Concord!a Un!"ers!ty


Dalhous!e Un!"ers!ty ' *aculty of (raduate tud!es

Dalhous!e Un!"ers!ty ' -owe chool of Bus!ness

Du$e')U (raduate #ed!cal chool


(loba.!n$s .earn!ng Abroad, tudy !n Austral!a/ )ew 0ealand or the U1


+nst!tut de recherche en www.!r! !mmunolog!e et en canc2rolog!e 3+-+C4 % +nst!tute for -esearch !n +mmunology and Cancer 3+-+C4

+nst!tute for 8uantum Comput!ng


1aplan 6est Prep #c(!ll ' Department of +ntegrated tud!es !n Educat!on

WWW.1AP6E 6.C7# http,%%www.mcg!!se %grad

#c(!ll ' *aculty of Eng!neer!ng

http,%%www.mcg!! neer!ng%graduate

#c(!ll ' *aculty of #ed!c!ne

http,%%www.mcg!! lymed%mastersprogram

#c(!ll ' chool of http,%%www.mcg! Commun!cat!on d%programs c!ences and D!sorders

#c(!ll *aculty of #ed!c!ne. 7ff!ce of Adm!ss!ons/ E5u!ty and D!"ers!ty

www.mcg!! ss!ons

#c(!ll Un!"ers!ty ' Department of Ep!dem!ology/ B!ostat!st!cs/ and 7ccupat!onal Health

http,%%www.mcg!!' b!ostat'occh%

#c(!ll Un!"ers!ty ' +ntegrated Program !n )eurosc!ence 3+P)4


#c#aster Un!"ers!ty ' chool of (raduate tud!es

796-E11 ' tudy !n Austral!a


8ueen:s Un!"ers!ty ' *aculty of .aw

8ueen:s Un!"ers!ty ' chool of (raduate tud!es

http, gs

-oss Un!"ers!ty chool of #ed!c!ne & chool of ;eter!nary #ed!c!

aba Un!"ers!ty chool of #ed!c!ne

t. (eorge:s Un!"ers!ty www.n!cos! of .ondon #ed!cal chool' Cyprus Program

tudy Across the Pond


6echn!on Amer!can #ed!cal chool

http,%%teams.techn! !l

6he Pr!nceton -e"!ew


6r!n!ty College Dubl!n


U of 6 #!ss!ssauga

http,%%www.utm.utoronto. ca%mscsm%

UBC *aculty of Pharmaceut!cal c!ences


Un!"ers!t2 de #ontr2al % ou Un!"ers!ty of #ontreal www.futursetud!ants<u

Un!"ers!t2 du 8u2bec = -!mous$!


Un!"ers!t2 .a"al ' Bureau du recrutement 2tud!ant


Un!"ers!ty of (uelph ' (raduate tud!es atestud!es

Un!"ers!ty of Health c!ences !n Ant!gua

Un!"ers!ty of #ed!c!ne www.umhs's$.org and Health c!ences/ t. 1!tts

Un!"ers!ty of )ew Brunsw!c$ ' chool of (raduate tud!es

http, ud!es%

Un!"ers!ty of 7ttawa

http,%%www.grad.uottawa. ca%Default.asp&> tab!d?@ABC

Un!"ers!ty of 6oronto

Un!"ers!ty of 6oronto ' *aculty of #ed!c!ne

http,%%www.glse.utoronto. ca%

Un!"ers!ty of 6oronto ' Dalla .ana chool of Publ!c Health


Un!"ers!ty of 6oronto ' http,%%pharmacy.utoronto (raduate Department of .ca%programs%gradprogra Pharmaceut!cal ms.htm c!ences

Un!"ers!ty of 6oronto ' +nst!tute of B!omater!als and B!omed!cal Eng!neer!ng


Un!"ers!ty of 6oronto ' chool of (raduate tud!es

http,%%www.sgs.utoronto. ca

Un!"ers!ty of 6oronto www.mb! #!ss!ssauga ' #aster of B!otechnology

Un!"ers!ty of 6oronto #!ss!ssauga ' ##+

http,%%www.utm.utoronto. ca%mm!

Un!"ers!ty of Waterloo ' chool of Pharmacy


Un!"ers!ty of Waterloo/ chool of 7ptometry and ;!s!on c!ence

http, metry'"!s!on' sc!ence%future' optometry'students

Un"!ers!ty of outhern Cal!forn!a

http,%%"!terb!!nd e&.php

Da"!er Un!"ers!ty chool www.& of #ed!c!ne

Eor$ Un!"ers!ty ' chul!ch chool of Bus!ness/ (raduate Adm!ss!ons


Albany College of Pharmacy and Health c!ences !s comm!tted to graduat!ng the best health care m!nds !n the world/ w!th an array of degree programs des!gned to help students succeed !n pharmacy and other health related f!elds. 6here are more than @/CBB students enrolled at ACPH and more than @BB full' and part't!me faculty. 6he CollegeFs ma!n campus !s located !n Albany/ )ew Eor$G !ts satell!te campus !s !n Colchester/ ;ermont. 6he College offers a Doctor of Pharmacy 3Pharm.D.4 program and four'year bachelor:s degrees !n Chem!stry/ B!omed!cal 6echnology/ Health and Human c!ences/ #!crob!ology/ and Pharmaceut!cal c!ences. ACPH also offers masterFs degree programs !n B!otechnology/ Pharmaceut!cal c!ences/ Cytotechnology and #olecular Cytology/ Health 7utcomes -esearch/ and B!otechnology' Cytotechnology

*ounded as an !ndependent College of #ed!c!ne !n HBBA/ Amer!can Un!"ers!ty of Ant!gua has 5u!c$ly e"ol"ed !nto a top center of !nternat!onal med!cal educat!on/ draw!ng students and faculty from across the globe to the Commonwealth of Ant!gua and Barbuda. tudents attend!ng AUA enIoy the benef!ts of a thr!"!ng mult!cultural en"!ronment offer!ng all the amen!t!es and technolog!cally'ad"anced fac!l!t!es of a world'class !nst!tut!on.6he un!"ers!tyFs graduates !nclude phys!c!ans/ sc!ent!sts/ and bus!ness profess!onals across the world/ w!th many pract!c!ng med!c!ne !n Canada. 6he Un!"ers!ty offers undergraduate premed!cal educat!on as well as !ndependent and dual graduate degrees !n med!c!ne and bus!ness through !ts #D program. 6he Un!"ers!ty programs are accred!ted !n the Un!ted tates and appro"ed by many go"ern!ng author!t!es/ !nclud!ng the )ew Eor$ tate Department of Educat!on and Cal!forn!a #ed!cal Board. *ounded !n @JCC/ the Amer!can Un!"ers!ty of Be!rut bases !ts educat!onal ph!losophy/ standards/ and pract!ces on the Amer!can l!beral arts model of h!gher educat!on. A teach!ng'centered research un!"ers!ty/ AUB has around KBB !nstruct!onal faculty and a student body of around J/BBB students. 6he Un!"ers!ty encourages freedom of thought and e&press!on and see$s to graduate men and women comm!tted to creat!"e and cr!t!cal th!n$!ng/ l!fe'long learn!ng/ personal !ntegr!ty/ c!"!c respons!b!l!ty/ and leadersh!p. AUB currently offers more than @HB programs lead!ng to the bachelor:s/ master:s/ #D/ and PhD degrees. 6he Un!"ers!ty became coeducat!onal !n @LHHG !ts student body !s MB percent male and MB percent female. 6he language of !nstruct!on !s Engl!sh 3e&cept for courses !n the Arab!c Department and other language courses4. 6he student faculty rat!o !s @N to @.

6he m!ss!on of the Amer!can Un!"ers!ty of the Car!bbean chool of #ed!c!ne !s to pro"!de an e&cellent med!cal educat!on to 5ual!f!ed students of d!"erse bac$grounds. 6h!s !s to be accompl!shed w!th!n an atmosphere of academ!c !ntegr!ty and scholarsh!p/ wh!ch fosters the h!ghest standards !n profess!onal eth!cs and competence.

