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AI Index: MDE 21/005/2012 12 December 2012

Palestinian non-member state observer reco nition at t!e UN

As a human rights organization, Amnesty Internationa ta!es no "osition on the #uestion o$ %a estinian statehood, &hich is a "o itica issue outside our mission' (o&e)er, the recognition o$ %a estine*s status as a non+member obser)er state has im"ortant im" ications $or human rights concerns in the ,ccu"ied %a estinian -erritories .,%-/' "A#$%ROUND ON T&E PALESTINIAN STATE&OOD RE#O%NITION -he eadershi" o$ the %a estinian Authority .%A/ and the %a estine 0iberation ,rganization .%0,/ secured the recognition o$ %a estine as a non+member obser)er state o$ the 1nited 2ations on 23 2o)ember 2012' -he )ote at the 12 4enera Assemb y in 2e& 5or! &as decided by 167 )otes in $a)our, 81 abstentions, and 3 against' %a estine is no& in a "osition to accede to the 9ome :tatute o$ the Internationa ;rimina ;ourt .I;;/ and other human rights and internationa humanitarian a& treaties' 2ot&ithstanding the recognition o$ %a estinian statehood, the %a estinian go)ernment continues to ha)e imited e$$ecti)e contro o)er the territory to &hich it ays c aim' Amnesty Internationa is ca ing on the %a estinian go)ernment to accede to a re e)ant treaties &ithout de ay'1

QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Q'( W!at is Amnest) International*s +osition on t!e UN reco nition o, Palestinian state!oo-. Amnesty Internationa does not ta!e a "osition on the reso ution o$ the Israe i+%a estinian con$ ict, the #uestion o$ &hether %a estine is a state or &hat its borders shou d be, or on the 12 recognition o$ %a estinian statehood' As a human rights organization, our concern is that any reso ution, initiati)e or agreement $u y res"ects the human rights o$ %a estinians and Israe is, inc uding access to <ustice, truth, and re"arations' Q'/ Does t!e reco nition o, Palestinian state!oo- a,,ect t!e le al stan-ar-s a++licable in t!e OPT0 or Israel*s obli ations as t!e occ1+)in +o2er. Internationa humanitarian a&, in "articu ar the =ourth 4ene)a ;on)ention and the (ague 9egu ations, a"" y to any situation o$ be igerent occu"ation, regard ess o$ &hether or not the territory in #uestion is recognized as a state' -he !ey #uestion is &hether a $oreign "o&er exercises >e$$ecti)e contro ? and go)ernance o)er the oca "o"u ation' 2either recognition o$ %a estine by any number o$ states nor any reso ution by the 12 :ecurity ;ounci or 4enera Assemb y, &i

