Instructor: Office Telephone: Office: Office Hours: Course Meeting Time: and Place

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Course Syllabus CLA204 H1F.

Introduction to Classical Mythology University of Toronto Fall 2012 Instructor: Office telephone: Office: Office hours: Course meeting time: and place: COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course surveys some of the primary myths and legends of the Greeks and Romans. We examine first myths about the gods before turning to the major legends of the Greek cities; finally we conclude with a look at Roman versions of mythology and legend. We will look at the cultural and historical background of myth, as well as the various means of transmitting myth. There will be an emphasis on the representation of myth in classical literature and art. We will examine issues such as the meaning and value of myth to ancient societies, the difference between myth and religion, and the changing nature of myth. TEXTBOOK AND OTHER MATERIALS (on order at the UofT Bookstore, 214 College St.): Morford, M. P. O., R. J. Lenardon, and M. Sham. Classical Mythology. Ninth edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010. (ISBN-13: 978-0195397703) A companion website has been set up by the authors of our textbook and includes valuable materials to aid you in your study of mythology. Visit: Important course materials, including images, reading assignments, and important terms, will be posted regularly to this courses Blackboard site, which can be accessed by logging in with your UTORid and password at COURSE REQUIREMENTS: Term Test #1 Term Test #2 Final Examination (three hours), scheduled by the Faculty Registrar during the December Examination Period 25% 25% 50% Professor Jarrett Welsh ( 416-946-0038 Lillian Massey Building (125 Queens Park), Room 211 directly after class on Thursdays; and by appointment Thursdays, 69pm Northrop Frye Hall, Room 003

Course Policies 1. Auditing: Auditors are not permitted to attend classes offered by the Faculty of Arts & Science without the express permission of the instructor. Owing to the size of this course and of the room where we meet, and to the fact that the Faculty maintains a wait-list of students who wish to enrol, the instructor cannot out of fairness permit auditors. 2. E-mail: The instructor strives to answer all e-mails promptly. Due to other obligations he is sometimes not at the computer or not able to provide an immediate response. You can expect a response, as necessary, to e-mails within 48 hours, and usually within 24 hours. However, email is not appropriate for emergency or last-minute communication. In particular, note that the instructor can only respond to e-mails about this course that are sent from an official University of Toronto e-mail account. Furthermore, the universitys spam filters often target messages sent from, e.g., Yahoo and even Gmail accounts, and there is no guarantee that the instructor will receive a message unless it is sent from a University of Toronto e-mail account. Therefore, do not use any but your official university e-mail account. You are required, by university policy, to check your University of Toronto e-mail account at least once every 24 hours. No accommodations will be made for students who fail to do so and accordingly miss important communications. 3. Office hours: The instructor is available directly after class for brief and specific consultations, and by appointment (contact by e-mail, indicating a range of available times) for more involved questions. Neither the instructor nor the teaching assistants will give private tutoring or instruction in office hours, nor can they present material covered in class. 4. Members of the class who choose to rely on the required textbook alone, and who therefore fail to attend class regularly, do so at their own risk. Lectures will attempt to aid in organizing and understanding the material presented in the textbook. In addition, material not in the textbook will be introduced in lectures, and will appear on the term tests and final exam. Answers that do not show adequate evidence of familiarity with material from lectures, where appropriate, will be penalized. Conversely, students are expected to complete the required reading before each class. All material presented in the textbook cannot also be presented in lecture; students who choose not to complete the required readings do so at their own risk. 5. Policy on missed tests. Make-up tests are not given. If a student misses a test for one of the acceptable reasons outlined in the next paragraph, and if appropriate documentation is provided to the instructor as specified, then the weight of the test in question will be transferred to the Final Examination. For the Faculty of Arts & Science policy in these circumstances, which applies in all its particulars, see Calendar pp. 627628. For students who miss a test for non-acceptable reasons or who fail to provide appropriate documentation, no accommodation will be made, and a grade of zero will be entered for the test in question. Only illness, serious personal affliction, religious obligation, and unforeseeable duties of family care will be considered acceptable reasons for missing a test. Satisfactory documentation must be provided no later than one week after the date of the missed test. No exemptions will be granted later than one week after the missed test. Students must provide a completed UofT Medical Certificate or a comparable document appropriate to the