6he m!ss!on of the #ed!cal chool for +nternat!onal Health 3# +H4 !s to address the need for med!cal educat!on that focuses on the !nterface between global health and commun!ty and pre"ent!"e med!c!ne. Adm!ss!on !s open to e&cept!onal !nd!"!duals of all nat!onal!t!es who w!sh to prepare themsel"es for careers !n global health and populat!on'based med!c!ne. 6he # +H see$s outstand!ng students w!th the academ!c preparat!on/ matur!ty/ and comm!tment to master a r!gorous med!cal school curr!culum and to benef!t from the demands and opportun!t!es assoc!ated w!th graduate study w!th!n the d!"erse cultural en"!ronment of +srael. elect!on !s based on the appl!cantFs o"erall potent!al for successful complet!on of the degree as !nd!cated by undergraduate (PA/ #CA6 scores/ e&tracurr!cular e&per!ence/ recommendat!ons/ and !nter"!ew assessments. +n @LLC/ !n aff!l!at!on w!th Columb!a Un!"ers!ty:s Health c!ences D!"!s!on/ the *aculty of Health c!ences at Ben'(ur!on Un!"ers!ty of the )ege" !nst!tuted a four'year med!cal degree program to graduate doctors w!th spec!al s$!lls !n pr!mary care. Why Choose Broc$ for (raduate tud!es> O WeFre small enough to be !nt!mate and b!g enough to attract world'class m!nds O Wor$ one'on'one w!th Canada -esearch Cha!rs and award'w!nn!ng faculty members O Access to world'class lab fac!l!t!es and mult!'m!ll!on dollar e5u!pment O .!"e/ wor$ and play !n the affordable )!agara reg!on We offer AN programs and as the second P fastest grow!ng un!"ers!ty !n 7ntar!o/ w!th hundreds of m!ll!ons of dollars comm!tted to new construct!on/ you should really be as$!ng yourself ' Why wouldnFt you choose Broc$>

6he Canad!an College of )aturopath!c #ed!c!ne 3CC)#4 !s Canada:s prem!er !nst!tute for educat!on and research !n naturopath!c med!c!ne. CC)# offers a r!gorous four'year/ full't!me doctor of naturopath!c med!c!ne program. CC)# !s also home to the -obert chad )aturopath!c Cl!n!c/ a dynam!c naturopath!c teach!ng cl!n!c where sen!or cl!n!c!ans and )D super"!sors conduct more than HC/BBB pat!ent "!s!ts per year.

W!th more than @BB graduate programs/ youFll f!nd yours at Carleton. #any are !nterd!sc!pl!nary/ allow!ng you to shape your future based on your !nterests. .ocated !n 7ttawa/ Carleton offers you a cap!tal ad"antage as many nat!onal museums/ !ndustry/ go"ernment departments and maIor research labs are Iust down the road. 6h!s pro"!des countless opportun!t!es for research collaborat!ons/ !nternsh!ps and Iobs. 7ur graduate students wor$ alongs!de faculty and !ndustry/ go"ernment or other commun!ty leaders who are not only recogn!9ed for the!r research e&cellence/ but are ded!cated mentors who are comm!tted to help!ng you succeed. .et us help you launch the ne&t phase of your academ!c l!fe. (et connected. Qo!n CarletonFs (rad chool.

Concord!a has K/BBB graduate students enrolled !n more than @BB graduate programs. We span a d!"erse range of f!elds across the arts/ human!t!es/ natural and soc!al sc!ences/ eng!neer!ng/ commerce and adm!n!strat!on/ as well as !nterd!sc!pl!nary stud!es.

6he *aculty of (raduate tud!es at Dalhous!e Un!"ers!ty !s home to o"er NMBB students study!ng !n o"er LB #asterFs and AB PhD programs. 7ur students come from all o"er the world to study !n a "ar!ety of f!elds such as Eng!neer!ng/ 7cean c!ences/ Computer c!ence/ oc!al c!ence/ Health Profess!ons/ .aw/ and much more. Dalhous!e !s $nown for !ts 5ual!ty research. We are the only Atlant!c Canad!an member of the U'@M/ a group of lead!ng research'!ntens!"e un!"ers!t!es/ and rece!"e o"er R@AB m!ll!on !n research fund!ng e"ery year. !tuated on three beaut!ful/ tree'l!ned campuses !n the c!ty of Hal!fa&/ graduate students at Dalhous!e ha"e access to not only world class educat!on and research opportun!t!es/ but also to the "!brant cultural and soc!al l!fe that Hal!fa& has to offer. tudents who choose to study !n the *aculty of Agr!culture attend school !n p!ctures5ue 6ruro/ ) where they ha"e access to state'of'the'art fac!l!t!es and are w!th!n an hour of many of the pro"!nceFs ma!n attract!ons.

+f you are !nterested !n pursu!ng an e&c!t!ng career that allows you to comb!ne your undergrad $nowledge and !nterests w!th s$!lls !n bus!ness/ th!s degree !s for you. Canada:s only Corporate -es!dency #BA prom!ses to pro"!de opportun!t!es for faster career placement !n your chosen f!eld whether you ha"e Iust completed your undergraduate degree or are loo$!ng to transform your career. We accompl!sh th!s through an e!ght'month corporate res!dency that offers you the opportun!ty to wor$ w!th one of Canada:s lead!ng employers !n an e&cept!onal/ pa!d wor$ e&per!ence. 7ur HH'month program starts !n Qune. +n Qanuary you start your res!dency and you return !n eptember to f!n!sh your last two semesters. Du$e')U !s a partnersh!p between Du$e Un!"ers!ty and the )at!onal Un!"ers!ty of !ngapore 3)U 4. 6he Du$e')U A year #D program follows the un!5ue Du$e Un!"ers!ty chool of #ed!c!ne curr!culum and students are awarded a Io!nt degree.

#ed!c!ne/ Dent!stry/ Pharmacy/ Phys!otherapy/ 7ptometry/ 7ccupat!onal 6herapy/ peech .anguage Pathology/ .aw/ #BA and Bus!ness/ ;eter!nary chool/ 6eacher Educat!on/ and A.. other maIors. (loba.!n$s .earn!ng Abroad !s your appl!cat!on centre to top ran$ed un!"ers!t!es !n Austral!a/ )ew 0ealand and the U1 and has been chosen to be the!r representat!"e for you here !n Canada. We represent many of the top un!"ers!t!es !n the world such as, O Austral!an )at!onal Un!"ers!ty O Un!"ers!ty of ydney O Un!"ers!ty of #elbourne O Un!"ers!ty of 8ueensland O Un!"ers!ty of Auc$land O #onash Un!"ers!ty O Un!"ers!ty of Western Austral!a O 8ueen #ary ' Un!"ers!ty of .ondon O Bond Un!"ers!ty O (r!ff!th Un!"ers!ty Contact us toll free @ JBB LJB BBNN or canada<degreeso" !f you ha"e 5uest!ons or "!s!t our webs!te, http,%%www.degreeso"

An ultra'modern research hub and tra!n!ng centre located !n the heart of Un!"ers!t2 de #ontr2al/ the +nst!tute for -esearch !n +mmunology and Cancer 3+-+C4 was created !n HBBN to shed l!ght on the mechan!sms of cancer and d!sco"er new/ more effect!"e therap!es to counter th!s plague. +-+C operates accord!ng to a model that !s un!5ue !n Canada. +ts !nno"at!"e approach to research has already led to d!sco"er!es that w!ll/ o"er the com!ng years/ ha"e a s!gn!f!cant !mpact on the f!ght aga!nst cancer. +n less than @B years/ +-+C has bu!lt a reputat!on for e&cellence w!th the Canad!an and !nternat!onal sc!ent!f!c commun!ty. +ts team of nearly AMB ded!cated members/ each one con"!nced of the soundness of the +nst!tuteFs approach, complementary e&pert!se/ collaborat!on and commun!ty/ comb!ned w!th creat!"!ty and !nno"at!on/ ma$e up !ts w!nn!ng formula for beat!ng cancer.

