List of Regulated Import Commodities and Its Administering Agencies

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List of Regulated Import Commodities and Administering Agencies/Bureaus

Government Agencies/ Issuing Permits/Clearance/ Legal Basis Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) and Dangerous Drugs Board (DDB) Republic Act (RA) No. 9 !" (#he $omprehensi%e Dangerous Drugs Act of &''&) dated ( )une &''& En%ironmental /anagement Bureau (E/B) RA No. !9!9 (#he #o0ic 1ubstances- 2a3ardous and Nuclear 4astes $ontrol Act of 99') dated &! .ctober 99' Department of 2ealth 8 Bureau of 9ood and Drugs (D.2 : B9AD) E0ecuti%e .rder No. ((! dated &6 9ebruary 99& and Bureau $ircular No. '78A s.&''' R.A. No. 59(! (Philippine 9ood 9ortification Act of &''') dated ( No%ember &''' R.A. No. 5 (& (An Act for 1alt ;odi3ation Nation<ide 8 A1;N) dated &' December 99" Energy Resource Bureau (ERDB) De%elopment $oal and lignite (e0cluding >et)- <hether or not pul%eri3edbut not agglomerated = #2 &(' - &('& $olor Reproduction /achines = #2 9''9 1emi8synthetic antibiotics (all form and salts of ampicillinamo0icillin- and clo0acillin) 4heat 9lour = #2 ' ;odi3ed 1alt = #2 &"' $yanide- /ercury- Asbestos- Polychlorinated Biphenyl$hlorofluorocarbon and other o3one depleting substances #2 &5'".6- &9'7- &"&7- &"'7 Essential $hemicals * $ontrolled Precursors+ and Dangerous Drugs (,etamine- Pseudoephedrine.ripa%ine- and Amineptine) Commodity Description/Commodity Group/ Tariff Heading TH!

1ection '6 of Presidential Decree No. 6!6 (#he #ariffs and $ustoms $ode of 9(5) dated )une 9(5 National Bureau of ;n%estigation (NB;) and $ash Department of the Bang?o 1entral ng Pilipinas (B1P)

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Government Agencies/ Issuing Permits/Clearance/ Legal Basis E0plosi%es /anagement Branch (E/B)- Philippine National Police (PNP) E0ecuti%e .rder (E...) No. "&& (prescribing Rules and Regulations for the $ontrol and 1uper%ision of the ;mportation1ale and Possession of $hemical @sed as ;ngredients in the /anufacture of E0plosi%es and for .ther Purposes) dated &! )une 99& 9ertili3er and Pesticide Authority (9PA) Presidential Decree No. 66 ($reating the 9ertili3er and Pesticide Authority and Abolishing the 9ertili3er ;ndustry Authority) dated 7' /ay 99( and 9PA Pesticide Regulatory Policies and ;mplementing Auidelines- &nd Edition- &'' Bureau of ;mport 1er%ices (D#;8B;1) E... No. "! (Pro%iding for a $omprehensi%e ;ndustry Policy and Directions for the /otor Behicle De%elopment Program and ;ts ;mplementing Rules) dated & December &''&

Commodity Description/Commodity Group/ Tariff Heading TH!

$hlorates- nitrates and nitric acid = #2 &5&9- &576- &5'5

All fertili3ers- pesticides and other chemical products that are intended for agricultural use

@sed motor %ehicle under the no8dollar import program that is o<ned and for personal use by a returning resident or immigrant <ith a gross %ehicle <eight (AB4) not e0ceeding 7-''' ?ilograms (?gs) and must be left8hand dri%e @sed truc?s e0cluding pic?8up truc?s <ith AB4 of &." : ! tons = #2 5('9 @sed buses <ith AB4 of ! : & tons = #2 5('& Brand ne<=@sed automoti%e replacement parts and brand ne< motorcycle replacement parts CNoteD All used motorcycle parts (e0cept engine)- including brand ne< motorcycle replacement chassis and frame- are not allo<ed for importation.E = #2 5('&.9- 5('7.9

E... No "! and Department Administrati%e .rder (DA.) No. '5 s. &''7

@sed truc?s for rebuilding purposes such as truc? chassisengine- body and cabin=co<l- transmission=dri%elinesa0les (front and rear) or steering system = #2 5(' .

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Government Agencies/ Issuing Permits/Clearance/ Legal Basis F.; No. '5! dated &" No%ember 95' E... No. 667 s. &''" dated " )uly &''" F.; No. 7'( s. &''7 Department of 9oreign Affairs (D9A) E... No. "! dated &''& and & December

Commodity Description/Commodity Group/ Tariff Heading TH! @sed tires @sed motor %ehicle importation through donation by local go%ernment units ;mportation by all instrumentalities of the go%ernment

@sed %ehicles for the use an official of the Diplomatic $orps

Philippine ;nternational #rading $orporation (P;#$) F.; No. 666 (Promulgating Auidelines on #rade 1ocialist and .ther $entrally8Planned Economy $ountries) dated 9 August 9!(as amended by E. N.. &66 dated & /ay 99" /aritime ;ndustry Authority (/AR;NA) /emorandum $ircular (/$) No. '6 dated ! April 99" /$ No. & dated &9 )uly 99( R.A. No. 9&9" (Domestic 1hipping De%elopment Act of &''6) dated 7 /ay &''6 /$ No. !9 dated 7 December &'' Philippine Nuclear Research ;nstitute (PNR;) Republic Act No. "&'( (An Act Pro%iding for the Ficensing and Regulation of Atomic Energy 9acilities and /aterialsEstablishing the Rules on Fiability for Nuclear Damage- and for .ther Purposes) dated " )une 9!5- as amended by Presidential Decree No. 656 dated )une 9(5 Atomic energy materials = #2 &566 1hips = #2 59' 2igh 1peed $raft = #2 59' .9 1hipHs EGuipment=1pare Parts All commodities originating from the follo<ing socialist and centrally8planned economy countries (Albania- AngolaEthiopia- Faos- Fibya- /ongolia- /o3ambiGue- /yanmarNicaragua and North ,orea)

1pare Parts of 9oreign 9lagships undergoing emergency repair

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Government Agencies/ Issuing Permits/Clearance/ Legal Basis Bang?o 1entral ng Pilipinas (B1P)

Commodity Description/Commodity Group/ Tariff Heading TH! Fegal tender Philippine currency in e0cess of P2P '-''' Ban? Notes- $oin of precious metal other than gold and of non8precious metal not being legal tender- $oin blan? essentially of gold- $oin blan? essentially of steel- $oin blan? essentially of copper- $oin blan? essentially of nic?el- $oin blan? essentially of 3inc- $oin blan? essentially of tin- and $oin blan? essentially of aluminum = #2 69'(- ( (! ! 5- ( '5- (7&!- (6 9- ("'5- (9'(- 5''(-

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