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10 - Content Quiz # 3 Listening

Puntos: 1

Choose the correct answer according to the audio "Vacations". Three words that describe spring are ___________. Seleccione una respuesta. a. windy, hot, and humid

b. windy, dry, and colorful

c. windy, freezing, and dry

d. windy, cool, and colorful

Puntos: 2

Listen to the audio: The superlati es! and select the option that co"pletes the sentence: #: That house is er$ big. %: &es! its ___________ house in the illage Seleccione una respuesta. a. Bigger than

b. The greatest

c. Biggest

d. The biggest

Puntos: 1

#ccording to the audio "'ew #part"ent"! answer the (ollowing )uestion: *s there "uch cri"e+ Seleccione una respuesta. a. It's pretty dangerous

b. It's pretty good

c. Somebody stole her car

d. It's pretty safe

Puntos: 1

Listen to the audio: The superlati es! and select the option that co"pletes the sentence: #: The ,it- it.s a er$ e/pensi e hotel. %: $es! it.s _________________ hotel in London. Seleccione una respuesta. a. The expensive

b. The most expensive

c. The expensiver

d. The most expensivest

Puntos: 1

Choose the correct answer according to the audio "Vacations". Last $ear acations were er$ good because _____________ Seleccione una respuesta. a. all of them were happy.

b. the weather was wonderful.

c. all of them were very tired.

d. the transportation was excellent.


Puntos: 2

Choose the correct answer according to the audio "Vacations" . The lowest te"perature in spring that the narrator has li ed was ___________ Seleccione una respuesta. a. years ago

b. last year

c. this year

d. she doesn t remember

Puntos: 2

#ccording to the audio "'ew #part"ent"! answer the (ollowing )uestion:

0hat did 1eg do last wee2end+ Seleccione una respuesta. a. She studied for her Spanish test.

b. She stayed home.

c. She went to a !arao!e bar on Saturday.

d. She sang on "riday night.

Puntos: 2

#ccording to the audio "'ew #part"ent"! answer the (ollowing )uestion: 0hat did 1eg do on Sunda$ a(ternoon+ Seleccione una respuesta. a. She wor!ed in a !arao!e bar.

b. She wor!ed in a restaurant.

c. She wor!ed as a cashier.

d. She wor!ed selling coffee.

Puntos: 1

#ccording to the audio "'ew #part"ent"! answer the (ollowing )uestion: 0here is 1eg3s new apart"ent+

Seleccione una respuesta. a. #owntown

b. $ut of the city

c. In a town

d. In the suburbs.

Puntos: 2

Listen to the audio: The superlati es! and select the option that co"pletes the sentence: #: #pple Town it.s a er$ prett$ illage. %: $es! its ________________ illage in 4ngland. Seleccione una respuesta. a. %rettiest

b. The most pretty

c. %rettier than

d. The prettiest

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