Watermarking Scheme For Color Images: International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS)

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International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS)

Web Site: www.ijettcs.org Email: editor@ijettcs.org, editorijettcs@gmail.com Volume 2, Issue 5, September October 2013 ISSN 2278-6856


Jyothi Mandala1, Srividya Kotagiri2 and Kavitha Kapala3



The growth of Internet usage is very much nowadays. The data that is transmitted through Internet is very sensitive i.e., anyone can access it. So, in this paper an approach is given to provide security to the data using watermarking concept. Digital watermarking conceals the secret information in images to protect the secret information from attackers. The proposed scheme is blind and invisible and is used for color images. For every 2x2 R, G, B blocks of host image a secret R, G, B bits are embedded using the proposed method. The efficiency of the proposed method is shown through experimental results.

in addition to robustness [2]. Thus, watermarking, rather than Steganography principles are used whenever the cover-data is available to parties who know the existence of the hidden data and may have an interest removing it. All the aforementioned techniques have their inherent defects, and none of them is perfect. Only by carefully analyzing the application and applying the techniques selectively, the maximum security could be achieved, and the commercial value of the media could be preserved to the greatest extent. 2. DIGITAL IMAGE REPRESENTATION A digital image is represented by a matrix of numeric values each representing a quantized intensity value. The points at which an image is sampled are called pixels. At each pixel location, the luminance and the chrominance of the image are sampled and quantized. An image can be represented in two ways: 1. Spatial domain 2. Frequency domain Images can be: 2.1 Gray Scale Images A gray scale image can be considered as a rectangle where every point in the image has a luminance in the continuous range from black to white. To store an image in a computer, we need to discredited and quantized the image for finite precision representation. 2.2 Color Images Color images can be represented by three matrices: one for each primary color component red (R), green (G) and blue (B). Using these three primary colors one can represent most of the visible colors. However, the human eye is much more sensitive to luminance differences than to color differences.

Keywords:Watermarking, Color image, Block division, Invisible watermarking.

The rapid expansion of the Internet and the overall development of digital technologies in the past years have sharply increased the availability of digital multimedia content. One of the greatest advantages of digital data is that it can reproduce without loss of quality. However, it can be modified easily and creates problems for authorized parties that wish to prevent illegal distributions of confidential documents in many contexts. As a result, the demand for Intellectual Property Protection becomes apparent and exigent. Hence a lot of techniques are being devised in response to this ever growing challenge. In the beginning, researchers thought that they could rely on cryptographic technologies to address the problem. But then they found it futile since encrypted data is meaningless and needs to be decrypted for usage and is decrypted at the intended receivers site which is no longer secure. Then digital signature was developed wherein the media is left as clear text but an extra piece of information related to the media and the owner is encrypted as signature. However, the applications of digital signature are limited because of the requirement of a secured channel to transmit the signature. Recently, Steganography a technique coming down from ancient times has been adopted[1]. Steganography typically relates to covert point-to-point communication between two parties. Thus, Steganography methods are usually not robust against modification of the data, or have only limited robustness and protect the embedded information against technical modifications that may occur during transmission and storage. Watermarking, on the other hand, provides the notion of resilience against attempts to remove the hidden data Volume 2, Issue 5 September October 2013

Watermarking is a technique for labeling digital pictures by hiding secret information, such as text or images, in images and the embedded secret information can neither be removed nor be decoded without the required authenticated keys. A watermark technique should exhibit a number of desirable characteristics namely imperceptibility, robustness, unambiguousness, security etc.

