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Also in this series


Lewis Knowlei
Teaching fiction 11-16 David Jackson

Robert Protherough


S e!!ing" unctuation an# gra$$ar in %econ#ar& Eng!i%h 'on S$e#!e& POETR( E)PERIENCE Ste hen Tunnic!iffe


Pa line Chater
A ractica! gui#e Phi! *oore


Lon#on *ET+UEN Ne, (or-

Also in this series


Lewis Knowlei
Teaching fiction 11-16 David Jackson

Robert Protherough


S e!!ing" unctuation an# gra$$ar in %econ#ar& Eng!i%h 'on S$e#!e& POETR( E)PERIENCE Ste hen Tunnic!iffe


Pa line Chater
A ractica! gui#e Phi! *oore



Lon#on fi%/ *ET+UEN Ne, (or- tfc. Civ

0ir%t ub!i%he# in 1126 b& *ethuen 3 Co4 Lt# 11 Ne, 0etter Lane" Lon#on EC5P 5EE Pub!i%he# in the USA b& *ethuen 3 Co4 in a%%ociation ,ith *ethuen" Inc4 61 7e%t 89th Street" Ne, (or- N( 1:::1 ;1126 Ken <&ron Photo%et b& Ro,!an# Photot& e%etting Lt# <ur& St E#$un#%" Suffo!Printe# in Great <ritain b& Richar# C!a&" The Chaucer Pre%%" <unga&" Suffo!A!! right% re%er=e#4 No art of thi% boo- $a& be re rinte# or re ro#uce# or uti!i>e# in an& for$ or b& an& e!ectronic" $echanica! or other $ean%" no, -no,n or hereafter in=ente#" inc!u#ing hotoco &ing an# recor#ing" or in an& infor$ation %torage or retrie=a! %&%te$" ,ithout er$i%%ion in ,riting fro$ the ub!i%her%4 <riti%h Librar& Cata!oguing in Pub!ication 'ata <&ron" Ken 'ra$a in the Eng!i%h c!a%%roo$4 ?Teaching %econ#ar& Eng!i%h@ 14 'ra$a A Stu#& an# teaching ?Secon#ar&@ - Great <ritain I4 Tit!e II4 Serie% B16C4:BC16 PN1B:1 IS<N :-516-82:8:-1 IS<N :-516-82:5:-1 PbLibrar& of Congre%% Cata!oging in Pub!ication 'ata <&ron" Ken" 116B'ra$a in the Eng!i%h c!a%%roo$4 ?Teaching %econ#ar& Eng!i%h@ <ib!iogra h&D P4 14 'ra$a in e#ucation4 I4 Ti#e4 II4 Serie%4 PN81B14<1B 1126 8B148C86 26-2981 IS<N :-516-82:8:-1 IS<N :-516-82:5:-1 ?Pb-4@

Acknowled e!en"s #$ i% Gene&al edi"o&'s #&e(ace #$ %i

1 7+AT KIN' O0 <OOK IS T+ISE 4 1 Stran# oneAthe Fourna! 4 6/ Stran# t,oA ur o%e%" %trategie% an# e=a!uation 4 5/ 7ea=ing the %tran#% 4 5/ O$i%%ion% 4 9/ 7hat i% the be%t ,a& to u%e the boo-E 4 6 6 GOURNAL ONED 'RAGON SLA(ER 4 B 'ra$a a% a H,a& inC to narrati=e teIt So$e function% of teacher ro!e Language o ortunitie% So$e a% ect% of u i! ro!e *ateria!% an# % ace Sti!! i$age ?,aI,or-%@ 8 SO*E ASSU*PTIONS 4 11 =i 'ra$a in the Eng!i%h C!a%%roo$

5 GOURNAL T7OD HT+E 7A( 7ESTC 4 65 7or-ing fro$ a the$e A H7agon TrainC +o, to !an an# &et be o en to chi!#renC% i#ea% <ui!#ing be!ief an# %eriou%ne%% in #ra$a Pha%e oneD bui!#ing the conteIt 4 66/ Pha%e t,oD bui!#ing an i#entit& 4 61/ Pha%e threeD the $eeting 4 81/ *aggieC% re% on%e to $& note% 4 88 9 +O7 IS A 'RA*A LESSON PLANNE' AN' CARRIE' OUTE 4 51 EnJuir& an# 'efinition 4 58/ The #ra$a 4 98/ Note% 4 92 6 GOURNAL T+REED LOR' O0 T+E 0LIES 4 91 'ra$a u%e# in re!ation to narrati=e teIt Teacher ro!e

O##o&")ni"ies (o& w&i"in in &ole a&isin (&o! "*e d&a!a

B 'RA*A AN' NARRATIKE 0ICTION 4 66 Si$i!aritie% bet,een #ra$a an# narrati=e fiction 4 6B/ 'ifficu!tie% in !oo-ing at a ,or- of fiction 4 61/ 'ifference% bet,een #ra$a an# narrati=e fiction 4 B6/ Strategie% 4 2:/ Note% 4 29 2 7ORKING ON PLA(TE)T 4 26 Pha%e oneD the ,a& in 4 2B/ Pha%e t,oD ,or-ing #irect!& on the teIt 4 2B/ Pha%e threeD re=ie, 4 22 1 GOURNAL 0OURD S*IT+ 4 1: 'ra$a ,or-ing broa#!& Hin ara!!e!C ,ith rea#ing of narrati=e teIt <ui!#ing be!ief through %!o," carefu! e!aboration of #ra$atic conteIt an# ro!e Content% =ii Teacher ro!e 0in#ing a #irection H,ithinC the #ra$a 1: GOURNAL 0IKED <EO7UL0 4 1:9 Teacher ro!e Language o%%ibi!itie% 7hen an# ,h& to %to the #ra$a

0in#ing a #irection ,ithin the #ra$a 11 'RA*A AN' LANGUAGE 4 116 Language #e=e!o $ent in a ne, conteIt 4 11B/ Language #e=e!o $ent through ne, ro!e-re!ation%hi % 4 112/ The Hrea!it&C of the #ra$a 4 169/ Concretene%% an# ab%traction 4 16B/ Karietie% of !anguage #e=e!o $ent 4 186/ The Jua!it& of the #ra$a 4 189/ Note% 4 15: 16 GOURNAL SI)D 0AT+ER AN' 'AUG+TER 4 151 Protection an# ri%- in #ra$a U%e of H re%entationC in #ra$a 'e$an#% of ,or-ing ,ith o!#er u i!% 18 'RA*A AN' EKALUATION 4 198 Tr&ing to e=a!uate a #ra$a i% a bit !i-e tr&ing to e=a!uate a art& 4 198/ E=a!uation reJuire% c!arit& about ai$% 4 195/ 7hat -in#% of !earning are o%%ib!e in #ra$aE 4 196 15 SO*E RESOURCES 4 162 Genera! H ractica!C boo-% for the teacher 4 162/ *anua!% 4 162/ Going in #ee er 4 161/ 'ra$a a%%ociation% 4 161/ 'ra$a Fourna!% 4 161/ Re%ource ac-% 4 1B: <ib!iogra h& 4 1B1 In#eI 4 1BA


The author an# ub!i%her% ,ou!# !i-e to than- the fo!!o,ing for er$i%%ion to re ro#uce eItraa% in thi% boo-D *egan Schaffner" HLanguage #e=e!o $ent through #ra$aC in 'ra$a" Language an# Learning" Nationa! A%%ociation for 'ra$a in E#ucation" Au%tra!ia/ Ro%e$ar& Sutc!iff" 'ragon S!a&er" Penguin <oo-%/ Ange!a 7i!%on an# Ro& Coc-croft" So$e U%e% of Ro!e-P!a& a% an A roach to the Stu#& of 0iction" 7a-efie!# Literature an# Learning ProFect4 I %hou!# a!%o !i-e to than- Peter King for hi% %u ,riting of thi% boo-4 ort an# un#er%tan#ing #uring the

A % ecia! ,or# of than-% goe% to the teacher% ,ith ,ho$ I ,or-e# on the A#=ance# 'i !o$a in 'ra$a cour%e at Leice%ter Uni=er%it&4 A% the teIt $a-e% c!ear" the boo#ra,% hea=i!& on their eI erience% in u%ing #ra$a in the Eng!i%h c!a%%roo$4


= Eng!i%h re$ain% a core %ubFect in the %econ#ar& %choo! curricu!u$ a% the confi#ent ,or#% of a recent +*I #ocu$ent re=ea!D Eng!i%h i% of =ita! i$ ortance in the #e=e!o $ent of u i!% a% in#i=i#ua!% an# a% $e$ber% of %ociet&D our !anguage i% our rinci a! $ean% of $a-ing %en%e of our eI erience an# co$$unication ,ith other%4 The teaching of Eng!i%h i% concerne# ,ith the e%%entia! %-i!!% of % eech" rea#ing an# ,riting" an# ,ith !iterature4 Schoo!% ,i!! #oubt!e%% continue to gi=e the$ high riorit&4

?The Schoo! Curricu!u$" 'ES" 1121@ Such confi#ence be!ie% the fact that there ha% been" an# continue% to be" $uch #ebate a$ong ractitioner% a% to eIact!& ,hat con%titute% Eng!i%h4 If the #e%ire# con%en%u% re$ain% rather far off at !ea%t the intere%te# teacher no, ha% a !arge an# u%efu! !iterature on ,hich he or %he can rofitab!& ref!ect in the atte$ t to an%,er the Jue%tion H7hat i% Eng!i%h EC There ha=e been notab!e boo-% #e%igne# to reorientate teacher%C thin-ing Iii 'ra$a in the Eng!i%h C!a%%roo$ about the %ubFect ranging fro$ tho%e ab%orbe# b& the nece%%ar& theoretica! ana!&%i%" !i-e Gohn 'iIonC% Gro,th Through Eng!i%h ?OIfor#" re=4 e#n 11B9@" to tho%e ,or-ing out,ar#% fro$ ne, re%earch into c!a%%roo$ !anguage" !i-e 0ro$ Co$$unication to Curricu!u$" b& 'oug!a% <arne% ?Penguin" 11B6@/ but there are not %o $an& boo-% inten#e# to he! teacher% get a urcha%e on their #a&-to-#a& acti=itie% ?a fine eIce tion i% The Eng!i%h 'e art$ent +an#boo- recent!& ub!i%he# b& the ILEA Eng!i%h Centre@4 To gain %uch a urcha%e reJuire% confi#ence bui!t not fro$ $a-ing He=er&thing ne,C %o $uch a% !earning to co$bine the be%t fro$ the o!#er tra#ition% ,ith %o$e of tho%e ne,er i#ea%4 An# referab!& the%e i#ea% ha=e to be %een to ha=e e$erge# fro$ effecti=e c!a%%roo$ teaching4 The Eng!i%h teacherC% ai$% ha=e to be continua!!& re,or-e# in the !ight of ne, eI erience" an# the a%%urance nece%%ar& to $anage thi% i% bre# out of the con=iction% of other eI erience# ractitioner%4 Thi% i% of articu!ar i$ ortance to the ne, an# ineI erience# teacher4 It i% to %uch teacher% an# %tu#ent teacher% that thi% %erie% i% ri$ari!& #irecte#4 The boo-% in thi% %erie% are inten#e# to gi=e ractica! gui#ance in the =ariou% area% of the Eng!i%h curricu!u$4 Each area i% treate# in a %e arate =o!u$e in or#er to gain the nece%%ar& % ace in ,hich to #i%cu%% it at %o$e !ength4 The ai$ of the %erie% i% t,ofo!#D to #e%cribe goo# ractice b& eI !oring the a roache% an# acti=itie% ref!ecte# in the #ai!& ,or- of an Eng!i%h teacher in the co$ rehen%i=e %choo!/ an# to gi=e a ractica! !ea# to teacher% ,ho ,i%h to tr& out for the$%e!=e% a ,i#er re ertoire of teaching %-i!!% an# ,a&% of organi>ing %&!!abu%e% an# !e%%on%4 Ta-en a% ,ho!e" the %erie% #oe% not re%% u on the rea#er a rea#&-$a#e hi!o%o h&" but atte$ t% to ro=i#e a $a of the Eng!i%h teaching !an#%ca e in ,hich the %e arate =o!u$e% high!ight an in#i=i#ua! feature of that terrain" re re%enting it% articu!ar characteri%tic% ,hi!e re$in#ing u% of the continuit& bet,een the%e #iffering e!e$ent% in the o=era!! to ogra h&4 The %erie% a##re%%e% it%e!f to the 11-16 age range ,ith an Genera! e#itorC% reface Iiii a##itiona! =o!u$e on %iIth-for$ ,or-" an# a%%u$e% a $iIe# abi!it& grou ing" at !ea%t in the fir%t t,o &ear% of %choo!ing4 Each =o!u$e begin% ,ith a #i%cu%%ion of the rob!e$% an# rationa!e of it% cho%en a% ect of Eng!i%h an# goe% on to #e%cribe ractica! ,a&% in ,hich the teacher% can organi>e their %&!!abu% an# !e%%on% to achie=e their inten#e# goa!%" an# en#% ,ith a brief gui#e to boo-%" re%ource%" etc4 The in#i=i#ua! =o!u$e% are ,ritten b& eI erience# teacher% ,ith a articu!ar intere%t in their cho%en area an# the i#ea% the& eI re%% ha=e been ro=e# b& the$ or their co!!eague% in their o,n c!a%%roo$%4 L It i% at the !e=e! of the ractica! that an& %&nthe%i% of the =ariou% a roache% to Eng!i%h can be gaine#" an# to acco$ !i%h thi% e=er& teacher $u%t be in o%%e%%ion of a rationa!e an# an a,arene%% of goo# $etho#% ,here=er an# ho,e=er the& ha=e been achie=e#4 <& rea#ing the boo-% in thi% %erie% it i% to be ho e# that teacher% ,i!! be encourage# to tr& out for the$%e!=e% i#ea% foun#

effecti=e b& their co!!eague% %o gaining the confi#ence to $a-e their o,n infor$e# choice an# !anning in their o,n c!a%%roo$%4 Peter King Gu!& 1128 1


7hen I ,a% a%-e# to ,rite thi% boo- I % ent a con%i#erab!e a$ount of ti$e thin-ing about ,hat ,a% the $o%t a ro riate for$ for it4 The fo!!o,ing con%i#eration% ,eighe# hea=i!& in $& e=entua! #eci%ion% about it% for$4 The& are in no articu!ar or#er4 I ,ante# it to ha=e the (eel o( "*e class&oo! a/o)" itA,ith a% $uch a% o%%ib!e in the ,a& of eIa$ !e% of intere%ting ractice4 The%e eIa$ !e% of ractice %hou!# i!!u%trate both the #ifficu!tie% an# the eIciting o%%ibi!itie% of u%ing #ra$a in the Eng!i%h c!a%%roo$4 The boo- %hou!# a% far a% o%%ib!e be ,ritten fro$ the =ie, oint of a teacher !i-e tho%e ,ho ,i!! $o%t robab!& u%e the boo- A intere%te# an# -een to begin to u%e #ra$a ?or to u%e it to greater effect@ but b& no $ean% certain ho, to %et about it4 It %hou!# offer a c!ear theoretica! ba%e fro$ ,hich teacher% can #e=e!o their ,orA in articu!ar in ter$% of the

6 'ra$a in the Eng!i%h C!a%%roo$ 7hat -in# of boo- i% thi%E 8

connection% bet,een the concern% of the Eng!i%h teacher an# the $e#iu$ of #ra$a4 A!though 1 ,ante# the boo- to offer teacher% rea! ractica! he! ,ith the Hho,C a% ,e!! a% the H,h&C" I #i# not inten# to ,rite a $anua!" ,ith % ecific %a$ !e !e%%on% for the$ to tr& out4 Rather"

it %ee$e# i$ ortant to he! teacher% to an un#er%tan#ing of ho, to con%truct their o,n ,or-" e$ !o&ing the !entifu! $ateria! for #ra$a ,hich the re%t of their Eng!i%h ,or- %u !ie%4
The boo- %hou!# be a% =arie# in for$ an# !a&out a% o%%ib!e A incl)din na&&a"ive and anecdo"e0 c*a&"s an# #iagra$% a% ,e!! a% eI o%ition an# ana!&%i%4 It %ee$e# i$ ortant" Fu%t a% in teaching" to fin# for$% that both ,ere a ro riate to !1 ai!s as "eac*e&2w&i"e& and wo)ld offer =arie# H,a&% inC for !earner%Mrea#er%4 I co)ld no" cove& eve&1"*in 0 "*e&e(o&e it ,a% i$ ortant to ro=i#e reference% to a!!o, rea#er% to fo!!o, u i#ea% a% the& $ight ,i%h an# nee#4 The for$ I (inall1 se""led on con%i%te# of t,o broa# %tran#%" ,hich I ha=e trie# to ,ea=e together a% carefu!!& a% o%%ib!e4 Stran# one A the Fourna! I ha=e ha# the ri=i!ege recent!& of a%%i%ting a nu$ber of En lis* teacher%" o=er a !ong #e&iod o( "i!e ?t,o &ear%@ to %tart o& develo# ()&"*e& the u%e of d&a!a in their c!a%%roo$%4 7e ha=e ,atche# each other teach/ !anne#" taught an# o%t-$orte$e# together/ an# % ent a !ot of hour% in ta!- about a =ariet& of !e%%on% an# teaching roFect%4 The Fourna! i% c!o%e!& ba%e# on their eI erience% an# their atte$ t% to co$e to ter$% ,ith the #e$an#% an# o ortunitie% of ,or-ing in #ra$a4

T*e H,riterC of the Fourna! i% a fictiona! Eng!i%h teacher - !et )s call hi$ *i-e A inte!!igent" co$$itte# to teaching" %e=era! &ear% into hi% ca&ee& an# rea%onab!& confi#ent about ,hat he i% #oing a% an Eng!i%h teacher" willin "o eI eri$ent" but not ,ithout concern% about contro!" %ecurit& an# %tructure4 +e i% fictiona!" but a!! the ,orhe recor#% an# co$$ent% on I ha=e ob%er=e# ha ening in c!a%%roo$%" though it ,a% taught b& =ariou% teacher%" an# not one4 So$eti$e% becau%e of !i$itation% of % ace I ha=e co$ re%%e# e!e$ent% fro$ t,o or e=en three !e%%on%M roFect% b& #ifferent eo !e into one4 *i-e Hre re%ent%C the teacher% I ha=e ,or-e# ,ith" an# other% !i-e the$A hi% %trugg!e% an# eIcite$ent% are their%4 +e i% a #e=ice" if &ou ,i!!" to tr& to co$ re%% a co$ !eI an# cha!!enging roce%% of 4!earning for a teacher into a fe, entrie% in a Fourna!4 'oubt!e%% the co$ re%%ion ,i!! $ean %o$e o=er%i$ !ification an# cru#it&" but I fe!t it ,orth the atte$ t to tr& an# ,rite a !arge ortion of the boo- #irect!& fro$ the =ie, oint of a teacher ,ho ha% the %a$e intere%t% an# concern% a% $an& of tho%e ,ho ,i!! rea# it4 *aggie" ,ho a!%o feature% in the Fourna!" i% a teacher of Eng!i%h" but eI erience# an# confi#ent in the u%e of #ra$a4 Not e=er& teacher in *i-eC% o%ition ,i!! ha=e the he! of a *aggie" a!though %o$e ,i!! be ab!e to gain %u ort fro$ a $ore eI erience# co!!eague" an a#=i%erMa#=i%or& teacher or !oca! #ra$a teacher%C a%%ociation4 *aggie i% rea!!& another Hco$ re%%ion #e=iceC4 She i% there becau%e her greater eI erience a!!o,% $e to inc!u#e $ore #e=e!o e# in%ight% an# ana!&%e% of the ,or- than *i-e cou!# achie=e" gi=en the !i$itation% of hi% eI erience of ,or-ing in #ra$a" articu!ar!& in the ear!& %tage%4 She ha# to be there to ha%ten hi% a,arene%%" other,i%e the Fourna! ,ou!# ha=e ha# to be %e=era! ti$e% it% re%ent !engthN Through the cour%e of the Fourna!" *i-e #e=e!o % in hi% un#er%tan#ing of" an# ca acit& to u%e" #ra$a - $uch a% the teacher% I ,or-e# ,ith #i#4 The& nee#e# at fir%t to ,or- in ,a&% that ga=e the$ a rea%onab!e #egree of %ecurit& an# the& nee#e# to %ee c!ear benefit% for their Eng!i%h ,or- out of the #ra$a fro$ the beginning A %o ear!& ,or- ,a% often tie#" %a&" to he! ing the chi!#renC% un#er%tan#ing of a c!a%% rea#er4 Then gra#ua!!&" a% the& %a, the benefit% of #ra$a er %e" the& ,ou!# 5 'ra$a in the Eng!i%h C!a%%roo$ be $ore &ead1 "o /&oaden "*e range of ur o%e% the& ,ere #&e#a&ed "o ,or- (o& in d&a!a$ 1 cho%e the Fourna! for$ becau%e it i% one $an& teacher% ,i!! be fa$i!iar ,ith an# becau%e it offer% the o ortunit& to u%e anec#ote" narrati=e" co$$ent an# #ia!ogue to con=e& the i$$e#iac& of the c!a%%roo$ encounter in a rea#ab!e an# )n#&e"en"io)s ,a&4 The rea#er ,i!! Fu#ge ,hether 1 ha=e %uccee#e# or not44
S"&and "wo3#)&#oses0 s"&a"e ies and eval)a"ion

If art of $& ur o%e i% to eIa$ine the i$$e#iac& of the c!a%%roo$ encounter" another i% to he! rea#er% %tan# bac- (&o! "*e eIa$ !e% of ractice offere#" an# fro$ their o,n ,or-" to a%- a nu$ber of -e& Jue%tion%D 1 6 8 5 7hat i% the nature of #ra$a an# ho, #oe% it ,or-E +o, #oe% #ra$a re!ateMcontribute to $& ur o%e% a% an Eng!i%h teacherE 7hat %trategie% can 1 e$ !o& an# ,hat #ifficu!tie% a$ I !i-e!& to $eetE +o, #o I e=a!uate ,hat i% going on in #ra$aE

The%e are tac-!e# in a %erie% of cha ter% ,hich o erate $ain!& through con=entiona! eI o%ition" argu$ent an# ana!&%i%" "*o) * #len"i()l e%a!#les of ractice are gi=en to %u ort an# i!!u%trate the argu$ent4 7ea=ing the %tran#% T*e t,o %tran#% are desi ned "o be co$ !e$entar&" to tie together and s)##o&" eac* o"*e&$ I ha=e trie# to en%ure that the& do %o in t,o ,a&%D 1 <roa#!& % ea-ing" re!ate# $ateria! in both %tran#% i% &o)#ed together in "*e "e%"$ Thu%" for eIa$ !e" the Fourna! entrie% w*e&e d&a!a is )sed in re!ation to a c!a%% rea#er are 7hat -in# of boo- i% thi%E 9 $ain!& c!u%tere# aroun# Cha ter B on #ra$a an# narrati=e fiction4 6 I ha=e e$ !o&e# a %i$ !e %&%te$ of t,o-,a& cro%%-referencing bet,een $ateria! in both %tran#%" %o that" for eIa$ !e" Cha ter 11 on #ra$a an# !anguage refer% the rea#er to i!!u%trati=e $ateria! in the Fourna!4 7here a ro riate" Fourna! entrie% carr& reference% to tho%e genera! cha ter% ,hich a$ !if& i%%ue% rai%e# in that an of the Fourna!4 O$i%%ion% In a boo- of thi% !ength it i% i$ o%%ib!e to #ea! ade4)a"el1 wi"* a!! the connection% bet,een Eng!i%h an# #ra$a4 So" ine=itab!&" there are o$i%%ion%4 There i%" for eIa$ !e" nothing a/o)" #ra$a an# oetr& in the age% that fo!!o,4 I *ave o te# to #ea! a% a#eJuate!& a% o%%ib!e ,ith tho%e area% A articu!ar!& narrati=e fiction an# !anguage #e=e!o $ent A ,hich offer the $o%t rea#& connection% ,ith #ra$a" an# on ,a&% of $a-ing the connection% that %ee$e# to $e $o%t !i-e!& to get eo !e %tarte# an# to $o=e the$ to a o%ition of %o$e fa$i!iarit& an# confi#ence ,ith u%ing #ra$a roce%%e% in the Eng!i%h c!a%%roo$4 Once eo !e get to that %tage the& %hou!# ha=e no #ifficu!t& in #e=i%ing their o,n a roache% to other area%" %uch a% oetr&4 P!a&teIt i% not o$itte#" but i% #ea!t ,ith =er& brief!&4 1 ha=e been ta-en to ta%- for thi%N It ha% been %ugge%te# to $e that O$ore cou!# be $a#e of O'ra$a an# P!a&teItP a% thi% i% the area that a!! Eng!i%h teacher% are #irect!& concerne# ,ith4 If the& #o no other #ra$a in their ,or- the& ha=e to con%i#er !a&%cri t%4C *& #e!iberate #eci%ion to ut the $ain e$ ha%i% e!%e,here %te$% fro$ a fear that a&ing $uch attention to !a&teIt ,ou!# encourage eo !e to !i$it their erce tion% of the co$$on groun# bet,een Eng!i%h an# d&a!a - H !a&teIt i% ,here #ra$a co$e% into Eng!i%hC - an# to ignore the broa#er o%%ibi!itie%4 In an& ca%e" in Cha ter B 1 ha=e deal" wi"* 6 'ra$a in the Eng!i%h C!a%%roo$ a roache% that can be u%e# eJua!!& effecti=e!& on !a&teIt4 I thin-" too" that !a&teIt i% $ore co$ !eI to ,or- at in the c!a%%roo$ than narrati=e fiction" an# ,ou!# %ugge%t to Eng!i%h teacher% genera!!& that the& tr& their han# on u%ing #ra$a ,ith the !atter fir%t4 7hat i% the be%t ,a& to u%e the boo-E There i% a rogre%%i=e %tructure to the booAba%ica!!& gi=en b& the narrati=e threa# of *i-eC% H#e=e!o $entC4 <ut I ha=e trie# to ,rite it %o that the rea#er can %tart at an& oint that i% of i$$e#iate intere%t or concern" an# $o=e about a% nee# or curio%it& #ictate%4 Thu% the rea#er $ight ,ant to begin ,ith one of the genera! cha ter%" or $ight ,ant to turn fir%t to one of the

Fourna! entrie% ,hich tie% in ,ith ,or- %Mhe i% current!& atte$ ting4 The tit!e% of the genera! cha ter% %hou!# in#icate c!ear!& ,hat the& contain an# I ha=e gi=en Hhea#!ine%C to the Fourna! entrie% %o that the rea#er can %ee at a g!ance the area% the& each co=er4 The hea#!ine% are inten#e# both to gui#e the rea#er into the Fourna! entr&" an# a!%o to act a% a %u$$ar& or re=ie, that the rea#er can turn to after rea#ing the Fourna! entr&4 6 GOURNAL ONED 'RAGON SLA(ER

D&a!a as a 5wa1 in' "o na&&a"ive "e%"

/a&&ie&s for chi!#ren i#entifie# an# %trategie% #e=i%e# to o=erco$e the%e

ro!e !ace% chi!#ren ?!oo%e!& #efine# a% HeI ert%C@ a% acti=e interrogator% of teIt inco$ !etene%% of $ateria!%/ an in=itation to % ecu!ation an# h& othe%i>ing/ acti=e $a-ing of $eaning fro$ teIt

Some functions of teacher role

ro!e a% an efficient too! for i$ arting infor$ation an# !acing chi!#ren in a clea& and s#eci(ic &ela"ions*i# "o a #&o/le!" i%%ue or %et of $ateria!% ro!e here u%e# i% =er& %i$i!ar to a teacherC% nor$a! c!a%%roo$ function% A chairing #i%cu%%ion%" organi>ing ,or- ta%-% A therefore fee!% H%afeC to a teacher %tarting to u%e ro!e ne=erthe!e%% teacher ro!e an# chi!#renC% ro!e a% eI ert% gi=e a genuine!& #ifferent Hfee!C to ,hat on the %urface !oo- !i-e con=entiona! c!a%%roo$ ta%-%

2 'ra$a in the Eng!i%h C!a%%roo$ teacherC% %tance in ro!e a% Hone ,ho #oe%nCt -no,C ?eJua!it& of %tatu% ,ith u i!% before a co$$on rob!e$@ i% i$ ortant in generating u i! energ& an# re% on%ibi!it& for !earning

"eac*e&'s )se o( lan )a e a##&o#&ia"e "o "*e (ic"ional con"e%" is i!#o&"an" "o c&ea"e /elie( in "*a" (ic"ional con"e%" and "o ena/le "*e c*ild&en "o (ind a##&o#&ia"e lan )a e and !odes o( "*inkin 2222
Lan )a e o##o&")ni"ies
acti=e co$ rehen%ionMhigher rea#ing %-i!!% ?interrogating teIt@ % ecu!ating" h& othe%i>ing %$a!! grou ta!-D infor$a!" tentati=e" eI !orator& for$a! ub!ic eI o%ition of h& othe%e% Hgetting in%i#eC the %t&!e of a narrati=e

So!e as#ec"s o( #)#il &ole

no reJuire$ent here to HactC" on!& to thin- !i-e archaeo!ogi%t%Mhi%torian%

Ma"e&ials and s#ace

care in reorgani>ing h&%ica! en=iron$ent to %uit !earning ta%- an# to re re%ent fictiona! en=iron$ent %e!ectionMcreation of $ateria!% ?#ocu$ent% an# t,ee>er%@ to create %ignificance an# authenticit& in the #ra$a Sti!! i$age ?,aI,or-%@ u%e to enca %u!ate re%u!t% of grou thin-ingM% ecu!ating Trie# %o$ething ne, ?ne, for $e@ recent!& A %o$e #ra$a4 It #i#nCt fee! a !ot !i-e #ra$a" !i-e ,hat IC# thought of a% #ra$a" but *aggie a%%ure% $e it ,a% #ra$a4 It ,or-e# rett& ,e!!" though no, I can %ee ,a&% it $ight ,or- e=en better another ti$e4 Gourna! one 1 IC# been ca%ting aroun# for a ,a& of he! ing 6K to get $ore out o( Rose!a&1 S)"cli(('s D&a on Sla1e& than other c!a%%e% %ee$e# to ha=e #one in re=iou% &ear%4

