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POSC 364: The Politics of India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh Fall 2013 Monday and Wednesday Persson 133

Professor Navine Murshid Persson 139 OH: Wednesday 1.002.30p ! "hursday 11.301.00p ! #y appoin$ en$. %31&' 22( ))2) n urshid*+ol,a$ Modern -ou$h .sia is $he produ+$ of $he par$i$ion of /ri$ish 0ndia in$o 0ndia and Pa1is$an in 1923. "he se+ession of /an,ladesh +han,ed $he ap of -ou$h .sia a,ain in 1931. "he his$ory of -ou$h .sia is4 $hus4 one of division and rivalry. "his +ourse fo+uses on $he #road develop en$s sin+e +olonial $i es: na$ionalis 4 $he rise of fall of de o+ra$i+ pro+esses4 e$hni+ s$rife4 +o unal divisions4 se+ession in+en$ives4 and po5er i #alan+es. "here are four re6uired $e7$s for $he +ourse: 1. 8a5ren+e 9a es4 :a;: The Making and Unmaking of British India 2. Par$ha <ha$$er;ee4 Nationalist Thought and the Colonial World 3. =as in >han4 The Great Partition: The Making of India and Pakistan 2. :i+hard -isson and 8eo :ose4 War and Secession: Pakistan, India, and the Creation of Bangladesh ecommended, !ut not re"uired: &. -$ephen <ohen4 The Idea of Pakistan ). -$ephen <ohen4 India: #merging Po$er 3. <rai, /a7$er4 Bangladesh: %rom a Nation to a State (. .yesha 9alal4 The Partisans of &llah We 5ill #e $a1in, a $rip $o Ne5 =or1 <i$y in $he se+ond half of $he se es$er $o in$era+$ 5i$h $he -ou$h .sian +o uni$y in 9a+1son Hei,h$s4 ?ueens. 0 5ill ,ive you fur$her de$ails on+e $he plans are ore +on+re$e. Course Require ents:

@radin, 5ill #e #ased on $he follo5in, +ourse re6uire en$s: a id$er %20A'4 a final %20A'4 5ee1ly response papers %+u ula$ive 20A'4 +lass par$i+ipa$ion %20A' and a final $er paper %20A'. Failure $o +o ple$e all par$s of $he re6uire en$s 5ill resul$ in a failin, ,rade. "here is also a BeroC$oleran+e poli+y on viola$ions of $he honor +ode. Weekl' es(onse Pa(ers )*+,For $he readin,s ea+h 5ee14 you 5ill iden$ify an issue and dis+uss i$ #y ei$her a,reein, 5i$h $he au$hor4 disa,reein, 5i$h $he au$hor4 e7$endin, $he poin$ ade4 or applyin, $he s$ory in ano$her si$ua$ion. Ma1e sure $o have a $hesis s$a$e en$ and an ar,u en$. "hese 5ill #e due a$ ( a on "uesday via e ail. Class Partici(ation )*+,"his involves e7pressin, and lis$enin, $o $hou,h$s4 ideas4 and opinions of fello5 s$uden$s in a respe+$ful fashion $ha$ en+oura,es +ri$i+al $hin1in, and dis+ussion4 in +lass and on oodle. Midterm )*+,"he id$er on O+$o#er 1)4 2013 5ill per$ain $o #road issues a+ross 0ndia4 /an,ladesh4 and Pa1is$an as dis+ussed in $he readin,s $hus far. /+0(age Term Pa(er and Presentation )*+,<hoose a $opi+ relevan$ $o -ou$h .sia in $er s of $he follo5in, +a$e,ories: a' do es$i+ poli$i+s4 #' rela$ions a on, +oun$ries4 +' $he +hallen,es $o5ards +oopera$ion4 d' $he role of pa$rons andDor in$erna$ional or,aniBa$ions in shapin, s$a$e #ehavior. 0f you are $a1in, $his as a M0-" +ourse4 +hoose a $opi+ on $he role of reli,ion. Or,aniBe your paper in $he follo5in, anner: 1' 0n$rodu+$ion 2' 8i$era$ure :evie5 3' "heory 2' .nalysis and Eviden+e &' Fis+ussion and <on+lusion -e+$ions 14 24 and 3 are due on O+$o#er 22.. "he +o ple$e paper is due on Fe+e #er 3. %inal )*+,"his 5ill #e a +u ula$ive $es$ $ha$ 5ill pla+e a$erial +overed sin+e $he id$er . ore e phasis on

