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RENTAL AGREEMENT This Indenture of Rental Agreement made on this the 10th day of November 2007 (05.11.

2007) by and between Sri V.SAMBAJ RA!" aged about !0 years" #$o %aggatata& 'en(ato)i Rao Residing at *o.+!,2" ,-th .ross" 1!th /ain Road" 0umaraswamy 1ayout" 2angalore 5,0073. 4ereinafter .alled the LESS!R # !$NER of the 5ne 6art Sri. SR N VAS" aged about +0 years" #$o 6uttaswamy" 7oor *o.721" 7th .ross" 2ala)i *agar" 2angalore 8 5,002-. 4ereinafter .alled the LESSEE # TENANT of the 5ther 6art 94:R:A# both the &arties shall mean and in;lude their res&e;ti<e heirs" legal re&resentati<es" administrator" :=e;utotors"#u;;essors" and assigns et;." 94:R:A# the 1:##5R is the absolute 5wner of the 6remises at Residing at No.%&'2" '(th )ro**" 1&th Mai+ Road" ,-mara*.amy Layo-t" Ba+/a0ore 1'0072.9hi;h is more fully des;ribed in the #;hedule " hereunder and hereinafter ;alled the #.4:7>1:7 6R:/I#:#. 9hereas the 1:##5R u&on the Re?uest of the 1:##:: agreed to 1:T 5>T the #;hedule 6remises on Rental 2asis on the following Terms and the 1:##:: has agreed for the same.

N!$ T3 S AGREEMENT $ TNESST3 AS 4!LL!$S 1. The 1:##:: shall &ay the Rent Rs.210#5 6 R-7ee* Ei/ht 3-+dred a+d 4ifty !+0y 8 &er month to the 1essor on 10th of e<ery #u;;eeding month regularly. 2. The Rental 6eriod is e=e;uted from 10.11.2007 for a &eriod of E0eve+ 6118 months whi;h ;an be e=tended on mutual understandings of both the 6arties. +. The 1:##:: agreed to &ay the #um of Rs. 10"000#5 6 R-7ee* Te+ Tho-*a+d o+0y8 a* Se9-rity :e7o*it to the 1:##5R before the following witnesses by way of .ash the 1:##5R has re;ei<ed the #ame and a;(nowledged. !. This Ad<an;e Amount shall not ;arry any Interest and shall be Refundable by the 1:##5R to the 1:##:: at the time of 'a;ating the #;hedule 6remises sub)e;t to dedu;tions of arrears of Rent" :le;tri;ity 7ues" 7amages "Re&air ;ost and :t;". if any. 5. 94:R:A# the 1:##5R shall allow the 1:##:: &ea;eful and en)oyment of the 6remises during the ;ontinuan;e of the 6eriod. ,. 94:R:A# the 1:##:: shall &ay the :le;tri;ity .harges as &er the /eter Reading bill amount to the .on;erned 7e&artment. 7. 94:R:A# the 1:##:: shall use the #;hedule 6remises for running @BALAJ RE:;MA:E )L!T3<S @ &ur&ose. 3. The shall not run any other business whi;h is illegal and &rohibited under the 1aw. And the 1:##:: shall not store any inflammable $ dangerous goods $ arti;les in the #;hedule &remises. -. 94:R:A# the 1:##:: shall not #>2 8 1:T or >nderlet the #;hedule 6remises to anybody without the 9ritten .onsent of the 1:##5R. 10. 94:R:A# the 1:##:: shall not ma(e any alteration and shall not ;ause any damages to the #;hedule 6remises and the 1:##:: shall hand o<er the #;hedule 6remises in the same good .ondition at the time of <a;ating the #;hedule 6remises. If any damages ;aused to the #;hedule &remises the re&air ;ost to be borne by the 1:##:: at the time of <a;ating the #;hedule 6remises. 11. 94:R:A# either of the &arties shall gi<e T.o 6 2 8 months &rior noti;e for <a;ating $ see(ing the #;hedule 6remises. 12. 94:R:A# the 1:##:: or re&resentati<es is at right to ins&e;t the #;hedule 6remises at reasonable hours with ad<an;e intimation.

S)3E:=LE All the &ie;e and &ar;el of the 6remises at No. %&'2" '(th )ro**" 1&th Mai+ Road" ,-mara*.amy Layo-t" Ba+/a0ore 1'0072. The 6remises at Around Bloor #outh Ba;ing ;onsisting of measuring ( > 10 and is &ro<ided with :le;tri;ity fa;ilities " and &ro<ided with R.. Roofing. I* 9IT*:## 9hereof " both the 6arties ha<e affi=ed their #ignature to this Rental Agreement on the 7ate of aforesaid at 2angalore . $ TNESSES ?





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