Judet 2012 A VIIIa

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Olimpiada de limba englez Etapa Judeean 25.02.


Clasa a VIII a
I. Choose the right ord! 10 points

My mother (1)..me that I was going to Johns party that evening. She (2)..me not to leave home too late. Last time I went to a colleagues party I ( ).to !e one hour late an" #elt very ashame". $his time I (%)to get away #rom the computer at #our ocloc&' so as to have plenty o# time to get rea"y. Little (().I &now what was e)pecting me. *aroline' a #rien" in Los +ngeles' (,) me to solve a -ui. that showe" e)actly what my I/ was. I got so (0).!y that -ui. that I "i"nt notice how time (1).. . I su""enly notice" that it was %2%(' an" the party was (3) #or , p.m. I 4umpe" into the shower an" then' #or the #irst time in my li#e' calle" a ta)i on the phone. 5# course' that ta)i ri"e cost me (16)..' !ut luc&ily I ha" ta&en with me all the money I ha" !een saving #or *hristmas. It was a great party7 1. 2. . %. (. ,. 0. 1. 3. 16. II. + announce" + a"vise" + succee"e" + "eci"e" + "i" + "are" to + caught + passe" out + programme" + a treasure 8 remem!ere" 8 guar"e" 8 was capa!le 8 thought 8 ha" 8 provo&e" 8 a!sor!e" 8 went 8 #i)e" 8 much * remin"e" * insiste" * manage" * encourage" * "o * challenge" * intereste" * was * rolling * an arm an" a leg 9 sai" 9 suggeste" 9 was success#ul 9 "enie" 9 woul" 9 struc& 9 nervous 9 #lew 9 sche"ule" 9 #uriously

Choose the "orre"t ans er #there is onl$ a "orre"t ans er in ea"h "ase%! 20 points

1. 9i" you &now ..: a. what is the time !. what the time is c. what was the time ". what the time was 2. ;hich o# the two !oys is: a. the !etter !. the !est c. !est ". !etter than . My!rother is an architect. a. ol"er !. el"erly c. el"er ". ol"est %. She promise" she.!ac&. . a. will come<tomorrow !. is coming<the ne)t "ay c. woul" come<the #ollowing "ay ". was coming<tomorrow (. My uncle #inally succee"e"a new 4o!. a. #in" !. to #in" c. in #in"ing ". #in"ing ,. Mr. Mi""lestone is.years ol". a. #ourty=one !. #orty=one c. #orty=#irst ". #ourty=#irst 0. It is high time youthe winner. a. met !. to meet c. meet ". ought meet 1. ;hen I saw his #unny tie' I coul" not help. a. to smile !. smile c. to !e smiling ". smiling 3. 9aisy.Matthew i# she ha" not love" him. a. woul" have not marrie" !. woul" not have marrie" c. woul" not marry ". woul" have marrie"

16. I can always rely ..my !est #rien". a. in !. with III. &ephrase the 'ollo ing senten"es! 1. I cannot carry this school!ag as it is too heavy. $his school!ag. 2. $his is the most ama.ing story I have ever hear". I . I am sure that he has alrea"y !ought the car. >e. %. ;hat are your plans #or tomorrow: ;hat are you. (. ?eter is the !est #oot!all player in our class. @o!o"y. ,. I" pre#er you to leave later. I" rather.. 0. I wont go to her party i# she "oesnAt invite me. Bnless 1. $om sai" he ha" last met Mary two wee&s !e#ore. C I..C' sai" $om. 3. I "ont thin& she ma"e such mista&es. She.. 16. $hey thought that man was a #amous writer. $hat man. IV. (ill in the blan)s ith the "orre"t ords! 1. 2. . %. (. ,. 0. 1. 3. 16.

c. on

". to 10 points

10 points

+s a nurse' she shows great..(patient) $he..o# your Dnglish is remar&a!le.(#luent) $hey opene" a newin the town.(agent) $rueis worth more than money.(#rien") + !ear is a.animal.(#ur) $his woman was very unpopular !ecause o# her ......... a!out peoples a##airs. (curious) I will never #orget your.(&in") $he chalet was..only on #oot.(access) My gran"ma is a veryol" la"y.(tal&) $he !eauty o# Eome is..(time) ,0 points

V. *rite a 150+ ord essa$ beginning ith the senten"e! It was the last day of the summer holidays and I wasnt expecting

-oate subie"tele sunt obligatorii. .e a"ord 10 pun"te din o'i"iu. -imp de lu"ru / ore.

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