change the e$$ecti)e contro &hich Israe maintains o)er the %a estinian "o"u ation in the @est Aan!, inc uding East Berusa em, and the 4aza :tri", &hich together $orm the ,%-' In the @est Aan!, Israe maintains $u ci)i and mi itary contro o)er the air s"ace, border crossings, and C0 "er cent o$ the and area .designated >Area ;? under the ,s o Accords/' Israe i mi itary courts and the (igh ;ourt o$ Bustice2 ha)e ru ed that the entire territory, inc uding the imited areas designated as >Area A? under the ,s o Accords, remain under occu"ation' In 4aza, Israe maintains direct contro o)er the air s"ace, territoria &aters, a but one o$ 4aza*s and crossings, and the "erimeter o$ the 4aza :tri"' Israe contro s the "assage o$ "eo" e and goods into and out o$ both "arts o$ the ,%-, &hich are considered as one territory under the ,s o Accords and internationa humanitarian a&' =urthermore, Israe contro s the %a estinian "o"u ation registry and has re$used to u"date it or "rocess any re#uests $or $ami y uni$ication since 2000, &hich means that tens o$ thousands o$ %a estinians in the @est Aan! and 4aza :tri" are considered i ega residents by the Israe i authorities and i)e in constant $ear o$ de"ortation' =or a o$ these reasons, Israe remains the occu"ying "o&er in both the @est Aan!, inc uding East Berusa em, and the 4aza :tri"' Its ob igations as an occu"ying "o&er, inc uding its res"onsibi ity $or the &e $are o$ the %a estinian "o"u ation and the "rotection o$ ci)i ians, are unchanged by the recognition o$ %a estine or u"grade in its status at the 12' Israe *s actions in the ,%- &i a so continue to be sub<ect to its ob igations under the internationa human rights treaties it has rati$ied, as has been re"eated y been a$$irmed by the treaty+monitoring bodies, as &e as customary ru es o$ internationa human rights a&' -reaties rati$ied by Israe inc ude the Internationa ;o)enant on ;i)i and %o itica 9ights .I;;%9/, the Internationa ;o)enant on Economic, :ocia and ;u tura 9ights .I;E:;9/, the Internationa ;on)ention on the E imination o$ A =orms o$ 9acia Discrimination, the ;on)ention on the E imination o$ A =orms o$ Discrimination against @omen, and the ;on)ention on the 9ights o$ the ;hi d' As ex" ained be o&, the statehood bid cou d a so a$$ect the ega standards a"" icab e to the %A' Q' 3 Does t!e reco nition o, Palestine allo2 ,or Palestinian rati,ication o, international !1man ri !ts conventions an- treaties0 incl1-in t!e Rome Stat1te o, t!e International #riminal #o1rt 4I##5. :tate status re#uirements to become a "arty to human rights con)entions and treaties )ary $rom treaty to treaty' :ome treaties a o& a states to become a "arty, as $or instance the 9ome :tatute o$ the I;;' ,thers re#uire 12 membershi", an in)itation $rom the 12 4enera Assemb y or being a "arty to the :tatute o$ the Internationa ;ourt o$ Bustice' -he I;;%9, I;E:;9, and the Internationa ;on)ention on the E imination o$ A =orms o$ 9acia Discrimination do not re#uire 12 membershi" as a condition $or rati$ication, as they are a so o"en to members o$ any o$ its s"ecia ized agencies .%a estine is a ready a member state o$ 12E:;,/, any state "arty to the :tatute o$ the Internationa ;ourt o$ Bustice or any state in)ited to become a "arty by the 4enera Assemb y' Accession &ou d $orma ize %a estine*s human rights ob igations and sub<ect it to monitoring and regu ar re)ie& by the re e)ant treaty bodies' 0i!e any other state, %a estine is a so bound by customary internationa human rights a& e)en i$ it does not rati$y human rights treaties' -he 9ome :tatute is o"en to accession by a states, and 12 membershi" is not a re#uirement' ,ne state, &hich is not e)en a 12 non+member obser)er state, the ;oo! Is ands, has been a "arty to the 9ome :tatute since 2007 &ithout any state ob<ecting to this' ,btaining non+member

