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October 2013

(A Monthly Bulletin of Veddhyayana Kendra, Bangalore)

(For private circulation only)

Issue No.152

Prajapate natvadeta nyanyo visva jatani parita babhuva! Yatkamaste juhumas tanno astu vayam syama patayo rayinam.!!
RV X.121.10

Editor in Chief : Dr. C.L. Prabhakar Editors : Dr. Anjaneya Prasad, Surendra Pujar

Annotation : This is the very popular mantra found in the Hiranyagarbha sukta (10-121) of RV originally. This mantra is popular in the religious practices. Academically this mantra is highly significant. It is a prayer to Prajapati, the creator to grant the desires of his people and also that his devotees be the lords of riches with a mind to share with others.The message is : Oh prajapati! You have encompassed all the people in creation and remained overlord. So with what desire we offer worship to you kindly make it fulfilled and may we be blessed with wealth ,health and fine life on the earth. This is a mantra where Prajapati an important deity of the Yajurveda is eulogized. This is the popular mantra connected to prayer to him. In Navagrahasukta, this mantra is employed to praise Sanimaharaja .This mantra is employed

as the utterance for the matrapushpa item of the nityadevatarcana performed after nirajana seva to the dieties.In navagraha homa too this is employed with om and svahas prefixed and suffixed to please the Mandagraha and the Prajapati in principle. It is true that the Vedic deities have taken another form as the grahas who control/hold the fate and life of the natives born. We look always for the Navagrahanugraha. Hiranyagarbha is Prajapati appearing at the beginning of creation in the Golden Egg form floating on the deluge waters and getting the sankalpa to start the activity of creation in the world. A japa of this mantra is beneficial and rewarding. Om Prajapataye svaha and prajapataya idam na mama is the formula to please the Lord of Beings and the sanisvara graha.

XIX ANNUAL DAY CELEBRATION OF THE VEDAADHYAYANAKENDRA (II) Lalitamma After Inauguration there were paper Mysore Vausdevachar and Mutthai Bhagavatar. presentations on the vaggeyakaras and Kalidasa smt Yadugiri and Smt Geetha srinvasan and Dr Dr T.Seetharamalakshmi, Dr Vanita ramaswamy, Geetha also joined in the vocal concert. On the Dr Geetha , Sri Ramachandraiah read their papers Sunday the 18th August after Vedic chanting and followed by the vocal concert by Dr.T.S.R sangieetanjali, there were paper presentation on .Lakshmi with accompaniments support by Smt Kalidasa as a Yoga Acharyawith erudition. His Suryaprabha (Violin),Nagendra (Mrudangam) and contribution to Astrology, and Veda was Kangira. There were rendering of the kirtanas of highlighted. There was a special invited lecture by
Vedanada Sarit Vol.XV Issue-152 605

Janana cakravarti V.Satyanarayana who explained two slokas of Kalidasa selected from Kumarasambhava and Meghasandesa. So many secrets involved in the slokas in a suggestive way were let known to people. It was owing to the erudition and devi anugraha to the speaker. There were papers presented by Dr.Pranesh, Dri KumarBhat, Dr S. Nagarj, Dr.S Krishnakumar,

Sri T.S. Gopal Dr. C.L. Prabhakar Sri Kaipu Seshadri , Dr Geeta and others. There was the Honoring session where the three honored Vedic Scholars with upadhi Vadasri spoke on the Veda, Astrology of Kalidasas purview and it was highly enjoyable, informative and educational. The programme concluded with the mangalasamsanam and santi patha. Mahesh Veda is a veritable resource to tap the DRD (Divine Resource Development). So it would be a help for the HRD and betterment. Dr. NeelaKanthan narrated the entire course of the work done on Veda from Samhitas down the Vedic literature by indigenous and foreign scholars to make the Vedic Knowledge useful and accessible. It was through editing the texts and presenting them understandable to all. He mentioned the work done in Kerala for the utility of the Vedic Wisdom and applications.He referred also to the work done outside India and their understanding levels of our scriptures. Jnana Chakravarti Dr. Satyanarayana made the Vedas understood well in their utilitarian value. He quoted appropriately many relevant expressions to emphasize the use of Vedic Knowledge in the contemporary times. It was a divine elucidation and inspiring .Dr Vanita Ramaswamy concluded with her remarks on the programme..She also added her views on Veda-Use to the contemporary situations and needs. T. S Gopal Aayaama means to expand, stretch or restrain. This means expansion or extension of breath and exercising control over it. Atharva Veda explains prana in a wider sense.

DISCOURSES ON VEDAS AND THEIR UTILITY TODAY ON 25 July 2013, at the Kalyana Venkatesvara Swamy temple there were two discourses held on the theme above under the auspicious of NVAK and WAVES. Vedasri Dr. C.M. Nilakanthan , Professor of Vedic studies , Sri Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit, Kerala and Jnana Cakravarti Dr. V. satyanarayana of Bangalore were the speakers. Vedic prayer was done by Mahesh and Vasan, the veda students of Kendra an academically oriented Vedic centre. Welcome and the preamble were rendered by the Director of the NVAK, Dr. C.L. Prabhakar. In his address he explained the modernity in the Veda mantras. He quoted the expressions and the mantras which have contemporary value and guidance to the upcoming youth and others. The rudraadyaya contains a prayer: maghavadbhyah tanusva explaining the Lord Rudra need to increase the number of rich people that they would open more vistas for job opportunities and more. Vedas are useful even to children and senior citizens as well, why to all.

