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VOCABULARIO Bored: feeling a lack of interest in what you are currently (sentir falta de inters in algo que estas

haciendo actualmente)-aburrido Im so bore on this vacation, all we do is sita around the hotel pool
Complex: complicated, not simple (complicado, no simple)-complejo The situation is more complex than we thought, so i will take . Cultured: knowing a lot about tha arts like music and literatura-culto I always felt my mother was very cultured because. Direct : being very honest and to the point -directo I like it when people are direct with me and say what they mean. Fabulous: extremely good fabuloso I had a fabulous time at the party last night Incomplete: not whole,unfinished -incompleto Your trip to New York would be incomplete without a visit to tha Statue of Liberty Profound: significant and meaningful-profundo Traditional foods are a profound part of any culture. Reasonable: something that is fair, having good jugdment - razonable I feel i was been reasonable when i told Steve it was too late to be calling. Remain idle: inactive, not use permanecer inactivo If even one machine in the factory remains idle, we will lose money. Reserved: shy, not talkative- reservado Annie is reserved in large social settings, but is usually lots of fun with a few friends Rough : unpleasant, difficult- escabroso,aspero Moving to a new country can be rough because of the new language and different culture. Sensitive: understanding and caring, easily ofended - sensible When i dont feel well, my husband is always so sensitive and takes good care of me. Significant: a large amount, something that is important or meaningful- significativo Since the university opened , there has been significant increase in the towns population.

Wild: free,natural and unconfined, undisturbed by humans -salvaje There are many wild flowers growing in the fields


Beat up: to violently and purpossefully punch or kick someone many times( aplicar violencia con golpes a alguien)Did you hear about the old lady who got beaten up and had her purse stolen? Claim: to say something that is unproven and can be argued (acusar) Phil claimed someone stole his sunglasses Conclusive: describing a clear and definitive ending a situation (concluyente) Courtroom: a place where a jugde decides the final outcome of legal situations( lugar donde se juzga la decisin final como resultado de acciones legales) sala de juicio Criminal record : a formal list the authorities keep on anyone who as committed a crimeAntecedentes penales Disappearance: the process of passing from sight, becoming lost, vanished. Desaparicin Exaggeration: extender la verdad, hacer q la situacin paresca mas extrema de lo q realmente es. Exageracin

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