Page 179

International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS)

Web Site: www.ijettcs.org Email: editor@ijettcs.org, editorijettcs@gmail.com Volume 2, Issue 5, September October 2013 ISSN 2278-6856
3.1.2 Watermark Embedding Steps Input:Host Image (I), Color Watermark Image (W), Embedding strength () Output: Watermarked Image (WI)

Figure 2Watermark Embedding Steps Figure 1General watermarking technique On the basis of the necessities for watermark extraction or detection [3], the watermarking is categorized into Nonblind, Semi- Blind and Blind schemes [4].Watermarking can be visible or invisible. In visible watermarking, the information is visible in the picture or video. Whereas in invisible watermarking, information is added as digital data to audio, picture or video, but it cannot be perceived as such (although it is possible to detect the hidden information)[5]. Yeung, M. &Minzter, Fproposed an invisible watermarking technique for image verification[6]. Copyright protection for grey images was given by Dr.M.A.Dorairangaswamy.Their proposed method is blind and invible[7]. Ming-Shi Wang and WeiChe Chen presented a digital image copyright protection schemebased on visual cryptography (VC) and singular valuedecomposition (SVD) techniques [8]. JengnanTzeng et al. presented an asymmetrical watermarking method for copyright to overcome the weaknesses of symmetricwatermarkingmethods[9]. 3.1 Methodology In this method we take a color image as watermark. Color image consists of pixel values. Convert each pixel value into its binary format. So, for each pixel we get 8 bits. For the total image we get a binary string of bits having size 8 times that of no. of pixels in a color image. 3.1.1 Choosing the proper host image We choose the host images depending on the dimensions of the secret image. 1. Calculate dimensions of secret image and store them in r and c. r=row size of secret image and c=column size of secret image. 2. The secret image consists of (r*c) no. of pixels. We are converting them into bits. So, it consists of (r*c*8) no. of bits. 3. For every 2*2 block of the host image we are embedding one bit of secret image. So, to embed (r*c*8) bits we require a host image having ((r*c*8)*4) no. of pixels. 4. Host images are taken by the following condition: Let r1, c1 be the dimensions of host image. If r < c, then r1=(r*8), c1=(c*4). If r>=c, then r1=(r*4), c1=(c*8). Volume 2, Issue 5 September October 2013 1. The color watermark image (W) of size (r*c) consists of r*c number of pixels. I.e. r*c*8 number of bits. Choose the host image of proper size (r1*c1). 2. Extract the R,G,B pixels from the host image. 3. For each Red color pixels perform the following steps i) Calculate the mean value for every 2*2 block B of the host image and store them in a vector V(B). ii) Divide the mean value V of all the vectors by embedding strength and denote the resultant value as Q. Q = V(B)/ ; where =2. iii) The watermark image Red color bits are embedded into the blocks in vector B using the Q and as follows: a) Calculate the signum function of each block in vector B and store it in another vector X. The signum function is the real valued function defined for real x as follows sgn(x)= +1, if x>0 0, if x=0 -1, if x <0 For all real x we have sgn(x) = sgn(x) . Similarly, |x| = sgn(x)x. If x 0 then also d/ dx|x|= sgn(x) The second property implies that for real non-zero x we have sgn(x) = x| x|. b) For bit value 0 perform the following mathematical operation t = ((round (Q*0.5) * 2) *) c) For pixel value 1 the following mathematical operation is carried out. Q = (Q 1) t = ((round (Q *0.5) * 2) *) +1 d) Multiply each block in vector X by the calculated value t with respect to watermark pixel and place it in vector B. B=(X (i ) .* ) t ; where 0 < i no. of bits iv) Repeat steps i to iii for Green and Blue color pixels. 5. Map the modified blocks in the vector B back to its original position in host image I to obtain the watermarked image W I. Page 180

International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS)

Web Site: www.ijettcs.org Email: editor@ijettcs.org, editorijettcs@gmail.com Volume 2, Issue 5, September October 2013 ISSN 2278-6856
3.1.3Watermark Extraction Steps Input: Watermarked Image (W I), Size of watermarkImage (W), Embedding strength () Output: Watermark Image (W) Extract 2x2 non-overlapping R,G and B color blocks from the watermarked image(W I). For every R,G and B color blocks perform as follows. 1. The number of extracted blocks B should be equivalent to 8 times the size of watermark image. Store the extracted blocks in a vector V. 2. Calculate the mean value of all the converted vectors V (B). 3. Divide the calculated mean value V (B) of all the vectors by the embedding strength . The value thus resulting is denoted as Y. Y = V (B) /; where = 2 4. Perform the following mathematical operation and store the result in a vector W (p). W (p) = (Y[i] mod2) ; 0 i |W| 5. A vector having (r*c*8) no. of bit values will be obtained. Convert them into pixel values. The no. of pixel values should be equal to r*c of the watermark or secret image. 6. Initialize a matrix with size of watermark image and place the extracted pixel values (W(p) ) in it to obtain the watermark image (W ) . 4.3 Test case 3 Carrier image size: 1024 by 512 Secret image size: 128 by 128

