International Law On Child Labour

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11 Article 12 Article 13 Article 14 Article 15 Article 16 !on.i+erin& that the e""ecti*e elimination o" the wor.t "orm. o" chil+ la#o$r re5$ire. imme+iate an+ com1rehen.i*e action( ta6in& into acco$nt the im1ortance o" "ree #a.ic e+$cation an+ the nee+ to remo*e the chil+ren concerne+ "rom all .$ch wor6 an+ to 1ro*i+e "or their reha#ilitation an+ .ocial inte&ration while the nee+. o" their "amilie.( an+ 2ecallin& the re.ol$tion concernin& the elimination o" chil+ la#o$r a+o1te+ #, the International La#o$r !on"erence at it. 83r+ /e..ion in 1996( an+ 2eco&ni'in& that chil+ la#o$r i. to a &reat extent ca$.e+ #, 1o*ert, an+ that the lon&7term .ol$tion lie. in .$.taine+ economic &rowth lea+in& to .ocial 1ro&re..( in 1artic$lar 1o*ert, alle*iation an+ $ni* e+$cation( an+ 2ecallin& the !on*ention on the 2i&ht. o" the !hil+ a+o1te+ #, the 8nite+ 9ation. eneral A..em#l, on 20 9o*em#er 1989( an+ 2ecallin& the IL% Declaration on F$n+amental Princi1le. an+ 2i&ht. at :or6 an+ it. Follow7$1( a+o1te+ #, the International La#o$r !on"erence at it. 86th /e..ion in 1998( an+ !on.i+erin& the nee+ to a+o1t new$ment. "or the 1rohi#ition an+ elimination o" the wor.t "orm. o" chil+ la#o$r( a. the main 1riorit, "or national an+ international action( incl$+in& international coo1eration an+ a..i.tance( to com1lement the !on*ention an+ the 2ecommen+ation concernin& 3inim$m A&e "or A+mi..ion to 4m1lo,ment( 1973( which remain "$n+amental$ment. on chil+ la#o$r( an+

Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention, 1999 (No 1!"#

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$do%ted on 1& 'une 1999 b( the )eneral Conference of the *nternational Labour +rgani,ation at its eight(seventh session .ntr( into force: 19 November "///, in accordance 0ith article 1/
The eneral !on"erence o" the International La#o$r %r&ani'ation ( )a*in& #een con*ene+ at ene*a #, the o*ernin& -o+, o" the International La#o$r %""ice( an+ ha*in& met in it. 87th /e..ion on 1 0$ne 1999( an+

2ecallin& that .ome o" the wor.t "orm. o" chil+ la#o$r are co*ere+ #, other international$ment.( in 1artic$lar the Force+ La#o$r !on*ention( 1930( an+ the 8nite+ 9ation. /$11lementar, !on*ention on the A#olition o" /la*er,( the /la*e Tra+e( an+ In.tit$tion. an+ Practice. /imilar to /la*er,( 1956( an+ )a*in& +eci+e+ $1on the a+o1tion o" certain with re&ar+ to chil+ la#o$r( which i. the "o$rth item on the a&en+a o" the .e..ion( an+ )a*in& +etermine+ that the.e .hall ta6e the "orm o" an international !on*ention( A+o1t. thi. .e*enteenth +a, o" 0$ne o" the ,ear one tho$.an+ nine h$n+re+ an+ ninet,7nine the "ollowin& !on*ention( which ma, #e cite+ a. the :or.t Form. o" !hil+ La#o$r !on*ention( 1999;

$rticle 1
4ach 3em#er which rati"ie. thi. !on*ention .hall ta6e imme+iate an+ e""ecti*e mea.$re. to .ec$re the 1rohi#ition an+ elimination o" the wor.t "orm. o" chil+ la#o$r a. a matter o" $r&enc,;

$rticle "
For the 1$r1o.e. o" thi. !on*ention( the term <chil+< .hall a11l, to all 1er.on. $n+er the a&e o" 18;

$rticle 1
For the 1$r1o.e. o" thi. !on*ention( the term < the wor.t "orm. o" chil+ la#o$r< com1ri.e.= > a ? All "orm. o" .la*er, or 1ractice. .imilar to .la*er,( .$ch a. the .ale an+ tra""ic6in& o" chil+ren( +e#t #on+a&e an+ .er"+om an+ "orce+ or com1$l.or, la#o$r( incl$+in& "orce+ or com1$l.or, recr$itment o" chil+ren "or $.e in arme+ con"lict@ > # ? The $.e( 1roc$rin& or o""erin& o" a chil+ "or 1ro.tit$tion( "or the 1ro+$ction o" 1orno&ra1h, or "or 1orno&ra1hic 1er"ormance.@ > c ? The $.e( 1roc$rin& or o""erin& o" a chil+ "or illicit acti*itie.( in 1artic$lar "or the 1ro+$ction an+ tra""ic6in& o" +r$&. a. +e"ine+ in the rele*ant international treatie.@ > + ? :or6 which( #, it. nat$re or the circ$m.tance. in which it i. carrie+ o$t( i. li6el, to harm the health( .a"et, or moral. o" chil+ren;

rati"ication #, the 3em#er.; 2; Thi. !on*ention .hall in an, ca.e remain in "orce in it. act$al "orm an+ content "or tho.e 3em#er. which ha*e rati"ie+ it #$t ha*e not rati"ie+ the re* !on*ention;

$rticle 12
The 4n&li.h an+ French *er.ion. o" the text o" thi. !on*ention are e5$all, a$thoritati*e;

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