6he Un!"ers!ty of Waterloo/ !n collaborat!on w!th the +nst!tute for 8uantum Comput!ng/ offers graduate students un!5ue opportun!t!es to learn about and engage !n world'lead!ng research !n 5uantum !nformat!on through a w!de range of ad"anced research proIects and ad"anced courses on the foundat!ons/ appl!cat!ons and !mplementat!on of 5uantum !nformat!on process!ng. (raduate chool 6est Prep & Adm!ss!ons Consult!ng D+ E' Department of +ntegrated tud!es !n Educat!on #aster of Arts !n 6each!ng and .earn!ng P .eads to 6each!ng Cert!f!cat!on #aster of Arts Educat!on & oc!ety' )ew concentrat!ons !n #ath and c!ence Doctor of Ph!losophy !n Educat!onal tud!es' )ew concentrat!ons !n #ath and c!ence

#c(!ll Un!"ers!tyFs *aculty of Eng!neer!ng !s one of CanadaFs most d!st!ngu!shed research commun!t!es/ home to more than @MB professors/ @@MB graduate students and appro&!mately RNA m!ll!on !n annual e&ternal research fund!ng. Here youFll study w!th some of the worldFs most prom!nent teachers and researchers/ and be part of a team of the best and br!ghtest graduate students !n Canada. We are proud to be ran$ed cons!stently !n the top MB globally !n the Eng!neer!ng and 6echnology category of the HB@H 8 World Un!"ers!t!es -an$!ngs and the U )ews and World -eport. 7ur alumn! networ$ S HN/BBB strong S !ncludes astronauts/ sc!ent!sts/ )obel Pr!9e rec!p!ents/ heads of go"ernment/ !nno"ators/ bus!ness leaders/ wr!ters/ 7scar w!nners/ entrepreneurs/ management consultants and "!s!onar!es !n e"ery aspect of Eng!neer!ng/ Arch!tecture and Urban Plann!ng. 6hese h!ghly respected women and men spea$ to #c(!ll Eng!neer!ngFs ab!l!ty to e5u!p !ts graduates for success.

We offer a research'or!ented thes!s'based graduate program !n fam!ly med!c!ne. 6he obIect!"e !s to !ncrease the s$!lls of those !nterested !n carry!ng out research pert!nent to the pract!ce of fam!ly med!c!ne. As many rele"ant research 5uest!ons cross con"ent!onal boundar!es of d!sc!pl!nes and research trad!t!ons/ we !ncorporate an !nterd!sc!pl!nary approach w!th an emphas!s on part!c!patory research and commun!ty engagement. 6he chool of Commun!cat!on c!ences and D!sorders pro"!des both profess!onal and research tra!n!ng !n commun!cat!on sc!ences and d!sorders at the graduate le"el through !ts #. c. 3Appl!ed4/ #. c./ and Ph.D. degrees. 6he obIect!"e of our research degrees 3#. c. and Ph.D.4 !s to de"elop lead!ng researchers and scholars who w!ll go on to tra!n future !n"est!gators !n the f!eld of commun!cat!on sc!ences and d!sorders and who/ through the!r research/ w!ll ad"ance our understand!ng of the processes of human commun!cat!on and !ts brea$down. +nterd!sc!pl!nary !nteract!ons are at the core of our research tra!n!ng approach/ wh!ch !ncludes preparat!on to conduct both fundamental and cl!n!cally' appl!ed !n"est!gat!ons. 6he goal of our # c Appl!ed program !s to educate the ne&t generat!on of well'prepared and !nno"at!"e peech'language pathology profess!onals by pro"!d!ng enr!ched classroom tra!n!ng/ cl!n!cal laboratory act!"!t!es that enhance the trans!t!on from theory to pract!ce/ and outstand!ng cl!n!cal pract!cum e&per!ences.

What we are loo$!ng for> 6he *aculty of #ed!c!ne of #c(!ll Un!"ers!ty conducts a thorough/ mult!'cr!ter!a e"aluat!on of appl!cat!ons to !ts programs. We attend to each cand!date:s academ!c and non'academ!c ach!e"ements. creen!ng and select!on processes are cont!nually scrut!n!9ed/ !n an effort to ensure transparency and fa!rness to all cand!dates. We a!m to select students w!th the greatest potent!al to meet the demands of our curr!culumG to contr!bute mean!ngfully to the learn!ng en"!ronment and to pro"!de outstand!ng health care to the publ!c we ser"e. Understand!ng that our graduates w!ll go on to ser"e d!"erse commun!t!es !n 8u2bec/ Canada and beyond/ we e&pect our cand!dates to demonstrate a deep comm!tment to a pursu!t of e&cellence !n academ!c wor$/ eth!cal and profess!onal conduct/ and awareness of the comple&!t!es of the world !n wh!ch they w!ll go on to hold pr!"!leged pos!t!ons of ser"!ce and leadersh!p.

6he #c(!ll Department of Ep!dem!ology/ B!ostat!st!cs/ and 7ccupat!onal Health !s the largest academ!c group of !ts $!nd !n Canada. Partnersh!ps between some of the foremost sc!ent!sts !n ep!dem!ology and b!ostat!st!cs pro"!de no"el tra!n!ng opportun!t!es !n the masterFs and doctoral le"el programs. tudents are act!"ely engaged !n formal coursewor$ and student act!"!t!es !n the Department and at the Un!"ers!ty/ and enIoy opportun!t!es for f!eld e&per!ence/ research ass!stantsh!ps/ and super"!s!on !n the d!"erse hosp!tal/ commun!ty/ and !nternat!onal research sett!ngs of the faculty.

O 6he +ntegrated Program !n )eurosc!ence 3+P)4 at #c(!ll Un!"ers!ty !s an !nter'd!sc!pl!nary/ !nter' departmental graduate program/ ded!cated to produc!ng world'class neurosc!ent!sts. O +P) !s home to one of the h!ghest concentrat!on of neurosc!ent!sts !n )orth Amer!ca. O +nternat!onally renowned/ #c(!ll Un!"ers!ty has a r!ch h!story !n neurosc!ence and !s cons!stently ran$ed as one of the world:s top @M'HM un!"ers!t!es. O W!th o"er NBB graduate students and more than @JB super"!sors/ the +P) !s one of the largest neurosc!ence graduate programs !n )orth Amer!ca. O )eurosc!ence tra!n!ng w!th!n the +P) spans the full spectrum of research f!elds/ from cellular and molecular neurosc!ence to beha"!oral and cogn!t!"e neurosc!ence. O +P) also offers an e&tens!"e range of courses/ hosts an annual )eurosc!ence -etreat and ma!nta!ns a sem!nar program to fac!l!tate to fac!l!tate commun!cat!on between students !n d!fferent neurosc!ence d!sc!pl!nes. O )eurosc!ence tra!nees from #c(!ll ha"e gone on to successful careers !n academ!a and !ndustry.

#c#aster Un!"ers!ty:s graduate students connect/ d!sco"er and e&cel !n more than @BB #aster:s and Ph.D. le"el programs. 6he numerous research ach!e"ements of #c#aster faculty members ha"e been !nternat!onally recogn!9ed by grants/ pr!9es/ medals/ and fellowsh!ps !n academ!c soc!et!es. We are also !n the forefront of de"elop!ng graduate student l!fe/ w!th th!ngs l!$e !mpro" tra!n!ng wor$shops as featured !n #aclean:s maga9!ne. #c#aster offers a large/ attract!"e campus/ the !nter!or of wh!ch !s open only to pedestr!ans and cycl!sts. .ocated at the western end of .a$e 7ntar!o/ the Un!"ers!ty !s surrounded by NBB acres of conser"at!on area/ and only m!nutes from Ham!ltonFs downtown core.