There ,ere a!,a&% a fe, -i#% ,ho ,ere enthra!!e# b& the boo-" but $an& %ee$e# to fin# the boo-C% %t&!e an# !anguage a rob!e$4 Sutc!iff ha%
%i$ !ifie# the narrati=e !ine of <eo,u!f an# reto!# it in $o#ern Eng!i%h but -ee % %o$ething of the origina!C% %t&!e - it% rhetorica! #e=ice%" co$ !eI %entence %tructure" an# it% archaic =ocabu!ar&4 The%e %ee$ to be a rea! rob!e$ for $an& -i#% of thi% age" in%tea# of a cha!!enge the& ri%e to" an# it turn% the$ off the boo-4 IC$ eIcite# b& the boo- e=er& ti$e I rea# it" an# thatC% a !ot of ti$e% no,4 <ut ho, to get the$

to %hare thi% eIcite$entE

Chatting to *aggie in the %taffroo$" I $entione# $& ,orrie% about 'ragon S!a&er4 She %ai# ,hat %he often #oe%" H7h& #onCt &ou tr& %o$e #ra$aEC Get% a bit $onotonou% rea!!&4 She #oe% a !ot of #ra$a ,or- ,ith her Eng!i%h c!a%%e% A but %heC% got a !ot $ore confi#ence an# eI erience than I ha=e" an# %he -no,% %o$ething about #ra$a" ,hich I #onCt4 I $a#e one of $& u%ua! e=a%i=e re !ie% an# turne# the con=er%ation another ,a&4 <ut neIt #a& I foun# a co & of a $aga>ine" 6'" in $& igeon-ho!e in the %taffroo$4 It ,a% turne# in%i#e out to %ho, a articu!ar age on ,hich there ,a% a !arge green $aran# a %cribb!e#" HThi% $ight %uit4 *aggieC4 The eItract %he ha# $ar-e# %ai#D A %i$i!ar techniJue ,a% u%e# to intro#uce <eo,u!f to a $iIe# abi!it& grou 4 EItract% fro$ the oe$ ,ere co ie# in !arge ita!ic !etter%" bro,ne# in the o=en to age the$ an# torn to frag$ent%4 Pu i!% in grou % ,ere gi=en a ac-et of iece%

,hich $a#e u one frag$ent an# ,ere a%-e# to i$agine that the& ,ere archaeo!ogi%t% ,ho ha# #i%co=ere# the ancient #ocu$ent" tr&ing to #eci#e ,hat it ,a%4 7hen e=entua!!& the fu!! teIt
,a% rea# in the c!a%%roo$ %o$e of the #ifficu!tie% ,ere #i%%o!=e# b& =irtue of the fact that the c!a%% ,ere

1: 'ra$a in the Eng!i%h C!a%%roo$ fa$i!iar ,ith %o$e of the !ine% an# becau%e the& ha# a##&oac*ed "*e teIt ,ith the %en%e that thi% ,a% an ancient doc)!en" and so!e"*in o( a $&%ter&" an# ,ere rece ti=e to it% content4 Thing% c!ic-e# ra i#!& into !ace4 I cou!# %ee ho, thi% a roach $ight ,e!! arou%e the curio%it& of 6K an# he! the H%trangene%%C of 'ragon S!a&er beco$e fa%cinating" in%tea# of a!ienating4 T*a" night I bro,ne# %iI eItract% in the o=en" tore each into frag$ent%" re$o=e# certain -e& ?gi=e a,a&@ ,or#%" an# !ace# each in an en=e!o e $ar-e# H<riti%h *u%eu$C4 IC# cho%en eItract% 6all (&o! "*e ea&l1 art of the boo-@ ,hich I thought ,ou!# gi=e the f!a=our of the narrati=e an# %o$e c!ue% to it% o=era!! %tructure" %o "*a" "*e kids co)ld engage in the bu%ine%% of #e#ucing ,hat %ort of a%t ,or!# it ha# co$e fro$" an# w*a" "*e ?$i%%ing@ re$ain#er of the narrati=e $ight be !i-e - in other ,or#% to #o ,hat hi%torian% an# archaeo!ogi%t% #o ,ith "*ei& ri$ar& %ource $ateria!4 EItract% u%e# I 4 I in#icate% ,or# &e!oved o& ille i/le$ 7 +E LEANE' 0OR7AR' ON T+E GREAT CARKE' SEAT$ A SMALL MAN +ITH HIS +AN'S ON +IS KNEES AN' +IS LONGSIG+TE' SEA*ANCS GAQE CO*ING AN' GOING A<OUT T+E S*OK( +ALL AN' TOL' AMONG LESSER *ATTERS +O7 +ROT+GAO T+E GREAT 7ARRIOR KING O0 T+E I I1S+ 0OLK +A' <UILT 0OR +I*SEL0 A *IG+T( *EA' +ALL 7+ERE +E AN' +IS +OUSE+OL' 7ARRIORS *IG+T 0EAST4 6 I-------1 T+E *AN7OL0 T+E 'EAT+S+A'O7 7+O +AS +IS LAIR A*ONG T+E SEA INLETS AN' T+E Gourna! one 11 COASTAEQ8*ARS+ES4 +E +EAR' T+E LAUG+TER AN' T+E! "G +ARP SONG 0RO*N------IT+0 KINGCS +IG+ +ALL AN' IT TROU<LE' +I* IN +IS 'ARK 'REA*S AN' +E ROUSE' AN' CA*E UP OUT O0 THE 7ASTE LAN'S AN' SNU00E' A<OUT T+E PORC+4




+E STEPPE' ACROSS T+E 'OOR SILL ON TO T+E *AN( COLOURE' 0LAGSTONES O0 T+E 0LOOR4 'O7N T+E *I'ST O0 T+E +ALL T+E 0IRES <LAQE' ON T+EIR T+REE +EART+S4 AN' T+E S*OKE CURLE' UP7AR'S TO 0IN' ITS 7A( OUTI I T+ROUG+ T+E OPENINGS IN T+E ROO0 +IG+ OKER+EA' AN' +E SA7 T+E 7ARRIORS AT T+EIR LONG TA<LES 7IT+ <OAR 0LES+ AN' +UG+ PILES O0 <ARLE( CAKES <E0ORE T+E*4 SA7 TOO T+E ROO0 TRE 16 'ra$a in the Eng!i%h C!a%%roo$ 6 +E CA*E TO T+E 0OREPORC+ AN' SNU00LE' ABO:T IT AND S*ELLE' T+E *AN S*ELL AN' -O:ND THAT THE 'OOR 7AS <OLTE'4 SNARLING IN RAGE THAT AN( 'ARE KEEP +I* OUT +E SET T+E 0LAT O0 +IS TALON TIPPE' +AN'S AGAINST T+E TIMBERS AND B:RST THEM IN$ 'ARK AS IT 7AS T+E HALL SEEMED TO 0ILL 7IT+ A *ONSTROUS S+A'O7 AT +IS CO*ING4 +IS T7O E(ES GLO7E' +ITH A G+ASTL( 7AKERING GREEN 0LA*E4 LAUG+ING +E SEIQE' *on#a& ca$e aroun# an# ,ith it the #oub!e erio# ,hen I #lanned "o s"a&" lookin a" D&a on Sla1e& wi"* "*e class4 <ut the%e Hancient re$nant%C" not the a erbac- it%e!f" ,ere to be their intro#uction to the %tor&4 IC# arrange# the c!a%%roo$ a% in

-i )&e 7$

After IC# a%-e# 6K to %ort the$%e!=e% into %iI grou %" an# then %it in the %e$icirc!e of chair%" I to!# the$ =er& brief!& that Se$icirc!e of choir%

SiI H,or-% ace% ?grou % of tobie%@ TeacherC% #e%0igure 1 Gourna! one 18 to#a&C% ,or- ,a% going to be a !itt!e #ifferent fro$ u%ua! an# then %traight a,a& began to % ea- to the$ a% a $u%eu$ curator a##re%%ing eI ert% in hi% o,n fie!#D La#ie% an# gent!e$en" IC$ #e!ighte# that &ou ,ere ab!e to co$e here to the <riti%h *u%eu$ at %uch %hort notice4 'oubt!e%% &ou are a!! ,on#ering ,h& &ouC=e been a%-e# to co$e together here fro$ a!! o=er the countr&" e% ecia!!& in %uch a hurr&4 The fact i% ,e nee# &our a%%i%tance" &our eI erti%e" to he! u% $a-e %en%e of one of the $o%t i$ ortant S fin#% to be brought to the *u%eu$ for $an&" $an& &ear%4 I % o-e %eriou%!&" a!$o%t %o!e$n!&AI cou!# %ee 6K ,erenCt %ure ,hat to $a-e of it" but the& ,ere intrigue#4 IC# H%cri te#C an# Hrehear%e#C $& ,or#% rett& carefu!!&" fee!ing that ,hat I ,ante# nee#e# %etting u rather eIact!& an# i$ ro$ tu ,or#% $ight %en# thing% off in Juite a ,rong #irection4 I then Hre=ea!e#C the fin#" in the %iI en=e!o e%" an# % o-e of Hfrag$ent% of an ancient #ocu$entC ,hich nee#e# iecing together an# inter reting4 H7e $u%t a%-D ,hat #o the ,or#% %a&E ,hat -in# of #ocu$ent are the& fro$E ho, #o the %iI frag$ent% re!ate to each otherE to ,hat -in# of !ace an# ti$e #o the& be!ongEC I a%-e# the$ to begin b& a%%e$b!ing their torn frag$ent" tr&ing to rea# ,hat it %ai# an# to tran%cribe it4 Thi% ,a% to be #one in the H,or-% ace%C4 Each grou ,a% gi=en an en=e!o e an# a%-e# to treat the content% ,ith great care4 Then I %ent the$ to the ,or-% ace% ,ith the%e ,or#%D At re%ent ,e -no, =er& !itt!e of the%e frag$ent%4 7e -no, the& are genuine4 7e -no, the& are =er&" =er& o!#4 T*e1 %ee$ to $e !i-e a $&%teriou% =oice ca!!ing fro$ the a%t" % ea-ing to u% acro%% the centurie%4 Our ta%- i% to tr& to 15 'ra$a in the Eng!i%h C!a%%roo$ un#er%tan# that =oice" to unra=e! the $&%terie% of it% $e%%age4 I ,i%h &ou !uc- in &our ta%-4 I % o-e !i-e thi% becau%e it %ee$e# i$ ortant" if $& !an ,ere to ,or-" that 6K %hou!# !oo- at the #ocu$ent%" not Fu%t a% a grou of -i#% but a% eI ert%4 The acti=it& ha# to fee! H% ecia!C or H#ifferentC" %o that the& ,ere ,i!!ing to ta-e on the =ie, oint of archaeo!ogi%t%4 ?I #i#nCt ,ant the$ to HactC !i-e archaeo!ogi%t% -ho,e=er archaeo!ogi%t% $ight act A but to thin- !i-e archaeo!ogi%t%D u%e -no,n #ata to % ecu!ate about ,hat ,a%nCt -no,n" an# chec- their % ecu!ation% again%t that -no,n #ata4@ After,ar#% I thought of ,a&% I cou!# ha=e $a#e the acti=it& fee! $ore H% ecia!C an# %o he! the -i#% %!i $ore fir$!& into that archaeo!ogi%tC% =ie, oint4 0or eIa$ !e" I thin- it ,ou!# ha=e he! e# to un#er!ine the reciou%ne%% of the charre# frag$ent% if I ha# a%-e# the$ not to touch the$ ,ith their finger%" but on!& to han#!e the$ ,ith a %$a!! air of t,ee>er%4 ?7here ,ou!# I get %iI %$a!! air% of t,ee>er%E Science #e art$entE@

I ,a% !ea%e# b& the ,a& the c!a%% got #o,n to ,or-ing at the ta%-4 *& intro#uction %ee$e# to ha=e Hgrabbe#C their intere%t" though genera!!& the bo&% ,ere $ore in=o!=e# an# %ee$e# to ha=e ta-en on the archaeo!ogi%tC% =ie, oint $ore than the gir!%4 A% the& ,or-e# I ,ent aroun# tr&ing to re$ain curator an# not teacher4 *aggie ha# ta!-e# ,ith $e on =ariou% occa%ion% about teaching Hin ro!eC" but it ha# a!,a&% %ee$e# a =er& ri%-& affair to $e4 +ere I fe!t co$fortab!e - the ro!e of curator $eant that I ,a% organi>ing" %u orting" %u er=i%ing ?!i-e a teacher@ an# &et %o$eho, it ha# a #ifferent Hfee!C - IC$ not %ure ho, to #efine it - an# IC$ %ure the ta%- of #eci hering" tran%cribing an# inter reting ha# a #ifferent Hfee!C for the -i#% fro$ a !ot of teacher-originate# ta%-%4 +ereC% ,hat ha ene# ,hen one grou eIcite#!& a%-e# $e to co$e o=er an# %ee the$D TeacherD 7eC=e ha# a bit of a brea-through" ha=e ,eEGo%h" thereC% Juite a bit $i%%ing here" i%nCt thereE Gourna! one 19 Pu i! 1D It %a&% %o$ething about hi% father #oing %o$ething to a $an an# !&ing on a ,o!f-%-in 44 4 or 4 4 4 Pu i! 6D (eah A hi$ !&ing on a ,o!f-%-in Pu i! 1D L&ing on a ,o!f-%-in4 An# their% o=er there" itC% got %o$ething about a $an-,o!f4 TeacherD So ,o!f %ee$% to be a %ort of4 4 4 er 44 4
Pu i! 6D Lin-4

TeacherD A !in-444 4 'oe% it he! u% at a!! to gue%% at ,here or,hen thi% #ocu$ent ,a% ,rittenE 'oe% the ,o!f i#ea gi=e an& c!ue% about !ace or ti$eE Pu i! 6D Scan#ina=iaE Pu i! 8D No" $ore !i-e!& Eng!an#" becau%e the& u%e# to ha=e ,o!=e% in Eng!an#4 TeacherD So &ou thin- itC% a nati=e Eng!i%h #ocu$entE Pu i! 6D (e% A becau%e ,h& %hou!# the& $o=e it a!! thi% ,a&E Pu i! 8D An# the& #i# ha=e ,o!=e% in Eng!an#4 One $o$ent ,hen I ,a%nCt %ure ,hat to #o ca$e a% I a roache# another grou D Pu i!D Are the%e rea!E Or are the& Fu%t $a#e u E TeacherD LetC% a%%u$e the&Cre rea!" %ha!! ,eE Pu i!D No but are the& rea! E TeacherD LetC% a%%u$e the&Cre rea!4 I #i#nCt fee! IC# #ea!t ,ith thi% %ati%factori!&" though the grou !et it #ro an# continue# ,or-ing at the ta%-4 It ,a% intere%ting that at =ariou% ti$e% I o=erhear# a nu$ber of co$$ent% aroun# the roo$ about Hba-ing a er in the o=en to $a-e it !ooo!#C" but the%e %a$e -i#% ,ho ob=iou%!& recogni>e# that the #ocu$ent% ,ere H$a#e u C ,ere %ti!! treating the$ a% Hrea!C in their ro!e a% HeI ert%C4 I %u o%e I nee#e# to fin# a ,a& of te!!ing that articu!ar gir! that the #ocu$ent% ,ere" in a #ifferent %en%e" both Hrea!C an# H$a#e u C4 IC$ %ti!! not %ure ho, IC# $anage it though4 One #efinite $i%ta-e I $a#e ,a% to in=ite the re%earcher% to !oo- at the frag$ent% other grou % ,ere eIa$ining4 I #i# thi% 16 'ra$a in the Eng!i%h C!a%%roo$ too ear!&" %o that one or t,o -i#% ,ent ,an#ering ,ithout e=er rea!!& ha=ing ti$e to get ab%orbe# b& their o,n #ocu$ent%4 Another ti$e IC# !ea=e thi% in=itation ti!! $uch !ater" an# erha % organi>e it $ore tight!& to $a-e it a $ore #efinite ha%e in

the ,or-" or e=en not #o it at a!!" becau%e the neIt %tage brought the eI ert% an# their frag$ent% a!! together4 +a=ing ca!!e# the$ a!! bac- together" I a##re%%e# the$ again a% the curator" a%-ing the$ to offer an& co$$ent% or Jue%tion%4 It ,a% ob=iou% that Juite a nu$ber of the -i#% ,ere %earching har# for attern% an# eI !anation% A the recurrence of the ,o!f-$otif in the #ocu$ent% ca$e u freJuent!&4 ThenD TeacherD Can ,e tr& an# u!! thi% together a bitE (ou ha=e a!! been eIa$ining #ifferent frag$ent%4 7hat can ,e #o to tr& an# !oo- at it a bit $ore a% a ,ho!eE Pu i!D Tr& to %ort out the #ifferent iece%4 Sa& it ,a% a boo- - then &ou ,ou!# %ort out ,hich age% go ,here4 TeacherD So ,eCre ta!-ing about utting it in or#er4 Pu i!D (eah4 I ,a% #e!ighte#4 Thi% %ugge%tion ,a% eIact!& ,hat IC# ho e# for4 I ut a!! %iI co!!ate# frag$ent% u on the #i% !a& boar# ?each grou ha# a%%e$b!e# an# $ounte# their% on a iece of car# ,ith <!utac- IC# %u !ie#@ acco$ anie# b& the tran%cri t% the grou ha# $a#e4 The tran%cri t% ,ere a!! rea# a!ou# an# #i%cu%%e# brief!&4 I ,a% tr&ing har# to re%trict $& co$$ent% to HchairingC" to echo oint% $a#e b& the grou or occa%iona!!& ro$ t a he%itant % ea-er4 *aggieC% ,or#% about teacher in ro!e a% H%o$eone ,ho #oe%nCt -no," %o$eone ,ho %hare% the grou C% u>>!e$ent or re#ica$entC ran through $& hea#" an# I thin- I $anage# to re%i%t the teacher!&

te$ tation to %ei>e on an# e$ ha%i>e the HcorrectC oint%" or the ob%er=ation% that I -ne, ,ou!# !ea# %o$e,here4 7hat ,a% i$ ortant
I fe!t ,a% the -i#%C acti=e in=o!=e$ent in tea%ing out a u>>!e" in con%tructing a h& othe%i%4 The& #i#nCt ha=e to be HrightC A the& cou!# chec- their theorie% out !ater ,hen the& rea# the boo-4 Then I got anic-e# b& ti$e ?the be!! ,a% a!$o%t #ue@ an# Gourna! one 1B unfortunate!& ru%he# the c!a%% into %o$e ha%t& an# not =er& ,e!! con%i#ere# #eci%ion% about the or#er of the frag$ent%4 I -ne, thi% ,a% ,rong a% I ,a% #oing it" but once !aunche# I %o$eho, cou!#nCt %to $&%e!f an# %a&" HPerha % ,e %hou!#nCt ru%h thi% A erha % ,e can a!! thin- about the rob!e$ an# co$e bac- ,ith our i#ea% neIt ti$e ,e $eetC4 *aggie ,a% Juite ta-en abac- ,hen I cornere# her in the %taffroo$ an# ga=e her a b!o,-b&-b!o, account of the %e%%ion4 She ha# the goo# grace not to %a&" HI to!# &ou %oC" but I #i# notice a !itt!e ?triu$ hantE@ %$i!e at $& eIcite$ent4 In a fe, $inute% %heC# he! e# $e !an out the neIt %e%%ionD ,eC# !oo- at theP #ocu$ent% again ?in ro!e in the *u%eu$@" ta!- through the or#er $ore fu!!& an# tr& to arri=e ?a% a ,ho!e grou @ at a genera! con%en%u% about the gi%t of the o=era!! %tor& in the #ocu$ent%" an# about the erio# an# !ace of their ,riting4 Then each grou ,ou!# create a H,aI,or-C to ut in the *u%eu$" a!ong%i#e their #ocu$ent an# the tran%cri t4 The ,aI,or- ,ou!# be a Hgrou %cu! tureC or H%ti!! i$ageC $a#e b& the grou " u%ing their o,n bo#ie%4 It ,ou!# #e$on%trate their h& othe%i% of ,hat their o,n eItract #e icte# an#Mor of the e=ent% an# circu$%tance% the& gue%%e# %urroun#e# it ?the eItract% cho%en fro$ 'ragon S!a&er occurre# at %horti%h inter=a!% in the ear!& art of the boo-" cho%en %o that it ,a% o%%ib!e to $a-e inference% about the ga %@4 The& ,ere to ,or- out a % o-en co$$entar& ,hich one of the grou ,ou!# #e!i=er to acco$ an& an# eI !ain

the ,aI,or-4 The %eJuence of ,aI,or-% an# co$$entarie% ,ou!# re re%ent the *u%eu$C% #i% !a&" ,hich eI !aine# to the ub!ic their h& othe%i% about the ne, fin#4 I #i#nCt #o it4 The re%t of $& ti$e that ,ee- ,ith 6K ,a% a #oub!e erio# an# a %ing!e4 I !o%t the #oub!e becau%e the& ,ere on a =i%it" an# I fe!t the %ing!e erio# ,a% too %hort" an# I ought to get %o$e ,riting out of the$ thi% ,ee-" %o ,e ,or-e# on a %hort iece the& ,ere to co$ !ete at ho$e4 <& the ti$e neIt *on#a& ca$e roun# a!! %ort% of #oubt% an# anIietie% ha# 12 'ra$a in the Eng!i%h C!a%%roo$ a eare#4 'i# I rea!!& )nde&s"and thi% &o)# %cu! ture bu%ine%% an# co)ld I get it to ,or-E Cou!# I affor# the ti$eE Chri%t$a% ,a% !oo$ing an# ,e ,ere going to be %hort of ti$e Fu%t to rea# the boo-4 An# %o on an# %o on4 So I Hchic-ene# outC4 ItC% a it&4 +*en I ga=e out "*e boo-% "*a" *on#a& an# eI !aine# that the #ocu$ent% ,ere in fact eItract% fro$ 'ragon S!a&er" the -i#% we&e =er& eager to get into the no=e!" an# the& #i# throughout ta-e the %t&!e of the boo- $ore in their %tri#e than re=iou% grou % ha# #one4 <ut IC$ %ure that if IC# gone on a% !anne# "*e1'd ha=e co#ed even /e""e& A the& ,ou!# ha=e ha# ti$e to con%truct a con%i#ere# h& othe%i% about the narrati=e" an# a/o)" "*e "i!e and #lace o( #eri=ation4 That theor& cou!# ha=e been recor#e#4 6,ola&oid ins"an" hoto% of the ,aI,or-% an# ,riting #o,n o( "*e s#oken co!!en"a&ies$; +e

!i *" even *ave *ad a o a" w&i"in o)& own ve&sion o( "*e a#s in "*e na&&a"ive0 so "*a" "*e kids co)ld &eall1 e" 5inside' "*e s"1le4 Then our rea#ing of 'ragon S!a&er ,ou!# ha=e been
infor$e# /1 the -e& the$e% or !o"i(s w*ic* our origina! enJuir& ha# rai%e# A %o that the boo- ha# a attern fro$ the out%etAan# b& the Jue%tion% the -i#% ,ante# an%,ere# an# the h& othe%e% the& ,ere -een to chec-4 7e!!" thereC% a!,a&% neIt &ear4 ItC% on!& Fu%t occurre# to $e that the ancient #ocu$ent% IC# re are# ,ere a $ar=e!!ou% co$ rehen%ion eIerci%eD one that ,a% Juite #e$an#ing &et one the&C# co e# ,ith incre#ib!& ,e!! A !an1 of their inference% ,ere % ot onN Perha % the& co e# %o ,e!! becau%e it #i#nCt fee! !i-e a co$ rehen%ion eIerci%e4 An# erha % IC=e b!un#ere# on a ,a& I can ,or- on Hhigher rea#ing %-i!!%C ,ithout re%orting to tho%e %teri!e eIerci%e% fro$ teItboo-% Juite so oftenE

Eng!i%h i% about ,or-ing on the -no,!e#ge ,e ha=e acJuire# fro$ the un%&%te$atic roce%%e% of !i=ing" about gi=ing eI re%%ion to it an# $a-ing it into a fir$er an# $ore con%ciou% -in# of !i=ing4 Pefer *e#,a& ?112:" 4 2@ 'ra$a enab!e% chi!#ren to un#er%tan# ,hat the& -no," but #o not &et -no, the& -no,4 'oroth& +eathcote ?to %tu#ent% at Ne,ca%t!e Uni=er%it&@ Eng!i%h an# #ra$a ought not to be %uch a,-,ar# be#fe!!o,%4 I %ee the$ a% an i#ea! cou !e A the& ha=e a huge a$ount in co$$on" &et at the %a$e ti$e their o,n #i%tincti=e in#i=i#ua! character%4 Their% ought to be a %ati%f&ing an# fruitfu! re!ation%hi D each ab!e to be their o,n er%on" but both ab!e to fin# %u ort an# enrich$ent fro$ the other in their co$$on =a!ue% an# co$ !e$entar&

acti=itie%4 MMMMMMMM <ut %o$eho, thi% %en%e of artner%hi i% often $i%%ing an# neither one %ee$% ab!e to offer to" or ta-e fro$" the other ,hat the& $ight4 <oth %ee$ to retreat con%tant!& into the %he!!% of their in#i=i#ua! i#entitie% 6: 'ra$a in the Eng!i%h C!a%%roo$ and to engage in a roce%% of %e!f-affir$ation ,hich re=ent% either fro$ %eeing the rea! otentia!itie% of the other4 I ,ant to cha!!enge the e%%entia!!& !i$ite# =i%ion "*a" Eng!i%h an# #ra$a teacher% ha=e of each otherC% ractice4 The co$$on groun# the& %hare i% enor$ou%4 Often ractitioner% an# theori%t% in either area ,i!! ta!- about their o,n =a!ue% in ter$% that 6did "*e1 /)" &eali<e i"=; a&e in"e&c*an ea/le$ I( I ,ere to %,a the wo&ds 5En lis*' and 5d&a!a' in the Juotation% ,ith ,hich I began" I cou!# ta-e *e#,a&C% ,or#% into a gathering of #ra$a teacher% and Hea"*co"e's "o a &o)# o( En lis* % ecia!i%t%" an# ha=e eac* noddin sa el1 a" "*e i!#o&"ance o( "*ei& own #i%ci !ine for the e#ucation of &oung eo !e" ,ithout an& &eco ni"ion o( "*e co!!on groun#4 I cou!# #,e!! a !ong ti$e on de(inin "*a" co!!on &o)nd here" /)" %ince a!! that fo!!o,% i% #e=ote# to an eI !oration of thi% territor&" I ,i!! on!& %a& "*is> <oth can ?a% +eathcote an# *e#,a& in#icate@ bring into con%ciou%ne%% our i$ !icit" intuiti=e an# affecti=e un#er%tan#ing%" %o that ,e can eIa$ine the$" e$ !o& the$" an# !in- the$ ,ith our inte!!ectua! un#er%tan#ing% in a ho!i%tic ,a& of -no,ing our%e!=e% an# the ,or!#4 <oth $e#iate the%e un#er%tan#ing% through fictiona! for$%" in ,hich !anguage occu ie% a centra! !ace4 I "*ink i" i$ ortant that I %-etch out here $& a%%u$ tion% about the teaching of Eng!i%h" an# #ra$aC% !ace ,ithin itD 7 -o& !e "*e !os" co!(o&"a/le0 =er%ati!e an# o,erfu! ,a& of ,or-ing in the Eng!i%h c!a%%roo$ i% one ,here the rea#ing of fiction" !anguage ,or- an# #ra$a acti=itie% are c!o%e!& re!ate#/ in#ee# gro, o)" o(0 and (eed0 eac* other ?%ee 0igure ?;$ +o, thi% can ha en i% a$ !ifie# !ater %o I ,i!! not #,e!! on it here4
? I #lace a *i * #&io&i"1 in En lis* wo&k and in #ra$a u on c&ea"in o##o&")ni"ies (o& s*a&ed e%#e&iences in "*e c!a%%roo$4 So$e a%%u$ tion% 61 -ic"ion
'ra$a Lan )a e

-i )&e ?