circumstances (consult the instructor if you have any doubts about the latter). In cases of illness, only the UofT Medical Certificate will be accepted. Compliance with this policy is your responsibility alone. Note that a student who misses one or both term tests and provides satisfactory documentation will therefore write a final examination worth 75% or 100% of his/her term mark. No special accommodations will be made in such cases. 6. Lectures must not be taped without the instructors permission. Students who, for reasons beyond their control, are unable to take notes in class, and who therefore require taped versions, must present appropriate documentation from Accessibility Services. 7. Marks scale: 90% 100% = A+ 85% 89% =A 80% 84% = A 77% 79% = B+ 73% 76% =B 70% 72% = B 67% 69% = C+ 63% 66% = C 60% 62% = C 57% 59% = D+ 53% 56% = D 50% 52% = D 49% and below = F For definitions of these grades and the expected levels of achievement to which they correspond, see p. 631 of the 20122013 FAS Calendar.

8. Questioning marks: The instructor does not entertain over e-mail any questions about the marks that you have received. If you feel that something has been marked incorrectly, please adhere to the following procedure: attach to the original work a written explanation of where and why you feel that marks have been assigned inaccurately, and give both to the instructor within one week of their original return in class. If you ask for a re-mark, you agree to be bound by the results of the second marking; as a result marks may be raised, remain the same, or even be lowered, as is appropriate. A re-mark request automatically applies to the entire test, not to individual questions. Any answers written in pencil (except for multiple-choice questions) will not be re-marked. Any answers on which white-out has been used will not be re-marked. Your marks will be posted to Blackboard, within two weeks of each test. It is your responsibility to verify your grades within two weeks after they are first returned in class. No changes will be made to posted grades after that date. 9. Accessibility Needs: The University of Toronto is committed to accessibility. If you require accommodations for a disability, or have any accessibility concerns about the course, the classroom or course materials, please contact Accessibility Services as soon as possible, at or 10. In cases of academic or other misconduct I will assume that all members of the class are familiar with the Facultys code of behaviour on academic matters and code of student conduct. These and other important regulations, listed on p. 636 of the 20122013 FAS Calendar, are available from I remind you that it is your own responsibility to understand clearly what the two codes cover. In particular, those who are in any doubt about what constitutes plagiarism should consult the office of their College Registrar for definitions and advice.

Course Programme This page outlines the topics of each weeks lecture and the major events of the course. For specific required reading, see the weekly lecture outlines posted on Blackboard. Week 1 (13 September) Course introductions. What is a myth? Historical background. Myths of Creation. Mortals; Zeus, Hera, their children, and the nature of the gods Poseidon, Athena, Aphrodite, Artemis Apollo, Hermes, Dionysus, Demeter Test #1: at OISE (252 Bloor Street West), G162 (Auditorium) Watch short lecture on Blackboard (The Greek Hero) Legends of Thebes and Mycenae Troy: The Iliad, the Odyssey, and the Epic Cycle Perseus and Heracles

Week 2 (20 September) Week 3 (27 September) Week 4 (4 October) Week 5 (11 October) Week 6 (18 October) Week 7 (25 October) Week 8 (1 November)

4 November: Last day to drop courses with F section codes from academic record and GPA. Week 9 (8 November) Week 10 (15 November) Week 11 (22 November) Week 12 (29 November) Theseus and Jason Test #1: at OISE (252 Bloor Street West), G162 (Auditorium) Watch short lecture on Blackboard (From Greece to Rome) Roman Myth and Legend Some Stories from Ovids Metamorphoses

Facultys December Examination Period: 1021 December, 2012

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