TWHE +n e"eryth!ng we do/ we bel!e"e !n challeng!ng soc!ety and the status 5uo. We bel!e"e there !s no feat !n be!ng ord!narySwe bel!e"e !n be!ng e&traord!nary. We bel!e"e !n chas!ng and fulf!ll!ng dreams/ and enr!ch!ng l!"es w!th !ncred!ble e&per!ences that w!ll be treasured for a l!fet!me. H7W 6he way we fulf!ll dreams and enr!ch l!"es !s by creat!ng a process that !s easy to use/ streaml!ned and eff!c!ent/ a process that educates and enables !nformed dec!s!ons. Prepar!ng you for a Iourney that w!ll change your l!fe/ through careful plann!ng by an engaged/ thoughtful/ and car!ng team of e&traord!nary people/ !s how 796-E11 enr!ches l!"es w!th !ncred!ble e&per!ences. WHA6 796-E11 !s the only Canad!an organ!9at!on that !s an Appl!cat!on and +nformat!on Centre !n Canada for the follow!ng comb!nat!on of Austral!an un!"ers!t!es, Bond Un!"ers!ty Qames Coo$ Un!"ers!ty #ac5uar!e Un!"ers!ty #onash Un!"ers!ty Un!"ers!ty of #elbourne Un!"ers!ty of )ewcastle Un!"ers!ty of 8ueensland Un!"ers!ty of ydney 6he 796-E11 Appl!cat!on and +nformat!on Centre !s free to all students as our ser"!ces are pro"!ded on behalf of/ and fully funded by/ the abo"e Austral!an un!"ers!t!es.U

8ueen:s .aw enIoys a prest!g!ous nat!onal and !nternat!onal reputat!on for e&cellence !n teach!ng/ scholarsh!p and learn!ng. W!th a strong trad!t!on of commun!ty sp!r!t and colleg!al!ty underp!nn!ng the pursu!t of academ!c e&cellence/ we attract a br!ght/ d!"erse student populat!on from across Canada e"ery year. 8ueenFs chool of (raduate tud!es !s a place where !deas l!"e and thatFs because th!s !s more than Iust a un!"ers!tyG !t !s a commun!ty. W!th o"er @BB graduate programs now/ 8ueenFs has bu!lt !ts reputat!on on pro"!d!ng graduate students w!th world'class research opportun!t!es and access to some of the br!ghtest m!nds !n the academ!c world. We also bu!lt the 5ual!ty of our academ!c programs on the strong support pro"!ded to enr!ch your educat!onal e&per!ence and ad"ance your academ!c career. *or more !nformat!on on each program/ go to our webs!te at, Web, or ema!l us at, grad.stud!es<

-oss Un!"ers!ty was founded !n @LKJ and !s a pro"!der of med!cal and "eter!nary educat!on offer!ng doctor of med!c!ne and doctor of "eter!nary med!c!ne degree programs. .ocated !n Dom!n!ca/ West +nd!es/ -oss Un!"ers!ty chool of #ed!c!ne 3-U #4 places more graduates !nto U res!denc!es than any other med!cal school !n the world. .ocated !n t. 1!tts/ -oss Un!"ers!ty chool of ;eter!nary #ed!c!ne 3-U ;#4 !s the f!rst Car!bbean "eter!nary school to rece!"e A;#A accred!tat!on and !s aff!l!ated w!th HH schools of "eter!nary med!c!ne !n the U where students complete the!r cl!n!cal year. 7"erall/ -oss Un!"ers!ty has graduated o"er @@/BBB successful phys!c!ans and "eter!nar!ans who are pract!c!ng !n all MB U states/ Canada and Puerto -!co. -oss operates on a three'semester schedule/ allow!ng students to start !n eptember/ Qanuary or #ay/ and has adm!n!strat!"e off!ces !n )orth Brunsw!c$/ )Q. El!g!ble students can rece!"e U federal loans. #ore than @/MBB #.D.Fs ha"e rece!"ed the!r start at aba Un!"ers!ty chool of #ed!c!ne. 6he motto of our schoolSEducat!on for .!feS!s drawn from our prom!se to pro"!de our students w!th the $nowledge and s$!lls that w!ll ser"e you for the rest of your career. We do !t through small classes/ a carefully de"eloped curr!culum/ close student'teacher !nteract!on/ state'of'the'art learn!ng fac!l!t!es and a superb cl!n!cal program at teach!ng hosp!tals across the Un!ted tates and Canada. LJV pass rate U #.E f!rst t!me test ta$ers 7ur success match!ng graduates !nto Canad!an res!dency programs ma$es aba a top cho!ce for Canad!an studentsW

t. (eorge:s Un!"ers!ty !s cons!dered one of the top med!cal schools !n the Un!ted 1!ngdom w!th a HCByear h!story. (raduates of our program earn an #BB degree'the e5u!"alent of an #D degree' from t. (eorge:s that !s recogn!9ed worldw!de. 7ur school !s +#ED l!sted and EC*#( cert!f!ed wh!ch allows graduates to obta!n res!denc!es and l!cens!ng to pract!ce med!c!ne !n Canada and the Un!ted tates. Across the Pond offers free ad"!ce and gu!dance to students want!ng to pursue the!r graduate stud!es !n the U1. 7ur e&perts pro"!de !nd!"!dual help and support to help students choose the r!ght program at the r!ght un!"ers!ty for the!r academ!c and personal needs. Across the Pond can help students apply to some of the best un!"ers!t!es !n England/ cotland/ and Wales. (raduate programs !n the U1 only ta$e one year to complete/ sa"!ng students t!me and money. 6u!t!on starts at R@A/BBB for the year. 6he 6echn!on Amer!can #ed!cal chool !s a world'renowned program located !n Ha!fa/ +srael that !ncludes H )obel .aureates. 6he A year curr!culum !s the same as Amer!can med!cal schoolsG all !nstruct!on and te&ts are !n Engl!sh and e"ery course !ncludes problem based learn!ng. 6he med!cal school !ncludes J hosp!tals and cl!n!cs !n )orthern +srael for all re5u!red cl!n!cal rotat!ons. 6he class !s l!m!ted to NH students from d!"erse ethn!c and rel!g!ous bac$grounds and the tu!t!on !s RHL/KMB per year. All students complete a research study and an #D%PhD program !s a"a!lable. (raduates are accepted !nto lead!ng res!denc!es !n the U and Canada. tudents from #c(!ll and other Canad!an un!"ers!t!es are represented !n our current student body. 6he deta!led webs!te !s, http,%%teams.techn!!l. 6he Pr!nceton -e"!ew spec!al!9es !n pro"!d!ng test preparat!on courses for students prepar!ng for standard!9ed adm!ss!on tests such as the #CA6/ . A6/ (#A6/ (-E/ etc.

*ounded !n @MLH/ 6r!n!ty College Dubl!n !s the top +r!sh un!"ers!ty for postgraduates/ w!th some @/CBB students 3@@V of the total student body4 read!ng for a research degree. 7ur postgraduate students come from all corners of the globe to study at 6r!n!ty to #asters and Ph.D. le"el. 6he str!$!ng 6r!n!ty College campus res!des !n the centre of the c!ty of Dubl!n where h!stor!c bu!ld!ngs s!t adIacent to cutt!ng edge research fac!l!t!es spann!ng the c!ences/ Eng!neer!ng/ Arts and Human!t!es. 6r!n!ty !s a un!"ers!ty of d!st!ngu!shed trad!t!on/ and one that ma$es substant!al research ach!e"ements wh!ch shape the world !n wh!ch we l!"e. ee, +nst!tute for +nternat!onal +ntegrat!on tud!es 3+++ 4 www.tcd.!e%!!!s Centre for -esearch on Adapt!"e )anostructures and )anode"!ces 3C-A))4 www.crann.tcd.!e 6r!n!ty College +nst!tute of )eurosc!ence 3 6C+)4 www.neurosc!ence.tcd.!e 6r!n!ty Centre for B!oeng!neer!ng www.tcd.!e%b!oeng!neer!ng +nst!tute of #olecular #ed!c!ne www.tcd.!e%+##

(raduates of the new # c # program w!ll be well s!tuated to pro"!de manager!al leadersh!p !n the many f!elds that e&!st and are emerg!ng !n the area of susta!nab!l!ty. We e&pect our future graduates to be the $ey leaders gu!d!ng the world towards global susta!nab!l!ty P susta!nable bus!nesses/ susta!nable commun!t!es/ and susta!nable en"!ronments. Who hould Apply> tudents graduat!ng !n any one of many d!sc!pl!nes/ !nclud!ngG management/ soc!al sc!ence/ natural sc!ence/ eng!neer!ng or any en"!ronment and natural resource dr!"en bac$ground/ and who are $een to pursue a career !n the area of susta!nab!l!ty management

)ot Iust for pharmacy studentsW +f your degree !s !n the sc!ences/ health sc!ences/ eng!neer!ng/ or bus!ness and you want to do cutt!ng'edge research that sa"es l!"es/ then we want you !n the Pharmaceut!cal c!ences (raduate Program. We offer # c and PhD programs !n research areas such as nanomed!c!ne/ d!sease mechan!sms/ med!c!nal chem!stry/ pharmacogenom!cs/ to&!cology/ drug del!"ery/ health econom!cs/ neurosc!ence/ ep!dem!ology/ drug metabol!sm and more. -eal!9e your unl!m!ted potent!al. Here. *aculty of Pharmaceut!cal c!ences # c and PhD graduates wor$, X +n the pharmaceut!cal and health care !ndustr!es. X +n academ!a/ at un!"ers!t!es and colleges. X +n go"ernment/ ad"!s!ng and wor$!ng on pol!cy de"elopment. 7ur # c and PhD students ha"e pre"!ous degrees !n the sc!ences/ health sc!ences/ eng!neer!ng/ econom!cs/ nurs!ng/ and more.