I be!ie=e ,ith David Ha& &eaves that a high riorit& for %choo!% i% the creation of Hsolida&1 e%#e&iences' ?1126@4 It u%e# to be %ai# that H#ra$a i% concerne# ,ith the in#i=i#ua!it& or in#i=i#ua!%" ,ith the uniJuene%% of each hu$an e%%enceC ?7a&" 116B" 8@4 It i% not4 (e%

of cour%e ,e $u%t recogni>e the in#i=i#ua!it& of chi!#ren" but the $e#iu$ of #ra$a i% one in ,hich i#ea% are eI !ore# an# %ha e# in grou %/ MMMMMMMM
,here the contribution of each in#i=i#ua! affect%" an# i% $o#ifie# b&" tho%e or other%/ ,here eI erience an# ref!ection are %hare# an# ub!ic4 <ecau%e of the riorit& 1 accor# to creating o ortunitie% for %hare#M%o!i#ar& eI erience" I !ace great =a!ue on the u%e of a %hare# c!a%% rea#er ?a% ,e!! a% in#i=i#ua! rea#ing an# !anguage ,or-@ an# I ten# to u%e a ,ho!e grou fra$e,or- in #ra$a ?though $uch in#i=i#ua! an# %$a!! grou ,or- $a& be #one ,ithin that o=era!! fra$e,or-@4 8 *an& Eng!i%h teacher% ,i!! encounter certain -e& rob!e$% in u%ing #ra$a" #ue to the habit% of $in# acJuire# in Eng!i%h teaching4 a@ The& thin- or a%%u$e that #ra$a o erate% !i-e %tor&4 It #oe%nCt4 See Cha ter B" ,here I #i%cu%% the #ifference%4 b@ The& ,i!! ten# to -ee u!!ing a,a& fro$ the #ra$a encounter into #i%cu%%ion/ a,a& fro$ a fir%t er%on to a

66 'ra$a in the Eng!i%h C!a%%roo$ thir# er%on =ie, oint/ fro$ $o$ent-to-$o$ent eI erience in Hno,C ti$e to #i%cur%i=e ana!&%i%4 A articu!ar!& c!ear eIa$ !e of thi% co$e% in Gourna! 54 A!though I a$ a%%u$ing that Eng!i%h teacher% ,i!! u%e #ra$a for their o,n ur o%e% a% Eng!i%h teacher% ?an# that ,i!! gi=e their #ra$a ,or- a #ifferent e$ ha%i% to the #ra$a % ecia!i%t@" the& %ti!! nee# to re% ect an# e$ !o&

the ba%ic H!a,%C of the $e#iu$ of #ra$a if the& ,i%h it to ,or- for the$4 I %ha!! atte$ t to %u$$ari>e %o$e of the%e !a,% hereD 1 'ra$a eI !ore% hu$an action%" attitu#e%" =a!ue% an# re!ation%hi %" through a reten#4MMMMMMMM 6 Thi% fiction o erate% in the re%ent ten%e" in Hno,C ti$eD artici ant% engage ,ith the e=ent% of the #ra$a a% the& are ha ening4 8 The Hno,C of #ra$a i% hea=&

s*a&ed (ic"ion0 b& $ean% of an agree$ent to

wi"* a sense o( "*e i!#endin 0

re%ent action%D the interaction bet,een re%ent an# future" action an# con%eJuence" create% ten%ion" ,hich i% the #ri=ing force of #ra$a4MMMMMMMM 5 SeJuencing in #ra$a i% bui!t of a %ucce%%ion of H re%ent $o$ent%C" a %erie% of e i%o#e%4 The %eJuence the%e occur in $a& coinci#e out,ar#!& ,ith a natura!" narrati=e %eJuence ?though the inner %tructuring of the H$o$ent%C ,i!! not be

o( "*e ()")&e" of the con%eJuence% of

na&&a"ive %tructuring@" or it $a& be one that $o=e% bac-,ar# an# for,ar# in

ti$e" or one that eIa$ine% a %ituation through a %ucce%%ion of #iffering =ie, oint%4 9 In #ra$a ,e eIa$ine action%" attitu#e%" =a!ue% an# re!ation%hi % fro$ a #ua! =ie, ointD fro$ the =ie, oint of tho%e in=o!=e#A,e Hbeco$eC or Hre re%entC the eo !e in the #ra$a A an# a!%o fro$ our o,n =ie, oint A a% eo !e $a-ing" an# ref!ecting on" the #ra$a4 So ,e eIa$ine the$ both HhotC an# Hco!#CD a% artici ant an# a% % ectator4 6 In #ra$a ?a% in #ance@ the ri$ar& $e#iu$ of eI re%%ion i% the er%onD eI re%%ion in the $ain i% not $e#iate# through other $ateria!%" a% in the =i%ua! an# !iterar& art%" or a% oftenMMMMMMMM So$e a%%u$ tion% 68 ha en% in $u%ic4 'ra$a %tate$ent% are $a#e ri$ari!& through the $o=e$ent an# %ti!!ne%%" the %oun#% an# %i!ence of the artici ant%Aor to ut it another ,a& the& e$ !o& the %a$e or#inar& re%ource% of %igna!!ing an# co$$unication a% the& u%e in their e=er&#a& action% an# interaction%4


+o&kin (&o! a "*e!e 3 5A+a on T&ain'

nee# "o iden"i(1 ai$%" and lea&nin area% ,ithin the the$e fin#ing a % ecific focu% ,ithin the the$e ?accor#ing to &our ai$%@ %e!ection of $ateria!%" accor#ing to focu% reJuire#4 *ateria!% nee# to ha=e an Hunfini%he#C Jua!it& about the$-to ro=o-e re% on%e fro$ u i!%4

+o, to !an an# &et be o en to chi!#renC% i#ea% reJuire% c!arit& about ai$% reJuire% c!arit& about ,hich #eci%ion% teacher $u%t re%er=e and w*ic* to gi=e "o "*e c!a%% <ui!#ing be!ief an# se&io)sness in d&a!a nee# to $a-e e%#lici" w*a" teacher i% eI ecting fro$ chi!#ren in a #ra$a A no" HactingC /)" a#o ting a =ie, oint #ea!ing ,ith f!i ant contribution% Gourna! t,o 69 IC=e been tr&ing =ariou% bit% of #ra$a ,ith IS4 Since the 'ragon S!a&er ,or-" IC=e ,ante# to eI eri$ent a bit $ore ,ith #ra$a acti=itie%" an# I fe!t %afe%t #oing thi% ,ith $& fir%t &ear4 IC=e #one %e=era! %e%%ion% no, an# -ee running into certain rob!e$%4 I %ee$ to a%%u$e too $uch an# $a-e !ea % ,hich !ea=e the chi!#ren behin#" %o the& #onCt a!,a&% un#er%tan# the ta%- I a$ gi=ing the$4 I nee# to !earn to brea- #o,n ta%-% into c!earer" $ore $anageab!e %tage%" an# to eI !ain the$ c!ear!&4 I #onCt fin# it ea%& to get the chi!#ren to go be&on# a fair!& Su erficia! H !a&C !e=e! of #oing #ra$a4 The& regar# it a% HfunC" a% a re!ief fro$ other $ore for$a! acti=itie%A ,hich in a %en%e i% fair enough" but it $ean% that the& #onCt rea!!& HengageC ,ith the $ateria!4 IC# !i-e the #ra$a to be fun but #e$an#ing fun" if that $a-e% %en%e4 A!though I -no, itC% i$ ortant to tr& an# u%e chi!#renC% i#ea% to bui!# the #ra$a" I often fee! in%ecure in teaching #ra$a an# ten# to ignore or #ef!ect their i#ea% %o that the& fit $& re#eter$ine# !an4 4So in thi% !e%%on ,ith IS" $& ai$% ,ere toD 1 *a-e %ure that the chi!#ren c!ear!& un#er%too# the nature of the ta%- an# $anner of ,or-ing reJuire# of the$D that $eant brea-ing #o,n the ta%- into $anageab!e e!e$ent% or unit%4 6 U%e a ro riate %trategie% to he! bui!# %eriou%ne%% an# be!ief in the #ra$a4 8 Create an at$o% here ,here the chi!#ren fe!t confi#ent to contribute their i#ea%" an# en#ea=our a% teacher to $a-e u%e of their i#ea%4 I foun# a H%tructureC a% the& ter$ it" in 'ra$a Structure% b& OCNei!! an# La$bert ?1126@" ,hich %ee$e# to $e to offer %co e for the%e three ai$%4 ItC% ca!!e# HThe 7a& 7e%tC/ I #eci#e# to a#a t thi%4 <a%ica!!& $& !an ,a% in three art%4 1 E%tab!i%hing infor$ation an# conteIt through the u%e of =i%ua! %ti$u!u% $ateria!%" teacher ta!- an# c!a%% #i%cu%%ion4


'ra$a in the Eng!i%h C!a%%roo$

6 Pair ,or- to e%tab!i%h in#i=i#ua! i#entitie% an# in#i=i#ua! rea%on% for going 7e%t4 8 7ho!e grou $eeting - intere%te# eo !e co$e to fin# out $ore about the Fourne& an# the offer of free !an# in Oregon4 Pha%e oneD bui!#ing the conteIt T+E P+OTOGRAP+ I began b& %ho,ing the c!a%% a hotogra h of a grou of %ett!er% an# their ,agon% fro$ 'ra$a Structure%4 I a%-e# the$ a %erie% of Jue%tion% about the hotogra hD 7hat #oe% the hoto %ugge%t to &ouE +o, !ong ago #o &ou thin- it ,a% ta-enE 7hat %ort of eo !e #o &ou thin- the& areE 7hat %ort of fee!ing% or $oo# co$e acro%% to &ouE I then to!# the$ the Hfact%C about the hotoD that the%e ,ere oor %ett!er% tra=e!!ing to %ee- a ne, !ife in the A$erican 7e%t in the !a%t centur&4 The hoto arou%e# their intere%t an# u!!e# the$ together h&%ica!!& a% a grou in or#er to %ee it4 I rea!i>e# before 1 ha# gone =er& far that I ha# %et about thing% in the ,rong or#er4 I ha# !anne# a #ra$a about HThe 7a& 7e%tC" an# %o I ha# no right to be a%-ing Jue%tion% that %oun#e# o en ?though the& ,erenCt@ about ,ho the eo !e in the hotogra h ,ere4 7hen a bo& %ai# the& !oo-e# !i-e g& %ie%" I -ne, I ha# a choiceD to aban#on $& !an" or ignoreM#i=ert hi% %ugge%tion4 1 ,a% ,e##e# to $& !an an# %o I too- the %econ# o tion4 In retro% ect I can %ee that I ha# a=ai!ab!e to $e t,o ,a&% of u%ing the hoto4 Gourna! t,o 6B i@ To begin b& eI !aining ,ho the eo !e ,ere" then in=ite co$$ent on their $oo# an# fee!ing" a% a ,a& of $o=ing the c!a%% into the #ra$a4 ii@ To begin ,ith genuine!& o en Jue%tioning about ,ho the eo !e $ight be an# ,hat the hotogra h to!# u% of their !ife an# circu$%tance%4 Thi% ,ou!# on!& be !egiti$ate if I ,ere not co$$itte# to HThe 7a& 7e%tC" but re are# to ,or- on g& %ie%" refugee% or ,hate=er e!%e ca$e u 4

I to!# the chi!#ren %o$e fact% about the Oregon Trai! A the erio#" !ocation" the offer of free !an#" the !ength of the Fourne&4 I %ho,e# the$ a =er& ba%ic $a of the Oregon Trai! ,hich I ha# #ra,n on %ugar a er4 It %ho,e# the $ountain range%" the ri=er% an# #e%ert% to be cro%%e# an# the ferti!e !an# ,hich ,a% their #e%tination4 7e ta!-e# about the $a 4 I trie# to gi=e %o$e i#ea of %ca!e b& %ho,ing ho, Eng!an# cou!# be ut #o,n an# !o%t in that =a%t continent4 I a%-e#" H+o, !ong #o &ou thin- it ,ou!# ta-e the$ to co=er 6::: $i!e% of #ifficu!t countr& in their ,agon%EC I ointe# out to the chi!#ren %e=era! <a%ica!!& in thi% art of the !e%%on I !o%t $& ,a&" trie# to fee# in far too $uch infor$ation" ,ithout rea!!& 4 being c!ear about ,here 1 ,a% hea#ing" an# !o%t the

initia! intere%t of $an& of the chi!#ren4 Thi% #i%cu%%ion ,ent on far too !ong ?69 $inute%@ an# b& the en# of it" I ,a% % en#ing Juite a !ot of ti$e ic-ing u Herrant beha=iourC an# tr&ing to ho!# the attention of the c!a%%4 I thin- the =i%ua! $ateria! ?$a an# o%ter%@ ,a% %oun#" but Fu%t got !o%t in the genera! $ora%% of #etai!4 *& atte$ t% to get the chi!#ren to un#er%tan# the %ca!e of the Fourne& ?both in #i%tance an# T ti$e@ #i#nCt %uccee# at a!!4 I in=ite# the$ to thin- of their 62 'ra$a in the Eng!i%h C!a%%roo$ o%ter% I ha# $a#e on %ugar a er an# #i% !a&e# on the ,a!!% of the ha!!" ,here ,e ,ere ,or-ing4 The%e a#=erti%e# the offer of free !an# in Oregon an# in=ite# tho%e intere%te# to atten# a $eeting4 7e #i%cu%%e# %o$e of the rea%on% ,h& eo !e $ight ha=e #eci#e# to $a-e the #ifficu!t an# #angerou% Fourne&4 In or#er to bring ho$e the #ifficu!t& an# #anger" I ro#uce# another iece of %ugar a er on ,hich I ha# #ra,n a cro%% ,ith the in%cri tionD *ar& E!!i% 'ie# *a& Bth 1259 Age 6 $onth% o,n eI erience% of tra=e!!ing an# tran%!ate the%e4 0or eIa$ !e a car or coach fro$ Leice%ter to Lon#on a!ong the *!D ho, !ong ,ou!# it ta-e on foot a!ong rough trac-%E Thi% #i#nCt rea!!& he! the$4 +o, #o &ou con=e& the i#ea of %uch =a%t #i%tance% an# %uch %!o, rogre%% ,ith an& fe!t i$$e#iac&E IC$ not %ure I can gra% it $&%e!f4 The cro%% ro#uce# a $ar-e# change in the c!a%%4 The& ra i#!& beca$e attenti=e an# ab%orbe#" articu!ar!& ,hen a bo& co$$ente# that the chi!# ha# robab!& been born on the Fourne&4 ?OCNei!! an# La$bert" 1126" 85@ I to!# the$ that a ,oo#en cro%% ,ith thi% in%cri tion ha# been foun# &ear% !ater b& the %i#e of the Oregon Trai!4 I thin- I %hou!# ha=e been $uch $ore %e!ecti=e an# econo$ica! ,ith %ti$u!u% $ateria! an# infor$ation4 Thin-ing about it after,ar#%" it occurre# to $e that I $ight ha=e been $uch better off %tarting %traight in fro$ the o%ter%D Gourna!4t,o 61 i@ A%- the chi!#ren to !oo- at the o%ter%" then #i%cu%% their $eaning an# Jue%tion% ari%ing4 ii@ A%- ,hat -in#% of eo !e $ight be intere%te# in going on %uch a Fourne&4 +i@ *o=e into the a#=erti%e# $eeting4 I ha# a rea! o ortunit&" ,hich I #i#nCt ta-e" ,hen the c!a%% gre, %o intere%te# in the #eath of *ar& E!!i%4 I rea!i>e no, that I %hou!# ha=e %hifte# $& groun#" an# concentrate# on the bab&" aban#oning $& origina! !an4 In fact" I fe!t thi% at the ti$e" but ,a%nCt %ure ho, to #o it4 It %ee$e# a big Fu$ fro$ $& !an" U=hich %ought to bui!# u %!o,!& an in=e%t$ent in #eci#ing to go 6n the Fourne&" an# !oo-ing at the bab&C% #eath ,ou!# ha=e $eant !ea ing ahea# to the $i##!e of the Fourne&4 I %u o%e thereC% no rea%on not to $a-e that !ea " but 1 cou!#nCt %ee a ,a&4 An# I fe!t that the&

nee#e# to -no, $ore about their o,n i#entitie% an# rea%on% for going on" before co ing ,ith the #ifficu!tie% of the Fourne&4 At an& rate" I re%%e# on ,ith $& !an4 The !an ,a% to #o a %erie% of acti=itie% ,hich I ho e# ,ou!# he! the chi!#ren to create an i#entit& for the$%e!=e%" no, that the o=era!! conteIt of the #ra$a ha# been e%tab!i%he#4 +ere 1 ,a% articu!ar!& -een not to $a-e !ea % or a%%u$ tion% an# !ea=e the chi!#ren u>>!e# or confu%e#" %o I ha# a %eJuence ,hich I ho e# ,ou!# a!!o, the$ to con%o!i#ate their i#entit& ,ithin the #ra$a %tea#i!&D Pha%e t,oD bui!#ing an i#entit& 7RITTEN TASK
I a%-e# the$ to c!o%e their e&e% an# i$agine the& ,ere one of the eo !e in the hotogra h I ha# %ho,n ear!ier4 I a%-e#D

Thi% %ee$% to $e to be a u%efu! %trateg& at ti$e% A i%o!ating the chi!#ren an# a%-ing the$ to ,rite #o,n %o$e infor$ation about their

'ra$a in the Eng!i%h C!a%%roo$

7hat %ort of er%on are &ouE 7h& did 1o) c*oose to $a-e the Fourne&E I then ave the$ a er an# a%-e# each to ,rite their rea%on% for going4 PAIR HA ha% hear# about the ,agon "&ain se""in o(( "o O&e on and is keen "o Boin i"$ A te!!% B hi%Mher rea%on%4C Then I a%-e# the chi!#ren to re=er%e ro!e% and re eat the eIerci%e4 I gathere# the c!a%% an# ,e !i%tene# to the rea%on% the& *ad cho%en4 ro!e he! % en%ure that a!! ha=e $a#e a fe, #eci%ion% becau%e "*e1 ha=e to co$$it the$ to a er4 I ,a% #i%a ointe# in ,hat the& ,rote4 The& ,ere Fu%t ivin $e bac- ,hat I ha# gi=en the$ ear!ier1" but then I *adn'" #one an&thing to eIten# their thin-ing about $oti=e% for going4 The& tac-!e# thi% ,i!!ing!&"
though fair!& !ighthearte#!& -it4 re!ie=e# I %u o%e to be #oing so!e"*in $ I #onCt thin- it 8 he! e# the$ $o=e to,ar#% D be!ief in their ro!e4 It ,a% a fair!& conteIt!e%% eIerci%e A ,h& ,a% A te!!ing <E ,hat ,a% <C% attitu#eE ,ho ,a% <E A ,ith no =er& c!ear ur o%e4

A ain the %a$e rea%on% ca$e bac- A $& atte$ t at con%o!i#ation ha# turne# out to be not $uch $ore than re etition4 The chi!#ren #i#nCt !i%ten ,e!! A I thin- becau%e the& fe!t the& ,ere re-trea#ing o!# groun#4 REPORTING <ACK

Gourna! t,o


In $& concern to not $a-e !ea % ,hich !o%t the chi!#ren an# to bui!# %tea#i!&" I ha# bro-en #o,n the roce%% of %e!ecting a $oti=ation too far" into too $an& %te %4 (e%" each acti=it& ,a% c!ear an# the chi!#ren -ne, ,hat ,a% eI ecte# of the$ at each

%tage" but the o=era!! #irection an# ur o%e ,a% no !onger c!ear4 Another oint i% that I a%-e# the$ to thin- a% in#i=i#ua!% about ,h& the& ,ere intere%te# in going" ,herea% in fact it ,ou!# ha=e been $ain!& grou % ?fa$i!ie%" frien#%" bu%ine%% artner%@ ,ho tra=e!!e# on the Oregon Trai!" an# it ,ou!# ha=e been $ore a ro riate for the chi!#ren to %ort out their Gea%on% for going in a grou conteIt" for eIa$ !e in a fa$i!& #i%cu%%ion4 The neIt %tage in $& !an ,a% to ho!# a $eeting ,ith the chi!#ren in ro!e a% eo !e intere%te# in the offer of free !an# in Oregon an# $&%e!f in ro!e a% a HGo=ern$ent Lan# AgentC there to eI !ain the %che$e an# an%,er Jue%tion%4 Pha%e threeD the $eeting
I a%-e# a grou to arrange %o$e chair% a% the& thought chair%" ,hich $a#e $eeting4 A $i%ta-eN I en#e# u ,ith Fu%t t,o !ong % ra,!ing ro,% a ro riate for %uch a focu%ing the attention of the of

c!a%% in the $eeting #ifficu!t4 Le%%onD thin- carefu!!& about the h&%ica! !a&out an# u%e o( % ace nece%%ar& to an acti=it& an# if it nee#% to be a certain ,a&" get it that ,a&4 'onCt gi=e choice% that can $e%% u e%%entia! con#ition% for an acti=it&N The chi!#ren ha# no #ifficu!t& in acce ting $e in a ro!e a% Go=ern$ent Lan# Agent4 The ro!e ,a%nCt a!! The $eeting began4 A% Go=ern$ent Lan# Agent I $a#e a brief % eech about the offer of free !an#" then 86 'ra$a in the Eng!i%h C!a%%roo$ invi"ed 4)e&ies$ I said I /elieved %o$e eo !e re%ent ha# fir%t-han# -no,!e#ge o( O&e on and "*e "&ail0 and that the& a% ,e!! a% I cou!# te!! the &es" a/o)" w*a" ,ou!# !ie in %tore for the se""le&s$
One bo in !articular, Robin, sei"e# the $!o%er

o ortunit&C thi% offere# an# to!# a %erie% of horrific ta!e% about $ur#er% co!!i""ed /1 "*e Indians0 in a =er& eIaggerate# HA$ericanC accent4 +e ,a% !a&ing to the ga!!er&" an# %uccee#ing" getting a !ot of !augh%4 +e *ad dis#la1ed "*is kind o( /e*avio)& 4)i"e o("en /e(o&e$ I "&ied0 no" =er& s)ccess()ll10 to fen# thi% off" %ugge%ting that %uch %torie% did get a&o)nd /)" we&e o("en eIaggerate# and a%-e# if other% cou!# gi=e a $ore ba!ance# =ie,4 <ut ti$e ran o)" on !e A "*e !ee"in *ad /e )n "en !in)"es /e(o&e "*e be!! - an# ,e en#e# ,ith the c!a%% in fri=o!ou% $oo#" after %e=ent& $inute% of tr&ing "o get se&io)sness and /elie(= "*a" far re$o=e# fro$ being "eac*e&$ I offere# the o ortunit& for %o$e to H-no, aboutC Oregon" *o#in that in thi% ,a& the bui!#ing of a %en%e of antici ation about the Fourne& cou!# be %hare# A the& cou!# ta-e %o$e &es#onsi/ili"1 for i"$ I ,a% #i%$a&e# ,hen Robin too- contro! an# %&%te$atica!!& #e%tro&e# ,hat I ha# been ,or-ing for4 I fe!t he! !e%%4 IC# i%%ue# the in=itation/ heC# re% on#e# to it4 I fe!t that I cou!#nCt Fu%t %to the #ra$a an# rebu-e hi$ or te!! hi$ that ,hat he ,a% #oing ,a% ina##&o#&ia"e$ T*e %ituation was !1 fau!t" not hi%" an# I fe!t tra e# - Juite at a !o%% ,hat to #o" eIce t to %trugg!e on in ro!e" tr&ing to get other chi!#ren to co$e to $& re%cue4 Gourna! t,o 88

A fina! thought about the $eeting4 The ,a& in ,hich I %et it u ,a% bogu%4 It ,a% a $eeting to #eci#e ,hether to go" a!though for the #ra$a to continue ?a% I inten#e# it %hou!#@ the& ,ou!# a!! ha=e to #eci#e to go4 A% it ha ene# ti$e ran out before I cou!# a%- the$ to #eci#e %o I ,a% %a=e# the rob!e$ of fin#ing that ha!f of the$ ha# thought better of it4
Ma&&ie's res!onse to m notes

He *a" an in"e&es"in collec"ion o( #&o/le!s "*is lesson "*&ew )#=

I thin- &ou are on to one of the root rob!e$% ,hen &ou ,rite about being $ore %e!ecti=e4 7hat a ,ea!th of goo# $ateria!% &ou ha# rea#& for thi% !e%%on" but the& ,ere !arge!& ,a%te# becau%e there ,ere far" far too $an& of the$4 <ut if &ou are to be %e!ecti=e &ou nee# to -no, ,hat it i% &ou ,ant fro$ a !e%%on4 (ou ha# %o$e a#$irab!e ai$% for &our%e!f a% teacher" but ,hat about ai$% for the chi!#renC% !earningE (e%" the& ,ere to #o a #ra$a about a ,agon train" but that #oe%nCt te!! &ou $uch4 (ou nee# to thin- about ,hat hu$an eI erience%" choice% an# #i!e$$a% are offere# in being on a ,agon train A then about ,hich %ee$ a ro riate to the c!a%%" ,hich the& can co e ,ith" an# ,hich $ight offer u%efu! !earning area%4 In other ,or#%D 7hat i% &our focu%E A #ra$a about a ,agon train Fourne& $ight be aboutD ri%-ing e=er&thing on a ga$b!e" an# ha=ing to tru%f,hat other% te!! u%/ getting u%e# to ne, neighbour% M $a-ing ne, frien#%/ #eci#ing ,hat to !ea=e behin#/ ,on#ering if ,e can tru%t the ,agon-$a%ter on ,ho$ a!! our !i=e% #e en#/ ,eighing the o ortunitie% the Fourne& offer% to the &ounger $e$ber% of the fa$i!&" again%t the ri%- to the o!#er one% ?,i!! Grann& %ur=i=e the Fourne&E@/ 85 'ra$a in the Eng!i%h C!a%%roo$

Gourna! t,o

!earning to co e ,ith h&%ica! ri=ation an# con%tant #i%courage$ent/ tac-!ing ta%-% for ,hich &ou ha=e no training A e4g4 caring for oIen" re airing a ,agon ,hee!" /)ildin &our o,n hou%e/ Re$e$ber #ra$a can on!& be about one thing at a ti$e4 A% it #e=e!o %" "*a" "*in ?&our focu%@ will change" but &ou can on!& ha=e one focu% at an& one ti$e4 I thin- art of &our rob!e$ ,a% that &ou #i#nCt -no, ,hat &ou ,ante# HThe 7a& 7e%tC to be about4 Once &ou -no, ,hat &ou ,ant" &ou canD a@ %e!ect a ro riate $ateria!% an# %trategie%/ b@ $a-e it c!ear to the chi!#ren ,hat the #irection an# ur o%e of the ,or- i%4 If &ou #onCt -no," ho, can the&E Su o%e ,e !oo- at #ifferent ,a&% &ou cou!# ha=e u%e# &our $ateria!% in a $ore %e!ecti=e ,a& to achie=e a % ecific focu% D 1 0ocu%D 7eighing the ro% an# con% of the Fourne&4

Initia! %ti$u!u%D (our o%ter4 0o!!o,e# b&4444 Ker& brief eI !anationD 0act% about the Oregon Trai!4 'i%cu%%ionD 7hat -in#% of eo !e in ,hat -in#% of circu$%tance% $ight ,i%h to goE S$a!! grou ,or-D 0a$i!ie%4 E%tab!i%h in#i=i#ua! i#entitie%" "*en> one ha% %een the o%ter" co$e% ho$e to te!! the re%t an# er%ua#e the$ to go to the $eeting4 7hat are their reaction%" Jue%tion%" etc4E The $eetingD Rough!& a% &ou %et it u - teacher in ro!e a% Go=ern$ent Lan# Agent4 The $a cou!# be u%e# to he! &our eI !anation4 ?N<D the a%%u$ tion i% that &ou te!! the c!a%% ear!& on that it i% about ho, %o$e eo !e #eci#e# to go" not ,hether the& #eci#e# to go - %o &ouCre not a%-ing for a bogu% #eci%ion4@ 6 0ocu%D 7a!-ing ?!itera!!& ,a!-ing@ acro%% a continent4 Initia! %ti$u!u%D (our $a ,ith <rief eI !anation of free !an# offer" then (our hotoD Ignore e=er&thing e!%e an# get the chi!#ren to !oo- at the eo !eC% feetD $o%t are barefoote#4 An# ho, !ong ,ou!# the $anC% boot% ha=e !a%te# on a tre- !i-e thatE EI !ain that the ,agon% carrie# o%%e%%ion% an# one or t,o eo !e4 The re%t ,ou!# ha=e to ,a!-4 In#i=i#ua!M air ,or-D After %iI ,ee-% an# B:: $i!e% ?a #iir# of the ,a& - the ea%ie%t thir#@" ten#ing the b!i%ter% on &our feet or tr&ing to re air a air of boot% ?&our on!& air@ ,hich are be&on# re air" an# ,on#ering ho, &our feet ,i!! co e ,ith the 18:: $i!e% %ti!! to go4 LG?N<D &ou #onCt a!,a&% ha=e to begin at the beginning in #ra$a4 In fact" ,ith %o$ething !i-e HThe 7a& 7e%tC it $a& be better to %tart in the $i##!e" an# if &ou choo%e a focu% !i-e ten#ing %ore feet" &ou #onCt nee# a !ot of infor$ation before &ou $o=e into the #ra$a4@ 8 0ocu%D 'eath of a bab& on the ,agon train4 Initia! %ti$u!u%D After t,o %entence% of eI !anation about the Oregon !an#-ru%h in the 125:%" %ho, &our cro%% ,ith *ar& E!!i%C% funera! in%cri tion4 'i%cu%%ionD C!a%% are a%-e# ,hat Jue%tion% occur to the$ to a%- about the e ita h an# the bab&" etc4" an# to % ecu!ate about the an%,er% to their o,n Jue%tion%4 Get the c*ild&en to thin- about the i$ !ication% of the o%%ib!e an%,er%4 7ho!e c!a%% %ti!! i$ageD of the bab&C% funera!" bui!t u b& %tage%4 0ir%t a grou i% cho%en or =o!unteer% to be the bab&C% fa$i!&4 Then the re%t of the c!a%% !ace the fa$i!& aroun# the gra=e a% the& fee! i% a ro riate4 ?ItC% robab!& ea%ier for the =o!unteer% if the& are H !ace#C" rather than ha=ing to !ace the$%e!=e%4@ Then the c!a%% !ace the$%e!=e% in re!ation to the fa$i!& accor#ing to ho, the& fee!D e4g4 %&$ athetic" or anIiou% becau%e of #e!a&% an# i$ atient to get on ,ith the Fourne&4 The ,ho!e i$age i% then fro>en" an# he!#4 Then" erha %" So!i!oJu&D Each er%on M %o$e eo !e are a%-e# to % ea- out 86 'ra$a in the Eng!i%h C!a%%roo$ !ou# in ro!e ?%o!i!oJui>e@ the thought% or fee!ing% the&

ha=e at that $o$ent4 ?N<D the %etting u of the %ti!! i$age ,i!! robab!& be a %!o, bu%ine%% becau%e &ou are a%-ing the chi!#ren to create a ,ea!th of i$ !ication% about fee!ing% an# re!ation%hi % through the %ti!! o%ition%4 A !ot of #i%cu%%ion an# tr&ing of a!ternati=e o%ition% for the berea=e# fa$i!& ,i!! robab!& be nece%%ar&4@ Each of the%e three %tart% ha% a #ifferent focu%" an# ,i!! gi=e a Juite #ifferent eI erience4 The fir%t $o=e% into HThe 7a& 7e%tC through ,eighing an# #i%cu%%ing the ro% an# con%4 Probab!& goo# for a c!a%% ,ho fin# it ea%& to ,or- into #ra$a through ta!-4 The %econ# Juic-!& gi=e% contro!!e# h&%ica! acti=it&" an# e$ !o&% a high!& concrete %ign ?%ore feetN@4 The thir# $o=e% %traight into an area of %trong fee!ing" though in a $anner that offer% con%i#erab!e H rotectionC4 (ou ha=e to choo%e bet,een the$ or an& other% on the ba%i% of ,hat &ou ,ant the chi!#ren to eI erience an# !earn" an# ,hat &ou fee! the& can co e ,ith4 The thir# ,ou!# $o=e too ra i#!& into e$otion an# re!ation%hi % for %o$e c!a%%e%4 Another -e& Jue%tion &ou are ,orr&ing at in &our note% on thi% !e%%on i%D +o, can teacher% create f!eIib!e !an%E That i%" !an% that acco$$o#ate both teacherC% ai$% an# the nee# for chi!#ren to ha=e a %ignificant han# in %ha ing the #ra$a4 A -e& to thi%" I thin-" i% being ab%o!ute!& c!ear about ,hat #eci%ion% &ou a% teacher ,ant or nee# to re%er=e to &our%e!f" an# ,hich &ou are ha & for or ,ant the chi!#ren to $a-e4 In &our !e%%on the chi!#ren ,ere not free to #eci#e the conteIt" nor ,ere the& free ,ithin the #ra$a to #eci#e ,hether the& ,ou!# or ,ou!# not go on the Oregon Trai!4 The%e ,ere teacher #eci%ion%4 The !i$ite# area% of choice the& #i# ha=e at thi% %tage ,ere about their i#entit& an# #ie articu!ar rea%on% the& ha# for going 7e%t4 A!%o &ou a!!o,e# the$ to create the h&%ica! !a&out for the $eeting" ,hich in the e=ent &ou fe!t ,a% a $i%ta-e4 It $ight he! &ou in &our !anning to ,rite the !an in t,o Gourna! t,o 8B co!u$n%D Thing% 1 %ha!! #eci#e an# Thing% the chi!#ren ,i!! #eci#e An& !e%%on ,i!! be a $iIture of teacher-#eci%ion% an# chi!#-#eci%ion% A the ba!ance ,i!! be #eter$ine# b& articu!ar ur o%e% an# circu$%tance%4 Re$e$ber that #eci%ion% are of =er& #ifferent -in#%4 The& can be aboutD ConteItD 7ho %ha!! ,e %a& the%e eo !e in the hotogra h areE The$eMfocu%D I% thi% !a& going to be about !earning to tru%t a ne, grou of eo !e" or about being tric-e# an# betra&e# b& fa!%e ro$i%e%E GiRu ingD 7ou!# it be better to tac-!e thi% in %$a!! grou %E An# ho, %hou!# the grou % be cho%enE 0or$D +o, %hou!# ,e !ace *ar& E!!i%C% fa$i!& aroun# the gra=eE Proce#ure%D 7hatC% the be%t ,a& to con#uct thi% #i%cu%%ionE P!otD 7hat %hou!# ha en neItE Ro!e a!!ocationD 7ho ,i!! be the ,agon-$a%terE an# %o on4 ItC% i$ ortant to be c!ear about ,hat -in#% of #eci%ion &ou are a%-ing the chi!#ren to $a-e" an# ,hich at a!! co%t% &ou $u%t ho!# on toN If &ouC# been c!earer about that then &ou ,ou!# ha=e -no,n ,hat to #o ,hen the chi!#ren %u##en!& got intere%te# in *ar& E!!i%C% funera! in%cri tion4 If %,itching to the bab&C% #eath #oe%nCt !o%e &ou the !earning area% &ou are after" an# the #eci%ion% that &ou -no, &ou ha=e to -ee to &our%e!f" then the %,itch i% no rob!e$4 If it #oe% !o%e the%e" &ou cannot $a-e the