obser)er state status at the 12 bo sters %a estine*s c aims to statehood and thus its e igibi ity to become a "arty to the 9ome :tatute' Q' 6 &o2 -oes t!e reco nition o, state!oo- a,,ect e,,orts to +1rs1e acco1ntabilit) ,or crimes 1n-er international la2 committe- -1rin t!e /778-/779 con,lict in %a:a an- so1t!ern Israel0 an- 2!at is Amnest) International callin ,or in t!is re ar-. Amnesty Internationa documented e)idence that &ar crimes &ere committed by both Israe i $orces and %a estinian armed grou"s during the 2007+2003 con$ ict in 4aza and southern Israe , 6 and the 12 =act+=inding Mission on the 4aza ;on$ ict concurred &ith this assessment in its :e"tember 2003 re"ort'8 A$ter monitoring the domestic in)estigations o$ both "arties, Amnesty Internationa conc uded that both the Israe i go)ernment and the (amas de $acto administration ha)e $ai ed to conduct "rom"t, thorough and inde"endent in)estigations in con$ormity &ith internationa a&, and $ai ed to "rosecute those sus"ected o$ crimina res"onsibi ity o$ crimes under internationa a&'5 ;rimes under internationa a& may be in)estigated, and i$ su$$icient admissib e e)idence exists, "rosecuted, by any state exercising uni)ersa <urisdiction, e)en &hen there is no in! bet&een the state and the incident in #uestion' @hether the sus"ect is a nationa o$ a state or not is irre e)ant' Amnesty internationa ca s u"on a states to exercise uni)ersa <urisdiction o)er crimes under internationa a&, inc uding those documented in the 2007+2003 4aza con$ ict D as a so recommended in the 9e"ort o$ the 12 =act+=inding Mission C' :tates shou d in)estigate and, i$ su$$icient admissib e e)idence is $ound, "rosecute those sus"ected o$ crimina res"onsibi ity $or crimes under internationa a& committed be$ore, during and a$ter the con$ ict be$ore their nationa courts, regard ess o$ the nationa ity o$ the )ictims or sus"ects' Amnesty Internationa has a so ca ed on the I;; %rosecutor to re#uest a determination $rom the %re+-ria ;hamber on the )a idity o$ a Banuary 2003 dec aration made by the %a estinian Authority under Artic e 12.6/ o$ the 9ome :tatute, acce"ting the I;;*s <urisdiction o)er crimes >committed on the territory o$ %a estine since 1 Bu y 2002'?E -his dec aration &ou d "otentia y co)er a crimes committed in 4aza and southern Israe documented in the 12 =act+=inding Mission re"ort' -he I;; %rosecutor recei)ed )arious submissions on &hether the %A dec aration meets statutory re#uirements and conducted a "re iminary examination into crimes committed during the 4aza con$ ict' ,n 6 A"ri 2012, the ,$$ice o$ the %rosecutor conc uded that it &as unab e to "roceed &ith in)estigating and "rosecuting these crimes un ess the re e)ant 12 bodies .in "articu ar, the :ecretary 4enera and 4enera Assemb y/ or the I;; Assemb y o$ :tates %arties .made u" o$ 121 states that ha)e rati$ied the 9ome :tatute/ decide that %a estine #ua i$ies as a state &ithin the meaning o$ the "ro)ision under &hich the %a estinian Authority had odged the dec aration' 7 -his condition is no& met'3 A ternati)e y, %a estine can ma!e a ne& dec aration under artic e 12.6/ o$ the 9ome :tatute since recei)ing non+member obser)er state status at the 12 in order $or the I;; to re+consider in)estigating crimes committed during the 2007+2003 4aza con$ ict' In the e)ent that the %a estine dec aration &ere not acce"ted by the %re+-ria ;hamber D a decision that &ou d be sub<ect to a""ea + I;; <urisdiction cou d be triggered by a :ecurity ;ounci re$erra to the %rosecutor or, i$ %a estine &ere to become a state "arty to the 9ome :tatute, by a %a estine D or any other state "arty + re$erra to the %rosecutor or the %rosecutor herse $ o"ening an in)estigation motu proprio. Amnesty Internationa continues to ca on the 12 4enera Assemb y to reconsider the 12 =act+ =inding Mission 9e"ort' -he 4enera Assemb y shou d re$er the re"ort to the :ecurity ;ounci &ith the recommendation that it re$er the 4aza situation to the %rosecutor o$ the I;;, "ursuant to

Artic e 16.b/ o$ the 9ome :tatute'10

Q' ; W!at abo1t t!e +ress1re not to +1rs1e acco1ntabilit) mec!anisms in t!e event o, state!ooreco nition t!at 2as +lace- on Palestinian -i+lomats +rior to t!e vote. Amnesty Internationa is concerned at re"orts that se)era states, inc uding the 1nited Fingdom and the 1:A, "ut "ressure on %a estinian di" omats "rior to the 12 4enera Assemb y )ote to renounce accountabi ity mechanisms $or crimes under internationa a&' Amnesty Internationa o""oses any such attem"ts to "re)ent the %a estinians $rom acceding to the 9ome :tatute o$ the I;;' :uch attem"ts contra)ene the $undamenta "rinci" e that <ustice shou d be accessib e to a , regard ess o$ nationa ity or "o itica a$$i iation and aim at undermining the integrity o$ the I;;' -hese e$$orts a""ear to be designed to entrench im"unity $or crimes under internationa a&, in "articu ar those committed during the 2007+2003 con$ ict in 4aza and southern Israe , by "re)enting both %a estinian and Israe i )ictims $rom accessing <ustice through the I;;'