Am2nagement Arts et mus!5ue Commun!cat!on Dro!t Yconom!e et pol!t!5ue Ense!gnement et sc!ences de l:2ducat!on En"!ronnement et d2"eloppement durable .ettres et langues c!ences de la sant2 c!ences de la "!e c!ences de l:adm!n!stat!on et gest!on c!ences huma!nes c!ences pures et appl!5u2es c!ences soc!ales 6echnolog!e de l:+nformat!on et des commun!cat!ons 6h2olog!e et sc!ences des rel!g!ons

U8A- !s part of Un!"ers!t2 du 8u2bec/ the b!ggest un!"ers!ty networ$ !n Canada w!th o"er JC/BBB students. 6he un!"ers!ty !s truly ded!cated to ser"!ng the people of !ts "ast terr!tory and the students who choose to study there. W!th !ts attract!"e undergraduate and graduate research and teach!ng programs/ U8A- welcomes some C/MBB students e"ery year/ more than ABB of whom are !nternat!onal students from o"er NM countr!es. W!th !ts -!mous$! campus located on the shores of the (ulf of t. .awrence/ U8A- !s the northernmost un!"ers!ty !n 8uebec. 6he phys!ograph!c features of Eastern 8uebec ha"e put a d!st!nct!"e stamp on the un!"ers!tyFs research programs and helped def!ne the three ma!n mult!d!sc!pl!nary areas of research around wh!ch U8A- has made a name for !tself, mar!ne sc!ences/ reg!onal de"elopment and nord!c!ty. +n recent years/ U8A- has e&panded !ts research act!"!t!es and de"eloped recogn!9ed e&pert!se !n f!elds l!$e eng!neer!ng/ her!tage/ health/ educat!on and management sc!ences.

Un!"ers!t2 .a"al !s a prest!g!ous !nst!tut!on/ anchored !n the 8uebec soc!ety from !ts "ery beg!nn!ngs. *ounded !n the heart of 8uebecFs cap!tal c!ty/ Un!"ers!t2 .a"al was the f!rst *rench' language un!"ers!ty !n )orth Amer!ca. As one of CanadaFs top ten research un!"ers!t!es/ Un!"ers!t2 .a"al offers nearly ABB academ!c programs/ !nclud!ng HHK graduate programs/ !n !ts @K facult!es. Un!"ers!t2 .a"al !s a leader !n se"eral $ey research areas, en"!ronment and susta!nable de"elopmentG food process!ngG nutraceut!cals and health foodsG mater!als sc!ence and b!oeng!neer!ngG obes!ty researchG card!o"ascular and resp!ratory d!seasesG !nfect!ous d!seasesG cancer researchG gene/ cellular and t!ssue therapyG neurosc!encesG genom!cs/ proteom!cs and b!o!nformat!cs. (raduate students are allowed to conduct the!r research e&per!ments !n Engl!sh. Un!"ers!t2 .a"al also offers the opt!on of wr!t!ng and conduct!ng your thes!s or d!ssertat!on !n Engl!sh/ upon appro"al from your research super"!sor and program d!rector. Come bu!ld your future at Un!"ers!t2 .a"al, ula"

6he Un!"ers!ty of (uelph !s one of Canada:s most research'!ntens!"e !nst!tut!ons and a leader !n learner'centred educat!on. *ounded !n @LCA/ (uelph pro"!des graduate students w!th an academ!c en"!ronment that fosters research/ !nno"at!on and s$!ll de"elopment at the "ery h!ghest le"el of the d!sc!pl!ne. W!th o"er LB graduate opt!ons/ students ha"e access to programs that range from the natural and phys!cal sc!ences to eng!neer!ng/ soc!al sc!ences/ human!t!es/ bus!ness/ art/ agr!culture and "eter!nary sc!ence. *or more !nformat!on go to,!es Qo!n us on (raduate tud!es Pre"!ew Day and learn more about our graduate opt!ons/ research !nterests/ faculty members and our campus, 7ctober HCth from @B am'@ pm/ Un!"ers!ty Centre at the Un!"ers!ty of (uelph.

!nce @LJH/ UH A has graduated students from o"er H@ countr!es and AM states w!th!n the U. . 7ur students are represented !n Iust about e"ery spec!alty !nclud!ng/ surgery/ obstetr!cs and gynecology/ !nternal med!c!ne/ and ped!atr!cs. UH A students ha"e also gone on to prom!nent pos!t!ons such as Heads of Hosp!tals/ Department heads/ *aculty/ Ch!ef res!dents/ popular lecturers/ etc. 6he Un!"ers!ty of #ed!c!ne and Health c!ences 3U#H 4/ t. 1!tts !s a prem!er med!cal school offer!ng an e&cept!onal educat!on at an affordable tu!t!on. 6he Bas!c c!ence Program/ cons!st!ng of the f!rst four semesters/ !s completed at our new AB m!ll!on dollar state of the art campus on the Car!bbean +sland of t. 1!tts. After four semesters/ students return to the U for the rema!nder of the!r stud!es 3semesters M'@B4. 6he f!fth semester !s located at our Portland/ #a!ne campus. Dur!ng the f!fth semester students rece!"e strong cl!n!cal s$!lls !n add!t!on to a 1aplan U #.E re"!ew course. 7n complet!on of Mth semester students w!ll ta$e the U #.E/ upon pass!ng th!s e&am!nat!on/ students w!ll be placed !nto our cl!n!cal at aff!l!ated U teach!ng hosp!tals.

6he Un!"ers!ty of )ew Brunsw!c$ has one of the oldest graduate schools !n Canada. EouFll f!nd a r!ch cho!ce of programs !n more than NB d!fferent f!eldsSfrom b!omed!cal eng!neer!ng/ do!ng !nternat!onally'accla!med research/ to creat!"e wr!t!ng/ one of the best !n Canada.

6he Un!"ers!ty of 7ttawa !s Canada:s largest b!l!ngual 3*rench%Engl!sh4 un!"ers!ty. W!th o"er NJ/BBB students/ !nclud!ng close to C/BBB graduate students/ we are also one of Canada:s top @B research !nst!tut!ons. We offer o"er @CB graduate programs !n our facult!es of Arts/ Educat!on/ Eng!neer!ng/ Health c!ences/ .aw/ #ed!c!ne/ oc!al c!ences and at the 6elfer chool of #anagement. 7ur locat!on !n the heart of Canada:s cap!tal pro"!des !nnumerable benef!ts to our students !nclud!ng enr!ched learn!ng opportun!t!es through partnersh!ps w!th the reg!on:s many hosp!tals/ nat!onal research fac!l!t!es and go"ernmental organ!9at!ons.

6he ##PA !s des!gned to be the most t!me'concentrated/ #asterFs le"el gateway to profess!onal account!ng and f!nanc!al mar$ets employment/ part!cularly for students graduat!ng from non' bus!ness programs. Ad"anced stand!ng !s a"a!lable for bus!ness students.