!eek ": Introduction to South #sia Se$te %er &: Current '(ents

Felhi :ape: h$$p:DD1afila.or,D2013D01D0&D+o eCfroli+C5i$hC eCinC$heC s$ree$sCofCdelhiD -hah#a, and WarC+ri es: h$$p:DD1afila.or,D2013D02D12DlessonsCfro C delhiCandCdha1aCna,eshCraoCandCnavineC urshidD "e7$ile indus$ry4 5or1ers4 safe$y: h$$p:DD1afila.or,D2013D0&D03DsavarC $ra,edyCsolu$ionCinCsolidari$yCnavineC urshidD Whi$e fe$ish: h$$p:DD555.$he,uardian.+o D5orldDshor$+u$sD2013Dau,D12DindiasCdar1C o#sessionCfairCs1in =o,endra >. Mali14 Fhirendra >. Ga;peyi4 "he :ise of Hindu Mili$an+y: 0ndiaHs -e+ular Fe o+ra+y a$ :is14 &sian Sur1e'4 Gol. 294 No. 3 %Mar.4 19(9'4 pp. 30(C32& . ar$ya -en. 2013. 0ndiaIs Fir$y Fi,h$er. Guardian h$$p:DD555.$he,uardian.+o D5orldD2013D;ulD1)Da ar$yaCsenCindiaC dir$yCfi,h$er Se$te %er 4: 0ndia and Pa1is$an.J %oreign

/a;pai4 >. -han1ar. JKn$an,lin, &ffairs %2003': 112C12).

!eeks &, 3, 4: Se$te %er ), "", "6, "*, &3, &+ $erialis and the Indian Su%,continent

8a5ren+e 9a es4 :a;: The Making and Unmaking of British India Se$te Se$te Se$te Se$te %er ): Par$ One4 <hap$ers 1 and 2 %er "": Par$ One4 <hap$ers 3 and 2 %er "6: Par$ "5o4 <hap$er 2 %er "*: Par$ "hree4 <hap$er 2 and <hap$er 2

Se$te %er &3: Par$ Four4 <hap$ers 1 and 2 Se$te %er &+: Par$ Five4 <hap$er )4 Par$ -i74 <hap$er ) -Include . Congress and for ation, entr/ of 0andhi, it1s $ortance2

!eeks + and 6: Se$te

%er 33, Octo%er &, 4, )

Par$ha <ha$$er;ee4 Nationalist Thought and the Colonial World Se$te %er 33: <hap$er 3 Octo%er &: <hap$er 2 Octo%er 4: <hap$er & Octo%er ): <hap$er ) . ar$ya -en. "a,ore and His 0ndia. Octo%er "6 . 5o class !eeks 4 and *: Partition

Octo%er &": 6idter =as in >han4 The Great Partition Octo%er &3: <hap$ers 1 and 2 Octo%er &*: <hap$ers 2 and ) Octo%er 33: <hap$er 9 and 10 %readin, response on $odayIs readin,s' !eek ): 5o(e %er 4, 6, "", "3

:i+hard -isson and 8eo :ose4 War and Secession: Pakistan, India, and the Creation of Bangladesh 5o( e %er 4: <hap$ers 1 and 2 5o(e %er 6: <hap$er 2 %readin, response on $odayIs readin,s' 5o(e %er "": <hap$er & 5o(e %er "3: <hap$er 12 %readin, response on $odayIs readin,s' !eek "3: 5o(e %er "*: South #sian 7ias$ora

Prasad4 Gi;ay. The 2arma of Bro$n %olk3 On $he Ori,in of Fesis.

Moha adC.rif4 .. %2000'.L. asala iden$i$y: =oun, -ou$h .sian Musli s in $he K-.L Com(arati1e Studies of South &sia, &frica and the Middle #ast4 *+%1'4 )3C(3. 9ayara 4 N. %2009'. M"he s$udy of 0ndian Fiaspora.L Sociolog' &nd Social &nthro(olog' In India4 392. -andhya -hu1la. M8o+a$ions for -ou$h .sian Fiaspora.L &nnual of &nthro(olog'3 Gol. 304 %2001'4 pp. &&1C&32 e1ie$