%,itch" un!e%% &ou #eci#e on the % ot to go for a ne, !earning areaN *an& teacher% are not c!ear about thi%4 The& Fu%t ha=e a gut fee!ing that it i% Ha goo# thingC for the chi!#ren to $a-e #eci%ion% an# ha=e a %ignificant han# in %ha ing the ,or-4 <ut becau%e itC% a% =ague a% that the& either offer tota! choice" ,hich the chi!#ren ,onCt co e ,ith" or" a% &ou #i#" o erate %tructure% ,here a!! the rea! #eci%ion% ,ere the teacherC%" an# the chi!#ren rea!!& ha=e =er& !itt!e han# in the CCCCCC 82 'ra$a in the Eng!i%h C!a%%roo$ ,or- - though the %t&!e of o erating an# Jue%tioning %ugge%t% that the& are being gi=en the chance to $a-e choice%4
F()A**+, SOME T,O-.,TS A/O-T RO/()

E%%entia!!& I thin- &ou nee#e# to %to the #ra$a to !oo- ,ith the c!a%% at ,hat ,a% ha ening4 ?+a=ing %ai# thi% IC$ not %ure ho, ,e!! thi% ,ou!# ha=e ,or-e# at that $o$ent A a fe, $inute% fro$ the en# of the !e%%on" ,ith the c!a%%" a% &ou #e%cribe it" in fri=o!ou% $oo#4 *a&be it cou!# be #ea!t ,ith $ore ea%i!& ,hen &ou neIt $eet the$" at the beginning of the !e%%on4@ RobinC% beha=iour %ee$% to ha=e been a rob!e$ becau%eD ?A@ he threatene# &our !an/ ?<@ he ,a% un#er$ining the %eriou%ne%% of the re%t of the c!a%%4 ?A@ ,ou!# not rea!!& ha=e been a rob!e$ if &ou ha#nCt" a% &ou %a&" %et u the $eeting in a bogu% $anner A a% if it ,ere #eci#ing ,hether to go4 0or the #ra$a to continue &ou ha# to ha =e a unani$ou% H&e%CAno ,on#er &ou anic-e# ,hen Robin began to ut eo !e off going4 If the #ra$a ha# been c!ear!& about Hho, ,e #eci#e# to goC or genuine!& about H,hether to goC it ,ou!# ha=e been ea%ier to han#!e" a% ?<@ then beco$e% the %o!e i%%ue4 A% IC=e %ai#" I thin- ,hat Robin ,a% #oing nee#e# eIa$ining b& &ou an# the c!a%% together4 IC# !i-e to %e arate out t,o a% ect% of hi% beha=iourD the accent/ the content of hi% contribution%4 IC# ha=e ha# no he%itation in te!!ing hi$ not to u%e the HA$ericanC accent on the groun#% that ,e #i#nCt nee# it" an# that it ,a% $a-ing it #ifficu!t for other% to be %eriou% about the ,or-4 ?I a!,a&% tr& to $a-e it =er& c!ear that ,hen I ru!e %o$ething Hout of courtC thi% i% becau%e it i% un#er$ining the ,or- of the c!a%%" not becau%e it i% un#er$ining $e4@ The content" on the other han#" ,a% fair enough if it ,a% offere# %eriou%!&" an# if &ou cou!# %ort out ,ith Robin an# the c!a%% it% art in the o=era!! #&na$ic of the #ra$a4 In other Fourna! t,o 81

,or#%" if a $an at %uch a $eeting %a&% %uch thing%" he $u%t ha=e a rea%on or a $oti=eD $a&be he ha% intere%t%" or i% acting for intere%t%" ,hich ,ou!# be har$e# b& a f!oo# of %ett!er% going 7e%t/ $a&be he thin-% the Go=ern$ent Lan# Agent i% irre% on%ib!e in encouraging eo !e to tre- into the ,i!#erne%% ,ithout a rea! a,arene%% of the #anger%/ or $a&be he i% Fu%t the !oca! $i%chief-$a-er or go%%i 4 1 thin- the be%t cour%e of action ,ou!# be to eI ect Robin an#Mor the c!a%% to #efine the ro!e $oti=ation an# hence the nature of the Hcha!!engeC hi% ro!e i% offering4 Then hi%

cha!!enge nee#nCt be a threat to the ,or-" but actua!!& ro=i#e% the ten%ion ,hich gi=e% that $eeting it% #&na$icD 7ho ,i!! ,in the ear of the au#ienceE +o, ,i!! tho%e intere%te# in the Fourne& Fu#ge bet,een the t,o a#=ocate%" or get at their rea! $oti=ation in or#er to $a-e a #eci%ion ,ith $o$entou% con%eJuence%E 7ho H,in%C i% irre!e=ant4 The #ra$a i% the $eeting it%e!f" rather than ,hat fo!!o,% the $eeting4 ?If the $eeting i% about Hho, ,e #eci#e# to goC the c!a%% can #eci#e ,hether %uch a cha!!enge i% %o$ething the& nee# in the #ra$a" an# if %o ,h& the& a!! #i%count it4 It $ight ,e!! be that" if the ,or- ha# been c!ear!& about Hho, ,e #eci#e# to goC" the cha!!enge $ight ne=er ha=e ari%en4@ Once the $oti=ation an# nature of the cha!!enge ha=e been %orte# out through #i%cu%%ion" the #ra$a can be re- !a&e#" ,ith the c!ear!& #efine# ten%ion that cha!!enge bring%4 7hat thi% #oe% i% to a!!o, Robin to %ta& in the centre of the icture" ,here he ob=iou%!& ,ant% to be at the $o$ent" but to !oa# that % ecia! %tatu% ,ith re% on%ibi!it&4 It $ight ,e!! be nece%%ar& to %a& ub!ic!& to Robin before the $eeting i% re !a&e#" HSo &ou ,i!! tr& to er%ua#e a!! the%e eo !e not to go4 ThatC% a har# Fob A one &ouC!! ha=e to thin- a !ot about" an# thin- fa%t4 Rea!!&" ho, our #ra$a turn% out i% going to #e en# Juite a !ot on &ou4 'o &ou thin- &ou can $anage itEC *a&be Robin ,i!! %a& he canCt $anage it" an# %o$eone e!%e ,i!! offer4 *a&be he cou!# 5: 'ra$a in the Eng!i%h C!a%%roo$ $anage it ,ith %u ort fro$ one or t,o other%4 7hoe=er tac-!e% it" ,hat &ou ha=e #one i% $a-e c!ear &our eI ectation% about the ,a& the& are going to ,or- in #ra$a" an# to %igna! "*a" a (li##an" contribution or c*allen e $a& be ta-en on an# i!/)ed wi"* %ignificance and %eriou%ne%%" %o that it% originator $a& fin# hi$%e!f or her%e!f erforce ta-ing on $ore than %Mhe bargaine# for4 One =er& (inal co!!en" a/o)" RobinC% beha=iour4 Cou!# it be that be ,a% beha=ing in thi% eIhibitioni%t $anner becau%e he ,a% not c!ear about ,hat #ra$a of the -in# &ou are #oing entai!%E <ecau%e he thin-% of it a% HactingCE 'o &ou nee# to fin# wa1s o( indica"in $ore clea&l1 "o "*e chi!#ren that #ra$a i% about Ha#o ting a =ie, ointC an# not Hacting a characterCE In ,or- !i-e that &ou #i# on the 'ragon S!a&er $ateria!" HactingC i% un!i-e!& to ari%e4 In a #ra$a about ,agon train%" itC% not %ur ri%ing if chi!#ren unu%e# to &our ,a& of ,or-ing thin- the& nee# to HactC4 So &ouC!! nee# to he! the$ b& eI !anation" b& the ,a& &ou function in ro!e ?i4e4 b& offering an a ro riate !odel;0 /1 se""in )# ro!e-ta%-% in ,a&% un!i-e!& to in#uce HactingC" an# w*en HactingC #oe% c&o# )#0 %to ing the ,or- to #i%cu%% the rob!e$4 Re$e$ber it ta-e% ti$e for an&one to ab%orb a ne, ,a& of wo&kin A*el# "*e! all &ou can4


7hat fo!!o,% i% an atte$ t to ro=i#e c!ear gui#e!ine% to he! the Eng!i%h teacher" un%ure of ho, to rocee#" to $o=e into #ra$a4 I begin b& offering a $o#e! of the #ra$a !e%%on ,hich i% c!ear" %i$ !e an# f!eIib!e ?%ee 0igure 8@4 It i% a $o#ifie# =er%ion of a $o#e! #e=i%e# b& <rian 7at-in% ?1121"B8@4 A nu$ber of oint% nee# to be $a#e about thi% $o#e!4 The boun#arie% are ha>& rather than c!earD EnJuir& often $o=e% i$ erce tib!& into 'efinition/ !i-e,i%e 'efinition into 'ra$a/ an# there are $an& ,a&% of ro$oting Ref!ection wi"*in the 'ra$a a% ,e!! a% after it4 Often the rogre%%ion in the !e%%on ,i!! not be %traight through %tage% 1 to 54 0or eIa$ !e" the teacher $a& ha=e #eci#e# u on the rob!e$ to be eI !ore# in a#=ance ?i4e4 the EnJuir& %tage ro er i% co$ !ete# in the teacherC% !anning@" %o %Mhe $a& begin at %tage 6" ro=i#ing a #ra$a conteIt an# the$e" or at %tage 8" %a& b& i$$e#iate!& a#o ting a ro!e ,hich both #efine% the conteIt an# the$e an# initiate% the #ra$a4 Or it $a& be that the !e%%on begin% ,ith an EnJuir& %e%%ion but rocee#% no further than the 'efinition %tageAthe rob!e$ ha%

55 'ra$a in the Eng!i%h C!a%%roo$

59 0igure 9 Essen"iall1 w*a" is oin on in "*ese ear!& %tage% of the #ra$a !e%%on i% the e%tab!i%h$ent ofD 1 A contract4 'ra$a i% a co!!aborati=e %ocia! roce%% ,hich o erate% through negotiation4 Agree$ent nee#% to be reache# in or#er that e=er&one un#er%tan#% the nature of the ac"ivi"1 "*e1 are about "o en a e in" it% ru!e% an# boun#arie%" and it% centra! core A the re#ica$ent the #ra$a i% eIa$ining4 In %hort" e=er&bo#& $u%t be c!ear H,hat ga$e ,e are !a&ingC4 In the roce%% of reaching an agree$ent the c!a%% /e ins to beco$e co$$itte# to the ,or-4 <ecau%e the& ha=e a han# in %ha ing the #ra$a" the& are $ore !i-e!& to in=e%t "*ei& energie% in it% #e=e!o $ent4 6 A conteIt4 'ra$a cannot function at the !e=e! of genera!itie% - it reJuire% a =er& % ecific %etting in ti$e" !ace an# action4 The e%tab!i%h$ent of both contract an# conteIt are articu!ar!& crucia! in the o ening %tage% of the !e%%on but the& are not eIc!u%i=e to the%e ear!& %tage%4 The roce%% i% a rogre%%i=e oneD there ,i!! be re-negotiation an# re#efinition of contract an# conteIt throughout the !e%%on4 So$eti$e% one can $o=e into d&a!a 4)ickl1 ,ith a !ini!al con%en%u% an# a fair!& !o, !e=e! of co$$it$ent" and erha % a =er& inco$ !ete #efinition of conteItA%a& ,ith a c!a%% ,ho get bore# ea%i!& if &ou #onCt %tart fa%t4 +ere i% an eIa$ !e of a !e%%on o ening ,here contract an# conteIt are out!ine# on!& $ini$a!!& before the #ra$a co$$ence%D

A #ra$a !e%%on 59 The teacher %it% %o that he can $a-e e&e-to-e&e contact ,ith each $e$ber of the c!a%%" ,ho are %itting in a bunch or a circ!e in front of hi$4 To#a& ,eCre going to #o %o$e #ra$a ,or- 444 but before ,e %tart ,e nee# to %ort out a cou !e of thing%4 If the #ra$a i% to ,or- ,e %ha!! a!! nee# to be!ie=e that ,e are #ifferent eo !e A Fu%t for no,4444 'o &ou thin- ,e cou!# tr& thatE Pau%e4 +e ,ait% for a re% on%e4 If HnoC4 4 4 4 NoE Vfrien#!&@ 7h& notE 'i%cu%%ion of rea%on%4 It i% !i-e!& to be one or a fe, ,ho %a& HWXC4 It $a& be genuine uncertaint& or it $a& be a Htr&-onC4 Either ,a& the teacher" b& ur%uing the Jue%tion H,h& notEC in#icate% that the rob!e$ i% one ,hich $erit% attention" an# that he ta-e% it %eriou%!& becau%e it affect% e=er&bo#&C% ,or-4 Grou re%%ure" rea! or i$ !ie#" can he! 4

7e!!" e=er&one e!%e %ee$% to thin- the& can be!ie=e4 So that ,e can a!! get on an# #o %o$e #ra$a" are &ou ,i!!ing to tr&E I -no, it can be har#" but if &ou gi=e it a go" itC!! robab!& co$e4 Pau%e4 Teacher no#% encouraging!&4 OKE No, one $ore thing" before ,e %tart4 IC$ going to be in the #ra$a too4 I can be!ie=e that &ouCre %o$eone #ifferent4 Can &ou be!ie=e that IC$ %o$eone e!%e in the #ra$aE Pau%e4 Teacher !oo-% aroun# %$i!ing4 RightE GreatN No, I %ha!! %tart the #ra$a b& being %o$eone e!%e4 IC!! go o=er there an# ,hen 1 co$e bac- IC!! be %o$eone e!%e an# the #ra$a ,i!! ha=e begun4 (ouC!! ha=e to thin- fa%t" $in# &ou4 There ,onCt be ti$e for eI !anation%4 (ouC!! ha=e to ic- u c!ue% Juic-!& an# act on the$44 44 Are &ou goo# at ic-ing u c!ue% fro$ ,hat eo !e #o an# %a&E Pau%e4 +e !oo-% roun# enJuiring!&" %u orti=e!&4 Right" no, the er%on IC$ going to be ,i!! co$e in =er& fa%t an# eI ect &ou to #o %o$ething =er& fa%t4 Rea#&E VThe teacher ha% gaine# a further" though $ini$a!" co$$it$ent an# ha% re re%ente# the co$ing ta%- a% an intriguing 56 'ra$a in the Eng!i%h C!a%%roo$

cha!!enge to ut the c!a%% Hon their $ett!eC4 Throughout" the i$ en#ing #ra$a ha% been re re%ente# a% %o$ething the& ,i!! H$a-eC through their o,n ,i!!ingne%% to tr& to Hbe!ie=eC4@ The teacher no, goe% into ro!e" bur%ting through an i$agine# #oor an# bar-ing outD RightN On &our feetN 4 4 4 Get a $o=e on" the ca$ co$$an#ant i% on hi% ,a& no,N444 S"and b& &our be#% 4 44 Y%a!uting rigi#!& to,ar#% the #oor@4 AttentionN
T*e "eac*e& "*en s"o#s "*e #la1 and de#endin on

a@ c@

+o, the chi!#ren ha=e re% on#e#" b 7h& he thin-% the& ha=e %o re% on#e#" ,hich u i! or u i!% he i% a##re%%ing" he $ight %a& ?%tern!&@D I thought 1o) %ai# &ou cou!# be!ie=e in itE 'o &ou rea!i>e that b& beha=ing !i-e that &ou are $a-ing it #ifficu!t for e=er&bo#& e!%eE or ?%$i!ing ,ar$!&@D 'i# &ou fin# it #ifficu!tE ?+e no#% acce ting!& to their re !ie%4@ 7e!!" I %ai# itC% not a!,a&% ea%&4 Cou!# ,e ha=e another goE Perha % it ,i!! be ea%ier ,hen 1o) -no, ,hat IC$ going to #o an# itC% not a!! %uch a %ur ri%e4 That %o$eti$e% $a-e% thing% ea%ier4

or ?bea$ing@D I thin- ,e $anage# to be!ie=e in it" #onCt &ouE The teacher then Jue%tion% the c!a%% about ,hat c!ue% the& ic-e# u 4 +i% ro!e- !a& ha% create# the beginning% of a #ra$a conteIt ra i#!& an# econo$ica!!&D Li-e!& %ettingD hut ?,ith be#%@ in ri%on or ar$& ca$ 4 Li-e!& ro!e% for c!a%%D ri%oner% or %o!#ier%4 Attitu#e%D urgenc&" eI ectanc&" ten%ion4 <& e!iciting the chi!#renC% re% on%e% he he! % the$ to #efine the %ituation a !itt!e $ore4 'i%cu%%ion of their fee!ing% on being to!# of the co$$an#antC% i$$inent =i%it an# of the o%%ib!e

rea%on% for the =i%it !ea#% into a Hre-runC4 A #ra$a !e%%on 5B ?*uch of the #ra$a conteIt $a& re$ain un#efine# a% &et A e4g4 erio#" in#i=i#ua! i#entitie% of the chi!#ren in the #ra$a" ,h& the& are in the ca$ " etc4 but there i% enough -no,n for their re%ent ur o%e%" an# the teacher i% u%ing the e!e$ent of uncertaint& a% a $ean% of in#ucing #ra$atic ten%ion an# he! ing the c!a%% to co$$it the$%e!=e% to the #ra$a an# to ,or- at be!ief4@ Right4 Are ,e rea#& to tr& that bit againE LetC% %ee if ,e can a!! be!ie=e in it thi% ti$e4 Then erha % ,c can fin# out ,h& on earth the co$$an#ant i% co$ing to %ee &ou on %uch a %ur ri%e =i%it4 CONTRACT Contract i% a t,o-,a& affair41 It in=o!=e% ob!igation% an# re% on%ibi!itie% on both %i#e% A teacher an# u i!%4 At ti$e% it $a& a ear one-%i#e#" a% for eIa$ !e in thi% %a$ !e o ening" ,here the teacher i% !a&ing #o,n =er& c!ear!& %o$e e!e$ent% of the ,a& the& ,i!! be ,or-ing an# %o$e ara$eter% of beha=iour4 The teacher ha% to #o thi% A ha% to $a-e it c!ear to the chi!#ren ,hat #e$an#% ,or-ing in #ra$a $a-e% on the$4 <ut in return the teacher ,i!!" through the #i%cu%%ion after the brief initia! ro!e- !a&" in#icate that %Mhe i% !i%tening carefu!!& to their i#ea% an# that the fabric of the #ra$a ,i!! be ,o=en fro$ their %ugge%tion%4 The !a& i% bui!t co!!aborati=e!&D %o$e #eci%ion% are $a#e b& the c!a%%" %o$e b& the teacher4 It i% i$ ortant that teacher% are =er& c!ear in their o,n $in#%" an# in ,hat the& %a& to the chi!#ren" about ,hich #eci%ion% the& are gi=ing to the c!a%% to ta-e an# ,hich the& are $a-ing the$%e!=e%4 A =er& cru#e c!a%%ification of t& e% of #ra$a !e%%on% accor#ing to thi% H#eci%ion%-criterionC i%D 1 Pu i!-initiate# an# o en-en#e#4 6 Teacher-initiate# an# o en-en#e#4 8 Teacher-initiate# an# %ub%eJuent!& teacher-%tructure# to eI !ore a articu!ar teacher-cho%en rob!e$" the$e" or !earning area4


'ra$a in the Eng!i%h C!a%%roo$

A!! three are !egiti$ate an# $o%t teacher% ,i!! u%e a!! three kinds o( !e%%on% a" di((e&en" "i!es$ The #&o/le! ari%e% ,hen the categorie% get $u##!e# - %a& the teacher inten#% to o erate in $o#e 8 but %igna!% "o "*e class "*a" "*e1 are in $o#e 6 b& ?a fa$i!iar eno) * "&a#=; askin o#en 4)es"ions an# ho ing that the& ,i!! co$e )# wi"* "*e an%,er% %Mhe ,ant% ?%ee Gourna! 6@4 If the teacher ,ant% to begin the #ra$a in a % ecific ,a& or to centre it on a articu!ar the$e or #i!e$$a %Mhe $u%t $a-e that c!ear to the c!a%% an# not reten# or i$agine that the !e%%on i% Htota!!& o enC ,hen in fact it i% not an# in ter$% of hi% teaching intention% cannot be4 The teacher ,ho" ,or-ing on the <att!e of +a%ting%" a%-% hi% c!a%%" H+o, are ,e going to %to the No&!ans (&o! ove&&)nnin o)& #efence% on the hi!!%EC recei=e% "*e va&io)s

%ugge%tion% "*e1 o((e& unenthu%ia%tica!!& an# then" after a regnant au%e" #e$an#%" H7hoC% going to he! $e bui!# a %toc-a#eEC" i% un!i-e!& to ,in a co$$itte# re% on%e fro$ hi% c!a%%4 After a arent!& being in=ite# to he! %ha e the ,or-" the& ha=e #i%co=ere# that it i%" after a!!" %trict!& teacherC% #la1$ If the ,or- i% in $o#e 8 A teacher-initiate#" ,ith an o=era!! %tructure !anne# in a#=ance b& the teacher - the chi!#ren %ti!! can" an# it i% i$ ortant that the& %hou!#" contribute %ignificant!& to the ,or-4 Let u% %a& that the teacher ,i%he% to eI !ore "*e the$e of co#in wi"* /)ll1in 0 b& eer% an# b& tho%e in authorit&4 Thi% cou!# ea%i!& be eI !ore# in a #ra$a conteIt ba%e# on Goan Ai-enC% *i#night i% a P!ace ?factor& %etting@46 The teacher ha% #eci#e# on the %etting an# the the$e but there i% %ti!! $uch for the chi!#ren to contribute an# #eci#eD e%tab!i%hing the ,or-ing an# %ocia! attern% of the factor&/ the inci#ence and di&ec"ion o( "*e /)ll1in D the re% on%e% of the ,or-er% ,ithin the o tion% o en to the$ in thi% articu!ar fictiona! se""in D and "*e !o&al Fu#ge$ent% the chi!#ren #ra, fro$ e%#lo&in "*e iss)e in d&a!a and &e(lec"in on it% i$ !ication% for their o,n !i=e%4 If the ,or- i% in $o#e 1 - u i!-initiate# an# o en-en#e# -the teacher i% %ti!! re% on%ib!e (o& he! ing to %tructure the ,or-D A #ra$a !e%%on 51 fin#ing a for$ in ,hich the chi!#renC% i#ea% can be $a#e to ,or-/ he! ing the$ to c!arif& the core of the ,or-/ an# ointing out i$ !ication% of the #eci%ion% the& are con%i#ering4 ?See Gourna! 6 for a $ore #etai!e# !oo- at #eci%ion% in the #ra$a !e%%on4@ I ha=e a!rea#& argue# that greater co$$it$ent to the #ra$a i% !i-e!& ,here chi!#ren ha=e a %ignificant art in %ha ing the ,or-4 To enab!e chi!#ren to beco$e acti=e %ha er% of the #ra$a" in or#er to he! the$ un#er%tan# that the& are in#ee# tru!gC re% on%ib!e for the ,or- in han#" it i% i$ ortant that the teacher function% a% a noneI ert" a% Hone ,ho #oe% not -no,C4 Too often teacher% o erate %a##!e# ,ith the bur#en of their o,n eI erti%e4 The& a%- Jue%tion% to ,hich the& -no, the an%,er%" an# to ,hich therefore !ogica!!& there i% no nee# for the u i!% to re !&4 In#ee#" there i% ri%- in re !&ingD better to ,ait in the -no,!e#ge that %ooner or !ater the teacher ,i!! %u !& the an%,er if the c!a%% #oe% not4 Or if an%,er% are offere#" the& are not the ro#uct of an& rea! thin-ing" on!& of a #e%ire to !ea%e or !acate the teacher4 In #ra$a ,or- the teacher i% not the eI ert in that he -no,% the right an%,er%4 There are no right an%,er% to Jue%tion% %uch a%D H7hat #ro=e thi% er%onMthe%e eo !e to co$$it the $ur#erEC/ H7hich ,ou!# be the $o%t intere%ting %ituation to eI !oreEC/ HCan ,e tru%t thi% ,agon-$a%terE An# if not" here in the ,i!#erne%%" at the ha!f-,a& oint in our Fourne&" ,hat can ,e #o about itEC/ H+o, can ,e fin# a ,a& of c!ear!& %ho,ing the -ing ,hat it ,ou!# $ean if he #e%tro&e# our hou%e%" ,hen our ,or#% an# argu$ent% ha=e no effect on hi$EC/ HTo ,hich of the ri=a! c!ai$ant% %ha!! ,e entru%t the care of thi% chi!#EC The teacher i% o!#er" ha% $ore !ife eI erience an# $ore of certain -in#% of -no,!e#ge" but thi% #oe% not con%titute HeI erti%eC in %uch $atter%N +i%Mher an%,er to an& of the%e Jue%tion% $a& be #ifferent fro$ the chi!#renC% A it i% their =ie, oint that carrie% ,eight" not hi%Mher%4 After a!!" the ur o%e of the #ra$a i% for the$ ?not the teacher@ to eIa$ine their thin-ing ?not the teacherC%@4 ZS 9: 'ra$a in the Eng!i%h C!a%%roo$ So$eti$e% %Mhe ,i!! nee# to %u !& a certain a$ount of infor$ation" or offer the o%%ibi!it& of re%earching %o that the c!a%% can #i%co=er $ore A but it %hou!# be on!&

%uch infor$ation a% the #ra$a reJuire% to function/ often teacher%" if the& a%genuine!&" ,i!! be %ur ri%e# to fin# ho, $uch a c!a%% -no,% co!!ecti=e!& about a to ic of ,hich teacher% a%%u$e the& -no, !itt!e4 7hat an& in#i=i#ua! -no,% $a& be !itt!e" but the %u$ of ,hat the c!a%% -no,% $a& be for$i#ab!e an#" if %hare#" can ob=iate the nee# for the teacher to te!!4 In an& ca%e #ra$a" though it $a& u%e infor$ation" i% not ri$ari!& about infor$ationD it i% an eI !oration of attitu#e% an# =a!ue%" in a fictiona! conteIt ,hich ha% it% o,n !a,% of =a!i#it& ?truth i% Fu#ge# b& ,hether %o$ething i% a ro riate or o%%ib!e or !i-e!& ,ithin that conteIt@ an# irre!e=ance ?on $an& occa%ion% in #ra$a the teacher $a& %ee an o ortunit& to teach %o$e fact% or correct %o$e $i%ta-e%" but the criterion %Mhe %hou!# e$ !o& i%D ,ou!# thi% HteachingC or HcorrectingC a%%i%t" or #i%tract fro$" the #ra$aE@4 It $a& ta-e a ,hi!e for a c!a%% to be!ie=e that the teacher i% genuine in a#o ting the %tance of Hone ,ho #oe% not -no,C in%tea# of !a&ing the cu%to$ar& teacher ga$e of Hgue%% the correct an%,erC4 The& ,i!! %ee through the retence if the teacher react% enthu%ia%tica!!& to one %ugge%tionD HGoo#N 7hat an intere%ting i#eaNC an# coo!!& to anotherD HUh-huhC4 It i% i$ ortant that the teacher i% neutra! an# acce ting in re% on#ing to a!! %ugge%tion%D abo=e a!! that %Mhe i% genuine!& intere%te# in" an# tru%ting of" the chi!#renC% i#ea%4 On!& %o can %Mhe re!ea%e an# %u ort the$ into a %en%e of $aturit&" confi#ence an# re% on%ibi!it& for the Jua!it& of the ,or-4 One of the eIciting o ortunitie% ,hich #ra$a offer% to teacher% !ie% in the $u!ti !icit& of regi%ter% a=ai!ab!e to the$ in re!ating to the c!a%% an# in ro$oting !earningAonce the& #ro their $ono!ithic %tance a% HeI ertC4 ?See Cha ter 114@ A fina! note on the Jue%tion of gaining co$$it$ent4 The teacher $u%t" a% in the %a$ !e !e%%on o ening" be %eriou% about" an# co$$itte# to" the #ra$a if %Mhe i% to gain be!ief an# A #ra$a !e%%on 91 H co$$it$ent fro$ the chi!#ren4 Thi% i% %o ob=iou% that erha % it #oe% not nee# %tating4 (et I ha=e %een teacher% %ho,ing con#e%cen#ing a$u%e$ent at chi!#renC% ,or- or ta-ing a ro!e in a $oc-ing ,a& #iat %a&% Hthi% i% on!& a ga$eC4 Such %i!!ine%% an# %ha!!o,ne%% ine=itab!& ro#uce% %i!!&" %ha!!o, ,or- fro$ the chi!#ren4 In thi% area of be!ief an# co$$it$ent" a% in $an& other a% ect% of the #ra$a !e%%on ?e4g4 ,i!!ingne%% to !i%ten" to to!erate uncertaint&" #i=er%it& of =ie, oint an# ri%--ta-ing@" the teacher $u%t act a% a $o#e! for the chi!#renC% beha=iour4 Or to cut a !ong %tor& %hort- &ou $u%t racti%e ,hat &ou reachN

In the EnJuir& %tage the teacher $a& e!icit i#ea% fro$ the c!a%% about ,hat to ic or the$e" or ,hat ang!e ,ithin the teacherC% to ic or the$e" the& are to eI !ore in the #ra$a4 It i% u%efu! to recor# the i#ea% offere# on a b!ac-boar# or %i$i!ar re%ource" %o that the& are a=ai!ab!e for eIa$ination a% teacher an# c!a%% $o=e fro$ EnJuir& ?generating i#ea%@ to 'efinition ?%e!ecting i#ea%@4 The tran%ition bet,een the%e %tage% i% a crucia! ha%e of the !e%%on4 It can be he! fu! to ha=e a Hcei!ingC for the nu$ber of i#ea% offere# in the EnJuir& %o that the %ub%eJuent %e!ection roce%% i% not rotracte#4 In the 'efinition %tage the $erit% of the i#ea% %ugge%te# are #i%cu%%e#" then a =ote $a& be ta-en to e%tab!i%h a c!ear $aForit& for one i#ea" or the Hbu>>C in the c!a%% $a& Juic-!& %ho, ,hich i#ea i% o u!ar ,ithout the nee# for a =ote4 So$eti$e% thing% ,i!! not be %o c!ear-cut an# %ugge%tion% $a& ha=e to be co$bine# to achie=e a

#eci%ion - for eIa$ !e ,here there i% a roIi$ate!& eJua! %u ort for a #ra$a about a %choo! an# one about a &outh c!ub" ,hat $a& re%u!t i% a #ra$a about a grou of &oung eo !e ,hich ta-e% !ace in both %etting%4 Or if a $inorit& are %trong!& in fa=our of an i#ea #ifferent to that he!# b& the $aForit&" the teacher $ight %ugge%t that their i#ea cou!# be the %tarting oint for the neIt #ra$a after thi%" or that their i#ea $ight be %o$eho, fo!#e# in at a !ater %tage in thi%


'ra$a in the Eng!i%h C!a%%roo$

#ra$a4 Ob=iou%!& agree$ent i%nCt a!,a&% ea%& to reach - often a $inorit& ,i!! nee# to be a%-e# to Hgo ,ithC the $aForit& i#ea" %o$eti$e% the $aForit& a%-e# to tr& the $inorit&C% ,i%he%4 So$eti$e% the teacher $a& Hc!a%%if&C the %ugge%tion% in ter$% of their co$$on feature% to ai# choice4 Con%i#er" for eIa$ !e the fo!!o,ing !i%t of %ugge%tion%D
$ur#er <i!!& the Ki# Ca tain CooH0a$eC ?the TK %erie%@ ban- robber& % ace tra=e!