7ur # c and PhD programs pro"!de !nno"at!"e research opportun!t!es that a!m to sol"e the most !mportant 5uest!ons !n b!omed!cal and health'care research. 7ur graduate students are !n"ol"ed !n "!rtually e"ery aspect of b!omed!cal research/ whether !t !s through contr!but!ng to ad"ances !n stem cell and regenerat!"e med!c!ne/ molecular b!ology/ neurosc!ences/ and sol"!ng comple& problems !n d!seases such as d!abetes/ heart d!sease/ stro$e/ and cancer. tudents ha"e a wealth of resources !n terms of wor$!ng w!th !nternat!onally recogn!9ed sc!ent!sts and cl!n!c!ans !n state'of'the'art labs. 6o accommodate the growth !n b!omed!cal and health care research !n 6oronto/ se"eral new state of the art research towers ha"e been bu!lt on campus and at the fully aff!l!ated hosp!tals o"er the last ten years. We are large but our sense of commun!ty !s strong. Beyond research/ our graduate students organ!9e many d!fferent soc!al and academ!c act!"!t!es w!th!n the!r departments. 6hese !nclude research days/ mentorsh!p programs/ sports teams/ pub n!ghts and char!ty fundra!sers.

6he Dalla .ana chool of Publ!c Health !s tra!n!ng the ne&t generat!on of sc!ent!sts/ educators and pract!t!oners who w!ll ad"ance publ!c health !n Canada and around the world. 6he Profess!onal #asters programs pro"!de a w!de range of opt!ons to !nd!"!duals enter!ng the f!eld of publ!c health. 7ur graduates are h!ghly sought after by go"ernment/ research !nst!tutes/ teach!ng hosp!tals and pr!"ate sector. 6he Dalla .ana #PH !s the only masters program !n Canada to offer a spec!al!9at!on !n Commun!ty )utr!t!on or !n *am!ly and Commun!ty #ed!c!ne. 7ur spec!al!9at!on !n Ep!dem!ology emphas!9es 5uant!tat!"e methods and pro"!des students w!th a strong base of $nowledge and s$!lls !n ep!dem!olog!cal methods and publ!c health. 7ur Health Promot!on spec!al!9at!on uses a soc!al sc!ence perspect!"e to address !ssues related to the health of !nd!"!duals/ commun!t!es and populat!ons. And/ our 7ccupat!onal & En"!ronmental Health spec!al!9at!on !s the oldest and most establ!shed graduate program !n occupat!onal hyg!ene !n the country.

Pharmaceut!cal c!ences encompass all aspects of the del!"ery/ de"elopment/ adm!n!strat!on/ and ut!l!9at!on of therapeut!c drugs. 7ur programs pro"!de a st!mulat!ng and product!"e en"!ronment for graduate educat!on and research for students w!th degrees !n phys!cal/ b!olog!cal/ and soc!al sc!ences. We offer research'!ntens!"e programs of study !n a w!de range of areas lead!ng to #asters and Doctoral degrees. +BB#E !s a un!5ue/ mult!d!sc!pl!nary graduate research un!t at the cutt!ng edge of !nno"at!on !n b!omed!cal eng!neer!ng P where !n"est!gators from eng!neer!ng/ med!c!ne and dent!stry collaborate to f!nd !nno"at!"e solut!ons to the worldFs most press!ng health care challenges.

6he U of 6 chool of (raduate tud!es !snFt your a"erage graduate school. W!th an abundance of unmatched resources/ U of 6:s chool of (raduate tud!es puts students on the forefront of progress. W!th a wealth of h!gh prof!le research opportun!t!es/ !t produces graduates who ma$e change !n the world. +f you are see$!ng a un!5ue graduate'le"el program that fuses sc!ence w!th bus!ness/ the Un!"ers!ty of 6oronto:s #aster of B!otechnology Program !s for youW #B!otech !s a HA month/ course'based profess!onal master:s degree !ncorporat!ng both sc!ence and bus!ness courses w!th J'@H months of pa!d wor$ e&per!ence !n the b!otechnology/ med!cal de"!ce and b!opharmaceut!cal sectors. #B!otech !s a $ey program w!th!n the +nst!tute for #anagement and +nno"at!on/ wh!ch pro"!des a new model for bus!ness educat!on by comb!n!ng management stud!es w!th $ey !ndustry sectors. 7ur faculty !s drawn from the Departments of B!ology/ Chem!stry and #anagement. 6he program also ma$es fre5uent use of guest lecturers from the b!otechnology sector/ !nclud!ng !nd!"!duals from go"ernment/ publ!c and pr!"ate compan!es/ and other Uof6 facult!es. 7ur students come to the program w!th a strong wor$ eth!c/ learn to operate effect!"ely !n teams and de"elop the!r leadersh!p s$!lls. +nno"at!"e th!n$!ng and entrepreneursh!p are act!"ely encouraged. When you graduate/ a host of opportun!t!es awa!t.

6he #aster of #anagement of +nno"at!on !s an accelerated @H month 3J months course based & a A month proIect4 profess!onal management degree. .ead!ng researchers !n d!rect contact w!th students through a "ery small & select!"e class pro"!de a focused learn!ng e&per!ence !n econom!c analys!s/ technology management/ strategy/ f!nance/ account!ng/ mar$et!ng & pol!cy. ##+ !s an e&cellent complement to your sc!ence or eng!neer!ng degree 6he chool of Pharmacy at the Un!"ers!ty of Waterloo offers a second'entry four'year profess!onal program lead!ng to an entry'to'pract!ce Doctor of Pharmacy 3PharmD4 degree. 6he chool also pro"!des graduate academ!c opportun!t!es culm!nat!ng !n a #aster of c!ence degree/ w!th plans to offer a Doctor of Ph!losophy degree. (raduates w!ll be well'prepared to pursue a range of career opt!ons/ !nclud!ng cl!n!cal pat!ent care/ publ!c pol!cy/ regulatory agenc!es/ the pharmaceut!cal !ndustry/ research/ and academ!a. 6he curr!culum emphas!9es breadth and fle&!b!l!ty/ pro"!d!ng students the opportun!ty to pursue areas of spec!f!c !nterest through the select!on of elect!"e courses. 6he Bachelor of c!ence !n Pharmacy program of the chool of Pharmacy at the Un!"ers!ty of Waterloo has been awarded the status of Cond!t!onal Accred!tat!on by the Canad!an Counc!l for Accred!tat!on of Pharmacy Programs for the three year term HB@H'HB@M.6he chool of Pharmacy w!ll cont!nue to wor$ closely w!th CCAPP to ensure that the !nst!tut!on fulf!lls all accred!tat!on re5u!rements for the PharmD.

WaterlooFs chool of 7ptometry and ;!s!on c!ence offers an accred!ted/ profess!onal/ A year Doctor of 7ptometry 37D4 degree. 6he chool !s the only pro"!der of Engl!sh'language !nstruct!on for optometry !n Canada. As an 7ptometry student/ you w!ll enIoy a lead!ng un!"ers!ty that attracts award'w!nn!ng professors along w!th some of the best and br!ghtest students from around the world. tandards for students and for teach!ng are set "ery h!gh. .!censed 7Ds ma$e up the body of e&pert faculty and cl!n!c super"!sors who pro"!de an opt!mum m!& of theoret!cal study and pract!cal tra!n!ng. 6he U C ;!terb! chool of Eng!neer!ng !s ran$ed among the top @B !n the nat!on by U. . )ews and World -eport. 6he choolFs newest #asterFs programs are !n Cyber ecur!ty/ W!reless Health 6echnology/ Data c!ence/ usta!nable +nfrastructure and Petroleum (eosc!ence 6echnolog!es. *or those debat!ng between graduate educat!on and wor$/ the fle&!b!l!ty of the U C ;!terb! chool:s d!stance educat!on program 3DE)<;!terb!4 may be the perfect solut!on. 6hrough DE)<;!terb!/ o"er AB eng!neer!ng #aster:s programs are a"a!lable @BBV onl!ne. 7ur d!stance students rece!"e a fully e5u!"alent academ!c e&per!ence/ so our on'campus and onl!ne students earn the same e&act degree.