:e+o ended: .lessandrini4 .. <. %2001'. JMy Hear$Hs 0ndian for .ll "ha$: /olly5ood Fil #e$5een Ho e and Fiaspora.L 4ias(ora: & 5ournal of Transnational Studies4/+%3'4 31&C320. 5o(e %er &3: 5ortheast India, Insurgenc/, and 8o$e %readin, response on $odayIs readin,s' /aruah4 -an;i#. M0 i,ra$ion4 E$hni+ <onfli+$4 and Poli$i+al "ur oilCC .ssa 4 1939C19(&.L &sian Sur1e' 2)4 no. 11 %Nove #er 14 19()': 11(2N120). doi:10.2303D2)2231&. Fu$$a4 Nili . "he My$h of $he /an,ladeshi and Giolen+e in .ssa . 2afila3 &ugust /6, *+/*: h$$p:DD1afila.or,D2012D0(D1)D$heC y$hCofC$heC #an,ladeshiCandCviolen+eCinCassa Cnili Cdu$$aD ecommended: >.- Murshid. "ransi$ and "ransCship en$:: -$ra$e,i+ <onsidera$ions for /an,ladesh and 0ndia. %23 .pril 2011' Gol. 7lvi4 No. 13: 23C&1 <hur+h4 :oderi+1 .. M:oo$s of -epara$is in .ssa Hill Fis$ri+$s.L #conomic and Political Weekl' 24 no. 13 %.pril 2)4 19)9': 323N332. doi:10.2303D2033&)2(. @ohain4 Hiren. M. ?ues$ion of 0den$i$y: .divasi Mili$an+y in .ssa .L #conomic and Political Weekl' 224 no. 29 %Fe+e #er (4 2003': 13N1). !eek "": Per$etual Conflict9


%er &: :ash

ir, Isla

, and Terroris

-an;ay >a14 Until m' %reedom has Come3 <hap$ers: -an;ay >a14 "he Fire is a$ y Hear$: .n 0n$rodu+$ion Mridu :ai4 Ma1in, a Par$ 0naliena#le Moha ad 9unaid4 . 8e$$er $o Fello5 >ash iris ecommended: /ose4 -. %1999'. >ash ir: -our+es pea+e. Sur1i1al47/%3'4 129C131. of +onfli+$4 di ensions of

>ohli4 .. %1993'. <an de o+ra+ies a++o oda$e e$hni+ na$ionalis O :ise and de+line of selfCde$er ina$ion ove en$s in 0ndia. 5ournal of &sian Studies486%2'4 32&C322. 7ece %er 4: 6aoist Insurgenc/ %readin, response on $odayIs readin,s' Moha ed .yoo#4 0ndia in -ou$h .sia: "he ?ues$ for :e,ional Predo inan+e World Polic' 5ournal4 Gol. 34 No. 1 %Win$er4 19(9D1990'4 pp. 103C133 <. :a;a Mohan4 0ndia and $he /alan+e of Po5er4 %oreign &ffairs4 Gol. (&4 No. 2 %9ul. C .u,.4 200)'4 pp. 13C32 FHMello4 /ernard. MWha$ 0s Maois OL h$$p:DD rBine. on$hlyrevie5.or,D2009Dd ello021109.h$ l <ha$$er;ee4 Par$ha. MFe o+ra+y and E+ono i+ "ransfor a$ionL. h$$p:DD555.sou$hasia+en$er.upenn.eduDdo+u en$sDpar$haC +ha$$er;eeCep5CaprilC19Cessay.pdf Prasen;i$ /ose4 MMaois H: . <ri$i6ue Fro h$$p:DD555.pra,o$i.or,DnodeD39&0 $he 8ef$L

!eek "&: Thorns in 6a;oritarian Politics 7ece %er ): 6inorities in Pakistan and Bangladesh

:ais4 :. /. %200&'. 0sla i+ radi+alis and inori$ies in Pa1is$an. eligious adicalism and Securit' in South &sia. h$$p:DD555.ap+ss.or,DPu#li+a$ionsDEdi$ed A20Golu esD:eli,ious:adi+alis DPa,esfro :eli,ious:adi+alis and-e +uri$yin-ou$h.sia+h19.pdf >a#i$a <ha1 a and @len Hill. Everyday O++upa$ions. h$$p:DD555.+h$+o ission.or,D5pC +on$en$DuploadsD2013D0&DEverdayO++upa$ions<ha1 a<hap$er.pdf


%er "" , 8indu 6ilitanc/, and 6usli s in India


-u i$ @an,uly4 M"he <risis of 0ndian -e+ularis 4L 5ournal of 4emocrac' 124 no 2 %O+$o#er 2003': 11C2& :o ila "hapar.2013. :edefinin, $he -e+ular Mode for 0ndia. 9imal South &sian 2)%1': 23C3(

<I5#= '>#6 . TB7

6iscellaneous -ep$ 23 N "rain $o Pa1is$anC (p O+$ 23 C @andhi N 8a$hrop 310

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