Q' < &o2 -oes Palestinian state!oo- a,,ect e,,orts to +1rs1e acco1ntabilit) ,or a++arent violations o, international la2 committe- -1rin t!e November /7(/ con,lict in %a:a an- so1t!ern Israel0 an- 2!at is Amnest) International callin ,or in t!is re ar-. Amnesty Internationa has ca ed on Israe and (amas to conduct "rom"t, thorough, inde"endent and e$$ecti)e in)estigations o$ a""arent )io ations o$ I(0 committed by the Israe i armed $orces and %a estinian armed grou"s res"ecti)e y' (o&e)er, Israe has a "oor record o$ accountabi ity $or )io ations committed by its o&n $orces, &hi e (amas has $ai ed to embar! on any accountabi ity e$$orts' %a estine*s ne& "osition at the 12 and its "otentia accession to the 9ome :tatute cou d be crucia in s"urring accountabi ity mechanisms in the $uture' -o su""ort this, Amnesty Internationa is ca ing on the internationa community to send ex"ert monitors &ith the abi ity to in)estigate )io ations o$ I(0 and internationa human rights a& to the 4aza :tri" and Israe ' 1nti such in)estigations ha)e ta!en " ace, &ith anyone $ound res"onsib e $or abuses brought to <ustice, the :ecurity ;ounci shou d im"ose an arms embargo on a "arties to the con$ ict' %ending such an embargo, a states shou d immediate y sus"end trans$ers o$ &ea"ons, munitions and re ated e#ui"ment to Israe , the (amas de $acto administration, and %a estinian armed grou"s in 4aza' 11

Q' = &o2 -oes t!e state!oo- reco nition a,,ect e,,orts to +1rs1e acco1ntabilit) ,or !1man ri !ts violations0 ab1ses0 an- crimes 1n-er international la2 b) t!e PA an- t!e &amas -e ,acto a-ministration in %a:a. %a estinian accession to internationa human rights treaties such as the I;;%9, I;E:;9, and the Internationa ;on)ention on the E imination o$ A =orms o$ 9acia Discrimination &ou d strengthen e$$orts to "ursue accountabi ity $or serious ongoing human rights )io ations' -hese inc ude arbitrary arrests, torture and other i +treatment o$ detainees, non+en$orcement o$ <udicia decisions .inc uding $or the re ease o$ detainees/, excessi)e or unnecessary use o$ $orce against demonstrators and other arbitrary restrictions on $reedom o$ ex"ression and association' As a state "arty to internationa human rights treaties, %a estine &ou d be sub<ect to regu ar monitoring by 12 treaty bodies, and &ou d be ob iged to ta!e necessary ste"s to "re)ent human rights )io ations by go)ernment bodies and its security $orces' In 4aza, the (amas de $acto administration regu ar y commits simi ar serious abuses to those o$ the %A in the @est Aan!' In addition, since gaining contro o)er 4aza in Bune 200E, the (amas authorities ha)e been res"onsib e $or executing "eo" e a$ter un$air tria s in mi itary and ci)i ian

courts, $ai ing to "rosecute members o$ armed grou"s sus"ected o$ crimina res"onsibi ity $or summary !i ings, and $ai ing to "re)ent %a estinian armed grou"s $rom aunching indiscriminate roc!ets into southern Israe , &hich constitutes a &ar crime' -he im"act o$ the %a estine statehood bid on e$$orts to "ursue accountabi ity $or these abuses by the (amas authorities is ess straight$or&ard' In 4aza, the (amas de+$acto administration exercises many state $unctions, inc uding the administration o$ <ustice, and arguab y shou d be bound by the ob igations under internationa a& underta!en by the state o$ %a estine' In any e)ent, (amas &ou d continue to ha)e ob igations under internationa humanitarian a&' -he %A a so bears some res"onsibi ity $or the actions o$ armed grou"s and non+state actors $rom &ithin its territory, sub<ect to the extent o$ its contro and the means o$ action at its dis"osa ' @hat is c ear is that i$ %a estine &ere to become a "arty to the 9ome :tatute o$ the I;; or i$ I;; <urisdiction &ere triggered by any o$ the mechanisms discussed abo)e, the "ros"ects o$ en$orcing indi)idua crimina res"onsibi ity $or crimes under internationa a& committed or ordered by members o$ (amas and other %a estinian armed grou"s &ou d be great y enhanced, as the I;; can in)estigate and "rosecute crimes under internationa a& &hether committed by state or non+state actors' Amnesty Internationa is ca ing $or %a estine to become "arty to a re e)ant human rights and internationa humanitarian a& treaties'

