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Phytochemical Screening Constituent Name of Test Preliminary Assay Mayer's Test Dragendorff's Test Confirmatory Test Mayer's Test

Dragendorff's Test Quarternary an !or Amine O"i e Mayer's Test ALKALOIDS Dragendorff's Test #eller$#illani CARDIAC #L$COSID% C$ANOP&OR% ANT&RAQ'INON % )ie&er!ann *(rchard #edde's Test ,(ignard *orntrager Modified *orntrager *ate /!ith and Metcalf (LA)ONOIDS Wilstatter 0cyanidin0 ,elatin Test ,old&eater's Test TANNINS 3erric 5hloride 3roth Test 5apillary Test SAPONIN 6e!olysis Test White Precipitate Orange Precipitate Presence of 1 , 2and 3 alkaloid Presence of 1 , 2and 3 alkaloid Presence of 4 alkaloid and or a!ine o"ide Presence of 4 alkaloid and or a!ine o"ide Presence of 2$deo"ys(gar Presence of steroid or triterpenoid Presence of (nsat(rated lactone Presence of cyanophore Presence of antra.(inone Presence of le(coanthocyanin Presence of 1$&en2opyrone Tannins precipitate gelatin protein Precipitation of proteins Differentiates hydroly2a&le fro! condense tannins Detects the detergent property /aponins tends to lo'er s(rface tension of 'ater /aponins ca(se he!olysis of the &lood White Precipitate Orange Precipitate Presence of alkaloid Presence of alkaloid Positive Result Inference

White Precipitate Orange Precipitate %eddish$&ro'n, 'hich !ay t(rn &l(e or p(rple &l(e to green, red, pink, p(rple or +iolet *l(e $+iolet color -ario(s shades of red %ed coloration Pink coloration /trong red or +iolet coloration Orange to red to cri!son and !agenta and occasionally green or &l(e 3or!ation of 4elly precipitate *ro'nish spot on the intestine *l(e &lack $ 6ydroly2a&le tannin *ro'nish green $ 5ondense tannins 72c! height of 0honeyco!&0 froth 'hich persist for 18 !in(tes 9 1 2 le+el of 'ater 5lear 2one of he!olysis

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