6he Da"!er Un!"ers!ty chool of #ed!c!ne at Aruba was founded !n HBBA to g!"e mot!"ated students from d!"erse bac$grounds the opportun!ty to ach!e"e a med!cal career w!th!n the Un!ted tates and beyond. DU 7# was created to ma$e a h!gh 5ual!ty med!cal educat!on affordable and access!ble for anyone w!th the dr!"e/ comm!tment and ab!l!ty to succeed. As an accred!ted med!cal school/ the ent!re focus of our program !s to pro"!de an affordable med!cal educat!on wh!ch w!ll allow students to pass the!r Un!ted tates #ed!cal .!censure E&am!nat!ons 3U #.E4 and apply for U. . res!denc!es. 6oday:s global!9ed world !s both comple& and fast'paced and your success !n !t w!ll depend on your ab!l!ty to le"erage all your opt!ons. chul!ch #asterFs Degrees pro"!de you w!th the s$!lls/ content and rele"ance needed to meet your career goals and l!festyle demands. Browse through the programs l!sted below to learn more about chul!ch:s !nno"at!"e programs. Please stop by our table to chat w!th one of our representat!"es and learn moreW

Pr$gra%) O,,&r&Doctor of Pharmacy #aster of c!ence, -esearch !n Health 7utcomes/ B!otechnology%Cytotechnology/ Pharmaceut!cal c!ence

AUA offers the follow!ng degree programs, Assoc!ate of c!ence/ Bachelor of c!ence/ Doctor of #ed!c!ne/ #aster of Bus!ness Adm!n!strat!on

(raduate tud!es http, %(-ADUA6E%Pag es%home.asp&


#ed!cal chool

Doctor of )aturopath!c #ed!c!ne

Arts/ Bus!ness/ Computer c!ence/ Des!gn/ Eng!neer!ng/ Human!t!es/ #ath/ Publ!c Affa!rs/ c!ence/ oc!al c!ence/ oc!al Wor$/ 6echnology. *ull l!st!ng at, http,

o"er @BB graduate programs

Agr!culture Arch!tecture B!ochem!stry and #olecular B!ology B!ology Bus!ness Adm!n!strat!on 3#BA ' Corporate -es!dency4 Chem!stry Cl!n!cal ;!s!on c!ence Cl!n!c!an c!ent!st Commun!ty Health and Ep!dem!ology Computat!onal B!ology and B!o!nformat!cs Computer c!ence Earth c!ences Econom!cs Electron!c Commerce Eng!neer!ng 3"ar!ous4 Eng!neer!ng #athemat!cs *ood c!ence and 6echnology Health Adm!n!strat!on Health +nformat!cs Health Promot!on Human Commun!cat!on D!sorders +nformat!on #anagement +nterd!sc!pl!nary PhD +nternetwor$!ng 1!nes!ology .aw .e!sure tud!es #ar!ne Affa!rs #athemat!cs #ed!cal )eurosc!ence #!crob!ology and +mmunology )eurosc!ence )urs!ng 7ccupat!onal 6herapy 7ceanography 7ral and #a&!llofac!al urgery Pathology Per!odont!cs Pharmacology Phys!cs Phys!ology and B!ophys!cs Phys!otherapy Plann!ng Psychology Publ!c Adm!n!strat!on -esource and En"!ronmental tud!es tat!st!cs

HH'#onth #BA/ as well as a comb!ned #BA%QD program and #BA%#Eng program.

#D/ #D PhD/ PhD

#ed!c!ne/ Dent!stry/ Pharmacy/ Phys!otherapy/ 7ptometry/ 7ccupat!onal 6herapy/ peech .anguage Pathology/ .aw/ #BA and Bus!ness/ ;eter!nary chool/ 6eacher Educat!on/ and A.. other maIors.

6he +nst!tute welcomes # c. or Ph.D. students/ postdoctoral fellows/ as well as undergraduate or graduate tra!nees who w!sh to pursue the!r tra!n!ng !n the f!eld of cancer research. We offer an ultramodern research en"!ronment des!gned to foster collaborat!on among researchers. +-+CFs mult!d!sc!pl!nary approach enables students w!th d!"erse !nterests to f!nd the!r place among one of our research teams ded!cated to cancer research. +-+C offers a fast'trac$/ @'year #. c. program and a A'years Ph.D. program !n ystems B!ology. 6hese programs are offered !n *rench and !n Engl!sh. 7ur students can also reg!ster to "ar!ous other #. c. and Ph.D. programs offered by Un!"ers!t2 de #ontr2al/ !nclud!ng B!ochem!stry/ #olecular b!ology/ B!o!nformat!cs/ Chem!stry/ +nformat!cs/ #!crob!ology and !mmunolo'gy/ Pathology and cell b!ology/ and Pharmacology. 7ur pr!nc!pal !n"est!gators offer !nternsh!ps to undergraduate students all year long.

+n part!cular/ we offer a new !nterd!sc!pl!nary graduate program !n 8uantum +nformat!on that leads to ##ath/ # c/ #A c/ and PhD degrees. 7).+)E A)D 7) +6E #CA6/ . A6/ (#A6/ (-E/ DA6/ 7A6 & PCA6 C7U- E #aster of Arts !n teach!ng and .earn!ng' concentrat!ons !n #athemat!cs and Ac!ence and 6echnology #ath and ce!nce Educat!on concentrat!ons !n the #A' Educat!on & oc!ety and the PhD Program

Why #c(!ll Eng!neer!ng> '+nterd!sc!pl!nary research that fosters lead!ng'edge !nno"at!on 'Award w!nn!ng researchers and !nstructors 'Access to a w!de range of graduate fellowsh!ps '7pens doors to future employment ';!brant campus !n downtown #ontreal/ Canada Degree Programs 'Doctor of Ph!losophy 3PhD4 '#aster of Eng!neer!ng 3#Eng4 6hes!s and )on'6hes!s '#aster of c!ence 3# c4 6hes!s '#aster of Aerospace Eng!neer!ng 3#Eng4 Profess!onal '#aster of Arch!tecture 3#Arch4 Profess!onal and Post'Profess!onal '#aster of Urban Plann!ng 3#UP4 Profess!onal Departments and chools 'B!oeng!neer!ng 'Chem!cal Eng!neer!ng 'C!"!l Eng!neer!ng and Appl!ed #echan!cs 'Electr!cal and Computer Eng!neer!ng '#echan!cal Eng!neer!ng '#!n!ng and #ater!als Eng!neer!ng ' chool of Arch!tecture ' chool of Urban Plann!ng

# c !n *am!ly #ed!c!neG ad hoc PhD !n *am!ly #ed!c!neG and the Cl!n!c!an cholar Program 3th!rd'year res!dent enhanced s$!lls program4.

# c/ PhD -esearch # c Appl!ed/ peech .anguage Pathology

#DC#, 6he *aculty of #ed!c!ne:s foundat!onal undergraduate med!cal program !s the A'year Doctor of #ed!c!ne and #aster of urgery 3#.D./C.#.4 program/ fully accred!ted by the .!a!son Comm!ttee on #ed!cal Educat!on 3.C#E4 and by the Assoc!at!on of *acult!es of #ed!c!ne of Canada 3A*#C4. Appl!cants to the #.D./ C.#. program must hold a bachelor:s le"el un!"ers!ty degree. Qo!nt Programs, #DC#'Phd/ #DC#'#BA/ #DC#'7#* +nternat!onal #ed!cal (raduates Program, +nternat!onal 3non'U 4 med!cal graduates 3+#(4 who are res!dents of 8u2bec 3see #.D./C.#. for +#(4 may apply to a spec!al ad"anced stand!ng program. #ed!c!ne Preparatory 3#ed'P4 Program for 8uebec CE(EP graduates.

