Ms 3580 Quiz 1 Nutcracker

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Management techniques to reduce work content Naure of management Mangement is the organization and control of human activity directed

towards spe cific needs Management techniques are systematic procedures of investigation, planning and c ontrol which can be applied to management problems Systematic solution to the solution of the problem proceeds step by step from kn own to unknown, always on the basis of ascertained facts Since management deals with humans, it can never by completely scientific, and m ust partly be regarded as an art. Reduce work content due to the product Coupling of product design and product design phases (design products such that the most economic processes are used) Pilot project/Prototyping to avoid mistakes at an advanced stage(common in chemi cal engineering industries) Standardization of components Setting correct quality standards Sticter standards leading to increased manufacturing time, leniant standards lea ding to greater variability Knowing the customer - Management should conduct market research and consumer su rveys to know the customer better Reduce work content due to the method Process planning - Identification of correct machines for the process. In chemic al industry, this is specified by the R&D or the license seller Process research - Identification of best manufacturing technique Proper manintenance Method study - Combine with process planning to give most suitable tools for the operative. Includes factory layout, working methods of the operative Operator training - Improve working methods of the operative Reduce inefficient time due to the management Strategic decisions - Which markets to enter can affect ineffective time to a gr eat extent Production planning - It is planning of proper programs of work so that the plan t and workers are kept supplied without having to wait. Proper programs should be supplied only on the basis of sound standards of perfo rmance Work measurement - Setting up those standards Material control - Workers and machines should not be idle because of non-availa bility of materials and tools. Reduce inefficient time within control of worker Training Make worker want to reduce inefficient time (Create condition sto make the worke r get on his work Hawthorne effect) Effective personnel policy and management's attitude towards the worker A sound wage structure, includeing incentive schemes (typically based on time st andards dervied form work measurement) Work study Techniques used in the examination of human work in all contexts, and which lead systematicllay to the investigation of all the factors which affect the efficie ncy and economy of the situation being reviewed, in order to effect improvement Two branches - Method study and work measurement Techniques of work study

Method study - Systematic recording and critical examination of the existing and proposed ways of doing work, as a means of developing and applying easier and m ore effective methods and reducing costs. Work measurement - The application of techniques designed to establish the time for a qualified worker to carry out a specified job at a defined level of perfor mance Method sudy is associated with the reduction of the work content of a job or ope ration, while work measurement is mostly concerned with the investigation and re duction of any ineffective time associated with it. Basic procedure of Work Study Select the job or process to be studied Record from direct observations everything that happens Examine the recorded facts critically and challenge everything that is done Develop most economic method taking into considerations all circumstances Measure the quantity of work involved in the the method selected and calculate a standard time for doing it. Define an new method and time to standardize Institutionalize the new method and time as practice Maintain the new standards by control procedures Why process flow charts? It gives a complet picture of what is being done and helps to understand the fac ts and its relationship to one another Details on the chart should be from direct measurement (should not be from memor y) Neatness and accuracy is important Increased value if the following is included: Product, equipment details Job or process being carried out Location and time(date) of study Observer's Name Chart reference number Facility Layout: Method study considerations Important considerations: Easiest flow of material, at the lowest cost with mini mum handling Essentially a work study problem More recently, because of cost minimization aspects, Operations personnel solves the layout problem Work study methods: Flow diagram and process flow chart Flow diagram: 3d diagram, 3d cardboard models and 3d work/plastic models Ensure that the diagrams are to scale Err on the safe side CAD Models are common now. Facility layout: Method study considerations Start witht he flow diagram/model Map all the materials on hte flow diagram/model Measure distances of traved(computer output, thread method, drawing lines on the diagram etc) Analyze the current practice using a flow chart Go through tthe usual rounds of primary and secondary questions Develop the improved method Man type process flow chart A flow process chart which records what the worker does. Frequently used in the study of jobs which are not highly repetitive and standar dized Service and maintenance work, laboratory procedure and supervisory and executive

work can be recorded on this type of chart Since the chart follows one individual or a group performing the same activiies, in a sequence, the standard forms are used. Essential to attach a sketch showing the path of the movement of the worker whil e carrying out the operations charted Written in active voice (eg Worker "drills hole" as against passive voice of oth er flow charts (hole drilled) Multiple activity chart A chart on which the activities of more than one subject(worker, machine, equipm ent) are each recorded on a common time scale to show their interrelationship By using separate vertical columns, or bars to represent the activites of differ ent operators or machines against a common time scare the chart shows the period s of idleness on the part of any subjects, during the process This makes it possible to rearrange these activities sou that msuch ineffective time is reduced Extremely useful in organizing teams of operatives on mass-production owrk, also on maintenance when scheduling expensive plant operations String diagram A scale plan or medoel on which a thread is used to trance and measure the path of workers, material and equipment during a specified sequence of events A special form of flow diagram, in which a thread is used to measure distance Necessary that the string diagram be drawn correctly to scale, whereas regular f low diagram can be drawn only approximately to scale Start using the string diagram by recording all the relevant facts from direct o bservation Like flow diagram, it will most often be used to supplement a flow process chart Thus, string diagram and flow chart can give clearest possible picture of what i s actually being done Flow process chart will be examined critically in order to make sure that all th e unnecessary activities are eliminated before a new method is proposed and test ed using string diagram Sting diagram cna be used to plot movements of material to know how far the mate rials travel Most commonly, the string diagram is used for plotting the movement of workers Work measurement Time standards represent reasonable estimates of the amount of time needed to pe rform a task based on an analysis of the work by a trained industrial engineer o r other operations expert Uses of Time standards Estimating work-force and equipment capacity Establishing budgets Determining what new work procedures will cost Evaulating time and cost trade-offs among process design alternatives Establishing wage-incentive systems Monitoring and evaluating employee performance and productivity and Providing accurate information for scheduling and sequencing Basic time Basic time is the expteced time required to perform some work activity at a norm al pace, under normal working conditions and using a prescribed method. Basic time = Observed time * Performance Rating factor Calcuating standard time Allawances include time for labor fatigue and personal needs, equipment breakdow

ns, rest periods, information delays, and so on Standard time is basic time adjusted for allowances Standard time = Basic time (1+Allowance factor) Time Study methods Time study is the development of a standard time by observing a task and analyzi ng it with the use of a stopwatch Rate the employee's performance of each task or activity Use the performance rating to determine the basic task time Determine the allowance factor for the work activity Determine the standard time Regression analysis for Standard times Regression analysis is used to predict times beased on different attributes of t he work, rather than by adding up individual task times. Good method for variabl e elements. Advantages: Avoaid the assumption of additive task times when this might not hold Statistically significant variables can be determined Confidence intervals for the prediction can be developed; and It may cost less than a detailed work study Predetermined Time standard Methods Predetermined time standards describe the amount of time necessary to accomplish specific movements(called micromotions), such as moving a human hand a certain distance or lifting a 1-pound part Advantages: Cost less than a stopwatch time study, avoid needing mulitple perfor mance ratings, and are best for new goods and services Disadvantages: Not justifiesd for samll order sizes or production runs, assumpti on of addtivity may be questionable

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