The teacher $ight then offer bac- the fo!!o,ing Hc!a%%ificationCD Three of &our %ugge%tion% ?$ur#er" <i!!& the Ki#" banrobber&@ are about eo !e ,ho co$$it %eriou% cri$e% an# ut the$%e!=e% out%i#e the !a,4 T,o ?Ca tain Coo-" % ace tra=e!@ are about eo !e ,ho tra=e! into the un-no,n4 One ?H0a$eC@ i% about eo !e ,ho %ee- to be fa$ou%4 7hich of the%e three -in#% of %ituation are &ou intere%te# to eI !oreE The !i%t to choo%e fro$ ha% been re#uce# to three in%tea# of %iI" an# the teacherC% c!a%%ification ha% a!%o erfor$e# a u%efu! %er=ice in re-ca%ting the %ugge%tion% in a for$ that $o=e% the$ to,ar#% a con%i#eration of the$e an# attitu#e% or =a!ue% rather than $ere!& action4 <ui!#ing the #ra$a contract an# bui!#ing the #ra$a conteIt are ineItricab!& !in-e# A for the =er& roce%% of e!aborating the conteIt %hou!# bui!# the u i!%C co$$it$ent to the #ra$a4 *o=ing into #ra$a can re%ent rob!e$% for the Eng!i%h teacher ,ho" =a!uing c!a%% #i%cu%%ion for it% o,n %a-e" $a& #,e!! too !ong on the i%%ue% rai%e# in the o ening %tage%" forgetting that the ai$ i% to eI !ore the i%%ue% in action in a concrete fictiona! conteIt4 I$ etu% i% !o%t" an# the #ra$a ne=er rea!!& ha en%" or it beco$e% ur o%e!e%% becau%e the to ic ha% A #ra$a !e%%on 98 been eIhau%te# in #i%cu%%ion4 It i% not o%%ib!e to !a& #o,n ,hat !ength the initia! #i%cu%%ion %hou!# be before the #ra$a begin%4 So$eti$e% it $a& ta-e on!& a $inute or t,o/ at other ti$e% it $a& be a !ength& roce%%" but the ur o%e% re$ain the %a$e" ,hate=er the ti$e % entD 1 e%tab!i%hing a contract ?or the beginning% of one@/ 6 creating a % ecific conteIt for #ra$a ?or the beginning% of one@4 Once the%e are %ufficien#& achie=e# there i% no rea%on to #e!a& $o=ing into #ra$a4

The #ra$a +ere I offer a !anning fra$e,or- #e%igne# to enab!e teacher% to en%ure #iat the& ha=e a!! the Hingre#ient%C for their H#ra$a ca-eC4 Thi% fra$e,or- i% inten#e# for !anning both before an# ,ithin the !e%%on - for thin-ing in the %tu#& an# on &our feet4
A P*A))(). FRAMEWORK Con"e%"

i% the #ra$a aboutE 7+EN i% it ta-ing !aceE 7+ERE i% it %etE 7+AT ?broa#!&@ i% ha eningE


Ten%ion i% ,hat #ri=e% the #ra$a4 Ten%ion% $a& be great or %$a!! A often great ten%ion% are bui!t fro$ a %ucce%%ion of %$a!!er one%/ ob=iou% or %ubt!e A cru#e an# ob=iou% ten%ion% $a& re are the groun# for $ore %ubt!e an# co$ !eI one%4 An& #ra$a ,i!! ha=e a %ucce%%ion of ten%ion%" a!though there [ 95 'ra$a in the Eng!i%h C!a%%roo$ $a& be one o=erri#ing ten%ion that gi=e% o=era!! %ha e to the #ra$a4 There ,i!! be ti$e% in a #ra$a ,hen ten%ion% arenCt o erating %ignificant!&" e4g4 in the ear!& %tage%" ,hen ro!e% an# re!ation%hi % are being bui!t an# before the& are ut un#er re%%ure" or ti$e% ,hen the ten%ion ea%e% an# the #ra$a ta-e% on a $ore e!aborati=e or ce!ebrator& character - either roun#ing off a iece of ,or-" or in re aration for the neIt ten%ion4

The $eaning ,e #eri=e fro$ a %ituation #e en#% u on our =ie, oint ,ithin that %ituation4 0or eIa$ !e" an Hinci#entC in a %choo! ,i!! ha=e a #ifferent $eaning" #ifferent i$ !ication% an# con%eJuence% for #ifferent artici ant%D u i!" teacher" hea#-teacher" arent" o!ice" o!itician" etc4 So the =ie, oint artici ant% are a%-e# to ta-e on i% crucia! in a #ra$a4 The ter$% Hfra$eC an# Hfra$ingC ?borro,e# fro$ %ocio!og&@ are co$$on!& u%e# in #i%cu%%ion% about #ra$a to $ean re% ecti=e!& H=ie, ointC an# H%e!ecting a =ie, ointC ,ithin the c!a%%4 7hen a teacher Hfra$e%C a c!a%%" %Mhe #eter$ine% the =ie, oint or ro!e ,ithin the #ra$a4
T*e!e2lea&nin a&ea

An& to ic ,e $ight tac-!e in a #ra$a i% a re o%itor& of $an& otentia! the$e% or !earning area%4 It i% i$ ortant to $a-e thi% #i%tinction bet,een to ic ?content@ an# !earning area A an# to be c!ear about the !earning area &ou are ai$ing for" becau%e that #eci%ion ,i!! crucia!!& affect &our %e!ection" re%entation an# %eJuencing of $ateria!% an# acti=itie%4 An eIa$ !eD in Gourna! 6" the to ic or content i% H7agon TrainC but that conteIt can be u%e# to eI !ore a =ariet& of the$e%M!earning area%D to!erance an# into!erance" re!igiou% an#Mor racia!/ !ea#er%hi / getting on ,ith neighbour%/ co ing ,ith change an# u hea=a!4 A #ra$a !e%%on 99 0ocu% 'ra$a #ea!% ,ith % ecific action% an# attitu#e% o erating in % ecific ti$e% an# !ace%4 To begin or #e=e!o a #ra$a a % ecific focu% of attention an# acti=it& i% reJuire# ?%ee 0igure 6@4 0ocu%

0igure 6 U The initia! focu% nee#% to be %e!ecte# carefu!!&D 1 to intere%t the c!a%%/ 6 to engage the$ ,ith the the$e or !earning area4 A% the #ra$a #e=e!o %" other foci ,i!! ta-e the !ace of the initia! one4 At each %tage of the #ra$a choice% ha=e to be $a#e aboutD a@ Grou ing Are the c!a%% to ,or- a% in#i=i#ua!%E in %$a!! grou %E a% a c!a%%E b@ $i$eE Con=ention% an# $o#e% of ,or-ing Are ,e to e$ !o&

tab!eauM%ti!! i$ageE hot%eatingE re%entationE #ra$atic !a&ingE8 or non-#ra$a acti=itie% %uch a% #i%cu%%ionE #ra,ingE ,ritingE 96 'ra$a in the Eng!i%h C!a%%roo$ cons"&)c"in . ga$e%MeIerci%e%E
)one of these &rou!in&s or activities is better than an other1

a!! can %er=e a range of % ecific u%efu! function%4 Often a #ra$a ,i!! e$ !o& a ,i#e range of grou ing% an# con=ention%" each being fo!#e# in at the a ro riate ti$e to bui!# the #ra$a a% a ,ho!e45 Gourna! 5 offer% a c!ear eIa$ !e of thi% an# I ,i!! tr& an# i!!u%trate the !anning fra$e,or- b& reference to that iece of ,or-D

,oo&2c&i!inal class$ +HEN> Ei *"een"* cen")&1$ +HERE> London s"&ee"s and Red Lion Tave!$ +HAT> One o( "*e Red Lion (&a"e&ni"1 is 5s"o##ed' /1 ano"*e&$

TENSIONSD !i=ing ,ith con%tant fear of arre%t an# robab!e eIecution A not -no,ing ,ho &ou can tru%t4 ?The%e are bui!t %tea#i!& through a %ucce%%ion of acti=itie%4@


Deni<ens o( "*e Red Lion Tave&n$ T*is (&a!e does no" dis"ance> i" &e4)i&es di&ec" 5livin E"*&o) *' en a e!en" wi"* "*e even"s and "ensions o( "*e #la1$
T*e!e2lea&nin a&ea

+onour ?or !ac- of it@ a$ong thie=e%4 Thi% i% ho, the teacher atte$ te# to Hrea!i>eC the fra$e,orthrough a %ucce%%ion of acti=itie%D

A #ra$a !e%%on 9B


Grou ing

Con=entionM$o#e 0ocu% Se%%ion one 1 7ho!e c!a%% 6 S$a!! grou 8 S$a!! grou % ,ithin ,ho!e c!a%% acti=it&" ,ith o%%ibi!it& of interaction bet,een grou % 'i%cu%%ion 'i%cu%%ion 'i%cu%%ion A #*1sicall1 con%tructing %etting for %cene A initia! ,or- in ro!e ?#ra$atic #la1in ; C!arif&ing range of o%%ib!e ro!e% A!!ocating ro!e% Rea!it& of ta=ern %etting an# bu%ine%% of deni<ens Se%%ion t,o 5 S$a!! grou 9 In#i=i#ua! ,or6 A%8 B 7ho!e c!a%% 2 In#i=i#ua! Pre aring an# +o, ,e earn our !i=ing %ho,ing brief re%entation% of cri$e% *i$e acco$ anie# b& <eing a!ert for #anger inter$ittent teacher-narration ?tra=e!!ing through %treet% to ta=ern@ A%8 'i%cu%%ion of hi%torica! bac-groun# an# eIa$ination of hi%torica! #ocu$ent% +&i"in in &ole> a)"o/io &a#*1 A%8 <ui!#ing bac-groun# infor$ation <ui!#ing in#i=i#ua! ro!e-i#entit& Se%%ion three 1 S$a!! grou 1: 7ho!e c!a%% 11 7ho!e c!a%% Pre aration of %ti!! i$age ?$o$ent of #anger@ Sharing of %ti!! i$age% an# acco$ an&ing %o!i!oJuie% I$ ro=i%e# %cene focu%e# b& inter=ention of teacher in ro!e Li=ing ,irh #anger Li=ing ,ith #anger a@ 7eC=e been betra&e# b@ Ca!!ing the betra&er to account %%

92 'ra$a in the Eng!i%h C!a%%roo$ Note% 1 0or a u%efu! #i%cu%%ion of contract an# negotiation in the #ra$a !e%%on %ee Nee!an#% ?1125a@" Cha ter% 8-94 6 See %uch a roFect out!ine# in 7i!%on an# Coc-croft" <oo-!et Two0 4 1:-164 8 'ra$a ,hich ha% an ongoing" !i=ing throughC Jua!it&4 See note 5" be!o,4 @ T*e&e isn'" ade4)a"e s#ace (o& !e "o e%a!ine in de"ail a!! "*e va&ie"1 o( d&a!a !odes$ Rea#er% $ight fin# it u%efu! to !oo- at "*e brief account of the range of $o#e% an# their H ro% an# cons' iven in Neelands ?1125a@ an# at Ga=in <o!tonC% ?11B1@ acco)n" o( d&a!a"ic #la1in 0 eIerci%e an# theatre and o( *ow "*ese ele!en"s can be fo!#e# in together to create a H#ra$a for


'ra$a u%e# in re!ation to narrati=e teIt to cha!!enge an# eIten# u i!%C erce tion of the %ignificance of the narrati=e hot%eating of character% fro$ the boo- ?re re%ente# b& a Hgrou ro!eC@ u%e# to eIten# u i!%C re% on%e% Teacher ro!e Hea%ing inC u%e# to create ten%ion ?b& Jue%tioning in ro!e" attitu#e" u%e of ti$e" ace an# %eJuencing@ a!!o,% =er& con%i#erab!e re%%ure to be ut on u i!% in ro!e A a Juite #ifferent re%%ure fro$ nor$a! teacher re%%ure out of ro!e4 Pre%%ure i% o%%ib!e becau%e u i! ro!e offer% H rotectionC A HIC$ being a%-e# thi% a% Gac-" not a% $&%e!f O ortunitie% (o& ,riting in &ole ari%ing fro$ the d&a!a IC=e been u%ing #ra$a to he! ,ith a %et teIt4 IC=e Fu%t fini%he# rea#ing Lor# of the 0!ie% ,ith $& fourth &ear CSE grou 4 Thi% 6: 'ra$a in the Eng!i%h C!a%%roo$ boo- #oe%nCt rai%e the %a$e #ifficu!tie% a% $an& other %et teIt%-itC% a goo# rea# an# $o%t -i#% %ee$ to get fair!& ea%i!& ab%orbe# an# $o=e# b& the %tor& if itC% ta-en at a rea%onab!e ace4 Certain a% ect% of Go!#ingC% %&$bo!i%$ #onCt nece%%ari!& ea%i!& $ean a !ot to a!! of the$" /)" thi% #oe%nCt rea!!& get in the ,a& of "*e! enFo&ing the %tor&4 Thi% grou %ee$e# to !i-e rea#ing the boo- enor$ou%!&4 7e got through it =er& fa%t" an# ,hen I rea# the c!o%ing %cene% a!ou# in c!a%% the& ,ere rea!!& gri e# b& the narrati=eAe=en tho%e ?a (ai& n)!/e&; ,hoC# rea# on ahea# b& the$%e!=e%4 Succe%%fu! a% the boo- ha# been in the rea#ing" ,hen ,e "alked about it" there was so!e"*in lackin in their re% on%e4 A lo" of the$ a##ea&ed "o /e con"en" ,ith ,hat %ee$e# to $e ea%& an%,er%D that" for eIa$ !e" thing% ,ou!#nCt ha=e been %o /ad on the i%!an# if Gac- ha#nCt been there/ or that ,hat ha ene#" ha ene# becau%e the& ,ere chi!#ren A a#u!t% ,ou!# ha=e $anage# /e""e&$ In a ,a& the& ,erenCt ab!e to %ee thi% %tor& a% a %tate$ent about the hu$an con#ition #irect!& re!e=ant to

the$%e!=e%4 It ,a% %ti!! Hout thereC A I ,ante# to tr& an# fin# a ,a& of %hifting "*a" 5"*i&d er%onC %tance into a Hfir%t er%onC eI erience4 After chatting ,ith *aggie" I #eci#e# there ,ere #i%tinct o%%ibi!itie% in ,hat %he ca!!% Hhot-%eatingC - a%-ing the c!a%% to ta-e on the ro!e% of character% in the boo- an# to %ub$it to %o$e -in# of Jue%tioning or HinterrogationC about their acti=itie% an# $oti=e%4 An# the ,a& the boo- en#% !eft $e ,ith a $ar=e!!ou% conteIt for thi% to ha enD once the bo&% ha# been ta-en on boar# %hi " the na=a! officer ,ou!# %ure!& ha=e ha# to Jue%tion the$ to co!#le"e *is &e#o&" or !og" an# be&on# that i$$e#iate Jue%tioning ,ou!# ha=e !oo$e# the #e$an#% of their arent%" the $e#ia an# the authoritie% ?inc!u#ing the o!iceE A if t,o ha# #ie#E@ to -no, ,hat ha# ha ene# on the i%!an#4 A!! of thi% ,ou!# ut enor$ou% re%%ure on the bo&%4 <& !acing the c!a%% in ro!e a% the bo&% being Jue%tione# b& the officer on the ,ar%hi " I ho e# to eI !oit thi% bui!t-in ten%ion to #)s* the$ into a rea! and (el" %en%e of ,hat the bo&% ha# been
Gourna! three 61C

through" of ,hat re% on%ibi!it& the& a!! carrie# for ,hat ha# ha ene#" an# of the bur#en% of $e$or& an# gui!t it !eft the$ ,ith4 A!! of u% -no, that eI erience of ha=ing to an%,er Jue%tion% about action% an# e=ent% ,e ,ou!# %ooner forget" if ,e o%%ib!& cou!#/ an# b& !acing the c!a%% un#er that re%%ure I ho e# the& ,ou!# i#entif& $ore ,ith the bo&%C eI erience A an# %ee that the bo&% H,ereC the$" an# a!! of u%4 7hat ,e #i# occu ie# t,o !e%%on%" the fir%t a #oub!e" the %econ# a %ing!e4 HS SESSION I ?SEKENT( *INUTES@ 1 I eI !aine# to the c!a%% the ba%ic i#ea - that the& ,ere to be Jue%tione# Ha% if the& ,ere the bo&% on boar# %hi - an# a%-e# the$ to get into %$a!! grou %" each of ,hich ,ou!# re re%ent one of the fo!!o,ing character%D Ra! h" Gac-" Sa$ HnC Eric" Roger" *aurice an# Perci=a!4 ?+a=ing a grou to re re%ent one character %ee$e# to $e an o## i#ea at fir%t ,hen *aggie ha# %ugge%te# it4 SheC# %ai# it ,ou!# robab!& he! thi% articu!ar c!a%%" ,ith $an& =er& H%h&C -i#%/ the&C# get %u ort fro$ each other un#er the re%%ure of the officerC% interrogation an# an& one of the grou ,ho fe!t ab!e ,ou!# an%,er a Jue%tion4 Thi% certain!& ro=e# to be right4 An# it ha# the a##itiona! a#=antage that ,e cou!# concentrate on the $ain character% ,ho%e action% ,ere fair!& ,e!! #ocu$ente# in the no=e!" %o the c!a%% ha# a fair a$ount of H$ateria!C to #ra, on for their an%,er%4@ 6 I re-rea# the !a%t fe, aragra h% of the boo- to the$ - to re$in# the$ of the officerC% baff!e$ent an# of the bo&%C %en%e of %hoc- ,hen the %u##en a earance of the officer brought the$ bac- ,ith a Fo!t to the ,or!# the& ha# !o%t ?a ,or!# of chi!#hoo#" an# of being H rotecte#C b& a#u!t% fro$ the ,or%t in the$%e!=e%@ an# to a rea!i>ation of ho, far the& ha# Hfa!!enC %ince that rotection ha# been re$o=e#4 7e ta!-e# a !itt!e about ho, each %i#e reacte# to the $eeting4

b! 'ra$a in the Eng!i%h C!a%%roo$ 8 7e ta!-e# brief!& about ,hat ,ou!# be !i-e!& to ha en to the bo&% in the neIt fe, hour% once the& ,ere on boar# %hi 4 The c!a%% ca$e u ,ithD bathing" fee#ing" $e#ica! chec-%" #e-!ou%ing an# genera! #i%infection" an# %o$e atte$ t to c!othe

the bo&% in % are %ai!orC% -itAthe& ,ere Juite a$u%e# at i he thought of the bo&% in a%%orte# ite$% of unifor$ $an& %i>e% too !argeN 5 I %ai# I ,ou!# ea%e u% into the ro!e- !a&D 7e!!" !a#%" I ho e &ouCre a !itt!e $ore co$fortab!e no,44 44 E=er&thing a!! rightE 444 (ouC=e ob=iou%!& ha# a #ifficu!t ti$e on that i%!an#" but &ouC!! be ,e!! !oo-e# after no,4 An# before too !ong ,eC!! ha=e &ou a!! bac- ho$e" ehE 4"4 The c!a%% ,ere %eate# in their grou % in a rough %e$icirc!e4 I ,ent roun# an# % o-e to each Hbo&C" a%-ing na$e" age an# other %traightfor,ar# bit% an# iece% of infor$ation4 ?Again I ,a% fo!!o,ing a Hti C fro$ *aggieD HGet each grou to % eato &ou in ro!e in the ear!& %tage% - about %o$ething neutra!" Fu%t to get the fee! of interacting in ro!e ,ith &ou a% the officer an# not a% teacher4C@ Right then" !a#%444 ,e!!" IC$ going to go an# ra#io a re ort to the effect that ,eC=e ic-e# &ou u off the i%!an#4 Then IC!! co$e bac- an# %ee &ou in a bitAob=iou%!& %oon IC$ going to ha=e to get a fu!!er re ort #one about &ou an# about e=ent% on the i%!an# - IC!! nee# to -no, about the 444 er 444 ca%ua!tie%4444 7e!!" %ee &ou %oon4 9 +a=ing intro#uce# the $ain ten%ion through thi% bit of teacher ro!e- !a&" I bro-e out of the #ra$a an# ga=e the grou % fi=e $inute% to re are b& con%i#ering Jue%tion% %uch a%D 7hat i% &our bo& fee!ing !i-e Fu%t no, about the ro% ect of being Jue%tione#E 7hat thing% i% he going to be -een to %a&E An# ,hat thing% i% he not going to ,ant to ta!- aboutE rhe& ha# their co ie% of the boo-" an# I encourage# the$ to cfer to the no=e! if the& ,ante# to chec- on an&thing4 ?In the Gourna! three 68 ro!e- !a& that fo!!o,e#" too" the& ha# their boo-% han#& an# the& ,ere to!# the& cou!# a%- for Hti$e outC brief!& to con%u!t ,ith each other or con%u!t the boo- if the& nee#e# to before an%,ering a H#ifficu!tC Jue%tion4 Thi% H au%e for thoughtC ,a% in fact u%e# I thin- three or four ti$e% in the ,ho!e ro!e- !a&4@ The grou % ta!-e# Juiet!& but intent!&4 The& %ee$e# to %en%e that %o$ething intere%ting an# cha!!enging ,a% about to ha en4 6 7e $o=e# into the ro!e- !a& again" ,ith the na=a! officer returning4 Thi% ro=e# to be a =er& inten%e ha!f-hour in ,hich I ,a% ab!e to ut a !ot of re%%ure on the c!a%% ,ithin the conteIt of the ro!e- !a&4 Ker& brief!& ?an# o$itting !ot% of %ignificant #etai!@ the %tage% ,ereD a@ I a%-e# =ariou% Jue%tion% about their ti$e on the i%!an# -but not &et about the ca%ua!tie% an# the burning of the i%!an#4 *& attitu#e in ro!e ,a% that of a na=a! $an unu%e# to chi!#ren an# tr&ing =er& har# to be genia! ,ith a grou of H!a#%C" but fee!ing =er& unea%& at ,hat ,a% !i-e!& to be re=ea!e#4 In thi% ear!& art of the ro!e!a& the& an%,ere# $& Jue%tion% about their !ife on the i%!an# A %ur=i=a!" foo#" %he!ter" etc4 - ,ith a !ot of confi#ence an# f!uenc&4 b@ I robe# $ore ,ith $& Jue%tion%D HThing% %ee$e# to ha=e got rather out of han#4 7hat ,ent ,rongEC It ,a%nCt !ong before the HRa! hC grou ,ere %trong!& accu%ing Gac- of being re% on%ib!e for a!! the troub!e an# in articu!ar for Pigg&C% #eath4 In the #i%cu%%ion that fo!!o,e# there %ee$e# a =er& c!ear attern to ,hat the =ariou% Hbo&%C ,ere %a&ing A a!! ,ere ,anting to ut the $aFor b!a$e on Gac-C% %hou!#er%4 The HGac-C grou " a%

it ha ene#" ,ere at one en# of the %e$icirc!e an# that ga=e $e the i#ea for ,hat I #i# neIt4 c) *& attitu#e in ro!e no, ,a% one of the ut$o%t gra=it&4 I %ai# I ,ou!# ha=e to a%- each of the$ in turn to eI !ain ,hat the& -ne, of the #eath of Pigg&4 I %tarte# at the en# furthe%t fro$ HGac-C" %o that he ,ou!# be the !a%t to $a-e a %tate$ent A %cre,ing u the #ra$atic ten%ion %tea#i!&4 A!!


