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Presented by:
catioiu silviu


Background on Linux

Version o UNIX Linus !orvalds " #reator o Linux $%en &ource $%erating &yste' (ree &o t)are &ource #ode *vailable

+,ere is Linux Used-

./0 o res%ondents )ere already using Linux and anot,er 110 )ere evaluating it 120 o all )eb sites use Linux servers running t,e *%ac,e +eb server

3o) is Linux Used-

Personal +orkstation (ile and Print &erver Internet &ervice Provider !,ree-tier #lient4&erver !urnkey &yste'

Using Linux on Personal #o'%uters

Linux kernel or ree 5ernel is central co'%onent 5ernel can be custo'i6ed to user7s needs

Linux 8istributions

#orel Linux 8ebian 9NU4Linux $%enLinux :#aldera; <ed 3at &lack)are &u&= !urboLinux

Installing Linux

&u&= 8istribution

&u&= Linux 3ard)are <e>uire'ents

#PU ?ain 'e'ory $%tical 8rive 9ra%,ic card 3ard 8rive &ound #ard


IB? IN!=L Pentiu' I " III No @ABC 2ABC 1ABC and #eleron *?8 5B4II4III 8uran *t,lonC *t,lon XP4?P

?ain ?e'ory

&8<*? or 88<<*? " 8oesn7t 'atter #a%acity: " ?ini'u' re>uire'ent B1?B " <eco''ended 1@A?B and u%

$%tical 8rive

#8-<$? 4 8V8-<$? " &onyC P,ili%sC and *cer " &u&= )ebsite ,as co'%atibility listing #8-< " &onyC P,ili%sC and *cer

9ra%,ics #ards

&u%%orts ne) cards on t,e 'arket " *!I: <adeon ./DD4A/DDC (ire9l A.DD4AADDC (ire9L @41 " ?atrox: 91/D49//D " nVidia: 9e(orce @4241C n(orce

3ard 8rives

&u%%orts =I8= and &#&I drives " IB?C ?axtorC and &eagate #a%acity " ?in: 1DD?B " (ull Install: 29B " *nyt,ing above 29B

&ound #ard

*ll co''on sound cards " 8ell E Fa'a,a $PL2-&* Pro essional audio: " &oundblaster: *udigy " !erratec: =+X @14GB :&ereo I4$ analog and digital;C =+& AA ?! :A analog c,annels;C =+& AA8 :1D digital c,annels in *8*! or'at;

#on iguring Linux &yste'

1H &electing a language @H #,oosing auto'atic or 'anual %artitioning 2H !y%e o so t)are to install 1H #,oosing ),ic, drive to boot ro'

#on iguring Linux :continued;

/H *dIusting t,e ti'e settings BH #on iguring t,e ,ard)are as%ect o t,e syste' .H #reating t,e root %ass)ord : or t,e *d'inistrator;C and user accounts AH 3ard)are con iguration

+orking )it, Linux

9ra%,ical User Inter ace X +indo) &yste' &u&= 58= &u&=

&o t)are *%%lications

$%en$ ice: )ord

%rocessingC s%reads,eetsC dra)ing *dobe *crobat <eader 5on>ueror: !,e 58= (ile ?anager and +eb Bro)ser 5'ail: !,e 58= ?ail *%%lication =volution: *n ='ail and #alendar Progra' &ound *%%lications

&o t)are *%%lications :continued;

!VC VideoC <adioC and +ebca' 52b: !,e 58= Burning *%%lication

8igital #a'eras 5ooka: &canning *%%lication 9ra%,ics )it, t,e 9I?P &,ell syste'

+orking )it, t,e J&,ellK

=xecutes user co''ands #o''and ele'ent #o''and na'e %ara'eters

Linux 8irectory &tructure

&tore drives *ccessing data using olders <oot directory: beginning o ile syste'


Examples of Subdirectories


directoryC starting %oint o t,e directory tree :%rivate; directories o users


4dev8evice iles t,at re%resent ,ard)are co'%onents 4etc I'%ortant iles or syste' con iguration Boot scri%ts4usr4bin9enerally accessible %rogra's


+,y Use Linux-

#osts less &table <eliable =xtre'ely %o)er ul

LINUX V& +IN8$+&

(inancial 8i erences !ec,nical 8i erences =nd-User 8i erences

(inancial 8i erences

Linux vsH +indo)s

LINU WINDOWS X Online Downloads ree Not !"ailable #etail $rice% CD &'( &)((

#ost or Businesses " #o'%anies ,ave to s%end 'illions or licenses or ever individual )indo)s co'%uter " (or Linux co'%anies don7t ,ave to s%end anyt,ing

!ec,nical 8i erences

Linux vsH +indo)s

5ee%ing u% to date By U%grading

#o'%atibility Linux is Back)ard #o'%atible unlike +indo)s

Linux u%grades aster t,an +indo)s

Linux vsH +indo)s

(eatures Provided Bot, su%%ort 8yna'ic #ac,ing Bot, ,ave ?ulti-user &u%%ort

Linux vsH +indo)s

*%%lication 8i erences No co''ercial )ord %rocessor or LinuxC ),ic, 'atc,es t,e >uality or +indo)s

=nd-User 8i erences

Pro%rietary vsH $%en &ource +indo)s is a Pro%rietary !ec,nology

*%%lications )ill only )ork on +indo)s Linux " $%en &ource


#o'%lete in or'ation needed or do)nload !ec,nical ,el% " *vailable on Internet :user 'ust be co' ortable )it, UNIX syste'; +indo)s )ord %rocessor is better t,an Linux

Linux vsH +indo)s

In T*e Commercial !rena

3ead to ,ead co'%etition Used side by side as servers Bot, ,andled daily )orkload or several s'all business o%erations Linux )it, ,ard)are disadvantage su%%orted a co''unity o users 2 ti'es si6e o N!7s

In !,e #o''ercial *rena

&yste' *d'inistration " ?ost signi icant di erence Linux " toug,er environ'ent Linux re>uires learning 'ulti-user issues built into Unix- ile %er'issions N! " easier environ'ent N! re>uires less e ort to get a starter server u% and running But in N! you ,ave to solve 'ulti-user issues or eac, and every subsyste'

In !,e #o''ercial *rena

N! " gra%,ical inter acesC )i6ards and easy-togras% 'eta%,ors But as server c,ores beco'e 'ore custo'i6edC N! cannot ,andle it Linux " textual inter ace :)it, X-+indo); But or co'%lex IobsC Linux gives a %o)er ul set o tools

In !,e #o''ercial *rena

N! " easy or non-%rogra''er Linux " %rogra''er-based culture


J+,en is it best to use Linux and ),en s,ould so'e ot,er o%erating syste' be %re erred-K It all de%ends on t,e user

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