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YEAR 8 YEARLY 2007 SECTION A ( 18 Marks ) 1. 2. 3. Simplify ( a b) (b a ) . Write a formula for W, the number of weeks in M minutes.

es. If A = {a, e, i, o, u} and B = {a, b, c, d , e, f } , find 2 (a) A B (b) A B ind the mid!point and "radient of the inter#al between the 2,3) and B (%,$) . points A( Write down the first fi#e ibona''i numbers. ()pand and simplify ( 2 x + 3)(3 x 2) . *wo sides of a ri"ht!an"led trian"le are 2 metres and 3 metres lon". ind the e)a't len"th of its hypotenuse. , 'ar was sold for -34,... whi'h was 1&/ less than its ori"inal sellin" pri'e. ind its ori"inal sellin" pri'e. 1i#en that
y= 2x

Marks 1 1


&. %. $.

1 1 2

+. 0. 1..

2 2

, make x the sub2e't.

rom the set of s'ores {&,3,&,0,11,1%,12,$,4,14,11} , 4 (a) find the ran"e, median and inter3uartile ran"e. (b) draw a bo) and whisker plot showin" this data.

SECTION B ( 18 Marks ) 1. 2. 3. Sket'h the line x 2 y + 2 = . . 1raph the set { x 4 2 x + 3 > 1 + 3x} on a number line. i#e less than twi'e a number is 2 to find the number. 4. In the dia"ram shown, AE = &, AD = 3, CD = 0 and AED = ACB ABC is (a) 5ro#e that A similar to ADE . (b) ind BE "i#in" reasons.
5 3

1 2 2

1 . Write an e3uation and sol#e it 4



&. *he mean of the set of s'ores {2,&,3,4,%,0, x} is &. ind the #alue of s'ore x. , rhombus has dia"onals of len"th +'m and 12'm. ind its e)a't perimeter. , line of the form ax + by + c = . has a "radient of
2 and 3



a y!inter'ept at (.,2) . ind the inte"er #alues of a, b and c. +. *he numbers 1 to 2. are pla'ed in a ba" and one sele'ted at random. ind the probability that it is prime. 1

SECTION C ( 18 Marks ) 1. 2. Sol#e

3x 1 x =1 2 3

2 2

*he two shapes shown are similar and 2 EF = 3 AB . If the lar"er #olume is 1%2 cm 3 , find the smaller #olume.



, 'ontainer is it would be

1 rd full of fluid. If 40 6itres of fluid is added, 3

& ths full. 7ow many 6itres in the full 'ontainer. +


1,2) , B(3,!1) and C(%,3). *hree points on a plane are A( 3

(a) (b) (') &.

ind the len"th of AB. Show that AB is perpendi'ular to BC. ind the area of trian"le ABC.

ully fa'tor (a) (b) (')

4 x 2 y % xy 3
4 x + y tx + 2ty

x + 3 x 2+

1 1 2
1 2


,n amount of -+,... is in#ested at a rate of % / per annum 'ompounded annually. ind the #alue of the in#estment at the end of fi#e years (to the nearest dollar).


, 3uadrant of a 'ir'le of radius 12 cm is 'ut from a thin sheet of metal and uniformly 'ur#ed to form a 'one. ind the e)a't #olume of the 'one.

SECTION D ( 18 Marks ) 1. *ra'e the trian"le ABC onto your answer sheet and 'onstru't, usin" a rule and 'ompass only, the 'ir'le passin" throu"h the points A B and C. Show all 'onstru'tions. 2

2. 3. , 'ylinder has a base radius of &cm and a total surfa'e area of +. cm 2 . ind its len"th. Se#en marbles, 3 bla'k, 2 red and 2 "reen, are pla'ed in a ba" and two drawn out together at random. 8sin" a dot dia"ram or otherwise, find the probability that4 (a) (b) 4. &. at least one marble is red. they are not the same 'olour. 2 3 2 2

, rhombus has an area of 12. cm 2 and one of its dia"onals is 24cm. ind the len"th of its other dia"onal. , "roup of 3. "irls 'an 'hoose to play 7o'key or 9etball. If % play only 7o'key, 3 play both and + play neither, draw a :enn dia"ram 'ontainin" this information and use it to find the number of "irls that play only 9etball. , person wishes to fen'e a re'tan"ular paddo'k ha#in" sides of len"th x metres and y metres with 4..metres of fen'in" material. ;ne side is alon" a bri'k wall and does not re3uire fen'in". (a) (b) ind an e)pression for the area in terms of x. ind the ma)imum area of the paddo'k.



*rian"le ABC has a ri"ht!an"le at B, where AB = 2 x and BC = 2 y . If ! bise'ts AB and " bise'ts BC, (a) (b) draw a dia"ram showin" this information. show that &( AC ) 2 = 4 ( C! ) 2 + ( A" ) 2



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