'ra$a in the Eng!i%h C!a%%roo$

the o"*e&s laid &es#onsi/ili"1 (o& Pigg&C% #eath" in #iffering ro ortion%" wi"* Jack an# Roger4 Intere%ting!&" t,o eo !e in the HRogerC grou offere# #ifferent an# rather con"&adic"o&1 de(ences> "*e (i&s" "*a" *e ha#nCt -no,n that Pigg& ,a% un#erneath" that the roc- ,a% $eant to frighten no" killD "*e second "*a" *e ,a% obe&ing or#er%A Gac-C%4 -inall1 I ")&ned to Gac- A and b& no, the ten%ion in "*e &oo! and "*e #&ess)&e on "*e HGac-C grou ,ere Juite #al#a/le 3 5+ell0 Jack0 w*a" *ave &ou got "o %a& about Pigg&C% #eathE At that oint "*e /ell wen" an# ,e ha# "o s"o# - 4)i"e a c!iffhanger en#ingN <ut actua!!& I ,a% #i%a ointe# that ,eC# been cut %hort - IC# been tr&ing to %a=e ti$e for Gac-" /)" no" wan"in "o &)s* "*&o) * "*e e=i#ence of the other /o1s becau%e o( "*e s"&en "* o( /elie( and in=o!=e$ent the c!a%% ,ere %ho,ing4

? 6"*i&"1E(ive !in)"es;

7 +*en I "&ied "o #ick )# a" "*e #oin" ,eC# !eft off ?it ,a% t,o #a&% la"e&; A i" B)s" didn'" ,or-4 The ten%ion ,eC# bui!t cou!#nCt ea%i!& be &ecalled0 and w*en I asked HGac-C the Jue%tion% again I got vi&")all1 no re% on%e4 Thi% ,a% a rather %h& grou " an# in re%ent ci&c)!s"ances "*e1 B)s" c!a$$e# u 4 After a fe, $inute% of tr&ing" I ga=e )# ,or-ing on Gac- in i%o!ation A I cou!# %ee that to "*e! i" (el" like o&dina&1 Hteacher re%%ureC for an%,er%" not the re%%ure of the #ra$atic %ituation ,eC# ha# before4 6 I turne# to the re%t of the bo&% %a&ing gra=e!&" H7e!!" thereC% one $ore ca%ua!t& &ou *aven'" "old $e about &et4 7hat #i# &ou sa1 "*e o"*e& dead /o1 was called.' *& %ub%eJuent 4)es"ionin a/o)" Si!on's #eath #i# t,o thing%D a@ It brought bac- Juite a !ot of ten%ion an# re%%ure A #ifferent to !a%t ti$e" but in it% ,a& Fu%t a% inten%e4 /; I" c&ea"ed a %ignificant s*i(" in "*e an%,er%" becau%e it Fourna! three 69 ,a%nCt o%%ib!e to b!a$e an& one in#i=i#ua! for Si$onC% #eath A that ,a% a %hare# re% on%ibi!it&4 *& Jue%tioning ca$e to an en# in thi% ,a&4 In ro!e I a%-e# each Hbo&C ,hether he ha# been a$ong the grou that ha# H$ur#ere#C Si$on -1 u%e# the ,or# #e!iberate!& - an# 1 in%i%te# on an an%,er4 The%e an%,er% =arie# fro$ a =er& re!uctant H(e%C" to HOn!& on the e#geC4 7hen each ha# gi=en their an%,er% I ,a!-e# a fe, ace% a,a& an# au%e#" %ha-ing $& hea# =er& %!o,!& before turning ?eJua!!& %!o,!&@ to face the$4 0ina!!& I % o-eD HThe&Cre not going to be!ie=e thi% ,hen I %en# $& re ort4 A grou of &oung bo&% 444 t,o bo&% -i!!e# 444 ?a !ong au%e@4 (oii rea!i>e that Juite a art fro$ officia! re ort%" &our arent% ,i!! ha=e to be to!#E4 44 +a=e &ou thought ,hat &ouC!! %a& to the$EC

A !ong %i!ence fo!!o,e#4 Thi% ,a% a #ifferent %i!ence fro$ that ear!ier in the !e%%on ,hen the Gac- grou ha#nCt been ab!e to co e ,ith teacher re%%ure4 It ,a% a %i!ence that fe!t &i *"$ 7hat cou!# the%e bo&% %a&E 8 There ,a% Fu%t enough ti$e" ,hen I e=entua!!& bro-e the %i!ence an# the #ra$a" to ta!- about ,hat ,eC# #one4 There ,a% a %trong!& fe!t con%en%u% a$ong the c!a%% that it ha# he! e# the$ Hget in%i#eC the bo&%C %ituation4 It #i#nCt occur to $e at the ti$e" but !oo-ing bac- I ,i%he# I ha# fo!!o,e# thi% ,oru %traight a,a& ,ith %o$e ,riting in ro!e4 It ,ou!# ha=e been rea!!& intere%ting if neIt !e%%on IC# a%-e# the$" %a&" to ,rite a !etter ho$e fro$ the %hi - ho, ,ou!# the& ha=e HeI !aine#C thing%" ho, bro-en the ne,% to their arent% of ,hat their %on% ha# been in=o!=e# in" an# re% on%ib!e forE Or $a&be a iece of ,riting ,here one of the bo&% %ecret!& recor#% tho%e $e$orie% of the i%!an# that" !ong after the e=ent" ,onCt !ea=e hi$ - that -ee co$ing bac- in #rea$% an# in unguar#e# ,a-ing $o$ent%E


*o%t boo-% on the teaching of Eng!i%h fa!! into one of three categorie% in re% ect to their %tance to,ar#% #ra$aD Categor& one boo-% #onCt $ention #ra$a at a!!/ Categor& t,o boo-% %a& #ra$a i% Ha goo# thingC 0ULL STOP A but %a& !itt!e about ,h& an# !e%% about ho,/ Categor& three boo-% gi=e $ore % ecific gui#ance" t& ica!!& centering on the notion of ani$ating teIt4 HIf u i!% act it the&C!! un#er%tan# it better4C In %hort" I thin- it i% true to %a& that the $o%t co$$on u%e en=i%age# for #ra$a in Eng!i%h c!a%%roo$% b& teacher% of Eng!i%h an# b& ,riter% on Eng!i%h teaching i% that of Hacting out %torie%C4 7hi!e I acce t that one of the $o%t ob=iou% an# he! fu! ,a&% of u%ing #ra$a in the Eng!i%h c!a%%roo$ i% a!ong%i#e" or in re!ation to" the c!a%% rea#er or %et teIt" I ,ant to ta-e i%%ue ,ith the =ie, that thi% $ean% u%ing it $ere!& to ani$ate teIt4 I thin- that %uch a =ie, i% %i$ !i%tic an# that $uch of the ,or- ,hich re%u!t% fro$ it con=e&% !itt!e rea! un#er%tan#ing of the teIt4 +ere I ,ant to !oo- a !itt!e $ore #ee !& at the re!ation%hi 'ra$a an# narrati=e fiction 6B ?both the %i$i!aritie% an# the #ifference%@ bet,een #ra$a an# narrati=e fiction4 Si$i!aritie% bet,een #ra$a an# narrati=e fiction 1 'ra$a an# fiction ha=e in broa# ter$% =er& %i$i!ar ur o%e% an# roce#ure%4 A% I ha=e a!rea#& argue# in Cha ter 8" both %ee- to $a-e eI !icit our i$ !icit un#er%tan#ing% about our%e!=e% an# the ,or!# ,e inhabit4 An# the%e un#er%tan#ing% are eI !ore# through H articu!ar %cene% ,here eo !e re% on# #irect!& or i$$e#iate!& to one anotherC ?Gac-%on" 1128"2@4 PR 6 L <oth #ra$a an# fiction ha=e a% their root the eI erience of Hi#entificationC4 In both ,e %te out of the i$$e#iate circu$%tance% of our o,n !i=e% for a ,hi!e an# H%te into other %hoe%C or H!oo- ,ith other e&e%C4 Of cour%e the co$$on roce%% of i#entification i% carrie# through in %o$e,hat #ifferent ,a&%4 I thin- a u%efu! ,a& of !oo-ing at it for $& re%ent ur o%e% i% to %a& that the rea#er of fiction engage%

in a ri=ate" interna!i>e# ro!e-ta-ing roce%%" ,herea% the #ra$a artici ant ro!eta-e% o=ert!& an# ub!ic!&4 7hen ,e e$ !o& #ra$a a% a $ean% of !oo-ing at a boo- ,e tran%for$ that interna!i>e# ro!e-ta-ing ,hich i% the ri=ate ,or!# of the rea#er into a %hare# acti=it&4 ?Of ,hich $ore !ater4@ 8 <oth #ra$a an# fiction reJuire an acti=e re% on%e fro$ u i!%4 I thin- that behin# the u%e of #ra$a to ani$ate or en!i=en teIt i% the i#ea that rea#ing i% %o$eho, a%%i=e an# #ra$a acti=e4 The =er& i#ea that %o$ething nee#% ani$ating or en!i=ening %ugge%t% that b& it%e!f itC% #ea# or" to %a& the !ea%t" !i$ an# !i%t!e%%N No, I ,onCt #en& that Juite a !ot of acti=it& in #ra$a !e%%on% $a& be $ore h&%ica!!& acti=e than ,hat erha % goe% in Juite a !ot of Eng!i%h !e%%on%" an# that h&%ica! re!ea%e i% no ba# thing in %choo!%" ,here &oung%ter% are engage# in %e#entar& ta%-% for =er& !ong erio#% of ti$e4 <& Hacti=e re% on%eC I a$ not referring to h&%ica! acti=it& but to


'ra$a in the Eng!i%h C!a%%roo$

the !earnerC% $enta! %tance to,ar#% the $ateria! %Mhe i% ,or-ing on4 One can be !earning acti=e!& ,ithout $uch or an& h&%ica! acti=it&4 An# it i% Juite o%%ib!e for u i!% to be h&%ica!!& acti=e" &et a%%i=e a% !earner% -1 ha=e %een not a fe, #ra$a !e%%on% ,here thi% ,a% the ca%e4 'ra$a an# fiction are $ean% ,hich enab!e u% to ,or- on \an# eIa$ine our !ife eI erience at one re$o=e" in an Ha% if or fictiona! conteIt" in or#er to un#er%tan# it a !itt!e better4 7e u%e ,or#% ?in %tor&@ or ,or#%-an#-action% ?in #ra$a@ to re re%ent" eI !ore an# organi>e that eI erience4 An# that reJuire% an acti=e %tance a% a !earner4 The Eng!i%h teacherC% ai$ i% ,hat the <u!!oc- Re ort ca!!% Hre% on%i=e rea#ingC41 Thi% $ean% that u i!% a%- Jue%tion% of the teIt" an# $a-e connection% bet,een the teIt an# their o,n !i=e%4 A% 'a=i# Gac-%on ut% itD HThe rint on the age begin% to %tir an# co$e to !ife at the oint ,here the rea#er begin% to re$a-e the teIt in%i#e hi% o,n hea#C ?1128" 19@4 7hat the Eng!i%h teacher trie% to #o i% to %et u ,hat $ight be #e%cribe# a% a #ia!ogue bet,een rea#er an# teIt ?%ee 0igure B@4
Rea#er's e2!erience Te2t

In hi% t,o recent boo-%" 'a=i# Gac-%on ha% u%efu!!& out!ine# a =ariet& of ,a&% in ,hich he encourage% chi!#ren to be acti=e interrogator% of fictiona! teIt%" an# I reco$$en# the%e t,o boo-% to the rea#er46 D&a!a and na&&a"ive (ic"ion HI 'ifficu!tie% in !oo-ing at a ,or- of fiction +ere I ,ant to a%-" in ,hat ,a&% can #ra$a he! chi!#ren to an acti=e engage$ent ,ith fictiona! teIt%E So far" I ha=e %tre%%e# the broa# %i$i!aritie% or congruence% bet,een #ra$a an# %tor&4 In or#er to fin# out ,hat #ra$a can a## to the eI erience of narrati=e fiction in the c!a%%roo$" I %ha!! ha=e to turn to the #ifference% bet,een #ra$a an# %tor&4 <ut I ,ant to a roach thi% b& ,a& of a con%i#eration of the

ob%tac!e% ,hich a ,or- of fiction $a& re%ent to a &oung rea#er or" to ut it another ,a&" the rob!e$% confronting a teacher teaching a ,or!!4of fiction4 0or the teacherC% ta%- i% to he! &oung rea#er% a%t their #ifficu!tie%4 In con%i#ering the%e ob%tac!e%" I %ha!! $iI t,o $eta hor% A in a ,a& I ho e i% i!!u$inating rather than confu%ing4 The ta%- of the teacher in #ea!ing ,ith a ,or- of fiction i% e%%entia!!& to enab!e the %tu#ent% to reach an# $a-e their o,n the -e& eI erience% or HcoreC of the boo- ?%ee 0igure 2@4 7hat #o I $ean b& a boo-C% coreE I refer to tho%e area% of hu$an eI erience ,hich are centra! to the boo-4 <ut thi% #oe% not $ean %i$ !& i#entif&ing an# ,or-ing on the Hthe$e%C of the boo-4 0or" a% ,ith a!! art" in narrati=e fiction content an# for$ are inter#e en#ent - that i% to %a& the authorC% treat$ent of certain area% of hu$an eI erience i% e$bo#ie# in" an# %ha e# b&" the %et of %&$bo!%" the !anguage" the %t&!e an# con%truction e$ !o&e#4 So to co$e to the $eaning of the boo-" %tu#ent% ?an# teacher%@ ha=e to gra !e ,ith both content an# for$4
4 <ooS


0igure 2 i



'ra$a in the Eng!i%h C!a%%roo$

One co$$on #ifficu!t& that %tu#ent% freJuent!& ha=e in #ea!ing ,ith a ,or- of fiction i% teacher-in#uce#4 Too often the& HcanCt %ee the ,oo# for the tree%C becau%e the $anner of treating fiction the& are %ubFecte# to c!og% their $in#% ,ith #etai!" rather than a!!o,ing the$ to %ee attern" %ha e" #irection an# o=era!! $eaning in the boo-4 The teacher nee#% to L fin# an a roach ,hich a!!o,% the %tu#ent to $a-e a H ro=i%iona! $a C of the ,oo# a% %oon a% o%%ib!e4 An# it $a& be that %tarting at age one an# rea#ing %tea#i!& through i% not the ,a& to achie=e thi%" becau%e that ,a& %tu#ent% often #onCt co$e to $a-ing a $a unti! the& ha=e gro,n ,ear& of counting in#i=i#ua! tree% an# ath,a&%4 It i% o%%ib!e to #e=i%e ,a&% in ,hich the %tu#ent can be brought

into contact ,ith the core of the boo- right fro$ the beginning b& a %e!ecti=e an# high!& focu%e# intro#uction to the $ateria!4 A =er& ,e!!--no,n eIa$ !e i% 'oroth& +eathcoteC% treat$ent of The *a&or of Ca%terbri#ge4 To o=er%i$ !if& great!&" %he began ?$ore or !e%%@ at the en#" not the beginning of the boo-" %ho,ing the c!a%% *ichae! +enchar#C% ,i!! an# a%-ing the$ ,hat cou!# ha=e ro#uce# %o %trong a ,i%h Hthat no $an re$e$ber $eC48 So$eti$e% $a ing a ,oo# $ean% getting a%t barrier% an# ob%tac!e%4 Li-e a ,oo#" a boo- $a& ha=e barrier% roun# it" or ob%tac!e% !ittere# through it4 Co$$on one% ? articu!ar!& in the !ater %tage% of %econ#ar& %choo!@ areD re$otene%% ?or a arent re$otene%%@ of the e=ent% an# conteIt of the boo- fro$ the !i=e% of the rea#er%/ H#ifficu!tC an#Mor out$o#e# !anguage/ H#ifficu!tC u%e of %&$bo!%/ H#ifficu!tC %t&!e of con%truction/ %heer %i>e an# !ength4 If the %tu#ent% are to reach the core of the boo-" the teacher ,i!! ha=e to fin# ,a&% of he! ing the$ o=er" roun# or through the barrier% ?%ee 0igure 1@4 Gourna! 1 offer% a c!ear eIa$ !e of a teacher i#entif&ing the barrier% re%ente# b& a articu!ar no=e!" Ro%e$ar& Sutc!iffC% 'ra$a an# narrati=e fiction Stu#ent B1

/arrier Fi&ure 3

'ragon S!a&er" an# #e=i%ing a high!& %e!ecti=e ,a& in to the teIt that enab!e# the$ to $a-e ro=i%iona! $a % of the $ateria! =er& Juic-!&" an# to a#o t an acti=e" enJuiring %tance to,ar#% the boo-4 A!%o %ee the artic!e" H7i>ar# of Earth%eaD a ,a& in through #ra$aC" b& 'a=i# Ecc!e% ?1125" 6B@4 So$eti$e% a boo- ,i!! re%ent no ob=iou% barrier%4 It i% genera!!& %traightfor,ar# at the narrati=e !e=e!" a goo# rea#" an# %tu#ent% fee! at ho$e ,ith character% an# !ot ,ithout un#ue troub!e4 <ut their rea#ing i% rea!!& %urface rea#ing4 There i% $ore to the boo- than the& ha=e reache#4 The& ha=e %to e# %hort of the core ?%ee 0igure 1:@4

5------L- ?Core ] <ooS S

Stu#ent S M


'ra$a in the Eng!i%h C!a%%roo$

One co$$on #ifficu!t& that %tu#ent% freJuent!& ha=e in #ea!ing ,ith a ,or- of fiction i% teacher-in#uce#4 Too often the& HcanCt %ee the ,oo# for the tree%C becau%e the $anner of treating fiction the& are %ubFecte# to c!og% their $in#% ,ith #etai!" rather than a!!o,ing the$ to %ee attern" %ha e" #irection an# o=era!! $eaning in the boo-4 The teacher nee#% to L fin# an a roach ,hich a!!o,% the %tu#ent to $a-e a H ro=i%iona! $a C of the ,oo# a% %oon a% o%%ib!e4 An# it $a& be that %tarting at age one an# rea#ing %tea#i!& through i% not the ,a& to achie=e thi%" becau%e that ,a& %tu#ent% often #onCt co$e to $a-ing a $a unti! the& ha=e gro,n ,ear& of counting in#i=i#ua! tree% an# ath,a&%4 It i% o%%ib!e to #e=i%e ,a&% in ,hich the %tu#ent can be brought into contact ,ith the core of the boo- right fro$ the beginning b& a %e!ecti=e an# high!& focu%e# intro#uction to the $ateria!4 A =er& ,e!!--no,n eIa$ !e i% 'oroth& +eathcoteC% treat$ent of The *a&or of Ca%terbri#ge4 To o=er%i$ !if& great!&" %he began ?$ore or !e%%@ at the en#" not the beginning of the boo-" %ho,ing the c!a%%

*ichae! +enchar#C% ,i!! an# a%-ing the$ ,hat cou!# ha=e ro#uce# %o %trong a ,i%h Hthat no $an re$e$ber $eC48 So$eti$e% $a ing a ,oo# $ean% getting a%t barrier% an# ob%tac!e%4 Li-e a ,oo#" a boo- $a& ha=e barrier% roun# it" or ob%tac!e% !ittere# through it4 Co$$on one% ? articu!ar!& in the !ater %tage% of %econ#ar& %choo!@ areD re$otene%% ?or a arent re$otene%%@ of the e=ent% an# conteIt of the boo- fro$ the !i=e% of the rea#er%/ H#ifficu!tC an#Mor out$o#e# !anguage/ H#ifficu!tC u%e of %&$bo!%/ H#ifficu!tC %t&!e of con%truction/ %heer %i>e an# !ength4 If the %tu#ent% are to reach the core of the boo-" the teacher ,i!! ha=e to fin# ,a&% of he! ing the$ o=er" roun# or through the barrier% ?%ee 0igure 1@4 Gourna! 1 offer% a c!ear eIa$ !e of a teacher i#entif&ing the barrier% re%ente# b& a articu!ar no=e!" Ro%e$ar& Sutc!iffC% 'ra$a an# narrati=e fiction B1 'ragon S!a&er" an# #e=i%ing a high!& %e!ecti=e ,a& in to the teIt that enab!e# the$ to $a-e ro=i%iona! $a % of the $ateria! =er& Juic-!&" an# to a#o t an acti=e" enJuiring %tance to,ar#% the boo-4 A!%o %ee the artic!e" H7i>ar# of Earth%eaD a ,a& in through #ra$aC" b& 'a=i# Ecc!e% ?1125" 6B@4 So$eti$e% a boo- ,i!! re%ent no ob=iou% barrier%4 It i% genera!!& %traightfor,ar# at the narrati=e !e=e!" a goo# rea#" an# %tu#ent% fee! at ho$e ,ith character% an# !ot ,ithout un#ue troub!e4 <ut their rea#ing i% rea!!& %urface rea#ing4 There i% $ore to the boo- than the& ha=e reache#4 The& ha=e %to e# %hort of the core ?%ee 0igure 1:@4


'ra$a in the Eng!i%h C!a%%roo$

In thi% ca%e" the teacher nee#% to fin# ,a&% of a$ !if&ing or cha!!enging the initia! re% on%e% of the %tu#ent%" %o that the& can #ene"&a"e to the core4 Gourna! 8 gi=e% an account of ,or- #e%igne# to #o thi% ,ith a fourth &ear grou %tu#&ing Lor# of the
0!ie%4 4ifferences bet%een &ra'a an& narrati(e fiction

So" $& argu$ent run%" there are certain #ifficu!tie% ,hich "eac*e& and lea&ne& $a& encounter in !oo-ing at a fictiona! teIt A di((ic)l"ies w*ic* d&a!a !a1 be ab!e to he! ,ith4 That he! i% a=ai!ab!e becau%e #ra$a" a!though %haring con%i#erab!e co!!on &o)nd wi"* narrati=e fiction" i% #ifferent in certain -e& re% ect% an# can therefore a## %o$ething to the treat$ent of fictiona! teIt in the c!a%%roo$4 Ruite %i$ !&" becau%e #ra$a a% an art for$ ,or-% in certain crucia! re% ect% #ifferent!& fro$ narrati=e a% an art for$" it #i%tort% the $ateria! or %ubFect $atter #ifferent!&" i!!u$inate% it #ifferent!& an# %o can ro#uce another ,a& of %eeing the eo !e" %ituation%" ten%ion% an# #i!e$$a% in the %tor&4 An# the roce%% of tran%!ating $ateria! (&o! one a&" (o&! "o another often co$ e!% c!o%e attention to the origina! in or#er to en%ure that the tran%fer i% =a!i# an# %oun#!& ba%e#4 'a=i# Gac-%on offer% t,o eIa$ !e% of tran%!ating narrati=e fiction into =i%ua! art for$% a% a $ean% of enab!ing

chi!#ren to eI !ore" or eI re%% their un#er%tan#ing of" the $eaning of the origina! narrati=eD 'e%ign a boo- co=er ,hich eI re%%e% the $eaning an# % irit of a boo- YNancenu-e@ *a-e a cartoon or co!!age a% a $ean% of eI !oring &our un#er%tan#ing of a narrati=e oe$ YPrince Kano@4 ?1128" B:-8"B2-28@ I ,ou!# $aintain that #ra$a i% uniJue!& ,e!!-eJui e# to %er=e the function of Hi!!u$ination b& tran%ferC for narrati=e 'ra$a an# narrati=e fiction B8 fiction" becau%e #ra$a an# narrati=e %hare %o $uch co$$on groun# that the #ifference% ,hich #o eIi%t are articu!ar!& u%efu! for %har ening our erce tion% an# in%ight% about the narrati=e4 So ,hat are the #ifference% bet,een #ra$a an# narrati=eE Ga$e% *offett gi=e% u% a goo# %tart in !oo-ing at the$D The action of a narrati=e i% not ongoing" it ha% gone on/ it i% re orte# action4 A% %uch it i% a re%u$e of %o$e re=iou% #ra$a A %u$$ari>e# an# ab%tracte# b& %o$ebo#&" a re orter" narrator4 A!though gra$$ar te!!% u% that the #ifference bet,een ,hat i% ha ening an# ,hat ha ene# i% a ti$e #ifference" $uch $ore than ti$e i% in=o!=e#4 Ten%e i% a re!ation of % ea-er to e=ent%D if the e=ent% are unro!!ing before hi% e&e% A ongoing A the& are being co#e# for the fir%t ti$e b& %o$eone ,ho i% atten#ing the$ ?or Ha%%i%ting atC the$" a% the 0rench %a&@ an# ,ho i% therefore in the %a$e !ane of rea!it& a% the act-or%4 Thi% i% hi% oint of =ie,4 +i% co#ing of e=ent% i% a fir%t-or#er ab%traction4 A% a re ort of ,hat ha ene#" narrati=e i% a %econ#-or#er ab%traction4 Co$ are the %en%or& %trea$ of %o$eone ,atching a footba!! ga$e ,ith the Sun#a& ne,% a er account of the %a$e ga$e4 Narrati=e i% a further ab%traction of %o$e ob%er=erC% rior ab%traction4 7hat $a-e% e=ent% a%t i% re orting the$4 7hat $a-e% e=ent% re%ent i% atten#ing the$4 7herea% narrati=e %u$$ari>e% #ra$a" #ra$a e!aborate% narrati=e4 Con%i#er a re=ie,erC% reca itu!ation of a !a& erfor$ance" then a #ra$ati>ation of a %hort %tor&4 7hether actua! or artifactua!" #ra$a i% ,hat i% ha ening" ,ith a!! that thi% i$ !ie%4 ?1162" 66@ In the chart o=er!eaf" I ha=e trie# fir%t to %u$$ari>e *offettC% thin-ing on the #ifference% bet,een #ra$a an# narrati=e" an# then to oint to %o$e of the con%eJuence% that fo!!o, fro$ tho%e #ifference%4


'ra$a in the Eng!i%h C!a%%roo$

'ra$a 7hat i% ha ening 0ir%t-or#er ab%traction ?un$e#iate# to u% b& another@4 E!aborate% narrati=e4

Narrati=e 7hat bo% ha ene# Secon#-or#er ab%traction ?$e#iate# b& another/ ,e are re%ent at it@4 Su$$ari>e% #ra$a4

'ifference in =ie, oint

In=o!=e% a ri=ate re!ation%hi It% interacti=e nature $ean% bet,een rea#er an# fiction4 artici ant% ha=e a %hare#" ub!ic re!ation%hi ,ith the fiction4 The rea#erC% =ie, oint i% %e!ecte# for O erating #irect!& u on ?being hi$ b& the ,riter" ,ho $e#iate% the re%ent at@ the fictiona! e=ent%" fiction to hi$4 artici ant% can %e!ect their

=ie, oint4 'ifferent u%e of %ign

O erate% through a %ing!e %ign U%e% $u!ti !e %ign %&%te$% in

%&%te$ ?,ritten teIt@4


'ifferent u%e of ti$e Ten#% to,ar#% !inear" %eJuentia! #e=e!o $ent - on,ar# $o=e$ent of e=ent%4

',e!!% in the re%ent $o$ent4

7hen I rea# a no=e!" $& =ie, oint u on it% e=ent% an# interaaion% i% that gi=en to $e b& the no=e!i%t4 It $a& be the =ie, oint of a %ing!e character/ it $a& be a $u!ti !e =ie, oint" %o that I H%ee ,ithP the e&e%C of %e=era! character%/ or" it $a& be the authoria! Ho=er=ie,C4 7hiche=er" it i% %e!ecte# for $e b& the ,riter ,ho i% $e#iatingMre orting the action of the no=e! to $e4 A% a rea#er" I eI erience a ri=ate re!ation%hi ,ith the ,riter an# hi% fiction" %eeing the fictiona! e=ent% fro$ the =antage oint?%@ he offer% $e4 If I a$ one of a grou engage# in a #ra$atic eI !oration of the $ateria! in the %a$e boo-" I ,ou!# be o erating u on it in %ignificant!& #ifferent ,a&%4 'ra$a i% a %ocia!" interacti=e acti=it& - in #ra$a i#ea% are #e=e!o e# an# cr&%ta!!i>e# in 'ra$a an# narrati=e fiction B9 grou %/ in#i=i#ua! i#ea% an# =ie, oint% are te%te#" $o#ifie# an# bui!t u on" through interaction4 So the engage$ent ,ith the fictiona! $ateria! i% %hare# an# ub!ic rather than in#i=i#ua!i>e# an# ri=ate4 Thi% $ean% that there i% a ten#enc& for $u!ti !e =ie, oint% to e$erge4 An# becau%e ,e are #ea!ing #irect!& ,ith the e=ent% ?,e are re%ent at the$" rather than ha=ing the$ $e#iate# to u% b& another@ ,e #o not nee# to acce t the =ie, oint the ,riter ha% %e!ecte#4 7e can eI !ore an& of the =ie, oint% i$ !icit in the narrati=e4 0or eIa$ !e" in Lor# of the 0!ie% ,e $ight choo%e to tr& an# %ee e=ent% through the e&e% of Perci=a! 7e$&%% *a#i%on an# the other !ittPun% rather than fro$ the =ie, oint of Gac-" Ra! h an# Pigg&4 Put another ,a&" o erating in a #ra$a $o#e a!!o,% u% to e!aborate narrati=e an# to eI an# our a rehen%ion% of the entire attern of e=ent%" attitu#e%" beha=iour% an# interaction% ,hich the narrati=e re re%ent% %e!ecti=e!&4 To u%e *offettC% ter$" ,e ha=e con=erte# a %econ#-or#er ab%traction bac- into a fir%t-or#er ab%traction/ in a %en%e ,e ha=e re=er%e# the ,riterC% roce%% of %e!ection" to !oo- #irect!& at the ,eb of $eaning an# interaction %Mhe ha% Hab%tracte# fro$C to con%truct a narrati=e4 Of cour%e" in a %en%e" thi% i% ,hat the eI erience# rea#er i% #oing a!! the ti$e in hi% or her hea# a% %Mhe rea#% a no=e!4 SMhe Hrea#% bet,een the !ine%C" conFure% u e=ent%" attitu#e%" interaction% an# =ie, oint% ,hich the boo- on!& hint% at or touche% u on4 The ineI erience# rea#er $a& nee# a !ot of he! ,ith thi% roce%% of e!aboration ?of Hre$a-ingC the no=e! in hi% or her o,n hea#@" an# it can he! great!& to eIterna!i>e the roce%%" to $a-e it ub!ic an# %hare#4 In#ee#" I ,ou!# argue that eI erience# rea#er%" too" can ha=e their un#er%tan#ing of a no=e! eI an#e# or #ee ene# in thi% ,a&4 I ,ant no, to tr& an# %u$$ari>e thi% %ection b& u%ing a $eta hor4 Let u% %u o%e that ,e ha=e rea# a no=e! an# eI !ore# the fiction in the boo- through a #ra$atic eI !oration4 7e can thin- of the fictiona! eI erience ,hich ,e ha=e o erate# u on a% a H,eb of $eaningC ?co$ ri%ing eo !e" attitu#e%" beha=iour" interaction%" ref!ection%" %etting%" etc4@4 In


'ra$a in the Eng!i%h C!a%%roo$

&eadin "*e novel we (ind "*a" "*e w&i"e& ha% %e!ecte# certain %tran#% of the ,eb as a re re%entation or re ort of that eI erience4 In the #ra$a eI !oration ,e fin# our%e!=e% !ace# ,ithin the ,ho!e ,eb of $eaning an# a!though ,e ,i!! %ti!! !oo- or eI erience %e!ecti=e!&" it i% !e%% %e!ecti=e than through the ,riterC% re ort" becau%e ,e can eI erience an& of the %tran#% ,e choo%e an# ,e encounter the$ #irect!& rather than a% $e#iate# to u% b& "*e ,riter4 I ,ant no, to dwell a li""le on "*e i!#lica"ions of the hra%e 1 u%e# a fe, !ine% agoD 5wi"*in "*e ,ho!e ,eb of $eaningC" an# articu!ar!& u on that ,or# ,ithin4 I *ave ta!-e# of $a-ing the ri=ate e%#e&ience of "*e individ)al rea#er into a ub!ic an# %hare# eI erience ?through the u%e of #ra$a@ %o that the rea#er $a& /e *el#ed "o &e!ake "*e eI erience of the narrati=e in hi% or her hea#4 Of cour%e" goo# Eng!i%h teacher% tr& to #o thi% an&,a&4 The c!a%% no=e! offer% o ortunitie% for HeI erience %hare# a!on a &o)# in w*ic* "*e Boin" &es#onse enriche% the =ar&ing in#i=i#ua! re% on%e%C 6S*a&#0 7IKL0B6@4 'a=i# Gac-%onC% ,riting% o((e& !an1 e%a!#les o( #)#ils s*a&in their re% on%e% to a %tor& ,ith each o"*e& "*&o) * #i%cu%%ion ,or- of =ariou% kinds$ +*a" d&a!a allows )s "o #o" that #i%cu%%ion $etho#% #o not" i% to %hare re% on%e% or $a-e %hare# $eaning% ,ithin the fiction4 In disc)ssion we can s*a&e o)"side =ie, oint% about the eI erience% o( ,i 10 Ral#*0 and Jack0 an# o"*e&s on the islandD through #ra$a" through ro!e-ta-ing" ,e can !oo- ,ith their e&e% an# eI erience the c!a%h of their attitu#e% an# ,i!!% fro$ the in%i#e4 In #i%cu%%ion we can &ela"e "*e eI erience% of the #eo#le in the boo- to o)& own eI erience%" but %o$eti$e% A if the $ateria! i% %en%iti=e - that can be threatening4 7e are not a!,a&% rea#& o& willin "o o#en )# o)& eI erience% an# fee!ing% "o "*e ins#ec"ion o( o"*e&s$ T*&o) * d&a!a we can e%#lo&e %ituation% or #i!e$$a% ana!ogou% to tho%e in the boo-" an# $a-e connection% in o)& !inds bet,een the t,o fiction%" an# ,e ha=e the rotection of a (ic"ion in o)& eI !oration of i%%ue% (&o! "*e /ook 3 "*e !a"e&ial is dis"anced an# therefore !e%% 'ra$a an# narrati=e fiction BB

threatening" becau%e ,e are !oo-ing not at our attitu#e% but at their% ?the eo !e ,ho%e ro!e% ,e ha=e a#o te#@4 Of cour%eC ,e are eI !oring our o,n re% on%e%" but at one ? rotecte#@ re$o=e4