Q' 8 W!at are t!e im+lications o, Palestinian state!oo- ,or t!e stat1s o, Israeli settlements in t!e OPT. -he recognition o$ %a estinian statehood does not a$$ect Israe *s status as the occu"ying "o&er in the @est Aan! and 4aza :tri", and it does not a$$ect the status o$ Israe i sett ements in the ,%-' -he estab ishment and retention o$ ci)i ian sett ements in occu"ied territory )io ates internationa humanitarian a&, s"eci$ica y Artic e 83 o$ the =ourth 4ene)a ;on)ention, &hich "rohibits an occu"ying "o&er $rom trans$erring its o&n ci)i ian "o"u ation into the territory it occu"ies, and Artic e 55 o$ the (ague 9egu ations, &hich $orbids an occu"ying "o&er $rom changing the character and nature o$ state "ro"erty, exce"t $or security needs or $or the bene$it o$ the oca "o"u ation' -he >trans$er, direct y or indirect y, by the ,ccu"ying %o&er o$ "arts o$ its o&n ci)i ian "o"u ation into the territory it occu"ies? is considered a &ar crime under Artic e 7.2/ o$ the 9ome :tatute o$ the I;;, >&hen committed as "art o$ a " an or "o icy or as "art o$ a arge+sca e commission o$ such crimes'? Israe *s sett ement "o icy is a so inherent y discriminatory and resu ts in continuing )io ations o$ the rights o$ %a estinians in the occu"ied @est Aan! to ade#uate housing, hea th, &ater and an ade#uate standard o$ i)ing' It is a so a direct cause o$ $orced e)ictions o$ )u nerab e communities' In res"onse to the 12 recognition o$ %a estine, the Israe i go)ernment announced that it &ou d acce erate sett ement construction abo)e and beyond the ex"ansion that is a ready under &ay in East Berusa em and e se&here in the @est Aan!' 2ot on y are sett ements i ega under internationa a&, and a so cause the )io ations o$ a myriad o$ %a estinian human rights, they a so " ace arbitrary restrictions on %a estinians* $reedom o$ mo)ement' Mi itary chec!"oints, by+"ass roads &ith "riority access $or sett ers, and no+go areas around sett ements a restrict %a estinian mo)ement in the @est Aan! in &ays that are not so e y res"onses to security threats or are not "ro"ortionate in duration and im"act to any such threats' -he regime o$ restrictions on mo)ement that ha)e been im"osed in re ation to the sett ements amounts to the co ecti)e "unishment o$ the "o"u ation o$ the @est Aan!' -he recent Israe i statements regarding sett ement ex"ansion raise concerns that these measures &i be exacerbated'

