Forces of Light and Darkness

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Forces of Light and Darkness

Mythologies are full of stories of the perpetual fight between the demons and divine forces. Demons are called asuras and divine beings are called devatas. Devata word comes from the root div means light. Devatas represent the forces of light. In physics we learn about two types of forces centripetal and centrifugal. The centripetal and centrifugal forces are shown in the following diagram. In this diagram a man is swinging a ball tied to rope. Two forces operate here force which moves the ball away from the person and the force which pulls ball towards the person. The ball remains in circular motion due to the two opposing forces. These two types of forces also operate in our life. The forces which take us away from our center atmaor the Self and the forces which take us towards the center. The centripetal force of nature is called Devas and the opposing forces are called asuras. Our mind has a tendency move outwards in search of happiness. We seek happiness in material objects. We consider the matter as reality. In the process we forget our own true nature as pure awareness. We identify ourselves with body mind complex. Once we identify with the body mind complex, we start experiencing ourselves as finite beings forgetting our true nature as infinite consciousness-bliss. This tendency of mind to move away from the Self to non-self is due to the forces of darkness. This force of darkness which binds one to the physical objects is the real satan. On the other hand, deep inside us there is always a feel for what Truth is, what is right and what is wrong. It is like a compass needle always pointing towards Northern hemisphere. Our actions are guided by conscience which keeps us on the path of right living in accordance to higher values of life love, compassion, equality. This represents the force of Light. Forces which take us towards the center of our inner Self devatas. There is always a constant tussle between forces of darkness and light. This is beautifully depicted through the mythological story of asuras and devatas churning the milky ocean. In the process of churning the milky ocean, initially poisonous substance called halahal is generated. Subsequently many precious gifts are produced finally leading to emergence of nectar amrita. The process of churning of

milky ocean is symbolic of the inner struggle which everyone goes through due to devatas and asuras in our consciousness. During the spiritual journey, initially one becomes fully aware of the negativities in oneself represented by halahal. One develops several positive qualities and perhaps some special mental abilities called siddhis represented by the gifts emerging out of milky ocean. Finally one attains the eternal life represented by amrita - the nectar. Eternal life is obtained when one realizes that he/she is birthless deathless spirit pure consciousness sat-chit-ananda.

asuras devatas

Self (atma)


By Prabhuji

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