A!! art o erate% through %ignificant u%e of %ign4 <ut each art for$ i% #i%tingui%he# b& the -in#% an# co$bination of %ign it e$ !o&%4 I ha=e a!rea#& touche# u on the #ifference in thi% re% ect bet,een narrati=e an# #ra$a ,hen I %ai# that one u%e% ,or#% an# the other ,or#%-an#-action% to eI !ore our !ife-eI eri-encU^ I ,ant to !oo$ore reci%e!& at that #ifference4 Narrati=e fiction o erate% through on!& one -in# of %ign -,ritten ,or#% on a age4 Through thi% for$ or %ign it re ort% or #e%cribe% %e!ecti=e!& H,hat ha% ha ene#C4 'ra$a b& contra%t" #e$on%trate% H,hat i% ha eningC4 Partici ant% an# % ectator% eI erience the e=ent% of #ra$a in the no," a% ,e eI erience !ife it%e!f" an# that eI erience" !i-e !ife it%e!f" o erate% on the !e=e! of $u!ti !e %ign4 7or#% #o not %tan# a!one" but are uttere# through %oun#" acco$ anie# b& other ?non-=erba!@ %oun#%" bro-en b& %i!ence" en$e%he# in $o=e$ent%/ $o=e$ent% are bro-en b& %ti!!ne%%" an# ta-e !ace in % ace in re!ation to other eo !e an# obFect%" ,hich $a& be !ace# or

a#orne# or !it or ob%cure# in a $u!ti !icit& of ,a&%4 0or rea#er% ,ho are eI eriencing #ifficu!t& ,ith the %ing!e %ign %&%te$ of the ,ritten teIt" the $u!ti !e %ign %&%te$ of #ra$a can offer a o,erfu! ,a& of gaining acce%% to the fiction4 The& can re-create the ,or!# of the teIt u%ing a!! the fa$i!iar %igning re%ource% the& e$ !o& in their e=er&#a& !i=e% an# interaction%4 0or #ra$a i% of a!! the art% the one ,hich $o%t re%e$b!e% !ife" an# our e=er&#a& interaction%" $o%t c!o%e!&4 It i% the $o%t concrete" !ea%t ab%tracte# of the art%4 Narrati=e fiction ab%tract% to a greater #egree than #ra$a fro$ the f!uI of e=er&#a& eI erienceD 1 it o erate% at a greater #i%tance fro$ e=ent% - T+EN rather than NO7/


'ra$a in the Eng!i%h C!a%%roo$

6 it ha% %e!ecte# on!& one %ign %&%te$ ?,or#% on a age@ to H#e%cribeC tho%e e=ent%4 Dance re re%ent% a di((e&en" -in#" or #irection" of ab%traction fro$ #ra$a4 I" &e!ains like #ra$a in Hno,C ti$e" but ha% eIc!u#e# ,or#% (&o! it% range of %igning4 I ha=e a!rea#& %ai# "*a" d&a!a a!!o,% u% to e!aborate narrati=e in the %en%e of $a-ing eI !icit the $an& =ie, oint% i$ !icit in i"D here I a! a& )in "*a" #ra$a a!!o,% u% to e!aborate u on narrati=e teIt in a #ifferent ?though c!o%e!& !in-e#@ %en%e - it allows )s "o e!#lo1 the ,ho!e range of %igning %&%te$% ,hich a&e availa/le "o )s a% hu$an being% to eI !ore the $eaning of the ,or#% on the age4 I wan" to a## one ri#er to $& argu$ent that #ra$a i% H!ife-!i-eC4 It i%" in an i$ ortant %en%e" both !i-e an# un!i-e e=er&#a& !ifeD Li-e in "*a" it e$ !o&% the %a$e rich =ariet& of %igning/ Un!i-e in that it i% %ha e#" being a re re%entation of rea! eI erience" &a"*e& than a rea! eI erience a% %uch4 An i$ ortant con%eJuence i% that ,herea% ha ening% in rea! li(e *ave a &ando! 4)ali"10 and we do not eI ect a!! ha ening% an# %ign% to *ave %ignificance" ,e #o eI ect the$ a!! to be %ignificant in #ra$a" becau%e the& ha=e been %e!ecte#" con%ciou%!& or uncon%ciou%!& an# !ace# in a conteIt ,here ,e eI ect the$ to $ean4 An anec#ote b& Groucho *arI i!!u%trate% the oint nice!&4 +e ,atche# the %cratche% on Gu!ie +arri%C% !eg% inten#& #uring a erfor$ance oi! a$ a Ca$eraD At fir%t ,e thought thi% ha# %o$ething to #o ,ith the !ot an# ,e ,aite# for the%e %cratche% to co$e to !ife4 <ut444 it ,a% ne=er $entione# in the !a& an# ,e fina!!& ca$e to the conc!u%ion that either %he ha# been %ha=ing too c!o%e or s*e'd /een kicked a&o)nd in "*e #re%%ing roo$ b& her bo&frien#4 ?E!a$" 112:"1@ 'ra$a an# narrati=e fiction B1 E=entua!!& *arI #eci#e# that the %cratche% ,ere nothing to #o ,ith the !a&" but rather an intru%ion fro$ the ran#o$ne%% of rea! !ife4 +i% ,aiting Hfor the %cratche% to co$e to !ifeC i% e!oJuent te%ti$on& to the a%%u$ tion in #ra$a that e=er& #etai!" ho,e=er %$a!!" i% an intentiona! %ign4 So #ra$a a!!o,% u% to u%e a!! the rich re%ource% of rea!-!ife %igning" but $a-e% u% atten# to the$ in a % ecia! $anner" eI ecting that the& ,i!! con=e& %ignificant $eaning%4 (oung eo !e are" genera!!& % ea-ing" %tronger at rea#ing action" or ,or#%-e$be##e#-ii./action" than the& are at rea#ing ,or#% a!one4 'ra$a a!!o,% the$ to eI !ore the%e %trength% in a high!& focu%e# ,a&4


Narrati=e fiction #e%cribe% H,hat ha% ha ene#C4 The ,riter $e#iate% the eI erience to u%/ in or#er to #o %o he #e%cribe% a %eJuence of e=ent%4 In that %eJuence the unfo!#ing of e=ent%" their on,ar# $o=e$entAthe Jue%tion" H,hat ha ene# neItEC ten#% to be centra! in the rea#erC% $in#4 'ra$a #e$on%trate% H,hat i% ha eningC" an# ,e eI erience the e=ent #irect!&D ,e are re%ent at it4 It% ten#enc& i% to #,e!! in the re%ent $o$ent" rather than to atten# to the on,ar# $o=e$ent of e=ent%4 Pa%t an# future are i$ ortant" but i$ ortant in %o far a% the& i$ inge on the re%ent4 It% concern i% %ituation" rather than %tor&4 Therefore it gi=e% u% an o ortunit& to thinroun# a %ituation" to %ee it fro$ #ifferent oint% of =ie," to tea%e out it% $eaning" in a ,a& that the on,ar# $o=e$ent of narrati=e fiction #oe% not a!,a&% a!!o,4 H7herea% narrati=e %u$$ari>e% #ra$a" #ra$a e!aborate% narrati=e4C ?*offett" 1162"664@ 7e $a& #eci#e to re-run or re-,or- a %ituation" to #e=i%e a =ariet& of ,a&% of eI !oring it" or to arre%t the action at certain $o$ent% of ti$e an# create a tab!eau or %ti!! i$age to con=e& our un#er%tan#ing of that $o$entC% %ignificance4 In a!! of the%e ,a&% ,e $a& % en# a con%i#erab!e ti$e eIa$ining on!& a fe, $o$ent% of action" becau%e ,e are #,e!!ing in %ituation rather


'ra$a in the Eng!i%h C!a%%roo$

than $o=ing on in %tor&4 Such a ,a& of ,or-ing ha% con%i#erab!e otentia! for robing into the $eaning of narrati=e teIt4 Not on!& #oe% the ace at ,hich ,e o erate ,ithin the #ra$a he! u% to He!aborate narrati=eC" but ,e a!%o ha=e the re%ource of the ref!ection ,hich occur% a% ,e %te out of the #ra$a to con%i#er it% %ha ing an# it% $eaning%4 So$e #ra$a a roache% - notab!& tho%e in $& categor& _ of the %trategie% #e%cribe# in the neIt %ectionAha=e bui!t into their =er& er% ecti=e a %trong e!e$ent of ref!ection" becau%e the& a!!o, H#i%tanceC fro$ the $ateria!" gi=en b& the =ie, oint fro$ ,hich the e=ent% an# character% are being eIa$ine#4 The =ariou% =ie, oint% %ugge%te# in categor& _ ,i!! each ha=e their o,n ur o%e% an# generate their o,n Jue%tion% - ,i!! e$ !o& a #ifferent H$icro%co eC for eIa$ining the teIt4

7hat fo!!o,% i% a broa# c!a%%ification of the =ariet& of #ra$a %trategie% a teacher can e$ !o& to ,or- on narrati=e teIt4 It %ee$% to $e that the& fa!! into three broa# categorie% ?,hich o=er!a to %o$e eItent@D A@ U%ing ro!e to %te into the e=ent% of the boo- an# into the %hoe% of the character%4 <@ 0ra$ing the c!a%% to con%i#er the boo-C% e=ent% fro$ =ie, oint% other than tho%e of character or rea#er4 C@ 7or-ing b& ana!og&4 I ,ant to % en# a !itt!e ti$e con%i#ering each of the$4
a6 ste!!in& into the boo7's events an# the characters' shoes throu&h role

7hat $a& %ee$ the $o%t ob=iou% an# %traightfor,ar# -in# of %trateg& i% in fact in %o$e ,a&% the $o%t rob!e$atic4 7a& bac- in 116B Gohn A!!en ,arne# about the #ifficu!tie%D

'ra$a an# narrati=e fiction


0or chi!#ren to $a-e the Po!& he$u% %tor&" for eIa$ !e" rea!!& Htheir o,nC 444 i% $ore #ifficu!t than to in=ent their o,n %tor& becau%e the& ha=e to ,or- ,ithin the reci%e for$ that i% !ai# #o,n b& the origina! chain of e=ent%4 4 4 the be!ief eI re%%e# fro$ ti$e to ti$e that chi!#ren can co$e c!o%er to a %tor& b& acting it rather than %i$ !& !i%tening to it i% not a!,a&% borne out in ractice45 7e ha=e in effect co$e fu!! circ!e - to $& o ening re$ar-% on 4 66 on u%ing #ra$a to Hani$ate teItC4 The rob!e$ re%i#e% in the fact that if in #ra$a ,e are ,or-ing on a gi=en narrati=e %eauence ,ho%e #e=e!o $ent an# outco$e are a!rea#& -no,n" that ten#% to u!! u% to,ar#% concentration on Hgetting the !ot rightC" on H,hat ha en% neItC" on the $o$entu$ of e=ent% an# !ot4 7e are not %ub$itting to a #ra$atic eI erience" on!& re re%enting an eI erience ?of rea#ing a %tor&@ ,e ha=e a!rea#& ha#/ our re re%entation ,i!! ten# to be con#en%e# an# a!!u%i=e" rather than e!aborati=e a% in a genuine #ra$a $o#e4 It i% #ifficu!t to %ee ,hat i% a##e# b& %uch enact$ent4 If teacher% are to u%e #ra$a to ,or- u on #ie $ateria! in a narrati=e teIt" then it i%`e%%entia! that the ,or- i% geare# to re%er=e the #i%tincti=e #&na$ic of #ra$a A #,e!!ing in %ituation rather than $o=ing on in %tor&4 Thi% $ight $ean" for eIa$ !e" that the teacherD Set% u #ra$atic eI !oration% of inci#ent% ,hich are on!& brief!& %-etche# or hinte# at" rather than fu!!& #e%cribe#" in the boo-" %o that the %en%e of being tie# to a #etai!e# narrati=e %eJuence or %et of outco$e% i% !e%% %trong/ Or a%-% the c!a%% to ,or- in #ra$a u on inci#ent% fu!!& #e%cribe# in the boo- before the& ha=e rea# the$" or ,hen the& ha=e on!& begun to rea# the$4 Thu% the c!a%% can eI !ore ho, the& thin- a $o$entou% %cene ,i!! #e=e!o before the& fin# out ho, the author treat% it/ Or in=ent% inci#ent% ?or a%-% the c!a%% to in=ent inci#ent%@ that #o not occur in the boo- at a!!" but $ight ha=e/

26 'ra$a in the Eng!i%h C!a%%roo$ Or re-ca%t% the $anner of treating e=ent% in the boo- %o the& are Hfree#C fro$ the narrati=e #ri=e of the %tor&D for eIa$ !e" %tu#ent% in ro!e a% character% fro$ the boo$ight be a%-e# to reca!! it% e=ent% for the %a-e of a court of inJuir&/ or to eI !ain e=ent% to" an# co$fort" the fa$i!& of a #ea# character/ or to te!! ?or re re%ent to@ a %&chiatri%t the #rea$% that -ee co$ing bac- to the$ about that ti$e4 The ,or- on Lor# of the 0!ie% in Gourna! 8 i% of thi% -in#" ,here the bo&% ,ere a%-e# to reca!! e=ent% on the i%!an#" %o that the na=a! officer cou!# $a-e hi% re ort4 +ere ,e are beginning to $o=e into categor& <4
b6 framin& the class to consi#er the events in

the boo- fro$ =ie, oint% other than that of the rea#er or of a character in the boo0or eIa$ !e" a%D A court of inJuir&" or inJue%t4 +i%torian% or archaeo!ogi%t% #eci hering %ource $ateria! ?the boo-" or frag$ent% of it@ about a%t e=ent% ?%ee Gourna! 1@4

Po!ice ?or other authoritie%@ in=e%tigating a cri$e or %u% iciou% e=ent%4 0rien#% or re!ation% of the character%4 S iritua! $e#iu$% ab!e to co$$unicate ,ith one" %o$e or a!! of the #ea# character%4 Coun%e!!or%Mconfi#ant%Ma#=i%er% to the character%4 P%&cho!ogi%t%" %ocia! ,or-er% or other rofe%%iona!% a ointe# to he! the character%4 ?The%e are but a fe, of the $an& o tion% a=ai!ab!e4@ 0ra$ing the %tu#ent% in ,a&% !i-e the%e $ean% that the rob!e$ of the narrati=e u!!ing again%t the #ra$a ?or =ice =er%a@ i% #i% en%e# ,ith4 The %tu#ent% are not being a%-e# to re-create the e=ent% in the boo- through #ra$a" but to enJuire 'ra$a an# narrati=e fiction 28

into" an# erha % inter=ene in" the%e e=ent%4 Thu% the acti=it& i% !e%% ob=iou%!& #ra$atic" but it can ha=e it% o,n bui!t-in ten%ion4 An# re-creation through #ra$a can ha=e a !ace ,ithin the enJuir&Minter=ention $o#e4 0or eIa$ !e" a grou of hi%torian% $ight recon%truct a%t e=ent% a% the& ha# ,or-e# the$ out fro$ the %$a!! frag$ent% of a #ocu$ent recent!& #i%co=ere# ?frag$ent% of the teIt %uitab!& re%ente# b& the teacher@4 Or a court of inJuir& $ight ,ant a recon%truction of e=ent%4 Or a %&cho!ogi%t $ight gi=e the character a chance to ro!e- !a& an e=ent an# then tr& it another ,a&" to racti%e co ing better ,ith !ife- re%%ure%4 In each ca%e the o=era!! fra$e ,ithin ,hich the re-enact$ent ta-e% !ace gi=e% it an orienta-tiorr%uch that narrati=e #ri=e #oe% not re#o$inate4
C6 WORK(). /+ A)A*O.+

'ra$a can be u%e# to a%%i%t the %tu#entC% eI erience of a narrati=e teIt ,ithout e=er #ea!ing ,ith the content of the boo- #irect!& in #ra$a4 So$eti$e% a $ore in#irect a roach can be u%efu!" ,hereb& the teacher %e!ect% for eI !oration through #ra$a a rob!e$ an# conteIt ,hich ha=e c!ear ara!!e!% ,ith the boo-4 Through the #ra$a i%%ue% are rai%e#" rob!e$% tac-!e#" ten%ion% fe!t ,hich can a$ !if& the %tu#entC% un#er%tan#ing of the boo- a% %Mhe rea#% it" recogni>ing the ara!!e!% an# co$ aring the re% on%e% in the #ra$a to tho%e of the character% in the boo-4 7hen a c!a%% an# teacher are ,or-ing b& ana!og& to i!!u$inate a teIt" the #ra$a ,or- can fo!!o, it% o,n !a,% an# #&na$ic A there i% no contrar& u!! fro$ the narrati=e teIt4 A!! the teacher ha% to en%ure i% that in !anning an# %ha ing the #ra$a %Mhe i% focu%ing it c!ear!& to,ar#% tho%e area% of eI erience %Mhe ,i%he% to eIa$ine4 The choice% the %tu#ent% $a-e in #e=e!o ing the ,or- $u%t be ,ithin that c!ear fra$e,or-4 <ut ,or-ing through ana!og& #oe% $a-e articu!ar!& %tringent #e$an#% on the teacher to be c!ear about the core eI erience% or the$e% in the boo- %Mhe


'ra$a in the Eng!i%h C!a%%roo$

,i%he% to eIa$ine" other,i%e the ana!og& %i$ !& ,i!! not %tri-e ho$e4 In a ,a& I a$ unha & about categori>ing the ,a&% of u%ing #ra$a on narrati=e fiction a% I ha=e #one4 0or there i% o=er!a " a% I ha=e brief!& ointe# out" an# there are

a roache% ,hich #o not fit neat!& into an& of the three categorie%4 0or eIa$ !e" the ,or- #e%cribe# in Gourna! 5 #oe% not e$ !o& the e=ent% an# character% fro$ S$ith" nor #oe% it re$o=e the the$e tac-!e# ?honour" or !ac- of it" a$ong thie=e%@ to an ana!ogou% conteIt4 It occu ie% in%tea# a %ort of $i##!e groun# bet,een categorie% A an# C4 The conteIt ?the ta=ern an# it% #eni>en%@ an# the #i!e$$a% ?betra&a! an# fear of ca ture@ are =er& c!o%e to" though not i#entica! ,ith" tho%e in the boo-4 'a=i# Ecc!e%C% ,or- on A 7i>ar# of Earth%ea ?1125@" a!ternate# bet,een e$ !o&ing the broa# conteIt of a HSchoo! for 7i>ar#%C an# !oo-ing % ecifica!!& at e=ent%" character% an# rob!e$% #ea!t ,ith in the boo- it%e!f4 Perha % it ,ou!# be $ore a ro riate to % ea- of orientation% rather than categorie%/ I a$ not %ure4 I thin- the $o%t i$ ortant con%i#eration i% that the teacher %hou!# thin- carefu!!& about the -in# of a roach $o%t %uitab!e for the articu!ar boo- %!he i% #ea!ing ,ith" an# the ur o%e% for ,hich %!he i% u%ing #ra$a4 I% the ai$ to get the c!a%% o=er %o$e initia! barrier%" to create an a ro riate H$enta! %etC for beginning ,or- on the boo-E I% it to a$ !if& their un#er%tan#ing of the the$e%" e=ent%" character%" an# %t&!e of the boo-" a% the& rea# itE Or i% it to con%o!i#ate" #ee en or cha!!enge their un#er%tan#ing once the& ha=e fini%he# rea#ing the teItE I% the #ra$a Ha ,a& inC to a better un#er%tan#ing of the boo-" in ,hich ca%e the #ra$a ,i!! be a $ean% to another en#E Are rea#ing the boo- an# #oing #ra$a ara!!e! acti=itie% ,here each fee#% the other in rough!& eJua! $ea%ureE Or i% the boo- ri$ari!& a % ringboar# for other acti=itie% inc!u#ing #ra$a A becau%e it rai%e% intere%ting i%%ue% to be

'ra$a an# narrati=e fiction 29 tac-!e# through ta!-ing" ro!e- !a&ing an# ,riting" rather than becau%e of the inherent Jua!it& of the boo- it%e!f4 An#re, <rennan an# Sue L!e,e!!&n #e%cribe a roFect of thi% -in#" ?1125" 22@" ,here *arForie 'ar-eC% A Rue%tion of Courage ,a% u%e# to trigger %o$e #ra$a ,or- on i%%ue% of gen#er" both in the hi%torica! conteIt of the %uffrage $o=e$ent an# in the re%ent #a&4 Note% 1 A Language for Life" +*SO" 11B9" 4 1624 6.ontinuit& in Secon#ar& Eng!i%h ?1126@ an# Encounter% ,ith <oo-% ?1128@4 8 0or an account of the roFect %ee 7agner ?11B1@ 4 122-14 5 'ra$a" 'ES E#ucation Sur=e& 6" +*SO" 116B" 4 1:4 2 7ORKING

ON PLA(TE)T I *ave a& )ed a ains" "*e #&ac"ice of Hacting outC %cene% fro$ novels$ ,la1"e%" i%" ho,e=er" ,ritten to be Hacte# outC4 Un!i-e narrati=e teIt" #ra$atic teIt i% inco!#le"e unti! it i% rea!i>e# in action4 So art of the roce%% of eIa$ining a !a&teIt in the Eng!i%h c!a%%roo$ i% !i-e!& to be concerne# ,ith enacting ortion% of the teIt in or#er to un#er%tan# the !a& better4 The e$ ha%i% on un#er%tan#ing i% i$ ortant A an# it i% be%t if the teacher e%tab!i%he% c!ear!& that" ,hen u i!% are enacting %cene% or ,atching s)c* an enac"!en"0 "*e ur o%e i% not to #e$on%trate acting %-i!!%" but to %hare un#er%tan#ing% about the teIt4 It $a& ,e!! be that for %o$e c!a%%e% enacting %cene% fro$ the teIt i% %ti!! threatening4 +ere the -in# of roce#ure% out!ine# in Gourna! 6" ,here H% ectator%C in fact #irect the Hactor%C" $a& offer a##&o#&ia"e and nece%%ar& rotection4 7or-ing on tab!eauI or %ti!! i$age% of crucia! $o$ent% in the !a& offer% !e%% threat than natura!i%tic enact$ent4 It a!%o ha% the a#=antage of a%%i%ting the c!a%% to atten# to the %ignificant #etai! of a #ra$atic encounter" in a ,a& that Hro!!ingC enact$ent $a& not4 An# the roce%% of %e!ecting c&)cial $o$ent% an# of Fu%tif&ing 7or-ing on !a&teIt 2B the %e!ection i% one that can be =er& he! fu! in #e=e!o ing un#er%tan#ing of a !a&4 Re-creating %cene% fro$ a !a&teIt i% one ,a& of co$ing to un#er%tan# it better4 <ut it ,i!! nee# to be u%e# %e!ecti=e!&" a!ong%i#e other a roache%4 A!! the #ra$a %trategie% out!ine# ear!ier a% %uitab!e for u%e ,ith narrati=e fiction can be u%e# on !a&teIt too4 +ere i% a brief out!ine in note for$ of %o$e of the =arie# %trategie% one teacher e$ !o&e# ,hen ,or-ing on Ro$eo an# Gu!iet ,ith a thir# &ear c!a%%4 A fu!!er account of the roFect a ear% e!%e,here ?%ee <ai!e&" 1125@4 Pha%e oneD the ,a& in Ai$D To a=oi# initia! reaction% of HOh" no" not Sha-e% eareNC To $o=e c!a%% into ,or-ing on the !a& ,ithout -no,ing the& ,ere" b& creating a #ra$atic conteIt ,ho%e e!e$ent% ,ere c!o%e to tho%e in the !a&4 Once u i!% ,ere Hhoo-e#C b& that ,or- the bri#ge to the teIt cou!# be cro%%e#4 Acti=itie%D a@ Stage-fightingD contro!!e# ga$e-!i-e h&%ica! acti=it& A fir%t in air%" then air% #i=i#e# to $a-e t,o o o%ing gang%4 b@ E%tab!i%hing a conteIt for the fight A gang% na$e# an# i#entitie% an# cau%e% of conf!ict e!aborate# through #i%cu%%ion an# in-ro!e inter=ie, ?re orter@4 c@ <ui!#-u to the fight e!aborate#" an# fight re-create#4 Teacher a% authorit& figure ?$i!itar& co$$an#er@ inter=ene% in ro!e an# threaten% #eath ena!t& if an& re etition4 #@ T,o gang% ho!# %e arate Hconference%C about the e#ict4 Pha%e t,oD ,or-ing #irect on the teIt Acti=itie%D

TeIt gi=en to c!a%% an# Act I" Scene I rea# an# #i%cu%%e#4 ?*uch a reciation of the ba,#& hu$our4@ Then a fi!$ of the %cene" to the 'u-e of KeronaC% arri=a!" !a&e# to c!a%%4 'i%cu%%ion of rea%on% for the conf!ict" ,hether 'u-eC% ban

b@ c@ #@


'ra$a in the Eng!i%h C!a%%roo$

,i!! ,or-" #ra,ing $an& ara!!e!% ,ith Hgang conteItC es"a/lis*ed ea&lie&$ b@ C!a%% hot%eat Ro$eo and J)lie" ? !a&e# b& u i!%@ about "*ei& #lan "o $arr& %ecret!&" interrogating the$ about otentia! i!#lica"ions and effect% of their !an4 c@ Ro!e- !a&% in #ai&s> J)lie"3N)&seD Ro!eo3-&ia&0 -o&!e& er%ua#ing !atter to co-o erate ,ith !an to $arr& %ecret!&4 #@ Pu i! a%-e#D H7hat ,ou!# ha=e ha ene# if the 0riar ha# to!# the fa$i!ie% about the $arriageEC C!a%% ,ere -een to eI !ore thi% #ossi/ili"1 "*&o) * d&a!a$ 7ho!e grou &oleE#la1> -&ia& %u$$on% both fa$i!ie% to the Church a% their re!igiou% a#=i%er" in or#er to er%ua#e the$ to a!!o, the $arriage4 e@ Grou % of four ,or- on Act III" Scene 5 ?#eath of *ercutio an# T&ba!t@D MC@ &ead scene and wo&k out %eJuence of e=ent%/ ii@ rune teIt to a barebone% =er%ion A nothing e%%entia! o$itte#/ +i@ enact rune# %cene "o c!a%%/ i=@ c&ea"e and enact a !ode&n ana!og& to the %cene4
,*ase "*&ee> &eview

Acti=itie%D a@ 7ho!e grou %cene c&ea"ed w*e&e bo#ie% of Ro$eo an# J)lie" we&e /&o) *" /e(o&e the D)ke 6as in Qeffire!!i fi!$@4 Teacher" as D)ke0 #a&a#*&ases and eI an#% 'u-eC% % eech" in%i%ting a!! /ea& a &es#onsi/ili"1$ All #&esen" are a%-e#" one b& one" to % ea- out !ou# their thought% an# fee!ing% on the occa%ion4 b@ A court of inJuir& 6no" a "&ial; A ,here #oe% re% on%ibi!it& for the #eath% !ieE T&ba!t" *ercutio" Pari%" are Hre=i=e#C for thi% ur o%e4 ,ai&s o( #)#ils a##oin"ed to be -e& character% and "*ei& le al &e#&esen"a"ives> t@ %e=era! lessons s#en" re%earching teIt to re are bac-groun# an# e=i#ence/ K 7or-ing on !a&teIt 21

ii@ teacher" a% 'u-e" inter=ie,% each air" un%&$ athcti-ca!!&" re%%uring - a -in# of rehear%a! for the inJuir&/ +i@ court i% he!# - u i!% a% chair er%on%" Fur& an# ,itne%%e%4 Rea#er% $a& fin# it u%efu! to refer to t,o other account% of u%ing #ra$a a roache% to !a&teIt in the Eng!i%h c!a%%roo$D Pei$ an# E!$er ?1125@ an# OCNei!! ?1128@4
e@ f@ g@ h@

1 GOURNAL 0OURD S*IT+ 'ra$a ,or-ing broa#!& Hin ara!!e!C ,ith rea#ing of narrati=e teIt a!%o creating o ortunitie% for !anguage ,or- A % o-en an# ,ritten

<ui!#ing be!ief "*&o) * slow0 ca&e()l e!aboration of #ra$atic conteIt an# ro!e choice of a ro riate ear!& focu% ?!i=ing ,ith fear of ca ture@ for !ater ,or?treacher& a$ong thie=e%@ teacher ta!-" in %etting u a #ra$a ta%-" u%e# carefu!!& to #ra, attention to #etai!" an# to %tructure the ,or- b& offering c!a%% c!ear o tion% ?e4g4 ,a!-ing bac- to the Re# Lion@

Teacher ro!e u%e# ear!& on to %u Gourna! four 11

ort unobtru%i=e!& fro$ the fringe% of the #ra$a ?!an#!or#@

u%e# !ater to inFect % ecific ten%ion an# #i!e$$a ?ne,% of Tob&C% ca ture@

0in#ing a #irection H,ithinC the #ra$a #ifference bet,een thir# er%on thin-ing an# fir%t er%on Hno,-ti$eC #ra$a thin-ing u%e of teacher ro!e an# HtheatreC %ignM%&$bo!% to focu% #ra$a or $o=e it for,ar#" create ten%ion" bring in contribution% fro$ $ore eo !e" etc4" fro$ ,ithin the #ra$a I ,ant to u%h a bit further ,ith #ra$a ,or- than IC=e gone %o far A IC$ getting Juite eIcite# about the o%%ibi!itie%" but IC$ con%ciou% at the $o$ent that ,hat IC=e #one %o far ha% been !i$ite#D 1 A art fro$ %o$e ,or- ,ith 1S" itC% been tie# =er& c!o%e!& to getting -i#% to $o=e into an# un#er%tan# a boo- betterA IC=e ha# =er& % ecific an# tight ur o%e%" an# that ,a% rea%%uring ,hen I ,a% $o=ing into ,hat ,a%" for $e" a tota!!& ne, ,a& of ,or-ing4 No, IC# !i-e to branch out a bit4 I %ti!! ,ant to ,or- the #ra$a in connection ,ith c!a%% rea#er% becau%e the& gi=e $e $& $ateria! rea#&-$a#e4 At the $o$ent IC$ =er& un%ure of ho, to !an a #ra$a Hin =acuoC" a% the !e%%on on HThe 7a& 7e%tC %ho,e#4 <ut the Lor# of the 0!ie% ,or-" articu!ar!&" ga=e $e a %trong %en%e of the =a!ue the ro!e- !a& ha# in it%e!f4 That fourth &ear grou %ur ri%e# $e" an# I thin- %ur ri%e# the$%e!=e%4 I ,a% intrigue# b& the Jua!it& of the re% on%e fro$ $an& of the$ A an# ho," a% the na=a! officer" I ,a% ab!e to e!icit re% on%e% fro$ the$ in a Juite #ifferent ,a& than I can a% teacher4 i@ 6 +o,e=er" a% the na=a! officer ?an# a% Curator of the <riti%h *u%eu$@" I ,a% %ti!! =er& !i-e teacher in $an& ,a&%D a!! the contro!% ,ere in $& han#%/ I ,a% at the centre of thing%/ interaction an# #i%cu%%ion ,a% a!! through $e4 Li%tening to *aggie ta!-ing about her u%e of ro!e" itC% ob=iou% that %he often u%e% ro!e% that gi=e $uch $ore re% on%ibi!it& to the
F@ -@ !@ $@