Amnesty Internationa continues to ca on Israe to immediate y ha t the ex"ansion o$ sett ements in the @est Aan!, inc uding East Berusa em, as a $irst ste" to&ards com" ete y remo)ing Israe i sett ements $rom the ,%-'12 Q' 9 &o2 are Israeli-Palestinian relations re-e,ine- 1n-er international la2 ,ollo2in t!e reco nition o, Palestinian state!oo-. Israe *s &as one o$ the nine )otes, a ongside the 1nited :tates, ;anada, the ;zech 9e"ub ic, %anama and $our %aci$ic is and nations, cast against the 12 4enera Assemb y reso ution granting %a estine non+member obser)er state status' In addition to announcing the construction o$ ne& units in sett ements in the @est Aan!, the Israe i go)ernment has ha ted the trans$er o$ tax re)enues co ected on beha $ o$ the %a estinian Authority, according to media re"orts' 9estrictions on mo)ement o$ goods and "eo" e by Israe ha)e a ready "ut a strang eho d on the %a estinian economy and $orced many %a estinians into de"endence on humanitarian aid' Amnesty Internationa has re"eated y urged Israe to i$t com" ete y its b oc!ade on 4aza, &hich im"oses a co ecti)e "unishment on more than 1'8 mi ion %a estinians in c ear )io ation o$ internationa a&' Amnesty Internationa is concerned that &ithho ding money or resources &i exacerbate the humanitarian situation' Israe , as the occu"ying "o&er, is $orbidden $rom using co ecti)e "unishment and is res"onsib e $or the &e $are o$ the occu"ied "o"u ation Q' (7 Does t!e reco nition o, Palestinian state!oo- !ave im+lications ,or t!e international re+resentation o, Palestinian re,1 ees0 or Palestinians* ri !t to ret1rn. -he issue o$ &ho re"resents the %a estinian "eo" e and their rights internationa y is a matter $or %a estinians to decide' -he rights o$ %a estinian re$ugees re ating to their e)eryday i$e, &hether they are ci)i and "o itica rights or economic, socia and cu tura rights, must be res"ected by the states under &hose <urisdiction they i)e' -hese rights are guaranteed by internationa a& and are not a$$ected by the recognition .or ac! thereo$/ o$ a %a estinian state' 0i!e&ise, the right to return is a right guaranteed to e)ery %a estinian re$ugee indi)idua y and cannot be com"romised by any change in the status o$ %a estine at the 12 or the recognition .or ac! thereo$/ o$ a %a estinian state' It a"" ies not on y to those &ho &ere direct y ex"e ed and their immediate $ami ies, but a so to those o$ their descendants &ho ha)e maintained c ose and enduring connections' 16 Q' (( W!at im+lication -oes t!e reco nition o, Palestinian state!oo- !ave ,or t!e stat1s o, Palestinian +risoners !el- b) Israel. =urther internationa recognition o$ %a estinian statehood cou d enab e %a estine to rati$y the 4ene)a ;on)entions and additiona "rotoco s' -he %0, submitted a etter o$ accession to 4ene)a ;on)entions on beha $ o$ the :tate o$ %a estine in 1373' -he :&iss =edera ;ounci , &hich is the authority that is noti$ied o$ rati$ications or accessions to the treaty, stated that it &as not in a "osition to decide &hether the etter constituted a )a id instrument o$ accession, Gdue to the uncertainty &ithin the internationa community as to the existence or non+existence o$ a :tate o$ %a estine'G %a estine*s ne& status at the 12 may be su$$icient to sett e this uncertainty in the eyes o$ the :&iss =edera ;ounci '

-he -hird 4ene)a ;on)ention regu ates the treatment o$ "risoners o$ &ar during armed con$ icts and situations o$ "artia or tota occu"ation o$ the territory o$ a (igh ;ontracting %arty' I$ %a estine becomes a (igh ;ontracting %arty to the -hird 4ene)a ;on)ention, Israe cou d be ob iged to grant "risoner+o$+&ar status to %a estinian combatants &ho &ere "art o$ the regu ar armed $orces, or members o$ other mi itias or organized resistance mo)ements "ro)ided that they $u $i ed certain conditions' -hese conditions, enumerated in Artic e 8.2/ o$ the ;on)ention, re#uire combatants to distinguish themse )es $rom ci)i ians by ha)ing a $ixed, distincti)e sign recognizab e at a distance and carrying arms o"en y, and to conduct o"erations in accordance &ith the a&s and customs o$ &ar in order to recei)e "risoner+o$+&ar status' %risoner+o$+&ar status &ou d grant )arious "rotections &hich %a estinian "risoners he d by Israe $or a eged in)o )ement in armed attac!s or membershi" in armed grou"s do not current y en<oy' =or exam" e, as "ri)i eged combatants they cou d not be "rosecuted $or attac!s on so diers and mi itary ob<ecti)es that com" y &ith the ru es o$ I(0, but they cou d be he d as %o@s unti the cessation o$ acti)e hosti ities' A though it &ou d not "rec ude their being tried $or attac!s against ci)i ians or other serious )io ations o$ internationa humanitarian a&' %a estinians $rom the ,%detained by Israe $or a eged y carrying out or " anning attac!s are current y treated as ci)i ians &ho ha)e direct y "artici"ated in hosti ities and "rosecuted in Israe i mi itary courts or he d as administrati)e detainees, &hich a o&s $or detention &ithout charge or tria $or "eriods o$ u" to six months, rene&ab e inde$inite y'

