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EDUC 2220- Educational Technology Lesson Plan Musical Theatre Project

Allen DeCarlo 7-12/Theatre II

Common Core Standards: Create specific technical designs and select, cast, block and direct a scene for performance. Calculate the cost (e.g. props, scenery, costumes and royalties) of mounting a dramatic and theatrical production. Use accurate terminology in dramatic and theatrical activities. Integrate other arts forms and academic disciplines in a dramatic or theatrical activity. Pre-block and direct peers in a scene, applying the principles of composition to create an effective stage picture. Apply technical knowledge and skills to collaborate and safely create functional scenery, properties, lighting, sound costumes and make-up. Discuss the importance of drama and theatre in a community and provide examples. Distinguish and describe various genres such as comedy, tragedy and fantasy when engaging in dramatic work and performance.

Lesson Summary: The purpose of this lesson is to bring technology into the classroom and to have students collaborate with each other. Students will research a specific musical and will present a seven-minute presentation to the class. Estimated Duration: This lesson will take about 3 hours. I plan on signing out the computer lab or iPad carts for one week (5 days). Each class period is 40 minutes with a total of 200 minutes.

Commentary: I plan on starting this lesson by bringing in a close friend of mine who is currently an equity actress/singer. I hope to show my students that there are many different ways to be involved and employed in the theatre world. My friend will explain the audition process for a show on Broadway and will sing for the class different types of musical theatre. Hopefully, this will get students excited and ready to research musical theatre. Some challenges students may face can be how to use a Prezi, Powerpoint, Keynote, or other presentation deck.

Instructional Procedures: Requirements: A.) (This will take about 1 class period) Write a plot summary based on: 1.) Listening to the musical soundtrack 2.) Information obtained from the CD booklet 3.) Any additional information you find on the Internet. (YouTube, Websites, Playbills, etc.) Summary must be a hard copy at least one page in length (Size 12 font, Times New Roman). Do not copy and paste a summary from the Internet. The summary must be in your own words! B.) (This will take 3 class periods) Create a seven-minute presentation (Prezi, Google Docs, Powerpoint, Keynotes, etc) that includes the following: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 6.) 7.) 8.) Cast List Costume plot of main characters Interesting Facts (include gross amount that the show made). Poster (as a slide. Must include ticket price, location, dates, venue, timse, all hypothetical). Decide how much it would cost to build the show: props, scenery, costumes and royalties (rights). Videos (No more than 3 minutes). At least 10 slides and 10 transitions (Remember this has to be AT LEAST seven minutes). Please include the genre of your project ANYWHERE on your presentation. This is one of the genres we learned in groups. 9.) Please include the time period of your musical. Include historical events that are going on in your show, if applicable. C.) Design Element Design one aspect of the musical: 1.) Make a costume Booklet 2.) Scene Design 3.) Choreography You are not limited to these options. If you have another idea, please ask!

Day 1: First 10 minutes: Introductory activity- Students will watch me present my presentation. I will show students exactly what I am looking for during their assignment. 10 minutes: I will break down my presentation slide by slide explaining what it is I did and why. Students will have the opportunity to ask questions and look over the assignment guidelines. 5 minutes: Students will decide on a musical and I will write down their chosen show and put together a schedule for them to present. 15 minutes: Students will start their research and start their summary (in their own words). Day 2: 15 minutes: Students will write their summary. I will be available to help assist anyone who needs me. 15 minutes: Students can continue to work on their summary and start working on their presentations (Prezi, , Google Docs, Powerpoint, Keynotes, etc). I have used all outlines before and have a good knowledge on how to use them. I will walk around the room and prompt students with helpful hints and questions to make their projects more interesting and visually appealing. Day 3: (Will look similar to Day 2) 40 minutes: Students will continue working on their presentations. I will have websites and CD booklets for students to use and browse if the choose (I will be bringing in my musical theatre library from home). I will walk around the room and prompt students with helpful hints and questions to make their projects more interesting and visually appealing. I will also make my way to every student to see what barriers they have found and to see what questions I can answer. Day 4: (Will look similar to Day 3) 40 minutes: Students will continue working on their presentations. I will walk around the room and prompt students with helpful hints and questions to make their projects more interesting and visually appealing. I will continue to make my way to every student to see what barriers they have found and to see what questions I can answer. I will take a look at the products they have produced so far and direct them to what needs more attention and praise them for what looks finished. Day 5: 25 minutes: This is our last day in the computer lab. Students will be able to show me a rough draft of their presentation. There should be very few unfinished slides. Students design elements should be kept quiet so it doesnt spoil the element of surprise for the audience. I will look over and review student presentations as they are finishing up. Any extra time needed will have to be finished outside of the classroom. 15 minutes: I will have students come up to my desk, at random, to pick their presentation times. I will have a chart with times on it. Presentations will take a few days due to the number of students in class.