Figure 9Host image Figure 10 Watermark

Figure 11 Watermarked

The PSNR value is defined as:

4.1 Test case 1 Carrier image size: 512 by 512 Secret image size: 128 by 64 Test case 1 2 3 Table 1: Sample Results Carrier Watermarked image size image size PSNR (pixels) (pixels) Value 512 x 512 800 x 400 1024 x 512 512 x 512 800 x 400 1024 x 1024 76.29 72.05 61.80 No. of pixels change d 208269 263530 487575

Figure 3Host image

Figure 4Watermark

Figure 5 Watermarked image 4.2 Test case 2 Carrier image size: 800 by 400 Secret image size: 100 by 100

The proposed method was implemented in java. Results show that the proposed method is invisible and is applied on different sizes of host and secret images. As a watermark color image is selected. The watermark images are embedded into the host image to generate watermarked image. The watermarked images are in good visual quality and have good PSNR values. The watermark image is extracted from the watermarked image by using the proposed approach.

Figure 6 Host image Figure 7Watermark

[1] N.F.Johnson. and S. Jajodia. Steganography: seeing the unseen IEEE Computer, 16:2634, 1998. [2] Vidyasagar M. Potdar, Song Han, Elizabeth Chang, A Survey of Digital Image Watermarking Page 181

Figure 8 Watermarked image Volume 2, Issue 5 September October 2013

International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS)

Web Site: www.ijettcs.org Email: editor@ijettcs.org, editorijettcs@gmail.com Volume 2, Issue 5, September October 2013 ISSN 2278-6856
Techniques, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN), Vol. 3, No.7 pp. 709-716, 2005. Ian Kerr, Why We Need Protection from the Technologies That Protect Copyright, Inproc.Of Conference on privacy and identity, vol.13, No.6, pp. 319-330, 2007. ErsinElbasi and Ahmet M. Eskicioglu, A SemiBlind Watermarking Scheme for Color Images Using a Tree Structure," in proc. of IEEE Sarnoff Symposium, March, 2006. Yeung, M. &Minzter, F., An Invisible Watermarking technique for image verification, Proceeding on the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, pp: 680-683, 1997. Yeung, M. &Minzter, F., An Invisible Watermarking technique for image verification, Proceeding on the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, pp: 680-683, 1997. Dr. M.A. Dorairangaswamy, A Novel Invisible and Blind Watermarking Scheme For Copyright Protection of Digital Images IJCSNS VOL.9 No.4, April 2009 Ming-Shi Wang and Wei-Che Chen, "Digital image copyright protection scheme based on visual cryptography and singular value decomposition", Optical Engineering, Vol. 46, No. 6, 2007. JengnanTzeng, Wen-Liang Hwang, and I-Liang Chern, "An Asymmetric Subspace Watermarking Method for Copyright Protection", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 53, No. 2, February 2005








Mandala Jyothi received her M.Tech (CSE) from JNTUK. Presently she is working as an Assistant Professor in the department of Information Technology, GMRIT, Rajam,Srikakulam AndhraPradesh, India. Her areas of interest include Information Security and Image Processing. SrividyaKotagiri received her M.Tech (CSE) from JNTUK. Presently she is working as anAssistant Professor in the department of Information Technology, GMRIT, Rajam,Srikakulam AndhraPradesh, India. Her areas of interest include Information Security and Image Processing. KavithaKapala received her M.Tech (CSE) from JNTUK. Presently she is working as an Sr. Assistant Professor in the department of Information Technology, AITAM,Srikakulam Andhra Pradesh, India. Her areas of interest include Information Security and Image Processing.

Volume 2, Issue 5 September October 2013

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