# c !n Ep!dem!ology PhD !n Ep!dem!ology # c !n B!ostat!st!cs PhD !n B!ostat!st!cs # c !n Publ!c Health # c !n 7ccupat!onal Health PhD !n 7ccupat!onal Health

#. c. )eurosc!ence ' up to N yrs/ Qan% ept adm!ss!on Ph.D. )eurosc!ence ' 6yp!cally/ M'C yrs/ Qan% ept adm!ss!on Ph.D. )eurosc!ence 3-otat!on Program4 ' 6yp!cally/ M'C yrs/ ept adm!ss!on only. 6he +P) PhD -otat!on Program adm!ts a select group of students each *all. 6he -otat!on Program allows these outstand!ng students 3Z-otonsZ4 the!r f!rst year to sample se"eral proIects and super"!sors/ through a ser!es of 3N' month4 rotat!ons !n three cand!date labs. -otons e&per!ence d!"erse research en"!ronments/ and e&pand the!r reperto!re of lab s$!lls wh!le !dent!fy!ng the best sc!ent!f!c n!che for themsel"es. 6he fourth per!od of the rotat!on year !s spent !n the lab of the super"!sor chosen for the rest of the PhD ' or/ rarely/ do!ng a fourth rotat!on. -otons follow the standard +P) course se5uence w!th the rest of the cohort of PhD students. Howe"er/ rotat!on students also part!c!pate !n monthly group meet!ngs w!th each other and +P) -otat!on faculty.

Astrob!ology/ B!ochem!stry/ B!ology/ B!omed!cal Eng!neer!ng/ Chem!cal B!ology/ Chem!cal Eng!neer!ng/ Chem!stry/ C!"!l Eng!neer!ng/ Cogn!t!"e c!ence of .anguage/ Computat!onal c!ence & Eng!neer!ng/ Earth & En"!ronmental c!ence/ eHealth/ Electr!cal & B!omed!cal Eng!neer!ng/ Electr!cal & Computer Eng!neer!ng/ Eng!neer!ng Pract!ce/ Eng!neer!ng Phys!cs/ (eography/ (lobal Health/ Health Pol!cy/ Health and -ad!at!on Phys!cs/ Health -esearch #ethodology/ Health c!ence Educat!on/ 1!nes!ology/ #anufactur!ng Eng!neer!ng/ #ater!als Eng!neer!ng & c!ence/ #athemat!cs/ #echan!cal Eng!neer!ng/ #echatron!cs/ #ed!cal c!ence/ )eurosc!ence/ )urs!ng/ )uclear Eng!neer!ng/ 7ccupat!onal & Phys!otherapy/ Phys!cs & Astronomy/ Psychology/ -ad!at!on c!ence/ -ehab!l!tat!on c!ence/ oftware Eng!neer!ng/ tat!st!cs

Arch!tecture Arts Aud!ology Bus!ness Ch!ropract!c Counsell!ng College Art!culat!on Dent!stry Eng!neer!ng%+.6. Health c!ences .aw%Q.D. .!ngu!st!cs #ed!c!ne )urs!ng 7ccupat!onal 6herapy 7ptometry Pharmacy Phys!otherapy Psychology Publ!c Health -esearch c!ence peech Pathology 6eacher Educat!on ;eter!nary c!ence

All graduate Programs at 8ueen:s


#BB 3#D4 Degree

A6P can recru!t for #aster:s programs !n all f!eld e&cept #ed!c!ne/ Dent!stry/ Cul!nary Arts/ and ;eter!nary c!ences.

A year med!cal school !n Engl!sh

#. c +mmunology #. c Computer c!ence 3three d!fferent spec!al!t!es4 #. c H!gh Performance Comput!ng #. c +nteract!"e D!g!tal #ed!a #. c B!oeng!neer!ng #. c Eng!neer!ng 3En"!ronmental % tructural and (eotechn!cal % 6ransport4 #. c B!od!"ers!ty and Conser"at!on #. c En"!ronmental c!ences #. c B!omed!cal c!ences #. c Cl!n!cal Chem!stry #. c (lobal Health #. c Healthcare +nfect!on #anagement #. c #olecular #ed!c!ne #. c )eurosc!ence #. c 6ranslat!onal 7ncology #. c Dement!a #. c #ental Health #. c Pharmaceut!cal 6echnology

+dem 7"er"!ew%Aper[u

B!ology En"!ronmental and b!oresource chem!stry En"!ronmental sc!ence (eography W!ldl!fe and hab!tat management #ar!t!me resource management -eg!onal and terr!tor!al de"elopment

Adm!n!strat!on Arts .aw Educat!on Eng!neer!ng .anguages .etters and commun!cat!on Health c!ences Human c!ences Pure and Appl!ed c!ences oc!al c!ences +nformat!on 6echnology

7ff!ce of (raduate tud!es offers o"er LB #aster:s/ Doctoral and (raduate D!ploma programs.

Doctor of #ed!c!ne


Anthropology B!ology Bus!ness 3#BA4 Chem!cal Eng. Chem!stry C!"!l Eng. Class!cs & Anc!ent H!story Computer c!ence Earth c!ences Econom!cs Educat!on Electr!cal and Computer Eng. Engl!sh *orestry & En"!ronmental #gmt. (eodesy & (eomat!cs Eng. Health er"!ces -esearch H!story +nterd!sc!pl!nary tud!es 1!nes!ology #ath & tat!st!cs #echan!cal Eng. #PH+. Pol!cy tud!es )urs!ng Phys!cs Pol!t!cal c!ence Psychology oc!ology

B!ochem!stry Health Adm!n!strat!on Health Pol!cy/ #anagement and E"aluat!on Health +nformat!cs #anagement of +nno"at!on +mmunology .aboratory #ed!c!ne and Pathob!ology #ed!cal B!ophys!cs B!oeth!cs #ed!cal -ad!at!on c!ences #ed!cal c!ence (enet!c Counsel!ng #olecular (enet!cs )utr!t!onal c!ences 7ccupat!onal 6herapy Pharmacology Phys!cal 6herapy Phys!ology -ehab!l!tat!on c!ence peech'.anguage Pathology

'#aster of Publ!c Health 3#PH4 spec!al!9at!on !n Commun!ty )utr!t!on/ *am!ly and Commun!ty #ed!c!ne/ Ep!dem!ology/ Health Promot!on or 7ccupat!onal and En"!ronmental Health. '# c spec!al!9at!on !n B!ostat!st!cs '#aster of c!ence !n Commun!ty Health 3# cCH4 spec!al!9at!ons !n Add!ct!ons and #ental Health/ *am!ly and Commun!ty #ed!c!ne/ Health Pract!t!oner 6eacher Educat!on/ 7ccupat!onal Health Care and Wound Pre"ent!on and Care. 'PhD offered !n B!ostat!st!cs/ Ep!dem!ology or oc!al & Beha"!oural Health c!ences

#A c/ B!omed!cal Eng!neer!ng #H c/ Cl!n!cal Eng!neer!ng PhD/ B!omed!cal Eng!neer!ng PhD/ B!omed!cal Eng!neer!ng/ Cl!n!cal Concentrat!on

U of 6 offers o"er NBB graduate programs across all d!scpl!nes.

#aster of B!otechnology

Entry'to'Pract!ce Doctor of Pharmacy 3PharmD4 #aster of c!ence !n Pharmacy 3# cPhm4 Doctor of Ph!losophy !n Pharmacy 3PhD4

Doctor of 7ptometry 37D4

#asters Programs !nclude, ' Aerospace and #echan!cal Eng!neer!ng ' Astronaut!cal Eng!neer!ng ' B!omed!cal Eng!neer!ng ' Chem!cal Eng!neer!ng & #ater!als c!ence ' C!"!l & En"!ronmental Eng!neer!ng ' Computer c!ence ' Electr!cal Eng!neer!ng ' +ndustr!al and ystems Eng!neer!ng ' Petroleum Eng!neer!ng ' pec!al!9ed degree !n Cyber ecur!ty ' pec!al!9ed degree !n *!nanc!al Eng!neer!ng ' pec!al!9ed degree !n (reen 6echnolog!es ' ystems Arch!tect!ng and Eng!neer!ng Doctoral Programs !nclude, ' Aerospace and #echan!cal Eng!neer!ng ' Astronaut!cal Eng!neer!ng ' B!omed!cal Eng!neer!ng ' Chem!cal Eng!neer!ng ' C!"!l and En"!ronmental Eng!neer!ng ' Computer c!ence ' Electr!cal Eng!neer!ng ' +ndustr!al & ystems Eng!neer!ng


#BA%+#BA #Acc #* # c #BA%QD #PA #BA%#*A%#A

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