Pre-Assessment: I am going to have a class discussion on the importance of drama and theatre in the community. My students and I will get in a circle and discuss what we already know about theatre and community involvement. Because this is a lesson for Theatre II, students have already learned the history of theatre and how it can be political and social. I will create a checklist of what the students already know and as the class is in discussion, I will mark off topics we need to know in order to complete this assignment. By giving this pre-assessment, I will be able to determine how long our Musical Theatre Project should be. Scoring Guidelines: I will score this pre-assessment based on class participation. I will also create an exit slip for students to turn in. Students will list five topics that we discussed in class that day. This will tell me whether or not a student has met the standards addressed. Post-Assessment: The post assessment for this assignment is the students finished project. I will be able to see whether a student has learned by looking over the requirements I handed out. Scoring Guidelines: Rubric: This lesson is a 200-point project. Students will get a percentage upon completion. If students follow directions and complete their project on time, all should be good! A.) Write a plot summary (50 pts.) based on: 1.) Listening to the musical soundtrack 2.) Information obtained from the CD booklet 3.) Any additional information you find on the Internet. Summary must be a hard copy at least one page in length (Size 12 font, Times New Roman). Spelling and grammar counts. This part of your project will be for accuracy. B.) Create a seven-minute presentation (100 pts.) (Prezi, Google Docs, Powerpoint, Keynotes, etc) that includes the following: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Cast List (10 pts.) Costume plot of main characters (10 pts.) Interesting Facts (10 pts.) Poster (20 pts.) I will be looking to make sure a community member has ALL information they need to buy tickets and get to the event. Please see requirements. 5.) Decide how much it would cost to build the show (5 pts.)

6.) Videos (10 pts.) 7.) At least 10 slides and 10 transitions (25 pts.) 8.) Please include the genre of your project ANYWHERE on your presentation. This is one of the genres we learned in groups. (5 pts.) 9.) Please include the time period of your musical. Include historical events that are going on in your show, if applicable. (5 pts.) C.) Design Element (50 pts) Design one aspect of the musical: 1.) Make a costume Booklet 2.) Scene Design 3.) Choreography

Differentiated Instructional Support Describe how instruction can be differentiated (changed or altered) to meet the needs of gifted or accelerated students: Because instruction can be differentiated, if students finish early I plan on having them choose from two options. Students can either: A.) Choose another design element to make for their project OR B.) Help me assist other students who may be struggling. Discuss additional activities you could do to meet the needs of students who might be struggling with the material: Because this assignment is creative and allows students to be independent, I do see this being a huge problem. However, I am completely willing to modify this assignment for those who may be struggling. For example, if a student has an IEP or a disability, I can modify the length of the project. Maybe take out a few slides or transitions. I can also make the summary less detailed. Instead of a 7-minute presentation we can make it 5minutes. I am excited to see this unfold.

Extension For more information on the Ohio Drama/Theatre Standards, please visit the link provided: This is the ODE (Ohio Department of Education) website. This site has all the standards that are required to be taught in the state of Ohio. Students can benefit from using this site because they can see what it is a teacher is trying to accomplish. They can also benefit by seeing what other schools are trying to teach. By using ODE students can get a better understanding of what a class will entail. Along with students, parents and teachers should really check out this website.

Homework Options and Home Connections At home, students will create a design element for their presentation as homework. I have given the students a few ideas to get started: 1.) Make a costume Booklet 2.) Design a scene 3.) Choreograph a dance These elements can be created on the computer. Software such as Pages, Photo shop, Gimp, Microsoft Paint, Illustrator etc. Students ARE NOT limited to these ideas. My intent is for them to think outside of the box!

Interdisciplinary Connections This lesson will be integrated with English and History. Writing the summary and different slides allows students to bring in prior knowledge of language arts. Students will be self-sufficient in their editing skills and creative writing. History is included in this lesson by focusing on the background research surrounding the time period of their musical. For example, the show The Sound of Music (1959) is a golden age musical that deals with the events of World War II.

Materials and Resources:

For teachers

For this lesson, I will need complete use of a computer lab. If a computer lab is unavailable or in use, I can sign out a laptop cart. Assuming iPad carts have access to keyboard attachments, these will work as well. When presenting our project, I will need internet to be available in order to watch our embedded videos (a requirement for the assignment). When we present our projects, I will need a projector with appropriate hook-up material (chords, carts, etc.). Along with the projector, I need a projection screen.

For students

For this lesson, students will need computers, laptops, iPads, projectors and speakers. Students will also need access to YouTube channels and websites to get information on their chosen musical. When we present our projects, students will need a projector with appropriate hook-up material (chords, carts, etc.). Along with the projector, students need a projection screen.

Key Vocabulary Musical Theatre Prezi Embed Keynotes Broadway Choreography Scene Design Genre: Operetta Pop Jazz Americana Blues Contemporary Country Ethnic Folk Gospel

Additional Notes Students are not limited to the options listed in this assignment. If they have another idea, they can ask me as I am walking around the room! The goal is for them to have fun, learn something new, and to BE CREATIVE!

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