THE PHILOSOPHY OF PRANAYAMA, FOR EACH DAY Let us know what is Prana? Before we talk "Pranayama" Prana is teh divine energy which is pervading the whole universe. It is the sum of all energies that is manifested in the universe. Prana means respiration, breath, life, vitality, wind, energy or strength. Generally, the word is used in plural to indicate vital breaths.

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Vedanada Sarit Vol.XV Issue-152

Prana is to all persons as father to his dear children. Prana is the hard core of all creation which breaths and breathes not, and which indicates its all pervasiveness. According to PRASHNOPANISHAD, All that exists in all. the three worlds is under the governance of Prana. O Prana please protect us, as mother protects her children and grant us the real wealth and wisdom. Tittiriya Upanishad says, that Gods do breath Prana, and Men and animal too do the same.Hunger, sleep, fear and procreation are instincts which are common to both animals and human beings. The faculty of discrimination or the intelligence are the gift specially given to human beings by nature or God. Thus without this special faculty he is equal to an animal. Indian Philosophy considers the entire universe to be made up of two materials-AKASHA and PRANA. Akasha is the omnipresent and all pervading existence. Anything gross, which has form and is the result of combination, comes out of Akasha. But by itself, it is so subtle that it cannot be perceived. It exists by itself at the beginning of the cycle of creation, and at its end everything dissolves back into Akasha. The power which motivates and activates Akasha into creating and dissolving the universe is called PRANA. It is the i finite, omnipresent manifesting power from which emerges all energies at the beginning of creation.

Everything in the physical universe which has energy force, motion., etc., manifest prana. The knowledge, wisdom and control of this Prana is called PRANAYAMA according to Swamy Vivekananda. Prana the basis of the whole creation manifests itself in pranamaya kosha in five major forms, namely, Prana, Apana, Samana, Udana and Vyana The seat of the Prana is the Chest, of Apanathe Anus, of Samana- the region above the naval, of Udana- the throat and vyana moves throught the body. This is explained in PRASHNOPANISHAD as Payupathepanam caksuh srotre mukhanasikabhyam Pranah Svam Pratisthate madye tu samanah Esa hyetat hutamannam samam nayati Tasmadetah saptarciso bhavanti. . First one should control the motion of the lungs, through which the finer motion of prana can be controlled. The next stage is to get control over the nerves. The nerve center that controls the respiratory organs has a sort of controlling effect on the other nerves and thus rhythmic breathing is essential. The normal breathing that we do is not at all rhythmic but irregular. The first step in pranayama is just to breath in a calculated way -breathing in and breathing out slowly and deeply, which harmonizes the entire system.

Announcements :
XIX ANNUAL DAY with the theme Mahakavi Kalidasa as a Veda Rshi&His understanding of Veda, Yoga and Astrology on 17nd and 18th August 2013. Papers for presentations solicited. Abstracts/papers be mailed to Next astrology class by Dr. Krishna Kumar is on 2nd, &23rd, Thursday at 6.30 p.m. in the Kendra premises.


Vedanada Sarit Vol.XV Issue-152

Activities at Kendra Premises 206, 12th Cross, 14th Main, J.P. Nagar II Phase
Sundays Mondays Tuesdays Wednesday Thursdays Fridays Saturdays } 6.00 7.00 } 7.00 7.00 } 7.00 6.30 } 7.00 7.00 } 7.00 6.30 } 7.00 7.00 } 3.30 5.00 6.00

Mitam bhuktva satam gatva japtva ca sata namakam! Vamabhage sayaanasya bhishagbhih kim prayojanam!! Bhishag carakah

am Yogasana by Sri T.S. Gopal (beginners and advanced) am Veda Classes on popular sktas am Veda Classes, Rudram, Camakam etc. pm Mahanyasa classes at Veda Adhyayana Kendra By Eating limited measures of food; am Rudram class Walking hundred yards per time; Reciting pm Yoga for all by T.S. Gopal the hundred names of any Lord( deity)and am Rudram class. Sleeping to the left side ; when these are pm Classes on Bhagavadgita etc., observed what would anyone to do with a am Popular Vedic sktas alternately doctor? pm Lectures on "Puranas' Subjects am Sri Sukta and other Devi Suktas pm Classes on Saundaryalahari (Kendra Premises) pm Annamacharya Kirthana by Dr. (Smt.) Seetharamalakshmi Ph.D. (Music) pm Sanskrit class. Lalita Trisati pm Palmistry Classes by Dr. Shivappa

Programme for the month October 2013

(Popular vedic suktas and kirtanas applications and Relevance Year 2013-2014) Please mark your calendar these dates and participate for certain Sl.No. 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 Date 17-10-2013, Thursday 06.30 p.m. 20-10-13, Sunday 11.00 a.m. 31-10-13, Thursday 06.30 p.m. 18-10-13, Friday 06.30 p.m. 27-10-13, Sunday 4.00 p.m. to 7.00. p.m Topic Speaker

Astrology class Dr S.Krishnakumar Samuhika Saundaryalahari Homa Astrology Class Purnima : Vishnu sahasranama Parayanam (samuhika) and arcana. Discourses on Kalidasas Works(Meghasandesa&Kumara Sambhavam from the view of Veda ,Yoga&Astrology Venue: Sri Kalyana Venkataesvara temple premises I phase J.P. Nagar .Eminent scholars speak

To Smt./Sri. Dr.

Printed matter

Printed & Published by Dr. C.L. Prabhakar, Veddhyayana Kendra, # 437, 15th Main, 17th Cross, 5th Phase, J.P.Nagar, Bangalore-78. Ph.: 26596150, 26592489 email : wisdom, http://nvedaakendra.
608 Vedanada Sarit Vol.XV Issue-152

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