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In Admiralty Notice of Appointment Mary Ann Smith c/o 123 Main Portland, Oregon In the Circuit Court for

the tate of Oregon !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"or the county of Multnomah CAPI#A$ ON% &AN' Plaintiff, )* MA/0 A SMI#1 2efendant MA/0 A SMI#1 3rd Party Plaintiff )* 4O1N 1 4ON%S 5123+ ! 3rd Party 2efendant Mary Ann Smith !!!/eal Party in Intere t ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( in Admiralty Ca e No* 123+,-. NO#IC% O" APPOIN#M%N# O" "I23CIA/0 2%&#O/

I, Mary Ann Jones, Third Party Interest Intervenor, ha)ing terminated the pre)iou fiduciary to the corporate entity 6en legi (, a documented )e el under 3nited State regi try, other7i e de cri8ed a MA/0 ANN SMI#1, a*9*a* MA/0 A SMI#1 or any alpha8etical or numerical )ariation thereof, a*9*a* 62e8tor(, nunc pro tunc the ele)enth month, t7elfth day, nineteen hundred and fifty e)en:thi hould 8e the date of 8irth; C*%*, aid entity ha)ing a it< tru tee the Secretary of #ran portation of the 3nited State pur uant to and in accordance 7ith :#itle +- App* 3*S*C* = 12+.; and there 8eing no li)ing entient 8eing re pon i8le to accept er)ice of proce or other document , and cannot appear in a court of the 3nited State or act a a duly appointed tran fer agent, and cannot achie)e parity 7ith real people* #herefore I, Mary Ann Smith, >#hird Party Intere t Inter)enor,? here8y nominate and do appoint John Henry Jones #1234 a/k/a J H! H" J !#$, an Attorney a 8eing @ualified to fulfill the po ition of %id&'iary (e)tor for the corporate entity de cri8ed a8o)e in allAcapitalAletterAa em8lage , the ame to 8e effecti)e immediately a of the date et forth 8elo7, and hall continue until further notice or reappointment, u8 titution or cancellation, 7ithin the )enue a ordained and e ta8li hed 8y the Peo*le o+ the Territory o+ re,on, through their original Organic Con titution of re,on state" Bherea , aid fiduciary de8tor< re pon i8ilitie are to eCerci e crupulou good faith and candor to7ard , and for the 8enefit and on 8ehalf of Mary Ann Smith, Third Party Interest Intervenor, the eCclu i)e and limited purpo e of accepting and recei)ing all lia8ilitie , accepting and recei)ing all er)ice of proce and other document , in trument , 8ond or other important paper , to appear and di charge, ettle and clo e all

Deraldine 'atherine O<&rien

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In Admiralty Notice of Appointment matter material to a8o)e referred 62e8tor( in allAcapitalAletterAa em8lage , the ame hall 8e 8y order of Mary Ann Smith, Third Party Interest Intervenor or other delegated or appointee of Mary Ann Smith, Third Party Interest Intervenor, including a ignment for or on 8ehalf of the principal 62e8tor(, -A./ A $-ITH, including any alpha8etical or numerical )ariation thereof a de cri8ed a8o)e, and to do all other act re@ui ite to faithfully eCecute aid appointment, fully, faithfully, pecially under thi appointment* %id&'iary (e)tor, John Henry Jones #1234, a/k/a J H! H J !#$, an Attorney, i here8y authoriEed to u e the pri)ate eCemption of Mary Ann Smith, i*e* MA/0 ANN SMI#1, 123+,-.FG, for the adHu tment and etAoff of thi in tant matter, Ca e No*I 123+,-., 7hich i Accepted "or Jalue, and /eturned for Settlement* "iduciary 2e8tor i to i ue the appropriate I/S 1KGG form and to 8e in compliance 7ith all re)enue re@uirement in thi matter timely* Mary Ann Smith re er)e the right to audit all record and acti)itie of "iduciary 2e8tor to maintain good faith* I, Mary Ann Smith, >#hird Party Intere t Inter)enor? a e)erate that the fact enumerated herein are et forth in good faith 7ith clean hand and that the ame are true, correct, complete and not mi leading, o certified 7ithout 3nited State * !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mary Ann Smith, Third Party Interest Intervenor, Secured Party, AuthoriEed Agent "orI MA/0 A SMI#1 6en legi ( !!!!!!!!! date

!!!!!!!!!! rt* thum8 print C%/#I"ICA#ION O" MAI$IND AN2 CON#%N#S MAI$%2 I, Mary Ann Smith, o)er the age of t7entyAone year , competent to 7itne and 7ith fir thand 9no7ledge do affirm and ay that on the !!!!! day of the !!!!!!!! month, 2KK+, I did mail 8y regular fir tAcla mail, po tage prepaid the a8o)e document, NO#IC% O" APPOIN#M%N# O" "I23CIA/0 2%&#O/ to the follo7ing partyI 4ohn 1enry 4one 5123+ +,- State Street %ugene, O/ G.++K !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mary Ann Smith

Deraldine 'atherine O<&rien

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