'ra$a in the Eng!i%h C!a%%roo$

n@ Gourna! four 18

c!a%%4 A!though IC$ %care# about ,here thi% $ight !ea# I ,ant to tr& %o$ething that he! % get $e $o=ing in thi% #irection4

IC$ a !itt!e ,a& into rea#ing S$ith b& Leon Garfie!# ,ith $& other %econ# &ear c!a%% ?60@" an# I thin- it offer% o%%ibi!itie% for ,or-ing in the ,a&% I ,ant to tr&4 The booi% a =i=i# account of a &oung bo&C% !ife in" an# fina! e%ca e fro$" the 4 un#er,or!# of eighteenth-centur& Lon#on4 ItC% not an ea%& boo-" gi=en it% !anguage an# i$ager&" for a c!a%% %uch a% thi% ?a!though the&Cre officia!!& H$iIe# abi!it&C" a !arge nu$ber of the$" in con=entiona! c!a%%roo$ ,or-" %ee$ =er& !i$ite# in their !anguage - both ora! an# ,ritten@4 I ha=e in $in# %o$ething !i-e thi%D to create a #ra$a in ,hich the c!a%% beco$e the #eni>en% of the Re# Lion Ta=ern in Lon#on that S$ith -ne,4 7e ,onCt be ,or-ing ,ith the e=ent% of the boo- at a!!" but ,ith it% genera! at$o% hereD tr&ing to create a %en%e of that %ubcu!ture of the Lon#on oorMcri$ina! ,or!# of the ti$e" ,here $an& ha# no o tion but cri$e if the& ,ere to %ur=i=e" ,here &ou cou!# be hange# for %tea!ing a han#-erchief a% ea%i!& a% for -i!!ing a $an" an# ,here fear of the ga!!o,% ,a% a con#ition of !ife4 Thi% can go on in ara!!e! ,ith our rea#ing of the boo-" an# I thin- an# ho e both %hou!# co$ !e$ent an# reinforce each other4 An# A =er& i$ ortant A IC$ ho ing that the #ra$a ,i!! %ti$u!ate %o$e intere%ting ta!-ing an# ,riting4

?thirt&-fi=e $inute%@ O=era!! ai$D He#ging intoC the #ra$aD

1 creating the conteIt/ 6 #efining the ro!e%4 SeJuence 1 EI !anationD 7e are going to %ee if ,e can H%te into the %hoe%C of the inhabitant% of the Re# Lion Ta=ern" not re-creating the e=ent% of the boo-" but $a-ing our o,n =er%ion of ,hat $ight ha en to %uch eo !e4 ?NoteD I #i#nCt ca!! ,hat ,e ,ere #oing H#ra$aC -in fact in the #ra$a ,or- IC=e #one %o far" itC% gone be%t ,hen I ha=enCt u%e# the ,or# H#ra$aC4 The ,or# %ee$% to ha=e $eaning% for a !ot of -i#% ,hich are irre!e=ant to the -in# of ,or- IC$ tr&ing to #o4@ 6 'i%cu%%ionD About the -in# of eo !e in the ta=ern" an# about ho, the& got their !i=ing - ,e $a#e a !i%t of the -in#% of cri$e ,eC# %een $entione# in the boo-4 I bro-e the !i%t #o,n into a c!a%%ification a% fo!!o,%D a@ Peo !e ,ho occa%iona!!&Minter$ittent!& %tea!" a% nee# ari%e%" to -ee bo#& an# %ou! together4 b@ Regu!ar ett& cri$ina!%4 c@ H<ig-ti$eC cri$ina!% A I in%i%te# that there ,ou!# be on!& be one or t,o H+igh Tobie%C ?high,a&$en@" a% in the boo-" an# that the re%t ,ou!# be !e%% % ectacu!ar" %$a!!-ti$e cri$ina!%4 I inc!u#e# the HfenceC" or Hrecei=erC" that one bo& ha# %ugge%te# in thi% categor& - a er%on at the centre of $an& otherC% cri$e%4 8 Se!ection of ro!e%D I a%-e# 60 to get into %$a!! grou % ?an&thing fro$ t,o to %iI@ an# each grou to #eci#e ho, the& got their !i=ing4 Re%u!tD a cou !e of high,a&$en/ t,o Hrecei=er%C/ three grou % of Hfoot a#%C/ t,o grou % of ic- oc-et%" one % ecia!i>ing in han#-erchief%4 5 E%tab!i%hing the conteItD


7e % ent a ,hi!e #i%cu%%ing the !oo-" %oun# an# %$e!! of the ta=ern" an# it% !a&out" an# ho, ,e cou!# %et it u in the c!a%%roo$4 Then I a%-e# the$ ?%ti!! in grou %@ to e%tab!i%h the !ace% the& nor$a!!& %at at in the ta=ernD H'o &ou ,ant to #ra, attention to &our%e!=e% b& %itting %o$e,here ro$inentE Or #o &ou ,ant to -ee out of %ight-in a corner" erha % in %ha#o,% a,a& fro$ the !ight of the oi!-!a$ %EC *o%t %et u their ta=ern

@ J@ r@


'ra$a in the Eng!i%h C!a%%roo$

e%ca e #etection4 The& !i=e on their ,it%" con%tant!& !oo-ing o=er their %hou!#er%4444 Can ,e no, %u o%e that" ha=ing co$$itte# &our cri$e" &our gang % !it u an# $a-e their ,a& through the %treet% %e arate!& to a !ace of %afet& - %a& the Re# Lion4 After a Fob itC% %afer to a!! go b& #ifferent route%4 a -no, thereC% not a !ot of % ace here" but can e=er&bo#& get into a % ace a% far a% the& can fro$ other eo !e" an# in a $inute #o &our Fourne& bac- to the ta=ernE It $a& be at night %o &ou can u%e the %ha#o,% to hi#e &ou4 It $a& be #a&ti$e %o &ou $a& u%e the cro,#% to hi#e &ou4 'o &ou %nea- thereE Or ,a!- bo!#!& a!ongE I #onCt -no," but I gue%% that" ,hene=er or ho,e=er" &our e&e% an# ear% ,i!! be on the a!ert for the %!ighte%t %igna! of #anger4 7hen &ouCre rea#&" $a-e a %tart4C The& re% on#e# eager!& to tihi% ob=iou% ten%ion A b& an# !arge $anaging to ignore each other4 I !et it go on a $inute or %o" before %houting" Juite !ou#!&" O&" &ouNC Thi% $a#e $an& of the$ Fu$ an# eIc!ai$" then ,hen the& %a, the grin on $& face" the& %ighe#" !aughe# an# Fabbere# ,ith re!ief4 I bro-e the #ra$a i$$e#iate!& an# ,e %at an# ta!-e# brief!& about the ner=ou% ten%ion an# %train of !i=ing con%tant!& on the ,atch4 8 7e ,ent bac- to the ta=ern an# #i# again ,hat I ha# atte$ te# !a%t !e%%on" ,ith t,o #ifference%D a@ I eI !aine# before ,e %tarte# that the ta=ern ,a% a !ace of refuge for a!! it% cu%to$er% an# that" H,hi!e &ou $a& not !i-e or tru%t e=er&bo#& there ?after a!!" %o$e ha# been -no,n to %e!! their fe!!o,% to the ga!!o,% for the rice of a #rin-@ an# ,ho -no,% ,hether the& $ight rob each other out%i#e it% ,a!!% A ne=erthe!e%% ,ithin the Re# Lion" #iere i% a co#e" an agree$ent" for a!! ha=e a co$$on nee# for refuge" for co$ anion%hi an# for ti$e to !an an# #ea!C4 h@ I too- the ro!e of !an#!or# ?a% !a%t ti$e" but u%e# it $ore #efinite!& no,@4 Thi% enab!e# $e to greet $o%t of the$ a% Fourna! four 1B %@ the& ca$e in" an# to he! their %eriou%ne%% b& $& %eriou%ne%%D to e%tab!i%h a nu$ber of interaction% an# #ea!% ?a hear te!! &ou got a fine co!!ection of han#-erchief% to#a&" Sarah4 444 oh ne=er &ou $in# ho, I -no, ?,in-ing@4 4 4 4 7e!! that fe!!o, there ? ointing@" it Fu%t %o ha en%" ,a% a%-ing $e about bu&ing %o$e han#-erchief%" %o it $ight be to &our a#=antage to4 4 4 4C@/ to create at$o% here ?b& being obtru%i=e!& no%& about eo !eC% bu%ine%% a% I co!!ecte# tan-ar#% an# or#er% fro$ the tab!e%" an# b& $a-ing re$ar-% %uch a%"

HSo$ebo#& co$e !oo-inC for &ou thi% afternoon" Sa$4 4 4 4 No" #onCt -no, hi$ 444 %ee$e# -een to get in touch though4 +a# a $ean" angr& U !oo- in hi% e&e A %o$ebo#& &ouC=e #oub!e-cro%%e#" ehE b IC# %it b& the bac- #oor if I ,ere &ou" $a&be4 444C@/ an# genera!!& to %u ort the c!a%% in ro!e4 Thi% ti$e the at$o% here of Juiet" ,atchfu! con=er%ation an# %ecreti=e #ea!ing ,a% %u%taine# for Juite a !ong ti$e A not far off ten $inute% A an# ,hen I %to e# the #ra$a" 60 %ee$e# genuine!& !ea%e# ,ith ,hat the&C# $anage# to create4 HIt Fu%t fe!t rea! in the ta=ernC" one gir! %ai#4 5 I thought that thi% ,ou!# be a u%efu! oint to intro#uce %o$e ,ritten ,or-4 7hat I ,ante# ,a% an autobiogra hica! %tate$ent in ro!e - an account fro$ each of the$ of their bac-groun#" !ife" ,a& of earning a !i=ing an# thought% about their future4 7e % ent the re$aining ha!f of the !e%%on ta!-ing in a fair!& ,i#e-ranging ,a& about eighteenth-centur& Lon#on A it% h&%ica! fee! an# !oo-" the !i=e% of it% oor an# cri$ina! c!a%%e%" it% chea gin" it% no-go area% for the <o, Street runner%" it% gao!% an# the genera! re!iance on %e=erit& of %entencing rather than robabi!it& of #etection4 7e ,ere ab!e to #ra, Juite a !ot of infor$ation fro$ S$ith it%e!f" but I ha# a!%o borro,e# a fe, %hort eItract% fro$ re!e=ant #ocu$ent% fro$ the +i%tor& 'e art$entD a fina! %tate$ent b& a ,o$an hange# for ett& theft/ a !i%t of eo !e hange# in one ca!en#ar &ear" an# of their cri$e%/ an account of the #iet of the Lon#on oor/ an# a =i=i# #e%cri tion of a
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'ra$a in the Eng!i%h C!a%%roo$

Lon#on %treet an# it% occu ant%4 I a%%e# co ie% of the%e aroun# for the$ to bro,%e through" fee!ing that in thi% ,a& the $ateria! $ight infor$ their ,riting rather than Hc!ogC it ,ith !ot% of fact%4 The& #i# the ,riting for ho$e,or-" an# I ,a% Juite !ea%e# ,ith ,hat the& achie=e#D %o$e ha# ob=iou%!& #ra,n on S$ith" an# ,rote of ha=ing to fen# for the$%e!=e% fro$ an ear!& ageA%o$e ha# been aban#one# b& their arent%/ a cou !e ,rote that their $other% ha# been hange# ,hen the& ,ere &oung4 *o%t ga=e an account of their cri$ina! !ife that fe!t ba%ica!!& authentic A ,ith a fe, eIcur%ion% into =i=i# fanta%& or anachroni%$4 On the ,ho!e I certain!& fe!t the ,riting" a% ,e!! a% being a u%efu! eIerci%e in it%e!f" ha# he! e# confir$ their %en%e of i#entit& ,ith their cho%en ro!e in the #ra$a4

?%e=ent& $inute%@

The neIt !e%%on ,a% to be the one ,here I too- the !unge4 I ,a% going to tr& u%ing ro!e in a ,a& ,hich a!!o,e# the c!a%% to ta-e $ore re% on%ibi!it&" an# to o erate $ore f!eIib!&" tr& Hthin-ing on $& feetC in%tea# of ha=ing e=er&thing ,or-e# out in a#=ance4 The !an ,a% a% fo!!o,%D 1 Grou % to create a %ti!! icture of a $o$ent ,here a cri$e ,ent ,rong an# ut the$ in #anger of ca ture4 7e !oo- at each in turn an# I ut $& han# on the %hou!#er of one or t,o figure% in each icture to % ea- a!ou# ,hat i% going through their $in#% at that $o$ent4

Ai$D to reca!! an# reinforce the %en%e of in%ecurit& of the !i=e% of #eni>en% of the Re# Lion4 6 <ac- to the ta=ern after thi% unner=ing inci#ent4 <efore thi% %cene begin%" ,arn the$ that after a ,hi!e I ,i!! enter in ro!e a% %o$ebo#& e!%e" not the !an#!or#4 <ecau%e I fe!t in%ecure about it" an# becau%e I -ne, the ,or#% nee#e# to be %e!ecte# Gourna! four 11 carefu!!&" I ha# ,ritten $& initia! H%cri tC an# !earnt it b& heartN HVRu%hing in4@ Gi=e $e a #rin- %o$ebo#&" Juic-4 YLou#" urgent4 Then au%e4@ 7eCre a!! #one for no, A &ou" $e" the !ot of u%4 The&C=e arre%te# Tob&4 One of &ou %ho e# hi$4 4 4 4 I ,a% c!o%e b&-hi#ing-I hear# the$ ta!-ing about our infor$er4 Tob& -no,% he ,a% %ho e#4 +e -no,% a!! our %ecret%4 If 1 -no, Tob&" it ,onCt be !ong before he %ho % u% A OIf IC$ to hang" the& can co$e ,ith $e"P heC!! %a&4 4 4 4 VPau%e4 Long !oo- roun# at e=er& $e$ber of the grou " before4444@ It ,a% &ouNC S ?I ha# %e!ecte# in a#=ance a %trong" confi#ent bo& - 'a=i# A to accu%e A %o$eone I thought cou!# co e ,ith the ro!e4@ I a!%o ha# thi% a=ai!ab!e in ca%e %o$e or a!! of the c!a%% #i#nCt ta-e $& ro!e %eriou%!& enoughD H(ou ,onCt !augh ,hen the& co$e for &ou A an# the& ,i!!NC 8 After !etting thing% run on a =er& !itt!e ,hi!e after $& accu%ation" %to the #ra$a an#D a@ chec- that 'a=i# i% ha & to continue a% the accu%e#/ b@ a%- if an&one ,ou!# be ,i!!ing to ta-e o=er $& ro!e4 Then re-run the accu%ation an# %ee ho, thing% #e=e!o A an# ho e I ,i!! be Juic--,itte# enough to co eN Thi% %e%%ion ,ou!# bring $e to the centre of ,hat I ,a% tr&ing to #o in the #ra$aA both for $&%e!f an# for he! ing 60 to enter the ,or!# of S$ith4 One -e& feature of the boo- i% the inter !a& of tru%t an# betra&a! a$ong S$ithC% acJuaintance%" ,ith the e=er- re%ent threat of =io!ent #eath at the han#% of the eIecutioner or of each other4

I ,a% intrigue# to -no, ho, it ,ou!# go - an# rett& ner=ou% about it4 *aggie #i#nCt he! ,hen" !earning ,hat I ,a% going to tr&" %he in=ite# her%e!f a!ong to ,atchD HIC$ free then4 IC# !i-e to %ee it4 (ou #onCt $in#" #o &ouEC <efore I cou!# %to $&%e!f IC# %ai#CNo44 44C

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1:: 'ra$a in the Eng!i%h C!a%%roo$ HRight" fine" %ee &ou to$orro, then"C an# %he bree>e# off4 +e!!N itC% ba# enough ta-ing a ri%- &ouCre not %ure &ou can co e ,ith4 <ut ha=ing %o$eone ,ith *aggieC% eI erience to co$e in an# ,atch &ou A oh he!!N After thi% thir# !e%%on *aggie an# I ha# ti$e for a ro er ta!- - ,hich in the e=ent I foun# =er& he! fu!4 It ,ent %o$ething !i-e thi%D *aggieD +o, are &ou fee!ing about itE *eD 7e!!" IC$ anno&e# ,ith $&%e!f A =er& anno&e#4 The %e%%ion got off to a goo# %tart an# then %o$eho, I !o%t it4 I Fu%t ,a%nCt goo# at han#!ing it !ater on4 *aggieD I certain!& agree about &our goo# %tart4 The c!a%% are ob=iou%!& HintoC thi% ,or- A I thought the& ,or-e# Juite cri% !& an# ur o%efu!!& on the %ti!! i$age%4 *eD (e%" an# I ,a% !ea%e# at the ,a& the& ,ent bac- into the ta=ern - I get the fee!ing the& fee! co$fortab!e there4 An# I ,a% #e!ighte# at the ,a& the& re% on#e# to $& brief bit of ro!e-,or-4 (ou cou!# fee! the

attention an# the ten%ion a% a Juite tangib!e thing A ,hen I !oo-e# roun# at the$ a!! it ,a%" HOh" he ,onCt ic- on $e ,i!! heEC I ,a% =er& %ur ri%e# ?an# re!ie=e#@ at ho, that ,ho!e bit ,or-e# %o ,e!!4 *aggieD (e%" &ouC# got a %trong" c!ear ten%ion in the #ra$a" infor$e# b& that rea! ten%ion of H,ho ,i!! teacher choo%eEC An# 'a=i# ,a% =er& %trong ,hen &ou accu%e# hi$" ,a%nCt heE +e cho%e an intere%ting #efence #i#nCt heE H(e%" I %ho e# hi$" but on!& becau%e the runner% ,ere cha%ing hi$ an# he ,a% $a-ing for the Re# Lion4 I %ho e# hi$ to %a=e $&%e!f an# the re%t of &ou4C (ouC# cho%en the right er%on there4 7hat about the gir! ,ho =o!unteere# to ta-e o=er &our ro!eE *eD Kath&" &e%4444 *aggieD 'i# &ou eI ect her to be %o %trongE *eD No" not at a!!" I ,a% a$a>e# ,hen %he =o!unteere# Fourna! four 1:1

an# ,a% %o -een to #o it4 I ,a% #oubtfu! that %heC# co e at a!! ,e!!4 So again I ,a% #e!ighte#4444 ItC% %o$ething thatC% %tri-ing $e $ore an# $ore about thi% #ra$a bu%ine%%Ae=en though IC=e not #one a !ot" IC=e %een Juite a !ot of e=i#ence of -i#% !i-e Kath& %u##en!& contributing" offering the$%e!=e% in a ,a& the& #onCt in $ore con=entiona! c!a%% #i%cu%%ion%4 ItC% a% if changing the con=ention% an# the ru!e% of interaction" an# !etting the$ ta-e a ro!e ?rather than being the$%e!=e%@ i% a$a>ing!& re!ea%ing - it %ort of ta-e% the re%%ure off4 (et in a funn& ,a&" in a #ifferent ,a&" thereC% $ore re%%ure on A there ,a% HPI Kath& te!!ing the ,ho!e grou about thi% betra&a!" be!ie=ing in it %trong!& an# -no,ing the c!a%% #ra$a #e en#e# on her an# co ing $ar=e!!ou%!& ,ith that -no,!e#ge4 *aggieD It ,a% intere%ting the ,a& %he began !a&ing &our ro!e b& re eating near!& eIact!& &our ,or#% an# ge%ture%" then %u##en!& too- off b& her%e!f4 *eD (e%" an# once Kath& an# 'a=i# got going the& #i#nCt nee# $e at a!!4 7e!! not in a i=ota! ro!e" but the& an# the c!a%% nee#e# %u ort %ti!! A the& nee#e# a he! ing han# of %o$e -in# to fin# their #irection" an# I #i#nCt $anage to gi=e that to the$4 At fir%t thing% Fu%t $o=e# b& the$%e!=e%" an# Kath&C% an# 'a=i#C% eIa$ !e% u!!e# in the re%t of the c!a%%4 A !ot ?though not a!!@ of the$ % o-e %eriou%!& an# to the oint in ro!e4 <ut then gra#ua!!& the& ran out of %tea$" an# the argu$ent% %tarte# to go roun# in circ!e%4 I fe!t I ,ante# to tr& an# he! $o=e thing% on fro$ ,ithin the #ra$a" if o%%ib!e" but ,e!!4444

*aggieD (e%" I foun# it intere%ting to ,atch ,hat &ou #i# once &ou ha# !o%t &our initia! ro!e4 (ou o erate# =er& $uch a% teacher rather than a% %o$ebo#& in the ta=ern4 0or a %tart" ,hen &ou got the c!a%% to $o=e into the circ!e to #i%cu%% Kath&C% accu%ation an#

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'ra$a in the Eng!i%h C!a%%roo$

'a=i#C% #efence" &ou a!!o,e# &our%e!f to be !eft h&%ica!!& out%i#e that circ!e4 That in it%e!f $ight not ha=e been a rob!e$ A eIce t it re re%ente# the fact that

&ou ,ere u%ing out%i#e ?teacher!&@ ,a&% of thin-ing an# o erating" rather than in%i#e ?ro!e@ one%4 Loo- at the ,a& &ou $o=e# the$ into that circ!e4 (our in%tinct to change the % acing ,a% right" IC$ s)&e$ T*e in"ensi"1 of the occa%ion" if it ,a% to be %u%taine#" $eant &ou nee#e# to get the$ a,a& fro$ "*ei& tab!e% in "*e ta=ern A the& ,ere too #i% er%e#4 <ut ho, #i# &ou do itE (ou" a% teacher" %to e# the #ra$a an# a%-e# the$ to get into a circ!e4 So &ou %et )# a 5disc)ssion'0 no" a #ra$atic eI erience4 It nee#e# bunching" a cro,# - not a for$a! #ebating circ!e A an# &ou cou!# ha=e got it $uch $ore efficient!& ?an# achie=e# greater inten%it&@ if in ro!e a% one of the$ - no nee# to #efine it an& $ore A &ouC# %ai#" a ,ant to ta-e a goo# !oo- at thi% traitorC" an# $o=e# to,ar#% the accu%e# $an" ,hi!e %igna!!ing %trong!&" HCo$e onC" to the re%t ,ith &our hea# or &our ar$4 Then &ouC# ha=e got a cro,# re%%ing roun# 'a=i#" wi"* "*a" (eelin ofD H7eCre going to get "*e "&)"* (&o! 1o)$' *eD (e%" I cou!# fee! $&%e!f being %Juee>e# out of the #ra$a - not -no,ing ho, to get bac- in4 In a ,a& I ,a% afrai# that if I did o bac- in" the& ,ou!# then %it bac- an# eI ect $e to Hrun the %ho,C4 *aggieD +*e"*e& "*a" ha en% #e en#% on ,hat &ou %a& an# #o" on ho, &ou o erate in the ro!e4 0or eIa$ !e" &ou ,ere ob=iou%!& concerne# to % rea# the range of contribution% %o that e=er&bo#& ha# their %a&4 I re%u$e "*a" ,a% w*1 at one oint &ou %to e# the #ra$a an# a%-e# the$" ,ith the han#-on-%hou!#er routine" to % ea- a!ou# ,hat their ro!e fe!t about the accu%ation A ,hether it ,a% true or not" an# ,hat the& cou!# #o about "*e si")a"ion$
Gourna! four 1:8 *eD (e%" that ,a% it4 *aggieD 7ou!#nCt it ha=e been o%%ib!e to $a-e brief interFection% in ro!e ,hich u!!e# $ore eo !e inE Such a%D

HTob& -e t hi$%e!f to hi$%e!f4 I #onCt rea!!& -no, hi$ A IC=e no i#ea ,hether heC!! %ho u% or not4 (ouC=e ,or-e# ,ith hi$ %o$eti$e% A ,hat #o &ou thin-EC or HGac-C% been accu%e# of %ho ing Tob&4 ?To a $e$ber of Gac-C% foot a# gang4@ 7here ,ere &ou ,hen a!! thi% ,a% ha eningEC or H(ou -no, Ne!! ?ro!e-na$e of Gac-C% accu%er@4 I% %he te!!ing the truthE I% there an& rea%on %he $ight be H. !&ingEC or H(ouCre -ee ing =er& Juiet4 'o &ou -no, %o$ething ,e #onCtEC

A!! of the%e cou!# ha=e u!!e# fo!- into the eIchange in ro!e- cou!# ha=e #e$an#e# that the& $a-e a high!& % ecific contribution to the %cene4 In fact ,hat &ou a%-e# the$ to % ea- about" ,ith the han#-on-%hou!#er bu%ine%%" ,a% Fu%t too genera!" %o &ou #i#nCt get a !ot that ,a&4 After the fir%t fe," $o%t of the$ re eate# ,hat re=iou% fo!- ha# %ai#4 An# it ,a% Hcoo!C not HhotC4 Thie=e%" ic- oc-et% an# foot a#% #onCt coo!!& #ebate ,hether %o$ebo#& ha% betra&e# the$ an# ,hatto #o ,ith hi$4 The& get ,or-e# u about it4 (ou ten#e# to -ee tr&ing to $o=e it to,ar#% rationa! #i%cour%e - to,ar#% the -in# of #i%cu%%ion that $ight ha en in an Eng!i%h !e%%on4 *eD (e%" &e%" I -no, eIact!& ,hat &ou $ean4 7hen to,ar#% the en# I got the$ to =ote on ,hat to #o ,ith Gac-" an# the $aForit& %ai#" HLet hi$ off" it fe!t !i-e a =ote at the en# of a c!a%% #ebate4 In fact it ,a%nCt a =ote on ,hat to #o ,ith Gac-" it ,a% rea!!& a o u!arit& o!! for 'a=i#4 <& that %tage the&C# rea!!& %!i# out of ro!e co$ !ete!&4 *aggieD I ,on#er ho, the eo !e in the Re# Lion ,ou!# ha=e 1:5 'ra$a in the Eng!i%h C!a%%roo$

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H=ote#CE Not han#% u in a circ!e an# count" thatC% for %ure4 Su o%ing" for eIa$ !e" &ouC# got the$ one b& one to go an# %tan# b& Ne!!" if !i-e her the& ,ante# hi$ -i!!e#/ or b& Gac- if the& ,ere %ati%fie# ,ith hi% eI !anation4 That ,ou!# ha=e ut each of the$ c!ear!& on the % ot- an# ,ou!# ha=e bui!t the ten%ion %tea#i!&4 An# &ou $ight ha=e begun the =ote b& !acing a H#aggerC ?the eIecution in%tru$ent@ on a tab!e bet,een Gac- an# Ne!!" %o that the choice ,a% c!ear an# %tar-4 *eD I %u o%e it a!! boi!% #o,n to t,o thing%D thin-ing $ore ,ithin the #ra$a4444 *aggieD (e%" thin-ing in Hno,C ti$e" not HthenC ti$e - an# he! ing the -i#% to $a-e it ha en in Hno,C ti$e4 *eD (e%" an# the other thing i% tr&ing to thin- Juic-!&" to fin# the right #irection for the #ra$a4 ItC% #ifficu!t ,hen &ou ha=enCt got a #efinite !an to ,or- to4 *aggieD 7e!!" &e% it can be to %tart ,ith4 <ut it get% ea%ier4 An# &ou nee# to re$e$ber that the -i#% can he! &ou ,ith #eter$ining the #irection an# %ha ing of the ,or-4 7hen &ou ha=e a c!a%% ,hoC=e beco$e a% co$$itte# a% the%e ,ere itC% #aft to tr& an# #eci#e it a!! &our%e!f4 (ouC=e $anage# to get to the oint ,here &ouCre ,i!!ing to tr& #ro ing a ebb!e into a oo! an# %eeing ,hat ri !e% re%u!t4 (ou !et the$ ha=e their hea# ,ithin the #ra$a to %o$e eItent4 7hat about getting the$ to $a-e #eci%ion% about the #ra$a - &ou -no," &ou can %to the #ra$a an# %a&D a can %ee t,o or three #irection% thi% #ra$a cou!# go in4C ?An# &ou !i%t an# eI !ain the$4@ H7hich #irection #o &ou ,ant it to goEC ThatC% not $o=ing a,a& fro$ Hno,C ti$e - itC% a%-ing the$ ,hat -in# of eI erience the& ,ant to ha=e ,hen the& are in Hno,C ti$e4 *eD ItC% not ea%&" thi% #ra$a bu%ine%% i% itE *aggieD No itC% not ea%&" but nothing ,orth,hi!e i%4 (ouCre on the ,a& no,4 7hat are &ou going to #o neItE 1: GOURNAL 0IKED <EO7UL0 Teacher ro!e confrontation ro!e" u%e# to ro=o-e Hre%i%tanceC in ro!e teacher %u ort% the$ out of ro!e ?Hgi=e% er$i%%ionC@ to re%i%t hi$ in ro!e Language o%%ibi!itie% %hift in teacherA u i! ?an# u i!A u i!@ re!ation%hi ,ithin the #ra$a create% ne, conteIt%" ne, re!ation%hi % in ,hich ne, !anguage can #e=e!o teacher in ro!e a% $o#e! for ne, !anguage reJuire# 7hen an# ,h& to %to the #ra$a 0in#ing a #irection ,ithin the #ra$a --@ I ha# to co=er a c!a%% for *aggie the other #a& A %heC# gone #o,n ,ith f!u4 It ,a% a #oub!e erio# ,ith 6G4 There ,a% no ,or- %et" %o I a%-e# the$ ,hat ,or- the& ,ere #oing current!&/ the& ha# near!& fini%he# 'ragon S!a&er" the& %ai#4 On the % ur 0igure 1:

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