Amnesty Internationa , Palestine UN status upgrade should open door to justice, 60 2o)ember 2012, htt"://&&&'amnesty'org/en/$or+media/"ress+re eases/"a estine+un+status+u"grade+shou d+o"en+door+<ustice+2012+11+60 2 (;B 205C/08, Beit Sourik Village Council v The Government of srael 3 Amnesty Internationa , !peration "Cast #ead$% && 'a(s of 'eath and 'estruction, Bu y 2003, htt"://&&&'amnesty'org/en/ ibrary/in$o/MDE15/015/2003/en' 4 )eport of the UN *act+*inding ,ission on the Ga-a Conflict, 12 document A/(9;/12/87, 25 :e"tember 2003, htt"://&&&2'ohchr'org/eng ish/bodies/hrcounci /s"ecia session/3/=act=indingMission'htm ' 5 .mnest( nternational$s assessment of sraeli and Palestinian investigations into the Ga-a conflict/ 2E :e"tember 2010, htt"://&&&'amnesty'org/en/ ibrary/in$o/MDE15/022/2010/enH .mnest( nternational$s updated assessment of sraeli and Palestinian investigations into the Ga-a conflict/ Index MDE 15/017/2011, 17 March 2011, htt"://&&&'amnesty'org/en/ ibrary/in$o/MDE15/017/2011/en' 6 )eport of the UN *act+*inding ,ission on the Ga-a Conflict, "ara'1802 and 1C8C+1C58' 7 Amnesty Internationa , CC should decide on Ga-a conflict investigation, 2E :e"tember 2010, htt"://&&&'amnesty'org/en/ne&s+and+u"dates/icc+urged+decide+gaza+con$ ict+in)estigation+2010+03+2E' 8 .mnest( nternational$s response to the CC !ffice of the Prosecutor$s statement that it cannot investigate crimes committed during the Ga-a conflict, Index MDE MDE 15/017/2012, Index MDE 15/017/2012, 8 A"ri 2012, htt"://&&&'amnesty'org/en/ ibrary/in$o/MDE15/017/2012/en' 9 Amnesty Internationa , Palestine UN status upgrade should open door to justice, 60 2o)ember 2012 htt"://&&&'amnesty'org/en/ne&s/"a estine+12+status+u"grade+shou d+o"en+door+to+<ustice+2012+11+60' 10 Amnesty Internationa , !pen letter to UN Secretar(+General regarding follo0+up to the )eport of the UN *act+*inding ,ission on the Ga-a Conflict/ Index MDE 15/068/2011, 1C :e"tember 2011, htt"://&&&'amnesty'org/en/ ibrary/in$o/MDE15/068/2011/en and !pen letter to Baroness .shton regarding follo0+up to the )eport of the UN *act+*inding ,ission on the Ga-a Conflict, Index MDE 15/065/2011,1C :e"tember 2011, htt"://&&&'amnesty'org/en/ ibrary/in$o/MDE15/065/2011/en and UN urged to reject sraeli calls to retract Goldstone report, E A"ri 2011, e!t-"srae#"-!a##s-retra!t-go#dstonereport-2011-04-07' 11 Amnesty Internationa , srael1Ga-a conflict% UN must impose arms em2argo/ send international monitors immediatel(, 13 2o)ember 2012, htt"://&&&'amnesty'org/en/$or+media/"ress+re eases/israe gaza+con$ ict+un+must+im"ose+arms+ embargo+send+internationa +monitors' 12 =or more detai on Amnesty Internationa *s "osition on sett ements and internationa a&, see: Amnesty Internationa , srael and the !ccupied Territories% The issue of settlements must 2e addressed according to international la0, Index: MDE 15/075/2006, E :e"tember 2006, htt"://&&&'amnesty'org/en/ ibrary/in$o/MDE15/075/2006/en' 13 =or Amnesty Internationa *s "o icy statement on the %a estinian right to return see: srael and the !ccupied Territories1Palestinian .uthorit(% The right to return% The case of the Palestinians/ Index: MDE 15/016/2001, 23 March 2001, htt"://&&&'amnesty'org/en/ ibrary/in$o/MDE15/016/2001/en'

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